Two Minute Renew America

Neil Brian Goldberg
Bar-Ack Hussein Obama is behind the Muslim plot to take over the world
Matt C. Abbott
A pro-life thought: I hope Mario Cuomo chokes on a communion wafer and dies
Frank Maguire
Jesus hates unions
Monte Kuligowski
Only Republicans are allowed to mention terrorist threats
Ronald R. Cherry
The only right found in the Declaration of Independence is the right to own private property

Comments: 601


Possibly phooste, & having won, I’m off to sleep.


That is, I am in my bunk & aboard the boat.


Oh look! It’s the starting five for the Deseret School for the Incurably Stupid Mens basketball team.

(They are always spotted 20 points before each game.)

They play in the Regional Educational Township Athletic Recreation Development League.

They’re yet to win a game.

Or score a point.

But they keep on trying, bless their pointed (and often malformed) little heads.


Those are nice shorters. I’m badly tempted to get off the boat, but I know that’s caused me nothing but sorrow in the past…


Couldn’t get past 1/2 of Neil Brian Goldberg. He’s obviously not Canadien.


Teh Leafs lost in a shoot-out last night, meaning they’ve picked up fifteen points in the past ten games. Teh new goalie has us all dreaming of being eliminated during the playoffs! And it’s a beautiful Sunday morning. A fantastic day in LEAFS SUCK. What the hell, I’ll wade offa teh boat. Maybe I’ll find something to make sauce with. Hey look – the very first sentence of the first link:

Mass insanity, fantasy vanity. Can it be I’m the only one who can see?

Yup, only you Brian. PROTIP for Neil Brian Goldberg – the argument “just because I’m a delusional paranoid schizophrenic doesn’t mean that they aren’t out to get me” is kinda funneh, but it doesn’t change the fact that you are a delusional paranoid schizophrenic.

SRSLY, Brian. You. Are. Fucking. Crazeeeeee.


From the last scholar mentioned above, Ronald R. Cherry, this is pretty awesome.

Our American Declaration of Independence is the supreme un-amendable moral law of the United States. Declarational law preceded and trumps our supreme amendable secular law, the Constitution…

…While our Constitution and Bill of Rights are the greatest secular laws ever written — it must be acknowledged that our secular Constitution has a sacred mandate — The Declaration of Independence.

That’s not bad. When you face people disagreeing with what the Constitution means for today in a way which isn’t ultra-rightwing, you proclaim yourself a Constitutional “originalist” who’s horrified that anyone would even think that there are different views of that from theirs.

When that’s not enough, then just say that the non-biding Declaration of Independence is suddenly the new Constitution.


NBG is a bit sad, teh real funny lieth with Ronald R. Cherry. The very first sentence sets a high bar for fucking delusional:

Our American Declaration of Independence is the supreme un-amendable moral law of the United States.

And then he tops himself with:

it must be acknowledged that our secular Constitution has a sacred mandate — The Declaration of Independence

and various similar references to ‘un-declarational’ law. Mmmm, these mangoes are delectable!


Frank “teh Boston Wordsmith” Maguire

Jesus H Boyo, got of the boat and a fuckin tiger pooped on me. Yes folks, the sorter is accurate…I think. I really can’t figure out what the hell he is saying, actually. Something about unions are fine but immoral and no true irishman would run a marathon and the dfinition of words say what they mean.

Shorter me: What in the hell was that?

hells littlest angel

Monte Kuligowski is an attorney and writer whose legal scholarship, including “Does the Declaration of Independence Pass the Lemon Test?”

Matt C. Abbott is a Catholic columnist with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication, Media and Theatre

Frank Maguire was born in Dorchester, MA, 1938, attended schools in Massachusetts, California, and Arizona, where he completed degrees in music and English writing/Journalism

Neil Brian Goldberg is an accomplished musician, songwriter, arranger, producer, radio host, writer, and activist originally from Philadelphia

Ronald R. Cherry, MD, is a board-certified specialist in lung disease

I dare not argue with such distinguished men.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Hate to be That Guy, but Abbott’s piece is about Andrew Cuomo.


Useful advice from Neil Brian Goldberg:

Smell the rats… Stop the porn…Grow food.

Look at your old Bible (not the new ones — they have been altered).


From the Goldberg link,

The nation which allowed me to be stupid and disrespectful, and then to travel and to learn that the true Spirit of Freedom and the greatest, kindest, best people in the world are here in America, and not quite anywhere else.

I’m guessing this is another “I was young, foolish and liberal in my youth, but then I discovered the GOP and got saved” character?


From the last scholar mentioned above, Ronald R. Cherry, this is pretty awesome.

Indeed it is, especially when you put his “secular constitution” thing in conjunction with the “Christian nation” conclusion of Goldberg.


Quite-a-bit-less-than-full Monte Kuligowski is an attorney and writer whose legal scholarship, including “Does the Declaration of Independence Pass the Lemon PartyTest?Fixt.DKW, as a Sabres fan from way back, I’ll just leave this here.


Frank Maguire has some Swanknerian mangoes:

I was reared in it and was in arrears (condition of being behind or delayed, condition of having an uncompleted duty) because of it until I broke away from my People’s Republic that abuts Lisa’s People’s Republic.

That’s from a guy who has degrees in “music and English writing/Journalism”.

Also: Har har! he said duty and abuts! VPoopR.

Also, too: it was uncompleted duty at that…ewww!


Yeah, Willy, but Frank is a realist.

He said so himself.


I was bored, and so got out of the boat. If these people were educated by public schools, the linked essays provide a worse indictment of public schooling in America than anything Megan McArdle has ever written. A more disjointed pile of word salad I have never forced myself to read.

And I refuse to believe that Abraham Lincoln ever used the word “non-declarational” in the whole of his life.


It sounds southern, or possibly Foghorn-Leghornish: “Well, I do non-declarational.” Or maybe it needs a comma after “do.”


I’m sick. Can someone bring me back some mangoes?


I swear, sometimes I feel so sorry for these people. I’ve got my own little bits of crazy cluttering up my headbone, but not these full-blown psychoses. I’d hate to be as crazy as these people are.

Quite aside from the usual “All Republicans are crazy” factor, are there any writers at Renew America who aren’t clinically insane?


Ronald Cherry is not just a board-certified specialist in lung disease, he’s also a fist-sized mass of prolapsed hemorrhoids held in place only by a network of cobwebby purple veins and glistening fatty tissue.

He’s also got a black belt to hold up his white jammies; he earned these by leaping to conclusions:

“That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are… the pursuit of happiness…” is American Declarational law. If man is made in the image of God; then, since God is the Great Creator, man has a sacred unalienable right to his/her own creativity — a right to private property created through individual labor — a right to the pursuit of happiness.

Observe the bolded part.

In other words, everything the Foundling Fathers wrote was a coded message with a lot of meanings that latter-day Indiana Jones types would later decode to reveal, much after the fashion of National Treasure, starring Nic Cage as Ron Cherry, that the USA was ALWAYS intended to be a libertarian paradise with no laws, regulations, or restrictions, not even the ones they put in place themselves.
But two can play at this game! I shall try it myself. And I’ll make it a quote so it looks more important. Plus I’m totes using ‘Declarational Law,’ because it sounds real even if it’s made up.

and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do.

Okay, see, that’s from the Declarational Law of Independence document also, and what that tells us right there if we are free enough to thunk with our own minds, is that all states in this union have the right to declare war, such as Alaska declaring war on the places next to it on either side. Both of which a are FORN CUNTRIES. Which implies all states should have their own armies, nuclear arsenals, ambassadors, and whatnot, and the Civil War was the only time this nation was truly free STATE’S RIGHTS MOAR LIBERTY negro slaves.

Go ahead, Cherry. Top that, as Cherries are wont to do.

“That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life…” is American Declarational law. If man is made in the image of God, then; since God lives and gave life to man, all individuals have a sacred unalienable right to life and self-defense.

Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness means armed combat. I guess Ron wins.


M. Bouffant headlines at Lawyers, Guns, & Money.
Thank you for bringing some fucking class to this place.


Look at your old Bible (not the new ones — they have been altered).

Goddam right, Aramaic or nuthin’ around my house.


And tagfail. My very first!


It seems the Sadlies have figured out how to avoid mass-Italicazation.

On behalf of the Pope, I object!


Staying in the boat – those waters look stagnant.

My head don’t need no ‘splodin’ today.



Bunga bunga!


A more disjointed pile of word salad I have never forced myself to read.

It’s not the authors’ fault. Renew America is incoherent because of the lazy unionized internet workers who delivered the words to your computer in the wrong order.


I just wrote another long, ranting post and then realized it’s actually an editorial. So I’ll put it on Huff Post next week and force you bitchez to read it there.
Shorter me: Now that every place in America is in trouble, the MSM are hastening their irrelevance by crudely spinning stories that people can see with their own eyes are not what they’re being told.



Rant away Moriarty, it’s all free you know.


it must be acknowledged that our secular Constitution has a sacred mandate — The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration is not actually considered part of the scriptural canon by most denominations.

“That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life…” is American Declarational law. If man is made in the image of God, then; since God lives and gave life to man, all individuals have a sacred unalienable right to life and self-defense.

But let me guess, capital punishment is okey fine, right? Must be one of them modern translations of “unalienable.”

And I was really hoping he’d weigh in on the strongly pro-immigration bit: “[King George III] has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands.” OH NOEZ obstructing immigration in unDeclarational!


IS razzafrazzin mistypink fingres.


What do they think they’re renewing anyway?


I’m sick. Can someone bring me back some mangoes?

Wanting mangos from this pack of dingleberries in semi-formal wear does indeed prove that you are SICK!
Ach, I thought I would plotz up on my socks just reading that!
Also, although I’m sure the mango content today is putrescent delectable, I’m afraid I have to plead anaphylactic RePoo Urmerika© shock syndrome.


it must be acknowledged that our secular Constitution has a sacred mandate — The Declaration of Independence

Unfortunately, that’s the heart of the problem. The Founding Fathers and the things they wrote aren’t just honored and remembered anymore, they’ve actually become sacralized. To conservatives and a bunch of other Americans, they’ve almost literally become gods or at least agents of a divine power, which makes crossing them sacrilegious.

But they’re not gods. They’re just people. The sooner we remember that the better.


Perusing these ‘pundits’ credentials, I realize that they *may* be experts, just not in the areas that they are expounding upon. I used to get out of the boat for the ‘Retard Amurka’ (sorry, Trig, no offense to you) fun-packs of bizzarity for the entertainment factor. Not anymore; it’s like the old joke, ‘Why you keep hittin’ yerself wit dat hammer, dude?’ ‘ ‘Cause it feels so good when I stop, man!’ Goddam, I feel good, now that I stopped that!


Spelled my goddam nym wrong- see, there IS residual damage!

@ Chris- I have often felt that those who are prone to full-scale utilization of dogma as a substitute for intelligent thought are susceptible to any variations, derivations, linkages and/or equivalent gobbledeegook. The idea of deification of the Founding Fatherz fits in well with the mindset of the lunatics amongst us. Like this five-pack of knuckleheadism. It’s like they buy the package and get the ancilliary wackaloon accessories at no extra cost.


No. No, no, no. Not getting out of the boat even if the mangoes are in Mr. Depp’s pants.


Ronald R. Cherry:

The concept of “Declarational Law” and “un-Declarational Law” must find its way into the American Mind…

And here are the guys who can put it there. They’re probably already on the Koch brothers’ payroll.


@ Chris- I have often felt that those who are prone to full-scale utilization of dogma as a substitute for intelligent thought are susceptible to any variations, derivations, linkages and/or equivalent gobbledeegook. The idea of deification of the Founding Fatherz fits in well with the mindset of the lunatics amongst us. Like this five-pack of knuckleheadism. It’s like they buy the package and get the ancilliary wackaloon accessories at no extra cost.

Fair enough.

You would expect them to remember the Bible’s admonitions against idolatry, or the Constitution’s admonitions against theocracy, but hey, surprising how much illogical shit can happen when you’re a lunatic.


M. Bouffant headlines at Lawyers, Guns, & Money.

I was a fan before he hit the bigs.

But his older work was better. More indie. SELLOUT!!


Wanting mangos from this pack of dingleberries in semi-formal wear does indeed prove that you are SICK!

I know. Everyone seems to be afeart, and I certainly can’t blame ’em. But I’m still thinking of getting off the boat. Now, who’s insane?


Mass insanity, fantasy vanity. Can it be I’m the only one who can see?

Oooookaaaaaaaaay. Notorious NBG, I think it’s time for your meds.


VS is insane in the membrane!


Can these people not see the real Puppetmaster!?!?!11`one?//


Jim Henson is dead, silly. At least that’s what they want you to believe!!!!!!!!


supreme un-amendable moral law

The US constitution contains no amendments? That’s going to make a difference.


VS: I hope you feel better soon. I liked your lastest artwork, btw, esp. the composition and mood.

DK-W: I appreciate the detail you put into your No-Fly Zone post [previous thread @ 15:46]…and your taking the time to write at length. I may very well be wrong about the wisdom of a Libyan NFZ…at least creating one now. There was a far more compelling case for one five days ago.

Nevertheless, I disagree with your reading of the situation on the ground. I’m am not nearly so sanguine as you seem to be.

I’m eager to start my blog: I hope it will be a more appropriate platform for extended discussions on such topics…without clogging up S,N threads. Again, thanks for taking the time to write such a careful and well-reasoned response..

Peace, bro.


Straight-up guffaws of laughter at the shorter for Abbott. Well done.


Civil War II: Treason in Defense of Zygotes
Southern Fried Sharia


Disclaimer I’m a federal employee, work at the Agency that administers Medicare and Medicaid and a union member.
Here is the rant….
All this anti-union/ public sector employee stuff really pisses me off. I admit that I make a very nice salary but then I have worked for the feds for 26 years however compared to private sector counterparts in my field (IT) with my experience I don’t make as much.
I really resent being portrayed as lazy (I often work off the clock to make sure my projects succeed) or greedy. My great grandfather worked in the coalmines of PA and my grandmother was a mill worker. I don’t understand how some of the middle/lower income workers don’t understand what the union had done for them in terms of work week and child labor. rant off.


supreme un-amendable moral law

Say what? Has this bitch NOT seen 1776?!


Off-topic query:

I’m sure everyone remembers the rabid explanations of Katrina as God’s Just Punishment of Sin.

Okay, how would they explain the catastrope in Christchurch, which was founded by Christians as a Christian town?


Thank you for bringing some fucking class to this place.

Me? Stop it, you’re making me laugh.


gocart: Excellent shorter. I larfed.


the greatest, kindest, best people in the world are here in America, and not quite anywhere else

So unAmerican furriners suck. If only Goldbrick could jump in a time machine and be waiting on the dock when his great-grandparents landed at Ellis Island to tell them to fuck off.


Okay, how would they explain the catastrophe in Christchurch, which was founded by Christians as a Christian town?

Swamp Lesbians, of course.

And of course, can’t find the link I made here, so no “AHEM!”


OT Schadenfreude Alert!!!

Roger Ailes to be Indicted?
Barry Ritholtz reports Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes canceled a speaking appearance next month for “legal reasons” which someone told him revolves around being indicted “probably this week, maybe even Monday” for urging an employee to lie to federal investigators to protect Rudy Giuliani.

Henry Blodget: “If the scuttlebutt is true, THIS will be the trial of the century.”


Roger Ailes to be Indicted?
Barry Ritholtz reports Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes canceled a speaking appearance next month for “legal reasons” which someone told him revolves around being indicted “probably this week, maybe even Monday” for urging an employee to lie to federal investigators to protect Rudy Giuliani.

Persecution. McCarthyism. Witch-hunting. Political oppression and generally evil evilness. See, both sides do do it!


Jesus hates unions

Muuust…. stayy inn booaaa…


typical East-Coast-ethnic (mine was 100 proof Irish) enclave

Maguire doesn’t wait long for the obligatory Irish-are-all-drunks joke! It’s the first sentence.

I’m from South Boston/Dorchester, People’s Republic of Massachusetts.

Massachusetts seceded??

I, as a disciple of Jesus Christ and one who strives to be a conservator of those things crucial, i.e., worth saving, and as a relatively stable realist

I’m done.


So unAmerican furriners suck. If only Goldbrick could jump in a time machine and be waiting on the dock when his great-grandparents landed at Ellis Island to tell them to fuck off.
For the Win.
But I think you’ll find that Goldenring’s ancestors were, you know, white.


OT Schadenfreude Alert!!!

My hangover was just miraculously cured!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I’m almost tempted to read Monte Kuligowski’s spew.

Tie me to the mast, like Odysseus.


MB, that’s the best news I’ve seen all day.

I bet he walks with just a slap on the wrist, though.


Tie me to the mast, like Odysseus
Safety word is TROY!!


Man, that Maguire sure can construct a compelling argument! Three anecdotes:

1) when I was a young punk I finished a job much faster than one of the old timers and made him look bad. Another old timer was pissed off at me and told me not to do that again. [No lie: almost exactly the same thing happened to me when I was on my first job. Except that it was a non-union contractor. But never mind. The second old timer in Macguire’s anecdote was a shop steward, so it shows that unions are bad.]

2) I had a job interview and a management guy hinted that some union members are thugs.

3) I talked to a guy I actually liked because he was an Irish Catholic who punched somebody once, even though he didn’t know that I had also punched somebody once. He defended unions, and I expressed my disagreement.

After compelling stories like that, I’m surprised that anyone could still fail to see how evil unions are.


Civil War II: Treason in Defense of Zygotes

That is fuckin’ fantastic. +100 internets for gocart


Man, that Maguire sure can construct a compelling argument!

“I hate Unions. I love Jesus. Jesus hates Unions.”

It’s so… simple…


Can I get the chair for killing a thread?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

“I hate Unions. I love Jesus. Jesus hates Unions.”

Who is Jesus Galt?

Concern Troll the Younger

You guys are just plain mean.


All this anti-union/ public sector employee stuff really pisses me off. I admit that I make a very nice salary but then I have worked for the feds for 26 years however compared to private sector counterparts in my field (IT) with my experience I don’t make as much. — acrannymint

Pisses me off mightily, too. For 15 years I worked closely as a consultant with many federal agencies. I had many opportunities to drill down into to what they do and admired them immensely. Of course, there was the usual population of idiots you will find in any occupation. I’m also excepting political appointees; this is about career professionals.

I often interviewed and worked with Subject Matter Experts [training-development jargon], all of whom had chose public service as a career. The most astonishing to me:

Air Traffic Controllers — Perhaps the most demanding job I’ve ever encountered. ATCs must be absolutely accurate all of the time…handling dozens of aircraft simultaneous…visualizing the flat screen in three dimensions … vectoring, aircraft seperation, modifying for weather. They are SO committed to public safety. Hundreds of lives are at stake and they know it. The pressure is unbelievable. I’ve seldom seen such remarkable and dedicated people.

One of the projects was about labor relations between the FAA and the controllers union. The union reps were impressive too. (Plus I’m a union guy all the way, though I’ve never been in one.)

That’s just one profession in one Agency of one Department.

((N_B will appreciate another: I’m certain the two FEMA professionals I worked with on the seismic-resistant schools project could have made more money in the private sector. These guys were totally committed to public service. I admired them both.))

So, like acrannymint, I become absolutely livid at attacks on public servants or unions or the value of government–especially when it comes from ignoramuses that don’t know jack shit.

Too windy? I blame it on Sharia Law.


Shoulda pruft bedder.


when I was a young punk I finished a job much faster than one of the old timers and made him look bad. Another old timer was pissed off at me and told me not to do that again.

… left out of the story is that either A) the job had to be re-done by one of the old-timers because the rush work was inadquate, or B) that rushing the job created hazardous working conditions, and the old-timers were concerned about others.


acrannymint: I’m on Medicare with a complete disability. So a special thanks on that score, too.


totally committed to public service

Sounds crazy


Air Traffic Controllers — Perhaps the most demanding job I’ve ever encountered. ATCs must be absolutely accurate all of the time…handling dozens of aircraft simultaneous…visualizing the flat screen in three dimensions … vectoring, aircraft seperation, modifying for weather. They are SO committed to public safety. Hundreds of lives are at stake and they know it. The pressure is unbelievable. I’ve seldom seen such remarkable and dedicated people.

Word. I have a friend who was one.

Get this-She became a public school teacher in order to REDUCE stress!

Yes, she has been going to Madison

Concern Troll the Younger

when I was a young punk I finished a job much faster than one of the old timers and made him look bad. Another old timer was pissed off at me and told me not to do that again.

Sure ya did. I’ll bet you like to tell these stories too:

I would have gone pro in [Insert sport currently being discussed] if I hadn’t blown my knee out.

I slept with all of the girls on my college cheerleading squad. (Double fish story cuz it implies that the fat bastard actually attended college).

I am NOT gay.

Feel free to add to this list as you all wish


I haven’t blog-pimped in awhile…anyway, I have super-important things to say about sluts.

Spoiler alert: I’m for them.


The demonization of public employees goes hand-in-hand with their attacks on science bureaus like EPA and NOAA. The attack on NOAA is paticularly stupid since without accurate weather forecasts they might sail their yacht right into a hurricane.

We can hope.


MB: Now I understand the reason for the quake. Swamp Lesbians had never occured to me, mainly because I like geology a lot.

I’ll bet I deserved an AHEM. I try to read carefully when I’m catching up the thread. I must have missed it, or not followed the link.


I would have gone pro in [Insert sport currently being discussed] if I hadn’t blown my knee out.

Odd. That’s what Gary always claimed re his joining the military.


From Esteev’s 22:41 link:

Massachusetts is populated primarily by…the worst drivers ever.



Tie me to the mast, like Odysseus! — B^4

Safety word is TROY! — Kiwi </blockquote

Laughter here.




Odd. That’s what Gary always claimed re his joining the military.

As well as, in the “real” (if not reality-based) world, Cornfed “Mah Guh-reeeel” Wankee. Hmmm.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Odd. That’s what Gary always claimed re his joining the military.

Yeah, Gary blew his “knee”.


OK, if fear of disembarking has sent us OT, I didn’t feel like picking through this load,* but felt America should see yet another whining weenie, this one from FOX.

Oh, he can read minds, when he isn’t wallowing in his feeeeeeeeelings w/ Geraldo:

“One thing I think should make clear – the people coming after us from every live shot here, these people hate,” Tobin said. “These are people who don’t respect diverse viewpoints. In fact, they’re so afraid I’ll present a diverse viewpoint, that’s why they try to heckle me and shut down every live shot. They’ve made it clear, that what they want to make it harder for me to do my job. They are proud of that when they disrupt a live shot, when they really trample over the First Amendment rights or the First Amendment’s obligations of a reporter. Now, I am not saying that’s all of the people. Those are the people that come here and heckle and try to disrupt things. I look in their eyes – there is hate in their eyes. They don’t want to hear any kind of viewpoint that is different from their own. That’s why they do what they do.”

Rivera explained Tobin’s report was troubling, especially since Madison is the home of the University of Wisconsin, where one might think that in a university setting people would be more receptive to other points of view.

“And the sickest thing is many go to the University of Wisconsin there or are affiliated as teachers or some other positions with the university, supposedly a liberal bastion committed to the Bill of Rights and the United States,” Rivera said. “And yet, they are using bullying tactics on the one hand and then this gross interruptions of a reporter trying to do his job.”

Bolding from the item.


The demonization of public employees goes hand-in-hand with their attacks on science bureaus like EPA and NOAA. The attack on NOAA is paticularly stupid

Word. Add CDC and USGS too.


And FDA … though it has been seriously wounded already.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

In fact, they’re so afraid I’ll present a diverse viewpoint, that’s why they try to heckle me and shut down every live shot.

And you’re so afraid their point will come across that you complain about their free speech.

They’ve made it clear, that what they want to make it harder for me to do my job.

You should take it up with your union representative, so FOX will provide you with a soundproof broadcast booth… WHAT?


MB: I couldn’t make it all the way through the linked article. My mind rebelled; my stomach wanted to vomit. This country is very sick.


Fuckettyfuckfuckfuck. I know better. I even have a perfectly good mango sitting in the kitchen.

Do I stay in the fucking boat?!?!?


I just have to go check it out, don’t I?

Christ. It’s going to take hours with pumice and lye to scrub the stupid off, and the clothes are just ruined.



“In fact, they’re so afraid I’ll present a diverse viewpoint, that’s why they try to heckle me and shut down every live shot.”

They’re trying to present a diverse viewpoint, which is: “FOX NEWS SUCKS!” shouted as loud as possible, right behind you. Why are you preventing Fox listeners from getting exposure to this (for them) novel viewpoint? Free speech, baby!


M. may have brought us fhe biggest turd of all. But then, the hate in my eyes may be affecting My reading comprehension.


I look in their eyes – there is hate in their eyes.

Normally, when Fox News reporters look in people’s eyes all they see is sweet, sweet love.


Let him who is without hate, remove the first beam


So…seeing that these guys’ claim to fame really doesn’t include anything that actually gives them such claim, does that mean my future BA in Graphic Design will also make me an expert in areas I’m not qualified to speak about?

Hoo, sweet rightwing gravy train, here I come!


I’m watching an outstanding conversation on facebook between an active duty military officer (JAG) and a teabagger. Basic summary:

Military guy: “We shouldn’t be buying Boeing’s tanker. The Airbus competitor was a superior product.”
Teabagger: “No, we need to buy American, because we need to buy American.”
Military guy: “The Airbus was going to be assembled in Alabama. Its cockpit and engines were going to come from within the U.S. too.”
Teabagger: “No, we need to buy American.”
Military guy: “And the Boeing had plenty of components made overseas.”
Teabagger: “No, we need to buy American.”
Military guy: “So, you’d rather give our soldiers an inferior product?”
Teabagger: “We need to buy American.”
Military guy: “I get that, but half the stuff in this Airbus was going to be made in America-”
Military guy: “What the hell are you talking about?”


Normally, when Fox News reporters look in people’s brown eyes all they see is sweet, sweet love.

Fiqst for moar POOP


I’m not sure the absence of tongue means the absence of love.



Just not American Union-made, apparently.


From what I get of that conversation, the teabagger is more concerned with corporate America getting money than labor America, and in the same instant wanting to saddle the American military with inferior products, just because the corporate name is American.

Got it.


@ Mr. Chris

Please allow me to enter into evidence

Thank you for allowing my opus dei, or primus brownbeaverus, friend of the court whatever-in-the-fuck.


Someday tags, you’ll love me, please (SOB!!BLUBBER!!SNORT!!), you complete me…


paleotectonics said,
February 28, 2011 at 0:57



For DK-W:

I disagree with your reading of the situation on the ground. I’m am not nearly so sanguine as you seem to be.

On reconsidering, the effort and care you put into your long post deserves a fuller reply, even at risk of clogging the thread. Let me try:

The fall of cities is important, of course, but the paramilitaries still control most of the countryside–and therefore the roads–in western Libyan (which is comparitively well-roaded).

The revolution controls the inner-city areas in both Az-Zawiyah (west of Tripoli) and Misratah (east of Tripoli); yet the outskirts are ringed with paramilitaries (including armor); reportedly they are preparing to attack.

Moreover, Sirte is–Gaddafi’s birthplace–is firmly in his control. Sirte blocks the coastal road from eastern Libya (which, of course, has by liberated by the revolution).

True, Gaddifi has lost parts of Tripoli itself, but he still controls the inner part of the city–reportedly about nine-twelve square miles. Urban warfare is nasty stuff…especially if one side is armed and trained, and the other isn’t. IMO, Gaddafi is a complete dead-ender. He will hold on by any means at his disposal. So that is the essence of why I don’t share your reading of the situation on the ground.

As I said earlier, IMO you gave thoughtful and well-reasoned arguments against a NFZ. And you may be right. I will add, however, that–since the fall of Benghazi–there have been nearly unanimous calls for an international NFZ from liberated eastern Libyans, principally to prevent more mercenaries from arriving. They continue to call for an NFZ still. Thus, in addition to the possible constraints on Gaddafi’s power, I believe the NFZ would have an important symbolic effect in support of the people and revolution.

(I am opposed to Western boots on the ground, btw. If there is intervention by ground forces, they need to be from the AU or AL.)

I don’t believe that resolution will come quickly. I hope I’m wrong on that.


Massachusetts is populated primarily by…the worst drivers ever.

Sounds like someone’s never driven in Atlanta.


Massachusetts is populated primarily by…the worst drivers ever.

Sounds like someone’s never driven in Atlanta.

I haven’t been to either Boston or Atlanta since before I was allowed to drive, but I will say New York City is the one place on Earth where I will never drive.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I haven’t been to either Boston or Atlanta since before I was allowed to drive, but I will say New York City is the one place on Earth where I will never drive.

Nor will you have to! WOOT!!!


Hell, I don’t want to drive in any town larger than Hooterville, but as far as it goes, Minneapolis-St. Paul is quite driveable. Chicago sucks, San Francisco, hire a guide – your not going to get in any mindbending end-of-Blues-Brothers pileups, but you are gonna get lost for about a week.

But again, 30 people in town is way to many for me, so YMMV. (Why do I live in the Twin Cities? I don’t know. (Ouch!) (Damn honey!) I mean LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!)


Massachusetts is populated primarily by…the worst drivers ever.

Sounds like someone’s never driven in Atlanta.

Or Managua.


DK-W. Here is an argument for NOT using a NFZ. The comedy team of McCain and Lieberman (now in Egypt) are calling for a NFZ. If these bozos are for it, that in itself is a good reason for questioning the wisdom of doing it.

Nevertheless, LEAFS SUCK.


Impeccable logic. Fenwickians, excellent tactical statement.


Impeccable logic. M. Fenwickians, excellent tactical argument. 1 point.


Driving in NYC is easy — you’re seldom going faster than 10mph, and the only thing you have to remember is no right on red. Parking is a different story.


Hell, I don’t want to drive in any town larger than Hooterville, but as far as it goes, Minneapolis-St. Paul is quite driveable. Chicago sucks, San Francisco, hire a guide – your not going to get in any mindbending end-of-Blues-Brothers pileups, but you are gonna get lost for about a week.

Heh. I’ve been to San Francisco once, during my senior year of high school, when I was biking back and forth to school. I didn’t even think about driving, my only reaction was “Christ, I’m glad I don’t have to bike in this town.” (In retrospect, driving would be a bitch for anyone who favored stick-shifts, too).

Still the prettiest city I’ve ever been to, though.


The no-fly zone is bullshit. It’s a way of saying “we have totes control over you sand niggers, but will allow you to kill each other on the ground in the traditional manner.” While I’d like to tip the game to the MOAR FREEDOM folks, I’m extremely queasy about turning the thing into a cage match just to suit some weird imperial sense of fairness we suddenly discovered after 40 years.


Spengler Dampniche said,
February 28, 2011 at 1:45


Sir, you stray too close to the category of humourously shaped marine worms. have a care sir!


“Pewping my own party?”



DK-W. Here is an argument for NOT using a NFZ. The comedy team of McCain and Lieberman (now in Egypt) are calling for a NFZ. If these bozos are for it, that in itself is a good reason for questioning the wisdom of doing it.

Even a broken clock… etc.

What you just wrote above actually confirms my opinion of an NFZ. What the Libyan people are up against is a hell of a lot more than either the Tunisians or the Egyptians were. If mercenaries are still pouring into the country, the least we can do is put up an NFZ to stop them. The good guys are going to have enough (too much, actually) on their hands just with the people who’re already inside Libya.

And hell, if there are any planes or choppers that’re still able to rally for Qaddafi, blow them out of the sky too.

Big Bad Bald Bastard


u g o i
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Big Bad Bald Bastard

FYWP, it looked good in preview!!!



Controversial fat jokes, a look back:

It has been 60 years since the circus tent came down on the Lonely Hearts Killers, a third-rate gigolo and his tubby tootsie whose crime antics and executions captivated the country.

Raymond Fernandez and Martha Beck, posing as brother and sister, enticed lovelorn women into relationships that ended with depleted bank accounts and a claw hammer to the head.

The Daily News christened Beck “the triple-chinned killer,” and her heft became a national snicker. She egged on HTML Mencken’s grandfather by complaining more about the fat jokes than about being portrayed as a predatory killer.

I may have edited the quoted text a little.



Oohh, well done, sir. The Snotty Hottie approves.


I did wonder what the Hell “Worderers Pilf” meant.


I found a picture of DKW’s mom. She’s not as tall as I remember.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I did wonder what the Hell “Worderers Pilf” meant.

Pilf sounds like furry terminology.

“Worderers Pilf” sounds like something out of a dirty “Winnie the Pooh” spoof.


“Trespassers Will and the BIG surprise”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

AK gets man… he is one hep cat, or kiwi as the case may be.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Uh, gets “it”… sorry, the beret slipped while I was playing the congas, so I done made a typo.


Driving in NYC is a lot of fun. In Manhattan that is. It’s like a video game where you get points for victimizing timid out of town drivers, teaching bone-headed pedestrians to cross at the green, not in between, and winning games of chicken with cabbies. And if you have the nerve you almost always will win because those guys are aggressive as hell but not at all interested in getting in accidents so they back down when it’s a real close call.


“Uh, gets “it”… sorry, the beret slipped while I was playing the congas, so I done made a typo”

That’s what you get when you insist on polishing your noggin with duck fat.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Driving in NYC is a lot of fun.

How about driving downtown around 6AM on a Saturday or Sunday, trying to get as far as possible before you have to stop at a light? I have a friend who maintained a rate of 31MPH and got from 125th St to 8th St without stopping.

That’s what you get when you insist on polishing your noggin with duck fat.

The cats love it!


When I heard Qadaafie (sp.!!) was flying mercenaries, SEIU thugs, Code Pink & the Muslim Bros. into Libya, & using aircraft to move them around the country I wasn’t totally against the idea of an NFZ, but (Admittedly not up on the most recent PEWP from the Libyan ground.) the best time would have been during or before the initial airlift. I’m suspect it’s too late now. The less involved any other nations are, the better.

And all any one needs is for a plane full of civilians to be shot down & gore someone’s/everyone’s ox, or an interdicting (i.e., Western) warplane to be shot down or, more likely, to crash w/ loss of pilot life or atrocities to the pilot broadcast & before you know it the drumbeat for war to show those savages something is on again.

Not to mention Droopy & whoever the other clown was.


Me and 4B in the beat(en) generation


For a couple of years I drove into San Francisco after work to go to night school at the San Francisco State extension site just south of Market. I really didn’t have a choice; I was coming from outside of San Francisco, and the non-commute hour public transportation opportunities were slim to none.

Initially I was so terrified that I did a test drive first at 5 am on a Sunday morning, just to get my bearings. After I got more comfortable, I started experimenting to find the best routes. Driving in right after work (a reverse commute) was a whole different thing than driving home at nearly 10 pm. Since I am but a hapless country spinster, thrills and chills abounded, OMG. I made a poor choice one time and got stuck in Chinatown traffic…actually I got stuck trying to make a turn, but I inexplicably ended up in a lane of parked cars. Other drivers had mercy and let me back into traffic. And one time in the Tenderloin I decided to not really stop at a stop sign on account of things looked sketchy at the corner liquor store.

But mostly it was kind of fun. Also, at the time I was optimistic that the classes I was taking would improve my career and earning opportunities. I was wrongity wrong wrong wrong, but I meant well.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Also, at the time I was optimistic that the classes I was taking would improve my career and earning opportunities. I was wrongity wrong wrong wrong, but I meant well.

You could have made a career robbing sketchy liquour stores!


Freezing Libyan assets seems important, and I wouldn’t discount the value of Secretary Clinton gathering with her European counterparts to give Libya a collective Mean Look. I’m not really kidding, either. We just cannot get physically involved. We can’t. Who is going to go? Who would we send?


…or sketching liquor store robberies.



u g o i
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Playing the congas.


I haven’t been to either Boston or Atlanta since before I was allowed to drive, but I will say New York City is the one place on Earth where I will never drive.

Never been to Atlanta, but I’ve driven many a mile in Mass & NY. Aside from the fucking traffic circles, Mass never bothered me much. NY is entertaining. “Where lane markers are merely a suggestion.” Rule #1, iirc, is “He who gives less of a shit about their car goes first.” I once had a $200 ’65 Dart that was the ultimate cabbie intimidation machine. SF, “Where stop signs are merely a suggestion,” is a bit aggravating. A standard transmission here isn’t as bad as one might think once you get used to it. Parking is second only to NY in pure pain in the ass. And yeah, it’s real purty.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Freezing Libyan assets seems important

Yeah, making sure that there’s no payroll for mercenaries is crucial.

…or sketching liquor store robberies.

Now I want to see a “Thomas Kinkade” spoof featuring pictures of skid row liquour stores and meth labs- Painter of Blight.

Big Bad Bald Bastard


Playing the congers.

I once had a $200 ’65 Dart that was the ultimate cabbie intimidation machine.

Sweet! I learned how to drive with a ’74 Dodge Dart.


Amusement at LG&M, as Mr. Althouse defends the Missus’s indefensible (again).


boom-Taoom- doom- doom-room!
ritiplin, ritiplin, rataplan, ritiplin!
kidnork, kid-nork, kid-nork!

Playing the congohelium.


Mmm, look at those big, juicy mangoes.


Jeff Dunetz
Leftist Hate Group Southern Poverty Law Center Libels Pamela Geller as a Racist

Pam Geller is an angel of love and light. I wish she’d let me come in her mouth.
Mangoes, so sweet and so cold.


SF, “Where stop signs are merely a suggestion,” is a bit aggravating.

North & South, baby!! No sign w/ UN barcodes on the back tells us what to do!!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Mmm, look at those big, juicy mangoes.

There’s gold in them thar comments, such as this third person, switching to first person, self-defense by Henry Crux:

Sledgehammer 64, HenryCrux is not a Muslim – he hates the Koran – I am a Crusader, made so by the Church –


The comments in that LGM Althouse piece are freakin’ funny. The right-wingers just keep hurling up gabions of butthurt, and the LIBS keep on pointing out butthurt doesn’t trump free assembly, and on it goes. Woo-hoo-hoodly-hoo.


“Jeff Dunetz
Leftist Hate Group Southern Poverty Law Center”

You gotta be feckin kidding me. Up is down and down durian fruit tastes like candy instead of feet and onions.


“Trespassers Will and the BIG surprise”

Chick Music?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The comments in that LGM Althouse piece are freakin’ funny. The right-wingers just keep hurling up gabions of butthurt, and the LIBS keep on pointing out butthurt doesn’t trump free assembly, and on it goes. Woo-hoo-hoodly-hoo.

Althouse is hilarious:

I think the Republicans are simply refraining from confrontation and waiting for the protesters to get tired and leave or — on their own — to upset the ordinary people around the state.

Shit, lady, 100,000 people in the capital, and you don’t think they’re the ordinary people of the state? Keep fucking that chicken!


Playing the congohelium.

Win for C. Smith ref.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Chick Music?

The politically correct term is “Estrogenre”.


Agree with Spengler – thanks, M.Bouffant. That LGM thread is both hilarious and instructive. My motto will henceforth be “Butthurt doesn’t trump free assembly”. Well, I have more than one motto. Another one is “If you can’t hide it, decorate it”.


Keep fucking that chicken!

Apparently, 100k is enough to keep the media from reporting on it. From what I hear, it’s getting fuck all in the way of press. That damned Librul Media.

Now, if it were 40 Teatards, on the other hand, it’d be run in a non-stop loop on Faux as the biggest thing since the Berlin Wall fell.



*tucks that one away for future use*


It is awesome that Althoulic married Meade.



All of S,N! was et, not merely my comment. (Couldn’t even back up to it.)

Kinkade spoof.

Yeah, I’d dig that garish neon glow of salvation (or oblivion, minimum) haloing the sketchy Kinkade liquor store, beckoning you from the far end of a burned out block, maybe w/ Kinkade himself pissing on something in the dark.


ritiplin, ritiplin, rataplan, ritiplin!

Smut mis-spelt Ritalin.


If he’s pissing on something, it won’t be in the dark any more. I believe his piss glows.


“Kincade spoof.”

That is currently the best thing in existence. I defy anyone to top it.


I was in Boston many years ago, the hotel tv had a channel that provided tourist information. One segment had an attractive lady come on and give helpful hints about driving in Boston. She would discuss specific situations of Boston traffic and then finish with “my suggestion is just close your eyes and go for it.” I opted to take the T.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Apparently, 100k is enough to keep the media from reporting on it. From what I hear, it’s getting fuck all in the way of press. That damned Librul Media.

May 1 is a Sunday… if a huge May Day rally were held in D.C., I think the wingnut headsplosion would occur for real.

Who could make this happen? Do I e-mail Ed Schultz, Arianna Huffington, Andy Stern, and the ghost of Stalin?


“Sweet! I learned how to drive with a ’74 Dodge Dart.”

My first car was a ’71 Chevy Nova. I loved that thing. I drove it and drove it, and then I had to get something a wee bit more reliable, and I had to get it right then, because I wanted to buy a new car, and I didn’t figure I could get a loan later if in fact I was laid off from work as I anticipated I might be. And was. But I sold it to a kid who came to look at it with his dad, and I’m imagining that he got some good miles out of it. That engine was so pretty to look at, so clean and accessible.


If there’s a May Day rally, and FOXNews is not there, does it make a sound?


Sounds like someone’s never driven in Atlanta.

Or New Orleans.

John "Love Handles" Bolton

The REAL important point to consider when debating a Libyan NFZ is … will it lead to bombing Iran?
Huh? Will it? Y’think? Huh? Huh?

PS: Please say yes.

Hamid "$25 Billion, Same As In Town" Karzai

NYC? Atalanta? Pikers.
How many cars in YOUR traffic jams are shooting at each other or exploding?

PS: Just leave the money on the dresser like last time, baby.


Calling bullshit on John Bolton. The real Bolton would’ve killed his own mother and gargled with drano before he ever used the word “please.”


Or New Orleans.

Spent a good bit of time down there, too. I’m not sure if this has changed, but when I was there, there was no law against having an open container of booze in the car. It was perfectly legal, and certainly common, to have a drink in your hand as you drove. Hell, they had drive-thru daiquiri stands.

I think only the characteristic unhurriedness of the place saved it from being one giant Blues Brothers cop-car scene.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

OTb also, too.

That’s awesome… I really think Walker has fucked up so royally, it’ll have nationwide repercussions.

I don’t have a T.V., is there any coverage of this on the news?


That’s awesome… I really think Walker has fucked up so royally, it’ll have nationwide repercussions.

From your lips to God’s ears.


currently the best thing in existence

Yezzz. I forgot to add there’s site or page on a site or something w/ a mess of such, though none as good. I naturally have no idea what/where it was, but you know who’s your friend.


Chris & paleo: Thanks.

The no-fly zone is bullshit. It’s a way of saying “we have totes control over you sand niggers, but will allow you to kill each other on the ground in the traditional manner.”

We are the Chorus and on this issue we disagree, we disagree, we disagree.

Act II: In an impassioned soliloquy, the protagonist explains to the audience why the liberated sand niggers in eastern Libya have requested an international NFZ for the last four days….


I don’t have a T.V., is there any coverage of this on the news?

Not during the OSCARS!! you HEATHEN!!!


Yezzz. I forgot to add there’s site or page on a site or something w/ a mess of such, though none as good. I naturally have no idea what/where it was, but you know who’s your friend.

Better than the “Scott Walker Blows Goats” that I posted at the Empire?


SInce BBBB asked, here’s the CBS take.

Note the liberal bias.


I really think Walker has fucked up so royally, it’ll have nationwide repercussions

He pulled this “Union Slayer” schtick once before … the difference is, last time he was long gone by the time the bill (for millions) for his fuckup came due. The only way he can avoid eating a jumbo shit-sundae this time is to resign.

So he’s not Reagan 2.0 after all, wishful thinking notwithstanding.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Not during the OSCARS!! you HEATHEN!!!

I’m covering for a co-worker so he could attend an Oscar party that his daughter throws every year.

I have to admit, though, that I find Anne Hathaway gorgeous, but I really don’t know why… I dunno if she’s a classic beauty, but DAMN!!!

Confession, I also think the “Progressive” girl is hot.


My Oscar® party this yr. was in my pants.


I have decided that from now on I will replace the derogatory term “wingnut” with the descriptive term “dark ager” as I believe that is where they are trying to take us.


As I delight to mention, my wife won an Oscar, so now I don’t give a shit. The cat in the picture may be touching her, but I do the tapping.


but I do the tapping plumbing.

Fixxilated for nymmy goodness.


Confession, I also think the “Progressive” girl is hot.

You’re not the only one.


Mango from the Outhouse comments

Blogger Fen said…

Garage: Must be driving the right and fox “news” nuts that there have been zero arrests in 14 days, and not only that, the cops and protesters are getting along with each other.

Hardly. If anything, this collusiuon between police and protesters only underscores our argument that PSUs should be banned. The police clearly have a conflict of interest. And its trumping their duty to enforce the law.
2/27/11 10:10 PM


its trumping their duty to enforce the law.

What the hell law would that be, exactly?


Fight the power Mr Althouse!

Blogger Ann Althouse said…

“Did I hear a threat? Did I correctly hear that someone said they saw Mead push an officer?”

You heard the police say that. He did not push them. He moved toward the door. The police weres, I think, making an effort at controlling him and intimidating him into waiting in line to enter the Capitol. The protesters are working with the police and therefore waiting in line. But Meade isn’t one of them. He’s a citizen journalist. There was a special door for media, but there was not access for new media.

We need to make our own plastic card with a special color stripe, so we can have access to a public building and not get stopped by police who are distinguishing between the mainstream media and the bloggers.

2/27/11 7:33 PM


“What the hell law would that be, exactly?”

Punching Hippies?


Aye, I took many a lump! But ’twas all in fun!


The police weres, I think, making an effort at controlling him and intimidating him into waiting in line to enter the Capitol. The protesters are working with the police and therefore waiting in line. But Meade isn’t one of them

Yeah, he’s an asshole who thought he deserved special privileges, and whines like a poorly housetrained shih-tzu when he doesn’t get treated as a Galtian Uberlord.

What a poor, poor, baby. Having to wait his fucking turn like the rest of the dirty fucking hippies. “intimidating” means “saying no”.

My heart fairly bleeds, it does.


“citizen media”
“citizen arrest”

what a bunch of good citizens they are.


Krugman’s got an op-ed and a couple of posts up today. I found this in the comments section of his latest blog post:

It took until today for someone (David Gregory) to ask Walker why fire and police unions were excluded from the bill. The governor’s answer was incredible: He said did not include them because he was afraid they would go on strike and compromise public safety!! So apparently, he is not opposed to public employee unions. He is only opposed to public employee unions that he thinks can’t fight back. When people do fight back, he does not know what to do. and reacts like a school yard bully calling his opponents “cowards”.

I don’t think that was the reason, but the rationalization for it was a perfect summary of the way the GOP’s minds work. Goes back to the early 20th century, when the Republicans supported thirty years of wog-bashing expeditions in Asia and Latin America, but shit their pants at the thought of facing Germany or anyone else who could actually fight back.


Morning Thought: Charlie Sheen was recently quoted as saying “I’m on a drug: it’s called Charlie Sheen.”. 😮


“citizen media”
“citizen arrest”

To be followed by the creation of a “citizen gulag” where you can imprison and torture people without that pesky government interfering.


Another one is “If you can’t hide it, decorate it”.

That was one of mine, too, until someone told me nobody will tattoo over a smallpox vaccine scar. Assholes.

We need to make our own plastic card with a special color stripe, so we can have access to a public building and not get stopped by police who are distinguishing between the mainstream media and the bloggers.

Jesus Christ, he’s not a fucking journalist, he’s a moron with a blog. And of course nothing improves safety and security like letting in anyone with a home-made plastic stripey card.

Morning Thought: Charlie Sheen was recently quoted as saying “I’m on a drug: it’s called Charlie Sheen.”. 😮

Needs more cat pic.


“Needs more cat pic.”

See, I think he’s so amusingly batshit, the cat pics just distract.


We need to make our own plastic card with a special color stripe, so we can have access to a public building and not get stopped by police who are distinguishing between the mainstream media and the bloggers.

Awwww, it’s so sweet when they pretend to be grownups!


Speaking of grownups, my muscles have been all sore and stiff lately. I hope this isn’t age-related, because I will be curled up in a shriveled ball by the time I’m forty if this keeps up.


Robert Costa:

The occupation of the Wisconsin state capitol continues, as does the two-week impasse over Gov. Scott Walker’s budget-repair bill. Police were scheduled to remove protesters at 4 p.m. Sunday, but Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs decided to let the folks stay. No one was arrested and cleaning crews were forced to work around the lingering activists.

I can imagine how choked those cleaning crews were about activists for decent wages and labour rights.


“I can imagine how choked those cleaning crews were about activists for decent wages and labour rights.”



God bless the police chief.

Gotta say, it’s been uplifting every time a cop or firefighter sides with the activists, in spite of Walker’s cheap attempt to divide them. Here’s hoping there are enough good people to overrule the bad ones, for once.


curled up in a shriveled ball by the time I’m forty

That’s a feature, not a bug.



That’s a feature, not a bug.


It is?


I thought it was.
[checks manual]
Yes, apparently the body prepares us for death by falling the fuck apart so we don’t want to live another minute. This process begins around age 30. Results may vary.


@Chris, I agree with you. It’s good to see the police siding with the People!! Wonder how much more they will be doing for the activist without risking their job or seeing something that conflicts with their beliefs.


Yes, apparently the body prepares us for death by falling the fuck apart so we don’t want to live another minute. This process begins around age 30. Results may vary.

Damn, I was hoping to have another five years or so…

I have noticed that I can’t bounce back from a night out like I used to be able to–just in the past year or so. WTF? I don’t like it.


But they’re not gods. They’re just people. The sooner we remember that the better

Therefore, Jesus wept but Reagan pooped??!!!



God bless the police chief.

He’s a bit pissed at Walker’s Kock Comments where he said he considered bringing in outside disruptive agents.

Endangering the public and police officers for political maneuvering tends to not be looked upon favorably by the police.


Mangoes from Mordor.

Another Gooper Orc stands up courageousley and shows that to them chivalry is an automobile.


From Abbott Mark C. and his Batchlers in Commnacashun:

As I commented on Steve Kellmeyer’s blog, “What we need is for the ‘good’ bishops to put the ‘bad’ bishops in their place, which may or may not happen. For the most part, it hasn’t happened, although Cardinal Burke is an exception. The bottom line is that the bishops have the authority — even the ‘bad’ ones — and we, as laymen, do not. Thus, we continue to spin our wheels.”


Monte (i Ibin published) Kuligowski got the creds’ down!

His opinion commentary has been published by the Washington Times, Virginian Pilot, Pajamas Media, American Thinker and other venues.

His commentary has been quoted by Rush Limbaugh and is widely posted and cited by diverse media outlets.


Great thread at LGM. This was my contribution. Sadly, Meade did not respond.
gocart mozart says:
February 27, 2011 at 4:05 pm
“Viewpoint discrimination? Hmm. Do you have an example of anti-union protesters, or anti-tax or pro-teabagging protesters being banned? If not, shouldn’t we limit the debate to reality as it exists rather than your wife’s hallucinations.”


One more:

Neal (i seen it) Goldberg:

I also saw the clip where Barack Hussein Obama visited a major mosque. I did personally see the absolutely enthralled look on his face — no doubt he was deeply moved and thrilled. Make what you want of it — that is what I saw, and if that footage were reviewed, that is what would be seen. Not a crime, doesn’t prove anything, just another thing we know for sure, as we construct a picture made up of what we do know.


Substance, have mercy! No more mangoes! I’m starting to feel like Carmen Miranda with a hangover.


“Yes, apparently the body prepares us for death by falling the fuck apart so we don’t want to live another minute. This process begins around age 30. Results may vary.

Damn, I was hoping to have another five years or so…

I have noticed that I can’t bounce back from a night out like I used to be able to–just in the past year or so. WTF? I don’t like it.”

Yeah, well, just ‘cuz I walk with a cane, wear Depends, and rely on Viagra, I STILL HAVE MORE TEETH THAN FINGERS1!1!!!


From Substance rotten-mango link:

How ironic that Wisconsin has become ground zero for the battle between taxpayers and public- employee labor unions

Public labor union employees don’t pay taxes?

He then goes on to link personal income taxes to public unions. Like the Kock bastards pay any personal income taxes. Certainly none to Wisconsin.



They’re easier to count when they’re in the glass on the nightstand tho.


Snort, if I could find my cane, I would chase you off my lawn.


Andy and Tina sitting in a tree…..

Andrew almost single-handedly defined the political blog and has been refining it as a form of journalism in real time nearly every day for the past decade.Tina Brown

Geez, rent a room already…although for what I do not know.


Rotten-mangoes link:

Hopefully, embattled politicians like Gov. Walker in Wisconsin will maintain their resolve and achieve a more sensible long-term structure for the taxpayers in their states.

With his mitey sward ahorsed his mitey steed he will vankwish and smite the raven onions and their cohortz.


All I read before clicking away was his comparing union-busting to anti-trust acts.

Um. Antitrust was created to protect the public by ensuring that no one interest would control a market in such a way as to dictate a price that people would have to meet. Unions were created to protect the public by ensuring that they could fight for a decent wage if they wanted one. Both came into being around the same time and for the same reasons, with the support of the same people.

Thanks for playing, though.


Fail Tag POOP!


That WSJ piece is so amateurish in its conclusions I wonder they dared publish it. “Collective bargaining = ANTI-TRUST VIOLATION!!!!” The thing is, Serious Binnismen read that paper. Even the Masters of the Universe know better than to believe this kind of nonsense. Were I them, I’d doubt the WSJ’s commitment to reality.

I suspect, however, this kind of thing is actually in the comedy section. WINK WINK WINK serious editorial har har. You have to know the secret brain handshake.



Why are they trying to curtail collective bargaining rights of public employees in Kansas? Unions are basically non-existent there–it’s a “right to work” state.

Because Republicans are political whores who like to put on a good show? Oh yeah, I forgot.

The most insane thing to me in all this is that WE KNOW WHO FUCKED THE ECONOMY AND IT WASN’T FUCKING SCHOOLTEACHERS. God fucking FORFEND that we actually do something effective and regulate the living shit out of people who deserve it.


All I read before clicking away was his comparing union-busting to anti-trust acts.

I’ll bet MLB’s exemption yet unionization makes his head hurt.


And THIS, kids, is why we’re all fucked:

Mr. Barro is a professor of economics at Harvard and a senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution.


As always, what T&U said.


a senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution.

Oh, now I get it. Hoover.


I also saw the clip where Barack Hussein Obama visited a major mosque. I did personally see the absolutely enthralled look on his face — no doubt he was deeply moved and thrilled.

Assuming he didn’t make this up completely(don’t bet money against this, see below), where, the Taj Mahal? Hagia Sophia? And what would we know for sure if a Muslim got gooey-eyed at Chartres? Idiot.

He also quotes Obama as saying “Wait until you see what I am going to do to Israel.” Google turns up a grand total of THREE results for that(seven if you click “show me omitted results”), his column and identical references to his column.


Oh, now I get it. Hoover.

I don’t see what vacuum cleaners have to do with this.


But,but, but, he personally seen it on telebision!


The thing is, Serious Binnismen read that paper.

And the WSJ editorial page has always served as their over-eager fluffer.


Man, these um…persons do go on. Cherries berries:

If man is not made in the image of God then some will become, as in Animal Farm, “more equal than others” — legal superiority based on unequal law, Darwinian natural selection, and their animal “Will to Power.” Equal law is the essence of justice; unequal law is the essence of tyranny.


Republicans are political whores who like to put on a good show

DO NOT want to see that show.


Oh, now I get it. Hoover.

Where’s VS when you need her?


And the WSJ editorial page has always served as their over-eager fluffer.

“It rubs the peanut-butter on its penis.”


Where’s VS when you need her?

Something need slaying? I’M ON IT!


I also saw the clip where Barack Hussein Obama visited a major mosque. I did personally see the absolutely enthralled look on his face — no doubt he was deeply moved and thrilled.

As are shit tons of atheists when they visit Notre Dame or the National Cathedral, if only for the artwork.

More to the point, God on Earth forbid that the President show any appreciation for a place where most people do nothing but get together and pray.


I was watching television and I personally saw Obama smirk at the Vatican.


If man is not made in the image of God then some will become, as in Animal Farm, “more equal than others” — legal superiority based on unequal law, Darwinian natural selection, and their animal “Will to Power.” Equal law is the essence of justice; unequal law is the essence of tyranny.

Yes, we know.

At this point I think they’re just cherry-picking stuff that sounds nice and inspirational and adding “SO YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR US!” at the end of it. The audience doesn’t really know what the fuck Animal Farm or the animal Will To Power is, but goddamn it Mister, you use your tongue purttier than a twenty-dollar whore!


“I don’t see what vacuum cleaners have to do with this.”

Nothing exists in a vacuum.


And the WSJ editorial page has always served as their over-eager fluffer.

Well, like my momma always says, if you’re gonna do a job, you’d better do it right.



Asshole, indeed:

Hopefully, embattled politicians like Gov. Walker in Wisconsin will maintain their resolve and achieve a more sensible long-term structure for the taxpayers in their states.

Slavery was always a good deal for the Master.


“Well, like my momma always says, if you’re gonna do a job, you’d better do it right.”

And DKW appears in 5,4,3……..


Yuck, I got it. GAH!


The REAL important point to consider when debating a Libyan NFZ is … will it lead to bombing Iran? Huh? Will it? Y’think? Huh? Huh?

Actually, I think thats what all this Libyan bullshit NFZ is about. Aside from the “showing the sand niggars whos boss” issue which no-one has adequately explained yet (the time for a NFZ has long passed), this could be used as a excuse for a future attack on Iran. Its like the NATO attacks on Serbia during the Kosovo attacks to justify the Iraq war, both of which were illegal.

While I suppose there may be some ‘lets do something’ milage in the present NFZ arguments, I’m surprised so few can see the ‘colonization’ & ‘well we did it in Libya’ lines being toted by the great & the good, as well as those that should know better.


Substance McGravitas said,

February 28, 2011 at 18:03 (kill)


Some posts don’t even need a goatse warning.


“I also saw the clip where Barack Hussein Obama visited a major mosque.”

He didn’t actually kneel down and pray to Mecca but I know he wanted to but was afraid of being caught on camera. The fact that he didn’t kick the Imam in the gnads speaks volumes about his true motivation.


You know who else didn’t kick the Imam in the nads?


While I suppose there may be some ‘lets do something’ milage in the present NFZ arguments, I’m surprised so few can see the ‘colonization’ & ‘well we did it in Libya’ lines being toted by the great & the good, as well as those that should know better.

Maybe I wasn’t paying enough attention, but while I heard a great many arguments in the lead-up to the Iraq War, I never heard “well we did it in Kosovo” as part of it. Most righties were still trying to reconcile their “U.S. military always right” belief with their hatred of the Clinton administration and the dawning realization that the people we’d kept from being genocided were (gasp) Freakin Hajjis.

(Today, it’s not uncommon on right-wing blogs to read someone talk about how Clinton was either an idiot or a Muslim sympathizer who was part of the worldwide Jewish Islamic cabal, for helping Bosnia and Kosovo, when he should’ve realized the Serbians were the good guys, they were just trying to get their revenge for something or other than happened fifty years previously).

Anyways, the idea that this could be used to justify further wars is valid, but not enough in and of itself to convince me: “well we did it in World War Two” has been used to justify every war in the last seventy years, but that didn’t mean WW2 itself didn’t deserve to be fought. The relevant thing for Libya is mostly whether, as you say, we’re past the point where NFZs would do any good. If mercenaries are still being flied in and Qaddafi’s forces still control aircraft, seems like it would still come in handy, and is worth considering at least.


Muhammad Hussein bin Obama cleverly covers up his devout Musliminity by not praying towards Mecca several times a day. Also he lets Michelle brazenly display her arms in order to hide his fundamentalist Islamitoid beliefs.


Also he lets Michelle brazenly display her arms

Second Commandment! WOLVERINES111!!!11


Also he lets Michelle brazenly display her arms

Her fat, fat arms.


The right of the FLOTUS to keep bare arms shall not be infringed.


More for the fruit salad:

Faythur Frankie Mcguire. With a fair twinkle in his eye he’ll pour ye a wee bit o’ the back stabbin’!

Every person who is unjustly assaulted by an autocratic tyrant or an organized “mob,” must enjoy the reasonable right of defending himself. Even those portrayed as evil, exploitative, greedy-capitalist types by the quasi-anarchist ochlocracy.



I am in favor of an Ochrecracy.


I am sorry to have to put it this way,

i am sorry neil brian goldblarg had to put it ANY way…


hatred of the Clinton administration and the dawning realization that the people we’d kept from being genocided were (gasp) Freakin Hajjis.

Did it with NATO’s support and if I recall almost totally from the air without many if any Allied losses.


“What we need is for the ‘good’ bishops to put the ‘bad’ bishops in their place,

heh…i bet good bishop/bad bishop was one of the altar boys’ favorite game…


Isn’t Daily Kos sort of an Ochrecracy?

PowerTools attempts humor of some sort. WTP?!


Isn’t Daily Kos sort of an Ochrecracy?



Ogreocrcay? That was the plot of Shrek 3, wasn’t it?

PowerTools attempts humor of some sort. WTP?!

What? A man sincerely dephending what he sees as an honorable tradition (union membership) is hilarious. Iph, you know, you’re a huge gaping asshole.


Pfister persuaded me only that watching the Academy Awards was exceedingly pfoolish.

Until that guy thanked his union, watching overpaid movie stars strut like gilded peacocks was wisdom itself.


Ogreocrcay? That was the plot of Shrek 3, wasn’t it?

No, I think that was the plot of Dubya’s 8-year reign.


Where the fuck did my comment go? CRANKY NOW.


He was, as was I, a Boston bred Irish boy’o, outspoken and forthcoming in all ways required



watching overpaid movie stars strut like gilded peacocks

I was quite disappointed that no one fell off their shoes.


Oh it’s back. Still cranky because that’s how I roll.


So, he was enjoying the awards show of Screen Actors Guild members until someone brought up unions?


(“the p is silent, as in phthisis, psychic, and ptarmigan”)

ya, know scott, if your readers are so dense that you must explain the set-up for your post’s title and its last line, you might want to try using words they might actually know how to pronounce…like psycho or psalm…

Marion in Savannah

Now I want to see a “Thomas Kinkade” spoof featuring pictures of skid row liquour stores and meth labs- Painter of Blight.

Thanks, BBBB. You made me larf out loud.


Lions and cranky tigers and bears! Oh my!


AWWWW! So cute!


Tigris is lying!!!


Pnow,pnow play nice VS.</a.


Now I want to see a “Thomas Kinkade” spoof featuring pictures of skid row liquour stores and meth labs- Painter of Blight.

I would be happy to see any number of kinkade spoofs. including ‘Thomas Kinkade, Painter of Charming Cottages Built in the Zero-Year Floodplain’.
oh, wait, he does that himself.


The heart warming glow of the Kincaid Homless Campfire under the Overpass series.


The Kinkade (yeah yeah) Anti-union Crackdown: The Stun Grenades series.


I’m paid by the word.


All alone.


In the dark.




oh, sorry! i was off reading the meade/althouse dipshit thread…all i can say is heh…


This has a very funny Thomas Kinkade joke on it.

Also, it’s funny as fuck in general–especially PFT’s Andrew Lloyd Webber. I love these guys.


i was off reading the meade/althouse dipshit thread…



the p is silent, as in phthisis

Pronounciation fail.


Seriously. Listen to Go Superego. I know I’ve said it before, but I’m going to keep saying it. It’s my service to those dudes and humanity in general.


Who the fuck is this “Scott Lemieux”?

Contributor at Lawyers, Guns & Money, an NHL goalie, or both. I forget.


This has a very funny Thomas Kinkade joke on it.

dammit…cannot view it on the work computer…

i was off reading the meade/althouse dipshit thread…


correct, sir! goofy ass is the correct descriptor in this case…


Ovechkin also blogs at LGM. Who knew?


Substance dammit, the fruit salad is going to esplode!

Don’t know much about Outhouse, late again (waves). She stateth she’s a law perfesser, but I don’t see where she’s a lawyour.

That is something. “No Doc, I didn’t say she was crazy, I said she was…”



Contributor at Lawyers, Guns & Money, an NHL goalie, or both.

Well, the LG&M and Whiskey Fire audiences definitely cross over, but I don’t know about hockey fans…




FYWP!!! I fixed it and then you wouldn’t post my comment, so now I look doubly dipshitty. Thanks. Thanks a lot.


I went to the blogs and a hockey game broke out.


doubly dipshitty

Mmmmmm….ice cream sundae….


,,,an NHL goalie

He’s no James Reimer.


Don’t know much about Outhouse, late again (waves).

Here is a little history.


She actually read SN! and expressed an opinion?! Chum meet water meet water meet shark!


What ever happened to that Righteous Bubba guy, by the way?


Chum meet water meet water meet shark!



Oh gawwwwd, i just had to read the comments. I’d forgotton about annieangel.


What ever happened to that Righteous Bubba guy, by the way?

he went out one day to vote to buy a pack of cigs and never came back.


What ever happened to that Righteous Bubba guy, by the way?



What’s up with Actor? Did he leave the boat?


I finished the LGM thread. I wonder if the Meades of the world ever get tired of having their asses handed to them.


I wonder if the Meades of the world ever get tired of having their asses handed to them.

The weird thing is they don’t seem to be able to tell.


I wonder if the Meades of the world ever get tired of having their asses handed to them.

After you kill your own kids, everything else seems tame.


I wonder if the Meades of the world ever get tired of having their asses handed to them

vs, you disappoint me and i know you aren’t this obtuse. it is purely hypothetical to speculate that meade ever gets tired of having his ass handed to him. so please answer the question!


having their asses handed to them

also, too, i’m sure ann hands it too him every morning when he leaves the house…along with his balls…


From the lands of the flying carpet and the rope that becomes a snake, we have the greatest con job since the Trojan Horse taking place so before our eyes that we don’t even notice; and so under our nose, we don’t even smell the biggest rat in history gnawing into the American cheese…

Isn’t there a law against mixing too many metaphors?


Really would like to know about Actor. Is he OK?


“it is purely hypothetical to speculate that meade ever gets tired of having his ass handed to him. so please answer the question”

What? I’m confused. Must be how Meade feels.


someone should suggest to Meade that he will get a better response if he types “Address my post, libs!!”


Really would like to know about Actor. Is he OK?

He’s fine. He’s just blocked at work.

Also, the fucker poached my link!


Really would like to know about Actor. Is he OK?

well, he’s still posting over at his place…


He posted something today at his place.


“Isn’t there a law against mixing too many metaphors?”

There oughtta be.


Dammit, you people make me sick what with your faster than mine typing and whatnot.


What? I’m confused. Must be how Meade feels.

ahhhh, i see the lgm thread has numbed your brain…i was making a little lulz using a typical meade response…


I knew he was posting but didn’t know if he was banned. (is it possible to be banned from here?)


They have banned people but whenever I’ve seen it it has always been for stuff that was REALLY egregious.


“Isn’t there a law against mixing too many metaphors?”

Not on Friday. Cocktails, metaphors or something simile. Keep ’em comin’.


Dammit, you people make me sick what with your faster than mine typing and whatnot

still cranky, i see…


He’s just blocked at work

wow, that would totally blow…i hope he has found something else to keep his productivity level low…


apparently the body prepares us for death by falling the fuck apart so we don’t want to live another minute

Results indeed vary. Physically, I felt sexay & bodacious at 40, but by 42 the effects of all my accumulated entropy/telemerase fraying/damage-point FUBAR were starting to roll over me like a ladybug getting sucked through a Roomba. My response was to ROFL. The process has gathered in both enthusiasm & dedication in its quest to obliterate me apace since then. My response is to ROFL even harder.

Metacognitive adept? Old-school Dadaist? Zen mutant? A straight-up hot & cold running sick fuck? All of the above? Other? Not sure/no opinion?

Also, I miss Lonny Martello.


still cranky, i see…



I’m gonna give it a try. Here’s someting really egretrious!


Be vewy, vewy carefuwl. Keep saying cranky tigers is cute.


“They have banned people but whenever I’ve seen it it has always been for stuff that was REALLY egregious.”

Makes me wonder what Substance & DK-W would have to do to get banned. What kind poems would have to be written? How gaping would the assholes have to be? Who’s mother would have to be fucked?


Also, I miss Lonny Martello.

wow, yelling caps in italics for extra emphasis…nice!

Marion in Savannah

My response is to ROFL even harder.

Seems to be working for me too. At least I’m still looking at the sod from the green side…


Makes me wonder what Substance & DK-W would have to do to get banned.

Yeah, the um..pooh & Dad anal sex poetry slam a few weeks ago was rather…


Egregious like threats or personal attacks, posting personal data, or being super-horrible for an extended period. OK, the last would ding Subby, too…

Keep saying cranky tigers is cute.



J’egret rien.


Shorter Fred Thompson:

Did you watch the Oscars last night? So, you thought Kirk Douglas seemed senile? Here, watch this.


They’re easier to count when they’re in the glass on the nightstand tho.

You keep your fingers in a glass?



tigris said,

February 28, 2011 at 20:02

AWWWW! So cute!


My love your teeth are like stars.
They come out at night.


Yeah, but I thought you were implying cranky tigers AREN’T actually cute, and I totally am! My mom told me so!


“I believe we are truly witnessing a devious and extremely dangerous plan unfolding, which is the unification of the entire Arab/Muslim world. I believe that Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Hussein Obama, is involved in this worldwide plan against America, and against freedom.”

This must be satire. I mean if some one were to write a satirical piece on any worldwide plan against America, this is what it would look like. Exactly like this.


Makes me wonder what Substance & DK-W would have to do to get banned.

On-purpose tag-fails would get a Tintin smackdown.


Makes me wonder what Substance & DK-W would have to do to get banned,,,

Outing folks is a no-no. For instance did you know that Substance is actually the real Ann Althouse?


My mom told me so!


Thank you for that. I am about to lose it here and that made me quite happy.


Dragon -King is Neil Peart.


Annieangel got a banning because Brad was cranky one day. I liked that.


Dragon -King is Neil Peart.

I will never forgive him for The Trees.


A good actor can summon the facets of his personality that are called for.

which is why fred’s new gig is writing posts for the corner and bitching about how he never wins awards…


Outing folks is a no-no. For instance did you know that Substance is actually the real Ann Althouse?

For a split second I thought you were gonna say Substance was Canadian. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


We give the world beaver. I mean Bieber.


Note to self: T&U just gave me carte blanche to link to cute cat pictures.



which is why fred’s new gig is writing posts for the corner and bitching about how he never wins awards…

He and Scott Glenn’s glasses are tied for Worst Thing in Red October.


The Canucks have given us some pretty superb comedians and comediennes…so I’m willing to forgive The Biebs, Shania, Pamela, and Celine.


Shania’s a Canuck? Guess that’s why she’s not upset about states like Oklahoma banning her law down here.


My mom told me so!

My mom said I could!


Please do feel absolutely free to hop onto the next comment. I just need to rant.

“I believe we are truly witnessing a devious and extremely dangerous plan unfolding, which is the unification of the entire Arab/Muslim world. I believe that Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Hussein Obama, is involved in this worldwide plan against America, and against freedom.”

Masterpiece of a dumbshit-detector: put this in front of someone and ask them if they believe it or not.

As evidence, I direct you to Iraq, where the Kurdish Muslims are still something like 90% in favor of seceding from the Arab Muslims’ majority, which doesn’t really like them either (to the point that according to many anecdotes I’ve heard, they actually cheer for Israel over their own Arab brethren). Then you’ve got the Arab Shi’a Muslims and the Arab Sunni Muslims who really don’t freaking like each other. And then you’ve got opposing factions within the Arab Shi’a and Arab Sunnis who hate each other. All of these people are hostile enough with each other that they were all physically at war during the 2000s. Even now, the coalition government is tenuous at best, based on the fact that no one wants to go through a civil war again rather than any actual unity. All this happened within one country. There are other countries just as fucked up and disunited as this (see the Darfuris and the mainstream Sudanese, both Muslim). And yet we’re supposed to believe they’re all about to unite in one mega-uber-Caliphate.

Seriously: who the fuck are these people and why aren’t their employers just putting untrained apes in front of the keyboards? Are they really so pathetically in need of a new Soviet-like superenemy that they’re presenting an impossible “Caliphate” as that superpower? At least go pick on China, or someone that makes a remote kind of sense. Fuck! My head’s aching!


They’ve also given us some awesome bands.

Listen to her, T&U knows what she’s talking aboot.


I would definitely count Shatner as a comedian. Maybe not an intentional one, but a comedian, nonetheless. (Actually, he is AWESOME at being intentionally funny and is super-cool about making fun of himself, which is why I love him.)

In other news: Piglet Cyber-attacks ISREAL!


And like T&U, I must now thank Snort for the tiger link. Thread Bear’s is good for a laugh as well.


so I’m willing to forgive The Biebs, Shania, Pamela, and Celine

you are definitely a much, much nicer person than i…


Listen to her, T&U knows what she’s talking aboot.

Was there ever any doot?


Was there ever any doot?

ahem…my canadian profs learned me that that would be prounounced ‘doat’


“I am in favor of an Ochrecracy.”

I also welcome our Ochre overlords.


Listen to her, T&U knows what she’s talking aboot.

also, too…i just saw this. i am a dolt…and i do not know the canadian pronunciation of that…


what about our burnt umber overlords?


I visited Canada once. during the four days they call summer. I picked up a little Pidgin Canadian while I was there. I also picked up something else but the prescriptions took care of that. Also, I saw Sarah Palin’s porch from Canada.


“As evidence, I direct you to Iraq, where the Kurdish Muslims are still something like 90% in favor of seceding from the Arab Muslims’ majority, which doesn’t really like them either.”

The Kurds are the largest nation without a country and every quarter century or so they have been fucked over [First by Churchill after WWI, WWII and by Bush I also; nation = peoples, i.e. Palestinians, Cherokee Nation, “Nation of Islam, while state = country. Hence the term nation/state which is both]

Sometimes I think they should break away and become a modern western style democracy (fuck the Turks) They are however, a moderating influence on Iraq so there is that.


Why did this woman just send me a bunch of pictures of her naked baby sleeping in front of some deer antlers? Weird.


Why did this woman just send me a bunch of pictures of her naked baby sleeping in front of some deer antlers? Weird.

does this sort of thing happen often?


does this sort of thing happen often?

No. In her defense, she has a newborn and I was copied on an email in which someone else requested pictures.

They were really, really terrible pictures.


No. In her defense, she has a newborn and I was copied on an email in which someone else requested pictures.

but still…naked and antlers? altho, we watched some home movies over the weekend with the son’s new girlfriend just to embarrass him, so…


“mean if some one were to write a satirical piece on any worldwide plan against America, this is what it would look like. Exactly like this.”

Nah, satire if it is good, has to have some grounding in reality. This fails on that count.


There’s one that was like, “When I grow up, I’m going to be just like Daddy!” So maybe Daddy’s a hunter?


So maybe Daddy’s a hunter?

or he’s horny…see what i did there?


The Kurds are the largest nation without a country

They’re constitutionally pretty independent of greater Iraq. They’re as close to being their own country as they can be.


“Kurdistan” is a “country” in the Middle East that could fit into the E.U. This of course would piss off the Turks, who are now in the E.U., greatly because southern Turkey is mostly Kurdish and might want to join any new Kurdish country. Life aint simple.


Maybe daddy is a deer–and baby is part deer!


They’re constitutionally pretty independent of greater Iraq. They’re as close to being their own country as they can be.

But they’re not technically independent. And at some point down the line, that’s going to turn nasty, and probably bloody. Not right now, because Baghdad can barely hold itself together. But at some point.


This will piss off an E.U member greatly, Turkey, because of well founded fears that the Kurdish dominated south Turkey will want to join any new Kurdish country.

Grammar! How does it work?


But they’re not technically independent. And at some point down the line, that’s going to turn nasty, and probably bloody. Not right now, because Baghdad can barely hold itself together. But at some point.
The way I understand it, the part of Turkey which would be part of any Kurdish homeland, has all of the water. So Turkey will never willingly part with that.


Whoever invented Peoplesoft, has ever worked for Peoplesoft, hast worked in acquiring Peoplesoft for this institution, or is in any other way directly or indirectly responsible for the frustration I am experiencing needs to die in a fucking fire.


Hast? Apparently frustration causes me to become all Ye Olden Times and shit.


naked and antlers?


Smut wants buck naked smut.


Big racks.


You’re in a rut.


In North Korea, Smut’s fetish also appeals to the Deer Leader.


Sometimes I think they should break away and become a modern western style democracy (fuck the Turks) They are however, a moderating influence on Iraq so there is that.

Big problem is Turkey is a member of NATO. If the Kurds were foolish enough to provoke a conflict, it would put a number of countries in a quandry


for smut

I knew it was merely a question of time before VS would be doing Lady Gaga caricatures.


“Substance McGravitas said,
February 28, 2011 at 23:16

“The Kurds are the largest nation without a country”

They’re constitutionally pretty independent of greater Iraq. They’re as close to being their own country as they can be.”

No fucking whey.


I knew it was merely a question of time before VS would be doing Lady Gaga caricatures

This was made before she really burst on the scene, but I won’t lie: I find her costumes and just general theatricality amazingly inspiring.


The other branches are the bezantler

i always thought this was something that had been adorned by this.

The Fenwickians

Way late is getting to the thread; lots to catch up on. Put in four volunteer hours at the Library for the Blind with earphones clamped on my head. That was after the flat tire…


This thread fucking blows donkey cocks. Everybody gets along too well. I’d pick on T&U some more except my heart isn’t in it. NEED MOAR TROLLS.


I think actor had to probate his mother’s estate. That’s a lot of quarters to count.


Did we already discuss the fact that Barack Ab??Abdall?h Mu?ammad ibn M?s? al-Khw?rizm? Hussein Jong Il Stalin Obama’s signature looks like an ejaculating PENIS?


no, but that’s awesome…


I love WP’s broad standard character set.


Barack Abu Kareem Terrorist Muhammad al-Jameel Dune Coon ibn Nidh’aal ibn Abdulaziz al-Purple-Helmeted Jihadi Babykiller Hussein Qaddafi Obama.


I love WP’s broad standard character set

i love when wp says ‘slow down. you are posting too fast. but i am weird like that…


Serial nymfail. RATS of NYM!!!


Another cool Canadian band The Organ


Funny thing happened today. Thieves stole some major transmission equipment in Basingstoke at about 5am, knocking out the Vodafone network for the whole of Southern England. Without wireless intertubes, I actually did some reading on predictives for ankle ligament tears. Turns there are ‘Lauge-Harris’ classifications for predicting ligamentous injury based on the appearance of bone gaps on xray.. Lauge and Harris got the numbers in their study up by bashing cadavers then xraying them.


This is a great song from the great white north: The Northern Pikes


the great white north

i miss bob and doug


I now have to wonder if McG. has an accent similar to Nestor’s.


I now have to wonder if McG. has an accent similar to Nestor’s
which would be hi-larious…

Related. (Perhaps inbred.)
dogdamn you…now that is in my head…and i’m shortly going to the local liberry for an author meet & greet dealio…must try not to hum…

(Perhaps inbred.)
more likely ingrown


Ooooh, sorry. Lyrical palate cleanser.

mb–did. not. help. but it did make me laff!


I’m much more like Patsy Gallant.

i hope you are talking about her dance movez not your teeth…


Just found out Hank Snow’s from Liverpool, Nova Scotia.

Totes related.


Holy cow, ‘nonproliferation == disarmament’ argument.

Excuse me, nonproliferation means they don’t get nukes. It has nothing to do with ours, which is why Reagan supported these programs.

Oh, the woe is the scholarship today.


I admit there are feds that are slackers but most of the people I have worked with aren’t. This a toot my horn kind of story but somehow this woman on medicare got transferred to my line. I have absolutely nothing to do with benefits or dealing with beneficiaries but this poor woman had been transferred from person to person. I wasn’t about to do the same so I took her information and made damn sure she got to the people she needed to.


I’d pick on T&U some more except my heart isn’t in it.

You’re getting soft in your old age…


Ok, temptation overtook me and I got out of the boat for Goldberg’s screed and brought back a mango:

I have no doubt that if — God forbid — some dirty bomb or giant attack were to occur (as it is now promised it will) this imposter would not retaliate, he would apologize and tell the American people that it was somehow their fault.

I’m truly worried about giants attacking us.

This guy is Yoshida-level deranged. With bonus birther points!


I’m much more like Patsy Gallant.



I’m truly worried about giants attacking us.

OMG I’ve seen online video proving they’re at a training camp in Florida RIGHT NOW!!!


Given the issues with tainted food over the last year, I really want to bitch slap people who complain about too many feds. We definitely don’t have enough USDA inspectors. I don’t want to go into how much money could be saved if we had enough people to look into durable medical equipment fraud in Medicare (FL is the has the most)


And by Florida I mean Arizona.


Chris – I’m watching an outstanding conversation on facebook between an active duty military officer (JAG) and a teabagger. Basic summary:

We used to have a buy American regulation in federal acquisition laws. That being said if we hadn’t thrown away so much innovation in this country, I would probably still agree with it.


Breaking News Alert
The New York Times
Mon, February 28, 2011 — 6:30 PM ET

Majority in Poll Opposes Weakening Bargaining Rights for Public Workers

As labor battles erupt in state capitals around the nation, a
majority of Americans say they oppose efforts to weaken the
collective bargaining rights of public employee unions and
are also against cutting the pay or benefits of public
workers to reduce state budget deficits, according to the
latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

Read More:


Also Canadian: Montana Slim.

Does not lead to Montana Slim. Have I been subtly Rick&Rolled, Canook-style?


Does not lead to Montana Slim. Have I been subtly Rick&Rolled, Canook-style?

Wilf Carter=Montana Slim.


OK, now what’s the deal where WP advises you’re posting a duplicate, & upon backing up, your comment is published & yet is still in the box?

Are we now co-existing in/across two separate universes? The hamsters get a new load of meth?


In which universe is WP not completely annoying?


Massachusetts is populated primarily by…the worst drivers ever.
My brother used to refer to driving in Boston as playing a game of chicken. If you acknowledge seeing the other driver then they are allowed to do whatever idiotic thing they want. I remember telling a coworker who was driving a rental in Boston and who was nervous about the traffic to just go because it was a rental. I also had to talk the same person down from a panic attack while driving in San Francisco. she freaked out while stopped at a light on one of the big hills. I told her that the brakes on rentals are super inspected. I also told her that we would just roll back into the car behind us and that would stop any break failure. To this day I can’t believe she bought it.


Sorry I’ve been absent most of the day – RL and all that. Anyways, to make amends allow me to present the following Veiled PENIS Reference.


We used to have a buy American regulation in federal acquisition laws. That being said if we hadn’t thrown away so much innovation in this country, I would probably still agree with it.

I agree with the principle, but when foreign products have so many components made here in the States and American products have so many components made abroad, I don’t know how to tell what is and isn’t “buying American” anymore.

In this context, I admit I don’t know the background, e.g. which tanker’s actually the best, or which will actually hire the most Americans (or which will better treat the Americans it hires). I just thought the format of the conversation was funny as hell.


I admit I’m impaired responding here so I don’t care if any of you don’t either…
I haven’t been to either Boston or Atlanta since before I was allowed to drive, but I will say New York City is the one place on Earth where I will never drive.

I was on a business trip to Boston and I went to dinner with my cousin who drove. I admit to clinging to the jesus christ strap for dear life. It turns out that while working for his masters at Manhattan school of music he worked as a cab driver. His sweet old greyhaired mother didn’t have a problem driving in NYC either. For myself – there is a reason for public transportation and car services.


Also Canadian: Montana Slim.

Interestingly enough Alberta Slim is actually from Arkansas.


Hell, I don’t want to drive in any town larger than Hooterville, but as far as it goes, Minneapolis-St. Paul is quite driveable. Chicago sucks, San Francisco, hire a guide – your not going to get in any mindbending end-of-Blues-Brothers pileups, but you are gonna get lost for about a week.
Bawlmer and DC are pretty drivable as well.


Since people keep dissing DKW’s mom – she probably looks more like


DC area drivers are pretty nuts. Red light there means 5-6 more cars will “squeak through.”


Oh yeah crannymint? Well your mom looks like this.


As I delight to mention, my wife won an Oscar, so now I don’t give a shit. The cat in the picture may be touching her, but I do the tapping.
Since I am lazy in many ways – what did she win it for?


The police weres Cool – the police employ shapshifters


From the lands of the flying carpet and the rope that becomes a snake, we have the greatest con job since the Trojan Horse taking place so before our eyes that we don’t even notice; and so under our nose, we don’t even smell the biggest rat in history gnawing into the American cheese…

Somewhere George Orwell is crying.


You’re getting soft in your old age…

Veiled…never mind.


DC area drivers are pretty nuts. Red light there means 5-6 more cars will “squeak through.”

That, and out-of-towners keep telling me that the layout of the town makes no sense – should be nice and geometrical like Manhattan, but instead it’s a European-style labyrinth.

It doesn’t usually bother me, but occasionally you get to a place like Dupont Circle. LOLWUT: was the intersecting-circles-within-circles layout really necessary?


My first car was a ’71 Chevy Nova
Mine was a Pontiac Astre(aka upscale chevy Vega). First front wheel drive I owned a real plus going to school in Troy, ny


Veiled…never mind.

Yeah, I know…totes unintentional.


I’d hate to see what you carry on purpose.


I don’t carry anything on porpoises because I am an animal-lover.


I am an animal-lover.

FURRY! [/Donald-Southerland’s-Invasion-Of-The-Body-Snatchers-Ululation]


That, and out-of-towners keep telling me that the layout of the town makes no sense – should be nice and geometrical like Manhattan, but instead it’s a European-style labyrinth.

Really? I didn’t do a *whole* lot of driving there, but I’m TERRIBLE with directions and I really didn’t have much of a problem. Now, commuting in from the suburbs during rush hour was a different, much more terrifying story.


“FURRY! [/Donald-Southerland’s-Invasion-Of-The-Body-Snatchers-Ululation”

No, actual animals. Not dipshits in skunk costumes. And not in the Santorum man-on-dog way.


<i?Oh yeah crannymint? Well your mom looks like this.
Dude – I was trying to give you props – not being a dude myself, I figured that Stifler’s Mom, the ultimate MILF would be a compliment. So now for something completely different one of my favorite lines from lines from Blackadder


Stifler’s Mom, the ultimate MILF



Wow, I always the DC street naming system was a work of art. You don’t need a map oftentimes because it’s so dang sensible.


You don’t need a map oftentimes because it’s so dang sensible.

Numbered streets run N-S, lettered streets (followed by two- and three-syllable names) run E-W, state-named avenues run whichever fucking way they want, and SE = middle of the river.


Dude – I was trying to give you props

Me too. Who doesn’t love mothers that know how to cook (with saturated fats)? And suck heads?


Hmm, quiet here. I guess you’re all checking out the Jennifer Coolidge interview. In that case, here’s some MOAR HOT MILFs!!!


I’ve driven in every major city in the country and I’ll state that Memphis (yes really) is the worst by far.

Drivers in Boston and New York are aggressive but at least they’re predictable. In Memphis you just never know what stunt they’re going to pull.

The players are a toxic mix of F-350 pickup trucks and Cadillacs with 22″ spinners.

Half of them are trying to go 90 and half are trying to go 50 and it just doesn’t mesh.

Add a little rain or heaven-forbid ice to it and it’s interstate apocalypse.

Oh, and everybody has a gun.

The Fenwickians

FYWP. That is, fuck-fuck-fuck, fuckitty-fuck, fuck you WordPress. Wiped out the whole thing from my Long Catch-Up March. That is, FYWP with a pine-tarred Louisville Slugger.

Here’s what I can remember:

B^4 filling again for a co-worker…after double-shifting this weekend to help out another with a very ill child. A really decent Bastard, he.

Her statuette accomplishment (and her photo) shows that Spengler does indeed live in Providence.

Thanks for all the tigers, everyone! I loves me some critters.

Chris: I’ll double-down on your 19:06. And your follow-up rant was Righteous, bro.

DK-W & exford: Three terrific cuts. All new to me, of course, and all fucking great. Especially liked ‘Spaceship’ (?) and ‘Omega Dog’. On the latter, I s-o- like good musicians who are as sharp and tight live as they are in the studio. These people bring it. [exford: Have you lost your legs? How long will you be in physical therapy?]

Okay, so then I hit a Wall of music links, so I’m posting this partial. (I actually DO listen to all the music, BTW. Anti-sclerotic.) Back when I get fully caught up.

Things are popping in Libya. Learned a lot today, esp. from AJ interviews with experts. I may put up a longish, consolidated summary later tonight.)


Is this thing on? I’ll give you that Memphis is a bad town in which to drive, but I think Jacksonville FL is even worse. More bubbas (it’s more South Georgia than North Florida), more squids (sailors), and Hooters is probably the most interesting restaurant in town. (Memphis as least has ribs, the Mississippi River, blues, Blues, BLUES, the ducks at the Peabody Hotel, and a lot fewer squids since they closed Millington.) Jax has long, long, long bridges with terrible pavement, and when you do hit the inevitable blowout-inducing pothole, you better just suck it up and drive on the rim until you’re well clear of the bridge (or you’ll get rear-ended by a drunk). NYC is the easiest major city to drive in as long as you are willing to be aggressive, Boston is just too damn slow, and DC has too many damn tourists. I generally walk/metro it in DC, but the idiots don’t run the trains overnight, so I have been forced to try and figure out the arcane taxi zoning scheme. I personally think it’s just a way to charge drunks more.


a toxic mix of F-350 pickup trucks and Cadillacs with 22? spinners

Don’t forget the ice cubes and maraschino cherries.


In Memphis you just never know what stunt they’re going to pull.

Memphis is…bizarre.


Do not forget Prism.

Hand of a cruel destiny = I missed seeing them play at my highschool by one year!


LOLWUT: was the intersecting-circles-within-circles layout really necessary?

well, yeah! you can blame our founding fathers’ being masons* for that!

*the only other thing besides hitler that the history channel shows on a regular basis…


Hand of a cruel destiny = I missed seeing them play at my highschool by one year!

And then they gave up after that riot at the Martian Astrodome.


Stifler’s Mom, the ultimate MILF

see, i didn’t even know she was stifler’s mom, prolly cuz i am the only person left on earth who has not seen american pie. i think of her as the lady from the christopher guest movies who likes soup…




Memphis is…bizarre.

the sister and i got lost there once…verrry scary…


prolly cuz i am the only person left on earth who has not seen american pie

Lucky you. I’ve seen, like, three of them. Not because I wanted to, mind you. I think it was mostly because my boyfriend had a crush on Allison Hannigan.





Once upon a time I had to go to traffic school. No, really. It was because of an illegal left turn I made while scampering home after night school. I was just so happy to see a street going in the direction I needed to get to Geary and thence homeward, so naturally I missed the huge person-sized words on the pavement: No. Left. Turn.

I actually burst into tears when the officer came up to my car. For real. I wasn’t using burst-into-tears strategy. He was all concerned and reassured me that I could probably go to traffic school.

And I did. It purported to be an all-day Saturday Comedy Traffic School. Here is some of what I noticed: all the men-type people seemed to be more attractive than your average man-on-the-street type person. Also, there was a woman who was much older than me who could not understand why she had gotten a ticket. Yes, she was going 25 miles per hour, but that was the speed she considered safe for the conditions, and how in the name of God can you argue with Safety? Even if you are driving on 101 in a 55 mile per hour zone? I tried to comfort her by telling her that in Bradenton, Florida, she’d fit right in. She’d be on the damn fast track.

If you want to die in traffic after being repeatedly hit by Cadillacs going 25 miles per hour, go to Bradenton, and wait till it’s just after the Early Bird Special.


’ve seen, like, three of them.

gah! there’s 3 of them?!?!


I prefer black-haired veiny Alyson Hannigan.


gah! there’s 3 of them?!?!

Oh, there’s at least a dozen.


Admittedly, the last 8 or so were straight to video, but they do exist.


Oh, SPENGLER! i just bought ‘rise again’ for my ipad!!!


the only person left on earth who has not seen american pie

Two of us now.


Three. Although I did see Date Movie.


Although I did see Date Movie.

i may have seen the falling down the stairs scene in that one…that’s if it DOES have a falling down the stairs scene…



Evidence outlined in a Pentagon contractor report suggests that financial subversion carried out by unknown parties, such as terrorists or hostile nations, contributed to the 2008 economic crash by covertly using vulnerabilities in the U.S. financial system.

I expect the terrorists at AIG to be arrested after they digest the dessert course.


It wasn’t on purpose! I was in high school when that shit came out; it was practically required. 🙁


Four. HA HA on T&U.

damn…someone DID find a way to pick on her today! besides peoplesoft, that is…


Or early college. I don’t remember.


Best short documentary in 2005. Sorry I was gone, I went Galt but the fucking magic turbines didn’t work properly. So I had to borrow some asshole’s car and he insisted on bartering.


I got lost once in Memphis and realized my mistake in Arkansas. Turned around POST HASTE!


His semen tasted like Clorox.


It wasn’t on purpose! I was in high school when that shit came out; it was practically required. 🙁

not an excuse young lady! porky’s was de rigeur when i was in high school and i resisted!

…of course *you* had a boyfriend…sigh…


besides peoplesoft, that is…

I did not mention that I work with a program now renamed BDMS. It is all you’d expect.


Does it count if I was drunk?


His semen tasted like Clorox.

you should have learned him on the joys of the tailpipe instead…


porky’s was de rigeur when i was in high school and i resisted!

I proudly resisted Porky’s. Mind you I was really good at shoplifting porn.


…of course *you* had a boyfriend…sigh…

I now realize that I was a freshman in college. Because I sure as hell didn’t have a boyfriend in high school, either.



sounds like a particularly virulent form of ibs or colitis…


His semen tasted like Clorox.

Doesn’t most?


now realize that I was a freshman in college. Because I sure as hell didn’t have a boyfriend in high school, either.

well, at least in college you could watch it ironically…


Maybe you shoulda gone to those shitty movies.

either way, i’m guessing it’s painful to use…unless you like that sort of thing…


I did not mention that I work with a program now renamed BDMS. It is all you’d expect.

You have to use nipple clamps instead of a mouse?


His semen tasted like Clorox.

Doesn’t most?

Finally I have figured out why my language is so fucking pristine.


I don’t judge people’s sexual kinks (except furries), but if you get off on using Peoplesoft, you have a serious, serious problem and should probably be hospitalized for it, and possibly castrated.


Finally I have figured out why my language is so fucking pristine.

There are a few “washing your mouth out with soap” jokes here, but I can’t bring myself to make them.


There are a few “washing your mouth out with soap” jokes here, but I can’t bring myself to make them.

Some perpetrate, they drink Clorox.


washing your mouth out with soap”

so, is that what the kids are calling it these days?

The Fenwickians

I ain’t ever catching up. You folks are running away so damn fast. The music derails me. Maybe I should give up my anti-sclerotic campaign.

bbfk: I miss those two galoots too.

VS: Pipper — a sterotypically attired and articulate archeologist. Also N-B would enjoy his ground-subsidence theory…and entire city and civilization sinking into the mud.

MB: Mc & Mc — LMAO. Thanks for Hank Snow, too. The original is the best, at least on this song.

Sub: Patsy Gallant — Absolutely awful lip-syncing. You are a cruel person for putting this up. And Wilf the Fuck? Could lyrics possibly be more saccharin? You a cruel, cruel person.

Gonna quit trying to catch up; it is futile. Coffee and Libya now.

The Fenwickians

Great fuckin’ thread, BTW.


well, i believe i am off to curl up with a bowl of schwan’s* sweet & salty ice cream (which is ridiculously awesome) and spengler’s book, which i also hope to find ridiculously awesome.

*one of the reason’s minnesota rocks!


“…spengler’s book, which i also hope to find ridiculously awesome….”

Oh, you will, bbkf. You will. Finish up your sweet and salty branes ice cream and commence to begin to start readin’.


“Are conservatives really more optimistic?”

They do not know until they ascertain whether liberals are more or less optimistic. They just do not know.


bbfk – RE: History channel- don’t forget aliens (ancient and modern) and crypto-critters. Now they have Larry the Cable Guy, so any time now I expect their headquarters to be haunted by the ghosts of a hundred dead historians.

But I have to admit I like American Pickers.

As I sit here with Wonders of the Solar System on. Gimme animals, ancient history and space and I am happy.


bbkf, if you don’t like the book, there’s a special offer for sadlies: I’ll come to your home and attack you with an icepick. As I happen to be outside right now, you won’t even have to wait.


Now why would someone attack a socialist with an icepick?


Now why would someone attack a socialist with an icepick?

I see what you did there.


Wing-nut Mythology (both one guy.):

Gingrich will get crucified in the media but will tear Obama up in a debate….I would prefer him to be a Veep and take the Dick Cheney role, which was much more instrumental to Bush getting elected than many people remember, or are willing to admit.

No matter what happens I think we are going to be lacking a strong enough Presidential candidate to pull this off without a very strong Veep…It’s going to take a “Team” to win this one just like in 2000. I think the fact that Rummy, and Cheney were onboard put many people at rest when considering Bush’s lack of experience.

Unless he’s referring to shenanigans & the Supremes (& wasn’t that all James Baker, not supreme incompetents Rummy & Cheney?) this guy is thinking that they “won” the 2008 election because people were reassured by those two.


Supposedly an ice axe. Also.

The Fenwickians

the only person left on earth who has not seen american pie

Two of us now.

Three of us. Also I have never seen even ONE episode of Oprah.

The Fenwickians

jim: I liked the Sadlybot! Stayed all the way through the yellow. I’m very stoned. That, too.

The Fenwickians

“…spengler’s book, which i also hope to find ridiculously awesome….”

Oh, you will, bbkf. You will. Finish up your sweet and salty branes ice cream and commence to begin to start readin’.

Rise Again is now up to Second Book in my queue. I’m currently reading the third edition of a book my psychiatrist. After that, I’ll be ready for some fiction…and some braanz.


As I happen to be outside right now, you won’t even have to wait.

omg…that made me laff…i haven’t started it yet…series of misfortunes…left ipad at work, which means i had to down load it to laptop…have to unlock my purchase using debit card number…that is located under teh hubby’s ass and he is sleeping…since you are outside already and undoubtably have a copy with you, will you come in and start reading it to me? i will hold your icepick…


“…using debit card number that is located under teh hubby’s ass and he is sleeping…”

This is why I never married.



now i also see what you did there…


Well, there’s an icepick handy.


That was kind of a nifty non-link there Mr. Bouffant.

Not the first time that’s happened, but never deliberate. Usually happens when I attempt a title, but I didn’t there. This place gets odder by the day.


This is why I never married

at the moment your prescience is my misfortune…

fucking sleep, how does it work?


fucking sleep, how does it work?

Often a pillow placed gently over the sleeper’s face can assist in their remaining very quiet. And for a long time.


“there are a lot of concerns that are very, very personal and family-oriented” for perhaps not doing it,

dare we hope all his children, his wife and their dog are all ghey? and pregnant? or fetishists of some sort? ooooooh, the possibilities are endless!!!


Often a pillow placed gently over the sleeper’s face can assist in their remaining very quiet. And for a long time.

not for teh hubby…for me!


But I have to admit I like American Pickers.

i also like this one, cuz i’m nerdy that way…i do love the history channel, tho they seem to show all the good stuff when i am not watching and i’m stuck with hitler, the aliens and the masons…

The Fenwickians

Long ago and far away on this thread, I sorta started the strand about the worst place to drive; I took a shot at Massachusetts drivers. And I stand by it.

When I lived in Amherst, i kept my Kansas tags, registration, and insurance….because insurance in Mass was TRIPLE the cost in Kansas… and there was a reason for it, too. It wasn’t that they where unusually aggressive. Rather, they turned their minds off when they turned the key in the ignition. Careless, inattentive, drifting on the road, working their brakes like twinkling Christmas-tree lights. So it’s not just Boston (though I came close to having a serious accident there).

I haven’t driven as many cities as Major Kong, but I’ve lived in 10 states and driven in 24 (+DC).

I hated driving in DC, btw, though most of my work was there. I prefered to go downtown from my office by Metro; when I drove, it was fairly easy because most of Fed offices are close to the Mall. Hated it elsewhere. Learned the Embassy Row — National Cathedral route when I acted as tour guide to visiting relatives.

DC has the circles, of course. When you enter, you’ve got to be deft at geometry–okay, I want the street at about 200 degrees. Or count ’em. There are streets that change their direction of flow at different times of the day.

The drivers include baffled tourists from Nebraska, trying to decipher the maps while driving. Diplomatic drivers from every nation on the planet–and plucky as hell with diplomatic immunity. And let’s have a long, fast motorcade to spice things up–with motorcycle outriders. Perhaps it is as much the confused tourists and legation drivers–not the insane street layout–which makes DC nasty.

But not nearly so bad as Massachusetts.


Hmm, I wonder if you can make rollover jokes without links?

still working on this?


Hitler, an alien and a Mason walk into a bar…

The Fenwickians

acrannymint: I’ll double-down on the USDA underfunding and understaffing. Liked reading your comments. (Also, thanks for helping the Medicare lady after the mis-routed phone call.)

Y’all know where I stand on career public servants and unions of any stripe, so no need to elaborate here. Solidarity.


Roll over the text.


well, aren’t you something!?!

The Fenwickians

Hitler, an alien and a Mason walk into a bar…

That’s a tough one. I don’t know enough about Masons to make it work. The cleverboots here while find something, I’m sure.


Hitler, an alien and a Mason walk into a bar…

hitler goes up to the hot bar maid and says…


Hey, rollover jokes could be amazing. I love that. However, WordPress will find a way to destroy them, possibly by swapping punch lines around.


Just came to a big conclusion, from the premise (Anecdotal from S,N! And?) that there are few places where the residents are skilled drivers.

My conclusion, therefore is that there’s something wrong w/ people who own & operate vehicles.


WordPress will find a way to destroy them, possibly by swapping punch lines around.

or by saying, ‘you are rolling over too fast. slow down.’


Hitler, an alien and a Mason walk into a bar. Bartender says, “we don’t see your type in here very often.” Alien says, “at these prices, I can see why!”

Then Hitler stabs the bartender with a piece of hot wire.


From a commenter at Balloon Juice, the surprise of the day:


Hey wait, what the hell was that?


Hey wait, what the hell was that?

that was a bunch of freakin’ rollover awesome is what that was!


From a commenter at Balloon Juice, the surprise of the day:

wow…t & u will poop a brick when she reads that…all i can say is amen, brothah! it’s about time…


Hmm, I wonder if you can make rollover jokes without links?

hmmmm…hi! i’m super slow! and just realized that i should have rolled over the words a long time ago! i noticed earlier that your rollovers had symbols connected to them…you have been working on this all day, haven’t you?


LOL at filthy rollover doggerel.


Good for Scaif. Wow.


Commandment added:

Neither shalt thou click of his links, nor rolleth over his text.


I think I have it licked.

heh…i thought you weren’t going to do that again-o

The Fenwickians

Libya military developments

Revolution controls all the oilfields and most refineries. (Most are in eastern Libya.)

Paramilitaries ground-force strikes against insurgent-occupied Zawiya (20 mi W. of Tripoli) and Misrata (100 mi E. of Tripoli); serious battle for disputed Misrata airport. Libyan UN Ambassador says armed helicopters supported the Misrata assault. Attacks began under cover of night.

Gaddafi’s aircraft bombed Benghazi and a rebel-captured ammo depot at Abjabiya in eastern Libya. Abjabiya is the rebel’s ‘front-line’ city, and has one of the largest oil prod. facilities in Libya.

Abjabiya is @ 180 mi E of Sirte (Gaddafi’s firmly held road-block city). Only link between them is the coastal road; almost unihabited between the cities. Paramilitaries also retook the Ras Lanuf refinery near Sirte. Paramilitaries still control the Tunisian border and most roads in western Libya.

Eastern Libyans forming a volunteer army, practicing with obsolete weapons. They are confident they enough petrol, weapons, ammo, and weapons. (I wouldn’t bet on it, though….) Nearly unanimous Libyan calls for international NFZ (over entire country, of course).

USN moving forces in Med. Task force of carrier Enterpise … Assault ship Kearsarge (Marines / helo) … Command-control ship Mt. Whitney. A second US carrier in Med; a third in Red Sea.

I’ve learned some other interesting non-military texture from AJ interviews with high-level Gaddafi defectors and area experts. Perhaps I’ll put up a summary of the more intriguing observations and speculation.

Hope I’m not clogging the thread.

The Fenwickians

Then Hitler stabs the bartender with a piece of hot wire.

Larfed at whole joke.


Fenwickians, thanks for the Libya info. This is a nasty can of worms and I am not sure how it is going to turn out, except expect $ 4.00 gas here very soon and who knows how high it will go after that. Then the next plateau will be higher than the last and another ratchet higher in a year or so, etc. etc. repeat as needed. When the Saudis are shown to be lying through their teeth about having excess capacity to pump things will get very interesting.

The Fenwickians

Must exit: I also do volunteer work on Tuesday. This has been a wonderful thread so far.

591, btw

The Fenwickians

Yer welcome, S.c. !!!

I’m turning into an AJ junkie…ever since Egypt began. All this fascinates me. I try to learn more about it. There is all sorts of social and historical texture that I never knew about.

BTW, I’ve tracked things like this from open-source–ever since I left the Secret World–beginning with the Falklands. Don’t want to get rust; I loved doing this. One of the best periods of my life.

The Fenwickians

Takes me back to the Watch Office.


“Then Hitler stabs the bartender with a piece of hot wire.”

Do you know who else liked to tell Hitler jokes?

Its name is a pun on reductio ad absurdum, and was coined by an academic ethicist, Leo Strauss, in 1953.


Often a pillow placed gently over the sleeper’s face can assist in their remaining very quiet.

A good pathologist will check the inside of the eyelids for the tiny petechaie that betray broken capillaries and a death by smothering, or so I hear from a friend. Not that this was ever an issue in my mother’s demise.


Seriously: who the fuck are these people and why aren’t their employers just putting untrained apes in front of the keyboards?

How would you know the difference?


How would you know the difference?

Apes only throw their own feces for a reason.


Balloon Juice says that Palin and company are apparently planning a demonstration on the 13th, which will consist of teabaggers driving their cars onto the highway, pulling over for an hour and Twittering.

The entire rant is well worth reading, but the absurdity of it is distilled in the last paragraph:

If you are fighting for something—if you really feel oppressed and feel as if people are “treading on” you— you don’t go sit in your car and Twitter for an hour. You don’t take action only if it “won’t take much of your time.” You go out there and you sit in your car for as long as it takes! You think on the first day of his first hunger strike, Gandhi was all, “I’m just gonna not eat… for, like, an hour. Hopefully those bloody colonialists will notice.”

These guys imagining themselves to be “just like the sit-ins” remind me of the people who go camping and think they’re living the rugged outdoor experience “just like Davy Crockett/Daniel Boone/insert-famous-pionneer-name-here.” Except, you know, with a flashlight, hermetically sealed tents, sleeping bags, air mattresses, insect repellent, a cooler, a portable stove, cell phone reception and a car ready to take them to the nearest hospital if one of them breaks a nail. But other than that, just like Davy Crockett.


Libya news, this should make the Fenwickians happy: apparently, Qaddafi’s goons “battled rebels for six hours overnight but could not retake control of [Zawiya].” Helps that the rebels apparently included mutinous military forces, who brought “tanks, machine guns and anti-aircraft guns” to the table.

Other interesting things: in addition to everything already decided, “France said it would fly aid to the opposition-controlled eastern half of the country.” What that aid consists of the article didn’t say, that was the only sentence: still, vive la France!

Also this:

“Gadhafi’s air force is a serious threat to us,” said lawyer Nasser Bin Nour. “We will welcome a no-fly zone on Gadhafi’s warplanes over the whole of Libya. The only thing we object to is foreign troops on Libyan soil.” said Bin Nour, who said many in the city would not oppose shelling the positions of pro-Gadhafi forces by foreign warships or planes.

Of course, one man can’t speak for Libya, we have no idea how widespread that sentiment actually is, even if it is that doesn’t automatically mean we should do it, and minds could change when the planes and warships actually intervene. Still, I thought it was worth linking to, partly because it mirrors my own thoughts. (A temporary no-fly zone would be far less intrusive than anything involving boots on the ground, IMO).


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