You Know Who Else Liked Solar Panels?

ABOVE: Pastor R. Mark Musser, Lunatic

Shorter Pastor R. Mark Musser, The American “Thinker”:
The Nazi Origins of Apocalyptic Global Warming Theory

  • The secret purpose of climate warming alarmists is to kill all the Jews.

[Thanks, Pinko Punko!]

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 818

Giant Rat of Sumatra

You know who I miss? The skunk aficionado guy, that’s who.


* The secret purpose of climate warming alarmists is to kill all the Jews.

Silly liberals. Only the One True God gets to kill all the Jews. Are you really going to steal its victims from the jaws of the Apocalypse? Now that’s just downright disrespectful.


If this were true, wouldn’t the Nazis have developed a more carbon nuetral method of committing genocide?


Well … I got outta da boat, made it past the sharks (with frickin’ laser beams attached, even!), and waded onto shore.

Only to find that the mangoes be rotted.

While [the fact a nature lover was a staunch Nazi] may sound odd to many who have bought into the Marxian propaganda over the years that the Nazis were right wing capitalistic extremists, greens who signed up for the Nazi Party were actually very typical of the day. The most widely represented group of people in the Nazi Party was the greens, and Guenther Schwab was just one of among many.

Never leavin’ the boat again.



This guy has two posts for the “Thinker” and both are about how environmentalists are Nazis. I can’t wait to see his “science” that “proves” I don’t exist.


Only the One True God gets to kill all the Jews. Are you really going to steal its victims from the jaws of the Apocalypse? Now that’s just downright disrespectful.

I no, rite?

Seriously. We all get so worried about the dag-blamed scientists “playing god” while they’re in their labs creating mouse-corn hybrids and covering up all the data on the part of the brain that proves only Christians have morals and there’s just a blank vacuum in that little bit that has the moral center. But why don’t we get when people try to play god by killing the Jews? That’s god’s job.

And he’s gonna take his fiery vengeance on us for that one. Just you wait, the Mooslems will be in control by the end of the week. I’m sure the Muslim Brotherhood is behind all the stuff going on in Wisconsin and it’s only been the grace of god holding them and the Egyptian Caliphate from spreading to Iowa and Missourah.


Me no have ears but if you want to get off the boat and go to Tintin’s link to RMark’s website there is something called Enviro-Baalism-Fascism. Wonder if it’s related to my Liberal-Fascism?


I wonder if this dude supports lethal injection. And/or Volkswagons.


God is so angry about this, he has directed the Sun to attack!

Scientists around the world will be watching closely as three eruptions from the Sun reach the Earth over Thursday and Friday.

These “coronal mass ejections” will slam into the Earth’s magnetic shield.

The waves of charged solar particles are the result of three solar flares directed at Earth in recent days, including the most powerful since 2006.

The biggest flares can disrupt technology, including power grids, communications systems and satellites.



The more carbon neutral methods for killinh Jews with wind power were in development in Peenemunde but the war ended before they could be implemented.

-Via droid on the bus so sloppy.



Mark Musser graduated from the Evergreen State College in 1989 in Olympia, Washington with a Bachelor of Liberal Arts…


The most widely represented group of people in the Nazi Party was the greens, and Guenther Schwab was just one of among many.

I clicked on the link that was embedded in this statement. I was curious to see where he got this information from. It was of course a link to one of his own posts stating that most of the Nazis were greens. It’s another case of “because I said so!”


These “coronal mass ejections”

Sounds like someone drank too much Mexican beer.


I got off the boat and literally have no idea what this guy’s point is. I mean it seems to actually be like a “you know who else had bowel movements” argument.


In English, this could easily be translated as Mountain Home, Bavaria.

Yes, dumbass, because that is what the translation is. Berg. Hof. Literally, mountain farm or mountain court (in the medieval sense).

But no, he must, as a graduate of Glenn Beck University and Art Institute, use phraseology that intimates conspiracy.

Ie, something along the lines of,

“Take note, free-thinking tea people, that the name Adolf is rarely seen anymore. Why is that, hmmmm? Could it be because all the world’s liberal children named Adolf use different names to the outside world to hide their special breeding experiments, funded by former SSLufthansagrupenmeisterburger Soros? Which could also be read as SchutzStaffellAirlineGroupMasterSandwichmadeofmeat Soros? We’re on to you, Obama!”


Should we just go ahead and assume everything was originally a Nazi idea and start our history from there?


maybe this will fly


Interesting mango

Posted by: jamieos
Feb 15, 03:39 PM
Thank you American Thinker for my daily post-graduate seminar – it never fails to educate, both the original article and the commentary following. Great job today everyone. As I read the article I thought of Al Gore’s book which was required reading at the college level for both my sons, now in their forties. I never believed that he wrote “Earth in the Balance” and I still have not found anyone talking about the identity of Gore’s “Bill Ayres”. Anybody else share my suspicions or have any authorship thoughts?


I know I’m late to the party, but really, can you please post a warning for those of us, [me especially], that click on links ’cause they’re there? I’ll be walking around all day now with a 1000 yard stare. Who [why?] are these people?


“Should we just go ahead and assume everything was originally a Nazi idea and start our history from there?”

Every LIBERAL idea, silly. Conservative ideas come from Jesus, Lincoln and homemade apple pies.


Cap-and-trade is worse than a thousand Dachaus.


funded by former SSLufthansagrupenmeisterburger Soros? Which could also be read as SchutzStaffellAirlineGroupMasterSandwichmadeofmeat Soros? We’re on to you, Obama!”

Aaahhh! Run away! He’s on to our plans to Nazify the world through old-world master lunchcrafting techniques and disseminate them through that bastion of high cuisine, the airline meal!


Thus to cave into the idea of totally separating science and theology is nothing more than maintaining the status quo of the last 150 years, which will continue to leave Darwin as the king of the mountain, and will continue to drive Christianity out of the public square on an ever increasing scale into a nether world of spiritual mysticism where theologians and scientists cannot communicate with each other, and religious truth will simply become more esoteric, abstract, and doubtful with less and less application in the hearts and minds of everyday people.

I fail to see a problem here.


You rarely see the Hitler style mustache anymore but I know all you liberals secretly want to grow one.


O.K. who Godwined the thread?


While [the fact a nature lover was a staunch Nazi] may sound odd to many who have bought into the Marxian propaganda over the years that the Nazis were right wing capitalistic extremists

The Nazis were right wing extremists: they cared about identity politics, but never really spend much time thing about “capitalistic” goals or economics in general. Capitalism was bad when done by Jewish International Cabal bankers, good when done by Real German industrialists. Welfare was bad when given to untermenschen, good when given to Real Germans. Etc, etc, etc.

Same logic that makes people today blame “lazy” blacks and “illegal” Mexicans for being on welfare but don’t touch their Medicare packages, or rail against the bailout, George Soros and “big money Democrats” while drinking Koch and Murdoch kool aid.


You know who had some of the best rocket scientists in the world? The Nazis, that’s who! So rocketry is a Nazi conspiracy and really doesn’t exist. Whew, seems we don’t have to worry about “carrier killers” or “ICBMs’ ever again. Man, that’s a relief.


You rarely see the Hitler style mustache anymore but I know all you liberals secretly want to grow one.

I can actually see the Williamsburg set doing this.


“You rarely see the Hitler style mustache anymore but I know all you liberals secretly want to grow one.”


It’s the new hipster affectation.


The Nazis were right wing extremists: they cared about identity politics, but never really spend much time thing about “capitalistic” goals or economics in general.

In fact there were various weapons that were not developed by the Nazis, or whose development was delayed, because of the objections of certain favored large corporations.



It’s the new hipster affectation.

You’ve been spending too much time at those “kitler” web site again, haven’t you?


You know who had some of the best rocket scientists in the world? The Nazis, that’s who!

Yep, the V2’s were actually Hitlers way of clearing out London so the Sherwood Forest would grow better for pixies and sparkle ponies!


“I can actually see the Williamsburg set doing this.”

What is “Williamsburg set”?


The Williamsburg set is similar to a finger wave, except it’s done so the hair appears to get curlier at the ends. And then you grow a Hit*er mustache.


I’m really impressed with this guy. It took Jonah two hundred pages of bullshit bloviation to make the same point this guy made in just a few hundred bullshit words. Concision, people! That’s what I’m talking about. Il faut toujours trouver le mot juste!

The I Quitarod Queen

I can actually see the Williamsburg set doing this from my porch.


Should we just go ahead and assume everything was originally a Nazi idea and start our history from there?

I’d like to see someone shoe-horn pacifism into the Nazi playbook.


I know I’m late to the party, but really, can you please post a warning for those of us, [me especially], that click on links ’cause they’re there? I’ll be walking around all day now with a 1000 yard stare. Who [why?] are these people?

If you see the word “shorter,” understand it has an alternate meaning, which is “gateway straight up Cthulu’s dump tunnel.”


Posted by: jamieos
Feb 15, 03:39 PM
Thank you American Thinker for my daily post-graduate seminar – it never fails to educate, both the original article and the commentary following. Great job today everyone. As I read the article I thought of Al Gore’s book which was required reading at the college level for both my sons, now in their forties.

“You people freak-up the bestest and scariest New World Order plots EVAR!!”


Musser’s thought process:
You know who else favored environmentalism and militarism….Theodore Roosevelt and…Lord Baden-Powell (founder of the Boy Scouts).

Wait that just doesn’t have much menace. I mean TR is keeping Reagan’s seat warm on Mt. Rushmore…maybe we should go to South Dakota for vacation…when is lunch?…fucking Angry Birds cheating bitches….

Shit! Columns due. How about Nazis? Yeah they liked the environment and guns and they’re bad guys.


I’d like to see someone shoe-horn pacifism into the Nazi playbook.

But the Nazis were pacifists. They were looking forward to living peacefully with all creatures, after they’d killed all the untermenschen and put their boots on the necks of the handful of Aryans left alive, .


RMarkieMark is at the forefront against the evil hordes of Baal that are threatening to overwhelm us.

(this guy goes on and on about Baal)


If you follow the link I just posted, be aware that you should ignore the banner, lest you develop the mistaken impression that I am a hipster. Although I do fucking love juice.


But the Nazis were pacifists

Yup, all their Panzers were actually tractors to till the soil for planting.

The I Quitarod Queen

(this guy goes on and on about Baal)

I’m looking at that picture thinking this guy ain’t got no Baals.


Ya know, the bottom line for these wingnut rants is that they are just a bunch of crybabies: “waaaaah – they’re taking my SUV, waaaaaah – my money is going to brown people, waaaah – SOROS!” etc. etc.

Grow the fuck up.

And no offense to babies, sorry.


If you follow the link I just posted,

I did follow the link, but I can’t figure out if it’s a real thing, or somebody spoofing the worst hipster stereotype he could come up with. (Since I can come up with pretty bad hipster stereotypes, I am not unlike a fish trying to observe the sea.)


RMarks childrens book.

COMMUNISTIC SOCIAL SCIENCE & APOCALYPTIC REVOLUTION: The Absurd Case of Karl Marx’s Dialectical Fundamentalism.

I gotta get back on the boat.


Yes, yes it is.

“Weimar guitar gently weeps” made me laff.


You rarely see the Hitler style mustache anymore but I know all you liberals secretly want to grow one.

I keep mine in a drawer in my nightstand.


Them damn scientists can’t be trusted to do their own tests.

They just pretend to, so they can get that sweet, sweet Al Gore gubmit money dollars.

What they do is watch old films about Nazis and then copy whatever Nazis say.

Now, it might be true that Nazis said that Einstein’s relativity was a bunch of bullshit “Jewish physics”, but it don’t make it any more true when a bunch of ivory tower fags say that they proved it too.

The history books and old publications and shit say that CO2 as a ‘greenhouse’ gas was first hypothesized and studied by a la-di-da Irish pussy John Tyndall in 1859.

First of all, Ireland ain’t never had no scientists. I never heard of one.

In January 1859, Tyndall began studying the radiative properties of various gases. Part of his experimentation included the construction of the first ratio spectrophotometer, which he used to measure the absorptive powers of gases such as water vapor, “carbonic acid” (now known as carbon dioxide), ozone, and hydrocarbons.
Among his most important discoveries were the vast differences in the abilities of “perfectly colorless and invisible gases and vapors” to absorb and transmit radiant heat. He noted that oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen are almost transparent to radiant heat while other gases are quite opaque.
Tyndall’s experiments also showed that molecules of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ozone are the best absorbers of heat radiation, and that even in small quantities, these gases absorb much more strongly than the atmosphere itself. He concluded that among the constituents of the atmosphere, water vapor is the strongest absorber of radiant heat and is therefore the most important gas controlling Earth’s surface temperature. He said, without water vapor, the Earth’s surface would be “held fast in the iron grip of frost.” He later speculated on how fluctuations in water vapor and carbon dioxide could be related to climate change.

Yeah, like books and shit go that far back. Right, we got magical stuff that existed over a hunnert years ago.

Also, Glenn Beck has proved that Google is part of the Communislamoveronmentalist conspiracy.

Why don’t you ask your precious Nazi Jesus Al Gore about that?!


I think we should go erect a golden calf* on this guy’s lawn and start dancing around it.



Thus to cave into the idea of totally separating science and theology is nothing more than maintaining the status quo of the last 150 years, which will continue to leave Darwin as the king of the mountain, and will continue to drive Christianity out of the public square on an ever increasing scale into a nether world of spiritual mysticism where theologians and scientists cannot communicate with each other, and religious truth will simply become more esoteric, abstract, and doubtful with less and less application in the hearts and minds of everyday people.

Feature, not bug.


I did follow the link, but I can’t figure out if it’s a real thing, or somebody spoofing the worst hipster stereotype he could come up with.

The latter. I only say that because of this.

Although the Arcade Fire hasn’t been underground enough for hipsters since 2004.


I’d like to see someone shoe-horn pacifism into the Nazi playbook.

Pacifists don’t believe in killing, therefore they don’t believe in killing Nazis, therefore they’re Nazi-lovers and probably traitors too.

That was shoehorned in a long time ago.




If you follow the link I just posted, be aware that you should ignore the banner, lest you develop the mistaken impression that I am a hipster. Although I do fucking love juice.

Bah, Hamburg!


(this guy goes on and on about Baal)

Man. First he can’t get a community center named for him even with a giant edge in the polls. Now he has some internet d-bag riding him. Bad week to be former Fort Wayne, Indiana Mayor Harry Baals…


Oh, and this …

If you follow the link I just posted, be aware that you should ignore the banner, lest you develop the mistaken impression that I am a hipster. Although I do fucking love fucking juice.

… is now fixed to match my junior high level of maturity.




“Should we just go ahead and assume everything was originally a Nazi idea and start our history from there?”

Of course, Nazism started with the Boy Scouts and the Pledge of Allegiance.


Does Baal still comment over at Atrios? Someone should tell him about this guy.


“It is sad but true: responsible freedom in the West appears to have depended on having a communist enemy.”

It’s troo! We all remember reading Jefferson’s “An Impassioned Response to that Marx Fellow,” in high school, right? And I do believe the subtitle of Federalist Paper No. 31 was, “Or, why that V.I. Lenin Guy is a Dipshit.”

And don’t even get me starting on how much the ancient Athenians hated Chairman Mao…


Hey gocart. Ha!

Francis Bellamy (1855 – 1931), a Baptist minister, wrote the original Pledge in August 1892. He was a Christian Socialist. In his Pledge, he is expressing the ideas of his first cousin, Edward Bellamy, author of the American socialist utopian novels


You know who else hated communists?


Although I do fucking love fucking juice.

I hear he got beat up in prison.


In 1954, Congress after a campaign by the Knights of Columbus, added the words, ‘under God,’ to the Pledge. The Pledge was now both a patriotic oath and a public prayer.


Say, that reminds me to ask: do kids still say the Pledge of Allegiance in school? How does that get around the school prayer rules?


“Should we just go ahead and assume everything was originally a Nazi idea and start our history from there?”

The Nazis of course stole their best ideas from the Boy Scouts and the Pledge of Allegiance.


2010 – 1859 = 151.

Sure. Like they were doing science that long ago. If you have a temple to Al Gore at your front door where visitors have to give the fat Al Gore statue $100 before they enter, you might be a Nazironmentalist.

I’d buy more Thin Mints if she was selling them.


They say the Pledge in Canadian so they can get around the prayer thing.


If you have a temple to Al Gore at your front door where visitors have to give the fat Al Gore statue $100 before they enter, you might be a Nazironmentalist.

If siphon your neighbors heating oil to the poor part of town, you might be a Nazironmentalist.

This is fun.


St. Ronnie of Raygun hated commonists. He other throwed them with one hand behind his back.


A mango from AJB’s link:

…the destruction of knowledge which blasphemes (a claim many have made about Christianity over the years, but there has never been a conflict between Christianity and science– not so with Islam!)….

Paging Dr. Myers, Dr. P.Z. Myers…


WP told me my comment didn’t post so I tried again and now I see I double posted. Sometimes I think Word Press is just a Nazi plot like energy efficient light bulbs..
in re: the above, I have a sudden desire to eat Girl Scout cookies. If you know what I mean.


Sometimes I think Word Press is just a Nazi plot like energy efficient light bulbs..

Algae fuel, also, too.


If you know what I mean.



Yes, guys, we get it. Hot chick in the faux Girl Scout uniform is hot.


Paging Wiki…

. Islamic science and mathematics flourished under the Islamic caliphate established across the Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa, Southern Italy, the Iberian Peninsula, and, at its peak, parts of France and India.


Hot chick in the faux Girl Scout uniform is hot.

A possible Halloween costume, T&U?


Also, breast milk tax breaks for poor mothers.

“For poor, black mothers who don’t breastfeed: Michelle Obama thinks you should get a tax break on equipment that lets you pump milk so you can work and keep feeding your child the food that’s shown to help prevent childhood obesity. Michelle Bachmann thinks you should get a lecture on how she was able to breastfeed her five kids without government help.


A possible Halloween costume, T&U?

I skip the bullshit and just dress as a slut for Halloween.


You shouldn’t tempt me to pick Roger L. Simon apart.

How can you win a war, or save a civilization, when you don’t acknowledge what or whom you are fighting?

You could start with the fact that your civilization isn’t even remotely in danger of being destroyed. Pigs will fly before Muslim rule of any kind is ever established over the United States or Western Europe. Al-Qaeda and Iran are no more capable of subjugating the West than the Barbary Pirates, the Boxer Rebellion or the Mau Mau.

The loss of American life to more al-Qaeda attacks is a real threat. The subjugation of our civilization is not, and hasn’t been for over a thousand years.

Granted that the West is weak and corrupt, but how do you, how do we, fight this?

You mean al-Qaeda? You don’t. Red Dawn isn’t happening, and the chances that you or anyone else on your website will ever have a chance to “fight” the national security threat are close to zero. So stop fantasizing, stop trying to shoehorn your clash-of-civilization fantasies onto the fight against al-Qaeda, and let the cops and intel officers do their job.

Or do you mean “how do you fight” conservative cultural practices in the Middle-East? Again: you don’t. It’s not your country, and if you try to impose better values top-down, you’ll fail: ask the Shah in Iran and PDPA in Afghanistan. First, give them stable democracies, then let them fix their own problems. If the West, Latin America and other such places could grow out of it, so can the Middle East.


I skip the bullshit and just dress as a slut for Halloween.

Prove it.


i>Hot chick in the faux Girl Scout uniform is hot.

I am distraught to learn that the uniform is fake.


Fuck it, I can’t take any more. I’m going full hobbit. You’ll find me here, smoking a clay pipe and practicing the lute.


Diamond-encrusted mangoes await in the comments, only for the adventurous:

Consider, with the earth core convulsing constant oscilations at extremely high temperature that that devil’s brew petroleum is actually a perpetual renewable recycling resource. No scientists anywhere have been able to replicate one ounce of pure petroleum yet oil continues to be abundant.

Revisit dry wells and Jebus has filled them again! Murica is so blessed!

I envy those who can change their perception of reality without drugs. Think of the money I would save!


I am distraught to learn that the uniform is fake.

The Innernnets is nothing but lies!!1!


Prove it.

Okay, you caught me. I was lying.

I dress as a slut every day.


Aaah but Chris you don’t see the sneakiness of their secret plan:

1. Elect Barak Obama

2. ???????

3. Sharia!


Revisit dry wells and Jebus has filled them again! Murica is so blessed!

I’ve come across this “oil isn’t really melted dinosaurs” concept before. Even if it were true (HINT: it’s not), it seems like waiting two or three million years for the wells to refill by underground seepage might leave us with a little problem in the interim.


I dress as a slut every day.



petroleum is actually a perpetual renewable recycling resource

That isn’t really a mango as much as it is completely fucking retarded. (Fuck Trig)

Too bad we can’t fill our tanks with slutty girl scout uniforms (real or fake).


O.K. who Godwined the thread?

You know who else liked to Godwin threads?


it seems like waiting two or three million years for the wells to refill by underground seepage might leave us with a little problem in the interim.

The problem being that it will be us who become oil.


Willy, since the world is only 6000 years old that is the only possible origin for oil.


“a perpetual renewable recycling resource”

What the fuck does that even mean?


Too bad we can’t fill our tanks with slutty girl scout uniforms (real or fake).

You could burn them just fine, but they really gunk up the fuel injectors.

FYWP! Everybody stop posting so damn fast, okay?


Willy, since the world is only 6000 years old that is the only possible origin for oil.

Virgin olive oil comes from VIRGINS!1!!1twenty


The Innernnets is nothing but lies!!1!

This must be true, cause I read it on the Innernnets!


What the fuck does that even mean?

They call it “abiogenetic oil”, claiming that it is generated by a natural process in the earth’s core.

It isn’t completely insane, I don’t think. It must be possible for hydrocarbons to come from abiogenetic sources if Titan has lakes of the stuff. However, here on Old Terra, it is really not the way to bet.


From the link to Conservative El Cid:

MUNICH (AP) – Europe must stamp out intolerance of Western values within its own Muslim communities and far-right groups if it is to defeat the roots of terrorism, British Prime Minister David Cameron said Saturday.

Britain’s a leg up over us. Over here, politicians proudly and unambiguously announce that it’s wrong to hold far-right terrorists up to the same scrutiny we place on Muslim ones.


As I recall, Girl Scout uniforms are mostly polyester, so that would defeat the purpose anyway.

(I wonder if they still have to wear those stupid-ass socks? God, I hated those).


“Virgin olive oil comes from VIRGINS!1!!1twenty”

Okay. So where does EXTRA virgin olive oil come from?


I’m going to Goldberg this one — assume I made a witty comment about petroleum being a renewable resource of which America has planty, and then embedded a link to one of those Walmart people with shit stains on their pants.


Plenty. I blame WordPress.


Okay. So where does EXTRA virgin olive oil come from?

People who don’t have arms. Duh.


It isn’t completely insane, I don’t think.

The sentence describing it was, though.


Virgin olive oil comes from VIRGINS!1!!1twenty

If that were true, there’d be a lot less of it.


“(I wonder if they still have to wear those stupid-ass socks? God, I hated those).”

I believe they replaced the socks and saddle shoes with strappy sandals, but I could be mistaken.


Okay. So where does EXTRA virgin olive oil come from?

From the extra virgin, of course. Doesn’t everyone have an extra virgin lying around the house?


As I recall, Girl Scout uniforms are mostly polyester,

But polyester is mostly oil. I think we’ve got a winner here!


Okay. So where does EXTRA virgin olive oil come from?

From virgins who haven’t had….um,either.


Okay, seriously, I volunteer to update WP so it includes that arcane bit of technology called a “Message Queue”. Posting too quickly, my aunt Fanny.


If you keep a spare virgin around the house?


Conservative ideas come from Jesus, Lincoln and homemade apple pies.

…and Reagan. Don’t forget Reagan. Or is that supposed to be a “plus sign” instead of a comma between Jesus and Lincoln? As in Reagan = Jesus+Lincoln


From virgins who haven’t had….um,either.

EXTRA virgin: they haven’t even got to third base.

SUPER EXTRA virgin: not even rounding second

and so on.


Doesn’t everyone have an extra virgin lying around the house?

House party!


Reagan = Jesus+Lincoln

Reagan = mediocre acting + advertising experience


But polyester is mostly oil.

Do you think the animalofascists at PETA will let us raise and kill polyesters just for their oil.
Yeah, right!


Reagen= Jelly Bellies + Zzzzzzz


Ragin’ = meth + coffee beans


Dammit TB!


Do you think the animalofascists at PETA will let us raise and kill polyesters just for their oil.

And think of all the poor naugas who died to make your naugahyde chair.


Was St. Francis of Assisi a Nazi?


Was St. Francis of Assisi a Nazi?

No, just a sympathizer.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

* The secret purpose of climate warming alarmists is to kill all the Jews.

He gets it exactly wrong- the purpose of climate warming denialists is to melt the polar ice caps to allow easier access to the interior of the Hollow Earth, where the Aryan supermen hold sway.


And this is why the Nazis carpooled in their tanks when invading Poland.


SUPER EXTRA virgin: not even rounding second

Shit. Apparently I’m a SUPER DUPER EXTRA. And today was going so well, too…


Was St. Francis of Assisi a Nazi?

St. Francis loved animals. Hitler loved animals. QED.

This is the basis of one chapter in my next book: Monastical Fascism: The Politics of Exclusion from St. Jerome to the Dalai Lama. I’m anticipating a December 2030 release, unless I get busy between now and then.


Hollow Earth,

Oh come the fuck on. People will really believe anything you tell them. It must be kinda fun to be that stupid.


Saint Francis of Assisi: wealthy guy who was made a prisoner of war, and once freed, started talking to birds and healed a wolf. Class traitor and tree hugger. I’ll go find how he was a Nazi, but he must have been. Maybe Saint Claire is the link.


Forgot: once freed, renounced his wealthy lifestyle to live as a beggar. If he was a painter before, that would prove my point.


You libs are cruel, what with the flaunting of your extra virgins. It’s particularly hurtful to those of us who are virgin deficient. What ever happened to SOCIALISM?


You libs are cruel, what with the flaunting of your extra virgins. It’s particularly hurtful to those of us who are virgin deficient. What ever happened to SOCIALISM?



Almost forgot to ask: VS, do you have a maternity Girl Scout costume?


Ooooo, or a maternity nun outfit!


What ever happened to SOCIALISM?

Whenever we allow them to socialismise we quickly run out of virgins.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Doesn’t everyone have an extra virgin lying around the house?

Not since the raid 🙁

Oh come the fuck on. People will really believe anything you tell them. It must be kinda fun to be that stupid.

Profitable too, if you can get wingnut welfare!


bbkf… are you an Al Qaeda recruiter?


bbkf… are you an Al Qaeda recruiter?

do you want me to be?


Whenever we allow them to socialismise we quickly run out of virgins.

There’s a joke somewhere in there about the tragedy of the commons and the need for private property rights, and even probably something in the low-tax/supply side vein, but I feel dirty just trying to think of them, so I shall stop now.


bbkf… are you an Al Qaeda recruiter?

do you want me to be?

i mean i’d rather be hot, slutty girlscout. but, you know…whatever…


Whenever we allow them to socialismise we quickly run out of virgins.

Virgins are a perpetual renewable recycling resource.

And really, *anyone* can say, “Ow, that hurts. Slow down!” during incredibly awkward sex.


it’s that special time of year again here in western mn…flu and flood season! yay…spring is just around the corner!!!


And really, *anyone* can say, “Ow, that hurts. Slow down!” during incredibly awkward sex.

I’ve never heard your mom ask anyone to slow down.


I fail to see a problem here.

The correct wording is: I see no problem

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Algae fuel, also, too.

This is one topic on which I can ramble on for hours, along with riparian geology (with the attendent criticism of the Army Corps of Engineers’ levee projects). Don’t bring this up if we ever meet for a beer, lad.

do you want me to be?

Somewhere, someone is invoking Rule 34

i mean i’d rather be hot, slutty girlscout. but, you know…whatever…

I’d rather have one hot slut in the present than the nebulous promise of 72 virgins.


Doesn’t everyone have an extra virgin lying around the house?

Not since the raid 🙁

For virgin infestations do you use the ant & roach spray or the flying insect spray?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

And really, *anyone* can say, “Ow, that hurts. Slow down!” during incredibly awkward sex.

Gotta be courteous to the other motorists!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

For virgin infestations do you use the ant & roach spray or the flying insect spray?

I have another spray to get rid of virgins.


I’d rather have one hot slut in the present than the nebulous promise of 72 virgins.

I’d rather have one hot slut than any number of girls who don’t put out. But I’m a sexist chauvinist pig that way.


Whoa, for a second I thought this was loadpants. Then I scrolled down to the next picture and decided no, unpossible.


“Okay. So where does EXTRA virgin olive oil come from?”

So what you are saying is that Popeye and Bluto never . . .


I’ve never heard your mom ask anyone to slow down.

It’s not her fault your wangchuck is so small.


incredibly awkward sex.

I let the tailpipe cool off first.


So what you are saying is that Popeye and Bluto never . . .

Ran a train on Olive Oyl?

(Does it count as a “train” if there are only two dudes?)


Incredibly Aukward sex? Isn’t that Another Kiwi’s specialty? And I think it goes counter-clockwise as well.


“Ran a train on Olive Oyl?”

Ooh kinky.


Ran a train on Olive Oyl?

Sanity and respect for Rule 34 prevent me from Googling this.


Sanity and respect for Rule 34 prevent me from Googling this.

I would have if I weren’t at work. Or perhaps “Olive Oyl Bluto Popeye Chinese fingercuffs”.


“Almost forgot to ask: VS, do you have a maternity Girl Scout costume?”

For now I’m sticking with my maternity serving wench costume. You know, ponytails, a low-cut peasant blouse…
It’ll do, right?


Shorter Colonel Mustard:

Okay, I’ll say it: I’m a racist.


Rex: I just love trains! I love trains!


as the angry crowd swirled around her and she seemed to recognize that she was in trouble.

We don’t know enough yet to say if any of the young men in the photo were the attackers, but the looks on their faces and their gestures suggest they were out for something more than celebration.

what am i missing in this photograph? seriously…i do not see any of the things he’s pointing out here…and i have special eyes!


“It’ll do, right?”

Yes. Yes it will.


And, now that I think about it, a 23-month-pregnant Girl Scout is just wrong.


smedley–I know, right?

Bbkf—look with your special eyes!


VS is only 23 months old? !!!!111


Not getting out of the boat but,

We don’t know enough yet to say if any of the young men in the photo were the attackers

we do know that she was separated from her crew and security before the attack so it is ridiculously unlikely that this is the case. Still, brown folks – they’re all the same. LIBERALS ARE THE REAL RACISTS.


Oy Vey! From comments.

We are all Jews now, though our President and his well-positioned quarter of America don’t know it, yet. As Israel goes, moral civilization hangs in the balance.


We don’t know enough yet to say if any of the young men in the photo were the attackers, but the looks on their faces and their gestures suggest they were out for something more than celebration.


Maybe it’s because one of the guys is giving her bunny ears.


“Almost forgot to ask: VS, do you have a maternity Girl Scout costume?”

Actually it’s 25 weeks…and I’m still turning heads. Go figure.

Oh excuse me…didn’t get to play earlier. Back to seriousness…

Big Bad Bald Bastard

We are all Jews now, though our President and his well-positioned quarter of America don’t know it, yet.

And this is a shonda for the goyim.

Oy gevalt!


“I have another spray to get rid of virgins.”

Oooh oooh, I know this one. Is it Omnaris?


Still, brown folks – they’re all the same.

Oh, fer sure. Especially the brown women and brown soldiers who rescued her.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Oooh oooh, I know this one. Is it Omnaris?

No, it’s Hardfalis.

Keep up the lulz0rz, folks- gotta get ready for tonight’s learning while intoxicated session.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Ruh-roh, I feel like a plonker for following up VS’ link with a frat-boy joke. Hopefully, a couple of pints of Allagash will cure that.


“what am i missing in this photograph? seriously…i do not see any of the things he’s pointing out here…and i have special eyes!”

You need to get your ‘special eyes’ checked then. You can’t see those brown skinned muslimy looks those two guys are giving her. Get real! Its pretty blatant.


Any chance Cornell will have a word with Mustard? There’s generally never any consequences for racism directed at Mooslim-looking peoples, but this is pretty fucking straight down the line bigotry. It’s Debbie Schlussel with a more cultured dog-whistle.


We are all Jews now

Jebus ain’t gonna be happy when he gets back from his dad’s place.


Jesus is coming! Look busy Jewy


I see two guys in the picture who look more serious than the rest and almost appear to be giving each other a conspiratorial look. The rest of the crowd appear to smiling and in full celebratory mode. I’m afraid I’d never make a good wing nut because the people in the picture really do not look all the same to me.


Maybe it’s because one of the guys is giving her bunny ears

that’s what i got out of it also…


Yeah, man … I was all about teh nature & shit. I kept telling those Jews & Commies they had to recycle OR ELSE, but did they listen? Noooooooo!

Oh man – worst typo EVER … talk about a major bummer!

It was supposed to be Drang Nach COMPosten!

Like, sieg heil & shit.


Maybe it’s because one of the guys is giving her bunny ears

I assumed it was a v for victory sign.




I assumed it was a v for victory sign.

I thought he was a japanese schoolgirl in an amazing cosplay outfit.


“I have another spray to get rid of virgins.”

I have heard that Axe Body Spray can repel virgins. But, apparently it has the same effect on non-virgins, so it isn’t a specific solution.


Morel civilization was thriving, until our President and his well-positioned quarter of Americans showed up.


They call it “abiogenetic oil”, claiming that it is generated by a natural process in the earth’s core.

Ah yes, the Pellucidar oil company. One of the seven sisters I believe.


Also keep in mind that false morels are toxic.


I have heard that Axe Body Spray can repel virgins. But, apparently it has the same effect on non-virgins, so it isn’t a specific solution.

It certainly repels me… I can’t speak for other virgins.


Also keep in mind that false morels are toxic.

So you’re saying I shouldn’t eat fungi that look like alien turds?


It certainly repels me… I can’t speak for other virgins.
Other virgins? you are with child and a virgin? Hallelujah Jesus is returning!


From 2007, back when the Muslim Brotherhood had infiltrated the US Army.


Hallelujah Jesus is returning!

Just remember, Jesus is shorter and…swarthier than you may imagine.


Hallelujah Jesus is returning!

Not necessarily – virgin birth was a pretty common thing back in the day. All the happening Bronze Age civilizations had ’em.


Just remember, Jesus is shorter and…swarthier than you may imagine.

and he may not be all that down on getting you in the nice front-of-the-train white peeplz seats (away from the browns!), as you expect…


Hallelujah Jesus is returning!

Jesus Dudeskull Slayer.


Jesus Dudeskull Slayer.

He’s Back….and all out of bubble gum.


Can’t see the pic, but yea! Any hat looks good on babies. Including beer hats.


Although I do fucking love fucking juice.

Still and all, how does one fuck juice?


Morel civilization was thriving, until our President and his well-positioned quarter of Americans showed up.

they have all migrated to the grove next to my house…lucky me…


Including beer hats

Not until he’s at least 4. Geez, Trucculent.


Still and all, how does one fuck juice?

preferably outside on the grass…or at least in the kitchen standing over a towel…


Nay. May lead to hanging out with Hannah Giles.

god, that is soooo wrong!!!


Still and all, how does one fuck juice?

Well I call her Angel. And I remember to touch her cheek before I leave.


Nay. May lead to hanging out with Hannah Giles.

SO WRONG. And I laughed my fucking ass off.


Well I call her Angel. And I remember to touch her cheek before I leave.

For all this mother, um, loving talk, DK-W is a very tender and attentive lover.


Nay. May lead to hanging out with Hannah Giles.

It might do Hannah some good to hang out with someone with that much maturity


I think it’s time for pro-choicers to start protesting at “crisis pregnancy centers.”

i know sd is one our more sparsely populated states, and now with video lottery funds tanking out because of the no-smoking law, they are even more desperate for money, really? is forcing women to re-populate the state going to help?


Well I call her Angel. And I remember to touch her cheek before I leave.

Oh very well played indeed, sir!


They do know that Jesus was Jewish, right?


bbkf, Mordor isn’t one of the more sparsely populated states. Republicans to women “We own your ovaries.”

Scott "Hosni" Walker

Wisconsin is going nuts. If only we were more like those noble Egyptians (and cheeseheads) and actually took to the streets en massto let our government know when we were pissed….

oooh look.. a poop joke.


Republicans to women “We own your ovaries.”

gads…i could have gone the rest of my life without knowing this…


I have a musical interlude for Kirk Cameron.


i have never had a banana squirt its contents in my face…oh, wait…


what would our conservative friends and tea partiers think would be the bes solution


Or forced sterilization. Maybe both.


Or forced sterilization. Maybe both.

not allowable in the great state of mn…


We just had a bill pass committee here in MO that would restrict abortions performed on potentially viable fetuses–only the health of the mother would be taken into consideration.

Considering the fact that there has been at least one neonate that survived after only 21 weeks in the womb and premature infants are being saved at earlier and earlier stages of pregnancies, that wording provides a nice slippery slope for the forced-birthers to slide down.

Conservative friend and tea partier

what would our conservative friends and tea partiers think would be the bes solution

The best solution is, as always, more guns,less messicans and absolutely NOBAMA!!!111!!1


Considering the fact that there has been at least one neonate that survived after only 21 weeks in the womb and premature infants are being saved at earlier and earlier stages of pregnancies, that wording provides a nice slippery slope for the forced-birthers to slide down.

and what the bastards don’t realize or won’t accept or won’t even fucking think about is the children who then have some pretty fucking serious special needs…and what their families go throughl. i consider myself lucky…our daughter was 2 months early, has cerebral palsy and is mildly retarded, but goddammit! we all know they don’t want to do anything for these kids once their born…fuck the fucking fuckers!


Incredibly Aukward sex? Isn’t that Another Kiwi’s specialty?

Do NOT give us an excuse to link to the “Kakapo Headsex” video.


“fuck the fucking fuckers!”

Agreed. With Kirk Cameron’s banana.


but goddammit! we all know they don’t want to do anything for these kids once their born…fuck the fucking fuckers!

Amen to that! They only think of them in the abstract as symbols and slogans. This is not about protecting anyone, it’s an excuse to attack women and their choices about their own private medical decisions. Not too many of these “defenders of the innocent” trying to pass laws outlawing vasectomies.


Agreed. With Kirk Cameron’s banana.

especially if his banan squirts its contents into their faces…while still vigorously sodomizing them…


and what the bastards don’t realize or won’t accept or won’t even fucking think about is the children who then have some pretty fucking serious special needs

Exactly, and since it’s kind of a subjective rule, it’s possible that women could be forced to carry pregnancies to term in which the fetus is actually *dying*, but, you know, who gives a shit about the emotional pain women in that situation would go through every time they were asked about their bundle of joy?

(BTW, I can’t think of a more horrifying situation.)


(BTW, I can’t think of a more horrifying situation.)

agreed…like i said, i consider myself incredibly lucky…our situation could have been a LOT worse…but still it changes your entire fucking life forever…


agreed…like i said, i consider myself incredibly lucky…our situation could have been a LOT worse…but still it changes your entire fucking life forever…

Oh, I’m certainly not discounting your situation. I can’t imagine how difficult it is.

I wonder how many people have chosen abortion because they felt like they didn’t have the funds/ability to take care of a disabled child? Conservatives can accuse them of being monsters all they want, but we know who the real monsters are.


Do NOT give us an excuse to link to the “Kakapo Headsex” video.

Who needs an excuse?


you are with child and a virgin? Hallelujah Jesus is returning!

Or, you know, Darth Vader.


Oh, I’m certainly not discounting your situation. I can’t imagine how difficult it is.

oh, no! i didn’t mean that at all!

Conservatives can accuse them of being monsters all they want, but we know who the real monsters are.

oh, yes we do…


Conservatives can accuse them of being monsters all they want, but we know who the real monsters are.

Would that happen to be the ones who claim to be Christians while breaking the 7th Commandment and advocating breaking the 13th?


They do know that Jesus was Jewish, right?

Let’s see; Lived at home until he was 30; went into business with his father; thought his mother was a virgin; she thought he was God.

Yup, it all fits.


Would that happen to be the ones who claim to be Christians while breaking the 7th Commandment and advocating breaking the 13th?

crap, now i have to google the commandments…sadly, i have memorized them no longer…


I know, I did too. Heee!


also, what is the 13th commandment?


Purely rhetorical question.

I wonder how many anti-abortion protesters volunteer to work with special needs kids?

(bbkf, your daughter is lucky as well. You seem to be a fine and caring person)


Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s mom.


“Or, you know, Darth Vader”

Much more likely.

And I agree with Snort–I bet you’re an awesome mom, bbfk.


Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s mom.

I knew it! DKW is full of SIN-ah!



More than one version.

Exodus 20:2–17

7 You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name

13 You shall not kill/murder.

I geuss the movie ran over and they needed more. Deutoronmy has a version as well.


“I knew it! DKW is full of SIN-ah!”

And shit.

And red-hot Canadian passion.


Are-kansas will smite the evil Obama and silence him! VS, your home state might be trying to ally with Mordor!


7 You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name

There’s another line in the Bible I considered good enough to actually memorize, but can’t remember where it’s from now:

“But the Prophet who shall presume to speak even a word in my name which I have not commanded him to speak, even that Prophet shall surely die.”

James Dobson, Sun Myung Moon and the rest of the propagandists reciting GOP talking points with the word “Jeebus” in front of them may be in for a rude awakening when seeking entrance into heaven.


I wonder how many anti-abortion protesters volunteer to work with special needs kids?

i reckon the answer would be about the same as those who want to adopt them…0

(bbkf, your daughter is lucky as well. You seem to be a fine and caring person

And I agree with Snort–I bet you’re an awesome mom, bbfk.

why thank you very much!* you are going to be an awesome mom too, vs…

*unless you are both being smart-asses…


Me? I’m a dumbass.


Technically, my home state is South Cackalacki. And make no mistake: it IS Mordor.


Conservatives can accuse them of being monsters all they want, but we know who the real monsters are.
The wolfman, Frankenstein’s monster and Dracula?


Jan Brewer, Russel Pearce,and Joe Arpaio.


Jan Brewer, Russel Pearce,and Joe Arpaio.

Sarah Palin, Michele Bachman, Christine O’Donnell
this could be a fun game!


bbkf, I’m serious as a heart attack.

Snort, I’m frankly concern by how much I like that.


Also: Al Gore?
Totes a Hollow Earther, dude.

( brb, developing biodegradable phosphate-free fair-trade Zyklon-B )


( brb, developing biodegradable phosphate-free fair-trade Zyklon-B )
Make sure it’s organic. It’s better for you.


bbkf, I’m serious as a heart attack.

Snort, I’m frankly concern by how much I like that.

well again, thank you! also, i totally dig the bassinet as well, but it made me feel chilly just looking at it…needs much soft blankies…


My kid had a crib made out of bricks and old newspaper. Even that was too good for him.


My kid had a crib made out of bricks and old newspaper.

You had bricks?! Luxury! Our kids had cardboard boxes between the tree roots. And liked it. Or else.


I’m gonna dig a shallow hole in the back yard. Done. Easy peasy. Crib done.


Wisconsin is going nuts.

I heard they’ve called out the cops to round up the Democrats, who have fled from the vote on the union ban.

What are our Republicans coming to? Tom Delay knew that was what the DHS was for!


LUXURY! My crib was an old bedpan. That was still in use.


I heard they’ve called out the cops to round up the Democrats, who have fled from the vote on the union ban

twin cities’ talk radio stations are all over this…and the one i’m listening to–not in a good way…


twin cities’ talk radio stations are all over this…and the one i’m listening to–not in a good way…

democrats are taking a beating here…just been called ‘childish’ for their tactics…gack…where’s the bleach?


In Mordor the big rumor is that Gabby Gifford’s name is coming up to run for Kyle’s Senate seat. GOP Orcs are howling and gnashing their teeth.


That was still in use.

Then did chores,uphil both direction,in the snow,till 2 am, had to pay to work, 8 days a week, one arm pushing younger brothers crib.


Ooh, Arkansas. why you gotta do me this way?

I know his family. Assholes, the lot of them.


I wonder why no legislator proposes a law that the state pay for any woman forced to bear children against her will. Sure, it wouldn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of passing, but it would make the point: you want the kid alive, you pay for it.

Goddamn freeloading Republicans.


Goddamn freeloading Republicans.

I used to know a staunch Republican lawyer who used to rant and rave about Republican values this, Republican values that. Found out she used her student loan to pay for a boob job.


I hit golddirt too also! More baby Dudeskull stuff!


If I was one of the protesters in Wisconsin I would make a big “Solidarity” sign (in Polish) like they had in Gdansk.

Go Unions!


Back on the topic of solar panels, there’s a possible cure for baldness

Comments B^4 ?

I’m bald and don’t mind, but if I could have hair again without too much hassle I probably would…


Here’s something pleasant from the not-racist at all right wing. And the context: “Keep your lib hands off my NASCAR!!”


Here’s something pleasant from the not-racist at all right wing.

They’re not sexist, either!


Apparently, if you don’t like NASCAR, you’re a Marxist? Better go dust off my copy of The Communist Manifesto…


No, no they aren’t. They just know what’s best for you gals.


I guess we need to stop sniffing rectums, then.


Keep it clASSy, wingtards.


KlaSSy ist our mittel name, ja!


I knew it! DKW is full of SIN-ah!

I love to sin-ah
about the moon-ah and the June-ah and the spring-ah


@Lulz, image we didn”t need:

the Tilted Kilt Pub & Eatery. Visit for a list of events and specials at Rockford’s hottest new sports pub!


“You rarely see the Hitler style mustache anymore but I know all you liberals secretly want to grow one.”



I guess we need to stop sniffing rectums, then.



I guess we need to stop sniffing rectums, then.

I’m very religious: I have a pew in my rectory.


I guess we need to stop sniffing rectums”

I’m actually ok with that.


El Cid, any comment on this?

Probably a right wing pants-pissing caliphateaphobic who thinks that the historical El Cid was a Christian warrior out to drive out the Moors.

He was mainly a mercenary who then set out to forge his own kingdom.

He eventually did, with Christian and Moorish soldiers, and so his kingdom in Valencia, Spain, was populated by both and the army made up of both too.


He was mainly a mercenary who then set out to forge his own kingdom.

And what a unique event in history that was…scuse me while I go read about medieval Italy.


“scuse me while I go read about medieval Italy.”

Wrong. The lyrics go “scuse me while I kiss this guy”. You werent even close!


scuse me while I eat this fly…help me…help me…

bughunter who always forgets about his nym field

“You rarely see the Hitler style mustache anymore but I know all you liberals secretly want to grow one.”


That makes me picture the Hitler’s Mustache Bikini Wax — like a Brazilian Landing Strip, but sideways.


> scuse me while I eat this fly…help me…help me…


See… now you aren’t even trying to hit that high note…



now you aren’t even trying to hit that high note…

I can’t unless my hands are in pockets.


Spengler: Thanks for ‘Star of Gladness’ at 19:17. Liked it muchly. I’m beginning to think there’s something TO this ukelele / bandjolele thing you do. Should I be disturbed about that?
Exactly how stupid am I? Well, I just got the joke in Lawnguylander’s nym. Seen it for months and months and it finally break through my noggin. Jeez.
B^4: Rip away into the Corps of Engineers levees! Hurricanes do it. Rivers do it. Why should they have all the fun?
VS: Fedoras on toddlers? Mos Def! (And also, what exactly is wrong with the Baby Pimp costume? You could have so much fun dressing up as Dudeskull’s Ho when you go out together on Halloween!)
BTW, the band hasn’t firmed up any blog plans yet. (Shit, we haven’t even firmed up a name for the friggin’ band.) Murphy is bringing over mucho beer and we’re going to try spitballing it again tonight.

(I’m sure I mentioned that The Variants wanted to build a horn section? Murphy is our cornerstone. Rock tuba.)

bughunter who always forgets about his nym field

So, the ancient Britons were Zombies?

I’m confused.


“I can’t unless my hands are in pockets.”

I thought they were in my pockets scrounging for drink money.


Reduce, recycle, reuse, body-wise.


I thought they were in my pockets scrounging for drink money.

That has nothing to do with me singing soprano.


Shorter Bobo: Gramps worked his ass off doing something vaguely manly and dull; you kids, meanwhile are lazy, effete little shits. I kind of want to suck Gramps’ cock.

He and Dogtwat are two vivid reasons the Times is a useless, outmoded dinosaur. Throw in the Mustache of Knowledge and you have a paper that even fish don’t want to be associated with.


> BTW, the band hasn’t firmed up any blog plans yet. (Shit, we haven’t even firmed up a name for the friggin’ band.)

Band Name = Self-Titled Debut Album
Album Name = Titular


PS- Tee Hee, Titular!


How’d they ever train a dog to sniff out bombs?


What the bastards don’t realize or won’t accept or won’t even fucking think about is the children who then have some pretty fucking serious special needs…and what their families go through.

Exactly, and since it’s kind of a subjective rule, it’s possible that women could be forced to carry pregnancies to term in which the fetus is actually *dying*, but, you know, who gives a shit about the emotional pain women in that situation would go through every time they were asked about their bundle of joy?

ii consider myself incredibly lucky…but still it changes your entire fucking life forever.

I wonder how many people have chosen abortion because they felt like they didn’t have the funds/ability to take care of a disabled child? Conservatives can accuse them of being monsters all they want, but we know who the real monsters are.

bbfk: Your daughter is lucky, too: She has loving parents who care for her and nurture her and delight in her joys and happiness. Every child should be so lucky.

To me, the most tragic and cruel part of the Very Godly Crusade to eliminate reproductive choice is the plight of neglected, unwanted, and unloved children left in the wake.

And those who choose to terminate a pregnancy because they feel they don’t have the funds or ability to take care of a disabled child? They are not monsters. They are acting responsibly. Parenting is a lifetime commitment, and it is a financial burden than many cannot bear.

Let me echo what other Sadlies have said: I’ll bet you are a wonderful mother, bbfk.


thanks for thee link snort


Can’t see the pic, but yea! Any hat looks good on babies. Including beer hats.



Also, let me say that i don’t covet my neighbour’s mom. Unless covet is an euphemism or something, in which case I coveted her last night. Three times.


It might be better if a lot of American thinkers didn’t think so much.


Thread needs moar Jessica.


My band is called “Brad Nugent and the Pilates.” We do weddings.


Babies with hats are the coolest. My Michael fucking can rock any hat and I’ve got some pictures to prove it.

Gotta get a mini one of these
prolly would be scary cool


kg: We want proof. Photos plz.


I thought they were in my pockets scrounging for drink money.

(NSFW: Vulgar & intensely sexual & sexist dialogue/language.)


Okay, so I figure you are lead banjolele. What’s the rest of your instrumentation?


My band is called “Brad Nugent and the Pilates.”

My first outfit: Pontius Pilate & His Nail-Pounding Four.


What’s the rest of your instrumentation?

I assume that a ‘bassinet’ is a small bass.


I assume that a ‘bassinet’ is a small bass.

WRONG! It’s an intermediate step between bassinsea and bassinstomach.


I assume that a ‘bassinet’ is a small bass.

What does fishing have to do with this?


One of y’all better have a hurdy gurdy in your band.


Shorter Bobo:

I read that one. Yes, it sucks in many ways.

But really, after the mash note about the guy with the svelte calves, upon whom wealth settles like snow, and who spurs spontaneous applause from the townsfolk of Aspen is it possible for Brooks to get worse? Isn’t that bit sort of the platonic ideal of suck, leaving no room for improvement?


A hurdy gurdy in the band is worth two in the pants.


Pontius Pilate & His Nail-Pounding Four.

Joey thinks that’s a great name for us. But, then, that stoner likes every name….


the guy with the svelte calves, upon whom wealth settles like snow

Cause and effect. Bobo logicistes.


Okay, so I figure you are lead banjolele. What’s the rest of your instrumentation?

Speedometer, tachometer, oil pressure, water temperature, voltmeter. Also a ukulele.


> Joey thinks that’s a great name for us. But, then, that stoner likes every name….


And then you just need to ‘grow into’ the name…


I’ve always wanted to have a hurdy-gurdy. But most women are unwilling to do that.


And then you just need to ‘grow into’ the name…

That’s why Mini__B’s full name is Hiro Protagonist __B.


Wait, you really need band names? Holy shit.

Thundermug (I might want to keep that one)
The Lap Band
Slow Loris and the Trapezoidal Three
Ignorance is Bliss
The One-Hit Wonders
Ignatz Hammer and the Bratwurst Explosion
Wax Lips
Creme de Menthe
The Pete Postlethwaite Memorial Orchestra
Muscle Beach
and of course Sparkle Motion.


So I usually settle for the Dirty Shakespeare.


and of course Sparkle Motion.

That’s my band’s name! We have a zanzithophone, two triangles, and a dehumidifier. My bandmates are tired of me questioning their commitment to it, however.


My bandmates are tired of me questioning their commitment to it, however.

Sew the triangles to their dewlaps.


We have a zanzithophone, two triangles, and a dehumidifier

I laughed out loud. I think I even pooped a little bit.


We have a zanzithophone, two triangles, and a dehumidifier.

We had to throw out my son’s dehumidifier because we couldn’t keep the damn thing in tune.


Apparently WordPress doesn’t like the band name “Beef Curtains”.


Wow, I wish we had a speedometer! Or at least one of those metronome things. Ralph has lotsa problems. Also with keeping time.

The Lap Band. — Murphy liked it. Only he wants to be The Hat Band. We put on those Clockwork Orange bowlers and do a Kiss thing with paste-on eyelashes.

Slow Loris and the Trapezoidal Three — I think the ‘Slow Loris’ might be too risque. (Woman also seem reluctant to try this, either.) Love the Trapezoidal Three except it won’t work with our growing horn section.

Ignatz Hammer and the Bratwurst Explosion — Joey’s fave!

The Pete Postlethwaite Memorial Orchestra — My fave.


and a dehumidifier

Nothing produces such a soothing undertexture to a musical mix. We try to use a synthesizer, but the sound just isn’t the same.


Shorter Bobo: Gramps worked his ass off doing something vaguely manly and dull; you kids, meanwhile are lazy, effete little shits. I kind of want to suck Gramps’ cock.

I linked to that yesterday and nobody keert. I can’t decide which I like best:
a) he believes that the quintessential American is the sort of idiot rich brat that he rubs elbows with, or
b) he takes the country to task for being lazy in a piece that he clearly phoned in from his butt.


I laughed out loud. I think I even pooped a little bit.

A fine compliment indeed, sir. Thank you.

We had to throw out my son’s dehumidifier because we couldn’t keep the damn thing in tune.

I find as long as it makes a low thrumming noise of some sort, it’s useful. Especially when you don’t want the neighbors to hear you using your…, back massager. Because it would be quite embarrassing if they found out you have such a stiff back, you know?


Nothing produces such a soothing undertexture to a musical mix. We try to use a synthesizer, but the sound just isn’t the same.

There is someone credited with playing “white noise” in In an Aeroplane Over the Sea. I shit you not. Which is probably part of the reason why it’s one of the greatest fucking records of ALL TIME BITCHES.


you have such a stiff back

My god…T&U is Zombie Jack Kennedy!


I find as long as it makes a low thrumming noise of some sort, it’s useful.

That’s the thing. It went up about an octave in tone and twenty decibels in volume, at random times. No self-respecting three-year-old can fall asleep in those conditions. “Daddy, what’s that?” “Your humidifier” “Why?”

Aside: I really love the “why” game. My favourite was the time he got me explaining about molecular energy levels in the context of temperature reduction, in an attempt to explain why ice is harder than water. Dude is three! He’s not following that, I’m thinking.


Gotta run. There’s trouble in the garage. The bozos are starting to argue over the blog again….


I really love the “why” game.

Once you get past all the pain and (literal) shit, you’re going to have s-o-o much fun, VS.


Especially when you don’t want the neighbors to hear you using your…, back massager.

I don’t know what it is, but I just laughed again. I had to go tell my wife. She’s trying to write a screenplay and I’m in here guffawing at this anecdote.



Oh, I know what it is. I’m stoned. But it’s still a damn funny little character detail. Writer catnip.


Well, it’s either that or you have to time it for when the loud-ass heater kicks in. Which can be very frustrating and inconvenient.


Oh, I know what it is. I’m stoned.

Oh, I see how it is.


Spengler – a thundermug is what we used to call the old slop pail. We didn’t have universal running water in the village until the 70’s.


Oh crap maybe that was for The Variants, I’m feeling the effects of this:

Nectar of the Gods.

+ 5


OK all. Late to the party with nothing but a complaint. Sorry for the imposition.

The putrescent mangoes in the article weren’t enough for me. I went into the comments. Why? Deathwish?

There has always been six degrees of separation between the progressive left and their fascist counterparts, whether communist, Marxist, socialist or Islamist.

Actually true – because, as you most likely can figure here being sentient beings, there are 6 degrees of separation between every single human being on the entire freaking earth. At least, that’s where the phrase comes from!

Why do people “think” this way?

Is this the secret to unlocking the mysteries of the entire right-wing commentariat? They just grab any loose flying concepts and graft it onto the molten head-cheese of whatever it is they want to feel. If you’re foolhardy enough to try to reason them out of it, the core just forever shifts around.

Why, why, why must we share the most powerful nation in this world with this completely irrational people? Some of whom are my own family? Who now I must hope will never read this. And who think I’m irrational because I “believe in” global warming, evolution, accepted economic theory, condoms over abstinence, education over prisons, and so many other fact-y, logic-y things. That I get all elitist about by actually being freaking right.



cerevisiae: a chamberpot for under the bed. MIRTH.


Band Names for The Variants:

– The Prehensile Nipples
– Cerebral Episiotomy
– Meet Us On Uranus
– Dirty Fourchettes
– Your Ethereal Sounds
– Coelacanth
– Callipygian Ecdysiasts

(I have a Virtual Post-it note with a list of band names I keep around for the eventual day I decide to perform again. Or for Guitar Hero.)


– Meet Us On Uranus

That was fucking inspired. Cerveza?


If that’s an inquiry into inspiration, then no. Just the reverie of the autopilot drive to work.

If that’s an offer, then yes, thank you.


You know that playdoh and bacon guy? There’s a fragrance out.


Bent Armadillo Hotplate

Apartment House & The Salesmen

Norman Mailer’s Feet


Milk Teeth
The Slings & Arrows

I may change my band name to Brad Nugent and the Rear Admirals. It’s either that, or Brad Nugent and the Obersturmführers. Man, the ukulele world is a crowded one.


Why, why, why must we share the most powerful nation in this world with this completely irrational people?

Because we have to share the planet with them, and they tend to not all congregate in one place?


they tend to not all congregate in one place

We seem to have more than our share in these United Snakes.


They come for the First Amendment, stay for the Slurpees and Hoverounds.


Whale Chowder-Via droid on the bus so sloppy

Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi


Why, why, why must we share the most powerful nation in this world with this completely irrational people?

From my outsider’s perspective, I think a big problem is the Senate. It gives an extreme amount of power to places where nobody lives, which means that you don’t really need that many crazies for them to have an outsized effect on national politics, as long as they all want to live near each other, which (as it happens) they do.


LC –

Never forget the assholes’ motto: states have rights, people have none.


Is this the secret to unlocking the mysteries of the entire right-wing commentariat?


Also, yesterday Paul Krugman linked to a couple articles, and weighed in himself, on right wing “agnotology” – defined as “culturally-induced ignorance or doubt.” It’s an interesting concept of which I was not previously aware.



Fucking Arizona. I swear to God.


Fucking Arizona.

Worst Coen brothers slash-fic EVER.


I do so wish that this “thinker” would spell the name rite: it’s algore (Nazi-Die Welt ohne viele, viele schnee)


Meet the new Diana Prince. While the cynicism is strong in this article, so is TEH HAWT.

Let’s hope she doesn’t look so lean in costume. There’s a whole body of precedent to live up to, and it isn’t one of a rail-thin model.

(Thank god it wasn’t Megan Fox. A lot of fans were calling for her to be cast.)


(Thank god it wasn’t Megan Fox. A lot of fans were calling for her to be cast.)

I did not know that, and I second the “thank God” sentiment.


Holy shit. Last night I slept like I was in a competition…and I was the CHAMPION OF THE WORLD. Seriously, just some Olympic-caliber sleeping there… Wow. I am awesome.


Meet the new Diana Prince. While the cynicism is strong in this article, so is TEH HAWT.

She is cute. She is not a great beauty. JMO.


Kinda makes you wonder how many more delusional islamophobe conspiracy nuts are running the Pentagon.

Is this guy no longer there because he was too much of a nut, or not enough?


Is this guy no longer there because he was too much of a nut, or not enough?

Sometimes you feel like army brass; sometimes you don’t.


Sometimes you feel like army brass; sometimes you don’t.

An Almond Joy/Pentagon joke? I’m impressed, sir!


Just a little personal, anecdotal evidence here… hubby says he runs into more right-wing god-talkers at the Pentagon than anywhere else during his military career.


Is this guy no longer there because he was too much of a nut, or not enough?

I don’t know, but on a semi-related note, I think part of the reason the right wing let it slide when McChrystal was fired was because he was the opposite of a delusional Islamophobic nut – strict ROE, engaged the locals as something other than target practice, even booted Fox News out of his HQ.

If it had been someone like Boykin getting fired, the reaction would’ve been very different.


Oh good, someone’s here. I was gonna make a coffee breath joke.


Just a little personal, anecdotal evidence here… hubby says he runs into more right-wing god-talkers at the Pentagon than anywhere else during his military career.

I’m not at all surprised that the ideologues would coalesce around the Pentagon rather than in the field.

One of my Republican acquaintances that I’ve bitched about here before considered going in the military as a fallback option when she was still unemployed (not unlike I’m still doing), but would only consider the Navy or Air Force. Why? She “wanted to be flying over the sandbox or sailing around the sandbox, not in the sandbox.” Actual quote. (And now, of course, she’s working for some contractor or other, happy as a clam and never wants to leave northern VA again).


Here’s a completely unrelated question: anyone else find it weird that Liam Neeson suddenly turned into an action star over the last couple years and apparently loves it?

I mean, I grew up knowing him as Qui-Gon Jinn, Aslan, Oskar Schindler and the guy in Love Actually. His default persona was the wise old sensei character. Then I saw “Taken” and the A-Team movie last year. Holy shit, he’s Jack Bauer on crack. Not that I’m complaining, it’s just quite unexpected.


Fucking Arizona. I swear to God.

Uh-yuh! Why do you think I call it Mordor?


I can’t help but wonder if it’s cathartic for him…after having lost his wife.


Looks like Saruman is massing his armies.


Sorry arizonians, but you cannot claim Mordor. I was born in Southem Cackalackem–land of those “heritage not hate” balls.


So, PZed’s place has a crazy amount of discussion regarding some of the shit that we talked about re: privilege and women’s experiences. Of course, it has more to do with the atheist community, but I think shut up and listen is good advice for anyone.


This tired trope again.

Lots of drama in your uninformed statement. There are many laws now protecting workers…unions are outdated and useless.

Also, there are laws protecting democracy, so we don’t need political parties anymore.


Oh grow up I dibsed it first! Neener neener neener.


Uh, T&U…I’m not sure I’m ready to wade into that muck. Could I persuade you to bring back some mangoes?


unions are outdated and useless.

When the US had the largest and growing middle class, 1/3 of the population was unionized. So, yes, unions are clearly a terrible idea.


Sounds like you hate freedom, VS.


I took a step off the boat and the gist of some of the comments are is that since more women are standing up for and taking for granted their due rights, mens right don’t count count for nuffin’ and it makes some pee-ppes shrivel.

Mostly just poo flinging.


Uh, T&U…I’m not sure I’m ready to wade into that muck. Could I persuade you to bring back some mangoes?

No mangoes, really. Just head-bashing-against-the-wallness.

This is my favorite:

“PZ, you are whipped. It was painful and sad to read this post. Go back to what you are good at – ripping apart creationists. You come across as pathetic whimpering old man here.

And yes, this was a purely ad hominem post. Go ahead and censor it, I dare you.”

Dawkins makes a guest appearance. And is kinda douchey.


I wonder when all the states with their huge budget deficits will take a look at how many Wal-Mart employees get state assistance and insist the company do something about it?

As if.


So, PZed’s place has a crazy amount of discussion regarding some of the shit that we talked about re: privilege and women’s experiences.

Linked thread with lots of history and content has lots of history and content.

re: shit we talked about before – was that a good discussion? A lot of it was awkward and humourless, but I thought that overall it was pretty good. That was my perspective anyways.

Not looking for a feminist cookie or anything, just wondering if (in regards to this topic) I personally should spend moar time in Shut Up and Listen mode. Note that I can’t guarantee the Listen part, but I can totes move on to other topics like how good your mom is in teh sack.


Could I persuade you to bring back some mangoes?

Ceci est un mango:

You realise that back in the 1920s the KKK was considered a liberal egalitarian movement too? I guess history took a different view.

Look at the facts. You don’t use a dictionary to figure out if a movement is sexist. Definitions of feminism necessarily reflect the greater power that women have in our society just as in the 1920s the KKK was very influential so it had a positive reputation, that it no longer has today, but never deserved.

Look at the facts. A movement that ceaselessly attacks one minority birth group is a bigoted movement regardless of its reputation — which simply reflects the power of the racist or sexist movement within its society.

PZ here is attacking men in a way he’d never dream of attacking women. That’s because women have power and you don’t attack people with power. Instead he posts this huge suck-up article.


re: shit we talked about before – was that a good discussion? A lot of it was awkward and humourless, but I thought that overall it was pretty good. That was my perspective anyways.

I thought it was good. I felt like people started understanding each other better.

Not looking for a feminist cookie or anything, just wondering if (in regards to this topic) I personally should spend moar time in Shut Up and Listen mode.

Oh, Wangchuck. That’s what I was saying when I said that women know the territory better, so their voices/opinions should be heard, and why women’s voices may (and should be, in my opinion) be prized over men’s in women’s studies classes.


Ceci est un mango:

HAHAHAHA. That one was great. Fuck, MRAs make me giggle.


And sorry, DKW, I probably sounded condescending. I’m just *frustrated*, and not even necessarily with you.

But yes, Shut Up and Listen Mode is good for anyone with privilege who is interested in and wants to support the rights of an oppressed group.


I read about half PZ’s SHUT UP thread last night, will finish it tonight. Seemed like a bunch of women repeating basic positions that no one has an excuse not to know by now, a bunch of men acting like complete morons, a few men (all regulars) venturing in once in a while to tell the other men that they are morons.


I find the shut up and listen mode helps me stay out of don’t hear a word spoken and say something stupid mode.


Band Name = Self-Titled Debut Album

I would shorten that to Self-Titled Debut. Then after you’re famous you can shorten it to just STD.


Would a reunion of Frank Zappa’s original band be called The Founding Mothers of Invention?


I find the shut up and listen mode helps me stay out of don’t hear a word spoken and say something stupid mode.

Yeah, a lot of people tend to be formulating what they’re going to say next to someone when they’re “listening” to them, especially if they’re involved in an argument or a debate. Here’s the thing–when I talk about feminism to a man who is an ally, we aren’t *in* a debate. We’re exchanging ideas and experiences (and believe it or not, I’m quite interested in men’s experiences in Teh Patriarchy).


I’m quite interested in men’s experiences in Teh Patriarchy

Dear Patriarchy Forum: I never thought this would happen to me, but yesterday a woman listened to me.


Yeah, a lot of people tend to be formulating ….

While I’m by no means perfect at it, I tend to notice when I’m in the listening mode a number of people talk at me and not to me.


Robert Stacy McCain needs moar toilet fotofunnies


But yes, Shut Up and Listen Mode is good for anyone with privilege who is interested in and wants to support the rights of an oppressed group.

Just this then. [Trigger Warning – Privileged male spouting off at humourless and extensive length (not a VPR) about gender relations]

First, the caveat about perspective and proportion. The scope of what I’m going to say is limited to men talking about gender issues which isn’t nothing but sure don’t amount to a big deal when compared to those gender issues themselves. i.e. that guys have trouble getting in on discussions about gender based discrimination or the abuse that women in male-dominated professions suffer every day isn’t even on the same scale as gender-based discrimination or the fact that women in male-dominated professions suffer abuse everyday.

I accept that loads of chauvinist men oblivious to their privilege exist. I understand that that is the nature of privilege – people who have it take it for granted. I’m working my way back to the blaghag post about the panel that kicked it off – but the linked threads certainly provide evidence for their existence. Certainly being an atheist does not innoculate one from sexism – I have met plenty of male atheists who are chauvinist jerks. I’m a card-carrying (not really) member (VPR intended this time) of that group.

All that said, “Shut Up and Listen”? Sure it is the right phrase in the earlier of the two Pharyngula posts. Additionally, it is a great rhetorical tool in that it makes a big point really quickly, but I think the irony is totally lost on the intended audience. From the perspective of someone on the receiving end of the Commandment,,, Okay, maybe not me – I’ve deluded myself into believing I have empathy so I have to at least pretend that I understand the point of the confrontational and offensive phrasing. (i.e. That “Shut Up and Listen” is the baseline behaviour that privileged men expect of women.) But this is a nuance that is lost on those most needing to follow the advice and makes it easier and inevitable that they project their hypocrisy onto you.

In left this turd on the carpet, e.g. the Yahoo comments section, relative to the same story:

It’s of interest to me how many people here believe unions are destroying the labor market.

Tell me: how does Germany manage to have a lower unemployment rate (6.7 as of last fall) than us when their workforce is more highly unionized? How does Germany manage to have a high-wage, unionized economy without having all its jobs “shipped abroad?” Heck, they have six weeks vacation per year and they still manage to beat the crap out of us.

Kind of makes you wonder what would happen if we started taking care of our workers again. You know, like in those dark, poverty-stricken years in the fifties and sixties.

But nooo… let’s tear each other to pieces because how dare that uppity worker over there make more money than me (of course, those are the same people who bitch about class war).

Seriously: if there is a reincarnation, I want to be German in my next life.


I’m quite interested in men’s experiences in Teh Patriarchy.

First you need to buy a blue blazer or they won’t let you…

I’ve said too much


DK-W, I just want to butt in here and say that I think the fact that you reacted to that convo with genuine curiosity and a desire to do better is really impressive.

FTR, I think “shut up and listen”, although maybe not the ideal phrase for all situations, is great advice to follow even if you’re not a chauvinist. I’m amazed by what I learn when I employ that technique.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Let’s hope she doesn’t look so lean in costume. There’s a whole body of precedent to live up to, and it isn’t one of a rail-thin model.

Can’t have a bulimic- that would be Chunder Woman.


I think “shut up and listen”, although maybe not the ideal phrase for all situations, is great advice to follow

But then I wouldn’t be talking! Verbose ergo sum.


But then I wouldn’t be talking! Verbose ergo sum.

You tend to be pretty concise, N_B. I don’t think verbosity is an issue for you.


You tend to be pretty concise

I’ve got to keep it short to be sure that [whisper] those people [/whisper] understand me.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

In left this turd on the carpet, e.g. the Yahoo comments section, relative to the same story:

The “First Amendment Champion” deleted your comment.


those people

That’s not a nice way to talk about Canadians, N_B.


The “First Amendment Champion” deleted your comment.

No, I didn’t leave it at the McCain site, I left it on a Yahoo News article discussing the same topic.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Back on the topic of solar panels, there’s a possible cure for baldness

Comments B^4 ?

I’m bald and don’t mind, but if I could have hair again without too much hassle I probably would…

I think I’d still shave my head, because {vanity}it’s perfectly shaped{/vanity}- plus, I am adamantly anti-pharmaceuticals unless it’s a matter of life or death.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

No, I didn’t leave it at the McCain site, I left it on a Yahoo News article discussing the same topic.

You know what to do… make the wingnuts cry!


You know what to do… make the wingnuts cry!

Never wrestle with a pig. You’ll both get dirty, and the pig likes it more.


DK-W, I just want to butt in here and say that I think the fact that you reacted to that convo with genuine curiosity and a desire to do better is really impressive.

Well thank you, but to be honest I was also being defensive about my profession. Sure a lot of engineers are assholes, but they’re my assholes.


Never wrestle with a pig. You’ll both get dirty, and the pig likes it more.



But this is a nuance that is lost on those most needing to follow the advice and makes it easier and inevitable that they project their hypocrisy onto you.

I see what you’re saying, but women/feminists have tried a variety of tactics to get men to SHUT UP AND LISTEN, and it doesn’t seem to matter how we put it–there are still going to be some men who don’t get it or don’t want to get it.

I also think being told to soften our rhetoric or be “nicer” grates on a LOT of women (including me from time to time), because, as you observed yourself, that’s what’s expected of us under this system. And sometimes we don’t feel like being fucking nice to our oppressors.


I think I’d still shave my head, because {vanity}it’s perfectly shaped{/vanity}

Veiled Vincent Price as Egghead Reference.


Shorter Wisconsin state legislature:

Because there is a high unemployment rate combined with the fact that many of those who have jobs are in very low paying jobs we will now stimulate the state economy by assuring that those who have decent paying jobs start getting less money. Also, forward thinking as we are, we will target teachers especially so that that the future generations of Cheeseheads will be less educated and get even lower paying jobs. Thank you for electing us to be your civil servants.


Does anyone else find it weird that a lot of people tend to get more indignant and upset about some of the admittedly somewhat luxurious pension funds and retirement benefits of middle-class workers than they do multi-million dollar severance packages for Wall-streeters who probably broke the law and helped tank the economy?


I also think being told to soften our rhetoric or be “nicer” grates on a LOT of women (including me from time to time), because, as you observed yourself, that’s what’s expected of us under this system.

It’s not for me to tell women (or even “woman”) what to do, but I think women should be less nice. History shows that oppression lessens when the oppressed do something about it. I don’t believe all the male allies in the world will help if women don’t keep up yelling about the situation. (Women already do, of course. I’m talking in relative terms.)

Lysistrata FTW!


Because there is a high unemployment rate combined with the fact that many of those who have jobs are in very low paying jobs we will now stimulate the state economy by assuring that those who have decent paying jobs start getting less money.

I’m always so confused by the Republican argument that having public sector jobs somehow ruins the economy. It doesn’t make any fucking sense.


It’s not for me to tell women (or even “woman”) what to do, but I think women should be less nice. History shows that oppression lessens when the oppressed do something about it. I don’t believe all the male allies in the world will help if women don’t keep up yelling about the situation. (Women already do, of course. I’m talking in relative terms.)

Yes, I think if there’s a problem, it’s that women are conditioned to be too nice, not the opposite.

I’ve caught myself trying to “be polite” in situations where I should have been assertive. (Like when my friend’s husband tried to put his hand up my skirt while she sat mere feet away from us. I didn’t want to “cause any problems.”)


ome of the admittedly somewhat luxurious pension funds and retirement benefits of middle-class workers

It’s sad, because I think that the benefits that most public sector workers get are completely reasonable and should be part of any decent job. Our standards are just so fucking low that we see them as luxurious.

It’s not for me to tell women (or even “woman”) what to do, but I think women should be less nice.

I actually agree. But, damn, some men are SCARED of angry women.


Does anyone else find it weird that a lot of people tend to get more indignant and upset about some of the admittedly somewhat luxurious pension funds and retirement benefits of middle-class workers than they do multi-million dollar severance packages for Wall-streeters who probably broke the law and helped tank the economy?

People get indignant and upset about what they’re told to get indignant and upset about. Plus: finance laws and such = BORING


And sometimes we don’t feel like being fucking nice to our oppressors.

Sure. Morally speaking, it is incredibly wrong and fucking retarded (apologies to Trig) that the victims have to be the ones to behave like the grown-ups. That is total bullshit.

OTOH, teh thing about privilege is the ignorance bit. You’re telling us that we don’t understand because we don’t know – well in that case, we don’t know. The onus is on you to explain it in ways that we’ll be able to comprehend. It sucks but as is so often the case – what ought to be ain’t what is.

On the third hand (VPR?), I also appreciate that it isn’t always about men, and particularly in this case – clueless men. I’m not in advertising or teevees programming. So if this is about reminding people who already get it that the fight isn’t won yet – great. It’s a good rallying phrase (IMO). Just that it’s not great for outreach and convincing others (again IMO).


exactly, where were the tea partiers and republicans when the CEO of goldman sachs received a $25,000,000 bonus on the back of taxpayers because of the bailouts. Scooter is pitting middle class against middle class.


Based on a comment in the thread:

The Nazis were called the National SOCIALIST Party. I cannot believe this is not more widely known, as per Jonah Goldberg’s brilliant and fascinating history.

Our country’s theme song is called the NATIONAL anthem. I cannot believe more people do not see the connection with this collectivist attempt to create a NATIONAL anthem that is the same as the NATIONAL Socialist Party.

Liberals are part of the Democratic PARTY, same as National Socialist PARTY. I cannot believe more people do not see the open and obvious connections here.



,,,isn’t won yet was supposed to be bolded. wev, I think I was clear in that comment – and that’s the only opinion that counts anyways.


On the third hand (VPR?)

Yours has a hand? I guess that answers the question of what is sound of one hand clapping.


Thread bear, thats a pretty accurate shorter. Furthermore, all the local newz stations interview tea partiers from waukesha county who state that because their jobs do not have any benefits, no one should. Then said newz stations go on to tout how Home depot is doing seasonal, part time hiring! Thanks for the jobs!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

You tend to be pretty concise, N_B. I don’t think verbosity is an issue for you.

N__B is verbose intolerant.


OTOH, teh thing about privilege is the ignorance bit. You’re telling us that we don’t understand because we don’t know – well in that case, we don’t know.

I know. That’s why we’re telling you to shut up and listen.

The onus is on you to explain it in ways that we’ll be able to comprehend. It sucks but as is so often the case – what ought to be ain’t what is.

No, it’s not. If you really give a shit about it, the onus is on *you* to understand it. The material’s out there. Hell, I think I’ve talked about it enough that you can get a starting point.

And I can be as nice and as 101-y as I can get, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t SHUT UP AND LISTEN.


The right wing and thier propaganda machine have made an art out of working with anecdotal evidence. They are experts at taking a single incident (as often as not a made up incident) and painting an entire group as corrupt or evil. At the same time, when it suits them, they are also quite adept at taking several related incidents and painting them as rare exceptions. Thus, they are able to point to incidents of corruption in big unions and convince a rather large part of the country that unions are evil and must be destroyed, while at the same time convincing those same people that corporations are benign and must be de-regulated.


Yours has a hand?

Actually I stated that it has three of them. Exaggeration? Delusions? Reading the centimetre side of the ruler as inches? Only your mom knows.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

It’s sad, because I think that the benefits that most public sector workers get are completely reasonable and should be part of any decent job. Our standards are just so fucking low that we see them as luxurious.

Race to the bottom! I don’t know what the teabaggers expect to get from sucking up to the superrich.

I actually agree. But, damn, some men are SCARED of angry women.

These are exactly the sort of men who need a little fear in their lives.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The right wing and thier propaganda machine have made an art out of working with anecdotal evidence. They are experts at taking a single incident (as often as not a made up incident) and painting an entire group as corrupt or evil.

Yeah, some fuckers on the “straight news” were trying to portray the protests in Madison as a “riot”- on the heels of news stories about the “protests” in Bahrain.


No, it’s not. If you really give a shit about it, the onus is on *you* to understand it.

I just want to say I agree with T&U here…and I know I sort of piggyback on her comments and cheerlead a bit when it comes to these convos, but it’s just she often articulates what I’m feeling better than I could.

But, yes, when I’m ignorant about something, I usually feel like it’s my responsibility to remedy that. Unless I’m looking for dancing badger kill files. Then that’s ALL ON YOU.


But, damn, some men are SCARED of angry women.

They’re worried about Bobbitting with no opportunity of reprisal, in the face of overwhelming one-sided statistics about inter-gender violence.


Yours has a hand?

Actually I stated that it has three of them. Exaggeration? Delusions? Reading the centimetre side of the ruler as inches? Only your mom knows.

Mine only has one at the moment, but seeing as you are a socialest librul type, I think you should lend me a hand here to share the wealth, so to speak.


Our standards are just so fucking low that we see them as luxurious.

I worry about that.


These are exactly the sort of men who need a little fear in their lives.

You know, my “anger problem” tends to be that I apologize for my anger too much.


I worry about that.

It’s a serious problem. It’s so fucked up that people are resentful of public employees for having, what I see, anyway, basic rights that all workers should have instead of demanding those same rights for themselves.


It’s a serious problem. It’s so fucked up that people are resentful of public employees for having, what I see, anyway, basic rights that all workers should have instead of demanding those same rights for themselves.

I think this is the reason many of the Republican legislators are scrambling to take those rights from the public sector quickly before this thought occurs to too many people.


I have a teabagging coworker who has a (presubably teabagging) realtive who works for a union. He supposedly hates it. I told him he should just advise his relative to quit, out of principle.

This is the same teabagging co-worker who took part in the cash for clunkers program, even though he hates government, because he wanted to get some of his back or some such twaddle.

They hate it when government helps anyone but them.


said the placards.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

It’s a serious problem. It’s so fucked up that people are resentful of public employees for having, what I see, anyway, basic rights that all workers should have instead of demanding those same rights for themselves.

Classic divide and conquer. Is there any move afoot on the social media networks to stage solidarity protests?

Solidarity… the only union the fucking Republicans ever liked.


It’s a serious problem. It’s so fucked up that people are resentful of public employees for having, what I see, anyway, basic rights that all workers should have instead of demanding those same rights for themselves.

Private sector got destroyed in the eighties, and now they’re saying it’s unfair that the public sector hasn’t been similarly ruined.

John Scalzi had these guys pegged when he called them “the sort of people who would rather shit on a freshly baked cherry pie than share it with someone not of their tribe.” Unfortunately, it’s increasingly the dominant form of “populism.”

That’s why I get worried about my era. Used to be people like this would look at those doing better than they were and say “we should be doing as well as they are.” Today, people look at the same and say “they should be doing as badly as we are.” What used to be a race (or at least a slow but sure hike) to the top is now a race to the bottom.


They hate it when the government helps the “wrong people”


S. cerevisiae said,

February 18, 2011 at 6:00

Oh crap maybe that was for The Variants, I’m feeling the effects of this:

Nectar of the Gods.

+ 5


That’s the local pub here — I haven’t tried Pappy’s yet, but managed to get a hold of one of the few remaining bottles last week. I’m torn between downing it and letting it age.

You should come to one of the Belgian Beer tasting/dinners that Block 15 and the local brew supply/bottle shop puts on a couple times a year… Here’s somebody’s account of one of the tastings. If you start there and read the newer posts you’ll see the beers and food. That one was all Allagash I think, but usually they’re all sorts of hard-to-get Belgian beers.

Dammit, now I want a beer and it’s 10:00 in the morning…


Solidarity… the only union the fucking Republicans ever liked.

They preferred the Union to the CSA, but only until the Southern Strategy kicked in.


T&U, you make an anonymous guest appearance in my blarg today. Check’s in the mail.


Solidarity… the only union the fucking Republicans ever liked could afford to like, since they were on the other side of Europe and had no bearing at all on American politics.


Startling to think that the resistance to communism was led by a union. Barry Goldwater, who thought Walter Reuter was a bigger danger than Sputnik, must’ve been red with rage the entire time.


I know, wrong = colerd

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I think an e-mail exchange where participants can swap e-mail accounts of their wingnut relatives and send out détourned wingnut e-mails would be a good experiment in social engineering. E.g.- start off with a basic anti-union premise and then add something about how the forty-hour work week is a socialist plot.

Heads asplodin’!


Introducing the Rolling Stone!

Vast forests have already been sacrificed to the public debate about the Tea Party: what it is, what it means, where it’s going. But after lengthy study of the phenomenon, I’ve concluded that the whole miserable narrative boils down to one stark fact: They’re full of shit. All of them. At the voter level, the Tea Party is a movement that purports to be furious about government spending — only the reality is that the vast majority of its members are former Bush supporters who yawned through two terms of record deficits and spent the past two electoral cycles frothing not about spending but about John Kerry’s medals and Barack Obama’s Sixties associations. The average Tea Partier is sincerely against government spending — with the exception of the money spent on them. In fact, their lack of embarrassment when it comes to collecting government largesse is key to understanding what this movement is all about


I like Matt Taibbi.

I like you guys, too.


And I can be as nice and as 101-y as I can get, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t SHUT UP AND LISTEN.

This is why I asked about the earlier convo – I recognize that sometimes I am a huge asshole. Speaking of which, here I go again.

I self-identify as a feminist. Despite all the mom jokes. I like to think I have a pretty good understanding about privilege and have empathy regarding some of the issues women face. Maybe I’m delusional, I think I’ve rambled on here for long enough that people can judge that for themselves. So I get the message in “Shut Up and Listen” (or at least I think I do – I’m certainly not Shutting Up very much). But I think it’s a bad way of presenting the argument.

Here’s an example – in the previous discussion about how hard science and math are inherently misogynist – never once did I tell non-engineers and non-mathsies to SHUT UP AND LISTEN. That because they haven’t had to do Fourier transforms, their opinions about math have less weight. And that is because understanding math and hard science is irrelevant to the sociology of the study of math and physics &c. Everyone gets that a poor grasp of thermodynamics does not preclude recognizing misogyny.

So why is it that when talking about Women’s Studies – note not Women’s Issues, but rather the study of them – being a woman is a big deal? Why is it that when discussing how clueless guys are going to respond to things – that it is the woman’s perspective that counts?

I am totally agreed that it is utter fucking bullshit that feminists of either gender, and most especially women who have experienced harassment and abuse – that these people are the ones that have to make the effort if clueless lazy assholes are to change. And yes, these efforts are often received very defensively and it becomes extremely unpleasant for the bearers of the news. And yes, that is also utter fucking bullshit.

That’s what it is. You want to write them off because they can’t be arsed to make the effort to understand? That’s your call – but it’s your argument that the reason they can’t be arsed is because their personal experiences make it difficult for them to grasp the concept.

And again – all of that said, I also appreciate that sometimes it is necessary to preach to the choir. That not everything is about making men moar enlightened. But, again from my perspective, “Shut Up and Listen” is about educating assholes – or at least is portrayed as such. And if that’s the case – again IMO – I think it’s a bad way of doing it. Because borderline and marginal assholes aren’t going to listen, and if anything are going to be pushed away by it.

Marion in Savannah

You know, my “anger problem” tends to be that I apologize for my anger too much.

Amen. As an old broad who was socialized in the late 40s and 50s that’s my problem to. Which makes me SO ANGRY… (Sorry, sorry… didn’t mean to get cross…!)


T&U, you make an anonymous guest appearance in my blarg today. Check’s in the mail.

Why, thank you! I never knew that my propensity toward hand cramps and mold allergies would indicate that I’m a practical person.


I like you guys, too.

Aw shucks, we’re just doing our jobs…but screwing around here rather than doing our jobs.


DKW, I’m going to grab some some food (and caffeine) and think about what you said and get back to you in a bit.


Of course, I extrapolated a character that isn’t you — but the blog is about writing fiction, dammit, not celebrating teh asweome women.


“by” not “but”

Nor “butt.”


I’m going to … think about what you said and get back to you in a bit.

See, that’s fuckin libs right there for you. Always with the thinking and the dialogue.


Nor “butt.”

Actually, I think quite a bit of butt-screwing does go on around here. Just sayin’…


Aw shucks, we’re just doing our jobs…but screwing around here rather than doing our jobs.

Me too! However much I enjoy looking at chromatograms all day…


Have a nice lunch T&U. I’ll take the opportunity to score all sorts of AWESOME rhetorical points while you can’t reply. Like about how your mom loves having sex.


Have a nice lunch T&U. I’ll take the opportunity to score all sorts of AWESOME rhetorical points while you can’t reply

Hey…I’m still here. Not that I claim to have the same Femme-Fu skillz T&U has, but still…


BTW…completely OT. About as OT as you can get: does anyone here know where I might find a highboy-type chest of drawers in an Asian or Asian-inspired style that preferably does not cost $3000?


VS, consider looking in China, Japan, or Thailand.


More OT goodness…are you guys aware that there was a computer competing on Jeopardy?

Well, Watson went on Conan too…and many lulz were to be had. Well, for me anyway. But then I really really enjoy jokes about computers having sex with people’s wives.


Of course, I extrapolated a character that isn’t you — but the blog is about writing fiction, dammit, not celebrating teh asweome women.

I know. I was just excited about the possibility that someone could think I was practical.

VS–Have you tried World Market or Pier 1?

Overstock and Amazon have a lot of furniture, too.


Dangly Thing Wangchunk, in re: feminism, I think there’s a minefield around the subject for males of the species simply because 1. sexism is extremely alive and well and making a comeback* in this country, among others, so there’s an atmosphere of attack that has to be acknowledged; and 2. the subject hasn’t been fully defined yet, and its terms and conditions are still in the embryonic stages† — so feminism is highly vulnerable to ontological distortion. So when us pecker-bearers get into it, regardless of our credentials or motivations, we’re blundering around in a space that is still considered sacred, if you will. Or not open to the general public, if ‘sacred’ is too precious a way to put it.
It’s the whole ‘virgin territory’ thing‡ — it needs to be explored by experts before it’s open to the world, but the experts don’t have a complete map yet. Terra semi-incognito and whatnot.

3. Finally, feminism is unique in that it’s a field of study, a movement, a philosophy, and a way of being all at the same time — I think only Buddhism comes close in this regard — and it falls outside the masculine frame in which most fields have been developed. So there’s a certain antagonism to male participation until the thing has gelled. Men are inherently likely to skew the results.

Plus, biznatchez on the rag and all that.

*VPeter North & Nina HartleyR
†Not VabortionR
‡also not


Also, if you have a Tuesday Morning, sometimes they have stuff like that, if you’re willing to check every few weeks or so. The same with Marshall’s and TJ Maxx (although I don’t know if you big city folks have nicer stuff at those places than we do).


VS, sounds a bit ghoulish, but might check out estate sales for Asians.


I’ve scoured amazon and overstock…no luck. But tuesday morning and those other stores are GREAT thoughts.


VS, what city? Antique is the way to go. Bargains to be had.


Plus, biznatchez on the rag and all that.

Yeah, what up with that? You know sometimes I wake up a little sore from all the sex I had with your mom the night before, but I don’t take it out on anyone. Wait, I guess I take it out on your mom.


Oregon Beer Snob – I live just up the street from Block 15. The Six Hop Wonder is also excellent.


I should have added I am out here going for my Masters at OSU – Go Beavers!


Canadians are in favour of beavers.


Canadians are in favour of beavers.

Dam. Beat me to it.


I’ve finally waded through teh background material but teh comment thread in a humour blog seems like teh wrngo place to babble humourlessly on gender issues. Instead, I’m going to try and take T&U’s original linking to Attendee’s crazee Pharyngula trolling for what it was intended to be. An invitation to mockery:

I often challenge feminists to name actual issues they allege represent oppression of women and they can never mention any. Obviously that shows the movement is just a cover for bigotry,….

Abortion popped into my head as I read the word oppression, but as a lie-beral godless leftsist I’m apparently always thinking about abortion. What about equal pay for equal – fuck that noise. Holy shit, whether or not women own their own uteruses is a contentious issue in mainstream society – doesn’t that count?


Holy shit, whether or not women own their own uteruses is a contentious issue in mainstream society – doesn’t that count?

If they were smart, they’d rent…like some men I could name.


Okay, caffeinated and fed.

Here’s an example – in the previous discussion about how hard science and math are inherently misogynist – never once did I tell non-engineers and non-mathsies to SHUT UP AND LISTEN. That because they haven’t had to do Fourier transforms, their opinions about math have less weight.

I don’t think hard science and math are “inherently misogynist,” and I hope I never said anything like that. I think there is a problem with sexism within the culture, but that’s different.

It’s assumed that you have the experience and authority. People don’t assume that women have the experience and authority to talk about their own issues, which was evidenced by the dust-up PZed referred to on his blog. It was like they said, “Oh, I want to learn about physics!” but instead of asking a physicist, they asked a classicist, who may know something about physics, but certainly isn’t going to know as much as someone who studies it for a living. And then a physicist stood up and said, “Hey, um, I’d like to correct some misconceptions about physics” and they laughed her off and made a stupid joke.

Even worse, what if I started to argue with you about the basics of Fourier transforms and refused to listen to you when you said, “No, I have the experience and the education about this,” I said, “Well, education is just a conspiracy to make some people seem smarter than others”?

So why is it that when talking about Women’s Studies – note not Women’s Issues, but rather the study of them – being a woman is a big deal? Why is it that when discussing how clueless guys are going to respond to things – that it is the woman’s perspective that counts?

Because Women’s Studies studies *women*. I think the disconnect here (and Spengler talked about this), is that it’s not just a field of study. It’s about people’s lives and experiences, and when we discuss those, it’s different than discussing something external and objective, like the sciences.

It might be helpful to read Hugo Schwyzer’s blog to get a feel for this. He’s a gender studies professor, and while I don’t always agree with him, but I think he has a good grasp of what men can do to be allies.

In short, theory is no substitute for experience, especially since the field of women’s studies isn’t monolithic and encompasses TONS of ideas that are often at odds with each other. (Read radfem dust-ups with pro-sex and BDSM feminists about the nature of dominance and female sexuality. Or the wars over whether transwomen are “real” women who should be allowed into women-only spaces. We argue with each other more than we argue with men).

(This is getting long, so I’ll continue it on another post).


…like some men I could name.

Your mom doesn’t call it rent, she says it’s a licensing fee.


Holy shit, whether or not women own their own uteruses is a contentious issue in mainstream society – doesn’t that count?

Nope. For a lot of men, sexism IS(N’T)REAL!

Marion in Savannah

Plus, biznatchez on the rag and all that.

Ending a serious, thoughtful comment with that is part of what makes you a treasure. (Made me snort, ya did.)


Nope. For a lot of men, sexism IS(N’T)REAL!

Also, racism is over.

The message I get from right-wing conservatives is:
racism is over
sexism is over
Please, please, please shut up.

Although, oddly, they seem to think of white Christian men as an oppressed minority.


(Made me snort, ya did.)

Uuuhhhh? How’d dat happen?


That’s what it is. You want to write them off because they can’t be arsed to make the effort to understand? That’s your call – but it’s your argument that the reason they can’t be arsed is because their personal experiences make it difficult for them to grasp the concept.

Okay, I can see part of the problem here. You’re confusing privilege with douchery.

Yes, privileged people are unaware of their privilege. Some people eventually pick it up on their own, some people are hit over the head with the clue stick and get it, at least to some extent, and some people will fucking REFUSE to understand it.

If you are such a douchebag that you refuse even to listen to me when I start talking about my experiences with sexism, then you aren’t blind to your privilege–you’re just an asshole, and you lack the empathy to understand my perspective, or you’re more interested in retaining the privileges the system provides you than you are in being a decent human being.

If SHUT UP AND LISTEN scares you off, then you’re probably not ready to hear me talk about feminism to any degree, at least not unless I’m willing to tiptoe around your feelings, which most feminists aren’t going to do, because IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU AND YOUR FEE FEES. Hearing about how you’re oblivious to the shit that women go through and how you benefit from that shit (even if it’s indirectly) is Not Fun. It’s painful and requires a lot of soul-searching and self-examination. A man who is scared off by SHUT UP AND LISTEN isn’t ready to do that self work.

Someone who is initially unaware of his privilege, but it willing to listen to women talk about their experiences is different. This is a person who has, at the very least, recognized that women are oppressed, at least on some level. He’s ready not to take discussions of feminism personally, or at least if he does, he keeps those feelings to himself. That kind of dude isn’t going to be scared off by SHUT UP AND LISTEN because he knows that to be a good ally, that’s what you do.

Because borderline and marginal assholes aren’t going to listen, and if anything are going to be pushed away by it.

Good. Then the grownups can have a real conversation. They can come back when they’re ready.


Republicans doing their part for unplanned parenthood.

Marion in Savannah

Uuuhhhh? How’d dat happen?

I’ve also been turned into a newt [vgingrichr] but I got better. I’m not snorting any more…





Republicans doing their part for unplanned parenthood.

Oh, yeah. Planned Parenthood fucked Mike Pence’s dog. (Peemp. Also, is it wrong to giggle at your own mouseovers?)



I wasn’t talking about you, of course! Your fee fees are of the utmost importance.


Your fee fees

How’d you know about my spare?

Marion in Savannah

T&U, is Doer a new word for poop? I inquire because of the name of one of the folks you cite in your post: Richard Doerflinger. It seems to fit… Maybe we should start talking about Doer flinging instead of poop flinging.


I think conservatives are feeling REALLY emboldened after the ACORN fiasco. We should expect more attacks on organizations that help women and minorities.


How’d you know about my spare?



whoah, this blog is still here?

Look, I usually don’t blogwhore, but I channeled a little Rude Pundit over at my joint today…..

… and I just wanted to ask you all to stay away.

bughunter who always forgets about his nym field

Chris, TYVM for the Matt Taibbi link. His articles always score bullseyes.

Also, re: vacuumslayer, “Does anyone else find it weird that a lot of people tend to get more indignant and upset about

It’s not a lot of people. It’s a few, very vocal, willfully deluded people.

And here’s a tip: 9 times out of 10, whatever they say they’re indignant and upset about isn’t really what’s pissing them off. Usually, if they came out and said what’s really bothering them, it would be so blatantly bigoted or ignorant or just plain batshit crazy that it would be evident to everybody, and they know it.


… and I just wanted to ask you all to stay away.

What? That was lovely. Reading that made me feel like I’d just taken the best poo of my life.


9 times out of 10, whatever they say they’re indignant and upset about isn’t really what’s pissing them off. Usually, if they came out and said what’s really bothering them, it would be so blatantly bigoted or ignorant or just plain batshit crazy that it would be evident to everybody, and they know it.

Dude, you’re preaching to the choir.

Also, just want to say zrm’s link is sooooooooo worth a read. And DJ McGravitas has new entry up about the Wisconsin situation.


… and I just wanted to ask you all to stay away.

I see what you do there with the reverse psychology.


Then the grownups can have a real conversation

I think that’s the heart of it. The knuckle draggers don’t want a real conversation. They are afraid of women, and the more women push, the more afraid they get. As you know when most men are afraid they show it as anger. They are afraid of losing an illusory sense of privlidge bestowed upon then by their sex. Taunting, provoking, and sidelining are weapons used to sidetrack any real conversation about their own biases and insecurities. Deep down they know their “power’ is incumbent upon having someone to victimize. By grouping all women as secondary and any man who disagrees with their point of view as less than masculine, they hope to hang onto a thin veneer of superiority.

BTW I am a middle aged white man. I’ve been called Pw’d and worse so many times I don’t even notice anymore. I simply don’t feel priviliged, and enjoy discussions with all as equals. I am always curious, and as T&U can attest, certainly don’t know everything. (waves with a smile)


Good. Then the grownups can have a real conversation. They can come back when they’re ready.

See here’s the thing. Why would they? They’re the privileged ones – from their perspective, there’s nothing wrong.

But you know what? You’re right – I agree with you about the need for a lot of guys (and some girls too) have to just Shut Up and Listen. And it is entirely justified for women to be pissed off about the current state of affairs. And also, angry and confrontational has served the movement well in lots of cases. These things are all true.

And I guess I’m coming off as a Concern Troll. That’s pretty bad. Also, I feel really shitty about sounding similar to Attendee – man that guy has some serious problems. Still, I am going to continue believing that my personal reaction to things related to gender issues aren’t less valid than anyone else’s regardless of their plumbing. Although I am reassessing things based on that whole “sounding similar to Attendee” thing.

I guess it’s context-related. I’m imagining myself (reasonably progressive if totally juvenile and self-absorbed) as the chauvinist jerkwad asshole in this conversation. That’s a different conversation then the one people would have with Men’s Rights advocates (or at least I hope it is). So maybe the things I’m focused on, aren’t the things anyone else is focused on. Certainly sounds like a good rationalization – maybe I won’t have to reconsider my personal biases after all! Yayyys for avoiding any further introspection!

BTW, my feelings aren’t hurt by being told to shut up and listen. I’m occasionally self-aware enough (but admittedly not all the time – probably not even most) to know that shutting up and listening is what I should be doing. Don’t want to waste that awesome excuse I just came up with.


S. cerevisiae said,

February 18, 2011 at 20:38

Oregon Beer Snob – I live just up the street from Block 15. The Six Hop Wonder is also excellent.

I should have added I am out here going for my Masters at OSU – Go Beavers!

Well I’ll be… We’re neighbors! If by neighbors you accept living somewhere in the same medium sized city… And I’m a Beaver too, but I “work” here.

I need to get down to Block 15 again soon — I tend to always show up only when it’s completely packed and I don’t feel like waiting an hour to get seated.

And since you live here, you really need to go to the next Being Belgian tasting — stop by Corvallis Brewing Supply and sign up for the mailing list so you’ll get notified about it.


…feel like I’d just taken the best poo of my life.

and apparently it now resides in the Wisconsin Governor’s mansion.


DKW, pull my finger.

There now — all better.


Oops, too, also POOP!


DKW, pull my finger.

Okay, but why are you undoing your pants?

Scott "Hosni" Walker

I’d like to think my feces are pretty important as well.


I will make it a point to go sign up, that sounds like some great food and beer.


This place has gone to shit.


I still have an anal- log TV.


Looks like this is the end of the thread.


I’ve been left behind again.


Is anyone right behind me?


I feel like a squatter.


I’m going blind!


Does anybody else hear that?


548, but who’s counting?


Dammit Spengler, my count is off!


See here’s the thing. Why would they? They’re the privileged ones – from their perspective, there’s nothing wrong.

They may not. But at least they’re not bothering us anymore.

And I guess I’m coming off as a Concern Troll. That’s pretty bad. Also, I feel really shitty about sounding similar to Attendee – man that guy has some serious problems. Still, I am going to continue believing that my personal reaction to things related to gender issues aren’t less valid than anyone else’s regardless of their plumbing. Although I am reassessing things based on that whole “sounding similar to Attendee” thing.

You are. That’s okay. It just frustrates me to see feminists being chided for their tone when we have done pretty much EVERYTHING we can to get men to listen to us.

People’s reactions to gender issues with regards to their OWN genders are equally valid. I can’t tell you what it’s like to be a man, and I hope that I never have.

I guess it’s context-related. I’m imagining myself (reasonably progressive if totally juvenile and self-absorbed) as the chauvinist jerkwad asshole in this conversation. That’s a different conversation then the one people would have with Men’s Rights advocates (or at least I hope it is).

It totally is. And, you know, I’ve spoken with you about this differently and tried to address your concerns as well as I can because I know you and I know you’re not here just to troll. If you’d been some random dude talking about this shit, I probably would have told you to fuck off and not come back until you got a clue. But I think you’re a smart dude, and I know you believe in women’s rights, so it’s okay. And, yeah, you may be the chauvinist jerkward in a conversation someday, but the important thing is if someone says, “Hey, you’re being a chauvinist jerkwad,” you at least take a little time to consider what they’re saying.

So maybe the things I’m focused on, aren’t the things anyone else is focused on. Certainly sounds like a good rationalization – maybe I won’t have to reconsider my personal biases after all! Yayyys for avoiding any further introspection!

Dude, yeah. It’s not about you.

Here’s what I try to do when I, for example, read about people of color’s experiences with oppression. I read what they right and try to let it wash over me without thinking in any way, shape, or form that it’s about *me* personally. Once I feel like I can understand the point they’re making and can empathize with that, then I try to integrate it into my understanding of my own experiences and, ultimately, question my beliefs and perceptions. I guess my advice would be that whenever you encounter the voice in the back of your head going, “BUT BUT BUT,” you IGNORE IT. It’s about that person’s own experience with the world and you will never understand what it’s like to be that person and BUT BUT BUT alone completely invalidates it.

I am not saying that I’m the perfect ally. The vast majority of my friends are white. The vast majority of media I consume is made by white people. I make mistakes and do stupid shit. We all do. We just have to be willing to apologize for it and make amends as much as we can, and accept that the people we hurt/offended are 100% entitled to reject our apologies.

BTW, my feelings aren’t hurt by being told to shut up and listen. I’m occasionally self-aware enough (but admittedly not all the time – probably not even most) to know that shutting up and listening is what I should be doing. Don’t want to waste that awesome excuse I just came up with.

I’m glad.

I’ll just say that one of the best things in the world EVER is not to be told that I’m right (although that’s pretty awesome), but for someone to say that I’ve given them something to think about. If I can get to that stage with someone, I don’t feel like I’ve completely hit my head against a brick wall.


Is there a term for referring to Faust as a Faustian play?


and apparently it now resides in the Wisconsin Governor’s mansion.

I wish. I’d totally POOP on Walker’s face.


Is there a term for referring to Faust as a Faustian play?

I don’t know, but that Hercules sure made a Herculean effort.


I wish. I’d totally POOP on Walker’s face.

As a teabagger, he prefers balls.

As a Republican, he prefers goat balls.

Actually, I suspect your poo doesn’t stink on ice like Imperial Walker does.


I wish. I’d totally POOP on Walker’s face.

He’d probably enjoy it.


Speaking of POOP – I’m still wading through Attendee’s bizarro ranting at that Phayngula thread. Wow.

He goes on about how the real victims of domestic violence are men, and when someone contests the assertion with a study – hyperlink included – his response is that the evidence is PART OF THE CONSPIRACY. I shit you not. Also there’s tons of evidence regarding the conspiracy – you can just Google it!

But wait, there’s MOAR! Next he cites the Violence Against Women Act as proof of legalized institutionalized apartheid against men that totes condones, nay encourages, domestic violence against men. He gets called on that too, notably by someone who’s actually read the act. He then claims that the clause which shows he is lying was only inserted into the act later because of men’s groups lobbying efforts. YOU CAN GOOGLE IT!!! FEMINISTS ARE THE ONES THAT DON’T UNDERSTAND ENGLISHNESSES!!!


It just frustrates me to see feminists being chided for their tone when we have done pretty much EVERYTHING we can to get men to listen to us.

Did your dress up in something pretty and get us a beer?

(sorry, that’s no way to do a drive by on the boards…I’m coming to grips* with not being a good person)



And it is entirely justified for women to be pissed off about the current state of affairs.

Why? What is the current state of affairs? Of course there are sexists and will always be sexists, just as there are racists and anti-Semites and there will always be racists and anti-Semites.

But right now in 2011, what paths are closed to women? What is it that they want to do but can’t? Where does systemic gender discrimination remain? We need to define specific problems if they are to be corrected.


I’m still wading through Attendee’s bizarro ranting at that Phayngula thread.

It occurs to me that a spur to the argument over feminist incivility is that women aren’t allowed to be as cranky as, say, PZ Myers.


DK-W, I purposely don’t read stuff like that because I get so angry I don’t know what to do with myself. I just don’t have the stomach for it. And, ya know, there’s no arguing with people who say the sky is orange.


“I just don’t have the stomach for it.”

Btw, this is also why I often ask people to bring back mangoes for me. I liken it to watching a horror movie with your fingers splayed across your face. It protects you somehow.


Actually, I suspect your poo doesn’t stink on ice like Imperial Walker does.

It smells like rainbows and flowers. Unless I eat some donuts and drink a six pack of witbier.

He goes on about how the real victims of domestic violence are men, and when someone contests the assertion with a study – hyperlink included – his response is that the evidence is PART OF THE CONSPIRACY. I shit you not. Also there’s tons of evidence regarding the conspiracy – you can just Google it!

He’s a Men’s Rights Advocate. They think the laws are biased against them, that women are the real oppressors, and that sexual assault and domestic violence statistics are made up. Mostly because they can’t get laid and/or their wives divorced them because they’re douchebags and now they’re required to pay child support.


“…Why? What is the current state of affairs?…”

For one thing, there’s the systematic attempt to nullify women’s reproductive rights.


For one thing, there’s the systematic attempt to nullify women’s reproductive rights.

Excellent example, and timely.


I bought five boxes of Girl Scout cookies. What the fuck am I supposed to do with these things?


Um, need help with that? Thin mints and those coconutty ones, please.


Um, need help with that? Thin mints and those coconutty ones, please.

I have two boxes of Thin Mints and two boxes of the coconutty ones and one box of shortbreads.


Lucky! Where’s a girl scout when you need one?


Somebody’s going to post that hot Girl Scout picture again.


Somebody’s going to post that hot Girl Scout picture again.

As soon as I posted, I regretted it. Lemme just say preemptively: we get it. She’s a skinny lady with a passable face and fake boobs in a skimpy outfit. Superhot. Noted.


First page on GM’s link,

Both parties have now made the servicing of the giant handout machine their primary raison d’être — and it’s this perception, that Washington is occupied by an unbreakable bipartisan conspiracy of favor-churning hacks, that has inspired anti-Washington revolts like the Tea Party.

Except that, as Taibbi himself points out a few months earlier, the teabaggers are full of shit. They’re happy as clams receiving Medicare payments (what is Medicare, it not a giant handout machine?) and squeal like stuck pigs when anyone suggests touching the military budget (as if that didn’t include billions of dollars in favor-churning to companies like Boeing).

The anger of Tea Partiers like Littleton erupted when they suddenly realized that their elected leaders in Congress had developed a primary allegiance not to constituents back home or even to ideology, but to themselves and their own dissolute, pay-for-play, you-scratch-mine, I’ll-scratch-yours intramural bureaucratic calculus.

Fucking shit. There’s a word for “you-scratch-mine-I’ll-scratch-yours intramural bureaucratic calculus:” Representative Democracy. I’m in Kentucky, my constituents want farm subsidies. This guy’s in New York, his constituents want money for public schools. I agree to vote with him on public schools, he agrees to vote with me on farm subsidies. It’s give and take: it’s how people with different needs and wants manage to live together in the same country.

In response to both quotes: The only reason teabaggers are mad at the system is because it gives a voice to other people’s needs, when in their view, the government’s sole focus should be their farm subsidies, their highways, and their Medicare money (and the few programs they like, like DOD). Let’s not pretend this has anything to do with righteous indignation at a corrupt system.

Next page…


What ever happened to Gavin?


gm, that first pic…that girl looks DISTURBINGLY and I mean DISTURBINGLY like me. (from the neck up. I’ve never been that skinny and I’m certainly not now that I’m 6 months pregnant) It’s freaking me out.

That is just disturbingly hilarious.


Submitted without comment.

“Boehner later repeated his election-night performance in a 60 Minutes interview with Lesley Stahl, not just crying but weeping — he looked like a Girl Scout watching a puppy get pushed through a meat grinder — as he flogged his “I’ve been chasing the American dream my whole life” act.

The cryfests have left Democrats rolling their eyes. “He cries sometimes when we’re having a debate on bills,” grumbled Nancy Pelosi. “If I cry, it’s about the personal loss of a friend or something like that. But when it comes to politics — no, I don’t cry.”

“Adding to the perception of Boehner as more clown than tyrant is the widespread belief on the Hill that he doesn’t really have much, if any, control over his Republican members. More than one Democratic aide describes Boehner as a man who in private negotiations is more than willing to work with the other side, and will make promises of Republican cooperation — only to have his even crazier right-wing members, especially the hyperambitious Eric Cantor, go off the reservation with lunatic amendments and resolutions within hours after Boehner has promised that everyone would be cool. “He’s all talk,” says one Democratic aide with long experience working with Boehner. “He has no ability to control his base. Look at the TARP vote in ’08.”


I assume you meant this VS

You don’t remember me taking that pic? Interesting, must have been the excessive gin. 😉


“You don’t remember me taking that pic? Interesting, must have been the excessive gin. ;)”

Ha! Mmmmm, I need a Thin Mintini.


I just ran into this quote in my e-mail auto-signature-quote-generator-doohicky:

Democracy becomes a government of bullies, tempered by editors.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Teatards have the bully part down. I wonder where the editors are?


The editor is K-Lo


But right now in 2011, what paths are closed to women? What is it that they want to do but can’t? Where does systemic gender discrimination remain? We need to define specific problems if they are to be corrected.

What do you mean by closed? If we have to argue on the terrain of absolute barriers, then the battle is already lost.

Even in the worst of Jim Crow days, a black person /could/ vote, if they could find ways around all the barriers set up before them and was willing to risk being beaten or lynched.

Women can rise up to the top levels of corperate power, but they will have had to work a lot harder than the good old boys they are competing against. They will still be criticised for not being baby factories, for not being feminine, for not supporting their hard working man. Men above her will try to get her to fuck them for favor, and people below her will assume she fucked her way to her position.

We’ve got states where women are forced to deliver pregnancies, even if they were raped, or the guy skipped town, or they just trusted the wrong guy. Guys get easy access to dick hardeners, women have to fight for coverage for birth control and mammograms (heh, mammo) and other girl-part-related medicine.

If a guy gets flirted with by a gay man, he is often forgiven for popping that fag in the face. If a girl gets raped, people question if she had it coming because of how she dressed, or for putting herself in a situation where she had it coming.

The sad thing is, women still generally have it better here than much of the rest of the world. But that doesn’t mean its acceptable, or that feminists can relax now that HRC almost was president.


I channeled a little Rude Pundit over at my joint today…..
Not really RudePundit –
You didn’t call your political enemies fags.


Since we are back on gender issues, what does Old Testament God have to say about it and also lets put eery homophobes favorite verse in context
“Lev 18:22 And thou shalt not lie with a man as with a woman, for it is an

Via PZ Myers
Lev 18:19 And thou shalt not go in to a woman under separation for her uncleanness, to uncover her nakedness. Lev 18:20 And thou shalt not lie with thy neighbour’s wife, to defile thyself with her. Lev 18:21 And thou shalt not give of thy seed to serve a ruler; and thou shalt not profane my holy name; I am the Lord. Lev 18:22 And thou shalt not lie with a man as with a woman, for it is an abomination. Lev 18:23 Neither shalt thou lie with any quadruped for copulation, to be polluted with it; neither shall a woman present herself before any quadruped to have connexion with it; for it is an abomination.


Interesting that Santorum comes immediately before man on dog sex. Lev 18:23


On the bright side T&U, it will be D.O.A in the Senate. Douchebags are still in the minority there.


Lev 18:22 And thou shalt not lie with a man as with a woman, for it is an abomination.

Maybe that really meant “its ok to tell the ladies what the need to hear, but keep it honest with your bros.”

Or that standing up is ok.


Excuse me, I’m going to go get blind drunk and punch things.

Have a grain alcohol shot for me.


Those Kennedy Center Honors ribbons are awfully rainbow-y. (IF YUH KNOW WHUT AH MEAN!)

They are good at refracting light?


They are good at refracting light?

To the LEFT, comrade.


Where’s a slutty girl scout when you need one?

Man, if I had a nickel for every time I said that.



(yes I know I’m jumping in with my usual brilliant timing)


He’s a Men’s Rights Advocate.

I’ve run across them before, I’m just startled at the blatant contempt for evidence and constant claims of support for his views that are easy to find YOU CAN JUST GOOGLE IT. At Pharyngula. I don’t know what could have done moar damage to his cause.

Consider for example, some random guy that had a relationship go extremely sour and is feeling very negative towards women in general. Basically, the ideal target for MRA recruiting. Now imagine this guy reading comment threads at Pharyngula – i.e. he’s probably one of those science-y dudes. What does that thread do? Presents him with some appealing arguments (it’s all her fault, men are victims, you were done wrong) coming from an odious little troll with a tenuous grasp on reality and an exceptional ability to ignore facts and evidence.

That he was schooled by the regulars might not matter at places where there isn’t such a strong aversion to taking things on faith. He is portraying him and his kind as victims. But that has go to be the wrong-iest place to play the ALL CONTRARY EVIDENCE IS PART OF A CONSPIRACY card.



Good points. Thank you. So far we’ve got, in no particular order:

(1) Reproductive rights restrictions
(2) Glass ceiling at the top levels of corporate power
(3) Inequality in health care coverage
(4) Ongoing sexist attitudes with respect to rape

Those are all serious problems that need correcting. IMO, (1) and (3) require continued political activity, including lawsuits. These issues are going to be resolved most favorably by liberal federal courts (remember those?), which means hammering home to people the fact that federal elections have consequences with regard to who sits on the bench. The other side has done a better job of this than we have in recent years, which is why we’re seeing setbacks now.

(2) and (4) are going to be harder nuts to crack because they require changing attitudes on a large scale. Although there has been some progress in the last two decades or so on those fronts, the response to the Lara Logan incident shows there is still work to be done.


Lev 18:22 And thou shalt not lie with a man as with a woman, for it is an abomination UR DOIN IT RONG.

Fuxxed for theological accuracy.

Also, “Rongelap” autocorrect? How many people have ever heard of Rongelap?


But that has go to be the wrong-iest place to play the ALL CONTRARY EVIDENCE IS PART OF A CONSPIRACY card.

Okay, yes, that’s amusing. And really, MRAs are such ridiculous dolts that I can’t even really be that angry about them. It’s when people who are supposed to be on my “side” morph into complete asshole any time I bring up feminism. And, of course, people who have enough power to fuck up the lives of women (especially poor women) because they are hateful slime.


Well I hope I didn’t make it all the way to complete asshole. I honestly really do believe that there’s some intelligent discussion here, and that my notion that men can be as valuable to Gender Studies as women are isn’t totally wrong. Although I do have to concede that in the current climate, it’s pretty darned unlikely.

Anyways, I think I managed to finally write down my thoughts on the whole Atheist Chauvinists thing. Can I say blogwhore now? It’s not particularly clever and it’s at least a little bit chickenshit, but it is my honest feelings about the whole thing.


Also too, it is windy as fuck here in LEAFS SUCK. Really fucking windy.


Okay, I just checked and apparently I’m just a wuss. It’s only 100 km/h gusts.


Bryon Fischer doubles down on the pro-genocide
“Fischer: Damn Injuns Shoulda Just Converted’


So far we’ve got, in no particular order:

I can add:

Underrepresentation of women in the political sphere
Unequal distribution of household labor and childcare in heterosexual couples
Disproportionately harsh standards with regard to appearance
Unequal pay for equal work
Lack of support for mothers, including adequate resources for women to breastfeed and inflexible working environments that make childcare difficult
The policing of pregnant women’s bodies
The disproportionate affect of domestic abuse on women, including the fact that a leading cause of death among pregnant women is murder at the hands of their male partners
Gender discrimination at work
Sexual harassment at work
Street harassment
Sexist assumptions with regard to intelligence, decision-making skills, rationality, mechanical abilities, sexual availability, and cultural tastes and preferences
The lack of multidimensional female characters (or female characters at all) in television, film, and books
The lack of popular female comedians and the underlying assumption that women aren’t funny
The eroticization of death, mutilation, and sexual assault of women in visual media


appy-polly-loogies for the nekkid link (and since I’m sure this has been posted already) but I was quite amused by this. almost turned up a corner of my mouth


dang. nice yard and view. I’m so jealous



That slimy, bloated drunk fucker again? God, he has to be one of Mother Earth’s most punchable creatures.


kg, the “masturbating to a Brooks Brothers catalog” part made me snort.


That was my fave, too.


That’s a pretty comprehensive list. Makes it tough for a guy trying to rebuild his feminist cred to win cheap points by adding anything.

How about, devices designed only with male users in mind – stuff like most pharmaceutical safety tests being performed on men, or car air bags designed to protect someone 5’10” and 180 lbs.


How about, devices designed only with male users in mind – stuff like most pharmaceutical safety tests being performed on men, or car air bags designed to protect someone 5’10? and 180 lbs.

Yup. Good one.


Also ladies have a harder time writing their name in the snow.


I just use a stick.


Dripping pee down a stick seems even messier.


some random guy that had a relationship go extremely sour and is feeling very negative towards women in general
How does that work? I read a bad book once but it did not embitter me against all literature.


“guy without nose” is one of the search phrases that referred someone to my blog today.

I had this one the day before yesterday: “sadly,no! truculent unreliable oklahoma” which I found to be a little strange.


How does that work? I read a bad book once but it did not embitter me against all literature.

Because women, unlike books, are all the same.


“Dripping pee down a stick seems even messier.”


I can’t let my OPPRESSORS best me–at anything!


Also ladies have a harder time writing their name in the snow.

Harder, but it’s not impossible, thanks to technology!


You Know Who Else Liked Solar Panels?

The man who almost brought civilization to an end & ushered in a new Dark Age, that hater of mankind & lover of misery, the arch-enemy of all things decent, History’s Greatest Monster AKA Jimmy Carter, that’s who. Thank teh holy prophet Saint Reagan Of Bitburg (PBUH) for saving America from the imminent peril of getting a clue as to how to stop being the whipped bitch of OPEC – because then the House Of Saud might’ve eventually had to actually RE-USE their solid gold toilets rather than get a new one after every dump! Perish the thought! Terrorism schmerrorism! Can’t make an SUV omelette without breaking a few 9/11 eggs.

Sweet boneless Jesus, is that guy ever a sketch-case. Sorry, when I hear names like Rachel Carson, Petra Kelly or David Suzuki, the LAST thing that cames to mind is either Hitler or Baal … WTF … take yr meds plz.

the real victims of domestic violence are men

Yeah, I think I will avoid that particular fountain of wisdom – I’ve already just had some mysterious issue with my laptop & I’m not into trashing my monitor trying to reach into it to slap a man-bitch.

All the butthurt MALE LIB/DUDE POWER turkeynecks can get back to me after they’ve lost their dangly bits & had to live the ovary-enriched lifestyle for a few years … sure, I guess they need to Listen too, but the STFU part seems pretty mandatory, based on the sort of hyper-myopic shit that comes out of their pieholes every time they open it on the subject of Girly Affairs.


Romcoms! Love it. Profoundly insulting to all sentient beings, they are.


Miraculously never funny or romantic.


T&U, I think I love you. In a totes platonic way.

DKW, however, is going to give me his ass babies. I love him in a different way.


Is there by any chance a Minister of Girly Affairs? Or perhaps a Secretary, Commissioner or, gulp, a Czar? AFAF


T&U, I think I love you. In a totes platonic way.

Awww, I love you in a totes platonic way too, Spengler! Even if you are cleverer than I am, you bastard.

Having an ass baby sounds….uncomfortable.


Having an ass baby sounds….uncomfortable.

I guess it does. You get used to it, though.


I am at a loss for how to close the gender gap in comedy. Clone Wanda Sykes? Kill Jeff Foxworthy?


Maybe more fiber is in order?


Clone Wanda Sykes? Kill Jeff Foxworthy?


I think it takes conscientious people seeking out female comics specifically and arguing that YES women can be as funny as men.

I’ve never understood the contention that women aren’t funny, by the way. Some of the funniest people I know are women.


The link at 3:44 contains the most important news to come out of Wisconsin so far…

Joe the Plumber is back!


I know probably half-a-dozen female professional comics, and they are absolutely as funny as any man in the world. The comedy setting favors men, however — audiences expect a man to dominate a conversation, so male monologues are favored.


I always find it hilarious what the last thing I posted as on here was.

Apparently it is garlic.

Previously it was Higgs Boson or Mr. Roark’s Brand Salad Dressing’s Poops.

You know who else was in favor of obscure internet handles? NAZIS

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Harder, but it’s not impossible, thanks to technology!

Whoa, the Pee-Zee? Is that for godless ladies who want to piss while standing?


You didn’t call your political enemies fags.

yeah, well, I respect fags.


The link at 3:44 contains the most important news to come out of Wisconsin so far…

Jim Hoft and Joe the Not-Plumber?

“Groovy” as Bruce Campbell would say (yes I am watching evil Dead, why do you ask?); Fucking Union Badgers will rip those guys apart and plumb a urinal in a gay bar with the pieces.


“Fucking Union Badgers”

“Lev 18:23 Neither shalt thou lie with any quadruped for copulation, to be polluted with it; neither shall a woman present herself before any quadruped to have connexion with it; for it is an abomination.”

The fact that they are unionized makes it even worse. Shame on you zrm.


“Lev 18:23 Neither shalt thou lie with any quadruped for copulation, to be polluted with it; neither shall a woman present herself before any quadruped to have connexion with it; for it is an abomination.”

Yes, but a union badger isn’t just any quadruped.


Let us join forces with the balloon juicers on this one.
“I know this blog does not have the google-rank-changing abilities of a Dan Savage, and yet I would like to propose a modest addition to our modern vocabulary: From this day forward, a breitbart is a turd in the wrong place. As in:

“Damn, the dog just left a huge, stinking breitbart on the living room carpet! I told you not to feed him chili!”

“Who left a breitbart in your cheerios?”

“Everybody check your soles—smells like someone stepped in a breitbart.”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

zrm, you gonna head to Madison?


Because women, unlike books, are all the same.
So all women are Old Gran and smell of a mixture of mothballs, Gamel Dansk herbal liqueur, and diabetic ketoacidosis? EW EW EW EW

Big Bad Bald Bastard

So all women are Old Gran and smell of a mixture of mothballs, Gamel Dansk herbal liqueur, and diabetic ketoacidosis?

No, only the hot ones!


Can somebody please explain what VPR means?

I’ve checked the Urban Dictionary and there is no definition.

People here use it all the time, often with some expanded substitution for the ‘P’ element, e.g. VdorknozzleR.

Working from analogy with other UD acronyms, my working hypothesis is that the V and R might correspond to ‘Voted’ and ‘Random’.

I’ve asked this question several times over the last several weeks, and no one has explained it. It’s very difficult to translate Now, With-It, a-Go-Go Hipster (NWITAGG) language when such a common term–often occurring at the ends of posts remains so opaque.

So, please, could some NWITAGG linguist provide a simple expansion of the acronym and examples of proper usage?



Veiled [Penis] Reference?


Could also be Veiled [Pudenda] Reference, I suppose. Am I at least on the right track?

Shit, I am an expert at parsing military acronyms, and there are a boatload of them! Why is the civilian NWITAGGH lexicon even MORE opaque?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Veiled [Penis] Reference?


We have a winner!

Someday, someone should release a Sadlexicon… I was trying to remember the first reference to “leaving the boat” and “tainted mangoes”, but I just can’t. I know Smut and Substance both have excellent recall, and are two of the longest-running members of the commentariat- maybe they can compile a history.

I think Smut coined VPR- if I recall correctly, it was a reference to statuary in a European cathedral.





I should be more careful in my own acronym generation. The proper term is

Happenin’ With-It A-Go-Go Hipster (HWITAGGH) language. [‘Now’ is an archaic form, abandoned in The Monkees era.]

Definition: n., (1) Modern, savvy, internets shorthand and jargon employed by hip internets toobz users; particularly in refernce to acronyms; (2) transient hipster shorthand and jargon of any era, e.g. ‘be-bop’, ‘flapper’, and ‘Kilroy was here’.

Usage example: “‘VPR’ is such HWITAGGH.”


Thanks, Dubious!

I completely agree that there should be a lexicon for Sadly Dialect. It would be especially useful to help lurkers decipher what’s going on. It took me a long time to figure it out.

I have tried to explain ‘leaving the boat’ (LTB) and ‘mangoes’ in e-mails to friends.


Night Hawks: I need to catch up on the thread now. I left it over twelve hours ago, so I’m w-a-y behind. I always try to read it all, even after a thread moves into Morgue Mode because a new one has opened.

Should be back in an hour or so. (My lips get tired when I read.)


Also, I’m way back in the earnest discussions sparked by the Sadly Wimmins and the Wisconsin stuff. I try to read such things with the same care that the posters put into them. Also I’m going to get Plenty Stoned.

So this may take longer than I thought.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Also I’m going to get Plenty Stoned.

Should we expect some really trippy comments?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

This is actually on topic:

Posterity is going to judge early-21st century Americans very harshly.

If there is a posterity…


The “Veiled * Reference” construction was already familiar in August 2009.


I was – all modesty that I don’t have put aside – under the impression that I had created that usage. Using my mediocre google-fu, the earliest reference I found was from me in April 2009.


Feel free to send me royalty checks.


Hip or poke check, N__B?



Actually, here at S,N! it would be SHLONG SHLONG SHLONG SHLONG! for all the virile men about…


The most widely represented group of people in the Nazi Party was the greens, and Guenther Schwab was just one of among many.

Fucking arugula…fucking stock brokers…

Cuz goodness knows, he couldn’t mean the German political party that sprung up 30 years after Hitler was dead and buried….

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Feel free to send me royalty checks.

I’ll send you veiled promissory notes.

Well played, N__B, you have entered the pantheon of “Founders of Internet Traditions”.


DKW, however, is going to give me his ass babies.

Well, I just POOPed in the mailbox, but I dunno if I ate enough postage stamps.


I was trying to remember the first reference to “leaving the boat” and “tainted mangoes”

I thought this was stoleded from edroso.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I thought this was stoleded from edroso.

I am not aware of all internet traditions!

In entertainment news-Who is Alan Smithee?


Okay, I’ve been trying to catch-up this thread for several hours. In the process, I somehow managed to lose all the accolades and astonishingly brilliant reactions I was assembling. Fuck. You. WordPress. I’m about to make some coffee and plunge into the thread again. (I haven’t even gotten down to my VPR question, for Pete’s sake.)

This has taken so long because I read earnest discussions and comments carefully. There have been an abundance of both in this thread, particularly the wide-ranged discussion concerning women.

I strongly agree with Spengler at 20:24. (Am I becoming a Chorus? He posts the Great Comment, and I only appear later on(*) the proscenium as an echo. [(*)–pedantic note: ‘at’ or ‘in’ are also suitable prepositions.] Acting as the Chorus is an honorable role.

I resonate to some specifics of what D-KW says, at least with regard to my own experience in a graduate Women’s Literature seminar taught (“presided over”?) by two radical deconstructionist feminists.

There was one particular episode that struck me so forcefully, but it is completely anecdotal, and therefore seems unlikely to advance the conversation here in any meaningful or helpful way. I was quite taken aback by palpably hostility of the moment. (It had nothing to do with my fee-fees, btw.)

I am not at all sorry I took the course, and I learned a great deal in it. For example, I learned the utility of deconstruction as an analytic tool. I produced one of my best analytic efforts as my term paper (a detailed deconstruction of John Le Carre’s novel The Little Drummer Girl).

I have, however, nothing but contempt and scorn for the radical Lit-Crit deconstructionist dogma espoused by the two professors who conducted the seminar.

My main reason for attending the seminar was my desire to increase the depth and texture of women characters in my fiction. I believe the reading and discussion helped me–certainly for finding the very ‘inner rage’ dimension that has formed a significant element of the discussion.

I believe we can learn in unpleasant circumstances…and that seminar was among the most unpleasant in my academic experience. I still have a bitter taste in my mouth almost 30 years later. So I find myself sympathetic to some of what D-KW writes about male experience in Women’s Studies classes. Shut Up and Listen can be counter-productive.

(BTW, I diverge signifanctly from some of D-KW viewpoints of the wider landscape; I’m restricting this comment to observations of Women’s Studies, at least as they were in the 1980’s, and limited by my own experience and context.)

Perhaps sometime I might write about the episode. I’m sure the topic–and earnest discussion–will come up in future threads. I’ll save it for then.

T&U: You certainly chose the first attribute of you nym well! The second, not so much. Please take this a compliment; that’s how I intend it (I do, however, disagree with three of the items on your long list at 3:34. I’m not going to say which three. Let it be a guessing game!)

I’ll close this windy post by reiteration. See Spengler at 20:24. We are the Chorus. We agree, we agree, we agree.

*exits proscenium*


Somewhere in between SHUT UP AND LISTEN and I SHOULDN’T HAVE TO EXPLAIN THIS TO YOU it was realised that not doing what was demanded was completely inconsequential


Okay, now I’ll try to reconstruct from memory some fragments of my Fabled Lost Comment what got eated by the evil that is WordPress….

Verbose ergo sum — I’m going to add a Latin scroll to my coat-of-arms.

kg: What sort of chromatography are you reading? What mixtures are you analyzing? I’m not a scientist. I’m merely a curious person. [Gee, I love to turn an ambiguous phrase.]

bughunter: If you decide to play again? What is your instrument(s)?We’re looking for good brass. (Also need a solid rhythm dehumidifier.)

Teh Zombie has a truly Righteous rant at his place. The power and passion in it made me go all wobblie. Hie thee hence!

The message I get from right-wing conservatives is:
racism is over
sexism is over
Lie-bruls are the real racists and sexists!
Please, please, please shut up.

FFY, Slayer.


I seem to remember first seeing the “never get off the boat” being used < a year ago and it was nothing more than a reference to this


Well played, N__B, you have entered the pantheon of “Founders of Internet Traditions”.

Yes, well done.

However, considering his confusion between “9” and “5”, I would limit the amount of load you put on those veiled references until the capacity can be verified by a third party.

And if you throw a third party, order plenty of Sailor Jerry’s, because I might show up. Or mikey.



Blog Front newz from the garage:

Even though it is like herding cats, the guys in the band have firmed up a commitment to try blogging.

Claude our anal-retentive(1) bass player is making lists of stuff we need to learn and do.

Murphy and Ralph are making lists of stuff we can write about. Sort of seed bed for posts. They fight constantly, but some of the stuff seems promising.

Our main problem is Pissant Eddie, our estanged Equipment Guy and Roadie. He knows all sorts of technical electronics/computer stuff, and the rest of us don’t know shit. We obsess a lot about being Luddites. We are still muchly a-feered of making a total hash of the blog.

Speaking of hash, Joey spends most of his time coming up with names.

(*) not to be confused with Claude the Anal-Retentive, the 11th century pretender to the Burgundian throne.


making lists of stuff we need to learn and do.

this is inconsistent with “blogging”


I’m beginning to suspect that VS hates me. Which is really, really disconcerting because I lurves her and her art.

I’m leaving for a while to go drown my sorrow in some early-lunch egg-salad sandwiches.



On Wisconsin!


BTW, I diverge signifanctly from some of D-KW viewpoints,,,

Well then, you sir are wrong. And worse than a thousand Hitlers that have combined together into some sort of Voltron-Hitler. And you smell funny.


I’m beginning to suspect that VS hates me.

No, not at all. I don’t hate anyone here. Except the trolls.


No, not at all. I don’t hate anyone here. Except the trolls.

I should also add that if i don’t respond to a post it’s probably because a.) I didn’t see it or b.) I’m simply distracted with something.


I’d like to address a few of T&U’s items from above:

Unequal distribution of household labor and childcare in heterosexual couples

Is there up-to-date data on this? My admittedly anecdotal experience is to the contrary.

Unequal pay for equal work

THIS IS ILLEGAL, PEOPLE. (Note that I’m not saying it doesn’t happen – I know it does.) If this is happening to you or someone you know, take action. Good guidance here.

Lack of support for mothers, including adequate resources for women to breastfeed and inflexible working environments that make childcare difficult

No doubt. We need to take a more European approach to this. It’s going to be difficult in the current political climate because ZOMGSOCIALISM

The disproportionate affect of domestic abuse on women, including the fact that a leading cause of death among pregnant women is murder at the hands of their male partners

This is horrible and obviously illegal, but note that nobody supports it or benefits from it, and that these cases are prosecuted as vigorously as any (if not more vigorously because of the nature of the crime). I know from experience – my wife is a prosecutor, and I work in an office that does a lot of criminal defense.

This brings me to a side point about discussions of women’s issues with respect to male privilege: it is unbelievably offensive to men to be told, even implicitly, that they are somehow benefiting from rape or the murder of pregnant women, or that we as a gender look the other way when these things happen, or worse yet, condone them.

So while domestic abuse and murder are definitely women’s issues because women are affected disproportionately, they are not gender-bias issues.

Gender discrimination at work

See above re: unequal pay.

Sexual harassment at work

See above.

Sexist assumptions with regard to intelligence, decision-making skills, rationality, mechanical abilities, sexual availability, and cultural tastes and preferences

Yes, and this cuts both ways. I, for instance, have been told that the mental framework that comes with being a man renders me incompetent to accurately interpret my own experiences. Also, the culture tells us we’re to be always horny. I’M NOT A MACHINE, FOR CHRIST’S SAKE.

The lack of multidimensional female characters (or female characters at all) in television, film, and books

I can’t speak to this as I consume only entertainment that has no multidimensional characters at all.

The eroticization of death, mutilation, and sexual assault of women in visual media

This is a big one and maybe the most intractable of all. A lot of what’s out there is really sickening.


The goddamn First Amendment forbids us from outlawing them, so I guess we have to wait for Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl to either (1) die or (2) start making better choices.


The goddamn First Amendment forbids us from outlawing them, so I guess we have to wait for Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl to either (1) die or (2) start making better choices.

Not at all. We need simply wait until Heigl removes the drag and goes back to annoying Elmer.


Division of household labour – here’s teh Canuckistani data – the division is around 48% male to 52% female overall – the issue is that on the highly skewed end (i.e. housework > 40 hours per week) it’s 3:1 women doing it.


Thanks, DKW. I would interpret that skew as meaning that the majority of stay-at-home parents are women. I think those data also do not contradict a hypothesis that in households where both parents work outside the home, the division of labor is roughly equal.


I resonate to some specifics of what D-KW says, at least with regard to my own experience in a graduate Women’s Literature seminar taught (“presided over”?) by two radical deconstructionist feminists.

You felt that your ideas and opinions were dismissed because of your gender? That must be terrible.

T&U: You certainly chose the first attribute of you nym well! The second, not so much. Please take this a compliment; that’s how I intend it

My nym has less to do with my personality traits (although, honestly, both bits are applicable) and more to do with my obsessive fandom. Thank you, though.

(I do, however, disagree with three of the items on your long list at 3:34. I’m not going to say which three. Let it be a guessing game!)

1. Romcoms
2. Romcoms
3. Romcoms

See Spengler at 20:24. We are the Chorus. We agree, we agree, we agree.

Yay! Because he said what I was saying, but with a penis.


Because he said what I was saying, but with a penis.

I always listen to talking PENII. Hopefully, my neighbor Sam’s PENIS never tells me to kill anyone.


I’ve decided to start an internet tradition before my mind goes completely. That way the grandkids will have something else to not remember me by. I’m thinking of pictures of cats with amusing captions written in a kind of halfwitted doggerel*, as if the cats themselves wrote the captions.

Does anybody here think this idea has potential?

*dog my cats


Wait, I got mentioned in another comment. My day is complete. Must have said something at 20:24. Should have been writing.


Wait, I got mentioned in another comment.

Mentioned? I discussed my obedience to your talking PENIS.


Hopefully, my neighbor Sam’s PENIS never tells me to kill anyone.

That would make you Son of Salami.

Erm, this joke is mediocre at best. Mine, not yours.


“I’m thinking of pictures of cats with amusing captions written in a kind of halfwitted doggerel*, as if the cats themselves wrote the captions.”

You could call it “Silly Internet Kitty Thing” or something. However, I don’t think ‘cute cat’ stuff will translate well in the internet medium IMHO. May I suggest cute badgers instead.


“That would make you Son of Salami.”
Erm, this joke is mediocre at best. Mine, not yours.”

Don’t underestimate the power of cured meat puns VS.


“I’m thinking of pictures of cats with amusing captions written in a kind of halfwitted doggerel*, as if the cats themselves wrote the captions.”

This is genius. You should get moving on this fast before somebody else comes up with the idea.


“Also I’m going to get Plenty Stoned.”

More stoned than a ‘wimmins’ study professor in Taliban controlled Afghanistan?


Don’t underestimate the power of cured meat puns VS.

Especially if you can work something in about Ann Althouse! Wait…she’s the Salami Lady, right?


“completely agree that there should be a lexicon for Sadly Dialect. It would be especially useful to help lurkers decipher what’s going on. It took me a long time to figure it out.”


As long as we are are patting ourselves on the back for interwebs traditions, I claim credit for shit moat.

gocart mozart said,
August 17, 2008 at 0:58

Her friend “has a dog with a head the size of Lucy” and said dog shits a lot so she made a moat of dog shit around her McCain sign so be warned Sadly Noers, don’t steal McCain signs or at least check for dog shit moats first as a precaution. Word to the wise and all that.


Especially if you can work something in about Ann Althouse!

Geez, any other conditions on that tortured wordplay you’re asking for? Better get on this before I have to work in a sparklepony unicorn, because as you know, your wish,,,

Smoked meat comes from smoke houses, but for stuff brined in box wine you need a (s)Althouse,,, crud that’s pretty weak. Lemme take anothe shot at this –

Althouse claims to like teh sausage, but make sure you don’t give her too large a serving of BOOBlogna.


I thought that was shit-moat woman.


I meant that in answer to VS’s question about the salami.


Geez, any other conditions on that tortured wordplay you’re asking for? Better get on this before I have to work in a sparklepony unicorn, because as you know, your wish,,,

Smoked meat comes from smoke houses, but for stuff brined in box wine you need a (s)Althouse,,, crud that’s pretty weak. Lemme take anothe shot at this –

Althouse claims to like teh sausage, but make sure you don’t give her too large a serving of BOOBlogna.

Well, damn, know I want to now what you would have come up with if I HAD asked for sparklepony unicorns.


, know I want to now

Um, what?


Well, damn, know I want to now what you

Sarah? Sarah Palin? It IS you…


Um, what?

Yes. I totally agree.


Sarah? Sarah Palin? It IS you…

I can see Maryland from my house.


I see England
I see France
I see Maryland her pants.


There’s a rumor going around that Super Sarah is heading to Madison. I really hope she bad-mouths the Packers while she is there.


I really hope she bad-mouths the Packers

Aren’t you worried about the spread of STDs?


Canadians are in favour of beavers.

When I lived at Antoine Creek I snuck up fireside-chat-close to a King Motherfucker brown beaver that must’ve been close to 20 kilos. 1979 or 1980?

Also: a bear is less scary than a moose to meet. IMHO.


Fucking TWIT

If I may speak for the people of Wisconsin: you’re not our sister. You’re the retarded cousin we keep down in the basement. Where your view of Russia is probably obscured.


Open Cahoots, I’m just answering the points of disagreement that we have for brevity’s sake, not because I’m trying to be combative, or that I don’t appreciate the other points you’re making.

Is there up-to-date data on this? My admittedly anecdotal experience is to the contrary.

That’s funny (and I don’t mean this in a snarky way–I just find it interesting), because mine isn’t.

Things have definitely improved, but here are a couple of breakdowns of housework/childcare in married couples that takes employment into account.

THIS IS ILLEGAL, PEOPLE. (Note that I’m not saying it doesn’t happen – I know it does.) If this is happening to you or someone you know, take action. Good guidance here.

Sure, but the fact that it happens shows that women still have a lot of hurdles to overcome. And a lot of anti-feminists are trying to eliminate those laws and/or make it as difficult as possible to enforce them.

This is horrible and obviously illegal, but note that nobody supports it or benefits from it, and that these cases are prosecuted as vigorously as any (if not more vigorously because of the nature of the crime).

There are quite a few people who support domestic abuse (including women), or at least perpetuate myths about domestic abuse that allows it to continue. And people *do* benefit from it, otherwise they wouldn’t do it. Furthermore, while domestic abuse is illegal, it’s still often not taken seriously and working with law enforcement can be difficult, especially for poor women and women of color.

This brings me to a side point about discussions of women’s issues with respect to male privilege: it is unbelievably offensive to men to be told, even implicitly, that they are somehow benefiting from rape or the murder of pregnant women, or that we as a gender look the other way when these things happen, or worse yet, condone them.

Let me stop to explain something here: when I talk about sexism and privilege, I am talking about an overarching *system* and set of attitudes that *everyone* has, including women. When I say that you have privilege, I’m not *blaming* you, and I’m not even saying you want it. But unfortunately, that’s the way it is.

I don’t believe for a second that the vast, vast majority of men support or condone the murder and abuse of pregnant women. However, we as a society perpetuate the myths of male entitlement, aggression, and female submission. Those create the conditions that lead to the abuse of pregnant women (and other abuses perpetuated on women). These myths also allow us to be accepting of smaller, less horrifying abuses until they spiral out of control because we don’t recognize them until it’s too late.

Ultimately, our culture creates and sustains factors that lead to men’s abuse of women. I don’t feel like it’s too much to ask men to examine the attitudes that they have that might contribute to these problems. (FYI, feminists ask this of *women*, too).

So while domestic abuse and murder are definitely women’s issues because women are affected disproportionately, they are not gender-bias issues.

These seems nonsensical to me. If domestic abuse disproportionately affects women, how can gender bias *not* be a factor?

See above re: unequal pay.

Again, laws are great, and I’m glad we have them, and it’s a HUGE step, but the fact that they even exist demonstrates that sexism undergirds our society.

See above.


Yes, and this cuts both ways. I, for instance, have been told that the mental framework that comes with being a man renders me incompetent to accurately interpret my own experiences. Also, the culture tells us we’re to be always horny. I’M NOT A MACHINE, FOR CHRIST’S SAKE.

I’ve never seen anyone say to men that they’re incompetent to accurately interpret their own experiences. Would I argue that privilege can distort our perceptions? Yes. But I say that of anyone who is privileged. I’m white…I can’t perceive every benefit I receive because of that, or how my attitudes toward the world have been shaped by that experience–all I can do is listen to people of color and ask them how they perceive I’ve benefited. That’s not telling me that I can’t interpret my life experiences accurately; it just means that I understand my biases as someone who has been raised as a human being.

Another example–before I broke my ankle, I had NO idea how difficult navigating the world with a physical disability is. Sure, we make accommodations, but curb cutouts are often poorly maintained, accessibility is limited in a LOT of places, and every single damned thing is tiresomely difficult. I am not comparing this experience to being permanently physically disabled, but I am saying that the temporary foray I had into being physically limited opened my eyes to the difficulties that people with mobility issues face every day that I wouldn’t have noticed if I hadn’t had mobility issues of my own.

Does that make me an oblivious asshole? Maybe. But I think it’s more that I don’t *have* to think about it, so I don’t. That’s what privilege is.

As far as the horny thing, that’s another example of what I mean by the overarching values/attitudes of the *system,* not men in particular. Furthermore, the assumption that men are always horny affects women, too, as it presupposes that women have to be “sexual gatekeepers.” This undergirds a few assumptions:
1. women don’t really like sex, and only do it because they “have to” for men’s sakes;
2. it’s a woman’s job to prevent a man from having sex with her or performing certain sex acts if she doesn’t want it/them instead of sex being a mutually enjoyable act that requires communication and negotiation between/among people, and
3. the male libido is so potent that if a woman “puts herself” in any kind of situation where it might be unleashed, it’s her fault for standing so close to the rabid dog.

It’s insulting to men, but it’s dangerous to women.

And, I guess that’s why I’m trying to get at here in general. I don’t like to be insulting or offensive, and I try not to be (expect to conservatives). But sometimes you *have* to be to create social change. And when I’m talking about the lives, the actual, physical lives of women, I’m willing to step on some toes.

You’re in the system and it’s not your fault you’re in the system, but demolishing the fucking thing by pointing out the truth is more important to me than not upsetting (universal) you. My hope is that you’ll understand it’s not personal, and that you can see the same myths that lead to the abuse and oppression of women are the ones that cause (normative) men to suppress all of their emotions except anger and act aggressively when it’s not in their best interests, among a gajillions of other shitty shitastic things the contemporary idea of masculinity does to men every day.


“Sarah Palin Addresses Wisconsin Protesters: You Must Be ‘Willing To Sacrifice'” Your Humanity and Those Less Fortunate Among You.

That headline just cried out for completion.


Oooh, sorry to interrupt the banter with The Longest Post in the Universe, kiddos.


jim – I totally agree about the moose.


1. Romcoms
2. Romcoms
3. Romcoms

do not teaze teh panther plzkthxbai


T&U, take it easy before you get carpel tunnel syndrome.


T&U, your blog shall languish while you labor in the fields of shitmoat. Still, I love that stuff. It makes me feel all liberated — I just agree with everything you say, and VIOLA, instant feminist cred.


“Sarah Palin Addresses Wisconsin Protesters”

Together again with Not-Joe the Not-Plumber the Not-Smart. Has anyone yet asked for Trig’s thoughts on the “Cheddar Revolution”?


I dunno. It kinda makes it easier for me to be a lazy feminist with T&U around. I don’t think I’m gonna complain. Im just gonna stand behind her and be “yeah!” “Take THAT!” “in your FACE!”


T&U, your blog shall languish while you labor in the fields of shitmoat.

Yeah, I need to turn my brain space somewhere else.

Still, I love that stuff. It makes me feel all liberated — I just agree with everything you say, and VIOLA, instant feminist cred.

See, Dampniche knows what’s up. He’s also probably quite aware that feminists are really good in bed.


I dunno. It kinda makes it easier for me to be a lazy feminist with T&U around. I don’t think I’m gonna complain. Im just gonna stand behind her and be “yeah!” “Take THAT!” “in your FACE!”

I can always use the encouragement.


I can always use the encouragement.

You’re right, even if a lot of people don’t get it. I hope that knowledge is some encouragement.


He’s also probably quite aware that feminists are really good in bed.

You can keep your 72 virgins — I’ll take one good raunchy liberated woman.
I did, in fact.


You can keep your 72 virgins

You can try, anyway.


Damn raunchy liberated women, always undermining my brother’s dreams of 72 virgins..


My hope is that you’ll understand it’s not personal, and that you can see the same myths that lead to the abuse and oppression of women are the ones that cause (normative) men to suppress all of their emotions except anger and act aggressively when it’s not in their best interests, among a gajillions of other shitty shitastic things the contemporary idea of masculinity does to men every day.

Thank you. That’s what I’ve been trying to get at – that simply being a man in a patriarchal society isn’t a bowl of fucking cherries.

Some observations about domestic violence. Again, my wife is a prosecutor, I work with a criminal defense attorney, and we see these cases all the time. The reason these cases don’t get prosecuted like they should is because – almost invariably – the victim retracts her story. Believe me: cops and prosecutors would LOOOOOVE to be putting these guys behind bars, because they know it’s just a matter of time before the abuser kills the abusee (or, fortunately, sometimes vice-versa). If you have any insight on how we can convince these women to press charges, I would seriously love to hear it because it’s incredibly frustrating to just watch these guys walk.


Repressed religious freaks are also good in bed. Not sure there’s a political dimension to expertise in the bedroom.


Back from egg-salad and a nap. (Catching up 12 hours worth of thread made tiring!) Now I’ll catch up again.

While doing so, I will put dangle.a shiny thingie to distract you all so that you won’t keep running even farther into the distance.

Can’t get the link-disguised-as-text tags to work, for some reason. FYWP. With a business end of a rusty worm.


Repressed religious freaks are also good in bed.

In my limited experienced, frenzied and guilt-ridden good. But I’ve generally avoided widening my sample for this data, so I don’t really know.


Posted the Shiny Thing over at Teh Zombie’s place in solidarity with his righteous rant. (What? You haven’t read it yet? Put your butt in motion, troop, and get over there…)


I didn’t mean to ignore the rest of your post, T&U, but I gotta run off and do some unpaid childcare.


Uhhhh, note to self. Don’t use less-than-greater-than to mean “not equals” ’cause WP will fuck your shit up.


You felt that your ideas and opinions were dismissed because of your gender? That must be terrible.

I hope your second sentence wasn’t intended as sarcasm. Can you clarify your intent? (Motive matters, as every writer knows.)


Uhhhh, note to self. Don’t use less-than-greater-than to mean “not equals” ’cause WP will fuck your shit up.

Compulsive mansplainment.


Tenks, but it’s easier for me to spell out words than worry about ascii. Computer semi-literacy forcing me to be a little less lazy is not a bad thing.

Also, is it mansplaining when you do it to another man? We need a ref…T&U?


I should also add that if i don’t respond to a post it’s probably because a.) I didn’t see it or b.) I’m simply distracted with something.

No, darlin’, it’s a manwich e-mail apparently gathering dust in yer in-box.

Also I can’t for love-nor-money get a comment through on Martinis. I’ve tried multiple times on multiple days. Cain’t get through at all. But I have been able to post at some other Sadlies sites. So this led my lousy self-esteem elf into surmising that I had been banned for Unknown Grave Offenses Against Adorable You.

Also, I really wanted to play Deep Thoughts Saturday. I haz a sad.


Also, is it mansplaining when you do it to another man?

Yes, but in a prison-sex kinda way.


More stoned than a ‘wimmins’ study professor in Taliban controlled Afghanistan?

gocart made me larf.


Yes, but in a prison-sex kinda way.

Hot. Substance/N_B slashfic anyone?


I can see Maryland from my house.

I see England
I see France
I see Maryland her pants.

We are always happy when anybody notices us.


Oh golly-gee-gosh. I just encounted T&U’s major-major-major comment. Now I’m feeling distinctly sorry for my morning post. As someone notes later, I dint mean to aggravate any carpal tunnel problems on S,N!


I’ve never seen anyone say to men that they’re incompetent to accurately interpret their own experiences.

Shoulda been in the seminar, T&U.


Am I the only commenter here worried about prolapse of the hoo-ha?


The reason these cases don’t get prosecuted like they should is because – almost invariably – the victim retracts her story. Believe me: cops and prosecutors would LOOOOOVE to be putting these guys behind bars

Some witnesses, too, Cahoots. Heard shouts across the street at 3 AM. A 6-4 musclebound guy throwing his girl against a wall. Called the cops pronto. Identified myself as an eyewitness. Went to court to testify. The victim refused to testify(/b>

The prosecutor was ready to drop–witnesses have a terrible no-show record in Baltimore city–but I hustled up to the table, whispered I was there. I didn’t have to testify: Because the state had an eyewitness, the guy pleaded to second-degree assault. Wanted to see the fucker do more serious time, but he’s got a felony on his sheet at least.

We do what we can within the scope of our lives, T&U.


Tag-fail. Needs coffee pronto.


A comment from the ABC page covering the protests:

Good for the Tea Party, standing up for American taxpayers who are tired of getting the shaft by the greedy, corrupt union thugs. American taxpayers are not going to be held hostage by these unions, we’re not Greece and we’re not going to be.

I can’t even think of anything snarky to say.


prolapse of the hoo-ha

Joey likes this one, too.


You’re right, even if a lot of people don’t get it. I hope that knowledge is some encouragement.

Thank you, Ned.


Take up Saturday’s gloom.




In The Aeroplane Over The Sea is an awesome album. Good call @T&U.


Feelin’ Alright now.


Thank you. That’s what I’ve been trying to get at – that simply being a man in a patriarchal society isn’t a bowl of fucking cherries.

I don’t believe that at all, and I hope I haven’t given that impression.

I feel like some of the reactions I’m getting aren’t in response to what I’m actually *saying*, but to some sort of strawfeminist. I’d like to think it’s pretty clear from my comments that I’m a fairly compassionate person and that I *like* men. A lot, really. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t hang around here, where the majority of commenters are men.

If you have any insight on how we can convince these women to press charges, I would seriously love to hear it because it’s incredibly frustrating to just watch these guys walk.

It’s a really, really tough situation, and it’s hard to understand unless you’ve experienced it. Based on what I’ve read and observed, there are a few reasons why women rescind their statements:

1. they’re scared of retribution;
2. they’re experiencing pressure from family, friends, and their partners themselves to drop the charges and stop making everyone’s life so difficult (see also: “He didn’t mean it”; “You know how he gets when he drinks”; “For better or for worse”; “You *do* have a mouth on you”; “He’s a good provider”; “It takes two to tango”);
3. they don’t have the resources to make it on their own or there is some other barrier to leaving;
4. their significant others apologize and promise to change, and because they *love them* and want to make the relationship work (and/or because they don’t believe they deserve or can find better), they choose to believe them, or
5. most likely, some combination of the factors above.

On a societal level, we have to have to HAVE to deal with a culture that equates masculinity with violence and domination. We have to work on erasing male entitlement and sending the message to girls and women that they deserve to have their thoughts, opinions, and feelings respected no matter what.

We have to change attitudes towards abused women, whether we’re talking about perpetuating some of the myths I mentioned above, or (and I think this is more pernicious, really, since this sometimes comes from people who advocate for abused women) the assumption that women who are abused are weak or stupid.or crazy.

The support systems for abused women need to improve. There are shelters, but they aren’t long-term solutions, and even when women have access to them, they often find themselves in the situation of leaving their pets behind (or, even worse, their children/stepchildren). Furthermore, in cases of really dangerous abusers, the woman’s extended family (for example, her 89-year-old grandmother) may be at risk of victimization.

Our mental health services have to improve. Our outreach, not only to victims, but also to their families and allies, has to improve.

Obviously, all of these things are going to take a lot of work, and don’t address the immediate issue of individual women dropping charges. I can only say that victims should be given all the resources they can, told that law enforcement and other organizations are there to protect and help them, and most importantly, victims should be treated with respect and patience no matter what decisions they make. They have already been treated like they’re stupid, irrational, and overemotional enough–they don’t need their allies to treat them that way, too, and ultimately, all this does is bond them to their abusers more closely.


I hope your second sentence wasn’t intended as sarcasm. Can you clarify your intent? (Motive matters, as every writer knows.)

Take it in conjunction with my remark regarding Spengler’s PENIS, and I think my intent is clearer.


In The Aeroplane Over The Sea is an awesome album. Good call @T&U.

Yay! I’m glad you like it. It’s one of my favorites. I’ve probably listened to it hundreds of times and it still gives me shivers down my spine.


One back even farther and then today’s excavation into the 60’s Cretaceous is done. Perhaps some younger Sadlies may not have heard this stuff.

I was high school junior in Lawrence, Kansas when this came out.


Shit. One more. It’s short.


anyone know if theres a bbcodextra type extension for chrome?


Sub probably does.

“This is Spinal Tap” is playing on Fuse now.

Which gives me the idea to do a blog entry on the funniest films of all time.


“I was high school junior in Lawrence, Kansas when this came out.”

So was the lead singer “Little Stevie Winwood” (HSJ I mean, not KS) Damn, you is old Mr Variant.


May your blog entry go to 11 Miss VS.


anyone know if theres a bbcodextra type extension for chrome?

I dunno, but if you’re on a Windows machine you should use AutoHotkey because it’ll work across every browser you try. It is free and awesome at work and at play.


kg, the only thing I found was this, which is pretty meh.

I <3 Chrome, but I do miss some of my extensions.


Damn, you is old Mr Variant.

No shit. I was only in seventh/eighth grade when that came out.
So getcher gocart off my lawn, ageist!


zrm, shouldn’t you be having this discussion with T&U over at Pandagon or sumptin mkay. Now be a good zombie and tell T&U to make me a sammitch ITE!


Oh, man. I’m not going to tell you guys how old my parents were.


Now be a good zombie and tell T&U to make me a sammitch ITE!

I’m pretty sure said sandwich will involve a severed arm. Probably yours.



Ooooh. Dolls.


VS, I’m not going to say what I think about that because it could get me arrested.


Yeah. I know what you mean. *gnashes teeth*


Even Forbes will admit it? Day-yum.


I was kinda surprised by the source, too.


Har-de-har-har, CNN covering Santorum’s “Google Problem” as I type.


surprised by the source

Well, it is a “Forbes blog,” as opposed to an official editorial condemning the Bros. Koch, if that means anything. And there’s no reason to think that Forbes hisse’f & the Bros. may not hate each other for various arcane reasons known only to the (hereditary*) capitalistic elite.

*Steve Forbes & the Kochs: Three fucking parasites who, if they hadn’t inherited their daddies’ wealth, would now probably have been the first middle managers to have been laid off by the corporate entities for which, in a just universe, they would be slaving .


This is a thread weed. Now I don’t want to mess up the pretty flowers here, but this I have to get off my chest.

“A year ago, he estimated that spending on war and intelligence operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan would drop from the $145 billion he inherited to $129 billion in the current fiscal year. Instead, he’s sending another 30,000 to 35,000 troops to Afghanistan and is asking for another $33 billion for the current year, boosting the total to $162 billion, and for $159 billion next year.”

Here’s the whole article from McClatchy.

Down in sunny Florida Guv Scott has refused $2.5 billion for a high speed rail link because, as he says, “We can’t spend money we don’t have.” Apparently even if the money comes from the Federal government. Yeah, there’s a co-pay, but that would be some cheap medicine for what ails the Tampa to Orlando I-4 corridor. And I don’t actually care whether the Snowbird State takes the money or not. After all, it’s a flat place and everybody should ride bicycles anyway. But for what we are going to spend this year alone harassing the Taliban, we could build nearly 65 such high speed rail links around the county.

There. I got it off my chest. But it didn’t help. Now I have a headache.


Communique from Guerrilla Voters Cadre 18:

It’s not as if Obama concealed his desire to ramp up Aghanistan when he was a candidate. He has delivered on his 2008 campaign promises in Afghanistan. (On other promises, ehhh, not so much.)

Leprosy takes longer than Plague, but it’s just as fatal in the end. In 2012, walk away from the false ‘choice’ between diseases.

(Yet another reason for a blog, I suppose. S,N is good for the Communiques. But the whole Manifesto is too lengthy for this vehicle.)


“N__B said,
February 20, 2011 at 3:40

Good news.”

Is that for real? Because if it is, it’s pretty remarkable and touching.


zrm, shouldn’t you be having this discussion with T&U over at Pandagon or sumptin mkay. Now be a good zombie and tell T&U to make me a sammitch ITE!

hey, waitaminnit. I haven’t been around here all day. Who’s been dressing up as a zombie?


Fuckin’ great, N_B. I’m going to shotgun this image out to everyone I know.

One World. One Pain.

I want a bumpersticker. This might work too

Our World. Our Pain.

God, I admire these people. I s-o-o want the revolution to work out well.


Is that for real?

No idea. I got it from Digby.


Here are a couple of lines from a family friend in Egypt (Feb 13):

I spent yesterday feeling the waves of tension falling off my shoulders. I continue to enjoy it today. It will take weeks but I LIKE the feeling.

If you have ever thought of coming to Egypt, March and April are the months to do it. Hotels will be massively cheap and there will be short lines for all the sights. Come stay with me and throw around some dollars to help these folk who I’ve come to respect.

The revolution has not had a haircut. Yet another chance to throw out some money to those who are not getting any. And the flower sellers. And the feluca captains. We plan a sail on the Nile on the Tuesday holiday. If I get my favorite captain, he may get a triple tip. Love the guy.

I’m sure he won’t mind that I shared this with your folks.

Moe Ham Ed (Pabst Blue Ribbon Be Upon Him)

You can keep your 72 virgins

No, sorry … actually you can’t … see, my homey Allah needs them back every Tuesday & Friday for cleaning & hymen-repair. You can always, uh, look at some of our vintage National Geographics while you wait … so shit’s all still good, right?


there’s no reason to think that Forbes hisse’f & the Bros. may not hate each other for various arcane reasons known only to the (hereditary*) capitalistic elite

I have it on good authority that there is an intractable dispute between these parties: KochBros insist that the most excruciatingly delightful tongue-jobs are those of George Stefanopolous, whilst Herr Forbes swears by those dispensed by Wolf Blitzer.



Oh God, I first read that as “One World, One Palin”

The worst part is that there is a non-zero chance that this could actually happen.

Palin = Stillson?


“Since we changed the name to “Enhanced Interrogation Techniques” and have a Doctor(with or without medical training) standing by, we have proven {Jesus, Baal, Thor) has bestowed upon us the moral authority to inflict prolong sessions of pain and suffering in order to induce cooperation. See? The hat is still white!1!

Congrats, I guess are due to Ashcroft et. al. for getting the courts to spell out that accountability is only for us rubes.


The revolution has not had a haircut

Deposing tyrants: a joyous triumph, but hell on coiffure.

Funny Because It’s A SCIENTERRIFIC Fact!:
It is this & not her inheritance that will guarantee the eternal absence of Paris Hilton* from storming barricades.

Not even if the Kochs cut her a check for a stone billion to throw her public iconography’s support to the War-Scooter Jihadis in their bold march to stamp out the NWO LIBRIL KALIFAET. Respect the hairdo!
* Actually I thought (disclaimer = that is, if she actually wrote any of it let alone the whole thang) that Hilton’s attack-snark on both parties in the 2008 election was evocative of lulz that were both titanically girthy & pleasurable. Also, mutant sexy troll is full of mutant & sexy … it’s inevitable – the weird ones always get me het up. Sigh.


of, not on.



Even Forbes will admit it? Day-yum.

They’re not hiding shit anymore. It’s totally in your face, “we own your ass and everything else.”

What do they care? Nobody does fuck all to stop them.


Be vewwy, vewwy kwi-ett…. The wabbit doesn’t know this is 798…


Thanks for the Forbes article VS. Here is an interesting related article from the Guardian.

“If you want to know why we have budget deficits all over, look no further than the roaring success of corporate tax avoidance”


Oh, and you’ve got to be careful about them Girl Scouts.

Bret "Scarface" Favre

Say hello to my little friend.


“Oh, and you’ve got to be careful about them Girl Scouts.”

Investigative reporting at its finest.


“If you want to know why we have budget deficits all over, look no further than the roaring success of corporate tax avoidance”

Thanks. That was a good link. Too bad it’ll go completely unnoticed by the public…


I <3 Chrome, but I do miss some of my extensions.

T&U is writing dialog for post-humanist / cyberpunk movies???


I <3 Chrome

Sounds… uncomfortable. I fart gas, myself.


Because of 2/1911 Sadly No’s lack of new posts, I have become a Althouse/Atlas/DrProfessorandhismisses reader.


Isn’t the universal symbol for pooting 3< ?



Which is why the only way out of this mess is the end of corporate personhood. Without that, nothing else will make any difference.


Because of 2/19/11 Sadly No’s lack of new posts, I have become a Althouse/Atlas/DrProfessorandhismisses reader.

Where are the links to all the mangoes, then?


Isn’t the universal symbol for pooting 3< ?

Shooting question marks out of your butt must be a fabulous conversation starter.


Criminy, I even spaced the question mark to avoid confusion.

the end of corporate personhood

Also, public campaign financing.



Criminy, I even spaced the question mark to avoid confusion.

I thought you were just bragging.


Must. Feed. Hamsters.


Jeez, you know, you leave a site for a couple of weeks, and suddenly it goes all to pot, being on topic and shit.


(looking in mirror) Note to self: start working that winter weight off…


Damn union hamsters


I can’t wait to have work again. These holiday weekends are embarrassing. I’m all like,”oh, it’s President’s day?” … “so this is February?”


M. Bouffant said,

February 20, 2011 at 1:12

Better tune from the same yr.

I’ll see you and raise with this

I hadn’t been born yet, but it wasn’t all that long after that. Thankfully my dad is a musician so I got exposed to all the greats at a young age.


When I was in Egypt I met a couple. The woman was blonde and luminously beautiful. They’d play a little game in which the woman would walk a few paces ahead and the man would carry a rolled up newspaper and whack the gropers as they made their way around the streets.

If I was Lara Logan’s superior and I knew something about Egypt I would have tried to forbid her to go to that place at that time or at least cover up.


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