Illegals Are Like Pornography. We Know Them When We See Them

Remember Neil Stevens? He’s the Red State Trike Forcer who concocted one of the wingnutosphere’s most hilarious Google conspiracies from the Google search-bar drop down menu. Now Neil weighs in on the Arizona “show me your papers” law and, not surprisingly, thinks that claims that it might be racially applied are unfounded. He knows this because he eats “salsa chips” and drinks “Jarritos fruit punch.” No, seriously. Now, I didn’t peg Neil for a carrot sticks kind of snacker, but, seriously, eating shit you buy at the bodega doesn’t really give you any added credibility on the Arizona law. Just as bearing an uncanny resemblance to Uncle Fester doesn’t guarantee you a part in a Broadway musical.
Let’s roll the tape:
The absolutely worst argument I keep hearing against Arizona’s law banning illegal aliens, [sic] is that somehow it was going to be racist in its implementation. A bunch of ignorant folk seem to have this idea about those of us in the southwest [sic] who oppose illegal immigration, that we see brown-skinned folk and think illegal! … [W]e out here know specific traits that mark likely illegals from [sic] living in the far southwest
Like what? They speak Spanish? They have black bean breath? They have kids named Angel and Jesus? The hang soccer balls from their rear view mirrors?
But, Neil isn’t going to share with us those secret traits or fashion choices that permit canny white Southwesterners to tell the difference between a legal and illegal gardener, because Neil, all buzzed up on Jarritos fruit punch, gets distracted and comes up with an even dumber idea:
But it was only tonight as I sipped my Mexican Coke on the way home from picking up at the store some salsa chips and Jarritos fruit punch at the store [sic], it occurred to me exactly what’s going on.
To the people out there [in Maryland, DC and Virginia], apparently they see these tiny minorities and think of police singling them out as illegal aliens, because in the greater beltway area that group stands out as a foreign element.
Not so here in California and Arizona. … You really think that police would or could see a full quarter-to-third of the population and honestly think that just looking like them would cause a reasonable suspicion of illegal immigration status? …
Seriously. If the Arizona cops thought they had to stop one out of four people, the law would stop being enforced in a week. Just think, people, before you accuse.
Just think, dipshit, before you blog. You don’t have to fuck every goat on the farm to be a goat fucker as long as the only thing you fuck are goats. Likewise, you don’t have to demand papers from every Hispanic-looking individual to be racist as long as the only people you demand papers from are Hispanic-looking.
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To the people out there [in Maryland, DC and Virginia], apparently they see these tiny minorities and think of police singling them out as illegal aliens, because in the greater beltway area that group stands out as a foreign element.
I guess he knows about as much about Maryland, DC and Virginia as he knows about Mexicans.
Seriously, he picked up some “salsa chips” at the bodega?
Oh, and this just in – the hero who called in the Times Square car bomb was a swarthy fellow.
Inside, they discovered three canisters of propane like those used for barbecue grills, two five-gallon cans of gasoline, consumer-grade fireworks — the apparent source of the “pops” — and two clocks with batteries, the mayor said. He said the device “looked amateurish.”
Uh oh. Anyone heard from Confederate Yankee lately?
Such as the fact that they are spics.
So, basically, “I’m not racist; some of my favorite snack foods are Mexican.” And he didn’t even mention picking up refried beans for taco night, so you know it’s genuine.
I think he Hispanic cops in Arizona should start hasslin’ white people.
“Hey, Olaf! Hold it right there Sven! You look mighty pale fer these parts. Lessee some ID.”
“And you, whater you lookin’ at? Y’all look kinda Dutch. I can play this game aaalll day.”
Loved Neil as one of the extraterrestrials in Galaxy Quest. Obviously, he should really know how to spot an alien.
At the store I got a turtle and an armadillo at the store. I, too, am an immigration expert.
*shiver* That picture always creeps me out–it’s like a Simpsons character came to life.
Tintin, I apologize for not believing you about the “salsa chips” thing until I saw the excerpt from his post. I’m still slightly skeptical (for my own sanity, I think), but I’ll be damned if I’m getting out of the boat to confirm.
Maybe local law enforcement in Arizona can start rounding up employers who look like they may have at some point employed someone who lacked a proper work visa.
“Seriously. If the Arizona cops thought they had to stop one out of four people, the law would stop being enforced in a week. Just think, people, before you accuse.”
I love the fact that this is his evidence. “Just imagine how bad this law would be if the liberals were right! Thus, I have proved that they’re wrong!”
He claims to live in the Southwest yet he possess no hint of a tan?
Interesting don’t ya think?
Neil Stevens is so dumb, he’d trade you a dollar for three quarters. Three is more than one! Score!
1st, “Hey Olaf, you look mighty pale for these parts, lessee some ID” is made up of equal parts genius, win and awesome.
And 2nd the “salsa chips” thing: clearly Neil is naming them by their purpose. That’s what tortilla chips are FOR, to eat with salsa. I wonder though what he means when he says Jarrito fruit punch.
Jarrito’s Friut Punch
Good authority (D-KW’s mom) sez you only have to fuck one goat to be forever known as a goat-fucker.
Not Fester, the original Gomez
[W]e out here know specific traits that mark likely illegals
Maybe their lack of skill with English gives them away?
on the way home from picking up at the store some salsa chips and Jarritos fruit punch at the store
You really think that police would or could see a full quarter-to-third of the population and honestly think that just looking like them would cause a reasonable suspicion of illegal immigration status? …
Seriously. If the Arizona cops thought they had to stop one out of four people, the law would stop being enforced in a week. Just think, people, before you accuse.
Sure thing
To the people out there [in Maryland, DC and Virginia], apparently they see these tiny minorities and think of police singling them out as illegal aliens, because in the greater beltway area that group stands out as a foreign element.
Tiny minorities, yes. God knows we barely have ANY “minorities” in the inner city here in Washington, DC. If there’s any city in America where white people are the ones who stand out most as a “foreign element,” I’d like to know about it.
I do like how the initial anti-racist rant was followed by several comments piously condemning liberal racism, then followed by this (quoting a speech from a former Governor of Colorado);
Later on
The interesting things isn’t that those statements were made but that nobody challenged them, only agreed. Yes, Hispanics (not illegals, Hispanics) are wife-beaters and gang members and us good old boys aren’t. Yes, the problem with Hispanic and black cultures is that they’re Hispanic and black, not anything to do with the society they live in. Oh yes, letting in and accepting another culture would be terrible, America would never live again.
I’ve noticed this on PJTV too – even when a conservative blogger tries to make a passionate point about how tolerant and un-racist he and his people are, there are always a few idiots in the comments section who don’t get the message and write something like the above. And, of course, no one calls them on it, because as much as they protest otherwise, people agree.
Not Fester, the original Gomez
I forget the family tree: are Fester and Gomez brothers?
I forget the family tree: are Fester and Gomez brothers?
In the new films they are, in the old series he was Morticia’s uncle. I think in the original comics it was unstated.
Obviously Neil is the
blackWhite sheep of the Addams family.To think I’ve forgotten that…it’s both embarrassing and frightening.
As someone pointed out above, he looks exactly like a freaky real-life version of a Simpsons character. Specifically, he looks like a grown-up Ralph Wiggum.
What I should have said was “what is he going to *do* with that Jarrito’s fruit punch?” Oh hell, just nevah mind.
Scoff if you will but eating bratwurst made me an expert on WWII and Nazi Germany.
Oh, and this just in – the hero who called in the Times Square car bomb was a swarthy fellow.
I just found out about this car-bomb thing. I’m sure the wingnut blogs are all over it, coming up with reasons it’s from the Left, when they’re not doing a Snoopy dance and crowing about “how Bush kept us safe”.
My feeling? It’s going to be a teabagger, and will be accompanied by the obligatory “HARRUMPH HARRUMPH THIS PERSON IS NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF OUR MOVEMENT” from the ‘Bagger crowd. Nope, they’re just such innocent lil’ boy scouts…
What I should have said was “what is he going to *do* with that Jarrito’s fruit punch?”
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo, of course.
Wait a minute! I didn’t hear a harumph out of that guy!
Specifically, he looks like a grown-up Ralph Wiggum.
I dunno, he could pass for Clancy.
I used to drink Colt 45, which makes me used to be Lando Calrissian.
It’s going to be a teabagger, and will be accompanied by the obligatory “HARRUMPH HARRUMPH THIS PERSON IS NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF OUR MOVEMENT” from the ‘Bagger crowd
Between the location and the amateur nature of the explosives, I think this is a valid theory.
UGH! I’m listening to last week’s On the Media and McMegan is on. She is so awful.
Between the location and the amateur nature of the explosives,
The bomb was probably planted by incompetent Mexicans who can only escape their place of origin and make white people’s gentrified communities “ugly”.
He only ventures outside when he depletes his stock of Jarritos fruit punch or runs low on paste.
He claims to live in the Southwest yet he possess no hint of a tan?
Yep, I think he’s a robot too.
It really shows doesn’t it?
I mean you can dip ’em in latex and glue a wig on their heads, but they really can’t hide where they came from now can they?
The Royal Scam was their best work.
Illegals Are Like Pornography.
We Know Them When We See ThemThey Make Rightards Wank Like MadFized
Yep, I think he’s a robot too.
Robot Chickenshit.
But your honor, I can’t possibly be a murderer. Just look at the hundreds of still-living people that I didn’t murder.
You might design a thousand buildings but fuck one goat and do they call you an architect? Nope!
Sara told me it wasn’t nice to make fun of tards, so I’m not commenting.
I mean oil
I think he’s hot. He do represent white guy. Where’s the meth?
The Royal Scam was their best work.
It was a real shame when they outsourced to Aja.
This site put a guide together on how to spot illegals:
The Royal Scam was their best work.
Only a fool would say that.
That was great.
If there’s one thing I hate only slightly less than I hate Billy Joel, that thing is Steely Dan.
Neil is living proof that Cro-Magnon man interbred with Neanderthals.
If you get off the boat you will be treated to some delightful pie graphs.
More contextual hate information needed.
Billy Joel
Post-1970s Elton John
Steely Dan
Bob Seger
Hmm. Where would The Captain and Tennille be?
Personally I think he resembles Hannibal Lector in his younger days, before he attained an intellect, that is.
And I, for one, think it would be irresponsible not to eliminate all Little Italy, Chinatown, German Village, and other alien subcultures from the pure whiteness of America.
Time to go after all those nasty folk who secretly speak foreign languages at home, go to strange churches, and cook and eat all that foreign food.
America! America! America!
Hmm. Where would The Captain and Tennille be?
They are spared my hatred by having the good sense to not be played on the radio anymore.
I just bought me a Jarritos lemon-lime at Walgreens in Des Moines, Iowa. We have imported glass bottles of Coke from Mexico, too. I guess that means we Iowa Walgreens shoppers are all experts on illegal immigration? What, it doesn’t?
You know, my next door neighbors are Spanish speakers. I neither know nor care if they are undocumented, but I sure as shit can’t tell one way or the other by looking at them, and I see them every day. They go to work, come home, take care of the kids, and are always personable, but I don’t think any of these things indicates whether or not they have paperwork. I guess you have to be a dipshit and/or law enforcement official from AZ to have the special alien detection ability.
The movie Gomez had a distinctly Mexican cast to him….I hope he had an alien work visa to take that part from a real American.
“Hmm. Where would The Captain and Tennille be?”
South Tahoe
Damn. That just leaves pemmican and squash.
“I just bought me a Jarritos lemon-lime at Walgreens in Des Moines, Iowa.”
Try the tamarind flavor sometime. It’s….. interesting.
The qwiki-mart down the block from me is run by swarthy middle eastern types. I’m a good customer and we talk once in a while so that means I’m a mid-east expert. I’m putting it on my résumé.
I’m putting it on my résumé.
Not if I put it on mine first! “I know someone who knows someone who…”
I love Jarritos tamarind. I’m crazy enough to actually like eating plain old tamarind paste, and the pop has enough sugar in it to keep you alive for a week. It’s some damn good stuff, if you don’t mind that it has about half your daily calories in one bottle, that is.
I was reading the local Spanish-language weekly paper in the bank yesterday; does that make me automatically a suspicious person, or would I have to lose the blue eyes and the “oh god that bright thing in the sky is turning me red make it go away” skin first?
I’m a good customer and we talk once in a while so that means I’m a mid-east expert.
That works for Little Tommy Friedman and Bobo.They got good gigs from that kind of understanding.
And Victoria Jackson.
I would like to hire a bunch of blonde pale college students and dress them up like the villagers in “The Magnificent Seven” and have them demonstrate, fiesta-style, on the steps of the Arizona state capitol, while the legislature is in session. See if any cops ask them for proof of their citizenship. And after the fiesta was over, tell the legislators, cops, and reporters that illegal immigrants from Ireland were there too.
History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict, and antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures.
I can’t be bigoted against the Tea Party people because I drank a Snapple the other day.
Steely Dan is awsome also.
History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict, and antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures.
Canada seemed to be doing fine last time I was up there.
“Canada seemed to be doing fine last time I was up there.”
China, India, Switzerland, Indonesia, NYC.
Clearly, the solution is to adopt a new national language that can give us both a common identity and set us apart from those eurosocialists. I propose Cherokee.
Or Apache, if this becomes our national anthem:
In honor of Victoria Jackson, let us all start speaking in psychobabble.
I think what the Jarrito Bandito and his amigos basically mean is that it’s sorta OK for furrin people to be here, in manageable low numbers, as long as they keep totally to themselves, don’t run around loose, and provide Real Americans with entertaining snack foods.
Well yeah there’s all them cuntries that seem to be ok but what about Belgium huh? What about that smartypants?
I think we should get back to Christian roots as the founding fathers intended and all speak Aramaic.
I’m wearing a salwar kameez RIGHT NOW if anyone needs any insight on India.
Clearly, the solution is to adopt a new national language that can give us both a common identity and set us apart from those eurosocialists. I propose Cherokee.
Wampanoag or secession!
Belgium, man. Belgium!
Also, just FYI, kiddos: we are all going to die.
“Canada seemed to be doing fine last time I was up there.”
Of course they had the sense to ship all their trouble-makers to the US, easing tensions in the home country.
Also, just FYI, kiddos: we are all going to die.
Theory 1: Aliens are eating them for snack food.
Theory 2: Bees have learned to teleport.
Theory 3: Going Galt.
There must be an awfully large number of bees in Croatoan by now.
Theory 1: Aliens are eating them for snack food.
Theory 2: Bees have learned to teleport.
Theory 3: Going Galt.
Theory 4: They ran away because the Daleks are coming to use the earth as part of a gigantic universe-destroying machine.
Disco Apache: worst bass tone ever
I had a taco for lunch, does that make me and expert on immigration?
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in bee catastrophe.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of pollination
To know that for destruction the absence of bees
Is also great
And would suffice.
When (if) I go to AZ to visit my uncle, I’m going to speak Spanish- Mexican-dialect Spanish, everywhere I go, and see if the cops will card me. I look like the 3rd generation German/Jew/white boy that I am, but, hey, I might pass for “illegale”
Victoria Jackson:
There are so many things wrong with this paragraph that I am going to have to take this step by step.
1.My gym, LA Fitness
This is an excellent way to start a paragraph full of bullshit and lies — with a bullshit lie. V-J.
2.I was told that they have a cheaper cable plan that does not include Fox News. Hmm. So now we are all forced to watch the Liberal/Progressive News Channels?
I’m guessing she thinks that it is a liberal-economy ploy to indoctrinate people by making cable teevee too expense, forcing them to watch CNN. The horror. Which leads me to this…
3.We aren’t even allowed our one, little, partially-Conservative Channel?
What?! “Little?! Whenever wingnutts mention Fox they talk about #1 ratings. And “partially conservative?” I guess they partially conserve anything remotely liberal to Old Spice commercials. This woman has to be a parody. She can’t be serious.
4.Now, my gym. Next, my home?
Yes, V-J, first the poor economy will force your gym to cut expenses, then it will force you, in your home, to only watch CNN with your eyes taped open and strapped to a chair while a Hispanic named Barack will come to slowly whip you until you scream “Progress For Me!”
I didn’t know it was possible to jerkoff this much to an old man responsible for many of our current problem
I was told that they have a cheaper cable plan that does not include Fox News. Hmm. So now we are all forced to watch the Liberal/Progressive News Channels? We aren’t even allowed our one, little, partially-Conservative Channel?
“I want your business to pay more for cable so I can watch Fox, but no, I won’t pay for it.” Markets want to be FREEEEE!
Huh? Fruit punch? Jarritos aren’t carbonated? I’m a big fan of the orange, too. I only have it about once a year, since I eschew the sody pop nowadays. But I swear, it’s not much different than Fanta. (Something else I loved as a boy in Mexico.)
How to spot an illegal immigrant: If you see people working for a Republican-owned construction firm, tearing out asbestos without wearing respirators, they might be illegals. If you see people working overtime without getting time and a half because they’re afraid to call the state gov’t, they might be illegals.
I meant to say, I swear, it’s carbonated. And it’s not much different than Fanta. I like both.
And Abuelita hot chocolate. Why, I just brewed me up a cup this afternoon.
I didn’t know it was possible to jerkoff this much to an old man responsible for many of our current problem
I stopped by to drop a comment about their so-called “Sunday Funnies”, but I have the sneaking suspicion it’s not going to be “approved”.
My, it must be nice to have a Kim Jong-Ilish comments thread, with only the ones friendly to your position ever appearing.
(BTW, speaking of Jong-Il – I wonder if they’ve ever heard of “cult of personality” over at Reganite Republican… though I’m sure IOKIYAR.)
Hmm. So now we are all forced to watch the ?
Dear Victoria Jackson:
Please inform me of these so-called Liberal/Progressive News Channels, since I seem to be able to find none on my teevee.
CNN? You mean the guys who hired Ewick The Wed and Glennbeck? Oh, it is to laugh. No, seriously, what the fuck are you talking about?
With former thoughts of lust,
Pere Ubu
I demand some hot McArdle/Alkon action.
I demand some hot McArdle/Alkon action.
Does sewing them into a sack with various carnivorous animals and dropping it into the Tiber count?
Our friends the Pee Tardiers enjoy quoting the Bible so much, perhaps they need to take a moment to consider Leviticus 19: 33-34:
Love him as yourself
If you think we’re going to convince the teabaggers to jerk off all the Latinos they meet…you’re probably wrong. Probably.
We aren’t even allowed our one, little, partially-Conservative Channel? The airports only play CNN – the Progressive Propaganda Channel.
Dear Victoria:
Please pull over now and check the air in your head. It may have gone bad.
Thanks and good luck,
If you see people working overtime without getting time and a half because they’re afraid to call the state gov’t, they might be illegals.
If you see people taking a shit in a ConAgra or ADM field, they might be illegals.
If you see people living in unheated shacks with no running water or cooking facilities, they might be illegals.
If you see people whose homes have been destroyed by a tornado who are afraid to ask the Red Cross for help, they might be illegals.
Do I win anything for a triple?
I’m a little overwrought about this whole End of the Oceans incident, so I might have logorrhea.
Do I win anything for a triple?
Depends who was on base.
Depends who was on base.
Let’s say it was [name of baseball player who is good] and [name of another one].
Just for the sake of argument.
Let’s say it was [name of baseball player who is good] and [name of another one].
Just for the sake of argument.
Then you may have won teabagger hatred. And two runs.
So now we are all forced to watch the Liberal/Progressive News Channels? We aren’t even allowed our one, little, partially-Conservative Channel? The airports only play CNN – the Progressive Propaganda Channel. Now, my gym. Next, my home?
Yes, Victoria. A private business’s choice of cable plans = Cultural Revolution style re-education for you. Not only are you forced to watch CNN in your own home, we are going through your bookshelves now.
we are going through your bookshelves now
Oh, I’m betting it’s nothing but Nicolas Sparks and “Chicken Soup” books.
Oh, I’m betting it’s nothing but Nicolas Sparks and “Chicken Soup” books.
Heh. Also, Danielle Steele. Too.
Pere Ubu said,
May 3, 2010 at 0:51
we are going through your bookshelves now
Oh, I’m betting it’s nothing but Nicolas Sparks and “Chicken Soup” books.
Every tome on the Wingnut Welfare reading list, all unread. Quite possibly with marks on the covers where she’s gnawed on them.
Love him as yourself
The bible mandates that you buy wetsuits and dildos!!
White dude in his 40s.
Heh. Also, Danielle Steele. Too.
I thought Steel a bit racy for our lil’ Vicky.
Doesn’t she mention breastages and the like?
BP working hard to stop the leak and clean up the problem.
I bet BP is really regretting not spending that half-million…
“we are going through your bookshelves now”
Even the partially filled in mandala coloring books next to the word find puzzles?
…strapped to a chair while a Hispanic named Barack will come to slowly whip you until you scream “Progress For Me!”
Dear Sir: I am intrigued by your ideas, and ask you send me a copy of your newsletter, and link to your for-pay web site.
Even the yellowed, cockroach-spotted 1988 TV Guide with the Victoria Jackson Saturday Night Live entry. Even the copy of Going Rogue with the hard words underlined in pencil. Even the plumbing codes manual she was sent by mistake that has all the secret communist messages in it.
Lazy-ass Amurican bees, too good to work, rather sit home on the dole and watch soaps and Oprah. I’ma get me some wetback bees, not scared ta get ther wings dirty and don’t hafta build ’em no fancy wooden hives neither
Speaking of “a former Governor of Colorado”, here’s Tom Paxton’s take on ex-Governor Lamm: “Come and Grow Old with Me in Colorado”
Doosh then, bigger doosh now.
On the positive side, KILLER BEE THREAT OVAH!
Why did this man shave his eyebrows?
Theory 4: They ran away because the Daleks are coming to use the earth as part of a gigantic universe-destroying machine.
I’m not sure the premillenialists are prepared for someone in a blue police box, speaking with a North accent and dragging around Billie Piper being the savior from the TRIBULATION.
(1) Side effect from dropping tabs and watching “The Wall”.
(2) Hopes that Mark Noonan has a spare pair.
I demand some hot McArdle/Alkon action.
I demand some K-Lo/Victoria Jackson action……..
Owlbear1 @ 1:37:
That $500K device the non-technical media is saying could have solved all problems, ended hunger and brought about world peace, wouldn’t have helped.
The blow out preventer valve on the Macondo well failed. The only thing that could have made any difference is a second valve. These cost millions. Some deepwater drill platforms have backup BOP valves. Deepwater Horizon didn’t.
The $500K acoustic trigger heralded by the media is only useful for situations where the rig crew has lost communication with the BOP. It won’t help if the BOP is damaged.
If your only BOP fails your only option is to run for the life boats and hope for the best.
I stand corrected.
Hopefully going forward, redundancy of critical safety equipment will be enshrined into law instead of being left up to the ethics and morality of oil company executives.
Not that such regret will make them spend it on any future ventures, though.
Just as bearing an uncanny resemblance to Uncle Fester ….
Damn you’re right!
What have I always said about pictures of the wingnuts?
You can learn everything you need to know from their faces. I’m not joking. It’s really important to show photos of every single one of the folks featured on Sadly, No!
It’s always instructive regarding the nature of evil.
I’m not sure the premillenialists are prepared for someone in a blue police box, speaking with a North accent and dragging around Billie Piper being the savior from the TRIBULATION.
I was going to correct you, because when they learn why the bees are leaving, Catherine Tate is playing the Doctor’s companion. But then I realized that would be unnecessarily pedantic and super-nerdy. Also, Billie Piper is in those episodes, so I suppose you’re technically correct.
What the hell are ‘salsa chips’? Does he mean tortilla chips?
Re: Top 20 nicknames for M. Steele.
The Prez also said he coined the phrase “Taxation without Representing”.
…We now return to the previously scheduled lurking
It looks like Neal is going both for “I have plenty of Negro friends” and “even if we ARE racially profiling, it’s not really racist” at the same time.
Also, I remember a time when people used to claim that the dumbasses Victoria Jackson played on SNL weren’t really actually just HER being a dumbass, and that she was a really nice girl in person.
I think she’s just proven the Abe Lincoln-attributed adage that one should keep silent and be thought a fool. Rather than opening one’s mouth and removing all fucking doubt.
I went looking for other pics of Neil, to see if that one just happened to be really unfortunate, and found some pics of a porn actor with the same name who is definitely not this Neil, for a number of reasons.
I remember when people used to tell me that Victoria Jackson wasn’t really as dumb as the identical characters she played on SNL, and that she was really nice, besides.
Well, she is the first, and she’s not the second, and she has just proven once again the old Abe Lincoln-attributed adage about how much better it is to be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.
If I were, for example, Police Officer Hernandez, whose family has been in Arizona since pre-Mexican-American war days, I would totally stop blue-eyed, blond guys and ask to see their papers to make sure they weren’t illegals from Ireland, Poland, or Ukraine.
This shit would end lickety-split!
Ugh, Jonah Goldberg’s opinions are being published in newspapers.
Meanwhile, police are saying they don’t likey the new law.
Hey, don’t dis the Jarritos! That stuff is so much better than the America shit. It comes in glass bottles and has real sugar and comes in actual fruit flavors.
But it was only tonight as I sipped my Mexican Coke on the way home from picking up at the store some salsa chips and Jarritos fruit punch at the store [sic], it occurred to me exactly what’s going on.
“I aint no racist. My boots are black, my truck is black, my dog is black, hell, I even got me a black n white tv.”
Well, owning a black truck dispels any suspicion of racism for me.
” I have several gay friends.”
No you don’t.
“I like salsa and chips and mexican Coke, so I’m down with, yaknow, the whole wetback culture thing.”
Mmmk. Almond chicken makes you appreciate Asians, too?
Incidentally, nothing has ever occured to you, except maybe that you’re missing The Hills right now because you’re busy taking a shit on the internet.
From Lesley’s link:
It’s not ok but it’s ok. I wonder what Jonah the douche would think of a law that targeted white people. No I don’t. Oh, to be the arbiter of what is just tyranny and what is unjust.
I just noticed Neil Stevens (not Photoshopped) and wonder how many people have told him he’s the spitting image of Hannibal Lecter.
I just noticed Neil Stevens (not Photoshopped) and wonder how many people have told him he’s the spitting image of Hannibal Lecter.
Hell, put him overalls and he looks like the guy next door.
Oh wait, that is the guy next door.
And if you guys keep talkin that way about Mom’s cousin Dad, I’m going to load up some rock salt and pepper your butts.
With my Mossburg!
I was going to correct you, because when they learn why the bees are leaving, Catherine Tate is playing the Doctor’s companion. But then I realized that would be unnecessarily pedantic and super-nerdy. Also, Billie Piper is in those episodes, so I suppose you’re technically correct.
And that’s the best kind of correct!
But yeah, I was mostly just referencing the first time when they actually bring up the bees disappearing, which was shortly after the Ninth Doctor fought a mannequin arm.
To the people out there [in Maryland, DC and Virginia],
I can’t speak to Virginia but Maryland and DC both have a sizable latino community. We also have our share of assholes in Merlin
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
You really think that police would or could see a full quarter-to-third of the population and honestly think that just looking like them would cause a reasonable suspicion of illegal immigration status?
Ok, let’s see if I’ve got this straight. African Americans make up a full quarter-to-third of the South’s population. By his logic, the Jim Crow laws couldn’t have been a problem because they’d have been unenforceable.
Normally, one would go after the most cogent arguments in order to prove the worthlessness of something such as this law. You went after the least impressive argument. Wow.
Er, Eric, I think you missed the point of this site which is, indeed, to go after the stupidest arguments made by right-wingers as a source of amusement. It’s a comedy site — not a policy-wonk site. So, thank you for your concern trolling.
Here is a website with a sticker that says it all.