Why Do Fags Get All The Breaks?

Shorter Phillip (“Yes, this is his real name”) Morris, The Cleveland Plain Dealer
Rachel Maddow and the gay tax on one Cincinnati woman’s free speech

  • It is terribly unfair that fags can call themselves fags but I can’t call them that without getting in trouble.

As Cleveland rots into a burnt-out shell of a former industrial city, it is not surprising that the people still left in Cleveland aren’t the smartest folks on the block. After all, if they were smart enough to find a local U-Haul agency, they would have packed up their stuff and driven somewhere, anywhere, else long ago. So, I didn’t fall over in surprise to read this column from Cleveland columnist Phillip Morris (who, I suppose, is thankful every day that his parents didn’t name him Jim Beam or Gordon Gin), a column that could only be written by someone so stupid that even his smartphone makes fun of him.

Let’s start with the awesome title: “Rachel Maddow and the gay tax on one Cincinnati woman’s free speech.” I don’t know about you, but I’m intrigued about this “gay tax.” What on earth is a “gay tax?” A tax that is only attracted to taxes of the same gender? A tax that get’s teary eyed every time it even thinks about the Judy Garland 1960 Amsterdam Concert?

No, probably what Mr. Morris means is a tax on being gay, some additional “gay” tax that Rachel Maddow has to pay just because she’s gay No, no, that can’t be it because it’s a gay tax on “one Cincinatti woman’s free speech.” Oh, I see, it’s a tax imposed by gays on straight people, seeing as how, you know, gays control everything and can pretty much demand financial tribute from any straight person they don’t like. It’s an interesting concept, but I’ve never gotten it to work in practice. I sent a letter to Mitt Romney telling him he had to pay me a gay tax of a million or so dollars and he never even had the decency to write back and say no or tell me that no gay tax has to be paid on money stashed in Swiss bank accounts.

What has Morris in a tizzy is that an anchor on a Cincinnati television station wrote on her Facebook page that “Rachel Maddow is an angry young man.” And then, rather than winning the Pulitzer prize for her trenchant reporting, she had to apologize. That’s the tax, you see, and it was imposed by the “speech sentries from the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation,” who pretty much have brought the Western world to its knees and can make everyone do exactly what GLAAD demands. In fact, if GLAAD had demanded that this anchor commit ritual seppuku on her next newscast, why, we’d still be cleaning up blood from the studio floor.

But here’s what makes it really really extra extra bad in Morris’s eyes: Rachel Maddow once admitted IN PUBLIC that she was a LESBIAN and that she looks like a man.

[S]he told the Manchester Guardian, a national British newspaper: “I’m not a TV anchor babe. I’m a big lesbian who looks like a man.”

Part of the problem that the Cleveland Plain Dealer has, obviously, is that it cannot afford an Internet connection, otherwise Morris might have discovered that the Manchester Guardian hasn’t existed since 1959, that it is now just the Guardian, and that its offices are in London, not Manchester. Oopsie. Good thing, Mr. Morris, that there is no “stupid” tax in Cleveland or you couldn’t afford to Super Size your next meal at Cleveland’s best restaurant.

Morris’s point, such as it is, is that once Maddow admitted being a lesbian who “looks like” a man, she’s pretty much fair game to be called a bull dyke fairy faggy fag fag or pretty much anything else. Also, just as Morris can’t keep his British newspapers straight, he is just a bit too dimwitted to understand the difference between saying that a gay woman “looks like a man” and “is a man.” Just because Morris looks like someone who fellates goats doesn’t mean he fellates goats.

More stupid from the guy who looks like he dresses up as an ewok when having sex:

Macke’s initial post was private or at least semi-private. She didn’t use the airwaves to offer her observation.

Her Facebook page was “semi-private?” I’m not clear what “semi-private” even means. That you had to know Macke’s name to find it? That you had to own a computer to look at it?

Now it’s time for the inevitable double down:

But even more to the point, anyone who pays attention to the “Rachel Maddow Show” knows the hostess does looks [sic!] like a man.

I think it’s time for me to stop beating this dead goat blower and let someone else fish the remaining mangoes from this fetid swamp.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 158

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

We get all the breaks because we’re fabulous, you silly French or fag or both.

WAITAFUCKINMINNIT! Phillip Morris is a ni99er?!?! Oh gawd, I weep for humanity.


Cleveland – where dreams go to die.




I pretty much tax the living shit out of every het breeder I see.


When I was a speech sentry we only stopped glottals. Little buggers.


I tried breeding hets once. Those little buggers are mean.


First one to invent the gay-tax tax shelter will get a FABULOUS prize.

Eustace P. McGargle

Memo to PM: I won’t call you shithead anymore if, and only if, you start calling yourself shithead. Promise.




stopped glottals
HO HO very funny.


…Cleveland – where dreams go to die…a slow, painful, and pointless death that involves thinking “Why am I living on the shore of Lake Erie?” at some point.

Sample headline from Morris’s archive: One of Greater Cleveland’s best kept secrets is one of America’s best-known cheese companies.


Even a stopped glottal gets swallowed once a day.


Sample headline from Morris’s archive: One of Greater Cleveland’s best kept secrets is one of America’s best-known cheese companies.

So, Cleveland doesn’t keep secrets well.

Is this guy a fan of rejected Yogi Berra quotes, or what?

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Y’know who I feel bad for? The people who’re implied as being residents of Lesser Cleaveland. Hoo.


Wait, are you saying Cleveland doesn’t rock?


Cle cle cle
Cle cle-ve-land
You’ve got me rockin and a rollin
Rockin and a reelin


Stød! In the name of love!

In the interest of accuracy...

However, it should be noted that for someone who grew up thirty miles south in Akron, Cleveland seemed to be heaven on earth!


Oh, don’t be hatin’ on Cleveland. Next you’ll say Pittsburgh and Baltimore suck. Well, Pittsburgh does, but whatever.

I’ve always liked the original concept of the Angry Young Man and if Maddow wants to wear that label, she should do so proudly. Also, what’s with the hating on Maddow’s looks? She’s pretty damn attractive, even if she doesn’t return the attraction to me, what with the penis and balls I’m carrying around in my jeans.

That said, these type of people will never ever ever get the concept that if someone calls themselves a “big ol’ fag” or whatever, among friends or allies, that really doesn’t give them carte blanche to bludgeon them with “fucking faggots”.

Empathy? Consent? How do they work? I mean the dude’s black, right? Does he not have the mental ability to understand if he calls himself or his compadres teh n word, even in public, that doesn’t give me carte blanche to call him that every chance I get in conversation?


And here I thought the next post was going to be about Obama’s forbidden affair with Yingluck Shinawatra.


Third Spider-Man was filmed in Cleveland and I thought the city looked gorgeous.

BTW, proud to have brought this asshat to the attention of our esteemed hosts.


Third Spider-Man was filmed in Cleveland

That explains the dancing scene.

Excuse me while I go stick a couple of screwdrivers in my eyes.


She’s pretty damn attractive, even if she doesn’t return the attraction to me, what with the penis and balls I’m carrying around in my jeans.

And if Maddow ever went back to her high school looks, she would definitely bring all the boys to the yard.


That explains the dancing scene.

There was a dancing scene? I don’t remember any of the Spiderman movies. I didn’t like them.


I’m not going to link to it lest I be struck with a plague of boils.


Hey remember when MoveOn.org ran that ad attacking the adulterer who just quit as head of the CIA? And then the House and Senate passed actual legislation condemning the ads? Like official US law that says the ads were all poopy and yucky and triple-bad-no-take-backs. Yeah them gheys sure are all about condemning the free speech of others.


When I was a speech sentry we only stopped glottals.

Kiwi: I see what you do there.

*applause in Baltimore*


Also, why is everyone down on Cleveland?


Cleveland-bashing strikes me as a bit mean-spirited the way people posting “ruin porn” of Detroit does.

I mean Christ, it’s not the fault of the people who live there that de-industrialization was seen as a wise policy by our Galtian overlords.


Cleveland has its charms. The West Side Market is really impressive.


I have never been to any city in Ohio. For some reason none of them are on my list of top travel destinations.


Also would like to address the following:

Perhaps if Macke had simply posted “Rachel Maddow looks like an angry young man,” that nuance may have saved her the gay tax on her free speech.

Please note that when the FOX “anchor babe” was called out on the slur, she replied: “You are right. I’m sorry, I should’ve said ‘antagonistic,’” and “I knew what I was saying.”

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

My only experience with Cleveland was this show


and that it’s offices

Oh dear. Most un-Tintin-like.


I have never been to any city in Ohio. For some reason none of them are on my list of top travel destinations.

You got me there. If you’re going to head all the way out East there are better tourist spots.

When someone from the coast (pick one) gives me crap about living in Ohio I just bring up my $90k mortgage and my 25 minute drive to work.


what with the penis and balls I’m carrying around in my jeans.

Did you get ’em at the farmer’s market? What are your plans? Braised? Barbecued? Stir fried?


Maddow is very intelligent, which I find attractive even though she bats for the other team. Much more attractive than the standard Fox News barbie doll.


When someone from the coast (pick one) gives me crap about living in Ohio I just bring up my $90k mortgage and my 25 minute drive to work.

My commute to work takes 12 minutes. On my bicycle.


To be clear I don’t mean to give anybody crap about living in Ohio.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

What I said yesterday. http://www.sadlyno.com/archives/37894.html#comment-1304313

Also too, FIRTS!


My commute to work takes 12 minutes. On my bicycle.

Ohio is a mixed bag when it comes to bikes. We have a great network of bike trails but the cities themselves are not all that bike friendly.

If I wanted to ride from my home in the suburbs to the nearest grocery store (maybe a mile away) I’d have to cross a couple major intersections and probably get killed for my trouble.

So I’m put in the silly position of having to put my bike on the car and drive to some place where I can ride it.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

Most of Ohio is flat and uninteresting. Down around Cincinnati it’s nice but that area is chockfull of whingnuts. Then you got Youngstown. Really. The entire state smells of cow shit. you ever seen Toledo? Hoo boy, what a dump. About the only thing worth going to Ohio for is the USAF museum in Dakron … Er, Dayton.

But let me say something nice aout Ohio. There are ALWAYS radar and lidar patrols near Mansfield. Wait wait I’m getting to the good part. One time when driving back from San Antonio to home in NW PA I carefully watched my speed as we passed through in the wee hours but was unaware the van had a burned out tail light. As I pulled over for the flashing lights, i noticed/remembered the large bag of dope (thats what we called pot back then, you younguns don’t laugh) and pipe on the engine cover beside me (back in those days the engine was between the seats and there was a big hump there used as a place to set your beer – this was ong before cupholders were invented – and coffee and bag of dope) so I called out to my brother who was sleeping way in the back and tossed him the bag and pipe. Just as the officer appears at my open driver’s window my groggy brother says “Hey PeeJ! What do you want me to do with this dope?” The cop stared at me ….stare […PeeJ tries to emulate Gully Foyle…] then burst out laughing and shook his head. “You have a taillight out. Need to fix it. Drive carefully!” He walked back to his patrol car shaking his head and chuckling the whole way.


Unrelated: Today McSweeney’s has some helpful Thanksgiving recipes that would fit in well here at Sadly, No!


The cop stared at me ….stare […PeeJ tries to emulate Gully Foyle…] then burst out laughing and shook his head. “You have a taillight out. Need to fix it. Drive carefully!” He walked back to his patrol car shaking his head and chuckling the whole way.

Jeebus, these days you’d probably be tazed and then tortured further. And that’d just be for the broken tail light.


Rachel Maddow is gorgeous. But what do you expect from a member of the party who thinks Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin are the epitome of hot?


So I’m put in the silly position of having to put my bike on the car and drive to some place where I can ride it.

I do that with my mountain bike because I don’t want to wear out the expensive dirt tires on the pavement.

And Oregon is possibly the most bicycle-friendly place in America so we do tend to gloat a little. If I’d have ridden my bike today I’d be dealing with 40+mph gusts of wind an pouring rain, so that’s a bit of a negative.


Rachel Maddow is gorgeous.


This is looksist, but when my wife saw Rachel and her partner together for the first time she said: “Hmm. Rachel could do way better.”


Morris motivated me to check out Doktor Maddow’s latest. Good job, P.M.!

Her book Drift is epic. It also has REAL SWEAR WORDS.



Yes, it is bad humor. Yes, it is an indication of a pedestrian mind.

A column defending it, however, is REAL JOURNALISM.


Excuse me while I go stick a couple of screwdrivers in my eyes.

Hey! The musical scenes were the only good parts of that movie.

I don’t remember any of the Spiderman movies. I didn’t like them.

Spider-Man! With a hyphen!

And, I agree, I didn’t like the Raimi Spider-Man movies either. I much preferred the reboot, but I seem to be one of the few who did.


Watch angry young man Rachel Maddow rip John McAngrypants a new one.


bughunter, finally reading teh new post,

the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation,” who pretty much have brought the Western world to its knees and can make everyone do exactly what GLAAD demands

I can’t imagine what gays and lesbians would demand of us while we are on our knees…

Or, if I could, I suppose it wouldn’t be all that bad…

I mean, assuming they bathe regularly and stuff…


I mean, assuming they bathe regularly and stuff…

Oh piffle. We bathe FABULOUSLY.


Pupienus Maximus said,
November 20, 2012 at 21:33

No one could have predicted!

WTF is it with these whiners continually getting away with accusing the government of interfering with religion while demanding just that! As far as I know*, no national media presence has ever pointed out that the government is not claiming the right to force a church to marry anyone, but their insistence on legally defining marriage as “one man and one woman” (at a time) and preventing the issuance of marriage licenses to same-sex couples is preventing some churches from performing marriages they otherwise would?

*I don’t watch TV news, haven’t since St. Ronnie’s time.


Stay classy Fox News.

Not just Fox – check out the comment thread – and at MMfA for IPU’s sake. It’s like brains shut down when you have to think about the transgendered.

Post clearly indicates, with supporting links, that the procedure is recognized as part of a treatment for gender dysphoria – and yet here are these folks railing against “cosmetic” surgery being paid for by the state. And how folks in prison probably have better health care then folks outside of prison.

Item – you deprive someone of their freedom, their care is in your hands.
Item – the electrolysis treatments were previously recognized as medically necessary and were being provided. Corrections just decided unilaterally to cut her off while appealing the decision to continue her hormone therapy.
Item – re: better healthcare in prison, it’s Massachusetts – I would have thought that after the Romney destroying election, commenters at MMfA would recognize that Massachusetts has near universal health care coverage.
Item – if you believed that health care for the general population is weaker than what convicted inmates get – maybe that says more about how the general populace is treated than about the corrections system.
Item – at Media Matters.


Not just Fox – check out the comment thread – and at MMfA for IPU’s sake. It’s like brains shut down when you have to think about the transgendered.

I read MMFA in an RSS feed so I don’t see the comments.

I wish I was surprised, but sadly, no.


All agreey and stuff with Marvin and Pryme, et al. As recently as when Maddow was co-hosting an evening show on Air Amerika, she wore her hair long, and it looked great on her…

Looked but could not find a photo of her taken then. But I did find this. IBIMB.


Mind-bogglingly cute either way.


Six of the most annoying words in the English language:

“Am I allowed to say that?”

Here’s a hint: If you have to ask yourself, or anyone else, that question, you’re probably better off not saying it.

I’m busy and can’t peruse the thread so AHEM me if you must, but I wonder what this guy thinks about all those “well they call each other nigger” guys on his side of the political spectrum.


I am just boggled by what people consider “cosmetic” surgery. Why can’t she just shave? FFS, shaving is a daily reminder that her physical body does not match her identity. It is a regular ritual whereby she is forced to acknowledge something that she thinks is fundamentally wrong with her. It’s like forcing anorexics to stand on a scale every day, only the scale is rigged to read 50% high. And these are the supposed progressives. Fuck.


It is a regular ritual whereby she is forced to acknowledge something that she thinks is fundamentally wrong with her.

God shaving sucks.


God shaving sucks.

It does too.


God is incredibly hard to shave.


Seriously though, how much does electrolysis cost? And how much does it cost to have the Department of Corrections fight court rulings to provide legally mandated care?


Jesus shaves.


And now the Sadlies will wax poetic with their puns.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

…and Datsuk scores on the rebound!


And Cthulhu saves … in case he’s hungry later.


And now the Sadlies will wax poetic with their puns.

Just in the nick of time!


I can’t believe that puns aren’t unwanted hair.


Jesus shaves.

Moses uses Nair.


YHWH does not shave. I believe he waxes his back, however.


Apparently, the regressives are still looking for a way to install their sociopath into the Oval Office.

See. Because it’s not about democracy. It never was. It’s about lust for power, spiked with bigotry and intolerance.

Fortunately for us, they’re still self-deluded.


God shaving sucks.

I wouldn’t mind having Naomie Harris give me a shave like in Skyfall.


Jesus shaves.

El Manq wins.

This would look terrific painted on a barn in SW Missouri. Or even better as the last sign in a Burma-Shave fence-post limerick or sumpin’. (Really young sadlies and/or furrin’ Sadlies might need to googalize Burma-Shave…)


Shhh!!! I haven’t seen Skyfall yet. I went to the theatre last week, but my OCD flared up really badly and I had to leave during the opening scene (which has never happened to me before, and I hope never happens again). I’m hoping to try again on Thursday or Friday.


Apparently, the regressives are still looking for a way to install their sociopath into the Oval Office.

I love how it turned out that the entire premise of the article was false, but they just put a disclaimer on it instead of pulling the whole thing.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Per bighunter’s link:
” Editor’s note, Nov. 20, 2012: Since this column was posted it has been discovered that the premise presented about the Electoral College and the Constitution is in error.”
This should be the preface for any wingnut post.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

FY fone.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

I always could clear a room.
I still got it!


my OCD flared up really badly and I had to leave

[Warning: Fenwickian question barrage ahead.]

Spear: Was there some ‘trigger’ in the movie theater environment….or in previews or Skyfall opening scene? Also how long have you had OCD? When and how did you become aware of it. Are there particular triggers or particular ‘behaviors’ when you have an onset? Are there medications that help you?

None of my beeswax, o’ course. Don’t mean to be instrusive. (Now I’m gonna googelize “R’lyeh”….)

((My curiosity stems from having a niece with OCD. She successfully concealed it until she got to college … then the OCD really went to town on her. She’s much, much better now: She’s a professor of evolutionary biology at the University of Alabama (ZOMG !!!); her husband is an astrophysicist specializing in exo-planets.))


Was there some ‘trigger’ in the movie theater environment….or in previews or Skyfall opening scene?

Not sure what caused this attack. It might have been a combination of me being tired, the theatre being crowded, and having to wait in line before getting in.

Also how long have you had OCD? When and how did you become aware of it.

It hit me all of a sudden about five years ago, though I didn’t know what I had until about two years ago.

Are there particular triggers or particular ‘behaviors’ when you have an onset?

Yes, but it’s not something I’m comfortable talking about. Here’s comedian Maria Bamford talking about the type of OCD I have. very funny.

Are there medications that help you?

I’m on a few that are helping with some things, but it’s pretty limited and the doctor is still trying things out.

Now I’m gonna googelize “R’lyeh”….

It’s from Lovecraft. It’s the sunken city where Cthulhu sleeps…and waits.


Spear: I’m parading my ignorance and the limitations of my reading. I’m embarrassed to admit that I’ve never read any Lovecraft. (Whatever I’ve learned was from BBBB linking to Wiki during some long-ago thread.)

The last fiction I read was Man’s Fate ‘[La Condition Humaine’] by Andre Malraux. Hadn’t read it in 40 years. I enjoy re-reading books.

The last book


I blame WP for the premature and fragmentary post !!!!

The last book I read was The Late Byzantine Army: Arms and Society 1204–1453. (I’m going to graft some Byzantine practices onto the Gondorian military system….)


FY fone.

No worries.


Let’s see…the line to have sex with Rachel Maddow forms right here (behind me) and the line to have sex with Philip Morris is right over there.

No, I said right THERE. I’m sorry, but some of you are going to have to get into Mr Morris’ line.

How about if we put him in a bellboy’s outfit and make him walk around announcing a call for himself?


On the night of the election, my young daughter after watching the victory party at Obama’s HQ and the humiliation-fest at Romney HQ said, “Overall, the Democrats are a lot better-looking, present company not-withstanding.” Little snot. How did she even LEARN a word like “notwithstanding”?


…And a chastened nation looks to LeBron James and says “Okay, we get it now.”

the prince of death


Mark Newman at University of Michigan always does the bestest maps!

This is your election result.

This is your election result on acid.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

Rachel Maddow and Diana Rigg are the only women I ever thought I could go straight for. And with Rachel it wouldn’t even fucking matter. Anyway, I wouldn’t fuck Phillip Morris with my worst enemy’s dick. With a 12″ ion powered ice augur, maybe.


Oh, Pup, you’re reminding me of that old joke: A gay man appreciatively watches a sexy woman pass him on the sidewalk, turns to his friend and remarks, “You know, every once in a while I wish I were a lesbian.”


How about if we put him in a bellboy’s outfit and make him walk around announcing a call for himself?

Special kudos to the Pope for this obscure reference. Took me back to the the earliest black-and-white tee-vee shows of my childhood.


How did she even LEARN a word like “notwithstanding”?

I can only suppose she is acquainted with some pompous git.

I remember the Doktorling Sonja responding to a question by telling me “Daddy, you don’t have a need-to-know for that.”


bighunter: Thanx muchly for the maps link !


On the night of the election, my young daughter after watching the victory party at Obama’s HQ and the humiliation-fest at Romney HQ said, “Overall, the Democrats are a lot better-looking, present company not-withstanding.”

Young and happy beats old and pissed off any day.

As for your daughter, kudos on her vocabulary if not her snottiness. Until my senior year in HS I thought it was nonwithstanding. (Why do I remember shit like that and forget what I’m supposed to get at the grocery store?)


OK Dr. Pupi, I baked some bacon today. It was quite good, although some of it fused w/ the tray in my Kenner E-Z Bake Oven, & baking takes much longer than two mins. in the microwave. So I went to get some parchment paper, but right there on the box it sez “not in a toaster oven.” Probably don’t need to bake it as long as suggested on the pkg.


Baking the bacon? (Sounds good.)

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

I dunno ’bout parchymentous paper in a nukerizer. To be honest (fuck you – I do it now and then ) bacon in the meecrowave I have nothing agin. Don’t do it muhseff no more but from memory it ain’t nothing bad. Jowel bacon, lardons, that kind a shit I don’t think is amenable to the Klysytron method but for store bought slice bacon, fuckit, there’s no culinary high ground to be had.


Baked bacon must certainly be called “bakon”, mustn’t it?


I did get better results from baking than ‘waving. Nuking I just use paper towels.


If Maddow is a guy, then I’m queer for him. Whatever, s/he’s a fox.


I also have to weigh in as a straight man. I’d do Rachel Maddow in a New York Minute (but it would last longer, I swear — I’m on medication!). I find her attractive, physically, but more than that, she seems the smartest, least-assuming, most-humble genius possible.


No, I said right THERE. I’m sorry, but some of you are going to have to get into Mr Morris’ line.

Cake or death!

“Cake please.”

We’re all out of cake.

“Well, ‘or death’ isn’t much of a choice now, is it?”


Also too: pedant alert – Cthulhu is not sleeping. He lies “dead but dreaming” beneath the waves.

Personally, I think he’s responsible for what happened to Easter Island.


Baked bacon must certainly be called “bakon”, mustn’t it?

Actually, vegetable food product what was chemically f’ed-over to taste remotely like bacon was called “bakon”, back in the day when my Summer job was in a spice-warehouse. (In the New York area, we had enough pious Jews who wanted a taste of bacon to make this product viable.) As I recall, every “bakon bit” had enough trans fats to choke a horse.


Everything you need to know about Cleveland:


the line to have sex with Rachel Maddow forms right here

Where is the line to have Ms Maddow as second author on a paper? AFAF.


“Why Do Fags Get All The Breaks?”

If they do, it’s because they are often “on the ball.”

You light a fire under somebody’s ass, a portion will step up. These include fags.

Being different can help you to both recognize and take advantage of difference. Difference provides the distance that allows for a critical stance, and heightens your ability to look at yourself. Before you know it, you have a helpful perspective on employment, or the arts, or relationships.


“You know, every once in a while I wish I were a lesbian.”

I don’t get it.


I mean, that’s LOGICAL.


(In the New York area, we had enough pious Jews who wanted a taste of bacon to make this product viable.) As I recall, every “bakon bit” had enough trans fats to choke a horse.

The power of social pressure certainly is incredible.

Exford pedant legs

[S]he told the Manchester Guardian, a national British newspaper:

Wait a.. Hang on.. No. Yes, it’s called The Guardian, and has been for years. Not the ‘Manchester Guardian’. The Guardian is printed in both London and Manchester. There is an evening edition which is distributed from Manchester, which differs from London’s evening edition, but it is still called ‘The Guardian’ and certainly does not have national distribution.

‘…I’m not a TV anchor babe…’

Ms Maddow, I’m afraid I cannot agree with you on that point.


Although I used parchment paper and an artesian (Smyt bait) bacon-like meat (house cured guanciale, mmm) in the ante-holiday cooking marathon yesterday I hardly know anything about micro-ondas except that they are a great way to cook artichokes.

As Pupi notes correctly there is no culinary high ground re: water soaked grocery store bacon. I’ve been playing with Italian bacons, pancetta and guanciale, dry cured and aged, not smoked or imbued with applewood brand imitation smoke components (appalled shiver). They weigh roughly 60% of what the meat weighed before treatment, whereas store bacon can register 110% with all the extra fluid. Selling water at meat prices is what the industry is all about. Hence microwaves work for store bacon because you’re mostly cooking out the water and getting low temperature browning from sugar.

I used rendered guanciale fat for my hyper-treif chopped liver (clients like to call it paté but it’s chopped liver) and parchment paper for the layers of the Boston cream pies. I can’t solve for n where n= “the number of Boston cream pies that are too many” but significant anecdata tells me that n =/= 2.



We’re all out of cake.

The cake is a lie.


“As Cleveland rots into a burnt-out shell of a former industrial city, it is not surprising that the people still left in Cleveland aren’t the smartest folks on the block. After all, if they were smart enough to find a local U-Haul agency, they would have packed up their stuff and driven somewhere, anywhere, else long ago.”

A lot of tolerance, intelligence, and good judgment in that. As the saying seems to go these days: “Wow. Just Wow.” A guy says something pretty questionable and you take down an entire city. Generalize much?

The same for several other jerks on this comment thread


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: they are Batman villains.


We’re totally evil, granted, but most of what goes on around here is just good natured ribbing.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

I once had a packet, the origin of which I no longer recall, I would occasionally retrieve from my desk just to get a chuckle. It was labeled – and I’m totally serious here – Genuine Gourmet Imitation Bacon Flavor Bits. The reason I no longer have it is not because I ate them. I assure you.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

If i might be so presumptuous to speak for Tintin, bite me, “Lee Baker”


We’re totally evil, granted, but most of what goes on around here is just good natured tribbing.

Fixxored for all the lesbians.


OT, they’re still filing birther lawsuits.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

That “natural born citizen” thing again? LISSENUP birthers, Obama was NOT born Caesarian, there’s PROOF!


OT, they’re still filing birther lawsuits.

That Paige fella seems to lack reasoning skills (for starters). The article said he’d assembled documents from the time of the Constitution that showed “natural born citizen” to be defined as someone born to American citizens.

Those “documents from the time of the Constitution” were probably typed. Or maybe soaked in tea (at last! a possible use for their decorations!).


That “natural born citizen” thing again?

That’s different from Freeborn Man right?


Lee Baker: I partially agree with you. I sorta made a mild objection to the characterization of Cleveland back at 18:05.

I think, however, most of the ‘snarky digs at Cleveland were little more than humorous hyperbole. (There’s a LOT of that in Sadlyville….one of the many reasons I enjoy Sadly No!.)

Sometimes there are some infuriating ‘jerk-like’ or provacative comments made during heated political discussion. (I’ve certainly been guilty of that!) But there’s no regular commentator that I would characterize a genuine jerk-person.

Sadlies often enjoy rhetorically kicking the shit out of right-wing trolls. Perhaps Pup has his Troll Detector set at a narrower bandwith than me.

I don’t recognize your nym, Lee, but I encourage you to drop by Sadlyville often and/or lurk. I lurked for about three years before I finally stepped out of the shadows.


We’re totally evil, granted, but most of what goes on around here is just good natured tribbling.

Fixxored for all the lesbians.

Fixxorated for all the Trekkies.



[Warning: Question barrage below. Actually, it would be intriguing to me, to broaden this for all of Sadlytown, especially the

What newspapers / sites / channels do you prefer for reporting, analysis, and opinion of local and/or natiional news, such as elections? International news? What do you check FIRST? (*)


In the interest of full disclosure I stole the “totally evil” quote from here:

MST3K Morrissey Tupperware


From the Vermont birther article: “Paige ran for the Republican U.S. Senate nomination but lost to John MacGovern by a 3-1 margin in an Aug. 28 primary. MacGovern lost by a similar margin to Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., on Nov. 6.”

If there’s anything more depressing than being a Republican in Vermont it would be being the least popular Republican in Vermont.


FYWP with a rusty harpoon. That’s the second time that’s happened in this thread. Anyway here’s the rest of it…

(*) I know many Sadlies are intensely into news and politics and check multiple information sources several times every day. What are your meat-and-potatoes go-to sources for news / opinion?

I’m particularly interested in non-US Sadlies, e.g., Suezboo, DKW, Kiwi, anyone else who is a citizen of a Not-Batshit-Crazy country.


Or a country with with a parliamentary system of government. Oh, wait. That’s very similar to ‘Not-Batshit-Crazy’ country, isn’t it? Never mind.


What are your meat-and-potatoes go-to sources for news / opinion?

I like the BBC and NPR. I also like the Financial Times and The Economist. Even though they’re right-of-center they’re at least well written.


My theory on news is consume them all. Get an RSS reader and load it up. You can sort out what spin is on your own, especially if you have other sources to compare with.


“with with” Sometimes the keys stutter when I’m keying fast.

((Useless autobiography: When I was preschool / early grade-school, I had a mild but noticable stutter and got teased about it. I worked hard to overcome it: champion HS debator, radio announcer, principal briefer during military service. I still have rare and mild echoes of the stutter when I’m in animated face-to-face conversation, usually in enthusiasm, more rarely in argument. So keying “with with” is oddly similar to my real-world speech at times. Do you think Fenwick is muchly stoned? In any event, I’m a ramblin’ kind of guy, that’s for sure!))


My theory on news is consume them all


“PALIN: Um, all of ’em, any of ’em that, um, have, have been in front of me over all these years.”

Subby goes rogue!


I notice Substance’s recommendation pretty much guarantees you’ll be reading most, if not all, your news. I think this is important, as I suspect (I are not a neuroscientist nor anything beginning with “psy”) you get more critical thinking when you have to process information by reading it than if it goes straight in via images. Probably another reason TPTB are agin edumacation and fer “news” on the teevee.


One of the sadder things about my collection of RSS feeds is that some kind person on the internet bundled a few hundred feeds for UK papers which let me grab them all and make my recommendation a real fucking trial.


Kinda related to the “read ’em all, you’ll at least be able to spot bias:”

Back in 2000, the NYT had discovered remote printing and offered subscriptions US-wide. Dad took them up on it, and had the NYT delivered as well as the Austin American-Statesman. SonI was visiting Christmas 2000, and we were reading both papers at breakfast. I noticed both papers had the same story, something about Clinton and Bush the Elder. The Austin paper had made a number of edits that subtly changed the story, and more blatantly, had changed every reference to President Clinton (he was still Prez, remember) to “Clinton” and every reference to (former Prez) GHW Bush to “President Bush.” My big regret is that I didn’t cut both articles out to save them, but no one else in the family was up yet, and fair play dictated they should at least have a chance at the paper before I cut it up.


Fenwick, on the telly, I watch the local independent channel, ETV, because the official channel SABC is owned and totally overseen by the Govt. Also, Al Jazeera.
On the web, local news – Daily Maverick; when I want to know what everyone is talking about on the US left blogosphere where I hang out, I go first to Huffpost which is a hard thing to admit but sometimes one needs headlines like Obama Won !! and other hard news to follow the conversation.
A local magazine, Noseweek, is good for ferreting out the facts about corruption and scandals.
I like the BBC and the Economist and Counterpunch but you said first place.


I get my news from Feed Dump. There may be better sources for news, but they don’t have this hat.


Really young sadlies and/or furrin’ Sadlies might need to googalize Burma-Shave…

That’s because they call it Myanmar Shave now.


I have dialed my news / politics intake way, way, way back…in a deliberate–and so far successful–effort to lower the stress in my life. I seldom drill into a story as deeply as I used to, or track it closely. So this represents my current sources of political news and opinion

International: BBC, Al Jazeera, CNN
(Perhaps once weekly, unless something is poppin’ that interests me.)

I now get my national ‘news’ from multiple lefty sites, which I check several times a day: S,N!, firedoglake, TPM, ThinkProgress, Kos(*), as pointers into US news stories that interest me; I follow links into them

Yup, that’s correct: SN is now one of my main pointers into national news, especially political; I leave the SN window open all the time, and ketchup the thread periodically, more frequently than I check the other ‘pointer’ souces for political news. I use a second window for routine scroll-through checks of other pointer sources: FDL, TPM, ThinkProgress, Kos(*).

(*) Mostly I go to Kos for news links … and regular features such as cartoons; daily sampling of editorals and opinion writers; poll-O-the-day; science links, and so forth. (Btw, Major, I enjoyed both of your diaries, …especially the closing joke.)

Warning: A typically windy Fenwickian digression about Kos approaches. Grab the children and escape while you can!

Also, too, and moreover, can anybody explain why Kos uses the term ‘diaries’?

The first image that comes to my mind: MS / HS girls writing about boys, schoolmates, and parents…in book with a heart-shaped ‘lock’. That is an archaic, pre-electronic image, of course. ((Remember ol’ Fenwick lived when dinosaurs roamed the earth. And he is also an inept and/or stubborn and/or stoopit Luddite who is hopelessly out of touch with technology in general, most especially computers and suchlike. Evidence: Fenwick has never owned a notebook computer, cell phone, iPhone, iPad, any mobile wireless devices, cable TV, universal remotes, and so forth and so on.))

Anyway, the Diary Episode–lost by the keeper and/or secretly peeked-at by someone else–was a staple, even iconic, sit-com convention. I suppose the cliche is now formed of e-mail mix-ups and social media gaffes. As I understand it, such storylines appear in Disney juvenile sit-coms, e.g. the former Miley Cyrus and similar (“Hurry, hurry, grow up into coolness, conformity, and consumerism.”)

The second image that pops into my mind: ‘Diary’ as a meticulous, daily journal–now there’s a word–kept by an explorer or soldier or historical figure during an expedition, a war, a lifetime. Because the entries are written contemporaneously with events, such diaries often have special value to historians. [Example: Caulincourt’s diary of Napoleon’s 1812 campaign.]

Anyway, I think ‘diary’ is poorly chosen as an ‘umbrella’ word for so many types of writing. Not that it much matters.


There is one major difference between Kos and my other ‘pointer’ sources. Guerrila Voters Cadre 18 is in completely hostile territory. Nowhere is the bipolar (heh) US versusTHEM political mentality so strident and openly evident on the lefty blogosphere (imo). One aspect of visiting the Great Orange Satan that is doing stealthy recon work and observation behind the lines in enemy territory.

During the 2012 cycle, I was sometimes struck laughter at the contortions of Kos O-bots and Tribal Democrats to absolutely defend or excuse Obama and the performance of the Congressional Democrats. Anyhow I learned how to cope: Whenever the giggles first appear, I exfiltrate from Kos promptly, before the loud and scornful laughter

‘Kay, end-O-digression. Thanx fer your patience while Old Fenwick rants harmlessly about the Democrats…about the creaky, nearly paralyzed Rube Goldberg structure of the US government….and political landscape monopolized by both wings of the Corporate Party. It really is a bipolar domestic political system, alternating between depressiion and manic episodes. However, the DEEPER problem with the US political system isn’t a mood disorder at all. It’s a thought disorder.

Ya know, I think now is a good time to break off from Sadlyburg and run a scroll-through check of the other leftie ‘pointer’ sources I use. I usually start with Kos (top of my bookmark list)…….

((I’ll wander off after I ketchup the SN thread. Windy digressions consume some writing time; I want to see if anything recent has been poppin’ at SN before I exit.))


you get more critical thinking when you have to process information by reading it than if it goes straight in via images.

I suppose that’s mostly true for me, VCarl. Nevertheless, I did / do a kind of critical thinking (and analytic thinking) based on images, most particularly maps and ground plans. Even more so, when Image-based shorthand is added, e.g. military-symbol system. Or the color-coded electronic ‘tags’ used on on air-traffic control screens. Critical thinking is important to maintaining separation between aircraft in a real-time three-dimensional context. Which is a logical segue to…

I’ll bet the Major processes much of the key flying-information via images, e.g., cockpit radar. Also target-imaging devices when he flew B-52s. Also Air Nav Charts.

Lots of critical-thinking (and decision-making) can occur in an image-intensive profession.

Also, some people learn and process better through images. I’m a mostly text-based learner about complex things; much easier for me to fit into–and retain within–long-term memory.



Sorry, when I said images I was being lazy. I meant images in the sense of “here’s a picture with all the triggers our ape brains process and respond directly to,” not “here are short-hand symbols like maps and charts.” And yes, I’m very text-based and tend to forget not everyone else is.


Wrong again, libruls! The ‘gay tax’ is analogous to the ‘kosher tax: manufacturers of certain products pay a master of gay to certify that the their products (musicals, lube, the media, the banks…the task of filling up the blanks I’d gladly leave to you) are ‘gay enough’…and we good normal people have to pay for that.


(comments are closed)