Blogger Ethics Panel
Well I think that we can coalesce around a suitable internet verb for Dr. Deb Frisch formerly of the University of Arizona Psychology Department:
To Frisch: Writing something on the internet so creepy and offensive that you are forced to quit your job before getting canned. Ex. Deb really frisched herself when she threatened that blogger’s 2 year old child with death and sexual molestation.
Hey, remember when Frisch said this?
Incidentally, Tim? I touched your sister in her secret places. Lots.
Posted by: Jeff G at November 17, 2005 10:42 PM
Ooops, wait. It seems that Jeff Goldstein said that. And there’s lots more where that came from.
I wonder if he should get his own verb too? How about…
“To Goldstein: Writing something on the Internet so creepy and offensive that you face no consequences because you have no job and your buddies will look the other way when you threaten to beat people like bitches and slap them in the face with your cock.”
I think it works.
Ahhh, but you see, Brad, I’ve been waiting for the next mention of the Malkin thing to employ my new line (it came to me yesterday and it’s been KILLIN me).
Ann Coulter and the Malkin thing: A Terrible Case of Two Rats Syndrome…
Yeah, blackfive, who the fuck cares? Nobody’s going to use the word, it’s not a story, she represents only herself, she’s a creepy twit, cockslapper is a creepy twit, etc, etc, etc. She’ll be completely forgotten as soon as right blogistan can find something else to get worked up about.
So is this the start of a new trend? Are bloggers now going to base front page stories on comments in comment threads? How about this one? Talk about blogospheric navel gazing!
I guess anything is better than focussing on the Bush Administration and people dying in Iraq and Afganistan.
But but…
This is ALL about the evil that is “Dr.” Frisch. This has absolutely nothing to do with Goldstein’s previous writings, no matter how vapid of intellectual rigor or unacceptable they may be. I have still learned a lot from them. He is — swoon — inspirational.
And how can a left “blogger” ever be wronged? Our Judeo-Christian heritage dictates that Amelkites be destroyed — at any cost. By the power of Jesus, you deserve everything you get. It’s God’s way.
Either crucify “Dr.” Frisch now or I have a temper tantrum!
Hehehe. Cue for the ever-popular Waaaaahbulance.
I dunno how you describe that mindset, the one you see alot in movies, where Our Heros rampage around the Bad Guys, shooting everyone and everything, blowing up facilities and combatants, but as soon as one of the Good Guys goes down, there’s this blind rage of “How could they, you sons of bitches!”
It’s a different scenario, but the exact same mentality.
Clearly the right is still upset about the entire ‘Santorum’ thing and trying their hardest to find ANYTHING that will stick on the other side…
Congratulations, lads, on SN!’s glorious-though-utterly-Pyrrhic victory in the Late Grate Unpleasantness of the Annoying Video War. Deployment of the Doomsday Weapon, though unforgivable and impossible to justify by any standard of justice or mercy, was made Sadly Necessary! by the enemy’s obstinate and perfidious refusal to crapitulate in good faith to the simple ploposition:
And at the end of the day, as you sit atop the mountainous pyre of smoking remains of your enemae, surveying the utter devastation which thy all-reeteous wrath hath got wrought, do take a moment to relect, smirk, and know that those poor fools had it coming for underestimating the Holy Determination of Winners to unleash even the Ultimate Whupass of Doom in order to triumph over Losers, Anyhow, Anywhere, Anywhen, Amen.
Enough flattulery for now. My main mission here is to drop the following link to an incredibly incandescent and lovely posting by Driftglass (whose blog I take to be named after my favorite Samuel R. Delaney short story of all time) that I found in a comment at FDL and want to shout about from every steeple and rooftop available. Read it. Link it. Live it.
Sean Huff
Please, please, please paste and/or link those comments Goldstein made about not caring if his commenters kids were “Jon Beneted”. Oops, seems that Frisch came up with a new “verb” as well. Brings up some wonderful mental images. Maybe YOU’d like to use that ONE sometime? Mental image: Jon Beneted vs. hit in the face with my cock. Yep, definitely comparable. Yep…
So What?- Nice of you to overlook “I touched your sister in her secret places. Lots.”
No one is excusing what Frisch did- it was contemptible and vile. But anyone who tries, as Malkin does, to make it seem as though Jeff’s shit doth not similarly stink is full of it.
Please, please, please paste and/or link those comments Goldstein made about not caring if his commenters kids were “Jon Beneted�. Oops, seems that Frisch came up with a new “verb� as well. Brings up some wonderful mental images. Maybe YOU’d like to use that ONE sometime? Mental image: Jon Beneted vs. hit in the face with my cock. Yep, definitely comparable. Yep…
Trans.: Unless Goldstein did exactly the same thing to others that was done to him, no criticism of Goldstein is possible.
“Your Honor, my client punched Mr. Goldstein after Mr. Goldstein broke into the house and waved his penis around, saying that he was going to…”
“Objection! Sir, please please please tell me when Mr. Goldstein punched your client first. No? Well, then. Your Honor, according to the No Backs Double Tax provision of the federal He Who Smelt It Dealt It law, the court must find for Mr. Goldstein.”
Gavin- saying he molested the guy’s sister DOES come pretty close though.
Zenedine Zadane is a piece of crap.
“Objection! Sir, please please please tell me when Mr. Goldstein punched your client first. No? Well, then. Your Honor, according to the No Backs Double Tax provision of the federal He Who Smelt It Dealt It law, the court must find for Mr. Goldstein.�
Gavin — how’s it that I’m the ONE with the Smelt It Dealt It Law? That’s the Pot Calling The Kettle Black theory– This “Blogger Ethics Panel” is the He Who Smelt It Dealt It law… basically this seems to go.. because JG said all these things who is he to be upset about some moonbat saying shit about his “tyke” and wife? Jon Bonet was found strangled to death and bludgeoned in the head in her own home.. I fail to see how feeling up someone’s sister (do you know exactly the age of this female? difference if the sister is two vs. twenty four) or suggesting when some man calls you a chicken that he come over so you can hit him in the face with your cock is comparable in weight…
Pray tell… what would be the punishment in court by the judge for feeling up someone’s sister or hitting someone in the face with their cock vs. strangling and bludgeoning a two year old to death? hmmm???
So What- the point is this:
1.) What Frisch did was vile. We condemn her for it. All of us.
2.) Goldstein says several vile things. Are they precisely as bad as Jon Benet-ing? Maybe not. But Christ, “I touched your sister in her secret places?” Are you serious? That’s a despicable thing to say, regardless of whether it’s on par with the Jon Benet comment. And when I hear people like Malkin praise Jeff for his “bold eloquence, sharp wit, and willingness to engage the other side,” I want to barf. Jeff is not some innocent flower. He has the right to be upset and angry with such a disgusting attack on his family but maybe- just maybe!- he should reflect a bit about making comments about molesting someone’s sister.
fail to see how feeling up someone’s sister (do you know exactly the age of this female? difference if the sister is two vs. twenty four)
No I don’t. And I don’t think Jeff knew the answer either. She might have been 24, she might have been 8. And frankly, Jeff didn’t care about how old the guy’s sister was- he wanted to insult him in the most crude way imagineable. It was a goddamn disgusting thing to say.
SO What – you lost me at ‘Hello’. Oh, wait. you didn’t even say hello.
I think I am too stupid to understand what you are here crying about. I can’t even get through more than one sentence of your posts. Why don’t you spell it out for us poor, stupid liberals. because it seems to me that your point is “Someone said something vile about Jeff and his family, therefore no one can criticize Jeff, or criticize anyone who supports Jeff.”
please explain how that is logical, because it doesn’t make much sense to me. Jeff G is a vile person, and almost everything he writes is vile.
Ummm…In fit of unseemly haste to close a prior comment, one neglected to paste in the favorite “money para” from the above-linked Driftglass post (hehe – perhaps the semi-professional cowerers of Reicht Blovsylvania could do with a bit more threatening bogeyliberal to flee in panic from, than a poor weak imitati-Anne’s doltish stabs at troll-parody)
Ahhh…now that be a scentiment that anyone could inhale deeply of, and walk away refreshed and invigorated.
Sean Huff
I tell you, if the bitching continues (and I say bitching because what else do these people want? Lefties have said what Frisch posted was vile and crossed a line **way back there**, and she’s freakin RESIGNED from her job! The constant complaining and referring to it is becoming mastabatory, to say the least), we’re gonna have to assume they LIKE it when people threaten their children and loved ones.
Or as mAnn coulter might say:
I’ve never seen anyone enjoy having children sexually threatened as much as Jeff Goldstein and the rest of the rightwing blogosphere.
Pray tell… what would be the punishment in court by the judge for feeling up someone’s sister or hitting someone in the face with their cock vs. strangling and bludgeoning a two year old to death? hmmm???
Depends on the location, really. For instance, bludgeoning and strangling a two year old might get you life. 25 years. With good behavior, you might get out in oh…. 6 or so. If you’re just a murderer, you just have to check in wtih a parole officer every couple weeks, and your can go on your merry way.
Cockslapping and/or molesting (they’re basically the same) is sexual assault. With a particularly young lad or lassie, it’s child molestation and that makes you a sexual predator! Now, the usual term for sexual predators is mm, let’s say a decade to start with. Prison systems are hell on those sort of folk, especially ones who fucked with children. So if they survive prison, they get out, are put on a sexual predator list, and have to tell EVERYBODY they’re in a neighborhood with that they’re a sexual predator. And certain states feel (perhaps rightly) that that isn’t enough, and so instead of letting the sexual predator out afterward, they shunt them off to an asylum. Pedophila and the like, the sort of thing that would lead one to touch a girl in her secret places is incurable. And asylums don’t let folk out unless they’re cured and/or viable to exist in society. Neither would function under the Goldstein Act. So, they’d be locked up forever. Forever ever? FOREVER EVER EVER.
So, 6 years versus Forever Ever. Fuck it, from an egotist perspective, murdering a two-year old seems like nothing.
Why do you feel the need, under these circumstances, to try to insult me? I have not attacked anyone personally here. And I never insinuated that anyone was stupid. My only issue is that it sounds as if people are using the “he did it first theory” as an excuse for someone to say vicious things to a blogger. Who cares who said what when. There is not much character assination going on for the woman here. Just righteous indignation that JG would find someone talking about stangling and bludgeoning his “tyke” offensive. The hypocrisy is sad.
I never said anything about JG being witty, intelligent, et al. I don’t even visit Protein Wisdom. Having said that — I came across this topic via Ace of Spades HQ. I point this out because if any of you are regular visitors and commentor to a site then you understand some basic functions of this world. Each site has its own “culture”. It even includes a “culture” for greenhorns as well as trolls. There is a sort of “normal cultural” banter that happens and how it plays out is based on the site. The “playground” antics are participating in by most everybody and it’s what makes the commentary fun and interesting. Things do get out of control and when they do people are held accountable.
As an example, Ace was not walking lock step defending Ann Coulter but had a post that condemned her for going over the top. Why are you unable to do that here? Would it have been good if Ace had cut and pasted every vile thing that the Jersey Girls have said and made that a big point? But he didn’t. He said Coulter didn’t have to insinuate that they were enjoying their husband’s deaths — that is going OVER THE LINE.
PW was down before I could read any of it. But I got linked up to Deb’s website via Ace of Spades and read Deb’s comments to bloggers from back in 1995 and ended up here. She has been vile for a long time. I have much respect for Brad R., thank you for acknowledging that what Deb said was vile.
Oh but Patkin.. You forget that Deb was saying, “Ooh. Two year old boy. Sounds hot. You live in Colorado, I see. Hope no one Jon-Benets your baby.” Sounds like she’s sexually attracted to JG’s two year old boy.
Would it have been good if Ace had cut and pasted every vile thing that the Jersey Girls have said and made that a big point
He could have, as long as he made the point of saying “this still doesn’t justify what Coulter said.”
Also: I don’t think any of the Jersey girls has ever said anything remotely as nasty as any of the above Goldstein quotes. If you can provide examples, please do so.
Wait, so character assassination is supposed to be what we’re doing here? Not denouncing, but actively destroying her reputation?
I see the problem now. You see, I’d been under the impression that we’re just supposed to go “okay, I don’t agree with her.” but apparently we’re supposed to call her vile and wicked and a shameless harlot and such forth and then we can move on to the next manufactured outrage from the right that we’re supposed to assasinate so your feelings don’t get harmed.
Go fuck yourself.
You forget that Deb was saying, “Ooh. Two year old boy. Sounds hot. You live in Colorado, I see. Hope no one Jon-Benets your baby.� Sounds like she’s sexually attracted to JG’s two year old boy.
Yeah, but I don’t think anyone has raised a serious defense of Deb’s comments.
Didn’t forget, you changed the goalposts.
I merely remarked on what the punishments would be for both options. Bludgeoning and strangling a two-year old = murder. 6 years. Sexually molesting someone = eternity in a nuthouse.
Sexually molesting someone and then bludgeoning and strnagling them = 6 years and a nuthouse.
Aaaaaaand, go fuck yourself.
See.. the childish banter.. am I supposed to say go fuck yourself too? Manufactured from the right? A lot of people from the right get held accountable for saying stupid shit… Trent Lot… Newt…
McKinney gets to hit a cop… Kennedy gets to drive his car through a barrier… Jefferson… gets to keep his job and keep 90,000 u.s. dollars… damn I’d take the odds on the left… where do I sigh up.. never have to be accountable for anything…
TRUTH hurts.. makes people yell louder… and say things like go fuck yourself…
No, I just saying go fuck yourself. It makes me feel good in my secret places. What’d Newt get held accountable for, as you just kind of trailed off there.
You’ve come up with three semi-truthful things. Though as I recall, McKinney hit a security guard, which is not actually a police officer. But that’s splitting hairs isn’t it. The same way you’re splitting hairs when you bring up Trent Lott saying that if Strom Thurmond had been in charge desegregation never would’ve happened and wouldn’t that be fantastic, and Kennedy driving a car through barrier (am I right in guessing this is you being sly in mentioning the whole drowning incident?) to create equivilence.
But of course, they’re not equivilent. Personally speaking, Kenendy probably should’ve lost his job for the drowning thingy. Then again, Strom Thurmond probably raped a black woman and was re-elected well past the grave.
Oh, and go fuck yourself.
Jefferson… gets to keep his job and keep 90,000 u.s. dollars…
Are you serious? Are you really this stupid? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Sorry. Um. Could you wait right here? I’m just gonna go up to the new thread and um, post uh, something. BRB.
No I mean PATRICK Kennedy son of Ted… driving through a barrier at the capitol building…
And Gentlewoman.. I apologize… I REALLY am this stupid… BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA…. Are you serious? Um… BRB… and RMAOTFAFLMAO… bwahahahaha….
Great post… oui… you got me right in the heart.. feel really stupid now… How could I every believe I could post with the likes of you…
That’s so weird. It’s like there’s two different trolls now. The So What earlier seemed somewhat dignified, if unrelentingly stupid. He at the least understood punctuation without the need for a consistent ellipse marker between each of his sentence. Now he’s degenerated into the same sort of toadsucking trolls we usually get.
And speaking French on top of it! Can’t you be drummed out of the wingnuts for that?
Ceci n’est pas une ogre.
Patkin, I thought that So What was Pasty himself at first, although he usually comments here with his own name. I’ve always suspected him of whoring out his ‘name’ to whichever of his flying monkeys was available to troll liberal blogs. I mean, he can’t possibly spend ALL his time googling his name, and sometimes it appears as though he’s trolling on several different blogs at once. So, if it seemed to change ‘personalities’ that could be why. And the snarky, superior tone is almost right. Who knows? Or who cares, really. I just like to play with trolls. And my point, which said troll seems to have missed, was that it is unimaginably stupid to believe that Jefferson actually got to keep the money, you know?
I mean, he can’t possibly spend ALL his time googling his name, and sometimes it appears as though he’s trolling on several different blogs at once.
I suspect that he actually DOES spend all of his time googling his name.
Maybe the only thing worse then sexually threatening a two year old —
Would be that a poster sexually threatens a two year old and then a well known paste eater, who runs a blog, in full knowledge of the sexual threat, then posts the full name of the child’s mother and the workplace of the parents and the hometown in which the family lives.
That wouldn’t be threatening at all. Oh No. Not threatening at all.
And then the said child from the family gets death threats.
And I can’t think of a time when that happened…Can anybody else???
Aye, the irony is killing me.
“Why are you unable to do that here? ”
So what, are you just a selective reader? Condemnation of what Frisch said is all over this blog.
“Would it have been good if Ace had cut and pasted every vile thing that the Jersey Girls have said ”
Oh, here we go. Let’s DO paste every “vile” thing that the Jersey Girls have said. So are you really saying that Deb Frisch’s vile words are the moral equivalence of criticizing the Bush administration?
“A lot of people from the right get held accountable for saying stupid shit… Trent Lot… Newt…”
Oh, here’s another one. Obscure wacko blogger speaks for the left as party leaders speak for the right.
“McKinney gets to hit a cop… Kennedy gets to drive his car through a barrier… Jefferson… gets to keep his job and keep 90,000 u.s. dollars”
They all “get to” do it, and they all have to accept the consequences. McKinney was investigated and a decision was made. Jefferson’s case is still ongoing.
Tell me you’re not saying that Patrick Kennedy’s personal substance abuse problem is the moral equivalent of Duke Cunningham taking bribes from a defense contractor?
How about Cheney, who “gets to” shoot someone in the face?
Can we have Gary Ruppert back? He is a much better troll.
Of course that woman fucked up. I will point out a difference between her obvious agitprop and Jeff Goldstein saying totally bullshit stuff for the entertainment of himself and his readers. Frisch’s intent does nothing to excuse her comments, however it’s obviousness and over-the-topness does serve to make the comments inequivalent to JG’s usual shtick. And if her actions and content of her speech were truly dependent on Jeff’s in the first place, i.e. the “eye for an eye” technique, I think it’s valid to examine where each person was coming from. She fucked up, she paid a price, she had enough of a soul to immediately apologize. The same people talking about how vile she is are probably publishing people’s home addresses “for the sake of national security.” If you can’t recognize the tremendous irony all around, then I will have to attack polite discourse and say you are probably a total cobag.
I will point out a difference between her obvious agitprop and Jeff Goldstein saying totally bullshit stuff for the entertainment of himself and his readers.
I’d like to underline this point.
For reasons only known to Goldstein, he decided not to ban her.
And he ends up in blog fights on a pretty frequent basis. Looks to me like he thrives on drama, sexual-rhetoric, over-the-top rhetoric, violent fantasies that involve guns, and name-calling.
That said – the woman comes across as messed up.
Either she’s got some mental problems or the drama of the last few days was the most creative excuse to quit a job that I’ve ever seen.
Hey look, everybody. This isn’t some kind of weird game at the downtown YMCA. In one way or another, what we’re discussing, or at least the BASIS for the discussion, is American Politics. What “side” we’re on is determined by a set of political and economic beliefs. We have no control over who comes in the tent. The Left ™ has liars, thieves, loonies and bomb-throwers. Know what? So does The Right ™. Because they happen to have political views that roughly parallel mine, you will not be allowed to make me responsible for their behavior. Think about it. There are people in the other political camp who are also evil, ugly and crazy. It’s just people. Come on. I think, even in this day and age we can agree that bad people are, well, BAD.
So What–That’s a commenter, not an opion, by the way. *AHEM* So What–how many times, in how many different ways, do you require us to condemn this woman’s words? Can you begin to think of a number that of times we can call them vile so that you would accept that we have even said it once? I don’t like her. I don’t need her “on my team”. But how the HELL do you idiots come to the conclusion she REPRESENTS me??
Dr. Frisch is just another example of the Kabuki Theatre the right likes to engage in whenever the “New York Times are a bunch of traitors” front gets quiet. Wingnuts regularly call for carpet bombing cities in Iraq, mass murder, and genocide against the Islamohomoliberalfascists (and not just in comments), and the only reaction the right ever has is to approvingly cross link the calls for executing traitors (i.e. people who exercise their rights of free speech or freedom of the press). But let them get their hands on some obscure comment by some obscure alleged leftist, and every leftist/liberal/progressive in the world is supposed to join in the stoning, jumping up and down, shouting “Vile! Vile! Vile!”. The purpose of this Kabuki exhibition, of course, is just so the wingnuts can sit back and watch while leftists attack each other. It’s great fun, dontcha know?
Well, I don’t really give a rat’s ass what Dr. Frisch posted on Pasty’s blog. Yes, it was insensitive, offensive, and hurtful (but if you think it was a threat, might I recommend a remedial English course to improve your reading comprehension?). But who gives a shit? The world has lots of assholes in it, and some of them post on people’s blogs.
I’m much more concerned about the assholes who actually have some influence in the world; for instance, fucktards like Pasty, Instaputz, and Malkin, who have their own blogs and big readerships; and fascist war criminals like Rummy, Darth Cheyney, and Georgie Boy, who are actually out committing mass murder and genocide, not just lobbying for more of it from they anonymity of the LGF comments section.
So, take your liberal-baiting wingnut head and shove it up your ass. I ain’t playing that game.
P.S. That last post wasn’t specifically directed at Mikey. It didn’t occur to me that it might be taken that way, until I saw it appeared directly after Mikey’s last post.
And he ends up in blog fights on a pretty frequent basis. Looks to me like he thrives on drama, sexual-rhetoric, over-the-top rhetoric, violent fantasies that involve guns, and name-calling.
Well, what else is he gonna do . . . watch soap operas all day?
What bridge did all these trolls crawl out from under tonight? Jeebus.
I miss Gary as well, though I admit that part of my fondness for him is actually just fondness for the various faux-Garys.
Meanwhile, So What, come up with a number of times you need us to repudiate this woman we’ve never heard of, and we’ll do that. Of course, we’ll have to come up with a number of times you have to repudiate Newt, Trent, Annie, and Jeffy.
Wouldn’t it be easier to just admit that we’re none of us responsible for the deranged and vile comments of people we don’t know, unless, of course, we actually agree with them? The enemy of my enemy is usually someone I’ve never met and wouldn’t like anyway.
That last post wasn’t specifically directed at Mikey. It didn’t occur to me that it might be taken that way, until I saw it appeared directly after Mikey’s last post.
I didn’t even come close to thinking that. I’ve been called a HOLE lot of things in my life but “wingnut” isn’t likely ever to be one of them. Rock on…
Heh. Welcome to right-wing internets, Geoduck.
Mikey is right, but duh. People who can’t understand who and who does not speak “for” a party don’t deserve a voice in discussion.
But the story is not about weither what this chick said was worse, not worse, just as worse, a little bit better, slightly more downcast, then what Cockula has said.
The story is about the Right-sides twirling-off into their latest screachfest about what some unknown said in a comment section of a blog.
Oh noes. How will the Republic survive?
The idea that Kos, Atrios, Al Fraken, whoever, needs to come out an condemn her is insane. The owe no more an apology then O’Reilly does for what some street-corner, be-soap-boxed nut job screemed at me on my lastest venture downtown.
Mikey is right, but duh. People who can’t understand who and who does not speak “for� a party don’t deserve a voice in discussion.
EXACTLY!! It’s nothing but stoopid that we have to even have this discussion. Maybe we’re idiots for participating. But jeez, it does kind of indicate that there’s no hope….
And he ends up in blog fights on a pretty frequent basis. Looks to me like he thrives on drama, sexual-rhetoric, over-the-top rhetoric, violent fantasies that involve guns, and name-calling.
Exactly. It’s his auto-neurotic asphyxiation.
Anybody ever notice that Goldstein kinda looks like David Schwimmer in the Count Cockula picture?
I wasn’t going to say anything, but yeah, he does.
Yikes. If I’d read the cereal box before starting to poke the festering vermin pit, I definitely would have thought twice about slumming or at least, employed a different strategy. I just thought it was your run of the mill rightwingnutcase swamp. Was I wrong.
I think there’s a Fruit Loops/Count Cockula joke lurking somewhere, but I can’t nail it just yet.
Here’s a question: Why are these people who “represent the left” always so obscure?
I mean, who’s the first person that comes to mind if I say “Name a right-winger who publically wished for their enemies to be killed”?
For me, and I imagine most of us, the answer is “Ann Coulter”:. Ann Coulter is a published author who appears on news and talk shows frequently to espouse her views.
Meanwhile, who comes to mind if I say, “Name a left-winger who publically wished for their enemies to be killed”?
Um… Pretty much this Frisch woman. Not even the previous pariah, Ward Churchill,.did that.
Most of what goldstein says doesn’t rise to the level of declaring your enemies inhuman and wishing death on people who happen to be kind of near them (Although… what are his views on collatoral damage in the Iraq war?), but they’re vile as heck, and he’s well respected in the conservative blogosphere.
You can’t control who joins your party, but you can control who you link to and whose behavior you approve of.
The jackasses of the left don’t seem to ever get into any positions of respect and fame; the closest we have to a famous asshole is Michael Moore, and he’s not so much on the wishing for his enemies to be beaten to death.
Meanwhile, on the right these folks become famous, sell books, go on TV, and write widely read blogs.
And that’s the point; Goldstein isn’t exactly as bad as this Frisch woman, but he’s still bad, and he has MUCH more influence then she does.
As an excercise in hyperbole, let’s all imagine the outrage from the right if, say, Al Fraken were to comment that his only regret was that the insurgents didn’t gun down Laura Ingrahm when they had the chance.
Now let’s think on what percentage of them would, upon hearing the arguement that that’s excatly what Coulter did, would say, “well, that’s different.”
And THAT is why, “Go fuck yourself.”
This would have been part of my first post, but it took me twelve hours to think of it.
I’d like to “Zidane” the whole lot of them.
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Some guy, the difference is we don’t have to engage an exercise in hyperbole to have Ann Coulter wish death on her enemies. That’s her thing. It’s not Al Franken’s thing. See the difference? You have to imagine Franken saying something completely out of character to have him say something that is part and parcel of Coulter’s act.
Hey Gavin, maybe you should start editing or deleting your reader’s comments, so you can be as cool and non-pussy as Goldstein or ConfederateAsshole!
Deb, is that you up there, talking about your *strategy*? I would like to know more about your *therapeutics*. You demonize Goldstein, that’s understandable, but how do you reconcile that with being a psychologist? You think the liberals are put off, what would you say to the Rogerians about your behavior? Your behavior has been most incongruent with that of a mental health professional.
I don’t know what being a psychologist means to you, but it means something to some of us and this will not stand. The lesson here is that you’ve been sublimating all along and until now getting away with it. I’m sorry you’re taking a beating, but I am glad you are no longer teaching.
Various leftwing sites have had these concern trolls (frequenters/fans of Goldstein or Ace of Spades) popping in and making semi-coherent babbling noises about the Frisch Incident.
“Reasoning” with them here is much like trying to reason with them on their home turf; it can’t be done. They are past(e)masters at manufacturing outrage, changing the subject when called out, decrying genuine objections as irrelevant, etc. ad nauseam. In other words, never engaging in discourse except on their own terms. It is really not worth even trying to engage them, other than with a heartfelt “fuck off”.
[…] Jeffster- please tell us how we “went to bat for her.” Perhaps you were referring to my statement here: […]
– So whats the verdict gals and guys? Are we going to play clown to this deranged circus mistress’s manipulations, go with the “right versus left” doggerel, or move on?
[…] UPDATE: I couldn’t write anything on politics this evening. I wrote a couple of posts over on GFAFC and after that I tried to write something about Deb Frisch and Jeff Goldstein. What’s the use? We know those two deserve each other. They’re a perfect match. One made sick comments on the other’s blog, and the other has a reputation of habitually threatening to turkeyslap (an NC-17 term I’m using to describe Goldstein’s narcissistic fixation of his own phallus –read here, here, and here for more details) whomever disagrees with him. […]
[…] Actually, a number of prominent right wing bloggers had heard of her before, as she’s been a career troll for years now. I’ll take Glenn’s word that she never commented on his site, but question the logic of “I’ve never heard of X, therefore, no one has ever heard of X.” left some vile comments on Jeff Goldstein’s blog, a venue which itself is devoted to some of the most vile, deranged and psychosexually disturbed commentary that can be found on the Internet. […]
Wow, with all this anger I wonder why some don’t pop over to another thread where something of importance might be in discussion. This just bizarre… no wonder conservatives avoid BLOGS. Sure, they’re too busy working so that our 20-32 year old children with all the answers can sit in their cubicles and look over their shoulders while they nip at the heels of those that have grown out of that “super cool” stage.
Quiz: Anybody know why FoxNews has equal time for differing views?
Answer: When a liberal view is pitted against a conservative, the true nature of the ridiculous nature is glaring. FoxNews doesn’t attack Liberals as much as they let Liberals embarrass themselves. Watch it for a day without blood soaked eyes. It looks a lot different without the red tint.