Go Ahead, Dinesh, We’re All Ears

Shorter Dinesh D’Souza, WaPo:
Why Barack Obama is an anti-colonialist

  • Socialism, like macrotia, is a condition inherited from one’s parents.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 284


Lysenkoism. Ironic, huh?


FDR and Winston Churchill presented to the world the Atlantic Charter in 1941 which was specifically anti-colonialist, calling for all parts of the world to be free of external control not chosen by the population and for self-determination of all.

(Now, their actual intent to pursue that declaration’s goals is another thing, but it had the interesting effect of convincing the populations of the colonized areas that they would be getting their independence anyway, and they did, much to the surprise and chagrin of European empires.)

How dare D’nesh D’souza d’fame our g’vment and called for us to lose W’rld W’r II? Why does D’nesh D’souza love the N’zis?

Why does the N’tional R’view p’blish a known N’zi L’ver?


What the fuck is this guy’s hardon for colonialism, anyway? You’d think someone with a name like, um, Dinesh D’Souza might at least have some minor issues with white people coming in and conquering brown people’s lands and oppressing them, but what do I know? Maybe Ghandi was a fag.


Wasn’t this country based upon the idea of rebelling against colonialism? What am I missing here?


You’d think someone with a name like, um, Dinesh D’Souza might at least have some minor issues with white people coming in and conquering brown people’s lands and oppressing them, but what do I know?

As the Brits would say, you have to leave at least one wog looking like he’s in charge. Who better than Dinesh ‘lover of blonde white Nazi sympathizers’ D’Souza?


What the fuck is this guy’s hardon for colonialism, anyway?

‘Cause the President is a you-know-what.

Blinking Emoticon

Can someone mind the tiller while I go find out what colonialism has to do with ears.


What the fuck is this guy’s hardon for colonialism, anyway?

Colonialism keeps tempting him with her come-hither atrocities, her easy spoils, her wayward bigotry, and her throbbing need for conquest.

Of course, I work in an office where the women are an American citizen of African ancestry, an American citizen of Native American ancestry, an American citizen of Irish ancestry, and an Argentinian immigrant. So maybe I shouldn’t be typing colonialism pr0n.


Ironically, the man who was absent for virtually all of Obama’s life is precisely the one shaping his values and actions.

Ironically it rained on Dinesh’s wedding day.

How do I know this? Because Obama tells us himself. His autobiography is titled “Dreams From My Father.” Notice that the title is not “Dreams of My Father.” Obama isn’t writing about his father’s dreams. He is writing about the dreams that he got from his father.

How do I know this? Because Dinesh tells us himself. He was married in 1992 and in 1995 he had a book titled “The End of Racism.” Notice that the title is not “The End of Rain-ism.” Dinesh wasn’t writing about rain stopping in 1995 – from which we must conclude that it was raining in 1992.


What the fuck is this guy’s hardon for colonialism, anyway? You’d think someone with a name like, um, Dinesh D’Souza might at least have some minor issues with white people coming in and conquering brown people’s lands and oppressing them, but what do I know? Maybe Ghandi was a fag.

He’s Christian. Christian minorities tended to have a very privileged position in colonized lands, which is why today, among other things, you can still hear so many Lebanese Maronites pontificating about how things were better under colonialism because at least the savages were being kept at bay.


President Obama also regularly flays the rich….

Yum. Yum. Eat ’em up. Mango glaze.


I can’t quite figure why being anti-colonialist is bad.

Seriously. Anyone? Or is this just an sophisticated and intellectual-sounding way of saying that B. Hussein Osama bin Commie hates white folks?


Wasn’t this country based upon the idea of rebelling against colonialism?

No…it was pretty much based on stealing anything that wasn’t nailed down, killing the natives and then stealing everything that was nailed down.


Yet when the senior Obama’s article is placed side by side with the junior Obama’s policies, it seems evident that the father’s hatred of those on top, and his determination to confiscate their wealth, is largely replicated in the son.

Yet when the weather records for 1995 are placed side by side with Dinesh’s shopping list from December 1998, it seems evident that “turkey – and not the pre-stuffed kind” was on the list, but Dinesh’s determination to ruin Christmas dinner won out – just as the endless rain ruined his matrimonial ceremony.


I can’t tell why anticolonialism enters into the discussion at all, honestly. It’s far from DD’s point. His point seems to be that expecting the rich to pay a higher proportion of the taxes and corporations being forced to pay taxes at all has nothing to do with social equality or poverty.

In other words, he’s full of it, and is looking for any handy brush with which to tar Obama as a socialist.


Also JESUS, what a steaming pile of SHIT.

YES, Obama’s an “anticolonialist,” just like Washington, Franklin and Jefferson, just like Harry S. Truman whom you always claim woulda been one of you if only he hadn’t had two neurons to rub together, just like everyone else who’s ever had to live under the unsolicited rule of an unwanted foreign nation.

If there’s ONE THING you cannot be while claiming to be “patriotic” or “pro-Founding Fathers,” it’s “pro-colonialist.” So you think India was better under the British? FINE; get OUT of my country, get the FUCK back to England, and tell King George the Third’s rotting corpse that we’re still doing just fine WITHOUT his enlightened rule to guide us.


Tintin, does this mean we have to now refer to D’Nesh as Dumbo D’Souza?


BTW, What’s wrong with being anti-colonialist? The world sort of outgrew that whole “benevolent white man” crap at the end of World War II, or else what was India’s independence fight all about?

Blinking Emoticon

There must have been a major glitch in the internets somewhere. Why else would WaPo’s masthead be above a Renew America steamer?


So maybe I shouldn’t be typing colonialism pr0n.

colonialist engineering!!


Why are we re-dissecting something that was already given a complete and satisfying beat-down the first time it was printed in the Wall Street Journal?

I don’t know what’s more pathetic: the fact that D-bag D’Souza gets published at all, or the fact that the WaPo is now apparently the purveyor of sloppy seconds.

Marion in Savannah

Is he photoshopped (well, other than the fetching spectacles) or is his entire face skewed to the right?


What am I missing here?

Selective tunnel-vision.

“Anti-colonialism” is the new “liberal” for teh nuts de la wing, now that liberalism no longer serves as a sufficiently terrifying (& original) OOGABOOGA for their Three Minute Hates.

The fact that most of the Teatards know jack-shit about what it really is (or its history) is no impediment – that sure didn’t stop them from getting on their War-Rascals to mount their majestic “Death To Socialism!” anti-HCR Lipton Jihad of 2009, total failure though it was.

If anti-colonialism falls flat as the new & improved lemony-fresh Great Satan, you can be sure their corporate overlords will come up with a new swear-word to light up their lizard-brains soon enough … hell, come to think of it, that there “egalitarianism” sure sounds like something them gee-dee Nazis would’ve come up with, & there’s no way I’m gonna let that evil Obama bring it to Americkuh, you betcha!


actor – see above. It’s Douchbag D’Souza, or D-bag for short.


BTW, What’s wrong with being anti-colonialist? The world sort of outgrew that whole “benevolent white man” crap at the end of World War II, or else what was India’s independence fight all about?

That was before our new kinder, gentler neo-liberal colonialism.


That was before our new kinder, gentler neo-liberal colonialism.

Oh. You mean where we fought a war because WMDs Al Qaeda clandestine meetings in Prague oil the Iraqi people needed liberatin’?


Sophistry comes so easy to fuckwits like D’Souza who’ve long ago sold their intellectual souls for a few greasy dollars from the wingnut welfare system.

It’s embarrassing, really, to know that the so-called “best and brightest” of the right-wing intelligentsia are such complete buffoons like this turdbrain.

Sure, Diniesh, you can go to high-falootin’ Ivy League schools and get paid handsomely by right-wing think tanks to write and lecture for the cause, but the bottom line is that you’re a vapid, clueless, and downright fucking idiot to be writing such utter piffle like this.


The world sort of outgrew that whole “benevolent white man” crap at the end of World War II,

ties into the “blacks are not grateful enough for all the things we’ve given them” meme that is so popular with all the teabagger kids. “All The World” minus the aggrieved white guys in America.


Wasn’t this country based upon the idea of rebelling against colonialism? What am I missing here?

Manifest Destiny, bitchez!


I can’t tell why anticolonialism enters into the discussion at all, honestly. It’s far from DD’s point

His point was that anticolonialists believe that the rich and powerful nations became that way at the expense of the poor ones (perfectly true – if Britain was so self-sufficient, I doubt if she would have staged that coup in Iran after Mossadegh threatened to take the oil back), which he then ties in to people here who believe the rich owe their wealth to the rest.

It’s just a new take on it. The “Obama = socialist,” “Obama = black nationalist” and “Obama = Satan’s Minion” angles have been done to death, he’s just looking for a new way to say the same thing.



Win. See actor for your martini.

Blinking Emoticon

Also, 100% TAXATION!


I like Dinesh D’dumbo.

One thing in this article that I don’t remember in the other pieces is the bit about how not only did Obama get his anti-colonialism from his father, but that you could prove he was a socialist because his father was a socialist


Shorter D’Souzaphone:


It’s all well and good for us here to get our yucks on this joker, but why the fuck is an argument that’s just the same Obama’s RADICAL ASSOCIATIONS mayo that was skunked two years ago somehow worthy of any consideration by major media outlets? Right-wing dick thinks Obama isn’t subservient enough to white rich people? Gee, how absolutely novel. Any Bill Ayers one-liners, Dinesh?


Sure, Diniesh, you can go to high-falootin’ Ivy League schools and get paid handsomely by right-wing think tanks to write and lecture for the cause, but the bottom line is that you’re a vapid, clueless, and downright fucking idiot to be writing such utter piffle like this.

Beats workin’. Or, in this depression (might as well start saying it), beats NOT working.

The Tragically Flip

Alternate Shorter: Obama never mentioned a paper his father wrote in 1965 so therefore it must be the driving force of his beliefs and his plan for 100% taxation is imminent


One thing in this article that I don’t remember in the other pieces is the bit about how not only did he get his anti-colonialism from his father, but that you could prove he was a socialist because his father was a socialist

D’Souzaphone is getting perilously close to Pantload central to my point territory with this line, too. Obama didn’t learn fuck all from his father, but in actuality with the herpin’ and the derpin’ and the deedily doo as I pull this from my poo, he actually DID LEARN EVERYTHING HE KNOWS from his dad because socialists with the radicalizin and the whatnot.



One thing in this article that I don’t remember in the other pieces is the bit about how not only did he get his anti-colonialism from his father, but that you could prove he was a socialist because his father was a socialist

So that means the scion of the neo-conservatives are going to grow up confused between their hard-core hippie liberal youth and their rigid dogmatic conservative middle ages.

No wonder they’re all gay!


The Dow is above 11,000!

Fucking whee.

Meanwhile back in the real world, states are going to have to cut more jobs because the fucking richest nation on the goddamn planet can’t be arsed to ask the richest people therein to pay their goddamn way.


One thing we can be certain of from D’Dumbo’s article.

Trig is happy.


it seems evident that the father’s hatred of those on top, and his determination to confiscate their wealth, is largely replicated in the son.


The Tragically Flip

Can anyone get to the comments section of the WaPo piece, it appears commenting on D’Souza’s piece is disabled.


Many snobs from the colonies did very well by associating with the Imperial elites, and separating themselves from the dirty masses.

Such types really lost a great deal of prestige and power when the colonialists had to leave.

As a descendant of Catholic elites in the former Portuguese colony (and now hippie tourist destination) of the island of Goa, D’Souza has even more of a background to hate the Hindu and Muslim impoverished masses of India.

And to a degree, it always looked more orderly when the British (or French in other locations) were in charge, if you just ignored what happened to certain thousands and thousands of the poor.

So people like D’Souza despise the dirty, chaotic majorities and yearn for the aristocratic European leadership. This is not uncommon.


The Dow is above 11,000!

Hey, where’s that “Dow 35,000” twitnozzle?

Meanwhile, U6 tops 17%. as Pere says, whee. Can I get off this ride now? I’ve barfed quite enough.



How do I know this? Because Obama tells us himself. His autobiography is titled “Dreams From My Father.” Notice that the title is not “Dreams of My Father.” Obama isn’t writing about his father’s dreams. He is writing about the dreams that he got from his father.

Is there any particular reason why these wingnut sophists all write like this? Johnny has two apples. He gives one to Mary. Now Johnny has one apple. For all I know this could have been spewed forth by Douchehammer or Tom Sowell or Walt Williams or, hell, K-Lo. Utterly devoid of wit and style.


Can anyone get to the comments section of the WaPo piece, it appears commenting on D’Souza’s piece is disabled.

It’s up top, not on the bottom.


Yeah, whatever. Gandhi was totes a fag.


And to a degree, it always looked more orderly when the British (or French in other locations) were in charge, if you just ignored what happened to certain thousands and thousands of the poor.

Republicans have much in common with colonialists.

The Tragically Flip


Is there any particular reason why these wingnut sophists all write like this?

Oh come now, you must have missed the very witty opening line:

If you want to understand what is going on in the White House today, you have to begin with Barack Obama. No, not that Barack Obama. I mean Barack Obama Sr., the president’s father.

Pure hilarity!


Socialism, like macrotia, is a condition inherited from one’s parents.

You guys realize a) The Shorter is spot on, and b) D’Dumbo is close to making a case for Social Darwinism, phrenology and a permanent underclass?

Did D’Nutz parents both go to Harvard? I mean, after all, if you inherit your worldview from your parents, then clearly he should have been warned about the massively liberal environment there, which makes the question “why didn’t he attend Liberty U?” relevant.


“White man’s burden”! That’s the phrase I’ve been searching my mind for!

D’Dumbo is the white man’s burden.


Wasn’t this country based upon the idea of rebelling against colonialism?

The (successful) Haiti slave revolt put the kibosh on that sentiment real quick-like amongst our more plantation-minded Founding Fathers.


Republicans have much in common with colonialists.

They should. Most of their constituency still has a hard-on for the myth of the Old South, which in turn, had a hard-on for aristocratic and traditional Old Europe.

Course, that was before the liberal and socialist movements had completely turned over Europe to the unruly masses. After that, they suddenly discovered an affinity for Founding Father anti-Europeanism. But in all the ways that matter, they are the “Europe” that we fought a revolution against.


nymstradamus, I believe that is “k’bosh”


nymstradamus, I believe that is “k’bosh”

Only in the original Klingon.




1836, kye-bosk, in slang phrase put the kibosh on, of unknown origin, despite intense speculation. Looks Yiddish, but origin in early 19c. English slang seems to argue against this. One candidate is Ir. caip bháis, caipín báis “cap of death,” sometimes said to be the black cap a judge would don when pronouncing a death sentence, but in other sources identified as a gruesome method of execution “employed by Brit. forces against 1798 insurgents” [Bernard Share, “Slanguage, A Dictionary of Irish Slang”]. Or it may somehow be connected with Turkish bosh (see bosh).


By the way, if anyone was curious what McLovin would look like after forty years of trying to get laid, just look up…


Also loved this never-ending trope on the right,

President Obama also regularly flays the rich, whom he accuses of not paying their “fair share.” This seems odd, given that the top 10 percent of earners pay about 70 percent of all income taxes. Yet the president would like this group to pay more.

D, when you create a system where the top ten percent of society are just about the only ones with any surplus income, of course they’re going to be the only ones paying taxes, even if those taxes are lighter than anywhere else in the free world. The rest of us can’t because if we had to give up any money at all, we’d either starve or have to live in the street. You know, like in your precious, precious Gilded Age.

I’d like to see historical statistics about this, but I suspect that back in the 1950s, far more people paid taxes and contributed meaningfully to the system than today.


President Obama also regularly flays the rich, whom he accuses of not paying their “fair share.” This seems odd, given that the top 10 percent of earners pay about 70 percent of all income taxes. Yet the president would like this group to pay more.

His position seems curiouser, given that the top 5% OWN 95% of the nation’s wealth.


BTW, What’s wrong with being anti-colonialist?

If we’re not lopping off hands of uppity brown people, the terrorists win.


Yet when the senior Obama’s article is placed side by side with the junior Obama’s policies, it seems evident that the father’s hatred of those on top, and his determination to confiscate their wealth, is largely replicated in the son.

For null values of “largely.” Dinesh, you are a delusional idiot.


For null values of “largely.” Dinesh, you are a delusional idiot.

“Null” and “D’Nesh”…perfect together.


How do I know this? Because Obama tells us himself. His autobiography is titled “Dreams From My Father.” Notice that the title is not “Dreams of My Father.” Obama isn’t writing about his father’s dreams. He is writing about the dreams that he got from his father.

“The dictionary defines from as a preposition indicating a starting point, or origin…”


That was before our new kinder, gentler neo-liberal colonialism.

First we brought you Compassionate Conservatism, now we move on to Compassionate Colonialism.
(It’s all pretty much the same thing. We treat the little people like dirt but we’re very compassionate about it.)


D’Souzaphone is getting perilously close to Pantload central to my point territory with this line, too.

D’Douchebag wrote his book for the same reason the Pantload wrote his, namely to create a right wing meme for why Obama and Democratic policies are illegitimate and anathema to the American way of life. So, when you are eating Thanksgiving dinner with your family and your crazy, right wing uncle starts going off about Obama, he’ll back it up by saying “It’s all in that book that I read about Obama.”

What the fuck is this guy’s hardon for colonialism, anyway?

I am not sure it is so much a boner for colonialism (though that might play into that) rather than advocating for the belief of the superiority of Western Civilization. The American Revolution simply resulted in the creation of a free and democratic country that became a member of and a beacon to other members of the West. So, that’s probably why D’Souza would argue that Jefferson, Washington et al don’t count as anti-colonialists.

The anti-colonial movements of the post WWII era were anti-Western and in some cases, pro-Soviet, so they threatened Western Civilization, according to the right wing approved story line.


“The dictionary defines from as a preposition indicating a starting point, or origin…”

Peter: “Ahh crap, since when did they change the meaning of ‘for’ to ‘from’?”
Brian: “I think they had a meeting about it last night.”
Peter: “Why wasn’t I told?”
Brian: “They sent you a card but it said for Peter on it, so you must have thought it was from you so you didn’t uh…. you know it’s just easier to call you stupid.”


His position seems curiouser, given that the top 5% OWN 95% of the nation’s wealth.

Yeah, cripes, when you put it THAT way… but we live in a society where dipshites who earn $250k think they’re in the top 1%. And all the Teabaggers who earn $30K want those ultra-rich to STAY ultra-rich, ’cause fricking dipshites like Dumbo Dinesh tell them that.

Blinking Emoticon

We treat the little people like dirt but we’re very compassionate about it.



Actually, I have a macrotea also. Well, actually mine is an icon on my desktop that brings up the Google Image Search for Téa Leoni.


He’s just not giving up on this is he? His father fixation needs to be investigated further in psychoanalysis. Anyway, I thought being anti-colornilist was a good thing. Am I missing something here? I think Dinesh’s citizenship needs clearing up – some foreigner like him could be accused of sedition what with all he’s saying.


The anti-colonial movements of the post WWII era were anti-Western and in some cases, pro-Soviet

Which is why D’Souzaphone insists on using the term.

He’s an academic, not a Teabagger©, so he can’t come out and call the President a Muslim SoviNazi Manchurian Candidate, so this is his way of cloaking it.


Yet when the senior Obama’s article is placed side by side with the junior Obama’s policies, it seems evident that the father’s hatred of those on top, and his determination to confiscate their wealth, is largely replicated in the son.

I fail to see anything wrong with this.


actor212 said,

October 8, 2010 at 17:58 (kill)

pedantic actor is pedantic.


In this case, “anti-colonialism” is SUPERSECRET Dineshcode for “tossing the salads of inbred Trustifarian douche-hoses.”

the father’s hatred of those on top, and his determination to confiscate their wealth, is largely replicated in the son

By bailing out General Motors?
By quietly renewing the Patriot Act?
By pouring a huge wave of stimulus funding into American businesses?
By using a tidal-wave of money to keep Wall Street from self-destruction back in 2008, when nationalization of US big banks was looking like a pretty excellent idea to so many people?

No … because he might strangle the fiscal Tinkerbell of reconciled top-bracket tax-cuts that are due to expire. In other words, he might leave something in place that the fucking Republicans themselves put there. Oh those crazy anti-colonialist Republicans!

All of the (also reconciled) cuts for middle- & low-brackets sure do seem to be in much more sterling health at present, making it a lovely mirror image of Reaganomics. It is a thing which some might say amounts to Obama suckerpunching the GOP with its own tool-kit right before an election yet again.

“Fool you once, shame on me … fool you twice, well then … yeah, hey, if you keep being a dolt & letting me chump you after that, okay, on me again, sure, just double right down! I can use some more of THAT shame. Bring it on.”

Republicans have much in common with colonialists.

Abrahamoff, Rice, Cheney (off the top of my head) — all explicit colonialists who all got stinking rich from it.
Smart enough to cut the local elites in on some of the yummies & evilly powerful enough to scare them into line.

Same tired old obsolete alpha-ape horseshit as usual … sadly, it works.


The anti-colonial movements of the post WWII era were anti-Western and in some cases, pro-Soviet, so they threatened Western Civilization, according to the right wing approved story line.

Because we forced them to be.

By all accounts, Mossadegh, Arbenz and Lumumba weren’t particularly anti-American. Heck, Truman was a big Mossadegh supporter, and a strong believer in supporting democratic nationalists like him who could be a “third way” between colonial puppets and Soviet-funded revolutionaries.

Eisenhower did away with that (thanks GOP) and supported military coups in Iran, Guatemala and Zaire, which put an end to the third world’s hopes for us and drove them into the arms of the only people remaining – the Sovs. But only after the coups. Anticolonialism wasn’t anti-American until the Americans became, basically, the new colonialists.

Pupienus Maximus

Haven’t read the thread yet but ctl-f informs me that “luo” can’t be found. Luo, as we all know, is the tribe of Obama’s father. The anti-colonial fervor of the 1950’s was centered mainly in the Mau Mau tribe.

Duhnesh can’t even be wrong right.


All of which raises the question is Dinesh’s stupidity hereditary, congenital (product of a failed abortion?), or the result of being dropped on his head. Repeatedly. From great height.


Judging by what appears to be the source of Dinesh’s writings, it’s no wonder he’s scared of anti-colonism.


The anti-colonial fervor of the 1950?s was centered mainly in the Mau Mau tribe.

Close, but no. There is no such tribe (at least in Kenya). The Mau Mau Revolt was led by the Mau Mau Movement, which was a Kikuyu dominated anti-colonial movement. Your major point remains, however, that the Luo (who hate the Kikuyu) had little invovlement.


Because we forced them to be.


Remember how inspired Ho Chi Minh was by America?

We should fricking teach history in schools instead of consumerism.

ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring



I love people who make self-negating arguments- I mean this is like Ann Coulter et al and the “a woman shouldn’t vote” stuff’– hey Dinesh keep your Mumbai influenced ideas out of our American papers buddy, your “foriegn worldview” and “exotic upbringing” (you know the one that you had not the guy who was born in Hawaii and went to school there for 7 years or so before going to the mainland).


Oh and isn’t the ” I know because I grew up in India” bit a little trite considering that Obama- unlike Dinesh grew up in the US (he spent like 4 years in Indonesia but unless were going to start call military brats or the kids of foriegn service employees unAmerican I think Dinesh might need a big glass of shut the fuck up).


And wait a second how exactly is Obama’s father arguing that 100% taxation is in some cases justifiable in anyway relevant to a guy who wants to go back to a top federal level of under 40%- or are JFK and Eisenhower anti-colonialist too?

Finally, there’s the massive hole in his thesis from the whole expansion of the war in Afghanistan thing- sure Dinesh can say leaving Iraq proves his thesis (though it would seem to mean he thinks Bush was a liar) but Afghanistan- thats a huge freaking problem.


…which was a Kikuyu dominated anti-colonial…

Isn’t that from the episode where InuYasha unlocks Tetsusaiga’s Backlash Wave and then Miroku hits on some short skirted chick?


The anti-colonial movements of the post WWII era were anti-Western and in some cases, pro-Soviet, so they threatened Western Civilization, according to the right wing approved story line.

The West celebrated its win after WWII by re-installing many of the same local satraps who’d just done their best to END Western Civilization, so the point would be moot even if it wasn’t predicated on bull-puckey. Many European partisans would’ve likely been delighted to get desperately needed Western support, but they met a contemptuous wall of hostility the moment they ceased to be useful in the war. The idea that America had attacked the wrong dictator wasn’t exactly politically exotic in the1940s.

Pupienus Maximus

Yeah, I should have checked – my memory is not so good anymore. Thanks for the correction

Moving along then, Duhnesh wrote:

Yet when the senior Obama’s article is placed side by side with the junior Obama’s policies, it seems evident that the father’s hatred of those on top, and his determination to confiscate their wealth, is largely replicated in the son..

Izzat right? Well gee, I went and read that article. Turns out it is a critique of a Kenyan government paper, “African Socialism and its Applicability to Planning in Kenya.”

That “in theory 100% taxation” is presented as just that – a theoretical. In response to a paragraph in a government policy paper.

Yet when a rational person reads the senior Obama’s article and places it side by side with the junior Obama’s policies, it seems evident that the Duhnesh’s hatred of Obama et al. and his determination to smear, slime, slander, excoriate, cry, scream, throw tanturms and hold his breath until he turns blue is largely the extent of the man.

Turbine Yukon Palin

Bad D’Souza! I think we need to have you watch your appearance on Colbert again. In a loop. For 24 hours. Clockwork Orange style.


The Tea Party was an anti-colonialist movement. Discuss.

What the fuck is this guy’s hardon for colonialism, anyway?

He was raised a Goa Christian, the mostly upper-class Christian minority in India that consider themselves racially superior to Hindu and Muslim Indians, in addition to superior in the God department.

So he’s an Indian who genuinely thinks things were better under the British Raj, thinks killing brown people and taking their stuff is cool with God, etc.


The West celebrated its win after WWII by re-installing many of the same local satraps who’d just done their best to END Western Civilization, so the point would be moot even if it wasn’t predicated on bull-puckey.

In many cases, they also celebrated their loss after the end of colonialism by propping up friendly dictators who would guarantee that resources would continue to flow and pesky populists would stay out of office. The French in Africa are one blatant example.

Hence the utter bullshit of the line “oh but colonialism was so long ago stop going on about it and, y’know, just move on!”

Instead of history in school, we should teach current events. There’s little enough difference in too many cases.


pendantic actor is pendantic.



Izzat right? Well gee, I went and read that article.

Dammit, you’re not supposed to DO that! How is D’Souzaphone going to keep raking in that sweet wingnut welfare if troublemakers like you insist on fact-checking?

Oh, wait, facts don’t matter. My bad.


OMG – Lie-beral BIAS!

Because video games should be absolute-frikkin-lutley bipartisan.

And anyway, they threw Sarah Palin in there. She’s never won a national political office in her fucking life.


Instead of history in school, we should teach current events. There’s little enough difference in too many cases.

Well, that’s why you teach history – so you can look and see “Oh, there’s a parallel here” and go from there.

Which explains WHY we teach history so poorly.


OMG – Lie-beral BIAS!

You have got to be fucking kidding me.


Because video games should be absolute-frikkin-lutley bipartisan.

Am I right in gathering that FAUX is now sniffing around video games to see if they contain liberal bias?

Christ. Totalitarianism is the word for that kind of crap.

Has anyone checked on the political leanings of Master Chief and Mario?


OMG – Lie-beral BIAS!

Because video games should be absolute-frikkin-lutley bipartisan.

The link’s blocked by the work computer. But if you want to know just how bipartisan videogames can get,



Am I right in gathering that FAUX is now sniffing around video games to see if they contain liberal bias?

Only the Brownshirts


To be fair to FOX News, they did accept the justification that NBA Jam Obama has mad hoops skillz in the game because Obama has mad hoop skillz IRL.


The independence and nationalist movements would not have had to be ‘anti-Western’ had we not been blocking and crushing their aspirations.

Amazing how that works. I’m pretty sure that, say, had the US pushed for Vietnam’s democratic independence from France that they would have remained “pro-Western” and pro-American.

But you know, who can understand these Communist darkies with their barbaric anti-Western irrationality?


The link’s blocked by the work computer. But if you want to know just how bipartisan videogames can get,

Dude, I did not expect that shit to be up still.

Pupienus Maximus

Sweet Juses! Art Robinson makes Christine O’Donnell look reasonable. There’s even a bonus Lysenko reference!


But you know, who can understand these Communist darkies with their barbaric anti-Western irrationality?

Actually, that’s essentially what they argue. The right’s storyline on Iran is; Carter tried to be good to the people by pushing the Shah on human rights. The Shah fell to an Islamic Revolution. The lesson is, never try to be good to foreign/darkie/Muslim/Third World people.

A hard line from Carter may or may not have saved the Shah’s throne – I wouldn’t know. (And neither do they). But there would never have been a revolutionary movement in the first place if we’d been good to the Iranian people twenty-five years earlier – after a quarter century of tyranny, of course they’re not going to be in the mood for more.


There’s even a bonus Lysenko reference!

A Jurrasic Park Lysenko contingency?


The independence and nationalist movements would not have had to be ‘anti-Western’ had we not been blocking and crushing their aspirations.

Damned cock-blocking Americans…

Pupienus Maximus

Help! Someone help the hamsters!


Sweet Juses! Art Robinson makes Christine O’Donnell look reasonable. There’s even a bonus Lysenko reference!

Um, what the fuck? Huh?


Anti-colonialism is wrong when dusky non-English speakers use it. If you’re, let us say a bunch of slave-owning squatters who don’t know a dead end when they walk into it, you’re a hero (and you get a car rental company named after the aforementioned dead end).
And I’m not sure how Obama can even be an anti-colonialist, unless by anti-colonialist you mean someone of African descent who doesn’t cash checks from right-wing think tanks.


Anti-colonialism is wrong when dusky non-English speakers use it. If you’re, let us say a bunch of slave-owning squatters who don’t know a dead end when they walk into it, you’re a hero (and you get a car rental company named after the aforementioned dead end).

Forgive my ignorance; I did not get the reference.


“Forgive my ignorance; I did not get the reference.”

Remember the Alamo?


Ah. Thanks.


Hey….who has two thumbs, blue eyes and barely visible horns and just got confirmation from the doc she’s knocked up?


Remember the Alamo?

I’ll remember the fucking Alamo when conservatives remember the fucking Constitution and the Bible.


Hey….who has two thumbs, blue eyes and barely visible horns and just got confirmation from the doc she’s knocked up?

*packing suitcase…no, wait….trunk*


Money quote on anticolonialism;

These are revolutionary times. All over the globe men are revolting against old systems of exploitation and oppression and out of the wombs of a frail world new systems of justice and equality are being born. The shirtless and barefoot people of the land are rising up as never before. “The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light.” We in the West must support these revolutions. It is a sad fact that, because of comfort, complacency, a morbid fear of communism, and our proneness to adjust to injustice, the Western nations that initiated so much of the revolutionary spirit of the modern world have now become the arch anti-revolutionaries. This has driven many to feel that only Marxism has the revolutionary spirit. Therefore, communism is a judgement against our failure to make democracy real and follow through on the revolutions we initiated. Our only hope today lies in our ability to recapture the revolutionary spirit and go out into a sometimes hostile world declaring eternal hostility to poverty, racism, and militarism.


“*packing suitcase…no, wait….trunk*”

Silly…Satan don’t share.


Silly…Satan don’t share.

True. I don’t.


Ah. Thanks.

Here I was thinking you were being all super-meta or something by pretending to forget the Alamo.

…were you?


No, I literally didn’t get the reference. I do super-meta things without realizing it sometimes.


But, you know, this sad essay of D’whozits has been around the world twice and the truth is still in bed. This is because normal folks did not consider that the concept of anti-colonialist Obama as worth talking about what with it having a Ludiocrity Index score of eleventy twelve.
But, here is Noddy’s BFF flapping his gums about it and getting on the teevee to flog the latest wank rag book as though IT IS A THOUGHT and I had it MYSELF.
This is why the lemmings throw themself over the cliff 1) to escape the sad farce that their life has become and 2) so they don’t have to listen to their own furry little pundits saying “Lemming king is from Notlemmimgland, yes he is”
Armageddon? Why don’t mind if I do.


Well, congratulations anyway, VS. I mean, I assume its cause for congratulations?


Indeed! Now lets all hope for a girl!


I do super-meta things without realizing it sometimes.

How hyper-ironic!


Indeed! Now lets all hope for a girl!



Congratulations, VS!


What the US is doing in Iraq and Afghanistan (Invading & occupying), and other countries, could be considered a particularly vicious type of “Colonialism”. And the Conservative WingTArds want us to keep on doing it.

They Don’t want Obama to leave the MidEast, or stop invading and occupying countries that have resources we badly need. If he tries: he’s just doing it because he’s KENYAAAAAN!


Félicitacions, VS.


Whoever is handing down the Conservatard Talking Points is pretty smart, and a bit ahead of the curve.


Thanks everybody!!! Can we all start a whisper campaign that “winnifred” is the best name evar?


Can we all start a whisper campaign that “winnifred” is the best name evar?

You really want to stick your kid with the nickname “Fred”?


De Souzaphonic seems to think that being born in India more than 13 years AFTER independence gives him comparable experience to someone born in Kenya 28 years BEFORE independence. Now that’s logic to stand behind. A long way behind, just in case.


Oh good grief…how far into your pregnancy are you?


You really want to stick your kid with the nickname “Fred”?



It’s early yet. I’m just obsessed with that name.


Not to mention “Winnie the Pooh” if she ever craps her pants.


Lusitania Mapplethorpe if its a girl, and Priapus Tumescent if it’s a boy!


Hoorah for S,N! With a pregnant regular in teh comments, we now all have license to tell you how to live your life and tsk tsk at every decision you make and generally treat you as nothing but a poorly programmed incubator that needs constant tweaking¹

Mandatory Piece of Advice #1 – start documenting your breasts in labourious² detail with plenty of photos. As they will be extremely tender and sensitive during this phase since they are prepping to quintuple in size – I would also suggest applying some form of lotion. Be sure to capture the lotion application on webcam³.

¹ VPurpleNurpleR
² Pun not intended
³ For SCIENCE, of course.


Lusitania Mapplethorpe if its a girl


Or Xena Ethelred


FYWP! Betrayed by Preview again.


Oddly, “Winnie” bugs me more than “Pooh”


Not to mention “Winnie the Pooh” if she ever craps her pants.

I think she’s going to have problems with being made fun of if she craps her pants no matter what her name is.


start documenting your breasts in labourious² detail with plenty of photos.



Isn’t this the cue for SMcG to hit us with another fantastic list of Janus node generated names?*

*I really hope it is.


Yea, where is Subby when you actually fucking need him?


The boob stuff has already started. I’m curious to see what my pregnancy boobs will be like. Sorry for TMI.


The boob stuff has already started. I’m curious to see what my pregnancy boobs will be like. Sorry for TMI.

No no! We don’t mind…


Yeah, I’m totally gonna let Subby name my baby.


Yeah, I’m totally gonna let Subby name my baby.

And this is why everybody and their nephew think they know better than the pregnant woman.


Yeah, I’m totally gonna let Subby name my baby.

You should! In fact, now I want to have a baby just so he can name it!


BTW, I have no plans to kill and eat Little VS. Do I have to turn in my liberal card?


I can’t quite figure why being anti-colonialist is bad.

M. Bouffant (who reads this crap so we don’t have to) explored another D’Souza emission, this time at NRO, in which D’Souza distinguishes between the good anti-colonialism followed by India and the bad anti-colonialism seen in Africa. The Indians have moved on from mere hostility and ingratitude to their erstwhile English benefactors, which is why they are now a prosperous nation and provider of cheap labour to the world economy, while Obama’s “anti-colonialism is the anti-colonialism of Africa in the 1950s.”

People have pointed out that the “anti-colonialism of Africa in the 1950s” did not exist, because African had not been decolonised by then.


Since we’re doing naming – I’m link gonna link this here xkcd. For some reason, I just love the name of that particular strip.


BTW, I have no plans to kill and eat Little VS. Do I have to turn in my liberal card?

Not if you promise to eat the placenta.


You should! In fact, now I want to have a baby just so he can name it!

*packing overnight bag*


D’Souza distinguishes between the good anti-colonialism followed by India and the bad anti-colonialism seen in Africa.

S’lemme get this straight: because post-colonial Africa was not as succssseful as post-colonial India (which, by the way, took nearly fifty years to get its ass together), somehow this means African colonialism should still be in effect????


Final comment on the previous thread, repeated for VSiness:
this was a really fun girl who got pregnant and it made her republican. Fucking fetuses.

or is his entire face skewed to the right?
Eyes migrating in manner of flatfish.


Well, the father is Satan and he likes to party, so I’m still gonna be DFH.


this was a really fun girl who got pregnant and it made her republican. Fucking fetuses.

See, this is what worries me about the VS spawn…


Well, the father is Satan

*packing even larger trunk*


Some have described the president as being a conventional liberal or even a socialist. But liberals and socialists are typically focused on poverty and social equality […] Anti-colonialism is the idea that the rich countries got rich by looting the poor countries, and that within the rich countries, plutocratic and corporate elites continue to exploit ordinary citizens.

Liberal { Socialist { Anti-colonialist

Where “{” = “More demonically awful than”

And where “Anti-colonialist” = “Vaguely, sporadically, and ineffectively populist”

What a strange, strange argument.


Wasn’t this country based upon the idea of rebelling against colonialism?

And India too. My guess is that D’Souza’s parents may have been in a somewhat privileged position back in the old country.


*packing even larger trunk*

I don’t know why you don’t just keep a trunk already packed. It would save you a lot of trouble.


I don’t know why you don’t just keep a trunk already packed. It would save you a lot of trouble.

What? Leave my porn packed???


Fucking fetuses.

….how do they work?



What? Leave my porn packed???

Get a sex tape machine and copy that shit.


Well, the father is Satan

PROOF!!!! That Obama is NOT the anti-christ!


What? Leave my porn packed???

Get a sex tape machine and copy that shit.

There isn’t a hard drive big enough.


Thanks for the plug, Smut! (Some of us need our rest, & can’t be here to pimp so early.)

If you skipped this link when you were there, a run-down of D’Souza’s colonialist background.


Fetuses don’t work. Just lie around mooching like lazy liberals. Then they’re born so they can suck the maternal teat. Freaking bums.


Then they’re born so they can suck the maternal teat.

Cool! I’m still an infant!


Lazy liberal! Get your own milk!


Lazy liberal! Get your own milk!

Why buy the milk when the cow is free?


Hey….who has two thumbs, blue eyes and barely visible horns and just got confirmation from the doc she’s knocked up?

Christine “Rosemary” O’Donnell?:


More from D’Souza at NRO:
They are able to use their cheap labor costs to make what other people want to buy. This is what the economist Thorstein Veblen once called “the advantage of backwardness.”

I have not read every essay Veblen wrote, but I’ve read enough to know his style, and that didn’t sound like one of his phrases (he tended to avoid words like “backwardness”). Also it occurred to me that D’Souza is lazy and stupid and more likely to have skimmed some Cliff Notes than to have read anything by Veblen. So I checked. Also there is the Iron Rule of Wingnut Authors, that whenever someone like D’Souza claims that certain actual words were said by some dead authority then he’s lying.

Turns out that Gershenkron wrote of “the advantages of backwardness” in 1962.

Veblen wrote a 1915 essay on the leader’s handicap, that is often cited in conjunction with Gershenkron’s work.

It is also my mournful duty to report that neither Veblen or Gershenkron had low wages in mind when they wrote about this “advantage of backwardness”, but rather the convenience of being able to adopt high technology that someone else has already perfected. Veblen was writing about Wilhelmian Germany, catching up with the British Empire by acquiring technology, not by low wages.

If it were me lying about some economist’s intentions to buttress my position, I would at least try to misquote the right economist, but then he’s not writing for a journal with demanding academic standards.


Christine “Rosemary” O’Donnell?:

Tannis, anyone?


Millicent FTW.

Congrats VS!!! I feel bad that I’m not the father, but I’m mostly sure she will eventually get over that. You may want to wait until she gets older before you tell her that, though.


My guess is that D’Souza’s parents may have been in a somewhat privileged position back in the old country.

Portuguese-Indian Christians from the colonial elite in the Portuguese enclave of Goa. They seem to have fled from thence to Mumbai when Goa was belatedly decolonised in the year of D’Souza’s birth. This is how positive his family was about the decolonising process.


I like that name. 🙂

It’s gonna be tough telling her daddy is Satan; definitely gonna wait.


this was a really fun girl who got pregnant and it made her republican. Fucking fetuses.

See, this is what worries me about the VS spawn…

We are here for her… we can start the deprogramming instantly!

*points to VS’s belly* You listen up, Spawn of VS. Don’t you start injecting any weird fetus hormones to make VS crazy. If she has a religious experience because of you, you better make sure it’s some Gaian-Buddhist hippy-shit that lets her keep her brain. If she votes Republican, we are gonna know. There are plenty of places that will still buy a white baby, if you get what I’m saying.


There are plenty of places that will still buy a white baby, if you get what I’m saying.

We can get three piles of camel dung for her, no questions asked.



You are BAD


Oh- If any of you don’t read alicublog as regularly as I do, Roy Edroso is back in New York and looking for a job. Those of you with the hook up are encouraged to hook him up.


I believe one of D’Souza’s nicknames at Dartmouth was “D’Stort D’Newza” because he was such a shameless liar whenever he yapped on about politics.


Sweet screaming Jesus, just shoot me now.

And badly drawn, too.

As opposed to this?


VS –

Congrats. And let me tell you, Mrs. __B is enjoying the 40 week like you can’t imagine. Yet.

Coach Urban Meyer

Wuzza-wuzzup, ya jabronis? Looks like Dominant Dinesh D’Super is silly schooling you loony libs, ya better believe it! The fact of the matter is, Obummer’s pop was a bum! Suck on that SPREAD, libs! Urban out.


Suck on that SPREAD, libs! Urban out

Typical redneck: you EAT her when she spreads.


By the way, CUM, what up with the “jabroni” thing? That’s a Yankee sayin’.


N_B, I was thinking of you both today.


It’s gonna be tough telling her daddy is Satan; definitely gonna wait.

Just get dyslexic for her and tell her Daddy is Santa. It’ll work until she’s a teenager.


It’ll work until she’s a teenager.

Is that when her forehead sprouts horns?


Is that when her forehead sprouts horns?

Sort of


Number of Teabaggers who will be outraged by this over-reach of government powers = 0.

And congrats to someone, I think. (It’s hard to follow these threads sometimes)


And congrats to someone, I think. (It’s hard to follow these threads sometimes)

We’ve all fucked Satan, but he left VS a tip.



I got more than a tip; Satan is hung!


Actually, I’m liking the Virginia party girl more and more. this is supposedly part of the response she gave:

“It’s sexist and it’s wrong, regardless of political party,” Ball said in her statement. “And I have a message for any young woman who is thinking about running for office and has ever attended a costume party with her husband or done anything stupid on camera. Run for office. Fight for this country. Don’t let this sort of tactic deter you.”

“Of course, I am embarrassed by these photos,that was the whole point of these political operatives when they put them up. But more than just embarrassed, I’m angry!,” Ball continues. “I’m angry that when we are suffering from high unemployment, record budget deficits and a broken education system, that crass political operatives will resort to the politics of personal destruction when they can’t talk about the issues.”

And her politics are fairly liberal. So she fights, talks a good game, and isn’t a prude.

Of course, I really like the Duke Sex Thesis woman, too. It’s possible I just like trampy women.


We’ve all fucked Satan, but he left VS a tip.

Ah. Congrats vs!


BTW, I have no plans to kill and eat Little VS. Do I have to turn in my liberal card?

You think that NOW, but just wait until you see those little sausage legs.

Get a sex tape machine and copy that shit.

There isn’t a hard drive big enough.

You can daisy chain them together, which seems appropriate.

Smut Clyde said,

October 8, 2010 at 22:12

I need a cigarette after reading that.


“And I have a message for any young woman who is thinking about running for office and has ever attended a costume party with her husband or done anything stupid on camera. Run for office. Fight for this country. Don’t let this sort of tactic deter you.”

She’d have my vote just for that.


D’Souza reviewed. (No one in the biased media was paying any attention to this important article then!)

September 11, 2010 at 11:40 am
underpublicized article in Forbes by Denise D’Souza: “How Obama thinks”


D’souza’s premise is that Obamy is acting as Obamy Sr’s surrogate and as the last of the anti-colonialists…people from 3rd world countries who view the United States as the heir of the oppressor colonialist nations of the 19th and 20th centuries.

He gives several examples of Obamy’s actions in the context that are hard to understand under the more conventional threories that he is some form of socialist. D’Souza is saying that Obamy is not just redistributing wealth inside the United States, but redistributing our wealth to OTHER COUNTRIES. Marxism is secondary to Obamy’s intense desire to fulfill his father’s vision by bringing the United States to its knees. D’souza also points out that nothing Obamy says would lead anybody to think he is a conventional follower of MLK. His vision is totally different.

Lots of good insights.

If D’souza is correct, then Obamy has scammed his handlers just as much as he has scammed our country.

Isn’t “O-Mammy” spelt w/ two “m”s?


Har har, Tweety is condemning D’Souza’s load (up & including the WaPo piece) while deliberately not mentioning DD’s name.


actor212 said,
October 8, 2010 at 22:39

Rachel Maddow’s blogger tears D’Dumbo a new one, too

Working link.



They’re going with THAT?

Weak. Sauce.


and “scammed our country” = ???


“proreason” = misnomer.


Congratulations, VS, but Winifred is *out*.



D’souza also points out that nothing Obamy says would lead anybody to think he is a conventional follower of MLK. His vision is totally different.

I feel compelled to repeat my above post.

These are revolutionary times. All over the globe men are revolting against old systems of exploitation and oppression and out of the wombs of a frail world new systems of justice and equality are being born. The shirtless and barefoot people of the land are rising up as never before. “The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light.” We in the West must support these revolutions. It is a sad fact that, because of comfort, complacency, a morbid fear of communism, and our proneness to adjust to injustice, the Western nations that initiated so much of the revolutionary spirit of the modern world have now become the arch anti-revolutionaries. This has driven many to feel that only Marxism has the revolutionary spirit. Therefore, communism is a judgement against our failure to make democracy real and follow through on the revolutions we initiated. Our only hope today lies in our ability to recapture the revolutionary spirit and go out into a sometimes hostile world declaring eternal hostility to poverty, racism, and militarism.

Idiotically, I forgot to list the author; that was, in fact, MLK. As he actually was, not as the watered down generic all-American (wink wink almost a conservative, you might say nudge nudge) saint we’re taught to revere today. If Obama is condemned as a black nationalist and a socialist


FYWP – I wasn’t done –

… for being a corporate centrist and “post-racial” candidate today, imagine how the right would feel about someone who talked like that.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Mah liberal heart done bleed.

Fitz! Ned!


Hey everyone,

Did you hear that cool story about how the Invisible Hand of the Free Market got some firemen to drive to someone’s rural house to watch it burn to the ground? They forgot to buy fire protection at $50/year.

Lol. I can’t wait until they privatize all fire brigades, and your cheapskate (or forgetful) neighbors’ houses routinely burn down.

Thank god the government didn’t force them to protect their house from burning to the ground! Liberty!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

No comments at WaPoo… even they know this piece is a complete flop.


Oh, VS, how too too wonderful! Congratulations! And if you are looking for a spectacularly terrific role model for little Freddy, there is always Princess Winifred, the shero of “Once Upon a Mattress”, the Broadway show written by theatrical types who were so over the fluffy moon/June/spoon romances that they reworked “The Princess and the Pea” as an antidote.

THE PRINCESS: Well, my real name’s Winifred the Woebegone, but you can just call me by my nickname.



Whereupon they whip right into the rousing anthem “(I’m in Love with) A Girl Called Fred”, in which they enumerate the Princess’s virtues: she can sing, play the lute, do pantomime, drink like her first name was Winnie and her last name was Churchill, and do an Olympic-caliber Tarzan swing off the tapestries in the castle.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Portuguese-Indian Christians from the colonial elite in the Portuguese enclave of Goa. They seem to have fled from thence to Mumbai when Goa was belatedly decolonised in the year of D’Souza’s birth. This is how positive his family was about the decolonising process.

Smut beat me to it, I think Dinesh needs to own up to his own personal version of “Dreams From My Father”, which involves living in a big house with a buncha heathen, native servants who can be mistreated with impunity.


Let’s take a paragraph from the editorial at random:

D’Souza: “In his book, Obama writes, “It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself.”

Dreams from my father the NEXT PARAGRAPH:

“Now, as I sat in the glow of a single light bulb, rocking slightly on a hard-backed chair, that image had suddenly vanished. Replaced by … what? A bitter drunk? An abusive husband. A defeated lonely bureaucrat?”

Clearly, the adult Obama is not just trying to replicate his absent father. D’Souza’s graf continues:

Those who know Obama well say the same thing. His grandmother Sarah Obama told Newsweek, “I look at him and I see all the same things — he has taken everything from his father . . . this son is realizing everything the father wanted.”

In Dreams from My Father Obama describes meeting Sarah Obama during his 1988 trip to his father’s homeland, earning a handshake as a greeting and awkwardness as they struggled to communicate:

“Our mutual vocabulary exhausted, we stared ruefully down at the dirt until (half-sister) Auma finally returned…And Granny then turned to Auma and said, in a tone I could understand, that it pained her not to be able to speak to the son of her son.”

It takes work to pack this much deception into a single paragraph. D’Souza is worse than a hack – he’s a liar.


Didn’t Dinesh D’Souza already get pwned by Colbert?


g said,

October 9, 2010 at 1:55
Didn’t Dinesh D’Souza already get pwned by Colbert?

Fred Hiatt never got the memo.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I have to confess that I laughed my ass off when I read the title The Roots of Obama’s Rage– that guy is the mellowest, most cool-headed public figure I’ve ever seen.


I have to confess that I laughed my ass off when I read the title The Roots of Obama’s Rage- that guy is the mellowest, most cool-headed public figure I’ve ever seen.

Black people are angry by definition.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Oh, and late to the party, but congrats, vacuumslayer!

Uncle Bastard suggests these names- if a girl, Fionnuala… if a boy, Flavio.


VS, happy pregnancy. The Creaturette and I are waiting to find out if it’s pre-ecclampsia (sp?) or not, and if so, the Little Creature may arrive tonite. Or tomorrow. Or not.

Regarding D’Schmuckza, just another ignorant nincompoop hoping his bluster overrides any inkling of investigation into his bullshit.


Thank you so much for the good wishes, everyone!


Big Bad Bald Bastard

Good luck, Creaturette!


Dang, fetuses is popping out everywhere. Congratulations to all of you.

Now, are there any techie geeks around? I need help designing a warehouse pick ticket!


It’s gonna be tough telling her daddy is Satan; definitely gonna wait.

As My Enemy is my witness, VS told me she was on the pill.

Lurking Canadian

Congratulations, VS!


Yet when the senior Obama’s article is placed side by side with the junior Obama’s policies, it seems evident that the father’s hatred of those on top, and his determination to confiscate their wealth, is largely replicated in the son.

You know who else was abandoned by his father, said “the last shall be first, and the first last,” and expected rich people to give up all their wealth?


You know who else was abandoned by his father, said “the last shall be first, and the first last,” and expected rich people to give up all their wealth?

Harry Potter?


Adolph Jesus, that’s who. Don’t you people watch the History Channel?


Adolph Jesus

That was Marilyn Manson’s birth name, no?


OT, but schadenfreudeyummy,

Oh, teh butthurt!

Because it’s not as much fun when the rat is fucking you.


Oh, and congrats VS!


and nymfail

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Adolph Jesus, that’s who. Don’t you people watch the History Channel?

I thought his first name was “Supply Side”.

Oh, teh butthurt!

But, but I thought the Tea Party was a broad, diverse group of disaffected people of all political stripes.

Can’t they keep the narrative straight?


Hey VS,

Congrats to you! Dr. Mrs. The Sheeh is due in April. This is our first, so there must be something going around.


something going around.

Is that what the kids are calling it these days?


Indeed! Now lets all hope for a girl!

It’s not hard to continue the pattern. BOO HOO.


You know what would be really ironic? It would be really ironic if there was a well-known right-wing political movement named after the most famous episode of anticolonialism in American history.


something going around.
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

It’s the new rotary model.


It’s the new rotary model.

*having great difficulty not posting meatspin link*


Dinesh D’Souza is a professional sycophant who must believe that if he made that a career the inner circle of influential assholes would pay him well. If the WaPo didn’t give this tool a voice no one would give a damn what he did.

He is an intellectual bullshitter who cynically pedals the brand of bigotry and misinformation that his audience loves to hear. In our broken unfree press, no one dismisses this ass-kissing liar, making him old news.

He is a smart-ass who glommed unto a perceptual dysfunction in our society and is capitalizing on it, and I believe he knows exactly what he is doing. He is taking whitey for a ride on what he accurately believes they want to hear.


People have pointed out that the “anti-colonialism of Africa in the 1950s” did not exist, because African had not been decolonised by then.

Northern African nations (Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Morocco, Tunisia) gained independence beginning in the early 1950s.

Ghana was the first sub-Saharan African colony to gain independence, 1957. From there it went pretty quick — only the fascist Portuguese regime held on to its colonies before their defeat at the hands of Angola and Mozambique tore down the Portuguese government itself. (Usually when fascists lose a war, it kind of hurts their image as being awesome warrior leaders.*)

Needless to say, this followed decades of pro-independence activities.

D’nesh D’Souza is also d’umb and d’ishonest in pretending to parallel the giant nation of India which had long had an economy of production and trade rivaling Europe with African nations (or nations-to-be) which had never had large scale developed production, labor, and trade system on a global level.

*That might have seemed like it was happening here as the beloved Iraq occupation was falling apart under Bush Jr., but thankfully the SURGE made everyone think we had won again, so the martial reputations of our conservative leaders were saved once again from unruly skepticism.


You know what would be really ironic? It would be really ironic if there was a well-known right-wing political movement named after the most famous episode of anticolonialism in American history.

The Committees of Correspondence? Oh, you said right wing.


More great ideas on the rule of law.

Don’t Try Terrorists, Lock Them Up

By JACK GOLDSMITH | New York Times | October 8, 2010

…[P]rosecution [of accused terrorists] in either criminal court or a tribunal is the wrong approach. The administration should instead embrace what has been the main mechanism for terrorist incapacitation since 9/11: military detention without charge or trial.

Military detention was once legally controversial but now is not. District and appellate judges have repeatedly ruled — most recently on Thursday — that Congress, in its September 2001 authorization of force, empowered the president to detain members of Al Qaeda, the Taliban and associated forces until the end of the military conflict.

Because the enemy in this indefinite war wears no uniform, courts have rightly insisted on high legal and evidentiary standards — much higher than what the Geneva Conventions require — to justify detention. And many detainees in cases that did not meet these standards have been released.

By the way, notice how accused individuals are actually not “accused”, but “members” of Al Qa’ida, etc. Presumably we’re in such danger that it’s too risky to have the slightest fucking clue what we’re doing, or giving a shit.


And many detainees in cases that did not meet these standards have been released.

Oh noes, people against whom there is no evidence have been treated as if they were not guilty of anything.


congrats, VS…..

Portuguese-Indian Christians from the colonial elite in the Portuguese enclave of Goa. They seem to have fled from thence to Mumbai when Goa was belatedly decolonised in the year of D’Souza’s birth. This is how positive his family was about the decolonising process.

There are still a lot of these types floating around, both in the expat S Asian communities, and incredibly, in India & incredibly, Pakistan. Pampered douches, whos families worked for the Brits & hanker after the days when they dealt with the sweaty masses with guns & knifes….



Recalling an article I read ages ago, D’souza’s parents were Catholic converts, he was educated in Catholic schools (he’s now an evangelical, bet those Jesuits are pissed) and spent his youth in India absorbing western culture (B-movies). He’s totally accepted the “rightness” of his place as an exceptional dark-skinned man who has shown himself worthy of the favor of his light skinned colonial overlords. He cannot fathom that anyone would chafe at the gift of superior beings (probably also says something about conversion to a religious regimen that is based on salvation by grace alone). The bounty of colonialism gave him his life and raison d’ etre. Colonialism is his father, and he must support his father fully. Anyone who finds fault in any colonial action (or merit in a policy anathema to colonial precepts) must be following the path of a different, darker (pun intended) father.

Note that my evidence for this theory as plentiful and valid as that which Dinesh has for his.


There are still a lot of these types floating around, both in the expat S Asian communities, and incredibly, in India & incredibly, Pakistan. Pampered douches, whos families worked for the Brits & hanker after the days when they dealt with the sweaty masses with guns & knifes….

Also incredible is the way quite a few of them manage to sell themselves in America as “native guides” into the nasty, brutish, violent and short mindset of “their” home countries or cultures.


Also incredible is the way quite a few of them manage to sell themselves in America as “native guides” into the nasty, brutish, violent and short mindset of “their” home countries or cultures.

Hmmm. Maybe I should learn Mandarin and sell myself in China as a native guides into the nasty, brutish, violent and short mindset of my home country and cultures. It’d be a steady paycheck…

Lurking Canadian

By the way, notice how accused individuals are actually not “accused”, but “members” of Al Qa’ida, etc

Unfortunately, all of this (and, in my opinion, the extrajudicial assassination program) are the inevitable consequence of the “War” rhetoric. You don’t need to prove POWs are guilty of anything to lock them up for the duration, and you don’t need to try Admiral Yamamoto in a court of law before shooting down his plane. Of course, Sgt. Murphy’s Kraut prisoners, and Admiral Yamamoto for that matter, were wearing uniforms, so at least you could prove that you had the right guy, but that’s why they needed “illegal combatant”.

Once the Bush people got away with declaring an infinite war on what is essentially a diffuse criminal organization, all the rest of this follows. The potential for abuse is obvious (they could declare me a member of Al Qaeda for writing this and I’d have no recourse), but not suprising.


Check out Edward Said’s discussions of V. S. Naipul on the notion of colonialist romanticism and anti-independence dark-skinned foolery in the guise of the expert on native cultures and the perils of independence.

Salim, the main character of V.S. Naipaul’s novel A Bend in the River, is an affecting instance of the modern intellectual in exile; an East African Muslim of Indian Origin, he has left the coast and journeyed towards the African interior, where he has survived precariously in a new state modeled on Mobutu’s Zaire. Naipaul’s extraordinary antennae as a novelist enable him to portray Salim’s life at a ‘bend in the river’ as a sort of no-man’s-land, to which come the European intellectual advisers (who succeed the idealistic missionaries of colonial times), as well as the mercenaries, profiteers, an other Third World flotsam and jetsam in whose ambiance Salim is forced to live, gradually losing his property and his integrity in the mounting confusion. By the end of the novel – and this of course is Naipaul’s debatable ideological point – even the natives have become exiles in their own country, so preposterous and erratic are the whims of the ruler, Big Man, who is intended by Naipaul to be a symbol of all postcolonial regimes. [1994: 36-37]

…. The most attractive and immoral move, however, has been Naipaul’s, who has allowed himself quite consciously to be turned into a witness for the Western prosecution. There are others like him who specialize in the thesis of what one of them has called self-inflicted wounds, which is to say that we “non-Whites” are the cause of all our problems, not the overly maligned imperialists. Two things need to be said about the small band whose standard bearer Naipaul has become, all of whom share the same characteristics. One is that in presenting themselves as members of courageous minorities in the Third World, they are in fact not interested at all in the Third World – which they never address – but in the metropolitan intellectuals whose twists and turns have gone on despite the Third World, and whose approval they seem quite desperate to have. Naipaul writes for Irving Howe and Joan Didion, not for Eqbal Ahmad or Dennis Brutus or C.L.R. James who, after noting his early promise, went on to excoriate Naipaul for the scandal of his “Islamic journey,” Among the Believers. Second, and more important, what is seen as crucially informative and telling about their work – their accounts of the Indian darkness or the Arab predicament – is precisely what is weakest about it: with reference to the actualities it is ignorant, illiterate, and cliché-ridden. Naipaul’s account of the Islamic, Latin American, African, Indian and Caribbean worlds totally ignores a massive infusion of critical scholarship about those regions in favor of the tritest, cheapest and the easiest of colonial mythologies about wogs and darkies, myths that even Lord Cromer and Forster’s Turtons and Burtons would have been embarrassed to trade in outside their private clubs…. [1986a: 53]

…on the basis of his being a Trinidadian, [Naipaul] has had ascribed to him the credentials of a man who can serve as witness for the third world; and he is a very convenient witness. He is a third worlder denouncing his own people, not because they are victims of imperialism, but because they seem to have an innate flaw, which is that they are not whites. [1986b: 79]

There are indeed many writers who are able to critique post-colonial 3rd world governments without the sad shudder that the natives were foolish to leave the colonial fold so early.

It would have been quite easier and much more orderly had the imperial powers helped the natives move toward independence and then granting it, but then, there was so many riches to steal and so many natives to work cheaply.



Edward Said on the anti-nativist cynicism by celebrated (and very, very good) author V. S. Naipaul.

Salim, the main character of V.S. Naipaul’s novel A Bend in the River, is an affecting instance of the modern intellectual in exile; an East African Muslim of Indian Origin, he has left the coast and journeyed towards the African interior, where he has survived precariously in a new state modeled on Mobutu’s Zaire. Naipaul’s extraordinary antennae as a novelist enable him to portray Salim’s life at a ‘bend in the river’ as a sort of no-man’s-land, to which come the European intellectual advisers (who succeed the idealistic missionaries of colonial times), as well as the mercenaries, profiteers, an other Third World flotsam and jetsam in whose ambiance Salim is forced to live, gradually losing his property and his integrity in the mounting confusion. By the end of the novel – and this of course is Naipaul’s debatable ideological point – even the natives have become exiles in their own country, so preposterous and erratic are the whims of the ruler, Big Man, who is intended by Naipaul to be a symbol of all postcolonial regimes. [1994: 36-37]

…. The most attractive and immoral move, however, has been Naipaul’s, who has allowed himself quite consciously to be turned into a witness for the Western prosecution. There are others like him who specialize in the thesis of what one of them has called self-inflicted wounds, which is to say that we “non-Whites” are the cause of all our problems, not the overly maligned imperialists. Two things need to be said about the small band whose standard bearer Naipaul has become, all of whom share the same characteristics. One is that in presenting themselves as members of courageous minorities in the Third World, they are in fact not interested at all in the Third World – which they never address – but in the metropolitan intellectuals whose twists and turns have gone on despite the Third World, and whose approval they seem quite desperate to have. Naipaul writes for Irving Howe and Joan Didion, not for Eqbal Ahmad or Dennis Brutus or C.L.R. James who, after noting his early promise, went on to excoriate Naipaul for the scandal of his “Islamic journey,” Among the Believers. Second, and more important, what is seen as crucially informative and telling about their work – their accounts of the Indian darkness or the Arab predicament – is precisely what is weakest about it: with reference to the actualities it is ignorant, illiterate, and cliché-ridden. Naipaul’s account of the Islamic, Latin American, African, Indian and Caribbean worlds totally ignores a massive infusion of critical scholarship about those regions in favor of the tritest, cheapest and the easiest of colonial mythologies about wogs and darkies, myths that even Lord Cromer and Forster’s Turtons and Burtons would have been embarrassed to trade in outside their private clubs…. [1986a: 53]

…on the basis of his being a Trinidadian, [Naipaul] has had ascribed to him the credentials of a man who can serve as witness for the third world; and he is a very convenient witness. He is a third worlder denouncing his own people, not because they are victims of imperialism, but because they seem to have an innate flaw, which is that they are not whites. [1986b: 79]

There are plenty of 3rd world writers who can critique the failures of post-colonial governance without sneering at the silly inferior natives.

Of course they’re all wrong, because they’re trying to listen to darkies who failed to love their imperial masters enough.

I’m sure Niall Ferguson would be happy to remind us all of this.

Also, all of the problems of anti-colonialism were caused by the deficit, because SHUT UP.


Once the Bush people got away with declaring an infinite war on what is essentially a diffuse criminal organization, all the rest of this follows. The potential for abuse is obvious (they could declare me a member of Al Qaeda for writing this and I’d have no recourse), but not suprising.

Don’t worry. Pretty soon your Talibanqa’ida ass will be rotting away in a cage, because we don’t hate America enough to charge you with anything.


Once the Bush people got away with declaring an infinite war on what is essentially a diffuse criminal organization

with the method being invading the unrelated country in which it was hiding, a country with no army to speak of whose defense is largely in the hands of armed locals who can muster rapidly, “minute men” one might call them.


the Bush people

I forget, is Aborigine no longer used?


I forget, is Aborigine no longer used?

I’m sure Bush Jr. would have used Aborigines for many purposes if he had the chance and they were cheap enough.


Military detention was once legally controversial but now is not.

Fucking thank you Bush “Justice” Department.

Kind of like torture used to be “legally controversial”.


If D’souza is correct,

He could have just stopped that sentence there, and not wasted further words.


Kind of like torture used to be “legally controversial”.

Kind of like how at one time it might have been considered controversial for the Supreme Court to decide who would be Preznit.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Fucking thank you Bush “Justice” Department.

Agreed, and send a junkpunch their way from me.

But is it really true that nobody considers arbitrary military detentions controversial? They still piss me off, FWIW. But I don’t speak for the legal establishment, for damn sure.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Isn’t that from the episode where InuYasha unlocks Tetsusaiga’s Backlash Wave


But I feel really bad that I got that joke.


Backlash Wave

Didn’t Susan Faludi write that?


Of course they’re all wrong, because they’re trying to listen to darkies who failed to love their imperial masters enough.



You should! In fact, now I want to have a baby just so he can name it!

*packing overnight bag*

If anyone is going to use the sex tape machine and impregnate the lovely and talented T&U it’s gonna be me.

I had DIBS!


Maybe I should learn Mandarin and sell myself in China as a native guides into the nasty, brutish, violent and short mindset of my home country and cultures.

I can imagine one of your clients keeping a journal about his Seven American Nights.


Baby Names While-U-Wait:

Toucrtapering Voyages-Oedipus
Rashida Accusative-Rob
Surmounting Zoochfuf
Jasseeccu Sandpaper
Lavera Arraign
Georgie-Anton Hermila
Dajotashia Ashlie
Radepnaye Extrapolation-Inducted
Erectors Cheesy-Ewe
Major General Zimorugwub Where-Glints
Janeen-Romana Venessa
Crowdsxo Selene
Pray Prooye Maudie
Wechfag Bashdaweklufjih
Annabellzimo Sported
Anniezimo Altitudes-Warmest
Deshafer Welder-Besmirching
Zoraidacri Sazbeefzagwomo
Thoudgechdiklemoopr Stanford
Mulaue Boundaries-Allison
Anewkleque Fud
Fred Naykpru
Roxannehuho Klayk
Herbert Suwtivfud
Miriam Cecilia
Koutfish Nu Quo
Ardis-Jesica Romeo
Lerzu Kamilah
Geoffrey-Tyisha Forbidding-Musts
Cloywmequosof Interoffice
Nordic Bettye
Klod Felton
Zifebemoaning Soulful
Coral Rosette
Dedra Douququox
Cori Physiological
Giantbas Kayshobemkoowsith
Banged Charisse
Cabdriver Predetermination
Great Grandpa Kesha-Onita Alane
Montypuqu Tawnya
Gayemo Lala
Sunday Marianne
Nedcu Fretful-Piped
Transcontinental Tear-Rebuild
Ransomeryag Teehusohoquooc
Hoppers Xagevizbash
Hayjpretentiously Weldon
Unrealistic Bus
Cashzesheekyopl Card
Laveta Precariously
Kanisha Seven
Serenawook Foupro
Panelingmiy Xoyplcli
Bennett-Mandie Bights-Scow
Ceethsanders Carmichael-Ascetic
Reverend Joanerun Cubbi
Ghislaine Genia
Coowoelizbeth Joane
Syllable We
Vohbodjuwogoo Rusquee
Tuition Klodkepo
Helga Gnomon-Breeds
Isabellerayf Grape
Jusenayk Alonzo
Mercedes Jas
Leggingssa Shoow
Despina Halve
Affronts Antwan
Major Crisquahvalbee
First Lieutenant Concordia
Transcontinental Nymphomania
Napoleon Fuf
Cidinfidelity Tunaye
Georgianna Nolmezupayqu
Vequleecl Haley-Rest
Doctor Shad
Leisaler Elbow
Kymberly Onset
Gordonklucl Posted
Bayclay Lehigh-Posts
Jolynn Lot
Plowoyonu Puff
Charslay Fanny
Imagine Tabs-Analytic
Waybo Jared
Rowih Jamila
Halwe Dara
Vaneju Roozeyixgutchiy
Quantitative Luz
Siperus Wiped


The Zombie Gerbil.


Two words for D’Souzaphone: Monroe. Doctrine.


James O’Keefe Junior.


If anyone is going to use the sex tape machine and impregnate the lovely and talented T&U it’s gonna be me.

I had DIBS!

Funny. I have a penis, which I suspect will be of better use.


“Condoms ‘too big’ for Indian men.” Lil’ Dinesh skewed the study.


Military detention was once legally controversial but now is not.

Fucking thank you Bush “Justice” Department.

I just want to point out that during the Bush years, his Justice Department’s policies were, in fact, controversial. Virtually every non-Republican, and a few Republicans for that matter, considered them unjust, unlawful, hell un-American. Including an Illinois Senator who promised to end them if elected president.

Now that the Obama administration has continued those same policies and defended them under the same legal reasoning, if the policies are now no longer controversial (and I say they still are), then that would be the result of having been effectively ratified by a Democratic president.

I blame Bush for rendition, military commissions, indefinite detention without trial, torture, etc. and will never forgive him or his supporters for these travesties.

I blame Obama for maintaining and defending these policies, a direct contradiction of his condemnation of such while he was a Senator.

It’s Bush’s fault that these existed in the first place. But if they are now to be permanent features of the US government, that is Obama’s fault, and I won’t ever forgive him for it.

They’re only war crimes if someone prosecutes. If not, they’re accepted policy with bipartisan support if not legal sanction.


I have to share these United States with you people and it concerns me that you represent everything you appear to hate. It demonstrates that you have not seen ENOUGH of the world to understand that this was the greatest country on earth where people are still flocking to in greater numbers than are fleeing. Why is that? Cause, it sucks everywhere else and your mentallity is changing this country to look like, EVERYWHERE ELSE!


It demonstrates that you have not seen ENOUGH of the world

Egypt, Cuba, Morocco, Israel (and Israel’s playground the Palestinian territories), and various West European nations, one of which I hold dual citizenship in. I don’t claim to be an expert. But I’ve been through and lived in enough different countries to know that anyone who only views it as a vague, fuzzy, uniform great big “EVERYWHERE ELSE” doesn’t have a whole hell of a clue what he’s talking about.

where people are still flocking to in greater numbers than are fleeing. Why is that? Cause, it sucks everywhere else and your mentallity is changing this country to look like, EVERYWHERE ELSE!

The only places I’ve ever heard liberals suggest we imitate (and only in certain areas) are fellow industrialized democracies, mostly Western Europe, Canada and some parts of Asia.

See a lot of starving French and British refugees flocking to America in search of asylum from the great EVERYWHERE ELSE lately, Ronny?


Cause, it sucks everywhere else and your mentallity is changing this country to look like, EVERYWHERE ELSE!

Twenty seven countries have longer lifespans than ours. Thirty seven have fewer dying babies. Yet we spend more per capita on healthcare than anyplace else.

Truman said it best, shithead: If you want to live like a Republican, vote Democratic.


(comments are closed)