You Probably Also Think that Africa isn’t a Country
Only known photo of Daniel Horowitz
I don’t tend to do shorters, but sometimes you just have to throw your hands up and post it anyways, because you just can’t believe the argument is that inane.
As such:
Shorter Daniel Horowitz, FascistState:
Newt Gingrich Tells the Truth About the Palestinian Non-Entity
- Palestinians are just a delusion of the liberal mind and its desire to hurt Israel.
I fucking dare you to get off the boat.
Oh and a taste of what you are in for?
The Palestinians are the
global warmingclimate change of geopolitical conflict. They use deceptive parlance to advance their agenda. Thankfully, Newt is speaking the truth, instead of worshiping at the altar of the pan-Islamists in the UN.
Newt Gingrich is just as right on Palestine as he is about climate change! Also the UN is controlled by Muslims who probably also planted all those fake fossil records for evolution. The sky is green and the Freemasons control my teeth!
Sorry people, I’m out.
But as apology, please enjoy what this douche uses as a twitter logo:
Fighting the fight against vegetables and tasteful visual design since I realized Mommy was part of the Islamo-Communist Conspiracy!
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™ Stealing Tintin’s shtick on the very same blog is created by Cerberus.
Mike Huckabee says the same thing, IIRC–no such thing as Palestinians.
Yeah, just because your ancestors have lived in a certain place for generations doesn’t mean you have the right to hang around. Let’s take over Mexico, because what the hell, they’re all brown-skinned and speak Spanish so they’ll fit right in when they push them into South Murrica or whatever that place is.
Daniel Horowitz is just trying to stay relevant. Which he is having a hard time doing, as the right wing is stampeding past his Islamist alarmism. It used to be a person could get reviled as a bigot for saying horrible things about all of the practitioners of a large religion. But in the current media climate, that isn’t shocking enough. Horowitz is actually going to have to demand genocide if he wants to keep his rep as the most Islam-hating guy in the room.
Annex Canada! Whoever heard of Canadians anyway?
Let’s take over Mexico
Isn’t this how we got California?
And that logo – if you took out everything except the elephant and the teacup, and put it over a photo of Newt so that the elephant is looking at Newt with that cross expression, it might be saved as a visual.
I always feel sorry for elephants, socialistic and feminist creatures that they are, being co-opted by the most idiotic personalities in the US. When Nast used the elephant he wasn’t being complimentary, but that’s no excuse to keep maligning one of the nicest creatures on the planet.
Isn’t this how we got California?
No, we bought California fair and square.
That is, after the Mexicans refused our first offer and we added the little sales incentive of invading Mexico City.
Isn’t this how we got California?
I think we bought parts of Cali from the Spanish. Virginia, though, we just walked in and took. (Along with Texas, when it was deemed convenient.)
Louisiana and Alaska, though, we bought, fair and square.
Wait, what? You mean there were people living there already who had no say in the purchase and received no monies from same?! Did they have a flag? Well, then.
BTW bbkf, how’d the sauerbraten turn out?
BTW bbkf, how’d the sauerbraten turn out?
haven’t made it yet…’tis for the eve of babby jeebus…altho, maybe i should do a practice run?
Everyone knows there is no such thing as a “Texan”. They are just a part of the larger American community, who happen to live in Texas. There’s simply no rational reason to assume that the so-called Texans couldn’t be assimilated into the population of the greater United States (initially in refugee camps and shelters, but that shouldn’t last for more than a generation or three). So when the Mexicans seek to reclaim this territory, referred to by the squatters who have eked out a living there as “Texas”, there should be absolutely no international outcry for the displacement of the “Texan peoples”, right?
There’s simply no rational reason to assume that the so-called Texans couldn’t be assimilated into the population of the greater United States (initially in refugee camps and shelters, but that shouldn’t last for more than a generation or three).
i beg to differ…i lived there for a couple of years, and things like ‘assimilation’ to anything normal seems like a tall order for most of them…
That elephant looks like he’s watching an off-panel orgy, and half disgusted and half wondering whether he should join in.
omfg…is my mom says she is ‘retired’ one more time, i am going to lose it…the last time she had a job is 1985…she doesn’t even get her own ss for dog’s sake!!!
Juan Cole weighed in on this yesterday:
The so-called “Texans” are a made-up people. In the case of Texan women, I would add make that “heavily made-up”.
The so-called “Texans” are a made-up people. In the case of Texan women, I would add make that “heavily made-up”.
Now now. There’s nothing wrong with Texas – except that it’s full of Texans.
according to my mother, you can buy a ‘chifforobe’ at ikea…she came up with that word after remembering ‘what the colored guy broke up for the girl in to kill a mockingbird?’
*sigh* can we send her back to texas?
Now now. There’s nothing wrong with Texas – except that it’s full of Texans.
that was my biggest problem with it…
Y’know, most campaigns have spin doctors.
Newt needs a fucking dervish.
Newt needs a fucking dervish.
mitt has a harpy, so newt can’t be too far behind…
There’s nothing wrong with Texas – except that it’s full of Texans
And there’s nothing wrong with Uta, except that it’s full of Mormons;
theres nothing wrong with Florida, except it’s full of freaks, feebs and old people;
there’s nothing wrong with Montana, except that it’s fucking freezing cold 9 months of the year;
there’s nothing wrong with Alabama, wait, Alabama sucks;
there’s nothing wrong with Colorado…AT ALL! (All right, if you could just burn CO Springs out like a precancerous wart…)
ha, ha…now she just said her asshat husband’s kid’s house is ‘drowned’…
there’s nothing wrong with Colorado…AT ALL!
Hypoxia. Tim Tebow.
There’s nothing wrong with Wisconsin except for a pernicious lack of 10,000’+ high mountains and warm sandy beaches on warm salt water seas. Oh and that douchebag in the governor’s mansion, and his stooges in the state legislature.
There’s nothing wrong with New York. Period. End of discussion.
totally OMFG…my mother is now bitching about how asshat’s son’s wife HASN’T WORKED SINCE SHE MARRIED HIM!!! ZOMG SHE STAYS AT HOME WITH THE KIDS!!!
Romney Accidentally Crashes Married Gay Vet’s Date While Trolling for Anti-Gay Votes
There’s nothing wrong with Colorado, except that it’s full of Californians
minnesota is full of scandahoovians…
Red Meat would be a great name for an S&M club?
Horrorshowlackwitz is being clever* with Palestinean Non-Entity,’ you see, as Saudi Arabia has long had a “Committe Against Normalizing Relations with the Zionist Entity.” See? The soft elimainationism of low bigotry is OK shen WE do it!!1!
Then again, wasn’t this joker a die-hard Communist, during the Cold War? If so, things may be looking better in Gaza soon.
*for exceptionally small values of clever
*sigh* There’s everything wrong with Virginia. I can’t work out why these lovely lovely people (seriously, I haven’t met an asshole since I moved here) can be racist without thinking and keep voting in Republicans whose contempt for 90% of Virginia and its needs is palpable.
I wonder how long it’s going to take for GOPpers to decide they need a new mascot once they figure out that elephants are (gasp!) vegetarians.
I nominate…WOLVERINES! Or weasels.
Isn’t this how we got California?
IIRC you used the “Afghan gambit”, whereby a band of possibly-legal Anglo immigrants staged a revolution against the central government and declared independence as the Bear Republic, which they then invited the US to annex.
Oh, if we are doing the long game then there is no such thing as the USA. You’ve only been around since 1776.
according to my mother, you can buy a ‘chifforobe’ at ikea…she came up with that word after remembering ‘what the colored guy broke up for the girl in to kill a mockingbird?’
We had to read that book in high school. I remember there was a longer discussion among my classmates about the word chifforobe and what the hell a chifforobe was than about anything actually important about that book.
Red Meat would be a great name for an S&M club?
now she just used the phrases ‘the i-chat’ (which is really fb) and leaving a message on ‘the message machine’ in back to back sentences…
I”d be glad to help bust up that chifforobe for yer ma, bbkf.
I remember there was a longer discussion among my classmates about the word chifforobe and what the hell a chifforobe was than about anything actually important about that book.
It’s a portmanteau of chiffonier and wardrobe.
It also played a prominent role in Pride of
der Nazisthe Yankees. Gehrig’s mom had a chiffofetish.A chiff-o-tine would be cool.
One could argue that ethnic cleansing is a foundational value for the US, so Gingrich and Huckabee are merely returning to tradition when they set out to make it a key element of US foreign policy.
There’s nothing wrong with Illinois except for its government. And the Bears.
that is 47 minutes of my life i will never get back…
I”d be glad to help bust up that chifforobe for yer ma, bbkf.
i’m assuming this is code for something…and if you mean destruction and violence, then yes…if it is an innuendo…gross!
I was left behind!
Here’s teh funnay. Accidents caused by having beverages in yer mouf are NOT my responsibility.
There’s nothing wrong with Illinois except for its government. And the Bears.
And the pizza.
Careful with that, that’s a good way to sprain your credenza.
Careful with that, that’s a good way to sprain your credenza.
It’s well-armoired.
The so-called “Texans” are a made-up people. In the case of Texan women, I would add make that “heavily made-up”.
Not my mom! Then again, she’s Pentecostal.
Oh lay off the pizza already actor.
Jeffraham, woulda owed me a keyboard.
I’d fight a chicken with hands. A REAL chicken.
Oh lay off the pizza already actor.
A REAL chicken
i am trying to lay off things like pizza and instead choose more things like real chicken so i would appeciate no talk of pizza or other good things…
i am trying to lay off things like pizza and instead choose more things like real chicken so i would appeciate no talk of pizza or other good things…
Tonight I will be having a pizza with real chicken on it.
Oooooooh, I may need to watch that again.
you are truly evil…
Oooooooh, I may need to watch that again.
I have easily watched the One-L-Two-N one 100 times.
you are truly evil…
And I didn’t even have to go to “I’m having bacon-fried BBQ chicken pizza”…
Tonight I will be having a pizza with real chicken on it.
well, i will be concocting something that is low carbish, high fibery and full of veggies…sigh…i knew the good times with christmas goodies would be taking their toll…
Jeffraham, your scooter would fit right in here in Paris. They’re all over the place.
The riders seem to have no apparent fear of death. I had several pass me between the lanes on the freeway.
Well played!
And no, I am not getting out of this boat, even if you fucking triple-dog-dare me.
So. Many. Posts. It’s a holiday miracle, I tellsya!
I’d fight a chicken with hands. A REAL chicken.
Oh, and I always preferred this Red Meat.
Jeffraham, your scooter would fit right in here in Paris. They’re all over the place.
Oh, I know. Most of the rest of the world understands the utility and practicality, but most of the rest of the world is paying at least $7/gal. for gasoline, too.
Lane splitting, even where legal, is idiotic. Have lots of life and health coverage if you’re going to attempt this, please.
Rick Parry, y’mean. Only I don’t think Parry’s that bright.
i would appeciate no talk of pizza or other good things…
Breakfast: feral pork sausage. Fried with tomato & haloumi. Coffee, not fried.
even if you fucking triple-dog-dare me.
What else do you expect from Cerberus?
I was in Paris around this time last year. Saw a couple on a scooter get hit by a car in a busy intersection downtown.
The rider was able to walk, but he was limping pretty bad.
The female passenger was laying in the street screaming in French and holding her (presumably broken) ankle. I didn’t want to try to move her, not knowing how bad she was injured.
So Idiot-boy here was standing in one of the busiest intersections in Paris directing traffic around the whole mess until some Gendarmes showed up and called the paramedics.
Marry me. I’ll take Frau Doktorin on, I will!
There’s nothing wrong with New York.
And Bloomberg.
And the “Today” show. And all the other morning shows. Also too.
And actor lives there.
Mike Huckabee says the same thing, IIRC–no such thing as Palestinians.
Yep. He also thought the West Bank should belong to Israel and if the Palestinians needed a homeland, they should just move to Egypt or Jordan and carve it out of their territory. Hellllllo, Trail of Tears. Helllllllo, recreating the exact same problem just a few miles from where it is now.
Someone on Balloon Juice once said that Huckabee was the kind of politician they could easily imagine loading non-Christians onto cattle cars, which to me really captures the essence of the guy. Apparently, Newt Gingrich is now on that bandwagon too. But Huckabee would do it because he’s a True Believer… Newt would do it for ratings.
Actually my holy book clearly states that the whole region belongs to me.
I am, however, a reasonable person. I’ll settle for two blocks of prime beachfront property in Tel Aviv.
And actor lives there.
Precisely why all those things you list as bugs magically become features: I make up for them.
I’ll settle for two blocks of prime beachfront property in Tel Aviv.
And have those messy flotillas show up unannounced?
I love flotillas. Especially with hot salsa.
I love flotillas. Especially with hot salsa.
Flotillas! Flotillas!
You know, like in the Tournament of Roses Parade!
Flotillas! Flotillas!
You know, like in the Tournament of Roses Parade!
No no no, those are big floats, flotillas are the small version.
No no no, those are big floats, flotillas are the small version.
I thought those were flotets?
Are we back to sinkers and floaters already?
Are we back to sinkers and floaters already?
I guess sinkers didn’t make it into the parade.
Are we back to sinkers and floaters already?
Really, did we ever leave?
OT, just wanted to drop in and add my kudos to Cerberus for these fantastic posts. I will have a celebratory POOP for thee this very evening!
I suspect beer is indicated. I need a beer fund.
Are we back to sinkers and floaters already?
flotsam! and if n_b enters his gynocopter we’ll have jetsam!
I suspect beer is indicated
beer is ALWAYS indicated…
Sinker or floater? You decide.
Go. See the alien wife-thing of Newt.
It was originally of this planet, and was then killed, mummified, and reanimated. That’s the only thing that can explain its hideous pallor. Well, that or the whole otherwordly thing, but what are you going to believe — something real like reanimated mummies, or some silly thing like aliens. Yeah, as if.
Go. See the alien wife-thing of Newt.
I think this is some of her best work.
My gynocopter left me for a four-rotor Sikorsky.
Go. See the alien wife-thing of Newt.
I am waiting for someone to take one of those Newt-&-Callista loving-couple poses and phop in the Southern-Gothic pitchfork.
My gynocopter left me for a four-rotor Sikorsky.
that’s a shame…but you know what they say…it’s not the size of your rotors, it’s how you spin them…’
Yeah, as if.
OK, fine.
It is not of human flesh, whether from this planet or another.
i am trying to lay off things like pizza
which part of pizza are you concerned about? ’cause if you’re not doing some sort of low-carb thing a margherita pizza (just tomato, basil, and mozzarella, and more emphasis on the first two ingredients) might be a nice way to move away from gooey fatty deep-dish…
Jeez, Israelis’ own holy book says their patriarch came from Ur, which is NOT where Palestine is i.e. even in their own mythology they are interlopers. Plus there are multiple maps and mentions of Palestine that predate the modern state of Israel’s creation, do they expect people to just ignore centuries upon centuries of proof that contradicts their “IMAGINARY PEEPULS!” claim?
And BOO to OBS for beating me to posting Red Meat comic. BOO I SAY.
which part of pizza are you concerned about?
crust mostly…i have type 2 diabetes so have to watch the carbs…i don’t have it that often, and there are some pretty decent low carb options out there, but holy crap, making diabetic friendly food is a pain in the ass…
Her hair and skin are the exact same color. Creepy.
Chicago pizza rules.
But I will concede New York hot dogs are better.
I am diabolical in my scheming.
Jeez, Israelis’ own holy book says their patriarch came from Ur, which is NOT where Palestine is i.e. even in their own mythology they are interlopers. Plus there are multiple maps and mentions of Palestine that predate the modern state of Israel’s creation, do they expect people to just ignore centuries upon centuries of proof that contradicts their “IMAGINARY PEEPULS!” claim?
holy crap…you should check out the comments…one dood was like, ‘well, there’s a palestine on the map in my bible’ and one commentor called him a stupid lying twelve year old because the MAPS IN THE BIBBLE CHANGE TO REFLECT MODERN DAY SO HIS BIBBLE IS WRONG AND EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT!!! and then they all got really snotty and icky…
She’s obviously the Rule #63 version of The Man Who Laughs.
Everyone knows there is no such thing as a “Texan”. They are just a part of the larger American community, who happen to live in Texas.
Nice try… but I’ve never seen any mention of an ‘American’ tribe in the Bible or any early Classical writings.
Ergo, made-up people, made-up country. Wow, Newt has really simplified the evaluation of First Nations land claims!
Just because you killed the owners and squatted in their house doesn’t mean you own it you know….
“The People: Different Flesh After All?”
She’s obviously the Rule #63 version of The Man Who Laughs.
ya know…when a person is known for ALWAYS linking to hot red-heads, a little warning on that link would have been nice…that is creeeeeepy…
Btw, hot tip for Spear: American Horror Story…hot maid…google it.
Hot “tip of the spear”? Hmmm.
Hot Redhead. To cleanse the palate….
Asparagus is yummy.
Hot redhead.
Asparagus is yummy.
On beer-dough pizza.
With feral pork sausages.
It won’t let me post!
Oh, now it does.
I guess it just doesn’t want to link to that picture of a hot redhead*.
*It’s Rorschach from Watchmen (who of course, is a redhead) narrating a story involving fire (hence the heat). Ha ha ha. I is a funny person.
It is not of human flesh, whether from this planet or another.
She’s deep in the uncanny valley. Almost, but not quite, perfectly human looking.
Btw, hot tip for Spear: American Horror Story…hot maid…google it.
he would totally dig her…
Hate to do it, but… it’s Meezer Monday!
Hot redhead… but not welcome in Leesburg.
“bbkf said,
December 13, 2011 at 1:46
Btw, hot tip for Spear: American Horror Story…hot maid…google it.
he would totally dig her…”
Do I lie?
“Snorghagen said,
December 13, 2011 at 2:14
Hot redhead… but not welcome in Leesburg.”
You can defeat him if you play the most rocking song in the world.
Time to break out the popcorn– gonna be a bloodbath! A lymphbath at the very least.
It’s all been downhill since McKinley.
there’s nothing wrong with Colorado…AT ALL! (All right, if you could just burn CO Springs out like a precancerous wart…)
Oh, Ant…as a native of Denver and now in the Pitstop of the Prairie there is plenty wrong with Southern Colorado. “Support Our Troops” stickers are still here in full display and three to a bumper.
*sigh* broke the thread. Back to lurking.
Nah, it’s just pinin’ for the fjords.
(bows out hastily to avoid being hit)
*sigh* broke the thread. Back to lurking.
Pearl…come back Pearl…
Pearl, wear it as a badge of honor. Do you know how many threads I’ve grievously injured?
Pearl, wear it as a badge of honor. Do you know how many threads I’ve grievously injured?
I think the only thing which can possibly kill a thread here is a new post.
All threads are really Zombee threads. You can’t kill ’em and they just keep shambling along…
And I do not like this “no refresh after post” bullshit. I do not like it at all.
And I do not like this “no refresh after post” bullshit. I do not like it at all.
Looch likes it not the unrefresh
Looch likes it not at all
Sadly the No unrefreshes
Refresh us all Sadlys call
For a historian Newt has never read Herodotus
I have seen PENIScopters but never, thank gawd, a gynocopter. Eeew, do they drip stuff?
I have seen PENIScopters but never, thank gawd, a gynocopter. Eeew, do they drip stuff?
You know, some of us like gynocopters.
I remember that first set of whirling blades initiating me into the Art of Hover.
Remember, there was no Israel as a state — (it was) part of the Caananite Kingdom. I think we have an invented Israeli people who are in fact mainly Europeans and historically part of the European community and they had the chance to go many places for a variety of political reasons
James Caan is a fine actor in tough-guy roles, but I don’t think he deserves his own kingdom.
The first clear use of the term Palestine to refer to the region synonymous with that defined in modern times was in 5th century BC Ancient Greece.
I can never get close enough to a feral pork sausage to get a fork…innim. Once they go feral they get extra sensitive.
The McCainites are pretty wacky tho’
dammit…hubbkf and i wasted two nights watching ‘bag of bones’…when will we learn?!?!
also, pierce brosnan is not aging well…i struggled watching him and i just saw a clip of him as james bond on colbert…startling!
Hildredmay Dolores’s Paneer Cheese Fizz
4 tablespoons undead wyrm, peppered
1 paneer cheese, glowingly swirled
4 cups clear Port Salut cheese, herbed
7 pounds archangel bowel
1 jigger sesame
1 cup mustard
Begin praying. Place the undead wyrm into a small wok. Mash the paneer cheese with the Port Salut cheese over low heat in a skillet. Drizzle resulting potion over the undead wyrm. Pickle the archangel bowel, sesame, and the mustard. Spread the latter combination on to the former. Leave raw. Serves 1.
Also this is very funny.
Remember, there was no Israel as a state — (it was) part of the Caananite Kingdom. I think we have an invented Israeli people who are in fact mainly Europeans and historically part of the European community and they had the chance to go many places for a variety of political reasons
In fact they left their so called holy land a couple of thousand years ago, so fuck ’em…..
With respect to Newt, does he really have a chance at the nomination? the GoP are going to seriously let him run against Obama, have they gone stark raving mad? Or is there going to be an ‘accident’ involving Newt in the enxt couple of months?
Or is there going to be an ‘accident’ involving Newt in the enxt couple of months?
Two wetsuits, a dildo and a Jesustoaster, if there is a Dog.
That was before the Vegemites and Marmites spread over the land.
Jesustoaster, if there is a Dog.
o.m…i am sooooo tempted to get the jesustoaster for my sister…it definitely beats the jesus nightlight and the jesus outside the u.n. building that i she gave me…
i am sooooo tempted to get the jesustoaster for my sister…
I forgot to include in the Newtaccident fantasy the all-important hot tub, implying that electrocution might be involved, and that Pennis might also be there, trunks (at least partially) on, champagne flute in-hand.
That was before the Vegemites and Marmites spread over the land.
I think you will find that Vegemite and Marmite are both minerals. Varieties of ultramafic rock if memory serves, but I could be wrong.
I tasted Vegemite once. Wasn’t too bad as I recall but I wouldn’t go out of my way for it.
The graphic is accurate: rank & file Republicans are the elephants supplying the red meat eaten by the jackals of the party leadership.
This guy deserves my mother— a woman who thought that whole wheat bread was a communist plot.
You want to know what pain sufficient to want to expatriate for the chance to work in a car wash anywhere but Fort Worth, Texas, when you’re seven years old feels like? It’s having to sing the following song every morning at your militantly regimented school after singing the National Anthem along with Pat Boone, saying the Pledge of Allegiance, and saying the Lord’s Prayer:
Texas, Our Texas
Written by William J. Marsh and Gladys Yoakum Wright
Composed by William J. Marsh
Texas, Our Texas! all hail the mighty State!
Texas, Our Texas! so wonderful so great!
Boldest and grandest, withstanding ev’ry test
O Empire wide and glorious, you stand supremely blest.
Texas, O Texas! your freeborn single star,
Sends out its radiance to nations near and far,
Emblem of Freedom! it set our hearts aglow,
With thoughts of San Jacinto and glorious Alamo.
Texas, dear Texas! from tyrant grip now free,
Shines forth in splendor, your star of destiny!
Mother of heroes, we come your children true,
Proclaiming our allegiance, our faith, our love for you.
God bless you Texas! And keep you brave and strong,
That you may grow in power and worth, throughout the ages long.
God bless you Texas! And keep you brave and strong,
That you may grow in power and worth, throughout the ages long.
In the fourth grade I knew who Madelaine Murray O’Hair was and that she was the reason we didn’t have to go through that dawg-awful indoctrination ritual every single school morning, and the reason why we girls could start wearing pants to school (the school insisted they be pantsuits) instead of always having to choose between going for the shot whenever we played boys vs. girls in gym class (which we always did and being mocked mercilessly because someone saw our underwear. I was shamed and sent home from school for wearing shorts under my dress. For once, my mother defended me and tore the gym teacher a new asshole for shaming a girl for trying to act like an athlete while avoiding the bog standard shaming for having girl parts; even though she hated Ms. O’Hare (and I just kept my mouth shut about how greatful I was to her).
Thanks elder baby boomers for ending that bullshit and letting me kick the shit out of boys in sports for a few years.
That was before the Vegemites and Marmites spread over the land.
Those land mines can be tricky, it’s true.
James Caan is a fine actor in tough-guy roles, but I don’t think he deserves his own kingdom.
Dude had his own planet! Ceti Alpha Six!
Jon-a-than! Jon-a-than! Jon-a-than! Jon-a-than!
Since I’m here all alone, the end of the best movie ever made:
Haven’t seen that one in a long time.
I must respectfully take issue with the “best movie ever made” statement:
Jesus. People really do go with their hobbies don’t they? Why am I not surprised that Major Kong picks the bomber movie and N__B picks the death-sport movie?
Six degrees of Sterling Hayden. The best movie ever made is “The Godfather.”
Match the movie to the S,N commenter!
Heavy Metal
El Topo
The Wizard of OZ
Mad Max: Road Warrior
The Bridges of Madison County
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
the Brotherhood of the Wolf
Highlander II: the quickening
Breakin’ II: Electric Boogaloo
Cool Runnings
Better Off Dead
Helmut Monotreme said
You left off Deep Throat, so I’m free.
Hmmmm, greatest movie ever made….hmmmmm….
Imma say The Princess Bride
i am sooooo tempted to get the jesustoaster for my sister…
I love the jesustoaster math. The ad says that you can buy 3 jesustoasters for just $75. It also says that if you buy three jesustoasters you get a virginmarytoaster free, but that deal will cost you $95.85
The ad says that you can buy 3 jesustoasters for just $75. It also says that if you buy three jesustoasters you get a virginmarytoaster free, but that deal will cost you $95.85
For that price, the damn virgin better come and make me a tuna melt herself.
From FOX News
People get drunk. People have sex. You can’t explain it.
The best movie ever made is “The Godfather.”
I first saw that movie with my parents at the drive in when I was 10.
I was checking my bed for horse heads for a week after that.
The best movie ever made is “The Godfather.”
“It insists upon itself.” — Peter Griffin
“Quick! Get me Detective Frank Drebbin!”
The best movie ever made is “The Godfather.”
Better than “The Godfather Part II”?
Going to go with Star Wars myself. Big surprise I’m sure…
People get drunk. People have sex. You can’t explain it.
They spent all that money on a study for that? Jimmy Buffet figured that out years ago.
They spent all that money on a study for that?
And FOX breathlessly reported it.
I have favorites based on genre and decade; very few of which have been mentioned here.
Better than “The Godfather Part II”?
I grew up in a Sicilian neighborhood, so let me weigh in here.
I think 2 is better than the original, but the original was, well, so original, it’s like how many people love Episode IV: A New Hope, but EpVI is much, much better.
The first movie was required viewing, over and over, mostly because, you know, many of da guys was portrayed in it. Part II? Not so much.
Me, I enjoyed the backstory in Part II more than the contemporary (because many of the incidents were based on real life stuff that the local crew knew about or was involved with.)
Those Jesus toasters are pretty disappointing. Why can’t the toast spring out of a big Jesus-head? Now, that would be impressive.
Best movie eer made.
I agree that Part II is outstanding. But, no Brando.
I agree that Part II is outstanding. But, no Brando
– Brando, + DeNiro, is pretty close to a wash in my book, but you have a point.
Which brings up The Freshman…
Wiley, I’m a little late asking this, but…how the hell did you ever have time to learn anything?
Me, I enjoyed the backstory in Part II more than the contemporary
Me too – preferred it to both Part I and the rest of Part II (still haven’t seen III).
The whole thing’s pretty good, but there’s just something more engaging about watching the Corleone crew as working stiffs trying to make ends meet than when they’re rich and powerful and living in mansions.
People get drunk. People have sex. You can’t explain it.
Funny you mention that, because I was just thinking that getting drunk might make it more likely for a person to fall down. Does anyone have a link for that? Seen a study? Or review?
still haven’t seen III
Don’t. You’ll ruin any goodwill you have towards Coppola.
The whole thing’s pretty good, but there’s just something more engaging about watching the Corleone crew as working stiffs trying to make ends meet than when they’re rich and powerful and living in mansions.
On the other hand, there’s a lot to be said (it’s true of sections of II, as well) for the metaphor between that era and the current corporatocracy.
For example, the way Hyman Roth literally slices up Cuba…
Thanks, Substance. I was just cleaning out the fridge and I have 8 pounds of archangel bowl laying around &
How did I ever have have time to learn anything? I could read before I went to school. Didn’t go to kindergarten. I bugged my parenting units to tell me what street signs said and to play reading games I made up when we were on the road. With that and cereal boxes I figured out.
The only teacher who didn’t love me was my first grade teacher. She hated me. Before school started the parent and child had to meet with the teacher. Mrs. (Preggers) Gray asked me to spell a word that sounded exactly like the word for the color “red.” Feeling proud of my ability to read AND spell, I said, “r-e-d”. She said, “I meant the other “read.”” It was clear from the start that this woman was teaching school out of love for children and helping to nurture developing minds
We had to really moronic things like walk up to a chart and point to the color yelow—-
I’ll write about it more on my own blog. Jeez. I’ve been reading my writing, editing it, writing more, and looking for stuff I’ve written for six hours. Soon, clouds is going to install ubuntu and kubuntu on my computer and the migration will begin in earnest.
I got some stories about Pregger Bitch and Mrs. Bolton who spent most of every class preaching fire and brimstone. Apparently she had some brain glitch that kept her stuck in Revelations for the better part of EVERY school day. Certifiable.
as you can see, i’m kinda burnt out on the editing stuff
unny you mention that, because I was just thinking that getting drunk might make it more likely for a person to fall down. Does anyone have link for that? Seen a study? Or review?
Scientific research
Take two and cuddle in the morning:
Scientific research
Y’know, you laugh, but…
People get drunk. People have sex. You can’t explain it.
whoa…those peeps over at fox better slow it the fuck down…someone is likely to get a brain injury with crack reporting like that…
(still haven’t seen III).
do. not. watch.
Not that masturbation is so bad. A 1988 study found that genital self-stimulation increases pain thresholds and produces an analgesic effect in women, and a 2003 study linked masturbation to a reduction in prostate-cancer risk, which the researchers attributed to ejaculation frequency. But a subsequent study failed to confirm the relationship and, no doubt to the chagrin of many men, concluded that prostate cancer risk was unrelated to a man’s ejaculation count. (Some studies suggest a link between sex and breast cancer, too: One found a reduced risk of breast cancer among women who’d had multiple sexual partners, though another found that women who’d had children fathered by different partners did not have a lessened risk of the disease.)
this may be so, but don’t let that crazy sheila chick from canada find out…then she’ll have to rant again about how sex toys and masturbation take you away from jesus and your partner!!!
A 1988 study found that genital self-stimulation increases pain thresholds and produces an analgesic effect in women, and a 2003 study linked masturbation to a reduction in prostate-cancer risk, which the researchers attributed to ejaculation frequency
I’ll be damned. And here I thought it just felt good…
sex toys and masturbation take you away from jesus and your partner!!!
What if you masturbate with a cross-dildo? Or a Jesuildo?
“sex toys and masturbation take you away from jesus and your partner!!!
What if you masturbate with a cross-dildo? Or a Jesuildo?”
As I mentioned last week, arms and hands are where they are for a reason. Intelligent design that.
What if you masturbate with a cross-dildo? Or a Jesuildo?
all sex toys are BAD! your relationship with your spouse should be enough to bring you to climax!!! because that’s the way god meant for it to be…man, i pity the women whose husbands are inept or uncaring…sheila must make them feel real good about themselves…
As I mentioned last week, arms and hands are where they are for a reason. Intelligent design that.
at first i read that as ‘arms and legs’ and i was all ?!?!?!?
“at first i read that as ‘arms and legs’ and i was all ?!?!?!?”
Well, I AM a leg man, but…………..
Well, I AM a leg man, but…………..
You’ve never had a toe job?
Well, I AM a Lego man, but…………..
Writing today’s date makes me feel like I’m a four-year-old learning to count…….or I’m married to Michael Corleone learning English in Sicily: 12-13-11.
…….or I’m married to Michael Corleone learning English in Sicily: 12-13-11.
don’t start the car!!!
Indiana Hoosiers.
This is who we are.
This is what we do.
IU vs. KY…..The Shot Heard Round the World
It’s beginning to look a lot like MOTHER OF ALL CREATURES BIG & SMALL!!!
What if you masturbate with a cross-dildo?
First my dildo was just humorless, now it’s downright cross.
Those people are very excited about that tall man throwing that ball through the big ring with the strings on it, especially with the mean blue guys trying to stop him.
“IU vs. KY…..The Shot Heard Round the World”
Big deal. I was there when U.S. Reed hit the shot from half-court to eliminate the defending champs in the NCAAs:
IU vs. KY
Obviously nobody is drinking there because the study Fox news showed us indicates that the IU device and perhaps even the KY would not be involved if people were drinking.
That day was awesome, smedley. There were 4 big upsets that day and they all came right after the other on television.
IU won the NCAA championship that year, blowing everybody away.
Isiah Thomas…..March 30, 1981 “And a Little Child Led Them
The day Reagan was shot, actually.
Ronald Reagan…….wow.
Good times.
Those were the days.
It’s beginning to look a lot like MOTHER OF ALL CREATURES BIG & SMALL!!!
Rats, I was expecting a link to an article about our protoplasm soup ancestor.
What’s an IU? Is that where you don’t owe me?
The Spaniards win the war on christmas:
Rats, I was expecting a link to an article about our protoplasm soup ancestor.
My name is LUCA. I live on the second floor.
Indiana Hoosiers.
This is who we are.
How nice for you. Could you stand downwind?
What’s an IU? Is that where you don’t owe me?
Amazingly idiotic question, nevertheless, IU is where they have one of the best business schools in existence.
Also, it’s where #1 ranked basketball teams go to die.
IU is where they have one of the best business schools in existence.
When you reach the level of Stern School, perhaps I’ll give you a job interview for my gopher.
Rats, I was expecting a link to an article about our protoplasm soup ancestor.
Stanislaw Lem was a GENIUS.
Stern School? Does the faculty consist of cross nuns?
Does the faculty consist of cross nuns?
Hot cross nuns: wimples and bikinis.
Stern School is where people go when they don’t get in to IU’s B-school.
Stern hangs up posters in the Kelly school lobby urging students to consider them as their fallback choice.
I have a poetry-generating robot right here:
Okay, still working on it.
Stern School is where people go when they don’t get in to IU’s B-school.
Yes, of course. That’s why we’re perenially ranked right behind Stanford and Wharton at number three.
Stern School? Does the faculty consist of cross nuns?
Stern’s a Jewish name, so more like annoyed rabbis.
Thanks for killing my fantasy, actor.
Hot cross nuns: wimples and bikinis.
I’d suddenly believe in corporal punishment
That’s why we’re perenially ranked right behind Stanford and Wharton at number three.
A cursory google search shows you to be a failed New York actor.
So what’s with the “we’re” shit?
Sounds like you have self-actualization issues with your over-eager need to argue.
Nobody from Indiana has ever been able to tell me exactly what a “Hoosier” is supposed to be.
Sure, a Buckeye may be a poisonous nut, but at least we know what our nickname actually means.
Thanks for killing my fantasy, actor.
I trust I’ve since made up for that.
A cursory google search shows you to be a failed New York actor.
So what’s with the “we’re” shit?
Not so much failed, DenDen, as much more successful elsewhere.
You’re arguing about quality of business schools?
This country would be a vastly better place if they were torched and their MBA graduates were forced to break rocks for the rest of their lives.
I bet the troll who-shant-be-named has an MBA.
Nobody from Indiana has ever been able to tell me exactly what a “Hoosier” is supposed to be.
You know, Horton, hears?
Indianians can’t spell for shit, however. It shows in their B-school grads.
I bet the troll who-shant-be-named has an MBA.
A shitty MBA, you mean.
The real best movie of all time?
There is only one possible choice.
It’s a timeless tale of epic conflict, one that tears at the heart – because both protagonists are known & loved by all.
A saga of combat mythological in scale, gargantuan enough to shock & amaze the entire world, yet able to zoom in to portray the unremembered intimate moment from one ordinary day that might be a motif for humanity itself.
A parable dancing on a tightwire between tragedy & comedy, mesmerizing the viewer with the beauty of that dance.
This country would be a vastly better place if they were torched and their MBA graduates were
forced to break rocks for the rest of their lives.locked inside at the time.Now you see the violence inherent in the fixing that for you.
I have no problem whatsoever with that fixxoring.
This harsh reaction to the MBA neglects to mention the fact that MBAs are very useful when applying for jobs that require an MBA.
MBAs are very useful when applying for jobs that require an MBA.
Such as jobs supervising MBAs or teaching in MBA programs.
This country would be a vastly better place if they were torched and their MBA graduates were forced to break rocks for the rest of their lives.
When I attended, we had to take a full year of business ethics classes as part of a rounded academic career.
I was sad to see the lessons didn’t stick universally.
it is the first part of a question asked by pimps everywhere “Hoosier daddy?”
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,
December 13, 2011 at 21:00
“I trust I’ve since made up for that.”
Sadly, no. I am at work(!), and when I click your link, I get the snowy winter wonderland of blockpage. I shall click it again when I am at home. But, for now, a premature thank you.
it is the first part of a question asked by pimps everywhere “Hoosier daddy?”
Nah, it’s because they all wear panty hose.
I’d be fine with there not being anymore “Human Resource Managers” around, and with the business schools gone we won’t need the “Associate Professor of Business Administration” jobs either.
I think “Stern School” is a euphemism for the things you learn at the “back of the boat” IYKWIM
Rats, I was expecting a link to an article about our protoplasm soup ancestor.
I am astonished that BBBB has missed an opportunity to mention Ubbo-Sathla.
Also astonished how many things that New Scientist article managed to get wrong.
Damn you N_B!
Business ethics? The business school at U. of Texas is named for a used car salesman…………
New Fred
I think “Stern School” is a euphemism for the things you learn at the “back of the boat” IYKWIM
I didn’t say we were a *good* business school, just that we were one of the best in the country.
Crazy Eddie’s MBA Schoolathon sounds about right.
The Spaniards win the war on christmas
I’ll bet Rich Lowry has one that he uses for masturbatory purposes.
I bet the troll who-shant-be-named has an MBA.
I bet he’s an MRA.
I think e-peen measurement is a couple doors down. You two want to take it over there?
The Spaniards win the war on christmas
That is Catalonia, not Spain.
A shitty MBA, you mean.
Well, SAW-REEEE, but not all of us have connections or trade skills to fall back on (unless you count landscaping, which most don’t)…and TBOH, it’s probably the only degree that fits with what I’m doing…
I bet the troll who-shant-be-named has an MBA.
I bet he’s an MRA.
I bet he stockpiles MREs
That is Catalonia, not Spain.
I’m short on caffeine and near-Catalonic.
What does the Moldovian Basketball Association have to do with anything anyway? And why is it so influential?
Well, SAW-REEEE, but not all of us have connections or trade skills to fall back on (unless you count landscaping, which most don’t)…
I’m told there’s a very old profession nearly anyone can take up…as for landscaping, TMI!
Unless you’re offering photos.
That is Catalonia, not Spain.
I’m short on caffeine and near-Catalonic.
No no, Catalonia. You know, where the Sears Big Book comes from.
From the sidebar of that same New Scientist page: Police can identify suspect’s eye colour from DNA. Why haven’t they always been able to do this? Short of single-nucleotide substitutions like sickle-cell or cystic fibrosis, shouldn’t this be the absolute easiest thing to determine from DNA?
Short of single-nucleotide substitutions like sickle-cell or cystic fibrosis, shouldn’t this be the absolute easiest thing to determine from DNA?
Evidently not:
Horowitz carrying water for both anti-Palestine & anti-climate-science assholes with the same “witty” rant = I CAN HAZ OWN SHOW ON FOX PLZ?
Also, a true “heh, indeed” – according to my lying eyes, the monolith of bluster & butthurt that is redmeatconservative blog has even fewer comments than MINE does. It’s a bona fide Interwebs goose-egg farm.