Everybody who comes to this site knows, or should know, Roy Edroso of Alicublog, whose facility at political snarkentary on the right wing leaves everyone else in the left-o-sphere behind in the dust. If I could come up with the stuff that Roy does, I wouldn’t have to resort to photoshopping wingnuts on toilets and the other cheap tricks that are part of my repertory. I could just, you know, write stuff and you’d nod your head and giggle and come back again and again for more.
Well, a couple of bad circumstances have ganged up on Roy and left him in not such a good place. This has prompted an Edrosothon. Most people don’t think twice about handing over money to PBS just because some craven PBS affiliate aired another Suzie Orman special or dug up another Peter, Paul and Mary wheeze-fest video from the mothballs. But giving money to an Edrosothon is a much better use of your money and goes to someone who truly deserves it. There’s a PayPal button here.
And you can read more about the Edrosothon here, here, and here.
He rickrolled himself????
dug up another Peter, Paul and Mary wheeze-fest video from the mothballs.
Watch it, young’un. Them’s fighting words.
@actor: I believe that is known as a cakeroll.
And if it isn’t, it should be.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Tintin.
It’s easy and fun to send some readies Roy’s way. Much better than kicking the corpse of Samuel Clemens.
You can’t pay for work as good as Roy’s, apparently, but this is the next best thing. Hopefully this is received in the spirit it’s intended.
“Edrosothon” sounds like a place-name in Mordor, but I have sent Roy some of the shiny milk-bottle tops that we use here as a primitive form of currency.
If it’s drinking time, and, why I do believe it is, I’d like to raise a glass to JayB for taking the initiative.
I originally read this as “Edrosothong” and thought to myself, “I like the guy, but not like that.”
Is there going to be variety show style entertainments? Do we get to dress up as Ann Althouse and do the Four Yorkshiremen sketch?
You know, there ain’t enough brain bleach…
Do we get to dress up as Ann Althouse and do the Four Yorkshiremen sketch?
Looxury! I remember when my boobs didn’t sag under th’ weight of all that wine, I could serve as an emergency rack for 50 cal. goon!
He should do a fundraiser at one of the dive bars that characterize his new neighborhood of Inwood.
Somebody should put up some Alicublog thongs on Cafe Press.
Because we were poor. Me old Da used to say to me “Money doesn;t buy you non-saggy boobs” but he was wrong although we never knew it because we couldna afford plastic surgery.
How about Jonah and Douthat doing “What time is it Eccles?”
For the Goon impaired: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSSGiA4f5cs&feature=related
How about Jonah and Douthat doing “What time is it Eccles?”
Or A Bit Of Fry & Laurie
I’ll give cuz his WOC entry gave me ladywood. I basically will give to anyone who lasciviously massages my funnybone.
I’d like to raise a glass to JayB for taking the initiative.
Glass! We never had no glass. We had to drink straight out of the box.
Also! We need to get this guy better cakes.
VS, I can’t read that blog at work because I snicker too loudly.
True story: first time I read that blog, I was laughing so hard, there were tears streaming down my face. TEARS. Of sweet laughter.
From the cakewrecks link… this looks like one of those vision tests– is there a colour (sic) vision specialist in the house who could interpret it?
Glass! We never had no glass. We had to drink straight out of the
Men, drinking bourbon out of a fancy glass at night: sexy
Women, drinking out of a box in the afternoon: notsomuch
Just sayin’…
I’m seeing “Baby…losche”? rofl…baffling
True story: first time I read that blog, I was laughing so hard, there were tears streaming down my face. TEARS. Of sweet laughter.
Oh, me too. I think one of the best ones (which they recently re-posted) was the Sandra Lee Kwanzaa cake.
Just sayin’…
I’ll be sure to take the costume off before dinner then.
Whoah – I suddenly have the urge to talk about BOOBIES, but I don’t know if it’s me or Althouse that’s behind it.
Oh, YUM. *preemptive barf*
Please do. I want you to take me some place nice.
It involves Corn Nuts and apple pie filling.
Women, drinking out of a box in the afternoon: notsomuch
Look, DKW’s mom is a cheap date, a’ight?
Here’s the re-post.
I actually think I talked about the original post here last year…
Bust a nut!
I suddenly have the urge to talk about BOOBIES, but I don’t know if it’s me or Althouse that’s behind it.
Althouse’s behind makes you think of boobies?
Dude, step away from YOUR MOM
I can’t say enough good things about Roy Edroso. The few bucks I’m about to throw his way don’t come close to paying for the enjoyment and enlightenment he has provided me over the years.
I’m betting that it won’t be long until things are topsy-turvy with him topsy and the wingnuts turvy.
Here’s the re-post.
Oh look! A boobie with penii!
New levels of depravity reached: ‘roided-up M&M’s
Nao. Wei. That’s actually somewhat amusing.
New levels of depravity reached: ‘roided-up M&M’s
Warrior not need candyass M&Ms! Warrior need sooper M&Ms! Warrior use as throwing stars when the wolf comes down from the mountin and takes my B.A.D. and uses it for to kill the bear! Warrior must keep his lounge pants clean with “melt-n-yo-mouth” goodness
I’ll give cuz his WOC entry gave me ladywood.
Did they link the video of him climbing, bare-assed, on a chain-link fence? I only ask because whew NICE ASS.
From the cakewrecks link… this looks like one of those vision tests- is there a colour (sic) vision specialist in the house who could interpret it?
Baby in the USA? Um, wha?
Also, that Kwanzaa cake is the most fucking disgusting looking pile of poop I’ve seen since the last time I saw anything she “cooked.”
Also, that Kwanzaa cake is the most fucking disgusting looking pile of poop I’ve seen since the last time I saw anything she “cooked.”
She cooks?
Baby in the USA? Um, wha?
I have no idea, but that’s what it says.
s there a colour (sic) vision specialist in the house who could interpret it?
Feck it, I’m gonna try Braille.
Feck it, I’m gonna try Braille.
Ah, so the M&Ms are meant to be felt…
Feck it, I’m gonna try Braille.
You were warned about masturbation, Smut.
Ah, so the M&Ms are meant to be felt…
Doesn;t the chocolate filling stain the felt?
Good on JayB. Roy won’t ask and he may not take it but I hope he does.
Where the hell is George Soros when you need him?
another Peter, Paul and Mary wheeze-fest video from the mothballs.
HARUMPH! The four CD set is a treasure and it has a bonus DVD with, among other stuff, them performing If I had a hammer at the 1963 March on Washington. And a nifty booklet too! Also. I recently saw Peter Yarrow at a local coffee shop.
Now git off my fuckin lawn while I go toss some simoleons at Roy.
I can’t say enough good things about Roy Edroso. The few bucks I’m about to throw his way don’t come close to paying for the enjoyment and enlightenment he has provided me over the years.
Likewise. I hope everything works out well for him.
It seems like the crux of Roy’s problems is that the rent is too damn high.
I recently saw Peter Yarrow at a local coffee shop. That’s good, you can keep that dweeb on the left coast. In Maine we have Noel Paul who has been a consistently excellent member of the community. Can’t say enough good things about the guy.
I’d have to borrow money to send some to Mr. Edroso.
Might do that.
I’d have to borrow money to send some to Mr. Edroso.
Steal it from a landlord.
Don’t even have a landlord.
Don’t even have a landlord.
It’s probably better advice to steal it from someone else’s landlord, anyway.
Speaking of helping a blogger out who needs some help, what happened to the Contact page here? It doesn’t work anymore and I wanted to send something to D. Aristophanes because he mentioned being unemployed recently and I believe this could be a fit for him. Maybe he’s reading but if he’s not and you are, Tintin, please email it to him. Assuming you have his address.
OT, and nothing against B⁴ nor against smooth hemispherical objects above the waist but be still my beating heart
OT, and nothing against B? nor against smooth hemispherical objects above the waist but be still my beating heart
I KNOW. I never thought the phrase “maybe I’m just gay” would actually make a dude *more* attractive to me.
I read his blog all of the time and I tried to give, but after I inputted all of my credit card information a new screen came up asking me to do it again and I just don’t trust it. so I don’t know if my donation went thru. Pay Pal sucks.
There was suggestion by Jay B. that a P.O. box might be established for Luddites, & those whose anonymity is important or who don’t perhaps trust PP. We should light a figurative fire under Mr. B., perhaps, or at least check into it/send a reminder his way, & congrats to him for taking the initiative here.
Money sent.
And apropos of nothing but with the engineers v. mathematicians dust-up a few threads back in mind, I offer you this:
A mathematician named Rawls
Who had hexahedronical balls
The cube of their weight
Plus his root lenght times eight
Is his phone number, give him a call!
*touches fingers to thread’s neck*
It’s dead, Jim.
You can molest it now. I won’t tell.
From Jay B.:
Start saving now!
A WIN from the cake wrecks site. The velociraptor’s expression!
Since we’re talking cakes, and I guess Jennifer missed it when I linked it over in the comments at 3weirdsisters:
Zombie Wedding Cake.
Exford, I would totally buy that cake.
Gore Vidal still has a way with words. On responding to Michelle Bachmann’s recent bit of lunacy he said “She is too stupid to deserve an answer.” Just wanted to share.
Danny Barker “Eh La Bas”
The cake is a lie.
Our witty old friend named Edroso
Is feeling a little bit low, so
Let’s send him a buck,
Perhaps boost his luck.
He’s clever like Sadlies, but mo’ so!
If I knew you were coming I’d have a less half-baked contribution
And apropos of nothing but with the engineers v. mathematicians dust-up a few threads back in mind
Mathematicians are a curious sect
Of folks with acute intellects.
If smarts gets you wet,
Mathsies are a good bet,
But it’s engineers that know how to erect.
Ooooh. *applause*
Gauntlet thrown. *grabs popcorn*
Exford, I would totally buy that cake. …for a zombie.
fixxed for extra zombie kindness.
zombie, if I were gonna buy you something it would some of the cool zombie-related I art I stumble across once in awhile. And, FTR, I’m always kind to zombies cuz I want to hang on to my branes.
BTW, whom do architects fight with? I’d like to get something started.
actors, generally.
rofl. Well-played.
In real life, engineers, bankers, and developers.
Did I leave anyone out, ZRM?
Me, I fight vacuums. They can’t even WRITE POEMS.
What about contractors?
I always thought architects fight the same folks engineers fight. Anyone other than whomever signs the P.O.
I think the contractors are other people’s problems (aka the developers and bankers).
But ZRM would know better than I would. Also maybe we can get a ZRM-N__B war going.
“I’ll fight any of you mother-fuckers, or anyone else in this dump!”
[raises fists, spins, falls off stool w/ satisfying thump!]
Contrary actors? Sure.
Building contractors. No, I love those guys. They build for me!
Engineers? Nah. They make sure it stays up. Sometimes, gotta make sure they make it look decent though.
Bankers? Not as long as the checks clear.
Developers? ummmm… not always. They can’t write poems either.
Also maybe we can get a ZRM-N__B war going.
heck no, he’s my BFF. (Right behind fish.) I bought his book!
although that hyphenated thing you came up with looks AWESOME.
“ZRM-N__B war going.”
No way. I won’t have my loyalties divided.
The ZRM-N__B Axis of Erection!
…I’m not sure that came out right.
Wow, you two really ARE fond of each other.
The fact is, what you liberal left USA-hating bloggers are doing is far worse than anything Hitler did, or even OBSAMA THE KENYAN MUSLIM TERRORISM
I don’t care how much you flirt, Gary, N__B will never like you in THAT way.
Gary, don’t feel bad. N_B broke my heart too when said he preferred brunettes.
vs, have you given any thought as to how far through labor you will try to conversate with us? I don’t know if you’re going to decide to go all old-school and just interact with your partner and midwife and such-like. I would understand if you did, although I would feel hurt and neglected. Besides, really, how much use is one’s partner as a birthing coach? A friend of mine very nearly murdered her husband during labor for their first born, because he snacked on something with pesto sauce while they were getting ready to go to the hospital, and for the next umpteen hours, he was coaching right in her face with pesto-breath.
What I mean is, if you need to concentrate on birthin’ lil bebe Dustbuster, perhaps you could let the midwife coach, and have your partner type your thread comments.
Holding out for webcam/iPhone live feed, myself.
Engineers are a curious breed
They’re not scientists they will concede
And they don’t build the stuff
Nor do design fluff
But you need all their skills to succeed.
Holding out for webcam/iPhone live feed, myself.
3-D with Scream-O-Vision.
i kicked in $20 bucks and I want to hear more about the 14th amendment – carry on
That’s ten fucking bucks I didn’t have. But you bastards all bought the book, so… It should have been a lot more. Us writers, we are unemployed, see?
Us writers, we are unemployed, see?
Then you have plenty of time to work on Rise Again Again, the Againining, don’t you?
alicublog is one of the best parts of the intertubes, and roy is an excellent person: smart, funny, and kind. do it!
DKW’s blog provides us with imagery from the birthing process.
I’m Switzerland in any architect-engineer war. Some of the most remarkable, beautiful, and dramatic structures in the world were designed and built before ‘architecture’ and ‘engineering’ branched into more-or-less distinct disciplines.
I’m Switzerland in any architect-engineer war. Some of the most remarkable, beautiful, and dramatic structures in the world were designed and built before ‘architecture’ and ‘engineering’ branched into more-or-less distinct disciplines.
Meh. Assuming that you’re talking about classical and medieval construction, there was always some division between people more concerned with form and people more concerned with construction. It’s a symbiotic relationship (without engineers’ branes, ZRM would be a starving zombie; without architects, I’d have to figure out what the hell clients wanted) so while I may hate individual architects who I think are assholes (and there are damned well individual engineers I hate, too) there’s no way for me to denounce the species without denouncing myself.
Besides, this is $3.40 in my pocket!
DKW’s blog provides us with imagery…
That’s my turtle, Max.
Hey, that funny-lookin’ kid & his book again.
Jesus. No zombiepocalypses, no epic NERD battles…what am I paying you people for anyway? Don’t you know it’s your job to ENTERTAIN ME?!!
WELL. If you are looking for entertainment, look no further. You can name my baby
I wonder if Pam Geller would reciprocate on Eid ul-Fitr?
Besides, this is $3.40 in my pocket!
Yes, but why is it all one bill?
Praire Nom Companion
actors, generally.
You call that a fight?
I tied both hands behind my back!
…mostly because you would have been gnawing them.
Prairie. I blame a lack of caffeine. And even though I’m on the desktop, iPad.
I’m really happy that tintin posted this. I remember reading JayB discussing this in the last alicublog thread, but I didn’t know that he followed through with his threat. Roy is really, really funny, and his blog is a bright spot on the internet.
He takes the shit on the internet and makes … shitade? Look, I’m not a fucking writer, that’s Roy’s job.
And even though I’m on the desktop, iPad
Best iPad accessory I bought was the bluetooth Apple keyboard. I cut my typos down from a dozen a sentence to just over ten!
Im definitely gonna look into some similar acoutrements, actor.
I wonder if Pam Geller would reciprocate on Eid ul-Fitr?
Thank you for cheering up my morning. And a FUCK YOU to the goose-stepper wannabes who still believe in the Protocols of the Elders of Mecca.
Bless me Father for I have sinned… I killed a thread this morning.
I killed a thread this morning
It already had zombies. You can’t kill that which is undead.
Falling on her sword for firing Juan Williams
For the discerning zombie: a packet of class wipes
From the cakewrecks link… this looks like one of those vision tests– is there a colour (sic) vision specialist in the house who could interpret it?
Cake sez:
Sorry it took so long. I was in a diabetic coma just looking at the medium.
How can you go wrong with M&Ms, crumbled Oreos, caramel, and chocolate syrup? (Other than by forgetting the ice cream, of course.) I bet that was a fantastic cake.
I’m just happy we finally have people in government who care enough about the Constitution to fuck it up on their first day of not-even-office-yet.
You can name my baby
Sounds like a job for Mr. McGravitas.
Come ON, guys, you’re letting down the side: it is well known (by ill folk) that we America-hating, {Galtian-job-creator}-hating, types are completely dependent on the government. WE are AGAINST private, charitable, acts, because Jesus loved them, though we will make an exception for any group that trains men to pimp out illegal immigrants to gangs of violent election-fraudsters.
Check your “Destroy America” checklists (thanks, Atul!).
WE are AGAINST private, charitable, acts, because Jesus loved them
Though if we ever engaged in such acts, that would make us stupid liberal do-gooders of the kind everyone hates who should stick to their own businesses and watch other people pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
I pretended mine was a tax.
though we will make an exception for any group that trains men to pimp out illegal immigrants to gangs of violent election-fraudsters.
Yet, you hate ACORN…
I am anxiously awaiting his list of Janus Node names and will, of course, defer to his opinion on the matter of naming this little person.
You can name my baby
Pressie for B^4
So, since it appears to be slow around here today, I may make this Pressie Day here on S,N. More pressies to come, if everybody’s down with it.
Oh, and so this isn’t a total threadjack, I donated to Edroso yesta-day.
I need an apprentice!
What a couple of idiots.
I need an apprentice!
vs, do NOT let him NEAR your baby!
vs, do NOT let him NEAR your baby!
Have you seen her “art”? How can I corrupt the Devil’s spawn???
Have you seen her “art”? How can I corrupt the Devil’s spawn???
If anybody could, it would be you.
“Hi again. I was just wondering….”
*sigh* “Look, lady, do I have to label everything in this bakery for you?”
[brightening] “Oooh, if you wouldn’t mind…”
Oooh, I know I’ve heard this somewhere.
I am anxiously awaiting his list of Janus Node names and will, of course, defer to his opinion on the matter of naming this little person.
I thought his name was Dudeskull.
Why do all these people sell their garages? With all these signs for garage sales, where are they going to park?
With all these signs for garage sales, where are they going to park?
They aren’t.
They’re going to drive their cars deep into the woods on the pretext of a picnic, then when the cars are trotting towards the field, they’re going to climb back in the car and drive off.
I thought his name was Dudeskull.
I’m considering having a son just so I can name him that.
Maybe it’d be better just to get another cat, though…
When people ask where I came up with it, I could tell them it’s a family name.
When people ask where I came up with it, I could tell them it’s a family name.
Yes, his great-great-grandfather was the bastard son of the Skulldudes of Austria.
When I was growing uuu…um getting older, I thought for the longest time my name was”GODAMNITSNORTDIDN’TITELLYOUNOTTO…”
Yes, his great-great-grandfather was the bastard son of the Skulldudes of Austria.
Yes. In fact, I may just append a V to his name to make it more believable. Dudeskull Linus Unreliable the Fifth.
Of course, if she DID name the spawn Dudeskull, shopping would become enormously easy
Yes. In fact, I may just append a V to his name to make it more believable. Dudeskull Linus Unreliable the Fifth.
Yes, of the Salzburg Skulldudes.
Reading that thread again. It will never cease to be FUCKING HILARIOUS.
“And DUDE implies a male (I even looked it up in the dictionary) “
Dudeskull Linus Unreliable the Fifth
Reading that thread again. It will never cease to be FUCKING HILARIOUS.
I may have missed it or have since forgotten about the thread in question. Link please?
I know, right? Don’t think I won’t do it.
Meh. Assuming that you’re talking about classical and medieval construction, there was always some division between people more concerned with form and people more concerned with construction.
James of Saint George: Ingeniator or mazun? Engineer or mason?
Penn Jillete’s daughter has a ridiculously AWESOME name as well.
Penn Jillete’s daughter has a ridiculously AWESOME name as well.
Nothing will ever top the torture Zappa inflicted on his kids.
Dammit, that is a good name.
Pressie for T&U
Because you strike me as someone who appreciate the humor of this incredibly funny guy.
Because you strike me as someone who appreciate the humor of this incredibly funny guy.
Awww, thank you! I LUUUURV Patton Oswalt.
A mason’s arms are big and strong,
And they can pound all night long.
But if I may be so bold,
What they lay stays stone cold,
But with an engineer, you won’t go wrong.
I recommend a Biblical name for the bebe: Pontius Pilate Vacuumslayer. That will either toughen him up on the playgrounds or lead to lifetime of therapy.
That will either toughen him up on the playgrounds or lead to lifetime of therapy.
If Mr. Slayer suggests “Sue”, kick him in the nads.
Wuups. ‘Ingeniator’ better translated as ‘architect’. I’m not trying to start a fight, btw. I’m Switzerland.
A mason’s arms are big and strong,
And they can pound all night long.
Would that be called fluffing your pillar?
What about a hyphenated name like Billy-Ray only, more creative, like:
Architects, they do draft and plan
Structures for the good of Man.
Phallic towers, oh so high,
Thrusting up towards the sky.
But it’s engineers that make them stand.
Some people name their children after cities, Madison is a very popular name. In the same vein I offer:
East Dubuqe,
Backroom Player Vacuumslayer
Whoa, you posted a comment like, three days ago. Slow the fuck down!
How about Dudeskull Linus Drankupp the Fifth
Hey,hey! Hows about a first name of Dis? With a last name of Spencer what could go wrong?
Whoa, you posted a comment like, three days ago. Slow the fuck down!
I posted a comment like, only two days ago so I’m obviously waaaay too fast.
Why do all these people sell their garages? With all these signs for garage sales, where are they going to park?
On the parkway. DUH.
Dudeskull Linus Unreliable the Fifth.
Yoink! Shtolen. Now all I need is a kitty to bless with it.
Ah, you see I distracted WordPress and you snuck in a quick one. Ha!
If you like city names I suggest Kissimmee. If you like that one I would further suggest the middle name of Astro.
WordPress says you post too fast,
Regardless of when you commented last.
And what we all want to
Say to WP is FU.
And in bed, engineers are a blast.
Okay, I’m slow, sadly, and even a bit stupid. I did not realize until last night, when I took a look at his old website, that the Mighty Roy was the Reverb Motherfuckers. For me, that’s like finding out that Rudy Rucker is actually Eugene Chadborne. Whoa. I had recalculate. And then bow down. And then empty out my pathetic PayPal account. I only saw RMF twice but those guys were the best of the worst and they rocked the squat. Roy doesn’t seem to make a big deal of it–apparently I missed any reference to RMF in his recent writings–but his three part RMF article is, outside of Up Against the Wall Motherfuckers, the best brief account of the LES in the late 80s.
I’m Switzerland.
Fucking Swiss.
Tickle-me Elmo
Now all I need is a kitty to bless with it
Sorta like
Women with camera-loved titties
Shouldn’t name their kids after cities.
The appeal is null
Compared to “Dudeskull”.
And engineers are sexies and witties.
If I bring suit against you does that make me the suer and you the suee?
Why not Spencer?
Spencer Dudeskull Spencer.
But not so good with English.
Keep us out of it, we’re staying neutral.
The Swiss stand apart from their peers,
Remaining neutral for hundreds of years.
Who could be fond
Of those unable to bond?
Forget them, unless they’re engineers.
But not so good with English.
Not so good with the counting either. Your limericks don’t scan all that well Mister Architect.
Fucking Swiss.
Remind me not to try the fondue Chez Mort-Vivant.
Sorta like
I would invade Poland for a Kitler, but I’d have to name him Hilter.
Not so good with the counting either. Your limericks don’t scan all that well Mister Architect.
Firstly, I’m an engineer. You can tell by all the sex I have with your mother. Secondly, as I have noted previously:
Firstly, I’m an engineer.
Whoops. I
don’t carecan’t remember which of you and Mr. __B is which. This revelation of your purported profession makes your inability to count all the more worrying, too.Also.
N__B is also an engineer.
Which train line you work for?
Which train line you work for?
I drive the Daily Express straight to your mom.
Although, N__B and I belong to different disciplines of engineering. N__B belongs to that group known as successful engineers. Me, I like discipline from your mom.
Vat is it wiz de muzzer all da time? Issues mebbe? Here’s a nice comfy couch.
Can’t fool me.
It’s Engineers all the way down.
There once was some Chowder from Whales
Who took poems and on “meter” impales
My instant-wrote verse
For being too terse
Or running too long in the last line – what dontcha know how to count – FAIL.
Vat is it wiz de muzzer all da time?
History time. This actually started out as a tribute to Debbie Stabenow but when I found how much I enjoy doing your mom I couldn’t stop. It’s because I’m lazy and there ain’t much that is easier than your mom.
Rather than a name, be bold, and give him a number. I suggest a nice round number, like “Four”, perhaps. Then, as a middle name, something to show that he aspires to greater things. a name like “Higher”, maybe. Then, when his name is listed officially,, last, first, middle…
I got nothing
*slinks back under mossy rock*
My brilliant plot to re-ignite the Engineer-Architect War has succeeded!
*villainous chortle and mustache twirl*
Okay, I’m done hogging the thread.
I got nothing
No! Hows about a first name of First? Then when he’s in a waiting crowd and they call out “Who’s first?’ he’ll be all set.
(looks for another mossy rock)
Some people name their children after cities, Madison is a very popular name. In the same vein I offer:
Or natural formations:
Lake Titicaca
Firstly, I’m an engineer.
We could tell by the hat and overalls.
DAMMIT! Last time I linger at lunch…
I pretended mine was a tax.
I’m going to pretend mine is a gay abortion.*
* Possibly useful info for the PayPal-challenged. Contains no trans-fats.
Did I hear this correctly, that Bill O’Reilly is going to interview Obama on Super Bowl night?
Did I hear this correctly, that Bill O’Reilly is going to interview Obama on Super Bowl night?
I heard that too. Wonder if he’ll mention “the tide comes in, tide goes out.”
Ooh, is the tide horny?
Didn’t he invent the Mayan Pocket Fisherman?
Ooh, is the tide horny?
The tide is high.
But I’m holding on.
This made me larf:
“We don’t have Nazi groups either,” rationalizes board chair Alice Anne LeMay.
Except, you know, the school board, LeMay added…
“We don’t have Nazi groups either,” rationalizes board chair Alice Anne LeMay.
I had no idea that killing Jews was part of the Gay Agenda! You learn something new every day.
I had no idea that killing Jews was part of the Gay Agenda!
Only with kindness.
And tasteful megilahs
I hate this fucking state.
Halton region is a bit west of LEAFS SUCK. It’s the snooty upper crust suburb area with the monstrously huge houses that each have three luxury SUVs in the drive. Despite the fact that the majority of people living in Halton region work in the financial district of what is arguably the most multi-cultural city in the world, Halton is about 80% white – half Catholics and half Protestants.
Incidentally the Jewish population of Halton region is about half a percent.
T&U, have another.
“Says Rep. John Cauthorn (R-Mexico): ‘The average guy on the street hates Spanish, and it is everywhere. To the average guy, that is important. We are almost to the point of losing our identity as a nation.'”
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amusing that this guy is from Mexico, Missouri?
If I’m still here when shit hits the fan and all the red states secede, you guys will come get me, right? Right???
So T&U, are you for or agin the income tax->sales tax change?
Because as a resident of a no-income-tax-having state, I can tell you it’s regressive as hell to have a sales tax, for all the reasons cited in the linked article.
If I’m still here when shit hits the fan and all the red states secede, you guys will come get me, right? Right???
So T&U, are you for or agin the income tax->sales tax change?
Completely, utterly against.
In fact, if I were in charge, I would abolish all sales taxes except on luxury goods. But I’m not, and this is why America sucks.
🙁 But I make really good hummus!
If I’m still here when shit hits the fan and all the red states secede, you guys will come get me, right? Right???
I’ll be happy to climb on my high horse and…pontificate about how they all deserved it.
Naw, I’d rescue you and Mr. Unreliable. Thing is, y’all’d be just a couple of drops in a river of refugees.
Because as a resident of a no-income-tax-having state, I can tell you it’s regressive as hell to have a sales tax, for all the reasons cited in the linked article.
As a resident of a no-sales-tax-having-state I can tell you STOP JAMMING UP THE INTERSTATE BRIDGE AND HAYDEN ISLAND you cheap fuckers.
Naw, I’d rescue you and Mr. Unreliable. Thing is, y’all’d be just a couple of drops in a river of refugees.
Well, ahem, Mr. Unreliable wouldn’t need rescuing. He’s in a bike-friendly liberal place with no sales tax. And excellent food carts *glares at Peej*
Thank you, though. I’m only 3/4 kidding.
If it weren’t for the cheap shopping, North Portland would be about the size of Coupeville.
Well, ahem, Mr. Unreliable wouldn’t need rescuing.
Uh oh. I hope this just means you’re just waiting until circumstances change to reunite the Unreliable clan.
I’m two just.
Oh, so you’ll be able to emigrate: no Red State would keep a woman from her man because GAWD. You won’t be able to take your shoes, though, and you’ll have to promise to get knocked up as soon as possible.
North Portland
Need to correct you on that – NoPo is the part of Portland up PIR way. That other place is known locally as Vantucky or, more kindly, “The Couv” (pronounced “coov”).
You should come to PIR for a track day.
Uh oh. I hope this just means you’re just waiting until circumstances change to reunite the Unreliable clan.
Not so much, but thank you. Have I mentioned that last year sucked? Because last year really, really sucked.
Oh, so you’ll be able to emigrate: no Red State would keep a woman from her man because GAWD. You won’t be able to take your shoes, though, and you’ll have to promise to get knocked up as soon as possible.
I keep a Tweety Bird sweatshirt on hand just for such an occasion.
On topically, Roy posted a very moving thank you for all the donations.
“But I talked to Jay, and it appears a lot of people have contributed. A lot. And the take is meaningful — enough that I’m not really hearing the hellhounds anymore, and should be able to get to a clean, well-lighted place soon.”
Aw, T&U, sorry things didn’t work out. Here’s hoping this year is fabulous, and I’ll totally be on the extraction team if/when it comes to that.
Aw, T&U, sorry things didn’t work out. Here’s hoping this year is fabulous, and I’ll totally be on the extraction team if/when it comes to that.
Thanks. 🙂
I’ll totally be on the extraction team if/when it comes to that.
And I’ll be on the insertion team. If you know what I mean.
And I think you do.
Not so much, but thank you.
Truly sorry to hear this. Here’s hoping 2011 is much better.
On the plus side, I could come get you on the motorsickle and we could make like the Mad Max dudes if it comes to that. You have lots of leather, right?
*glares at Peej*
PupMax, you better not have stolen away Mr. Unreliable.
Late to the topic, but for vs’s son I recommend the fine manly names sported by one consolidated rural school district in northern Iowa, making him
Rockwell Swaledale Vacuumslayer
I think it has a certain ring …
board chair Alice Anne LeMay.
((Re: conversation beginning 20:56)) My guess is that Alice is the granddaughter of crazed General Curtis LeMay.
I’m only 3/4 kidding.
T&U: Better than being 3/5 kidding. Also…
I’ll totally be on the extraction team if/when it comes to that.
And I’ll be on the insertion team. If you know what I mean.
Here’s another volunteer!. I once planned an insertion/extraction for a JSOC command execise. This one will feature covert engineers, commando architects, zombie writers, elite artists, education specialists, expert photographers, and the veteran MOMS Battalion. We’ll get you off.
((Can’t be closely engaged with S,N! today. Still lots of stuff to do. The thread has been a lot of fun to read! Have fun.))
Wonderful about Roy. Generosity rools!
I hate this state.
Kit Bond drools! At least MO went for McCain. Silver lining: We won’t have to listen to anymore bullshit about Missouri has voted for winning Presidential candidate since the 13th century.
Insert ‘how’ and ‘the’ at appropriate places.
Spengler and other writers: Patton Oswald’s interview on Stewart has a deft take on the publishing industry. I larfed muchly.
This one will feature covert engineers, commando architects, zombie writers, elite artists, education specialists, expert photographers, and the veteran MOMS Battalion. We’ll get you off.
She only needs one actor, son. Let the professional handle this.
I had nothing to with it! He’s just here for the meat.
If I’m still here when shit hits the fan and all the red states secede, you guys will come get me, right? Right???
We’re not gonna get you, we’re gonna arm you!
“Here comes the leader of the resistance, with her foot-cart of DOOM!”