Usually when an Old Man Obsesses about Girl Scouts…

The line between public official and that creepy guy who insists on sitting next to you on the bus is getting a little too thin for my tastes.

Rep. Bob Morris, Indiana House of Representatives:
Girl Scouts Have “Radical Policies”

The Girl Scouts have long vexed the wingnuts of the world. Not just because the Scouts are a group of young girls who are trained to do something other than wash dishes and suck preacher cock. But also because they have proven to be far less corruptible than their male counterparts.

While they had no difficulty taking over the Boy Scouts and turning it into a religiously organization more interested in using children as a cover for attacks against non-discrimination laws than in instilling any kind of environmental, intellectual, and social curiosity in young boys, the Girl Scouts have proven more hardy.

And as Girl Scouts enter into their Centennial, there has been an explosion of the certifiable steaming at the years of the uppitiness of these young women selling cookies without being properly on their knees.

And while websites like this and this are rife with potential picks, we’ll just have to go with the only nutjob in the list who has genuine political power.

Cause we’re rebels like that.

This past week I was asked to sign a House Resolution recognizing the 100th Anniversary of Girl Scouts of America.

And at the first mention of girl or female, I knew this meaningless and symbolic fluff legislation was created by demons and that I needed to put all my important duties on hold to fume and masturbate on the internet.

After talking to some well-informed constituents, I did a small amount of web-based research, and what I found is disturbing.

You thought I was kidding, didn’t you?

He really did go out of his way when some fluff formality was passed his way despite working in a state hit particularly hard by Great Depression II: Electric Boogaloo. But it’s not because the very notion of girls and women allowed outside their cages incenses him to his very core. Oh, no!

It’s merely because of that nasty abortion that slutty evil girls get up to.

The Girl Scouts of America and their worldwide partner, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), have entered into a close strategic affiliation with Planned Parenthood.

Yeah, they didn’t really have a problem with the Girl Scouts on their own merits, but they are aligned with an organization that provides a legal medical procedure as one of a couple of hundred services provided and thus their taint spreads like goatse to envelop anything associated with it.

And conveniently this covers every other organization involving women allowing a one stop reason to be upset with every women’s organization known to man. But it’s not because of hatred of women, it’s because they just care so much about BABIEZ!

You will not find evidence of this on the GSA/WAGGGS website—in fact, the websites of these two organizations explicitly deny funding Planned Parenthood.

You don’t say?!? Lesser men would investigate a link and find absolutely zero proof of it and assume that there was no such connection, but Rep. Bob Morris is NO LESSER MAN! Like all proud wingnuts, when he sees absolutely no real world evidence of his insane bullshit, he knows that he has stumbled on the greatest evidence of ALL, the proof of conspiracy!

Now, you might also think this convenient, that whenever reality contradicts a wingnut, it’s proof of conspiracy, but that’s just proof that YOU’RE IN ON THE CONSPIRACY! We’re on to you Comrade Evilkins McStalinstache!

Nonetheless, abundant evidence proves that the agenda of Planned Parenthood includes sexualizing young girls through the Girl Scouts, which is quickly becoming a tactical arm of Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood instructional series and pamphlets are part of the core curriculum at GSA training seminars.

So for a laugh, I decided to venture to the ass end of the internet to see what “proof” our illustrious wingnuts could manage for this new truism (and boy howdy is it a truism on the Right). I’ll save you the long ass deconstruction and hand you the shorter:

  • OMG! Girl Scouts are sometimes at the same thousand organization events as Planned Parenthood and worse! some Girl Scout supporters also support Planned Parenthood! SCANDAL!

Yeah, the link is that it turns out that people who support young girls being full human beings who deserve an organization to empower them also have turned out to support full actual grown women being full human beings who deserve actual legal health care.

I suppose to an ideology that is nothing but purging the unclean from their ranks, this would seem like something actually damning, but to the rest of the world, it looks like there’s about as little connection between the two as there is to me and Obama’s secret muslin orgies (WHY WON’T YOU CALL?!?).

Denver Auxiliary Bishop James D. Conley of Denver last year warned parents that “membership in the Girl Scouts could carry the danger of making their daughters more receptive to the pro-abortion agenda.”

Indeed! First they acknowledge they are female by their involvement with the Wiccan cult “Girl Scouts”, then they grow up into evolving bodies by the wizard’s spell known as Pub Erty, then they start to realize that pregnancy is something that can happen to them and occur inside of them, rather than happening in a white void far away from “real people”.

Next up they are burning their bras and saying women are actual human beings who deserve rights and refusing to marry daddy’s “little friend” who he thinks would make a great husband for his “little girl”. And do you see what you have wrought Girl Scouts! If only we had known to deny them any knowledge that they were women, this would never have happened. If only we listened to the man from the pedophile organization when we had the chance!

A Girl Scouts of America training program last year used the Planned Parenthood sex education pamphlet “Happy, Healthy, and Hot.”

Used. Found on the floor in the same ginormous conference that Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood had token presences at and originating from neither’s tables. Same difference.

The pamphlet instructs young girls not to think of sex as “just about vaginal or anal intercourse.” “There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!” it states.

Well, besides this pamphlet not actually containing any actual false information and wouldn’t actually be out of place as information given by organizations such as Girl Scouts to older members to decrease a lot of the suffering that is unnecessarily added to female puberty experiences, we still need to fixate on the bit where it never happened.

Shame, because I’d like to live in a world where sex-denialists weren’t making it so every single organization on the planet was terrified to do meaningful sex education to teens and pre-teens to try and mitigate the mistakes most young’uns make learning it on their own usually with the usual rigorous information quality one gets doing the “small amount of web-based research” they end up having to do to get any meaningful sex education at all.

Although individual Girl Scout troops are not forced to follow this curriculum, many do.

Oh right, wingnut ranting about Girl Scouts. I couldn’t find the origin of this one, so it’s all on him. Apparently the first mention of “Girls” and “sex” have transported Bob Morris’s mind permanently to his collection of taped Girls Gone Wild commercials he reviews every night for “research”.

Liberal progressive troop-leaders will indoctrinate the girls in their troop according to the principles of Planned Parenthood, making Bishop Conley’s warning true.

Assertion origin? His ass, certified Professor of Made Up Statistics, current Department chair at Liberty University.

Many parents are abandoning the Girl Scouts because they promote homosexual lifestyles.

Well, that was abrupt! We were all taking about how you only had a problem with yet another thing having to do with girls and women again only because you hate abortion and only abortion so darn much, and then you suddenly went off here.

Sir, did the talk about sex get to you? Sir, why is your face all red? Sir, I’m only going to ask this once, but…where is your other hand?

In fact, the Girl Scouts education seminar girls are directed to study the example of role models.

Those bitches! They are daring to force OUR CHILDREN to study female role models to look up to! Allowing them to have dreams and hopes of a full and important life before they are shoved back into their gilded cage?!? Does the perfidy of this vile organization know no bounds?!?

Of the fifty role models listed, only three have a briefly-mentioned religious background

Why, it’s almost like most organized religions have some sort of bigotry or bias against women and do not allow them to often achieve high acclaim, recognition, or achievement in their organizations and have in fact been found to openly jeer and attempt to tear down accomplished females for daring to think they are worth as much as a man.

And how many of the 50 role models were in fact religious, but their religions just weren’t crucial enough to make it on a paragraph or two summary of their entire lives?

Whoops, no time to answer that, we’re too busy claiming that any time religion isn’t given a public blowjob, it’s actively being kicked in the nuts!

– all the rest are feminists, lesbians, or Communists.

Yeah, funny thing about actively working against female empowerment and labeling all who do feminists, lesbians, and communists. Turns out, you end up ceding all the heroes to the other side when your side loses the culture battle like the chumps you are.

Want some female role models for conservatism? You’ll have to actually allow a woman to succeed and be praise-worthy and do something that inspires young women to achieve, and yeah, no, Sarah Palin so doesn’t count.

World Net Daily, in a May 2009 article, states that Girl Scout Troops are no longer allowed to pray or sing traditional Christmas Carols.

Well, if Wing Nut Daily says it’s true, it must be collected from only the finest collected delusions of white supremacists and “I heard from a guy at a bar once” losers.

And if that isn’t the same as true, then I’ll eat my hat (carefully check to make sure I own no hats). Yes, definitely, eat my hat.

Boys who decide to claim a “transgender” or cross-dressing life-style are permitted to become a member of a Girl Scout troop, performing crafts with the girls and participate in overnight and camping activities – just like any real girl.

Every time I read a sentence like this, my rage ulcer gets a pair of wings.


Oh yes, where would we be, dear readers, in the lawless anarchy where people who identify as girls can join the Girl Scouts. Don’t people know that penises are actually sentient demons that detach themselves from the bodies they inhabit every night to impregnate women and whisper in their ear how enjoyable it will be for them to have their uterus scraped out of the tiny homunculus full grown babies thus turning them into just another group of abortion addicts?!?

I know it’s true. I looked it up on the wikipedia page for penis and didn’t see it, thus proving the CONSPIRACY is larger than even I had thought!

The fact that the Honorary President of Girl Scouts of America is Michelle Obama

Uh uh uh. Her full name is Michelle Obama McHitler Mussolinipants. And you were doing so well on accuracy up to now!

and the Obama’s are radically pro-abortion and vigorously support the agenda of Planned Parenthood

Man, would I love to live in their fantasy world. It sounds AWESOME!

, should give each of us reason to pause before our individual or collective endorsement of the organization.

Yeah! We shouldn’t just stop supporting Girl Scouts because of a weak connection to our boogeyman codeword for “thinks females are peoples”, we should also stop supporting them because they are tainted by black black blackity black Obamas, who have replaced Lucifer as the prime evil in our mythologies.

Wait…if the Girl Scouts are tainted by Michelle Obama’s honorary title, then that means Saint Nancy Reagan had the same title. Then that means she was tainted as well. Which means Saint Ronald when he placed his holy scepter within her…

Oh my Bob, they got Saint Reagan as well! Those commie bastards! Is no one safe from the Thin Mints Conspiracy?

As members of the Indiana House of Representatives, we must be wise before we use the credibility and respect of the “Peoples’ House” to extend legitimacy to a radicalized organization.

Yeah, we should only support safe and totally not radicalized organizations like the Boy Scouts or the Hitler Youth instead of dangerous subversives like the Girl Scouts or the PTA (damn union commies).

The Girl Scouts of America stand in a strong tradition that reflects with fidelity the traditional values of our homes and our families. The tradition extends from coast-to-coast and back through the past one hundred years.

You know at this time, the one staff member with an ounce of sense glanced over his shoulder at what Bobby was writing and saw that his boss was about to argue that the fucking Girl Scouts was too commie for the conservative purity test and tried to intervene to save his own job.

“Sir, I can’t stress how out of touch you’ll appear to your constituents!”

“Nonsense, Timmy, I’ll throw in some blather about tradition. The people need to know what those little sluts have been getting up to. Only the Timecube guy dares to speak the truth!”

That said, I challenge each of you to examine these matters more closely before you extend your name and your reputation to endorse a group that has been subverted in the name of liberal progressive politics and the destruction of traditional American family values.

But try not to read any of the “reality-based” stuff, cause then you might end up realizing how much of an idiot I am. Actually, just take my word for it and keep sending me money and election victories so I can keep you appraised of the ever-growing list of boogeymen you need to hide under your bed from.

Also don’t eat Tagalongs, they make you queer.

I have two daughters who have been active in the Girl Scouts of Limberlost Council in Northeastern Indiana.

I would often watch them and their little friends at their “Jamborees” through a hole I crafted in the wall to keep my eye out for signs of vile lesbianism and impromptu abortions, but hadn’t noticed anything untowards. They did keep glancing my direction with a fearful look in my eye and refuse to come back. Now I realize that was because they were being indoctrinated by Commie Islamofascist sex education pamphlets that made them the sluts they were. Dirty sluts who need to be punished. Why won’t anyone else see the truth?

Now that I am aware of the influence of Planned Parenthood within GSA and other surprisingly radical policies of GSA, my two daughters will instead become active in American Heritage Girls Little Flowers organization.

Oh Billy Bob Gringo, what did your daughters ever do to you to deserve that shit?

In this traditional group they will learn about values and principles that will not confuse their conservative Hoosier upbringing.

What a careful phrasing…

Yes, nothing will confuse how they were brought up. They will encounter no one of different economic, racial, sexual, gender identity, or other backgrounds, will be challenged in no way, offered no opportunity or dream beyond that which their father has chosen for them. And so will never become “confused” about the world outside, never knowing that there are other options than supporting daddy’s home movies or the early release of the grave.

And when they achieve adulthood and flee into the night, never calling home, recounting what happened only to their therapists and their loving wives, Bob Morris will know it wasn’t his fault. He just wasn’t strong enough against the Rainbow Squirts and the Conspiracy. But one day he’ll get to the bottom of it, everyone will see. One day, they’ll know the Rage of the Milkman!

I have been told that, as of today, I am the only member not supporting the Girl Scout Resolution.

When you are too crazy for Indiana, it just might be time to look into moving to South Carolina.

I challenge each of you to examine these matters and to decide carefully whether or not to sign the resolution.

Seeing as how this was created a number of days ago, I think we can safely say now that Bob Morris wasn’t quite ready for people to carefully examine these matters.

Wing Nut Daily! How could you have steered such an honest and not at all creepy fuck with pedophile eyes wrong?



Comments: 255


In odd coincidence weekly, the museum I’m teaching at is preparing a bunch of stuff for the Girl Scouts Centennial celebration. I’ll have to be sure to congratulate them on all their gay abortions for Satan.


Sitting on the park bench…


Not surprising. Once you get out of Indianapolis, Indiana is the kind of red state that makes Texans go “Dayum! Y’all sure are right wing!”


they’ll know the Rage of the Milkman!

Reid Fleming is not to be toyed with.


we still need to fixate on the bit where it never happened.



I knew there was something off about my Samoas this year. Must be the fetuses.


This guy actually attributes WND for his info.

Thankfully, Indiana is only one or two tire fires away from being swept off the planet.



“Had I known this letter would have gone to a wider audience, I would have cited further evidence for my position,” he said.

Morris said he never should have written the original letter, but he said he would still not sign the resolution honoring the Girl Scouts because of the policies of its national organization.


Great Depression II: Electric Boogaloo

Actually the electricity was cut due to lack of payment.


Isn’t this kinda, you know, dated, Cerb?

KO did an entire week on this guy like two weeks ago.


Excellent p-shop Cerb! I’ve just cued up that album in honor of this post.

Also and too, I’ll just resurrect this comment of mine from a few threads ago as a zombie and bring it over here:

Maybe he “accidentally” searched for “girl scout” on redtube and his wife caught him.

“Uh, no dear, see I was doing research, honest. Look at this piece of, uh, research I’ve been, uh, carefully examining — the girl scouts are promoting sex! Some of them even appear to be lesbians! And their uniforms are scandalous!”



Yes, absolutely.

I fully acknowledge that this one is dated and way more dated than I usually let myself use for a post, but looking it over, I just couldn’t resist giving it a thorough fisking. The next post will be much more topical. In the meantime, try and imagine you are in a time machine powered by fetuses and girl scout cookies. It won’t help, but at least you’ll have something to eat while I work on the next post.


Heard about this just as the local Girl Scouts were launching a cookie sale drive. Boom! went the diet!


The next post will be much more topical.

Next post? Don’t tell us about plans for a next post. It ruins the suspense.


Next post? Don’t tell us about plans for a next post. It ruins the suspense.

Personally, I like teaser trailers.


“In the meantime, try and imagine you are in a time machine powered by fetuses and girl scout cookies. It won’t help, but at least you’ll have something to eat while I work on the next post.”

Imaginary cookies Isreal?


Don’t mind a ‘dated’ topic; we fly off-topic so fast anyway. Also Cerb’s take-down is precision dissection (as usual). Plus it has an embedded Shorter! Yaay!


Needs moar Girl Scout Dumplings.

Guerilla Voters Cadre 18

YOU’RE IN ON THE CONSPIRACY! We’re on to you Comrade Evilkins McStalinstache!

The Wicked-Bad Plot and our Secret Identity Roster have both been compromised. Now you must die.


In my teen years I (was)volouteered to help out at a Girl Scout summer camp. I was basically a baby sitter for the young children of the adults running the camp. Unfortunately I missed out on all the hot lesbian action and all the aborting, must have been going on in another part of the camp.

All the young Girl Scouts love Alice


He may be onto something here: “all the rest are feminists, lesbians, or Communists,” since God IS a Cuban lesbian, don’tcha


Personally, I like teaser trailers.

Backing music.


Are the cookies made from real girl scouts?


Out of deference to your service to our country I will refrain from aheming


This past week I was asked to sign a House Resolution recognizing the 100th Anniversary of Girl Scouts of America.

It must be terrible flying the flag of a country where abortion is legal and sodomites run around like they’re real people or something. July 4th must be a very weepy day. Poor Bob!


Caressing the external genitals with your lips or tongue as an element of foreplay is morally acceptable and we must not perceive it as a sin…The Church preaching would contradict itself claiming that some parts of a beloved person’s body, such as mouth, breasts, thighs, buttocks, can be caressed and kissed, while others, such as genitals, cannot be kissed, caressed or touched.


By coincidence, I am typing this while sitting at the monument six blocks from the Indiana statehouse. Help me!


gocart mozart said,

February 29, 2012 at 23:39 (kill)

There’s a post about that over at LGM, my favorite comment there is:

Wait, isn’t oral sex usually considered a type of sodomy, unnatural since it isn’t procreative? Maybe the loophole is it’s okay if nobody comes. Which means it’s okay to do it as long as you aren’t very good at it.

Somewhat related


Which means it’s okay to do it as long as you aren’t very good at it.

But the line is different for men and women: men aren’t allowed to spill their seed but women get to have an orgasm. So it’s like a non-stop orgasm-fest 24/7 for the ladies because their men just want to lick their vaginas all day long. Right girls?


Sounds like cooties may be involved.


I’ve read, and then re-read, and then perused, this so-called fisking.

It promises Timecube.



“There’s a post about that over at LGM, my favorite comment there is:”

Yes, I should have added h/t LGM.


After talking to some well-informed constituents, I did a small amount of web-based research, and what I found is disturbing.

Isn’t that just code for:

The dirty old perv who lives down the block from me told me about a pr0n site on the intertubez and on their I found pictures of ‘barely legal’ chix dressed as girl scouts. Since I am a GOoPer and hence my sexual proclivities involve rent boys, wet suits and rubber dildos, I found these images disturbing



It promises Timecube.


Your ignorance of Harmonc Cube is demonic!


I did a small amount of web-based research

and determined I can retire on this new Quixstar thing.


OMG! GSA is sooooo much better than I thought. BSA basically suffers because the Mormons literally use it as their male youth program (wildly skewing the membership) and the national office is in that well-known haven of tolerance and progressivism Fort Worth, Texas.
I must say though that the whole evil liberal scout leader thing is true. I’m a liberal and my scoutmaster was a liberal. (We’ll ignore that so was my mom, and dad was a centrist Republican who is now a Democrat.)
I’m also wondering if these 50 role models includes Dorothy Day since she would be feminist, nearly communist, and very Catholic (it would be impossible to have biography of her without mentioning her Catholicism). And she had an abortion. Head explodes in Indiana.

bughunter who always forgets about his nym field

At first I was confused. I didn’t understand how, if the Girl Scouts are promoting lesbianism, why they needed abortions.

Then I got to the part about the transgenders, and understood.

Concerened Freedom Lover

You liberals are to blame for the Chardon, Ohio shooting. If we had God back in Goverment, like Rick Santorum would be, then we have USA back, we are taking it back.


The fact is, Obama is the worst abortionism in history. On his watch, 100 million unborn Amercans were harvested for their tissue or insinerated.

America will be avenged.


Concerened Freedom Lover said,
March 1, 2012 at 0:41

Hmm. Can’t tell if parody stupid or actually stupid.


The fact is, I agree that Rick Santorum would be the ideal president to Save America. When these gays and minorites act like its there country, its not.


The fact is, if Obama is realelcted, persecution of Christians will continue and intensify untill we have what Hitler did, but to Christians.


. So it’s like a non-stop orgasm-fest 24/7 for the ladies because their men just want to lick their vaginas all day long. Right girls?

Sure. Every day, I’m batting away man-tongue after man-tongue. What a nuisance!


Fort Worth. My mother and stepfather and I moved from Austin to Fort Worth when I was four years old. I remember hating it then and non-stop until I finally got to move back to Austin when I was fourteen. Hate. it. Hate. it. Hate. it.

Pupienus Maximus

You’re saying it wrong wiley. It’s Foat Wuth.


GSoA: Boo hoo Bob McSnotgobbler did not sign something . Say are those fetus short ribs? Letmeattom!!!


No- Pupienus— though it wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of Forth Worthians and other Texans have started speaking with a Hollywood Southern accent. It was called “Fort Worth” and pronounced thusly (though the Worth part may have almost had two syllables like wor-r-th from drawling out the “r”. Have I mentioned that I HATE IT? Oddly enough, I was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana though my parents group up, met, and made me in Austin. The weird “fort” thing was just dumb luck. I’m not fond of Fort Wayne either.


Fake Gary: Good work! The built-in flaws are funny and well-located. However, multiple comments in a short period of time is not Real Gary’s MO. Keep trying, by all means! Fake trolling is fun for all. (Well, I enjoy reading them, anyway.)

Nymstrad: I’m with you on Concerned Freedom Lover: Could be fake; could be real. Hard to tell based on only two sentences. If someone forced me to choose, I vote ISREAL.


Actually, I’m switching my assessment of CFL. The spelling error in the nym field points to Fake. People are generally careful with that. Nicely done, sir or madam!


Wiley: Mr. Wit is going to call me tomorrow evening.


Cool Fenwick! He’s nice. I found it to be totally cool to be asked intelligent questions about my experience in missile warning. He is very knowledgeable about nuclear issues and genuinely curious and motivated to get the stories of Cold War Veterans with nuclear knowledge.


Wiley: Mr. Wit is going to call me tomorrow evening.

I spoke to him last week. We have a phone interview scheduled for the 11th.


Hey, DKW, if you care, LEAFS SUCK are in a real seesaw battle with the Blackhawks, up 3-2 after one period.


Do we get to throw Thin Mints at Morris in the next election, like some black kids threw Oreos (or didn’t) at Michael Steele?

(You can’t have any of mine, though.)


OT for DrDick if he’s around (or anyone interested in archaeology/anthropology) – what do you think about this?

I always thought water was a better path and have thought there were multiple pre-Clovis entries into the Americas. Dillehay may have one site in Monteverde that may go back over 30,000 years.


SC, I think it is highly unlikely that humans could have possibly reached North America a full 14,000 years before the creation of the universe.


… it is highly unlikely that humans could have possibly reached North America a full 14,000 years before the creation of the universe.

That’s just how special we are.


Concerened Freedom Lover

Not to be confused w/ Compact Fluorescent Lights. OR IS IT?


Do we get to throw Thin Mints at Morris in the next election … ?

Trefoils would be better, as they look like the GSA logo. (Plus they’re only merely good as opposed to terrific like Thin Mints.)


dude looks like a j.v. hoops coach. i think he’s spent too much time in that crawl space behind the girl’s showers. *oh ya, oh ya, oh ya, you little whore, oh ya*.


The tears of a clown.


PS: Try clicking on “Recent Posts” for a fascinating glimpse into a textbook case of political schizophrenia. It’s a real-time Headless Chicken Dance Contest, & everyone’s a winner! Someone there is seriously advocating for Perry to jump back into the race … sort of disappointing that nobody’s floating the idea of giving McCain another shot – YET.


Wingnut tears make Thin Mints taste extra-sweet!


New to me:

I’m not sure if it’s dystopic or Republican or porn or a NMA troll.


New to me:

I’m not sure if it’s dystopic or Republican or porn or a NMA troll.

omg…I have no snark. If I didn’t know any better I’d say it’s POE content.


What a very strange and odd blog this is. I am not sure how I got here, but based upon these “very strange comments” it definitely proves that Liberalism is a mental disorder. This site should be the poster child for it in fact.


The fact is, James, you are correct. This blog is biased, and far toward the left, far left of Hitler even like Obama is. These liberals are eleitists and hate America. We will take America back from them.


Oh no! James accidentally ventured out of the right-wing echo chamber. He’s been exposed to non-Murdoch ideas!

Lurking Canadian

Cerb, on the one hand I’m glad you wrote this, because this GSA=evil thing has been in the zeitgeist lately, and I was too lazy to find out where it came from.

On the other hand, now that I know where it came from, I contemplating spending the next four days vomiting while weeping tears of despair over the perfidy of humanity, so…you know…mixed blessing.


“What a very strange and odd blog this is. I am not sure how I got here, but based upon these “very strange comments” it definitely proves that Liberalism is a mental disorder. This site should be the poster child for it in fact”.

Oh oh, he’s on to us.

Beldar Conehead

Pay no attention to this blog, James. It is from France.


You nasty libs won’t have AB to kick around anymore…


*popping champagne cork*

Now, oto James O’Keefe


Hey, James?

What part of “humour” did you miss on your way in? And how drunk are you?


I wonder what cause of death for Breitbart will end up being.

Autoerotic asphyxiation would be droll.


because their men just want to lick their vaginas all day long. Right girls?

“Pack a lunch, stay for the day.” Robin Williams


Death of “natural causes” usually doesn’t take place at a hospital at midnight.

Who knows? Maybe he was allergic to bee stings.


One thing we know for sure is that he did not die of an enlarged heart.


although that would be hilariously ironic


So. Farewell then
Andrew Breitbart.
Was your
Really, you did not need
To leave us so soon.
Merely never to
Talk or type again
Would have been

E.J. Thribb (17½ websites)


Nice one, Bozo. But if it doesn’t turn on a hate fest in here, poor James will be disappointed. Aren’t liberals the real haters?


It was a desperate attempt to end the Shirley Sherrod lawsuit.

Hell had gained a blogger. Bye bye Blartblart. Dickhead.


Blartbarf was distraught over Davey Jones.


Did I read correctly that he was 43?!!! HOLY CRAP, I know 60 year olds who look younger than he did.

Whale Chowder from his phone

Goodbye and good riddance to a jackass of the first water.


Blartbarf was distraught over Davey Jones

One Monkee, one punkee.

Now if O’Keefe dies in a bizarre anal electrocution incident, add one Flunkee.

And before some concerned tone-troll starts tut-tutting about how innapropriate it is for anyone to be making jokes about the dead, let me say Blightfart was a twisted, bitter, hateful little man, and it would be the height of hypocracy to pretend otherwise just because he has now done the world the greatest favor of which he was capable.

Helmut Monotreme

Blightfart was a twisted, bitter, hateful little man

Hey now. you don’t know that. He might have been tall.


Andrew Blartblart is dead.

Do you smell that? It’s Karma baby. Sweet, sweet Karma.


Breitbart’s last tweet:

I called you a putz cause I thought you werebeing intentionally disingenuous. If not I apologize. @CenLamar @Dust92

Apparently, it really DID kill him to apologize


Aren’t liberals the real haters?


I knew you couldn’t ignore me…

Donalde Fuck (who's quite happy to concern troll)

Let’s remain as classy as Andy when Ted Kennedy died.


As punishment for talking smack about AB I think I have pink-eye. Goddangit


Yeah. Like being overweight, diagnosed with a heart condition one year ago (according to Sean Hannity), and having a unhealthy lifestyle (I mean, he always seemed to be drinking on pics or in videos) makes his “untimely” death the sure work of the nefarious Muslim Kenyan. More fun is to be expected.


Andrew “I’m Not An Editor, I’m An Artiste” Breitbart feeds the worms at 43?


………. & nothing of value was lost.

PS: With his eulogy, many wingnuts will now be learning for the first time that he helped set up HuffPo, thus doing nearly as much for libtards as he did for them – & the cognitive dissonance will be harsh. Also, Breitbart snuffs it EXACTLY when Justin Bieber turns 18 – coincidence or unrequited pederasty conspiracy?

The Shadow Knows!

Lurking Canadian

I would never speak ill of the dead. I only hope now that Breitbart is enjoying the afterlife he earned through his lifetime of good works, Christian charity towards those in need, and love of his fellow man.

Pupienus Maximus

I will not speak ill of the dead.




and that’s it.

Pupienus Maximus

Aw who am I kidding? I can’t think of a more deserving fellow. I won’t say I’m glad he’s dead but I do support him.

Pupienus Maximus

There are times when I am sad there is no hell.


The fact is Andrew Brietbart was killed by liberal haight ashbury hippys who drugged him through the mudslinging so many times he could not wash the fowlness from his reputation. He is now in Heaven with our lord and savoir. Fair and balanced was Andes middle name. Rest in piece.

Pupienus Maximus

From Jacob’s link, the Bush/Clinton clan kills again

I never knew.

FWIW, I had a heart attack when I was 43, nearly died.


he could not wash the fowlness from his reputation. He is now in Heaven with our lord and savoir.

Oh savior fair! Sadly, those chicken wings fly like crap.


I, too, fully support Breitbart in all of his future endeavors. Now, can we move on to something else? Maybe the racist W-appointed judge in Montana who forwarded the racist “joke”? Or, the frothy one claiming that he could name professors at Penn State who gave him bad grades because he was a conservative?


wash the fowlness from his reputation.

Maybe if he had stopped fucking that chicken…


FWIW, I had a heart attack when I was 43, nearly died.

Which is why we can still speak ill of you.


I won’t say I’m glad he’s dead but I do support him.

I enthusiastically support him being dead. I think it’s a good move for him, and I hope he stays that way.


The fact is Andrew Brietbart was killed by liberal haight ashbury hippys

I call bullshit Ruppert. He’d spell it “ashberry”

Professor Tweed, Penn State

Or, the frothy one claiming that he could name professors at Penn State who gave him bad grades because he was a conservative?

That’s a damned lie. I gave Santorum bad grades because he was a dumbass.

I enjoyed giving Santorum bad grades because he was a conservative.


I enjoyed giving Santorum bad grades because he was a conservative.



Assberries. Santorum. The fun never stops


Fake Gary: Very funny! I especially liked ‘Andes’.


Did everybody see this rich people stuff?

As someone who’s going for an MBA (and has read numerous case studies regarding rich people), I can say that, yes, rich people act this way. Of course, anyone who still has to be paid to enjoy their lifestyle -regardless of what the amount is- will complain when that cash flow begins to dry up. The only people who won’t fret are those who never had to exchange legal tender to get something.

And this too?
And no I have an article for this week’s class assignment, which deals with ethics (thanks!). Truly, “Sadly, No! Is Learning.”


It really is. Hell, I didn’t even know who Megan McCardle was til I started hanging here. So, thanks????, Sadly.


Come for the snark, stay for the party!

Someday, the Li’l Creaturette may be a Girl Scout. Then, maybe I can get a discount on ThinMints, and they might be gluten-free by then!

The news that Blightfart has clocked out is nearly as fantastic as when I watched TrickyDick Nixon quit, heard about Ronnie Raygunz stopping some bullets, then later, when those bastards finally croaked, I realized that the world was actually better . Yeah, I’m a rotten sumbitch when it comes to these assholes sharing the same air as real humans.


And this too?

Paul Piff, Phd. has a certain style going for it.


So dipshit Andrew is dead? Can we get a highly edited video of his funeral to showing what a colossal butt munch he was?

Wow, I haven’t been so pleased with the death of another person since Lee Atwater died (yeah look it up kids, and get the fuck off my lawn).


Of course, anyone who still has to be paid to enjoy their lifestyle -regardless of what the amount is- will complain when that cash flow begins to dry up.

Happens frequently in my line of work, since promotions are based on seniority.

Somebody will upgrade to Captain and then run out and buy the big house.

When there is a merger or a recession they can find themselves back in the First-Officer’s seat, with a 40% pay cut and a huge mortgage.


People who are willing to cheat and lie are more likely to gain large amounts of money than people who are not. Also, they are more likely to seek the gain of money as thier primary goal. It’s not that bieng rich leads to being unethical so much as being unethical leads to being rich.


I gotta ask, how long before he gets baptized as a Mormon?

Marion in Savannah

I gotta ask, how long before he gets baptized as a Mormon?

Soon, I hope. Then we can turn him towards teh ghey side…


lord and savoir

They make fine suits, but I prefer their shirts.


Blunt-Rubio bill goes down 51-48. And, yes, we need to emphasize the “Rubio” part of that because I still think that asshole is going to be on their ticket.


yeah look it up kids

It’s a great day when you get carded at the liquor store.


I wanted to laugh at:

but by the time I made to the end, I was thinking “Well, okay, fine, let’s have an investigation. Maybe Breitbart was working on something about Obama’s days as a drug-running terror pimp. The only way we are going to know the truth is a full-scale public investigation of everything Breitbart was working on. Who knows? Maybe it was something that O’Keefe was working on? Let no stone be unturned. It’s the best way to honor Breitbart.”


Death of “natural causes” usually doesn’t take place at a hospital at midnight.

I demand to see the long form death certificate.

The toxicology report should also be entertaining.


Suggested obit:

“Breitbart was an advocate who worked tirelessly to re-make the world into his vision of a better place. Today, at shortly after midnight, he succeeded in that goal.”


Re: Rich people’s problems:

Try this: Type the words “underprivileged” and “overprivileged”.

One of these is recognized as a real word, and the other comes up as a spelling error.

One is a real word; the other isn’t. One is a concept we can all understand and recognize; the other is a made-up word with no real meaning.

One is a lamentable condition, deserving of our sympathy; the other is a contradiction in terms.

The problem represented by the one will never be addressed until we are able to recognize that the other one exists.


My favorite tweet from that Buzzfeed conspiracy list:

“They use cancer to kill a lot of people. Ruby for one…”

In terms of factual errors, those dozen words are like one of those “How many triangles?” interlocking-figure puzzles.

As for Breitbart, I’m sorry for his family and friends. But considering how pissed-off he looked in every picture and video I’ve ever seen of him, maybe he’ll have a better time in the graveyard.

Pupienus Maximus

Completely OT (yeah, I know) here’s something that might make your day even better. And it has nothing to do with Blartfart’s blessed demise or nuffin.


My favorite tweet from that Buzzfeed conspiracy list:

“They use cancer to kill a lot of people. Ruby for one…”

We’ve made cancer weapons? Why am I always the last one to know these things?


“They use cancer to kill a lot of people. Ruby for one…”

I think you can’t overlook the fact that Ruby took her love to town.


The schadenfreude only gets more delicious.

That WaPo site makes a big deal about how they corrected themselves to say Cato is “libertarian,” not “conservative.”

That’s the most unneccessary correction since a newspaper apologized for running Wednesday’s horoscope on Tuesday.


Pupienus: that video was excellent, thanks! Did you get lots of snow up in Portlandia? It’s beautiful down here (although not so beautiful for all the idiots piled up in the ditches alongside the roads).

I think we can learn one very important lesson from that hideous bastard’s death: A diet consisting of nothing but pure unfiltered spite, rage, deep-fried puppy hearts, and gin is bad for you.

Also and too — I can’t believe that fucker was only 43 — I’ll turn 43 in a few months, and I look like a teenager compared to him (if you ignore that I’m bald).

Again, do not eat the fried puppy hearts, they’re really high in cholesterol.

Helmut Monotreme

That WaPo site makes a big deal about how they corrected themselves to say Cato is “libertarian,” not “conservative.”

If that isn’t the textbook example of a ‘distinction without a difference’, it ought to be.


Again, do not eat the fried puppy hearts, they’re really high in cholesterol.

Try braising them.


That WaPo article did remind me that the “esteemed” Cato Institute was originally named the “The Charles Koch Foundation” which I had forgotten.


Pryme said,

March 1, 2012 at 19:38 (kill)

As someone who’s going for an MBA…

There is a liberal in business school?!? Do they make you wear a scarlet “L” or something?


I think you can’t overlook the fact that Ruby took her love to town.

Good point but it doesn’t explain why she’s mad at her man. Vintage Osborne Bros., check out the hairdos in the crowd.


And, yes, we need to emphasize the “Rubio” part of that because I still think that asshole is going to be on their ticket.

Nah uh

Ron Paul



The toxicology report should also be entertaining.

You have a heart condition, Mr Breitbart? Here, take this white powder. Take lots of it.
Trust me, I’m a doctor.

Coach Andrew Breitbart

Wuzza-wuzzup, loony libs? The funky fact of the matter is, here in Hell they only give you one phone call, and you dorkus malorkuses are gettin’ Big Andy’s! You silly socialists can suck on Lil’ Andy, if ya feels what Da Cool Andy is rip-rappin’ at ya! I beat your precious Obummer and Shirley Sham-rod or whatevski that broad’s name was, and you can take that to the bank and smoke it, ya jabronis! Occupy Wall Street is a shama-lama big time, and you pipsqueaks better feel the SPREAD of AFTERLIFE Dead-o-Mentum ’12 before it runs you right over! Badoodle-boo-yeah!

Suck on that, libs! Address my point! Andy out. Forever.


Then, maybe I can get a discount on ThinMints, and they might be gluten-free by then!

The Good Lord provideth


Vintage Osborne Bros., check out the hairdos in the crowd.

One of the hairdos on the stage props up the argument for the influence of Star Trek on bluegrass.


Death of “natural causes” usually doesn’t take place at a hospital at midnight.

Actually, it’s fairly common, as people have, you know, died in their sleep.

What’s different is the proportion of gun shot deaths at midnight, vis a vis 9 AM, which makes it appear to the moronic that, you know, natural death stops happening around 8PM


Ruby left ealier this week. We all said “goodbye Ruby”,Tuesday.


Ruby left ealier this week. We all said “goodbye Ruby”,Tuesday.

That’s why I couldn’t find her in a mountain of rocks!


Coach Andrew Breitbart said,
March 1, 2012 at 21:10

Oh man! I mean, I don’t want to marry or have sex with this comment, but I’d like to put lipstick on it and let it blow me.


If I could bring myself to visit wingnut sites I would drop in on several and float the idea that Blartblart faked his own death so he could go deep undercover to work on this very impotant Barry at College thing of his.


Good one, Thread Bear. Because, as you well know, it’s of vital importance to our nation’s future that someone uncovers whether Obama got a “C” in his sophomore Art History 101 elective while at Occidental.


“Nah uh

Ron Paul”

Wanna bet? $10,000?


Interesting GOP-veep analysis Actor, although I think the Ron Paul scenario is a bit far-fetched, I agree with your “otherwise useless Joe Biden” comment, though. Honestly, Biden is not an asset for re-election, and Obama should be looking to jettison him at the right time for a 2016 successor.

Here’s my thought: At the convention, Have Biden give the traditional second-to-last-day speech introducing the candidate, but then, he can sadly, reluctantly announce that he himself will be stepping aside, for health reasons, or to pursue other goals, or to spend more time with Dennis Kucinich’s wife, or whatever. He’ll go on about what a privilege and honor it’s been to wrap up his long career with such a great president, yadda yadda yadda, but it’s now his truly great honor to announce and introduce his replacement as VP, and the next great Democratic president…

Russ Freakin’ Feingold!

Tell me that wouldn’t be perfect!

Pupienus Maximus

Ruby baby when will you be mine?

Pupienus Maximus

No, I prefer the DF version.


“Romney-Paul ’12, Gold Standard ’15”



No, I prefer the DF version.

The DFH version is even better.


So I guess will be open for business later today?


Russ Freakin’ Feingold!

Tell me that wouldn’t be perfect!

I’d probably start weeping for joy.


It’s hard to hear this and not think of his revelation that he had videos of Obama’s college days. Too soon to be so cynical?

Somewhere high over the Santa Monica Mountains above Brentwood, a black helicopter hovers and drops a wire ladder down to a hidden concrete pad. Darting from the deep cover oak forest, a black-clad figure grabs the bottom rung and with the immense strength of his powerful biceps, hauls his body up the ladder to the belly of the chopper as it rises over the glittering night traffic in the Sepulveda Pass.

“Mission accomplished, sir.” The discipline required at this level of Special Operations is evident in the lack of stress or tension in the operative’s voice.

“Fine job, soldier. Your actions were undetected, I assume?”

“A simple job, actually. He played right into my hands.” The operative turns to a dark figure in the passenger seat. “No one will suspect your office’s role here, Ma’am.”

“Excellent.” The Secretary of State carefully reapplied her lipstick. “Crisis averted, wouldn’t you say, Mr. Axelrod?”

“It’s a relief to know that our President’s secret is still safe. It would be devastating if that “C” grade in freshman Art History would get out before the election.”

“Well, that’s Phase One complete, Gyrenes!” Panetta’s voice booms from the darkness of the chopper. “Now – we have a rendez-vous at Oh two-hundred with Special Ops team Delta Three. Their raid of the archived student files at Occidental should be complete – by now there should be no trace of his sophomore Sociology Mid-term other than a small pile of ashes.”

Marion in Savannah

g said,
March 1, 2012 at 21:55

So now we know who ghost wrote all those Tom Clancy books. Well done!


It’s hard to hear this and not think of his revelation that he had videos of Obama’s college days

Those 1979-81 pre-Betamax video cameras were SWEET.


Betacam, dammit.


There is a liberal in business school?!? Do they make you wear a scarlet “L” or something?

I opted for online classes instead of in-person ones (yeah internet anonymity!). Course, you can get a hint of one’s political leanings whenever phrases such as “business ethics” come up. (“What? The goal ain’t to make money by forcing 9-year-olds to work for $0.05/hour making $2.00 wallets that I turn around and sell for $50.00?”)


Those 1979-81 pre-Betacam video cameras were SWEET.

Breitbart could only dream of a “super 8”.


Course, you can get a hint of one’s political leanings whenever phrases such as “business ethics” come up.

When I was in Egypt I was staying with a guy who worked for the World Bank. We talked a little politics and I said something about there being no law that a business can’t yadda yadda yadda. He said “But there ARE codes of ethics.”

I didn’t pursue it.


If I could bring myself to visit wingnut sites I would drop in on several and float the idea that Blartblart faked his own death so he could go deep undercover to work on this very impotant Barry at College thing of his.

omg. It’s fucking genius.


So do you think Breitbart is reassessing his healthcare choices?


To quote Moms Mabley:

They say you shouldn’t say nothin’ about the dead unless it’s good. He’s dead. Good!

Helmut Monotreme

I get the impression that business codes of ethics are the ironclad rules of behavior that a company follows as long as there are 4 or 5 searchlights pointed at the boardroom, with attendant news crews, video cameras microphones and helicopters.


I admit it, I killed Breitbart by diguising 80 lbs of plastic explosives as a sex obsessed goat. The rest took care of itself.


Oh my! The birthers are back!

Oh fuck. That wingnut bubble is made of impenetrable stuff.


I thought Joe Arpaio was busy protecting Arizona from the illegal Mexican hordes? Where does he find time for this sort of thing?

President Obama

Well, that settles it. The stellar reputations of The Washington Times, Jerome Corsi and Sheriff Arpaio cannot be questioned. I will submit my resignation forthwith.


I get the impression that business codes of ethics are the ironclad rules of behavior that a company follows as long as there are 4 or 5 searchlights pointed at the boardroom, with attendant news crews, video cameras microphones and helicopters.

The problem is ethics is considered a branch of philosophy, business a branch or math/economics, and the two (at least academically-speaking) have not historically gotten along together. So yeah, when you’ve had “Profits = Success!” pounded into your skull from school to your first day in the office, things like “Should I really be taking grandma’s last paycheck?” seem alien. Personally, ethics is something that should be taught beginning in middle school, where the minds are still open enough to invite that type of thinking.


+2 on the pollen video.


I get the impression that business codes of ethics are the ironclad rules of behavior that a company follows as long as there are 4 or 5 searchlights pointed at the boardroom, with attendant news crews, video cameras microphones and helicopters.

Nope, but it’s quaint you think that corporations would pass the M’Naughten Rule test…


Business code of ethics to a board of directors are like vermouth to a dry martini: you show a picture of it and say “Just pretend you have this”


I thought the only rule of so-called “business ethics” was “don’t get caught”?


I thought the only rule of so-called “business ethics” was “don’t get caught”?

For the older generation, certainly. For the younger, non-frat boy crowd, it has a different meaning.

Helmut Monotreme

For the younger, non-frat boy crowd, it has a different meaning.

what would their code be?


what would their code be?

Bros before hos, of course


OOH Pups— thanks for the video! Bats pollinating at night! Oddly enough, the word that comes to mind for me is “romantic”.


what would their code be?

I guess following in the mold of the Tylenol Recall story is the best example.
Interesting side note: Although the CEO was originally going to do a recall, he was approached by the FBI and the FDA who told him to keep the (potentially poisoned) product on the shelves because (1) doing otherwise could create copy cats (FDA) and (2) it might have been a terrorist attack (FBI). Fortunately (?) for the CEO, another poisoning was reported, and both departments backed off.


what would their code be?

Bros before hos, of course

That is the frat boy code…

Pryme, what is the ethical code for this new, “younger, non-frat boy crowd”?

Related: Yesterday a “Greek” replied to an op-ed in the student paper complaining of the use of the “derogatory” term “frat” to refer to Oregon State’s “Greek” (fraternity and sorority) culture. (This “culture” thrives here for some reason. It can be ridiculously annoying if your travels bring you anywhere near any of their myriad gatherings.)

Anyway, yeah, sure frat boys are “Greek” — why there were riots in the streets over all the looming austerity measures just the other day, and there were several of them discussing the demise of the drachma just the other day. Oh wait, no there weren’t you fucking idiot.


Pryme, what is the ethical code for this new, “younger, non-frat boy crowd”?

If you have about an hour to watch a video, there’s this guy’s take…otherwise Harvard touts John Stuart Mill, who said:

The essence of responsible behavior is doing whatever promotes the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.

Again this is all academic. For most people, by the time they reach their mid-20’s what they believe is what they believe.


Related: Yesterday a “Greek” replied to an op-ed in the student paper complaining of the use of the “derogatory” term “frat” to refer to Oregon State’s “Greek” (fraternity and sorority) culture.

The student in question was an idiot: It’s “frat” when it’s another house. It’s “fraternity” when it’s your own.


Pryme, what is the ethical code for this new, “younger, non-frat boy crowd”?

Why would a mythical collection of Wall Streeters have a “code”?


Thanks Pryme, I like the Mill quote. Nice and concise.

Unfortunately, it seems to me as if (at least as business is currently practiced in the US) it is impossible to square such responsible behavior with the absolute ironclad requirement to return as much profit to the shareholders as possible at all times.


The essence of responsible behavior is doing whatever promotes the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.

Right this way folks for the Panopticon and the Pareto Optimality Ride.

Helmut Monotreme

Remind me not to let El Manquecito design my utopian pleasure palace/theme park when I become a billionaire.


We the people demand more bread and better circuses!


my utopian pleasure palace/theme park

I hope the Bentham Utilitarian Theme park includes a waxwork display.


OVER 5000000000 SERVED
2500000001 HAPPILY

Pupienus Maximus

You wanna try that again?




Why does that “Ruby” video remind me of the Foggy Bottom Boyz? Great post.

Oh and btw, my very best friend and lover and sweetie killed himself two weeks ago. So excuse me if I’m not quite myself yet. I almost had him talked into voting for the the first time in the 2012 election. He said he’d do it for me.

Oh and fake Gary and CFL – very entertaining. Eat shit.

Ditto to Andrew Breitbart. My sweetie will kick his ass in heaven – unless acourse one of them went to the OTHER place heehee. Guess which one.

Sorry – as I said, not quite myself yet. Still a little stressed out haha. As in, I’m congratulating myself for not sitting drooling in the corner.

Again, fake Gary and CFL, eat shit. And if you dare malign me or my sweetie in the immortal words of Johnny Carson “may a thousand fleas reside on your camel.”

Or something like that

Pupienus Maximus

Even if I didn’t know you so well, I wouldn’t add any contact you proffer.


But God forbid that we receive good at the entering of the earth have been in building, and yet had condemned Job. Now Elihu had waited till Job had spoken, because they continued a season and time. I saw visions of God. But they rebelled, and vexed his righteous soul from death, and shall not be sold; for it shall come forth a rod in his time. For while they communed together and compacted by that which is in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, O my soul. But do thou likewise. Now it came to Solomon his son Johanan had taken the mighty hand of Midian was beneath in the house of her separation, or if my kingdom are not all that his disciples asked him, What sign shewest thou unto them, Ye rulers of the king, Now the God of hosts: smite the dust of the Kohathites: for theirs was the son of Barachel the Buzite answered and said, What is it?
And he went to the house of Micah. And the residue of the LORD in Shiloh: for the boards of the hand of power, and the children of Israel, and gathered a company, and reported all that my lord the king and Jehoiada gave it unto him that bought it until the morning. Let Israel now say, that will offer an oblation and sweet incense: the shewbread table, with all thy lovers, and with him the children of Israel gave to Solomon his son Joseph, and his sons walked not uprightly according to the Lord.
And it came to pass by the sea causeth his wind to pass the same time.


Good luck rosebuddear.

Pupienus Maximus

Are those <a href

Pupienus Maximus

Dammit. Are those actual links that Safari/iPad doesn’t recognize or did you fuck up. Again.


thanks grav honey. It’s hard, but hey, this place makes me smile makes it better to get through the day, yknow?


Yeah, best wishes rosebddear — my dog died a month ago and I barely handled that, I can’t imagine dealing with what you’re going through.


thanks sweetie – interestingly enough the last time I grieved this much for anybody was when my cat died in 2000. I moped around for weeks and my sister finally solved it by getting me another cat.

This one’s not gonna be so easy. haha.

thanks for the wishes. I do appreciate it, you know I do.

Oh and again – Fake Gary and CFL – well you know haha.


Geez…*big hugs* rosebudbear. I think searching out laughter is an awesome idea. Glad you’re here.


thanks hon. I lurk at this place all the time, but usually don’t post. I’m just not clever enough to keep up with the humor, but you know I love it.

And thank you so much.

Pupienus Maximus

Wow, rosebud, I don’t … just be well.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Be strong, rosebuddear! You have my condolences.

thanks hon. I lurk at this place all the time, but usually don’t post. I’m just not clever enough to keep up with the humor, but you know I love it.

Don’t be shy, throw your hat in the ring more often. This is the most welcoming commentariat on the t00bz.

Pupienus Maximus

Stamp out the SMUT FILTH they are forcing down our children’s throats!


Fondly remembering the good times


I understand. I will be well, the guy was bipolar and if you know anything about that, you know it’s mental torture.

He had an illness and that killed him. I’m not mad at anybody for it and people say to me “don’t beat yourself up” Well I don’t. I just miss him.

A lot. Back to business (rosebuddear squaring shoulders, manfully, altho I’m a woman)

What are we gonna do about these dickheads? Because ridicule isn’t enough, although it helps.

Or maybe it does help haha. I know the schadenfreude was strong with me today haha.


What are we gonna do about these dickheads? Because ridicule isn’t enough, although it helps.

Cliffotines. Definitely cliffotines.


ok I gotta ask. What are cliffotines? explain pls. obviously i’m not up on all internet memes haha


I challenge DKW to go to the One Million Moms site and find the full name of a mom in the organization. Or anyone in the organization.


What’s that.. Yes, yes I detect a subtle tremor in the force indicating that happy hour just started!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Stamp out the SMUT FILTH they are forcing down our children’s throats!

The fact that they portrayed the gay character as a decorated military veteran in an interracial marriage is the cherry on top of the sundae.

I’m still bummed out that he didn’t marry Jughead.


mmmm. get it. but you know it’s too good for the bastards.

Pupienus Maximus

Not just inter-racial. That fellow has a decidedly “eastern” look to him if you know what I mean and I’m sure you do.


yeah I detect a subtle tremor in the force myself. I love watching this stuff go down actually. Popping mucho popcorn and sitting back and enjoying watching them self-destruct. I just wish sweetie were here to see it with me.

Pupienus Maximus

OBS – missed your question earlier. We didn’t get diddly squat up here. Lots of schools shut down in anticipation but it was a dud. Maybe in the gorge they got some shit, I dunno.


Big Bad Bald Bastard

What are we gonna do about these dickheads? Because ridicule isn’t enough, although it helps.

Get the word out that the GOP is waging war on women. Tell every female friend and acquaintance, and every male who cares about the women in his life that there is a war against women going on, and that the battle lines are largely drawn along party lines (though there are some Dems who need to get drummed out of the party). Agitate! Educate! Organize!


yup. got it. you know I do. bbbb

Pupienus Maximus

I have to disagree with you there, B^4. Well, the abortion war is a war on women, no doubt of that. This current brouha I think is part of the war on Obama, women are the collateral damage.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Not just inter-racial. That fellow has a decidedly “eastern” look to him if you know what I mean and I’m sure you do.

You mean he’s from Philly?


“collateral damage” well you might be right. Euuuwwwww.

I’m still squicked out about the Ross Douthat and “chunky reese witherspoon” stuff. How horrible for that girl, to find herself the subject of this post by that creep. And how self-hating does he have to be to post it? I may be pretty naive about men after all this time, but dayum.

These wingers are just creepy. I’m sorry

But let’s go there with ”
chunky” and then then let’s go there with “Reese Witherspoon so the bastards is bragging and complaining at the same time.

She should sue him. Reese Witherspoon I mean. And also Chunky Reese Witherspoon. I’d put up every cent I have to find her a good lawyer.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I have to disagree with you there, B^4. Well, the abortion war is a war on women, no doubt of that. This current brouha I think is part of the war on Obama, women are the collateral damage.

I dunno- that ultrasound legislation that’s making the rounds in more states than Virginia is pretty much an attack on all women. The contraception issue may be a war on Obama, but it’s just part of a bigger conflict. It’s weird, I can’t see how the hell they think they can possibly beat Obama over this issue unless their voter suppression efforts are targeting all women of voting age…

I think I answered my own question.

How horrible for that girl, to find herself the subject of this post by that creep.

I’d be surprised if she’d even read it- it was in a obscure book by some doofus who was too inept to make love to her, and who she probably forgot about. I’ll bet she’s blissfully married to chunky Ryan Phillippe, while Ross still agonizes over the time he almost succumbed to temptation, but instead succumbed to impotence.


good answer – haha. I hope so.

Night dear i know its late, I spend many too nights staying up late now.

I’ll be back (in the immortal words of Ahnnuld) bet his wife wonders what he sits up nights doing yes? hahah


He had an illness and that killed him. I’m not mad at anybody for it and people say to me “don’t beat yourself up” Well I don’t. I just miss him.

I’m truly sorry.


Catching up on the highlights of the day:

Andrew Breitbart. Bully, liar, slanderer, classist, sexist, homophobe, lunatic, drunk, and dead. And that, I figure, is fair enough.

Joe Arpaio. Desperately flinging shit and hoping it sticks because he’s under investigation; if he’s resorting to Birtherism, my guess is he’s getting desperate. Investigators, whatever you’re doing, keep it up.

War on women, or war on Obama? It’s the same thing. It’s possible that the main objective is to sink Obama, not forbid contraception. But the reason they find it so necessary to sink Obama and his entire party is that they stand up for women (which, remember, quite a few of these people still openly believe shouldn’t even be allowed to vote) – and other “undesirable” people.


And rosebud – I’m very sorry. My condolences.


The fact is, the way you are dinigrating the memory of Andrew Brietbart is shameful, you liberals have no shame, no soul, no love for freedom and you make fun of a man who died in the service of America and exposwing the traitors within.


rosebuddear, I’m sorry. Hang in there.


Tha fict is, the wuy you are dinigreting the omorie of Ayndraw Blartbart is shumful, you tiberals have no fhae, no sole, no lobe for freedum and you mike fans of a wohman who dyed in the sourvice of Ammurrica and ecksposwing the traytors vvithine.


thank you all sweeties. I’ll be back. Maybe stop lurking and start posting more, yknow?



Gary is a New Zealander?


The call to respect dead Breitbart is about privilege. It’s not just that this con or that one was disrespectful the day after Ted Kennedy died, or Jerry Garcia died, etc. and now there’s hypocrisy. There is, but hypocrisy in furtherance of a goal.

The dilemma is that if I behave respectfully toward dead Breitbart, he enjoys a privilege that his faction purposefully (not just hypocritically) denies to other worthies.

Obsequities, silences even, laid at Breitbart’s grave in the name of civility are wrong because Breitbart and his cronies knowingly engineered a situation in which to do other than malign his corpse would be to bestow privileges on it. This is a deeply conservative game.


Wow! This thread’s as dead as Andrew Breitbart.

(Too soon?)


Not soon enough.


Methinks the attack on Obama and the war on women is all of the same cloth— white male privilege. Women can be found to play the submissive roles, in part, or wholly; but a black man in the President’s office made all hell break loose in their minds. It’s one thing to see yourself in a battle against “feminazis” while having women do your bidding (hired or otherwise); it’s another to have a black president and having women and minorities being “emboldened”. Authoritarians (which I believe includes MOST people in the mental health fields) hate it when people they don’t think are entitled to self-determination get all “uppity” and insist on being treated as social equals.

Conservatives are, in short, fighting for their “right” to shit on whomever they please without being called down.


Actually wiley, while there are definitely authoritarians in the mental health fields, it tends to be a fairly liberal bunch. You might be thinking of the regular health fields. I’ve been here for years, and I’m on the verge of receiving my doctorate in clinical psych. I’ve been taught by more gay, lesbian and socialist professors in the past 5 years than I can count (well, maybe 12.) I love this place and consider myself one of the gang.

Enough of the concern trolling, what we need around here is some POOP.


FYWP where’s my link?


Just having come back and read comments, my condoloences too rosebuddear, even though you’ve signed off.


The dilemma is that if I behave respectfully toward dead Breitbart, he enjoys a privilege

He is dead. It’s someone else who gets something out of it now.


while there are definitely authoritarians in the mental health fields, it tends to be a fairly liberal bunch.

Through the Power of Synchronicity, this just came up on Boing Boing. Sample quote:

I have found that most psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals are not only extraordinarily compliant with authorities but also unaware of the magnitude of their obedience. And it also has become clear to me that the anti-authoritarianism of their patients creates enormous anxiety for these professionals, and their anxiety fuels diagnoses and treatments.


Wee, I don’t think I’ve had a second to breathe all day.

Thankfully, my delirium, is your gain, with a brand-spanking new post!


Jennifer – you’re one of my favorite people. You always have so many intelligent things to say. And compassionate too.

And yes it’s 3 damn 30 in the morning. My internal clock is way off these days.


“He is dead. It’s someone else who gets something out of it now.”

Well, yes, I was imprecise. Conservatives want to enjoy the privilege of seeing their team members respected after death. Some also want to deny the living members of other teams that same privilege. This is different than simple hypocrisy re: speaking no ill of the dead. Nor does it seem to track with who did respectable things while alive, any more than their favored distribution of wealth tracks with who earned or deserved it.


I have totally stolen the picture caption.


Wiley, my fellow Central Texan, greetings from San Antonio!

I can back you up; only overcompensating d-bags say “Foat Wuth.” Not that I’m an expert, though. We’re too brown down here for wingnut comfort. They come to see the Alamo and then flee (was it something that we said?). But still, I know that much.


Also testing … ?, ?, ¤!


Also testing … ?, ?, ¤!


(comments are closed)