More Deep Thinking

ABOVE: Trevor Thomas

Shorter Trevor Thomas, The American Genius
The Dumbest Word in the English Language

  • I am sick of liberals claiming that conservatives discriminate against homos when my dictionary clearly proves that this cannot be the case.

A favorite wingnut trick is to appeal to a dictionary as the ultimate arbiter of a moral argument. You know, as when they say, gay marriage is wrong because some dust-encrusted dictionary from the 1930s defines marriage as a legal or religious union of “a man and a woman.” Following that line of argument, of course, they could easily establish once and for all that Jesus is the sole path to salvation by looking him up in the dictionary where it clearly states he is the Son of God. Oops. Wait. Never mind.

Anyway, back to the dictionary and the other amazing things that can be found therein. According to Trevor Thomas (you remember him), dictionaries don’t simply define words but can answer many other questions, such as whether conservatives discriminate against gay people. Trevor is sick and tired of the homos getting all whiney about how they are mistreated and he is going to throw his dictionary at them to prove that discrimination is simply a figment of their sex-obsessed imaginations.

Trevor’s starting point for this fascinating exercise was Frank Rich calling the Mormon Church homophobic.

Merriam-Webster defines [homophobia] as “irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals.” … almost exclusively those labeled as “homophobe” have a biblical conviction against homosexual behavior, and nothing more. They have no “irrational fear” of homosexuals, or a “dread of being in close quarters” with them.  A friend, language expert, and fellow Christian, Dr. Danny Evans, notes that the common use of homophobe is a “completely erroneous use of the word. Most of us know that a phobia is a fear of certain things or situations. It’s interesting that those who oppose homosexuality are categorized as ‘homophobic,’ especially since fear has nothing to do with the opposition to homosexuality. From a Christian viewpoint, homosexuality is not feared, but rather opposed based on the biblical explanation of it.

What I love about the writing stable at the American “Thinker” is that most of them appear to be so stupid that they can’t even find their way between their own bathrooms and kitchens without leaving a trail of breadcrumbs. Notice that whip-smart Trevor apparently doesn’t read his own fricking definition of homophobia which includes, duh, “discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals,” which kind of makes his argument that Christians aren’t homophobic because they are scared of guys pretty ridiculous.

But, okay, let’s ignore that teensy problem that the definition he cites as proof that folks aren’t homophobic doesn’t support his argument. Let’s ignore that definition completely and consider whether “phobia” only means, as “language expert” Dr. Danny Evans says, fear of something and whether therefore people who hate gays but don’t pee in their pants when they see gay people aren’t really homophobic. The problem here is that everyone knows that there is a use of phobia and phobic in words unrelated to the clinical sense of a mental disorder exhibiting itself by irrational fear. There are plenty of uses of those suffixes to indicate simple dislike, such as, for example, xenophobia, anglophobia, francophobia, etc., etc. So much for Dr. Danny’s language expertise.

Of course, we can alway sidestep this silly argumentum ad dictionarium by simply calling Trevor and his ilk bigots. Game over. Now shove your dictionary up your ass, bigot.


Comments: 307


Hydrophobia: merely a reluctance to bathe.


Lobophobia: fear of the left-brained.


Mangiferaphobia: Fear of getting off the boat. (Also a useful survival skill)

Helmut Monotreme

I would think Lobophobia would be a fear of wolves.

Pupienus Maximus

Phobophobia: fear of being afraid.


I would think Lobophobia would be a fear of wolves.

That’s what the left-brained want you to think!


I would think Lobophobia would be a fear of wolves.

I thought it was the fear of the song La Bamba.


Phobopobia, ver 2: fear of being urinated on by a homeless person.

Pupienus Maximus

phobophobiaphobia: fear of being afraid of phobics


Lobophobia could also be fear of useless, badly-written cmic-book characters.

Pupienus Maximus

phobophobiaphobophobia: gfear of beibng afraid of phobophobics.

Buffal buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.


I hear “Hooked on Phobics” is popular in elementary school.

Helmut Monotreme

Is Bobophobia the fear of David Brooks?

Pupienus Maximus

Bagoas is desperate for attention and making it hard for me to type on my iPad.

Helmut Monotreme


fear of people who are afraid of jazz played by yo-yo wielding, mecha David Brooks

Pupienus Maximus

PSA: photophobia is not fear of being photographed nor fear of photographs.


Do we think oil is hydrophobic because it hates and fears water? Or, does it have a Biblical antipathy toward water? Because now I am so very sad for oil, and I hope it gets some help.


Autocoulrophobia is the fear of being a clown.

Helmut Monotreme


fear of chocolate frozen yogurt being eaten by dancers in clown makeup illuminated by artisticly patterned theater lighting effects


D’ohbophobia – fear of being around Homer when one of his schemes goes horribly awry.


scriberelogicaphobia: The fear of writing a coherent argument and losing your wingnut welfare.

Helmut Monotreme


Fear of being languidly hailed by a fraternity member in a japanese car


PSA: photophobia is not fear of being photographed nor fear of photographs.

Of course not, it’s the fear of photon torpedoes. It is very predominant in the Klingon population.


Most of us know that a phobia is a fear of certain things or situations.

The “language expert” apparently neglected the helpfully included dictionary definition. Most of us know what is meant by “homophobe” and most of us, on reading the dictionary definition know what “aversion” means, too.


In his defense, the Alchemist (who is very much out of the closet) from “The Venture Bros.” supports the theory that the dictionary definition are more reliable then modern interpretations/re-interpretations of words.

What I’m saying is the only person who agrees Trevor Thomas happens to be a gay cartoon character.

Spengler Dampniche

I recall Phoebephobia is a fear of Fast Times at Ridgemont High, but I’m not 100% certain of this.


Why are they bothered by being called “homophobes”?

Based on the crowds at Chick-fil-hAte yesterday, they seem pretty darn proud of their bigotry, as if making Jesus look like a dick will get them extra points in Heaven.


Most of us know that a phobia is a fear of certain things or situations.

Some of us know that it is a Vietnamese beer with a soup-like perfume of anise and cinnamon.



Fear of Vietnamese soup.


fear of Fast Times at Ridgemont High

This cannot exist, especially that one scene. knowwhatimsayin


Fear of Vietnamese soup.

The Major prolly sees a lot of this in his passengers. They’re chicken of chicken soup.


That chickens are chicken of chicken soup goes beyond tautology, it’s like a tetralogy.

Alexander von Humbug

Would fauxphophobia be fear of Vietnamese soup prepared by Laotians?

(Bonus: Can be sung to the tune of a Phil Collins song!)


Some of us know that it is a Vietnamese beer with a soup-like perfume of anise and cinnamon.

Ah, El Manquécito has been to the same bars in Hanoi.


Vietnamese soup

That’s pronounced “fuh”, you phoking idiots.

Helmut Monotreme

Why are they bothered by being called “homophobes”?

because only sissies are scared. Manly men hate.



The fear of eating at fast food restaurants that donate to hate groups.


The fear of homosexuals who are afraid of homosexuals.


Ok, I’ll try to get it right but I still think hum-uh-fuhbs sounds weird.


This is one of the most annoying things homophobes ever say. Maybe the most. It’s just so goddamn dumb, since no one really thinks that every single word in the English language that comes from Latin or Greek roots must literally mean to what those roots meant in Latin or Greek.

Hemophilia isn’t a condition where someone is sexually attracted to blood, a salad isn’t just made from salt, and a homophobe isn’t someone with an irrational fear of sameness. I’d suggest Trevor look the word up in an American English dictionary, but then he did – and he transcribed the definition! – without taking it in at all.

The “so propagandized they live in another dimension” wingnuttery is scary, but the “so dumb they stare simple evidence of why they’re wrong right in the face” stuff is extremely aggravating.


If dictionaries are good, then good ones are better, but the most thorough ones are of no help to conservatives. As noted yesterday, they like a reductionist view of just about anything. It follows that they’d find a good long dive into etymology as hurtful as a pool of razors.

Now, nobody uses “ergophobia” (fear of work), but the views of its coiner look startlingly familiar …

“Mr. W.D. Spanton (Leeds) considered that the most prominent causes of physical degeneration were–efforts to rear premature and diseased infants, absurd educational high pressure, cigarette smoking in the younger generation, and late hours at night; in fact, the love of pleasure and ergophobia in all classes of society. He considered that there was too much cheap philanthropy, that life was made too easy for the young poor, and that by modern educational methods proper parental discipline was rendered almost impossible. [report on the 73rd annual meeting of the British Medical Association, “Nature,” Aug. 3, 1905]”

The same source shitcans the term coulrophobia (morbid fear of clowns): “The whole creation looks suspiciously like the sort of thing idle pseudo-intellectuals invent on the Internet and which every smarty-pants takes up thereafter;” — “though the phenomenon is real enough.”


The same source shitcans the term coulrophobia (morbid fear of clowns)

I say it’s not a phobia because clowns really are scary.


As they say, major, the phenomenon is real enough, but the term seems fishy.

Helmut Monotreme

The same source shitcans the term coulrophobia (morbid fear of clowns): “The whole creation looks suspiciously like the sort of thing idle pseudo-intellectuals invent on the Internet and which every smarty-pants takes up thereafter;” — “though the phenomenon is real enough.”

Anyone who has heard of John Wayne Gacy, who has read IT by Stephen King or been exposed to the so called music of the Insane Clown Posse, has no need to justify their coulrophobia or the existence of the term, despite what your clearly sheltered author says.


Whaddaya know, people who married a second time were once notable enough that you’d call them “digamists.”


tigris is right, if you pronounce it fuh-bia it makes it sound like something WF Buckley would do with squirrel suits. Can’t be right.


I am afraid of clowns, and I’d settle on “clownophobe” sooner than that caulro- nonsense.

Helmut Monotreme

I’d keep ten words as dumb as ‘caulrophobia’, if we could lose ‘webinar’. ‘Blog’ is another one I’d dump in heartbeat.


I am afraid of clowns, and I’d settle on “clownophobe” sooner than that caulro- nonsense.



This is the dumbest argument about a “homo-” word since William Safire contended that lesbians shouldn’t call themselves homosexuals since the prefix “homo-” means “man.”

In Latin, it does. In Greek, it means “same,” as in “same sex.” Safire at least corrected himself in his next column; today’s goofs would just scrub it from their websites and pretend it didn’t happen.


Bozophobia, yes. The coining of words should be left to the likes of you, sir. Shame on those others.



for some reason this makes me think of ann coulter…which gives me a sadz…but then it also reminds me of a cauldron and i picture her in one…over roaring flames…and then i feel better!


as if making Jesus look like a dick will get them extra points in Heaven.



as if making Jesus look like a dick will get them extra points in Heaven.


I expected this


hydroxphobia == fear of fauxreos


I expected this
Or even.


Thomas has all growed up since his E.T. days…all those Reeces Pieces, I suppose.

(C’mon…they MUST be related–just look at the guy)


I would think Lobophobia would be a fear of wolves Claude Akins.


If I were a bigoted POS like this guy, I’d embrace the term homophobia. Phobia sort of implies that the fear is irrational, yet it exists and is very real. If they aren’t homophobic, they’re just bigoted fucking assholes, which I believe to be the case anyway. I’ve never really liked the term homophobic. It feels like we’re going way too easy on them when we use it. It’s sort of like calling racists ignorant. In 2012, nobody is ignorant about race anymore. They choose to be asshole hatemongers and fucking know better. They do it because they’re just shitty people.


The Smiler strikes again. Watch him interact with this young man who relies on medical marijuana. What. a. titanic. douche. Now, of course Romney’s interlocutors are being manipulative — in a common manner that he should be able to deal with graciously. Dare I say like Obama would, although Obama’s policies deserve a similar gotcha.

All Romney is feeling there is stuff like annoyance, suppressed rage at being put on the spot, etc. It’s all about him … If his views (not just re: marijuana) are defensible, if his policies are humane, why is he so fucking uncomfortable? He’s not even a good liar, just a dogged one. Not shameless, but pained. So quit, asshole.


although Obama’s policies deserve a similar gotcha

9/11 changed everything. Pot will make you eat your children.


Romneybot thought that offering a barista his unfinished hot chocolate was being generous? So, if a barista offered him her unfinished hot chocolate he’d think she was being generous, right? What a dreadful robot this man is.


Or even.

He could definitely throw that o’er his shoulder like a continental soldier.


Romneybot thought that offering a barista his unfinished hot chocolate was being generous? So, if a barista offered him her unfinished hot chocolate he’d think she was being generous, right?

You’ve nailed it with this question.


If his views (not just re: marijuana) are defensible, if his policies are humane, why is he so fucking uncomfortable?

When the guy kept asking him “Are you going to arrest me?” Romney could have just shrugged and said, “No, because I’m not a police officer. But if you do get arrested, and you wanted my help, you’d have to apply for a pardon like anyone else.”


Romneybot thought that offering a barista his unfinished hot chocolate was being generous?

Oh, LIZARD SHIT!!! I thought you had to be making that up.

This guy is channeling the spirit of Thomas Dewey. There’s no other explanation for it.


I had not heard the hot chocolate thing. Holy crap, what a fucking freak he is.


I couldn’t make that up if I tried. It boggles. It floors. It gobsmacks. It does not compute. Where does this fucking robot get off? It occurred to me this morning that Romneybot should fire his staff and replace them with actual clowns for all the good they do him. This man seems incapable of learning. It’s hard to believe that someone claiming to be such a great businessman can’t hire worth shit. Perhaps the bot cannot learn from anyone. What a catastrophe it would be for him to be in the White House.



This is the dumbest argument about a “homo-” word since William Safire contended that lesbians shouldn’t call themselves homosexuals since the prefix “homo-” means “man.”

I imagine he avoided “homogenized” milk for years because of this error.


as if making Jesus look like a dick will get them extra points in Heaven.


I expected this

Or even.

Or even.


This man seems incapable of learning.

Part of being an aristocrat* is knowing that the serfs will accomodate you, so you don’t need to learn about them.

*As opposed to being an Aristocrat, which involves more wild sex and drugs.


Well, it was a tough decision, with the Bachmann Terror Overhype reunion tour going full bore, but today I decided to spend my entertainment dollars on Jethro Tull tickets. I’m confident I made the right choice.



Mitt has said this about polygamy: “I must admit, I can’t imagine anything more awful than polygamy.” This is a failure of imagination. I can, in a split second, imagine lots of things more awful than polygamy. One, two, three, go! The Holocaust, guzzling a bucket of pus, a baboon fucking a human baby. I could quite easily go on but shall not.

Coming from someone else, I can read this as a joke: “Take my wives. Please,” or something. It is genuinely odd, though. I take no truck with polygamy, but (at least as a man) it’s not hard to imagine it being good … just gloss over the bad stuff, like in any fantasy.


Romneybot thought that offering a barista his unfinished hot chocolate was being generous?

I’m as disdainful of Mitt as anyone, but this story, while certainly plausible, has no corroboration, so I’m willing to give the asshole a pass on it. I hate to sound like a concern troll, but we have enough douchery to hang on Willard as it is without some anecdotal douchery from years back.


Please avoid using “hot chocolate” and “asshole” in the same paragraph. Some of us are eating late dinners.


Romney is such an out-of-touch elitist he makes John Kerry look like Larry the Cable Guy.


What, does the thought of cocoa put you right off your trou de cul au jus?


I don’t drop trou for jus anyone.



Fear of a moon of Mars.



Fear of a moon of Mars.

Fear of Fear, a moon of Mars. Fiqqst.


Phosphobia: Fear of glowing in the dark.



Fear of movies made by Ed Wood.



Fear of a moon of Mars.

Fear of Fear, a moon of Mars. Fiqqst.

A fearful swoon, a Martian moon… ah, fuck, how will I make a palindrome out of this?


Mitt has said this about polygamy: “I must admit, I can’t imagine anything more awful than polygamy.”

The LDS is opposed to polygamy. The LDS has always been opposed to polygamy.



Fear of Saturday afternoon on the History Channel.


Fear of Fear, a moon of Mars. Fiqqst.

Well played, Mr. Beaumont.


“Game? This wasn’t meant to be a game!”


Famous Phobophobics of History:
#1. Franklin D. Roosevelt.


It occurs to me that all potential awfulness of polygamy is negotiable. Just invite the wives (or husbands, in the case of polyandry) to settle on what is to occur.

My pie-in-the-sky scenario assumes all parties would get an equal vote, though. Heh. I’m sure that’s been typical of polygamous settings …

Oh nevermind, it’s a terrific option for people to choose, as they do.


Famous Phobophobics of History:
#1. Franklin D. Roosevelt.

#2. Norman Rockwell.

#3. Ichabod Crane.


The fact is, you libs have it wrong as usual. Your candidate is aloofa nd entitled just like the character Thurston Howl the third from the television show of Gilliam’s Island. Our real patriot next president Republican is cleaver just like the professor and you know it.

The fact is, it’s always projection with you hopelessly trying to turn things around in your sad little minds.


Don’t try so hard, Guillermo Rupperto.






I would think Lobophobia would be a fear of wolves Claude Akins.

oh jesus christ that anybody even thought of this! i snorted so hard it hurt…


A fearful swoon, a Martian moon…

Doe, a deer, a female deer
Ray, a drop of golden sun!

hells littlest angel

“Homophobe” is a bit too dry a descriptive to me. I prefer, “people who don’t like guys who like to get naked together and suck each others’ swollen cocks until the jizz squirts out all over the place and then sigh and lie back and tongue-kiss each other and fall asleep in each others’ arms.”
You know, let’s be honest.


I probably forgot to mention my affection for drunkenness in the evenings.


I have to surmise that this was fully understood by all but Pennis,


Argh, I had this argument pulled on me. And what was worse was that I was using one of the items from the list of definitions they were pulling! Ugh. Apparently they completely missed the whole conjunction-junction thing.


Hardcore rules!
(Don’t be stupid!)
Hardcore rules!
(Don’t be a moron!)
Hardcore rules!
(Don’t be an asshole!)
Look it up in the dictionary!

—The Dogmatics


Are we not assholes? We are Sadlys.


Well, I probably am, in fact certainly so gven that I just wrote ‘probably’…but bbkf isn’t.


Flophobia: Fear of overly perky insurance mascots


Romney is such an out-of-touch elitist he makes John Kerry look like Larry the Cable Guy.

I’ve always thought of Rmoney as the Republican version of Kerry. Of course, one of them was smeared beyond recognition and the other lies like most people breathe.


Pomohomophotophobia: fear of a gay person’s deconstructing your personality by exposing it to the clear light of day.

‘Tim Kazurinsky, thou art avenged!’


bbkf is no asshole, but she is suspiciously pixelated.


Kerry also, for at least one moment in his life, did the right thing in public and memorably so. “How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?”

Helmut Monotreme


fear of an ancient queen of Palmyra


fear of homeless people who travel by train without paying



fear of an ancient queen of Palmyra


fear that a leather clad action heroine swings both ways

Helmut Monotreme


fear of short people carrying rings of ancient evil


Is it just me or does Gilliam’s Island sound AWESOME?



fear of bad haircuts



Fear of NCIS marathons

Helmut Monotreme


fear of non-graminoid herbaceous flowering plants


fear of non-graminoid herbaceous flowering plants

Hah, that’s just silly. EVERYBODY knows that it’s the gramanoid herbaceous non-flowering plants that you should be afraid of!


I’m shocked, SHOCKED, to find that hobophobia has not even been mentioned yet.

Helmut Monotreme

I’m shocked, SHOCKED, to find that hobophobia has not even been mentioned yet.



Don’t be too shocked when the “ahem” comes along.


the fear of a phobia thread at Sadly,No!


fear of non-graminoid herbaceous flowering plants

Careful, you’ll give yourself a hernia.

Helmut Monotreme


Fear of flat-tax advocating billionaires


Necronomicophobia: fear of the fearsome.



fear of dancing horses


A fearful swoon, a Martian moon… ah, fuck, how will I make a palindrome out of this?

Aibohpphobia: fear of palindromes


bbkf is no asshole, but she is suspiciously pixelated.

while i am glad to not be considered an asshole, i must say, as a pixelated amurkin that we should be considered no more suspicious than you non-pixers!!! harumph!



Unfortunately, I suffer from bouts of affirmaphobia. I hear treatment is forthcoming, but I don’t recognize the sources as credible.

Oh, BTWl: did ya know Romney is a flaming hypocrite? Weird, huh?



Fear of Palin drone

Helmut Monotreme

It is important for medical transcriptionists to distinguish between phobophobia (fear of fear) and fobophobia (fear of pocket watch chains) when taking dictation.


note: particularly juicy strawberries* should not be eaten while one is wearing white capris…

*sorry to bring this up in front of suzeboo, but there it is…


Oh, BTWl: did ya know Romney is a flaming hypocrite? Weird, huh?

heheheh…mitt said ‘poppycock’…heheheh…


heheheh…mitt said ‘poppycock’…heheheh…

I am tempted to make a joke about the 41st president’s private parts, but I don’t want gross anybody out.


way ot, but i have wondered if this is a typically midwest thing, or not…here’s one of our ‘lunch’ options at the hospital:

: 2 Piece Chicken Dinner with potatoes wedges and Macaroni salad & Roll $5.50

why would you serve potato wedges, macaroni AND a roll? is that not pretty carb/starch heavy? i see that a lot around here…usually, it’s a ‘basket’ that has meat, french fries and texas toast…arguably the bread is just filler and pretty cheap, but srsly…who wants to eat that combo? is it any wonder type 2 diabeetus is on the rise?

which reminds me…jon stewart’s bit on chick-fil-a last night was hilarious…


also: the tide to go pen is useless against said strawberry stains…goddammit…


So you’re saying that in your corner of MN, the whites are not whiter than white?


So you’re saying that in your corner of MN, the whites are not whiter than white?

haha…most of them are, just not my trousers…see what i did there?

Helmut Monotreme

Anyone else occasionally get weird visual effects, like my blind spot has grown to cover like a quarter of my field of view in one eye? I think it’s a scintillating scotoma, but I’m not sure. It is accompanied by a headache concentrated at my temples. It went away but it does make it hard to read.


see what i did there?

Imitate a teabagger and befoul yourself?


Helmut – that sounds like a migraine. But it’s also scary enough for you to ASK AN EXPERT AND NOT A BUNCH OF RANDOM IDIOTS LIKE US.



fear of Lucas making another Star Wars movie.


Helmut – that sounds like a migraine. But it’s also scary enough for you to ASK AN EXPERT AND NOT A BUNCH OF RANDOM IDIOTS LIKE US.



Imitate a teabagger and befoul yourself?

no, silly…pretty much every person here is white…and mostly whiter than white because they are scandihoovians…and my pants still have strawberry stains on them…AND IT’S NOT FUNNY IF YOU HAVE TO EXPLAIN IT!!!




Helmut – that sounds like a migraine. But it’s also scary enough for you to ASK AN EXPERT AND NOT A BUNCH OF RANDOM IDIOTS LIKE US.

No, I think your first instinct to consult an engineer is appropriate.

Then see what Gary Ruppert thinks.


I’m happy for you, bbkf.
Wipes wistful tear from cheek.
Snif. Really.Enjoy.Snif.


Re: hobophobia:

Many years ago I encountered an avowed member of the Freight Train Riders of America. I’d write about it, but I hafta stop typing colorful and highly compromising stories from work. Let’s just say he was a bit scary.


Or cluster headache if it went away quickly. Well worth talking to a doctor about because there are a few fairly uncommon but potentially dangerous causes which can be easily ruled out. Also there are good medicines now for migraines and cluster headaches.


Americaphobia (n.) – a wholly justified fear that one’s nation will be bombed back to the Stone Age for causes that have little to do with the lives of the people of the nation. I.E. Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan et. al.


I’m happy for you, bbkf.
Wipes wistful tear from cheek.
Snif. Really.Enjoy.Snif.

if it’s any consolation to you, they were really pretty crappy strawberries…because that’s usually what our grocer buys…srsly, a couple of them had moldy spots the day after i bought them…


No, I think your first instinct to consult an engineer is appropriate.

My advice only makes sense after I’ve been paid.


Let’s just say he was a bit scary.

let’s just hope he didn’t try to feed you some of this…shit’s nastay!

the ‘inventor’ is the father of our douchebag newspaper editor…he (the old man) considered himself a bonafide traveler of the rails which no doubt annoyed and frightened the hoboes no end since he was a creepy, perverted little rich man (with all the rich white male entitlement issues you’d expect) who liked to wear a fez…his son is much the same except for the fez-wearing…and he’s taller…and is under the impression that he looks like jfk…


When it comes to the brain, it is sometimes unclear wether you should consult a structural engineer or a software engineer. But you should definitely check with Gary Ruppert.


bbkf — my general policy is to avoid novelty foods. What puzzles me about the Hobo Soup label is this: “heat n eat. DO NOT BOIL”

Why not? What happens if you boil it? I get that there’s no need to actually boil canned soup, but why warn us against doing so?


who liked to wear a fez…his son is much the same except for the fez-wearing…

Fez-wearing would improve him, I think. I can’t imagine how it wouldn’t.


When it comes to the brain, it is sometimes unclear wether you should consult a structural engineer or a software engineer. But you should definitely check with Gary Ruppert.

While zombies will nearly always suggest taste-testing.


The fact is Gary is the go-to guy for blind spots.


The fact is Gary is the go-to guy for blind spots.

as tsam would maybe say: win to the fucking w to the fucking i to the fucking n!

Helmut Monotreme

I’d probably get better medical advice from a magic 8-ball than Gary.


Why not? What happens if you boil it? I get that there’s no need to actually boil canned soup, but why warn us against doing so?

dog only knows…but this comes from a guy who is literally gobsmacked that van camps can get a piece of bacon into each little 8 oz can…which size is his personal fave…

Fez-wearing would improve him, I think. I can’t imagine how it wouldn’t.

i’m more of the opinion that junkpunching him mercilessly for hours on end would improve him even more…while i wear the fez…


I’d probably get better medical advice from a magic 8-ball than Gary.

My theory is that you go to Gary, and if anything he says makes sense to you then your brain has definitly gone bad and will have to come out.


My theory is that you go to Gary, and if anything he says makes sense to you then your brain has definitly gone bad and will have to come out.

in which case zrm is your man! …er…zombie…


I do believe zombie has mentioned liking bad brains…

Helmut Monotreme

The doctor I have been going to for 20 years is no longer covered by my HMO, but I will be in Milwaukee tomorrow, so I’ll just assume it’s fatal and let ZRM eat his fill.


why would you serve potato wedges, macaroni AND a roll? is that not pretty carb/starch heavy?

In Hawaii they have this thing called a “plate lunch” that always has rice and macaroni salad along with whatever meat. Of course, native Hawaiians tend to be rather large people.


While zombies will nearly always suggest taste-testing.

Trepanation: sample window or escape hatch?


jesus christ…i think livecycle designer is trying to kill me…fucking adobe…


Plate lunch

i dearly hope spam is one of those options…i see by that wiki that it’s possibly a derivative of the south’s ‘meat and threes’ which is being blamed for diabetes…so i guess that answers my original question…thanks major!


Trepanation: sample window or escape hatch?

I now have a fear of crania dentata.


, but I will be in Milwaukee tomorrow,

It will be Germanfest at the lakefront, so imma gonna be full up on beer.


I now have a fear of crania dentata.

I think you have seen the script for “Human Centipede Three.”


so imma gonna be full up on beer.

it’s always prudent to have a ‘base’ when one starts consuming vast quantities of alcohol…


agreed, bbkf. I usually use tequila.


agreed, bbkf. I usually use tequila.

now you’re talkin! always remember: safety first!

Lurking Canadian


Everybody can sit down now. Helmut won this one.


srsly…this *program* is going to fucking kill me…


This hobo-centric website was built with dark blue text on a slightly lighter blue background. If you like hobos, and annoying web design, you’re welcome.


tobyphobia: the fear of having to use your slave name.


I think you have seen the script for “Human Centipede Three.”

Wait, some sicko actually made a part two?


tobyphobia: the fear of having to use your slave name.

I thought it was the reason Spider-Man 3 got such bad reviews.


Who is “Bozo Texino”?

That’s a damn good question. I felt totally compelled to read that shit.


But then I decided I didn’t want to be interwebs is for B00BI3Z


whoa–what the fuck happened there? Clearly my sentence composition skills need a tune up.

Helmut Monotreme

It will be Germanfest at the lakefront, so imma gonna be full up on beer.

I’m going to be at the Rockerbox motorcycle show/get together/event. so, unless your jaws reach halfway across town, my brains should be safe from zombie predation.


I think you have seen the script for “Human Centipede Three.”

I prefer the original Human Centipede.


, but I will be in Milwaukee tomorrow,

It will be Germanfest at the lakefront, so imma gonna be full up on beer.

You should meet up, what’s the wurst that could happen?


You should meat up, what’s the wurst that could happen?

Hee hee.


I’m going to be at the Rockerbox motorcycle show/get together/event

Hah. Now you’re in trouble, that’s my neighborhood, more or less.


Wait, some sicko actually made a part two?



Wait, some sicko actually made a part two?

That’s further than Atlas Shrugged has made it, isn’t it?


Wait, isn’t Lobophobia the fear of bland, 70’s-era pop music, related to Pocophobia and Totophobia?


Then there’s fear of attractive but overly hyped Olympic athletes: Lolophobia.


That’s further than Atlas Shrugged has made it, isn’t it?

It was more acceptable to the viewing public, have less disturbing scatalogical content.

Helmut Monotreme

Don’t forget the fear of strange Russian vocal performances that become internet memes 30 or 40 years later:




Here’s an endorsement that may not get trumpeted with a press release or public appearance. Retired porn star queen Jenna Jameson has thrown in with presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney, citing the party’s preference for low taxes on the wealthy.

“I’m very looking forward to a Republican being back in office,” Jameson told a CBS reporter at the anniversary celebration of a gentleman’s club in San Francisco on Thursday. “When you’re rich, you want a Republican in office.”


IKNOWRITE? Them Hollywood types should shut up and sing, er, um,…


Speaking of Olympic athletes, and pr0n: Oh. My.


I thought all those athletes were tops. I guess I been corektd


Speaking of Olympic athletes, and pr0n: Oh. My.

here’s more!


Just found out that trampoline is an Olympic sport, which raises the question: why not swings?


I bet one a them gymnasts could work the shit out of a good swingset


Is pole dancing an art, a sport, or strictly a sexy pastime?

There has to be another choice.


There has to be another choice.

you’ve forgotten about the pole dancers for jesus?!?!


From the WND comment thread wherein Meghan Kelly is in the center of a circular firing squad,

Well Megan, once again you are showing your arrogance. The [sic] does NOT forbid blacks and whites from marrying, it does warn the Jews (which [sic] by the way are a race as well as a religon) not to mix their blodd [sic] with non-Jews. It does not forbid the practice but simply warns against it. Poor little Megan- once agian [sic] showing her ignorance.

So, more pathetic or less pathetic than the “dictionary gambit?”


Speaking of Olympic athletes, and pr0n: Oh. My.

I am disappoint. I was expecting maybe Rafalca had won the swimsuit competitition or something.


So, more pathetic or less pathetic than the “dictionary gambit?”

oh, way less…this person seems to be a reliable expert on the matter…i don’t think you could get anyone with more expertise, unless of course, one was able to ask gary ruppert…


Is pole dancing an art, a sport, or strictly a sexy pastime?

Is pole dancing an art or a craft? An art or a science? Hard, or social?
Are sexy pastimes art? … Art: merely a pastime, or the apex of Sport?

The Politics of Dancing = the politics of ooh, feeling good?

These are a few preliminary questions.


Is pole dancing an art, a sport, or strictly a sexy pastime?

I’ve seen pole dancing that easily qualifies as art. Sport, no. Sexy pastime, HELZ to the YAH


Speaking of Olympic athletes, and pr0n: Oh. My.

I am looking forward to much more trenchant political commentary being reported from strip clubs.


I am looking forward to much more trenchant political commentary being reported from strip clubs.

I hear those mushy, E-tarded brains are mighty tasty, zombizzle. Perhaps you should get a first-hand look at the strip club sausage factory.

Money Isn't Real

dictionary (‘dik-shun-ner-ee)
opinion presented as truth in alphabetical order

The Doubter’s Companion – John Ralston Saul


Perhaps you should get a first-hand look at the strip club sausage factory.

Perhaps this would be of more interest to Pupienus.


I am looking forward to much more trenchant political commentary being reported from strip clubs.

Wait for the convention, old chum!


Is pole dancing an art, a sport, or strictly a sexy pastime?

What, the mazurka? Polish national treasure?


What ever happened to Gavin M? Does anyone know? He disappeared a couple of years ago from SN, and I can’t find the guy’s writing anywhere. Did some dire misadventure befall the great Gav? Is he still a going–if excessively reclusive–concern? Does anybody have the skinny? I’ll settle for apocrypha…


Is pole dancing an art, a sport, or strictly a sexy pastime?

Ideally, mandatory.

Oh shit!

(Honeeeey! sorrrrry….)


Frakkinfrackingphobia – Fear of energy resource acquisition on New Caprica.


Polish national treasure?

Nicholas Cage and Roman Polanski team up for the most mind-bending action flick EVER!!!


What, the mazurka? Polish national treasure?
We got your Slavic Dancing right here!!


Oh FSM, first watch Mr. Smut’s linked thingy, then find the DVD, steal it if you have to. You don’t have to be insane to watch it; you’ll get there anyhow. No trippin’.


Shorter Krauthammer: Hey, this turd isn’t going to polish ITSELF, you know!


What bias does Meth have?


I heard about that for years down here in Cook-em-up Junction.




“It is very troubling for a variety of reasons that the culture of meth use has embraced the idea of collecting relics,” Early said.

While surface hunting for arrowheads is legal, trespassing and digging through archaeological sites is illegal, Early said.

Count your blessings, dude. The could be stealing copper wire from construction sites, or god knows what … That article mentions fields and riverbeds, but does not document trespassing on arch. sites.


Charles Krauthammer:

Romney’s trip was a major substantive success… and a fine demonstration of foreign-policy fluency and command.

I was going to make fun of that statement, but I think I’ll just let it make fun of itself.


LittlePig said,

August 4, 2012 at 15:55 (kill)

Tag fail.


I am now much disappointed that arrowheads have not figured heavily as a Breaking Bad plot point.


but does not document trespassing on arch. sites.

Yep, it’s mostly the black market folk that get into the (mostly Mound culture) archeological areas. There are loads of arrowheads over in the Eastern part of Arkansas – folks lived there for hundreds of years. The meth head finds are not all that out of the ordinary. I always thought with that kind of energy they ought to be over at Crater of Diamonds state park, but I imagine that’s closed at night, the prime hunting time.

I know when visiting folks if a box or two of arrowheads is lying about, someones in the kitchen, and not with Dinah.


Shambling around with eyes to the ground hasn’t hit our local tweakers yet. There are more fossilized shark’s teeth around here than arrowheads and I’ve heard “He’s out looking for shark’s teeth.” as a version of “walking aimlessly trying to figure things out”. The pothunters one occasional sees in 4 Corners country always look pretty crispy. I wonder if those loonies constantly searching for minie balls around east central Virginia are cranking. I always thought of them as 12 steppers trying to keep busy but I guess you never know.


MOAR Olympic porn

i guess some people like rowdy gaines more than others…


MOAR Olympic porn

The folks wanting pole dancing in the Olympics missed the window on that. This year, the triple X Olympics, would have been the perfect time to do that.


Those aren’t breadcrumbs.

(Open to an “ahem;” haven’t read any comments.)



(Not really, just pickin’ on M.B.)


mb will fit in well, right between lynnard skynnard and modest mouse.


One ping only.



mb will fit in well, right between lynnard skynnard and modest mouse.

I look forward to an old-timey take on Reagan.


Did I post this already?


HoMoephobia: fear of one of the Stooges as a prostitute.


MOMAphobia: oh really now, HELLOOOO?


Phoebephobia: fear of Poetry men.


Frobephobia: No mister Bond, I expect you to die.


Homiephobia: fear of bling.


Mobyphobia: fear of novels by Herman Melville.


PupiPostophobia: fear of yours truly nakedly dancing on the thread’s rotting corpse.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said,

August 5, 2012 at 2:28 (kill)



Phoebephobia: fear of Poetry men.

Hee hee, I considered posting Phoebephobia as “fear of Snow” but never got around to it.


Sobephobia: nEver mind, there’s good reason to fear that HFCS laden crap.


Hummerphobia: fear of getting a blow job in a large SUV.


Re: my earlier link:

Bozohobophobia — fear of the legendary hobo, Bozo Texino.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Bozonosophobia: Fear of clown noses.


Bonobophobia: fear of damn, dirty, sexy apes.


Bozphobia: fear of Boz Scaggs.


Cobiaphobia: fear of perciform marine life


Necrotextilephobia: fear of dead threads


Argentphobia: fear of holding your head up


Phoebephobia: fear of Poetry men.

I was gonna say the fear of someone walking in on you in the bathroom, like the scene in Fast Times at Ridgemont high, while you are thinking about the scene just before that scene.


On&onaphobia: Fear of long winded posts (see above)


“On&onaphobia: Fear of long winded posts (see above)”

You could backhandedly throw Cerberus a bone here?


Onophobia: fear of really bad singing


You could backhandedly throw Cerberus a bone here?

I was refering to my own post with my definition of Phoebephobia.


D’ohphobia: fear of yellow cartoon characters


Or conceptual art. But frankly, the singing is scarier.


Also, onanophobia: fear of 70% of the internet.

Or so I’m told.


The fact is only liberals are aflicted with bibleophobia and cannot deal with their lifelong obsesion of denying God and rightousness. Faggotry leads to oral cancer and the warship of anuses. The day of wreckoning is soon to come for the Godless heathins that inhabit this den of seculer inequite. Get down on your knees without a dick in your mouth to prey for forgiveness from our Lord and Savour Jesus Christ.


You could backhandedly throw Cerberus a bone here?
Classically I believe that Cerberus prefers pieces of bread soaked in wine.

Onophobia: fear of really bad singing
D’ohphobia: fear of yellow cartoon characters
Or conceptual art. But frankly, the singing is scarier.

This accidental juxtaposition was funnier than it should be.


Youphobia: fear of you people.


the warship of anuses

The USS Santorum, with its full complement of seamen.


Faggotry leads to oral cancer and the warship of anuses.

You sank my battleship!


Oenophobia – fear of cork sniffing



Fear of made-for-tv Canadians.


Savour Jesus Christ

savour jesus is everywhere!


Savory jesus belongs in a hot pocket.


Savory jesus belongs in a hot pocket.

I don’t know if Jesus is in your microwave, but he’s definitely in your toaster. And he’s waiting for you to smear butter and jam all over his face.


Savour Jesus

I was raised Catlick ao according to them I et Jesus many times. Jesus was decidedly not savory. My culinary suggestions for improving the zombie food were not received kindly.


Not sweet either though P, oddly insubstantial in fact.


Can anyone guess who wrote this?:

Actually, the rumor that Reid is a pederast has somewhat more credibility than Reid’s rumor that Romney doesn’t pay taxes. We know the latter claim is false, since federal tax law and the IRS wouldn’t permit it.

Apparently Wesley Snipes doesn’t exist, and pederasty is legal.

Harvard Law in action.


Ahhh, old times are new again. TBogg has a Godlstein post, and references one of the great classics of Sadly, No! renown, the classic Amy Alcon Shit Moat thread.

Boy the way Glenn Millah played…


oddly intranssubstantial in fact.

No charge.


the warship of anuses

The USS Santorum, with its full complement of seamen.

Whoah. THAT was well-played.


Shitmoat also came up at Whiskeyfire recently, Littlepig, and thunder dutifully lonked to the original Shit Moat Post.


Also LOL worthy; back in that shitmoat post, I had not gone zombie yet….but even better, thunder’s tag pointed at GeoCities!

Ah, we were so much younger and less dead then!


Ahhh, old times are new again. TBogg has a Godlstein post, and references one of the great classics of Sadly, No! renown, the classic Amy Alcon Shit Moat thread.

All we need now is some Tacitus light saber action.


OMG. Another mass murder. A Sikh Temple in Milwaukee somewhere.


South of Milwaukee. reports are 4 dead.

Countdown to “if only the church-going folks had been carrying extensive weaponry, it wouldn’t have happened” in 3..2..1…

I am sure that someone is already posting the anti-muslim and racist screeds already, but am far too disgusted to go looking.

I hate my state right now. Well, to be fair, I hate CERTAIN PEOPLE in my state.

Not looking forward to what my racist redneck gun-fetishist in-laws have to say about it. If I had to wager “Good start” will be the least offensive thing.


Six dead, plus the shooter. 30+ injured, including children.


Urinal-Sentinel will have the local updates:


I am sure that someone is already posting the anti-muslim and racist screeds already

Remember the day after Rudy Giuliani day? A man wearing a turban was killed because anyone that wears a turban is muslin. Except that guy was a Sikh. Sikhs aint moozlems.

Countdown to “if only the church-going folks had been carrying extensive weaponry, it wouldn’t have happened” in 3..2..1…

Silly Sikhs, They brought swords to a gunfight.


Even though I understand it was probably necessary to avoid more casualties, I wish the murderer wasn’t killed. Letting these shitweasels commit suicide by cop is way too good for them.


Oh, it was a white guy. So it’s not terrorism then.


Yeah, let’s not get crazy here Pup.

Wasn’t racism either, I am sure, because we’ve got a black president.


Do we know it was a white guy? I just assumed ( CUZ IT ALWAYS IS). I’ve been watching CNN all day and not getting much info.


Urinal Sentinel reported it was a white guy. It’s still early, but Oak Creek is pretty damn white.


Anyone interested in starting a pool on how long it will take to find the murderer’s online racist, poorly-spelled screeds?


The Milwaukee rag said that “according to peope who exited the temple” or something that it was a white guy in his 30s. I would not be surprised if the lamestream media (oh for fuck sake, “lamestream” gets no protest from autocorrect) were avoiding mentioning it.


someone at Balloon Juice said that according to WISN, the cops are sweeping the area to determine if there were accomplices, and asked the media to avoid transmitting images of the police doing so, so it might explain why there’s not a lot of info yet.

OTOH, since when is the fucking media supposed to just roll over whenever a cop says?


New post, poorly timed.


Cerb, I would be frankly shocked if you were coordinating with a armed killer.


Oh, it was a white guy. So it’s not terrorism then.

Naomi Wolf wrote a remarkably stupid column recently blaming everything on the closures of mental hospitals during the Reagan years. She appeared to be under the impression that witch-sniffers psychologists were infallible judges of future criminality, and that future mass shootings could be avoided by selectively withdrawing constitutional rights from psychologically-unusual individuals and locking them up before they do anything illegal.

In other words, the whole problem lies with a small group of Others rather than with all us good sane people.


TBogg has a Godlstein post, and references one of the great classics of Sadly, No! renown, the classic Amy Alcon Shit Moat thread.

Executive summary: Jeff Godlstein begs his readers for money, to buy guns so he can Defend His Family after the November election when the race war comes down. Excellent timing, Jeff.
For added hilarity, he writes of a rifle as a “melee weapon”, which if nothing else will bolster his credibility with the D-&-D-playing sector of his readership (though there is a disappointing failure to go into the detail of the hit points and saving throws he is seeking).

Correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure that the protagonist of the Turner Diaries does not stoop to panhandling to fund his personal arsenal.


Smut, there’s even a better one out there this week: Tucker the Orange had his Twitter account hacked, and responded by offering a gun to the first reader that could help him track down the perpetrators.

“Here’s a gun! Why don’t you and him fight!”


(comments are closed)