@BrentBozell Fuck You!


“Bite my @$$, libs!”

Here at Sadly, No! we’ve long documented1 Brent Bozell’s crusade against “jungle” music over at the whiter-than-white Newsblusterer’s website. (Try to find a black blogger there, okay?). Equally, Bozell (and his fellow Newsblusterers) are obsessed with appearances of naughty words like shit, bullshit, douche, and fuck2, and even some words like “$#*!” that aren’t even naughty but which might make some people think of an actual naughty word. (One wonders whether fudge can ever be on the menu over at the Bozell household. And does the euphemism “white meat” solve the “breast” problem? I mean who can hear “white meat” without thinking “breast” or “nipples” or, best of all, “titties”? And let’s not even get started on “coq au vin.”)

So you can just imagine how a perpetual scold like Bozell got his own titties in a twist when he learned that a Negro “soul singer” had written a song titled “Fuck You.”

The soul singer Cee-Lo Green has a new album coming out. How’s this for art: His first desperate single is titled “F—- You.”

I don’t think a song with 3 million hits on YouTube is “desperate.” I’ll tell you what’s desperate, Brent. Desperate is a desiccated old prude whose only job apparently is to sniff out naughty words and blog about how awful they are. Here’s a new project for you, Brent: Canterbury Tales. We can talk about how desperate Chaucer was. And you can add “fart” to your repertoire of words to blog about.

The entire song is obscene. It’s stuffed with 16 uses of the F-bomb in under four minutes, erupting on average once every 14 seconds. It also has 10 uses of the S-word, and even two uses of “nigga.”

You really have to admire Bozell imperiling his immortal soul by poring over the lyrics of the song to count how often “fuck” and “shit” appear. (The concern-trolling by Bozell over “nigga” is also a nice touch). To save Brent the trouble, here is the naughty word count for this post: fuck (8), shit (5), titties (2), bullshit (2), $#*! (2), a@@ (2), douche (2), fudge (2), breast (2), nipples (2), tender muffins (2), fart (2), Astroglide (2).

The fact that the song is catchy and bright only heightens the offense.

Apparently the catchy “fuck you” chorus drilled itself into Bozell’s brain and for the rest of the day he kept hearing it over and over. Teehee. Probably even humming “fuck you” every now and then. Then taking more of the meds that had been prescribed for him to deal with intrusive thoughts. That’s reason enough to download the song.

But, as usual, the Wanna Be Hip critics love it, even with that manure attached. The Wall Street Journal cooed it “may be the best rock and pop single of the year.”

You just imagine how the praise from Rupert Murdoch’s right-wing paper must have toasted Bozell’s tender muffins.

Team Cee-Lo claims they’re going to prepare a radio edit called “Forget You” to avoid alienating too many station managers. How thoughtful. But that only raises the obvious question: Why not call it “Forget You” from the very beginning?

Uh, Brent, maybe because “fuck you” is funnier? Speaking of which, fuck you, Brent. Really. Without Astroglide. Or a reach around.


2Bozell makes an exception for “bitch” — but only when applied to Hitlery KKKlinton.


Comments: 268


Wasn’t the first single off that album “Georgia”. Also, isn’t kinda weird how he has to say f-bomb and s-word, but just busts out with ‘nigga’ Some sort of solidarity with Dr Laura.

Also the song’s awesome.


They’re still getting the vapors about that debbil music.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

You know, there are plenty of huffy, fainting-couch-humping prudes in the media, but I think very few of them would work verbs like “stuffed” and “erupting” into a description of Naughty Talk. I’m fairly disappointed that there weren’t any references to them being crammed down his throat; maybe the beard protects him from that.


I miss George Carlin – he would give this guy a hearty FUCK YOU!

Pupienus Maximus

The fact that the song is catchy and bright only heightens the offense.

HAHAHAHAHAHA How precious.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

“The fact that the song is catchy and bright only heightens the offense.”
Can we confirm that Brent is not in fact some kind of Rainbow Brite antagonist given life?


I wanna go stand on Brent’s lawn. Repeatedly.


I have to admit to loving that song like nobody’s business.


Check link six, Tintin.


Thanks, J–! Fixed.

Hysterical Woman

Course this song has other problems.


I just realised those bad word counts for the post also count themselves. My mind is blown.


No, thank you! Amusement always appreciated.

Dailymotion for “Fuck You” for those of us without YouTube accounts.


Can we confirm that Brent is not in fact some kind of Rainbow Brite antagonist given life?

I lolded heartily.

Course this song has other problems.

Oh, totally. But it’s still damned catchy.


“Fuck You” for those of us without YouTube accounts.

Setting up your own youtuber account is easier than creating your own blooger, J—.

Then you, too, can have a favorites catalog full of videos deleted by STUPID FUCKING SHIT Warner Music Grope.


Oh, come on — You’re giving Bozell too much credit. He didn’t count all the words. That’s what he’s got unpaid interns for.

In fact, I doubt he even wrote the piece. More likely it was the same unpaid intern looking to score points in order to get noticed by those who are in a position to give him a paying gig.


Dailymotion for “Fuck You” for those of us without YouTube accounts.

Thanks for the link, I’m so culturally backward I’d never heard this song before.

Jesus, even this middle-aged, out of touch, “you kids with your rap music” old fart likes that song.


They exaggerate the situation to shield themselves from criticism. The whole narrative of “gold digger” ends up casting aspersions on the characters of women who prefer to date men with jobs and furniture, who can actually go out on a date once in awhile.

The song is fairly misogynistic but that two sentence stretch reminds me of why I hate Amanda Marcotte’s writing so much.

There are a ton of women who are concerned about a lot more than “jobs and furniture” — claiming otherwise is a perfect example of exaggerating a situation to shield oneself from criticism. There are stupid, shallow women out there, just like there are stupid, shallow men! Any theory that’s supposed to explain how the world works better take that into account!

There’s plenty of empirical evidence that money means a great deal to some women, and that the more money you make, the more women are going to be interested in you. Way beyond the “jobs-and-furniture” level. Surprisingly, the rest of the world doesn’t behave like the overeducated overwhelmingly white indie rock world Amanda came of age in!

I don’t think that women are more shallow than men, and I could offer any number of feminist explanations why a lot of women value financial success highly. But oh, no. Incapable of intellectual nuance, Amanda lives in a moral universe no more complicated than John Hinderaker’s or Brent Bozell’s.

She takes a song about one woman by one man and uses it as a brush to tar all men with. It’s her same old spiel, yet again. Either you’re a choad, or you just think you’r not a choad, which is such a choad thing to do. Fucking pathetic.

She’s still less annoying than E$ as far as pandagonians go.


“Try to find a black blogger there, okay?”

Ahem… I say, ahem…. try to find a black blogger at SadlyNo! HA! Gottcha you silly libs. You are the real racists.

Unless…. Does D. Aristophanes count as black?



Greeks are just swarthy.


An English professor is walking to the theater and comes across a beggar. The beggar asks him for some money. The professor responds, “Neither a borrower nor a lender be—William Shakespeare.” The beggar shoots back, “Fuck you—David Mamet.”


I’m not going to start a whole thing about Ms. Marcotte, because I don’t particularly feel like being called a sexist again. However, let me say this:

If a man gets upset because his significant other left him, it is not misogyny. It is an emotional reaction to a loss.

It’s that simple.


Poontang. Quim. Gamahuche. Frenulum. Mons Veneris. Jissom. And, for your listening pleasure, 60 Minute Man and Big 10 Inch.


Hey there, Bozell. Try and censor this:



Wait until he plays it backward and hears the subliminal messages embedded by Satan. You’ll all be sorry you mocked the Bozell.


Brent haz a sad that it’s not a book, thus making it difficult to burn.




If a man gets upset because his significant other left him, it is not misogyny. It is an emotional reaction to a loss.

It’s that simple.

That is as simple an analysis of the issue as I can imagine. I’ll give you that.


Would a masculine steak-eating, plaid shirt wearing, Old Spice smelling, cigar smoking cowboy who like football, hunting, and Clint Eastwood movies shy away from saying “fuck you” to anybody?


“Fuck You” for those of us without YouTube accounts.

Thank you! This one is going to work behind the bar with me tonight!

Clutchpearls McFaintingcouch

I am shocked, SHOCKED! that this blog apparently thinks it’s acceptable to use the word “t—– m—–s” (I shan’t spell it out, of course). What’s next, “d—– p———-“?


Yeah. I like Amanda Marcotte. A lot. I think she’s a terrific writer and has a great, biting sense of humor and you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who writes more eloquently about the wingnut mindset. To each his own, I guess.


What’s next, “d—– p———-”?

Gosh, I hope!


I’m not going to start a whole thing about Ms. Marcotte, because I don’t particularly feel like being called a sexist again.

Don’t you start it, because you’ll totally be a victim, and you don’t want that noway nohow! Excellent not-starting the victimization! High five, manly man!


I am shocked, SHOCKED! that this blog apparently thinks it’s acceptable to use the word “t—– m—–s” (I shan’t spell it out, of course). What’s next, “d—– p———-”?

Those of us of the underscore and hyphen persuasion are being victimized by these f_____g a_____s fucking assholes.


owlbear1 said,

August 28, 2010 at 18:59

Fuck Me, Ray Bradbury

FUCKING awesome. I first saw it here.



Hey, you guys, I’m very sad because my girlfriend broke up with me. I’ll miss her fine ebony ass. On the bright side, at least I can stop worrying that one day she’s going to get watermelon and fried chicken all over my couch. /okbecauseI’m havinganemotionalreaction


FUCKING awesome. I first saw it here.

Great video. Now, am I allowed to say that since I was 12 I’ve thought that Ray Bradbury was an awful hack?


Ray Bradbury was an awful hack?

Fuck me, Kurt Vonnegut don’t rhyme?


…am I allowed to say that since I was 12 I’ve thought that Ray Bradbury was an awful hack?

I ‘ll go out on a limb and say there are other science fiction authors I like better.

Lurking Canadian

Now, am I allowed to say that since I was 12 I’ve thought that Ray Bradbury was an awful hack?

Sure, you can say that, as long as you don’t mind making the Baby Jesus cry.


Get this, fuck that, I don’t owe you fuckers anything & all I’ve got to say is fuck yooooooooooooou!

The sky is blue.


Punctuation How the fuck does it work



Fuck Me Ray Bradbury

Jesus, I have got to get back to work on my novel writing…

(try this shit: Star Trek meets The Cantorbury Tales, only the Captain is a fat German electrician named Paleo who saves the middle ages and nails the green space babe)


so is an article in Playboy about the cynical exploitation of the teabaggers by the permanent ruling elite an example of victimism?

a plan to create a nonprofit organization called Ensuring Liberty Corporation. It uses unconventional methods to get our message out and support grassroots conservatives: “Ensuring Liberty’s relationships run deep into the new media and use of cloud computing and innovation along with the black arts of campaign management.


Star Trek meets The Cantorbury Tales

I’m a miller, Jim, not a mathematician!

Lurking Canadian

Did you seriously just ask me to click over to playboy.com for the articles?


I ‘ll go out on a limb and say there are other science fiction authors I like better.

I had to read “Fahrenheit” in high school, so maybe it was the “being forced to read something” factor that helped turn me against him. Then again, I was also forced to read Shakespeare and Twain, and it turned me into a fan for life.

As for sci-fi writers in particular, Bradbury couldn’t be a jockey on Asimov’s lawn.


run deep into the new media and use of cloud computing

Oooh. Cloud computing.

Bleeding edge, right there.

Lurking Canadian

As for sci-fi writers in particular, Bradbury couldn’t be a jockey on Asimov’s lawn.

Asimov was probably better on ideas. Most people think Bradbury was a better writer than the Big Three (Clarke, Asimov, Heinlein); which is not necessarily the same thing as being a better science fiction writer. The work of the Old Masters tends towards workmanlike, clunky prose.

I haven’t read enough Bradbury to have a strong opinion one way or the other, though I do remember one lovely short about the golden skinned people of Mars.


LC, I’m just bored and trying to stir up some shit. I don’t feel too strongly about it either way either.


Geez people, I was just pointing at pretty ladies singing “Fuck Me”…


OK, here’s the thing about profanity in music (or literature, or daily conversation, for that matter): The more you use it, the less powerful it is. A perfect example of an epically great use is Trent Reznor’s powerful acoustic lament Something I can Never have .

Just a fading, fucking reminder of who I used to be

Brilliant. If the song were laced with gratuitous F-bombs, it would not be nearly as powerful.


The more you use it, the less powerful it is.

Depends on whether the “fuck” is in the catchy part or not.


Fuck you, you fucking fuck!


Let’s fuck! I’ll fuck anything that moves!


Really? You motherfuckers wanna talk about fuck?


Go fuck yourself


I wonder what he thought when he watched Jon Stewart and the daily show gospel choir sing “Go Fuck Yourself” a cappella.


you don’t know shit about fuck!

Give us a ciggie!

/frankston bogan


I’ve gotta say that a lot of pop culture these days substitutes “dirty” words for genuine creativity and wit. Although obscenities can be used in witty, interesting and creative ways and have been by artists since, well, forever, simply throwing in a lot of offensive words for shock value does not a worthy song lyric make. So far I guess I might agree with Mr. Bozell. Here’s the difference, though. When a song or songwriter doesn’t interest me, or even goes so far as to offend me, I JUST DON’T LISTEN. I don’t buy their music and thus put my money in their pocket. It’s just that simple. What I do don’t is publicly whine about my moral and aesthetic superiority while wallowing in the very thing I claim to find offensive.


I wonder what he thought when he watched Jon Stewart and the daily show gospel choir sing “Go Fuck Yourself” a cappella.

A guy like that has to be very careful what he hears. He doesn’t want to start developing a conscience or face any kind of reality. It’s a safe bet that he doesn’t watch stuff like The Daily Show.

He felt the floor bounce and heard the crunch of tons of stone impact above and behind him, he turned to see a ten foot sphere of Granite rolling toward him and he



That’s a great fucking song. It will be going on my ipod.

Fuck yeah.

Also, too, I don’t say that very often, being the jaded sack of shit that I am. It really is well done.


I’ve gotta say that a lot of pop culture these days substitutes “dirty” words for genuine creativity and wit.

These days? Maybe it’s more common, but it was never unusual. I always respected the metaphor because it said what it needed to say without directly saying it.

“Dancing with myself, oh oh ohoh…”

I think pop music has always been largely devoid of wit and creativity. Find a hook, scribble down some shit that rhymes–Boom–headshot. But it serves a necessary purpose, and a large section of my music collection consists of shitty pop music.


How’s this for art: His first desperate single is titled “F—- You.”

Ahh, the old wingnut anti-rap chestnut…that rappers with their rip rappin and their curse words are all somehow nearing the end of their 15 minutes of fame, and that rap is just some momentary trend. I remember the same reasoning put forth back in 2005 concerning Kanye West, that he was just some nobody who’d soon fade into obscurity, and what’s a Blueprint and College Dropout anyway?

Yes, I’m sure that Cee-Lo didn’t make a single cent off of “Crazy.” To say nothing of the Goodie Mob and…oh, whatever, it’s not like I can expect a scolding asshat like Bozo to do any fucking research.


“A guy like that has to be very careful what he hears.”

Oh no, I think it’s the exact opposite. Bozell spends countless hours watching TV, movies and listening to music and radio. He and/or his volunteers sit there with counters clicking at every dirty word. It is a matter if intense interest to him. Just like how Ken Mehlman and other closeted gays were intensely worried about what all those out and proud gay were doing.

That’s what happens when you repress something. It consumes you and becomes the center of your life. So I think that I can say that… in all philosophical seriousness….

Brent Bozell is a big bag of fuck.

Till Eulenspiegel

Something I can Never have

Plus, those are about the best damn headphones (Sony MDR-7506) you can get for ~$80. The man has good taste.

women who prefer to date men with jobs and furniture, who can actually go out on a date once in awhile.

Y’know, I’m not exactly living in abject poverty, but I’m deeply thankful that I’ve never dated anyone who thinks anything like this. It’s a totally different world. It’s not sexist, just vaguely elitist, selfish, and…cold. Like Sex and the City!

They don’t all get like this past 35ish, right? *looks worried*


Also, I still don’t know how twerps like Bozo Support The Troops and yet are apparently oblivious to how much those hombres curse. (See also: K-Lo not realizing they look at pr0n).


Ahh, the old wingnut anti-rap chestnut

Okay, but double-douchebag on him because this ain’t rap in the least. This is full-on, old-school Motown.

With “fuck you” thrown in for good measure.

Which they would have done back in the day if they could have sold it.


Ooo, ooo, ooo!

The Kid from Kounty Meath

I dunno, I think sometimes that principle (let’s call it Reznor’s Razor) works, but I also think that extensive use of profanity can sometimes set the tone for a song, especially if it needs to be something particularly kinetic or angry. The example I’m thinking of is how NWA’s “Fuck tha Police” opening with the titular* line, even though it’s repeated, sets the tone for the song. I dunno, maybe I’ve just got the song stuck in me head. Speculate, irresponsible, etc.

*VBR, obviously


this ain’t rap in the least. This is full-on, old-school Motown.

Rap, schmap, hippity-hop, motown, R&B, Blues, whatever. The point is it’s all blackity-black black BLACK! This ain’t good honest American cowboys, or sailors, or soldiers usin’ a little salty language now and then, this is buck nigros, and they’re talking like that around your daughters!

Git a rope.


Them ain’t no ladeez!


I just bought the song. I don’t care about the swears, it’s just a really good tune.


“I think pop music has always been largely devoid of wit and creativity.”

Gershwin? Cole Porter? Lorenz Hart? Sondheim?

Non-music pop culture: Patrick Dennis? Bruce Jay Friedman? The early National Lampoon (which did a line by line spoof of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock)? Lenny Bruce? George Carlin? (The last two great examples of people who used obscenity to great effect.)


I listen to A LOT of rap and hip hop. Some of it is pretty filthy. I find if I don’t like something, I just filter it out (of my mind) or I delete it. (Like I deleted a couple of DMX songs because they were homophobic and I just couldn’t ignore it anymore).

I sympathize with people who find some songs unbearably crude. My advice to them is to not listen to them.


They don’t all get like this past 35ish, right? *looks worried*

Starting to get more like it by the second.

Even more Patriotic Douchebag

Them ain’t no ladeez!

Nope, they’re Double D lays!


Evolutionary Psychology

“women who prefer to date men with jobs and furniture, who can actually go out on a date once in awhile.”

Women select their mating partners based on their perceived ability to provide for their future offspring thus ensuring the survival of their DNA. Which is all that really matters.

Your little songs you sing are just mating rituals designed to attract mates. Aesthetics and morality are illusions that evolution has made to trick you into doing shit so you’ll get on with the business of fucking. That is all that life is about.


The more you use it, the less powerful it is.

Yeah, but it’s fucking fun to say.

You know, I curse like a fucking sailor, but I’ve been somehow able to keep a job, finish grad school, pay my taxes, and stay out of jail. I’m sure the Youth of America will survive somehow.

I also had something to say about Amanda Marcotte, but the Percocet is kicking in, so…yeah, I don’t know.


“I think pop music has always been largely devoid of wit and creativity.”

I’m unwilling to dismiss entire music genres.


I dunno, I think sometimes that principle (let’s call it Reznor’s Razor) works, but I also think that extensive use of profanity can sometimes set the tone for a song, especially if it needs to be something particularly kinetic or angry.

Like “I wanna fuck you like an animal”?


I listen to A LOT of rap and hip hop.



I’m unwilling to dismiss entire music genres.

Not me–fuck you, country!


No way will I dismiss country. There’s definitely some good stuff there, if you’re willing to search.


I listen to A LOT of rap and hip hop.


Like a good liberal, I BOOKMARKED.


I like the music of the song more than I could ever like the lyrics. Even if you disregard the misogynistic interpertation, it’s still one of the millions of songs about how much breaking up sucks. This is a better f-bomb in my opinion:


No Brent, choo fucked up mang.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

And since I can’t finish any thoughts in one goddamn post, I think the twin “fuckings” in “Working Class Hero” are the ultimate “less is more”, curse-wise.


I’m unwilling to dismiss entire music genres.

Not me–fuck you, country!

That and Slovenian Noseharp Anthem Rock!


Has anyone linked Tim Minchin’s “Fuck the pope” yet? I’d do it but iPhones fucking suck gigNtic fucking putty fucking balls.


Hysterical Woman just did, Peej.


That and Slovenian Noseharp Anthem Rock!

What a snob! How dare you?!!!!!


Yeah somebody already fucking linked to fucking the fucking pope!


Those Tibetan throat singers are another potty-mouthed bunch of motherfuckers.


No way will I dismiss country. There’s definitely some good stuff there, if you’re willing to search.

I know there is. I’m just being a jackass.

Truthfully, every music genre is dominated by shit music. At least where my tastes are concerned, I have to dig pretty deep to find things I really like. Snobbish, I think.


Truthfully, every music genre is dominated by shit music. At least where my tastes are concerned, I have to dig pretty deep to find things I really like. Snobbish, I think.

Yeah, me too. I hate the term snobby, but, yeah, I think anyone who takes music seriously tends to be, lets say, particular.


“every music genre is dominated by shit music”

I heard an interview with “the Dan” shortly after Aja was released wherein Becker and Fagen said (if I may paraphrase) “all pop music is shit”.


especially if it needs to be something particularly kinetic or angry.


How’s this for art: His first desperate single is catchy and bright, critics love it, and The Wall Street Journal cooed it “may be the best rock and pop single of the year.”

Oh noes, Bozell’s delicate butt hurt by black peeples!


If youtube had loaded up faster, I soooooooo would have been Rickrolled.


If youtube had loaded up faster…

The curse of Broadband!


No way will I dismiss country. There’s definitely some good stuff there, if you’re willing to search.

I used to go by the tenet “Hank Sr. good. Hank Jr. bad” but Hank Jr. is a fuckload better than much of what now passes for “Country.” Country seems to be going through an extended phase akin to the mutated offspring of rock’s glam-metal and pop’s invasion-of-the-mousketeers periods. Bleah. Sort of as anti-country as it gets, really. Not that there isn’t good stuff out there, but it’s way under the radar, mostly.


I pride myself on the diversity of my iPod. I have everything from Peter, Paul and Mary to Marylin Manson; from George Gershwin to George Clinton; from Ella Fitzgerald to Son of Dave; and from George Szell to Brian Setzer. I have Oldies, newbies, classics and quirky personal faves. Rock, jazz, funk, folk, country, punk, swing–you name it. What I don’t have (or very little) is any kind of rap or hip hop. I just find the whole genre to be boring, derivative, repetitive and frankly disposable.

At the risk of a flame-war, consider this: Most “mainstream” FM rock stations–not even counting “classic rock” or “oldies” stations–still play things like the Beatles, the Stones and Zeppelin. Not just because their demo is aging, but because so much of this music still sounds fresh after all this time, and even younger, jaded listeners can relate to great music. Ask yourself: How much of today’s popular music will still be played this widely in 40, 50, 60 years?

Those of you who grew up in the 70’s, can you imagine hearing radio stations at the time playing music that old? It would be like Wolfman Jack spinning the Andrews Sisters, or Benny Goodman or Hot Lips Paige in heavy rotation.

Can anyone here seriously predict that Kanye West, or P. Diddy will still be listened to by your children and grandchildren in 2050, 2060, 2070?


Look, look! They found a black person at Becksmas! A whole one of them!

Maybe they’ll have to start using their toes to count all the Tea Baggers of color soon.

The Central Scrutinizer

“Can anyone here seriously predict that Kanye West, or P. Diddy will still be listened to by your children and grandchildren in 2050, 2060, 2070?”

Not if I can help it.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

I like Becksmas, but I’m taking right now to formally trademark “Peckerwoodstock”.


At the risk of a flame-war, consider this: Most “mainstream” FM rock stations–not even counting “classic rock” or “oldies” stations–still play things like the Beatles, the Stones and Zeppelin. Not just because their demo is aging, but because so much of this music still sounds fresh after all this time, and even younger, jaded listeners can relate to great music. Ask yourself: How much of today’s popular music will still be played this widely in 40, 50, 60 years?

22 year old here who confirms the above – I still love the Beatles and the Stones (never got into Zeppelin). Some music is timeless.

I have no doubt that some of today’s pop music will survive the next few decades, but I have no idea what it’ll be. I’ll be interested to find out.


I like Becksmas, but I’m taking right now to formally trademark “Peckerwoodstock”.

I like the “I Have A Nightmare.” Accurate description of what drives the people there, scared out of their wits by the logical equivalent of a ghost story (death panels, birth certificates, welfare queens…)


The best description of Beck-O-Crap I’ve seen yet: http://gawker.com/5624423/glenn-becks-rally-restores-honor-boredom-to-the-masses

The comment by WhatPeopleDoAllDay – if that is his real name – at 4:58 is priceless.


Can anyone here seriously predict that Kanye West, or P. Diddy will still be listened to by your children and grandchildren in 2050, 2060, 2070?

No. Neither will Daughtry or Plain White Tees or most of the shit out there now.

But those people in the 60s and 70s had the distinct advantage of being able to be innovative and shocking without using shock as a weapon. There really wasn’t anything like The Beatles or Zeppelin, Black Sabbath or Pink Floyd before those guys came along. Funk was new. I don’t like shock being used as a weapon. I see through it and get all “particular” about it.

Somewhat of a Nilhilist

I just find the whole genre to be boring, derivative, repetitive and frankly disposable.

Oh, likes there’s been anything ‘new and creative’ in the last thousand years.


Look, look! They found a black person at Becksmas! A whole one of them!

Never mind–they got him


Oh, likes there’s been anything ‘new and creative’ in the last thousand years.

The Crusades?


Sheepish confession of the day: I don’t hate that Rick Astley song.


women who prefer to date men with jobs and furniture

If they opt to cut out the middleman and simply date the furniture, I think it’s OK to look at them askance.

Somewhat of a Nilhilist

The Crusades?

What happened to the European Neanderthals?

African invaders, of course.


What happened to the European Neanderthals?

African invaders, of course.

It’s easy to get the ones in the rank and file, but those little fuckers at the top of the screen require careful timing.


Whole new meaning to ottoman.


If they opt to cut out the middleman and simply date the furniture, I think it’s OK to look at them askance.

What if they work on Antiques Roadshow?


Sheepish confession of the day: I don’t hate that Rick Astley song.

As do I, but I also like “Total Eclipse of the Heart” and “Sunglasses at Night,” so I’m not sure my opinion counts.


If they opt to cut out the middleman and simply date the furniture, I think it’s OK to look at them askance.

Just as one may snub socially men with knotty-pine bedroom sets.*



Sheepish confession of the day: I don’t hate that Rick Astley song.

That makes you a horrible human being. And since you’ve admitted that, I can no longer take anything you say about music seriously.


As do I, but I also like “Total Eclipse of the Heart” and “Sunglasses at Night,” so I’m not sure my opinion counts.

Eclipse, no.

Sunglasses at Night, Love it. Major Tom Coming Home, love it. Just about anything by Prince, love it. Especially Purple Rain (the song.

So yes, your opinion matters. Just because everyone piles on with the cheese label doesn’t mean it’s actually bad, or that you should give a rat’s ass what they think.


That makes you a horrible human being. And since you’ve admitted that, I can no longer take anything you say about music seriously.

That hurt my feewings. You’re mean.


At the risk of a flame-war, consider this: Most “mainstream” FM rock stations–not even counting “classic rock” or “oldies” stations–still play things like the Beatles, the Stones and Zeppelin. Not just because their demo is aging, but because so much of this music still sounds fresh after all this time, and even younger, jaded listeners can relate to great music. Ask yourself: How much of today’s popular music will still be played this widely in 40, 50, 60 years?

Flame war on.


Those of you who grew up in the 70?s, can you imagine hearing radio stations at the time playing music that old? It would be like Wolfman Jack spinning the Andrews Sisters, or Benny Goodman or Hot Lips Paige in heavy rotation.

My father used to listen to that stuff on the radio all the time. There was a market for that music and the market was an attractive one for advertisers so it got airplay. Same thing with the Beatles, Led Zeppelin etc.. They don’t get played on the radio because they’re good.

Can anyone here seriously predict that Kanye West, or P. Diddy will still be listened to by your children and grandchildren in 2050, 2060, 2070?

There is no equivalence between P. Diddy and Kanye West. This is like someone lumping Peter, Paul and Mary in with the Byrds. Like the Byrds, Kanye West has a lot of talent. Like Peter Paul, and Mary, P Diddy is a musical embarrassment. But of course there will be radio stations or something like them playing Kanye West, Jay-Z, and any other hip hop act favored by large numbers of people with money. People tend to like a lot of the music that they liked when they were young even when they get old. Why would you think that’s going to change?


That hurt my feewings. You’re mean.

Hurting your feelings gives me a voice of authority. If I just expressed my opinions respectfully and accepted your guilty pleasures, why, there’d be no fun in that.


The Stones…I can’t believe they’re still doing it after all these years…Fred and Barney…


Like Peter Paul, and Mary, P Diddy is a musical embarrassment.

Peter, Paul, and Mary did not aspire to play James Bond in the movies.


If I gotta be rickrolled –

Fuck Vevo, and fuck youtube for having vevo. Fuck all ‘mainstream’ country after the fucking night where fucking satan fucking fucked a fucking used condom processing site thus begatting fucking Garth Brooks. Fuck commercial FM pop and classic fucking rock radio, especially morning fucking zoos and fucking klan apologists (Twin Cities no. 1 morning show would drive any fucking reasonable human being to despair and revenge plots fucking stolen from Ian Fleming, the kind of shit Bozley eats with a fucking spoon, “Oh, today, 200,000 people died in an earthquake and they all have funny names!” and FUCKING HILARITY ENSUES, and this is all good because they don’t like fucking Al Franken who is a wonderful fucking senator but stopped being a comedian about fucking 1975.) Fuck every fucking family show on fucking Disney, especially the Wizards of Waverly Fucking Hall, literally a family fucking show – Brent, is incest okay as long as it is ‘tween (get it?) fucking white people thus keeping our DNFuckingA nicely bleached?

Fuck you, Brent. Fuck you Nutsbusters, fuck you PMRC, fuck you all network practices and standards (“Hmmm, that’s three decapitations in CSI, that’s fine. Oh wait, she said breast! Find the writer, fire the star, release the fucking kraken!), fuck you Half-governor Moosetits (note the capitalization, I respect the OFFICE of Half-governor), fuck Glenn Beck and his Dancing Geriatric Shoutytime Chorus and synchronized Rascal fucking drill team.

Damn, man. Give me a little hope, please, is that too much to ask, just a glimpse that some day the USA could live up to its possiblilities…


I can’t speak to P. Diddy, because there’s only one song by him I care for. But Kanye West is a different story altogether. His album, “The College Dropout” is pretty brilliant. And there are definitely some gems on there that could endure, such as “Jesus Walks” or “Spaceship” (though that was not a popular hit). I also think “Goldigger” is a hip-hop treasure. If your booty didn’t drag you to the dance floor almost of its own accord when it played, then perhaps you should get your ass checked by a doctor.


. If your booty didn’t drag you to the dance floor almost of its own accord when it played, then perhaps you should get your ass checked by a doctor.

Use Glenn Beck’s proctologist and you, too, may have an angry tear-filled rant on youtube about the state of your asshole.


Use Glenn Beck’s proctologist and you, too, may have an angry tear-filled rant on youtube about the state of your asshole.

Butt please don’t turn it into a song.


just a glimpse that some day the USA could live up to its possiblilities…

Heartland Noseharp Anthem Rock, Dude!


I never heard of this Cee-Lo Green but I already like him. He pissed off both Brent Bozell and Amanda Marcotte.


While PP&M may not have musical greats, it was fucking folk music which is appreciated based criteria very different than R&R. I have four (six?) DVD set from the PBS show and play some if it occasionally. True, they did inflict the wedding song on us but c’mon – who doesn’t love Puff the Motherfucking Magic Dragon!


OT, a nice glimpse of the kind of people who go to a Glenn Beck rally:

At the GW Deli, a popular sandwich shop, an employee said that two rally participants threw sandwiches in his face and refused to pay because they didn’t agree with a tax on the food.


Just as one may snub socially men with knotty-pine bedroom sets.
Woodcuts. That is all.
Also, something something slippery elm something something
OK, that is all.


No matter their age they are obnoxious, petulant brats. Fucking spoiled children. I’d like to slap some sense into them were it not a waste of time.



Joy was asking for it.

Also, something something slippery elm something something

Quit shoving slippery elm down our sore throats!


who doesn’t love Puff the Motherfucking Magic Dragon!

I preferred his later-career work when he reinvented himself as Tyrant Porn King Dragon.

The Tautest Ologist

Good art that’s good is good because it’s good, and I like it. Bad art is all bad because of the parts that aren’t good and I don’t like it.


RE: the whole golddigger thing:

It’s also used as an excuse by guys who ran women off with boorish behavoir. I dated a guy once when I was in college; he was 10 years my senior and recently divorced because, according to him, he “just couldn’t make enough money to keep her happy.” Said guy was pretty well off – owned a nice home in the best neighborhood in town and several businesses. After dating him for a while, I also discover he’s a raging alchoholic. As in, vodka in the freezer, a fifth per day. Exit me from the scene.

7 or 8 years later he gets in touch with me again. He’s divorced for the second time, again because he “just couldn’t make enough money to keep her happy,” and I say, “you need to figure out why you keep being attracted to – and marrying – golddiggers.” He swears he’s been sober for years, is more or less wheedling and begging me to get together with him. Finally he comes down to where I’m living and – he’s so stinking drunk and by this time has suffered so much irreversible brain damage from being a fucking drunk that he doesn’t even remember that he drove down. He’s not sure where he is.

But yeah, they both left him because he “couldn’t make enough money to keep them happy.”

Now, I WILL say that at least with wife #2, there’s no way she wouldn’t have known he was a raging alchoholic before they married. I’m guessing his net worth was enough that she figured she could overlook it (by this time he was heavy into RE development), but found out that she couldn’t.

But, this shit isn’t rocket science. A friend of mine married this girl he had a crush on in high school, after they met up at the reunion 10 years later – by now he’s a lawyer, she’s a hairstylist with her own salon, and just ending marriage #3. But he just couldn’t get enough of the fancy hairdo, the fake nails, the dressed-to-the-nines outfits…and I’m thinking she had in mind that a lawyer would just be rolling in it. It lasted about 2 years, and after they divorce he immediately sets out to find another one just like her. I say to him, “you did so much bitching about how “high maintenance” she was – but you’re not interested in any other type of woman. Haven’t you figured out by now that a woman who always dresses to the nines with the fancy hair and the fake nails takes a lot of upkeep? If that ain’t how you want to spend your money or your time, why are you looking for that?”

Which is to say, yes, there are women out there whose primary concern is how much money a man makes. But, it’s not like it’s hard to identify them even before you get involved with them.

Me, I just always wanted someone who worked and was happy or at least somewhat content with their work – and if they weren’t, to find another line of work that would make them happier. I never really cared how much money anyone made; I always figured it was up to me to make what I needed for the things that mattered to me.


women who prefer to date men with jobs and furniture

I’m just bitter because I misheard the criteria and spent many lonely years trying to impress women by telling them about my baggage.


Jennifer–will you marry me?

I’m serious. My wife won’t mind–she probably wants to marry you too.


If a man gets upset because his significant other left him, it is not misogyny. It is an emotional reaction to a loss.

It’s misogyny if he uses his girlfriend’s leaving to bash all women as gold diggers and whores. Perhaps that’s simple enough for ya.


Steerpike – what the hell, is you all a bunch of crazy fundamentalist Mormons?

No, I’m afraid that by this point, I’m a determined spinster.


Oh come on. I think “Sister-Wife” is a noble title, don’t you?


Whee that was fun! Reminded me of the old days obfuscating C by playing with operator precedence. Figuring out the bindings in “Tyrant Porn King Dragon” was more fun than I’ve had all hour.


Whoa, P-Max. Zip up, your geek is showing.


Restoring. Honor.


Wasn’t the whole fucking point of this “rally” supposed to be honoring the troops?

Somehow, I didn’t equate that with “letting your kids piss in the WWII Memorial.” Silly me.

From here.


So I should have written that comment as a JCL deck?


At the GW Deli, a popular sandwich shop, an employee said that two rally participants threw sandwiches in his face and refused to pay because they didn’t agree with a tax on the food.

Pretty sure they disagree with a tax on food – until you try to move that tax on food onto a non-essential good they like.


It’s misogyny if he uses his girlfriend’s leaving to bash all women as gold diggers and whores.

Certainly, though it’s hardly abnormal for people to generalize when they lash out after a perceived wrong.

In the song in question, it simply asserts that the one particular woman is a “gold digger.” I didn’t notice the word “whore” in it.

Is it still misogyny?


I know Fox News and the Tea Partiers will claim that eleventy-billion people showed up for their awesome march, but the pictures I’ve seen sure don’t seem very…um…crowded


Can anyone here seriously predict that Kanye West, or P. Diddy will still be listened to by your children and grandchildren in 2050, 2060, 2070?

Kanye West is pretty funny, so maybe.

Which is to say, yes, there are women out there whose primary concern is how much money a man makes.

Men too. I was once recommended to someone else by my ex because I wouldn’t be after her money. Which surprised me. I am a sucker I guess.


Ask yourself: How much of today’s popular music will still be played this widely in 40, 50, 60 years?

I don’t know how much of a data point it is, but the local alternative station is quite happy to play plenty of stuff from the 1990s, and even occasionally dips into the ’80s and earlier (though ‘earlier’ usually means Bob Marley).

Lurking Canadian

What amuses me is the way genres blend, as long as they’re “oldies”. The local “Eighties, Nineties and Today!” station, favoured of offices, plays (for example) AC/DC, Alanis Morisette, Devo and Michael Jackson. Not a mix you would have heard on any one station during the actual Eighties and/or Nineties.

I imagine that means that during the 2030s, you will have “oldies” stations playing Public Enemy, Kanye West, Britney Spears and Green Day during their All Request Nooner.


For some reason, this song makes me think of that Sam Kinison routine where he says he’s going to talk about his recent breakup, sad setup music plays, he takes a deep breath and suddenly launches into a hysterical screaming rant, shouting all kinds of filthy abuse and demanding his records back, etc. It was kind of funny, although it became much less so once it became clear that Kinison really was kind of an asshole.


Good art that’s good is good because it’s good, and I like it. Bad art is all bad because of the parts that aren’t good and I don’t like it.

I disagree!


What amuses me is the way genres blend, as long as they’re “oldies”. The local “Eighties, Nineties and Today!” station, favoured of offices, plays (for example) AC/DC, Alanis Morisette, Devo and Michael Jackson. Not a mix you would have heard on any one station during the actual Eighties and/or Nineties.

I suspect this may be less true of HD/satellite stations. F’rex, I’m listening to KROQ2 “Roq of the ’80s”, and while there’s some songs they play I don’t remember getting nearly as much airplay back in the day (the Suburban Lawns’ songs, say), it is pretty much all ’80s alternative– no Michael Jackson, no Lionel Richie, no Hall and Oates…


Somehow, I didn’t equate that with “letting your kids piss in the WWII Memorial.” Silly me.

Jaysus. What the fuck is wrong with these people?


Jaysus. What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Also, if they’re going to go to all the trouble of giving their fanboys maps of which metro lines take you to the scary black areas – would it be too much trouble to add a “how to ride the metro without holding up the people who actually live here” section?

Jaysus indeed.


What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Teh Stoopit.



Let me refine that a bit.

Fish don’t know they swim in water.

These people, for the most part, don’t know they live within a historical, social context that affects their daily lives. The sacredness of a war memorial (or the socialism inherent in a fire truck) is beyond their ken. Their ignorance of the larger context allows them to let their kids piss in a memorial to people who gave their lives (often horribly and senselessly) for the greater good.

These people can’t make a personal connection with the context of the society in which they live. And isn’t Glenn Beck’s whole shtick about filling that void with faux connections (usually driven by false outrage)?



The fact that the song is catchy and bright only heightens the offense.

A good song with swears?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Bozell can crawl right back under his rock & stay there forever – I promise I won’t even cry.

justme said,

August 29, 2010 at 0:55

Restoring. Honor.

Wow, that’s sure honorable, alright – assuming that the ghosts of America’s WW2 dead had a thing for foot odor. Looks like you could count the functioning brain-cells at the “Restoring America’s Delusions Of Grandeur” rally without taking your socks off.

Hysterical Woman

And you know that if anyone pointed out to them that you can’t climb on the memorial or take a dip in the fountain they’d say “But I paid MAH TAXES!”


These brave men died for our freedom to piss on their graves. How dare you libs try to stop us honouring their sacrifice!


Wouldn’t it be fun to stand next to a public drinking fountain and say to TeaTards:

“That’s socialist water right there. Stop drinking it!”

“Go over to that booth and buy yourselves a bottle of some of that good capitalist water from Coca Cola Corp.”

Or is that just me?


Fish don’t know they swim in water.

These people, for the most part, don’t know they live within a historical, social context that affects their daily lives.

You know, that’s a damn good way to put it.

It also explains why the Tea Party Movement has such success in middle-to-upper-middle class, suburban, forty-and-over demographic – e.g. the social class that was basically created by twenty years of New Deal (but weren’t there to see it happen) and depends most heavily on big government services (safe running water, police protection, decent wages, a cozy Medicare/Social Security safety net waiting for them when they retire). They live more in the shadow of big government than anyone else in society, but having never been out from under it, they don’t even realize it exists.


I think it’s great that so many Americans have gathered to set the world’s record for largest Klan-rally/Weight Watcher’s meeting in history!


I think it’s great that so many Americans have gathered to set the world’s record for largest Klan-rally/Weight Watcher’s meeting in history!

Nah. Ripley’s Record for largest crowd with an IQ average below 75.

Big, big, BIG day for Trig.


Nah. Ripley’s Record for largest crowd with an IQ average cumulative below 75.



Are you implying some sort of (socialist) collective IQ amongst them TeaTards?


The sacredness of a war memorial (or the socialism inherent in a fire truck) is beyond their ken.

The sacredness of a construction site in a city the ostensibly hate to begin with, however…


Paging Aristophanes and Retardo, please battle this out, Barry Bonds was not at the Beck rally today but Albert Pujols and Tony LaRussa were. Pujols even got a medal. To be fair, Pujols might have been oblivious as to what kind of rally he was attending as I read elsewhere that he went at LaRussa’s urging. Still, tsk, tsk.


Back in July LaRussa gave his approval to the Arizona immigration law.


All this discussion of gold diggers…you know, mining is hard and dangerous work.

Back in July LaRussa gave his approval to the Arizona immigration law.

The man may be a genius as a manager, but he’s a complete asshole. He is also not the first man to combine those qualities in that manner.


um, they.


um, they.

I was working on a 10,000-word rebuttal of your point and now you pull the rug out from under me.


“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom. ”

“It is incontestable and deplorable that Negroes have committed crimes; but they are derivative crimes. They are born of the greater crimes of the white society.”

“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. ”

“One of the greatest casualties of the war in Vietnam is the Great Society… shot down on the battlefield of Vietnam. ”

“Philanthropy is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary. ”

“The curse of poverty has no justification in our age. It is socially as cruel and blind as the practice of cannibalism at the dawn of
civilization, when men ate each other because they had not yet learned to take food from the soil or to consume the abundant
animal life around them. The time has come for us to civilize ourselves by the total, direct and immediate abolition of poverty.”

“I am aware that there are many who wince at a distinction between property and persons–who hold both sacrosanct. My
views are not so rigid. A life is sacred. Property is intended to serve life, and no matter how much we surround it with rights and
respect, it has no personal being. It is part of the earth man walks on; it is not man.”

OH yeah, I can totally see Glen Beck uttering these words


Mind if I throw out three more?

“When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights, are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism and militarism are incapable of being conquered.”

“True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring.”

“A true revolution of values will soon look uneasily on the glaring contrast of poverty and wealth. With righteous indignation, it will look across the seas and see individual capitalists of the West investing huge sums of money in Asia, Africa and South America, only to take the profits out with no concern for the social betterment of the countries, and say ‘This is not just.'”


“Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.”


And of course, true, Christian American patriots would have nothing to do with this socialist asshole:

“…If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven…”

(Matthew 19:21)


Oh, back on topic, I didn’t notice any reference to this catch and bright little ditty with a rather similar chorus lyric.



Fucking fingers, how do they work?


“In fact, I doubt he even wrote the piece. More likely it was the same unpaid intern looking to score points in order to get noticed by those who are in a position to give him a paying gig.”

Actually Brent has been writing the same column for 25 years. He uses the same template and just changes a few words here and there. Such is the life of a son in law of WFB.


guided missiles and misguided men


Big Bad Bald Bastard

As far as gleeful, gratuitous inclusion of profanity in a song goes, I’d recommend Bottle of Smoke as an exemplar.

For less gleeful profanity, there’s always this charming ditty.


“We have guided missiles and misguided men.”

Sounds like a promo for a drag show to me but I’m weird like that.


I even get to be profane on redstate.

I’d love to tell you all how people with a different degree of conservatism of my own are pi$$ing me off,” but a guy with a different brand of gravy train has princess Murkowski in trouble.

Damn tea partier sycophants.

Princess Lisa says "How Dare that %$^#@& call me a &#@$%

Earlier today, the Republican Senate candidate had this to say on Twitter about the rumor Sen. Lisa Murkowski might join the Libertarian Party ticket if she loses her bid against him once all the ballots are counted: “What’s the difference between selling out your party’s values and the oldest profession?”
[ ]

Here’s Murkowski’s response: “Alaskans deserve better. This type of statement is inexcusable from someone who wants to represent our state,” she said. “While I have been focused on the remaining ballots, the Miller campaign has launched yet another smear campaign against me. They lied about my record during the primary and now they have resorted to name-calling — it’s disgusting.”

“Alaskan values have never included a complete disregard for the truth or a lack of common decency,” Murkowski said. “Mr. Miller owes all Alaskans, women and my family an apology.”

Before Murkowski released a statement, Sean Cockerham spoke with her campaign manager John Bitney, who had this to say:

“He just basically called Senator Murkowski a prostitute,” Bitney said. “I am doing my best in a moment of extreme anger right at the moment to be measured in my remarks. The word that comes to mind is deplorable. Disgusting. The man has no place representing Alaska in the U.S. Senate with that kind of attitude.”

Bitney said this is being watched nationally and Miller should be ashamed to take it to that level. “He owes Alaskans an apology.”

Princess Lisa says "How Dare that %$^#@& call me a &#@$%

Hmmm, where did that go?


Oh, fuck you, AChance. What are you doing here talking to us mind numbed lefty robots? Aren’t you late for a NAMBLA meeting or something?


No nambla, but something equally apaling- I’m trying to steal an election.


No, I meant it, [ ] and they are a menace to the Republican Party.

Young guys who should be Libertarians or Constitutionalist or just Black Helicopter who are simply nuts. You don’t need to be wearing your Security Guard boots and aviator glasses and carrying a FRS Radio at a Republicn Convention. Since we have a carry unless prohibited law, I’m willing to bet half of them were carrying at the Convention; some of them sure had some badly fitted jackets. I know some of them were or they had mice in their jackets.

I have a beautifully fitted Galco “Miami Vice” holster that you’d be unlikely to notice unless you were an experienced cop even under a well-fitted suit, but, you know, I just didn’t feel a need to be carrying at a convention of mostly middle-aged, middle to upper class people who were just trying to take care of a little Party business. Some of these people are truly nuts.

In Vino Veritas

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I’m willing to bet half of them were carrying at the Convention; some of them sure had some badly fitted jackets.

I’d chalk that up to “awkward” physiques and bad fashion sense. Those bulges under the arm were either fat deposits or Hot Pockets, to be consumed “later”.


Rolling Stones, “Star Fucker”, also covered by Joan Jett


I have a beautifully fitted Nestle “Iron Chef” holder that you’d be unlikely to notice unless you were an experienced cook even under an illfitting sweatsuit, but, you know, I just didn’t feel a need to be eating at a convention of mostly middle-aged, overweight, who were just trying to take care of a lotta Pizza Party business. Some of these people are truly nuts.

Rusty Shackleford

But the federal judiciary has now made it acceptable to air the worst obscenities at all hours of the day…

Black-robed fascists. Show me where in the Constitution it says that Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. We need to TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK.


Show me where in the Constitution it says that Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech.

Show me where in the Constitution it says that Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of teef.


OT, but on the general topic of what the fuck is wrong with this country: What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Rusty Shackleford

I ain’t gonna play Sun City.

Rusty Shackleford

Threaddie’s dead, bah duh duh DUH, threaddie’s dead, bah didddly-dum dum


Mr. Szentmiklosi and his fellow child-hunters have their work cut out for them.

Well that says it all, don’t it?

Get the eff offa our lawns!


Poor thread is dead
A candle lights his head
He’s looking oh so peaceful and serene
And serene…


The thread is not dead
It pines for a fresher post
And that’s what I said.

Pupienus Maximus

“OT, but on the general topic of what the fuck is wrong with this country: What the fuck is wrong with these people?”

Little known fact – one of the first fully robotocized factories was the Serta plant near Kingman AZ. Designed by a disastrously stupid consulting firm, the plant for some years manufactured beds without a right side. The entire stock thus produced was sold at deep discounts through a deal with AARP. The tragic result is that a large percentage of old fucks get out of the wrong side of bed every day. It’s true.

K, I’ll go have my coffee now.


Was Kingman AZ named after Dave Rat-Man Kingman?

Pupienus Maximus

Aw fuck. Had to gooooog that.

I did not need to waste any more of my dwindling memory cell reserves on fucking baseball trivia (which phrase is redundant to begin with). Baseball baseball baseball What is wrong with you people?


Kingman was a freak of nature: the home-run swing of Babe Ruth combined with the eye-hand coordination of a toddler, and wrapped in the personality of Benito Mussolini. You don’t have to like baseball to recognize the beauty of a gene combination undreamt of by Drs. Frankenstein and Brundle.


[joining the thread late]
Wow, that Amanda Marcotte link really made me realize just how fucking bitter she is. I guess I had only seen issue oriented posts from links before. The second half of that post comparing a vegetarian trying fois gras to rape is just amazing on so many levels.

Dating Amanda Marcotte must be a real treat. Talk about waltzing through a minefield.

Hysterical Woman

Does anyone else imagine the creepy child-capturer from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang roaming the streets of Sun City?

And yes, Bill Kristol, the foie gras story is creepy. Sex and vegetarianism were closely linked in that story. Sheesh, she had an orgasm eating! Plus, it’s just obnoxious to tell vegetarians that (surprise!) meat taste delicious. No duh, that doesn’t make it anymore moral or healthy.

Blinking Emoticon

Isn’t the song just humor of the self-loathing futile-gesture variety?

Not that I give a peglegged fuck.


Frank Rich has some good things to say. “Good” as in accurate. Not so “good” in the response to date from the White House and others.


C’mon Barry. Time to grow a pair.


“Fuck You!”


A sweary break-up song for us older types.

Ms. Marcotte’s entitled to her own opinion without being dumped on here for being a killjoy. There is a misogynistic narrative, and this song is certainly a part of it (and that foie gras story is creepy as hell. The woman in the story has obvious issues, but a guy who’d pull a stunt like that is a jerk. All that said, the song’s small potatoes on the misogynist count; he’s only calling his ex, not every woman a golddigger.

The video’s funny as hell, mating a catchy Motown tune to the Sing Along With Mitch Miller-style video. And people–sure, probably mostly guys–love it for that more than for any sense of connection to it.

And, yeah, a lot of the shit the lunatic right has said is A-OK by Bozell, but one F-bomb (OK, a whole stick of F-bombs) send him into a tizzy. Wotta tool.


Show me where in the Constitution it says that Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of teef.

Dentistry is theft.



Ha, now ain’t that some shit.


Ms. Marcotte’s entitled to her own opinion without being dumped on here for being a killjoy.

Funny. I thought dumping on people for their idiotic opinions was what we did around here. I need to go check the charter.


So far, the only thing PJTV has on Beckpalooza is an article furiously berating the liberal media for not believing the teabaggers’ numbers of how BIG the rally was.

I haven’t really paid attention to what actually happened there, but unless they produce anything more substantive, I’m just going to assume it was a whole lot of piss and wind, like most everything else Beck does.

Lurking Canadian

If the lamestream media doesn’t report honestly that eleventy billion people were at the Glenn Beck-A-Thon, it just proves how untrustworthy they are. Also Soros. And ACORN. And algore is fat.


bjacques said,
August 29, 2010 at 20:01 (kill)

A sweary break-up song for us older types.

You are a rare individual to know about Tonio K.


What do you want to bet that Bozell never curses, but has a whole collection of snuff films in his “study” at home?

I’m always a little creeped out by someone who can’t cut loose and say fuck once in a while. I do realize it’s a personal choice, however, as is the choice to use profanity.

Proposition for you Bozell; I won’t lament your choice to lament the fact HOHMYGODD a negro says FUCK, and you shut the fuck up and stop concern trolling cuss words like a bitchy church lady. Sound good?


I haven’t really paid attention to what actually happened there, but unless they produce anything more substantive, I’m just going to assume it was a whole lot of piss and wind, like most everything else Beck does.

One sentence answer: The Beckster took it upon himself to hand the country “back to God”, and a whole bunch of cracker fuckups that it was awesome.


Just curious, but how many people does pjtv say the teatards say flooded DC?


Just curious, but how many people does pjtv say the teatards say flooded DC?

I don’t know, but I’m going to guess around eleventy billion.

I still cannot believe the whole playing in the WWII memorial fountain thing. WTF?


I still cannot believe the whole playing in the WWII memorial fountain thing. WTF?

Yeah. That’s just unbefuckinglievable.

A couple of ignorant fucktards is one thing, but that nobody mentioned to them that it might be disrespectful just blows my mind.

Should have just spread the word that usually that’s where the blacks water their chilluns and it would have been totes empty.

I suppose it goes to the general mindset, that everything they see is there only for their own immediate use and has no other purpose in their absence. This is, of course, pretty much the same mindset that grazing animals have.

People like this really do shake my devotion to populism.


Yeah, um, methinks perhaps their support of Teh Troops may be, I dunnoooo…fake?


Yeah, um, methinks perhaps their support of Teh Troops may be, I dunnoooo…fake?

But look at the Support Our Troops stickers on their cars! And their flag pins! Look at their flag pins! Surely you can’t question the patriotism of people who wear flag pins, can you?


Ms. Marcotte’s entitled to her own opinion without being dumped on here for being a killjoy.

Don’t be silly. Her opinion might make a man uncomfortable. Can’t have that, so it’s probably best she be a good girl and not given.

True fact: if Amanda Marcotte glares at you, your dick falls off. Sorta like a basilisk sort of deal.


Nothing says “I love Amerka” more than cheap-ass made in China shit.


And T&U questions WalMart’s patriotism…


True fact: if Amanda Marcotte glares at you, your dick falls off. Sorta like a basilisk sort of deal.

What happens if one uses a mirror to reflect the pernicious, peen-pulverizing glance?


Nothing says “I love Amerka” more than cheap-ass made in China shit.

Doesn’t always work


What happens if one uses a mirror to reflect the pernicious, peen-pulverizing glance?

She grows one?


Somewhat OT, but it’s probably us Liberals’ fault for the troops not getting more than just support on a bumper.

For instance, as Dr Kraphammer points out, we liberals are the real problem — such as when we call out the right for what they are: bigots. But, that doesn’t make them bigots even though all the evidence supports that position. The reason why they aren’t bigots is because liberals call them bigots.

So, the reason why the troops don’t get support is probably because liberals don’t think they deserve it; which is proven by their lack of sticker-support.


What happens if one uses a mirror to reflect the pernicious, peen-pulverizing glance?

She grows one?

Well, since she’s a feminist, she’s obviously a lesbian, so maybe the hair on her legs fall off, as that’s where lesbians keep all their power. Like Samson in comfortable shoes.


Like Samson in comfortable shoes.

Hmm… maybe the heel of her feet grow downwards into a 5-inch point so she is forever in permanent high heel shoes.


but has a whole collection of snuff films in his “study” at home?

Bozell does seem like the type to watch hours of film of dandies inhaling finely-ground tobacco.


Hmm… maybe the heel of her feet grow downwards into a 5-inch point so she is forever in permanent high heel shoes.

Or she’s forced to stop at every door and wait until a Real Man comes along to open it for her so she doesn’t break a nail.


Bozell is really just trying to protect the Dutch.

Till Eulenspiegel

The Dutch are perfectly capable of defending themselves.


The Dutch are perfectly capable of defending themselves.

That puts the BOOM in Oranjeboom!

Lurking Canadian

Krauthammer is a liar who can eat a bag of dicks. But you already knew that.


Krauthammer is a liar the Paris Hilton of political columnists who can eat a bag of dicks. But you already knew that.



For instance, as Dr Kraphammer points out, we liberals are the real problem — such as when we call out the right for what they are: bigots. But, that doesn’t make them bigots even though all the evidence supports that position. The reason why they aren’t bigots is because liberals call them bigots.

Wait a minute. I thought that when we called them bigots, our super-socialist mind control powers forced them to become bigots. That is to say, there is right-wing bigotry, but it’s actually left-wing bigotry since it only exists because we oppose it.


Is that the Snorghagen Quantum Bigotry Uncertainty Principle? Is bigotry both a wave and a particle? This is the question.


Brent Bozo: “It’s stuffed with 16 uses of the F-bomb in under four minutes, erupting on average once every 14 seconds.”

Which, surprisingly, beats Deadwood’saverage of 1.56 fucks per minute.

But I bet Deadwood still holds the record for highest number of cocksuckers per minute.



The entire song is obscene. It’s stuffed with 16 uses of the F-bomb in under four minutes, erupting on average once every 14 seconds. It also has 10 uses of the S-word, and even two uses of “nigga.”

I imagine Bozell got a rock hard erection when he listened to the song.


Nuclear Assault’s “Fuck You” is much better: “We don’t care what you say, FUCK YOU!”.


Okay…no it’s not better. Cee-Lo is better. What a great cut.


So … without reading a single comment, has anyone brought up the song “I Love You, But Fuck You” from Tech N9ne.

The album it was on topped the indie charts, IIRC.

Or are only mainstream musicians not able to use certain words?


The album it was on topped the indie charts, IIRC.


(In my case, that’d be a “No.”)


But I bet Deadwood still holds the record for highest number of cocksuckers per minute.

Never watched Fox News, have ya?

Okay … I’ll stop hogging a dead thread.


@Lafcadio – I think that one is a cover of a song done by D.O.A. back in the early ’80s.


“You’re breaking my heart / You’re tearing it apart / So fuck you” ~ Son of Schmilsson


Back in the olden days of vaude-ville, there was a t’ing,
by a band from up Vancouvah, way by the name of D.O. & A…

* puff cigar *

Gimme a C! A bouncy C!


This kind of righteous rightwing prudery reminds me of Col. Kurz’s line from “Apocalypse Now”:

“We stop our young men from writing “Fuck” on their airplanes, yet we allow them to drop fire on people…..”


What would Brent Bozo think of the terribly white Tim Minchin? http://www.youtube.com/user/timminchin#p/a/f/1/fHRDfut2Vx0


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