I See Rude People: Robin of Berkeley Edition
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A kind reader brought to my attention a recent gem from reformed liberal and licensed psychologist Robin of Berkeley that starts out with someone in a hybrid car running over the cat of one of Robin’s clients. Now you and I would probably place the blame for this unfortunate incident on the client for letting her cat run wild outside the house where it likely darted into the street in front of the vehicle, precipitating its own near demise.
But that’s because you and I don’t inhabit Robin’s world where, at every turn, evil LIEberals heap odious indignities on Robin and her friends. Wait, wait, how do we know that the driver was a liberal? Because, you ninny, he was driving a hybrid. Only liberals drive hybrids. Oh.
I have my own tales to tell from my week in Berkeley.
I’m sure you do, Robin.
I was walking gingerly through a crosswalk (I have bad knees) when an impatient driver shot me the bird. His car was graced with a Coexist bumper sticker.
What really happened: Robin was crossing against the light, limping at a glacial pace, and a young Republican driving Mommy’s beamer flipper her the bird and yelled “Get out of the road, you fucking gimp, and stop stealing my money to pay for your fucking disability check!”
One more: I was meeting a friend at a cafe, and we needed another chair. A man, sitting alone and surfing the net, had his legs strewn on an extra chair. When I asked him nicely to borrow it, he refused. The guy was wearing a Free Tibet t-shirt.
What really happened: A guy wearing his roommate’s t-shirt pointed out all the other empty chairs in the cafe and suggested that she take one of those instead.
[I’d] been dating [Peter] for a few months when I was ready to have the conversation. I sat him down and told him I cared a lot about him. Did he see a future between us? He looked at me as though I were from another galaxy. Then he uttered something that I have never forgotten. He said, “A relationship? I’m not capable of a relationship.”
What really happened: Peter just wasn’t that into Robin. Go figure.
The Peters of the world may not be withholding love or affection or even simple kindness. … Perhaps the reasons are genetic. Maybe it has to do with copious pot and alcohol use or overuse of prescription drugs. In places like Berkeley, it may be inbreeding. Mental illness, character defects, bad upbringing — the culprits are endless.
And this woman has clients?
Of course, conservatives can be hypocrites, too. But we on the right don’t delude ourselves into believing that our voting patterns allow us to be dirty, rotten scoundrels.
In fact, when conservatives are rude, it’s because they have a right to be rude, what with being the innocent victims of all this hypocritical liberal rudeness. Oh, and Peter, if you’re reading this, dude, you dodged a bullet.
This reminds me of a guy who cut me off on Clark Street last week with “Show Us Your Birth Certificate” and “Jesus Died For All*” bumper stickers. Then a waiter with a Glenn Beck for President shirt got a friend’s order wrong at the diner. AND an SUV with a McCain Palin magnet ran over a squirrel and shouted at a bunch of Latinos. Of course, that might have been all in my imagination, but it doesn’t detract from my point that conservatives are a bunch of hard-core douche-nozzles. In fact it proves it.
* “Except you gays, liberals, poor people, and all other non-Republicans.”
But we on the right don’t delude ourselves into believing that our voting patterns allow us to be dirty, rotten scoundrels.
No, we on the right delude ourselves into believing our dirty rotten behavior is a virtue.
…we on the right don’t delude ourselves into believing that our voting patterns allow us to be dirty, rotten scoundrels.
Of course not, that would be ludicrous. Their voting patterns are BECAUSE they are dirty rotten scoundrels to begin with.
Hang on…she’s a judgemental psychologist who assumes the worst (from her POV) of people she encounters, and then wonders why she’s alone?
Her practice. It must not thrive. She’s probably the model for this GEICO commercial.
Bullet? I’d say he dodged a nuclear bomb. Or a waterboarding with no time limit.
That’s some of the dumbest shit I’ve read since, like, yesterday. My brain hurts a little.
Peter, if you’re reading this, dude, you dodged a bullet.
She seems more the “stabby with a filetting knife” type, Peter.
“…at every turn, evil LIEberals heap odious indignities on Robin and her friends.”
Actually, not “liberals.” You guys are “commies.” But there aren’t any REAL communists any more, right?
No, we on the right delude ourselves into believing our dirty rotten behavior is a virtue.
g’s already nailed it.
Hm, had we pondered the possibility that Peter was all set to marry “Sir Robbing” but then fired up Teh Grate Gazoogle, found our regular excoriations of her insanity, and realized he would be making the biggest mistake of his life?
I’m used to being a homewrecker, but not quite in this fashion.
Actually, not “liberals.” You guys are “commies.”
Only because you assholes keep insisting the Overton Window belongs on the far right of the house.
But hey, Dubmass, if that floats your boat to think of me as a commie, fuckin’ a I am! I even wear a beret!
Poor dubmass. He must miss us.
And here I was all set to read about how, since liberals have pressured car manufacturers into producing hybrids that make no noise when they start up and move through first gear, it was their fault the cat didn’t hear the car under which it had been napping.
Save it for next time, Robin. Waste not, want not.
Save it for next time, Robin.
Waste not,want not.FICCSED!
There’s holes in her stories everywhere. For example
No d’uh. The electric motor may make Priuses pretty zippy up to say 10 km/h but that’s about it. I bet even gimpy Robin could dodge a Prius, bad knees and all. If that cat got hit, it’s because it was trying to end it’s painful existence as the companion of someone who would go to Robin of Berkeley as a psychologist.
The Peters of the world may not be withholding love or affection or even simple kindness
Veiled Something Reference.
Now you and I would probably place the blame for this unfortunate incident on the client
Well, no. Yes, people should keep their pets off the street. But, speaking for myself, if someone I knew just saw their pet get run over by a speeding car, my first response would NOT be, “It’s your fault.” Not even if the speeding car was, say, a Prius, and not a Hummer with a gun rack and McCain/Palin bumper sticker.
Robin runs into a couple of dickish people supposedly wearing liberal-leaning t-shirts, hence all liberals of dicks. The science is flawless. You’re so fucking PWNED, libs!!!!!
The Peters of the world may not be withholding love or affection or even simple kindness … Perhaps the reasons are genetic. Maybe it has to do with copious pot and alcohol use or overuse of prescription drugs.
Or Peter could be a self-centered money grubbing conservative jerk who simply doesn’t want to grow up and marry the first piece of tail stupid enough to put out for him on a regular basis, but wants a semi-trophy heiress whom he can dump when she turns 40 for the hot waitress at the club.
Projection is an ugly thing, Robin.
…a speeding Prius…
It could have been going downhill!
Shit, the post is scarcely up before Donald Dumbass trolls over here to call us commies. He is obviously desperate for traffic and the soft-core bikini porn just isn’t doing it for his traffic. Hey, Donald, here’s an idea: spend more time on teaching and less on blogging and your “Rate My Professor” standings might improve. Hell, probably even your blog traffic will improve.
One more: I was meeting a friend at a cafe, and we needed another chair. A man, sitting alone and surfing the net, had his legs strewn on an extra chair. When I asked him nicely to borrow it, he refused. The guy was wearing a Free Tibet t-shirt.
I never completely understood why the Right looks down on the whole Free Tibet thing. Especially when you consider that China is ruled by actual card carrying commies.
Also, please note – regarding Peter the empty shell of a man – totes incapable of relating to another adult human being – entirely superficial, hollow, broken:
She is just that good at reading and udnerstanding people, what it being her career and all.
How do all of these stereotypes keep running into conservatives and doing evil evil things to them? The mind boggles. A coexist sticker? A free Tibet t-shirt? Seriously.
Hey, did you know our (SC) Teabagger candidate for guvn’er wants to require poor people to get drug tests before they can get benefits? ‘Cuase, hey, you know, poor people, drugs, amirite?
You know, what the hell. Why not punish the rich? Why should the poop enjoy all the abuse?
I have to wonder if Robin is really in Berkeley, or if she’s actually in one of these places in the South where old times there are not forgotten, or at least recently from there. That’s something that struck me about some white Southerners old enough to remember segregation: they often had very precise (if somewhat brittle) manners, and talked about how what they really missed about the old days was that people were so rude these days. So, you see, persons of one color using one water fountain and persons of another using another was simple courtesy.
It’s just a theory, but consider this howler of a line:
Simple thought experiment: try word association with any random person, specifying a geographical term in response, and see how many people respond with “Berkeley”, even with 25 tries. Mmm-hmm.
You guys, seriously, this just happened to me this morning;
I was kicking around on the interweb and I found this article where this dumb bitch was making up stories about people being rude to her.
I’m shocked and dismayed. I’m not sure I’ll make it throught he day. This all leads me to conclude that boy bands are, in fact, tools of Satan. Their voting record proves it.
And this woman has clients?
From what I gather, she’s a psychotherapist, not a psychologist, which encompasses a range of counseling positions. I’m guessing marriage counselor, from the fact that she a) isn’t and b) blames everyone and everything but herself for Peter’s (a name just shy of Dick) rejection of her.
I never completely understood why the Right looks down on the whole Free Tibet thing. Especially when you consider that China is ruled by actual card carrying commies.
Because blah blah hemp blah blart fart Mumia argle bargle Rage Against The Machine snort snort Burning Man flibberty-floo liberal colleges wankle dankle that’s why.
That should be word association with “inbreeding”, of course. And I did spend several years in a large Southern city, so I know whereof I speak with the former.
You know, what the hell. Why not punish the rich? Why should the poop enjoy all the abuse?
“POOR enjoy all the abuse”
I swear I did not do that on purpose.
Hey, Donald, here’s an idea: spend more time on teaching and less on blogging and your “Rate My Professor” standings might improve. Hell, probably even your blog traffic will improve.
If his course content is anything like his blog content, it’s probably for the best that he’s trolling liberal sites.
Freeing Tibet is SO late 90s/early 2000s. Pick a hipper cause, motherfucker.
Dear Conservative Forum,
I never thought this would happen to me, but I was walking across a campus, a bastion of liberalism. I came across a murder of white, dreadlocked, Birkenstock-wearing guys, stinking of patchouli and Mary Jane, rudely hackeysacking right there, on the lawn, in front of everyone. I felt a tingling in nether regions, but called them “fags” as I passed by.
Wow, a couple anecdotes by someone with a chip so big her nickname is Quasimodo proves people who hold some liberalish beliefs (or at least display markers of holding liberalish beliefs) can be assholes, what a breakthrough for science!
Also: Of course, conservatives can be hypocrites, too. But we on the right don’t delude ourselves into believing that our voting patterns allow us to be dirty, rotten scoundrels.
How convenient that she not only knows these totally real people are liberal voters, but she also knows they would defend against her assertions by pointing at their voting records, all of which she knows without actually talking to anyone! Or course we know the reality on both sides is that people are hypocrites and scoundrels first, but only the Right promotes it to a religious and patriotic duty.
prove, not proves.
“Maybe it has to do with copious pot and alcohol use or overuse of prescription drugs. In places like Berkeley, it may be inbreeding. Mental illness, character defects, bad upbringing — the culprits are endless.”
Wait. She’s been dating this man for months and then talks to him about a more permanent relationship and she isn’t aware of his “defects” until he rejects her?! Why did she want a closer relationship then if he possibly had all/some of those issues?
I use to live in Berkeley and even got some counseling once; I’m damn glad I never ran into her.
Especially when you consider that China is ruled by actual card carrying commies.
Card-carrying commies who lend us a lot of money. That makes them OK.
Wait. what? She spent a week in Berkley – WTF is she Robin OF FUCKING BERKLEY? I ain’t getting out of the boat (nor bed but that’s another matter) so I need an explanation.
Tintin, you simply have to fess up.
“Robin of Berkley” is a name you made up so that you wouldn’t violate the “no fire” rule you and Arnold Alkon established after we tore her wide open, right?
vacuumslayer said,
October 6, 2010 at 16:25
I didn’t want to let the thread roll past this without acknowledging that it’s stuff full of WIN.
So then, everyone you meet, you believe is mentally ill?
And Inbred?
I see.
And from a bad upbringing?
And Addicts?
Card-carrying commies who lend us a lot of money. That makes them OK
Plus it’s not like the Dalai Lama practices Pentecostalism or anything like that.
I swear I did not do that on purpose.
*exaggerated nodding in phony agreement*
I ain’t getting out of the boat (nor bed but that’s another matter) so I need an explanation.
She’s not an expert on Berkeley, but she did spend a night in the Holiday Inn Express.
Athankee, Gomez! Now, let me have my arm back.
But we on the right don’t delude ourselves into believing that our voting patterns allow us to be dirty, rotten scoundrels.
That’s right. Those on the right believe that their inherent moral superiority allows them to be dirty, rotten scoundrels.
The Peters of the world may not be withholding love or affection or even simple kindness. … Perhaps the reasons are genetic. Maybe it has to do with copious pot and alcohol use or overuse of prescription drugs. In places like Berkeley, it may be inbreeding. Mental illness, character defects, bad upbringing — the culprits are endless.
After months of going out(as “just friends,” apparently), it’s only when he rejects her entreaty to commit to her that she discovers his obvious and profound mental illness, including an inability to be affectionate or even kind? Damn, she must be really helpful on the old therapy front.
Plus it’s not like the Dalai Lama practices Pentecostalism or anything like that.
Also, he likes faggy things like peace and meditating and shit. Too.
Gods DAMMIT, every damn time I hit submit I discover someone else has already made the same point in the time it’s taken me to type in my SKREEd.
I have to wonder if Robin is really in Berkeley…
Well sir, you are the expert on Robins.
Have I mentioned that I am under Robin’s bed reading The Communist Manifesto and hiding one of each pair of socks I can find?
…I discover someone else has already made the same point…
And there’s vegetables on that sammich!
Two things. First, Robin *of Berkeley* sez, “I have my own tales to tell from my week in Berkeley.” WTF? Second, she’s a psycho-whatever, and even after a months-long relationship she had no idea what Peter (heh – I said ‘peter’) wanted, needed, thought, etc.
IOW, she is apparently an insight-challenged non-resident of Berkeley. The Birdbrain of Alcatraz, if you will.
After months of going out(as “just friends,” apparently), it’s only when he rejects her entreaty to commit to her that she discovers his obvious and profound mental illness, including an inability to be affectionate or even kind? Damn, she must be really helpful on the old therapy front.
Imagine her surprise when one of her clients turns out to be the next Jeffrey Dahmer:
“He seemed so normal…”
One would think that her blogging would do for her shrinkyhaid practice what stacking body bags in a physician’s office would do for his. If she actually has a practice, her clients must be in real need of professional help, from a real professional.
That’s right. Those on the right believe that their inherent moral superiority allows them to be dirty, rotten scoundrels.
What’s the netiquette for *AHEMing* someone’s post when you didn’t make the point originally?
Gorram mufuggin WP, try this again….
Fuckin A lady, try building your own, maybe newer, more creative strawman. The ones you built from those internet plans are a bit stodgy. Howzabout this…
“So, the other day, I was walking gingerly past the Whole Foods (I have bad nether regions), and I saw a homeless dying marijuana addict on the side walk. People just kept stepping over him, accidentally frequently kicking hil in the nads. They all seemed to be wearing Kenyan flag T-shirts, 9/11 Truther Pins, and WWKOD bracelets (that’s Keith Olberwoman, for you uninitiated, heeheehee).
I, of course, kicked him hard in the nads, but with love, so his eyes would open from the meth haze and he could see the righteous Jack Chick/Bill Bennett/Dangermouse mashup I was giving in his hizzy. He smiled at me and asked for a dollar so he could get some DDT. I looked at him with love and spit in his face – this being a negative reinforcement technique I learned a Dominos University of Florida (gooooo, Fighting Sauce!) He should be using his deadly psilocybin binges as motivation! I said no, get up, get a job, save some money, buy the fall rye crop, let it go bad, and make some pancakes beeyotch! I am soooo going to heaven. 🙂 Except, oh wait, tinglies…Peter? Peterrrrr!? WHERE’S MY PEEETERR! Holy Fuck do I have an itch! Peter goddammit!!!! Fuggit, where’s a 480V outlet PETER!!”
I hate these people.
[I’d] been dating [Peter] for a few months when I was ready to have the conversation. I sat him down and told him I cared a lot about him. Did he see a future between us? He looked at me as though I were from another galaxy. Then he uttered something that I have never forgotten. He said, “A relationship? I’m not capable of a relationship.”
So of course when she had the “marriage” talk after dating for a few months, he got the flying fuck out of there.
It is my opinion as a not-psychologist that this is the center of her whole issue. He was probably liberal. The rest of the stuff is now confirmation bias. A liberal hurt her, therefore liberals are the problem.
It is sadly shocking how much pathology and damage exists among people who are attracted to the field of psychology. Being all liberal-y, I will hope for healing for her.
Of course she will interpret the various wtf reactions to this article as further proof of how mean and rude liberals are. Hypothesizing that a liberal outlook is the result of bad genetics is, of course, not rude at all. When called on it, she’ll say “It’s a joke! Have a sense of humor libs! See how rude you are?”
There is something to the victimhood of conservatism that’s the flip-side of the lack of empathy. No one should do anything for anyone else; and they are the most-hurt persons who’ve existed in the 6000-year history of the universe.
A guy wearing his roommate’s t-shirt pointed out all the other empty chairs in the cafe and suggested that she take one of those instead.
Or how about:
Robin: Hey you lazy parasite, get your feet offa that chair. Were you raised in a barn or something – oh wait, you’re a dirty fucking hippie – so being raised in a barn is probably way more civilized that you could ever dream of being.
Free Tibet Dude: WTF is your problem lady?
Robin: Did you just call me a Nazi! You dirtbag liberal fascists are all the same – condemining everyone that doesn’t share your values by projecting all of your own issues onto them.
Card-carrying commies who lend us a lot of money. That makes them OK.
And make everything at Wal-Mart other than the clothes, which are courtesy of various third-world dark Satanic
millssweatshops.I mentioned this a little while back, on the day it happened, but it goes well here too. On my morning commute recently I found myself behind a Prius covered with right wing bumber stickers. My thought at the time was “oh God, it’s the Eco Patriot West.” My thought now is that’s probably the guy who ran over the cat.
Plus it’s not like the Dalai Lama practices Pentecostalism or anything like that.
Also, he likes faggy things like peace and meditating and shit. Too.
And officially recognizes polyandry
Dammit, it the interim of writing, I used a couple phrases of VS, from here forum letter – v. nice, by the way. I am sorry, please don’t hurt me, I did not crib them but it may look that way. Peace out…
My thought now is that’s probably the guy who ran over the cat
Mind you, it took him three tries, since the cat outran the car the first two and finally stopped to take a dump.
No worries. Yours made me giggle.
BTW, what the hell does Peter have to do with the “all liberals are mean people and are consistently rude” theme of her post, anyway? Had he been hiding his liberalism from her for all those months? Copies of “Mother Jones” under the mattress, carob bars hidden in the cabinets, secret midnight downloads of Anti-Flag and NOFX?
Oh, and Peter should send this poster to Robin.
BTW, what the hell does Peter have to do with the “all liberals are mean people and are consistently rude” theme of her post, anyway? Had he been hiding his liberalism from her for all those months? Copies of “Mother Jones” under the mattress, carob bars hidden in the cabinets, secret midnight downloads of Anti-Flag and NOFX?
He dumped her ass, so he must be liberal. That’s the only possible explanation.
No worries. Yours made me giggle.
Bet you said that to Peter, too, and that made him mad enough to dump Robin.
Freeing Tibet is SO late 90s/early 2000s.
Fuck, I’m impressed she came up with the Prius stereotype, instead of going on about “Volvo-driving liberals” like half the teabaggers do. At least her stereotypes are only a decade out of date.
Once Peter experienced my liberal mack, he couldn’t go back.
But guys?
We missed the real beauty of her post:
So not only did this guy hurt her by realizing the knee deep shit he was in, but he hurt her YEARS AGO, and it’s still up her ass!
Hey since were waxing nostalgic on that time that Robin got totes dumped after opening up to some guy she’d been dating for a few months:
Oh Peter, why did you have to be so not desperate to avoid growing old bitter and alone? I thought we were meant to be together since you didn’t try to avoid me like the plague after our first date! We had those many, many weeks together – did they mean nothing to you? *sniff* Time to write in my journal.
Day 10,867 since Peter threw away the best thing he ever had. I think I can say that I am finally over him. Now let me tell you about the dozen or so little incidents where evil lefty lie-beral types who remind me of Peter have made me incoherently angry.
He dumped her ass, so he must be liberal. That’s the only possible explanation.
Right. It has nothing to do with her…it’s obvious she’s a CATCH!
Argggh, a212 spotted the sammich veggies seconds before I. Damn you and your not wasting precious seconds on layering narrative cruelty to your mockery!
Dragon-King Wangchuck said,
October 6, 2010 at 17:04
AHEM! Snooze you lose, pal.
Ooooooooh, DKW defused my AHEMming…dammit!
I never completely understood why the Right looks down on the whole Free Tibet thing. Especially when you consider that China is ruled by actual card carrying commies.
Tibet lost, and doesn’t go all WOLVERINES!!!!! on China. You know, like the brave 101st Fighting Keyboardists would have done. They pretty much deserve it.
He avidly read books by Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn.
Of course Tintin hid it among the mangoes, which I try to avoid if at all possible.
I think I found Robin’s picture.
copious pot and alcohol use or overuse of prescription drugs….inbreeding. Mental illness, character defects, bad upbringing
This sounds like a Bush family party!
So not only did this guy hurt her by realizing the knee deep shit he was in, but he hurt her YEARS AGO, and it’s still up her ass!
She probably has a little doll she made of his hair and toenail clippings and clutches it while she cries herself to sleep every night.
Ooooooooh, DKW defused my AHEMming…dammit!
It’s like n-dimensional
chesspissing contests.Dear Conservative Forum,
Awesome, VS 🙂
You would win the thread, but g won it in the second post.
I’m sorry, Robin. You can have him back. Only problem is he smells like sandalwood and socialism now.
Pistols at dawn will settle this!
She should move to Boulder and deal with the “Boulder Hippies”. Amazingly infuriating, yet so satisfyingly bizarre. Her alleged involement with Peter is so telling. Months into it and then she finds out her pussy’s no good? Peter got the goods and rolled, then realized she was crazier then he was. Clueless doormats shouldn’t howl about how much mud gets trampled on them. Robin of Bonehead- that’s more like it.
My favorite Tibet bumpersticker- “Free Tibet- with purchase of equal or larger country!”
The last time I wore my “This is What a Feminist Looks Like” t-shirt, I killed a kindly old lady just to watch her die.
Personally, I blame the t-shirt.
Jesus, is Robin still going on about me? I listened to her whine on a slow day at the coffee shop, mostly to keep her from harassing the other customers, and suddenly I can’t get rid of her. I even changed my schedule, and told the manager to say I had left for New York, but she just kept coming back. She even told some of my friends who came in that we were engaged!
I’m going to have to see if this violates the restraining order.
She probably has a little doll she made of his hair and toenail clippings and clutches it while she cries herself to sleep every night.
Y’know, I wondered why rentboy.com was offering a “Chomsky reading” model….
Pistols at dawn will settle this!
Was hoping for a more jello oriented contest…
I’m going to have to see if this violates the restraining order.
Why couldn’t you be a good spineless hippie like the rest of us and marry her, then cheat on her?
Jello shots at dawn!
Y’know, I wondered why rentboy.com was offering a “Chomsky reading” model….
Oh, god, I hope I got a different one than she did….
Oohh, Oohh, lime green please.
As a dirty hippie, I’m morally opposed to Jello, what with all the animal bits and all.
How about regular shots served with pot brownies and/or aborted foetuses?
Pistols at dawn will settle this!
Skullcrackers would be more decisive.
The cat survived being run over because it was Christine O’Donnell’s familiar.
How about regular shots served with pot brownies and/or aborted foetuses?
If the brownies are vegan, gluten free, and use fair trade chocolate, then yes.
That goes without saying.
Whoa. Let’s keep this sophisticated.
As a dirty hippie, I’m morally opposed to Jello, what with all the animal bits and all
I wasn’t suggesting they eat it; only its use as a combat media.
World certainly needs more Peters for spreading the love! Preach it brother!
The gun is good. The Peter is evil. The Peter shoots seeds, and makes new life to poison the Earth with a plague of men, as once it was, but the gun shoots death, and purifies the Earth of the filth of brutals. Go forth . . . and kill!
I wasn’t suggesting they eat it; only its use as a combat media.
Or a battlefield.
I’m really only interested in Jello if it has vodka in it. Then again, that can be said for a lot of things.
Instead of jello, how about alien jelly? Complete with embryo?
I’m really only interested in Jello if it has vodka in it. Then again, that can be said for a lot of things.
I’m FASTING as DRINK as I can!! Gimmebra*hic*ke!
World certainly needs more Peters for spreading the love! Preach it brother!
I’m doing the best I can, thank you very much.
I’m FASTING as DRINK as I can!! Gimmebra*hic*ke!
Just don’t drink too much, dear.
Jello shots at dawn!
Breakfast of champions! and Champion of breakfasts!
Well if you want to put me in that jiggly stuff go right ahead but I won’t like it.
Just don’t drink too much, dear.
NOW me tells she….
Well if you want to put me in that jiggly stuff go right ahead but I won’t like it.
I would hate to offend you. I will use Everclear instead.
Well if you want to put me in that jiggly stuff go right ahead but I won’t like it.
There is no situation on this planet that a little jiggling won’t help.
Well if you want to put me in that jiggly stuff go right ahead but I won’t like it.
If I were a dude, I would have a great DKW’s mom joke here.
At least, I think it would be great.
There is no situation on this planet that a little jiggling won’t help.
What about earthquakes?
So not only did this guy hurt her by realizing the knee deep shit he was in, but he hurt her YEARS AGO, and it’s still up her ass!
And she makes it the centerpiece of a “last week in Berkeley” post.
Someone in a Yankees cap was mean to me. Therefore, death to America.
Nice to see the conservative female version of the old “The fact that I can’t get laid proves all ___ are ___”. Girl disempower!
According to Amanda Marcotte at least, lady choads don’t exist — only men have an entitled view of sex or make excuses when they can’t get any even when it’s their own bigoted or self-limiting beliefs that are the real problem. Behind every miserable woman, there is a choad or a Nice Guy (R) to blame. So maybe Robin of Berkeley has a point, after all — if she’s not getting laid, there must be something wrong with liberal men. But we already knew that. Fucking Nice Guy (R) choads.
What about earthquakes?
Those cause some of the most delightful jiggling if you’re at the nudie bar.
Read the CV of the woman in your picture. Way too smart to be Robin. Also, even if it were, we disapprove of outing pseudonymous and anonymous bloggers.
if she’s not getting laid, there must be something wrong with liberal men
If the photo I linked to is, in fact, her, I see a larger problem.
If you use me there will be nothing but a vague memory of not offending Vodka.
One swallow does not a Summer make, but three swallows makes both of us happy. Or was that three swallows makes a movement? No, that doesn’t make sense either.
“..we on the right don’t delude ourselves into believing that our voting patterns allow us to be dirty, rotten scoundrels.”
Oh, I see! This whole thing has just been an elaborate joke! Boy do I feel silly now..
Also, even if it were, we disapprove of outing pseudonymous and anonymous bloggers.
True, but I claim the first name exemption on both her “pseudonymity” and her photo.
Those cause some of the most delightful jiggling if you’re at the nudie bar.
I want to test this hypothesis. I will stay in California strip clubs as long as it takes. I smell grant proposal!
I will stay in California strip clubs as long as it takes. I smell grant proposal!
I get co-author credit!
If you use me there will be nothing* but a vague memory of not offending Vodka.
nothing? I disagree! there will also be: wreckage, insurance claims, restraining orders, vomit stains, STDs, new and picturesque tattoos, and possible felony charges.
While searching teh interducts for poop on “Robin of Berkely” I ran across this gem at Hillbuzz.
Note: The original American Stinker post was covered here: http://www.sadlyno.com/archives/32460.html
Also too, What’s the asterisk for in the logo caption?
“nothing? I disagree! there will also be: wreckage, insurance claims, restraining orders, vomit stains, STDs, new and picturesque tattoos, and possible felony charges.”
Just another Wednesday for DKW’s mom.
So what’s the population of Berkley, anyway? 3 people out of X are rude, therefore all liberals are rude. Yep. And where’s she going to get the control group of conservatives from to test her theory?
And +30 Bonus Points to Blaco for the Obscure Cultural Reference.
And +30 Bonus Points to Blaco for the Obscure Cultural Reference.
Rats! Gryffindor win again!
When that caption was used a while back it was a reference to a very early improved version which has now been completely superseded by this one, particularly now that we redid Uncle Sam’s pants.
“Rats! Gryffindor win again!”
X-TREME Quidditch at dawn!!
X-TREME Quidditch at dawn!!
I get to chase the snatch!
Look, you play by your rules, I’ll play by mine, mmmmmmmmmmK?
“I get to chase the snatch!”
Just another Wednesday for actor.
Consequently, the Democratic Party is where we see people considering themselves virtuous* while treating other living and breathing humans with utter disregard, if not downright abuse
In a post where she calls Republicans “intact and unbroken” and contrasts them with Democrats who are disconnected, deluded, inbred, mentally ill, drug-addled, spoiled, hollow, dirty, rotten scoundrels who are incapable of empathy.
*her evidence is that she “imagine[s] that all of these people[who MUST be Democrats because LOOK SO SHINY!] consider themselves noble and righteous.” Yes, really.
Nancy Pelosi prays at mass, magnanimously spreads our (not her) wealth around, all the while cavalierly tarring opponents as Nazis. Obama views himself as gifted while he casually disses the Prime Minister of Israel. And most people on the Left suffer from Palin Derangement Syndrome, which allows for hideous, no-holds-barred utterances toward this good-hearted woman.
Is it delusion, which means not only denying reality, but creating a completely new reality?
Could be.
Palin Derangement Syndrome
We still have no way to punch someone through TCP/IP yet, do we?
This reminds me of the conversation I had last week with a totally salt of the earth cab driver, who told me about the Barnes & Noble employee who was rude to him when he requested Sean Hannity’s latest book, which in turn reminded me of the cocktail party where I totally owned some liberals, and then the cab driver was cut off by a hybrid with a Darwin fish magnet and the driver was gay and killed us both.
Good God, that Hillbuzz link! “The Parkinsons’ explains some of the things schizotypal disorder doesn’t, and together they give a full picture of the fey, dithering, indecisive, lackadaisical “man” who believes himself to be a demigod “Lightbringer”, yet can’t bring himself to deliver any of his many promises, let alone handle day to day pressing matters in the office he sought and won.”
Delusion is looking like a perfect fit.
Also assumption of molestation by a man he saw 2x with his grandfather present because the man wrote about having sex with other people… ?
We still have no way to punch someone through TCP/IP yet, do we?
Wrap your fist in a tortilla.
Assholes on the left? UNPOSSIBLE!
For me (speaking as a leftist asshole of long standing) Robin’s emo lament about the Arugula-SS stormtroopers keeping her from Taking Back America immediately brought to mind that heartwarming video of a mob of Teabaggers viciously mocking a guy with Parkinson’s … or last year’s noble-yet-futile attempt to defend health-insurers’ God-given right to bureaucratically torture & bankrupt millions of injured &/or diseased people per annum in perpetuity without hindrance … or the recent GOP fight against the communist spectre of anti-bullying laws … or their current brave stand in opposition to regulating puppy-mills.
we on the right don’t delude ourselves into believing that our voting patterns allow us to be dirty, rotten scoundrels
Well, of course not! That would be silly, not to mention redundant – after all, that’s what The Baby Juh-HEE-zis-uh is there for!
“Loot & lie six days, get your cosmic slate wiped clean on the seventh so that you can go back & do it some more & still go to Hebbin when you croak” – it’s right there in Genesis, sheeple!
Why do I get the funny feeling this twunt has been telling these same tired stories for about 15 years, simply changing the details (Volvo -> Prius, FREE MUMIA -> FREE TIBET)?
Also, I was unaware that Berkeley is now a walled compound wherein inbreeding is an issue. The American right has a major unresolved issue with memetic inbreeding, if you ask me … & given the present level of dysfunction, the next generation of conservative ideas looks like it’s going to be a real-life horrorshow.
You do not want to know what happens when I wrap my fist in a tortilla.
the recent GOP fight against the communist spectre of anti-bullying laws
Exsqueeze me? Baking powder?
Today a weenie inbred liberal driving his hybrid hovercar while sporting a ‘Free Gliza 7’ sticker was rude to me. All futurelibs are awful.
Bullies are just putting their Randian ideals into practice.
Last week I visited The People’s Republik of Cambridge and decided to check to see how many copies of Liberal Fascism were in stock at the Harvard Coop bookstore when an affirmative action student with an “Eat the Rich” button bought copies of Fugitive Days and Rules for Radicals (both were prominent features on the history dept shelves). I politely offered to explain that if he really wants to be a radical he should get off the Democrat plantation, but he just flashed a gang sign and sped away in his limosine. His t-shirt said “Got hope?”
About Peter.
Let. It. Go.
There’s this guy I know who’s like a total liberal and lefty and does all those stereotypical lefty things like support the ACLU and also works for some tree-hugging outfit and wears hemp and looks just like Cindy Sheehan and hates America and lefty lefty lefty is he. And he’s HITLER.
According to Amanda Marcotte
Oh thank god others find her as absurd… I think what scares me about her is that others might share the same fucked up views on human relationships. Somehow I had missed all of the personal weirdness among the links about policy I followed to her site.
I swear she is only a few degrees short of completing the circle back to Ayn Rand’s heroines.
One time when I went to see An American Carol the kid selling popcorn forgot to ask me if I’d rather have a large for another fifty cents. He had a “Legalize it” bumper sticker.
True story: Yesterday on the drive home from work I saw a car in front of me with “Conservative and Proud” “Silent No More” and “Is it November Yet? :)” Scrawled on her back window. She slowed and then blew through a red light, nearly causing an accident.
From this, I determined that conservative restrictions on personal liberty hurt our foreign diplomatic efforts with emerging nations from the third world. It makes even more sense now that I see it written out. Also, that Christina couldn’t love me because she was a selfish bitch.
One time when I went to see An American Carol the kid selling popcorn forgot to ask me if I’d rather have a large for another fifty cents. He had a “Legalize it” bumper sticker.
One time when I went to see “Triumph of the Will” at the million plex I smelled a faint whiff of patchouli. I am still traumatized.
Hitler doesn’t look like Cindy Sheehan.
MrToad said,
October 6, 2010 at 17:50
One swallow does not a Summer make, but three swallows makes both of us happy. Or was that three swallows makes a movement? No, that doesn’t make sense either.
Three swallows could easily carry a coconut suspended on a string?
Hitler doesn’t look like Cindy Sheehan
Keep telling yourself that, leftsist.
Hitler doesn’t look like Cindy Sheehan
that’s what they said about Clark Kent and Superman.
Once, I bought a copy of a Jello Biafra spoken word CD at a ‘hip’ local music store, and I got glared at!
Um, though it had a picture of American flag toilet paper on the front and this was a couple months after 9/11, so I guess being outraged would be an overreaction.
There is something to the victimhood of conservatism that’s the flip-side of the lack of empathy. No one should do anything for anyone else
Correction, please. No one should do anything for anyone other than them. EVERYONE should drop what they’re doing and offer up everything they have for them, however.
See wingnuts railing against welfare queens from the moral high ground of their Medicare-paid scooters. Or the rural states who’ve spent the last seventy years sucking up New York and California’s money to finance their ruggedly individualistic lifestyle.
According to other posts she’s married to a liberal… Sample dialogue(from her):
Him: I’m sure Obama would serve from the middle and bring everyone together.
Me: I don’t think so. I think he’ll lean toward socialism and divide everyone even more. I’m worried about paying taxes through the roof and the government involved in every aspect of our lives.
She probably still thinks she was correct and hubby’s a frothing loony.
Another dialogue from her, this time with her own former therapist: I told him of my grave misgivings about Obama, that no one knows much about him aside from his seriously whacked out friends. He said (and these were his exact words), “I’m wondering whether your concerns about Obama have something to do with your childhood.”
This was before he was even nominated and she was already buying into the crazy conspiracy theories, so yeah, I think her therapist’s question was pretty astute. She went on to describe her feelings of paranoia and anxiety, and feelings of being alone and antagonized by strangers.
You wanna test Pete?
Are you stupid?
You gotta be out of your fuckin mind!
PC Pete is THE DON!
Come down, PC Pete, seen
Crazy shrink, you crazy, crazy shrink
Robin of Berkeley is only good for steady dumpin’
Robin of Berkeley is only good for steady dumpin’
Robin of Berkeley is only good for steady dumpin’
Robin of Berkeley is only good for steady dumpin’
Robin of Berkeley is only good for steady dumpin’
Robin of Berkeley is only good for steady dumpin’
I never completely understood why the Right looks down on the whole Free Tibet thing. Especially when you consider that China is ruled by actual card carrying commies.
here in northern VA I have seen “Free Tibet” pl8ts and stickers on cars with rightie bumper stickers as well.
This reminds me of the conversation I had last week with a totally salt of the earth cab driver, who told me about the Barnes & Noble employee who was rude to him when he requested Sean Hannity’s latest book, which in turn reminded me of the cocktail party where I totally owned some liberals, and then the cab driver was cut off by a hybrid with a Darwin fish magnet and the driver was gay and killed us both.
You missed a reference to the salad bar at Appleby’s.
Faint? Somebody’s doin’ it rong.
But three swallows make a Capistrano?
True Story: Yesterday on the 6:05 Babylon train, some asshat squeezed in to an overcrowded LIRR car with his overfull backpack that had a Greenpeace patch stitched on the flap.
Liberals are assholes.
But three swallows make a Capistrano?
So a doppio Capistrano would be six?
Sure it sounds like Robin is over-generalizing and using extremely weak anecdotes to support her claim that all liberals are sociopaths and unfit to participate in human society – but how do you explain the fact that she has decided that every single person who has ever been mean or rude to her is a liberal? Every. Single. One.
Uh huh, that oughta shut you leftsists up.
but how do you explain the fact that she has decided that every single person who has ever been mean or rude to her is a liberal? Every. Single. One.
Methinks living in Berkeley might have something to do with it.
Methinks living in Berkeley might have something to do with it.
Lemme clarify.
how do you explain the fact that she has decided that every single person who has ever been mean or rude to her is a liberal?
how do you explain the fact that she has decided that every single person who has ever been mean or rude to her is a liberal?
It must be
paranoidlonely for her in Berkeley.Has she noticed that everyone who is mean to her is AMERICAN?
The nights are long without Peter.
The nights are long without Peter.
Are you suggesting she longs for Peter¹?
Has she noticed that everyone who is mean to her is AMERICAN?
Silly boy! LIEberals are anti-Americans!
Man convicted of six previous DUIs has seventh, crashing into police car.
Driving his wheelchair
That’s hardcore.
Has she noticed that everyone who is mean to her is
AMERICANHUMAN?Might be a clue for her, ya know.
That’s hardcore.
That man’s no quitter.
But three swallows make a Capistrano?
You’re supposed to sip them, not guzzle.
If Robin of Berkeley were to show up in the Sadly, No! comments section, would the people here (including me) be rude, mean and snarky to her?
Q.E.D., looney libs!
If Robin of Berkeley fell in the forest, would S,N! pick her up?
If Robin of Berkeley were to show up in the Sadly, No! comments section, would the people here (including me) be rude, mean and snarky to her?
I’d wanna see some professional certification. And the vault copy of the birth cert.
Perhaps she has chosen that sobriquet to show her adherence to the philosophy of Bishop Berkeley. Following her role-model, she rejects the objective existence of a physical Reality outside her own head.
Perhaps she has chosen that sobriquet to show her adherence to the philosophy of Bishop Berkeley
Or perhaps she’s a disciple of Elizabeth Berkley, of Showgirls fame.
I’d wanna see some professional certification. And the vault copy of the birth cert.
And proof that she’s been vaccinated for rabies.
Oh wait, that’s only if Ann Coulter shows up at Sadly, No!
And proof that she’s been vaccinated for rabies.
Oh wait, that’s only if Ann Coulter shows up at Sadly, No!
Do lizards get rabies?
If Robin of Berkeley fell in the forest, would S,N! pick her up?
If a tree falls over in the forest and there’s no-one there to hear, does it write a blog post blaming liberals?
Do lizards get rabies?
She’s a vampire. It’s possible.
Why are you all looking at me? I’m always polite. *hocks up liberal loogie*
If a tree falls over in the forest and there’s no-one there to hear, does it write a blog post blaming liberals?
Only if the Pope shits on it. Or if bears are Catholic.
*hocks up liberal loogie*
Why is it so…..green?
According to Amanda Marcotte at least, lady choads don’t exist
You haven’t actually read a whole lot of Pandagon, have you?
Why is it so…..green?
Probably a Pseudomonas infection… most likely brought on by recycling.
Sasquatch is Burqualey!!!!!!!!!!1
How does this go again? Oh yeah, Thers is smart.
Do lizards get rabies?
I always thought it was only for mammals, but apparently birds can be infected — they just don’t spread it (due to lack of salivary glands). The warm-bloodedness seems to be the crucial factor. I could not possibly comment on the implications for Coulter.
Fun fact: Rabies has been passed on through oral sex.
Dragon-King Wangchuck,
Where does religion, the value of, fit in? I find it difficult to believe it comes in at number six.
Probably a Pseudomonas infection… most likely brought on by recycling.
Oh, I thought it was maybe because she smokes so much pot because she’s a hippie. But that makes sense.
Fun fact: Rabies has been passed on through oral sex.
I owe my ex’s cat an apology. And a resurrection.
I owe my ex’s cat an apology. And a resurrection.
You had oral sex with your ex’s cat???
You had oral sex with your ex’s cat???
NO! I blamed the cat. And then when my mistress died of rabies, I just thought it was some weird coincidence.
I didn’t engage re: Amanda. Just gritted my teeth.
NO! I blamed the cat. And then when my mistress died of rabies, I just thought it was some weird coincidence.
You have rabies???
You have rabies???
I’ve been clean for years.
I’ve been clean for years.
I don’t think that’s how that works. Maybe you should get checked out…
Where does religion, the value of, fit in? I find it difficult to believe it comes in at number six.
Uh, not my list. I’d guess #3 – the “Holy War” criteria.
I realised 30 seconds too late that my previous comment should have specified oral sex between humans.
I don’t know if anyone has studied whether this is a common form of rabies transmission among fruitbats. GRANT PROPOSAL.
Apparently WP ated my hair shirt comment in which I courageously, valiantly and diligently sort of made my kinda mea culpable for reprising tigris’s pun. FYWP, you are meaner than those icky nasty liberals.
I didn’t engage re: Amanda.
That’s a shame – I think it’d be hawt. Don’t forget to turn on the webcam.
Uh, not my list. I’d guess #3 – the “Holy War” criteria.
I could see that. Religious discussions on the liberal end of the blogosphere do have the odour of football rivalries half the time. What about Nader? Same thing, ya reckon.
Oh shit.
WP is liberal.
But we on the right don’t delude ourselves….
Gawwwwd-damn, this woman should be doing stand-up….
Nader has an odor other than that of a sanctimonious egomaniacal prick?
I realised 30 seconds too late that my previous comment should have specified oral sex between humans. [to contract rabies, that is.]
OK, that’s so nuts I gotta call for a link or call it BS.
A frothing mouth isn’t gonna have my dick anywhere near it. OTOH, are you saying rabies are shed in vadge secretions?
I realized 30 seconds too late that I should have specified in my previous comment that I was not referring to part of actor’s anatomy.
I don’t think that’s how that works. Maybe you should get checked out…
Look, I always drooled when I watched porn, OK? STOP JUDGING ME!
Oh hell No!
OK, that’s so nuts I gotta call for a link or call it BS.
It’s possible to get rabies without a bite. You need an open wound, of course, so it’s quite possible.
Moral of the story? If she’s a-drooling, don’t bother a-fooling.
*watching the ball float slowly toward the plate*
A frothing mouth isn’t gonna have my dick anywhere near it. OTOH, are you saying rabies are shed in vadge secretions?
Any response I have to this is horrifying, so Imma just sit here.
I was not referring to part of actor’s anatomy.
Thanks and for the record, I’ve never called it “Nader”.
I’ve been clean for years.
of rabies, sure.
But: heroin, meth, opium, cocaine, marijuana, oxycontin, methadone, LSD, shrooms, whiskey, rum, banana peels, hashish, Congo Crimean hemorrhagic fever, kuru, hookworm, hepatitis A-F inclusive, typhoid fever, malaria, and beriberi, not so much.
Thanks and for the record, I’ve never called it “Nader”.
What? I thought you commonly referred to your Nader-regions.
OK, that’s so nuts I gotta call for a link or call it BS.
It’s possible for rabies to be transmitted from simple contact with an infected animal (which is one reason why you should never pick up road kill) if you have an open wound, so it’s possible.
What? I thought you commonly referred to your Nader-regions.
Don’t blame me because your mom’s weird.
But: heroin, meth, opium, cocaine, marijuana, oxycontin, methadone, LSD, shrooms, whiskey, rum, banana peels, hashish, Congo Crimean hemorrhagic fever, kuru, hookworm, hepatitis A-F inclusive, typhoid fever, malaria, and beriberi, not so much
You missed that damned candiru.
You missed that damned candiru.
I thought kuru made you immune. silly me.
Veiled levitating scrotum reference … ?
Must’ve just aimed itself at the ground and missed …
I thought kuru made you immune. silly me.
Whoops, got my diseases mixed up. Which one is the psychological delusion that you have been cursed that your wang will fall off again? I thought it was local to Papua New Guinea.
Which one is the psychological delusion that you have been cursed that your wang will fall off again? I thought it was local to Papua New Guinea.
Papua is where they suffer from chrematophobia.
Which one is the psychological delusion that you have been cursed that your wang will fall off again?
“Local Faux-Pshychologist fails to pull Peter’s Peter”
A lot of modern conservatism seems to be variations on “The-food-is-awful-and-such-small-portions.”
“Liberals are rude, stupid, inbred, drug-crazed freaks! And they’re so mean to me!”
“Blacks and Mexicans are lazy, violent welfare cheats! And they never vote Republican!”
“The government can’t do anything right! Let’s cut its funding and resources some more!”
Dammit, that was MY low-hanging fruit! You kids get off my branch!
The Peters of the world may not be withholding love or affection or even simple kindness
I thought Republicans were all about delayed gratification.
Wow. I’m stunned.
For shits and giggles, I went over to the WorldNet Daily site.
Nat Hentoff, erstwhile columnist for The Village Voice, has a regular feature there.
I haz a sad.
I thought Republicans were all about delayed gratification.
Is that a euphemism for erectile dysfunction?
I thought Republicans were all about delayed gratification.
Is that a euphemism for erectile dysfunction?
Justification, I think.
The only good plot is a delayed fuck.
Lulz. So true.
going on about “Volvo-driving liberals” like half the teabaggers do.
Aren’t Volvos the car of choice for sparkly Mormon vampires now?
Wow. I’m stunned.
For shits and giggles, I went over to the WorldNet Daily site.
Nat Hentoff, erstwhile columnist for The Village Voice, has a regular feature there.
I haz a sad.
He stormed off of The Progressive a number of years ago, much to my chagrin, cuz it wasn’t sticking to its lefty ideals. Now he’s at WorldNetDaily…as melon scratchers go that’s a Honeydew.
Aren’t Volvos the car of choice for sparkly Mormon vampires now?
I thought Volvos were for people who are too distracted actually drive, and want to survive the resulting collision unlike whoever they hit.
He stormed off of The Progressive a number of years ago, much to my chagrin, cuz it wasn’t sticking to its lefty ideals.
Curiously, he was never the most lefty of the columnists at the Voice, either, because of his fealty to the First Amendment. I remember him defending some church group or other back in the Eighties and the rest of the staff actually published a letter to the editor condemning him.
Anonymous said,
October 6, 2010 at 21:50
going on about “Volvo-driving liberals” like half the teabaggers do.
Aren’t Volvos the car of choice for sparkly Mormon vampires now?
Top Five Topics that inevitably lead to savage bloodletting in blog comments sections are, in this order:
1. Anything to do with diet or exercise
2. Anything to do with parenting
3. Israel/Palestine; Mac/PC (tie)
4. Amanda Marcotte
5. Guns
Sorry Mr Thers, sir, but if Twilight does not make that list, there is fail somewheres. Blecchhhh! SVTR
(Somewhat-less-than Veiled christ-on-a-cracker Twilight can kiss my sparkly ass Reference)
Which one is the psychological delusion that you have been cursed that your wang will fall off again?
I thought it was bad enough having a psychological delusion involving my wang falling off a first time. A delusion about it disappearing repeatedly is just weird.
OK, that’s so nuts I gotta call for a link or call it BS.
Teh virus is present in saliva before the symptomatic stage. The case I was thinking of was from France in 1910 or thereabouts but I do not own that textbook any more.
I thought Republicans were all about delayed gratification.
They’re gratified by delaying good for everyone else but not themselves, hence their “eventually slavery/racism/etc would have just ended without government intervention!” and “let spend trillions on war but not raise taxes to pay off the ensuing massive debt” bullshit.
This made me larf.
He stormed off of The Progressive a number of years ago, much to my chagrin, cuz it wasn’t sticking to its lefty ideals.
And he decided HOW that going to WorldNutDaily was a better choice…?
Wow. Just… wow.
In places like Berkeley, it may be inbreeding.
Yeah, just like in H.P. Lovecraft’s The Berkeley Horror.
She comes across more like “Robin of Uranus”.
And he decided HOW that going to WorldNutDaily was a better choice…?
In fairness to Hentoff, WND might have picked up his column via United Media.
He was laid off in 2008 from the Voice, by which time he had a) gone pro-life, b) gone pro-Iraq war c) become Zionist (altho he was never shy about supporting Israel).
And he joined Cato this year.
From this I’m assuming RofB is built like Maggie Gallagher. Or K-Lo.
In fairness to Hentoff, WND might have picked up his column via United Media.
In UNfairness to Hentoff, no, he’s writing for WND.
And I’m abashed and aghast.
She comes across more like “Robin of Uranus”.
Oh no you don’t! I’ve crapped plenty of nasty things but this is definitely not from MY anus!
I thought Republicans were all about delayed gratification.
No gratification intended, just delays.
From this I’m assuming RofB is built like Maggie Gallagher. Or K-Lo.
Y’know, she could have bad knees from giving so many blow jobs.
Y’know, she could have bad knees from giving so many blow jobs.
My, aren’t we the optimist.
so many blow jobs
!GASP¡ How shocking & uncalled for. H8R.
Y’know, she could have bad knees from giving so many blow jobs.
My, aren’t we the optimist.
!GASP¡ How shocking & uncalled for. H8R.
Well, I mean, I have bad knees too, and I’m not built anything like K-Lo.
I mean, I have bad knees from playing football. And basketball. And hockey. As a kid. Also.
So it’s possible to be in shape and still have bad knees. Too.
You know, as she declares liberals to be scoundrels incapable of empathy(and SO judgmental, too!) I can’t help but think of the conservative response to, well just about any personal difficulty suffered by someone they see as potentially “other,” but specifically the Obion fire fiasco. Victim-blaming is their go-to move.
Y’know, she could have bad knees from giving so many blow jobs.
Yet another reason to put down a towel.
MSN.com has a thing up about re-designing the dollar bill.
Obama’s picture has been suggested.
I approve.
Well, I mean, I have bad knees too, and I’m not built anything like K-Lo.
I mean, I have bad knees from playing football. And basketball. And hockey. As a kid. Also.
So it’s possible to be in shape and still have bad knees. Too.
I see you don’t deny the blow-job route.
You know, as she declares liberals to be scoundrels incapable of empathy(and SO judgmental, too!) I can’t help but think of the conservative response to, well just about any personal difficulty suffered by someone they see as potentially “other,” but specifically the Obion fire fiasco. Victim-blaming is their go-to move.
Well that different because Shut Up, That’s Why.
I see you don’t deny the blow-job route.
Which part of “actor” was unclear to you?
“Pere Ubu said,
October 6, 2010 at 22:39
MSN.com has a thing up about re-designing the dollar bill.
Obama’s picture has been suggested.
I approve.”
Hope you don’t mind getting ‘sploded teabagger head on you.
MSN.com has a thing up about re-designing the dollar bill.
Obama’s picture has been suggested.
I approve.
I’d approve it on one condition: that the Obamabills have nanodevices that track your every move and purchase..
Really, though, I’ll just settle for the unsubstantiated rumor of the above in order to turn the wingut paranioa up to
1114.I’d approve it on one condition: that the Obamabills have nanodevices that track your every move and purchase..
Nah, they need to make a $6 bill and do that.
First two comments: volcanic activity has been detected.
she could have bad knees from giving so many blow jobs.
If the act involved the knees it would be called a KNEE JOB. You are DOIN IT RONG.
in order to turn the wingut paranioa up to
1114.Or paranoia
(which is one reason why you should never pick up road kill)
There go my dinner plans.
The case I was thinking of was from France in 1910 or thereabouts but I do not own that textbook any more.
Was this “textbook” wrapped in brown paper when you bought it?
There go my dinner plans.
What? You don’t have the vaccine on hand?
What? You don’t have the vaccine on hand?
My uncle Oswald used it all up- he has this predilection…
My uncle Oswald used it all up- he has this predilection…
Ohhhh…one of those in every family, isn’t there?
[I’d] been dating [Peter] for a few months when I was ready to have the conversation.
Robin wasn’t the first person to be betrayed by a Peter before the cock crowed…
Oddly enough, IRL the Frau Doktorin had her first rabies vaccination yesterday, but that is totally due to travel plans and not because she’s worried about my biteyness.
Yeah. Three swallows make a Capistrano.
It’s three prunes that make a movement.
Oddly enough, IRL the Frau Doktorin had her first rabies vaccination yesterday,
“First”? Do people normally have a need for multiple rabies vaccinations? I mean, other than bat researchers?
What? You don’t have the vaccine on hand?
My uncle Oswald used it all up
The immediate treatment after exposure is a series of shots of rabies immunoglobulin, i.e. the actual concentrated antibody, rather than vaccine that would encourage your body to make its own antibody.
Rabies immunoglobulin is a blood extract.
I’m worried about Uncle Oswald.
Then he uttered something that I have never forgotten. He said, “A relationship? I’m not capable of a relationship.”
Do you know who else was incapable of having a relationship.?
rabies immunoglobulin, i.e. the actual concentrated antibody, rather than vaccine
That should read “rabies immunoglobulin AS WELL AS vaccine”, as any fule kno.
I do not think Robin’s observations make the point she thinks they make: yes, there are rude liberals. And there are rude conservatives. People can be schmucks … the trick is to deal with it gracefully*.
Modern, big-government progressivism says “yes, so what if people are schmucks? let’s try to make sure there are laws and rights and safety-nets so that way when people are schmucks to other people, nobody gets hurt and everybody is ok”. Conservatives say “no, we shouldn’t have a nanny-state … people need to be virtuous on their own (with the help of state favored religiosity)”.
Nu? Is it hypocritical for a liberal to be a schmuck? Not really … but unless the conservative is the sort of conservative who celebrates schmuckitude as a good thing, a conservative schmuck is a hypocrite.
* not to be too anti-Christian, but one of my problems with Paul and Augustine (and hence Christianity as it has evolved) is that they make too big of a deal about people being schmucks: somehow that people are schmucks turns into this undergraduate seminar grandiose theory of “original sin”. Come-on … just because people are schmucks doesn’t mean you have to throw up your hands a say “oh noes … no matter what happens, everybody sins so without the blood sacrifice of Christ Jesus we’re all going to hell” … if God truly is an all-merciful Creator, then She must be able to deal with the fact that in humanity She created a bunch of putzes (maybe God’s a straight woman or gay man and hence is into penises). People are schmucks and any morality that can’t deal with the schmuckiness of humanity but rather throws up its hands and says “well, people are bound to sin” is hardly going to be a constructive or useful system of ethics now is it?
Tigris wrote:
“I can’t help but think of the conservative response to, well just about any personal difficulty suffered by someone they see as potentially “other,” but specifically the Obion fire fiasco. Victim-blaming is their go-to move.”
Which would be why they don’t seem to care much about Tibet. RWA’s don’t root for underdogs so much. Except, say, white farmers in Zimbabwe.
I would like to address some of the concerns people have regarding my alleged deal-making with the Nevada Tea Party candida….LOOK OVER THERE! SCARY BROWN PEOPLE!!!!
Robin wasn’t the first person to be betrayed by a Peter before the cock crowed…
Golf clap! Martini?
Redesign the dollar with Obama’s picture and change the name to ObamaDollars.
Wheee! ‘splodey head for all!
Okay, I peeked at the wiki for Nat the Hentoff. Nothing all that new. He’s been a free speech absolutist forever, then a pro-life absolutist, to include death penalty. He’s been against corporal punishment in schools since way back, back when it was still legal and practiced in the majority of US states (i.e., early 80’s.)
He’s against hate speech laws, and he’s a fan of deposing Sadaam on humanitarian grounds.
Nothing I saw there surprised me much. He’s curmudgeonly, but he hasn’t done some lulu 180 recently and become a club-swinging troglodyte.
the conservative response to, well just about any personal difficulty suffered by someone they see as potentially “other”
Not specifically a conservative response, though it may be more common in authoritarian types.
If someone else is in personal difficulty (ill-health, say, or in prison on a false conviction, or whatever), then there is the cognitive dissonance between the knowledge (“I should be helping them”) and the reality (“I am not helping them”).
Option 1 for reducing the dissonance is to do something to help.
Option 2 is to find some way to hold them responsible (they must have brought it on with unhealthy habits, or they must have done something else that deserves imprisonment anyway) and no longer worthy of help.
Speaking of rabies and blow jobs, one early symptom of rabies is increased sexual drive. Beware.
Golf clap! Martini?
Thanks, but I’ll just guzzle some sacramental wine.
Oh, the ObamaBill things gets better:
Voters said yes to placing Obama on the dollar bill with London design firm Dowling Duncan taking first place in the Dollar Rede$ign contest.
The contest, which ended Sept. 30, was a culmination of a grassroots movement to rebrand America’s paper currency that began last year under the efforts of Richard Smith, a British design consultant based in New York.
Look for the conspiracy theories coming at your nearest wingnut blog!
I sat him down and told him I cared a lot about him. Did he see a future between us?
She SAT HIM DOWN? That’s behavior you’d expect from a Liberal Feminist, not a paragon of Conservative Woman-as-Helpmeet type partner. She wore the pants in this relationship and it bit her in the ass.
it bit her in the ass.
Seek medical help immediately.
Teh virus is present in saliva before the symptomatic stage. The case I was thinking of was from France in 1910 or thereabouts but I do not own that textbook any more.
It must be so old that even the CDC isn’t talking about it:
…and it bit her in the ass.
Hey, I wasn’t anywhere near her!
Okay, I take it back. Hentoff’s gone a little lulu since 9/11. It’s the Israel & Islam thing. I peeked at the WND archive for his columns and he explains — in a high class way — why Mr. Rauf ought not build that “mosque” there. Because of peoples’ feeeelings and sensitivities. (Kinda odd for a free speech fanatic.) Also, he grumbles — in a high class way — about sharia law.
Oy vey.
Marv Albert said,
October 7, 2010 at 0:02
…and it bit her in the ass.
Hey, I wasn’t anywhere near her!
How soon we forget. Thanks for the reminder.
It must be so old that even the CDC isn’t talking about it:
You have to pay extra for the “spicy” monographs.
The comments section at the Obama dollar bill article is an oasis of sophisticated political analysis.
Wouldn’t a conservative hypocrite be someone who claims to be a totally selfish asshole, yet actually shows compassion on occasion?
I could live with that sort of hypocrisy.
The comments section at the Obama dollar bill article is an oasis of sophisticated political analysis.
That is indeed a buffet of wingnut. What do I go for first? Accusations of Obama buying votes? “This Muslim” on the dollar bill? The fact that Washington has to be on the dollar ’cause it’s always been that way and RAARR WOLVERINES!!?
Oh, this is my favorite so far:
if they use that person I will wipe my a__. with it no I will not use or want anything with his face unless its toilet paper
Brilliant, there, sir, brilliant.
I want mangoes…but I don’t want to see them firsthand.
I want mangoes…but I don’t want to see them firsthand.
And, like laws, you REALLY don’t want to see
sausagemangoes made.I want mangoes…but I don’t want to see them firsthand.
If you’re talking about the ObamaBill™ thread, no, I’d advise not going over there.
The mangoes are not only rotten but infected and poisonous.
Has anyone here ever had “the conversation” after dating for a few months? Did it involve filling out any forms or answering a questionnaire?
Y’all, I just got my insurance statement today.
If I hadn’t had health insurance, my cankle would’ve cost me about $8,000.
That’s scary.
I’m askeert to visit the obamadolla link. Bring the mangoes here!!
But I will nobly return bearing lulz:
Those American Presidents (dead, let me remind you) deserved to be on there. Changing that is disrespectful to AMERICA. Changing our history is disrespectful. And who in the hell voted for this stuck up bastard?
Really? Only patriots and remarkable people diserve to have their face on a currency. Why would you replace George Washington the gratest man with the most socialist president in the history of the US, Idiots
“Obama $1 Bill Wins Rede$ign Contest”
Ya gotta be kidding!!!
I heard his picture is already on food stamps.
Tell me this dick ain’t the anti-christ!!!
And i will not believe you!
Oh he’ll go down in history as the most spend thrift president to serve this county along with the reputation of “do nothing” right next to Carter other than putting this country so far into debt AND making a laughing stock of the USA. He’s nothing but hot air & full of lies to the American public…time to wake up folks!
Given his very low ratings it is ludicrous to claim that voters said yes to this absurd change.
If Obama is going to be on it it should be an IOU rather than a dollar. Of course the Obama dollar will only be worth $.01.
Obama took the Noble Peace Prize. I personelly was glad he changed his campaign promises to traditional American values and supported our young troups who are fighting for our freedom no matter what we all think of the war. He did nothing for peace. He made $1,000,000.00 and accepted the peace prize. Oh yea, he also sold his name for a Chio Pet…Obama Pet. Can America see who this guy is. Nothing but a trained con.
You want some lulz?
Tea hee hee
Speaking of rabies and blow jobs, one early symptom of rabies is increased sexual drive.
Virus just wants to meet new hosts. Virus damages old host’s brain to increase irritability & social disinhibition & transfer of body fluids. And who am I to say that biteyness and sexual activity are not an erotic combination? Evolution at work!
OK, the old host soon dies but you know, collateral damage, when the only tool you have is an egg-beater then everything looks like an egg.
Pere, that is an awesome smorgasbord you’ve aptly lain before us. I laughed. And I voted for that stuck-up bastard!
““Obama $1 Bill Wins Rede$ign Contest”
Ya gotta be kidding!!!
I heard his picture is already on food stamps.
Tell me this dick ain’t the anti-christ!!!
And i will not believe you!”
Poetry. Say it soft and it’s almost like praying.
People are schmucks and any morality that can’t deal with the schmuckiness of humanity but rather throws up its hands and says “well, people are bound to sin” is hardly going to be a constructive or useful system of ethics now is it?
However, if you adopt the Christian fundamentalist perspective – that people are inherently so depraved and evil as to be beyond help, Jesus offered to save us because he’s so awesome but we don’t deserve it – that can be very useful if your system of ethics consists of fucking over your fellow man.
First, because you start off from the basic assumption that nobody deserves anything. One of my fundie acquaintances had a facebook quote up that said “I felt sorry that I had no shoes on my feet, until I looked down the street and saw a man with no feet at all.” It can always be worse so shut up and be grateful – not hard to see how movement conservative economics build on that.
Second, because people are incapable of being good, the concepts of “good” and “bad” really don’t exist in their world, not in any meaningful way. Not hard to see how that kind of “religion” can end up justifying the worst kinds of abuses.
Which would be why they don’t seem to care much about Tibet. RWA’s don’t root for underdogs so much. Except, say, white farmers in Zimbabwe.
Israel, also, = interesting case of an underdog winning conservative approval after it became top dog. Republicans and Dixiecrats weren’t exactly semetophile back in 1947, let alone before that. Israel grew on them progressively, pretty much at the same rate that Israel was asserting its power as the dominant regional power.
So yeah, like you said… you can almost always predict which side the conservatives will take in a conflict by looking at which side has the most power and will to use it ruthlessly.
Lastly and sorry to side with the conservafucktards on this one, but I don’t see why Obama should have his face on the dollar bill. His presidency’s barely two years old, we have no idea what his legacy will be yet (if we’re lucky, three quarters of it remain to be made) – and even after he leaves office, it takes time for a consensus to be formed.
I put the $1.00 Obama bill thing in the same category as his Nobel Prize. Yeah, it’s fun to watch conservatives shreik with outrage like elephants in front of a mouse, but I don’t think he’s earned it.
I put the $1.00 Obama bill thing in the same category as his Nobel Prize.
I can’t say I support an Obama dollar either, for the same reason. Plus, isn’t it against current law to have a living person’s likeness on the money?
Some sort of combination of Pastor Swank, the pyramid, and the all-seeing eye would be nice.
I also think the trend of naming warships after modern-day politicians should only be allowed if the ship thusly named carried the corpse of the aforementioned politician. In a glass case on the foremast, to give the enemy something to shoot at.
I’ll be here all week!
Then this guy should qualify. If he’s good enough for a US stamp, he’s good enough for a US dollar.
I also think the trend of naming warships after modern-day politicians should only be allowed if the ship thusly named carried the corpse of the aforementioned politician. In a glass case on the foremast, to give the enemy something to shoot at.
Also, the proper name for the airport closest to the city of Washington DC is “National Airport.” Period.
Then this guy should qualify. If he’s good enough for a US stamp, he’s good enough for a US dollar.
It should be Christopher Lee or nothing.
As a NOVA native, it has NEVER been called anything else. Except maybe “National”.
They shouldn’t put a vampire on money. As soon as all those Twi-hards reach voting age we’re going to have Edward Cullen coins. I assume they’ll sparkle.
Speaking of vampires mixing it up with US politics, I recently read a short story from 1900 called the Tomb of Sarah, featuring vampire named Countess Sarah Kenyon.
See where I’m going with this? Just change a few things around and “Sarah Kenyon” becomes “Sarah Palin”. Okay, more than a few things, but the similarities are hard to dismiss.
Now, I’m not saying that the former governor of Alaska is in fact a centuries-old vampire who assumes the form of a wolf at night in order to feast on the blood of children, I’m just saying that it would be irresponsible not to speculate.
We could do what we already do with everything else and just let the bills be corporate branded. ‘Cause that’s what we really need, more corporate influence on our daily lives.
Spend the new Wal-Mart™ Dollar™ at Wal-Mart!
Now, I’m not saying that the former governor of Alaska is in fact a centuries-old vampire who assumes the form of a wolf at night in order to feast on the blood of children, I’m just saying that it would be irresponsible not to speculate.
She does have a sepulchural air about her.
Yes, I’m quite convinced by this point that she is indeed a Kenyon.
I demand to see her birth certificate!
…isn’t it against current law to have a living person’s likeness on the money?
Sorry, I am afraid I cannot accept.
So we have a Republican candidate in Delaware who’s a witch and one from Alaska who’s a vampire. I see.
You’d think the fundies would have something to say about that.
I’ve always assumed that she’s a primitive non-carbon-based alien parasite that feeds by stimulating the irrational dumbfuckitude of other life forms.
…Those on the right believe that their inherent moral superiority allows them to be dirty, rotten scoundrels…”
Really! Her criteria for making one a “dirty,rotten scoundrel” is merely refusing to give another restaurant patron your extra chair, or accidentally running over a cat, or not wanting to “commit”?
I put the $1.00 Obama bill thing in the same category as his Nobel Prize. Yeah, it’s fun to watch conservatives shreik with outrage like elephants in front of a mouse, but I don’t think he’s earned it.
Strictly speaking, there is no “earning” the Nobel Peace Prize. It’s an honorarium voted on by a bunch of people. One might as well argue about Oscar winners, since they’re chosen in the same way.
OT again but (http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/five-societal-trends-that-signal-our-nations-decline/?singlepage=true);
Anyone else tired of hearing this?
Here’s a thought, if you actually care about poverty in this country and the fairness of the tax system; do everything you can to boost unions and other ways of ensuring that the wealth actually “trickles down” (you know, like it did in the 1950s, unlike post-Reaganomics).
The more people make higher salaries, the more of them will pay into the system, and the less of them will need (yes, need) those tax credits that are causing all the butthurt. (Of course, this’d give you one less thing to bitch about. Can’t have that).
The problem could also be solved by grinding the bottom 40% into a nutritious pulp and feeding them to the top 10%, thereby increasing the highest earners’ energy and productivity to even greater levels.
They’d rather have the butthurt. The Earned Income Tax Credit is a way to buy workers’ quiescence, keeps unionizing down. It’s a subsidy from the middle class (and rich) taxpayers to industries (Wal-Mart, Booger King) who rely heavily on cheap labor.
It’s not just lib Dems who support EITC. It’s had strong support from other corners.
Hmmmm.. OOTH, the blue collar and poor also do a lot to earn federal dollars. In uniform. How much of the upper 20%? 10%? are sending their kids off to spread The Freedom?
Fellow Sadlynauts, I am off to look for… ze bigfoot. Please try to keep it down to a dull roar while I’m gone. I’ll miss you guys. * sniff*
Really! Her criteria for making one a “dirty,rotten scoundrel” is merely refusing to give another restaurant patron your extra chair, or accidentally running over a cat, or not wanting to “commit”?
You would think starting illegal wars and propagandizing a population until even the heinous crime against humanity of torture becomes socially acceptable again would count as activities of “dirty, rotten scoundrels.”
But you would be wrong.
#1: An enormous number of people are willing to accept “news” from an organization that is happy to repeat stories from the Weekly World News as fact.
I have long said that in a just world, Fox would be generally seen in the same light as the WWN. Little did I know.
Dan Rather is oiling the spit-pivot he intends to be buried on.
I put the $1.00 Obama bill thing in the same category as his Nobel Prize. Yeah, it’s fun to watch conservatives shreik with outrage like elephants in front of a mouse, but I don’t think he’s earned it.
I’m inclined to agree– but (not going over there because the putrid mangoes’ll probably make me hurl) did the site show the proposed redesigns?
What’d you think of the vertical design orientation and differently-sized bills to make it easier for the blind to sort their cash? I liked those ideas.
Can we get away from putting presidents on our money entirely? And can we get rid of Hamilton, also?
$100 – we can keep Franklin
$50 – John von Neumann
$20 – Mark Twain/ reverse: Mississippi river
$10 – Edison
$5 – Robbert Goddard
$1 – Maya Angelou (heads go ‘splody)
justme – I have up a post on that. But I called it several months ago when they broadcast the “Taliban monkey soldier” story.
$10 – Edison
Fuck Edison with a broken lightbulb. I concede that he did make one massively huge invention – the corporate research lab – but that was coming anyways.
Also, a list where you have one non-white and one non-male and they are both the same person and the lowest denomination of currency – that may be representative of American History as it has been taught, but that doesn’t mean that it’s the way things ought.
The dollar thing is a private design competition. The Treasury is not even considering putting Obama on the $1 bill. It’s as necessary to take a stance on the matter as it is to announce your opposition to his initials being tattooed on every newborn baby’s forehead.
Hey you guys!!!! I just saw on Fox News that Obama has mandated that every newborn must have Obama’s intials tattooed on it’s forehead!!!!!
I just saw on Fox News that Obama has mandated that every newborn must have Obama’s intials tattooed on it’s forehead!!!!!
I read that on the Internet! Twice! It must be true!
Can we get away from putting presidents on our money entirely? And can we get rid of Hamilton, also?
$100 – we can keep Franklin
$50 – John von Neumann
$20 – Mark Twain/ reverse: Mississippi river
$10 – Edison
$5 – Robbert Goddard
$1 – Maya Angelou (heads go ‘splody)
Veto on Edison, who was an enormous asshole. How about Tesla?
Also, why not include the unsung heroes of our infrastructure, the engineers? Most of the advances in civilization are due to their work in putting academic theory into honest-to-goodness practical uses. We have way too many highways and bridges named after who-knows-who-they-are politicians already.
$50 – John
von NeumannMellencampFixed for relevance!
$100 –
we can keep FranklinLady Gaga. The version with PENIS.Robin’s ba-a-ack!
I’ve heard this whole “people think that their altruistic political actions entitle them to be jerks” thing a few times, with the idea that someone is saying “well, I bought this organic fair trade soy latte, so I can, you know, shoplift, it’s all good”. It always makes me wonder what the great thing was that the guys at oh let’s say (Enron/Halliburton/Qwest/the White House/AIG/Bernie Madoff/Lehman Brothers) were doing that made them felt entitled to screw everyone else over.
I mean, sometimes I’m like “well, I gave to Southern Poverty Law Center, so I don’t really think I should donate to the zoo” but it’s never like “I’m going to honk at this pedestrian because I care about strangers and social injustice and have a bumper sticker that says so”. I honk at pedestrians because they’re walking against the obvious DON’T WALK hand and also acting like they are so reluctant to get where they’re going that why don’t they just fucking wait on the curb already, and also I never have bumper stickers1 because in college my girlfriend’s car got vandalized possibly because of her sort of hippie bumper stickers. And also because I always want to (but never actually do) key those “Bush/Cheney 2004” cars.
1 Okay one used car I bought had one that was the flag that boats fly when there are divers under it, and I only kept that because sometimes I like to put on a drysuit, park the car over a manhole, and do some sewer spelunking.
It’s not just that, even — I’ve heard a lot of people say that most Free Tibet groups, and the Dalai Lama himself, are on the payroll of the CIA. I mean, it makes some sense, and doesn’t in itself destroy their legitimacy, that their interests align in some sense with the CIA’s, but still, it’s strange.
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