Creepy Cornerdomite Calls Free Speech Creepy
ABOVE: Dan “Baby J-Dough Loadberg” Foster
Shorter Dan Foster, America’s Shittiest Website™
You Should Find the Anti-Komen Backlash Disgusting, Even If You’re Pro-Choice
People who disagree with Komen cutting off funding to Planned Parenthood should exercise their free speech rights by writing a check to Planned Parenthood and then just STFU.
Dan Foster, that rakishly handsome Lothario over at America’s Shittiest Website™ obviously has a deep and abiding personal interest in women’s health issues, so, of course, he was all over the backlash to the Komen Foundation’s decision to placate right-wing religious nuts by cutting off funding to breast cancer screening at Planned Parenthood clinics. (You may wonder why the Talibangelicals object to mammogram funding. Silly liberals, don’t you see? Women that survive breast cancer can live on to have more abortions and kill more babies.)
Here’s what that burning hunk-a-love had to say about that “disgusting” backlash:
Look, the beauty of free speech is that, if you’re inclined to do so, you can write a check to PP in an act of solidarity, or write a check to Komen as an expression of moral approval. That’s all fine. But there’s something quite a bit different, something creepy and not a little despicable, about the Planned Parenthood set’s besmirching Komen’s good name across a thousand platforms for having the audacity to stop giving them free money.
God forbid that anyone should exercise free speech by, um, saying something. Silly liberals. Free speech is for checkbooks and people with money.
The wags at Gawker latched onto this and beat up on our fashion plate friend pretty badly, which led sartorial Dan to have a “What Would Jesus Jonah do?” moment. So Dan decided to fight back. He’d show them, with his superior rhetorical chops, that no one messes around with Dan Foster and lives to tell the tale. Sadly, as we say, no!
But the ‘conservatives think free speech only applies to money’ canard won’t cut it here. I never say, or imply, that anything PP or its allies have done is illegal or should be.
No, Dan, you didn’t say that free speech that wasn’t money was illegal — and Gawker didn’t say you said that — you just said that free speech with words rather than bucks was — what were the words? — “creepy” and “despicable.”
Gawker 1, Jonah Wannabe 0
In case it was unclear why I think those words apply, let me be more explicit.
We’re all ears, you handsome devil.
The amount of grants issued by the latter to the former totaled less than $700,000. Planned Parenthood successfully fundraised in excess of that amount within 24 hours on the argument that Komen was hurting women’s health …
I don’t know how anyone can step on their own 1/2″ penis, but Dan just managed it. Dan, sweetie, you don’t win an argument that the backlash was disgusting because it raised more money for breast cancer screening for poor women.
Some of the methods employed by PP supporters were downright filthy. … United States senators calling on Komen to reverse its decision on the floors of Congress? I don’t know if that’s legitimate free speech, but I know its despicable.
I don’t know how anyone can step on his own 1/2″ penis and pee on himself at the same, but Dan just managed that feat too. Even someone who has flunked high school civics class knows that statements made on the floor of Congress are at the fundamental core of what the First Amendment is designed to protect. To suggest that statements made on the floor of Congress aren’t legitimate free speech is like saying that access to the ballot box isn’t a legitimate part of the right to vote. Oh wait. . .
Gawker 3,252, Dan -2,716.
Game over.
Does this walking colostomy bag even know what he’s trying to say?
Good day, Major.
Good day blinkdog.
My previous reply got eated.
Tintin: Thanks for the Shorter !
((Cerb: hint, hint, nudge, nudge…))
This douchebag reminds me of that other douchebag that tried to make it “inappropriate” for liberals to talk about Rick and Karen Santorum’s CHOICE to terminate her pregnancy… and then take the fetus home for their kids to play with so they could pretend that “Gabriel” had died a natural death.
This is why you can never win an argument with a wingnut… because they supposedly get to make the rules about “appropriate” topics.
Ha ha, fuck you, asshole!
And while we’re at it, let’s talk about THIS!!!
Whee! brand-spankin’ new Saturday thread! How awesome. Snowed in in Denver today (got about 18″ here in the eastern ‘burbs), so other than time spent shoveling (and by shoveling, I mean borrowing my neighbor’s snowblower), I intend to follow this bad boy all day!
Even Shorter Daniel Foster:
“We lost and nobody likes us. WAHHHHH!”
Human Dreamworks face
This is why you can never win an argument with a wingnut… because they supposedly get to make the rules about “appropriate” topics.
It’s always Calvinball over on the right.
Remember when it was ‘inappropriate’ to talk about Dick Cheney shooting somebody in the face?
Out of consideration for the shooting victim?
I’ll see your Ari Fleischer, Privatize the Profits!, and
raise the stakeslower the bar with a Diaper Dave Vitter.~
steerpike: S,N = antithesis of cabin fever. Have fun!
No snow in Baltimore in Nov, Dec, Jan. Yesterday was fookin’ T-shirt weather. Climate change, how does it work?
It’s always Calvinball
Is everybody down on Calvinball because the rules change? Well, dammit, I like Calvinball. I’ve got my own anti-gravity wickets.
If I may make a correction. Koman did not move to placate religious nuts, they are religious nuts. Oh Yeah and evil.
Screengrabs for the cure™:
1) SGK hack
2) Karen Handel retweet
omg. *chuckle*
Fenwick, we’re gonnna get a mumble-mumble millimeters in Mobtown today, not to worry…
And, as you know, if it’s over 50F every day from Dec to March or 100F 27 days in a row in Baltimore in the summer, that is NOT evidence of global warming, but if it snows at 6000 feet in Colorado in February… Algore is fat and where’s your global warming NOW DHFs?!!11eleventy! Har, Har, Har, bookmark it, libs!
“Does this walking colostomy bag even know what he’s trying to say?”
I’m guessing this is just reflexive, sputtering outrage at seeing his side get bitch-slapped, hard. He hasn’t had time to put his “thoughts” in order.
Not to worry, wingnut scientists are even now huddled in their bunkers, laboring furiously to come up with incontrovertible arguments proving that Planned Parenthood and its supporters are the true villains and Komen and crew the hapless victims.
I have a feeling that if there were a Republican senator calling for Komen to cut off funding to PP on the “floors of Congress,” this windbag would: 1) believe that was free speech; and 2) not find it remotely despicable.
We can use money-speech, or speech-speech, but not both. We have to choose one.
Hey, Major, I’m going to repeat myself (ugh) JUST FUR DU (with one typo correction):
This guy has been eviscerated already. I dunno what I could possibly beyond doing the Mexican Hat Dance on his intestines.
Also too, one of the NRO commenters seems to suggest that Gawker’s post was slander.
I love these people.
Yes, I await the inevitable O’ Keefing of PP. The wingnuts have figured out that they don’t have to prove anything; if they lie hard enough and often enough, damage will be done.
United States senators calling on Komen to reverse its decision on the floors of Congress? I don’t know if that’s legitimate free speech, but I know its despicable
Of course, the (Republican) United States Senators calling for the de-funding of Planned Parenthood, Acorn, et al, on the floors of Congress – that’s perfectly legitimate.
This douchebag reminds me of that other douchebag that tried to make it “inappropriate” for liberals to talk about Rick and Karen Santorum’s CHOICE to terminate her pregnancy…
Actually, add into the mix – douchebags tried to make it “inappropriate for liberals to talk about Rick and Karen Santorum’s CHOICE to terminate her pregnancy – and then make little Gabriel’s corpse a central talking point of Rick Santorum’s political philosophy!
“downright filthy”… W.T.F.??!! Senators saying stuff on the floor of Congress. That J-Dough jr disagrees with.
The batshit signal has likely already been deployed so Our Hero O’Keefe (VideoSplicerMan!) should be on the job soon.
and then make little Gabriel’s corpse a central talking point of Rick Santorum’s political philosophy
That was the strangest thing. What does it say to their living children? We love you as much as we love your stillborn sibling and expect you to do the same? I’m by no means neutral on the issue of stillbirth, but can’t for the life of me see passing around a dead baby with the full expectation that your living children should fawn over it as anything other than fucked-up beyond all reasonable belief.
Is it just me?
I’m thinkin’ these SGK assholes are gonna twist in the wind for a little while longer before all the bad publicity causes ’em to shut down their operation just like Rupert Murdoch’s “News of the World”….
Mind you, their next step will probably be to rename it and start the whole griftin’ operation up all over again…
Free speech is THEFT!
Dan, sweetie, you don’t win an argument that the backlash was disgusting because it raised more money for breast cancer screening for poor women.
In Whingnuttia you do.
Yeah, she wrote an entire book about her little angel Gabriel, but we’re not supposed to talk about it. SHE can talk about it any time she wants, and her Frothy Mix can use it to demonstrate his anti-choice bona fides, but no one ever can use it against him politically, though he can use it against anyone he wishes to slander as a baby murderer (even someone who’s pro-choice and has never had an abortion, unlike his wife).
I hope the indignation on behalf of PP continues indefinitely and does not go the way of ‘outrage of the week’. It won’t for me; I’ve already signed up for my workplace salary charity deduction for them, I just wish it had been more.
Betty Cracker at balloon juice just coined a lovely nickname for J-Lo – Sister Inviolatta.
If it’s creepy and despicable to overreact (in an ideological opponent’s judgment) then in my judgment the American Right is infinitely more creepy and despicable than the folks that raked Komen over the coals.
Foster thinks I’m creepy and despicable for the specific ways I exercise my rights to give and speak (separate things, laudable in the abstract), and I think the same about him, so why is one of us writing a pissy article? Could that one be the person that has a problem with others giving and speaking freely?
You know its despicable what?
I had to get off the boat to check to see if that grammar error was in the original. It was. And here I thought winguts pride themselves on professionalism. Consider my faith in humanity shattered.
Always trying to keep the White Man down:
but can’t for the life of me see passing around a dead baby with the full expectation that your living children should fawn over it as anything other than fucked-up beyond all reasonable belief.
Yeah, so bizarrely fucked up that it proved very effective in distracting the media from any discussion of Rick and Karen Santorum’s CHOICE to terminate her pregnancy—!
Coincidence? You decide!
IANAT* but I strongly suspect Laughing Boy found the poutrage expressed in Congress over the “Ground Zero Mosque” to be more fappable than creepy.
Also, my response to Laughing Boy seems to be either locked in the NRO “queue” for eternity or deleted, so now it will instead be excreted here for posterity:
Too off-topic? Too accurate? Too much context? Too much butthurt? Not enough?
Cthulhu only knows.
PS: Teh Korner has by far THE MOST SHITE COMMENTING SETUP OF ALL TIME. Though it boggles the mind to make the comparison, the dreaded FYWP looks like Baryshnikov’s ballet in comparison. Wanna give a thumbs up to the 119th comment? Go for it – & enjoy watching the entire thread crawl up its own arsehole & evaporate, so you have to re-open the fucker & painstakingly inch your way back down to where you left off (no, you can NOT just opt to see the entire thread – that would be CHEATING!) … & now it doesn’t seem very reply-friendly either (I notice that many replies are seperate so I’m pretty sure I’m not the only victim).
* I Am Not A Telepath
I had to get off the boat to check to see if that grammar error was in the original.
Surely, sir, you intended to write “grammatical error”?
It’s as if they want to discourage the commentariat without going so far as to disallow comments?
I don’t know how anyone can step on their own 1/2? penis, but Dan just managed it. Dan, sweetie,
Tintin win.
It’s as if they want to discourage the commentariat without going so far as to disallow comments?
[shakes fist]
Bad enough Citizens United made corporate moolah free speech, now the Cornerdomites (awesome) are insisting that *only* money is free speech.
They are so far down the rabbit hole it will be the end of Obama’s second term before their light reaches us.
[shakes fist]
Well played, JP.
It occurs to me that the worst possible thing that could happen to Susan G. Ko-money(tm) Inc. would be for someone to actually find a cure for titty cancer. I mean, what would the whole financial-legislative-corporate superstructure do then? Oh, sure, they’d throw a big ol’ party, celebrate and pat themselves on their pink-swathed backs, but if they found out about someone developing a cure before the news got out, that poor scientist would find himself at the bottom of a lake somewhere with his feet encased in pink cement before you could say “For the Cure(c)!”
Organizations like this exist to perpetuate themselves, period. Oh, I’m sure it was founded with the best and most noble and selfless of goals, but once it went corporate, with its own “brand”, its own boards of directors, lobbyists, sales departments, etc. all drawing on that sweet, sweet breast cancer teat (ironic, I know). It morphed into Tits-R-Us, LLC, and the last thing it would ever allow is for anything on Dog’s green Earth to threaten it.
Like all big medical/pharmaceutical concerns, they are all about “treatment”, “early detection”, “research”, “prevention” and that great, money-making behemoth, “awareness” (as if there were any non-comatose Americans who are unaware of breasts, or cancer, or breast cancer of Susan G. Komen pink ribbon-campaigns); but there’s no money in “cure”. Cure makes the disease go away. Cure means we get to shake everyone’s hand and walk away. Cure means no more research dollars, no more lucrative company sponsorships, no more pink ribbon sales campaigns, no more lavish benefit fund-raisers with the 1% whales. In short, no more foundation. No more jobs. They’ll all have to go out and find some new sexy disease to pimp, and what could ever possibly compare to that rare combination of pathos, vicarious horror, mother-martyrdom and tit-illation (see what I did there?) that cancer of teh breasteses invokes?
When I edited a trade magazine about packaging, I used to get so fucking sick of press releases about how this or that box or bottle was sporting pink trim. The deal was that for each one purchased, they’d give a penny or something to the Komen foundation “to fight breast cancer.” I’m sure breast cancer was quaking in its boots.
Those Komen people are all about pink marketing, and very little else, as far as I can tell.
Would it be class warfare to point out that SGK pays their CEO $500,000 per year., while the president of the USA gets only $450,000?
Would it be class warfare to point out that SGK pays their CEO $500,000 per year., while the president of the USA gets only $450,000?
Another reason to blow them off. I stopped giving to Feeding America when I found out their CEO was pulling down $400K, and I said so to the guy who called to hit me up. Now I give the money to a local food bank.
Hey,anybody know how to get the copyright symbol to show up as a “c in a circle” or trademark to be superscipt? These show up that way in preview with simple parentheses (c), and ™, but when the comment is posted, thy don’t
steerpike: I can only suggest the obvious: Do it in Word and copy-paste.
That’d be & copy ; (remove spaces).
Sweet IPU jim! That bitchslap was so fucking righteous, I think you managed to give Foster breast cancer with it.
steerpike: [ampersand]copy[semicolon] will produce it: ©
You know what’s despicable to the whingers? Arizona, Texas, Georgia, …
“United States senators calling on Komen to reverse its decision on the floors of Congress? I don’t know if that’s legitimate free speech, but I know its despicable.”
In fact, the US Constitution guarantees that no Senator or Representative may be punished for what he or she says on the floor of Congress. So, yes, he can be sure that it is protected speech.
steerpike: [ampersand]copy[semicolon] will produce it: ©
Does this walking colostomy bag even know what he’s trying to say?
Colostomy bags have mouths now?!?!?
This is a very disturbing development.
Colostomy bags have mouths now?!?!?
Makes for some really artistic human centipedes.
Does this walking colostomy bag even know what he’s trying to say?
Colostomy bags have mouths now?!?!?
Not to mention legs!
Too off-topic? Too accurate? Too much context? Too much butthurt? Not enough?
Knowing the crowd at The Corner, too many multi-syllabic words.
I watched the turd. Let’s just say citations are needed…and those strawliberals sure do sound silly!
I watched the turd.
Mind the turd.
Hey,anybody know how to get the copyright symbol to show up as a “c in a circle” or trademark to be superscipt?
You can hold down the alt key and enter four numbers on the keypad, then release the alt key.
alt 0174 – ®
alt 0169 – ©
alt 0179 – ³
alt 0178 – ²
alt 0153 – ™
just dug out from about 3 tons of snow. I have deep suspicions of a nym like ‘Every Liberal Must Watch This”… was I right?
You can hold down the alt key and enter four numbers on the keypad, then release the alt key.
Doesn’t seem to worky with linux.
But there’s something quite a bit different, something creepy and not a little despicable, about the Planned Parenthood set’s besmirching Komen’s good name
Didn’t Komen announce the funding drop by saying they weren’t going to fund a group “under investigation” by Congress, as if some Republican asshole’s bitchy vendetta inquiry were an actual criminal investigation? Besides which, what makes Komen look bad is how they spend the majority of the money on marketing and fund-raising, huge salaries, and legal action against anyone using the word “cure.” Of course, the rapid story changes didn’t help.
Every Liberal Must Watch This
Hey, guess what?!! No, we don’t.
besmirching Komen’s good name
Someone probably already said this, but SGK done self-besmirched.
Someone probably already said this, but SGK done self-besmirched.
Mind the spilled smirch on the ground, over there.
Anywho, I don’t have much to say about teh whole Komen thing. Teh pointing and laughing was very nice and all, and it’s good that Komen’ atrocious practices are getting sunlight. But I’d probs end up going OT and ranting again about fucktard glibertarians and small government shitbags with their “private charities are so much moar efficient” bullshit.
So, let me suggest teh following post title for anyblogger who does have something to what would you say:
TITLE=”Culture Wars ClubA”>Karma Komen-leon.
Argh. FYWP – that tag was perfect. Yes, I ALLCAPS TITLE. I dunno why.
Karma Komen-leon.
Jim. King of Smackdown.
Uh, I believe his proper TITLE is patron saint of bitchslapping.
((Cerb: hint, hint, nudge, nudge…))
Why should you be catered to just because your attention span is apparently shorter than Foster’s dick?
Colostomy bags have mouths now?!?!?
As a skeptic, I can only go by what I see. This is what I see.
Sorry, apeman. That forehead is just a bit too low for me to take you seriously.
And this store is where? Asking for a friend.
Well, if you’re looking for change, we don’t break turds.
Why should you be catered to just because your attention span is apparently shorter than Foster’s dick?
As long-time residents of Sadlyville know, old Fenwick is an afficiando of Shorters as an art form. Plus I prefer to stay on the boat, wearing my immaculate linen suite, with a mint julep by my side.
As for my short attention span …. wait, what we we talking about?
My immaculate linen suite is in C Major.
also ‘we we’. I suppose I made this typo because I was responding to a pissy comment.
and that great, money-making behemoth, “awareness”
If they were to suddenly become aware that men get breast cancer and die from it, too, though seldom are they screened for it, then maybe they could cut it out with the pink shit and stop feminizing cancer.
Mr. Fenwick, yer julep.
Christ kill me now.
WCCO(local all-seeing eye) is running some human interest feature involving dipping buffalo wings in cream cheese frosting.
Mr. Pup, sir, please post some food porn so I can keep my digestive tract form imploding.
No snow all week and highs in high 20’s/\low 30’s.All those beautiful fish uneaten under treacherous ice.
On topic. Foster has, based on his picture, been a recent contestant on Jonah’s Eye for the Weird Guy. What is it with the faux Don Johnson look all these fools are incapable of pulling off?
What is it with the faux Don Johnson look all these fools are incapable of pulling off?
They’re all looking for faux Melanie Griffiths.
Because of all the comments on how they’re short in the Johnson department.
I am not Pup, and I don’t know if this qualifies as porn. But PENIS BUTT BOOBIES! No, but for reals I am making teriyaki steak tonight…with rice and and baby bok choy and browned shiitake mushrooms sauteed with ginger, sesame oil, chicken broth, brown sugar and soy sauce.
Had one of teh local Korean places whip up some maki. Babby loves teh avocado rolls. Also too, chicken katsu.
paleo: Thank you, sir. And what can the steward get for you?
What is it with the faux Don Johnson look all these fools are incapable of pulling off?
Maybe something to do with the green wide-striped short? It looks like one I wore in grade school.
Wooops. Tagfail. I’m really sloppy tonight.
I got some raunchy food porn. No thnx to two weeks in lock-up, we’re a bit behind on our shopping. For lunch, I thought, ‘I can make pasta salad with what I’ve got!’ Turns out that egg noodles was the closest thing we had to pasta, aside from lasagne noodles and spag. So, I made enough egg noodles to make a noodle salad with Bernstein’s cheese and garlic Italian, manzanilla olives stuffed with pimientos, hot garden mix (marinated vegetables), marinated artichoke hearts, oregano, thyme, and crushed garlic. It was actually pretty tasty. I was so totally jones-ing for carbs.
I’ll use the rest of the noodles for a quick cheesy noodle bake with italian bread crumbs. Tonight I’ll make the roux like Pup said and see if I can even out the cheese soup I mucked up last night. Apparently the taste was fine, because Clouds didn’t think I needed to alter it any further. He LOVES soup. If he wanted it to be different, he would have said so. I may add some of the beef broth I have left in the fridge anyway. Can’t hurt. He LOVES beef, too.
If all goes well, I’ll make tamales tonight and dye my hair tomorrow, or vice versa. We be definitely going to Winco tonight to get mostly bulk foods, a few other discount items, and something to round out our Mexican feast for Sunday. I already have one beef and one corn and cheese filling ready to go.
Monday, we take a bus to the butcher’s that shares a building with a local produce shop, then to Grocery Outlet. Clouds is having car trouble so we’re going to go old school and start taking the bus again. He hardly ever drives, anyway, that’s one of the problems he’s having with his car. But we’re driving to Winco tonight. He just had the oil changed, so that might help.
I refused to buy all our groceries at Winco, btw. I’m already so used to the superior quality we get from the butcher and farmer’s market, and the variety available at Grocery Outlet; that I will not settle for anything less than all four. Soon, I’ll add my own bus trips to Fred Meyer and the Chinese grocery to get seafood, fish, and specialty foods just for moi.
It’s nice to go out into the world, decked out, and all normal and shit.
I’m not really up to serious food pron at the moment but I shall give it the old college try.
It is oddly, eerily, bizarrely and worrisomely dry here in raintown. And pretty warm too, into the low 50’s. So I think we’ll just grill a flatiron steak and pretend spring has arrived. Let’s see … chimichurri! Yeah, that’s the ticket, gotta make chimichurri sauce. We love potatoes so what to do? What to do …. OK, some baby yukons get browned in butter in a Dutch oven on the stove top. Season with salt and pepper. Add
somea ton or so of peeled garlic cloves, toss it around some then toss into a preheated hot oven. Toss with basil chiffonade just before serving. Haven’t made a Sneezer salad in a while, tonight shall be the night. Hey, some gratineed tomatoes would be good too. Luckily I have some excellent heritage tomatoes on hand. Yeah, they’re far from carbon friendly, having been shipped from god knows where many thousands of miles away, nor are they cheap or even inexpensive but DAYUM they are tasty. Yeah, that should do it. Oh, I have some dough rising for crusty bread – loaves and rolls – so I’m sure we’ll have some with butter to sop up any steak juices that might try to get away.HEY! I just heard on the radio that the mushroom hunters who went missing in the coast range last weekend were found! Some problems but they’ll be okay. I know them casually from our mycology club. Could this be the first winter no one dies in the Oregon mountains?
I made chicken chili with cannellini (white kidney) beans and lavender. Sounds weird but it works.
I made chicken chili with cannellini (white kidney) beans and lavender.
Served, one may hope, on an old lace tablecloth.
yeah, they’re far from carbon friendly, having been shipped from god knows where many thousands of miles away
You’re welcome.
Don’t feel bad about shopping at Winco. I buy my staples there – the bulk bins are my first stop. Canned goods and the like are a LOT cheaper there than the Med Fryer or Snafeway. I even buy _some_ meats there, the whole tenderloin from Oregon beef for $4.98 a pound is a frequent treat for us. The rest of the meats I wouldn’t go near. The produce is really hit or miss, mostly so-so. Occasionally they have really really good deal on fish but by and large Freddies will have good stuff at a good price.
Does this count as “food porn”?
Winco must be a West Coast or Pacific Northwest thing. We don’t have them in Ohio.
I LOVE white chili! Lavender is perfect, as are cannelini beans – that’s what I put in mine.
Yeah, Winco is in WA, OR and Udaho. It’s your basic deep discount grocery chain. Kind of like the anti Whole Foods.
we’re gonnna get a mumble-mumble millimeters in Mobtown today…
And, as you know, if it’s over 50F every day from Dec to March or 100F 27 days in a row in Baltimore in the summer, that is NOT evidence of global warming,
Bigby: You’ve been to Baltimore in the summer, I see. Also, Mobtown = ??? (My guess is Chicago.) How much snow today?
Thanks all!
Appetite (and brain function) has returned.
Fenwick, I am partial to Jamesons when poor, assorted singlemalts when someone else is buying.
Yet another tagfail. Not on my game tonight.
Sorry I’ve been remiss in my lurking duties, everybody. I’ve spent the last few days trying to catch up; before that I was housesitting over on the Olympic Peninsula for 3 weeks. I only mention this because we’re swapping climate anecdotes: I was literally snowed in for two weeks. They left four days early because they knew the snow was coming, and boy, did it! Now I’m back on the other side of the Sound and sumer is icumen in—hlud sing cuckoo! But algore is fat!
Does this count as “food porn”?
Of course. A subtle blend of watermelon and cantalopes.
((Spear: Patti Scialfa.))
The Reverend is back in town ! Huzzah!
I was housesitting over on the Olympic Peninsula
Every four years, another sport I don’t understand.
February 5, 2012 at 3:50
I was housesitting over on the Olympic Peninsula
Every four years, another sport I don’t understand.
Oh…applause. Roses, even.
Oh…applause. Roses, even.
And a wreath of laurel for his brow.
Every four years, another sport I don’t understand.
That was truly special.
That bitchslap was so fucking righteous, I think you managed to give Foster breast cancer with it.
Why thank you. To quote Kafka, “It loved to happen” … also, I didn’t see anybody else mention the context this whole sad-clown-circus took place in. I love context the way a wino loves a fresh jug of Muscatel.
The appropriate rhetorical response* to “I’m anti-abortion!” is “Hey, me too! So how come so many of the folks who agree with us are fanatically dedicated to making it a crime when we already know that criminalization doesn’t actually stop abortions from happening, while they lobby to pass laws banning the stuff that actually reduces abortion rates? My opposition to abortion doesn’t mean I want it banned – I want anyone who freely makes the CHOICE to have one to be able to do so without being demonized, crippled or killed for it. If you’re not down with that, you’re not anti-abortion – you’re anti-woman.”
If I was an American woman (Mama let me be …), I’d be organizing counter-protests around every clinic where teh “pro-life” shitheels do their rent-a-mob routine in which really huge hi-res full-colour pictures of victims of back-alley abortions featured prominently, with the simple caption “NEVER AGAIN.” Also the handing out of complimentary coat-hangers dipped in red paint. I don’t even have my own uterus to worry about, & their “preventing women from dying pointlessly makes liberals WORSE THAN 50 HITLERS” reindeer games still manage to make me feel seriously stabby.
I was housesitting over on the Olympic Peninsula
Sigh. Fond memories of doing just this for the widow of a former BC Supreme Court justice … literally being paid to watch TeeVee: the easiest security gig anyone could ask for.
* If you try this approach with Televangecials, I strongly recommend keeping a spit-shield handy.
And a wreath of laurel for his brow.
But how did he cook the laurels? To bring it back on topic. (The topic being food porn.)
I made chicken chili with cannellini (white kidney) beans and lavender. Sounds weird but it works.
That *does* sound weird– but also pretty good. Care to share a recipe?
NRO, projection is thy name.
Steyn-balls comment on the subject is in much the same vein, liberals, ha, how dare they express their opinon, its like Hitler, or something….
But how did he cook the laurels?
Anyway he wanted to.
cook the laurels?
Hardy would roast better.
I bet Foster went out and bought two or three KFC Buckets for the Cure just to spite The Left.
By the way, if anyone were in a mischievous mood, the domain is for sale.
Colostomy bags have mouths now?!?!?
I hope that is not a challenge or an invitation for someone to link to an appropriate image.
I hope that is not a challenge or an invitation for someone to link to an appropriate image.
Perhaps an animated gif would suffice to amuse the kids.
Gawker 3,252, Dan -2,716
Yeah, except you forgot one thing, libs:
A guy as hot as Dan, gets a bonus 10,000 “Clooney points”… so he WINS!!!!11!!!
A guy as hot as Dan, gets a bonus 10,000 “Clooney points”… so he WINS!!!!11!!!
Not even with your vulva, my Conservasister.
OT seed: Superbowl.
Who wins (and why)?
If you’re planning to watch, what will you consume during the game? [Good excuse for moar food pr0n and exchange of munchies recipes.] Also, what will the Beer People be drinking?
I don’t follow football [either kind], but my best friend is a life-long Giants fan. So I hope New York wins … even though it runs against the grain of my irrational and absurd prejudice against NYC.
Who wins (and why)?
Tebow because Jesus. I’m not watching. Will wait for tomorrow to view teh ads via YouTube. I’ll be drinking bourbon.
re: prejudice against New York
Not irrational, teh weird stutters and speed changes can drive anyone to hatred.
Hiya, D-K !
I also don’t follow hockey. So do Leafs Suck this year?
So far this year the Leafs are perfectly mediocre.
Which is a major improvement.
OTOH, Optimus Reim is starting to get back to his pre-“not-a-concussion” form. Teh Leafs Nation LOLlercoaster is on teh swing up, and we may end up nursing post-season hopes all teh way into late February!
I made chicken chili with cannellini (white kidney) beans and lavender. Sounds weird but it works.
Sounds Delicious!
Gonna Roast another Chicken today, on a bed of Potatoes (TYVM for the Pro-tip). I might have to try a chili with what remains with the carcass and stock.
This variation with black-eyed peas and without lavender…Thanks for the idea.
I hope that is not a challenge or an invitation for someone to link to an appropriate image.
Perhaps an animated gif would suffice to amuse the kids.
OMG, Please dear FSM don’t. If that image appears, I might have well be guilty of setting our ever accelerating handbasket on fire.
Everybody quit talking about white chili! Hubby won’t eat beans, so I never get to make it.
If I was an American woman (Mama let me be …), I’d be organizing counter-protests around every clinic where teh “pro-life” shitheels do their rent-a-mob routine in which really huge hi-res full-colour pictures of victims of back-alley abortions featured prominently, with the simple caption “NEVER AGAIN.”
J’accord, Jim.
I was thinking about another tactic involving infiltration: Show up at a protest and be the most righteous and heinously virulent and strident AA’er there. Show up with “Women are second class citizens and should be barefoot and pregnant” and Women who have abortions should be sentenced to life, (or Death) as well as the doctors that perfom them” and related signage.
If anyone gets in yer grill go full batshit Leviticus on them, explain how they can’t handle the truth while suggesting that they aren’t up to the proper purity level of their convictions. By all means hog all the press time you can get yer hands on.
Watch heads explode!
However, I do really like your tack, and therefor, the cut of your jib, Jim.
Everybody quit talking about white chili! Hubby won’t eat beans, so I never get to make it.
Make a batch for yourownself, and enjoy it over a week, whilst always making sure that hubby has a clue of what he is missing…Also, too, Dutch oven…
Once my Pack got kicked rather rudely out of the playoffs, I lost interest. Will probably watch the game with friends, but much more of a social occasion than last year – as Fenwick said, food, convo, Puppy Bowl. And pray to every god on the planet that Madonna does NOT have a wardrobe malfunction.
Best snack stuff? I’m not a cook at the level of some here, so I’ll try to describe as best as I can…
Cold green-sauce based chili, more akin to pico de gallo, with lots of Northern beans, monterey jack (from Wisconsin, none of the false California cheese or the semi-cheese one can end up with in MN) and chopped white-meat chicken, used for a chip dip.
Homemade spinach and artichoke casserole, also as a dip (or on a ladle, whatever, kickass).
Pulled turkey in broth on black bread.
Again, not as fancy as some of the stomach-erection-causing recipes that float about here, but easy, quick, cheap, and rib-sticky.
As far as the game, going back to my initial thought, I don’t particularly give a damn, but if forced to, would root for the NJ Giants. Only because, well, let me ‘splain. I have an interest in religion, as a topic, not as a lifestyle, and have done some comparative research. I’ve noticed that all religions have a trickster or devil archetype. And all their names are a variation on…
Srsly. Hear me out.
Beelzebub for xians. Umm, and others. Kali has that familiar li construction. The scandihoovians have LoKI – you can’t spell Belechick without them. And then notice the physical similarity between Belachuck and Beiber – HOODIES. I tells ya, this is proof and stuff.
I also don’t follow hockey…
Speaking of football (no not the kind that will be played today in Indy) I caught yesterdays rout of Blackburn at the hand and home of Arsenal yesterday morn, 7-1 including a hat trick by number 10 (
Robin van Persie) and 2 goals by the 18 year old number 15 (Alex Oxlade-Cunningham) and Thierry Henry scoring the last goal in stoppage time.
Fantastic match, and Blackburn (Which happenbs to be in Lancashire, I had always wondered) did not play terribly…Real Madrid might have been made to look like pikers if they had to contend with Arsenal yesterday.
I expect that it will have been much more interesting than the Duper bowl will be.
paleo: The snacks sound wunnerful, specially the chili.
I like your football theology! Doesn’t Belicheck make an appearance in Revelations somewhere?
Blackburn (Which happenbs to be in Lancashire,
4,000 holes. I’d love to turn you on.
And all their names are a variation on…
Hello? MephisTOMpheles? SaTOM? Clearly, the man who coaches the Nephilim is the naughty one.
Super Bowl this year? No favorites but I suppose I will watch with a growler of this:
Hope it’s a good game but I bet the Puppy Bowl will be better.
I have a feeling the Giants will win.
food pr0n:
making roasted red pepper bisque today – yum.
I’ll be in NYC March 8-13. Any suggestions from NY sadlies of cool things to see/do that are not found in the usual sources of tourist info?
It’s nice to go out into the world, decked out, and all normal and shit.
Yay for Wiley!!
I have a new blog devoted to exposing Ayn Rand as a Jesus hater to all the God botherers. Why does John Galt make the baby Jesus cry? Find out at
See Y’all in the funny papers. Go Pats!
I’ll be eating whatever swill they’ve got at whatever bar I end up watching it in…………..not having a tv is occasionally a problem. However, having said that……………………..
GOAH GIANTZZ11!1!11!1!!!!1111!11!11TWELVE1!!!
Damn effin’ libruls, all hating on American PATRIOTS! Especially those based in New England . Figures they would all root for those GIANTS of islamocommielibrulsocialest in New York.
I shall watch the Puppy Bowl for a while but we have a dinner date at some friends’ place so we won’t see the second half. Football watching snacks? Queso fundido or nothing.
mingo, The Ho and I had been to New York many times so on one trip we decided to see the B attractions. The Radio City Music Hall tour is definitely worth doing. Especially if you like deco. Cathedral of St. John the Divine is also worth looking at and into. Cocktails at the Rainbow Room (plural only if you have deep pockets). The Cloisters is well worth a visit. The library is interesting. Gaze into the lobby of The Chrysler building. The oyster bar at Grand Central is a traditional but obscure stop. The Intrepid museum. The Fire Museum – go on a weekday when they do guided tours.
B^4 can tell you where to go if you have a foot fetish.
Or a getting eaten by dragons while dressed as a raccoon fetish.
Hey, it ain’t easy for us libralz y’know!! Why do you think I gots no tv and no friends
who give an at’s rass about the Goddam Game of Games!! Damn hippies.
Or where you can find dragon fucking cars erotic fan art.
44 degrees and sunny here in Ohio. I went out and rode my bicycle, even though my cold weather gear makes me look like a bratwurst.
“Look honey – it’s a bratwurst! It’s going pretty fast for a bratwurst.”
Why do you think I gots no tv
You don’t have a high-def TV that you bought with your welfare check like the rest of us did?
many thanks, Pup. I will be involved with choral activities much of the time, but, I do have some free time. Also, the Chrysler bldg is awesome.
BBBB’s is the place to go for all of your dragon fucking cars erotic fan art. I don’t have a lonk so you might have to google it.
I’m cooking for country club ladies that probably won’t watch the game. Oyster bisque (Appalachicolas that I shucked, my slashed fingers let me show you them. Home cured pancetta, sautéed with onion, celery and scallion, home made stock, fennel, white pepper and some red, cream [lots]) is the main event, GA white shrimp cocktail (yes, I made the farking sauce) to start, very light salad w/vinaigrette, pain ordinaire (fresh made, organic spelt and white) and because it’s somebody’s birthday a Boston cream pie with candles on it. At least I won’t be doing any chick’n wings and it’s a beautiful day on the coast of GA.
Aside: ice on the canals in Venice, snow in Rome, I can just imagine the kvetching. -38C in Ukraine! Algore is fat!
I am here to serve.
El, I’m very jealous of those country club ladies.
Yay for Wiley!!
Another hurrah!
I’m cooking for country club ladies
El Manq: So you are a professional chef? (Many times your food pr0n has set my taste buds all a-tingle. Are you in Savannah?
mingo- Cliché or no, the Empire State Building is a must see. The lobby rocks, and the central location gives you a great look at the whole NYC area. Try to get there near dusk so’s you can see the daytime & nighttime views. Trey kool. Also the Met, but not if you’re in a hurry.
I’d be delighted to take a B^4 suggestion! uh, wait…
So – anyone see Ron “Honest Rape” Paul’s opinions on how ladies might earn the right to avail themselves of medical services???
honest rape
You don’t have a high-def TV that you bought with your welfare check like the rest of us did?
Damn! I spent that sucker on drugs and 40s!!
I forgot the steamed spinach and parsley that you whiz in at the last minute. Oysters and spinach (and bacon, natch) are a terrific combo.
I’m cooking four country club ladies
Fiixxt for moar To Serve Man.
Thanks, Mr. Revolta. I guess the tried-and-true are that way for a reason.
I will actually be performing at Carnegie Hall on the Sunday night (with a big chorus), so there are some rehearsals to get around. Anyone interested in hearing a bunch of amateur choristers doing Rutter’s Magnificat should totally attend!
Also, I ain’t eatin’ no damned bisque what nobody whizzed in!!!!!111!11! This here’s America, dammit!!
Also, the Chrysler bldg is awesome.
The most beautiful building I have ever seen.
El Manquécito,
That sounds delicious. I am gonna make the easiest thing in the world Roast Chicken on a bed of Taters.
And it will be good, and easy.
Whizzing the bisque.
Glazing the cream pie.
It’s hell in there I’ll tell you.
roasted red pepper bisque:
roast some red peppers and some roma tomatoes. when roasted, peel and set aside, Meanwhile, chop up some aromatics (is this a mirepoix?) – leek, shallot, garlic, celery and carrot. Saute in olive oil. add herbs – I used bay, thyme, marj, basil – semed to work ok. When sauteed, add water & simmer. Add the pepper-tomato stuff, some chicken broth, and then puree.
Whisk in some cream. yum
Mirepoix is the onion carrot and celery part. 50% onion, 25 each carrot and celery. In loozianna their holy trinity subs bell peeper for the rot car. Their are numerous holy trinities, most cuisines have one.
There. There are. FYautocorrect.
I’m kicking it old-school and making meatloaf.
I call it “the usual suspects”. onion-garlic-celery. I have now added leek to that, since I discovered that it seems to make everything taste better.
I use onion, carrots, and celery in most things.
If I have pepper, it becomes a holy quarterly.
I’ll try out the leek idea.
I have now added leek to that, since I discovered that it seems to make everything taste better.
It’s the bacon of vegetables.
meatloaf. mmmm. with mashed taters?
I don’t always include carrot,but it seemed duh rigger* with the red peppers.
*mad language skillz. I haz them.
I’ll be in NYC March 8-13. Any suggestions from NY sadlies of cool things to see/do that are not found in the usual sources of tourist info?
Hey, mingo, you should definitely walk across the Brooklyn Bridge from Chinatown to downtown Brooklyn- the views are magnificent, and the bridge itself has an intricate gorgeousness. I am also partial to The Cloisters, but they’re pretty much at the far northern tip of Manhattan… I know a lot of New Yorkers who have never been there. The Staten Island ferry is free, and you get great views of the skyline- once you get to Staten Island, you can always turn right back! Of course, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the American Museum of Natural History are must-sees. One thing you should definitely do soon after you hit the streets is to pick up a free copy of the Village Voice, which has a calender of events.
If you go to downtown Brooklyn, the baby biergarten is a great place.
As the time of your visit approaches, keep reminding us Noo Yawkehs about your impending visit, and give us a notion of your interests so we can keep coming up with ideas.
From a Christian movie review of The Black Swan:
Not relevant.
I’m taking red wings to a friend’s house. Wings cooked in soy sauce, sherry, water and brown sugar.
El, yer a mean person. When I lick the screen I can’t taste anything.
Disappointing that a PG icon, Queen Amidala
Computer says no.
Natalie Portman is 30. How is she “aging”, exactly? I guess she’s aging in the sense that everyone is, but I’d think the fact that someone isn’t suspended in a state of chronal stasis would usually go without saying.
Also, “suicide for love”? Did…did this person even watch the movie? That doesn’t remotely happen.
And even if it did, there’s a difference between showing something in a work of art and saying it’s all fine and dandy. I recall that the CAP Alert site attacked Lord of the Rings for having a demon in it. Said demon was a bad guy, obviously. I don’t get it.
I am making burgers. Don’t know if they’ll be fancy or what. Will take any suggestions. And as usual I’m wondering what to do with potatoes.
Re: Black Swan… Really enjoyed that film. Really got swept up in its feeling of creepy and creeping obsession.
Not relevant.
But cute. (Owww, honey, so are you!)
Not Revenant.
Jesus, that Steyn piece linked above sounds like Troofus wrote it.
OOH OOH. Wiley Witch reviewed Black Swan
and Brokeback Mountain
Why the question marks? Why?
Natalie Portman is 30. How is she “aging”, exactly? I guess she’s aging in the sense that everyone is, but I’d think the fact that someone isn’t suspended in a state of chronal stasis would usually go without saying.
She’s only aging in the fucked-up milieu in which 25 year olds are told by their agents to get botox.
I dunno…I’ve been askeert to go to the AMNH since I learned in that documentary Splash! what a ruthless military organization it is.
Oh, the CAPAlert guy’s a loonball. I thought he’d run out of funds to keep his site up, though!
When two Hollywood pretty-?boy actors are more convincing as sheep-?herders than lovers, there is a serious casting problem.
The original actors were unable to work on the film due to an exclusive contract with Filmation.
Well, I’ve been in love with Natalie Portman since Beautiful Girls, when it was disgusting and illegal for me to be in love with her; I doubt if I’m going to stop just because she turned 30.
B^4, I love to walk! Will try to slip away from my non-exercisin’ mother and sister to do this.
Village Voice, for sure. maybe with a bonus Roy column in it.
B^4, I love to walk! Will try to slip away from my non-exercisin’ mother and sister to do this.
You might want to check out the High Line– NYC is a very walkable city- you might be able to persuade your mother and sister to do some walking.
Village Voice, for sure. maybe with a bonus Roy column in it.
Roy typically writes online content… he’s not typically featured in the print edition.
vs – mix a dash or three of Worcestershire into the ground beefy. Some grated onion also works well. Lots of black pepper. Top with bacon.
BBB, you made Clouds and I to laugh-ed muchly with other fill-im. It is better fill-im than original.
Oy. That soundtrack— cloying Oy.
he’s not typically featured in the print edition
well, dang.
BBB, you made Clouds and I to laugh-ed muchly with other fill-im. It is better fill-im than original.
No matter how many times I’ve seen it, it still makes me guffaw. The other video that never fails to have me laughing til I cry is Danzig vs. Shakira.
Pup, you are a burger man after my own heart – just sub garlic for the onion.
After hyper-focusing on unpacking groceries for a bit, I looked up, heard that cloying soundtrack, and then said to Clouds, “You’re really studying that, aren’t you?” To which he replied, “I’m watching Brokeback Penguin, now.”
The internet. Gotta love it.
Fun schadenfreude OT from the sci-fi section of things: Orson Scott Card claims the only possible reason for the Romney-hate is Mormon-hate, and it’s not fair Republicans are being so mean to his fair-haired boy. (It’s the middle section of the post).
Things of note:
1) He doesn’t actually supply anything to back up his idea that the Anybody-But-Romney campaign is all about the Mormon-hate. He just vaguely says “No one can say so out loud, of course, but…” Of course. If you can’t find anything to substantiate the Anti-Mormon Conspiracy, that also must be a part of the conspiracy.
2) Can I just say how delicious it is that a guy who’s spent years and years bawling about “politically correct extremists” in the Democratic Party and how mean liberals are always playing the race card is now reduced to wailing that if his half-assed Cylon of a candidate can’t make it, it must be because Republicans are big bigoted meanies?
Wouldn’t be OSC without a healthy dose of Both Sides Do It (unless he were dissing the Democrats). But here’s a thought: let’s assume that everything you said is correct, that Romney Hating Republicans are only that way because they’re anti-Mormon bigots. What does it say about our respective parties that when one of “our” minorities reaches for the presidential nomination, we support them, and when one of “your” minorities tries the same, he gets shot down? Maybe both sides don’t do it, Orson: maybe it was just you guys all along.
On the other hand,
No. Uh uh. I’m sorry, but about ten years ago, conservatives ran one of their formerly staunch religious minority bases (Muslim Americans) out of the party on a rail and spent the next decade trumpeting far, far, far worse things about them than they’ve ever done to Mormons on bullhorns – and whatever restraints there were on that faction evaporated completely after the 2008 election. During that entire decade, you sat back and ignored the entire thing, except in those instances when you came forth and waggled your fingers at those liberals and Muslims who objected for their politically correct faginess and insufficient patriotism.
I’m sorry: you don’t get to speak with moral authority on how the GOP treats religious minorities. So now they’re shitting on your religious minority? I’m so sorry. Maybe if you’d spoken when they came for the communists, the trade unionists, the Jews and the Catholics, they’d feel inclined to speak for you now, but you didn’t, and what goes around comes around.
Knock yourself out. The Democratic Party thanks you, in the unlikely event that you succeed. (I’d like to think most Mormons, whoever they vote for, aren’t fucked up enough to be taking cues from Orson Scott Card).
(As you can see, the Super Bowl has my complete and undivided attention…)
Thank you, pup! I did that other day to some blue-cheese stuffed burgers and they were amazing. Will definitely go to that well again.
Hmmm, soup or bowl? Decisions, decisions.
Probably non-WP-beloved dashes. Let’s see some em-dashes!
Hmm…they work…
So is there some sporting event today?
Like Jews, Mormons deliver a solid, decisive vote in some states
Unlike the Jews, the Mormons deliver a solid, decisive vote for bigotry in some states (hello, Prop 8!).
I’m sorry: you don’t get to speak with moral authority on how the GOP treats religious minorities. So now they’re shitting on your religious minority?
Ya know, I recall Mitt publicly taking a similar bigoted stance against atheists.
Does Orson Scott Cobag allow comments?
So is there some sporting event today?
So I’m told. Hopefully, this means my building’s laundry room will be the emptiest it’s been since, well, about this time last year, so no fighting over or waiting for the washers and dryers. Excellent, Smithers, excellent!
Chris reminds me that now would be a good time, since everybody’s watching the S00perbowl—right?—that I was completely, absolutely, abjectly WRNOG a few weeks ago when I said: “Barring some unforeseen cataclysm, Newton Leroy is it.” It certainly looks like Multiple Mitt will be the nominee.
My only excuse is that I didn’t realize the rules had changed. It used to be once you had had your turn as flavor-of-the-week and faded, that was it for you. (Like those perverts who play Klondike once-through-the-deck-one-at-a-time.) Apparently now you can go through the deck as many times as you want. My bad!
just sub garlic for the onion.
Well, yeah, that too. Also. And such as.
Ya know, I recall Mitt publicly taking a similar bigoted stance against atheists.
I remember watching that speech. It was supposed to be his big Kennedy-esque “it’s okay to be from a weird religion” moment, and I remember Lloyd Bentsen’s “you’re no Jack Kennedy” ringing in my ears the entire time. It’s been funny to watch him walk the tightrope on these issues.
Does Orson Scott Cobag allow comments?
Sadly, no. I can see why not, most of what he writes especially on politics seems intentionally designed to piss off everyone else in the room.
Oh boy! I get to post Orson Scott Card has always been an asshat again! Read the whole thing, heh. Including the linked essays and shit.
But __everybody__ says it’s okay to hate atheists. That’s the only thing Jews, Catholics, all the flavors of protestants, Mormons, Muslims agree on theologically. They’re together on that even more than on FAGS ARE EVIL.
Oops. Markdown uses double underscores for bold. That should have been <b> and so on. Obviously I have been spending too much time at reddit.
That’s ’cause you fags are a more discriminating subset of atheists—you’re only gonna rape innocent KKKristian men. The rest of us ravening atheist wolves are gonna rape men, women, children, livestock, Chevy Suburbans—you name it. Onaccounta we don’t got no God restrainin’ our base impulses.
The rest of us ravening atheist wolves are gonna rape men, women, children, livestock, Chevy Suburbans—you name it
You wanna sex down a Chevy Suburban, you gotta get in line behind the dragon.
Not one of those dragons bears the least resemblance to Don Bob Surber.
You wanna sex down a Chevy Suburban, you gotta get in line behind the dragon.
There are plenty of Chevy Suburbans in the sea.
Every Liberal Must Watch This
Ahahahahahahaha! Did anyone actually watch it? I’m sure it must have been awash with credibility.
Not one of those dragons bears the least resemblance to Don Bob Surber.
Yeah, no comparison between Don Surber and a dragon- one’s a vicious reptile with breath that could kill you and the other’s a dragon.
There are plenty of Chevy Suburbans in the sea.
Is that why cartographers used to draw serpents on the maps?
Ahahahahahahaha! Did anyone actually watch it? I’m sure it must have been awash with credibility.
I’m a liberal, I don’t take orders very well.
Hey, now, I’m a huge fan of Madonna.
Ok, I have to hand It to Madonna–she’s putting on a fucking great show.
That is always worth posting.
(As you can see, the Super Bowl has my complete and undivided attention…)
Excellent take-down, Chris. Especially item (4).
Hmmm, soup or bowl? Decisions, decisions.
I say bowl: hard to drink beer while eating soup; easier to drink beer while waiting for the ball to return.
“Ahahahahahahaha! Did anyone actually watch it? I’m sure it must have been awash with credibility.”
I did, Allison. Let’s just say that when you begin your case by saying that Jay-z and Michael Moore hate capitalism, it can only go downhill from there.
Let’s just say that when you begin your case by saying that Jay-z and Michael Moore hate capitalism, it can only go downhill from there.
A good friend of mine once said, “Nothing pisses off a Republican more than a socialist who is richer than he is.”
I say bowl: hard to drink beer while eating soup; easier to drink beer while waiting for the ball to return.
How about beer soup?
Ahahahahahahaha! Did anyone actually watch it?
Me too, Alilison. (Well, about 30 seconds of it….)
Also, too, and moreover, Orson Scott Card does indeed sound like a first-class asshat. I particularly dislike his simplistic ‘author’s morality’ trope. Let the characters do the heavy-lifting…and stay out of the way.
I’ll admit that I’m easily impressed, but I thought that the Avengers trailer was pretty cool.
Ok, I have to hand It to Madonna–she’s putting on a fucking great show.
from what i watched, it wasn’t the hideousness that is usually the hafl fime show…and actually, madge was kinda…tame…what’s up with that?
or the half-time show…
Spear, you’re easily impressed. That trailer was full of nothing except not enough ScarJo in a catsuit.
Still perusing teh ads, but so far my two favourite are teh Bridgestone basketball one and teh one Google took a pass on.
Well, the season’s been put to bed. Let’s hope starting August, the Titans don’t suck quite so badly.
That trailer was full of nothing except not enough ScarJo in a catsuit.
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
Well, moar ScarJo would have made it a good ad – but as it is, she’s barely in it at all. OTOH, teh Veloster ad is pretty awesome.
I found the Super Bowl ads disappointing. That apocalypse one for Chevy was the only one halfway interesting (although I missed some).
I just checked Yahoo- man, those Giants have a knack for 4th quarter Patriot dick-stomping.
My god, Belichick must hate the Giants.
Mingo – Do the top of 30 Rock in addition to or instead of the ESB observation deck. You’re a few floors lower, but surrounded by nearby towers and the lines are much, much shorter. Also, I second B^4 on the Brooklyn Bridge walk, but start in Brooklyn and walk back to Manhattan. If you go to the Met, go to the Neue Galerie cafe for lunch.
NRO, projection is thy name.
Steyn-balls comment on the subject is in much the same vein, liberals, ha, how dare they express their opinon, its like Hitler, or something….
Hmm. I responded to Teh Human Stain … even posted it twice, just ’cause I’m so nice … & yet my comment does not register as being in the queue.
Could it be? Has the NRO Banhammer Of Truthiness hugged me at last?
Thanks, Fen.
Oh boy! I get to post Orson Scott Card has always been an asshat again! Read the whole thing, heh. Including the linked essays and shit.
Wow. OSC’s enough of a pathological contrarian that the notion of him writing a Hitler apologia for shits and giggles might just be plausible.
A good friend of mine once said, “Nothing pisses off a Republican more than a socialist who is richer than he is.”
Well, when your ideology preaches that only the very richest people are worthy human beings and that everyone below is just a parasite sucking off of their awesomeness, that can’t be good for your self-esteem unless you’re in the 1%. Which most of them aren’t.
I had Republican friends in college. I’m still in touch with two of them – one from the cream of the 1% crop, the other from the middle class. Of the two, the middle class girl is by far the more snobby and class conscious, but class conscious in both directions, and she regularly takes opportunities to snipe at the rich girl about her wealthy status. Not sure if this holds with most rich vs middle class Republicans, but in that case, there’s just these several metric tons of bitterness and – dare I say it? – envy that aren’t at all surprising given what her ideology tells her to value.
Trying to imagine how much worse that envy/bitterness thing would be if the rich girl had been a liberal. Yikes!
I’ll admit that I’m easily impressed, but I thought that the Avengers trailer was pretty cool.
At the risk of starting a Marvel vs DC flame war, I’m actually looking forward to that more than the new Batman movie.
“Dr. Banner, your work is unparalleled. And I’m a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green monster.”
The morans flunked that test.
There is no ” fuck off, Noddy” option? Strange.
Hey, Maximus! THIS:
Totally. This.
Madonna isn’t universally loved? What is going on here? I don’t believe this. Madonna is Madonna is Madonna, and there is no other. Woman has got control of her career.
You know who ELSE had control of his career?
Robert de Niro?
Actually I was thinking of this guy but, it’s all good.
There are people who should never tweet: “dry rubbing the pork butt.” and Foster is most of them.
There are people who SHOULD tweet “dry rubbing the pork butt”? Do tell.
RazzMuezzin poll results:
Do reichwingers falsify everything to support their own theories about everything?
59% Somewhat likely
35% Very likely
26% Not very likely
1% Who cares? We own everything.
59% Somewhat likely
whenever fox trots out their ‘somewhat likely’ option it just cracks me up…i always think of the one in a million scene from ‘dumb & dumber’…and the ‘likely’ is interesting…it’s like: ‘duh! thieir scientists! evil, lying, liberal scientists! OF COURSE they aren’t going to be honest! they’re SCIENTISTS! what do you expect…amirite?!?!’
1% Who cares? We own everything.
also, too…this should be added to every single poll…
Psychosexually speaking, Dan’s “free speech” impedes his ability to blow K-Lo and Fudgie
What Dan “babe magnet” Foster was trying to say but failed, being unable to get his apostrophes straight (damn gay apostrophes ruining it for everybody), would be:
“I know it’s despicable because IT’S DESPICABLE.”
Plus, maybe, a “sufferin’ succotash”.
59% Somewhat likely
35% Very likely
26% Not very likely
Fuckin’ arithmetic. How does it work?
They give 120% every day.
I bet Fox is conflating groups: 59% may be the somewhat + very likely, then they’ve dropped the “fuck off, Noddy” group entirely because it bothered them that even in a bullshit slanted poll 41% thought the Rasmussen pollsters were probably hopped up on goofballs.
There are people who SHOULD tweet “dry rubbing the pork butt”? Do tell
Madonna, for one. Also, Giselle Bundschen.
i waded through the mangoes which were left like so much waste after dan’s complete break with reality…i didn’t have to wade far…in fact, i barely got my little toe wet…first fucking comment:
yeah, so this is why us liberals got so worked up about komen dropping pp funding…because without it MORE BABBIES CANNOT BE ABORTED!!!
this is SOOOOOO logical! this is why we support broadening the safety net…and drone on endlessly about quality of life and making sure everybody is okay…because we just want to abort them? wait…what?
yes, stupid ass commentor…my one *wit* does not care about the fight against cancer…my dad died from it…my grandma died from it…an aunt died from it…my daughter had it and fucking beat it…and she’s handicapped which means she was totes abortable if i had only known she was going to be defective before giving birth…
yep…don’t care about none of that…MOAR ABORTIONS!!!11!!!
alive after failed abortions
Apollo 13?
also, reading through the comments, i was quite surprised to find that mammography is a super-rare technology…wth? i live in a county of less than 5,000 people…our hospital is located in a town of 1,200…and we have mammography…are we just that cutting edge?
also, too…i’m going to run over and check the closets at the hospital…i bet they are chockfull of babbies!
They don’t even find it disgusting that children born alive after failed abortions are left to rot in hospital closets.
Obama doesn’t. He found it disgusting anyone would seek to protect those children born after failed abortions.
this is asking a lot, i know…but does anybody have any idea of wtf this means?
One thing the forced-birthers would never be able to argue against is this: I am rabidly pro-choice. Which means that if someone were coercing women to have abortions, I would equally as appalled. It really is about choice for me. And it’s about taking that choice away for them. That’s all. Taking choices away from women.
And they can never fight the person who’s really fighting them, they have to make a monster out of them. They have to say pro-choicers are pro-death. They have to say they abort all their children. Because the truth–that many pro-choicers have more than one child and that many pro-choicers simply believe that women should have autonomy over their own bodies…and that reproductive rights aren’t just something for dirty sluts–Not that I particularly have anything against being a dirty slut–makes us sound too pragmatic and reasonable.
heh…i just sent an email and got the following auto-out-of-the-office reply:
I am currently out of the office and hope to return soon.
oh, rilly? hope to return soon?
It’s projection all the way down. How many of these new donors to Komen didn’t give one shit–much less 2–before they decided to dance to the tune of the wackaloons?
How many of these new donors to Komen didn’t give one shit–much less 2–before they decided to dance to the tune of the wackaloons?
i have a feeling shit is always in close proximity throughout the “thinking” process…
okay…and the next time i decide to make deep dish chewy brownies with dark chocolate chips in them…JUST STOP ME!!! please…
hope to return soon?
Thank you! Come again!
They don’t even find it disgusting that children born alive after failed abortions are left to rot in hospital closets.
And eventually run for Senator from Minnesota, with wide stances.
i was quite surprised to find that mammography is a super-rare technology
Well, see, first thing, you have to find a wooly mammoth…
ha, ha…dude on mpr is saying that our cognitive system is set up so we do as little ‘thinking’ as possible…who does this resemble most?
a) gop pres. candidates
b) wingnuts
c) dan foster
d) fox news bimbos
e) pie
f) all of the above
g) stop it your killing me!!!
You should know by now that the only thing pro-choicers find disgusting is that anyone cares about lives in utero.
Bullshit on both counts, that we don’t care and that they do. If we didn’t care we wouldn’t advocate for access to birth control and health care including prenatal, so that every child is born loved and healthy, and if they did care they would also advocate for those things, and also join us in supporting things like maternal and paternal leave, WIC and other food programs, Headstart, all sorts of early aid to poor and under-served kids.
They don’t even find it disgusting that children born alive after failed abortions are left to rot in hospital closets.
Plus I do find that totally disgusting. SO UNSANITARY!
And such a waste!
“And such a waste!”
Hey! You’re stealing my schtick!!
Don’t insult pie!
Don’t insult pie!
sorry…that was the brownies talking…
and was that not possibly one of the best comment mangoes ever? so much wingnuttery packed into so few sentences…and the projection! oh my…i have not seen that much projection since i worked at the movie theater…oy!
also…read the second comment…
Yes, it was pretty good.
Working on a song over at Roy’s…
It’s been in my head forever, but now I finally have some collaborators.
Nobody rocks mom jeans like Rick Asstley.
Obama, are you watching?
VS: I’m gonna get behind your use of ‘forced-birth’ as a much sharper riposte to ‘pro-life’. ‘Forced-birth’ rips the mask off them … and encompasses their war on contraception as well.
Pro-Choice versus Forced-Birth. This frame makes the asshats defend the indefensible.
the song lyrics are hilar…!
i made the mistake of clicking on the planned parenthood/murder link and got as far as steyn and then got really confused…
mark steyn:
is he misundercomprehending this or am i? did boxer not imply that komen’s tactics were much like mccarthy’s in that he is trying to dissuade people from giving to a certain something that he didn’t like? and is steyn confused and thinking the congressman in her example is komen?
moar song lyrics, plz…
Nobody rocks
mom jeanslike Rick Asstley.fixxxed to reflect my geekiness…
and lack of closing tags…
Cutest tagfails in Sadlyville, bbfk.
Well, Daniel Foster, all I know is that when I give money to a charity, I’m really hoping to find one whose CEO makes half a million dollars a year—!!!
One staffed by Republicans, which pays huge consulting fees to former Bush administration members—!!!!
Seriously, after all this publicity, can anyone actually believe that this @#$% grifters foundation hasn’t taken a major, major PR hit?
Especially once people have a chance to watch and talk about the new Canadian film “Pink Ribbon Inc.”
But if the rightwingers really want to keep making a big fuss, when plain common sense would lead ’em to STFU— then I say, God bless assholes like Dan Foster, long may they keep flogging this dead, smelly horse!
Seriously, after all this publicity, can anyone actually believe that this @#$% grifters foundation hasn’t taken a major, major PR hit?
oh, it has indeed…in normalville…but in wingnuttia, where projection is king, it’s GHEYABORTIONSALLTHETIME!!!!
<i. this dead, smelly horse
also, that smell is the babbies in the closet…
AND a double tag fail!!!
words fail me…as do tags…
[hanging head in shame]
Umm, yeah … that actually WAS a test … see, I tried to post a comment here last night four times (or was it five?) both before & after said “TEST” comment, wherein I was plaintively whingeing about the spontaneous evaporation of my response to Steyn’s “Big Abortion’s High-Paid Enforcers Prove That Fasceral Libbism ISREAL” screed (after hitting “Submit” I didn’t get the usual notice that it was in their queue, or any hint that it got through at all), & even darkly speculating that perhaps at last jim had received a well-earned cuddling from Teh NRO Banhammer O’ Truthiness for his recidivistic serial naughtiness … but hey presto: be it to their credit or their shame, this morning it’s there, large as life & twice as fugly, so bless FYWP for preventing me from making a Total Goombah of myself … for once.
Now let’s see if THIS one makes it onto the Interwebs.
The comment I thought was et is right there above it … & now my Goombahdom is assured, because I’d bet a kidney that the only reason I can’t see my OTHER comment from a few minutes ago is that FYWP is now totally dedicated to making me gnaw said kidney out of my fucking thorax with my bare hand-teeth via its jolly mindfuck-a-thon of frolic.
(brb, cursing & shaking fist at laptop)
Haven’t read the thread’s comment, so apologies if someone already mentioned this. Very off topic.
Teh st00pid… IT BURNS.
That beer soup looks fine, B^4. Pretty much ‘zackly what I make.
Last night The Ho and I had dinner at friends’ place. They served Zuni chicken and bread salad of which I was hitherto unaware (haven’t been to Zuni cafe in ages, simply ages). Jeebus fooking kristo was that good!
I haven’t been to Zuni since John McCain wore short pants either but she wrote a good cookbook that includes the chicken and the bread salad. She’s got good ideas about braising.
since John McCain wore short pants
Do Depends count?
They don’t even find it disgusting that children born alive after failed abortions are left to rot in hospital closets.
The aborted fetus should be taken home for surviving children of the family to play with.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Can you feel it in the air?
Yes. It’s true.
It’s nearly time for the magic to return!
John Fleming (R-Idiot) fell for a nine-month-old hilarious article in The Onion which touted the grand-opening of an Abortionplex
OMG, the article is in its ninth month? ABORT IT NOW HURRY HURRY!
Oh. It’s THAT Avengers. I was hoping for Diana Rigg.
I now have the cookbook. One of the guys who feted us yesterday works at Powell’s. He may have more cookbooks than does Clarissa Dickson Wright.
It’s nearly time for the magic to return!
whoa…watching that was like watching a crazy train go by…
okay…we need to start a fund…i will gladly chip in some cash so that at least one sadlynaut can go to cspazc and report….
nominations are now open…
i got this far in the zuni chicken recipe before i had to stop:
Remove and discard the lump of fat inside the chicken.
really? wth?
also, too…so bread salad is just basically dressing that hasn’t been over cooked?
Did somebody say C.P.A.C.?
Heh. Heh.
It’s toasted chewy peasant style bread chunks, arugula, currants soaked in red wine vinegar, almonds, scallions and a vinaigrette of mild olive oil, champagne vinegar and the defatted juices from teh roasted chick.
That hunk of fat inside the cavity does nothing good for the roasted bird. I always remove those fat clumps and toss them in a zip bag for klater rendering when I have enough to make a batch of schmaltz.
re: Superbowl ads
OMG, I missed Pete Hoekstra’s teh Chi-nee go tock your jobs long time ad.
It’s toasted chewy peasant style bread chunks, arugula, currants soaked in red wine vinegar, almonds, scallions and a vinaigrette of mild olive oil, champagne vinegar and the defatted juices from teh roasted chick.
okay, so it’s basically a tangier version of undercooked dressing…don’t get me wrong…it sounds delish…i’m just having a difficult time calling something that is mostly made of bread ‘salad’…
also too…icky fat lump from chicken…ewww! i’ve just never seen the removal of it in a recipe…
i are a heathen…
bbkf – it’s not at all like undercooked dressing. It’s much more like (but not exactly like) panzanella.
OMG, I missed Pete Hoekstra’s teh Chi-nee go tock your jobs long time ad.
i took a pass from all superbowl related activities yesterday except for a wee viewing of madonna…i was superbowl weary by last tuesday…by anyhoo…this was some ad…how could anyone possibly think this was a good idea?
So where is the Susan G. Komen Foundation headquartered, exactly? I always assumed it was here in Seattle, because her only claim to fame was that she died of breast cancer while her husband John was the anchorman of the Channel 4 News, and that’s when the foundation was established. If we play host to them and the Dishonesty Institute, I can only hang my head in shame.
Also, what is it that makes corporations here so rapacious, evil, and sociopathic? PACCAR, Boeing, Micro$haft…the list goes on and on.
bbkf – it’s not at all like undercooked dressing. It’s much more like (but not exactly like) panzanella.
well, either way…this is something i am going to try…the zuni version…and i won’t refer to it as u********** d******* again…this appears to be a highly irregular use of bread and seasoning for my midwestern psyche…usually if a bread like substance is made along with chicken, it’s either a dinner roll or stuffing…
here’s a conundrum for you…if adding potatoes to something you have over salted absorbs the salt, what do i do for the potato soup i made on satiddy and oversalted?
Also, what is it that makes corporations here so rapacious
don’t you also get to claim starbucks?
“how could anyone possibly think this was a good idea?”
He has to win a Republican primary. Next question.
Did somebody say C.P.A.C.?
Oh wow, I completely forgot that was coming up.
*checks website…
Yep, it’s the Marriot Wardman on my street again. How fun.
Confirmed speakers… John Boehner, Scott Walker, Allen West, Herman Cain, Ann Coulter, Michelle Bachmann, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, Sarah Palin… holy shit, Oliver North? Andrew Breitbart… Eric, Son of Eric… Grover Norquist… Newt Gingrich… Mitt Romney! I had this pegged as more of a Gingrich crowd, but I suppose good manners dictate Romney should make a gesture anyway.
Oh. It’s THAT Avengers. I was hoping for Diana Rigg.
“Go away, Daniel.”
BTW, did they actually show the Focus on the Family ad or did it get quietly dropped when the Broncos didn’t make it to the Super Bowl?
Confirmed speakers…
my ‘holy shit’ was michelle duggar…
Yep, it’s the Marriot Wardman on my street again. How fun.
Alas, I don’t think the American Milk Solids Council representative can make it this year.
So where is the Susan G. Komen Foundation headquartered, exactly?
Dallas, Texas, which puts everything into perspective.
so, really…all this hoopla over the middle finger?
i want more outrage over the gross out factor of commercials for making me think about periods, dingleberries and other bunhole related traumas, toenail fungus, snot and whether or not jamie lee curtis is ‘regular’ or not…
The EPIC FAIL is coming from INSIDE the
buildingFoundation!A malevolent tumor was recently purported to waggishly query, “With enemies like Ari Fleisher, who needs friends?”
I just wish bbkf would stop it with the pie dissing. It’s just continuous.
Let’s see if I got this straight:
Social inequality: No problem
Wars in the Middle East: No problem
Numerous television shows about murderers, serial killers, rapists, etc: No problem.
I, for one, was delighted to see so much of Adriana Lima during the Super Bowl.
Thank you, creepy advertising executives and hedonistic, consumerist culture!
I just wish bbkf would stop it with the pie dissing. It’s just continuous.
bbkf, I too was stunned to hear this called a salad. But, if we proles can do an analogy, think potato salad with toast cubes instead of potatoes and jazzed up a tad.
Yes, but I don’t patronize any of the others I mentioned, but I don’t want to give up Starbuck’s.
Predating Starbuck’s by many years, though, was Stewart Brothers’ Coffee. I read somewhere that they were legally prohibited from calling themselves that anymore and we were supposed to call SBC “Seattle’s Best Coffee” now. I was always told they couldn’t prevent you from using your own name as your company name, regardless of trademark issues. If my name was Ford and I started making cars…oh well! Why doesn’t this apply? Totally off-topic, but everybody here is so much better-informed than I am….
bbkf, I too was stunned to hear this called a salad. But, if we proles can do an analogy, think potato salad with toast cubes instead of potatoes and jazzed up a tad.
i have thought of nothing else but this recipe since reading it…okay, and pie too…i have been trying to figure out when my schedule will allow…imma thinking friday evening…or maybe sunday dinner…
Keine Gnade für das mittelmäßige.
I read somewhere that they were legally prohibited from calling themselves that anymore and we were supposed to call SBC “Seattle’s Best Coffee” now.
IIRC, they voluntarily changed from Stewart after learning of another Stewart in the business to SBC, and then to Seattle’s Best after they won some competition or other.
THIS* should lay to rest any pie related slander…
*blog whoring…
OMG, the article is in its ninth month? ABORT IT NOW HURRY HURRY!
Fee fi fo fum, another Thread Winner from Tigris come!
Do not be alarmed: any bizarre & disturbing noises anyone may have heard accompnying its arrival were probably merely the ghost of Dorothy Parker having an orgasm.
Sure, you say you like pie NOW…
David French:
So this tubby lump of sweaty neckbeard, alongside all other republicans, thinks “Free Speech” is really just a shorter for “Free speech for me and not for thee” — so many of these folk’s “arguments”
make perfect sense nowcontinue to baffle me with their stupidity.Not a football fan, but the fam had an informal stupid bowl gathering wherein teh food and beer was the real attraction.
Beer: three varieties of my homebrew — Belgian strong brown, double IPA, and NW-style pale. The only non-homebrew consumed was a 2010 bottle of Block 15’s Figgy Pudding.
Food highlights include beer-boiled bratwurst (boiled in the NWPA) then grilled to crispy perfection and served on homemade rolls with caramelized onions, along side homemade butternut squash soup with just the right amount of curry.
I’ll be using the leftover brats in some sort of homemade sauce with pasta tonight.
Reheating the bratwurst.
omg…daughter is interested in a boy!!!
Absent as CPAC speakers: Michelle Malkin, Christine O’Donnell, Sharon Angle, and Pimp O’Keefe. Not even on a panel or as Introducer.
bbf: Internets registrations are closed, but it is possible to register at the door. My nominee for Sadlyville representative is tsam. With a big-ass Bowie knife on his belt. His convention nametag could read: ‘I’m looking for Dennis’
Also, I lifted this from the CPAC agenda:
Nope, I just checked and I still don’t want to fuck little boys, regardless of what Obama and/or teh Pope think.
Sure, you say you like pie NOW…
also, i forgot one…beer hall pie…
how come every body else can make fun of pie, but i can’t?
Professional Dating Coach Wayne Elise
And here I thought having two guys first names was a tell…
Wayne Elise
Looking for advice in the “How to be effective even though you’re a complete ethical and empathic vacuum” vein.
Wayne Elise
THAT’S him????
Holy shit, the guy’s ads revolt me! I can’t even imagine what a talk would do to me.
OBS, you know your brats. Where do you get good ones out here? Although I didn’t bring my grill out here so I couldn’t do them justice anyway.
Back when I lived in MN I attended a conference in Milwaukee and brought back a whole cooler of brats and such from here:
Back when I lived in MN I attended a conference in Milwaukee and brought back a whole cooler of brats and such from here:
i’ve had some from a place in new ulm that were also pretty effing good…
It is times like this when the words of our creeds matter. We are, in fact, part of the “holy catholic church.” We are one Body. The Obama administration should and must face a completely and firmly united American Christian community. As far as the Obama administration is concerned, we’re all Catholics now.
As Obama is a Christian, don’t these guys need to quit bad-mouthing him in front of unbelievers and keep it in the church like Paul told the Corinthians to do? Or maybe they should recognize, as Jesus taught, that political authority is separate and different from church authority? Or grow some stones and do what they feel is right and accept the consequences instead of merely complaining like a colicky baby?
A much better Elise
another Thread Winner from Tigris
I’m wrapping up her shiny new Internets now, jim. Of course it is pink because all gurls loves them some pink! (Isn’t that right, Riley?)
omg…daughter is interested in a boy!!!
I’d love to hear more about this story(*), bbfk. I’m assuming she mentioned in a conversation this afternoon?
also, i forgot one…beer hall pie…
Key West lime?
Sadly, it was short notice so I just had to run and pick up Johnsonville’s at Safeway. Locally, this place is usually damn good.
d’oh!!! jim…this d00d needs some of what jim the patron saint can slap down…honestly…why is it so frigging hard to understand for them?
My fundamental problem goes beyond a 1st Amendment issue as concerns religion. Why can’t I, as an employer, simply decide that the company won’t pay for … smoking cessation classes, because I disagree with them? Or anything else?
It comes down to this: either I am free to associate – in business, in religion, in my personal life – with whom I desire, or I am not free at all.
A much better Elise
Lots Of Trouble, Usually Serious
Brats. MMMmmmmmmmmm. Great brats in Minnesota, Chicago, and mos specially Wisconsin: Had fantastically dee-lish brats in Milwaukee. Sauerkraut is obligatory. Obligatory, I say!
What if I decide the company won’t pay for OSHA-defined safe workplaces because regulation is theft? Or if I simply decide that the company won’t pay employees for labor at all, and instead believe in BEATINGS if work is not done to my satisfaction because hey the Bible is totally OK with slavery plus, like, all of human history, man? Unless I can enslave hordes of well-oiled manhood I am not free at all.
I learned aboot beer-boiling brats from some grad-student friends that moved here from Wisconsin.
Sorry, I enjoy the ‘kraut, but often substitute caramelized onions as I non-obligatorarily did this time…
omg…gratuitious hand motions ABOUND!…oh, the horrors!
Lots of Trouble Usually Seriously is much better than Full Of Rancid Doo-doo.
Every pie is sacred.
Madonna looked marvelous, I did however miss the middle finger. Love it that she did “Like a Prayer”.
Unless I can enslave hordes of well-oiled manhood
Website? Newsletter?
Love it that she did “Like a Prayer”.
ooooh, yes…remember THAT brouhaha?
Sorry, I enjoy the ‘kraut, but often substitute caramelized onions as I non-obligatorarily did this time…
you know what’s super awesome? the rueben brat…boil brats in beer, grill on flames…top with carmelized onion, kraut, swiss cheese and a sauce made from 1k island dressing and dijon…omg!!!
Apparently there is some performer or group of performers out there now called LMFAO, and apparently he/she/they were on stage with McDonna at some kind of event in Indianapolis, last night.
I know nothing about this LMFAO other than it being an Internet Tradition™, but honest to Dog, I hear that fucking tune everywhere there is a radio on in Nashville, every fucking time. I am beginning to suspect there are stations that play this tune on a loop, 24/7/365.
I know nothing about this LMFAO other than it being an Internet Tradition™, but honest to Dog, I hear that fucking tune everywhere there is a radio on in Nashville, every fucking time. I am beginning to suspect there are stations that play this tune on a loop, 24/7/365.
i caught a glimpse of them on some new year’s eve special…thank goodness the sound was off…the name, which i always mistake for LAME-O is possibly the stupidest band name i have ever heard…judging by their name and their wardrobe, i am guessing i do not ever want to hear the song you are referring to…
i do not ever want to hear the song you are referring to…
Eef you say McDonna’s performance last night, you caught a bit of it interwoven with one of her songs from 30 years ago.
Shorter David French:
OMG you guys, I’m so fucking high right now.
Jumping in here to say that, while I have never considered myself especially a Madonna Fan, I thought her performance last night was awesome. Dance and sing that well when you are her age, you will not.
I also liked the high-tech vid-screen “floor” on the field in front of her stage, much more than the elaborately choreographed multitude they usually have for these things. A bit too North Korean for my tastes, that.
Eef you say McDonna’s performance last night, you caught a bit of it interwoven with one of her songs from 30 years ago.
i caught a quick gander…nothing sticks out tho…perhaps my ears are protecting me?
all in all what i caught was pretty decent…yeah, for her age, she can still do it…she’s not going to appeal to teh the youngsters tho…maybe if she would have like, humped a bat, bit off it’s head and then let m.i.a. run around flipping people off with the bat on her middle finger, that would have caught their attention…for a bit…
Today’s GOP— twice the ‘crazy’, with added ‘stupid’—!
I know nothing about this LMFAO other than it being an Internet Tradition…
Apparently, they’re tight with Paris Hilton. That’s good enough for me.
bbfk: Oh please. Biting off a bat’s head is for old geezers like Ozzy.
As for LMFAO, “Party Rock” has already gone memetic and “I’m Sexy and I Know It” will soon too– if it hasn’t already.
oh jesus…ears, don’t fail me now!
bbfk: Oh please. Biting off a bat’s head is for old geezers like Ozzy.
i know…it’s all i could think of…perhaps madonna should hump an alot, then bite it’s head off and then let m.i.a. try to run around with it on her middle finger…
Website? Newsletter?
Sign-up sheet!
I thought Madonna looked silly, but she wasn’t alone in that.
CRAP! why wasn’t i aware of this sooner?!?! perhaps i SHOULDN’T have blown off the alum association…
WTF? This is just fucking bizarre. Algore must be incredibly fat!
I thought Madonna looked silly, but she wasn’t alone in that.
If you’re referring to 300-pound linemen in silver satin pants, I agree.
WTF? This is just fucking bizarre. Algore must be incredibly fat!
Mountains come out of the sky
It snows there
“I’m Sexy and I Know It”
Is that the name of that gawdawful thang?
Me too, and the fam agreed that the best part of the halftime extravaganza was when she almost fell over.
I just got back from a run — 58 degrees, running in shorts and t-shirt, in February. That’s just ridiculous. Damn you Algoreisfat!
Meanwile, while digging through some archived emails, I ran across the best kid/pet thing EVAH!
Not being a fan of babbies or cats, that is absolutely glorious.
Is that the name of that gawdawful thang?
Answering my own question, NO! It’s apparently “Party Rock Anthem.” Good Lard. Git it the fuck off the air, please, forever and ever, RAMEN.
I’m pretty sure this is the first February I’ve been able to see the mountain in my six years here. It hasn’t rained IN DAYS! There’s this huge scary bright thing in the sky – no one knows what it is.
Me too, and the fam agreed that the best part of the halftime extravaganza was when she almost fell over.
When she went down on all fours then pumped one leg up in the air we nearly bent over double ourselves with laughter. Probably not the response she was hoping for.
Also, am I the only one who reads “I’m Sexy and I Know It” and wants it to continue “clap your hands *clap clap*?” Darn vacation bible school permanently broked mah branes.
Perhaps this will ‘splain you sumpin. (not my work, poached from reddit)
Damn you people, the mere snippet of that stupid fucking song at halftime was a toxic earworm that woke me up and haunted me this morning. I had finally purged it with a day of loud rock and then you you just brought it back! Grrr.
Damn you people, the mere snippet of that stupid fucking song at halftime was a toxic earworm that woke me up and haunted me this morning. I had finally purged it with a day of loud rock and then you you just brought it back! Grrr.
Welcome to Hell. Here’s your accordion.
Seriously, I can’t leave the house without hearing it. I want to die. Please kill me, now.
It’s terrible and not catchy. I don’t get it. They’re no 2 Unlimited.
Yeah, probably not. I don’t really understand people fawning all over Madonna. Note, this also occurred this weekend:
Madonna? Pfft.
Pupienus, that looks suspiciously like Mt. Hood backward. What is it? Besides just one more piece of evidence that Al Gore is just really that big?
Wait, who’s badmouthing Madonna?
The vampires, they don’t sparkle!?!
Substance, try some ecstasy in a crowded discotheque full of young people on the same drug. Dance.
For a more memorable experience, you might consider going to the same venue and Quaalude and just trying to decide which songs to dance to before the bar closes.
disclaimer: wiley has never tried ecstasy. She swore off chemicals before the designer drugs hit the streets.
But seriously, nice stuff.
Non-seriously — you should do Dan “Neckbeard McMintyshirt” Foster next. He’s such a fine … specimen.
nor has she tried Quaalude, but had to laugh when her coworker who worked in the deli came crashing into the employee area furious with those “goddamned customers on ‘ludes” and then impersonated one trying to make up his mind what he wanted.
That’s Mt. Hood as seen this afternoon from just north of Lake Oswego.
Unfortunately, writers in the 19th century didn’t have the foresight to envision vampires’ eventual sparkliness.
The seventh one in (Otto Goetzi from La Ville Vampire) is glowing a bit.
I need to get around to making captions and artist statements .
Ah— the point to the baby jesus but don’t laugh style. Very entertaining.
Oh, I’m willing, but opportunity has to do a better job of knocking.
I also am too old for that drug. I thought sitting through “Personal Finance” class in high school while tripping on LSD was difficult. Difficult but entertaining.
Also too, bratwurst is easy to make. I usually make mine in Wurzburger style flavor-wise but I make them in the Coburg size. Sometimes I make the Coburg style but with extra lemon and nutmeg, spicing similar to my weisswursts.
There’s a very good German deli, Edelweiss I think its called, on Powell Blvd. (Rte 26) just the other side of the river. If you’re in town, stop by for some very good wursts of many varieties, speck, several excellent braunschweiger / leberwurst varieties, yada yada.
The Substance is willing but the opportunity is weak.
And good Schinken too – they’re the only place I can find Nuss Schinken.
That sounds like it’s close to HUB also and too…? If so, that’s a mighty convenient pairing. There’s a good place over in Albany but for the life of me I can’t remember the name. And it requires a visit to Albany. Ick.
Because it’s really the lying rape that’s a problem:
The improperly weaned get pimped. It’s great to be a digital thief and pimp, because a pimp’s love…
I had great fun on acid watching a meteor shower with a friend on my dad’s roof. We were never sure if we saw one or not. Any mix of meteorites and tracers could have been what we saw.
Also, saw music on acid; but it was really just one note because while I was lying on the cool grass at night with my eyes closed listening to the boys play guitar and mandolin; Mike snuck up on me, stuck a tuning fork on top of my head and struck it. I believe it was A minor— my note if their is one.
Did somebody say “gratuitious hand motions“?
Yep, there’s a HUB on Powell at about 29th. Edelweiss is just off Powell on 12th. If you get off the 5 and do the loop around over the Ross Island Bridge to get to that HUB, you’ve gone right by it. Special Bonus: iright across the street is Bushwhacker Cider.
Likely just a concert A. You can’t specify minor or major without other notes to go with it, but obviously the extent of your tripping can alter what you get.
Generally speaking I endorse acid.
Ah. I have been robbed having never learned to play a musical instrument, although I’m much to old to use that old excuse. Voice is my instrument, but damned if I don’t want to get one of those cute little keyboards and a bass guitar.
Get a keyboard, get a bass. Bass is pretty easy, really, and very satisfying for the ability to hold it and thump it. Bass amps are fun to sit on while you play.
Keyboards give you less of that, but the chords are easier than on the guitar, and holding down a C with one hand and just playing whatever you think of on higher-pitched white keys will help show you that you already have a good idea of what to do. Then play a G.
Likely just a concert A.
No doubt. I play with folks that tune differently for major and minor because of intonation. You go to a gig with the instrument you have, etc. They haven’t invented forks for this. Little digital things can handle it though.
Also, too, without any citation, I believe acid makes you a better musician, or at least it makes one a more attentive audience.
You know what to do.
Just don’t get an oboe. Starting off with a double reed instrument is a great way to give up learning to play music.
Actually, since Spengler isn’t here, let me advocate for teh ukelele on his behalf. You should get a ukelele. All teh cool kids are doin’ it.
DKW: Awwwwwwww.
Still my favourite uke performance.
,,,how could anyone possibly think this was a good idea?
Funny story. Chi-nee took your job long time just completes Fred Davis’ trifecta. Teh other two being one for Witch-tine and one for iCarly.
Spearhafoc, who was probably improperly weaned said,
February 7, 2012 at 2:13 (kill)
Wait, who’s badmouthing Madonna?
Madonna for the improperly weaned
I was saving this link for my St. Patrick’s Day Michael Jackson tribute post, but since we’re sharing.
Jesus and the oboe, it’s all about the badmouthing.
Representing: first instrument; the oboe.
Now all stringed instruments, including a ukelele.
Just recently I repaired Mrs. Manqué’s beautiful Deagan vibraphone and between that and the harmonium and her djembes and congas and piano and my mandolin, ukelele, guitars and upright bass we’re just awash in instruments.
My dog, the parental units hated the oboe. They don’t like anything that’s happened since but that’s just them.
Theremin FTW!
This thread has both ukeleles and acid. That’s a dangerous combination.
Although an oboe does make me think of hawt bois, so that’s kind of in its favor.
uking the lele
Representing: first instrument; the oboe.
Hats off to you then. Double reed, high air flow demand with moar pressure resistance than anything else I can think of, moar hardware than most body modfication enthusiasts. Not teh most forgiving instrument, it takes forever to learn how to get it to make any noise at all, and when you finally do – you wonder why you tried.
This is why you tried.
I heard “Bolero” performed live this weekend. That’ll make you appreciate the oboe if anything will.
That’s a fine Nellie McKay uke song and what a beautiful uke. I clearly remember the most amazing uke thang I’ve ever seen and it was at Merlefest 92. During an all-star jam, with four of bluegrass music’s finest mandolinists on stage this crazy looking Polish guy did a walk on, playing a ukelele with a flat-pick and smoked everybody onstage. When Doc Watson told him to take another chorus he took it up a notch, even aping David Grisman and Sam Bush to their faces and shredding on a ukelele. It hasn’t made it to utube yet but I still have hopes.
I think acid is a completely appropriate way to dispose of a ukelele
This guy maybe?
He seemed older and blonder than that and wore geek glasses but it might have been him, it’s got to be a small world, Polish bluegrass. The Mike Marshall connection would seem to confirm it. North Carolina Public TV filmed the whole festival and parts of it have been made available but not the jams because of multiple rights issues I’d expect. Never saw such ferocious picking on a uke.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying teh oboe is a bad instrument. Liek most folks, my first hearing of teh oboe was Peter and teh Wolf as a knee-biting rugrat.
I’m just saying that it is a bitch to learn.
Woah, I just found that Daniel Foster got to be Keith Olbermann’s Worst Person in the World in the olden days.
Personally I thought it would be for wearing a “Steve from Blues Clues” shirt but no, it was for lying.
The sad thing about that kid pushed off a bed by the cat, is that the child may have been hit by somebody before he hit the cat. Primitive little minds take things out on lesser things and animals when they are a lesser getting pounded by a much bigger. He was crying before he hit the cat.
Or maybe the cat scratched him before he hit it. Or, he may have been upset because he broke something or got yelled at for something. Being the little bruiser that kid appears to be and being at an age at which self-control is quite limited and not particularly coveted unless it’s hitting a ball or something fun he may find that being him at this stage is kinda hard.
Or, he may have just been an asshole in that moment. If the kid is an asshole on a regular basis, then he learned it. Don’t mean to be a kill-joy, but I notice these things about children.
On the plus side, the kid was taught a very valuable lesson by a kitty cat— one that many grown men have not learned— sometimes that little thing can kick yer ever-lovin’ ass and you won’t see it coming. Sometimes that little thing is female and she’ll cut a brutes throat before she lets him hurt her.
The element of surprise. The cat knows it. I know it. Overconfident brutes seem to always forget about it, though.
From comments on Substance’s acid link:
Yes, this. Good shit that. It’s trite to say “changed my life” but in my case, it’s completely true.
Oh, Hoekstra. That racist ad is going to love you long time.
Primitive little minds take things out on lesser things and animals when they are a lesser getting pounded by a much bigger.
I was eight when my dad died. The chronologically nearer of my six older brothers and two older sisters did not take it well. The rest of my childhood, and pubescence, and middle teen years was spent learning the lesson that shit rolls downhill. So much anger and it all rolled downhill, like a snowball gathering mass until it smacked into me.
I did a fair bit of acid in the late 70s in college. Loved it.
When I was searching for myself in the wee 80s (with no luck, go figure) I landed in Austin TX. Somehow, it’s all very vague anymore, I landed the X dealer spot outside the hottest club in town. It was legal then and damn, it was great money!
The first time I did X I said “shit baby, I ain’t doing coke no more!” it changed my life even more than the purple microdot and the windowpane and all the rest.
I gotta try that stuff.
Yes, you really do.
I’ve led a boring life.
Just talking about this…
A good friend of mine once said, “Nothing pisses off a Republican more than a socialist who is richer than he is.”
Damn. Now I have a much better understanding why certain cousins in South Georgia hate my guts, but always wanted me to invite them onto my private island in the Gulf of Mexico.
Chris said,
February 6, 2012 at 6:21
The sniping can get pretty nasty.
I tripped about a dozen times in late 60s. Based on my experience with LSD, I must agree with OBS: It changed my outlook in significant–and good–ways. I was unusual in that I dropped acid before I began smoking pot.
I was drawn toward the visuals: flowing water, leaves fluttering in the breeze, melting wax dripping down candles, pulsating patterns on carpets. I was acutely aware of color, movement, and texture. Two memorable trips:
(1) The first moon landing. Cosmic drama playing out in real time. Very intense because no one knew what was going to happen. It was literally and figuratively a Cosmic trip in the universe.
(2) 1969 free outdoor daytime concert in Chicago , on the first anniversy of the battle of Michigan & Balbo [68 Dem convention]. Four of us drove from Iowa City to Chi-town.
Jefferson Airplane was the main event; the warm-up band was a local group named the Chicago Transit Authority. (The real CTA got all pissy, so they later changed their name to Chicago.) After we dropped, we visited the Chicago Aquarium. It was so fine to get off on the endless varieties of fish. Each flashing fish-scale scale seemed distinct. I have no idea how long I watched the undulations of jellyfish and sea cucumbers. When we came out of the aquarium, we were starting to peak.
Enough pointless autobiographical vignettes about hallucinogens from a 60s DFH. Now you kids get offa my lawn!
((Oh wow. Hey these flowers are amazing! The petals are slow-motion explosions of color. And–wow!–look at the veins in the leaves, pulsating I did a fair bit of acid in the late 70s in college. Loved….))
Okay, you kids can stay.
Shit. Another ‘Paste’ fail. Should read ‘pulsating green’.
steerpike: How far along are you? About three weeks? Hang in there, bro….
I didn’t quite believe all the hallucination stuff until I grabbed a tab, took it, and Mike said, “Wow. You just took everybody’s.” He got more, but I did spend a lot of time sitting alone later that night (as I requested). I sat and watched patterns on a white wall for I don’t know how long.
Doesn’t something always weird happen while you’re on acid. Something in the outer world, so that you look back on it after you come down and say, “Yeah. That really WAS weird. It wasn’t just me tripping.”
The Israeli army allows veterans to smoke pot and they use Ecstasy in therapy for PTSD. I believe trials are beginning here, but I wouldn’t go for it because I have paradoxical reactions too often and because it’s speedy. Without Welbutrin, speed makes me feel autistic. I can feel air pressure. I can feel every hair on my body. All I can do is hold myself until I come down.
Yet, when taking Ritalin with Welbutrin I did a bang job of a job most people wouldn’t consider doing— it required clock-work discipline 24/7. I ran that household like a naval ship and was always on top of things. Ran out of milk once in 3 and a half years, never ran out of toilet paper, and kept both my charges in compliance with all agencies in a cluster-fuck of HMO, social services, a transplant team, school personnel, social workers, therapists, visiting nurses… I totally rocked.
Sorry to hear that Pup. It is very hard for children to lose a parent. I can’t imagine.
I was the oldest and only girl in my first family, so I started taking care of babies when I was five because my mother was depressed a lot with what appears in hindsight to be post-partem and PTSD from a childhood so hellish I can’t talk in detail about it. Suffice it to say, her mother was a sociopath and her father was a psychopath. Somehow the two oldest sisters bonded with someone so that they all had the strange fortune of having consciences so that they could feel the shame of what had been done to them. Until she was 8 years old my mother’s family was family was so poor that they were “Cedar Choppers” when they moved to Austin, after my mother spent her first seven years growing up in a Gypsy camp in Laredo, Texas. They were so poor that they made some money selling eggs on the Mexican side of the border.
Get a keyboard, get a bass. Bass is pretty easy, really, and very satisfying for the ability to hold it and thump it. Bass amps are fun to sit on while you play.
Keyboards give you less of that, but the chords are easier than on the guitar, and holding down a C with one hand and just playing whatever you think of on higher-pitched white keys will help show you that you already have a good idea of what to do. Then play a G.
Substance, you sound like you have the right attitude to join our band.
That really needs a “Bad Lip Reading” style caption.
I know not this LMFAO of which you speak, but it could be worse. Could be Ke$ha. Or this.
Some of you might like this alot.
If I had a higher range, I would like to go for this
It’s good to stretch oneself now and then, though. I bet it would make that yappy little lap dog that lives behind us regret the day he was born. He might actually stop barking for a bit. Hide somewhere. Be wary of coming out and opening his bark-o-later again. It could shut him up for good.
Hmmmmm. Mwa-ha-h—-
or it could get us evicted. On second thought…
better yet
Meanwhile, over at, poor widdle Ewick Ewickson is so verklempt over the (supposedly) lefty-in-disguise Mittens Romney winning the nomination that he prays for a Sweet Meteor of Death to strike the Republicans dead Strike the Republicans dead.
Uh, Ewick?
Can you put us down on that Magic Sky Fairy wish-list too? Pwetty Pwease?
FYWP. Also.
That site has been such a source of amusement lately. I can’t wait until they have Rmoney shoved down their throats.
Way back…
I’d respond to who should say “dry rubbing the pork butt.” but Mr. Foster’s tweet shortly after “dry rubbing the pork butt.” takes all the fun out of imagining Jeremy LIn saying “dry rubbing the pork butt.” on Sports Center.
bringin’ you mangoes:
I was going to do a little late-night (which is 3 a.m. for me) snack porn, but…
Eh. I’ll do it anyway. We’re two days away from our trip to the butcher and farmer’s market, so working with what we have and using some leftover baked tuna steak, I’ve made a marvelous tuna sandwich by cutting up the tuna and adding the following: olive oil, lemon, a smattering of mayonnaise, minced onion, minced pepperoncini, and chopped cherry tomatoes. I put the tuna salad on a toasted herb-y bagel with some butter lettuce and a Vlasic Farmer’s Garden pickle on the side.
I suspect that the farmer’s market will have pickling cucumbers this summer. Anybody got some great pickle recipes? I want to try canning this summer for the first time. Clouds and I both love pickles. Pickles are one of his first snacking choices, and they seem to be a safe bet botulism-wise. I don’t want to make Aunt Bea’s pickles so I would like to start with a recipe from a sadlynaught. Plus, I am completely enamored with the process of nabbing things on the net then hoarding them on my domain.
Thanks to everyone I’ve stolen from today. If only stealing cars were the same. I’d get Clouds his dream cars.
Ya know, it’s not nice to laugh at people who are mentally challenged. But, I just couldn’t help myself reading the comments at RedState. They just can’t understand why a Tea Party candidate isn’t gonna win the Republican nomination. I’ll be damned if I’m gonna tell ’em. Those people couldn’t find theis asses with a National Geographic map, a mirror, a compass, a foghat, AND a Little Orphan Annie Secret DeCoder Ring!
Fenwick said,
February 7, 2012 at 7:36
steerpike: How far along are you? About three weeks? Hang in there, bro….
Today is day 28–4 weeks exactly (as of 8.45 pm MST this evening, that is), thanks for asking. It has actually been less difficult than I anticipated. I still get numerous twinges during the course of each day, esp. at trigger-times like 1st thing in the morning, after meals, getting behind the wheel, etc., but the urges are getting weaker and less frequent, I find, as time passes.
Now you’ve done it:
Speaking of acid trips, check out the long clip of Genesis at ZRM’s place, circa 1972. Awesome. How depressing to think Mike Rutherford, Phil Collins and to a lesser extent Peter Gabriel all went on to realease successful, mainstream, corporate (i.e. shitty) rock 20 years later…
Speaking of cat, archived emails, and PupMax’s wonderful animated gif.
Even OBS might find the following set amusing.
Did somebody say “gratuitious hand motions“?
Wow! Rick really knows how to polish the pope.
Today is day 28–4 weeks exactly (as of 8.45 pm MST this evening, that is), thanks for asking. It has actually been less difficult than I anticipated. I still get numerous twinges during the course of each day, esp. at trigger-times like 1st thing in the morning, after meals, getting behind the wheel, etc., but the urges are getting weaker and less frequent, I find, as time passes.
Good job, dude. I did really well for about 6 months. Then I did not so well. I fell down. Lesson: Don’t think that having one at any time of your life is anything other than a really terrible idea.
Way to go Sterpike!!!
Apropos of nothing, I saw Metropolis for the first time last night, fantastic!
Agree with OBS and Fenwick WRT the Diethylamide, only tried the X once (mid eighties) and found it awesome.
I’d drop in a heartbeat if I got my hands on the good stuff.
Always enjoy your tales Fenwick and Wiley.
Wiley, check out “Joy of Pickling” from the liberry. It’s great and has a ton of recipes, including canning info for many. I usually make the cornichons a cru with cukes but I think I use a little less salt. The “Ball Blue Book of Preserving” is also a font of canning know how and recipes, but I’ve never made any of the cucumber ones.
From DKW’s link above:
After watching the Pete Hoekstra ad, all I can say is:
OK Pete, you win, China’s evil. NOW can we stop moving our factories there?
Nice little island rodert.
Republicans are all about regulating what businesses can do.
Good job, dude. I did really well for about 6 months. Then I did not so well. I fell down. Lesson: Don’t think that having one at any time of your life is anything other than a really terrible idea.
Absolutely true. When it comes to tobacco, there are a lucky few individuals I have met who can truly be considered “social smokers”; people who can buy a pack to go out for the evening, smoke half of them, then throw the pack in a drawer (or the garbage) the next morning and never think about lighting one up for weeks or even months at a time. Alas, most of us are “smokaholics”, and if we manage to swear off, we can never, ever allow ourselves so much as a puff. I know that if I bum a cigarette from someone, I might as well go buy a carton, because I will be needing it.
I was actually clean for over 2 years the last time I quit, but fell off the wagon when my daughter was killed. That’s been almost 5 years ago now, and I need to stop using her death as an excuse. She would certainly NOT have approved.
The derp is strong with Erik, Son of Erick:
OK Pete, you win, China’s evil. NOW can we stop moving our factories there?
But they rove you rong time!
steerpike: How far along are you?
Today is day 28–4 weeks exactly (as of 8.45 pm MST this evening, that is), thanks for asking.
oh, good…you still have time to abort!
tsam…it happens…don’t beat yourself up…i’ve had a few here and there under social duress…and i find that if they aren’t ‘forbidden’ i don’t want one…hmmm…i may have control issues…
anyhoo…well done all y’all who are still on the wagon and/or running down the road and trying to hop back on it…
A few slip-ups since July, but nothing major (and I still have the e-cigs if I get hard-up).
Congrats to you JP!
Steerpike, good job, keep it up.
tsam: don’t give up on yourself. Build back up to quitting, it’s worth it.
Surprised that nobody has mentioned that Handel’s out at the SGK. As some here are prone to say, the schaden freudes itself.
Hilarious that she’s all butthurt over the “gross mischaracterizations of the strategy, its rationale and my involvement in it.” Poor baby!
Also, keep it up, JP!
Hilarious that she’s all butthurt over the “gross mischaracterizations of the strategy, its rationale and my involvement in it.” Poor baby!
poor wingnuts! so misunderstood…
blech…remember yesterday when i posted the comment mango regarding aborted babies being left to rot in hospital closets? well, check THIS out from w.c.’s link…
First, there was the gas chamber.
Then came the Chamber of Horrors, followed by the Chamber of Secrets.
And now, Obama’s Lactation Chambers
And now, Obama’s Lactation Chambers
No use crying over…you know what? this one’s just too easy.
“Keyboards give you less of that, but the chords are easier than on the guitar, and holding down a C with one hand and just playing whatever you think of on higher-pitched white keys will help show you that you already have a good idea of what to do. Then play a G.”
The white and black keys really do make sounding good easier. They’re coherent sets. If I wanted to help a non-player screw around and have easy fun, that’s the first thing I’d show him or her.
In some ways I was a dumb teen, but I stumbled on a very smart idea during my first year learning the guitar — I learned the names and locations of the notes analogous to the white keys on a piano. At that point I knew the black keys too. Later, when someone told me to learn the fretboard, I was like what? oh I did that. My technique was laughably naive (all upstrokes for scales), but I could find the notes and they’ve never troubled me since.
there’s something familiar about this phrase…
there’s something familiar about this phrase…
“Play all your scales up on the backstroke. The laydeeez love it like that.”
I took years of piano lessons but nobody actually sat me down and made me understand it and I was too dense to do anything but follow the little black dots or question why the piano keys were the way they were. It was a while later that I figured it out.
Handel will be Bach. I’m sure she has a Liszt.
And now, Obama’s Lactation Chambers
Now, I wonder why the head of Staples [coughfoundedbyRmoneycough] would be so up in arms???
I think I heard that Rmoney is lactose intolerant so that might have something to do with it.
Was that a typo? It’s so fitting. R-Money could be his rap name.
Congrats to you JP!
Thanks. You know what hits home for me? The guy beneath me in the condos is a smoker (I know this ’cause he goes out on his balcony to smoke, but also…). Hearing him cough at all hours is kinda disturbing, but last summer, that was me.
no I think that ittdgy owns that gem
Karen Handel out a Komen. Hey, wasn’t it only last week that it was ludicrous to suggest that Handel had anything to do with teh PP defund decision?
I think I heard thatRmoney islactoseintolerantso that might have something to do with it.Fiqst for lexemic efficiency.
Prop 8 unconstitutional.
Can anyone tell me where to find the full text on today’s Prop 8 ruling? Lots of news stories but no links to the judgment itself.
Never mind, I found it. At The Guardian *sigh*
Pup, apparently the Ninth Circuit’s web site is overloaded. Can’t imagine why… It should calm down in a bit and the text of the ruling will be there.
Okay, I about pissed myself laughing when I read Wreck, Son-of-Wreck actually write,
I don’t even…
“Lactation chamber” = private non-bathroom place to pump, cuz c’mon, would you eat food prepared on the crapper? Sheesh, a curtain in the break room would suffice.
Anonymous said,
[LOGORRHEA ADVISORY] February 7, 2012 at 20:42 (kill)
Suck. My. Cock.
That’s a fine newsletter you got there.
“Anonymous” is block-quoting the Unabomber’s manifesto. I had an excerpt assigned to me as an undergraduate, contrasted with a sunny excerpt from Bill Gate’s autobiography.
The Unabomber excerpt above doesn’t make it clear, but the contrasting readings I was presented with are good bookends to a discussion about modern society.
Karen Handel out a Komen.
Is it wrong that I think some jackhole pasted that here in an effort to get the site shut down or monitored for terrorist activity?
When someone interprets as derogatory almost anything that is said
about him (or about groups with whom he identifies) we conclude that
he has inferiority feelings or low self-esteem.
So its not your esteem, Anon. You really are an asshole.
Haven’t read it all yet but it looks like they ruled on a very narrow basis. That basis is that Prop 8 eliminated rights which were previously recognized. They say that since domestic partnerships, which were in place well before Prop came along, already delivered allof the benefiots of marriage except the name. They further find that the word is very important. They cite Sweatt v. Painter which reversed Plessey v. Ferguson in striking down “separate but equal.”
It’s a good ruling for California but it doesn’t have much impact on those states that do not already have “everything but marriage.”
Sorry WC. I was too busy with your mom to keep current with teh thread.
To be clear, the Unabomber is not much of a thinker, really, although he writes in a pseudo-academic manner. In spite of (or because of?) his isolation and madness, he had his finger on certain pulses.
He hated our highly complex social systems and all the techologies and subsystems that make modernity work. He was profoundly illiberal while accepting certain liberal premises (“We do not suggest that women, Indians, etc., ARE inferior; we are only making a point about leftist psychology)” –as if you can separate waning bigotry from the liberalism that is the cause of the waning …
Wiley, check out “Joy of Pickling” from the liberry
Nothing beats the confident way one can face the future when one has an entire cupboard stocked with pickled jalapenos.
“Anonymous” is block-quoting the Unabomber’s manifesto.
That is unpossible, for it is an anti-leftist screed, and everyone knows that the Unabomber epitomised the left wing.
who are these “liberals” and why are they so easily pissed off?
Handel will be Bach. I’m sure she has a Liszt.
Right now she’s Haydn.
Clearly they are nagged by a fear that women may NOT be as strong and as capable as men.
In your case, it’s not a concern.
Handel will be Bach. I’m sure she has a Liszt.
Right now she’s Haydn.
If we’re going for composer puns, I Grieg for this thread.
I don’t see how those Unabomber excerpts could piss me off. He’s an insane hermit who is articulate enough to summarize aspects of the right-wing zeitgeist. I am tempted to think you’re on my side, Anonymous. People should know that this guy was basically a wingnut. They should have been told at the time.
Right now she’s Haydn.
Because she’s really Straussed out right now.
Nothing beats the confident way one can face the future when one has an entire cupboard stocked with pickled jalapenos.
Brother! I just had home pickled jalapenos en escabeche with lunch, but I find sufficient pickled beets are the real guarantor of future security.
Perhaps she’ll come Rorem back. (can’t reuse Bach, right?)
Handel will be Bach
Not Offenbach, I hope.
It’s better to be a pissed off liberal than a pissed on conservative.
That Staples dude should get with the program. It should be “Obama’s FORCED lactation chambers.”
Nobody here has ever uttered the word “guillotine”.
Perhaps she’ll come Rorem back. (can’t reuse Bach, right?)
Boulez for you!
Anonymous is a cowardly idiot not even capable of formulating its own crazy, it has to expropriate the crazy of others.
A person is said to be well socialized if he believes in and obeys the moral code of his society and fits in well as a functioning part of that society.
Clearly, you need to learn some manners.
Perhaps she’ll come Rorem back. (can’t reuse Bach, right?)
In the meantime, Handel will be Bizet with other projects.
If you Gounot what I mean.
In the meantime, Handel will be Bizet with other projects.
She’ll be able to make Mozart and mo’ money
Anonymous is…
Relax and let the badgers do their deep squats.
Or if you Gounod what I mean.
Or if you Gounod what I mean.
If you Hummel few bars, I can fake it
Ron Paul is now officially FABulous
If you Hummel few bars, I can fake it
Ok, but I have to warn you. I’m Orff key a lot.
If you Hummel few bars, I can fake it
That’s Gudenov for me.
If you Hummel few bars, I can fake it
Ok, but I have to warn you. I’m Orff key a lot.
*Sing* the song, don’t Mahler!
That’s Gudenov for me.
Yes, but are you Rachmaninoff for this?
What do you get when a sociopath writes at length his analysis of a large population based on his extremely limited perspective on a human temperament of political inclination?
Unabomber copy pasta? Really? This is what he wrote clammed up in his little lean-to in the middle of nowhere? Justifications for his violence? The ‘ol blaming the victim?
Who would look at that madness and think that it was written by someone who had a deep understanding of people?
Isn’t this guy saying “If it feels good, do it. I want to hurt people. That’s what I like to do. But “liberals” are too socialized to understand that hurting people feels really good. People who are socialized are just too fucked up in the head to get me.”
Yes, but are you Rachmaninoff for this?
Yes but I’m at the Barber just now.
i’ve noticed that alotin these pun threads, the women aren’t represented…let me alter that…
These composer puns are kinda korny, but also comedy gold. Therefore it’s Korngold!
Plus, Glass houses and all that, actor.
Yes but I’m at the Barber just now.
Short sides and Bach?
Plus, Glass houses and all that, actor.
This thread. Please unRavel it.
Pickled jalapenos! Great idea. I should start more jalapenos and serranos this year. It doesn’t take too many to make pico de gallo for myself on any given day. Clouds would be IN THE KITCHEN for some jalapeno pickling. Not that he’s never in the kitchen— he makes great ice cream and is totally getting into soda making. As soon as all the ingredients get here he’s going to make root beer.
I don’t know what the big Delius.
i’ve noticed that alotin these pun threads, the women aren’t represented…let me alter that…
Hey now! We didn’t deserve that! What was Sappho????
Ives got to go make my lunch.
“Yes but I’m at the Barber just now”
I’m getting a little Faure myself.
Glass houses and all that, actor.
That’s an example of Cage-y humor if I ever saw one.
Well, Pärt of me actually likes the pun threads.
Pinkham sammich anyone?
Considering Bach had a shitload of kids, his name can be used seven more times. Carry on.
To err is Schuman.
Pickled jalapenos have a tendency not to be crisp like store-bought. The escabeche I did last year turned out better than the year before because this time I used no oil, only cooked the carrots, and then processed for the minimum time.
I did home brewed ginger beer a couple years ago, holy hell it’s so much better than the store stuff. I want to try making grape or orange soda from juice, too, but don’t have plastic bottles anymore. That’s on the list for when we have money.
I did home brewed ginger beer a couple years ago
Sounds delicious. I’ll have Meyerbeer at the bar.
In a weak moment, I posted my resume at, and that resume had my cell phone number on it.
The only calls and email (trash account) spam I am getting are from insurance companies. They want people to sell insurance (esp. to friends and family) purely on commission. Primerica is a well-known pyramid scheme type company that keeps hitting me up. “Multi-level marketing,” I guess it’s called. We’re all supposed to become independent agents and sell each other insurance and debt consolidation. Only the “regional manager” makes any money, and only if he has lots of underlings who recruit more dupes.
You can always Telemann; he’s the one without Debussy.
Wow, CRA! Why not join Amway and sell ’em soap too? You’ll make a fortune… [sigh] Thank god you set up a trash account for email.
Sounds delicious. I’ll have Meyerbeer at the bar.
Don’t drink and drive, ride Debussy.
it’s always sad to have to leave a pun thread, but hubbkf and i are off for more fun in sioux falls…actually tonight we will see the nephew perform his stand up (sit down for him) routine and then on to more nerve testing tomorrow…i’ll check in later…
Don’t drink and drive, ride Debussy.
I agree. It’s much safer than pedaling my Gershwin bicycle.
To err is Schuman.
To forgive, Devine.
Don’t drink and drive,
Especially dangerous through Copland.
There is a Finnish invention, the steam juice extractor, brand name Mahu Meija, that is amazing for making fruit juice concentrates. Not for citrus but all berries and stone fruit. Load it with a couple of pecks of fruit, steam for 2-3 hours, decant directly into heated mason jars, seal and you’re done. Each quart with a cup of honey makes 2 gallons of juice. We have grapes, blackberries and blueberries and all make terrific juice. Carbonate as you wish.
As for pickles I like to make deli half-sours, live, without canning.
I agree. It’s much safer than pedaling my Gershwin bicycle.
Rogers that!
Well, Marion, I coulda swore my land line was the only telephone number on that resume. It must have been a version meant for serious applications only.
Paying for a land line in order to use it as a trash number sucks too, though. I gotta get off my ass and find a digital alternative that isn’t $20 per month.
Carbonate as you wish.
Do it the easy way, the way I drink my juices, particularly OJ and grape juice, by just mixing with club soda.
I’m betting that she has Corny kegs, the real easy way to carbonate. I had an in-line carbonator once but that was in a cold climate, the water here is not reliably cold enough for in-line fizzing.
Mancini puns? I spewed hot leftsist elitist latte. Now I have to get a new double venti half caff Tchaikovski.
Now I have to get a new double venti half caff Tchaikovski.
I hope we didn’t baroque your keyboard
It’s much safer than pedaling my Gershwin bicycle.
Just make sure you don’t let the tail Wagner the dog
This might have some potential, depending on your needs. And your ipod.
Gotta go. I need to do some Chopin for dinner.
Low hanging fruit would seem to be on the menu.
I gotta get off my ass and find a digital alternative that isn’t $20 per month.
Skype is just 2$ a month for an inbound only number, I think, if you pay several months in advance. I’ve used this since December, it’s been pretty decent so far.
I’m betting that she has Corny kegs, the real easy way to carbonate.
I only do bottle conditioning. I do have a soda siphon, which I’ve used with homemade syrups, but when I made the ginger soda I used yeast, too.
Low hanging fruit would seem to be on the menu.
Aw, come on, we’re just Mesiaen about!
The Abortionplex is getting reamed on Yelp!:
The only two composer puns I could think of got used as I was scrolling down the thread so here’s a not relevant picture of Madeline Smith.
Actually, the more I read, the more positive the Abortionplex reviews are:
“After six, the seventh abortion is free!”
Last week’s column on the HHS mandate brought a rash of email from the usual suspects
I prescribe some hydrocortisone cream and that you step away from the keyboard.
Maybe y’all have Britten off more than you can chew.
Actually, the more I read, the more positive the Abortionplex reviews are:
I was gonna say. Some of them are pretty good. The BOGO one had me chuckling
Don’t drink and drive, ride Debussy.
This thread is starting to unRavel.
This thread is starting to unRavel.
It’s Messiaen up mah head, though that’s Varese to do.
I know but I keep forgetting to get my card punched.
This thread is starting to unRavel.
What do you expect Vivaldi puns.
Actor already used that one. Salieri about that.
Heh, even the anti-choice activist gave abortionplex five stars.
Bitter Scribe said,
February 7, 2012 at 23:20
Don’t drink and drive, ride Debussy.
This thread is starting to unRavel.
tigris said,
February 7, 2012 at 23:30
This thread is starting to unRavel.
It’s Messiaen up mah head, though that’s Varese to do.
Double A-hem. Marks for the Varese, tho, but I carry a knapsack
Don’t let it Strauss you out. Teh Key to getting through to march? Sousa light touch.
“That people are still swayed by headlines and the tired bumper-sticker rhetoric that gets hauled out and tapped into Twitter feeds is not surprising. But it speaks poorly of our academic institutes, where civics classes have been put aside and our students develop only a passing acquaintance with their rights and responsibilities; it suggests that curiosity has been discouraged in an effort to stick to the curriculum and, perhaps, the standardized tests.”
Let’s all pretend that gutting public education (incl. civics) and making standardized tests the end-all aren’t conservative projects, eh?
This thread is Graun-inducing.
These puns are cracking me up, but now I must compose myself before the boss walks in.
I’ve resorted to Wikipedia. Such is my knowledge of classical music.
Gotta go. I need to do some Chopin for dinner.
Well, it is teh Schopenhauer.
Verdi vhite vimmen at??
This is wonderful.
Telemann too harshly and he’ll flip you the Byrd.
These puns are cracking me up, but now I must compose myself before the boss walks in.
Thank God, I thought we were Borodin rest of you folks.
I’ve resorted to Wikipedia. Such is my knowledge of classical music.
Thank you for being Franck wth us. Tallis if you find a good one
Verdi vhite vimmen at??
Ives a few ideas…
On the way to the fast food joint, i told my date “Allegri to pay Frobereger if you’ll agree to Carissimi later.”
Wingnut copypastas talking about nuance is funny.
Just want you all to know I’m not the copypasta anon– and I’m hoping for a new thread soon to discuss all the hilarious butthurt over the Prop 8 decision.
Also, Breast Cancer Barbie resigned.
Majority Report said she was “aborted” from her job. *guffaw*
in an unrelated rant, I do not support the person who decided not to update our ERP system since the late 80s. (it has been periodically transitioned to new hardware, so it is on a shiny new IBM where we can access all of our data through green screen terminal sessions) Yes it it is well and truly paid for, but I think it’s limited capabilities are costing us more than they are saving us.
Amazing Spider-Man trailer
That is to say, a trailer for the movie “Amazing Spider-Man”.
Didn’t read through most of that shit, but this merited a comment anyway:
Modern leftist philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftist philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality.
Sorry, but “reason, science, objective reality” have nothing to do with cultural relativism – or opposition to it. You can believe that a Saudi culture that denies women the right to so much as show their faces in public is less good than an American culture that treats them as equal under the law (I certainly do): however, “American culture is better than Saudi culture” isn’t a scientific statement, nor is it something you can empirically prove by A + B = C as you can gravity or evolution. It’s a statement of personal preference. All you can do is try to convince other people that they should feel the same way. Being “right” in a moral sense is different from being “right” in the sense of knowing, for example, which way the apple will fall after you’ve dropped it.
Totalitarian regimes also confuse philosophy and science, trying to prove by empirical observation that Their Ideology is a fact as indisputable as the laws of gravity or thermodynamics… so it surprises me not at all that a movement conservative would make a similar mistake. But cultural relativism, whether it’s right or wrong and even if we accept the right’s definition of it, has fuck all to do with science. And even if all “modern leftist philosophers” believed it, that still would have nothing at all to do with their relationship to “reason, science” and “objective reality.”
For prop 8 butthurt where better to turn than America’s Dumbest Homosexual™
I know, right? They’ve NEVER EVER tried to make that case before! And the nerve of those judges, resolving constitutional issues that the constitution entrusts to them!
Dan obviously did not read the decision which said, pretty damn clearly, that state recognition of their not-marriages is “separate but equal” bullshit and thus unconstitutional. What’s more, the court clearly stated that Prop 8 ELIMINATED rights which were previously recognized. So no, America’s Dumbest Homosexual™, you have it completely ass backwards. Again.
ZOMG you’re still screen scraping? 3270 terminal emulation? That shit went out well before the end of the last century.
I won’t bother checking Dan’s (very wide) stance on the legislated marriage equality as found in WA (soon, very soon), NY, NH, VT, soon to be NJ and MD. Or consider CT where the legislature passed “everything but marriage” but the court found that it was yet another case of separate but not equal. Why, Dan, do you so desire to have people who hate you decide on your rights? Self-loathing POS.
Modern leftist philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality
See: Projection, it’s always
He just handed the Republicans a campaign issue. They can make the case that unelected judges should not be resolving issues which the constitution entrusted to legislators — and the people themselves.
Just like they made that same case in Nov. 2000, yeah?
There are many perks to having a not-husband running all the public broadcasting events in this
townstate. Tonight we’re going to The Moth taping. And having drinks afterward with Lisa Lampinelli et al.He just handed the Republicans a campaign issue.
Here is what many Beezlebublicans need.
I thought “cultural relativism” meant “Anything a white European has even done is OK, even if we’d have screamed bloody murder if say, a Muslim had done the same thing”.
I have posted this fine song elsewhere.
Good to know our justice system still practices some justice every now and then.
I, for one, welcome our new Space Invader overlords.
Space Invader Non-Traditional Families:
Sorry for the delay, but NEW POST!
“You know what this is, right? It’s a pander to the open borders segment of the Hispanic community, but it’s also something else. It’s a deliberate finger in the eye of anyone who wants our immigration laws enforced. It’s a deliberate attempt to stir the pot, and generate some heated rhetoric, which the Democrats will then point at to try to convince Hispanic voters that the Republicans are a bunch of racists. It’s a deliberate attempt to make people angry enough to pop off our mouths. That’s what this is.”
Oh that’s just precious. They MADE me say out loud what I think.
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