Obama Must Have Been the Most Badass 10-Year-Old Ever!

If I can just get ten Obamas in a row, then the 2008 election never happened. (P.S. Thanks Tintin)

Jack Cashill, American Conspiracy Theory Breeding Ground:
What the Mailman Knows about Ayers and Obama

What the mailman…

Sorry, one sec.

What the mailman knows about Ayers and Obama

Congratulations. Tha may very well be the crackiest title I’ve read yet for this site and I’ve read multiple articles about the Girl Scouts being sluts for Satan and a guy who feared an impending gynocracy because of a year-old report on a different subject.

You should be very proud of yourself Jack Cashill.

And then you should be restrained before you do harm to yourself or others.

  • Hey, remember back in the 2008 election season where we tried to tie Obama to the scariest liberal guy we could think of and created an elaborate conspiracy theory that was so insane and filled with racist baggage that it elicited little more than sad pity and occasional laughter? Yeah… We spent the last 4 years making it crazier and more convoluted than you can possibly imagine.

So okay then, apparently its 2008 again and we’re still fumbling at the edges of our sanity to try and force a non-existent connection between Barack Obama and a repentant former Weatherman (that one liberal radical group who only ever managed to kill their own members that are constantly used to justify every single right-wing terrorist who has ever existed) turned school teacher whose radical days ended when Obama was 12.


A few days ago I got a call asking whether I knew anything about the Ayers family mailman.

Now, if you or I had received this call, we might be given to statements like “who are you, random nutjob”, “how did you get this number”, or “Uncle Fred, did Aunt Betty let you watch Fox News again?”

But apparently in the Cashill household this is just something that casually happens. Like leprosy or necrophilia.

I had heard of him, I said. I remembered liberal blogger Steven Diamond having interviewed the fellow a few years back, but I paid it little mind, as the information seemed too limited to pursue.

Even the liberal… Ron Paul goldbuggery conspiracy theory believing Alex Jones wannabe random nutters with a website?

So what’s next for wingnut “even the liberal” statements.

Ron Paul? Ronald Reagan? Lucifer the All-Mighty and His Endless Army of Hellspawn (seriously, total libertarian)?!?

The caller then sent me a video interview with the mailman by WND sleuth Jerome Corsi. The video made me sit up and pay attention. The mailman is a real person. His name is Alan Hulton. He seems entirely credible, and he has a story to tell.

Are we going to link to this “powerful video evidence”? Ha, why would we? That’s just what the Illuminati would be expecting.


Jerome Corsi?!?

The paid shill behind the infamously bullshit Swiftboat ads? The guy who went all in for the ludicrously fake “Real Obama Birth Certificate” that African Press International turned up, but is still convinced that he’ll find the real real birth certificate one of these days? The guy who manages to combine Birtherism with being a 9/11 Truther and a believer that oil is infinitely renewable because Jesus?!?

Yeah, sounds credible. Good sleuthing!

Hulton delivered mail in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, from 1962 to 2001 with a couple years off to serve in the military.

Oh, right, the mailman. Well, if we can have a Milkman Conspiracy, why not a Mailman Conspiracy?

During roughly ten of those years, he delivered mail to the home of Tom and Mary Ayers, Bill Ayers’s parents.

Wow, ten whole years of delivering mail… not to Barack Obama, not even to the guy we’re trying desperately to connect to because “SCARY LIBERAL” and “60s that are actually the 70s”, but his parents.

What’s next? Proof that Obama once shagged a dogcatcher who worked in the same neighborhood as Ayers’s third cousin. Proof that he totally terrorist fist-bumped Ayers’s wife’s sister’s friend’s college roomate’s one-night stand?

Come on, wingnuts, I need to know! How deep… or rather how many combinations of shallow can we string together to nail this fucker and his secret cabal of wizards?!?

We need to hurry. He may be elected president soon and start running on his actual actions in office!

Hulton talked to Tom once, Mary several times, their daughter-in-law Bernardine Dohrn a few times, and Bill Ayers not at all. Memorably, he talked once to one of their visitors, but more on that in a moment.

Wow, ten years on the job and he spoke to Tom and Mary a handful of times and never met the man that we forgot was the point of the non-controversy conspiracy theory.

Clearly his eiditic memory has captured the exact moment that 10 year old Obama personally set the explosives at the Pentagon before shagging a goat over the Satanic Altar.

As Hulton tells Corsi — and he has sworn an affidavit to the same

Wow, a sworn affidavit! Well, not an actual sworn affidavit, but the concept of one. Preserved by the Tricouncil of Power in their secret chambers.

— he met Tom Ayers not long after the Ayerses moved to the neighborhood. Until he retired in 1980 at the age of 65, Tom Ayers was the CEO and chairman of Commonwealth Edison. Tom, however, was not your garden-variety plutocrat. According to Diamond, who knows his way around Chicago politics, Tom was a “lifelong liberal” — one deeply involved in the same educational reform movement that engaged son Bill and, briefly, Barack Obama in 1988. Tom Ayers was comfortable enough with Bill’s lifestyle to live with him in Hyde Park until Tom died in 2007.

Tom Ayers is Bill Ayers’s father. His dad. He is a blood relation to the man.

Do you…

Do you really need to do the whole conspiracy theory, “he met once and had almost similar political views on one or two issues completely unrelated to the Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon issue we’re trying and failing to link to” with him. He’s kind of connected by that whole “being a blood relative” thing.

Seriously dudes, I don’t even know why the Illuminati bothers with the 70 year missions to sow doubt and discord if you fuckers aren’t going to bother to bring your A game.

When Hulton met Tom Ayers, they talked about working conditions at the Post Office. “I couldn’t believe how he responded,” Hulton told Diamond. “He started to talk about workers having to struggle to survive and about peasants and the proletariat. It made me think later that he might be a Marxist!” Hulton would tell Corsi, “I had this uncomfortable feeling that he thought he knew about my situation as a working person better than I did, that he knew what was best for me.”

Then he talked about how his cabal of wizards was going to engage in a 35 year scheme to install an uneducable black boy as President of the United States and other conversations that were totally true and not just some random Birther trying and failing to approximate what human beings sound like when they talk to each other.

Hulton also recalls one particular conversation with Mary Ayers. “She was enthusiastically talking to me about this young black student that they were helping out,” he tells Corsi, “and she referred to him as a foreign student.” Adds Hulton, “I was taken aback by how enthusiastic she was about him.” Within a year of this conversation, Hulton had a fateful meeting with the young man he presumed Mary was talking about.

A black student?!? Why that’s impossible! Blacks are obviously only capable of producing hip-hop records and engaging in murder and theft of whitey’s property!

A black person engaging in studies? Why that would fry out their small inferior brains.

Obviously, a large group of bored race traitors under hypnotic mind control by Mentoc the Mind Taker planted all the evidence of Obama being educated, teaching at a University, serving as State and U.S. Senator, and the last 3 years of Presidency, not to mention inventing the time travel machine to plant all that evidence of Obama’s birth in the Fair Kingdom of Hawaii.

It just makes more sense.

And seriously, when will you PC liberals stop accusing us of being racist just for asking questions?

According to Hulton, he encountered the fellow on the sidewalk on the front of the Ayers home. In that it was extremely rare to see a black man in this tony neighborhood, Hulton believes that the man felt the need to explain his visit to the Ayers household.

A black person?!? In the suburbs of Chicago?!?


Hulton describes him as friendly and neatly, although casually, dressed. Hulton tells Corsi, “I am absolutely positive that it was Barack Obama.”

Random black kid you supposedly met once and had no reason at the time to pay close attention to or do age-progression analysis on? Could only be the President of the United States.

Cause there’s only one black person who’s ever existed, right?

Hulton was sympathetic. After he had come out of military service, he was a supporter of Martin Luther King, who had pressed for fair housing in the Chicago area in the 1960s. “I took some flak about my support for civil rights from my fellow workers at the time,” remembers Hulton.

Oh yeah, random person who is a) real, b) totally not just some wingnut they roped into ranting about their pet conspiracy theory about how no black person could ever accomplish anything without scary white race traitors doing all the work, you were obviously down with Martin Luther King back when he was a demonic communist agitator, especially when you were also supposedly the same person who thought thinking about working conditions was MARXISM TIMES TWELVE.


Nothing racist and covered in transparent bullshit going on here.

Obama explained to Hulton that he had taken the train out from Chicago to Glen Ellyn in order “to thank the Ayers family personally for helping him with his education.” What shocked Hulton was that when casually inquiring into the young man’s plans for the future, Obama answered, “I am going to be president of the United States.” As Hulton tells Corsi, “[i]t came across like this was something that’s already been determined.” Adds Hulton, “I was speechless.”

Hulton told Diamond and Corsi essentially the same story. What gives the Corsi interview added value is that we see Hulton tell it. Although just a year older than Bill Ayers, he seems to come from a different generation. He has little to gain — and a lot to risk — by going public. Corsi warns Hulton that by quoting Mary’s comment that Obama was a “foreign student,” he has put himself at some risk. Says Hulton, “I am only telling you what I distinctly remember her saying — that he was a foreign student.”

I only met the person the one time, but I flawlessly committed to memory these deep secrets that totally will have the Cult of the Three-Horned God call their Illuminati shocktroopers to take me out.

And the best I could do was I saw a black kid once near an almost relative of Bill Ayers.

Wow I suck.

Hulton’s interviews with Diamond and Corsi are consistent in every major detail save for dates. Hulton suggested to Diamond that the sidewalk meeting took place in the mid-’80s, but Corsi suggests to Hulton that it was in the early 1990s, and Hulton does not correct him. Hulton clearly does not remember the date. If I were to speculate, I would guess 1988, the year Obama started Harvard Law School. Presuming Hulton actually met Obama, the “education” in question would almost surely have been law school.

(singsong voice) Someone forgot their line~s!(/singsong voice)

Also congratulations! It only took 4 years of hard work, but you’ve finally gotten the conspiracy theory only 15 years away from the date a connection to Bill Ayers would matter.

Don’t worry, I’m sure one day you can finally reach the point that pre-teen Obama was a bomb-throwing 60s radical.

There is a good deal at stake here.

Like… what exactly? The 2008 election finished. Obama won it. Even if you found indisputable proof that underage Obama was having gay sex with Bill Ayers during the bombings themselves before high-fiving the Masons working for the Trilateral Commission, you’d run into the teensy weensy little problem of Obama having 4 years of actual real record in the White House to run on.

The complete lack of Bill Ayers-controlled policy. The complete absence of jumping up on the table and yelling “Death to Whitey”. Not even any Death Camps for the brave Birthers battling the dreaded Time Demons as they race through time to find/plant the “real” birth certificate and birth announcements.

I mean, we know and you know that’s Phase Two kicking in during Obama’s second term, but how are you going to convince the normals out there who don’t even know how the Girl Scouts are preparing the Obamacare Death Panels?

According to Snopes and the other fact-check sites, Bill Ayers and Obama did not meet until the mid-1990s. This is a talking point that both Ayers and Obama have upheld. When Ayers appeared on ABC’s Good Morning America in 2008, he put the date of their first meeting in 1995 at a fundraiser in Ayers’s own home. “I think he was probably in 20 homes that day as far as I know,” said Ayers. “But that was the first time I really met him.”

Of course!

Cause we needed to put their BS meaningless meeting back an extra 2-3 years because… daylight savings? Infield fly rule? The Lunar Cycle of the Gammorhean Freighter Craft’s power coupling circuit?

As it happens, I stumbled into my own discovery of Ayers’s involvement in the writing of Obama’s 1995 memoir, Dreams from My Father, when I was investigating how Obama got into Harvard Law School and who paid his way. What had piqued my interest was an interview with veteran New York power-broker Percy Sutton on a local New York City show called Inside City Hall. The interview took place in late March 2008 but did not surface until August 2008.

Sutton told how twenty years prior he had been “introduced to [Obama] by a friend.” The friend’s name was Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, “the principal adviser to one of the world’s richest men.” The billionaire in question was Saudi prince Al-Waleed bin Talal. According to Sutton, al-Mansour had asked him to “please write a letter in support of [Obama] … a young man that has applied to Harvard.” Sutton had friends at Harvard and gladly did so.

And now we have this guy.

Wasn’t the whole point of this thing to tie Obama to the scariest white liberal you could think of? While openly masturbating to the notion that the only way a black person could manage to tie their own shoelaces was if traitorous white folk enlisted Satan’s hellish minions on behalf of the Antichrist?

I guess, after 4 years with only an Ebony and Ivory number, there was a longing for a certain je nais se muslim.

A few months before the election, it should have mattered that a respected black political figure like Sutton had publicly announced that a fanatic black separatist, backed by an ambitious Saudi billionaire, had been guiding Obama’s career perhaps for the last twenty years. It did to the Obama-friendly media, but not in a way in which it would have to real journalists. Moving in swiftly to kill the story were Politico, an insider D.C. journal run by Washington Post alums, and Media Matters for America, an alleged watchdog group founded by the recovering Troopergate author, David Brock.

Ben Smith, then of Politico, took the lead. Shortly after the story broke, Smith ran the disclaimer that “Barack Obama’s campaign is flatly denying a story told by former Manhattan Borough President Percy Sutton.” After some conspicuous waffling, al-Mansour denied the story as well. A self-appointed “spokesman for Sutton’s family” by the name of Kevin Wardally sent an e-mail to Smith that read in part: “As best as our family and the Chairman’s closest friends can tell, Mr. Sutton, now 86 years of age, misspoke in describing certain details and events in that television interview.”

For Smith, even though Wardally had gotten Sutton’s age wrong by two years, this e-mail was proof enough that Sutton’s highly specific claim was manufactured. Wrote Smith, Wardally’s e-mail “seems to put the story to rest for good.” Media Matters, meanwhile, scolded those conservative bloggers who did not accept the various denials at face value.

Take me out to the white
Tell them I ain’t that full of fright
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can’t take my bullshit away from me!

Just cause something isn’t “true” in the simplistic reality sense is no reason for us to stop believing in it. Also, people pointing out that only a complete gullible racist moron could believe this shit is just how the Reptilian Eye of Osiris gets its mind control propaganda supporting gay abortions into the minds of our innocent children! And it’s stealing our freedoms to make complete asses of ourselves every time we open our mouths!

Like the man about to be carted away in Monty Python’s Holy Grail, the Percy Sutton story was not quite dead yet. Sutton’s son and daughter told conservative reporter Ken Timmerman that no one in their family even knew who Kevin Wardally was, let alone authorized him to speak on behalf of the family. “I’m getting better,” pled Monty Python’s nearly dead man. No, he wasn’t. Nor was this story. With Hillary out of the race, no newsroom in America felt compelled to dig up dirt that could sully Obama.

Yes, no one bothered to relay any stories about Obama after the Nomination was wrapped up. Hey, when did the bullshit with Ayers first surface again?

Oh, sorry, Insert Name of Famous Fake Conspiracy Here must have got to me with their generic brand of indoctrination again.

Oops, here comes their psychlotron again. Beep boop. Why would it matter how Obama paid for college even if this was true? It wouldn’t affect getting in to college, his accomplishments after college or that whole proven tenure as president thing? It’s like you’re addicted to conspiracy theories and even though you no longer even get the high, you just need to mainline it into your eyeballs simply because that’s what you’ve always done and-

NAY, Shadow Proclamation Psychomancers! You shall not claim my mind this day!

About that time, I found a diary entry that caught my attention. Radical-turned-actor Peter Coyote entered it at the time of the 1996 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Coyote wrote, “I inform Martha that I’m dragging her to the apartment of old friends, ex-Weathermen, Bernadine [sic] Dohrn and Bill Ayers, hosting a party for Senator Leahy. Perhaps Edward Said will be there.”

Scandal and Outrage!

People who’ve paid their debt to society vaguely knew other people. Liberal people. Truly the Pan-liberal network run by Beeblebroxian Mind-Slavers control a vast network of schemes within schemes!

And thanks to my escape from the Indoctrination Ray, I’m not at all tempted to point out that all this hand-wringing over vague almost encounters with the worst that the Left has been able to produce in terrorists in a very long time just shines a big fucking light on the elephant in the room. Not at all tempted to point out that after the last 4 years of the American right-wing training and unleashing Anders Breivik, Scott Roeder, and a score of other right-wing terrorists, the false equivalence game with The Weather Underground is starting to ring pretty fucking hollow and this game of Discredit by Vague Almost Association would pretty much eliminate every conservative ever from ever serving office if equally applied.

Cause it’d really be a shame if my tinfoil hat didn’t save me from obvious commie brainwashing like that.

Said had taught Obama at least one class at Columbia. I had earlier seen a photo taken during an Arab-American community dinner in Chicago in 1998 on the fiftieth anniversary of the Palestinian nakba, or disaster. The photo shows Obama sitting next to Said, seemingly engaged in an animated conversation at dinner. The intimacy surprised me. At the time of the photo, Obama was an obscure state senator while Said, according to the Nation, was “probably the best-known intellectual in the world” and the star of that evening’s show. He would speak on this occasion, as the Los Angeles Times would later report, “against settlements, against Israeli apartheid.”

He knew?!? Perhaps even touched an Arab-American?!?


All of this got me to wondering whether an Ayers-Obama-Said-al-Mansour cabal had formed in the early 1980s back in New York City. If so, such a combine might have generated enough momentum to push Obama’s career along. To see if Obama and Ayers had crossed paths before Chicago, I ordered a copy of Bill Ayers’ 2001 memoir, Fugitive Days. It was then that I began to realize the depth of Ayers’s involvement in Obama’s rise to power.

Well, if they only formed their all-star cabal of wizards in the 1980s, then how did they plant all the fake reports of Obama’s birth in Hawaii?

Obviously, they had help from a Time Lord, possibly the one known as The Doctor. And who’s the most famous Doctor in the USA? That’s right, Dr. Doolittle! And he once played pattycake with Dr. Martin Luther King who was black and had the word King in his name! Thus signaling the tell of the Mailman’s plan to use the Freemasons to re-install a monarchy in the United States out of the reanimated corpses of dead fetuses! It’s all there in the Glenn Beck Constitution! BUY MY BOOK!!!!!

Obama would have needed help to get into Harvard. Friendly biographer David Remnick tells us that Obama was an “unspectacular” student in his two years at Columbia and at every stop before that going back to grade school.

Yeah, they hand out magna cum laude honors like fucking candy. You might think you need to have a high GPA and show outstanding academic performance, but really if you just answer the Cosmo “Do I Deserve an Honors Degree from an Ivy League College” Survey, they have to give you one. You don’t even need to take classes.

A Northwestern University professor, John L. McKnight, although a friend of Obama’s and a fellow Alinskyite, reinforces the point, telling Remnick, “I don’t think [Obama] did too well in college.” As to Obama’s LSAT scores, Jimmy Hoffa’s body will be unearthed before those are.

You mean, the ones in the top 98th percentile?

And seriously, we’re down to the LSAT? What’s the matter Birthers? Obama releasing too many paper trail records proving that he actually did get born here, go to college, and wasn’t actually grown in a lab at the Antichrist Training Institute?

Yeah, once we’ve uncovered the secret of his LSAT, then that’ll totally erase his track record at Columbia and Harvard and his proven mastery of the law as a Professor at the University of Chicago Law School. Not to mention the really well-documented years as a state and US senator and those pesky years proving he can handle the work of President of the United States even when a 27% of racists is trying to destroy him and the country just to punish us for electing a black man.

And then we can rehold the 2008 election and we can finally have Sister Sarah in the White House as GAWD intended!

How such an indifferent student got into a law school whose applicants’ LSAT scores typically track between the 98th and the 99th percentile and whose GPAs range between 3.80 and 4.00 is a subject the media have chosen not to explore.

Cause black people are genetically incapable of being more intelligent than any white person who has ever existed, which is why we can prove that any black person who has succeeded at anything is a beneficiary of affirmative action!

I mean, if Obama could have actually been the well-documented valedictorian he was, getting first in his class at Harvard Law, then we’d actually have to acknowledge that a black person may in fact be more accomplished than our useless white asses.

And we’ll believe in the vast tendrils of the Mailman Conspiracy before we allow that thought to even approach our fragile egos.

Nor have they asked how Obama paid for that education. Maybe it is time they ask the mailman.

No, it’s a trick!

How do you think the Cabal of Wizards affixes the RFID tags on the targets the Freemason Illuminati Trilateral Elders of Zion want to eliminate through commie-fascist Death Panel NEA Concentration Camps?

He’s just trying to lure you in so you’ll give up the location of the guy who’s got the real birth certificate of Barack Obama! Don’t give in to his lies.

Oh no, they found me. And they’ve deployed their mind-wiping nanobots into my air supply. YARRGH! Rewriting everything… to… convince me… Obama can spell… own name… DOoop.

I hear its amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hari Kari Rock. I need scissors! 61!

*Snarky photoshop below:

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Losing my mind so you don’t have to is invented by me. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 194



Badger. Badger.

Overly long badger.

I wish my penis was a badger.

Then I wouldn’t feel gay for touching it.


I wish my penis was a dancing badger
That is what I truly wish it be-ee-ee
Cause if my penis was a dancing badger
Everyone would be in love with me-ee-ee.


Wow, that is some weak-ass conspiracy there. They really are grasping for anything, aren’t they?


I often tell wingnut friends that I WISH Obama was a socialist. They sputter and then I ask them to define socialism. Most have no clue.

Pupienus Maximus

Cerbs, I worry about you. You are WAY too familiar with the conspiracist theories. You demonstrate a knowledge of the most secret, arcane information that could only be gained by being a high level member OF THE CONSPIRACY!

Plus, Cerberus guarded the gates of hell so obviously worked for SATAN!


Vital carryover from last thread, about Cat People:

Omg, Thread Bear, that brings back memories…that was one of those semi-scandalous movies floating around in the ether when I was a kid…

I’ve never seen it; now I want to

Saw itw/ a bunch of people when it came out, one of whom, of the female persuasion, said “Every woman in this theater will want to be tied up tonight.”

Hope that provides a hint as to whether you really want to see it.


My head hurts after reading this. Sure, it’s my own fault for banging it against the desk repeatedly, but still.


Tom and Mary Ayer’s milkman was ready to come forth with damning evidence of the whole conspiracy as well as the long form Kenyan birth certificate, but before Corsi could interview him he mysteriously disappeared!


I’m stunned. Just when I start to believe that the time-travel Obama conspiracy nuts are really just fabrications of the gay/liberal media, I read this.

And just for the record, I went to the American Thinker (sic) website to see if there was such a story there with my own eyes.

Historians are not going to be kind to “conservatives” circa 2008-2016. Because there is nothing that will change these folks’ minds. Every tiny fact is just further proof to them of a story they made up in order to explain to themselves how a BLACK MAN got to be President of the United States. Because it’s just not possible that it could have happened legitimately.

At least I take a little comfort knowing they’d be telling exactly the same tales if it had been Clarence Thomas or Allen West who had become president. I take some comfort in the fact that it’s not the liberal part that enrages them so and causes them to become shit-on-the-floor crazy, but purely the BLACK part.

The Principal Contributt

*rubs temples*

The fact that this mess of pieced-together bullshit can be taken seriously by ANYONE is enough proof of how deeply down the hole this country’s people are.

I don’t want to live here anymore. I don’t want to know this place EXISTS anymore.


Hulton delivered mail in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, from 1962 to 2001 with a couple years off to serve in the military.

Shit! I went to grade school, junior high, high school, and junior college in Glen Ellyn. My first job was in Glen Ellyn. The first girl I dated also went to school in Glen Ellyn.

I’m probably in on the conspiracy to make Barack Obama the antichrist Manchurian Marxist Islamofascist candidate for President For Life of Baby Killerstan. What’s worse, I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW!

What will I say in my defense when they put me on trial? I can’t even say I was just following orders, since I didn’t know what my orders were.


Ayers-Obama-Said-al-Mansour cabal had formed in the early 1980s

Jazz fusion was a dead end.


Jazz fusion was a dead end.

Needed more powerful lasers and better magnetic plasma containment.



Shush, dude, you’re going to blow my cover.


The mailman always lies twice


Said, according to the Nation, was “probably the best-known intellectual in the world”



“I” “don’t” “think” “so”.

Helmut Monotreme

I don’t buy it. This creep clearly ignores the well documented prophesies of Punxatawny Phil who wrote in ‘the book of held grudges’: “And it shall come to pass that in the twilight days of the second Bush Jr administration that several qualified candidates (and the occasional philandering asshole) shall seek the Democratic party’s nomination for president. And verily that after a wearying series of primaries with much Republican ratfucking and pointless Democratic infighting they shall nominate a centrist dude from Chicago. Who happens to be Black. And lo, all of the wingnuts shall collectively lose their shit. And even the temper tantrums they throw when presented with Not Hillary would shame a spoiled three year old, they won’t be anything compared to the lame ass shit they will pull when he runs for re-election.”


First it was the Girl Sprouts and the Milkman conspiracy, now it’s the mailman’s turn, soon they’ll join the late 20th century and discover that it was really the fault of the pool boy and the pizza delivery guy. Or maybe they’ll go all old skool and pin it on the Fuller brush man.

The Everlasting Dave

Ditto to everything Geds said. Imagine, in our little town! Although, now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure I remember a bunch of KILL WHITEY pep rallies and subsequent Men In Black- style memory erasers that somehow left the socialist indoctrination intact. Think hard, Geds. Fred the White Hen clerk wasn’t really a kindly old man, he was actually a Black Panther. Our high school classes weren’t really 99.9% middle to upper-middle-class white kids, in fact, most of them were just Kenyan little people sowing seeds of discontent. Chin’s Chop Suey was an illicit arms dealer whose proprietors taught me how to fire my first black market AK-47. Man, I liked it better before I remembered all this.


Bill Ayers and Obama did not meet until the mid-1990s. This is a talking point that both Ayers and Obama have upheld.

I love how someone’s statement about a fact (“We met in 1995”) is now considered a “talking point” because both parties involved actually agree on the fact.


The photo shows Obama sitting next to Said, seemingly engaged in an animated conversation at dinner. The intimacy surprised me.

Yes, because in his social circles, one doesn’t converse with those we are seated with at dinner?


Friendly biographer David Remnick tells us that Obama was an “unspectacular” student in his two years at Columbia and at every stop before that going back to grade school.

Wait, I thought they claim no one knows about his school years?


The image of Ollie North being shoved up this man’s ass may haunt me.




O.K. I’m over it.


Chin’s Chop Suey was an illicit arms dealer whose proprietors taught me how to fire my first black market AK-47.

So that’s why Chin’s Chop Suey is still in business in spite of their rather lackadaisical attitude toward cleanliness. And ambiance. And customer service. And hiring people who can speak English in a lily-white suburb.

It would probably explain Gabe’s Coins, too, what with his obviously counterfeit $3 Bill Clinton bills and hatred of teenagers.


Of course it’s a talking point! They have to lie for the glory of global Communism!


So, wait a minute, what’s the point of all this cloak and dagger and conspiracy stuff? What is the horror that will be revealed once these tireless sleuths have disentangled all the threads in this diabolical web of deceit? What’s the worst thing the world can learn about President Obama that will ruin his presidency and make him unfit, resigning his office in shame? What is it?

He had a college gradepoint average less than 3.8?

He got an easy pass into an Ivy League school?

He thought that maybe – no he felt entitled to be President someday?

Wow. Serious stuff. He’s just like George W. Bush! (and beats Sarah Palin on the scholarship point.)

Pupienus Maximus

I think Corsi may have interviewed not a mailman but, by mistake, a moleman.


The image of Ollie North being shoved up this man’s ass may haunt me.

We might need to take a running start, but I think it’s doable.


The image of Ollie North being shoved up this man’s ass may haunt me.

We might need to take a running start, but I think it’s doable.

Subby – Can you supply us with some pictures of Northse?


I think Corsi may have interviewed not a mailman but, by mistake, a moleman

I am beneath youuuu! But NO-ONE is beneath…MEEEEE!!!


Subby – Can you supply us with some pictures of Northse?



Obama’s gonna shit kittens when he finds out these intrepid investigators just uncovered all of his deep, dark secrets.

You can Bookmark It!™


Pedantic note: Weather Underground, not Weatherman Ubderground.

(WeThey changed it because Weatherman is sexist.)


Subby – Can you supply us with some pictures of Northse?

You see? People ask for it.


You don’t need a mailman to know which way the wind blows.


N__B said,
March 23, 2012 at 22:50

The image of Ollie North being shoved up this man’s ass may haunt me.

We might need to take a running start, but I think it’s doable

Gallon of KY jelly, small bulldozer, and earplugs.

Pupienus Maximus

Gallon of KY jelly, small bulldozer, and earplugs.



You don’t need a moleman to know which way the roots grow.

Helmut Monotreme

The bulldozer is a rookie mistake, use a circus cannon.


Shoehorns and a swim cap.


Helmut! Brilliant!!


People ask for it.

Hell, they beg for it.


M. Bouffant-



The bulldozer is a rookie mistake, use a circus cannon.

USN surplus steam catapult from a decommissioned aircraft carrier.


Clearly his eiditic memory has captured the exact moment that 10 year old Obama personally set the explosives at the Pentagon before shagging a goat over the Satanic Altar.

Now you just wait a minute! Obama could not have been attacking the Pentagon when he was 10 because he was too busy hacking DARSANO RAHARDJO’s head off in Indonesia:

Childhood classmate of Barack Obama when he attended a madrassa in Indonesia. Was found with his head cut off in a Jakarta alley way in 1970. Many children at the school attributed Rahardjo’s murder to the young Barack Obama. It was likely done as an initiation ritual, since Islam demands that a boy spill another’s blood before the age of ten to prove their loyalty to Allah.


Hulton’s interviews with Diamond and Corsi are consistent in every major detail save for dates.
Everything is perfect except for the most vital thing.
Thanks Cerb this has cheered me up. I reckon if you sat next to Jack Cashill, you’d hear the bees buzzing in his head.


What strikes me is the writer’s almost obsessive attempt to keep the tone scholarly and matter-of-fact. What this tells me is his unconscious is painfully aware of how unreasonable his theory is.


Cerb: Terrific post ! I laughed the whole way through it. Gets my enthusiatic nomination as your Best EVAH Post (so far).

I do have some minor quibbles about some inadvertant oversights….

— No mention the Merovingian Rosicrucians wielding the One Ring and the Five Rods of the Ishtari.

— Nothing about the Space Aliens who built the pyramids and the Intergalactic Spaceport on the Nacza Desert. Also Atlantis.




What strikes me is the writer’s almost obsessive attempt to keep the tone scholarly and matter-of-fact. What this tells me is his unconscious is painfully aware of how unreasonable his theory is.

As good an explanation as any for William F Buckley, George Will, Ross Chunkyhat, and Sarah Proud and Palin the Timecube guy.


the Merovingian Rosicrucians wielding the One Ring

Mr. Fenwick, sir, I read this as ‘welding the One Ring and the stuff and stuffy stuff’, and it confused me. Upon re-read, as wielding, it makes perfect sense. Errr, yeah, Imma stick with that.

Pupienus Maximus

You don’t need a welder to know which way the slag is flying.


I didn’t notice until today that the post-Breitbart Breitbarters have broken almost every outside link they ever had with their redesign.


And just to recycle an old joke, since Dr. Jack Cashill posted on Girl Pundit I believe we have good evidence that HE IS A GURL.


I didn’t notice until today that the post-Breitbart Breitbarters have broken almost every outside link they ever had with their redesign.

Dear boy, you need a little Rumproast in your diet.


It was likely done as an initiation ritual, since Islam demands that a boy spill another’s blood before the age of ten to prove their loyalty to Allah.

Yes, 23 percent of the world’s population commit murder before the age of ten. It’s remarkable how they’ve managed to cover it up all this time.


Oh, sorry, I see that’s only boy Muslims.

So 11.5 percent of the world’s population kill someone before the age of ten. That’s much more reasonable.


Spearhafoc, old chum, I think I found the perfect woman for you… cute, red hair, positively lethal. You could appear on stage wearing a stack of all your hats, and she could shoot them off your head one by one. Better yet, you could speed draw aliens and monsters, and she could shoot the drawings out of your hand.


11.5 percent of the world’s population kill someone before the age of ten

And then get 72 virgins if properly martyred.

(Ummm, humph, carry pi, extrapolate the subdivision, Bernoulli’s Equation, Murphy’s Law, sift, rinse and repeat)


Pupienus Maximus

Yes, 23 percent of the world’s population commit murder before the age of ten. It’s remarkable how they’ve managed to cover it up all this time.

We would have to something similar if we didnt abort our surplus.

Faux News Excluisve!!

What happened to the Skittles?


What happened to the Skittles?

Fox viewers say they were really Coricidin tablets, used recreationally.


I went walking teh other day
Everything was going fine
Then I saw an interview with a mailman
And then I almost* lost my mind.

Obama-Said there’ll be cabals like this
Cabals like one with Obama-Said

*pfft. Almost?


Cashill is the guy who saw the sea references in Ayers and Obama’s books as being proof of Ayers’ writing both.


Now this is a story all about how
Teh US got flipped-turned upside down
And I like to take a minute just sit right there
And I’ll tell you how we became slaves to teh toadie of Bill Ayers.

In Glen Ellyn Illin’ Noise he delivered teh mail,
Through rain and snow and sleet and hail,
Teh preponderence of correspondence were flyers and bills
Bulk commercial missives would the mailboxes totes fill
When a couple of folks who were up to no good
Started making trouble in teh neighbourhood
They talked about unions and teh plight of teh masses
And I thought OMG! Theys wanting a War of teh Classes!


Vital carryover from last thread, about Cat People:

Only saw the ending of the 80s film, but it was certainly full of kinky implications.

Anyone here seen the 1942 original? Obviously the era and the Hays Code make it much less sexually weird, but it was a nice spooky film.


So 11.5 percent of the world’s population kill someone before the age of ten.

COD:MWIII may be rated M for Mature but I’m pretty sure that 11.5% of teh world’s population has played before they reach teh age of 10.


OMG. OM Fucking G. Through teh looking glass here folks – I fully agree with Allen West.


Hey d00ds!

Man, yu come back after a couple days of bein’ on teh DL and suddenly everyone thinks you smell funneh. Well it’s not my fault! Your mom leaves that aroma on everyone!


Tammy Fay Bakker’s successor. She’s the one with froo-froo dog on a pink leash at her grandaughter’s wedding. She seems to have used a trowel to apply the mascara.

The article is amusing, too. Charity begins at home, doncha know.


Charity begins with a mobile home for the dogs.

At least she didn’t put them on the roof.


Thanks for the quickie movie review, MB. Consider that selection queued.


Cat People? Natashia..(sp?) Kinski? Nekkid and turning into a panther? Me being early 20’s? I’ll be in my bunk…


This is entertaining as an example of how people give themselves away in these things because they tell stories that fit their conception of how things surely must go in that world they have never seen, and things just aren’t that way. The giveaway that killer Jeffery MacDonald was making up an exculpatory story came when he said the real killers were “hippies” who kept chanting “Acid is groovy. Kill the pigs.” Sorry Jeffery, you know the words, but not the tune.

And so here. A former CEO of Consolidated Edison may well be left-leaning in his politics, concerned about workers lives, and he may want to talk about it a lot. But he is not going to be a Marxist, and he is not going to use the word “proletariat” unironically. Even in the sixties.

And I liked this bit:

“According to Sutton, al-Mansour had asked him to “please write a letter in support of [Obama] … a young man that has applied to Harvard.” Sutton had friends at Harvard and gladly did so.”

The world of the upper crust, as imagined by someone who has never come near it: powerful people, as favors to other powerful people, write (presumably virtually content-free) letters to Harvard in support of candidates they’ve never met, and this gets the candidates in! That’s how Harvard Law School works!


The world of the upper crust, as imagined by someone who has never come near it: powerful people, as favors to other powerful people, write (presumably virtually content-free) letters to Harvard in support of candidates they’ve never met, and this gets the candidates in! That’s how Harvard Law School works!

They are so used to the wingnut welfare gravy train that they think the entire world works in similar fashion, yet none dare call it treason affirmative action.


Still trying to figure out this “friendly to Obama” biographer who somehow found out all of Obama’s grades from kindergarten through law school.


And, if he knows them, what were they? What did he get in 8th grade math? In 10th grade social studies? Why just tell us that his grades were lousy, if he knows what they actually were?


I got lousy grades until Grade 11 or so, but finished University with an 80 percent average (in a school where every class had to have an average in the 60s).

Spit happens. Sometimes people step up their game crossing from one environment to another. Even if Obama got bad grades at one point in his life doesn’t mean he didn’t have the potential for more.


First they came for the Gammorhean Freighter Craft power coupling circuit Lunar Cycle monitors, & I said nothing, for I was not a Gammorhean Freighter Craft power coupling circuit Lunar Cycle monitor.


Dragon-King Wangchuck said,

March 24, 2012 at 2:31 (kill)



Obligatory shopworn tumbleweed is made of tumbleweed & shopworn.


Tammy Fay Bakker’s successor.

Oh, Jan Crouch!

Almost didn’t recognize her– her hair color was something close to normal in that picture. (Usually it’s pink or purple.)


Well, I’ve been busy, getting my THIRD license plate in a week, mostly. Also, watching the neighbor’s cats, which StatCounter SAYS you like, but are too shy to comment upon!

Now here are my guys, as seen through Paper Camera. I got it for a dime a while back. Nice app.


Well, I’ve been busy, getting my THIRD license plate in a week, mostly.

For just one vehicle?


For just one vehicle?

Yup. Two lost or stolen plates in less than a week.


I think we have a tag collector asshole in the complex.


Maybe you can wire a large, well-charged capacitor to the plate and/or screws?


…a certain je nais se muslim Quran

fixxied, sorta


Maybe you can wire a large, well-charged capacitor badger to the plate and/or screws?

Fixed for greater mayhem.


I think we have a tag collector

bbkf may have some spare ones.


Anaconda is fun to watch while stoned.


Maybe you can wire a large, well-charged capacitor badger to the plate and/or screws?

Honey badger doesn’t give a damn.


I hear its amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hari Kari Rock. I need scissors! 61!

Gorbachev sings tractors! Turnips! BUTTOCKS!

First it was the Girl Sprouts and the Milkman conspiracy, now it’s the mailman’s turn, soon they’ll join the late 20th century and discover that it was really the fault of the pool boy and the pizza delivery guy. Or maybe they’ll go all old skool and pin it on the Fuller brush man.

They really need to stop drafting their conspiracy theories from the “plots” of bad pornos.


RIP Eric Lowen


•Ed Morrisey is afraid to touch anything as concerns questioning Obama’s legitimacy. On this matter it’s like he is afraid of his own shadow.

Or he’s afraid of something else.

•03/19/2012 05:43 AM
•in reply to FeralCat

Stevie 1
They’re all afraid. Andrew Breitbart’s sudden death was a warning.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/03/what_the_mailman_knows_about_ayers_and_obama_comments.html#disqus_thread#ixzz1q35TTgTS


bbkf may have some spare ones.

Coulda saved myself $40 this week. That’s a lot of ramen, folx.


Let’s play Poe or No?

I believe that Soros and Wall Street are linked to viciously anti american european banksters. A British magazine called “Identity” links Soros’ Open Society Network and ten of his National Endowment for Democracy directors with the Rockefeller founded Council on Foreign Relations, as well as huge donations to dozens of moslem organisations in Tunisia alone. (The article was on Tunisia) So Soros appears to be the link between the banksters and the moslem jihadists. I don’t know Van Jones but will look him up.

Soros didn’t become an overnight billionaire without a lot of help – my money’s on the european based descendants o genghis khan. Soros seems to be the bagman. Ayers the “consigliere” Obama the front man, and abdulla the “Don.” But let’s not forget the khazakstanis – clever, ruthless, highly organised, with access to our Christian inspired knowledge.

The CIA was co-founded by the scion of a wealthy British banking family, one Ian Fleming – who seems to have tried to warn us about the insane globalists and dangerous megalomaniacs in his Bond Books.


I say Poe. Which one of you Sadlys wrote the above?


The CIA was co-founded by the scion of a wealthy British banking family, one Ian Fleming – who seems to have tried to warn us about the insane globalists and dangerous megalomaniacs in his Bond Books.

Hee hee, that’s awesome.


They’re all afraid. Andrew Breitbart’s sudden death was a warning.

A warning not to be an overweight druggie with anger issues.


Still trying to figure out this “friendly to Obama” biographer who somehow found out all of Obama’s grades from kindergarten through law school.


I’m not sure how I’d find out my own. College transcript, yes, that’s easy to get – only there are laws about how you do it, and they don’t include a “biographer” calling up the school.

I always have to chuckle about the wingnuts who claim that there’s a “lock” on Obama’s college grades that prevents them from being released to the press. Yeah, there’s a lock, alright. There’s a lock on your college grades, too – it’s called FERPA.


Well, I’ve been busy, getting my THIRD license plate in a week, mostly.

You might try replacing the standard screws with something like hex-head (Allen Wrench) screws or Torx.

Presumably the thief is just carrying a screwdriver and not a toolbox full of hex-head wrenches.

Pupienus Maximus

Definitely Torx fasteners. And put some Loctite Red on those suckers.

Have you notified the property manager about the situation?

Pupienus Maximus

And, just to make things as difficult as possible, double nut them. You know how to lock two nuts together? And domt forget the Loctite. Red, not Blue.


Then hide in the bushes with a concealed handgun, a copy of the Tennessee “stand your ground” law, a hoodie and a can of blackface.

After you’ve shot the perp, dress him in the hoodie and apply the blackface if he doesn’t look sufficiently “urban”.


Moe is dead and the rest of the stooges have to resort to hitting themselves on the head with a hammer.*

* congrats to Brietbart on his third week of sobriety. Cheers Andrew (raises beer glass)


I was saying “boo urns”…

Pupienus Maximus

After you’ve shot the perp, dress him in the hoodie and apply the blackface if he doesn’t look sufficiently “urban”.

And don’t forget the Skittles!


Also, being a direct decsendant of Genghis Khan would be awesome!


Moe is dead

What about Manny and Jack?


But let’s not forget the khazakstanis – clever, ruthless, highly organised, with access to our Christian inspired knowledge.

Yes, let’s not forget because AWESOME!


Also, being a direct decsendant of Genghis Khan would be awesome!



If you have yet to see the video of Matterra interviewing “Bono” you can see it

That shit is hilariousHoisted on own Petard indeed.
And to think that Hannity was gonna run with this. Between this and The girl publicly asking O’Keefe for her panties back i am really enjoying shaden with a heaping pile of freude.


They’re all afraid. Andrew Breitbart’s sudden death was a warning.

… that there’s a slim outside chance that just maybe choosing chronic cranked-out blackout binging apoplexy as a lifestyle may not actually be worth your valiant quest to make those hippie chicks who blew you off in Grade 11 mad after all?

It would be irresponsible to speculate because GOD MOM SUPERBOWL CRYING EAGLE FREEDOM-FRIES.


One of the parts of the left wing of the gold hordeIn Kazakhstan this conventional is the third point of view, according to which the division into White and Blue Hordes’ relates only to the eastern part of the Jochid Ulus. Accordingly, the Blue Horde is understood as appanage of Shiban, another son of Jochi, which located between the right wing of gold horde and the horde of Orda Khan (in the territory of modern western Kazakhstan).

It all makes sense now


Have you notified the property manager about the situation?

They only give a shit about stuff like “only white showing through your windows to the outside,” and “no window air conditioners.”


Spit happens. Sometimes people step up their game crossing from one environment to another. Even if Obama got bad grades at one point in his life doesn’t mean he didn’t have the potential for more.

Oh, I get that completely. I just wonder, as g did above, why they expect us to take their word on it that they have seen all of Obama’s transcripts, and boy-are-they-embarrassing-you’ll-just-have-to-take-my-word-on-it.

How would they get them, and if they did, why wouldn’t they just spill the beans? If they really were bad, you know that photocopies of them would be scanned and posted all over every wingnut website.

Like all conspiracy theories, people believe it because they want to–they start out with a rigid belief (Obama is a fake and occupies the White House illegitimately) and then chase after and swallow anything that confirms that belief. They don’t need any actual proof that he had any bad grades since they know it already.


Principal CB,

“I don’t want to live here anymore. I don’t want to know this place EXISTS anymore.”

Be careful saying that, Subby McAsshole will accuse you of being a traitor.

Asia Update: I just got back from two weeks of snorkeling in Palawan. It was awesome. Sea turtles and stingrays.

PS: Subby, nothing personal, I love your comments. They make me LOL


Matterra pawning himself.

Sometimes I wonder if I should get rid of these fat fingers.



A warning not to be an overweight druggie with anger issues.

I am taking this under consideration.


One of the parts of the left wing of the gold hordeIn Kazakhstan this conventional is the third point of view, according to which the division into White and Blue Hordes’ relates only to the eastern part of the Jochid Ulus. Accordingly, the Blue Horde is understood as appanage of Shiban, another son of Jochi, which located between the right wing of gold horde and the horde of Orda Khan (in the territory of modern western Kazakhstan).

That explains their multiple national anthems.


Since all blackmen look alike, wouldn’t they all look like Obama?


Stand your ground.


New photoshop is nifty. Well done!


Also, being a direct decsendant of Genghis Khan would be awesome!




OT: GO UMD BULLDOGS!! They are playing tonight in the NCAA regional hockey playoffs against Maine. Just had to get that off my chest.


Between this and The girl publicly asking O’Keefe for her panties back i am really enjoying shaden with a heaping pile of freude.

I wasn’t aware of this until today (the thought of googling “O’Keefe” & “panties” still makes my skin crawl). With that, Mattera’s Bono boner, and the links meltdown, the “Breitbart empire” probably won’t survive six months after the asshole croaked.


One of Shiban’s sons, Balagha Bey (Prince Balagha) assisted Hulagu Khan in taking Baghdad in 1258.

My family (on my father’s side) is originally from Lebanon, and that’s supposedly where the name came from.


I don’t know if it’s true or not, but it’s pretty badass so I’m going with it.


Funny material for Sadlies who despise evangelical fundies. (Isn’t that everyone?) Hilarious legal smackdown by US District Court Judge in Texas (!) in a HS school-prayer case. His decision doesn’t begin with the facts of the case; it begins with this:

What This Case Has Not Been About

The right to pray.
Any American can pray, silently or verbally, seven days a week, twenty four hours a day, in private as Jesus taught [1] or in large public events as Mohammed instructed. [2]

The FDL poster adds:

Thinks about that for a moment.

Those clamoring for the right to pray publicly — in Texas, we’re talking about strongly evangelical fundamentalists Christians — are told they are following Mohammed’s teachings. Biery inserts the knife oh-so-gently, and gives it a nice little twist.

It gets funnier.


He also added a Personal Statement after his signature on the opinion. In part:

To those Christians who have venomously and vomitously cursed the court family and threatened bodily harm and assassination: In His name, I forgive you.

To those who have prayed for my death: Your prayers will someday be answered, as inevitably trumps probability.

To those in the executive and legislative branches of government who have demagogued this case for their own political goals: You should be ashamed of yourselves.


If Geraldo Rivera retired from public life, do you suppose we’d be able to muddle along? It’s worth a shot.


I don’t know if it’s true or not, but it’s pretty badass so I’m going with it.

Would it be inappropriate to refer to you as Major Khan?


It’s remarkable how they’ve managed to cover it up all this time.

Not when you consider all the help they get from SATAN!


Be careful saying that, Subby McAsshole will accuse you of being a traitor.

PS: Subby, nothing personal, I love your comments. They make me LOL

That doesn’t sound personal at all. Nothing personal, but I think you’re an asshole.


Would it be inappropriate to refer to you as Major Khan?

Oooooh, I like it!


It’s worth a shot.

I see what you do there.


Major Khan
Naturally the military title comes before the inherited title.

Sample conversation on a field telephone [trenches, 1917]:
“Hello! This is Brigadier-General the Viscount of Arbuthnott!”
“This is Nott“.


“I understand that there are some people who could look at this behavior and say it’s a pedophile problem. But there are others who will say, ‘This is somebody who loves kids and loves to be around them’ …



How the fuck does that lawyer manage to look at himself in the mirror long enough to shave?


The closed captioning at msnbc is sad, cheap, and lazy.


Now appearing in the Trayvon Martin thread two down:

“In your face said,
March 24, 2012 at 21:30

So it turns out:

– The dead man is 6’3 football player, on suspension from school
– He is years older than the picture shown everywhere
– He attacked and injured the shooter
– which is why the police recognized this as self-defense”

In Your Face seems to have forgotten his link or citation. It’s not too late to substantiate “how it turns out.”


Not that any of that would matter.


Bitter Scribe: How the fuck does that lawyer manage to look at himself in the mirror long enough to shave?

He looks in the mirror and loves what he sees. Fusses with his shirt collar. Touches his hair a bit. Smooths it a bit; musses it a bit. Turns his head 15° to the side and does a little half-smile.


I always do my finest trolling on old ass threads. I win every argument that way.


Via Crooks and Liars, Fox runs article accusing ABC of slander in “pink slime” story. Comments are precious, the wingnuts are loudly clamoring for a diet of shit.


Dick Cheney has received a heart transplant. No word on whether the donor volunteered.


He shot the donor in the face beforehand.


Dick Cheney has received a heart transplant.

“He’s more machine than man now. Twisted, evil.”


the wingnuts are loudly clamoring for a diet of shit.
I think BBBB has just summed up the platform of the Tea Party.


Comments are precious, the wingnuts are loudly clamoring for a diet of shit.

For some people it may be a locus-of-control thing.
1. Our corporate masters are going to feed us shit whether we like it or not.
2. Making a fuss about this would require effort.
3. If we pretend that eating shit was *our own idea* we can feel better about ourselves. It’s better than being powerless.


Dan Reihl joins the fail parade.

Teenager posts goofy self portrait on Facebook… OMG HIDE THE WIMMIN AND CHILDREN!!!#@!@!!@!~~!!!


For some people it may be a locus-of-control thing.
1. Our corporate masters are going to feed us shit whether we like it or not.
2. Making a fuss about this would require effort.
3. If we pretend that eating shit was *our own idea* we can feel better about ourselves. It’s better than being powerless.

Those who are cool will corporate crime,
Will happ’ly scarf down foul pink slime.
Must adhere to Ruppert’s writ,
Smile and say, “Please pass the shit!”


Its the wrong Trayvon Martin but at least he didn’t think it was the real Bono.


Its the wrong Trayvon Martin but at least he didn’t think it was the real Bono.

But what about the real Mitt Romney?


I always know I’m going to enjoy one of your posts when it sends me to the dictionary to look up a word I don’t recognize.

Eidetic: commonly referred to as photographic memory, is a medical term, popularly defined as the ability to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory with extreme precision and in abundant volume. The word eidetic, referring to extraordinarily detailed and vivid recall not limited to, but especially of, visual images, comes from the Greek word ????? (pronounced [ê?dos], eidos, “seen”).

Cerberus Cerebral, I salute you! Also, really a shame that the wingnut photographic memory camera had the film loaded bassackwards during the Bush-Cheney-Rove regime.


This made me laugh so hard:

All of this got me to wondering whether an Ayers-Obama-Said-al-Mansour cabal had formed in the early 1980s back in New York City.

I think it’s the use of the word “cabal.”

Also, I agree Cerberus. This was possibly your best post yet. There was so much greatness in it.

I will now spend the rest of my evening how a 10 year old could have the strength to behead another kid.


…I remembered liberal blogger Steven Diamond having interviewed the fellow…

Assuming Cashill is referring to Stephen Diamond, a Santa Law law school prof, there are only a few choices here: 1. Cashill can’t remember what Diamond said about Ayers and Obama ; 2. Ronald Radosh is the most understated neoconservative academic to survive the purges; or 3. Ayers is a bit-player in the recently successful Van Jones-Chris Edley-Goodwin Liu plot to replace Cheney’s heart with Len Bias’s heart and then use the old Cheney heart as a universal birth control device as decreed by the Shadow Proclamation.


I think we’re failing to focus on the real issue here: is Obama a Reptilian or just an agent of the Reptilians?


I must admit, I don’t even think I’ve met my mailcarrier.

I think she’s a woman, though.


No, no, no.

Obama’s an Amphibian.


I think we’re failing to focus on the real issue here: is Obama a Reptilian or just an agent of the Reptilians?

No,no. Obama is a Demtilian. Which is why the Reptilian party hates him so. That and the fact that he’s blah.


a diet of shit.
Do not confuse with the Diet of Worms.


perhaps no-one else has bothered, so i’ll say,

“Ground control to Major Kong [KAHN!!],
take your protein pills, & put your helmet on.”

but avoid the worm-diet, if you can.


So how long before the heart rejects Dick Cheney?


I assume the new heart had to be chained down to keep it from leaping out of Cheney’s chest, and connected to a 50 watt pacemaker to keep it beating.


So how long before the heart rejects Dick Cheney?

Why am I humming Barricuda?


His old heart was last seen running down the street shouting “Free at last! Free at last!”


His old heart was last seen running down the street shouting “Free at last! Free at last!”

Then 4B grabbed it and put it in a soup.


Then 4B grabbed it and put it in a soup.

“Don’t touch it! It’s concentrated evil!”


Oooh. Time Bandits reference. Good one.


So how long before the heart rejects Dick Cheney?

Holy crap, I thought this was an elaborate gag. They actually did a transplant on that creaky old bastard (and that’s me being as generous as humanly possible. I wonder if he got one from one of the kids he sent off to fight and die.



I wonder if he got one from one of the kids he sent off to fight and die.

In a perfect world, his unknown donor is a poor, gay, person of color. The spirit and soul of his new heart’s donor will possess the shriveled husk that is Dick Cheney, and in the next years of his life, he will work to undo everything that he did.


Oooh. Time Bandits reference. Good one.

Old school.


I wonder if he got one from one of the kids he sent off to fight and die.

Former Foxconn worker.


The President: [while eating a meal of feces] Carlo, do this with your fingers.
[the President sticks two fingers in his mouth]
The President: And say, “I can’t eat rice with my fingers like this.”
Male Victim: [with fingers in his mouth] I can’t eat rice.
The President: Then eat shit.


The Monolith monsters. A classic 1957 sci-fi joint.


Must read awesome post.

“Tell us a story, Grandpa Santorum,” several of the children said together. It was cold, and from the front of the concrete bunker, there was a low whistle as the wind pushed through the gaps around the old wooden door. “Tell us a story again, from the before-times.”


Gocart, that was awesome.


Little Ricky wins Louisiana. Another victory in what Jimmy Breslin called “the low-IQ states.”


Nude post!


…Grandpa Santorum…

I’m a little worried that an Onion editor is going to get spoofed by the new Santorium ad and end up running it as the lead Onion video story.


[…] remember Jack Cashill? Well, it seems ol’ Jack has realized that he can’t just rant about Time-Traveling Bill […]


[…] page to find evidence that a feminist group has GASP a feminist slant may not be at the level of Cashill’s epic weave of conspiracy to prove that Bill Ayers knew his own father, it nonetheless leaves me giggling like the loon I […]


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