The Headline Says It All
Andrew Malcolm, a political blogger for the L.A. Times whose only qualification seems to have been a year as press flack for Laura Bush, enters the sweepstakes for what GOP operative can make the most ridiculous arguments to discount Obama’s role in the demise of Osama Bin Laden with the post having the headline pictures above. The hilariously garbled headline accusing Obama of “misteaks” and “cnofsuoin” (Mr. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle) is just the beginning.
Without a body, how could President Obama prove that he was The One who brought Osama sudden justice without the burden of time-consuming civil trials …?
So, although it meant only nine holes of weekend golf instead of 18, Obama OKd a May commando raid, as long as he could still attend the White House Correspondents Assn. dinner to mock that jerk Donald Trump.
So, let’s see. According to this Bush shill, Obama ordered the commando raid for his own political benefit provided that it wouldn’t interfere with his golf game or his social schedule. I guess that once the L.A. Times hired Jonah Goldberg as a columnist there really was no longer a limit on the fabrications that it will permit its writers to put in their columns and blog posts.
So, although it meant only nine holes of weekend golf instead of 18, Obama OKd a May commando raid, as long as he could still attend the White House Correspondents Assn. dinner to mock that jerk Donald Trump.
“That jerk?”
Ah, Miss Teak…I could sand her all day.
Roy finds the worst cover version in the history of the universe.
There are many good tunes that Cyrus and her hired guns could have defiled as badly, but if they had, the songs themselves would have emerged from the smoking ruins more or less intact. This performance actually destroys the song. I don’t think I can even listen to the original anymore without remembering this version and vomiting. Were he alive and confronted with it, Lester Bangs would have spontaneously exploded into flying gobs of Romilar-soaked viscera. It makes me wish not only for my own death, but that of the planet, and that it could be hurled into the sun so no trace of this atrocity would remain to defile the universe.
The “golfing” meme was hastily rolled out to cover the Donald’s hilarious “basketball court” racist
dogwhistleklaxon. What? should he put down the fried chicken and watermelon while he’s at it?“The One” = uppity.
Yes, Obama is obsessed with proving that a failed strategy to elect McCain is based on fact. He does not think he’s the one who got bin Laden; he thinks he’s “The One” and that he got bin Laden.
It never occurred to me, but although the campaign against Obama failed on election day, its particulars have been so thoroughly embraced by the Right that their political pros will be compelled to run the same campaign in 2012. Here, we see how one element (Obama’s supposed messiah complex and our cultish reverence for him) gets a quick-and-sloppy adaptation to the simple fact that he accomplished, with help of course, a major national security goal that meant alot to the people.
Advocatus diaboli: I don’t think the title is a mistake; it is, rather, meant to be *hilarious*…or “wacky”, or some other perjorative.
How long before the intercession of the newly-beatified Karol Wojty?a is credited for the death of Usama ibn-Ladeen? …or maybe the Great British Fertility Rite the day before or so?
Anyone but Obama.
From Roy’s comments:
This may be the worst thing ever
This is not the worst cover/performance ever, because I really do enjoy it every time I listen: I have been looking for an excuse to post it. Note that the title is incorrect, this is not a school orchestra. (G. Mozart, I will listen to the above when I get to work.)
Yeah, Fnord, it may be a really bad attempt at humor. Ha Ha: Obama, he’s so stupid he can’t spell or keep the body of OBL
Yes, Obama completely played breezy politics in OKing the mission 18 months before the 2012 election, even though if it had gone wrong it would have taken him from being the most likely next president to a Carter-sized ass-whupping – if he’d even gotten the Democratic nomination. It’s one thing to insult my intelligence. Insulting the intelligence of most upper primate species is something special.
Jeez, after the birth certificate bit you’d think these morons would figure out that doubt is one of the President’s favorite weapons…
doubt is one of the President’s favorite weapons…
Doubt, and fear.
Wait, I’ll come in again.
Insulting the intelligence of most upper primate species is something special.
Somewhere, a red-assed baboon haz a sad.
It’s one thing to insult my intelligence. Insulting the intelligence of most upper primate species is something special.
True, but insulting intelligence without actually possessing it still remains par for the course in greater Wingnutistan.
…the burden of time-consuming civil trials .
Yes. I for one believe this is totally his concern.
I want to hear Miley Cyrus’ version of “Radio Friendly Unit Shifter”.
Advocatus diaboli: I don’t think the title is a mistake; it is, rather, meant to be *hilarious*…or “wacky”
Yeah, I think he was trying to be clever.
Using certain interrogation techniques on involuntary wartime guests, the CIA acquired the name of a high-level al Qaeda courier
It is my understanding that they got his NICKNAME from someone who very possibly knew his real name and location, and certainly knew how to contact him, but they didn’t get that information until years later.
The CIA developed a plan to obliterate the compound with a salutory March flyover by a pair of B2s from Diego Garcia safely delivering smart bombs from high above.
Oh sure, obliterating one 3000 ft house in a city neighborhood without damaging or killing anyone else is a piece of cake. Also bombing a country is is so much more acceptable to the populace and leadership than a targeted raid.
Obama is not the national hero you’re looking for.
C’mon, guys…don’t you remember how everytime the Bush Administration popped off a #2 they paraded the corpse on the white House lawn? You know, for proof?
Also the whole “wow, he didn’t change his weekend plans that had been set in advance and were known by a ton of people.” You know, I bet if you think really really hard you can figure out reasons for this. Don’t sprain nuthin!
These shitstains don’t understand that we didn’t treat OBL’s body with respect to preserve HIS dignity–we did it to preserve OURS. How disturbing is it that they really would have preferred to have video of some tattooed goons in wraparound Oakleys dragging the corpse behind a Hummer through the streets of
MogadishuHouston, chanting U!S!A!, and having absolutely no doubt that Americans are “better” than their enemiesMaybe there was csnofsuion and missteaks. I have no idea what those words mean, so who am I to say?
Shoulda waited to read so I could scroll down, unless, could it be? p and q’s?.
You younguns won’t remember way back to the 90’s, but ‘wingers were astonished that Clinton could have more than one idea goin’ on in his noggin at a time. Tis true! “Compartmentalization” became the buzzword.
Ah, Miss Teak…I could sand her all day.
Darnit! I was going to make some kind of Miss Steaks joke. Like how she has the tenderest loins or sumpin stoopid like that .
These shitstains don’t understand that we didn’t treat OBL’s body with respect to preserve HIS dignity–we did it to preserve OURS
Makes their comments about how Abu Ghraib was the work of “a few bad apples” sound a little hollow now, huh?
I so wish I could dew-harvest the copious flow of sweet, sweet wingnut tears and save them for future dry-spells.
My only advice for Obama is that he include members of the 101st Chairborne in the next Pakistan-based counter-terrorism operation. With specific instructions that they will be the first to storm the compound.
These shitstains don’t understand that we didn’t treat OBL’s body with respect to preserve HIS dignity–we did it to preserve OURS
They have no dignity, so they don’t get the concept.
I dunno if anyone’s gonna listen to my youtube link above, but–
The Portsmouth Sinfonia’s mis-performance of “Thus Spake Zarathustra” (Strauss) is a great illustration of problems in music information retrieval. (Everyone in the field has seen it used as such, and I couldn’t help using the clip to open my humble colloquium last year.)
The metadata is unreliable, but that’s not particularly interesting. Rather, we wonder whether and how automated analysis of the musical content (notes, rhythms, timbres) can identify this performance as a manifestation of the work by Strauss. These problems demand close attention to the nature of and relations between audio info. and symbolic info. (not limited to music notation).
I now return you to your scheduled programming. Andrew Malcolm is stupid to a fault.
I’m pretty sure the headline is supposed to be a joke – but the English usage in the rest of the article isn’t much better.
C’mon, guys…don’t you remember how everytime the Bush Administration popped off a #2 they paraded the corpse on the white House lawn? You know, for proof?
I really did read “popped” as if it had one more “o” instead of the second “p”
I found it disturbing but strangely plausible.
They have no dignity, so they don’t get the concept.
They won’t be happy until
ObamaBush takes OBL’s decapitated head and performs an impromptu Jeff Dunham routine with it.How disturbing is it that they really would have preferred to have video of some tattooed goons in wraparound Oakleys dragging the corpse behind a Hummer through the streets of Mogadishu Houston, chanting U!S!A!, and having absolutely no doubt that Americans are “better” than their enemies
Gotta relieve those blue balls *somehow*.
Popping off a #2.
It’s pretty clear that the Bush Crony Network is in full song, playing down Obama’s role (use the low-level hack to get that meme into the air) and playing up the valuable role that “enhanced interrogation techniques” may have played (or not but the meme is out there now), thus making Bush the actual awesomest Presnit who actually caught bin Laden and Obama was just the lucky ducky who was at the controls when the awesome military pulled off the Bush plan.
In other words, the whitewash is in progress.
And this is why whingenuts shouldn’t attempt snark. It comes out sounding like too much mean-spirited butthurt.
Oh, wait. That is just too much mean spirited butthurt.
It’s like “A Few Good Men” only produced by Fox News. In this version, Jessup is the hero.
I don’t fucking get it. I read it, but I don’t fucking get it. Dude says in 2007 he’ll go into Pakistan on his own if need be to take out OBL. Gets belittled for saying it. Push comes to shove and that’s exactly what he has to do, and does. OBL is dead, no loss of American life, and what, exactly, is the problem with this?
OBL is dead, no loss of American life, and what, exactly, is the problem with this?
The American asshole surplus.
The saddest thing is how many purple-assed baboons will read that tirade (which, had it been done as performance art would be a brilliantly POEtic piece) and nod their heads in an attempt at sagacity. I wonder if Andrew isn’t A regular commenter at teh Gay PutzRiot – it is similar in tone and quality to much of the commentary there.
Re: torture,
Feinstein, Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, had this to say when asked if the intel that led to Bin Laden came from tortured prisoners,
So, sorry, fuckwit torture apologists. Not only is it reprehensible, it’s ineffective.
I think it’s great that they feel free to impugn the honor of hundreds of done-been-shot-at combat hardened GIs just to score some cheap shots on Obama.
Thinking shit through has never been one of their strong points.
fywp also, too.
Look, there’s no way we can get you drones to swallow this weak shit unless we keep funnelling it down your throats day in, day out until it becomes a memetic mantra. How do you think we manage to keep getting folks with college degrees to think their taxes are going sky-high when they’re actually falling? Monkey hear, monkey believe, as Ivy Lee (PBUH) would say. Get used to seeing a LOT of pearl-clutching op-eds about Obama’s golf games. We’ll get you fuckers to swallow this turd even if it takes years of repetition to force it down.
Also, the Internet causes testicular cancer and rapes babies in the womb.
The. Horror.
Do I sense a pattern? Two weeks ago, the cover of National Review depicted Paul Ryan as FDR. Snarkfail squared.
The metadata is unreliable, but that’s not particularly interesting. Rather, we wonder whether and how automated analysis of the musical content (notes, rhythms, timbres) can identify this performance as a manifestation of the work by Strauss. These problems demand close attention to the nature of and relations between audio info. and symbolic info. (not limited to music notation).
Alan Sokal, is that you?
Hasn’t dude undercut his own argument by pointing out that Obama was able to get bin Laden while maintaining a pretty normal schedule? Even though he’s not a “War President” like Bush?
“Also, the Internet causes testicular cancer and rapes babies in the womb”
Another fundie idea that has not been thought through: If they are successful at achieving “personhood” for fetuses, then what happens when a husband has intercourse with his pregnant wife would lawfully be considered both incest and child rape.
Another fundie idea that has not been thought through: If they are successful at achieving “personhood” for fetuses, then what happens when a husband has intercourse with his pregnant wife would lawfully be considered both incest and child rape.
As horrible as it sounds, that maybe considered “not a bug, but a feature”; depending on the fundie culture in question.
I saw that there were no comments on that post. But then I noticed that they do not allow anyone under thirteen to comment, so that pretty much eliminates most of his readers right there.
One thing the O-bots can’t dispute: the amount of uncleared brush in this country has risen exponentially since Obama took office.
OBL is dead, no loss of American life, and what, exactly, is the problem with this?
Simple, the black guy did it.
We are in the process of a big study on the detention and interrogation of the detainees on the Intelligence Committee.
Whoa, they’re detaining and interrogating members of the Intelligence Committee?
Oh, and a big thanks to Pup Max for the creamed nettles recipe- it’s fantastic, and I gots a shitload of nettles ripe for the picking over the next month or so.
the Internetnet neutrality causes testicular cancer and rapes babies in the womb.“Alan Sokal, is that you?”
No sir, and there is nothing odd about what I wrote, but I appreciate the reference.
Yer very welcome, my friend. I enjoy sharing good stuff.
Simple, the black guy did it.
Obama’s skin is darker than Osama’s, so he’s obviously just being uppity.
shitload of nettles
I always wondered: What is the metric equivalent of a shitload?
The metric fuckton.
Not to be confused with the Imperial fucktonne.
The metric fuckton.
“What is the metric equivalent of a shitload?”
One Phil Gramm.
If Obama went missing for a few days and skipped the dinner Malcolm definitely wouldn’t be talking about how that proves Obama is a hysterical pussy without the appropriate pokerfaced gravitas.
Well played, smedley!
MartiniNettle?One Phil Gramm.
One load of shit stuffed in a 1/2 shitload bag.
One Phil Gramm.
I believe the proper metric term is one PhiliGramm.
I always wondered: What is the metric equivalent of a shitload?
The mexican slang equivalent is “cantidades industriales” which doesn’t have the anglo-saxon punch of shitload but is still funny in a romance language kind of way.
Ya know what hit me today? The killing of Bin Laden was the first major military success post DADT repeal. If it weren’t for the integration of openly gay service members, the U.S. would never have gotten Bin Laden. I think somebody needs to start a viral e-mail campaign.
OT, but I just have to mention that I am enjoying immensely the Tampa Bay Lightning’s post season so far. Now, if they could just get a weekend home game at some point in the playoffs I would make the trip to watch it live.
Pupienus Maximus — I haven’t read about the Social Text/Alan Sokal hullabaloo in a several years, and was gratified to see what’s accrued in the meantime:
Scholars in music informatics stay pretty grounded. I don’t have the math or tech qualifications to do what I’d consider real work in the field, but I follow it. There are relevant aspects of philosophy (esp. ontology) that get absurdly heady, but tackling them is necessary in building useful models of music and of related documents. There are all sorts of commercial and scientific benefits in the works, some already evident on the net, in I-Phone apps, etc.
If it weren’t for the integration of openly gay service members, the U.S. would never have gotten Bin Laden.
The reason OBL’s body was buried at sea is that he was not shot. The sight of a gay SEAL gave him a heart attack.
Thanks, Bastard. How about a nettle margarita? The sad part is, the shitload was replaced in the Senate by Cornyn………
Shorter John Hinderaker:
Here is the world view of your average wingnut:
1- The willingness of terrorists and islamic militants generally to behead their enemies during live TV broadcasts is a sign of their incorrigible villainy and wickedness and proof that they must be wiped from the face of the earth.
2- The UNwillingness of President Obama to behead his enemies during a live TV broadcast is proof that he is a namby-pamby coward, incapacitated by political correctness and unable to properly perform his legal duties.
3 – Statements 1 and 2 are not contradictory and SHUT UP THAT’S WHY.
Oh, and on mark f’s post:
Shorter John Hinderaker:
I am shocked, SHOCKED to find representatives of the US government arguing that actions of the US military are self-defense and thus not war crimes. That has TOTALLY NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE.
The killing of bin Laden proves that there should be no laws.
I like that type of formulation:
The success of Philip Johnson proves that there should be no architects.
The marriage of Kate and William proves that there should be no England.
The birth of Mini__B proves that there should be no limits on sex.
actions of the US military are self-defense and thus not war crimes. That has TOTALLY NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE.
As someone pointed out in the last thread, 41 years ago today.
Mini__B proves that there should be no limits on sex.
Epically precocious Young Master __B is EPICALLY precocious.
Epically precocious Young Master __B is EPICALLY precocious.
I thought he was a bit on the large side.* According to the doctor during yesterday’s visit, he’s 97th percentile in height and weight, which explains him sitting, and crawling TOO GODDAMNED EARLY.
*You know it.
Another absurdity in Malcolm’s piece is the scoffing at how we don’t know everything yet and different stories have emerged then been corrected. Wow, that NEVER happened under Bush. No, wait, under Bush the corrections didn’t happen. My bad.
Or maybe…Food of the Gods?
To me, the most interesting thing offered by the link is this:
Wow, smell that fail. Can’t get anyone to remark on your whiny LA Times op-ed on the Interwebs about the biggest story of the year? Perhaps Malcolm should just stick with Call Of Duty 3 or surfing the man-on-dog porn sites, & leave the editorial work to those with something worth hearing.
I so wish I could dew-harvest the copious flow of sweet, sweet wingnut tears and save them for future dry-spells.
Screencaps are your friend …especially at times like these, when some of the straws being clutched at are of the undigested variety & reside deep inside big steaming cowpies.
No public dead Osama photos, on the advice of Clinton and Gates. This makes NRO commenters pissed at Valerie Jarrett for some reason.
3 – Statements 1 and 2 are not contradictory and SHUT UP THAT’S WHY.
Ahhh, but the people they do it to are innocent and those we do it to are guilty. And even if they’re not guilty, they might be. And in any event, it sends a message to the bastards out there who really are guilty. Or might be. Or might be thinking about being.
This is different from killing 3,000 civilians in order to strike at a country or civilization you don’t like because SHUT UP THAT’S WHY.
What is the metric equivalent of a shitload?
1 shitload = 4.79 megapoopies.
“Shorter John Hinderaker:”
Unsurprisingly, he conjures the ghost of Johnnie Cochran defending OBL. Also, unsurprisingly, he does NOT conjure the ghost of Johnnie Cochran defending the shooter of OBL if he/they would ever be tried for murder.
Hideraker: There is no factor other than raw partisanship that can explain the administration’s ever-shifting interpretations of the “rule of law.”
Talk about you pot/kettle situations. DAMN.
But it is about time for President Obama to acknowledge that national self-defense also justified many other policies, whose effectiveness is increasingly beyond question, that he has self-righteously denounced.
There is ZERO evidence of this. What kind of lawyer is he, anyway? Besides “shitty” I mean.
But it is about time for President Obama to acknowledge that national self-defense also justified many other policies, whose effectiveness is increasingly beyond question, that he has self-righteously denounced.
Sure. Those policies are outlined in the law – war, targeted assassinations, the like. Torture specifically designed (re Gitmo location) to circumvent the law while producing no worthwhile intelligence is not one of them. It is about time you started admitting it instead of waving it around to try and pretend you’re relevant to what just happened.
The reason OBL’s body was buried at sea is that he was not shot. The sight of a gay SEAL gave him a heart attack.
Insert “blowing a seal” joke.
There is ZERO evidence of this. What kind of lawyer is he, anyway? Besides “shitty” I mean.
Drive by his house in an ambulance and you’ll likely get your answer.
….revenge is probably a better one. [rationale ]
No, Mr. Hind Wrecker. It is a worse one.
And I’m not too thrilled with the national self-defense rationale either.
“Insert ‘blowing a seal’ joke.”
I heard the penguin motorist just had a little ice cream on his beak.
Steven Tyler knocked up a 14 year old and they decided to have an abortion. He got upset when he found the baby would’ve been a boy. An NRO article says this proves that Steven Tyler is a good man.
Holy shit, that whole article needs to be read. After the abortion tyler shacked up with a Playmate while his teenaged lover–whom he adopted–still lived with him. That the girl was upset is the fault of . . . legal abortion.
But it is about time for President Obama to acknowledge that national self-defense also justified many other policies, whose effectiveness is increasingly beyond question, that he has self-righteously denounced.
It’s actually about time you toolsheds use the sort of logic they teach in such fine learning institutions as the Barney The Dinosaur shows. If you think you might be slinging the butthurt around when our soldiers are tortured or when our people are the target of foreign assassins, then STOP ADVOCATING THE USE OF THESE TECHNIQUES. It’s called The Golden Rule, little boy.
Wow, just… wow.
How much you think she has to pay “her band” to keep them from publicly executing her? I can’t imagine being a “hired gun” musician — it’d be nice to play professionally and get good pay, but doing shit like that must destroy any lingering remnants of self respect.
It’s called The Golden Rule, little boy.
But tsam, you are forgetting the American Exceptionalism Rule that trumps the Golden Rule every time. It’s in the Bible – Reagan 6-18.
Missteaks are 6 oz fillets for dainty-eatin’ ladies.
It’s called The Golden Rule, little boy.
It’s also called the Not a Defense at Nuremberg Rule.
dainty-eatin’ ladies.
I’ve et a buncha ladies and the process ain’t dainty.
“Holy shit, that whole article needs to be read. After the abortion tyler shacked up with a Playmate while his teenaged lover–whom he adopted–still lived with him. That the girl was upset is the fault of . . . legal abortion.”
Way to make abortion all about MEN.
Holy crap, Mark, that article is disgusting. 14-year old girl whose parents let an older man adopt her so he could fuck her then leave her for another woman becomes suicidal? Abortion did it! Guy feels guilty for using and discarding women like tissues? Abortion! I also love his admission that people don’t blame an abortion for everything wrong in their lives until he and his helpful little band convince them it was tooootally the abortion’s fault.
“dainty-eatin’ ladies.
I’ve et a buncha ladies and the process ain’t dainty.”
HEY! This is a FAMILY blog, mister.
This is a FAMILY blog, mister.
I have avoided that quirk.
Way to make abortion all about MEN.
Consider too he was only bothered because it was a boy….
Too bad I already hated Steven Tyler.
Way to make abortion all about MEN.
Of course Abortion is all about men! It’s killing a fully formed baby that was created through a man’s holy sperm. Abortion is blasphemy against the male kind, and it makes my penis soft just thinking about it.
it makes my penis soft just thinking about it.
You need one of them dainty-eatin’ ladies.
Douchehat, is that you?
I like that the NRO guy seems really bothered by abortion, but not by a rock star in his twenties shacking up with a 14-YEAR-OLD GIRL. Does that become more family values-y if you regret the abortion?
Hey! I am a post-abortive father! I can now trash a hotel room like a rock star!
Pulled into town in a police car
Your daddy said I took you just a little too far.
Tellin’ other things, but your girlfriend lied
Can’t catch me cause the rabbit done died
Does that become more family values-y if you regret the abortion?
Tyler became so family values-y he gave his actual baby away! And then used her as wank material when she was not much older than 14!
Also too, notice the article says that friends convinced Tyler to have an abortion. I wonder if, as his underaged girlfriend’s legal guardian, he was able to coerce it, legally or otherwise?
Hey! I am a post-abortive father! I can now trash a hotel room like a rock star!
Me too! I’ll bring the cocaine! Tell ’em to send the bill to the immoral underaged sluts who prey on powerless famous singers!
In Steve Tyler’s defense, Janie’s Got a Gun has a pretty strong message about,,, what were we talking about again?
But we must think of the dear poor child and the wonderful life he missed out on. I mean, look, a 14 year old mother and a drugged-out rock star father.
Consider too he was only bothered because it was a boy….
something something Coney Island Whitefish boy…
“dainty-eatin’ ladies”
Why does this, in all of its permutations thus far, give me the uncontrollable giggles?
But we must think of the dear poor child and the wonderful life he missed out on. I mean, look, a 14 year old mother and a drugged-out rock star father.
She was only 14 as a result of trauma from the abortion.
Whatever happened to “You can’t catch me ’cause the rabbit done died!’ fuckin’ poser!
Because I tried to make it as silly as possible. Because I like making people giggle.
I feel like I shouldn’t laugh at this, yet I can’t help myself.
A shite-load.
Dainty-eatin’ ladies giggling uncontrollably makes my penis go soft.
A shitlouad.
Also the whole “wow, he didn’t change his weekend plans that had been set in advance and were known by a ton of people.” You know, I bet if you think really really hard you can figure out reasons for this.
You mean he didn’t go round all weekend wearing camo gear and crocuhing around corners?
The Celine Dion version of AC/DC’s “You Shook Me All Night Long” is surprisingly decent. OMG did I just write that?
NO, gocart. I will not click on that link. Just as I would not click if you told me Barney does a decent “Black Dog.”
A shitake mushroom
Here we see how quickly the gocart mozart administration shifts its position on war crimes.
OMG did I just write that?
It’s true though. As screechy and soul shatteringly horrible as Celine is, she does know how to sing. Her problem is that she doesn’t know how to stop singing. However, Brian Johnson isn’t exactly known for his restrained delivery either – so in a way the cover actually doesn’t blow. Or at least it doesn’t blow much.
a decent “Black Dog”
“Here we see how quickly the gocart mozart administration shifts its position on war crimes.”
We must look toward the future.
Celine at least knows her cover song is supposed to be fun and she has it. The Miley Teen Spirit is drab shtick.
I am feel deeply betrayed by Gocart Mozart’s false advertising for that link.
PS. How does one make quotes on this site? I ask because a friend of mine…
I would not click if you told me Barney does a decent “Black Dog.”
The weirdness of internet porn knows no bounds.
She does. Although arranged a la Flower Duet, You Shook Me All Night Long comes out like a Grrl Power anthem delivered by soccer moms. And unless you’re partial to empowered soccer moms* I can see how it might be off-putting.
* but I’ve Favourite-d the video.
Rule Thirtyporn
You mean he didn’t go round all weekend wearing camo gear and crocuhing around corners?
No, he left it to the professionals. Gasp! Real leaders micromanage the operations they know nothing about from start to finish. Ask Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. And it works out just great! Ask Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld.
Look at me, ma! I’m making a blockquote!
Don’t abuse the power.
Abusing the power.
Powering the abuse.
At least that’s what Steven Tyler calls it.
Don’t tease the panther either.
‘a decent “Black Dog”’
Hey, Dread Zeppelin. Wow. Back in the 90’s, I was listening to Limbaugh when he got totally punked by what was supposed to have been a Dread Zeppelin CD. It was nothing but promo muzak shit.
And the Charlie Hodge in the video is an Austin radio personality.
Hodging Charlie.
I heart Dred Zeppelin
I so does Robert Plant
Someone needs to go over to the International House of Bacon and Play-dough and point out the not so subtle distinction between Bush’s 7 minutes of silence and 16 hours to make a final decision that warrants different treatment by the lamestream. comments are block at my work.
The Celine Dion version of AC/DC’s “You Shook Me All Night Long” ….
blame fish for putting this back into play.
This is Metalica spoofing themselves by doing a smooth jazz version of Enter Sandman. Very cool.
No, that was added later. Like the shreds videos.
“Move over, Rover, and let Jimi take over. Yeah, you know what I’m talkin’ about………..
And it works out just great! Ask Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld.
Here’s how I picture the whole thing going down if the Bush administration had run this operation:
First of all Bush’s smirk would be about ready to split his face open about three weeks prior. There would have been several hints and tips that “something big” was about to happen. Meanwhile, Osama being rather intelligent, though evil, would be suspicious and decide that it would be a good weekend to go to the Riviera. On Saturday when the military concludes that the weather is not good, “the decider”, would step in and give the go order anyway. The mission would fail, but we would get an announcement from the White House that in a successful operation the Al-Quida’s number three man was taken down.
Paul Anka Smells Like Teen Spirit
Speaking of moms shaking me all night long.
No, that was added later. Like the shreds videos.
That’s the best I’ve ever heard Creed sound.
Patti Smith – Smells Like Teen Spirit
This is how a cover should be done. She transforms the song into her own.
But the Patti Smith version of Teen Spirit is nothing but win.
Oh Intartrahns, of course there are websites devoted to teh worst covers of all time. And O M G, this is hard to top.
But the Patti Smith version of Teen Spirit is nothing but win.
With Sam Shepard on banjo!
point out the not so subtle distinction between Bush’s 7 minutes of silence and 16 hours to make a final decision that warrants different treatment
Let’s not forget that one of the key points of Bush’s 7 minutes of silence was that HE WASN’T TALKING TO ANYONE.
this was not a case where he told his aides to do something and then pretended everything was cool while they carried out his instructions.
Card came, whispered in his ear, and then withdrew, without waiting for Bush to instruct him.
Bush didn’t have any input whatsoever into the situation for that seven minutes. He sat there and allowed his staff to do whatever they deemed best without a single bit of input from him.
Essentially, his staff felt that the best contribution he could make to the situation was to sit down and shut up.
I still believe, in my heart of hearts, that what Card whispered in his ear was “Something has happened, don’t worry, though. Dick’lll take care of it. You just sit there till we come get you.”
I didn’t get it, but then again, I was insufficiently impressed by Nirvana back in the day, so Miley’s version didn’t seem the dog’s breakfast to me that it seemed to Ed, et al.
Of course, AC/DC can be covered effectively…
some tattooed goons in wraparound Oakleys dragging the corpse behind a Hummer
through the streets of Mogadishu Houstonaround the walls of TroyWorst film adaptation of the Iliad EVAH.
Miley’s version didn’t seem the dog’s breakfast to me
perhaps someone can convince her to join Celine for a duet of London Calling.
Wow. I mean a-ha? Not exactly deathless art – and you’d figure that teenaged heart-throb pretty boys like teh Jonas Brothers are exactly right to do the cover, but holy shit this version sucks ass.
And O M G, this is hard to top.
DK just got added to the list of people who post links not to click.
I never thought I’d be appreciative of overzealous copywright guardians, but they have saved me from myself and the YouTube of Olivia Newton-John singing Ring of Fire.
Hey. I like ONJ. She mighta done an ok job.
stop it, D-KW. Just stop.
You mean he didn’t go round all weekend wearing camo gear and crocuhing around corners?
You misspelled “crocheting”.
I dunno if anyone’s gonna listen to my youtube link above, but–
I am objectively pro-Portsmouth Symphonia.
She mighta done an ok job.
vs is making with the jokes. Subtle, but funny.
I am actually not joking. I like ONJ. Its a childhood thing. Plus, she has a really pretty voice.
Peter Gabriel has also been stricken.
Also with some questionable cover versions.
I never thought I’d be appreciative of overzealous copywright guardians, but they have saved me from myself and the YouTube of Olivia Newton-John singing Ring of Fire.
Don’t you have somebody’s mom to, uh, pleasure? Or something?
I am actually not joking. I like ONJ. Its a childhood thing. Plus, she has a really pretty voice.
You can stop it now.
Why, Blue Oyster Cult?
vacuumslayer said,
May 4, 2011 at 22:26
Still surprising when people say this to a zombie.
Barbariana, so bad it’s, um, bad?
I’m not gonna lie. That one hurt a little.
Also, I am mad at you for leaving my entry last evening. At, like, post 92!!!! So CLOSE to 100!!!!
Erm. As in BLOG entry.
Why, Blue Oyster Cult?
This does of course broaden the pool of B.Ö.C. lyrics that an unimaginative blogger might exploit for the titles of posts.
Wuzza-wuzzup, loony libs? Looks like dorkus malorkuses are busy patting yourself on the back and supporting your precious Obummer for some Army guys getting Osama Yo Mamma! Well, the funky fact of the matter is, Obummer didn’t do diddily, as usual! Loser was out golfing and making fun of the Trumpmeister for calling his bluff on his Kenyan birth certificate, not commanding anything! Put this in your pipe, libs- PRESIDENT BUSH set the plan in motion to get rid of this clown, not your Messiah in Chump! And you better believe that ConservoMentum ’12 will make Americans remember that fact, jack! Badoodle boo yeah!
That’s a heaping helping of SPREAD, libs! The Urbanator OUT.
C.U.M. is as entertaining as Dane Cook, Carlos Mencia, Jeff Dunham…
1) Find (or steal) one joke that makes a douchebag frat rat laugh and high five the rest of his very not gay buddies.
2) Say the same stupid fucking thing over and over and over
3) Profit.
PRESIDENT BUSH set the plan in motion to get rid of this clown
Oh no, sirrah, I beg to differ: it was PRESIDENT CLINTON.
More Blue Oyster Cult perfidy.
Why you frontin’, bro? You better believe that once Super Sarah, the Power Palin, shows that Obummer almost screwed up the mission to get Osama Yo Mamma, the American people will kick his keister to the curb in ConservoMentum ’12! Slamma jamma!
partial to empowered soccer moms
Also, I am mad at you for leaving my entry last evening. At, like, post 92!!!! So CLOSE to 100!!!!
I left before the Olivia Neutron Bomb videos started.
Frontin’ cuz you a BITCH
ya heard?
I didn’t get it, but then again, I was insufficiently impressed by Nirvana back in the day, so Miley’s version didn’t seem the dog’s breakfast to me that it seemed to Ed, et al.
I rate for this
This is either an activating device or a breath mint.
Don Imus is the Crypt Keeper. Who knew adding that wig would make him even uglier?
C.U.M. without a money shot– now I’ve seen everything.
“as entertaining as Dane Cook, Carlos Mencia, Jeff Dunham…”
All rolled into one. 0+0+0=?
Super Sarah, the Power Palin, shows that Obummer almost screwed up the mission to get Osama Yo Mamma.
I gotta admire how the Power Palin power-drived her approval ratings into the basement.
All rolled into one. 0+0+0=I’m totally not a racist because I am (at least as far as you know) hispanic?
I thought that even the Cool Coach would have moved on to Trump by now.
Da Cool Coach IS Palin. Don’t believe me? Have you ever seen the two of them together? QED
I thought that even the Cool Coach would have moved on to Trump by now.
At least until that brilliant statesman Tom Tancredo jumps into the fray.
Da Cool Coach IS Palin. Don’t believe me? Have you ever seen the two of them together?
No, because I never visit those type of websites.
Ya know, considering the ubiquity of karaoke, “American Idol” and Rock Band, I’m a bit amazed people can be offended by bad cover versions anymore. Being able to actually sing well has long been unimportant when it comes to the whole “being a rock star” thing.
matt, for me it’s not so much the ability to sing well, but the ability be totally clueless about the spirit or nature of the song (changing the lyrics to “My Generation” to “I hope I don’t die before I get old”), or like the Duran Duran one, complete white guy un-funkiness.
John Yoo sets the record straight
“I gotta admire how the Power Palin power-drived her approval ratings into the basement.”
Palin is counting on a little-known fact. If your approval rating goes low enough, it effectively starts climbing again. -51% approval is 1% approval! Nobody but her has ever had the guts to descend into that maelstrom, though. Watch for her to shoot upward on a quantum-mechanical geyser of butthurt dis/approval.
(Don’t check my work for anything but unexploited humorous possibilities.)
I’m less offended than amused and embarassed for the perpetrators of these frauds.
I actually played in a cover band for a while. I played Sweet Home Alabama on my guitar (something I have come to regret and feel I still owe penance for), so I think I cut cover players a little more slack than the average music fan. But when Duran Duran tries to do Public Enemy, we got a problem. See, when I was in a cover band, there were certain things we “just don’t do”. The Beatles from Sgt Peppers on, Led Zeppelin, you know, things a bunch of 30 something dopes in a meat market bar shouldn’t play due to credibility issues.
I guess you have a point there, CRA. There’s nowhere for her to go but upward.
Sarah releases yet another well reasoned opinion, and it involves her vajayjay.
I heard Sarah Palin is going to record a cover version of the entire White Album.
with Creed.
tsam, I don’t mind cover bands too much, especially ones that are good at it. Summerfest is populated with them. Heck, there’s a Pink Floyd tribute band from Chicago, Think Floyd, that I quite enjoy; once saw them do The Wall in its entirety. The Musical Box from To-ron-to recreate Gabriel-era Genesis shows complete, including costumes and re-creation of the slideshows; once saw them do The Lamb.
“zombie rotten mcdonald said,
May 4, 2011 at 23:52
I heard Sarah Palin is going to record a cover version of the entire White Album.
with Creed.”
You’re a sick bastard.
Palin is counting on a little-known fact. If your approval rating goes low enough, it effectively starts climbing again
In China!
vs, Substance is going to do animated goatse videos for it.
Sarah releases yet another well reasoned opinion, and it involves her vajayjay.
What, is she talking out of it?
Republican vice-chair of Senate Intelligence Committee sees fake Bin-Laden death photograph from Intertuba; fooled by it; forwards it to another republican senator (also fooled); still believes that he can be trusted with real photographs.
What, is she talking out of it?
hopefully, it has a better speaking voice than her mouth.
Me either–and I think those tribute bands sometimes rival but usually exceed the performance quality of the original bands. One of my favorite bands to see live is Hells Belles. I’m saying that when you knock off radio hits and rock standards and classic rock, you must select your songs wisely or you risk getting sailing the seas of cheese, as it were.
Did the coach miss this?
Sarah releases yet another well reasoned opinion, and it involves her vajayjay.
What, is she talking out of it?
I think that sound is emanating from slightly further South. The no-baybay-vajayjay.
Did the coach miss this?
Coach misses lotsa stuff.
Sarah releases yet another well reasoned opinion, and it involves her vajayjay.
Very interesting. Never heard of a woman before who needed gruesome death pr0n to get off before.
And what’s this about a foot?
One of my favorite bands to see live is Hells Belles.
Someone has to tell them about Summerfest. They would be a huge hit.
She running her mouth about the photos and saying the administration is “pussyfooting.”
One of the best cover bands, ever.
Lest we forget.
Elvis Pressley was a pretty good cover band when he first got started.
Once (1992?) I was playing outdoors with a little jazz combo and an addled bum kept demanding Pink Floyd covers. Even if I had known any, I woulda declined for reasons tsam explained above, and because Dark Side of the Moon is a studio recording. My moral is that people may know what they want, but not what they need, or what’s good for ’em.
That mouthy vagrant was right about one thing though, I was tweakin’ and I’m sorry, buddy.
That’s the other issue–Do you have a keyboard player? No? Scratch Pink Floyd. I would absolutely love to play a show of the whole Dark Side or Animals album, but without the right people and instruments, it’s never going to happen.
Voivod had no keyboard player.
matt, for me it’s not so much the ability to sing well, but the ability be totally clueless about the spirit or nature of the song (changing the lyrics to “My Generation” to “I hope I don’t die before I get old”), or like the Duran Duran one, complete white guy un-funkiness.
Well, again, that’s not the point of being a Rock Star. The point of being a Rock Star is to have people applaud you jumping around a stage semi-rhythmically to some song or other. It’s all a brand of mainstream performance art and anything about the music is secondary at best, if at all.
That’s the other issue–Do you have a keyboard player? No? Scratch Pink Floyd. I would absolutely love to play a show of the whole Dark Side or Animals album, but without the right people and instruments, it’s never going to happen.
That’s why most Skynyrd tributes/covers are pretty lame. No Billy Powell, that and most guitarists can’t pull off the interplay of three guitarists on stage at once. Furthermore, most folks miss the whole point of AC/DC, which isn’t Angus’ guitar solo histrionics or whiskey-gravel vocals of Bon Scott or Brian Johnson, it’s Malcolm Young’s rhythm guitar, which almost replaces how a piano is used rhythmically in blues bands.
Frankly, the problem with most pop music, covers or originals, of the past couple decades is the completely lack of comprehension as to what a rhythm section is and what it’s supposed to do. I chose to blame punk rock, specifically the Sex Pistols, for this phenomenon.
Also: Herbert Hoover won WWII, but show-off FDR took all the credit…
I would absolutely love to play a show of the whole Dark Side
A couple of years ago, I saw Roger Waters at Summerfest, he did two sets and the second one was Dark Side, complete.
I dunno. It wasn’t as great as you’d think. Like CRA said, it is a studio recording, and they kind of played it note for note.
Although the female vocalist they had was awesome.
One of the best cover bands, ever.
Huh, didn’t know they did covers. Their song “The Bowling King” is on Live105’s Sf.Local.bands CD.
yeah, Matt, that’s probably part of the reason my favorite bands to see live are the smaller touring acts, who aren’t Rock Stars.
I don’t want to pretend to be an expert on bad cover versions, but for the sake of competeness, I offer these.
“People Are Strange” by Edward Furlong
heck, I get the idea that some of them even still like music.
Huh, didn’t know they did covers.
Devil Went Down To Georgia with accordions rather than fiddles.
Stairway To Heaven
We’re an Accordion Band
Pump It Up (natch)
Da Ya Think I’m Sexy, with Elder Accordionist Clyde doing deadpan vox.
Uncontrollable Urge
Hocus Pocus
Baba O’Riley
It’s not their sole schtick (obv) but as tsam pointed out, they do a pretty good job of selecting and interpreting their covers.
“Hard Day’s Night” by Mrs. Miller
Voivod had no keyboard player.
Michael J. Fox has no Elvis in him.
of course, no discussion of torturous covers is complete without a mention of Rhino’s Golden Throats CDs.
tsam, that John Yoo article was astonishing in it’s depravity. It wasn’t just “We used torture in a few desperate situations”. It was “Hell yeah we used torture, bitches! And so should everybody else. Torture RAWKS!”
I hope I live long enough to see that thug remembered for what he is.
Mrs. Miller’s cover of “These Boots Were Made for Walking” is just so much goddam much fun. I love it. I can’t make fun of it, or call it bad, or anything like that. I used to listen to it over and over.
But that “Hard Day’s Night” cover. ZOMG!
tsam, that John Yoo article was astonishing in it’s depravity.
you knew it was John Yoo when you started reading it. What did you expect?
you knew it was John Yoo when you started reading it. What did you expect?
Slo-mo shots of guys diving while firing a gun in each hand.
Slo-mo shots of guys diving while firing a gun in each hand.
At John Yoo?
I could support that.
an addled bum
It’s the sterno, I tells ya. When I was screaming ‘MONEY’, I meant: Give me money.
that John Yoo article was astonishing in it’s depravity.
I’m sure he would have done a better job of capturing bin Laden alive than those special-force amateurs.
Sarah releases yet another well reasoned opinion, and it involves her vajayjay.
Also of interest at that link is the “Three senators may have been fooled by fake bin Laden pictures” story in which:
— The Republican vice-chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee sees and is fooled by a widely-circulated and already debunked dead-bin-Laden photoshop from the Intertuba;
— forwards it to another senator who is also fooled;
— then demands to have access to the real dead-bin-Laden photographs, since he can obviously be trusted not to misuse highly classified material.
FYWP. Twice.
What did I expect? Hmmm. Isn’t he the guy who came up with all the angels-dancing-on-pins bullshit about how hitting the guy in the face with a claw hammer ten times is torture, but as long as you only do it nine times, that’s just good policework? That sort of implies that he understands that torture isn’t something decent people do, or (perhaps more to the point) isn’t something scoundrels should admit to if they want to beviewed as decent people.
In this article, though, there is no evidence that he even knows there is such a thing as decency. If he were fictional, he would have written that piece while twirling his waxed moustaches and cackling MUHAHAHA, and the book would be panned for the uni-dimensionality of the villain.
Yoo would try to torture Woo’s doves.
Torturing the dove.
It’s not their sole schtick (obv) but as tsam pointed out, they do a pretty good job of selecting and interpreting their covers.
Thanks, I’ll have to check some of those out.
And what’s this about a foot?
She’s as beautiful as — Wait, are we still talking B.Ö.C.?
The Lonesome Dove.
you knew it was John Yoo when you started reading it.
This does not strike me as the best-judged time for Yoo to be mouthing off about the incompetence of the special-forces people or implying that he could have done a better job of retrieving bin Laden alive.
One of my favorite scenes in I’m Not There is when the Cate Blanchett Bob Dylan says, “That’s Brian Jones, he’s in that great cover band I was telling you about.”
What, is she talking out of it?
I suppose a remake of Chatterbox would be just about within her capabilities.
Torturing the dove.
Self-love is the thing without feathers.
“Self-love is the thing without feathers.”
Speak for yourself. I like to adorn mine. Feathers, rhinestones, semi-precious gems…
semi-precious gems
Hey, at least I don’t use a Bedazzler. I keep it classy!
If we’re talking about good covers, the Circle Jerks totally changed my opinion of Afternoon Delight.
I bet they did.
I’d like to, if possible, get back to discussing the Portsmouth Sinfonia. My first experience with the Sinfonia was their part in the Dead Parrot Society CD, which was stuff from the Secret Policeman’s Other Ball. I honestly kind of loved it, being in school music at the time and understanding, almost intuitively, that this wasn’t just bad music, but bad music played with passion and a drive to try to sound like the original, but without the skill to do so.
My favorite is perhaps the medley they did with a 70s disco clap machine tucked into it like a metronome.
A small part of me wonders occasionally just how far you can take the Sinfonia. Like if one were to listen to the Sinfonia performance itself, dictate the mistakes they make in trying to cover the original piece, then give that version of the music to another group of people entirely. How long would the degradation take before it really becomes unrecognizable as the original piece?
How long would the degradation take before it really becomes unrecognizable….?
Look, I already mentioned Creed.
Exactly! Hands off the Portsmouth Sinfonia! Theys a dainty eatin’ orchestra.
Mentioning Creed.
Stapping Scott.
Killing the thread.
I mean… really? Can no one set the fucking clock on this commenting system?
It’s dead accurate, set to Sadly, Time!
I would have thought Tintin at least was more skilled than my dad and a VCR.
more skilled, maybe, but a wicked sense of humor and a surrealist bent.
You haven’t met Dad! 😆
I mean… really? Can no one set the fucking clock on this commenting system?
It’s perfectly accurate if you are posting from a tent deep in the Black Forest. Everybody else has to do some math.
It’s perfectly accurate if you are posting from a tent deep in the Black Forest.
In the middle of the Thirty Years War.
Everybody else has to do some math.
It’s just laziness.
So many annoyances in life.
That said, this commenting system is giving me oral pleasure, compared to Mr. Edroso’s abortion of an implementation of Echo (which is a scourge that should be scoured clean off the face of Planet Earth, IMO).
What’s the deal with airline food?
In the middle of the Thirty Years War.
A few cell towers with 4G broadband would have really helped Gustavus Adolphus when it got too foggy to see the battlefield.
Depopulating your country over religion? There’s an app for that.
Well, seeing as how it is now 10:09 p.m. CDT, I will go watch Rachel in the web repeat!
That’s the History app, isn’t it?
Men and women are different!
That’s the History app, isn’t it?
Is it? Or [ominous music] is it the FUTURE?!?!?
This is my impression of Christopher Walken…
Thank you! You’ve been a great crowd!
All right. That’s enough of that shit.
Is it? Or [ominous music] is it the FUTURE?!?!?
Since Substance McGravitas started taking the Riddled Time Machine and filling it with cake crumbs, ‘now’ and ‘then’ get a bit mixed up
Back to covers…
Here is my favoritest cover ever played by me:
Lightning Crashes
This one was a respect builder. Unfortunately, it had to be followed with a piece of shit in the regular rotation on mullet radio.
OH I got some hack comedy
Black people are way cool and white guys are way nerdy.
Oh yeah, missed that one.
Comedy GOLD. You can recycle the same idiotic observation joke thousands of times and the lemmings just laugh and laugh.
The Christopher Walken impression was dead on. Well done.
tsam, that John Yoo article was astonishing in it’s depravity. It wasn’t just “We used torture in a few desperate situations”. It was “Hell yeah we used torture, bitches! And so should everybody else. Torture RAWKS!”
I hope I live long enough to see that thug remembered for what he is.
The saddest part is that this fucking war criminal is teaching law at Berkeley. Now what the fuck is up with that? He should be teaching prostitutes how to smoke cowboy hog. At least he’s qualified and experienced at that.
Great cover
Here is a case where the original is much better than the much more famous cover version.
Worst cover to go #1 on the charts.
Stairway to Heavan by the guy who can do no wrong IMO.
And this jazzy instrumental just because I love it.
Frank Zappa – Peaches En Regalia –
“St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon said, May 5, 2011 at 2:38 […]”
You know a great deal more about the Portsmouth Sinfonia than I do. Thanks for commenting.
“Like if one were to listen to the Sinfonia performance itself, dictate the mistakes they make in trying to cover the original piece, then give that version of the music to another group of people entirely. How long would the degradation take before it really becomes unrecognizable as the original piece?”
The second and subsequent interpreters are left in a very artificial situation. The experiment (as I understand it) would entail their sequestration away from earlier notations, performances, and recordings in the series. The feel of the endeavor could quickly become distinctly unlike that of the Portsmouth Sinfonia.
Outside of such experiments, I’d say people are uncannily good at passing down metered music and even epic-length verse without distorting it beyond recognition. Notation and recordings are not essential if certain structures are exploited to keep content stable. Your Portsmouth Sinfonia-type serial degradation experiment seems to short-circuit the normal forces that stabilize cultural expressions, and so allow for stylized deviations from or around ideas. It could be an eerie journey into alienation and decoherence.
I think that notation and recordings already do something like your experiment. In the experiment, interpreters are given information about what to play, but are deprived or deluded regarding its previous context. The concrete mistake or witty variation is presented as integral to the work in the abstract. Notation and recordings have that potential to re- or decontextualize what’s represented or fixed in them. The relationship between an abstract idea and its expression collapses, as in a painting. Or something like that.
Classical piano instrumental – little umbrellas – Zappa
Shorter pretty much every hack joke ever:
Hey, here’s a common stereotype repeated verbatim but with a slight lilt in the voice to indicate you should be laughing at this moment.
“Hey, Asian drivers…”
“Hey, women drivers…”
“Hey, black people at the movie theatres…”
“Hey, (flamboyant gay man impression)…”
Apparently there is a burgeoning industry for humorless people who realize that people will make a noise and sometimes smile when they hear something they recognize.
On that note:
Pavloving the dog.
If we’re talking about good covers, the Circle Jerks totally changed my opinion of Afternoon Delight.
That’s understandable, but what does that have to do with music?
Cover band, you say?
Something a little more wee-hours apropos.
Something a little more wee-hours thread apropos.
animated goatse videos for it
armswide openYou can get a Stapp infection that way.
It could be an eerie journey into alienation and decoherence
a nice description of the Republican devolution over the last 30 years.
and, just to mention a totally awesome cover of a song I hate with a white-hot passion:
the Sex pistol’s cover of “My Way”.
can’t link it ’cause at work, sorry.
I really need to check out the Portsmouth Sinfonia.
Well, now that I’ve slept on it, I WOULD like to hear Barney cover Led Zep:
I love you, you love me, won’t you squeeze my lemon, ’til the juice runs down my leg…….
“tsam said,
May 5, 2011 at 4:58
OH I got some hack comedy
Black people are way cool and white guys are way nerdy.”
What’s the deal with airline food?!
Men. Women. Man, are we different.
You guys are forgetting the “It’s nice to be here in New York. I’m from LA. Things are very different out there” routine.
Men. Women. Man, are we different.
A man would have said “Woman, are they different.”
Also I’m going to go out on a limb and say that I find the Cool Coach to be endlessly entertaining. I’m glad to see him back.
Yeah, I find him pretty funny. He talks like a character in a Bob Haney comic from the 60’s.
“You’re hitting the wrong note, ding-dong! Didn’t you know?…A Teen Titan gets mad when you ruffle his cool!”
Now that he is unemployed, the Cool Coach should have plenty of time to pop up here.
Old people sure are lousy drivers!
Driving the louse.
I went to Las Vegas in a $15,000.00 used car, and came home in a $250,000.00 bus!
I’ll be here all week, whether you like it or not
He reminds me of Curtis Sliwa.
I tell ya, gravity really brings me down!
He reminds me of Curtis Sliwa.
Wow. And I thought hillbillies were overly-impressed with their own cleverness.
Wow. And I thought hillbillies were overly-impressed with their own cleverness.
Hey! That’s MY Schtick!
Ultimate cover band: Nouvelle Vague.
At least they make it their own. Who knew that a breathless French chanteuse Bossa Nova version of “Too Drunk To Fuck” could work so well?
Anyone catch TDS last night? The extended interview with David Barton is online, and well worth the listen. One takeaway: Barton says, correctly, that the Treaty of Tripoli, signed by Adams, does not end after seventeen words. What Barton does not say is that the remainder of the treaty does not change the first seventeen words one bit:
As the Government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the law, religion or tranquility of Musselmen; and as the states never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mohometan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinion shall ever produce an interruption of harmony existing between the two countries.
To the surprise of no one, David Barton is another lying Texas Republican.
Anyone catch TDS last night?
If I did, I’m hoping a shot of penicillin will clear it right up.
Coach popping up?
Popping up Coach!
¡Happy Fifth of May, Sadlynaughts!
¡Viva Aztlan!
¡Reconquista For Life!
¡My Exclamation Point is Upside-Down!
“¡My Exclamation Point is Upside-Down!”
I’ve heard there are websites that can alleviate that……
Dennis Miller said,
May 5, 2011 at 15:53
No no no son. Your schtick is hillbilly sentiments masked by esoteric pop culture references and an impressive vocabulary. Strip off the phony upper crust sensibilities, and you’re still they guy who thinks that remembering how hot it was when you were a kid completely disproves the notion of global warming. Oh yeah, and it snows in Michigan, so Al Gore is fat and wrong.
Greatest cover artist of all time!
¡Viva Aztlan!
Where can I exchange my worn-out dollars for some shiny new Ameros?
“¡My Exclamation Point is Upside-Down!”
Not in New Zealand.
Since we’re talking Mexico now, I heard on song this morning on the terrific WCUW about a gringo in Guadalupe learning Spanish from a few guys who stiff him on a bar bill, the chorus of which went like this:
I’ve had no luck with Google and the station’s website isn’t listing this morning’s palylist. Anyone happen to know it?
It’s not the song “Una Mas Cerveza” by Billy Bacon, by the way.
Are we still doing bad cover versions?
Not a Rickroll.
>May 3
I’m going to be too busy to tweet tomorrow, so can you post whichever one of these will be appropriate?
>>Obama’s decision not to release OBL death photos shows he’s a weak-will pussy-footer who hates America
>>Obama’s decision to release OBL death photos shows he doesn’t care about endangering our brave troops, and hates America
Oh my. There is some horrible horrible shit on YouTube that is not a Rick Roll.
Cinco de Mayo
<a href=''Desparation Samba
Under a Mexican Moon
Acapulco Goldie
Oh, Mexico
How do you say “tag fail” in Spnaish?
I’m cnofsued. I don’t speak Spnaish
zombie rotten mcdonald said,
May 4, 2011 at 22:30
Why, Blue Oyster Cult?
Because Riders on the Storm doesn’t benefit as much from Krieger’s playing. Now you have to imagine Ray Manzarek making an appearance with BÖC.
mark f-
That sounds like it could be the Texas Tornados.
Nabors does Wonder:
Now you have to imagine Ray Manzarek making an appearance with BÖC.
I wouldn’t rule it out.
That sounds like it could be the Texas Tornados.
The sound’s right but I haven’t been able to find that particular song. Oh well. I should be able to check the station’s website tomorrow after I’ve forgotten about it.
Forgotten bad cover.
By the way, Manfred Mann’s “Blinded by the Light” doesn’t really count as a “cover”, since they released their version several years before Springsteen’s. He wrote it, and they bought the rights fair and square. Granted, their version sucks (although it suited the mid-seventies psuedo-psychedelic pop sensibility of the time when it came out), but technically, Springsteen “covered” his own song later.
wow…i’m gone at the health fair one day and this is what i come back to? i got as far as the hinderwrecker link…i read his fapping and of course checked out the comments cuz i’m crazy like that…very.first.comment:
…yeeeeeahhh…after years of planning and waiting, followed by years of hiding, followed by years of stone cold chillin’ it in abbottabad, osama was going to just give it up to the u.s.? uh huh…
now i’m going to read the steven tyler link and sicken myself…
not real Andrew Malcolm tweets
Sarah Palin tells Oprah Sarah Palin tells Oprah Donald Trump hasnt voted 4 Southern states as he tells?
Ticket pic of wk. Astronauts return to Bin Laden’s death: ‘Thank God for President Obama birth!
Conan: OBLs death toll in high gas prices; Obama says Obama’s trillions, NFL lockout, possly clearing way.
RNC chair says he WILL sign up now grip a ZZ Top Pick: As election yr nears Barack Obamas job before you!
from tweet generator…
Clearly the answer is yes, and this brings up the important question of why this was not considered.
And he knows it was not considered because…? And my understanding is that though Osama was killed, he was not alone in the house and some were captured, along with computers etc.
gocart mozart said,
May 5, 2011 at 5:46
Worst cover to go #1 on the charts.
No, I believe this is:
And he knows it was not considered because…? And my understanding is that though Osama was killed, he was not alone in the house and some were captured, along with computers etc
which is another reason they didn’t send in a drone…to collect all the intel they could…are people really this stupid?!?!?
which is another reason they didn’t send in a drone…to collect all the intel they could…are people really this stupid?!?!?
Ha ha. YES.
As indicated above, a new meme is developing on the right: Obama wanted OBL dead, not alive, so the question of harsh interrogation techniques would not come up. I think there may be something to that. However, if Obama gets rightwingers questioning why OBL had to be killed, WINNING!!!!
are people really this stupid?!?!?
They believe that Leon Panetta “overruled” Obama, who wasn’t going to go through with it because Valerie Jarrett controls his mind.
I wish I was making a joke.
Clearly the answer is my shorts are filled.
Fiqqst for more stinky accuracy.
They believe that Leon Panetta “overruled” Obama, who wasn’t going to go through with it because Valerie Jarrett controls his mind.
Ahhh, PJTV.
I loved the one lone guy in the comments who said “remember, Panetta was a Clintonista!” No response to him yet…
Anyone catch TDS last night? The extended interview with David Barton is online, and well worth the listen.
yeah, i did…and yeah i will…tds and tcr and alcohol seem to be the only way to keep my sanity these days…
No drone means the triggerman witnesses the kill and is able to photograph the results.
No drone means verification that the target is, in fact, OBL.
No drone means bystanders aren’t needlessly obliterated–like OBL’s daughter, who really didn’t need to be killed as well.
No drone means any intel in the form of papers and hard drives are collectible and usable.
No capture means no inspirational figure in the extremist millitant business gets locked up in Gitmo, raising questions about his treatment and further the worn discussion about the benefits and virtures of dehumanizing treatment and torture, and whether the resulting intelligence is reliable and actionable.
This isn’t especially difficult. Faced with the question myself, I’d probably opt to put an end to this business as well.
**This tirade is not to be construed as cheerleading for the administration.
They believe that Leon Panetta “overruled” Obama, who wasn’t going to go through with it because Valerie Jarrett controls his mind.
would teh *whitehouse insider* that gave pammycakes the down low?
“are people really this stupid?!?!?”
have you not been paying attention?
gave pammycakes the down low?
Nuclear contamination! It’s not just for Japan any more.
Proof THEN post.
Furthering the discussion…
<i.And he knows it was not considered because…?
Let’s see, the taking of Bin Laden will certainly spark some terrorist activity. Osama being dead greatly increases the likelihood that the motivation for that activity will fade sooner as opposed to years or decades if we were to have held Osama prisoner in Gitmo or some other such torture camp. All things considered, I believe that we are much better off with him dead. The quick burial at sea was another well thought out decision. A burial on land, along with many other headaches it would bring, would provide a shrine to this terrorist which could be used as a recruitment tool for Al-Queda.
I would say that Obama considered all options and (something foriegn to whingers) all possible consequences and went with the best choices.
If we had captured Bin Laden alive, he could have been forced to tell us where Bin Laden was for the last ten years.
Re: Dennis Miller– we’ve been netflixin’ old SNL episodes. They’re edited down, but they always contain Weekend Update, and never any music, which sucks. Anyway, it turns out that Dennis Miller has always been a prick. He just used to be a bit funnier. “Hillbilly sentiments masked by esoteric pop culture references and an impressive vocabulary”–exactly, tsam.
I watched all the episodes surrounding Bush Senior’s Iraq war, and I was just saddened and embarrassed. Each week the show played directly into jingos’ hands. They had the “Church Lady” beat Saddam with a bat after lecturing him about stealing what he says belonged to Iraq all along (Kuwait). Dennis Miller made weak, smarmy jokes about bombing Iraqis, prisoners of war, the pitiable weakness of Saddam’s army, etc. Now, I can forgive almost anything in the name of humor, but looking back on SNL re: the 1st Gulf War just makes us look like smug, stupid bullies. Blowback? What’s that? Look, John Goodman just kicked Saddam in the nuts! And here’s Adam Sandler as “Iraqi Pete,” so funny.
It’s hilarious how many 10-cent words are misused in that comments section.
youre collaborating the “military revolt” story
it’s been niggling at me
this report is too difficult to believe, it’s too incredulous
CRA, the first season episodes I’ve watched had music. Even had the divine Phoebe Snow doing a horrible cover.
Proof THEN post.
yeah, yeah…i know! i tried to post a correction such as: would this be the same *whitehouse insider* what gave pammycakes the down low? but also, too, wp said i was posting too fast, also…
Maybe Cinco de Mayo is celebrated somewhere in Mexico besides gringo watering holes ( 2X1 Coronas!! ) like in Puebla where los niños heros made their leap into history but I’ve never seen it. In the Yucatån, Oaxaca and Chiapas it’s thought of as a Mexican thing, as in el pinche DF.
Well Cinco de Mayo is a big fucking deal to me!
Wow. Anyone else seen the gay marriage speech that came out of Minnesota?
Money quotes:
Another guy, who has a gay daughter:
Yep… it really is that simple. Oh well. I take comfort in the knowledge that it’s a done deal – all you need to do is look at the polls by generation. (Heck, all those amendments banning gay marriage wouldn’t be getting passed right now if they didn’t feel that they were on the way out).
yeah, yeah…i know! i tried to post a correction such as: would this be the same *whitehouse insider* what gave pammycakes the down low? but also, too, wp said i was posting too fast, also
That was actually a note to myself, which was delayed in posting because WP IS FAIL>
I have this terrible habit of hitting the go button and THEN reading what I wrote. It seems kinda dumb.
yes. I don’t. believe anything. like, what does that mean? if you know what i’m saying, if you know what I mean. believe everything. do.
Wow. Anyone else seen the gay marriage speech that came out of Minnesota?
No, and that made my day. Thanks, Chris.
I like the contrast of the Rep’s statements to:
Revelation. O RLY? GOD TOLD YOU THIS HIMSELF? Well, I guess that settles it, now doesn’t it?
Fucking asshole.
John Quinn, the bishop of the Winona Archdiocese
personally, i rather enjoyed the bishop of alliteration:
Speaking of Dennis Miller, he’s still “hilarious”.
We decided manyyears ago that wanted nothing to do with an institution that hated us. I had no dog in this fight until the phobes made it ugly. Now I work for marriage equality mostly to piss them off and laugh at their apoplexy.
We have won but the war is not yet over.
Wow. Anyone else seen the gay marriage speech that came out of Minnesota?
ugh…i still can’t believe my state allowed this to come to a constitutional amendment…although if it ‘swings’ the right way, meaning not to the right, i will propose that we amend the constitution to ban amending the constitution regarding marriage…imma become an activist, peeps!!!
Anyone else seen the gay marriage speech that came out of Minnesota?
I haven’t. And I’m linking it for the two Candace Bailey h8rs that sometimes stumble across my blahg.
He shoots, he SCORES!
Speaking of Dennis Miller, he’s still “hilarious”.
Also, could this exchange have better summed up my glowing assessment of Dennis Miller’s brand of humor? I think not.
“By the way, Manfred Mann’s “Blinded by the Light” doesn’t really count as a “cover”, since they released their version several years before Springsteen’s”
Sadly, No! BLINDED BY THE LIGHT is the opening track and the first single from his 1973 debut album Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J . A version recorded by Manfred Mann’s Earth Band became a #1 hit in 1977.
Well Cinco de Mayo is a big fucking deal to me!
Stay thirsty my friends.
John Quinn, the bishop of the Winona Archdiocese, testified that “marriage is the union of one man and one woman, and law must reflect what we know from reason, experience, tradition as well as revelation,” according to Minnesota Public Radio.
The Bible doesn’t have much to do with reason, but it blows the other three out of the water. You’d think a bishop would know that.
More on (REDUNDANCY ALERT!!!) lying Texas Republican David Barton:
…he may not be, but i am!!! dennis miller stopped being even mildly amusing to me the day my mother quoted him after seeing him on fox…
self-taught historian
self-taught historian
The real issue is that he was self-taught by a lying moron.
The line “well they have the same civil rights as us because they have the right to marry who we want them to” reminds me of a cold war joke, wherein a KGB brainwasher explained that because American citizens had the right to say Reagan was a dick, and Soviet citizens had the right to say Reagan was a dick, freedom of speech was the same in both countries.
would this be the same *whitehouse insider* what gave pammycakes the down low?
Yeah, some guy calling himself “Ulsterman” has been doing these “insider leaks” for a couple months now. He’s a pretty slick propagandist; I’m guessing he’s a professional.
Huh? So O’Reilly doesn’t want the great sex in the elevator? He just wants the boiled pet rabbit? Well, it is O’Reilly so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at this.
self-taught historian
exactly…i can teach myself anything i want to believe about history, so SUCK IT LIBS!!!
O’Reilly’s a loofah man.
Huh? So O’Reilly doesn’t want the great sex in the elevator? He just wants the boiled pet rabbit? Well, it is O’Reilly so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at this.
i’m guessing he would be all about sexy time in the elevator with the boiled rabbit…
The real issue is that he was self-taught by a lying moron.
I believe this moran has necessitated the invention of a stronger term for confirmation bias.
In light of the recent comments, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention besides being Cinco de Mayo it is also National Day of Reason.
Ahhh… yet another historian whose main job is to rewrite history to account for the “conservatives were always right” factor. Conservative history is to history what conservative science is to science. Except they’re even more jealous of their history cred than their science cred.
“You know, I’d get you in the elevator, and I’d rub with uh, one of those, what you call it? Yeah, I’d wash you with a bolied rabbit.”
i’m guessing he would be all about sexy time in the elevator with the boiled rabbit…
Is the boiled rabbit served with falafel?
I will give this to Dennis Miller. He DOES know his audience.
Note the subtly crafted statement “It’s LIKE they’re crazy.”
Now, he didn’t directly say they’re crazy, but that’s it (whatever “it” is), is only like it. He avoids the direct blowback that would invariably result from saying that all Afghanis are insane. However, a fat slobbering idiot viewer doing his best to keep up with the conversation, and perhaps having trouble hearing over the crunch of his Cheetos, will absorb the message that all those fuckers are all jacked up and crazy. It’s like they’re liberals or something…amirite? Mix that with the silly perception that this man is an intellectual, and you have a pretty effective message machine.
Well played, Faux. Well played.
C’mon, guys…don’t you remember how everytime the Bush Administration popped off a #2 they paraded the corpse on the white House lawn? You know, for proof?
I really did read “popped” as if it had one more “o” instead of the second “p”
I first thought the #2 above referred to POOP. I thought to myself, “yes, I’ve popped off a few #2s in my time, yesirree!”
but that’s it (whatever “it” is
Careful reflection on “what we know from reason, experience, tradition, [and] revelation,” Bishop Quinn, just makes the case for liberalization of society. That’s why gay marriage is a juggernaut, not because folks are more thoughtless and wicked than ever.
Is that what you kids are calling it these days?
I believe this moran has necessitated the invention of a stronger term for confirmation bias.
Bar mitzvah bias?
David Barton on the Daily Show.–1
My thoughts exactly. Plus my brother really wants to wear the veil and dress and ring, poor guy.
An NRO article says this proves that Steven Tyler is a good man.
okay, i know y’all discussed this way back at 20 o’clock, but it’s been bugging me all day…steven tyler is quoted as saying, ‘jesus, what have i done?’ which the *author* of the article is construing as tyler calling out to jesus because he is wracked with guilt…and then goes on to try to assuage that guilt by becoming a legendary, drugged out rock-whore because he was traumatized by abortion. really? i choose to believe that he exclaimed ‘jesus, what have i done?’ after realizing that he had been banging and knocking up a fucking-fourteen-year-old and that his ensuing bender was all about trying to wash away his self-loathing and disgust at having banged and knocked up a fucking-fourteen-year-old…
And a falafel!
VS, I believe I’m supposed to “ahem” or some such thing…
Hey, I just got here and am too lazy to read through the thread.
But, really, can there ever be too many falafel jokes?
I was thinking about this yesterday and my takeaway was that it’s very telling that the author of the article is more upset about the abortion than he is about things like the stellar parenting that involves signing away parental rights to a rock singer who’s banging your pubescent daughter. Of all the things mentioned in that article, the abortion is–FAR AND AWAY–the least offensive and upsetting thing about it. That girl’s parents deserve to be bitch-slapped.
calling out to jesus because he is wracked with guilt
What you said, plus not so much calling on Jesus as blasphemy.
But, really, can there ever be too many falafel jokes?
No Sadlynaut would answer this with a yes.
I falafel all week, but I’m feeling better now.
the stellar parenting that involves signing away parental rights to a rock singer who’s banging your pubescent daughter.
i KNOW!!! really?!?! but hey, can you imagine what would have happened if she was raised by ghey parents?!?!?! i shudder to think…
Well, well. It looks like the misogynist giggling gaggle of froggish Obots here at Sadly, O!, are all basking in their own privilege at their precious Chosen One pretending like he had anything to do with the mission to kill Osama. Those of us who comprise the true blue beating heart of Real Democrats, from Appalachia to West Virginia, know full well that any mission involving another state requires sign-off by the Secretary of State, Hillary, who should’ve been the Democrat nomination from the get-go before her true blue supporters were violently crushed by the boots of the thuggish Obots. Well, well. You can crush us with your boots, Obots, but you will then hear our boots walking away from your Corrupt Party, bottom line.
That girl’s parents deserve to be bitch-slapped
Yeaaaah. As the father of three teenage daughters, I’m gonna hafta go ahead and give this comment two thumbs WAY up.
Good lord. I don’t believe I’ve smelled this troll before. It’s a particularly putrid one.
If you put them out on the lawn, you could make a moat.
Iris said,
May 5, 2011 at 20:33
They have a cave troll.
Caving the troll.
the misogynist giggling gaggle of froggish Obots here at Sadly, O!,
damn! y’all are misogynist? well, that explains a few things…
But, really, can there ever be too many falafel jokes?
Of course not! But that was my first-ever chance to “ahem” and I wasn’t about to let it pass…
OOOOH – looky — Iris is back. One more excuse to go home and pound a few Coronas or twelve.
Trollin’ the cave. Pickin’ up bats.
Good lord. I don’t believe I’ve smelled this troll before. It’s a particularly putrid one.
One of the old-timers could verify that this is an old, old troll dating back to the last presidential primaries. Whatever happened to that Righteous Bubba guy?
Would that be the David Barton who just completely makes up American history as he would like it to be in complete disregard for all facts? The David Barton to whose lecture every American should be force to watch at gunpoint? Oh.
I like the proclamation at the end of her rant. “We’re taking our stupid ball and going stupid home! Nyah. I’m going to hold my breath until I pass out–THEN you’ll all be sorry!”
No we won’t.
If you put them out on the lawn, you could make a moat.
just don’t put it on your neighbor’s lawn or they might kidnap your cee-ment jesus!
Whatever happened to that Righteous Bubba guy
It would be irresponsible not to speculate on such things as hunting “accidents”.
Putting it on your neighbor’s lawn.
What’s the deal with O’Reilly and falafels. Sounds a bit muslimy to me. Is that a sharia complient fetish? These are important questions. Don’t real American conservatives prefer eggs like Jesus intended?
“MSNBC reporter Jeannette Walls is telling associates that she has obtained information linking Matt Drudge with a sexual preference for eggs,” Drudge wrote on Friday in a column that has since vanished from his site, along with his link to standing Walls column (“Oh, that hurt,” she scoffs). “He likes to have sex with eggs. He likes them smeared all over naked male bodies.”
Um, that was the Huckster who said we should be forced to hear his bullshit…
from go-mo’s link:
“any mission involving another state requires sign-off by the Secretary of State”
Obama needs Hillary’s permission in matters of foreign policy? I call fake troll.
It may be a fake troll, but it’s got the same smell that Iris did during primary/election season. My recollection is a bit vague (thank FSM) but as I recall she/it gave PUMAs a bad name. It reeks.
Does the trooll really think the president didn’t consult with Hilary before making his decision, or does it somehow think consulting with the Secretary of State HE appointed somehow diminishes his roll as her boss? Help me out here–I’m cnofsued.
One of Barton’s many lies last night: he said he would be alright with Sharia Law in Dearborn………
Hell yeah, I’m froggish. I keep frogs. I am especially proud of one little guy I raised from a tad. He doesn’t grow as fast as I expected, though, so he’s still a little too small to join the adults, who would eat him.
Oh wait, maybe “froggish” is a slur against the French. Hard to tell.
That reminds me of a story my wife told me. In middle school she was instructed to prepare a presentation on a charity or organization of her own invention. She dreamt up the “Society for the Protection of Indigenous Peoples”–SPIC. The teacher quickly realized my future spouse had no knowledge of the slur, but some other students did.
Not a cover, but since this is the day Americans celebrate a Mexican holiday that not even Mexicans actually celebrate, thus making it another excuse to sell stupid Americans overpriced shit for a made up reason (see: Day, Valentine’s), this is my fave Mexican-related song ever.
Well, the band I’m in plays a horrific cover of it. Thankfully for you all, no link available.
He also makes a common mistake about the 1st am “congress shall make no law” clause. Since 1878 after passage of the 14th am, the 1st am has applied to the states also. Prior to that, there was nothing stopping a state from establishing a religion although most if not all chose not to do so under their state constitutions. This is con law 101.
but as I recall she/it gave PUMAs a bad name
As I recall, the PUMAs were largely fake Democrats trying to convince female voters to stay home on Election Day.
Hell yeah, I’m froggish. I keep frogs.
Like that Irish holiday Americans celebrate…
B^4, Iris started out as a rabid, foaming at the mouth Hilary supporter, and then went so far off the deep end that she started to make the PUMAs sound rational. That’s Marianas Trench deep…
But with less cabbage.
Most of the time, anyway.
And since I haven’t had the chance to do one of these yet:
Lessening the cabbage.
That might have been real Iris. Certainly did a good job of capturing Iris’s voice, anyway.
But it just reminded me that we haven’t heard from her fellow-traveller Privileged-White-Grrl (or whatever she called herself) in a long time. What sort of people are we that we can’t even keep a troll around here? It must be all the mom jokes scaring them away. (I don’t think we can blame the falafel.)
Chancing to do one.
would this be the same *whitehouse insider* what gave pammycakes the down low?
think so, the pseudo macho language sound the same. Odds on when, not if this hits the main stream, evens says 2 weeks.
. Since 1878 after passage of the 14th am, the 1st am has applied to the states also. Prior to that, there was nothing stopping a state from establishing a religion although most if not all chose not to do so under their state constitutions. This is con law 101.
Yeah, but the 14th is one of those liberal, not-written-by-Moses amendments, so it doesn’t count.
Like that Irish holiday Americans celebrate…
St Dymphna’s Day? It’s coming up!
No, fire-bellied “toads” (frogs). Lively, durable, easy to care for. The males say, “Hoo hoo hoo hoo” or “wah wah,” sounding like little dogs at times.
law must reflect what we know from reason, experience, tradition as well as revelation
I can’t believe that people are STILL defending slavery.
news from the homeland, looks like AV is going down in a ball of flames, one chance in a generation to change the voting system & the useful idiots in the Lid-Dems completely scuppered it, as well as condemning their party to oblivion for another 40 years.
On top of the Canuck elections, tis a sad week all round….
at least it looks like the SNP will increase their majority in our baby parliament, which is a silver lining, of sorts…
St Dymphna’s Day? It’s coming up!
someone much braver than i must click on ‘donkeyskin’ listed under the “see also” section…
also, patron saint of mental disorders?!? that’s a feast day i can get behind!!!
someone much braver than i must click on ‘donkeyskin’ listed under the “see also” section…
You know you want to click, baby…
I used to drink quite a bit at St. Dymphna’s Pub in the East Village. Haven’t really hung out in the neighborhood in a while.
Those of us who comprise the true blue beating heart of Real Democrats, from Appalachia to West Virginia
Look, it’s a funny!
You know you want to click, baby…
soooooo tempted…
I heard CRA likes to do it froggy style!
I heard CRA likes to do it froggy style!
I? W? N?
I think smut has a wood carving, B^4. Perv.
I think smut
has agets wood carvingYou will come now, you will, you will.
Rofl. Hey, everybody needs a stimulating hobby.
I heard CRA likes to do it froggy style!
He made a porn when he was young and desparate.
Froggy style? Well, no. I had hoped I wouldn’t have to announce this publicly, but I have external genitalia. No pictures will be released.
My alpha male frog is horny as hell for a dude with no penis. Always attempting amplexis and hooting as loud and long as he can.
I’d call bullshit, but who has an imagination like that?
And my atrocious spelling appears to be rubbing off on you. Yay!! One of me! One of me!
I heard CRA likes to do it froggy style!
OMG! I swear to blob I JUST read that on the internetz!
He made a porn when he was young and desparate.
Wow that is HOT!
Plunk your magic twanger, Froggy!
Damn, some fast fingers here! Ok, my last post was to B^4.
Odd how all these spelling and grammer errors coincide with the “death” of “Osama”. It’s unbelievable. To incredulous.
Odd how all these spelling and grammer errors coincide with the “death” of “Osama”. It’s unbelievable. To incredulous.
i know…that has been niggling at me all day…
Plunk your magic twanger, Froggy!
Frog genitalia. Sure fire thread killer.
Attempting amplexis.
Sure fire thread killer.
When wielded by a master, true.
mastering the wield
Wielding the master
Ick, I thought Iris had imploded from being so dense. Sad to see her back.
Got to see them once here in town, they were great! Actually got to hang out with the band because a good friend was college roomates with one of them. Good folks, great show.
And I thought this was a pretty good Floyd cover.
Wielding the master***
***for the penilely equipped only
Trump has set a new record for the fastest self-immolation EVAH. Even her Moosiness was able to string her fifteen minutes out long enough to grift the rubes for some real money, at least.
I propose a national monument to The Donald;
“The Trump Memorial Crater.”*
*With Eversmoke™, a non-toxic, simulated effect that ensures that the crater will appear freshly impacted for all eternity!
“The Eternal Lame,” as it were.
Ick, I thought Iris had imploded from being so dense. Sad to see her back.
I hope she’s a few light years away when she goes…
Got to see them once here in town, they were great! Actually got to hang out with the band because a good friend was college roomates with one of them. Good folks, great show.
OHHHH-that must have been kickASS! So were they totally hardcore or mellow? After seeing them with a previous singer (an african american girl who could have sang the show without a mic–and the teh awesomest wild-eyed death stare ever), I don’t imagine these grrrls are what you might call demure.
“The Eternal Lame,” as it were.
Ha! Yes, and kept burning from a never-ending supply of Bogon gas.
I take comfort in the knowledge that it’s a done deal – all you need to do is look at the polls by generation. (Heck, all those amendments banning gay marriage wouldn’t be getting passed right now if they didn’t feel that they were on the way out).
Well maaaybe………….but I felt pretty sure that pot would be legalized, based on then-current social trends, back in the early ’70s. And Lenny Bruce was predicting same 10 years before that. (He felt that way because “all the lawyers I know smoke it”.)
IOW, don’t take shit for granted.
I remember Lenny B. saying that.
Which goes to show you can’t underestimate the stupidity or the deeply-rooted Puritanism of a majority of Americans.
It was quite a while ago — I think with the previous singer “Om” — she was the friend’s former roommate. They were great to hang with. Not demure, but not crazy either, just fun.
In other racing-meets-crazy news, News Corp. wants to buy Formula 1 — Oh goody. That reminds me — the Turkish Grand Prix starts tomorrow — need to set the DVR…
News Corp. wants to buy Formula 1 —
Maybe, but probably not. It ain’t gonna happen, either way. Go read some F1 blogs, Murdoch is playing some other bizarre game.
Shame, really, that the Donald flamed out so early. I was kind of hoping his glide-path would allow him to coast at least through the debates, and even the early primaries. I don’t think he had a snowflake’s chance in Haiti of actually picking up any actual delegates, but he had a way of making the rest of the GOP field look even tawdrier just by being in the same room. I guess I can kiss the dream Trump/Palin or better yet, Trump/Bachman ticket goodbye. The trumpster has managed to corkscrew into the deck even faster than Giulliani. Bummer.
He felt that way because “all the lawyers I know smoke it”
Never underestimate the ability of the ruling class to dissociate their own behaviour from the laws they impose on everyone else.
Trump/Palin 2012
You’re Fired! / I Quit!
I had some disheartening conversations with self-identified liberals who voted against marijuana legalization here in California recently. Not dumb people, necessarily, but unaware of main points in the debate. Where to start with ’em? I’d give them some information, they’d play skeptic in hackneyed ways… Unfortunate, because the drug war status quo doesn’t deserve a lick of respect. People should feel uncomfortable about defending such a shitty state of affairs.
Some cartoons
They were great to hang with. Not demure, but not crazy either, just fun.
I imagine that singing AC/DC songs in a bar makes the wild eyed stare very easy to do.
you can’t underestimate the stupidity or the deeply-rooted Puritanism of a majority of Americans.
Never underestimate the ability of the ruling class to dissociate their own behaviour from the laws they impose on everyone else.
Both true.
corkscrewing into the deck.
thus making it another excuse to sell stupid Americans overpriced shit for a made up reason (see: Day, Valentine’s)
More like “another excuse to get shitfaced drunk on a weekday (see Day, St. Patrick’s)”
the penilely equipped
Do I still count if I haven’t bought any of the accessories or add-on packs?
the Turkish Grand Prix starts tomorrow
And RBR reportedly hastheir KERS sorted out. 5 to 3 Vettel takes pole.*
Alas, not a VPR. I would totally do him.
And RBR reportedly hastheir KERS sorted out.
Oh dear. That might make the season very boring. The only way the other guys were in it was because RBR couldn’t use KERS.
Turkey looks like a fun track.
I imagine that singing AC/DC songs in a bar makes the wild eyed stare very easy to do.
Fuck yeah, man. OBS, yeah, I think her name was Om, and she was a BADFUCKINGASS.
They had so much energy. I’m one of those people who has an obligatory eye roll and “oh my god, again?” every time AC/DC comes on the radio, but Hells Belles was one of my all time favorite shows.
Ok, this is FUNNY.
If you don’t agree, you’re a humorless dildo. So saith the tsam.
And RBR reportedly hastheir KERS sorted out. 5 to 3 Vettel takes pole
Oh. Um…awesome…?
Oh. Um…awesome…?
Oh tsam, you kidder. What red-blooded American doesn’t follow every plot point and twist of theFormula Un season?
via tsam:
Giving it to the cat.
From GoMo’s links:
Zombee love.
They had so much energy. I’m one of those people who has an obligatory eye roll and “oh my god, again?” every time AC/DC comes on the radio, but Hells Belles was one of my all time favorite shows.
I’m a natural born speeder, but this always makes my leadfoot even heavier.
Back in Black for me
Oh good catch, A.K.
Frankly there are few songs that cause me to slow down when I’m driving through the mountains. Because I don’t play those songs.
Done by sheep?
I must be the only person of my generation that never liked AC/DC.
The lead singer’s voice was like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.
I must be the only person of my generation that never liked AC/DC.
Me too, me too. Not even the voice really, just like, whatever …
You want a soundtrack for driving like a demon, try rockabilly!!
The lead singer’s voice was like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.
There’s two AC/DC singers, you know.
Here’s original Bon Scott.
And plus!
Incidentally, there are several stupid trolls here;
that are fine, stupid playthings, for those that might be inclined.
Real Americans are watching the five Republican fuckwads on the telebision.
Imma Zombee, Bouff.
OG Iris was apparently sincere and hilariously wrong about Obama’s chances of beating McCain without her support but the one here’s a parody. At the risk of venturing into All. One. Guy. territory, I’m pretty sure it’s the same person who plays the Cool Coach here, amongst other characters such as the Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot or whatever that thing was called. He admitted to the latter in that zombie thread anyway. This has been your parody troll history comment for today.
Also, not about a ring cycle, but relevant to the interests of some.
Real Americans are watching the five Republican fuckwads on the telebision.
Yes, we’re a nation of idiots. Your point is?
That is both my point, & central to it.
That is both my point, & central to it.
And zombies are not watching it, but planning the Zombocalypse.
At the risk of venturing into All. One. Guy. territory,
Where is Merkin Partriot?
A Lonely Nation Turns Its Eyes to You, and such as.
MRA’s have to be simultaneously the most hateable and most pitiable people on the Internet.
I don’t have any success with women either, but they turn simple frustration with life into an obsessive monomania where they blame the people they’re attracted to for attracting them (as if the woman in question could control that) and then rejecting them (as if the woman didn’t have a right to do so). They become slaves to their own bitterness. It’s sad, but I can’t feel too sorry for them because they’re such repugnant asswipes about it.
Planning the Zombocalypse.
There we go.
Orright it’s dirt deeds done by sheep, innit?
Let’s all just pretend that I have just seen Smut Clyde’s post and it took me less than a second to work it out.
See, we all feel good now.
See, we all feel good now.
I bet the sheep don’t.
29456:43 GMT News Update
Donna Douglas sues Mattel over Elly May Doll.
I love this paragraph.
Ima gonna pout and shamelessly blogwhore, because I put up what I thought was a somewhat witty update with an awesome link on my latest post hours ago, and no one has looked at it.
Coffee, sex and blowing your nose could increase the risk of a type of stroke
Also increasing the risk of disgruntlement and ejection from bed.
Jennifer, I didn’t see the update (in-tell just nao), but blogwhorin’ means you got to put up the link.
(and not depend on your Sadly,No!es posters to click on your name and figure it out, because they might have drunkened themselves into stupidity by then.)
Also, not about a ring cycle, but relevant to the interests of some.
London in August is a month too late for me.
My sadness, let me show you it.
(and not depend on your Sadly,No!es posters to click on your name and figure it out, because they might have drunkened themselves into stupidity by then.)
Well, the most awesome ones manage it.
Well, the most awesome ones manage it.
and a couple of drunken zombies.
DN Nation denied doing CUM. So to speak.
that zombie thread anyway.
wait, What? Was I around? Do I need to start copyright litigation?
Doing CUM.
Hmmm, a little on the nose there.
Cumming on the nose.
…wait, I’ll come in again.
I once had the zombie thread bookmarked, but I see it’s gone.
I think I’m alone now…
lost sandwich. yah. and noooooooooo.
Not to mention some nasty burns in sensitive places.
….based on current events in Chez __B…
Feeding the baby.
Blowing your nose.
your nose
That’s some interesting physignometry you’ve got there, Mr. Looch.
corkscrewing into the deck.
swabbing the deck…
Jennifer has gilded the lily, so to speak.
gilding the lily.
I like David Futrelle a lot, but dear god, the MRA/MGTOW writings and comments (from the MRAs, of course) are depressing. The rational commentariat tries to engage and discuss issues logically with them, but the divide between rational on one side, and toxic oozing irrational hate on the other is stark and frightening. It really is that bad.
Ladies and Gentlemen, your next President, Herman Cain:
Fox News’ focus group of South Carolina Republican voters
Yeah, there’s a reliable cross-section of America if I ever saw one.
Yeah, there’s a reliable cross-section of America if I ever saw one.
oh, c’mon, the sponsoring organizations ran the gamut from the John Birch society to the Oath-Keepers! Some real diversity there!
I can see why they’d want Herman Cain. After the way that last “CEO President” worked out.
From the liveblogging transcripts I’ve read, Cain gave the “common sense” answers to each question. Like “Government needs to get out of the way and let businesses create jobs,” and “Tax cuts create jobs,” and “There is too much regulation.”
Apparently, none of the three-stooge panel of questioners, Baier, Wallace and Williams, thought to ask what went wrong during the Bush years.
Oh, and also, too, Hannity seems to have thrown Pawlenty a lifeline after the show.
I believe Cain also advocates the “common-sense” cure-all of going back on the gold standard.
Apparently, none of the three-stooge panel of questioners, Baier, Wallace and Williams, thought to ask what went wrong during the Bush years.
wha…??!?! Nothing went wrong!! It was awesome!!!
A little late, but must be said.
You’re Fired! / I Quit!
,,,young and disparate. He’s nothing like that now.
,,,young and dissipate. But now his external genitalia have coalesced.
,,,young and this pirate. fact-checked Barton.
Some more Barton fact checking
Also free book “Liars For Jesus: The Religious Right’s Alternate Version of American History”, by Chris Rodda
right-wingers use these fact-checkers to find out if they have slipped, and let an actual fact through. They can then fix that hideous situation next time around.
wha…??!?! Nothing went wrong!! It was awesome!!!
And at the same time, everything went wrong because Bush was a big fatty fat secret liberal the whole time.
offee, sex and blowing your nose could increase the risk of a type of stroke
well, i’m fucked…
Bush was secretly fat? So that’s what he was doing at Crawford. Bein’ fat, Texas-style.
Bush was a big fatty
I wouldn’t smoke him.
Imagine please that closed the blockquote prior to the ultimate sentence.
“The race card is off the table because our Negro is blacker than yours”
Welcome to post-racism America!
OMG! We’ve got to stop Cain! A Cain v Obama campaign would force Americans to focus on issues!!! We would get killed!!1!1!!111!!!!
He has a slight black dialect and does not “turn it off” to impress Harry Reid or Joe Biden, nor does he “amp it up” to impress Jeremiah Wright.
It’s an accent that knows its place!
But is Cain blacker than Bill Clinton?
Jonah Goldberg is the clunkiest professional writer I have ever read.
This makes “nigger” a comparative adjective.
As in, “Cain is nigger than Obama”
Or maybe it should be “niggier”
Either way, it shows the Repubs are totes not racist, and can produce someone who is every bit a niggy as Obama whenever they need to. That worked out so well with Michael Steele, after all.
NY Times?
Cain is not only Blacker than Bill Clinton, he’s heavier than Huckabee! He’s more female and nuttier than Michele Bachmann, He’s more objectivist than Ron and Rand Paul put together and shorter than Mitch Daniels! He’s more avaricious than Trump and he’s divorced more women than Gingrich! He’s not only a floor wax he’s also a dessert topping!
Upside down world–when the party “OMG THERE TAKIN OVER EVERYTHING” trots out a specimen of more intense blactitude and crows about how much blacker it is….wtf?
Hillbillies I hardly knew ye
But is Cain more warmonger-y than John Bolton?
Cain is not only Blacker than Bill Clinton, he’s heavier than Huckabee! He’s more female and nuttier than Michele Bachmann, He’s more objectivist than Ron and Rand Paul put together and shorter than Mitch Daniels! He’s more avaricious than Trump and he’s divorced more women than Gingrich! He’s not only a floor wax he’s also a dessert topping!
How much would you pay for all of this? Don’t answer yet….
In fact, Cain is invading Iran right now!
But is Cain more
warmonger-ymoustachey than John Bolton?Fuqqst.
22.47 Sadlybucks to the first person to identify that reference.
Jo Go says that Obama has not succeeded at putting America on what the pollsters glibly call “the right track.” He neglects to mention that if it wasn’t for the folks he supports the country would already be on the right track.
But is Cain more warmonger-y moustachey than John Bolton?
Unpossible. That stache is headed for the Smithsonian.
Ben Stiller in the Starsky and Hutch movie?
But is Cain more
warmonger-ymoustachey than John Bolton?Google Image search says no.
Schwartzenegger to the alien in Predator?
22.47 Sadlybucks to the first person to identify that reference.
Godfather’s Pizza commercial.
Schwartzenegger to the alien in Predator?
Ohhh, sorry, that’s incorrect.
Get to da choppah!
Stick adound
Hang in dere
Yer one ugly mothuhfuckah
A few Schwartzy references to chew on…That’s a mish mash of his 27 part action feature movie that cast it’s long shadow over the ’80s.
Godfather’s Pizza commercial.
Nystradamus wins!
Substance–post a link with Nystra’s prize!
OMG, he was CEO of Godfather’s Pizza! MAFIA CONNECTIONS!
And wasn’t one of their whines about Obama his lack of legislative experience?
Nystradamus wins!
Only because I grew up in the Omaha area during the 1970s and 80s
NY Times?
And wasn’t one of their whines about Obama his lack of legislative experience?
Lucky for him–his voting block proudly considers duplicity and hypocricy a virtue.
Bitch best be producing the long form–cuz none of those darkies are real amerci9ans.
Lucky for him–his voting block proudly considers duplicity and hypocricy a virtue.
Lucky for me, my Sadlies think that being unable to compose a sentence properly is aight.
Cain, of course, has zero chance at getting the nomination, but he might be a serious veep contender. Maybe he and Michelle Bachman could team up. Call the ticket “Bachman Ruckus Crazy Eyes”
Thank you, thank you. I’m here all week.
Yeah, there’s a reliable cross-section of America if I ever saw one.
Having had some sordid experiences deep in the heart of SoCar this really made me laugh.
Even though nobody’s looking at this thread anymore, I’m going to comment here. I already created one zombie comment in the new thread, I won’t risk two…
I wasn’t sure what to expect. I like old AC/DC, and wasn’t sure what this show would be like, and I had a blast. They did a great job. I haven’t seen them with their new lineup, but I’d like to.
That was funny.
If the subject is AC/DC soundalikes, nobody, but NOBODY beats Nashville Pussy.
FYI: my daughter draws better than you, but you already knew that, right? thanks for the ‘keepsake’. STAY OUT. go away, party house… and I didn’t ask where you where. is that duly noted? and you, currupt.
I’ve enjoyed the whole thread very muchly! Shoulda kept better notes, but here’s what leaps from memory:
— Steerpike and Chris on-topic. [“we didn’t treat OBL’s body with respect to preserve HIS dignity–we did it to preserve OURS”. — Steerpike.]
— definitions of ‘shitload’ as-formal-measurement
— CRA’s music-context analysis at 6:26 [rare note]
— cover bands (and song covers)
— hack comedians
— some familiar, wonderful commenters [known to me] seem absent
— some new, wonderful commenters [unknown to me], e.g, Spearhafoc, Helmut, Nymstradamus.
W-a-y too busy for fake trolling, though. I’ve been carving in time to read and enjoy S,N! from time-to-time. Wonderful thread, folks. As always, have fun!
cnofsuoin and misteaks
etaoin shrdlu?
Here are two articles summarizing the manner in which the Democrats totally outperformed the Republicans in the bin Laden affair.
Since you people were gracious enough to help spread the word about Hello Dolly Llama….the folks at Hello Dolly Llama have launched a new site focusing on the 2012 election: How The Race Was Won.
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