Hispanic/Cuban Outreach
Not that kind of outreach, you sick pervert!
Dennis Prager, National Meltdown:
Seeing No Evil
Republicans need Hispanics to become honorary whites to have even a hope and prayer of being electorally viable. They need them as much as a junkie needs another hit. And you can tell that the smarter* heads in the cabbage patch are starting to realize this in the same horrified way an alcoholic begins to piece together what fluid they’ve been nuzzling their head against for the last half-hour.
I mean, take, Victor Davis Hanson, overall scumbag and leprosy enthusiast. Sure, less than a week ago, he was ranting about deporting those filthy mudbloods back to their homes in Spanishland as a “Grand Compromise”, but a scant few days later, he’s quickly tucking his white robes into his pants and presenting himself as a guy who’s so supportive of latin@s, he’s got a full hard-drive of saved images from “hunkyseñors.com”. And yes, do check out that second link to watch him faceplant so hard in that attempt, he’s going to be mistaken for a pug for the rest of his life.
But of all the recent commentators, I think none so perfectly embodies the spirit of Republican Hispanic Outreach more than our good friend Dennis Prager.
Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):
- Let me just spell it out for you in your filthy devil language. Los cubanos son literal El Diablo. That’ll teach those filthy wetbacks for daring to vote against us slightly more than usual!
I think the best part is the tagline that comes with the post.
Those without experience of evil and subject to modern education will not understand America.
Daaaammmmnnnn. That’s some fire and brimstone, right there. You encounter that line and you’re expecting some sort of rant about the tranny dyke bitches who are ripping out the guts of unborn saints simply by existing or some such shit.
But no.
If you want to understand why President Obama was reelected despite a largely unsuccessful presidency and almost unprecedentedly high and continuous unemployment, just look at the Cuban-American vote.
In fact, if you want to understand America today — specifically, why it is in decline — just look at the Cuban-American vote.
Yeah, you read that right. Cubans. Not the demonic queer community, not the Skittle-wielding blacks, not those “being born in America with brown skin is totally like hopping a fence” chican@s. Nope, Cubans.
That’d be the only non-white constituency Republicans haven’t yet scared into voting mostly for Democrats. You almost have to respect a movement that finds itself on a sinking ship and decides that what it needs most of all is more holes.
As reported in the Wall Street Journal, “The president captured 48% of the Cuban-American vote in Florida — a record high for a Democrat.”
Democratic presidential nominees went from 25 percent of the Cuban-American vote in 2000, to 29 percent in 2004, to 35 percent in 2008, to 48 percent in 2012.
We obviously have a dramatic trend here.
Now, why would that be?
The intense racism of the Republican party towards anyone with brownish skin and the tendency (especially in Florida) to shoot first and ask country of origin later) has scared away even the wealthy escaped exploiters who fled from Cuba, still angry that Castro took away all their darker-skinned toys?
Or maybe simply that the people who remember owning casinos built with near slave labor are becoming as old and irrelevant as the rest of the conservatives and their younger kids don’t really give a rat’s ass about screwing themselves over economically in the hopes that it’ll somehow cause Castro’s heirs to have a sad?
There are two reasons: No experience of evil, and American education.
Oh of course. That makes much more sense.
Please, elaborate and please don’t mind me setting up this Univision microphone next to you while you continue.
The first generation of Cuban-Americans had escaped Communist evil. People who know evil are generally conservative.
(whisper)must resist easy joke. must resist easy joke (/whisper) ….NNNGH
Yes, I imagine it is much easier to see evil regularly when all you have to do is look in the mirror.
Agh, and I was so close to holding out, too!
Leftism and liberalism — no longer distinguishable — are rooted in large measure in naïveté and wishful thinking. The beliefs that people are basically good and that evil regimes can virtually always be negotiated with are two such examples.
Yes, better to be part of the movement who cheerfully brags about believing that the only solution to “evil” regimes is to wipe them out entirely, leaving none alive and showing no quarter… and also wants to believe that that doesn’t make them the “evil” regime.
Also, when you escape a Communist regime, you treasure liberty and you understand that as government and state expand, liberty must contract.
Apparently the only refuges from communist countries are complete morons…
(must avoid Ayn Rand joke. must avoid Ayn Rand joke.)
That is why Jews from the Soviet Union are the only non-Orthodox Jews who vote in the majority for Republicans. They, too, know evil, and they recognize the destructive appeal of the big, take-care-of-you state.
And thus the only Jews we even pretend to view as anything other than demon-spawned hell-creatures whose sole accomplishments are killing Jesus and creating gay television mafias.
On a completely different note, expect this same post next election cycle with Jews replacing the word Cuban-American.
The other reason for the dramatic shift in the Cuban-American vote is American education.
Oh do go on. And don’t mind me at all transcribing this into Spanish. I just want your words of wisdom to reach as wide an audience as possible. This is fucking gold level outreach, right here!
Most American elementary schools and high schools, and nearly all colleges and universities, teach everything that is significant from a liberal/Left perspective. Multiculturalism has replaced E Pluribus Unum; the American past is villainous; the country is racist; morality is relative; and the left-wing cause of the day — now global warming — is taught as incontrovertible truth (ask your children how many times they have been shown Al Gore’s global warming video, An Inconvenient Truth, and whether they have been taught both sides of the man-made-global-warming-leading-to-catastrophe hypothesis).
Fact mills are stealing your children’s souls!
American schools, especially universities, are left-wing seminaries. The only difference between your local college and a Christian seminary is that the latter is more honest.
Also that the former teaches, you know, something they can actually use in their lives, careers, and society. But besides that, yep, pretty on the nose.
The Christian seminary announces its goal — to graduate committed Christians. The universities deceive when they say they have no agenda other than to open minds. They may believe this deception, but it is a deception nevertheless. Almost no university ever has a conservative speaker at its commencement exercises; nearly every professor in liberal-arts departments is a Democrat (and a left-wing Democrat at that); and on the few occasions that conservatives do receive an invitation to speak at a college, they are likely to be continuously heckled, may well need body guards, or might have their invitation rescinded, as with Fordham University and Ann Coulter last week.
Mommy! Mommy! The mean old academics made fun of us and called us rude names just because we were paid millions of dollars not used to offset student fees, nor to improve laboratories, classrooms, and student organizations in order to rant at them with a bunch of poorly sourced nonsense about how they were all sinners who deserved to die simply for being the type of people who attend universities.
Make them stop it, mommy! Don’t they know that conservative free speech means no one ever has the right to criticize us ever!
Members of the second Cuban-American generation have been far more influenced by their schools and by television shows than by their parents. And the same holds true for second- and third- and fourth- and fifth-generation Americans of every background.
See, I’m not being racist. I’m simply saying that modern Cuban@s are just as stupid, incurious and prone to brainwashing as any other filthy degenerate American-group… besides white people, of course, everyone knows we only get more American the further back our family stretches.
Also, young white people, why don’t you vote for us anymore? Fucking race traitors is what you are!
A long time ago, schools taught American history, not Politically Correct American history, as mandated, for example, by California law — which forbids the use of any textbooks that do not emphasize the roles of women, blacks, Hispanics, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and the transgendered.
Dude, I apparently need to go back to lower-level school, cause I totally missed that when I went through. I’m totally looking forward to the classes covering bisexuals and famous Hispanics in history and something to break up the skewed BS about how only white men did things that mattered.
I’m sure this isn’t at all a whiny temper tantrum about how non-white-men are very very occasionally mentioned alongside the usual rigmarole of dead white assholes.
Also, yeah, way to totally show how down you are with Cuban-American culture, what with you viewing it as pure evil to even dare mention Cuban-Americans in schools.
And a long time ago, most Americans knew what America stood for and taught it to the next generation. In other words, even conservatives have largely forgotten either the distinctive American values system or how to communicate it.
Ooh, Dennis, excuse me, but I think you may have borrowed Mona’s computer to write this because you misspelled “white” as “American”. The trick is to turn back on the spellcheck after she uses it.
Meanwhile the Left has been utterly clear about what leftism stands for and has used the schools, the news media, and the entertainment industries to transmit its values.
(singing)No one understands the oppression I feel. No one understands but super white Jesus who is not in anyway a Jesús, do you understand me, you filthy wetbacks?(/singing)
As a result, the American Trinity of Liberty, In God We Trust, and E Pluribus Unum has been supplanted with Egalitarianism, Secularism, and Multiculturalism — Europe’s trinity.
E Pluribus Unum.
E Pluribus Unum.
The phrase that means “Out of many, one”?
The phrase which stood for our commitment to multiculturalism and would probably be protested by modern conservatives for being a big old commie hug to the notion of a shared nation?
Cause I just wanted to check you didn’t mean some other E Pluribum Unum, there.
Also, again, good outreach there with the note about how even the slightest gasp of multiculturalism might as well be a hammer and a sickle cleaving through an infant’s skull. I’m sure that’ll have the Cubans running back to you in no-time.
And that is why the children of Cuban-Americans, like the children of virtually every other group in America, including White Anglo-Saxon Protestant children, increasingly vote Left.
Yes, it has nothing at all to do with us viewing our youths as pure evil and exposing them to such a frightfully repressed culture full of deliberate misinformation that even the slightest whiff of the real world causes them to run away and never look back.
It’s demonic education trying to insist that things that happen, happened and people who exist, exist that did it!
Either conservatives — from presidential candidates to the rest of us — learn what we stand for and learn to communicate it, or the greatest experiment in making a good society will come to its end.
I find myself hard-pressed to disagree.
Yes, I also think conservatives standing proud and communicating as loudly and earnestly as they can what they think and what they believe in at every single level will be the best way to prevent our little democracy experiment from crashing into the ground and rotting.
So, please, shine on, you crazy, crazy diamond and keep up your unparalleled work in the field of outreach.
For all of our sakes.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Nos burlarmos de wingnuts para todo el mundo. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
*Relativity is everything.
Firstest! Huzzah!
Here’ my last comment in previous thread, put up moments after Cerb’s alert. (and thanc again.
Fenwick said,
December 1, 2012 at 3:18
Wiki’s List of Bridge Failures.
((BTW, I encourage Sadlies to donate, if you haven’s already.))
My fave (so far): The Broughton Suspension Bridge over the River Irwill collapsed in 1831. The reason?
Bolt snapped due to mechanical resonance caused by marching soldiers
Fenwick said,
December 1, 2012 at 3:18
I couldn’t WAIT to kiss a pussy!
I haven’t read the post yet, but I just want to throw this out there before resuming Torchlight 2:
E Pluribus Eunuch
So they’re going to try something besides the Romney spray tan?
This is bullshit. In West Hollywood many/most of the Russians who came there from the Soviet Union got on welfare, or were given added special benefits by the Reagan administration. They may still vote Republican, but they like free stuff as much as anyone.
Fuck you & your man-boobs, Huge Hewitt.
Wait. So taking all the racist claptrap out of the yelling at clouds, Prager is saying what? That immigrants are better Americans than people born in the USA? That the old white men who run the GOP have no idea what they stand for let alone how to convey that to future generations? That he’s an old fat poopyhead with a poopy head, poopyhead poopyhead poopyhead?
One of your best, Cerb.
Ooh, Dennis, excuse me, but I think you may have borrowed Mona’s computer to write this because you misspelled “white” as “American”. The trick is to turn back on the spellcheck after she uses it.
One stone knocks down two idiots. The Deft is powerful in this one, Luke.
exposing [their chidren to such a frightfully repressed culture full of deliberate misinformation that even the slightest whiff of the real world causes them to run away and never look back.
This so true. And also sorta sad, too.
Special applause.
Those without experience of evil and subject to modern education will not understand America.
Slavery, genocide of native Americans, the Spanish-American War…yeah, I know what you mean.
That is why
Jews from the Soviet Union are the only non-Orthodox Jews whoAmerican Likudniks vote in the majority for Republicans.Fixorated.
Just to be fair, even though pedophile jokes are hard to resist, the androgynous wife is actually rather pretty.
Ole Dennis has got his pecker caught in the mincing machine hasn’t he? Bereft of ideas vaguely connected to reality he sets full sail on the sea of madness. Education and a dislike of returning to feudalism are what’s to blame for the right being marginally more popular than dental decay.
Just a thought, 55% of Cuban Americans voted for not-Obama, according to the Denster, maybe they have experience of evil and maybe they liked it so they voted for it.
Ooops, my mistake, I always confuse Huge Hewitt & Dennis Prager. Can’t tell the gray-haired fascist assholes w/o a scorecard.
So, fuck you, Dennis Prager.
I can remember waaay back in the mid-90s when my small, conservative Catholic alma mater announced they were waiving the ethics requirement for future B-school graduates.
I recall thinking: “Hey, this is probably not a very good idea.”
Clearly, it’s the fault of teh commies.
My mistake.
I find it deeply satisfying that Prager will go to his grave lamenting the loss of an America that would never have let him join their country clubs.
I find it deeply satisfying that Prager will go to his grave
lamenting the loss of an America that would never have let him join their country clubs.I’m easy to please.
Prager is jumping on the only bandwagon available to Right-wing simpletons who have been confronted by the fact that they are only marginally more popular than tooth decay.
Like The Anchoress that Roy Edroso has snarked on, Prager can only say that this is God’s will and the American people (or whatever brownskins are lucky enough to have their votes not tossed in the bin) have passed from a state of grace. Den blames learnin’ and bein’ young, big surprise there.
This means that the holier than thou’s don’t have to change in their blatherings because it is God’s will. Indeed, I feel that they should continue in their sexual relationship with the Gallus gallus of their choice.
Wiki’s List of Bridge Failures.
I actually drove through Gallipolis and Point Pleasant to see where the Silver Bridge disaster took place.
Those without experience of evil and subject to modern education will not understand America.
Wait, isn’t modern education evil? Prager says as much, and it’s common knowledge among wingnuts. It must be a lesser evil, though you wouldn’t know it from them.
Castro’s Cuba has never been big on killing its citizens, if I understand correctly. They’ve concentrated on controlling the economy, indoctrination, and resisting the threat of overthrow.
Even the wingiest nuts would have to admit that Obama has not put much effort into killing his subjects. Their argument is that Obama controls the economy, spews propaganda, and resists the threat of overthrow by appearing to engage in our electoral, legislative etc. processes while somehow embodying dictatorial evil.
I make this comparison to point out that Prager isn’t hewing to the big picture his movement depends on. It says we all have experience of the direst evil. We are, after all, Americans suffering under the Obama regime. There is no possible way that first-generation Cuban immigrants, for example, could be more cognizant of evil. Nor could they suffer worse indoctrination than “modern education.” Ours is the absolute pits, like the state of our rights. We are holocaust-era Jews, or at least the Christians and conservatives among us are, if the infallible movement is to be believed.
Ooops, my mistake, I always confuse Huge Hewitt & Dennis Prager. Can’t tell the gray-haired fascist assholes w/o a scorecard
haha…i cannot either…just to re-affirm, tho i did a google image search of huge hewitt and was rewarded with an archived sadly, no! photoshop of huge and the abominable snowman…i have been trying to think of a mnemonic way to remember that huge hewitt is our big gay aunt and dennis is just the gray-haired fascist asshole…
Don’t look now, but the Victor Davis Hansen piece is, sadly, an attempt at satire. Which is, really, even more beautiful than a cynical attempt at posturing as pro-non-white-American — because he’s able to let his racist flag fly proudly with all of his wink-wink, nudge-nudge allusions to what those filthy bean-eaters really think and want.
Who could say that about a country that went to war over slavery?
The Olde Librul Perfesser.
Egalitarianism, Secularism, and Multiculturalism — Europe’s trinity.
If only European countries had experienced Evil at first-hand in the form of totalitarian genocidal regimes and a devastating war, they would never have gone down the route of voting for “Leftism and liberalism — no longer distinguishable”, for “People who know evil are generally conservative”.
VDH: “Sir, in my heart I know I am Funny”
I wonder if this guy ever thinks of all those women, blacks, Hispanics, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and the transgendered out there, actually existing, who get to vote no less, and just buries his head in the pillow and howls “FUCK YOU!! FUCK YOOOOOUU!!!!!!!!!!” for ten minutes until he cries himself to sleep.
Victor Davis Hanson is so serious about this that he’s changing his name to Victor Davis Hispanicson.
I hope he drowns during the baptismo.
Did any of your NPR-listening types notice how worked up David Brooks was this afternoon over the Obama administration’s bid in the fiscal cliff battle?…
Funny what rouses him so. Fucker sounded exactly like a crude GOP shill, which means he’s off his obscurantist game. What the hell good is he if he’s just gonna repeat the talking points indignantly? All E.J. Dionne had to do was point out the obvious. Like when he countered Brooks’ feeble Lincoln gambit by pointing out that ol’ Abe was did not exemplify the Tip-and-Ronnie spirit that one time.
That is why Jews from the Soviet Union are the only non-Orthodox Jews who vote in the majority for Republicans. They, too, know evil, and they recognize the destructive appeal of the big, take-care-of-you state.
Prager is talking about Soviet emigres who came to the US in preference to Israel. Are we to conclude that they rejected Israel as a hell-hole of statist oppression? Or simply that the prospect there was not as inviting with more work and less nice stuff?
De-lurking, because oh for god’s sake…
I like that this Dennis Prager completely overlooked Asian-Americans in his summing up of groups who have given themselves over to evil. Modern public education? As a Chinese American, I can attest that Asians *love* public education. For us, it’s a major tool for social and economic advancement. And we haven’t failed to notice the fierce and caustic hostility that Republicans have for public education. That’s not all we notice.
We notice the Republicans’ racist assumption that African-Americans are stupid, and their conceit that all it takes to win them over is to serve up a bigger, flashier helping of bullshit.
We notice the patronizing and insulting attitudes that permeates Republican attitudes toward women. Do they really think that women are children, whose concerns about equal pay and equitable access to necessary health care can be waved away like Christmas wishes for rainbows and ponies?
We notice the suspicious and insulting manner by which Republicans treat Hispanics – despite the fact that many Hispanics have family roots in this country that go back for centuries, they assume that anyone with a Hispanic surname is an immigrant, and quite possibly an illegal one at that.
We noticed all that, and guess what? We voted for President Obama by a ratio of over two to one. ‘Cause we see all that, and, at the risk of trading in stereotypes here, we’re supposedly the “smart ones”. Ha ha! Maybe it’s a good thing we Asians have such a low profile – I don’t think I have the stomach to read some wingnut having a fit over some kind of “Fu Man Chu” influence, or some shit like that.
If you’ve read this far, thank you for your attention. Back to lurking.
Robert, you should delurk more often.
In other news, Kelsey Grammer is still a douchebag.
As reported in the Wall Street Journal, “The president captured 48% of the Cuban-American vote in Florida — a record high for a Democrat.”
Democratic presidential nominees went from 25 percent of the Cuban-American vote in 2000, to 29 percent in 2004, to 35 percent in 2008, to 48 percent in 2012.
We obviously have a dramatic trend here.
Now, why would that be?
Could it be that prominent Republicans call the beautiful language of Cervantes, Borges, Marquez, Neruda et al. the “Language of the Ghetto”? I mean, those Cubans are supposed to be proud of their heritage, but shouldn’t they just drop the “lingo”, or to be more exact, “lengua”?
Leftism and liberalism — no longer distinguishable — are rooted in large measure in naïveté and wishful thinking. The beliefs that people are basically good and that evil regimes can virtually always be negotiated with are two such examples.
Yeah, that lefty FDR sure was an appeaser!
OK, I can’t find who linked to 27bslash6, but whoever you are: Gracie!
mrs bughunter and I have sore abdominal muscles from repetitive fits of uncontrollable laughter. My only regret is feeling like a noob for not finding it sooner. David Thorne is the Xenu of snark.
Bitter Scribe said, Robert, you should delurk more often.
Bitter Scribe said, In other news, Kelsey Grammer is still a douchebag.
This also.
Ha ha! Maybe it’s a good thing we Asians have such a low profile – I don’t think I have the stomach to read some wingnut having a fit over some kind of “Fu Man Chu” influence, or some shit like that.
Robert, my good fellow, you might not want to read about the PSYops campaign being waged against our youth.
Bonus content for Bill O’Reilly and Keith Ablow, a Korean guy singing in a language incomprehensible to many Americans.
the beautiful language of Cervantes, Borges, Marquez, Neruda
Also Lope de Vega too and moreover.
Also, can some kind Sadlie review the h-ref doo-hickey thing more? With an illustration so simple that even Fenwick can figure it out?
I completely forgot how to do it.
Use the “” brackets rather than the parentheses:
(a href=” your link here “) your content here(/a)
You could just type it out in a text document and use cut-and-paste.
Damn, the brackets don’t even show up because they’re used in html coding. They are the pointy ones you get by hitting shift-, and shift-.
Thanx, BBNP. I will make a test the next time I attempt a link. I’d stay up and chat during yer nightshift if I wasn’t so plum tuckered-out. (Also a band name, btw.)
Actually, I’ll go hunt up some link and try it now. )What to send, we wonders, aye, we wonders….)
Fenwick go to this page then when you want to put in a link cut and paste the text in the box directly after “HTML Link Syntax”
You put the URL for your link between the “….” marks and the text you want people to see where it says “link Text”
Okay. Who doesn’t like gingerbread? (*)
It worked! Eureka!
(nearby Ferndale is also nifty…)
(*) Old Fenwick, however, isn’t particularly fond of ’boutique’ painting styles, for which SF is notoriously famous.
Thanx also to Kiwi. BBBB’s technique is the one I used before. Remember Luddite Fenwick. Old dogs, new tricks, all of that.
Hey, that might work for Tsam….!
Old Dogs, New Tricks
((Most seriously, I’ve gotta hit the rack. G’night, y’all))
As a Cuban-American who has spent all my life in California, as a Democrat, I am often embarrassed by the non-reality rantings of my Miami Cuban relatives. It is completely tied up with getting rid of Castro and bears no resemblance to the nonsense on Fox News. It really is a parallel world. The older refugees will always vote Republican because of JKF’s failure with the Bay of Pigs. The younger ones born here remain silent to keep the family peace and then vote Democratic, with a few crazy exceptions. I have one thirty-something cousin who went ballistic with O’s reelection.
Miami-Dade county went 62% for Obama. The non-Cuban Hispanics saw to that. They more than cancel out the right-wing Cuban vote.
Dennis Prager will say anything for ratings, mostly inaccurate. Cubans were given refugee status almost immediately on Castro’s declaring himself a communist, so calling us wetbacks is just plain stupid. My family got here on TWA just before Castro closed the borders. Before that it wasn’t tough to get transportation out.
Let’s see if breaking out the sharp pointy brackets works. Preview says it does, Preview is a lying bitch.
<a href=”insert URL” TITLE=”amusing mouse over text, yes I all caps TITLE, I dunno why”>Text for hyperlinky</a>
zomg, Preview didn’t steer me rong! It’s an X-mas miracle!
The repubs are going to be sad when they find out that the chair of the housekeeping committee does not have to wear a French maid uniform.
The repubs are going to be sad when they find out that the chair of the housekeeping committee does not have to wear a French maid uniform.
Not to come across as “lookist”, but DO NOT WANT!
… so calling [Cuban-Americans] wetbacks is just plain stupid.
A big portion of white Americans think you’re Mexican (it’s hard to tell if they really think that, or just use it as an umbrella term), and those ones think “Mexicans” are here illegally, so yeah.
Somehow FYWP saved my comment for the end of the last post so reposting here; anyone interested in SF Bay climate change should check out searise.org. A friend does their radio documentaries and they’re good.
An acquaintance (as opposed to friend), Shep Krech III has done interesting anthropological work on SF Bay middens showing how in contrast with stereotypes of the Ecological Indian the natives living there ate their way through the trophic levels, extinguishing species in order of size, caloric value and ease of capture. Discussed in this book.
David Thorne is the Xenu of snark.
Boy howdy. There are a couple of those that had me literally ROTFL, gasping for air.
I went for the mangoes…
Herr Prager, you don’t realize that your side communicated what you all stand for all too well.
Fallacy of the excluded middle!
Here’s another possibility – do some reflection on why so many people hate what you all stand for! C’mon, how hard can that be for folks who say they believe in personal responsibility?
Oh, and one more thing… when you resort to words like “evil” to describe equal pay for comparable work, or wider access to health care, or taking climate change seriously, you’re pretty much forfeiting the debate.
Shep Krech III
Three people have been called Shep Krech.
The ‘III’ both takes credit for any valiant deeds of ‘II’ and disassociates him from any missteps ‘II’ might have made. All part of the Ivy League tenure process.
Three people have been called Shep Krech.
Together, they were the Sheps Krech.
Sheps Krech Fever, nah-nah-nah…
Man. Tough room!
After being reminded of that madman, I had to go outside and beat up a snowman.
I laffed, Jeffraham, but also you reminded me of Ted Nugent.
I laffed, Jeffraham, but also you reminded me of Ted Nugent.
Always a little pain with the laffter.
The Laffter Curve.
Anyone been watching Blood & Chrome?
David Thorne is the Xenu of snark.
And Cerb is the Xena of snark.
It’s nothing like this.
some kind of “Fu Man Chu” influence
Say what you want about Fu Man Chu, but he raised a lot of money for Movember.
LCForevah, cool to get an actual view based on the real thing, rather than Prager’s fevered butt hurt.
The Evils of Education, a classic genre of wingnut column.
When I was in high school, I had a teacher who espoused partisan and ideological viewpoints. She was a hardcore, Reaganite movement conservative, and she taught civics courses. She had a classroom decorated with 80’s Republican campaign materials and used to have us watch John Stossel specials. I had her for two classes, and it somehow never occurred to me to run and whine to Michael Moore about it. My friends and I just had fun starting shit anytime she took questions.
Maybe that’s the difference between right-wing thought and left-wing thought. One is a delicate blossom that needs to be kept isolated and warm, while the other is good, sturdy hemp that gets the job done, dammit.
You need to add a “/” after the quotations mark after your title. Also helps to have a blank alt=””. So like this:
(a href=”www.linksrus.com” alt=”” title=”Liberals click on links because of Satan” /)Regular Words to Hide Your Agenda(/a)
Man they really hate social security.
About the “liberal indoctrination” of public schools: my brilliant 13-year-old nephew has clashed repeatedly with his social studies teacher this year, due to said teacher’s penchant for using his bully pulpit as a teacher to regurgitate Fox News and Rush Limbaugh talking points. Nephew was sent to stand in the hall on election day in one of the latest altercations. I can’t remember what he said to the teacher, but it was in response to the teacher telling the class that “most of Romney’s voters haven’t voted yet, because they’re at work. Since Obama supporters don’t have jobs, they can go vote anytime.”
I was telling a friend about this, and she said, “this isn’t the first time your nephew has had problems with a teacher; he needs to learn to keep his mouth shut.” I pretty violently disagreed, pointing out that 1) political indoctrination has no place in a public school classroom and 2) a teacher who is presumably an adult should damn well know better than to stand in front of a class full of 13-year-olds and suggest that the parents of those who disagree with him politically are lazy bums who lay around on their asses all day “taking” from the government, unlike himself, the heroic public school teacher who shows up at the school 5 days a week and takes from the government. I said, you can’t insult kids’ parents and not expect to get a rise out of the kids.
In any case, I’ve ordered this for my nephew as one of his Christmas gifts, as he had expressed a desire for an Obama shirt he could wear to school to piss off his social studies teacher. I figured one with a picture would probably piss the teacher off more than one without, and then the caption on this one…well, it was a no-brainer.
But! But! I thought public school teachers were greedy, leeching union thugs?
(head explodes)
Anyone been watching Blood & Chrome?
I’ve been meaning to. Is it any good?
Pat Robertson is apparently not a Creationist. Who knew?
I’ve been meaning to. Is it any good?
Yeah! Of course, I feel like they’re only putting together the main plot, and in February, will backfill the whole thang.
The webisodes are like 7 minutes each, and they have 8 of them up, now. The final DVD says it’ll be 1h 34m, so I feel like I’m reading ahead.
So far, it looks like this is a one-off, so no series. Which is a shame.
Nephew was sent to stand in the hall on election day in one of the latest altercations. I can’t remember what he said to the teacher, but it was in response to the teacher telling the class that “most of Romney’s voters haven’t voted yet, because they’re at work. Since Obama supporters don’t have jobs, they can go vote anytime.”
The best thing about this is that your nephew now looks smarter than the teacher post Obama victory, and the whole class knows it. Of course, your nephew is smarter than ‘bagger boy, it’s just hilarious that he showed the bum up.
Major, you gonna be back in NY this weekend? I was totally spaced out last time you were in town (work schedule was brutal then).
Major, you gonna be back in NY this weekend?
Yes. I’m up in Fishkill right now. I was thinking about taking the train down tomorrow.
Thanks. I guess I am just sloppy with HTML. In my defense, I am incredibly lazy.
We could get some NY area Sadlynaughts to meet you for some… uh… refreshments. I’m sure Ned would be up for it. I have to work the graveyard shift, but I’ll be conscious by late afternoon.
Works for me. I’ll need to catch the train back that evening.
More of Kim’s kittehs.
Free laundry weekend!
Cool, I’m gonna sack out now. Ned may have some ideas, though I’m familiar with quite a few bars near Grand Central.
I just posted my email address on your blog.
The only time I had a nephew (actually a second-cousin-whatever-removed—where I come from we just call them nephews and nieces) get into trouble with school authorities over something even remotely political, it was a PC violation. It was the start of the Afghanistan war, and the current events teacher did a segment on Afghanistan when included a picture of the Afghan flag. This has a seal with an odd sort of gazebo-like structure at its center. The teacher asked the class to guess what that was.
My nephew raised his hand and said, “A 7-Eleven?”
He got two days detention for “ethnic insensitivity.”
LC Forever: Thanks for the comment, especially from the perspective of a Cuban-American. Is there inter-generational stress over politics in your family?
Also, I don’t remember seeing your nym at Sadly No before. Drop by often. I lurked for years before I finally stepped out of the shadows. Jump in, the water’s fine.!
Jeffraham: Kitties always welcome. Also I laughed at your joke.
MOAR fun with conservative fact checking!&
Ahhhh, it’s Saturday in PDX which means brunch. This city is nucking futs about brunch. Veritable Quandary. No, that’s the name of the restaurant where I am having a bloody Mary – beet infused vodka, salt and pepper rim, pickled veg – whole awaiting eggs Benny made with house smoked pork and house made English muffin. Also it’s raining. Go figure.
whole awaiting eggs
CFC is genius!
The Bennys were fucking great. Easily among the top two in town (of the couple dozen I have tried thus far). Teh Ho got the burger and we split the dishes. The burger was in the top 5 which, in Portland, means it was very good indeed.
E’s B with a cheeseburger on the side is my idea of a perfect brunch.
Here it’s dark and we’re moving into the dinner hour where we have one of the many brassicas called ‘chinese broccoli’ in ingrish to go in phat thai with home cured pork shoulder ham.
Believe it or not, Fishkill NY has a great diner right across from my hotel. I eat there just about every time I come up here.
I’m a big fan of diners anyways, but this one is top notch.
Someone had to have already pointed it out, and I’m sure I’ll find it at comment 7 and my face will turn plaid, but:
When Castro came to power, the Cubans who turned refugee WERE THE FUCKING EVIL. Although he later turned into a somewhat of a screwball, one could make a legitimate argument that Castro, at least at the start, was a helluva leap forward from the plantation and casino owners and Batista. And Cuba still has better healthcare than FLORIDA.
CFC FTW! “The guy who we used for our goto man on tech issues, is a fraud. But we stand by everything he said while he was here, because STFU that’s why”
(Don’t judge me – weirdo, remember…)
I don’t doubt for a second that Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery — many other people, including Mr. Donald Trump, have said the same thing, so the evidence is overwhelming.
Damn. Moron of the Month gets taken so soon.
You read Havana Nocturne? Very good book. Recommend to all.
Damn. Moron of the Month gets taken so soon.
Are we setting the bar too low? The problem is that there are too many candidates, each with that big toe in the bathtub of reality that is needed for the MotM. I’m thinking that we have to start awarding it only to those who float freely in the liberated upper stratosphere of wackoworld.
Cuban sammitches? Hand rolled? On the thighs of virgins?
Partly. I thought the movie did a good job with it.
My wife grew up in that part of Ohio and she remembers when it happened. I was driving home from Huntington WV and took a detour to see it.
Moth growth on the north thide of trees, thilly.
No conservatives speaking at college graduations? I forget if it was last year or the year before,but my school had our state’s conservative leut. gov. speak. In spite of giving a speech oozing with white privilege, she wasn’t roundly booed by our ethnically diverse student body nor by us lefty faculty.
experience of evil
I can’t believe y’all missed that one (Damn Bean).
As for Prager: always interesting to see that the conservative answer to “bringing us together” is finding someone/something to use as a wedge to divy us up into more susceptible groups.
I’ve got the Prager for the Priebus of new Pringles.
That is awesome.
experience of evil
With enough experience you could make a career of evil.
Havana Nocturne
Pup, on the Kindle queue, 10Q!
Major Kong said,
December 2, 2012 at 2:18
Serious geeksquee, boss. Does yer honey diarize, diarite, diary-ness, wevs, anywhere – if she were to make a few notes it might be v. interesting…
She’s not much of a writer but I’ll see if I can talk her into it.
In re Robertson and creationism: maybe he’s an “old earth” creationist? Anyway, he may very well believe in evolution … the right doesn’t necessarily want us all to be creationists … they actually want people to believe in evolution. They just want the waters muddied and for people not to really understand how evolution works. And how best to do that then to eat into valuable science class time by forcing teachers to “teach the controversy”.
Why? People who don’t really understand evolution will fall hook, line and sinker for the pseudo-scientific social darwinism the right’s selling. It ain’t about philosophy — it’s about the wanna be “philosopher kings” trying to keep the rubes confused so they’ll continue to vote GOP … whence all the hating on education that might lead to critical thinking and problem solving skills.
BBB, et al, if I figgered it wasn’t already too late and I also didn’t have to help my unclemove his stuff from Spring Valley to Haverstraw tomorrow, as an NYer myself, I’d be angling to crash the get-together to join in for the liquid refreshments. But alas … I think tonight has to be an early night, so no fear of my crashing any party … I’m stayin’ in.
Yeah, those first-generation Cuban expats sure do know a thing or two about “experience of evil” alright.
I hear Miami got pretty batshit insane there for a while in the 80s & early 90s once groups like Omega 7 figured out that they could openly traffic coke or weed or heroin with impunity … the local cops would bust them fair & square, but a couple of CIA suits would give the judge the “national security” talk in chambers, & Abracadabra – all the charges would mysteriously be dropped. After repeatedly wasting their time in court for nothing, the cops just learned who not to shake down & looked the other way … & this ugly shit was going down right at the height of JUST SAY NO anti-drug fever to boot. Contra exiles – who often worked hand in fist with the Cuban exiles – got (& maybe still get?) the same sweetheart deal … once you get hooked up with the good ol’ boys at the CIA (AKA “Heroin Incorporated”), membership has its privileges.
The CIA has growing influence in North Africa with its role in the fall of all the old regimes there. If the US really does get out of Afghanistan in the next few years, look for its heroin production to collapse … while one of the “Arab Spring” nations takes its place.
I have a new diary over at Kos
Also, when you escape a Communist regime, you treasure liberty and you understand that as government and state expand, liberty must contract.
Wonder how he feels about all the people who ran away from mass-murdering dictators in Central America during the eighties, and are inclined to vote anything but Republican?
And yeah, I’m sure the first wave of post-Castro immigrants, e.g. all the Batista regime members and the entire crony capitalist sector that had built up under its protection (a good chunk of it being Cosa Nostra) was all about the liberty! And the not being evil! Yeah, Cuba was just drowning in constitutional democracy before mean old Castro rolled along. Kind of makes you wonder how he ever managed to get enough supporters to overthrow the government, if it was all going so swimmingly.
Castro’s Cuba has never been big on killing its citizens, if I understand correctly. They’ve concentrated on controlling the economy, indoctrination, and resisting the threat of overthrow.
As dictatorships go, it’s really not that bad.
To the best of my knowledge, there haven’t been any North Korean style famines in Cuba. Or the killing fields you got under Saddam, the Khmer Rouge, or our good buddies in Central America. Or the level of psychotic control you got under the Taliban. Certainly not the kind of “same thing we do every night, Pinky; try to take over the world!” lunacy you got from Hitler, Tojo and Saddam.
And unlike way too many of our friends (cough cough, Pahlavi, Mobutu, Pinochet, cough cough cough cough, ack), he didn’t overthrow any democracies to get into power, only a regime about as bad as his own.
Yes, “not that bad as dictatorships go” really is like being the world’s tallest midget, and none of this should be construed to mean that the Castros aren’t fuckwits who need to die as quickly and painfully as possible… but the idea that the Cuban regime’s crimes warrant the kind of hysterical attention U.S. government policy and Republican ideology gives them is ridiculous.
As for “evil,” we’ve had people far, far worse than the Castros on our side that our conservatives didn’t grudgingly accept but knelt before in reverent awe as “authentic national heroes,” “the spiritual equivalent of our founding fathers,” and other shit like that.
Thanks, Major, also, another great Kos piece!
Robert, you should delurk more often.
Yeah, you totally should.
It’s funny because Republicans love to rub Asian Americans in the face of black and Latino voters going “THIS is what a model minority looks like!” Ooops. Turns out the model minority’s standing over there with them.
Like Mommy and Daddy said; if everyone else in your life is an asshole, maybe it’s you. Just maybe.
jim the heretical anti-cliff lemming said,
December 2, 2012 at 5:31
There’s a book called “Dark Alliance” that I’ve been meaning to check up on for some time about the connections between the CIA, the contras, and 1980s drug sales to the United States.
The U.S. has always a completely bipolar relationship with the drug trade. On the one hand, drugs are one of the only things that can put our security state and those who worship it into freak mode almost as much as communism (witness the fifty years or so of “war on drugs” both inside and outside the country). On the other hand, drugs are the lifeblood of organized crime, and organized crime is usually one of the first doors we go knocking on when looking for allies in the war on communism (or “communism,” or, today, terrorism) – see also France, Italy, Southeast Asia, Latin America… Pretty convenient source of funds for projects that Congress doesn’t want to fund, too.
If the US really does get out of Afghanistan in the next few years, look for its heroin production to collapse …
Oh, I doubt that. It’s way too lucrative a market to be ignored. If the CIA and its allies don’t exploit it, someone else will. The Taliban, for example. I’ve read that there’s this whole religious treatise explaining that drugs are bad (mmm’kay?) but that if you sell them to infidels it doesn’t count.
“They are animals anyway, so let them lose their souls!”
Yeah, that was a BIG “if” … the Golden Triangle would still be booming to this day (as would Pol Pot’s “Democratic Kampuchea”) if the Vietnamese regime hadn’t been so hardcore.
Major Kong said,
December 2, 2012 at 5:34
I have a new diary over at Kos
and very good it is to. Man, you write well Major, very conversationally.
Bashing academics? That’s still in vogue?
Alternate quote balloon: “Joey, did you know that the best part of the muffin is the top”?
Thanks, Major. I don’t understand a lot / most of your technical stuff but I always enjoy your diaries about aeroplanes.
How about a link that doesn’t blow up, like the azcentral one which seems to want your browser in fuck-you mode:
Thanks, Major. I don’t understand a lot / most of your technical stuff but I always enjoy your diaries about aeroplanes.
The best part is that the good Major is giving us a view into a world most of us will never see. I’ll never look at parcels in quite the same way.
How about a link that doesn’t blow up, like the azcentral one which seems to want your browser in fuck-you mode:
Clearly just another “lone wolf”… there’s absolutely no evidence of a broader trend of right-wing violence. Gee, there seem to be an awful lot of lone wolves loping about, eh?
So did I, I had a political science teacher (12th grade civics) who was a hardcore Nixonian Republican. So I had fun arguing with him. (I think he had fun arguing with me too.)
Then in my second year of college I had a doctrinaire Marxist history professor. I argued with him too.
Yes, this.
In re the CIA and drugs: remember that “formerly” alcoholic (and possibly druggie) ex pres the GOP is trying to refudiate as much as possible (which is a lot given the short attention span of ‘murkins; I mean how much of the meth epidemic is really just self medication for our national case of ADD?)? Remember who his father is? Remember said father (also an ex pres) was also head of the CIA?
As Arte Johnson would say: “verrrrry interestink … but profitable … for zum people”
The fact is, you liberals are the scum of the earth and trying to destroy USA from withim. Since the illigitimite president has been reinstalled by the biased media and liberal brainwashing machine, it is up to us partiots to fight against you and restore the cosnstushun.
It writes itself.
You know I died three years ago, right?
Gary has to fight for the righties partiot.
You think too small! From my castle fortress in the Withim Mountains, I’m building a device that will destroy the entire world! Ha ha ha ha ha etc.
You know I died three years ago, right?
Autoerotic asphyxiation? Kill ya deader than fried, fucked chicken.
He’s brung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. This is an ex-Rupert!
I mean how much of the meth epidemic is really just self medication for our national case of ADD?)
How much of it is to enable poor Heartland schmucks to work three dead-end, part-time, minimum-wage jobs?
You know I died three years ago, right?
Gary was uploaded onto the web (talk about sucking on the gubbermint teat). Transhumanist Glenn Reynolds weeps in envy.
You think too small! From my castle fortress in the Withim Mountains, I’m building a device that will destroy the entire world! Ha ha ha ha ha etc.
I can picture you now, resplendent in silver lamé Nehru “Bond villain” jacket and trilby, announcing your demands to the UN- “I will destroy the world unless I receive a monthly tribute of twelve redheads!!! I order to demonstrate my ability to do so, I will disintegrate Rob Liefeld. Muhuhuhahaha!!!”
That bombing is pretty interesting. Casa Grande is fulla old people. Relatives owned a place there; fulla snowbirds too.
our sunday brunch featured pumpkin pancakes…unfuckingbelievably good…hubbkf said, ‘eck’…he’s a weirdo, but he did get all the christmas decos out and is going to hang lights outside so i will let him slide…also, too…hubbkf found he has a significantly herniated disc between c5 and c6…hoping to have surgery before the end of the year…curious to see how many symptoms will clear up afterward…
Alright, everybody, listen up! For everyone in the New York Metro Area, I will be meeting Major Kong and N__B at Connolly’s Pub on 45th St west of 5th Ave. The bar is convenient to Grand Central Station. We’ll meet at the bar on the first floor. I’m the guy who looks like a big, bad, bald bastard. Hope some of you can make it!
My hope is that at least three Fake Garys can show up (we know you all work at MSNBC as producers).
Alright, everybody, listen up!
Time & date may be helpful to those of us not in Nashville. 😉
Figured you’d pick Connoly’s……………………………
right you bastards, raise one for me then!
Gary was uploaded onto the web
I’m the guy who looks like a big, bad, bald bastard. Hope some of you can make it!
since some of us are not lucky enuf to live in nyc and have to miss out on the hijinx, i ask that you wait for the others holding a captain morgan pose with your trademark bastard facial expression going on…
Maybe B^4 meant NOW, or as long as it would take him to get from his place to THAT place, which clears up everything!
Have a great time and, if you do not raise a glass to us Sadlies who could be there in spirit (hee) only, you ain’t no friend of mine.
Newfangled social geolocational…
Gary was uploaded onto the web
This is what’s left of Gary Ruppert. Youtubes. Gary died quietly on an operating table eleven months ago.
He made thousands of them, sometimes three or four a day. At the end he was convinced that public life on the Net is more real than private life in the flesh. He wasn’t afraid to let his body die.
Spengler Dampniche quoted some schmuck: the hyphenated campaign committees Were the names too long for the writer? I must admit that this level of anti-literacy is surprising.
Gary has sene things yu peeople woldn’t beleve. Atack ships on fiar of the shoulder of Onions.
Gary has sene things yu peeople woldn’t beleve. Atack ships on fiar of the shoulder of Onions.
I’ve been in Connolly’s before…
Roughing it in W.V. as we speak.
Bears 17, Seattle 17, start of OT. I CAN’T TAKE THIS.
Alright, everybody, listen up! For everyone in the New York Metro Area, I will be meeting Major Kong and N__B at Connolly’s Pub on 45th St west of 5th Ave. The bar is convenient to Grand Central Station. We’ll meet at the bar on the first floor. I’m the guy who looks like a big, bad, bald bastard. Hope some of you can make it!
My hope is that at least three Fake Garys can show up (we know you all work at MSNBC as producers).
Oh, to be a fly on what is surely a sticky, dirty wall…
Seattle scores TD on opening drive in OT. Game over. AAAARGH.
From my GA home to mid-town is an 18 hour drive (I’ve done it!) but it ain’t happenin’ today. Have fun guys. Can’t remember if I’ve been in that Connolly’s or not, all those farking Irish names are hard to keep track of. If it’s the one I’m thinking of it’s quiet and rather posh with a good beer selection.
Seattle scores TD on opening drive in OT. Game over. AAAARGH.
You took it like a man. A man wearing shorts.
You took it like a man. A man wearing shorts.
Well, my team may have lost, but at least I have a line to steal.
Well, my team may have lost, but at least I have a line to steal.
You should try being a Titans fan!
White Breasted Nuthatch.
White Breasted Nuthatch.
Takes eleven of ’em and two breadsticks to make a Value Meal.
Gary died quietly on an operating table eleven months ago.
The fact is, he actually went noisily and messily.
All. One. Guy.
Oh sweet holy…Douchehat sez HAVE MOAR BABBIES!!1
(Warning: NYT,…and his festering mug)
Oh sweet holy…Douchehat sez HAVE MOAR BABBIES!!1
Presumably the free market will trickle down more money so we can all afford them; with tax rates on the rich at their lowest since before the Great Depression, I’m surprised they haven’t already.
What if one’s wife looks like a chunky Reese Witherspoon, and she’s the aggressor?
White Breasted Nuthatch.
Here’s a couple more, and the Tufted Titmouse.
Seattle scores TD on opening drive in OT.
tsam is heartbroken.
Oh sweet holy…Douchehat sez HAVE MOAR BABBIES!!1
Of course the fathead never stops to think that America’s higher birthrate than the rest of the industrialized world might be caused by 1) abortion providers under attack across America, legally and otherwise; 2) a schizo culture that relentlessly sexualizes teenagers and just as relentlessly throws obstacles in the way of their access to contraception; 3) dumbshit lawmakers who think raped women can’t get pregnant and who are in charge of ensuring (1) and (2); and 4) our generally fucked up and contradictory attitude toward sexuality and reproductive rights.
I’ll never understand why not having enough people is ever going to be a problem in this country. The world is teeming with bright, strong young people who would like nothing better than to come to America and work their brains out.
Herp-a-derp-a-derpity-derp… ignore the man behind the cretin!
Three o’clock was the time we aimed for, which pretty much meant “LEAVE NOW!!!” when I failed to post a date and hour. A good time was had by all. Major Kong is a gentleman and a scholar, a true warrior-sage, an appreciator of cats, and the closest to Santa Claus that you heathens will ever get.
In all sincerity, I had a great time. It was a pleasure and a privilege to put a name and a face to the ‘nym. We drank to the honor of the Sadlynaughts. Now, make plans to get your asses to New York, people!
Three o’clock was the time we aimed for, which pretty much meant “LEAVE NOW!!!”
Jesu cristo, New Yawkers.
Oh sweet holy…Douchehat sez HAVE MOAR BABBIES!!1
gross…poor mrs. douchehat…
Now, make plans to get your asses to New York, people!
enh…we are all decorated for christmas…i think everybody should come here…we have a bar…also, too…
Oh dear God in heaven. Steve Sailer posted a link to a video in Ross’ comments. I have no intention of wasting my time with anything that fucker posts, but notice that his place of origin beneath his signature is “America.”
Had a great time meeting BBBB and N_B in New York.
oh jeez! every year i put this picture on my facebook page, and every year, somebody actually thinks this is my house…
bbkf – Nice house! Is it yours?
Your house is amazing!
Awesome house, bbkf. Can I stay over?
Every neighborhood needs a Clark W. Griswald.
Gotcher Griswald, plus SCOOTER.
Awesome house, bbkf. Can I stay over?
Needs more apple butter.
Needs more apple butter.
Can’t hurt. I was broke, that year. Go figure. 🙂
I wanna alternate layers with softened cream cheese. When I have money, I mean.
That would actually be pretty good.
Getting ready to watch
the season finale of Boardwalk EmpireBloodfest 2012.Alternate layers of cream cheese and money sounds chewy. And messy.
I have to say, I love, love, love Kelly MacDonald.
Heh heh, they sure get into Christmas at the bbkf house, don’t they.
This is my Christmas tree.
The schaden just keeps on freuding.
Very nice, Major Kong.
And so convenient for Christmas Day games of Don’t Whiz on the Electric Fence.
oh, i am soooo making that….
This is my Christmas tree.
‘all it needs is some love…’ how can you not love charlie brown?
the christmas lights in the pic i linked supposedly cost $45k…i did get hubbkf to hang exactly 5 strings of lights outside our abode…someday, i will con him into a christmas extravaganza…i just have to bide my time…
oh, i am soooo making that….
You may feel the urge to make love to me. I take appointments.
I don’t know if anyone else watches Boardwalk Empire, but I was expecting a huge body count this episode and wasn’t disappointed.
Lots of gratuitous mobster on mobster action.
This is my Christmas tree. The Daily Kos money is flowing in eh, Major?
The Daily Kos money is flowing in eh, Major?
I know. I should just swallow my pride and find some second-generation oil billionaire who’ll pay me $$$ to write conservative bullshit.
Unfortunately my last remaining shreds of human dignity prevent me from doing it.
This is my Christmas tree.
One year at Maison d’Etre we draped a pile of camouflage mesh in the corner and pinned shiny things to it.
Oh sweet holy…Douchehat sez HAVE MOAR (white) BABBIES!!
So how many babbeez has Douthat spawned? The chickenhawk of childbearing.
Maybe we can fix him up with Ann Coulter. Imagine the demonic little hell-spawn those two could produce.
Lots of gratuitous mobster on mobster action.
But there was almost certainly not as much corpse dismemberment as on The Walking Dead.
What, no icing?
“Maybe it’s a good thing we Asians have such a low profile – I don’t think I have the stomach to read some wingnut having a fit over some kind of “Fu Man Chu” influence, or some shit like that.”
Naw, Robert–the reich wing has other plans for you guys. According to David Brooks, the ineffable Friedman, and other “the world is flatter than Applebee’s salad bar” psuedo-futurist pundits, Asian-Americans are the designated “model minority”–exemplars of hard work, family loyalty, thrift, and all that other stuff us Negroes can never aspire to. (Relatedly, I am sorry to note that James Ellroy–whose work I used to admire, if not like–was one of the first to start espousing this crap years ago. I hate when smart people prove they are racist dopes down deep. :p) Now of course once you all prove you are real human beings who aren’t their wishful projection of “a race almost like us,” they’ll turn on you faster than rabid rats. Glad you all are more than hip to their sorry game…
In re: Major Kong’s blogule on flying and landing large aircraft (this is off topic, in the tradition of late thread additions) —
I wish to commend you for the awesome. Loved reading that. Particularly as a writer-type person, getting a really clear sense of what goes on on somebody’s interesting job is always a pleasure. As is frottage, of course. Gary’s desiccated corpse waves hello.
i was postin’ three bookmarks for librals every day
Nek minnut
getting a really clear sense of what goes on on somebody’s interesting job is always a pleasure
Interesting jobs are, er, interesting.
So Gary Ruppert is dead? Okay then what nyms are available for fake trolling at SN? Is Coach Urban Meyer still alive? Any other memorable names?
I like to try my hand at fake trollery from time-to-time. I was thinking about reviving Dennis. I dropped the idea pronto when I realized tsam might track me down and slit my throat.
Maybe Dennis you should consider this nugget of wisdom. The Cold War has been over for more than 20 years. And a second nugget. Republicans have actually won a presidential election exactly once since the end of the Cold War (and stole one another time). So maybe, just maybe, you Rethugs are just a pitiful bunch of whining about who awesome you used to be.
I’m also trying to wrap my head around the “people who experienced evil become conservative.” Let’s see um France, Czechoslovakia, and Italy after World War II getting high votes for Commies and Socialists, or don’t Nazis count as evil? Or Labour kicking Churchill’s butt in 1945? Just saying DP.
Bookmark this comment, Fenwick.
Oh, to be a fly on what is surely a sticky, dirty wall…
Most of our conversation revolved around the amazing Dr Kenneth Noisewater. Wow, the “Noisewater Approach to Healthy Backs” has changed my life. The good Major brought up the “Noisewater Aeronautics System”, which allows 35% more takeoffs and landings in peak airport hours. N__B said he swears by the “Noisewater Construction Protocols” when determining how to shore up an unstable structure. Even the “Noisewater Economic Systematics” came up in a political digression. We all agreed that we would like to meet Dr Kenneth Noisewater one of these days.
Naw, Robert–the reich wing has other plans for you guys. According to David Brooks, the ineffable Friedman, and other “the world is flatter than Applebee’s salad bar” psuedo-futurist pundits, Asian-Americans are the designated “model minority”–exemplars of hard work, family loyalty, thrift, and all that other stuff us Negroes can never aspire to.
I think that part of Bill O’Reilly’s rage about “Gangnam Style” is that it exposes the popularity of “hippety-hop” culture among Asians and Asian Americans. A few years ago, Pat Buchanan raged against Latinos embracing “rap culture”… how much worse is it when the “nice non-whiteys” embrace that eebil, corrupting hipped-hop culture?
Some bastard on the internet has been pretty obsessed with this topic lately.
Bookmarking the comment.
(Pointery thing: Pretty bird photos at Ibn Thundra’s place!)
Even the “Noisewater Economic Systematics” came up in a political digression. We all agreed that we would like to meet Dr Kenneth Noisewater one of these days.
Shucks, you forgot my most important work: “The Joy of Furry Sex.”
Shucks, you forgot my most important work: “The Joy of Furry Sex.”
EVERYBODY stops shaving* in the winter, there was no need to write a whole book about it.
*or begins armpit kitten smuggling. Hard to tell from a distance.
I’d give my James Westfall to meet Dr. Kenneth Noisewater.
I attribute Dr. Noisewater’s outstanding achievement in all these areas to her specialized headwear, which acts as a sort of Van DeGraf generator for brainwaves (commonly known as the Noisewater bunny ear generator). DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. She’s a professional.
Shucks, you forgot my most important work: “The Joy of Furry Sex.”
Because New York City is a snooty, elitist metropolis, it was released as “Dr Noisewater’s Guide to Erotic Therianthropy”. In Brooklyn, tough guys called it “Dr N’s Furries ‘n’ Shit”.
Before I went out to house parties in college, I always consulted my dog-eared copy of “Picking up chicks, the Dr. Kenneth Noisewater way: from Zero to Lothario in four easy steps”.
What’s your fursona?
(2:00 minute mark)
It would be irresponsible NOT to speculate.
The LULZ never end with Oily Taint. Judge To Birther Orly Taitz: “Evidence Is Not Stuff Printed From the Internet.
I started out, Sadly, as a Sonic fan…
I was a Sonic fan too but when they moved to Oklahoma I didn’t start fucking people in fursuits.
Evidence is not Stuff Printed from the Internet
Is so.
The LULZ never end with Oily Taint. Judge To Birther Orly Taitz: “Evidence Is Not Stuff Printed From the Internet.
I love how she thinks the opposing counsel even showing up is “obstruction of justice.”
Evidence is not Stuff Printed from the Internet
Is so.
on the morning radio show i co-host weekly, we have been all over the ‘it’s true! i read it on the internet!’ thing which usually ends with me growling, ‘bon jour!’ i’m sure our audience is sick of it by now, but hey…we arent’, so deal with it…
I love how she thinks the opposing counsel even showing up is “obstruction of justice.”
i love how she tells dude what hard copies of ‘evidence’ he’s supposed to bring…
*or begins armpit kitten smuggling. Hard to tell from a distance.
now that our dog is in her ‘sheds hair even standing still’ phase and shorts/capri season is over, i sometimes can’t tell if i am looking at my bare leg or if i have a dog hair sock on…
Sounds like it’s leaf-blower and chainsaw day at the hotel. Good thing I wasn’t planning on sleeping any later.
hubbkf has a consult on wednesday morning for his c5/c6 herniation…hopefully surgery can be scheduled just as quickly…srsly, he only has $174 out of pocket left, so it would be bonus…cripes, we’ve had enough medical bills this year…
and srsly…3 peopl WHO KNOW WHERE I LIVE think the holiday light extravaganza house is mine for real…wth?
on the morning radio show i co-host weekly
Do you have any archived shows on the t00bz?
Sounds like it’s leaf-blower and chainsaw day at the hotel. Good thing I wasn’t planning on sleeping any later.
In a month, it’ll be snowblower day.
Sounds like it’s leaf-blower and chainsaw day at the hotel. Good thing I wasn’t planning on sleeping any later.
good thing it wasn’t wood chipper day at the hotel…
Do you have any archived shows on the t00bz?
nah…but you can listen live online! except this wednesday cuz of hubbkf’s appt…
Right now I’m busy thinking up highly imaginative torture and execution methods for the inventor of the gas powered leaf-blower.
Right now I’m busy thinking up highly imaginative torture and execution methods for the inventor of the gas powered leaf-blower.
duh…WOOD CHIPPER…have you not seen ‘fargo’?!
I haz it a new model for Xmas decorations, for the neighborhood win!
Yeah, it’s also a mild blogwhore. Sue me.
I was thinking something slower – like covered in corn kernels and pecked to death by ducks.
I haz it a new model for Xmas decorations, for the neighborhood win!
Oh man, that’s uber-creepy.
Oh man, that’s uber-creepy.
the one-armed babby in the tree is really, really creepy…
*or begins armpit kitten smuggling. Hard to tell from a distance.
If you look at a woman’s armpit hair and it’s looking back at you, just tell yourself it’s a kitten.
WC wins something – Horks-man trophy, perhaps?
@bbkf, Have you thought about having hubb’s skeleton replaced with adamantium? I’m saving for it…
oh gads! i just learned via the radio that thomas kinkade was not happy enough with assaulting our visual faculties, but insisted on perpetrating his schlock via the written word…his just released book ‘a season of angels’ features riveting writing such as:
These days she was happy just to open her eyes in the morning and put her two feet on the ground. To know God blessed her with another day in this beautiful old world.
There were a lot of ‘ifs’ in his life, weren’t there? Jonathan smiled to himself and pulled open the door of the diner. Maybe that’s why he loved history so much, where there were only facts left to sort through.
The diner was just as old-fashioned on the inside and practically empty. Though it was not as quiet as he expected. A uniformed policeman sat at the end of an otherwise empty counter talking–arguing almost–with a man on the opposite side. Judging from his white apron, Jonathan guessed he was the cook. The two were engaged in an animated discussion as the cook refilled catsup bottles from a giant plastic container. He suddenly paused at his task and looked up.
“Sit anywhere you want. Waitress will be with you shortly.” Then he turned and shouted into the kitchen, “Tess? Where the heck are you? You’ve got a customer out here waiting.”
Jonathan chose a table near a window, happy to put some space between himself and the obsrteperous cook.
eck…apparently there is an entire series of these…
@bbkf, Have you thought about having hubb’s skeleton replaced with adamantium? I’m saving for it…
hmmmm…no i have not…i am glad you are saving for it, though because i am not…you may send those savings via regular mail…
ooooh…i posted too soon…here’s some really egregious stuff:
“Here’s the menu.” She pulled one out of her apron pocket and handed it to him. “The specials are up on the board. I think we’re out of the chili…” She paused and glanced over her shoulder. “No great loss. Same for the hot roast beef hero,” she added in a quieter voice.
He laughed and looked up at her. She had bright blue eyes and reddish-brown hair pulled back in a long ponytail. Curly wisps framed a pretty face. Her large hoop earrings and lace tights were a little bold for his taste, but they looked good on her.
“Thanks for the warning. Red meat isn’t my thing anyway.”
“Me, either. It’s bad for your health, not to mention the planet. I’m trying to reduce my carbon footprint.”
Jonathan looked back up at her, intrigued by this turn in their conversation.
i am glad you are saving for it, though because i am not
The NRO has a short survey up, subject is energy and guns. Go skew.
more great writing:
“Thanks.” Jonathan nodded, trying not to look at her. He took a taste of the chowder instead. “This is sort of…thick,” he said honestly. He didn’t really like chowder when it was full of flour and potatoes. He liked a thinner broth and more clams.
“Gluey, I think is the culinary term. But I know what you mean. I guess you’ve never been here before?”
“What did you hunt last?”
‘The most dangerous animal…’
Long Term Care Advisory Board
Love Comes Twice For A Boy
Lord, The Candy Fuckers Are Bastards?
I gives.
you were getting close: like taking candy from a babby…
Ummm, Long T… Facility Board.
Have the Roast Beef Jonathan!! She’s trying the hippy (loop earrings) head fake on you!
Heh heh the bbkf house is purty. Post a radio link on your bloggkf, please.
Atchally, I’m kinda partial to door number three, although the mental vision of a movie with Ron Jeremy in a Reeses Factory is a touch disturbing.
You’re welcome.
Aaand we’re back to furries.
I have a question: is it responsible or irresponsible not to speculate? Opinions differ.
“What did you hunt last?”
What do you think they’ll do about all answers of “liberals”?
speaking of ron jeremy, when i click the nro linky, the poll i was asked to take regarded the xl pipeline…also, too…nro talks to me when i go there…is that just me?
speaking of ron jeremy, when i click the nro linky
The math, how the fuck does it work.
N__B said he swears by the “Noisewater Construction Protocols” when determining how to shore up an unstable structure.
Some believe Dr. Noisewater is seeking a unified Unstable Structure theory. Reportedly much of Noisewater’s Unstable Structure research is centered on close observation of a small sample of one, studied longtitudally throughout toddler-hood.
No, I got the XL pipeline and hunting questions too. Although, to be fair I should have hated on the XL pipeline and answered in the affirmative to their hunting questions, just to mess with their demographics. Also I find it strange that the same group howling in outrage over the rumor of a Canada-Mexico superhighway, is so in favor of a pipeline that follows nearly the same route. I guess some forms of eminent domain are better than others.
I told NRO that I had no guns but said that I go hunting more than 3 times a year. Loch Ness if they must know.
But I allus take my copy of “Dr. Ken’s Huntin’ Shootin’, Fishin’ and Leaf Pressing Annual” with me.
I didn’t see the poll there, but I did see a lovely short article talking about how Mad Men is a liberal lie and that everything was hunky-dory in the 60s before “the left took over”.
I told NRO that I had no guns but said that I go hunting more than 3 times a year.
I have no guns and I must shoot.
I shot an elephant in my pajamas media.
These terrorists must be stopped.
No, I got the XL pipeline and hunting questions too
oh, ha…it helps if you read through to the bottom of the page…
The math, how the fuck does it work.
hey, back off! i spent the afternoon reading thomas kinkade…i haz no brane cells left…
I told NRO that I had no guns but said that I go hunting more than 3 times a year.
“So” said the bear “are you here for the hunting, or what?”
“What did you hunt last?”
I put “Wildebeest”. Because as far as I can tell, everything hunts Wildebeest. Any time I turn on a nature show something is killing a Wildebeest.
I agree, Major. I saw a doco last week where every bloody thing had a go at them. Then they swam across a river and tried to climb a sheer cliff and fell on top of each other and drowned. Eventually they could clamber over the bodies. It is a wonder that there are so many of the morons.
“What did you hunt last?”
Deviljho. I still need a couple dozen more of these guys for the title.
Also: I hunt the White-breasted Nuthatch more than three times a year with my handgun, which I don’t own.
Sorry…what were we talking about? I tuned out there for a second…
shorter Spear: Where the white wimmen at?
Is not.
or don’t Nazis count as evil?
Respectable conservative opinion all through the 1930s held exactly that… or at least that even if they were bad, both sides do it and the Reds did it first and were scarier.
WND to have a more frothier mix of commentary
I really don’t get how Santorum can father a handicapped child and come out against extending the rights of handicapped children.
Yes, he explains it in his column. But not in a way that makes any sense.
More like “Where the any women at all at?”.
No, I got the XL pipeline
I remember when an M pipeline was big enough for most people.
From Rick’s fecal discharghe of a column:
“In all actions concerning children with disabilities, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.”
“The best interest of the child” standard is lifted out of a controversial provision contained in the 1989 treaty called the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child. That treaty was never ratified in large part because of this provision.
“The best interest of the child” standard may sound like it protects children, but what it does is put the government, acting under U.N. authority, in the position to determine for all children with disabilities what is best for them. That is counter to the current state of the law in this country which puts parents – not the government – in that position of determining what is in their child’s best interest. Under the laws of our country, parents lose that right only if the state, through the judicial process, determines that the parents are unfit to make that decision.”
Asshat “the best interests of the child” has been the standard in all U.S. family and juvenile courts for decades. Asshat!
On the contrary, I think MORE men should adopt that fashion. Though maybe wait til summer.
Also you could use it for a monopod shooting stick.
Asshat “the best interests of the child” has been the standard in all U.S. family and juvenile courts for decades. Asshat!
uuuummmm…yeah…but apparently that’s not specific enough for a man who wants less government intrusion in our lives…also, too…he must have missed this part:
and then neglected to read further on:
so, yeah, you just have to call bullshit on his ‘they want to take away our children’ said the dogwhistle to the strawman…
“Evidence is not Stuff Printed from the Internet”
“Is so.”
See, I was right.
I really don’t get how Santorum can father a handicapped child and come out against extending the rights of handicapped children.
“the law in this country … puts parents – not the government – in that position of determining what is in their child’s best interest.”
Apparently the “parental property” theory only applies to children. An unborn blastocyte or embryo or fetus is not the parents’ responsibility, and the government should determine what is best.
An unborn blastocyte or embryo or fetus is not the parents’ responsibility, and the government should determine what is best.
Have you thought about having hubb’s skeleton replaced with adamantium? I’m saving for it…
I’m on the list for a complete skelental replacement using unobtainium.
bbf: Thanks for the reminder! I gotta call Hopkins general surgery tomorrow and schedule a consult for my (ever-wandering) hernia surgery. If possible, I’m going have in sync with the start of the MLB season.(*) (Also, what is a c35 / c/36 (or whatever it was) hernia? Sounds like a chess notation … or some military transporation aircraft used in the Korean War….)
Also, how is hubbfk doing now? I was away for months, and haven’t seen anything since I returned. I surmise from the Dakota Vacation that he no longer suffers the sharp and/or lingering pains in his legs. Is the daughter still In Love? Can you bring me up-to-date? Thanx for yer patience (and congratulations from having survived the Question Barrage).
Also and finally, I have a baseball story for you about the Oreos. I bore personal witness–from (imo) the perfect location at Camden Yards–to an Historic Moment at the conclusion of a 14-inning Day game versus Tampa Bay … the epic moment at which Davey Johnson’s 14-year Curse(*) was finally lifted from the Baltimore Orioles. This comment is already getting way out-of-control, so I’ll hold off on my Oreos story. Also, cue up some moment-of-triumph music from the The Natural and the brilliantly-written James Earl Jones speech from Field of Dreams
(*) Curse postulated by me, and still unrecogonized by Baltimore sportswriters, broadcasters, and fans. Indeed, my thesis of Davey Johnson’s Curse has met only scornful mockery and cruel laughter.
bbkf’s neighbor decorated well.
I did my bit, Sub. On the ‘What-do-you-hunt?’ question, I clicked Other and entered ‘Snipe’.
name for band
Skew the Sample
+ special bonus points if the band actually uses sampling in its performance.
Fenwick said,
December 4, 2012 at 1:18
hey…hubbkf has a herniated disc located between c5 & c6 which is causing severe shoulder, arm, thumb pain, numbness, tingling, etc., etc. he still has the leg complaints and is trying to be a good patient by excercising, etc., etc….yes, daughter is still in love with new boyfriend…they will soon celebrate their 6 month anniversary…they are quite a cute couple if i do say so myself…
Lieutenant Colonel Fabrication
Sometimes a foriegn observer has unique insight into United States politics.
Boar, wolf, woodcock. Hunt 3 or more times a year. For taxes and fracking, against everything else. Own every gun and plan to buy more of every gun.
Imma either confuse the shit out of someone, or get stalked by 2011’s Miss .410.
On the ‘What-do-you-hunt?’ question, I clicked Other and entered ‘Snipe’.
Is there an option for “wascally wabbit”?
No because it’s DUCK SEASON.
bbkf’s neighbor decorated well.
words cannot convey how much i enjoyed that…
Now I get it! hubbfk has a herniated DISC. (I thought it an intestinal-type hernia.) Is this what is/was causing hubbffk’s pain-in-the-legs and so forth ? I’m, glad to hear the daughter is still In Love.
No because it’s DUCK SEASON.
Face it Bob, you don’t come here for the hunting, do you?
((Sorry I failed to read your medical update closely enough. All the info was there.))) I hope the docs eventually pin down whatever the LEG thing is. It began in 2011, if I rightly remember. Thanx for the headlines of your fambley.
Oh, sure. Monday.
Oh, sure. Monday.
mondays are for suckers…
doo be dooobie doo…
LiberalConservative Freakout Continues, or “Nothing We’re Throwing At The Wall Is Sticking!”I shot an elephant in my pajamas media.
Was he doing the backstroke?
Was he doing the backstroke?
the wingnuts have always been with us:
In 1899 the White House of President William McKinley received letters urging the president to forgo participation in the “Christmas tree habit”.[16] The letter writers, which the Chicago Daily Tribune noted had taken up the “forestry fad”, referred to “arboreal infanticide”, according to the Tribune.[16] Those opposed to a tree in the White House that year also termed Christmas trees “un-American” because it was a historically German tradition.[16]
also, too…the white house’s christmas theme this year is ‘joy to all’…well played, michelle…well played…
omg…what’s wrong with pat’s head?!?
possibly the best comment exchange ever:
this delores chick also says that ‘we will defeat these marxists with our minds!’ these minutemen weirdos would be highly entertaining were they not real people…
defeat these marxists with our minds
And then float the Pentagon.
Speaking of Cuba, and on a happy note:
We just YouTubed a fine animated movie for adults, Chico y Rita, and I’m very impressed. This film strikes at my heart. The critics say:
“The virtuosity does not decline in this visually impressive and musically rich film”
“Riddled with movie references as well as musical ones. It is a tribute that is full of sensuality”
“One of the best films ever made about jazz, I can’t think of any other that is truer and more moving”
“Almost unimaginably rich and resonant! Sexy, sweet … an animated valentine to Cuba and its music”
“A feast for one’s sight and hearing, these are easily the best 90 minutes I’ve spent in the cinema this year”
“Mariscal has captured the essence of Havana in the 40s and 50s with impressive beauty, detail and colour”
“Beautiful! a swaying, sexy, dream of a movie! The year’s best musical, and one of the year’s finest animated films!”
Dammit I gave y’all the “critics” version of the link. You can see what they say, but fuck ’em, I’m telling you it’s good.
Paleo: I remember that happening; I was a few weeks into my first semester of college. I thought levitating the pentagon was an excellent idea. (My mind had not yet been twisted by ebil drugs; rather, I had developed a delight in the absurd during HS in Lawrence, KS.)
Sheesh. Now I’m feeling all ancient and mortal. Thanx a million, paleo!
damn, cra…that was a great movie…thanks for that…
What do you hunt?
Nasty little fuckers. You can’t see ’em unless you can identify your own assumptions.
Also, FYWP.
Well, I haz a BIG disappoint. Remember (oh how we laughed and are still laughing) at Eric Dondero who was gonna go Extra Super King Size Industrial Galt after the election? His prose is immortalised here.
HE HAS NOT GONE GALT!! Yes, it’s shocking but here it is and he’s on the radio and such! Eeewww his radio talk, starting at 8 minutes, is unpleasant but doesn’t jibe with the withdrawing from society shit he was farting out.
Who can you trust?
Who can you trust?
i think we can trust my buddy delores of the minutemen…she seems pretty dedicated to defeating the marxists with her mind…also, too…she puts a sticker of a christmas tree on her wall instead of having a real tree…or 54 of them like those bogarting obamas…she seems to be doing a bang up job of divorcing herself not from society but from reality as well…that’s true dedication!
I told him I was a libertarian. I mentioned one issue in particular, keeping the marijuana dispensaries open in L.A, and how that was supported by the Libertarian Party of California.
“I was gonna go all Galt, but then I got high.
I know it’s Obama’s fault, that I got high.
He’ll steal the keys to my vault, and I know why,
Because I got high, because I got high, because I got high!”
“I was gonna go all Galt, but then I got high.
i was sorely tempted to comment over there: he’s not a libertarian you moron, he’s a stoner….eric is pretty gullible…i would hate to see someone take advantage of that…
damn, cra…that was a great movie…thanks for that…
YW, bbkf. Didja actually watch it already while I slept, or just make note of it?
i actually watched it…got hooked and had to see how it ended….a lovely little movie…
I am only forty minutes into it, bbkf, until tonite, so don’t post any spoilers.
Whf dff uhg faff heeg? Uuh gha hg hagh igh fuggyfug!
she seems pretty dedicated to defeating the marxists with her mind
Luckily for her that’s where they all are, so that’ll make it easier.
Maybe it was a typo, and she plans on defeating the marxists with her mime?
Maybe it was a typo, and she plans on defeating the marxists with her mime?
even though i don’t know her, i feel like i do…and i can totally see her re-enacting the nativity in pantomime under her tree sticker…to honor babby jesus, of course…
quote of the day from eric ‘not gone galt’ dondero:
she sees, what’s going on…oh, yeah!
Editor’s comment – Be nice if our dweeby mish-mosh Republican leaders would speak as clearly as our gal Sarah.
Sure would – if all the GOP paraded their stupid like Palin, we might be rid of them quicker!
Maybe it was a typo, and she plans on defeating the marxists with her mime?
Hmm, so she either has to be able to remain quiet or to be mentally able. Either way she’s bringing a broken plastic spork to a gun fight.
Be nice if our dweeby mish-mosh Republican leaders would speak as clearly as our gal Sarah. Hint, hint, John Boehner.
Holy bog, did somebody just hold up Princess Dumbass of the Northwoods as the example of clarity? Right after directly quoting yet another example of her word salad run-on nonsensetences?
This, THIS is why we can’t have nice things.
well, to be fair, he is the guy who said this:
Have a neighbor who votes for Obama? You could take a crap on their lawn. Then again, probably not a good idea since it would be technically illegal to do this. But you could have your dog take care of business. Not your fault if he just happens to choose that particular spot.
Ducks are NOT NICE.
it gets even better…i was ‘researching’ just what drove eric dondero to come back to his website, and along the way read some interesting things…for one, he went to mexico for thanksgiving day and was a dick to people he encountered on his way there, he goes to the dentist in mexico…and his grand plan after failing to go through with his freakout was for all libertarians to go to thanksgiving dinner and be major jackasses to family members…it caused quite a reaction in the libertarian movement as noted by another contributing asshat:
Like an STD, it’s spreading across the country, and nobody has a cure!
… his grand plan after failing to go through with his freakout was for all libertarians to go to thanksgiving dinner and be major jackasses to family members
I don’t want anyone to do this, whatever their views. But if we (whatever that means) keep our collective cool, and the Tea Partiers and movement conservatives and glibertarians and so on make Christmas a living hell, who benefits? I believe it’s me.
This is getting old. I was riding the crew bus last night, when yet another couple senior Captains started whining about how their taxes are going to go up.
Oh, did you know that Obama plans to federalize our 401Ks? Me neither.
Now, I make a metric fuckton of money. I realize just how good I have it.
A Captain on a narrow-body aircraft at my company makes at least half again my salary.
A Captain on a wide-body aircraft makes almost twice my pay. That’s right, they make two metric fucktons.
This is getting to be a nightly occurrence and it’s really starting to piss me off.
These people will never give me a chance to miss them. RUDE.
Oh, did you know that Obama plans to federalize our 401Ks? Me neither.
When I google federalize 401k the links are all from 2010(mostly cite-free right wing moaning). Taking his damn time about it, isn’t he? Willfully misunderstanding/lying about this was apparently the genesis of the bullshit.
for one, he went to mexico for thanksgiving day and was a dick to people he encountered on his way there
That was funny- those hippies he yelled at totally existed! The details are the key to these stories- the dirty “white folks’ dreadlocks”, the panhandling… hilarious!
This is getting to be a nightly occurrence and it’s really starting to piss me off.
You should propose brushing up on your “close quarters cockpit combat” skills with these whiners.
I told one guy that if he felt he had it so rough I’d happily trade paychecks with him and he could bask in my lower tax bracket.
No takers so far.
i was ‘researching’ just what drove eric dondero to come back to his website,
I went to the original “crap on your neighbour’s lawn” post and worked forward looking for some announcement but there does not appear to be one. He uses some of the same language in the radio talk so he knows that it happened. But he doesn’t explain why he didn’t go extra super duper Galt.
There should be an intervention on behalf of his wife.
Oh, did you know that Obama plans to federalize our 401Ks?
This sounds like some weird right-wing fantasy concocted to dry up the flop-sweat from their attempts to privatize Social Security.
two metric fucktons.
Shouldn’t that be a duofucktonne?
Just tell them that you agree that taxes are too high and its time cut government services. They can privatize the FAA and air traffic control all over the US. I’m sure competing private aviation administrations could keep us all safe and air traffic moving at rock bottom prices. If pilot certification is too expensive at IBM’s school of aviation, enterprising youngsters could get their flight certification through Wal-Mart’s on-line school.
It’s not like these guys are John Galts or anything. They make that much money for the sole reason that they’ve been there longer than me.
Our promotion system is purely based on seniority (with the one exception that you have to be able to pass the training).
Looks over at Captain – “Hurry up and die you old bastard and get out of my seat!”
There should be an intervention on behalf of his wife.
i think she probably needs to stay as drunk and/or drugged up as possible…
“close quarters cockpit combat” skills
“Hurry up and die you old bastard and get out of my seat!”
Maybe best for your career-track if he does it a bit later, when you’re both on terra firma.
Just sayin’.
If you’ve got a crocodile in your holster the argument ends.
Or a snake, a motherfucking snake.
“close quarters cockpit combat” skills
Don’t they have an axe up there too? In addition to farts.
If you require an axe to cut one loose you may need to change your diet.
Roughage, FTW!
N__B likes it roughage.
Don’t they have an axe up there too?
Yep. Crash Axe = First Officer’s Veto Authority
In a cockpit fight, I’ll take the axe over gas, or in addition to it.
We actually do have a “cockpit defense course”. The one hijacking attempt in our history was by a disgruntled employee.
Basically it was “How to kick somebody’s ass in a phone booth”.
Holy shit, Major, that’s quite a story.
Doughboy has his own ideas for outreach. You know, the good thing about dealing with Batman villains as political opponents is that they’ll never really change their gimmick, if if they want to.
Holy shit, Major, that’s quite a story.
If you can find it, the National Geographic channel had an episode of their Air Disasters series about it. It was almost hard for me to watch it.
Major–Goddamn, that story is awful. Thank God the crew was able to fight back and stop the bastard.
In a cockpit fight, I’ll take the axe over gas, or in addition to it.
in any situation i would rather smell gass than axe…
Have a neighbor who votes for Obama? You could take a crap on their lawn.
You’ll have to get past mah shitmoat first.
Have a neighbor who votes for Obama? You could take a crap on their lawn.
I am NOT following him around with a plastic bag.
“several hammers and a speargun” FTW
Holy shit, Major, that’s quite a story.
Major–Goddamn, that story is awful.
holy shit and goddamn is right…keep an eye on those chickens…
“several hammers and a speargun” FTW
my question is, wouldn’t these have been noticed in the wreckage?
my question is, wouldn’t these have been noticed in the wreckage?
Yeah, for a Stanford grad (grrrr) he didn’t seem to have thought this through.
OK,..I was all in on the fart riff, but my buzz is now harshed.
Yeah, for a Stanford grad (grrrr) he didn’t seem to have thought this through.
So you’re saying Stanford graduates make better criminals?
Maybe so, from the B school.
The creek’s up.
So you’re saying Stanford graduates make better criminals?
Stanford grads should in theory be better at whatever they do, including crime.
I just wish they’d be better about finding a team name that makes any sense.
The Fighting Lelands!
The Fighting Lelands!
When I was there they took a student poll, and the winner was Robber Barons, in honor of Leland S. For some reason the administration rejected it.
My high school administration, after soliciting names for our renovated cafeteria, refused to use “Hell’s Kitchen” even though it was independently submitted by several dozen students.
The bastards.
I’d worry more about the mascot than the team name, but then I’m no Stanford grad.
FFS, all of Rensselaer’s teams when I was there were named “The Engineers.”
I’d worry more about the mascot than the team name, but then I’m no Stanford grad.
The mascot is a tree. What more can you say about that. I stopped worrying about it many years ago.
I’d worry more about the mascot than the team name, but then I’m no Stanford grad.
our high school’s team is the trojans…when i worked at the drugstore, i lobbied each year for our homecoming float to throw condoms instead of candy…this idea was never seriously considered…hmmmmph!
this has me so pissed off…bunch of fucking fear mongering jingoistic jackholes…
Sometimes, the bubble doesn’t burst so easily: http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/49-percent-of-gop-believe-obamas-re-election?ref=fpb
Ugh. Tuesday was even worse than Monday.
FFS, all of Rensselaer’s teams when I was there were named “The Engineers.”
RIT teams have always been known to the rest of the world as “The Nerds.” Always. Also the students, all of them.
Ugh. Tuesday was even worse than Monday.
are you still sick or was work sucky?
are you still sick or was work sucky?
Mostly the latter. Rain, mud and difficult people.
It all washes off, though.
“Rain, mud and difficult people.”
Seriously, is there an epidemic of vicious stupidity or what?
Ponchos and rubber boots take care of the rain and mud. Any suggestions for rabid humans?
Ponchos and rubber boots take care of the rain and mud. Any suggestions for rabid humans?
The meter lid hook I have does nicely. But then you spend hours finding a place to ditch the body, and even more time cleaning the evidence out of the bed of the company truck. This causes suspicious lapses in productivity.
“Meter lid hook”: http://ow.ly/fPHGA
That would do nicely! But the evidence is a problem. How about dumping ’em in a manhole for the alligators?
But let’s retrace… the mud? It was all over my jeans… which were soaked by that time, enough to create the River Scrotum, right there in my pants.
This was because this business decided not to respect my authoritah (more like my boss’ authoritah), and after hem-hawing around for the maximum number of days without doing as we directed before The Awful Stuff was to occur (disconnection of water service), decided to call a city official to complain about how unfair life was. Dutifully, this was passed up the chain, and ended up in my boss’ boss’ e-mail box, who responded (paraphrased), “I have documentation showing that [business] has been given ample time, and in any case, the maximum-allowable time to complete the work prior to disconnection, so… um, it sucks to be [business].”
Hence, I placed a lock on said meter at 9 a.m., even as their plumber stood looking at me, bewildered. “You have my number — call me as soon as the work is done, and I’ll come by and unlock it, and test the unit you’re about to install. You have to have the water off to do the job, anyway, and I’ll likely be 10 minutes away, at most.”
So, plumber finishes about 1 p.m. Calls me as he’s on his way to two towns over, and says he’s done. I go there, and there’s the gawdawfullest mess of mud and gravel all over the site. It’s raining quite hard. So… where’s the meter?
Dumbass piled yards of mud atop it.
[ring-ring] “Hello, Dumbass? Uh, sorry you’re 20 miles away now, but you need to get back over here with a shovel now if you don’t want me narking you out to this customer for keeping them without water until you CAN get here.”
How about dumping ‘em in a manhole for the alligators?
Against the Clean Water Act of 1972, and a potential violation of company ethics rules.
“Dumbass piled yards of mud atop it.”
That does not sound accidental, somehow.
The thought of a bottomless mud pit is giving me ideas.
Also, rubber pants. Very nice this time of year.
That does not sound accidental, somehow.
He fucked himself, though. Even if I had a shovel in my truck — and I do not — I wouldn’t be cleaning up this idiot’s mess.
Also: there is nothing at all nice about rubber pants.
Also: there is nothing at all nice about rubber pants.
well then yer doing it wrong…
I might make certain exceptions, but ON ME, there’s nothing nice about rubber pants.
What can you do? The man prefers a muddy bottom …
New post finally.
By my calculations that is actually *less* than 27%.
“Pryme said,
December 3, 2012 at 22:55
These terrorists must be stopped.”
The NYPD is out of control on top of being endlessly corrupt. I have this feeling that the corruption began getting papered over thanks to September 11th and this weird idea that the city was under siege….in the case of this postermaker, I think this is a mutation of Giuliani’s “no broken windows” policy, bent so that it helps this crooked gang. Meanwhile, places like Far Rockaway feel that the city doesn’t give a damn about them, and the same police force cracked down on the Occupy group who was distributing supplies to the beach communities.
E Pluribus Unum means “Call back when you’re a Republican.”