StayTe Ov Teh Fart Teknahlogee

Trust Fund Boy has a new toy:

PS This is my first blog post written entirely ons an iPad.

Keep trying.

Above: Spandau Ballet knows as.. much as.. Sun-tzu.

I’m sure he’ll soon get the hang of it, though, and use it just as deftly as a normal keyboard to write his patented eleventy hundred word treatises on the Fart of War, the conclusion of which is always the same: ‘Is X liberal too pussified to threaten to blow up Y country? Yes!’

Green with an iPad is the biggest technological step forward for the shut-in von Clausewitzes of the world since Steven den Beste discovered blogging software.

With an iPad in his hands and a cheeto on his tongue
dissolves what brain wasn’t pickled in dung
Listening to Insty’s podcasts (all night long)
This is the sound of no soul,
this is the sound

C’mon, y’all, sing it.


Comments: 215


“ons” ????


I have nothing to say except HA HA!


Vodkapundit posts should always include a *hic*


In comments, genius Frank Martin says has contacts in the area (Turkey) which means he knows they have a Lens Crafters.

ZING!!!! I am here all week.


With an iPad in his hands and a cheeto on his tongue

Ohno! You din’t just diss the iPad!

Marion in Savannah

What the HELL is wrong with the hamsters?


Somewhat on topic, this Tweet cracked me up: “Overheard today: ‘Yeah, I grabbed a porno and a bag of Cheetos on the way home from work and had another evening of Orange Penis Theater.'”

I guess one of the guys from Chunklet has been hanging out with wingnut bloggers?


Intertubes are plugged.


He looks like one of Patrick Bateman’s victims


I’m quite damaged in the head,
“Mental retardation” I’ve been told
I pooped my pants so I can write my next line
iPad covered in the brown that I’ve TOOOLLLDDDDD!!!!one1


I bought an iPad to write posts
About scary Koreans and I-raaaaan
Why do I find it hard to write the next line
When I eat too much bran?

So p00p, funny how it seems,
Always in my pants, caused by my fevered dreams,
Look a brown d00d – I drop a load
This is the sound, of my p00p
This is my pooo-ooo-ooop

The Goddamn Batman Has An App For That

Went smoothly for a first try on a new device.

I’d bet that he used that same line to pseudonymously review a “personal massager” on Amazon. And if that doesn’t squick you out sufficiently, ask yourself if you’d be surprised if all three of the talking heads on “Trifecta” end up in mug shots over news articles that involve allegations made by pre-teens at bible camp.


For a guy who’s supposed to be all suave or something (wtf?), that is a hideous suit. I’m not sure the jacket even fits him. And I hope he’s at a wedding or something, because there’s no excuse for being that fucking boring.


I mean, he’s dressed like a politician with a pocket square. David Brooks is a better dresser.

Marion in Savannah

And I hope he’s at a wedding or something, because there’s no excuse for being that fucking boring.

I think that when that picture first surfaced it was from a batch of pix from some ghasty wingnut cruise or something. Last summer was it? Does anyone remember? I seem to recall a fair amount of finger pointing and giggling then…


another evening of Orange Penis Theater.

This is why I only eat red foods.


Does anyone remember?

Was that the cruise that Jonah had not one photograph without a drink in his hand?

Then last summer.


No, no, no, not Spandau Ballet! He looks more like the lead singer of that one-hit wonder 80s band from the UK called “Living in a Box.” LIAB were a little gayer and funkier and fancied themselves GQ models.

I think Vodka boy is even wearing the same suit!


I think that when that picture first surfaced it was from a batch of pix from some ghasty wingnut cruise or something.

Did they all have to wear, like, waiters’ uniforms? WTF?

Was that the cruise that Jonah had not one photograph without a drink in his hand?

I can’t really blame him.



re: Stephen Green’s sartorial taste.

He has none. He’s wearing an ill-fitting double-breasted suit that makes him look like a giant torso and a giant head connected by a thin hose of neck.

My original comment was better.


“Trust Fund Boy” could refer to 93% of male wingnuts.


He has none. He’s wearing an ill-fitting double-breasted suit that makes him look like a giant torso and a giant head connected by a thin hose of neck.

Well, he is a wingnut. I suppose we should just be glad that his tie isn’t a clip-on.


There are actually mudflap girls on his crappy banner. Does this man fancy himself to be some sort of Bond-like figure? Ugh.

WP, if you eat this post, I will rip off your head and vomit down your neck.


There are actually mudflap girls on his crappy banner. Does this man fancy himself to be some sort of Bond-like figure? Ugh.

Yes, I saw that. I probably wouldn’t have said anything about his outfit (plus, I was using Firefox and pics are blocked for this site on that browser), but come the fuck on.


I think thats a big part of the wingnut pathology. They are always playing. Playing at being Jack Bauer, James Bond, Winston Churchill. It’s a rich fantasy life these fucknuts live.


Was that the cruise that Jonah had not one photograph without a drink in his hand?

I can’t really blame him.

The fucker created the shit storm. He ought to nut up or shut up.


They are always playing. Playing at being Jack Bauer…

Except they don’t think they’re playing. They really think they are Jack Bauer, James Bond and Winston Churchill all rolled together. I think that’s why they’re mostly fat and doughy.


Spandau Ballet

I got more of a “und now ist der time on Sphrochets vhen ve dance” vibe.


The worst thing is they’re all armchair generals…but they’d sooner lose a testicle rather than actually serve.


Oh, (and OT),


Stay classy, Arizona!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Was that the cruise that Jonah had not one photograph without a drink in his hand?


He has none. He’s wearing an ill-fitting double-breasted suit that makes him look like a giant torso and a giant head connected by a thin hose of neck.

He’s built like a watertower- check the back of his head, I’ll bet that “CHERRY HILL” is stenciled on it.


The fucker created the shit storm. He ought to nut up or shut up.

Well, yeah, but the dude drives me to drink and I don’t even know him. Can you imagine actually being him? *shudder*



Stand aside, bacontinis! I have a new hipster drink!



Y’know, I’ve had every single “tini” drink, from good ol’ martinis to dirty martinis to jalapeno martinis made with tequila to chocolate martinis.

I think this one made me sick, a little


I was thinking of a Cheeto garnish, but you’d have to do something to it to keep from dissolving into your drink. Gross. What about a chocolate-covered Cheeto? Surely there’s something you could do with that?

(I’m making myself a little nauseated).

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I was thinking of a Cheeto garnish, but you’d have to do something to it to keep from dissolving into your drink.

Just coat the rim of the glass with Cheeto dust.


Just coat the rim of the glass with Cheeto dust.

Uuuugh oh God. Well, that’s full-on nausea, right there.

You could also do the Jalepeno Cheetos with some chili vodka …maybe a cocktail wiener for garnish?


Oh, ooh, I know! An unbreaded jalepeno popper. (I almost wrote “pooper,” which is probably equally accurate).


Just coat the rim of the glass with Cheeto dust.

That’s just about the most disgusting thing I’ve ever contemplated this afternoon.


An unbreaded jalepeno popper

What’s the point? Just eat the damned pepper fresh out of the package.


What’s the point? Just eat the damned pepper fresh out of the package.

Look. We have to stuff as many processed foods into this drink as possible, okay?


Please fix the site! I had to go to Dkos and now I feel like I need a shower.

I did, however, come across and AWESOME quote…

“My Karma ran over your dogma”

That rules.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

That’s just about the most disgusting thing I’ve ever contemplated this afternoon.

Just about?


I used to love DK but now it seems like a dour humorless place constantly on the verge of breaking into a lameass lib flame war.



Gav had one.

I assume from the incomprehenisibility of his posts that he hasn’t completed rehab from one.


Gav had one.

The picture of that, uh, concoction is simultaneously hilarious and nightmare-inducing.


Aw, damn man, I hoped nobody remembered the Gavin Experiment. Yuk.



It’s been done. Gavin did something like this…. what was it, a year or two ago? Ah fer git.



Big Bad Bald Bastard


Gav had one.

Looks more like a frozen Cheetarita to me!

Wow, that must have been something.


Just about?

You haven’t seen my co workers’ code.


“then tried the Game Fuel. It smelled a bit like brake fluid, and also looked like brake fluid, but tasted more like if a hooker drank some brake fluid and then you ate a Maraschino cherry out of her ass.”

The boy does have a way with words. I’ll give him that.


Wow, that must have been something.

Ah, yes, the polite way of say, “Dood, are you insane?????”


Oh boy, here we go again! Just in time for summer, fappable material for the low-normals


Wow, that must have been something.

Ah, yes, the polite way of say, “Dood, are you insane?????”

This information puts every conversation I have had for the last 5 years in an entirely new light.


Just in time for summer, fappable material for the low-normals

I don’t know who the fuck at least half of those people are.

Ooooh, burn…Michelle Malkin’s only 19th….


And that first comment? Creepy as shit.


Thanks, now I am thinking of Sammy Hagar singing “Mas Cheeto-iellas”


Can’t really argue with number 3.


looked at the list, not a functional brain among them


By the way? The difference between liberals and conservatives?

Find me a liberal blog that publishes a poll of heavy-hitter liberal men choosing the hottest 20 women on the left.

Well, I mean, I know T&U and VS would be on the list, but see, we don’t have to brag.


Find me a liberal blog that publishes a poll of heavy-hitter liberal men choosing the hottest 20 women on the left.

I was thinking the same thing. Who the fuck do these pudgy assholes think they are, anyway? IJonah Goldberg thinks he has the right to evaluate someone’s hotness?


“lJonah”? Whatever.


Agreed. Furthermore I can’t imagine most liberal women preening and bragging about being on such list. Gross.


So, who are the 20 hottest conservative men?


I actually Googled to see if there was a list. Google sez: “Did you mean 20 hottest conservative women?”


I’m not sure I could come up with 20 hot conservative women…


Why am I reading the comments?

“I’m sorry, but any list like this that doesn’t START with Hannah Giles as #1, assuming the rest of the girls are just fighting for 2 through 20, is unfathomably idiotic.”

I am not going to say anything catty about Hannah Giles, though god knows I want to…but “girls”? How old is Coulter, anyway? 72?


It’s like their fascination with the “best conservative movies of 2009” and all the other “non”-culture warring they love to do.

Their sense of privilege and butthurt demands that special categories of everything be created just for them. It’s fucking retarded (see what I do there?), is what it is.


“Why am I reading the comments?”

youre a masochist?


That pick of Jonah ALWAYS makes me LOL.


Heh. Well said, WC.


A more entertaining pic of John Hawkins than the one I left at CT:


I am commenting at the Apple store, using an iPad which I came here to check out. That is all.


“TruculentandUnreliable said,
June 4, 2010 at 23:05

That pick of Jonah ALWAYS makes me LOL.”

it always makes me vomit all over myself.


Pup! You fuckin lucky ass bastid. I’m so jealous.


I am not going to say anything catty about Hannah Giles, though god knows I want to…but “girls”? How old is Coulter, anyway? 72?

Her, or the picture she keeps of herself in the attic. You really don’t want to see that.


Their sense of privilege and butthurt

Not to mention their underlying and chronic insecurity.

youre a masochist?

Apparently. But it hurt in a bad way!


Who the hell is John Hawkins? He looks like a child molester.


Her, or the picture she keeps of herself in the attic. You really don’t want to see that.

She’s probably been feeding off Hannah Giles’ blood for the last ten years.


Who the hell is John Hawkins? He looks like a child molester.

Nah, he’s just a vaguely creepy-looking conservative blogger-looking dude.

This is a child molester.


Sub, that dude has some nerve.


Shorten the url of the Hawkins picture to see a Muir-like portrait of his co-maniac.


I used to love DK but now it seems like a dour humorless place constantly on the verge of breaking into a lameass lib flame war.

I know, right? I’ve never seen so many purity trolls, administration cheerleading (the drippy gross hero-worship kind), and fucking snotty assed condescension.

Most of the people on there are really awesome. Some of them are just assholes.


Listen…I’m not saying John Hawkins is a child molester*. I’m just saying that if you’re a fan of the show “To Catch a Predator,” he’s definitely gonna show up on there with a six pack of Mike’s Hard Lemonade in one hand a some extra-small condoms in the other.

*I’m really not. This is my attempt at dark humor. Don’t wanna get any lawsuits percolatin’.


Shorten the url of the Hawkins picture to see a Muir-like portrait of his co-maniac.

Sub, stop it. I’m trying to be a decent human being.


Fox And Freinds Fap Fap Fap Kellie Pickler.


I’m trying to be a decent human being.

I feel better when the posts I feel bad about assemble themselves in someone else’s head.


I deplore — and I mean deplore with real revulsion — the fact that he’s wearing a matching tie and pocket square. Everything that needs to be known about his character deficiencies is visible there at titty height.

That said, the spread collar is a good move with his pencil neck, but he should have gone for a taller version so his head doesn’t appear to be a porch bulb screwed into a porcelain fixture.

Also, he should never writen things.


I am commenting at the Apple store, using an iPad which I came here to check out. That is all.

I am commenting using a Babbage difference engine and a Four Yorkshiremen running joke.


I feel better when the posts I feel bad about assemble themselves in someone else’s head.

I do, too, but it’s kind of cheating.

I deplore — and I mean deplore with real revulsion — the fact that he’s wearing a matching tie and pocket square. Everything that needs to be known about his character deficiencies is visible there at titty height.

Ugh, I know. And they’re both SHINY. I’d have more respect for him if he didn’t wear one at all.


tsam, my Mac ate my last post responding to you. So I’ll sum it here:

2 dudes on Kos:

1.) One condescended to me about my lack of a college degree (it was actually really cute and I don’t think he was trying to, but man oh man did he ever)
2.) Another one told me that women who get shitfaced at bars are JUST LIKE people who leave their cars unlocked in unsafe neighborhoods (thus probably deserve to be raped)


The most disturbing thing about that picture is how he is holding his hand. As if to say “I’d like a boy about this tall”.

Not that I’m saying anything.


Wait… people rape unlocked cars?


Bars are not for getting shitfaced at.


Another one told me that women who get shitfaced at bars are JUST LIKE people who leave their cars unlocked in unsafe neighborhoods

Yeah, because my vadge is EXACTLY LIKE a car, asshole.

What if we wear lockable chastity belts? That’s like getting your car shitfaced in a bad neighborhood and locking it with The Club on the steering wheel, right?


Wait… people rape unlocked cars?

Indeed they do.


because my vadge is EXACTLY LIKE a car

I think I broke my fingers as 20 smart assed comments tried to be typed out at once.


Bars are not for getting shitfaced at.

Well, I agree. I say drink alone and at home. And then post at Sadly, No.


that Hawkins “hottest conservative chix” thingy was linked in my last post. To the word “fapping”.

Now I have a sadz.


Dammit. Fine. I can’t leave work without a few…

1) Do you drive a stick
2) It have a lot of miles on it?
3) Can I take it for a test drive?
4) Would you like it to be detailed?
5) How is it upholstered?


Now I have a sadz.

Perhaps some sort of rollover about tits is required.


I say drink alone and at home. And then post at Sadly, No.




stop wearing such sexy clothes.


stop wearing such sexy clothes.

I know, I’m just asking for it, aren’t I?


I mean, I’m no Stephen Green but I do what I can.


I mean, I’m no Stephen Green

You are one up on Stephen Green.


I’d be one up on Stephen Green in a purple mesh half-length tank top and lime green short shorts.

I think I just threw up a little bit.


Isn’t there an app for stopping a giant toolshed from publishing shit like this and fucking up the interwebz?

If Steve Jobs wasn’t such a fuckface, this never would have happened.


2 dudes on Kos:

1.) One condescended to me about my lack of a college degree (it was actually really cute and I don’t think he was trying to, but man oh man did he ever)
2.) Another one told me that women who get shitfaced at bars are JUST LIKE people who leave their cars unlocked in unsafe neighborhoods (thus probably deserve to be raped)

Did they get mega flamed after that? HR ABUSE ITELLYA!

Oh I can’t hardly stand it there anymore. Today, someone posted some commercial for the World Cup in Africa, featuring wild animals sort of playing soccer. I thought it was a pretty cool commercial, at least compared to most of the atrocities that try to steal my thoughts thats howcome i gotta were this specal hat1!!
whoa, where was I?

Anyway, next comment: RACIST! LIKE TARZAN BLARGGGG

I left immediately. Luckily my Sadlynauts seem to be back in biznass!


Here it be:



Can I claim this kill, despite being nearly dead when I arrived?


Your four posts


in a


row are


good but


not good enough.

(FYWP, I’m making a point, here!)


Slow down, you’re posting too quickly…

What’s gonna happen? Will I break the fucking internet?


1.) One condescended to me about my lack of a college degree (it was actually really cute and I don’t think he was trying to, but man oh man did he ever)

I would have told him that George W. Bush has a college degree too. I can totally see how having a degree demands respect.


Sub, I couldn’t get your vid to play.

WC, I have no idea who Stephen green is. But seriously, if u don’t want the attention quit wearing those Aqua Man Underoos and that beer-stained wifebeater.
tsam, I hear ya. The drama: I could do without it.


“Oh I can’t hardly stand it there anymore.”

DK is a closed psych ward.


WC, I have no idea who Stephen green is. But seriously, if u don’t want the attention quit wearing those Aqua Man Underoos and that beer-stained wifebeater.

whaaaa? You mean to tell me you don’t find this look super secksay?


DK is a closed psych ward.

Best description evar. Win.


“WC, I have no idea who Stephen green is. But seriously, if u don’t want the attention quit wearing those Aqua Man Underoos and that beer-stained wifebeater.”

No… I do. Which is why I’m also stalking Jonah Goldberg.


No… I do. Which is why I’m also stalking Jonah Goldberg.

Ohhh, good choice. I see teh st00pit works for you too!


Um…is it just me or is this guy’s right thumb like twice as big as it should be?


Slow down, you’re posting too quickly
Don’t try to make the evening sickly
Scrolling down the comment thread
Looking for puns and feeling groovy


But seriously, if u don’t want the attention quit wearing those Aqua Man Underoos and that beer-stained wifebeater.”

Those aren’t beer stains.


I should be disturbed, not turned on, right?


If you’re turned on, I would be very interested in knowing.

Perhaps you have a website or newsletter.


He’s like shit-stained-tux-wearing Bond.


Slow down, you’re posting too quickly


“DK is a closed psych ward.

Best description evar. Win.”

Not that I have personal knowledge to compare it with or anything. Nosirreee…



Yes, I believe the STEALER OF PEE has a point.

“Like millions of other Americans, I have always had a good impression of Paul McCartney and thought of him as a classy guy, but I was surprised and disappointed by the lack of grace and respect he displayed at the White House,” Boehner told HUMAN EVENTS. “I hope he’ll apologize to the American people for his conduct which demeaned him, the White House and President Obama.”

McCartney is the third recipient of the Gershwin Prize. Hailing from England and having earned no university degrees of his own, the Beatle may not know W. was the first American president to earn a master’s degree in business administration. (The fact the MBA is from Harvard really irks the left.) Not to mention Bush is married to a librarian.

She WAS a librarian until she rolled that bookcart over the other librarian that one night.


Not to mention Bush is married to a librarian.

Definitely not sexy librarian. Puking, brb.


That logic would make Marilyn Monroe a slick center fielder, an intellectual playwright and President and Attorney General.


The fact the MBA is from Harvard really irks the left

They sold a degree to a man who can’t safely eat pretzels or ride a Segway. There’s always room for academically-challenged rich white men.

One of his former professors in the MBA program said (via Salon):

“I always remember two types of students. One is the very excellent student, the type as a professor you feel honored to be working with. Someone with strong social values, compassion and intellect — the very rare person you never forget. And then you remember students like George Bush, those who are totally the opposite.”


W. was the first American president to earn a master’s degree in business administration. (The fact the MBA is from Harvard really irks the left.)

Considering his track record when it comes to running things, I’m sure it’s far more irksome to Harvard.


having earned no university degrees of his own

McCartney’s Doctorate of Music is from Yale, which doesn’t really count.

Lurking Canadian

(The fact the MBA is from Harvard really irks the left.)

Wow. I mean, I know the wingnuts make a cottage industry out of imagining things that piss off liberals, but has anybody, anywhere ever been “irked” by the fact that Bush’s MBA came from Harvard? People have been irked by his Gentleman’s C, by the fact that he was clearly a privileged legacy case, and the fact that he was a complete failure at everything he ever attempted. And a coke head. Oh, and a torturer and a war criminal.

But Boehner here is doing some lateral thinking bullshit, where “Harvard == liberal”, therefore liberals must be pissed off that Bush invaded “their” space. Never mind that there is no such thing as a liberal MBA program, or that Harvard, no matter how liberal its faculty might be, is still primarily a finishing school for rich kids.

On the “hot conservative women” list…you know, I mean no offense to the lovely women of Sadly, No!, but who gives a shit about looks? If you were genuinely concerned about an ideology, wouldn’t you want to find the smartest women in your group, even if they all looked like Jonah Goldberg? Doesn’t ranking your intellectuals by looks sort of prove that your movement doesn’t have any intellectual content to begin with?


I want a man with a slow hand
I want a man who don’t post too much
I want someone who will spend some time
And not Submit Comment in a heated rush


Totes heterosexually, of course.

Spengler Dampniche

Wow, I posted about the horrors of matching tie and pocket square, and critiqued his shirt collar (spread good, but too short for his neck) and it didn’t show up. I guess WordPress loves him.

Spengler Dampniche

I take it back. It just said I was anonymous.


has anybody, anywhere ever been “irked” by the fact that Bush’s MBA came from Harvard?

I am. I’m covered with irk. I’m so permeated with irkitude that it’s hard to get out of bed in the morning.


Hey, I love your blog, but I have a request….

Will you guys take SondraK back? Since her 2005 performances on your blog, she has been the Drama Queen of The Olympian (Olympia, WA, USA) under several names – presently “ENGEL”

I’ll pay her blogosphere fare.


I know! Earlier I had a scathing critique about the double-breasted suit thing. What a fucking douchebag. Anyways, WordPress gobbled that comment almost as fast as Whale Chowder’s mom gobbles.. you know what (PENIS). I tried writing it again, but the muse had gone – you can only get so worked up about some jackwad’s taste for horrible jackets.

Spengler Dampniche

You can make double breasted work, but not if you’re as skinny as he is.


The RSS feed made it appear that it was actually Mencken who had the iPad.

That was weird.

Please carry on…

Spengler Dampniche

A blast from the past. No reason, except we’re talking about women that look like Goldberg.


You can make double breasted work, but not if you’re as skinny as he is.

Au contraire. The double breasted works best on skinny dudes. It widens them and makes them look less scrawny. BUT here’s the important part, it’s got to be tailored to fit. If it doesn’t come in at the waist and isn’t a tight fit, it’s just basically a big box drawn around your torso. And unless you’re a skinny guy with a thick neck and legs like tree trunks, you end up looking like douchebag Green.

The other problem is that there a re a lot of – shall we say heavy-set – guys who think double-breasted is the way to go. Wrong, wrong, wrong wrong, wrong. Look, I know you’re thinking that the structured shape of the suit hides the protrusion above your belt, but it doesn’t. Really, all it does is make you look even wider than you are. Okay, maybe you don’t look as “check out my beer gut” – but what happens is that you instead look like “I’m a frickin’ refrigerator – try and figure out how a shut-in my size got outside!”.

But still they persist. I blame tailors and suit manufacturers and the fashion industry for continuing to make these things. That and tube tops in size 24+. These things are wrong. Anyways, because of that group of misinformed overweight guys, the double breasted has the added baggage of being the “fat guy’s suit”. And that’s why it looks like Stephen Green’s neck and legs practically don’t exist.


I don’t think WordPress is capable of love–it’s just capricious with its hate.


Exception – the double breasted does work in heavier fabrics and long overcoats. In a winter weight suit or a pea coat or some heavy greatcoat or whatnot, the boxy structured-ness of it makes sense and doesn’t look horrible.


Isn’t anyone as upset as I am about the complete and utter absence of Marie Jon’?

Come on, we’re talking about Marie Jon !

Also, nobody likes Althouse or Noonan? It can’t be an age thing, what with Coulter on the roster.

OMG. I just thought about D.Schlussel. Then I thought about her sticking pins in a CoulterDoll, and then I was happy again.


I think Noonan is still in the purge bin for her Palin Derangement Syndrome.


Please carry on…

People’ve been carrying on all freaking day up in here.


OMG, Palin! Not on the list.

Worse than a Depression

Worse than a Depression
By Monty Pelerin

As the economic crisis approaches the two-year point, it is apparent that “this time is different.” Few analysts believe that we are going to recover from this Great Recession in a fashion that resembles prior recoveries. Most argue about how long it might run (Japan’s recovery is now two decades old), and whether inflation or deflation results. Two years into the problem, these issues are still unclear.

It is understandable why the duration of the recovery might be moot. Less clear is why economists cannot agree as to whether there will be deflation or inflation. After all, these outcomes are polar opposites of one another and critical knowledge:

“I believe that getting the inflation/deflation story right is the single-most important investment decision that needs to be made. It will determine the investment outcome of portfolios over the next decade.”
– Jim Puplava, FinancialSenseOnline, July 24, 2009

Inflation and deflation proponents have intelligent, reasoned arguments. Both have some representatives that were not “surprised” by the events of 2008. How is it possible that intelligent people can forecast such opposite outcomes? The differences, in my opinion, arise from two primary sources:

1. The schools of economics themselves
2. The time horizon
Schools of Economics

Each school is complex, and not as simplistic as this short treatment might suggest, but here are the basics:

The Keynesian school of economics believes that aggregate demand is the driver for economic outcomes. If aggregate demand is too low, an “output gap” (the difference between current demand and demand necessary for full employment) is said to exist. Because demand is “insufficient,” upward price pressures are claimed to be not possible.

Monetarists and Austrians believe, as Milton Friedman was fond of stating, that “inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.” While these schools otherwise differ tremendously, both understand money to be the driver of inflation.

Virtually all Keynesians, as a result of the output gap, believe that deflation is the likely outcome of our current situation. Keynesians did not believe the stagflation of the late 1970s was possible. That period had “insufficient demand” but high inflation, theoretically an oxymoron in the Keynesian system. Their continued insistence on more stimuli suggests that their notion of “output gaps” still plays a central role in their thinking.

Monetarists and Austrians disagree with Keynesians on virtually everything and frequently disagree with each other — except on the critical role of money in the economy. Their methodologies and monetary processes differ, but both monetarists and Austrians recognize the possibility of an “output gap” coexisting with inflation.

The Time Horizon

Current data support the deflationist position. Money supply is shrinking and there is no inflation, at least as measured by the government’s CPI calculation. There are few signs of economic recovery despite the “green shoots” melody sung by government and their media minions.

Monetarists and Austrians would agree that price increases in a deflationary environment are impossible. (The original definitions of inflation and deflation were in terms of inflating or deflating money supply.) Those who expect inflation, therefore, also expect a rising money supply at some point.

Reconciliation of the different positions becomes tractable if one allows for different time horizons. In fact, I would argue that both sides of the debate are correct — i.e., we will have deflation followed by inflation.

Argument for Deflation

Financial Armageddon describes government actions thus:

Throughout the financial crisis, policymakers have focused on keeping things afloat until the storm passes. They’ve spent vast sums of taxpayer funds trying to jumpstart growth until the economy is back on track. They’ve encouraged people to keep the faith until businesses start hiring again.

Servicing existing debt is impossible because income levels are not high enough to do so. The economy cannot grow large enough fast enough to offset this problem. Debt will be liquidated by default/forgiveness.

Government has been unwilling to accept a downturn, adding more debt in hopes of generating a miracle that cannot arrive. The danger, as expressed by Financial Armageddon, is that the presumed “untils” do not happen:

But what happens if all those “untils” turn out to be wide of the mark? What if the carnage we’ve experienced so far is structural, not cyclical? If that’s the case, then Americans are going to find that instead of experiencing better times ahead, they are going to be much worse off than they were — or are.

Additional debt is of little value. Debt’s marginal value, with respect to creating additional GDP, has gone negative. The government has fired all of its bullets. It has nothing left that will affect real output on any sustainable basis.

As the economy continues to devolve, deflationary forces grow stronger. The private sector continues to shed debt. The public sector attempts to offset this with greater deficit spending and more stimulus packages. The private sector is contracting faster than the government can expand.

How We Get Inflation

Our government is bankrupt many times over (see Spiraling to Bankruptcy), as are the democratic socialist states of Europe (see Welfare States – R. I. P.). For political reasons, none of these countries is either willing to cut back on its spending or accept a recession. Mish provided a description of both the U.S. and Europe (my emphasis):

For Europe, $1 trillion is not enough, nor would $10 trillion. There is no plan that can possibly work. But that will not stop politicians from trying. Politicians do not care about math or logic, or the fact that piling on more debt cannot possibly be the cure for a problem of too much debt with no possible way to pay it back.

We are witnessing the death of democratic socialism. No politician wants it to happen, but none can prevent it. We are at the point where the Ponzi concept of “extend and pretend” has been extended beyond social commitments and banking systems to entire economies. We are approaching what Ludwig von Mises described as “the crack-up boom”:

There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit [debt] expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit [debt] expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.

Political cowards around the world have chosen Mises’ second outcome — “a total catastrophe of the currency system involved.”

None of the countries have the resources to continue to fund current programs. As their economies deteriorate, they will “print money” in order to continue meeting obligations and stimulating. At some point, the money supply will explode vis-à-vis the goods available.

We have seen many “impossibles” in the last couple of years. Be prepared for the next — a hyperinflationary depression. It is not impossible, it is not an oxymoron, and it should surprise no thinking economist. It is nearly upon us.

Your lifestyle will depend on how prepared you are to meet this newest, biggest, and most horrific Black Swan. This beast will destroy economies, overthrow some governments, and alter the nature of the world.

Wake up, people! Your politicians have no intention of heading this off.

Spengler Dampniche

Dragon — yes, natch. The thing is, if you go double-breasted, it’s got to fit you like a glove, and you HAVE GOT TO GO TO A TAILOR and get BESPOKE SHIRTS. The shirt kills the suit. The shoulders are an inch too wide on each side. The length of the jacket covers the entire waist of the pants so his legs descend like a pair of clappers from an iron bell.

On him, set the buttons lower to increase the “vee” of the torso, narrow the shoulders to make the chest appear wider, make the suit out of a better fabric, and cover his head with an enormous ceramic cookie jar in the shape of a PENIS.

I’m sorry I paraphrased above.

Spengler Dampniche

Oh look, it’s pasta night.


Words To Live By
The worst draft in the world is infinitely better than the best unwritten story. Then rewrite, rewrite, rewrite.

Spengler, is that really you? Brilliant.


Also, them pants? What up? If he got pants that matched the heaviness of the jacket then it wouldn’t look like his legs were thinner than a crack whore’s. Maybe if the jacket ended a couple inches up, it might not be so bad. So yes, it looks like he’s a teenager wearing his dad’s suit which is three sizes too big for him.

The pin stripe, I think is an accidental mitigating factor. Without the pin stripes, he’d look shorter than Kathy Shaidle. Judging from the height of the person grabbing his arm, I don’t think he’s short. Buddy is basically custom made for the three button single breasted – most likely in standard issue dark navy.

As a wingnut, he doesn’t need a “fun” suit, but if wanted to he ought to have gone with a stark white three-piece. It would have been perfect as it was both a cruise and a gathering of consevatives.

I think Green went with double breasted because it’s more military-like. And pinstripes to be all 30s tough guy gangster. I have no explanation for the purple satin.


I started consuming the Ctrl-V until I got to this line:
<i< Less clear is why economists cannot agree…

BWWAahahaHAHahaHAHAHAaA!!!one11!! I wouldn’t be surprised if Monty Pelerin had no clue about economics, because he sure as shit doesn’t understand economists.


Tag fail. I blame Obama economists.


holyfuck jow “izrael musat defend herself” biden is watching the hawks get killed in philly tonight.


Welfare States--R.I.P.

“The worst thing in the world next to anarchy is government.” Henry Ward Beecher

Bloggers post what they claim to be the “scariest economic chart” or the ”chart of the century.” Indeed, many data sets are frightening, but none more so than the one to the left. Modern government has failed. These countries are insolvent and will default.

[Entire article removed by the management — that’s why links exist.]


Welfare States--R.I.P.

“The worst thing in the world next to anarchy is government.” Henry Ward Beecher

Bloggers post what they claim to be the “scariest economic chart” or the ”chart of the century.” Indeed, many data sets are frightening, but none more so than the one to the left. Modern government has failed. These countries are insolvent and will default.

Jagadeesh Gokhale compiled these figures on European debt. This data shows incontrovertibly that all western democracies are on death row. The unlimited welfare state is the cause. Some governments are delusional, believing they can continue on their present paths. Others cling irrationally to hopes of some miraculous reprieve. All are dead men walking.

Government has always been inefficient and mostly ineffective. For most of history that was inconsequential, because governments had limited roles. Monarchies and various forms of authoritarianism had no reason to buy votes. That changed when participative government was instituted. The dangers of participative government devolving into democracy were well understood:

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury. From that time on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.” – Alexander Fraser Tytler, 18th century Historian and Jurist

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” – John Adams

Otto von Bismark

In the 1880s Otto von Bismark instituted the first welfare state. Other governments followed with varying time lags. The Progressive Era in the US created the Federal Reserve and the Federal Income Tax, both in 1913. They provided powers never intended by the Constitution. In the late 1930s the US started a social security system, the last developed country to do so.

Once democracy was unleashed, citizens voted themselves benefits. Keynesian economics assisted politicians in their quest for votes. James Buchanan and Richard Wagner observed in Democracy in Deficit:

“With the completion of the Keynesian revolution, these time-tested principles of fiscal responsibility were consigned to the heap of superstitious nostrums that once stifled enlightened political-fiscal activism.”

The last barrier to fiscal irresponsibility was removed in 1971 with the introduction of universal fiat currency. In the last 50 years, the US has not had a true surplus. Keynes’ theory, which envisioned deficits in slow economies offset by surpluses otherwise, was co-opted by the political classes. In less than seventy-five years, all welfare states were insolvent. The graphic below depicts government debt to GDP ratios around the world:

From Financial Armageddon
Reinhart and Rogoff, based on their 800-year study of sovereign bankruptcies, determined that 90% of GDP was a critical level of debt and usually ended in sovereign bankruptcy. The US government has $12.5 Trillion of funded debt, almost 90% of last year’s GDP. The above graphic only shows debt held by the public. In the case of the US, about $5.5 Trillion is held as IOUs in the Social Security “trust fund.” That fund is no longer producing cash but demanding it as of this year.

The following chart provides actual and projected figures for major countries:

From Zerohedge
As bad as these numbers are, it gets worse. While serious enough, funded debt is not the big problem. Unfunded entitlements (Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid) are. In the US, these were estimated to be $106 Trillion. The GDP of the US was $14.1 Trillion last year, meaning total debt was 840% of GDP. The table at the upper left shows the US at 500% of GDP rather than 840%. That number reflects the present value of the unfunded liabilities out to 2082. The larger number, provided by the trustees of the plans, is based on an infinite time horizon. Jagadeesh Gokhale provides the rationale why this horizon is proper.

The same table shows European debt at 484% of GDP, but this figure seriously understates liabilities. European numbers are only reflected out to 2051. Were the numbers calculated to 2082, they would be larger than the US number. Furthermore, if the calculation were done on an infinite time horizon, it would exceed the US figure of 840%.

Because the data were unavailable, precise numbers cannot be determined. Three important reasons support the conclusion that they are worse than the US:

The US unfunded liability for Social Security, when calculated to 2082 is only one-third of the liability when calculated to infinity. Total US unfunded liabilities to infinity are 100% larger than the 2082 number.
Europe’s economy grows slower than the US, exacerbating its welfare burden in the future.
The demographics in Europe (fewer young people supporting the old) are more severe, imposing more imbalances on social systems in the future.
Based on these considerations, it appears that the European average of 484% would be substantially higher than the US figure of 840% if calculated comparably.

To illustrate insolvency, the US will be used. Similar calculations apply for the other countries. The numbers are actually far worse for all countries when shown against tax revenues, the means by which government can service their commitments. In “Spiraling to Bankruptcy” it was shown that the US cannot possibly service their commitments. The analysis used numbers from one year ago, less unfavorable than current numbers. From that post:

Send in an Additional $1,525,000 With Your Tax Return: To further put the problem into perspective, the Federal Government owes about $112 TRILLION in actual debt and social promises. Assuming a total population of 315 million people, the portion of Federal Government debt that is owed by every man, woman and child in this country is about $381,000! Or, a family of four owes $1,525,000 of which they are unaware. This amount is in addition to whatever mortgages, credit card debt, car loans or other loans a family might have.

Would You Give This Man a Mortgage? … The Federal Government collects about $2.5 Trillion in total revenues a year. That is from all sources of taxes and fees. Think of that as an individual’s annual gross salary. The debt owed by the Government can be looked at as a great big mortgage. Thus, we have a family that has a mortgage 44.8 times greater than gross salary. That would be the equivalent of a man earning $50,000 gross salary having a mortgage of $2,240,000! An interest-only mortgage at 6% would require the family to pay annual interest of $134,000 per year. A conventional mortgage would be much higher. The example becomes even more ludicrous when one recognizes that taxes, food, clothing, savings, etc. all have to be subtracted from gross pay to determine what is left for debt service.

Debt Death Spiral: The Federal Government is in what is known as a Debt Death Spiral. They are unable to pay the actual and implied interest on their debt. Hence, the unpaid balance is added back to the amount owed, making the problem worse next year. This debt spiral is growing exponentially. There is no way to escape a certain mathematical end.

The US is insolvent. Mathematically, it is impossible to service the obligations without defaults. It is highly improbable that inflation can solve the problem, although that will probably be tried. Europe is in a worse condition. Japan, not shown, is in a similar state.

In the US, the numbers are even worse than they appear. Gimmickry extends beyond accounting. For a sampling, see “Government is 79% of the Economy.” In addition, more than unfunded entitlements are unaccounted for. Per the Wall Street Journal:

The bigger issue is that all of Fan[nie] and Fred[ie]’s liabilities, whether kept inside the companies or hidden in a dark corner of the Treasury, are now Uncle Sam’s responsibility. Moving their bad assets into a new Baddie Mae would only preserve the fiction that there is a difference between the government’s obligations and those of Fan and Fred. Not even Barney Frank could believe that any more.

Proper accounting for Fannie and Freddie would add over $5 Trillion of additional government debt. That would raise the debt obligation of the US government to $18 Trillion, well above the 90% of GDP that Reinhart and Rogoff consider critical.

The welfare state, a relatively recent historical concept, has failed miserably all around the world. The inability of politicians to say no or not play Santa Claus appears to be universal. It has every welfare state headed for bankruptcy. It is unlikely that politicians will act to head off this problem, but markets will eventually put these states out of their misery. Unfortunately, more damage will be done while we await markets to ring the bell that tolls for the welfare state.

It is ironic that the first democracy, Greece, may also be the first casualty. But then, they went through this process before, eons ago.

Lurking Canadian

Whose turn was it to lock the screen door?


Indeed, many data sets are frightening, but none more so than the one to the left.

Copy-paste FAIL. I think I’m starting to enjoy these.


Screen door? Fill the shitmoat!


and set it on fire!

Spengler Dampniche

Dragon, I think the purple satin is what they call a “tell.”

Larkspur, yes. Buy the damn book, it’s worth it.


Looking at that picture, I can just hear him saying:

“Hello ladies!”

Followed by retching sounds (except K-lo).


The tie/kerchief thing is inspiring.

As in, it inspires me to want to cut his tie with scissors and stuff it a side pocket.

The word “douchebag” does not seem up to the task in this particular case.


and set it on fire!

Just wait until the troll wades in, ‘K?


“…Buy the damn book, it’s worth it.

Okay. But I want to see if my local independent bookstore will order it, before I pay tribute to teh Amazon.



Exception – the double breasted does work in heavier fabrics and ong overcoats. In a winter weight suit or a pea coat or some heavy greatcoat or whatnot, the boxy structured-ness of it makes sense and doesn’t look horrible

I agree, but it has to be cut right and you shouldn’t be a super-skinny little fucker, unlike him. He looks like his mom buys his socks and underwear


fuck jow bidenz

Spengler Dampniche

I had to give up on DB suits a while back. I look like Zero Mostell in ’em.


Vodkapundit is yanking his iPud.

The “Trifecta” link is either sad or hilarious depending on one’s mood. One working neuron among all three of these gits & they’re passing it around like a jug of Thunderbird wine spiked with bufotenin. I paused the POOPjamasTeeVee-panel to read this thread (& to savor a hearty LOL) & it mercifully failed to resume when I went back to it … Wingnut L33+ H@xx0r W@r3Z FTW!

Come ON, libs, don’t be such a bunch of party-poopers! I mean gee, let’s be honest: who among us hasn’t attacked an unarmed flotilla of humanitarian aid in international waters? They only killed nine people, after all – now if that isn’t “being as gentle as possible” I don’t know what is! Plus “gentle” sure sounds an awful lot like “Gentile” if you know what I mean (& I bet you do, goyim).

In conclusion, shalom, gentilemen.

The Truth About Jimmy

Bus Rider Jim,

You don’t have any right to comment on American politics, you’re a fucking Canadian. Shut the fuck up, you don’t matter, son. You don’t even own a car, lol!


Worse than a Depression said,
Welfare States–R.I.P. said,

Wha… MANGOES? I didn’t order these. Waiter, take these back this instant!!!


The Truth About Jimmy said,

June 5, 2010 at 5:12

Ooh! I haz a stalker!

Quick: what colour underwear am I wearing?


Quick: what colour underwear am I wearing?

It’s a trick question, & I bet you know why!

The Truth About Jimmy

You told us that you ride the bus, Jim.

Loser. Do you live in your mommy’s basement too? Does she know what you do on her computer?


The Truth About Jimmy said,

June 5, 2010 at 5:33

Sad troll is sad … sorry, sad troll – I have to go to work now.

Please feel free to carry on with those brutal insults – maybe I’ll absorb them by osmosis & start to cry.

The Truth About Jimmy

Work? At night? Are you a janitor who cleans people’s shit? Failure.

Maybe you can be the Canadian Chris-Chan.


Oh look, Teh Troof mopes among us once again. Hi, Troofie!

Not that Jim needs to be defended but I feel it’s important to point out that any one of his posts over the last year+ shows more insight, wit and class than you’ve managed in your entire lifetime.

As a Real True American, I welcome Jim’s posts.

You, on the other hand will once again be relegated to the badger file.


I am commenting using a Babbage difference engine

Multi-touch on those things is great. You’ve got to be fast unless you want the nickname “Nine Fingers.”


As a Real True American, I welcome Jim’s posts.

Let me add a vote for Jim, even if it’s coming from an unreal fake american like me.

The Truth About Jimmy

There you have it, Jimmy.

Your supporters are a bunch of big city liberals, internationalists, socialists, homosexuals, “progressives”, anti-white racists, union thugs, self-hating jews, and other assorted scum.

The Truth About Jimmy

Butthurt, Jimmy?

Spengler Dampniche

So much rage.


All the self-hating internationalist thugs, anti-white jews, big-city sexual socialists, and assorted homos with MBAs from Harvard are off to get some shut-eye.


So much stupid.


Your supporters are a bunch of big city liberals, internationalists, socialists, homosexuals, “progressives”, anti-white racists, union thugs, self-hating jews, and other assorted scum.

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

The Truth About Jimmy

The truth is I am only lashing out against Jimmy because he refuses to ram his long hard big city liberal cock into my puckered internationalist homosexual sphincter. Is this only because I am a white racist, self-hating scumbag? I am tired of being a scum sucker. I want to be a progressively long socialist schlong sucker!


PS This is my first blog post written entirely ons an iPad.

He may wear a suit but he types like Pastor Swank.


Substance McGravitas said,
Yes, I believe the STEALER OF PEE has a point.

I honestly believed that it was your milkshake.
I hope it was not a similar mistake when I stole actor212’s mason jars.


Good lord, Jim, why is Troofie so pissed at you? Did you fuck his mother? That makes him really jealous, dude.


Memo do self: Do not use an anonymous Internet persona in an attempt to insult some unknown stranger’s anonymous Internet persona. Results are tragic and risible and bring the entire internet into disrepute.


I hope it was not a similar mistake when I stole actor212’s mason jars.

I still regret stealing Actor’s canopic jars.


I still regret stealing Actor’s canopic jars.

We have a zombie AND a mummy posting here? How diverse!


T&U – A helpful bingo card for your next argument with a representative of the patriarchy:


T&U – A helpful bingo card for your next argument with a representative of the patriarchy

Oooh! Another for my collection. 🙂




That’s because women evolved to brush their sparkleponys’ manes as a way of showing off their T&A to observant nearby men, while men evolved to make unsupportable pseudoscientific claims to show off their brains to the women.


That’s a lie. I brush my sparklepony because he’s my dad, and I owe him that much.


Dude looks like an unsuccessful attempt to create another Baldwin.


(comments are closed)