Dan Could Think Of Things He Never Thunk Before

ABOVE: Marquis B. Daniel Blatteau de Sebranler-sur-Seine

Somewhat Shorter B. Daniel Blatt, The Gay Putzriot
Is this the way for a Republican to win the gay vote?

  • Because teh gays all love Judy Garland, a Republican campaign commercial based on The Wizard of Oz is a clever way to lure gays into my wonderful Republican fantasyland of no taxes for everyone and no rights for gays.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 292


Always, ALWAYS. Trust. The. Shorter.™

Because the best way to convince a person that reality is what you say it is is to feed them a fantasy.


Chickens For Colonel Sanders


Does the Gay PaidRat understand that, in this life, he’s one of the flying monkeys?




my wonderful Republican fantasyland of no taxes for everyone and no rights for gays.

Nice summation. I suspect he’s hoping that if his betters don’t have to pay taxes he’ll finally be able to find that sugar daddy that’ll set him up in a penthouse suite uptown. Who cares about marriage equality or human rights when you can be a kept woman?


Jesus, I thought you were kidding.


Would someone pleeeeze explain the whole idea of “gay conservative Republicans” to me?

I still don’t get it. Are they that concerned about taxes that they’d put their own heads on the chopping block after having politely sharpened the axe?


Not gonna do it. Trusting the shorter here. Self destruction in the name of political theater is the worst kind of horror movie.


If Madonna were around in Germany circa 1940, Dan would have run into the first train car blaring “Holiday.”


Are they that concerned about taxes that they’d put their own heads on the chopping block after having politely sharpened the axe?

You’d think the fact that, in 1996, Dole returned a thousand dollar campaign contribution from the Log Cabin Republicans would have persuaded them they have no place in the GOP.


BWAHAHA I’m not _even_ going to bother mango hunting becuase I know that 1. the shorter is perfectly accurate and 2. Them mangoes over there are deadly poison.

BTW, did I coin GayPutzriot? I didn’t recall seeing it before I first used it but then, I’m a relative latecomer to S.N!. (Yes, I’m an attention whore, why would I deny it?)


That ad, it is so terrible. The dude looks so fucking shifty at the end. He looks like he’s auditioning to be the host of Uncle Pedobear’s Unmarked Panel Van Story Hour.

And it’s not even coherent. “Throwing water on politicians that say one thing and then do another”? Really? Pelosi goes around saying she’s a Republican and then does a bunch of Democrat shit, contrary to the will of the people in her district?


On the other hand, they are one of a splinter group of moderate Republicans who are working from within.

That may be even stupider and more futile than being gay and being a Republican. Certainly, the Gay PaidRat puts paid to the notion that they are entirely socially moderate (something the Log Cabin stresses on their website).


He looks like he’s auditioning to be the host of Uncle Pedobear’s Unmarked Panel Van Story Hour.



Amazing what passes for clever among morons.


He looks like he’s auditioning to be the host of Uncle Pedobear’s Unmarked Panel Van Story Hour.

Well played. FTW.


Alex, you seem to be trying to say something.


Ooooh, Beck gets pwned by The Onion!

I’d argue with “half-wit”.

He’s not even half.


Alex, would you care to share your feelings on the matter with the group?

That Thing with the Stuff

…Uncle Pedobear’s Unmarked Panel Van Story Hour.

Something about that show makes me uncomfortable.


More evidence of Castro’s hard-line Stalinism from MSN.com:

Cuba will let more than 500,000 state employees go by March and try to move most to non-state jobs in the biggest shift to the private sector since the 1960s, the official Cuban labor federation says.

Cuban privatization. You should be able to seee the heads exploding in Miami from the ISS.


Ooooh, Beck gets pwned by The Onion!

There’s a surprising amount of wharrgarbl from teabaggers in The Onion’s Facebook post of that article. I wonder how many of them had thought it was a serious news outlet?


Cuba will let more than 500,000 state employees go by March and try to move most to non-state jobs in the biggest shift to the private sector since the 1960s, the official Cuban labor federation says.

Does this mean we have to burn our Che posters in protest?


Does this mean we have to burn our Che posters in protest?

Yes. Yes, it does.

And your Che Swatch.


I dunno about the shorter here. Since Blatt operates on the principle that homosexuality is terrible I think he’s disapproving of the ad EXCEPT that those nancies in SF will be fooled.


Oh the things Republicans have to stoop to to trick fags like me.


And your Che Swatch.

My Che Tos, too?


There’s a surprising amount of wharrgarbl from teabaggers in The Onion’s Facebook post of that article. I wonder how many of them had thought it was a serious news outlet?

Do you remember the column “I Can’t Wait to Have an Abortion”? They thought that was real. So I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a fair amount.


Pink faced, half-wit piglet.


Alternate shorter:

Oh the things Republicans have to stoop to to trick fags like me.


Do you remember the column “I Can’t Wait to Have an Abortion”?

I also remember being quite surprised it took much of the right wing as long as it did to get the Stephen Colbert joke.

In fairness to Colbert, he adds an extra layer by lampooning liberals just often enough that it might throw some people off.

You know the types: people who don’t pay attention much. At all. Ever. Usually just sit in front of the TeeVee rocking back and forth twiddling their thumbs…


Does this mean we have to burn our Che posters in protest?

Be sure to purchase enough carbon credits first.



But how will the Dems beat the Repubs at this game? To the Liza, libs! To the Liza!



But how will the Dems beat the Repubs at this game? To the Liza, libs! To the Liza!

Quick, Robin! To the Blattmobile!


Would someone pleeeeze explain the whole idea of “gay conservative Republicans” to me?

I still don’t get it either. Self-loathing? Greed? A little o’ both?

Marion in Savannah

Usually just sit in front of the TeeVee rocking back and forth twiddling sucking their thumbs…




I try not to conjure up the image of Republicans sucking anything.


In fairness to Colbert, he adds an extra layer by lampooning liberals just often enough that it might throw some people off.

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him lampoon a liberal. Unless you count dancing FABULOUSLY behind Barney Frank.

Sometimes–as he’s said in an interview–just genuinely disagrees with a liberal. But I’ve never seen him skewer them as mercilessly as he does conservatives. Hey, we’re harder to mock…because we tend to be right. Also not disingenuous fuckfaces.

Marion in Savannah

I try not to conjure up the image of Republicans sucking anything.

It’s creepy to be sure, but then again I don’t necessarily want them twiddling anything in my presence either…


I try not to conjure up the image of Republicans sucking anything.

Tailpipes, maybe.


I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him lampoon a liberal.

The first thing that leaps to mind is when he takes down Jon Stewart in their mock exchanges.


Also not disingenuous fuckfaces.

Hey–speak for yourself.


And this could have helped deflect an awful lot of right wingers into automatically smearing Colbert as liberal.


Also not disingenuous fuckfaces.

Hey–speak for yourself.

Oh, she didn’t mean YOOOOOOOOOOOOOU

*rolling eyes*


I try not to conjure up the image of Republicans sucking anything.

Tailpipes, maybe.

As we all learned last week, they don’t suck tailpipes.


Colbert’s epic takedown of the Washington press corps at the White House Correspondents Dinner was the best example I can think of of “lampooning liberals” (to the extent that one can credibly regard the press as “liberal”, natch).


Colbert’s epic takedown of the Washington press corps at the White House Correspondents Dinner was the best example I can think of of “lampooning liberals” self-important douchenozzles who can’t laugh at themselves (to the extent that one can credibly regard the press as “liberal”, natch).



Hey–speak for yourself.

You may be a fuckface, but you’re up front about it.


One of the reasons I like Valerie and Joe Wilson is that they laughed while Colbert performed. A lot of people who agreed with him sat there stone-faced lest they upset their overlords.


It’s probably hard to laugh when you know you’re getting fucked in the ear and you know you deserve every bit of it.


As we all learned last week, they don’t suck tailpipes.

A lesson we’d all give our eyes to un-learn.


It’s probably hard to laugh when you know you’re getting fucked in the ear

Aural sex is old news. Goldfinger practiced auric sex!


“You know the types: people who don’t pay attention much. At all. Ever. Usually just sit in front of the TeeVee rocking back and forth twiddling their thumbs…”

Also, they are stupid. Too.


Goldfinger practiced auric sex!

My ex used to practice tantrum sex.

Marion in Savannah

tantrum sex




Are they that concerned about taxes that they’d put their own heads on the chopping block after having politely sharpened the axe?

I think between the wide-stance guy and the guy who needs a rent boy to carry his luggage, they aren’t worried about the chopping block.

Most “libertarians” that I’ve encountered are genuinely in favour of gay rights and civil liberties generally. A lot of them just don’t think they matter quite as much as getting the damn tax collectors out of the way of them honest working people.

After all, as any internet libertarian can explain to you, property rights are the foundation of all rights. The first time you let the government tax you one dollar, you’ve stepped on the slippery slope to the Gulag. And I don’t think they have gay marriage in the GULAG, do they, lib?



Don’t mine if I dood!


As we all learned last week, they don’t suck tailpipes.

In Kommunist Sorosistan, tailpipe fuck you!


One of the reasons I like Valerie and Joe Wilson

I wonder what they’re up these days? Emboldening our enemies? Killing American soldiers? Smoking cigarettes?


I wonder what they’re up these days? Emboldening our enemies? Killing American soldiers? Smoking cigarettes?

Just a guess: Promoting this?


Pink faced, half-wit piglet.



You may be a fuckface, but you’re up front about it.

In Kommunist…oh fuck that.

That’s right. No point in beating the bush…wait, yes there is.

Huh. I need new business cards:

tsamwise the snarklepony, esq
Super Genius, Disingenuous Fuckface


Pink faced, half-wit piglet.


Oh shit. Sorry!

How timely, with the whole fuckface business and whatnot.


Just a guess: Promoting this?

I KNEW it!

Naomi Watts: Good choice to play Valerie.


Most “libertarians” that I’ve encountered are genuinely in favour of gay rights and civil liberties generally. A lot of them just don’t think they matter quite as much as getting the damn tax collectors out of the way of them honest working people.

See, in my experience, most “libertarians” are either conservative or liberal. Either they’re “libertarian” because they don’t want liberals taxing them or feeding poor people, but if you ask them about abortion and gay marriage they’re actually huge fans government intervention. Or they’re “libertarian” because they don’t want conservatives regulating their private life, but if you ask them about welfare programs and foreign aid and all that, they’re all for it.

“Libertarian” is a cheap label for people who don’t want to affiliate with the baggage of the two parties, but are usually committed to one side or the other anyway, plus it sounds like “liberty,” which is awesome, man. No one who’s called for “small government” has ever meant it. It’s always about slashing those programs they hate, but don’t you dare touch those programs they like.


Or they’re “libertarian” because they don’t want conservatives regulating their private life, but if you ask them about welfare programs and foreign aid and all that, they’re all for it.

I’m a libertarian who believes in government. I think the greater threat to my privacy and my rights as secured in the Declaration and Constitution is Big Business, and I want government to step in and stop them.


“Libertarian” is a cheap label for people who don’t want to affiliate with the baggage of the two parties, but are usually committed to one side or the other anyway,

Well, a lot of the same people who spent the nineties talking about Janet Reno’s jackbooted thugs, and how the police force was just another street gang just with uniform weaponry were awfully quick to believe whatever bullshit Bush’s people told them about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction and that no honest person had any reason to object to warrantless wiretapping , so maybe there’s something to that.


That’s been more like my experience with Libertarians. Although, I have met a few of “live and let live” types who really meant it–even where there is a perception that their views are radically different. But they still have that strict constructionist view of the Constitution, which shows a near perfect lack of understanding of the words.


I’m a libertarian because I’m green and carry a torch.


I dunno if it’s worth trying to salvage the word “libertarian” if its more visible proponents are gonna do things like argue that a return to 1880 would be great.


I’m a libertarian who believes in government. I think the greater threat to my privacy and my rights as secured in the Declaration and Constitution is Big Business, and I want government to step in and stop them.

Agreed. When the teeth of big business grow long and sharp, the government needs to bash them out. Instead, they let these corporations grow into multi-national empires, free from any oversight or accountability. But Muslims are the real problem.


From Sub’s link: BEST TITLE EVER:

If those women were really oppressed, someone would have tended to have freed them by then.

After 4 times through it, it still hurts brain.


Market forces have a strong tendency to weed out discrimination.

From Sub’s link.

Um, what?

Lemme see…we had “free enterprise” for over 100 years in the United States before slaves were freed by an act of the executive. Up to that time, market forces not only didn’t weed it out, it reinforced and even demanded slavery.


Just noticed the flag lapel pin. Nice.


Caplan has a Libertarian Purity Test. at his awesomely beautiful website. Take it: it turns out you’re a little bit of a libertarian but you need more work.


awesomely beautiful website

I did not think you were being sarcastic. I should have known better.


I’m a terribly impure libertarian, but I already knew that.


Good ol’ FOX News: there’s no story they won’t stoop to spin into OMG! MUSLINS!


I’m a libertarian who believes in government. I think the greater threat to my privacy and my rights as secured in the Declaration and Constitution is Big Business, and I want government to step in and stop them.

You and me are on the minority side, compadre.

Market forces have a strong tendency to weed out discrimination.




TO: B^4, N__B, and any other NYC denizens

FROM: actor212

SUBJECT: This beats Secret Science Club

Be there or be square.


Chris, the way I brake out “libertarian” is “social libertarian” and “economic libertarian”. These days the single world “libertarian” is almost always the “economic” flavor.

Back when Democrats were Democrats, “social libertarianism” was pretty much the party platform. Now with creeping corporatism that’s not so true, but it’s still the general idea.

“libertarian”, “economic libertarian”, and ‘Glibartarian’ pretty much describe the same bunch of folks: “spoiled brats”. They love them some government just fine, as long as said government is paying for their stuff, but hate government that doesn’t benefit them. Another equivalent label is “freeloader”.

These are people that think civilization is a bad idea, and do their best to prove it.

Needless to say I’m not a popular commenter at High Clearing.


This brings a whole new meaning to The Overton Window

(You’ll see what I did there)


The performance is accompanied by the participant’s favorite song — you could go with Ravel’s “Bolero,” any Barry White tune or even Boston’s “More than a Feeling.”

Tut, tut, tsk, tsk. Show me the gal working with Offspring’s “Come Out And Play” and I’ll show you the winnah.


Oh, look who FAUX broke out as their “expert”:

Neil Livingstone, a Washington, D.C., terrorism expert, said Staupe’s apparent method of suicide shines a light on the problem of lax security at universities across the country.

“This should be a wake-up call,” said Livingstone, president of ExecutiveAction. “What if her name were Mohammed Atta (a leader of the 9/11 plot) instead?

“If she’d been a bad guy and gotten hold of a significant amount of cyanide…who knows?” Livingstone said. “Cyanide is a good weapon of assassination or for killing a small number of people.”

Runs in my mind he was one of the “THE AYRABS DONE IT!” guys back when the Murrah Building was bombed. He’s of the Steve Emerson school of Arab [mis]Understanding. Real piece of work.

(Notice how he knee-caps his own arguement at the end: “for killing a small number of people”. Large numbers, you need a jet plane or a truck bomb. Cyanide’s a fairly easy poison to detect, if I remember right. Still, yeah, FAUX is going to be all “WHAT IF A LAB TECH IS A DIRTY MUSLIN” now, just watch.)


This Will Be the Biggest Dump Ever, writes Kim Zetter at Wired

I beg to differ!


I’m a terribly impure libertarian, but I already knew that.
I’m a terrifically impure libertarian I’m so impure that I don’t call myself a libertarian at all. I think we ought to close nearly all of the overseas military bases, slash defense spending to the bone, institute real meaningful immigration reform, and end the war on drugs. And starve Grover Norquist till he’s so small he could be drowned in a bathtub. It’s that last part that will be the trickiest I’m afraid.


Oh – and I notice FAUX had to point out who Mohammed Atta was. Stay classy, gents.


Cyanide’s a fairly easy poison to detect, if I remember right.

Bitter almonds. The smell of bitter almonds, I think.


And starve Grover Norquist till he’s so small he could be drowned in a bathtub. It’s that last part that will be the trickiest I’m afraid.

He’ll be all wet & squirmy, for sure. (Ick.)


And starve Grover Norquist till he’s so small he could be drowned in a bathtub. It’s that last part that will be the trickiest I’m afraid.

He’ll be all wet & squirmy, for sure. (Ick.)

What if we put him in a coma with a knock on the noggin first?


Bitter almonds. The smell of bitter almonds, I think.

As I recall there’s a genetic requirement; Seems like it’s 60/40 in the general population (can to can’t).


I’m a libertarian who believes in government. I think the greater threat to my privacy and my rights as secured in the Declaration and Constitution is Big Business, and I want government to step in and stop them.

Well, you’re one of those few libertarians who still believes that the ideology’s about privacy and your rights. Most libertarians believe it’s about “small government,” and don’t really give a shit what rises up to replace the government once you’ve drowned it in a bathtub.

As for breaking it into economic and social libertarianism, that’s fine… but then it just goes back to liberals and conservatives. My point stands – there’s no coherent libertarian alternative to the two sides we have now, so identifying as “libertarian” as opposed to liberal or conservative is pretty meaningless.


Hoawrd Fineman to Dems: Give up now.

I didn’t read the whole thing but I’m sure as far as Obama goes, being a horrible atheist Muslim Communist foreigner who’s a Stalinist and never takes a stand on anything comes into it.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Because teh gays all love Judy Garland, a Republican campaign commercial based on The Wizard of Oz is a clever way to lure gays into my wonderful Republican fantasyland of no taxes for everyone and no rights for gays

Well, the GOP is a coalition of the heartless, the brainless, and rubes from the heartland…


Well, you’re one of those few libertarians who still believes that the ideology’s about privacy and your rights.


I’m an introvert. I don’t want to be bothered and I don’t want to bother anyone else.


Bitter almonds. The smell of bitter almonds, I think
That’s nonsense. The coffee the administrative assistants here make smells just like bitter almonds and aside from debilitating abdominal pains, I’m fit as a fiddle.


The coffee the administrative assistants here make smells just like bitter almonds and aside from debilitating abdominal pains, I’m fit as a fiddle.

That’s because they play Prussian Blue records as they serve it.


I wonder if Mr. Livingstone remembers a certain Tylenol & cyanide thing that happened a few yaers ago, but since it was before 9/11 when the world was created anew I guess not.


Ah, WELL, look where it’s coming from:

Citing a recent Forbes article by Dinesh D’Souza, former House speaker Newt Gingrich tells National Review Online that President Obama may follow a “Kenyan, anti-colonial” worldview.

Probusiness jerkoffs meet wingnut idiots = Perfect storm of stupid.


President Obama may follow a “Kenyan, anti-colonial” worldview.

I sense a walkback in Newt’s future. I predict he’ll state “I meant to say Keynesian, not Kenyan”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

That’s nonsense. The coffee the administrative assistants here make smells just like bitter almonds and aside from debilitating abdominal pains, I’m fit as a fiddle.

Yeah, right- I think you’re spiking the coffee with amaretto.


How do I make this turn pink?






Michael Savage will be so pleased!


Most gay guys don’t suffer from wage discrimination, and since they’re guys, don’t want to admit to sexual harassment. So of course they’re all for lowering their taxes.

What I don’t get is why Republicans are all about making taxes simple for rich people and complex for poor people. Admittedly, by ‘rich’ I mean over 250K – they basically have a flat tax, no employment taxes, etc at that point, whereas for anyone below that we have multiple schedules and whatnot.


Do NOt Click This Link

He and Trojan Man would make a great superhero team.


I have no words

He’s late. PJTV said the same thing this morning.

It does floor me that in the United States of America of all places, it’s now become a crime to be “anti-colonial.” Wow. And these are the guys who keep gushing about the Revolution and the Founding Fathers, and think Harry Truman would have been one of them.


BTW – nice to see Forbes giving Mr. D’Souzaphone a place to publish when no one else will *sob*

The poor lil’ guy.


That’s nonsense. The coffee the administrative assistants here make smells just like bitter almonds and aside from debilitating abdominal pains, I’m fit as a fiddle.

And for Christmas she’s bringing you a big ol’ bottle of home-made Creme de Noyaux!


And these are the guys who keep gushing about the Revolution and the Founding Fathers, and think Harry Truman would have been one of them.

“Anti-colonial” is only bad if you’re of the dusky persuasion, like all those Africans who object to Shell and Chevron spilling toxic waste all over their nice clean land.



WASHINGTON — The Obama administration will soon notify Congress of an arms package for Saudi Arabia worth up to $60 billion, U.S. officials said Monday, a potentially record-breaking deal that may help counter Iran’s growing regional muscle.

The deal would apparently represent the largest single U.S. arms sale ever approved. It would allow Saudi Arabia, the most militarily advanced of the Arab Gulf states and one of the richest countries in the world, to buy top-line U.S.-made helicopters and fighter jets with ranges that would span the Middle East and beyond.




Mind you, Iran hasn’t threatened anyone, but I’m sure the leaders of Saudi Arabia will get all kindsa good use out of all that sophisticated hardware ’cause, you know, they’ll always be our buddies just like… UM…. Iran…



Pere Ubu said,
September 13, 2010 at 23:05

Yeah, I heard about that… in the form of a conservative friend facebook-shilling “SERIOUSLY? WE’RE SELLING F-15s TO SAUDI ARABIA?”

Of course, Republicans have been doing it for ages and there’s a whole cohort of good “realist” arguments for it and practically none against. But you shouldn’t let that stop you from attacking Obama. Yet another thing Republicans and Democrats have done throughout the ages, which for the first time has become a Very Serious Problem.


Hey, and thank god Bush & Co. drove up the price of oil so their Saudi freinds have so much more money to spend on weapons. Whee!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Yeah, I heard about that… in the form of a conservative friend facebook-shilling “SERIOUSLY? WE’RE SELLING F-15s TO SAUDI ARABIA?”

You should reply that it’s okay, because the recipient is Bandar Bush.

Fucking conservatives, their entire understanding of the world is based on flushing everything down the memory hole.


Thing is, the Saudis would have no reason to buy all this stuff if it wasn’t for idjuts in this country whining about what a new Nazi Germany Iran has become and how they’re threatening world peace and annexing the Sudetenland with nookyoolar bombs and all that.

Arguably a well-armed Iran might well pose a greater threat to Russia than us, but you don’t see them going to John “Moustache of Mass Destruction” Bolton for commentary. Likely they have bigger things to worry about.


Arguably a well-armed Iran might well pose a greater threat to Russia than us, but you don’t see them going to John “Moustache of Mass Destruction” Bolton for commentary. Likely they have bigger things to worry about.

A well armed Iran scares the Saudis for all kinds of reasons that predate the American alliance and recent things like Bolton’s antics by centuries. And Iran, like any major power, would be trying to exert influence over the region no matter what the context was (like us in Latin America or the Russians in Central Asia and Eastern Europe).

Nah, I don’t think America has as much to do with it as all that.

Gary Ruppert Number Two

uh uhhh. not leaving the boat on this one.


Unless the Saudi Air Force pilots have improved considerably since the ones I was training back in the 1980s they’re not going to be much a threat to anyone.


I sense a walkback in Newt’s future. I predict he’ll state “I meant to say Keynesian, not Kenyan”

Too close to the elections.

Anti-colonial? Repeat after me: Afghanistan.

This concludes our lesson for today, children who are completely devoid of a fucking soul.


“Cyanide is a good weapon of assassination or for killing a small number of people.”

As indeed are guns.


Unless the Saudi Air Force pilots have improved considerably since the ones I was training back in the 1980s they’re not going to be much a threat to anyone.

Their Muslimness gives them special powers for attacking Westerners, you know.


…who happened to have played a wonderful con, as a result of which he is now president

Hm, this reminds me of something… Whatever could it be?

Conservawhacks: projection enough to fill an IMAX screen.


Newt Gingrich tells National Review Online that President Obama may follow a “Kenyan, anti-colonial” worldview.

You know who else was “anti-colonial”?


Citing a recent Forbes article by Dinesh D’Souza, former House speaker Newt Gingrich tells National Review Online that President Obama may follow a “Kenyan, anti-colonial” worldview.

Certain people who get up earlier in the afternoon were posting about this 24 hours ago.


You know who else was “anti-colonial”?


Everyone who lived in colonized countries!

What do I win?


Yeah, I heard about that… in the form of a conservative friend facebook-shilling “SERIOUSLY? WE’RE SELLING F-15s TO SAUDI ARABIA?”

Yeah. Those damn 1970s-era jet fighters! Seriously, it’s not like the US sends its top-notch front line fighters to foreign nations. Those F-15s were undoubtedly about to be sent out to that big parking lot in the desert. Or at least equipped with equipment from the fighters out there in the desert…


Yeah, I heard about that… in the form of a conservative friend facebook-shilling “SERIOUSLY? WE’RE SELLING F-15s TO SAUDI ARABIA?”

What would REAGAN say about selling arms to…um……shit. Never mind.

This is an example of would could happen if a wingnut had capacity for thought.

To finish the wingnut response:
As it happens, Reagan did not sell arms to our “enemy”, nor did he funnel that money terrorist death squads freedom fighters in Central America. Besides, he had a perfectly good reason to do it because American freedom apple pie and Toby Keith. And shutup that’s why.


Besides, he had a perfectly good reason to do it because American freedom apple pie and Toby Keith.

I support sending weapons at Toby Keith.


Certain people who get up earlier in the afternoon were posting about this 24 hours ago.
Since we got Freeview I have not been able to sleep wondering what might be on.


HAH! I was up at the crack of 1300! No one gets up earlier in the afternoon than I.


HAH! I was up at the crack of 1300!

AK always – ALWAYS! – wakes up earlier than you because he’s upside-down and living in the future.


I support sending weapons at Toby Keith.

I support the use of his music as a weapon.


I support the use of his music as a weapon.

You cruel bastard! Isn’t that banned by the Geneva Conventions?


You know, Marquis B. Daniel Blatteau de Sebranler-sur-Seine was a very strong supporter of Napoleon and his humble foreign policy.


aw, who’mI kidding, Nappy opened museums and schools and all kindsa that sort of dumb socialist shit like that there. The Marquis loved the wars; the social programs? Not so much.


Isn’t that banned by the Geneva Conventions?

Well, Toby Keith isn’t chemical, and there’s a serious question about whether or not he’s biological.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I support the use of his music as a weapon.

Even if said weapon were to kill “House”?


Are we going to have to break out the photos of George W. Bush holding hands with Crown Prince Abdullah again?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Are we going to have to break out the photos of George W. Bush holding hands with Crown Prince Abdullah again?

Hell, I want to see a McGravitasian animated .gif of them tongue-wrestling!

Uh, actually, I don’t.


Hey! A new gay conservative!

America’s youth are completely accepting of homosexuality. [Lady Gaga’s] popularity is the result of widespread gay acceptance, not a cause. Gaga is like the child in the back seat of a car handed a toy steering wheel to fiddle with while her father drives. She thinks she’s the one moving the vehicle; the vehicle is actually moving her. And it should raise red flags all around that Stefani Germanotta was fully absent from gay-rights causes. It’s the character she plays, “Lady Gaga,” who masquerades as a pioneer for gay men everywhere, stamped with the approval of all of the right establishment organizations. In this way, she is the beneficiary of a movement that hasn’t yet recognized its victory. Gaga’s public declarations on homosexuality are mostly orgasmic displays of self-congratulation. This is what happens when a legitimate movement degenerates into a racket.


Hell, I want to see a McGravitasian animated .gif of them tongue-wrestling!

How about fucking like crazed weasels?


I try not to conjure up the image of Republicans sucking anything.

Tailpipes, maybe.

As we all learned last week, they don’t suck tailpipes.

Melting sea ice forces walruses ashore on the Chukchi


Uh, actually, I don’t. Me neither!

Belated b-day gift for T&U. (Probably asleep from the meds by now.)

Nothing for tsam, ’cause nothing random & fitting has come along. Many happy Virgo returns anyway.


How about fucking like crazed weasels?



Belated b-day gift for T&U. (Probably asleep from the meds by now.)

YESSSSSSSSSS! I have a feeling my processed food intake is going to increase exponentially over the next few months.

I’m actually fully awake. I was a trooper and stayed at work until 2:30, but when I started falling asleep while writing emails and stapling pieces of paper together, I figured it was time to go home and take a three-hour nap. Much better now!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

She thinks she’s the one moving the vehicle; the vehicle is actually moving her.

And said vehicle is full of money.

This is what happens when a legitimate movement degenerates into a racket.

I wonder what he thought of Beckapalooza.


Gaga’s public declarations on homosexuality are mostly orgasmic displays of self-congratulation.

While it’s often hard to tell showmanship from conviction, Gaga did get one of the sponsors of her last tour to donate $20K per show to an organization that helps support GLBT kids who have been kicked out of their home by their shithead parents.

That ain’t nothing. I’m willing to bet it’s better than anyone associated with Breitfart has done for anyone.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

This is what happens when a legitimate movement degenerates into a racket.


When it starts out as a racket, and stays one, you get the Tea Party.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

+ since when are conservatives considering gay rights “a legitimate movement?”


Lady G will not fit the narrative so must be discounted. I mean she could be an entertainer enjoying her time in the spotlight and salting away the moolah for when the next thing comes along, BUT NO!!! She has to be a fake gay person unrepresentative of the real gay pioneers who bravely allow conservatives to beat them up and sneer at them.


Gaga, since y’all brought her up.

And, Paglia on Gaga, thankfully mostly behind that old fool Murdoch’s paywall.

Here’s the title, so you get the idea: Lady Gaga and the death of sex


Where is my previous (blog-pimping) post? Do not tell me WP has become so sophisticated it can detect pimpin’. Because it’s all robot Glenn Reynolds from here if WP has that kind of intelligence..


There, you stupid bastard robot. Duplicate post my ass!


T-Sam’s b-day gift: Killed it for ya!

Take a break, Sledfrayer!


Pimpin’ ain’t easy, MB.

Btw, you’re more than welcome to pimp your blog at my forum. Have a section set up for just that purpose.


Oh gawd. I click on nothing named “Paglia”. *shudders*


AK always – ALWAYS! – wakes up earlier than you because he’s upside-down and living in the future.

The future is after the present, so any time he wakes up we already had.


The future is after the present, so any time he wakes up we already had.

Stop blowing my mind.

Notice though that the days are longer there because you look at the upside-down clock and it’s like 95:11 or something.


Go ahead MB. do your worst. I thought I kilt the last thread but NO. Tsam has special threadkilling powers he does. Let him administer the coup de grace.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Take yoor evul syense and go strayt to HELL, infidels.

Isn’t that from that clown song about magnets?


Fucking Geocentrism, how does it work?


It’s central to my point.


Scientific evidence available to us within the last 100 years that was not available during Galileo’s confrontation shows that the Church’s position on the immobility of the Earth is not only scientifically supportable, but it is the most stable model of the universe and the one which best answers all the evidence we see in the cosmos.

I call shenanigans.


I’d say calling shenanigans is unfair, and I am forced to refer you to Betty Bowers, so that ye might be saved from your eternal torment.



Do you think it’s easy living in the upside-downy future? I’m constantly late for appointments I haven’t made yet. And you can forget wearing a hat anywhere.

Spengler Dampniche

The shorter was funny until I saw the actual piece it describes. It’s not funny. It’s precisely accurate.

What saddens me is how many people hate themselves so much they commit suicide, and yet this dingleramus won’t run the bath and pick up the razor.

Hellooo, Dan?

Come on baby, (don’t fear the reaper),
Baby take my hand, (don’t fear the reaper),
We’ll be able to fly, (don’t fear the reaper),
Baby I’m your man…

They cut that song out of the movie, because the Reaper character was too scary for the little kids in test audiences, but it’s sung by Bert Lahr and he knocks it out of the park.


Have a section set up for just that purpose.

Free Speech Pen/Red Light District/Combat Zone?

Oh gawd. I click on nothing named “Paglia”. *shudders*

In my perfectly lovely comment WHICH WORDPRESS ATED!!! I !!! … Sorry. I mentioned that it was behind that old fool Murdoch’s pay wall. Not sure what the mango gathering procedure is when they’re protected by a fucking 90 yr. old emu w/ a shotgun.


They cut that song out of the movie, because the Reaper character was too scary for the little kids in test audiences, but it’s sung by Bert Lahr and he knocks it out of the park.

and yet they left in all that druggy Pink Floyd music….


Come on baby, (don’t fear the reaper),
Baby take my hand, (don’t fear the reaper),
We’ll be able to fly, (don’t fear the reaper),
Baby I’m your man…

Do that again & Smut C. appears. Or Sandy Pearlman, seeking royalties.


Ah, my favorite song.




Why would you use my dear Stupid Prince for that photoshop?


Criswell sez: “Let us punish the guilty. Let us reward the innocent.”

All for punishing (the guilty) but why should anyone be rewarded for mere innocence?


All for punishing (the guilty) but why should anyone be rewarded for mere innocence?

Apparently your heart cannot stand the truth about grave-robbers from outer space.


We endorse the Senator Murkowski to Stay in Race Petition to Alaskans!!.

That is a pretty great title.


Do you think it’s easy living in the upside-downy future? I’m constantly late for appointments I haven’t made yet. And you can forget wearing a hat anywhere.

Ahem, Sir!


Pagia? Amurka’s foremost cultural critic?? “Sheesh, what an asshole.”


Paglia. Sheesh, what a lousy typist.


That singer singing pop songs is not as original as that other singer who sang pop songs!


This is what happens when a legitimate movement degenerates into a racket.


When it starts out as a racket, and stays one, you get the Tea Party.

Exactly. Even Mind Numbed Lefty Robots can understand this concept. They have conspired agaist Murkowski, and caused a disruption of true sovreignty and divine appointment. Sign the petition and leave a good encouraging word here:



Gaga is “asexual.” Uh huh. Camille, baby, you just keep on telling yrself that.


I did not know that Muslims were making shit country music too.

Religious crusades, shit country music, if they’re not careful they’re going to end up Christian.


Also, Vox Day of all people:

Last year, 700 Americans renounced their citizenship. You’re going to see that number continue to increase until they start trying to confine them. Anyone with half a brain is going to want to emigrate. To understand what’s going to happen, you need to look at Argentina circa 2000 and 2001. The kleptocracy won and started stealing everything. Remember, in the Great Depression, there was still a functioning banking system and good leadership. That is going to be remembered romantically as a great period of American history by comparison when this is over. When I say America is done and dusted, I’m saying 1776 to 2008. It’s over with. It’s done with done. From Mexico to Canada, there will be only pieces. How many states are bankrupt already? They can’t afford to turn on the lights or fix the roads. They can’t afford to teach the children. There’s nothing there anymore. It’s an empty shell.


I did not know that Muslims were making shit country music too.

Shit crosses all cultural borders. And isn’t that proof for Great Orange Satan I’s Yankee Taliban tome?

Alt.: Damned Muslims infiltrating OUR music! He wants to “live in paradise,” that’s Muslin code for martyrdom! &c.

Meta: Video poster katydid has to clarify:

I am not a Muslim, but I have many friends who are. This is for them and everyone else to help others see Muslims are kind, loyal, loving and peaceful. Presented by http://www.masmediafoundation.org

“Kind, loyal, loving and peaceful.” Oh, how cute. Like dogs.


One needn’t actually renounce citizenship to emigrate. It’s a nice gesture, or some dump is giving you a tax break to move there & you have to be a citizen to capitalize on the deal.

Maybe Pox has land in Costa Rica or condos in Panama for the Depends set. Odd that he thinks Canada & Mexico will be there to bookend the empty wastelands.

(Note to self: Do not insult or alienate Canadian blog-buddies. You never know.)


Last year, 700 Americans renounced their citizenship.

Good. Now we can let 700 more Mexicans in.

The number would be higher, incidentally, if they didn’t pile on a lot of incentives to stay a U.S. citizen. Chief among them being that you will continue to pay American taxes for ten more years even after you’ve stopped being a citizen. In fact, even green card residents who leave the country have to go on paying taxes for a while.


In fact, even green card residents who leave the country have to go on paying taxes for a while.

That’s all theoretical. I dunno any American expats who pay taxes on other-than-American earnings.


Yes, F-15’s are old-timey beasts now. They’re going into museums, and even onto pedestals at the entraces to USAF bases now.

Not saying I don’t want a ride in one, now now now now now!


So, it has come back to haunt us in this thread… this truck-fucker… that picture, it raises so many questions:

a) Why lingerie?

2) What temperature? Surely, that’s not a cold tailpipe. And surely, that’s not a hot one. So, what temp are they aiming for? Do they have cool-down charts showing time, ambient temperature, time it takes for hot engine exhaust system-at-tip to cool down to 98-125F? Do they have infrared thermometer guns for this? They should.

III) What size tailpipe? Do these creeps trade notes on what size tailpipe is just right? I’d had to see that Buck/Rover V-8 be choked by a much-too-small exhaust system… Do these guys make a suspicious number of return trips to the local muffler shop to get things right?

4) But why male models?


reeks of effort, Substance.


There’s nothing there anymore. It’s an empty shell.

makes one wonder why Pox is still here.


Sure sure. And reeking of rotting flesh is okay. THAT IS A DOUBLE STANDARD.


Funny there, three yrs. in the past.


People made jokes’n’stuff. If only they had seen their doom before them.


Faced with a tottering economy and a crumbling coalition government, Silvio Berlusconi has chosen to woo a youth rally with jokes about Adolf Hitler and his own sexual prowess.

Appearing relaxed, if a little pale, before a crowd of cheering supporters yesterday, the frequently outspoken and gaffe-prone Italian prime minister promised to see out the end of his term, despite losing his guaranteed majority after a split with an ally, Gianfranco Fini.

Putting politics aside, he then launched into a series of anecdotes and apparent jokes that promptly drew accusations of anti-Semitism and even mental instability from opposition politicians.

The former cruise ship entertainer told a joke in which Adolf Hitler is begged by his supporters to return to power after they discover he is still alive. After resisting, Hitler says: “I’ll come back, but on one condition … next time I’m going to be evil.”


Right now, Berlusconi is trying to copyright the Pedobear for his new political party symbol. I say, keep shooting high, Silvio!!


Adolf Hitler is begged by his supporters to return to power after they discover he is still alive. After resisting, Hitler says: “I’ll come back, but on one condition … next time I’m going to be evil.”

Indeed, this return of Hitler is some kind of evil noise.


I kill this thread in the name of ‘slayers everywhere.


After resisting, Hitler says: “I’ll come back, but on one condition … next time I’m going to be evil.”

This also works as a Stevie Nicks joke.


Last year, 700 Americans renounced their citizenship.

Um, Voxy?

Do you know how long it takes to formally renounce citizenship?

First, you need to be a citizen of another country AND establish residency. That can take more than a year in its own right. After the appropriate residency requirement, THEN you have to make a formal declaration to the State Department (returning your US passport usually works) and have them accept it (usually a formality but nonetheless, it takes a bit of time).

All told, you’re looking at 24 months. So these folks who “renounced” last year actually started just around the time of the Bush recession. They saw the benefits other nations were giving to residents and citizens and decided “Fuck that! I want security!”


And you can forget wearing a hat anywhere.

Izzat why Aussie bush hats have chin straps? I always thought it was so Aussies knew which side went up top.


It’s a miracle! It rises from the dead! I’m gonna seriously reconsider this atheism thing now.


I’m gonna seriously reconsider this atheism thing now.

Take. Eat. This is my body given you this day. Don’t forget to swallow.


“Take. Eat. This is my body given you this day. Don’t forget to swallow.”

Well, maybe. If you’re cut like Hot Jesus.


If you’re cut like Hot Jesus.

I’m His personal trainer.


Holy shit. I’m shocked you didn’t go straight for the circumcision joke.


Last year, 700 Americans renounced their citizenship. You’re going to see that number continue to increase until they start trying to confine them. Anyone with half a brain is going to want to emigrate.

America – love it or leave it? Is the Right Wing on the “leave it” side now?


Izzat why Aussie bush hats have chin straps? I always thought it was so Aussies knew which side went up top.

Aussie jokes?


I’m shocked you didn’t go straight for the circumcision joke.

Well, “cut” can mean two things to a guy whose hung around gyms like I have.


Aussie jokes?

Well, I assumed “Another Kiwi” was from New Zealand, and so would enjoy a crack at an Aussie’s expense.

But if you’d like, we can discuss the merits of sheep-fucking…


Man, how distracted am I today? It took me four tries to get a multiple choice question right. And there are only three choices!


Well, “cut” can mean two things to a guy whose hung around gyms* like I have.
*not to mention turkish baths, steam rooms, spas, saunas, prisons, dockside bars, disco clubs, and dog shows.


*not to mention turkish baths, steam rooms, spas, saunas, prisons, dockside bars, disco clubs, and dog shows.


I’ve nevr been to a dog show in my life!

I own cats.


America – love it or leave it? Is the Right Wing on the “leave it” side now?

You prompted me to recall this from over a year ago;


So let me now send a personal message to The Rich in America…

As an American and a patriot, I implore you – I go to my knees and beg you – LEAVE NOW.

Leave. Just go away. Retire to the Cayman Islands or Bermuda or wherever, but do it now, please, while you still have some love for this country. Close your companies, fire your employees, shutter your factories and offices, sell your property, and take all of that somewhere else… better yet: somewhere scenic but poverty-stricken. Somewhere that could use some wealth creation. Somewhere that people simply are grateful to have a job in the first place. Somewhere where you will be appreciated.

You are not welcome in America any more. Take your wealth and prosperity and inventiveness and hard work and vision and insight and bold risk-taking and joy in seeing growth and wealth creation and just go away – right now, before it’s too late. Because if you stay, Joel Berg and Barack Obama and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank and Chris Dodd will continue to come after you for more and more and more and they will not ever stop – not ever – until you are forced to flee. And when that day comes, you will go with not with fond remembrances and a desire to return home, but rather a black heart and hard and bitter memories.

So on behalf of those few of us who still believe in the Land of Opportunity, I beg you and implore you, in the name of our common patriot ancestors who worked so hard and sacrificed so much so that we could become so spoiled and ungrateful: take your 60% of the total income taxes and just go away.

Because if you do, then there will no longer be an Enemy for the Left to stick it to. Then, perhaps, the half of the country that pays no income tax might have to put some skin in the game. Then, perhaps, with most of the wealth generation gone we will turn to our community organizers to provide the wealth creation, and the tax dollars, and the innovation. When you have gone the President of the United States, supported by an army of little acorns like Joel Berg, will have to start calling for the rest of us to be taxed more to address the inequality gap.

That’s what I want.

He goes on to explain that he used to be one of those rich welfare chiselers which is how he knows that the bottom forty percent are just lazy shiftless niggers welfare queens and not people who work every waking hour and don’t pay taxes because if they made a dime less than they do, they couldn’t afford a living.

But the point is they were on the “leave it” side as soon as Obama won in November. Only reason they’re not on it now is because they expect the teabagger revolution to sweep everything away and bring back their sacred precious country; if it fails to yield the expected results, I expect quite a few of them will hop on the leave it bandwagon. (Rhetorically, at least).


“Well, “cut” can mean two things”

I know. I meant cut as in fit, but I assumed you’d go for the other easy joke.


Only reason they’re not on it now is because they expect the teabagger revolution to sweep everything away and bring back their sacred precious country; if it fails to yield the expected results, I expect quite a few of them will hop on the leave it bandwagon. (Rhetorically, at least).

“Rhetorically” is really the only way they can. What are they going to do? Move to Canada?


“Rhetorically” is really the only way they can. What are they going to do? Move to Canada?

Well, in his fantasy, either retire to their tax havens or move to a third world shithole and turn it into the latest haveandhavenotcracy (is there a word for those kinds of societies?)

And I kind of wish they would for our sake, though I definitely don’t wish that on the natives.


Ironically, any of a number of Central American countries would be on the list of havens for Teabaggers: Costa Rica, for one, Nicaragua is another, perhaps even Panama.

If they think the undocumented worker problem is noxious up here, wait til they get a taste of those places.

Here’s the real irony, tho: many if not most of them don’t even have passports and their idea of what life is like outside the US is based on what they read and see on the TV and in movies. Once they decide to move away and to renounce citizenship, I suspect many of them will return in scared droves.


Here’s the real irony, tho: many if not most of them don’t even have passports and their idea of what life is like outside the US is based on what they read and see on the TV and in movies. Once they decide to move away and to renounce citizenship, I suspect many of them will return in scared droves.

Let them leave the country. Waive the ten-year-after-you-give-up-your-passport taxation period so they’ll be inclined to leave the country altogether.

Then watch them bang on our doors screaming “Let us in! Let us in! Let us in!” and wave the newly passed Arizona Immigration Law Gone Federal in their faces.


Then watch them bang on our doors screaming “Let us in! Let us in! Let us in!” and wave the newly passed Arizona Immigration Law Gone Federal in their faces.

Having examined this issue myself during the Bush years, the US is rather…stodgy…about re-establishing citizenships of people who renounce. In many ways, it’s even harder than getting your green card. My guess is, you had your chance, you said no, now go away.


Adolf Hitler and his own sexual prowess

Band name!


move to a third world shithole and turn it into the latest haveandhavenotcracy (is there a word for those kinds of societies?)

Ironically, any of a number of Central American countries would be on the list of havens for Teabaggers: Costa Rica, for one, Nicaragua is another, perhaps even Panama.

Too many browns.


Too many browns.

Not really. Not in the gated communities that Americans favor.


Too many browns.

And not enough cheezyburgers.

And NO FUNYONS1!1!!!!!


Seriously, culture shock of the highest order would be very hard for these people to endure. What is considered a clean, healthy household in many middle-class third world countries would squick out most germ/dust/dirt-phobic Americans. Sure they could hide in gated gringo communities but they still would have to deal with very different cultural norms that they would think are “barbaric” or “backward.” Lots of teeth-grinding prejudice would be the inevitable result, methinks.


Sure they could hide in gated gringo communities but they still would have to deal with very different cultural norms that they would think are “barbaric” or “backward.”

You mean how like a three bedroom apartment in Tegucigalpa is roughly the same size as the shower stall in Lawrence, Kansas?


Not really. Not in the gated communities that Americans favor.

Good point.

I would hope that their houses would be destroyed by hurricanes because they cut down all the native plants in order to build them.


You mean how like a three bedroom apartment in Tegucigalpa is roughly the same size as the shower stall in Lawrence, Kansas?

Hey, now. Lawrence is full of DFHs and liberal college professors.

Tonganoxie, Kansas is a better example.


Although the shower stall in my first apartment *was* fairly big…


Having examined this issue myself during the Bush years, the US is rather…stodgy…about re-establishing citizenships of people who renounce. In many ways, it’s even harder than getting your green card. My guess is, you had your chance, you said no, now go away.

That’s why I think they should leave.

Seriously, culture shock of the highest order would be very hard for these people to endure. What is considered a clean, healthy household in many middle-class third world countries would squick out most germ/dust/dirt-phobic Americans. Sure they could hide in gated gringo communities but they still would have to deal with very different cultural norms that they would think are “barbaric” or “backward.” Lots of teeth-grinding prejudice would be the inevitable result, methinks.

Yeah. All these people whining about socialism and how it’d all be great if it was every man for himself, suddenly thrown into countries with either bad or nonexistent welfare, weak unions, weak worker-protection laws and weak governments to enforce all of the above… I’d love to see the entire Republican base try to survive in an actual Objectivist hellhole.

Of course, you know they’d just blame it on socialism.


Y’all might be surprised how many American ex-pats there are out there. Costa Rica, among others, has very explicit programs to encourage them. There’s a lake near San Miguel de Allende (Mexico, can’t be arsed to look it up) which is the largest American community outside the states, mostly retirees, many ex-military. Your fixed retirement income can be magnified by distance from home. To generalize, despite their backgrounds they all tend to become more and more like ex-pats as the years go by. Some are interesting folks.


Say, reading this inanity about how we owe all ours jobs and success and everything to the rich reminds me that they’re not actually doing very much to employ people right now – and it’s not like they’re not still sitting on piles of money.

So I’ll ask the dumb question;

Is there enough surplus wealth among the super-rich that they could employ everyone currently unemployed if they chose to?

And if so, is there any reason why we can’t just pass a Federal Employment Act guaranteeing a job to every citizen (get some long-term, nationwide infrastructure projects and things like that started towards that end) and finance it with a Federal Employment Tax bringing back taxes on the top 1% of society to New Deal levels? I just mean practical reasons, not political or even moral.

This naive and economically ignorant liberal would just like to know. Because so far, our Rich saviors don’t appear to be performing their function of employing people very well.


Some are interesting folks.

Yes, some of them most definitely are. And some have gone native to a certain degree. They tread softly on the culture they have entered, and even embrace it.

But all these Internet Tough Guys, mebbe not so much.


Because so far, our Rich saviors don’t appear to be performing their function of employing people very well.

Dude! Employees cost money. Slaves are much better (and there are um, er, benefits).


Is there enough surplus wealth among the super-rich that they could employ everyone currently unemployed if they chose to?

This gets into technical issues of liquidity and so forth, however, the short answer is no, the long answer is maybe and the truth is, probably.

Of course, if the fucking rich actually spent the money, we might have already seen some improvement.

(h/t Skippy)


Slaves are much better (and there are um, er, benefits)

Procurers of Gor. Fine book.


Of course, if the fucking rich actually spent the money, we might have already seen some improvement.

Which is why tax cuts to the rich are fucking retarded (sorry, Trig), and it defies reality to assert they’re not.


Y’all might be surprised how many American ex-pats there are out there.

If Costa Rica or Cabo are anything to go by, they tend to congregate in little enclaves in order to make it as American as they can. That’s swell and all but it isn’t really immersing oneself in your host country’s culture. Yes I’m painting with a broad brush but my sense of the (retired) expat communities in Central America is that it’s about living cheap, not cultural perspective.


“Is there enough surplus wealth among the super-rich that they could employ everyone currently unemployed if they chose to?”

Kenyan anti-colonialist thinking.


Since we’re off-topic: a yogurt exploded* in my bag yesterday** and I forgot about it. I just reached in to get something. It was nasty.

*Yeah, I know. Whatever.

**I left a pair of high heels (sob) here a couple of weeks ago and just threw them into my bag. They pierced the lid and yogurt got everywhere. “Exploded” is a bit of an exaggeration, but it’s much more veiled reference-y, don’t you think?


“San Miguel de Allende”

FUN or possibly boring FACT: I used to live there.


Shorter James Taranto: We hate Obama. We hate Muslims. Therefore, only Obama can make Muslims palatable to us

What the fuck? How did you even get a Shorter out of that? It’s un-fucking-readable.

PS: I hate you. Please give me that four minutes of my life back.


Shorter James Taranto: We hate Obama. We hate Muslims. Therefore, only Obama can make Muslims palatable to us

Kinda like only Laura Ingraham could convince Imam Rauf that America really was OK with his building a mosque.


How did you even get a Shorter out of that? It’s un-fucking-readable.

I’m a Jedi kiniggit.


Please give me that four minutes of my life back.

We did it four times???


We did it four times???

Possibly. To be honest, I didn’t notice. I was busy reading that Taranto column.


I notice the conservatards REALLY strive for an imperious condescending tone. It masks (not really) their deep insecurity.


I read it. *sigh*

I know it’s the Wall Street Journal, but srsly? That’s Breitfart-level shit, there.


And, like you said, unreadable. That’s an interesting writing style he’s got there.


Barack Obama must love the poor. He’s creating so many of them.

AH HA HA HA HA HA HA what a fucking douchebag.


Peeyew. Rotten mangoes.

I did get this before I bailed though:

But there’s no doubt that American mistrust of Muslims has been surfacing lately with some intensity, or that Obama has exacerbated matters by managing the situation insensitively.

Who else could have exacerbated matters? Maybe there was someone who, I dunno, raised an entirely artificial controversy over nothing…?

Naaaah. Must be Obama’s fault.


BTW – “American mistrust of Muslims” – i.e. “it’s okay to be bigoted when your enemies’ religion is all about killing you!”

And he actually compares it to Jewish mistrust for Germans. Remember when icky Muslims killed six million Americans? What a tragedy that was.


And why no justifiable “American mistrust of pasty white-boy Christians” after the OKC bombing?


And why no justifiable “American mistrust of pasty white-boy Christians” after the OKC bombing?

Oh, you’re so silly. Mistrust only counts when the target of your “mistrust” is non-white.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I know it’s the Wall Street Journal, but srsly? That’s Breitfart-level shit, there.

We have creepy uncle Ruppert to thank for that.


And why no justifiable “American mistrust of pasty white-boy Christians” after the OKC bombing?

Because that would be unfair. There are tons of pasty white-boy Christians with varying beliefs across the nation and most of them…oh…ummm…shut up, that’s why?


But, you know, conservatives? TOTES not racist!


Cut Jesus Though it is historically inaccurate – that Jesus doesn’t look cut.


But, you know, conservatives? TOTES not racist!

Well Juh! The pool boy and the gardeners are fine people and they’re brown. It’s just the dirty Muslims that CANNOT BE TRUSTED.


But, you know, conservatives? TOTES not racist!

Your saying this proves you’re the real racist.


Cut Jesus

That jeebus doesn’t look anatomically correct. Or at least he doesn’t look like me. At least, my balls aren’t by my belly button. Not for a few more years yet, anyway.


At least, my balls aren’t by my belly button. Not for a few more years yet, anyway.

Wait. I thought the opposite happened when you got older.

Or are you going to throw them over your shoulder like a continental soldier?


Jesus has a dick growing on his stomach! Aaaaaaaahhhh!


I thought the opposite happened when you got older.

I suppose you could call it a “race to the bottom.”


Also, I’m not even gonna tie ’em in a bow.


Ha! I bet tsam can’t kill a thread in prime time.


Also, I’m not even gonna tie ‘em in a bow.

Oh, of course not! That would be teh ghey.


Not to get pissy or anything, but it seems that I did I *did* coin GayPutzriot. To be precise, and this is according to teh great gazoogle, it was actually some attention starved dimwit named PeeJ.


Jane Fonda is a traitor!

Whaaaat? No! NO! I’m clutching my non-existent pearls!

(Actually, they are existent, but I’m not wearing them).


To be precise, and this is according to teh great gazoogle

I’m not sure I can muster faith in teh great gazoogle.


attention starved dimwit named PeeJ.

That PeeJ…now HE was funny. Good recipies, too.

What ever happened to that guy?


What ever happened to that guy?

I think he was eaten by a grue.


He may have become a maximus pain in the aximus.


Not to get pissy or anything, but it seems that I did I *did* coin GayPutzriot.

We are aware of all internet traditions.

This is why I render it “Gay PaidRat”. Which is funnier, less ethnic, and original. Totes.


I’m not sure I can muster faith in teh great gazoogle.

Your lack of faith is….disturbing.


I think he was eaten by a grue.

That’s what he gets for going down in the tunnels without a light.


I dunno any American expats who pay taxes on other-than-American earnings.

There’s an adjusted gross income threshold in addition to the reciprocal dealie.

America – love it or leave it? Is the Right Wing on the “leave it” side now?

Dear God, please let this happen and I’ll quit telling that dirty “second coming of The Lord” joke.


There is something amusing about the xenophobic, immigrant-hating, show-your-papers wall-along-the-border faction of American politics now showing this bland expectation that the rest of the world will welcome them with open arms when they turn up as refugees. Especially if they have forfeited any pensions or health-care benefits along with their US citizenship.

I mean, does Vox Day really believe that the rest of the world currently looks up to him and his readers as ideal citizens, exponents of civil virtues and recipients of a first-class education?


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