Stop Injuring Our Fists With Your Face!

Most realistic plot since Red Dawn!

Hollywoodland*, We Swear Ours is Big Hollywood:
Video Game Depicts Occupy Wall Street Types as Terrorists

*Hollywoodland is the Alan Smithee of Big Hollywood, the appelation that Breitbart and the other bottom feeders use on their posts when they aren’t quite sure they want their actual name on the post. And this is for a site where people will kill each other for the honor of posting a screed on how Sesame Street is a communist plot or An American Carol is the greatest comedy ever produced. So keep that in mind reading this.

It’s been a tough couple of years out there for conservatives. Driven by hatred for all that’s pure and good, vile liberal politicians and children have been leaping in front of proud conservative bullets who were only trying to run away.

Suddenly people have been asking unfair questions like “Does a single radical group 40 years ago who wasn’t as violent as concurrent conservative or even concurrent peacekeeping efforts really erase all conservative violence and prove that liberals are the violent ones for all time?” and “Isn’t that kind of insane?”. Not to mention “Um, could you stop pointing that loaded firearm in my face while you rant wildly about the socialistic menace come to steal your guns?”

It’s so unfair!

And it doesn’t help when video games, tired of dealing with the wingnuts-in-training making things like Xbox Live the equivalent of a modern horror story, decide to metaphorically throw up their hands and devote an entire genre of the medium (first-person shooters or FPS) to pandering to right-wing paranoid fantasies.

But hey, it’s not really full on Breivik. Sure, the Modern Warfare series gave us Neo-Soviet/Pan-Islamic alliances that invade American streets and prove that every vaguely middle-eastern person is a valid target that will start shooting if you don’t. And Homefront gave us literal Wolverines-style Red Dawn action (written by the same guy) as North Korea full on takes over America and starts committing war crimes all over the place to teach you a lesson about letting those sneaky yellow devils out of sight.

But, it’s not like an FPS title is getting released feeding on more close-to-home wingnut fears, like that of OWS (perpetual victims of police harassment and amateur bongo aficionados) being violent terrorists that you will be asked to gun down by the hundreds (I know bongos can be annoying, but geez man, fucking relax) in the course of a game to save America by saving the 1%.



So now as a conservative, you have a difficult task. On one level, your hand has already set off on an epic journey of uncontrollable masturbation. On the other, you retain enough humanity to know that this just might just almost… look bad and leave people with the… unfair impression that conservatives…

Oh fuck the humanity, let’s just let the Big Hollywood editors be themselves!

Commence mangos:

Not every Occupy Wall Street type wants to violently stick it to The Man, although an alarming number embrace such a solution.

Our violent fantasies are totally TOO justified. It’s the liberals faults for being those people everyone knows are the violent ones, thus forcing us into violent masturbatory fantasy about gunning down their violent asses.

And they are the ones who support “2nd amendment solutions” not us, because one poorly worded poll asked OWS protestors if violence would “ever be” “sometimes necessary” against a government (you know, a category so vague it would include actions like the French Resistance) and a number of OWS protestors said yes.

Oh, how many “Tea Party” protestors supported the authority-led calls for “2nd Amendment solutions” or think violence is called for in resisting this administration, not some theoretical future administration? Uh, let me just check my… RUN FOR IT!

An upcoming video game takes that branch of the OWS movement to its most radical conclusions.

Yeah, the video game is just taking OWS to its totally legitimate natural conclusions, not really our fault for wanting to shoot OWS hippies at all. Yeah.

What? That would seem to prove the point that the video game is based in our paranoid fantasies that have nothing to do with reality?

Uh, did you see the link in the last paragraph noting that 42% of the protestors wouldn’t even support violence if they were resisting Hitler… uh, let me rephrase that in a way that makes them look bad.

A snippet of the upcoming game “Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: The Patriots,” which won’t hit stores until 2013, was played over the weekend during the Spike TV Video Game Awards. The game casts the players as anti-terrorism agents squaring off against a group which believes the government and corporations are corrupt and must be taken down.
And if that means hurling an evil banker out the window, so be it.


Bullshit. I saw OWS throw a banker through a window to explode in a crowded American street. Game over libs, who’s the violent deluded ones now?!?

Now, excuse me while I watch the documentaries Red Dawn and 24.

Here’s a quick rundown on the video game’s plot:
Terrorism has evolved and America is under attack. Capitalizing on the sense of frustration in a nation seemingly corrupted by greedy politicians and corporate special interests, a group of US citizens-turned-radicals, the “True Patriots,” will stop at nothing to overthrow the government and financial institutions. As a leader of the elite Rainbow counter-terrorism unit, players will be the last line of defense tasked with saving the nation no matter the cost.

Ah, classy.

Remember if it’s depicted as fiction, that’s as good as real world evidence, because… wishful thinking makes it so!

Uh oh, we’ve had an actual quote of the game’s real content, a headline that acknowledges that the eliminationism will run in a right over left direction, and very little effort to prove that liberals are the real violent ones.

There’s so much actual reality acknowledged, will the mouth breathers of the site remember to know that liberals are the real violent ones even if it requires thinking that paranoid pandering fiction is real life news?

Well, naturally. Conservatives aren’t quitters!

Bonus comment mango:

Wonder if they’ll ask all the people who wrung their collective hands over the violent media images they claimed contributed to Gabby Giffords’ shooting what they think about this piece of video game political commentary…

Yeah, that’ll shut them up all right.


Comments: 223


Video Game Depicts Occupy Wall Street Types as Terrorists

Right off the bat and before I even read this this Sadly, No! thread from two years ago seems worth linking to.

The second comment on that thread probably applies here too:

My guess is that they will never be a conservative who actually gets to the end of the game. Much like me and halfway through a porn story.

Okay, back to reading.


Yee Haw! I was first!

Till Eulenspiegel

Back to its roots, then. If there’s one thing Tom Clancy would approve of, it’s shooting hippies. Rainbow Six the novel was all about eco-terrorists trying to kill humanity with a virus. Uh, spoiler alert.


And Homefront gave us literal Wolverines-style Red Dawn action (written by the same guy) as North Korea full on takes over America

I literally laughed out loud when I read this.


I didn’t think it was possible, but they’re giving overly-violent first=person shooters a bad name.


bongos are fine but after that first whiff of patchuli I cannot be held accountable…


And if that means hurling an evil banker out the window, so be it.

Gee, when you think about it it’s an easy way to collect federal revenue via the estate tax.


Wonder if they’ll ask all the people who wrung their collective hands over the violent media images they claimed contributed to Gabby Giffords’ shooting what they think about this piece of video game political commentary…

I recall being surprised at seeing so many images of targets and bullseyes plastered over politician’s faces at zuccotti park. Plus all those OWS protesters showing up armed. Those f’ing liberals are the real eliminationists.


If you buy the collectors edition, does it come with a brown shirt?



Executive summary, anyone?


Next up: How Bugs Bunny was really a closet liberal trying to take away our guns.


I’m gonna predict it doesn’t sell well because no real OWS hippies are ever killed. Bloodlust satisfaction fail.


Like you’ve got something better to do.


My guess is that they will never be a conservative who actually gets to the end of the game. Much like me and halfway through a porn story.

Seeing as most of these games have a “story mode” as well as a “live multi-player mode,” I’m guessing they’ll be playing the later. Of course, most games also randomize who you are (one round, you’re a US Commando unit, the next you’re a terrorist cell) and where you fight so we’ll see how they handle that.


Like you’ve got something better to do.

Better? No. More pressing? Yes.


Capitalizing on the sense of frustration in a nation seemingly corrupted by greedy politicians and corporate special interests, a group of US citizens-turned-radicals, the “True Patriots,” will stop at nothing to overthrow the government and financial institutions.

… Is it just me or do these guys sound more like a right-wing militia? I mean, the name, definitely.

Back to its roots, then. If there’s one thing Tom Clancy would approve of, it’s shooting hippies. Rainbow Six the novel was all about eco-terrorists trying to kill humanity with a virus. Uh, spoiler alert.

That dude’s making a comeback too – another book of his just came out. Ghostwriters now, though.


And if that means hurling an evil banker out the window, so be it.

Hey… YOU said it.


Hm. So which political faction in the US has created actual militia, some of whom have actually plotted violent actions against the government? Did I miss a news story somewhere?

Also, Actor212: why do you have a bug up your ass over Cerberus’ posts? Don’t like ’em? Don’t read ’em. You can jump right over the post to get straight to the comment section and thus not delay your sexual innuendo and bragging. Please stop trying to tear down someone who many other readers of this site think is entertaining.


And Homefront gave us literal Wolverines-style Red Dawn action (written by the same guy) as North Korea

Wait, what? The crazy little guy who claims he never ever p00ps? Who actually kidnapped people to make him a custom Godzilla flick? Who can’t even eat rice unless it’s all been measured to make sure each grain is the same length? What, did he figure out how to make starvation contagious?

Though the Occupy Wall Street movement has been largely peaceful, 58 percent of Occupy Chicago survey respondents agreed that violence against the government is sometimes justified.

Versus the tiny fractional 100% of Tea Party Patriots who merely think it’s sometimes justified to water the Tree of Liberty with the Blood of Tyrants, because that is TOTALLY DIFFERENT.



So basically you’re saying…what? That I should wait until the comments go OT to jump in?

I asked for a summary. How is that a bug up my ass?


Jeez, couldn’t the Janus node kick out better right wing wank material by feeding it war movie scripts? The premise is repellent, but the execution is so lazy as to be insulting. Is their pandertron 5000 on the fritz? The bad guys in that game look like stereotypical skinheads. The occupy wall street people I saw, were qutie a bit more varied than that. Heck, it’d be a better game if a quarter of their bad guys were old ladies with machine guns.


Though the Occupy Wall Street movement has been largely peaceful, 58 percent of Occupy Chicago survey respondents agreed that violence against the government is sometimes justified.

Versus the tiny fractional 100% of Tea Party Patriots who merely think it’s sometimes justified to water the Tree of Liberty with the Blood of Tyrants, because that is TOTALLY DIFFERENT.

Or “They can take my guns when they tear them from my cold dead hands”…


Of course, an example of why the wingers are pissed is Bioshock which, in addition to giving you the ability to shoot bees out of your left hand at a target, is basically one long anti-Ayn-Rand polemic. So even though they generally applaud death, they’re pissed at video games.


If there’s one thing Tom Clancy would approve of, it’s shooting hippies.

Back in the late 80’s, Tom Clancy came and spoke at Columbus Air Force Base, where I was stationed as a T-38 instructor pilot.

He was offered a ride in a T-38, but turned it down because he’s deathly afraid of flying.


Ok, Ubisoft seems to have a Quebecois version of a Tea Partier green-lighting some of these games. Between this and “Call of Juarez”, there’s some serious wingnuttery afoot here.



Here’s the shorter:

“Our eliminationist wank fantasies mean that liberals are the real violent eliminationists.”


but turned it down because he’s deathly afraid of flying.

I guess my fantasy of him being forced to take the ride is cruel, right?


Thanks, Cerbs.

See, WC? That wasn’t so difficult, now was it?


So basically you’re saying…what? That I should wait until the comments go OT to jump in?

There’s no requirement that comments be on-topic. You could first post and talk about how huge your PENIS is and it’s unlikely you’d be scolded.

I asked for a summary. How is that a bug up my ass?

Nice faux innocence. Every post Cerberus has made you’ve had some snarky comment about how it’s stealing your thunder or unfunny or just tl;dr (several).

I won’t go into your motivation; I’m just asking you to stop.


From Substance’s wackypedia link:

In March 2011, the Los Angeles Times reported that MGM is changing the villains in its Red Dawn remake from Chinese to North Korean in order to maintain access to China’s lucrative box office. The changes reportedly cost less than $1 million and involve changing an opening sequence summarizing the story’s fictional backdrop, re-editing two scenes and using digital technology to transform many Chinese symbols to Korean.

Shorter MGM: all Asians look alike.


Every post Cerberus has made you’ve had some snarky comment about how it’s stealing your thunder or unfunny or just tl;dr (several).

a) I’m not the only person to complain about how long Cerb’s posts are. I’ve seen at least a few and goodness knows how many people have simply skipped her writing which is a shame,.

b) I’ve made no bones in the past about Cerb’s comments being excruciatingly long and indeed, Cerb’s has taken the note in the spirit it was intended. It is difficult to scroll past her comments and that means missing people who comment in between

c) As for stealing my thunder….oh really? That’s a leap from the comment you quoted there.

d) She’s a new poster here. She deserves honest feedback on her posts, just as TinTin deserved the feedback that any number of commenters flung at him about “always shorters.” She seems to be taking it well.

So the real question now is, what is the bug about me up your ass, WC?


As far-fetched as the original Red Dawn was – having North Korea invade the US is pretty much in the realm of science fiction/fantasy.

We’d have about an equal chance of being invaded by Orcs.


Shorter MGM: all Asians look alike.

I’m going to assume that all the dialogue was to have been dubbed in later, because, you know, Korean is not Chinese.


So the real question now is, what is the bug about me up your ass, WC?

Whatever, dude.


We’d have about an equal chance of being invaded by Orcs.

You haven’t been to Newark lately, have you?


So the real question now is, what is the bug about me up your ass, WC?

Whatever, dude.

Got it. You just saw a chance to smear me a bit and so you took it.

No problemo. Glad I could oblige you.


Yeah, just curious, Actor, how short is short enough for your attention span? tl;dr? seriously? Shall we go back to bite-size “shorters” for you


It is difficult to scroll past her comments and that means missing people who comment in between

Says the world’s most prolific troll feeder.

She deserves honest feedback on her posts

“tl;dr” is a bit skimpy as “honest feedback.”

Yes, and take note of “logorrhea suppression” and the configurable word-count options.


“tl;dr” is a bit skimpy as “honest feedback.”

I was talking about the posts WC linked to.

Yeah, just curious, Actor, how short is short enough for your attention span?

Someone else pointed out how far down the front page other posts are pushed. Care to address that point, as well?


Wow, it’s interesting how I’m not the one going OT on this thread, innit?


Got it. You just saw a chance to smear me a bit and so you took it.

Seriously. I don’t understand why you feel impelled to run down Cerberus but I also recognize I’ll never get an honest answer. That’s why I just asked you to stop.

You go ahead and interpret it however you need to. If you think this is about me and you, that’s fine.


And on topic, as an occasional gamer for many years the newer realistic FPS games are just too much. Realistic war games are just squicky. Shooting aliens? Yay! Shooting “terrorists” — nah, thanks, I’ll pass.

And I like real guns.

But then again I’m a stinky hippy so what would I know.


And on topic, as an occasional gamer for many years the newer realistic FPS games are just too much. Realistic war games are just squicky. Shooting aliens? Yay! Shooting “terrorists” — nah, thanks, I’ll pass.

Yeah, I tend to prefer shooting mutants, aliens, and…wait for it…zombies.


I, for one, enjoy reading blog posts and comments with more than 2 sentences, showing thought, wit and literacy. “tl;dr” is what you say about copypasta and scroll-trolls. When you post that it’s the equivalent of yawning in someone’s face when they’re trying to tell you something important. Knock that shit off, or stick with Twitter. I understand nothing there is too long for you.


Someone else pointed out how far down the front page other posts are pushed. Care to address that point, as well?

Sure, I’ll “address” it: I don’t give a fuck. Howzat for short enough to read?


Actor’s driven a lot of funny people away since the dark days when he decided to occupy 1/3 of every thread with creepiness and bragging (and then complain about someone writing too much). It’s why I filter him. But I still have to see him once in a while.


One more thing: I guess these aren’t the same guys who fell in love with that conservative D&D-like game where Obama refused to leave the White House and Sean Hannity lead a rebellion to free us all?


“tl;dr” is a bit skimpy as “honest feedback.”

I was talking about the posts WC linked to.

Bullshit. Liar.


When you post that it’s the equivalent of yawning in someone’s face when they’re trying to tell you something important.

So you’re saying we shouldn’t give feedback?


Sure, I’ll “address” it: I don’t give a fuck. Howzat for short enough to read?

Well, then, for heaven’s sake! Why did you bother to jump in and make a comment?


Or “They can take my guns when they tear them from my cold dead hands”…

“Place projectile weapon on the ground.”
“You can have my gun, when you pry it from my cold dead fingers!”
“Your proposal is acceptable.”


I don’t understand why you feel impelled to run down Cerberus

Huh? I congratulated her on one of her first posts!

But I guess it was tl;dr for you to be bothered to link to that one…


D&D-like game where Obama refused to leave the White House and Sean Hannity lead a rebellion to free us all?

“The country has just been eaten by a grue.”


“tl;dr” is a bit skimpy as “honest feedback.”

I was talking about the posts WC linked to.

Bullshit. Liar.

English is your first language, right?


One more thing: I guess these aren’t the same guys who fell in love with that conservative D&D-like game where Obama refused to leave the White House and Sean Hannity lead a rebellion to free us all?



Actor’s driven a lot of funny people away

Ain’t that the truth. It’s hard to blame them.


“Your proposal is acceptable.”

That was one of the most subversive lines in that movie. It really did deconstruct the whole “Second Amendment FTW!” argument: when faced with a real power, you really think that shotgun is going to do any good?


It’s hard to blame them.

Not really. It’s not like I held a gun to anyone’s head.


So you’re saying we shouldn’t give feedback?

What possible feedback could you be giving to something you are admitting right up front was so long you couldn’t be bothered to read it? That IS what the “dr” in your pithy little ASSessment stands for, isn’t it?


What possible feedback could you be giving to something you are admitting right up front was so long you couldn’t be bothered to read it?

Um, that the post is, uhhh, too long?


I had a cogent on-topic comment but tl;dw.


I asked for a summary. How is that a bug up my ass?

The post isn’t all that long. No longer than many of Cerb’s comments in threads gone by. If you don’t have the time to read it before commenting, then don’t comment until you have time to read it. Asking, nay insisting on a tl;dr is more than a bit rude to our new Sadly overlord, it seems to me, and I’m something of an expert in rudeness.


You haven’t been to Newark lately, have you?

I try to avoid Newark. If I spend any length of time there I start losing my will to live.


Um, that the post is, uhhh, too long?

What? I thought you were claiming your tl;dr was “about the posts WC linked to.”

Which was it?



The post isn’t all that long. No longer than many of Cerb’s comments in threads gone by.

Yes, and….? That was my point.



that’s the ticket! Sorry, Chris, remember the title of a Sadly, No! post is like trying to remember the title of a Wu-Tang song.


Um, that the post is, uhhh, too long?

What? I thought you were claiming your tl;dr was “about the posts WC linked to.”

No, the tl;dr was about Cerb’s post. The honest feedback was about a link WC posted.

Please do try to keep up.


It’s not like I held a gun to anyone’s head.

Does the phrase “stinking up the joint” mean anything to you? Geez, usually it’s the keyboard player that stinks up the joint.


I try to avoid Newark. If I spend any length of time there I start losing my will to live.

There are some lovely things about Newark, but I’d be going OT and god knows there’s enough assholes doing that in this thread already.


Does the phrase “stinking up the joint” mean anything to you?

So you’re saying it’s better to give up, rather than compete?

That says a lot more about the quitters than the guy stinking up the joint.


BTW: that game takes place in 2011…dude, where’s my coup?


That was one of the most subversive lines in that movie. It really did deconstruct the whole “Second Amendment FTW!” argument: when faced with a real power, you really think that shotgun is going to do any good?

I know, that’s why I loved that line. Well, besides the fact that it was hilarious in its own right.

that’s the ticket! Sorry, Chris, remember the title of a Sadly, No! post is like trying to remember the title of a Wu-Tang song.

No worries. I just typed “video game” into the search box and it came right up – unfortunately, that only works for posts, no way to search for comments that way, which is too bad as I sometimes recall someone saying something awesome but then can’t manage to find it.


I didn’t know, until this very day, that this blog is a competition. I think we have glimpsed the root of someone’s problem.


BTW: that game takes place in 2011…dude, where’s my coup?

So the game is shopworn already?


But I still have to see him once in a while.

D’OH! I commented on the post before I realized it was several months old.


I didn’t know, until this very day, that this blog is a competition. I think we have glimpsed the root of someone’s problem.

I know, right? All these people, driven to leave. What’s wrong with them?


I didn’t know, until this very day, that this blog is a competition.



One more visit to that old link, for hindsights’ sake:

After 7 weeks of fighting in every state, and with the refusal of most United States military branches to obey orders to fire upon American citizens, Obama’s forces are slowly whittled away.

I wonder where the people behind this game were during the “evacuation” of the OWS protestors.


An upcoming video game takes that branch of the OWS movement to its most radical conclusions.

How does a movement go to a conclusion? One thing I noticed about BigHo is that, yeah, ok, it’s jaw-droppingly stupid…but the writing is just straight-up terrible. It’s the kind of thing that would make a high school English teacher cry. There are all sorts of horrible grammatical errors, awkwardly-constructed sentences. And, granted, I’m sure most of my blog entries would make an English teacher want to commit suicide…but I am not GETTING PAID to poop onto the page, like these yahoos.


I wonder where the people behind this game were during the “evacuation” of the OWS protestors.


It involved hand lotion and a tube sock


I also didn’t realize until today that this is actually Actor’s blog. If he makes dismissive cracks about the actual bloggers being too wordy, it’s just good ol’ constructive feedback, but if anyone else points out that this shows him to be both rude and unintelligent, then we’re assholes for going off-topic.

The things ya learn…


Not really O(n)T but not entirely O(ff)T either, how very interesting.


How does a movement go to a conclusion?

Was that a veiled wiping reference?


Was that a veiled wiping reference?

lets hope


we’re assholes for going off-topic

Not for going off topic, no 😉


but I am not GETTING PAID to poop onto the page, like these yahoos.

That’s what really gets me about the “left bloggers vs right bloggers” thing. For the most part, liberal bloggers were/are blogging to “get the word out” and most of the ones I’ve been a participant in only asked for enough funds to keep the site running. But for conservatives, it’s a job (or in some cases, a career). In other words, they need the traffic and attention or they can’t pay their bills.

And you would think that being paid to do something would imply some sense pf professionalism, like *not* claiming that a SCJ was having sex with an animal. You would think.


One thing I noticed about BigHo is that, yeah, ok, it’s jaw-droppingly stupid…but the writing is just straight-up terrible.

Sure sure, but really, the only reason they don’t succeed in Hollywood is leftists.


But for conservatives, it’s a job (or in some cases, a career). In other words, they need the traffic and attention or they can’t pay their bills.

They’d have to compete for real jobs. Poor Irky Irkson!


[…] Guns and Money via S,N. I commented before I realized the post was a couple months old. Now my completely awesome thoughts […]


we’re assholes for going off-topic

Not for going off topic, no 😉

Heavens no! For daring to offer criticism (or “feedback”) of Teh Great Thespian’s ever-so-erudite and pithy bon-mots. I mean, “tl;dr”, how droll! and “executive summary, anyone?” indeed, does so cut to the heart of the matter, doesn’t it? And he had over a hundred characters to spare. Bravo, sir, bravo. Do favor us with a curtain call for a bow, won’t you?


Not really O(n)T but not entirely O(ff)T either, how very interesting.

North Dakota must hold some pretty interesting secrets…


Heavens no! For daring to offer criticism (or “feedback”) of Teh Great Thespian’s ever-so-erudite and pithy bon-mots.

Nope. Not even for that. 😉


The game casts the players as anti-terrorism agents squaring off against a group which believes the government and corporations are corrupt and must be taken down.

Ah, so anti-heros, like Grand Theft Auto.


Nope. Not even for that. 😉

OK, then Asshole, how about you define “for what”? I can’t wait.


So now as a conservative, you have a difficult task. On one level, your hand has already set off on an epic journey of uncontrollable masturbation.

Keeps ’em outta trouble.


And you would think that being paid to do something would imply some sense pf professionalism, like *not* claiming that a SCJ was having sex with an animal. You would think.

Yeah, you would. BTW, what’s a “SCJ?”


Sure sure, but really, the only reason they don’t succeed in Hollywood is leftists.

Some leftists throw out scripts written crayon. I HATE THEM SO MUCH!


OK, then Asshole, how about you define “for what”? I can’t wait.

Why? You’re doing a really good job of providing an example with each new comment!

Oh, alright. For the sake of everyone else here who’s tired of me being in the spotlight. Again.

You’re being an asshole for treating this place like it’s something to be won or lost. You perceive me as some kind of “owner” or in possession of something you want to see changed, and you see me as the obstacle to that change. The “stink” as Manqs put it.

OK, so here’s why you and Manqs and WC and everyone else who jumped the bandwagon is an asshole today:

You’re taking all this seriously.

Get over yourself, please, for the good of what you defend.

Subby has the right attitude. If you don’t like me or anyone, ignore us! It’s what I do with VS, and what I did with Cerb when she was only in comments.

I’m just here, and only part of the day at that, to make wise cracks, read funny comments and banter back and forth. I don’t care what form or format the discussions take. I take the good, and ignore the bad until I’m forced not to ignore it anymore.

You don’t like me. I get that.

Newsflash: I’m not here to be liked. I shut my computer down, push away from my desk and go back to the real world, and the people in my actual life like me, and those are people who I choose to include in my life.

When someone makes a funny comment or a comment I can pick up on, I don’t care if they like me or not. Hell, CERB doesn’t like me but was gracious enough to provide a shorter for me because she recognizes that it’s not about me and it’s not about her, it’s about the vitality of this blog.

Which leads me to my next point: you say I’ve driven people away (you know, the whole competition thing?) Well, here’s what I have to say about that:

So what?

If one commenter can make droves of people go away, then that says more about the people who left than it does about the one who stayed behind.

My sense is those people would have left anyway. That’s what happens on blogs, and that’s what I’ve observed in the something-like-twenty years I’ve been involved in bulletin boards and blogs. You get a core that hangs around longer, sure, but every five or ten years, the entire roster flips.

Now, you think you can stop being fascinated with my dick and get back on topic?


I think we need a good troll here to get us all back on the same side. Dennis, anyone?


Some leftists throw out scripts written crayon. I HATE THEM SO MUCH!

Sigh. I will re write it tonight.


Alright already! SomeOfYou’s tit for tat flame war is now about 10 times longer than Cerberus’ original posting (which wasn’t that friggin long and was pretty spot on analysis IMHO).

But, shorter Cerberus: the wingnuts’ “we are the toughest of the tough and wiltingest wallflower victim at the same time” schtick continues unabated.


Hey Emperor, how was the Joe Bonamassa show? Did he do Mountain Time? That song gives me chills.


Mark Meckler, the co-?founder and current chairman of the Tea Party Patriots, was arrested this morning at LaGuardia Airport. He was boarding a 5:30 a.m. flight to California when authorities discovered a gun in a lockbox with 19 cartridges. He did not have a NY State carry permit for the weapon?—?although he did have a California permit for it?—?so he was charged with Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the 2nd degree. He is currently awaiting arraignment in Queens.

Damn liberal protesters.


Shorter Actor: Boo-hoo ya buncha whiners, I was only kidding, cancha take a joke, I’m the real victim here, blahblahblah

Or something like that, I’m sure. It was too long; I didn’t read it


Damn liberal protesters.

He must have been on his way to push a banker out a window.


He did not have a NY State carry permit for the weapon

See, now if he had only unloaded it, he would have been fine.


Or something like that, I’m sure. It was too long; I didn’t read it


Your mom liked it.


BTW, what’s a “SCJ?”

Supreme Court Justice (I just made the acronym up)


Realistic war games are just squicky.

It’s funny just how many games are centered on violence – from a very abstract representation in something like chess, to D&D and tabletop wargaming, onwards and upwards until you’re rendering disturbingly realistic gore in painstaking detail on a monitor.

That’s where it starts to be a wee bit creepy, when violence stops being a convenient frame of reference for exercising logical and tactical thinking, and becomes a thing you revel in for its own sake. I’m not particularly happy with that being the norm in the videogame industry.


Jeez, even I find all the bickering in this thread unreadable.


I’m not particularly happy with that being the norm in the videogame industry.

But what does it say that MoW3 outsold Avatar and did it within a week?

59 Les Paul, union thug

Thank dog, someone mentioned Joe Bonnamassa! Now we can get back to talking electric guitars!


Thank dog, someone mentioned Joe Bonnamassa! Now we can get back to talking electric guitars!

You’re welcome.


And he had over a hundred characters to spare

A sign of thespian versatility.


A sign of thespian versatility.

Watch it, this is a family blog!


A sign of thespian versatility.

Brevity being the very soul of tit…WIT, I mean.


If you think about it, even Angry Birds is violent…though I find it a humorous, innocuous sort of violence.

And Words with Friends? Don’t get me started! Freakin bloodbath!


Versus the tiny fractional 100% of Tea Party Patriots who merely think it’s sometimes justified to water the Tree of Liberty with the Blood of Tyrants, because that is TOTALLY DIFFERENT. – tigris


It’s OK If You (Mis-)Appropriate Eighteenth Century Hyperbole





actor212 also said


My very own ineffectual Doppleganger…I’m touched! And I didn’t get you anything for the holidays….


And Words with Friends? Don’t get me started! Freakin bloodbath!

I chuckled.


a group of US citizens-turned-radicals, the “True Patriots,” will stop at nothing to overthrow the government and financial institutions. As a leader of the elite Rainbow counter-terrorism unit, players will be the last line of defense tasked with saving the nation no matter the cost.

Other than the “financial institutions” part, doesn’t this sound like something that would keep reactionaries up at night? Upthread it was already mentioned about which side has actual “militias”. But doesn’t “True Patriots” sound like a right-wing group and doesn’t the “Rainbow counter-terrorism” unit sound like something the Socialist Kenyan Usurper would use to root out “patriots”?

So you see liberals are the truly violent ones … or something …


Heck, it’d be a better game if a quarter of their bad guys were old ladies with machine guns.

Actually, that would be kinda awesome.


“Rainbow counter-terrorism” unit sound like something the Socialist Kenyan Usurper would use to root out “patriots”?

The Fighting Fabulosos of the 105th Airborne


It’s funny just how many games are centered on violence – from a very abstract representation in something like chess – Till Eulenspiegel

On what do you expect games to be centered? Sex?

Well, actually, speaking of chess —


A sign of thespian versatility.

I once saw a thespian, a total homo sapiens, masticating in public. At least she was using a condiment. Her epidermis was showing, though.



I, uh, would just like to remind all internet rear baggers that movies, video games, television shows, Fox news and your mom are terrible springboards from which to get a meaningful political discussion started.

That is all.


These were the first OWSers I’ve seen in suits and carrying M16s. Just sayin’.

Video game content =/= to reality. Hence the attraction to video games…


I, uh, would just like to remind all internet rear baggers that movies, video games, television shows, Fox news and your mom are terrible springboards from which to get a meaningful political discussion started.

An interesting example of this.


It’s funny just how many games are centered on violence – from a very abstract representation in something like chess, to D&D and tabletop wargaming, onwards and upwards until you’re rendering disturbingly realistic gore in painstaking detail on a monitor.

BAAAAHHHH. There are some sickeningly violent games, yes. But as an avid Call of Duty fan, I can tell you that there is more to them than just that. I also have an earlier Rainbow Six game that I enjoy playing. In that one, you command your squad to stack up, breach and clear rooms. You have to use strategy and you have to keep your team alive as you fight your way to the big bad guy. Yes, there is violence, but it is not even in the same realm as your average slasher flick, which is not even allowed in my home.


( pokes head up from underground bunker )

I was waiting for the flame war to end. Is it safe to come back up to the surface?


Today’s Buried Lede: 58% of Chicago Occupiers ‘Believe Violence Is Sometimes Necessary Against the Government’


Let’s take a trip in the wayback machine to the farflung prehistoric past of last January to see what the media was saying about who thought “violence is sometimes necessary against the government”.

I know I shouldn’t take it personally, but the fact that Republicans are happy to use the same fucking rhetoric on Occupy that they knew was obviously illegitimate when it was directed at their protest movement really pisses me off.

And on the other hand, 11 months ago bloggers I respect were taking the position that, sure, the poll is worded in such a way that it looks like most Democrats oppose the Revolutionary War, but we all already know that Republicans are crazy and violent and that poll superficially seems to say that so it must be good evidence.

It bugs me, man.


If the sample all replied ‘No, violence is never necessary against a government no matter how dictatorial’, this would prove that the OWS group are impractical idealist hippies.

Till Eulenspiegel

Yes, there is violence, but it is not even in the same realm as your average slasher flick, which is not even allowed in my home.

Sure! In terms of what genuinely bothers me, I draw my own line on the pretty extreme end of things; basically everyone will agree that stuff like “Manhunt” is trash.

I’m a big fan of slightly abstracted violence in games. It’s hard to do something like tactical RPG combat in any other context. But when violence and gore is the point, when it’s just a dumb shooting gallery (*cough* Modern Warfare 3) with no artistic merit…ehhhh.

But then I look at the popularity of something as unabashedly nerdy as the Football Manager series, and my faith in humanity is restored.


The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

I gather the patriots and tyrants take turns.


when it’s just a dumb shooting gallery (*cough* Modern Warfare 3) with no artistic merit…ehhhh

I suppose this is one of those “I know it when I see it” benchmarks. I love the Black Ops game and abhor shit like Manhunt.

Truthfully, my kids are far more fascinated with Rock Band than any shooter games. They love the Wii games too (Zelda, Wii Sports, Mario Cart, etc), so I think that the reason games all appear to be so violent is that demographic element–teenage boys (and those like me who can’t stop acting like a teenage boy) love those FPS games. They’re by far the most voracious consumer of video games.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Never read any books by Tom Clancy… forget the Rainbow Six, I want to see a video game based on the Electric Six.


The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Can’t spare any blood. Plenty of urine, though.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Can’t spare any blood. Plenty of urine, though.

Heh heh… tree of liberpee…


Is it safe to come back up to the surface?

Invest in dancing badgers, They will save your sanity.


Urea is better fertiliser than hemoglobin. Or so I hear from a friend.


Urine the money
Urine the money
You’ve got a lot of what it takes to grow a tree.


Invest in dancing badgers

It’s a seller’s market.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I’m a big fan of slightly abstracted violence in games. It’s hard to do something like tactical RPG combat in any other context. But when violence and gore is the point, when it’s just a dumb shooting gallery (*cough* Modern Warfare 3) with no artistic merit…ehhhh.

Yeah, this was gory as hell, but so well done, it still gives me goosebumps.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

That’s it, I’m investing in pee futures!


I think you have to dilute urine so you don’t burn the plants. Blood you can dry into scabs, grind up, and put straight on. Also blood meal will supposedly keep critters away, and it apparently worked on the rabbits but the DAMN FUCKING GROUNDHOG OOH I WILL BEAT IT TO DEATH WITH A BRICK didn’t seem to be affected.


…and the people in my actual life like me, and those are people who I choose to include in my life…

Now that’s hilarious.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Blood you can dry into scabs, grind up, and put straight on

Black pudding as fertilizer- discuss…


Blood you can dry into scabs, grind up, and put straight on.

Paging JanusNode! Paging Mr. Node!


Yeah, this was gory as hell, but so well done, it still gives me goosebumps.

That was a damned creepy apple core.


How about menses blood and clotty thIngs for fertilizer?

How many meals did I just ruin?


How about menses blood and clotty thIngs for fertilizer?

How many meals did I just ruin?

Not mine. I’m thinking you may have found the new-cuisine recipe for clotted cream.


Don’t make throw up the lovely Thai fish chowda I just had.


I used bone meal to fertilize a newly planted tree once. Big mistake when u have a dog


These vampire groundhogs could be a real problem.


No kidding. The sparkly ones will seduce your daughter.


We’ll be needing a lot more bricks.


Swirled Optimal Sheet-Phantom Blood with Bizarre Stirred Valdiguie

1 jar sheet phantom blood
7 ounces Valdiguie, truly shaken

Add the sheet phantom blood to the Valdiguie since it’s heavier. Serve in a large chalice. Observe your guests carefully.


Observe your guests carefully.

I always do. Sometimes the abyss gazes back.


You know what sucks about sheet phantoms? They fucking make sheet ghouls. Fuck those fucking fuckers. Sheet ghouls. Hrmf.


Don’t make throw up the lovely Thai fish chowda I just had.

For breakfast it is Arby’s roast beef sweat beaten into one cup hot road tar, garnished with about a tablespoon of fresh, local organic frog semen. Do not substitute toad semen. Wine: toad semen.


Sometimes the abyss gazes back.
HA HA N__B misspelled ‘abbess’.

I used bone meal to fertilize a newly planted tree once. Big mistake when u have a dog

Oh keep the Dog far hence, that’s friend to men,
Or with his nails he’ll dig it up again!


Ah, hello, other family! A-man’s Disqus is pitching a bitch-fit the last few days, and I have run up against difficulties of my own, as well. But I am back. Hold your applause (and your applesauce… but send applebutter, if you have it).


Fucking sheet ghouls. Fuck.


I get the delicious pun you’re going for here, but to my mind the connection between sheets and shitting is either a bad association or the best association.


Ooooooooh, video-game controversy!
Eccccccch, Big Hollywood!

Breitbart fanboyz = best advertisement for birth control anyone could ask for.

Defenestrated banker or no, “Real Patriots” sure sounds a lot more like Minutemen or Birchers than OWS, as the more lucid wingnuts there have noted.

The REAL scandal is that so many games now all have you looking down gunsights & smoking bad-guys – & that this hasn’t changed for years & years, despite awesome gains in technology & graphics. Just like the movies, new games are now almost universally sequels, because nobody in the industry has the stones to try anything even slightly risky – or the creativity to produce a truly original game.

That synopsis sure does a bit of fudging, doesn’t it?

a nation seemingly corrupted by greedy politicians and corporate special interests

… because IRL that could NEVAR actually happen, amirite?

Also, where the hell is the obvious pearl-clutching over yet more entrenchment of the Occupy movement into Amurrikin culture?

At this rate, you’re going to have a civic holiday called Occupy Day in a few years.

“I dunno, Bob … seems to me LAST year’s Occupy Parade March had MUCH better bankster effigies – & let’s face it the human mic is getting hella sloppy, too. Not to mention all those vendors hawking little toy bottles of pepper-spray & plastic handcuffs. Do … do you think maybe they’ve sold out?”


Occupy Day has gotten so commercial.


Just like the movies, new games are now almost universally sequels, because nobody in the industry has the stones to try anything even slightly risky – or the creativity to produce a truly original game.

True story: when I saw ads for Rage, my first reaction was “what in the living fuck is this generic bullshit? what jackoff Warsaw Pact scriptkiddie is genuinely trying to sell grimdark desert rust bullshit in 2011?”

And then I heard it was by John Carmack.

(Full disclosure: twas ever thus – name a single unique thing about the Strogg. But at least Quake looks fun.)

… because IRL that could NEVAR actually happen, amirite?

America is a great nation and its great market society could never become captive to the sinister agenda of a tiny, entrenched group of moneyed interests. Any suggestion to the contrary is a perfidious scheme by the tiny, entrenched group of moneyed interests who completely dominate all aspects of American culture, which is helpless in captivity to their sinister agenda.


Occupy Day has gotten so commercial.

And nobody says “merry tax-mas” anymore, it’s always just “hippie holidays.”


And nobody says “merry tax-mas” anymore, it’s always just “hippie holidays.”

It’s a war on Guy Fawkes Day, I tell you.


We’re going to fuck you, sheriff. But we’re going to fuck you slow.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

This is only half-off-topic because it’s Breitbart-related, but I know somebody in the last thread mentioned the tiff between Breitbart and Beck—please feel free to “Ahem” me, but can’t be arsed and so forth….

Imma just copy-n’-paste what I posted at Ed Brayton’s place (Innertubes fo-pax, I know) ’cause everybody’s asleep over there:

Oh, please, please, please FSM: I don’t ask for much, and if I do you never give it to me, like when I asked you to make that last batch of spaghetti I made turn out—it’s almost as if you don’t exist at all or something—but please let this meme of tarring N00t as a “progressive” stick!

I haven’t known what to hope for. I thought if they went with Mittens and lost, the base would decide they had to triple down on the crazy in 2016, what with him being a RINO and all, and this would give a freshman Democratic candidate a better chance.

I was afraid if they nominated N00t that the Big Kids™ would finally have had enough by ’16 and make sure somebody not-(as)-crazy got the nod. Now, if they can make the Newstster into a “progressive” and convince enough of the “base” that they lost because he wasn’t crazy conservative enough, and they have to find somebody worse—oh, Fate couldn’t be that kind, could it?


And now, no one here with whom to argue or abuse! Dang. I always miss out.


RBAK: surely you’ve noticed that Erick “Erik” Erickessohnn, who is both being played for a sap by Freedomworks and genuinely under the impression he’s a strong, wily freethinker who can pull one over on his audience – and as such is basically the standard-bearer for the tea party “movement” – has already decided that Newt is a bad candidate. This automatically makes him too liberal, because all bad things are equally left-wing to the brethren.

If Newt wins the primary, he loses the election, and then goes on to be decried as a MSM-loving chimera who lost because true Americans knew he was soft on Semitism and also a Catholic traitor. If Romney wins the primary, his prospects still aren’t great, and the same thing happens.

I can say that I have not been a good enough boy this year for Santa to give me Newt Gingrich as the last man standing from the not-Romney-off, a mere few weeks before the first primaries. It’s too good to be true.


OT FYI: Iron Maiden Flight 666 is on Palladia right now…


What about fitted sheet ghouls? Does the elastic scrunching their edges make them cuter?


What about fitted sheet ghouls? Does the elastic scrunching their edges make them cuter?

Especially if they have a built-in dust ruffle. Then it looks like the ghost of a Catholic schoolgirl, which is the sexiest kind of ghost – that’s just science.


Jesus 2.0:

Whatsoever you do unto one of these malignant tumors, you also do unto Me.


LifeWay Christian Bookstores has removed a Bible from its shelves because the Bible helped raise money for the Susan G. Komen Foundation, which in turn “funds Planned Parenthood” breast cancer programs.

That reminds me, I have to go picket my local fire station. Some fire stations raise money for Jerry’s Kids, which hosts the MDA telethon, which gave money to the Salvation Army for Hurricane Katrina relief, and the Salvation army hates gay people.

So… that’ll show em.


Jerry’s Kids is a great example of not letting people you dislike get in the way of charity – see Rotten Library for a full rundown on Jerry Lewis’s strange face and stranger attitude. (To this day, no one is sure why he has this obsession with MS – he routinely makes an ass of himself in demonstrating his total lack of understanding of the disease or empathy for its sufferers.)


North Dakota must hold some pretty interesting secrets…

no, not really…north dakota really holds nothing but some oil reserves…the fact that there have been no swat activity, botched or otherwise really is just testimonial that nobody ever bothers with it…

the most interesting thing about nodak is that you can watch your dog run away for three days…


Urine the money
Urine the money
You’ve got a lot of what it takes to grow a tree.

o.m…i laffed and i may have peed a little…


oh, sure jeffraham…you bitch because nobody is awake, and here i am and you disappear…well fine! imma watch some sappy xmas movies on hallmark with my daughter!


well fine! imma watch some sappy xmas movies on hallmark with my daughter!

Oo, look at me, I made a life come from my genitals, hoo hoo hoo!! Big man.

Look at the big man.


oh, sure jeffraham…you bitch because nobody is awake, and here i am and you disappear…

Sorree! I went and watched Rachel as soon as the show became available online. Thangs is slow all over, I got bored…


… and now, out again. Until the morrow!


I imagine there will be some good stinky mangoes tomorrow about the passing of Christopher Hitchens.


I imagine there will be some good stinky mangoes tomorrow about the passing of Christopher Hitchens.

The man loved some bad causes, and made even good ones look bad; he had not an ounce in reflection in him, and like his thin, handsome, girl-voiced counterpart Dick Dawkins, the implicit thesis “look at these dumb savages who don’t know the proper way to be a dumb Christian is to visit a charming tea-sipping vicar to raffle up the price of a new church roof” crawls constantly into his work. You will be hard-pressed, especially with a church lead by Rowen Williams, to find more pious and dogmatic Anglicans than among British nu-atheists.

Case in point: Hell’s Angel, which makes the fundamentally accurate point that Mother Theresa was a monster. (Unmade was the point that Mother Theresa’s media profile was part of a premeditated charm offensive by organized right-wing forces in the Vatican, because Hitchens doesn’t get why anyone besides reactionary barbarians would be Catholic at all.)

The first sequence is a lovely traditional English bit of Irish-bashing. Listen to this dumb, worshipful bishop’s stupid mick accent! Marvel at the dumpy faces of bog-brained Murphy! Ireland has been mired in the 19th century by a coalition of organized Church forces and conservative governments, a miring bitterly despised by generations of Irish radicals, but never mind that – look at what dupes they are, these reactionaries, to unwittingly praise this reactionary monster!!

It is the pride of America that, though the whole skeptic culture exists in large degree to convince them otherwise, American atheists make British atheists look like smug, self-obsessed little cavemen.


On an entirely unrelated note, have a tumblr dedicated to multiple personalities, from ‘medians’ (who I guess are just… personalities?) to otakukin.

Bonus, not immediately apparent fact: the ones with Flounder from The Little Mermaid are by ‘fictives’, whose multiple personality is in fiction but is totes real in their own world you guys.

Trigger warning: Flounder from the Little Mermaid.


On an entirely unrelated note, have a tumblr dedicated to multiple personalities

Hilarity has indeed ensued.


I trust a variation of this will appear on Hitchen’s tombstone:

“If you gave Falwell? an enema, you could bury him in a matchbox.”

9:40 or so here:

Certainly one of the best lines ever on Fox.


In before Kelly cartoon where Hitchens goes to heaven for supporting the troops.


I imagine there will be some good stinky mangoes tomorrow about the passing of Christopher Hitchens.

There was a time, back in the mists of the 80s, when Hitchens wrote for The Nation (he broke the Mena airport “story” about Bill Clinton and cocaine, if I recall)

Even back then, even when he supported some progressive causes, you could see his mind slowly slipping into the senility of libertarianism.

It was sad to watch. At least Alexander Cockburn kept his senses on his way out the door.


Mr. and Mrs. Hitchens and Ms. Hilton:


North Dakota must hold some pretty interesting secrets…

The Blue Moose Bar and Grill in Grand Forks is pretty good.


Mr. and Mrs. Hitchens and Ms. Hilton:

Was he ever not shitfaced?


Case in point: Hell’s Angel, which makes the fundamentally accurate point that Mother Theresa was a monster. (Unmade was the point that Mother Theresa’s media profile was part of a premeditated charm offensive by organized right-wing forces in the Vatican, because Hitchens doesn’t get why anyone besides reactionary barbarians would be Catholic at all.)

Now I’m curious: why do you say she’s a monster? (Afraid I don’t know anything about her other than the vague profile everyone knows).


There were claims by Aroup Chatterjee that her orphanages were hotbeds of child abuse of all kinds. Hitchens picked up on these and expanded them (exaggerated, if you believe Chatterjee) in his book The Missionary Position in 1995, which led to the Hell’s Angels documentary. The book also included a rather…curious claim…that Teresa used fund earmarked for a teaching hospital to open convents.


chris hitchens: puerile shitheel. war cheerleader. callow opportunist. obama fanboy. privileged asshole. he was like a slightly thinner matt yglesias except he finished school and occasionally got laid.


occasionally got laid

Can I borrow your brain bleach, please?


I didn’t mind the religion baiting too much. In the carnival barker vs carnival barker world of modern American political and religious discourse, it was fun to watch the religious apologists work themselves into blue fits of indignation whenever he lobbed a verbal grenade. Yes it cheapened the discourse in the marketplace of ideas.

But when he went full gonzo warmonger after 9-11, he lost his entertainment value. Anyone who calls for war against Islam in general after those tragic events was totally playing into the hand of the terrorists, also gave power to the most odious elements of American Imperialism.


new games are now almost universally sequels, because nobody in the industry has the stones to try anything even slightly risky – or the creativity to produce a truly original game



w I’m curious: why do you say she’s a monster? (Afraid I don’t know anything about her other than the vague profile everyone knows).

Give Hell’s Angel a watch – it’s worth it, in spite of Hitchens being a fucking trogolodyte. He is the dog’s ass of the universe and that doc was a light shining on it/him/the dog’s ass/also.

Short summary: in a more extreme version of the PR thing where wearing a silly dress and being vaguely swarthy allows the Dalai Lama to be conflated for Gandhi without having to stand up to close inspection as a mahatma, Mother Theresa helped funnel US aid money to right-wing dictatorships (in some cases even pissing off Church officials that the relatively reactionary JP2 had left out in the cold), played PR hound for various loathsome causes, etc.

The worst part of the scam, though, is her vigorous lobbying for her little slush fund. Note I do not say ‘charity’ – and certainly not, as we are supposed to believe, famine relief. She traded on images of famine and desperation to raise immense amounts of money (some of which coming from aforementioned dictators, and certainly at least some of it from CIA-backed drugs traffic – which is also way less fringey an idea than it gets treated), a fraction of which she used to build pseudo-hospitals – ‘Houses of the Dying’ – cheap as dirt.

Her ‘hospital’, as it was generally described, had no medical personnel on staff, would have required medical equipment from the bottom up to do something as basic as innoculation, and basically consisted of big rooms of cots on which people were to die. In a world where legitimate charities had an increasingly large operating budget and antibiotics were getting cheaper and more effective, thousands of people were probably killed by the simple conflation of Mother Theresa’s agenda (which fits in with a certain ugly Padre Pio / Latin rite strain of modern Catholicism as pious sadomasochism) with conventional charity. Well-meaning people packed her purse to bursting with hard cash, a tiny amount of which went to a hospital which would not even use that amount to buy amoxicillin.

What it would do – and what constituted the ‘legitimate’ use of her tax-exempt windfall – was agitate against contraception and safe sex. In a time at which Church outreach packaged food and medical aid in weird ideas about condoms, Mother Theresa was a pioneer in not giving a shit about the parts that weren’t telling poor people not to wrap it up. She talked a suitably big game, but that was all PR.

And in the end, she spent a lot of that money on herself. I’m sure even her ostentatiously Simple saint-in-training outfit was the best money could buy.

So, yes: monster. Complete monster. More of a monster than Hitchens even cares to get into. And quite unfairly he’s still dragged through the muck for waving that unpleasant truth under the noses of a Catholic community not ready to accept that the Church was tumbling into a dark and horrible place faster than they could realize. (See also Sinead O’Connor.)


he was like a slightly thinner matt yglesias

No. Christopher Hitchens could speak and write in a very entertaining way. He had the problem of English journalists, though: his arguments in support of this and in opposition to that were inconsistent and simply backed up whatever prejudice he had at the time. See also Sullivan, Andrew (less entertaining section).


new games are now almost universally sequels, because nobody in the industry has the stones to try anything even slightly risky – or the creativity to produce a truly original game


One or Two?


The form of cancer he died of is often associated with excessive consumption of alcohol, one thing British actors, writers, etc., seem to excel at these days.


Absolutely hilarious thread.

Actor, I always suspected people here hated you, that it was more than Cerberus and vacuum, but I had no idea to what degree since they were always too timid to tell you. You pretty much took advantage of their meekness knowing they’d never agree with me what a dirt bag you are.

It took me to make it so blatantly apparent to them. Then it took me not posting for a while for them to muster up the courage to tell you.

At least you have one fanboi in Dark Avenger, so you’ve got that.

Heh. Win for me.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Don’t be so needy, troll.


De-lurking to offer praises to Jeebus that I have found the one corner of the Internet not devoted to laudatory Hitchens hagiography today. “Smug, self-satisfied little cavemen.” I like that.


Poor DenDen, sinking to claim credit for that which existed for years before he showed up.

So your whole “ACTOR212 LEADS SADLY,NO!” trope…? 🙂

You lost, son. You’ve been beaten, creamed and slaughtered.

Oh…And DenDen?



…Was he ever not shitfaced?…


…his arguments in support of this and in opposition to that were inconsistent and simply backed up whatever prejudice he had at the time…



De-lurking to offer praises to Jeebus that I have found the one corner of the Internet not devoted to laudatory Hitchens hagiography today.

He was a bad man who made good cases badly and bad cases often. At least no self-respecting college student would buy a book by Pat Robertson about how cool it is to smoke and be him.


So your whole “ACTOR212 LEADS SADLY,NO!” trope…? 🙂

They were too afraid to call you out, it was plain to see.

TinTin reveres you. People put up with your troll-baiting and he obliged you even as it annoyed the hell out of everybody else. When you got your ass kicked into last week, you hit him up on Twitter telling him to come ban me, and he said “Ok, actor, sure, I’ll do that for you.”

Of course you led them, even as they hated you. That’s what so weird about it all. As long as they have their hot tub club, they put up with you.

Oh, and my being a jerk and not abiding by JP’s and DK-W’s so-called unwritten rules…’it was just constructive criticism’.

What a rare bird you are, an ass who trolls for his own side, whose people loathe you but tolerate you for reasons they can’t explain.

It’s like a freak show at the circus.


When you got your ass kicked into last week, you hit him up on Twitter telling him to come ban me, and he said “Ok, actor, sure, I’ll do that for you.”

Um, no. I didn’t. In fact, I have tweeted TinTin in months, since the Donalde business.

It astounds me how bloviated your ego is, DenDen.Early on in your latest incarnation, I said to you that you actually made me a sympathetic figure on S,N!

Which part of that made you think I believed I was a beloved figure on this blog? Which part of that, which part of all your cyberstalking, made you believe that I was anything but grudingly accepted here?

Now, put down the alcohol, get into rehab and please, try to live out your few remaining years as a productive member of society.


Oh….And DenDen?



(comments are closed)