Yippee! American Thinkeress Robin Is The New Grande Blogress

ABOVE: A speculative rendering of Robin of Berkeley based on a forensic analysis
of her blog posts.

Congratulations, Sadlynauts! You have successfully hijacked this year’s Tall Venti Grande Conservative Blogress Costco Diva* competition run each year by America’s Dumbest Homosexual™ The concerted voting effort by our gay abortionist commie commenters left Robin with 1,718 votes, trouncing Clarice Feldman who came in second with a mere 913 votes.

The best part of all this is not that Robin won because we all went and voted for the batshit craziest of the lot (and it takes mucho grande blogress mojo to be more batshit crazy than Michelle Malkin and the Blogger Who Dresses Up Like A Nun And Says A Thousand Rosaries For Healthcare Reform Repeal). The best part is that America’s Dumbest Homosexual™ has conferred his little dime-store tiara on a homophobic nutcase.

For example, Robin calls Berkeley “Lesbian Central” and railed against gay marriage because it will cause society to descend into “anarchy and mob rule” She also ranted about an art exhibit with a “homosexual vibe.”

But the absolute bestest of all, is Robin’s now classic post where an alleged leering glance from an alleged lesbian at Curves drove Robin into a full-on case of gay panic

I was changing in the locker room when one of the women in the class, Judy, stared at me lasciviously. I automatically turned away and got the heck out of there. My reaction was instinctual; I didn’t have to think about it.

I felt unnerved, repelled. Guys had looked at me that way. And if I liked them, then I relished the attention. But a girl eyeing at me that way? That made me very uncomfortable.

Robin doesn’t just have issues, she has a lifetime fucking subscription.

Anyway, lest our efforts go unrecognized, I will be sending a congratulatory email to Robin, with a copy to America’s Dumbest Homosexual™ Somebody might want to drop a link in the comments section over at The Gay Patriot Quisling. Naturally, I’ve been banned.

*My most profound apologies for this atrocious Bellini pun.


Comments: 211


“Grande” don’t sound ‘merkin.


homosexual vibe

I didn’t know they made dildos just for homos.


dropped a link in, but don’t know how long it will last….


Oh I’m so proud to have voted and propelled her to a so deserved victory.


What churlishness by Clarice to say that “chads were hanging”. She does not deserve to be Grande Latte Fudge Supreme like Our Robyn does.


Well, we did after all steal the title from Clarice.


“chads were hanging”

Less than twelve hours after balls were dropping.




You may remember me from such films as “Pepperoni for Two” and “Mr Fixit’s Faucet”


Yo Robin, I’m really happy for you, I’ma let you finish, but Clarice is the dimwittedest, dumbfuck blogress of all time!


“My reaction was instinctual; I didn’t have to think about it.”

I’m sure that Robin doesn’t have to think about a lot of things.


I voted early and often.

Never have I felt so proud.

the ugly hunchback reflecting a more mature patina

When the red, red Robin comes bob, bob, bobbin along……


Yay! happy New Thread ev’ybuddy! I’ll have you know I almost made it to the magic midnight hour last night. I sat and watched a movie with Mrs. Pike and the little Pikesters (Prince of Persia–meh, could have been worse) and settled into blogdom to wait for midnight, but found myself nodding into the keyboard, so I shuffled off to the old fart-sack at about 11:30.

Pupienus Maximus

Yayz! Mission accomplished.


And Actor, the little dickens, went over there and let them know (see last comment over there).




Robin’s explanation to Michael Savage of why she did a 180 from liberal to conservative was basically a case of pure PUMA, one of the few who actually fit that mythical profile.

It was the details that made it art though: She said that she was a staunch Berkeley liberal who was so furious at “the things people said about Hillary” during the 2008 nomination battle that she turned against all Democrats once Obama won the nomination. And took up the views of those like Savage and Limbaugh who have said far worse things about Hillary, and of course now sharing their views, Robin must hate Hillary also.

If that isn’t worth the crown for most insane wingnut diva, I don’t know what is. Well deserved recognition, bravo Robin.

Pupienus Maximus

Dan is apparently deleting or comments.

“Cmon Dan, let the people know about the hijacking. They’ll find out sooner or later so you may as well get your indignation on now. You can play the victim card – you’ve got that one down pretty well. ”

Betcha it ain’t there in five, four, …


I didn’t know they made dildos just for homos.

No, wait…


On the topic of annoying writers, a review.


It’s not that astonishing, Daniel Useful Dumbfuck just loves homophobes. They’re his favourite people ever.


Naturally, I’ve been banned.

It’s because you’re gay.

Captain Industry

In recognition of this great honor, I* shall gift Robin with a boxed set of Buck Angel‘s best movies, which will no doubt leave bedridden, her heart full of new, profound emotions.

*As an official Vagina-Owning Man


The people have spokened!

I’m certainly proud to have been a part of this great electoral effort, but I’m even more delighted to see Blatt’s obvious enthusiasm for the new ogress we chose for him…

I had never previously been aware of this year’s winner… I don’t always agree with (Robin’s) conclusions, but do appreciate the thought she puts into her posts — at least those I’ve had the good fortune to read.


I, too, dropped a link in. We’ll see how long my “Mission Accomplished” comment (#9, at this moment) stands.


Three cheers for the conservative-in-a-closet!


I did my part to lift Robin up to wonderfulness, a whole buncha times. Where’s my money?

Pupienus Maximus

You have to send the bill to George Soros.



She will be joined in her court by that colleague Clarice as well as neo-neocon who will serve as Conservative Blogress Divas Regent for the coming year. This award known as the Agnes or Endora in honor of staunch Republican Agnes Moorehead.



The fact is, specialist prison guards in body armour are brought in to quell a riot by inmates at an open jail in West Sussex.

Pupienus Maximus

Curiously my comment is still up. Dan likes me (ugh) – mebbee I’ll try posting the link see if it survives.

Dan? We know you read Sadly, No! whenever your the topic. What have you to say?

Pupienus Maximus

btw – all errors of spelling, grammar and fact in my comments are due to the iPad.


“‘Grande’ don’t sound ‘merkin.”
Well, if you can’t get a big enough merkin for Robin, maybe you can sew two of them together.


The best part is that America’s Dumbest Homosexual™ has conferred his little dime-store tiara on a homophobic nutcase.

Well, technically, weren’t all the potential winners actually homophobic nutcases?


Freeping wingnuts for shits & giggles? Great poetic justice.

Robin Of Veryuncomfortabley is a WINRAR! Don’t hate the hater, hate the hate, sheeple!

Pupienus Maximus

Fucking east coast bowl games. I have the makings for queso con chili but shit, I rarely eat anything until mid-afternoon at least. And even I have hesitations about opening a beer at ten antimatter.


Oboy! Finally I vote for somebody who ends up winning!

In other news…


Pupienus Maximus

Interception! Suck on that Cool Coach!


I had never previously been aware of this year’s winner… I don’t always agree with (Robin’s) conclusions, but do appreciate the thought she puts into her posts — at least those I’ve had the good fortune to read.

So what’s he do when he realizes that um, outsiders, stuffed the ballot box* and rammed the results down his throat? Does he take the tiara out Robin The Murky’s cold, chapped hands?



Interception! Suck on that Cool Coach!

Hoody-poo, servin’ up a spread of Badoodle-boo-yeah, &c.


This is priceless:

“Not all such women toe the liberal lien.”

He is making of the good Englishes.


“camel toe the liberal lien?” Maybe that’s what he meant.


“women toe the liberal lien.”

Ewww! Bestiality!


Bravely bold Sir Robin
Rode forth from Berkeley.
She was not afraid of fags
Oh, brave Sir Robn!
She was not at all afraid
To change clothes in a room at Curves,
Brave, brave, brave, breave Sir Robin.

She was not in the least bit scared
To be ogled like when men do,
Like in those Avery cartoons with eyes jumping out
And their elbows flapping
And if she liked them
She relished the attention
So why would it be different in the change room at the gym?
Brave Sir Robin.

But when Judy
Gave her a glance
That she took to mean
Something sexuatalstic
About nostril rape
And bottoms burning off
And her PENIS split and…

Brave Sir Robin ran away
Bravely ran away away
When someone who might be gay
Looked at her, she bravely fled
Yes Brave Sir Robin won’t be turned
By Judy who so clearly yearned
Bravely taking to her feet
She beat a very brave retreat
Bravest of the BRAVE, Sir Robin.


Blatt, Dan and Robin?”

I always feel like I shouldn’t encourage punny jokes…but I can’t help it…I giggled.


It would seem that the evil secular humanist legions are triumphant everywhere. TBogg also took the Moore Prize over at Sully’s dump.


“Not all such women toe the liberal lien.”

Some women prefer the liberal discount.


I’m sure that Robin doesn’t have to think about a lot of things.

I am quite certain that Robin is incapable of actually thinking about much of anything.


“It would seem that the evil secular humanist legions are triumphant everywhere. TBogg also took the Moore Prize over at Sully’s dump.”

Yes, yes, YES!! All my evil plans coming to fruition! All the funding from Soros paying off! MUWAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!! *tents fingers evilly*


she turned against all Democrats once Obama won the nomination

Which, of course, had absolutely nothing to do with his race.


PupMax, it’s 5:00 somewhere. Crack that beer!


It would seem that the evil secular humanist legions are triumphant everywhere.

*pets big fluffy dozy white cat in lap*
*adjusts monocle*

Who, me?


Jim, don’t try to take my gig. You don’t have the eyebrows for. OR my awesome cape with the huge, upturned pointy collar. I am the best evil liberal queen EVAR.


For IT.


Pupienus Maximus

“Whale Chowder said,
January 1, 2011 at 20:24”

Ow! My arm! My arm!




Comment by jim — January 1, 2011 @ 2:12 pm – January 1, 2011

~~~ brb, scouring off Blatt-cooties ~~~


“Whale Chowder said,
January 1, 2011 at 20:24?


20:24 is after five. Get cracking.


re. Muslim Batman de Paris:

As if these same wingnut motherfuckers wouldn’t be upset if that local Batman (is there a franchise fee?) was a white, French, nationalist patriotic Frenchman, who expressed his nationalism not in racism, but in thinking his country was the bestest in the world (how DARE they!) and then, horror of horrors, saying snide, cynical, or realistic, non-idealistic things about US policy in the Arab world. Yeah, a regular ol’ French Batman would make them yell ARLGE BARGLE! FAGGITY FAG LOSERS OF WARS!

We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France,
we shall fight on the seas and oceans,
we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,
we shall fight on the beaches,
we shall fight on the landing grounds,
we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
we shall fight in the hills,
but mostly, we’ll just quibble about comic books being PC.


Well have a fuckin’ drink. What are ya waitin’ for?

Pupienus Maximus


Not any more. Can’t seem to find any rhyme or reason to the ones he deletes. Just like everything else at GayPutzRiot.


a review

Hoo boy, that’s choice all right. Any volunteers to read the “fiskings” by those first two commentators and report back? I am too delicate for such work. Maybe if sufficiently informed reassured I might be able to steal a single mango.

This is why I need to get fit & strong. It’s gonna be a rough decade for the politically delicate.


but mostly, we’ll just quibble about comic books being PC.

See Superman taking on the KKK and being an allegory for immigration to America. Written by a couple of j00z, too.

Don’t get me started on Captain America…

Pupienus Maximus

Shell, I started to read the guy who claimed he fisked it. Shorter: “he obviously doesn’t understand it at all.”. I didn’t bother going further.


Her acceptance speech:

“Hey, guys, thanks a million for this terrific honor!

“You like me, you really like me!”

Sorry, I couldn’t help channeling Sally Fields.

Well, it’s been a wild ride for the last two years, from Berkeley progressive/psychotherapist/sheeple to Grande Conservative Blogress Diva. If anyone had told me two years ago that I would be nominated, much less win, a conservative writing contest, I would have told them to lay off the medical marijuana. But what a long, strange, and blessed trip it’s been.

Thanks so much for honoring me, especially among such gifted writers. You certainly have made my day, even my New Year!

much love, Robin”

Giggled, I did.


“You like me, you really like me!”

Clueless, she is.

The Tragically Flip

Brave Sir Robin ran away
Bravely ran away away
When someone who might be gay
Looked at her, she bravely fled
Yes Brave Sir Robin won’t be turned
By Judy who so clearly yearned
Bravely taking to her feet
She beat a very brave retreat
Bravest of the BRAVE, Sir Robin.

Well done DKW, as another person who can recite this song from memory, this was better than I could have done.

The Tragically Flip

The Ayn Rand review N__B posts is a gooder:

Listening to her impatience at other ideologies reminds me of a five year-old considering the world’s problems. Can’t get the Chilean miners out? “Why not just build a robot?” she’d say, handing over a sketch; herself pictured overseeing the operation from a unicorn. When kids do it, it’s cute (theoretically), but seeing a brusque Russian author do it — not so much.


Clueless, she is.

Yep. Blatt has to know by now that his contest got hijacked by a horde of IslamoMarxistPervoManiacs, but I don’t think Robin has figured it out yet. Comedy ensues.


“Why not just build a robot?”

This is my question is response to all the world’s problems. I am not 5. Is this not cute?


I am the best evil liberal queen EVAR.

Well Gay Pat-rot obviously has best evil conservative queen locked up.


Is this not cute?

Well it’s cute when you do it but you’re not filled with hate.


See Superman taking on the KKK and being an allegory for immigration to America. Written by a couple of j00z, too.

Don’t get me started on Captain America…

Who I believe was also created by a couple of Jews…

Heck, the comic book was basically invented by liberal NYC Jews.


There is also the fawning over the robot drawing from the likes of Alan Greenspan,which is a tad unnerving.


Well Gay Pat-rot obviously has best evil conservative queen locked up.

I was gonna make a joke about Pup, but then thought that might be obnoxiously presumptuous. For all I know he’s the butchest dude here.

Well it’s cute when you do it but you’re not filled with hate.

Awww. Good answer…but I am filled with seething hatred…FOR THE MAN!!!

And raisins.


Now taking over/under on how long this one lasts:

I thank you for your service to the blogosphere. How else would the gay conservative community know where to find the writers who loathe them the most?

Comment by Cetacean Soup — January 1, 2011 @ 4:05 pm – January 1, 2011


Dan is still deleting your attempts to inform the GayPaidRat’s readers of THE TRUTH! Oddly enough he’s left mine alone. I think he really does like me, and it makes me very uneasy.


VS is full of raisins?


but I am filled with seething hatred…FOR THE MAN!!!

And raisins.

Ah. Your raisin d’etre.

Very good.

Enraged Bull Limpet


Did this have to be the first goddam thing I read in 2012, printed in the motherfucking Oregonian:

Analysts are handicapping whether Obama will use his State of the Union address, likely to take place in late January, to move his administration to the center, something that many political operatives say he must do if he hopes to be re-elected.

Written by one David Goldstein of the McClatchey Tribune. And it only gets worse from there! Naturally, the article’s illustrated with a photo of that idiotress from Alaska signing copies of her latest “book.”

I don’t know if I can take another year of this shit.


Ah. Your raisin d’etre.

Very good.

Ya know, I’m groaning and begrudgingly applauding this simultaneously.


Yes, i am awfully butch The Ho used to say I’m not even gay, but a straight man trapped – TRAPPED – in a gay man’s body.

For clarification, are you full of hate for raisins or full of raisins? The distinction is important.


I think he really does like me, and it makes me very uneasy.

I think nauseous is how that would make me feel.


Analysts are handicapping whether Obama will use his State of the Union address, likely to take place in late January, to move his administration to the center, something that many political operatives say he must do if he hopes to be re-elected.

It’d be nice to see him move leftwards (towards the center) from the right-wing suckass position that he’s been occupying. He could start by promising not to cut Social Security.


Gay Patriot is the Norman Bates of self-hating homosexuals and Robin of Berkeley is his mother.


For all I know he’s the butchest dude here.

Except for me, yes. I’ve seen pix of his motorcycle.

Enraged Bull Limpet

“2012?” Oops. But it probably doesn’t matter– that’ll be more-or-less the first thing I read a year from now, too.


My stance on raisins is well-documented. I’m agin ’em.


“Except for me, yes. I’ve seen pix of his motorcycle.”

So…does every dude here have a motorcycle or what?


Hey, remember that brouha over the GEICO voice-over guy they shit canned for his (somewhat amusing) anti teabagger comments?

Yeah, how ’bout R. Lee Ermey calling for insurrection:


I am amused by the idea that Ethel Merman, an Eisenhower Republican, would have anything to do with the Batshit Loony Ogresses in that list.

Enraged Bull Limpet

Is anyone with at least a vaguely feminine composition who lives in, say, Tierra del Fuego or Tasmania reading this? I think frequent-flyer miles will cover the trip, so let’s tie the knot– pretty please.


So…does every dude here have a motorcycle or what?

Not I. I only travel by either jetpack or helicopter.


Oh wait. I also like to take rides on your mom.


“Not I. I only travel by either jetpack or helicopter.”

Still more proof that you are probably a superhero.


“Oh wait. I also like to take rides on your mom.”

*playful hit*


Driving is not an option for someone as easily distracted as LOOK SOMETHING SHINY


You’d think with a name like Smut, one would have to use feminine wiles to distract. Handy to know that all you’d need is a set of keys.


Oh wait. I also like to take rides on your mom.

Just as long as it is not my mom.



Not a good day for the Big 10/11/12. Good thing I have lots of beer on hand.



(Christine O’Donnell attempting to count to two.)


1 1 11

I shall call it “F Day”


I do not have a motorcycle, but then again I am far from butch.

And whereas I’m not sure the center is significantly left of the president, it for damn sure is not to his right. I wonder what “move to the center” is supposed to mean? Privatize social security, abolish upper bracket taxes and nuke Iran? What does that leave for the right? Nuke Canada?


Nuke Iran like you want to, you commie bastad!


I’m not sure the center is significantly left of the president, it for damn sure is not to his right. I wonder what “move to the center” is supposed to mean?

The polling data on actual policies indicates that the “center” (here defined as the place where most American voters are) is well to his left and has been for the past 30 years.


The polling data on actual policies indicates that the “center” (here defined as the place where most American voters are) is well to his left and has been for the past 30 years.

Yes, but those are not Real Americans. To poll the opinions of Real America, you need to restrict your sample to Branson, Missouri and Philadelphia, Mississippi.


Yes, but those are not Real Americans.

True. Real Americans only represent 25-35% of the American electorate, since the other 65-75% are to the left of Obama on most policy issues.


Limpet, I’m in SAfrica, other end of Africa from you. Interested? You should know I’m old and I can’t cook. Also, do you have any money?

Pupienus Maximus

Yep, he’s deleting anything that tells THE TRUTH. I suggested that it will only make him look more ridiculous when it all comes out but hey, watchagunnado?

It is now imperative to spread the news as widely as possible.


I’ve seen pix of his motorcycle

Aww I missed it. Dang.

vs: Not a dude but have a motorcycle. It happens.

Pup: Thanks, that sounds safely dull and if I get bored I’ll go read it.

High of 50 tomorrow–if I hadn’t made a valiant effort to cut off a finger with the 10″ chef’s knife I’d take a ride.


Curves? So she’s fat and stupid. That’s no way to go through life.


That’s a knife of the “chef” designation having a blade 10 inches in length, not a knife belonging to a 10″ chef. In case youse were wondering, or turning over a witty remark, or something.


High of 50 tomorrow

Right, just rub it in. High here today was 5. I hear we are supposed to get into the double digits tomorrow.


I’m still searching for the perfect motorized unicycle.


Point of order. Dan Blatt is no longer America’s Dumbest Homosexual. That title now belongs to Chris “Conservatives Do To Love Us” Barron.


“I’m still searching for the perfect motorized unicycle”

(un)interestingly I’m still searching for the perfect stock photo of an isolated unicycle. No kidding.


“January 2, 2011 at 1:44

Point of order. Dan Blatt is no longer America’s Dumbest Homosexual. That title now belongs to Chris “Conservatives Do To Love Us” Barron.”

Thunderdome will settle this.

Pupienus Maximus

“I’m still searching for the perfect motorized unicycle”

Your search is nearly over.


My comment on GayP’s site was airbrushed out too. They evidently cannot abide a comment that links to SadlyNo.

Thanks to Tintin for picking Robin.

The results page for the poll says it’s “for entertainment only”– so true in this case.


“I’m still searching for the perfect motorized unicycle”

Your search is nearly over.

In my imagination, it was somehow more butch.


Hey, just don’t wave that ten inch chef’s knife around the ten-inch pianist.


“In my imagination, it was somehow more butch.”

It’s still more butch than a Segway.


It’s still more butch than a Segway.

A vagina is more butch than a Segway.


A roll on the floor is also more butch than a Segway.


And a roll in the hay.

Pupienus Maximus

A roll in the flour is a butch way of finding a vagina.

Pupienus Maximus

Or so I have been told.


You only gotta use that method with actor’s mom.

Pupienus Maximus

“In my imagination, it was somehow more butch.”

Shirley PEP Boys will have all the trick aftermarket goodies to butch them up. Flame decals, leather fringe, and some chrome will do wonders.

Pupienus Maximus

Made a big difference in the Ho, anyway.


Flame decals, leather fringe, and some chrome will do wonders.

They haven’t been able to help Lindsey Graham.

Pupienus Maximus

Aaaaand the new champeen thread killa is ME ME ME ME ME.

Pupienus Maximus

FY N__B. Fuck you with a Segway.


Right, just rub it in.

I put in my time in the cold regions. Hell, where I’m from, Canada was to the SOUTH.


Flame decals, leather fringe, and some chrome will do wonders.

On a Segway?


Flame decals, leather fringe, and some chrome will do wonders.

You start chroming body parts, that IS butch. I am in awe.


Wait, why? Segways are for riding off cliffs. Did you want to kill the thread, and you are mad because it ain’t dead yet?

I am also wondering why tornadoes are so fucking mean. Who thought up tornadoes? I get earthquakes – once you accept the idea that there are big tectonic plates, you kinda have to. And hurricanes, because you can see all the ingredients. But a tornado seems so damn arbitrary and random. Yes, I know there are weather systems, and that some can be expected to produce tornado-happy conditions. But tornadoes are just too freaky. They are freakier than Segways or peanut butter and jelly in the same jar, and I have always suspected that tornadoes are not like other natural phenomena. I think they are sentient. I think they are evidence of a tear in dimensional boundaries. Like in some other dimension it’s tornadoes all day, every day, blah blah blah. Then something weird happens and some of them make a break for it. I say let’s call the whole thing off.


I am hungry. I will go away now. I must chop the chrome off of my neighbor’s car and grind it up to make my bread.


I say let’s call the whole thing off.

Done and done!

Then something weird happens and some of them make a break for it.

I Am Told that tornadoes arrive in Earth Prime in warm waters and immediately drive north toward the pole. But none of them ever make it. Kind of sad, really.


Crap, brain freeze. Hurricanes, I mean. WTF happened to the synapses there?


The fact is, you liberals have changed nothing, just like in the last election where Obama was horsewhipped and hosebeathen. Robin of Berkley tells the TRUTH, witch you Liberals are a fraid of. Also, fags do suck cock.




Also, fags do suck cock.

You say that with such conviction that I can only assume that you know this from personal experience.


(Tornadoes) are freakier than Segways or peanut butter and jelly in the same jar

A jar that contained tornadoes, Segways, peanut butter, and jelly would indeed be royally fucking freaky. And messy.



Sasquatch Isreal!




Also, fags do suck cock.



The fact is, parasitic moochers are taking all of my money for the goverment and giving it to lazy black marxists who are musilm and also gay. No more taxes and no more rewarding the unfit. We should sterlizle, purge deport and reprocess as bulk protein all the useless eaters who are not really USA.

Pupienus Maximus

“Also, fags do suck cock.”

What, you looking for pointers or what?

See what I did there?

Pupienus Maximus

Oh look, Shutter Island is on instant Netflix. Five minutes in and I wonder if I should keep watching. Any tips, comments, pointers?*

*There i go again.


Well, it’s one of those big mindfuck movies. So it’ll depend whether you appreciated the fucking or not. I did not.


Oh look, Shutter Island is on instant Netflix. Five minutes in and I wonder if I should keep watching. Any tips, comments, pointers?*

I enjoyed it, but I’m a sucker for gothic horror. (That’s why I revisit D-KW’s mother.)


I enjoyed it, but I’m a sucker for gothic horror. (That’s why I revisit D-KW’s mother.)

Unlike your mom who is a sucker of gothic horrors.


No more taxes and no more rewarding the unfit. We should sterlizle, purge deport and reprocess as bulk protein all the useless eaters who are not really USA.

Sorry, Gary – we tried our best in the 1940s but it was futile.
Sadly, sterlizlation will never catch on – just ask my old boss.


(That’s why I revisit D-KW’s mother.)

Highway YOUR MOM Revisited?

Snidely Whiplash

Victory. Our work here is done. Nothing can stop us: Let’s saddle up and roar into a dusty sunset, riding behind Sharia Law toward dystopian Oklahoma….

“[Insert name here] doesn’t just have issues, she has a lifetime fucking subscription.”

A jewel. I’m going to steal it! *villainous cackle & mustache twirl*

I had a lot of fun throughout the Grande Blogess epic: Thanks to Tintin; thanks to all the ‘Nauts.


Funneh thing on the intoornax – teh Google doodle for today? A squatter has already staked a claim on gmmxle.com


Highway YOUR MOM Revisited?

The Courtship of YOUR MOM.


Unlike your mom who is a sucker of gothic horrors.

Dear me, that’s an awful way to describe your PENIS.


Did you just accuse me of having what Bill Clinton does not describe as sexual relations with N__B’s mom?


The Picture of Dorian Gray Doin’ UR MOM.

Snidely Whiplash

Gay Patriot Comments excerpt. (#15 & #16) Dan-o was replying to a comment by PeeJ [SadlyNaut?]

Cmon Dan, let the people know about the hijacking.

What? Liberals engaged in deceit and voter fraud? Who knew? SSDD.


Comment by ThatGayConservative — January 1, 2011 @ 7:07 pm – January 1, 2011

Robin of Berkeley truly deserves this award! That’s why we all voted for her. Unanimously. Every day. We had a terrific time and a lot of fun. Dan: Please make this an annual event!

Comment by Snidely Whiplash — January 1, 2011 @ 10:43 pm – January 1, 2011

Snidely Whiplash

My apologies for being on-topic.


Curl your mustache, Snidely. You’ve earned it.


Another soon-to-be-deleted post over at gay self-hater’s place (snidely, yours is already gone):

Gee, Dan, if you actually kept ALL of the comments rather than just the ones that agree with your worldview, you’d have over twice as many comments here. In fact, it would probably significantly up your monthly comment rate.

Sadly, your apparent policy is: speech that doesn’t polish your taint must be destroyed, eh?

Comment by Cetacean Soup — January 1, 2011 @ 11:11 pm – January 1, 2011


The Picture of Dorian Gray Doin’ UR MOM.

I wondered why her pussy kept getting younger.

Snidely Whiplash

If you haven’t seen it, the Dragon-King slays at 20:16! I mean, just sing it. It’s absolutely perfect. I’m announcing today’s winner. So sue me.

Snidely Whiplash

You need to have the tambourine and the flutes and mandolins in your head, of course.


You need to have the tambourine and the flutes and mandolins in your head, of course.

I refuse unless you send the musicians over to my house.


You’ll get nothing and like it!


It’s so awesome to have accomplished something worthwhile this early in the year. Happy new year, Sadly hookers!


Looks like someone is owed a martini:

Robin of Berkeley truly deserves this award! That’s why we all voted for her. Unanimously. Every day. We had a terrific time and a lot of fun. Dan: Please make this an annual event!

THIS is trolling we can believe in, my friends!


YOUR MOM Of Two Cities.


UR MOM of the Baskervilles


I’m playing the banjolele to DK’s rendition of the deathless lyrics. Not quite medieval (or mediæval, for you eurofags), but it’s got a nice primitive sound.

Fuckin ligatures, how do they work?


A roll on the floor is also more butch than a Segway.

Cops in the French Quarter ride Segways. It completely fails to intimidate. I wonder if the guys on the big goddamn horses make fun of the Segway cops. I bet they do.

Snidely Whiplash

If I get banned from Gay Patriot comments, do I get a badge or medal of some kind? I’m thinking of laying down some Harassing & Interdiction fire at GP–short, crafted, wicked posts. I’ll fire one shell every day until I’m banned. The guns open up on Sunday.

We could have a Betting Pool! How long will Dan-o endure this?

And If there isn’t a medal, there oughta be one. So I’ll just invent it:

The Quel Frommage — Awarded to any SadlyNaut banned from any site. Ribbon: Teh Gay Rainbow.

I’m stumped for the medal’s Device and Inscription. Any ideas?

Also, any ‘Naut who has already earned the Quel Frommage should claim it! (Adding a heroic, grandiose, and immodest citation that includes a hyperbolic description of the action is highly encouraged.)

Snidely Whiplash

How about the Hammer-and-Sickle as the Device? Or maybe the Islamic Crescent? I am very ripped.


I nominate Judith Miller for 2012 Blogress of the Year

Snidely Whiplash

No Inscription: Hammer-and-Sickle and Islamic Crescent are obverse devices. Multiple awards of the QF are distinguished by additional Marijuana Leaf clusters to the ribbon. Together with the Gay Rainbow ribbon, the Quel Frommage symbolizes our Evil Threat.

Okay, I’m going to play with some other stuff now. Have fun.


Cops in the French Quarter ride Segways. It completely fails to intimidate.
Actual footage.

Snidely Whiplash

Jim: Thanx for the martini!
Looch: Thanks. But I’m going to keep the mustache for now: The closer for my GP H&I fire will always be *villainous cackle & mustache twirl*


Quel Frommage

German for “Well of Piety”.


Isn’t Ur Mom Gaia?

Gaia than whom?


Re: Shutter Island–meh. Mind-fuck, sure, I guess, but the kind that leaves you full of self-loathing. I like a good plot-twist as much as anyone, but after awhile, your twist it that much, you wring out all the flavor.

Of course, I’m apparently the only one in America who had the same reaction to Inception.


You’ll get nothing and like it!!


Maybe next year we can find out which one is willing to cough up a few bucks for the vote?


owlbear, that’s such a good idea I think I’ll suggest it to Gay Pithecanthropus. Maybe it’ll get me banned and I can get in on some of that QF medal stuff.


OK, my bribery comment is up. We’ll see how long it lasts.

Mrs Tilton, Dextrohomophobe

This probably won’t last long before it is banished, so to speak, to Blatt’s closet, so piccie.

His comments box doesn’t even work properly. The strikethrough tags works in preview, but not for reals.


Not long at all, Mrs. Tilton. Neither did mine. Now to see if I’ve actually been banned.


Robin doesn’t just have issues, she has a lifetime fucking subscription.

I’m so stealing borrowing this.


PeeJ, your comment is still up, and quoted and DENIED!

So I dug it in a little further…

Looch, you didn’t click on the link in my nym over there, did you? I left a big fat ol’ clue hanging out there for the Robinites…


She also ranted about an art exhibit with a “homosexual vibe.”

TinTin, when you emailed Robin and Bruce, did you include a copy of his Reagan portrait? The one with the rainbow tie?


THIS is trolling we can believe in, my friends!

I concur

If I get banned from Gay Patriot comments, do I get a badge or medal of some kind?

You have not, mostly because I think you may have been too subtle for them.

However, you do get….

*polite golf clap*

Nicely played, sir…martini?


Gay Patriot fails: it’s TOW the liberal line” goddfuckingdammitt!!11!1111 not
“TOE the liberal line…” “Lines” get “towed” not “toed.” Could somebody go back over there and tell him this—I’ve been Gay Patriot Cock Blocked.


@Lazaro Are you failing on purpose? I can’t tell.


Actor: Yes, I rolled over and the SN url popped up. I mean, it’s a big clue, but it still needs to be picked up.

Na ga happen.


It’s hold the line.


Lesbians cruise Curves? WTF?


Lazaro is right; Gay Patriot has somehow missed an opportunity to make a mistake that is often committed by right-leaning journalists.*
Eggcorn index on line-towing.

* Example here.


Yes, I rolled over and the SN url popped up.
Always a nice way to wake up.


Gay Patriot fails: it’s TOW the liberal line” goddfuckingdammitt!!11!1111 not
“TOE the liberal line…” “Lines” get “towed” not “toed.” Could somebody go back over there and tell him this—I’ve been Gay Patriot Cock Blocked.

Formally, yes, but the use of “toe the line” is acceptable specifically in track and field which, given his persuasion, might be more applicable.


I’m for “toe the line”: it’s a boundary-crossing metaphor. I haven’t got a clue what “tow the line” might mean.


Ok, late to the thread as usual. (Hence the nym) I just have three things to add…

It’s Draggin’ the Line.

A note to Gary (who is only one “r” away from being Gay): Heterosexuals suck cocks too!

And finally, Hitchhiker’s Guide to UR Mom.


Cross the line?
Snort the line?
The line sleeps tonight?
If I’m line, I’m dyin’.


Actually, it is toe the line (had to check my Funk & Wagnalls). It refers to when sailors used to line up for inspection and their toe had to be touching a particular line between planks on deck.

However, two the line could conceivably mean getting in a line and hauling a rope, like a tug of war.


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