Place your bets
Posted on March 23rd, 2010 by Brad
I’ve long found Confederate Yankee amusing, but his latest ramblings are actually starting to creep me out. Place your bets — how long before he makes headlines for crashing his John Deere rider mower into the Chigger Creek Post Office? I give him three weeks.

HTML sez: Also.
Posted in Uncategorized
Ahhhh, they’re all cowards. If they die, how will they get daily asspats on their little e-soapboxes? So they’ll stick around and stew in their own muck until arteriosclerosis comes a-callin’.
I suspect that may not be a real photograph. Where are the mall zombies?
Any wind in the weather forecasts? Might slow him up some.
You are posting too quickly. Slow down.
Am I the only one that really hopes that the likes of TIDOS and Misha actually do stage this revolution they keep talking about? For what I believe is sometimes termed the “lulz”?
15 minutes.
We should be getting the live feed from CNN any minute now.
You are posting too quickly. Slow down.
That’s what DKW’s mom said last night.
Am I the only one that really hopes that the likes of TIDOS and Misha actually do stage this revolution they keep talking about? For what I believe is sometimes termed the “lulz”?
I would agree with you if it were not for the two security guards and three innocent bystanders likely to be killed by either the TIDOS that couldn’t shoot straight or the police response.
Trick question. He could only crash his rider mower into the front steps of the Chigger Creek Post office, as around them parts, they ain’t believin’ in no g*d*amn f*gg*t wheelchair ramps and such.
Hell, if he finds out that ACORN knocked over his grill, we could be seeing him in action as early as Friday.
i predict in six weeks other shiny objects will have distracted them and they’ll have forgotten all about it
It’s all Internet tough guy posturing. Still, I’ll wager that he’ll go down for disorderly conduct for brandishing part of his broken grill in a Wal-Mart. Two weeks sounds about right.
I put nothing past The Common American Mall Ninja (autofireisus charcogreelus)
OT, I can’t help it. POOP.
how long before he makes headlines for crashing his John Deere rider mower into the Chigger Creek Post Office?
And then begs his readers for contributions so he can buy a new rider mower?
<i?Am I the only one that really hopes that the likes of TIDOS and Misha actually do stage this revolution they keep talking about? For what I believe is sometimes termed the “lulz”?
I keep trying to post encouraging comments over there (“WOLVERINES!!!!”), but they keep taking them down. It appears they are learning to recognize when we are laughing at them.
He’s on his way right now. He’d be there already, except he forgot to take the leaf bagging attachment off. It slows that ole mower down.
He doesn’t have the guts to take action himself.
So three weeks before some nimrod commenter over there takes a shot at someone.
Treason in defense of status-quo Yankee will probably drop a brick on his foot outside the local Democratic party office, and go to the emergency room, where he’ll incur a bill for thousands of dollars, which will lead to a new round of blegging.
Here’s hoping their aim is as bad as their arguments.
Wankee himself would never do anything like what he is advocating. He’d quietly consider it successful typing if his blog inspired some REAL loon to kick off a shooting rampage.
I plan on running rougeshod over the Constitution, leaving RED RED RED footprints all over the sacred parchment.
I really wasn’t envisioning them being that competent.
“Flushed with his impassioned gibberish, he saw himself standing alone on the last barrier of civilization.”
—The Great Gatsby
Here’s hoping their aim is as bad as their arguments.
Not to worry, Cyn. If a paper target flaps in the breeze, they panic and shoot themselves in the foot.
Treason in defense of status-quo Yankee will probably
dropshit a brick on his foot outside the local Democratic party office, and go to the emergency room, where he’ll incur a bill for thousands of dollars, which will lead to a new round of blegging.Fixed for accuracy.
I worry about the truly unbalanced, who seriously take all the posturing as encouragement to go out and commit violence.
But for most of them, talking about Things That Shall Not Stand, fertilizer purchase, guns, etc.; serve as right-wing erotica.
which is icky.
Ah, so that’s how Confederate Wanker got the bum knee then?
Flushed with his
impassioned gibberishROUGE.Ceci n’est pas une blockquote.
Armageddon tired of their hysteria.
Wait, should I know who that dude in the background is? He looks like a winner.
Where are the mall zombies?
Where are the bears and pumas?
Shouldn’t it be TIDOSQ? (Treason in defense of status quo)?
Just askin’
btw, you should check out the WaPo long article on the last two months of HCR wrangling.
Wait, should I know who that dude in the background is? He looks like a winner.
That’s the Great Orange-backed Mall Ninja, Doomwritus megasammichus. Notice the full plumage.
ah, jeebus fuck, it looks like my atty general (CO) is one of the money-wastin’ suit-filers against this apocalyptical HCR bill. he’s getting a call from me.
Same for Beck, Limbaugh, O’Reilly, and the rest of the Rear Echelon Chickenhawk Commandos.
Wait, should I know who that dude in the background is? He looks like a winner.
Buy me a sammich and I’ll tell you who he is.
That’s the Great Orange-backed Mall Ninja, Doomwritus megasammichus. Notice the full plumage.
Oh, it took me a minute. Too many vegetables.
Also, can I just say that photoshopping a sammich into anybody’s hands–no matter their weight–is fucking hilarious?
Wankee himself would never do anything like what he is advocating. He’d quietly consider it successful typing if his blog inspired some REAL loon to kick off a shooting rampage.
He’s going to get some sushi and not pay.
Then he’s going to claim he’s justified because the sushi chef probably voted for Obama,
can anyone of you supe photoshoppers compare the Palin palm to the Presidents draft picture thats on Kos now?
“He who strikes the first blow admits he’s lost the argument.”
Liberals can shoot plenty straight. Also.
dammit i need to know someone is working on this shit before i go to bed
Um, three weeks?
I don’t think so.
Look, it’s gonna take a couple weeks to get the John Deere fired up, it’s been a while since it’s been run an’ all. And that an there’s no oil innit since the gasket blew out when he was ridin’ it inna Chigger Creek Fourth of Joo-ly Parade an all.
So he’s gonna have to git some oil and all or try and duct tape the gasket dealio which means he’s gonna hafta go an’ git some duct tape.
Thener’s the whole gas thing. He drained the tank to put some gas in the General Lee (Pinto-style) and that was the summer’s supply an all for grass-cuttin’ in case the relations showed up an’ all.
Anna tires. They all flat, and the bike pump don’t work an there’s no way to put the ga-reel wheels onna front cause he tried that an it didn’t work t’all.
Mebbe next year.
you people are the best step up
palm one side Presidents draft the other
rep vs dem = home run
make it happen
I don’t know what Obama draft picture you’re talking about
I don’t think too many of these actual bloggers / radio hosts will get off their asses to do anything terroristical. They’re just hoping they can speak vaguely and non-incriminatingly enough until one of their readers / listeners will do that once again, as has happened in the recent past.
golden platter here, someone step up dammit.
And meanwhile they’ll pat themselves on the back for the sacrifices they’ve made.
Don’t look at me. All I know how to use is KoalaPainter.
@Anthony sorry i was talking about the drft of his speech, there is a picture on kos with all sorts of notes in the margin stuff
and i think it will be funny to compare a draft of a speech with notes in the margins to some shit written on a palm
and i think it will be funny to compare a draft of a speech with notes in the margins to some shit written on a palm
Oh, is that what you’re talking about? Got it.
and yes i am drunk
Also on Kos: link
Dead for over six months and he’s still getting important shit done. FUCK YOU SCOTT BROWN.
its a photo with notes in the margins against the palm you cant go wrong
Damnitall, me specialty is M.S. Paint.
Wish I could help.
But there is a an image of Obama’s hand-edited health care speech out there.
Marked-up speech image
Puzzled I am. How do you fit notes into the margin of a teleprompter?
Good question, S.C.
It’s like having two beards.
Musical notes maybe. As a soundtrack.
Looks nothing like Edwin Meese.
Also there is NOTHING WRONG with having two beards, one for special occasions and one for everyday wear.
It’s like having two beards.
Obama’s GAY??? And he has two wives?
my funny may not be your funny, but a page with obvious notes and a palm….really that wouldnt give you a chuckle
The tenth time’s the charm, as they say.
The Cornfed Yankee revolution will not be televised
so be it….my funny may not be your funny…one
Did not exactly require elite photoshop skills
Hm, also at teh Kos is this poll:
Does Fox’s “news” programming place truth and accuracy ahead of ratings and spin?
– Yes, Fox holds itself to the same journalistic standards as other mainstream media outlets
– No, Fox is basically a conservatainment spin machine focused on its ratings and political power
Oddly, there’s no “both are true” choice.
eliter? than mine, thats why i asked, maybe side by side you know….
eliter? than mine, thats why i asked, maybe side by side you know….
Now, photoshop a sandwich in that hand–that would be fucking hilarious!
my funny may not be your funny…two
i have no idea how to thats why i am at the mercy of you fucks
so do what i wat already
they got your shift key too huh kid
I’ll try and put it in language our stunted, psychotic conservative “friends” might understand:
You know just before Vader totally kills Obi Wan, and Obi Wan says “Strike me down, and I shall become more powerful than you could ever imagine…” and then Vader, thinking the old man’s issuing another empty threat kills him anyway?
Well, guess what? Vader gave him ghost power. You know who else has ghost power. Jesus. And both of them helped destroy Death Stars.
So, all this butch posturing and saber-rattling might make you feel all tough and killy, but, at best you’ll help Obama get ghost power. The last time that happened in American politics, blacks got the right to vote.
Just so you are up to date on what you are advocating.
shift and “h” ill get it back though
Obama’s GAY??? And he has two wives?
“Obama Has Two Mommies”, premiering this fall on CBS
Hey Jay B Im trying to get total strangers to work for me for free so STFU.
I made your picture, I’m not doing it side by side, because I can’t find a picture of the hand of the same height.
well you got me there anthony i have no idea what you are talking about
yea but side by side with a dem rep above well so be it
nite all
Ghost power, ghost chili, Ghost Face Killer.
No chance on Trick-Knee Yankee doing something drastic. That pussy wouldn’t even enlist in the Salvation Army.
It looks like he inserted “Pooh” right after “socialism.”
“[the ghost chile] is grown and eaten in India’s northeast for its taste, as a cure for stomach troubles and a way to fight the crippling summer heat.”
Because nothing is better for the stomach or more cooling in summer than dissolving your innards into a puddle of molten goo.
Terrorist health care fist bump!
The Sipsey Street Irregularly Sized Clothing TeaTard Front keeps encouraging enterprising TeaTards still suffering trauma from the MASSIVE THROAT RAMMING BY OBAMA’S PACKAGE they recently received to throw bricks through Democrats’ winders to make themselves feel better.
I wish they only had the guts to do it while people were there and watching. I suspect the Woolworth sit-in’s, for example, would have been much less effective had they been conducted in private in someone’s basement.
Confederate Yankee isn’t going to shoot anyone. It takes two hands to hold a rifle, and that would result in an unacceptable interruption in his Cheeto-conveyance system.
I think the Sipsey-Cup regulars are a front for the glaziers’ guild.
Plus they are splitters!!
OT–well, sort of, anyway…
Best thing about teabaggers:
I credit myself (perhaps generously) with having slightly above-average intelligence. I can rightfully say that I’m much more intelligent than every last teabagger in existence. While not all that comforting, it is something, yes?
btw the meth kicked in and thx for the pic
that is argument over material
Well since there’s a pool, I’m betting that he holds out until the Fourth of July – so he can go out with guns a blazin’ like a true patriot (you know, shooting at random strangers from a clock tower).
The 72nd Chinless Battalion, Grill Battery B will never see action in any theater. We’ll never see Lance Corporal Robt Owens marching on the Birchbeer Parkway to capture the Polished Knob Mall and Food Court. (“Stay upwind.”) He won’t ever sit at the campfire , cleaning the dottle out of his corncob pipe and regaling the troops with the difference between the 7.62 x 25mm and the 7.63 x 25mm cartridges. (“isn’t it 0.01mm?” “That what FEMA would like you to believe, psuedo-soldier!”) He’ll never serve picket sentry duty (“Bum knee. Battle of Myrtle Beach. Had to take one miniatour golf course after another.”) Pork belly, beans, and hard tack. He writes a letter to her every night. (“Dear Pork belly, beans, and hard tack; How fares your sister….”) —Mary Chestnut—
More on the PENIS front, from HuffPo, the latest GOP strategery to kill health care reform:
On Tuesday, the GOP put its strategy into action, with Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okl.) introducing an amendment beyond agreeable. Titled “No Erectile Dysfunction Drugs To Sex Offenders” it would literally prohibit convicted child molesters, rapists, and sex offenders from getting erectile dysfunction medication from their health care providers.
While it will undoubtedly be difficult for Democrats to vote against the measure (one can conjure up the campaign ads already), the party plans to do just that.
Now, if Coburn’s amendment had just included Oxycontin abusers we might be tempted……
Mary Chestnut for the win
From HYML’s link:
as well as a chance to introduce new readers to The Anchoress at her most stupidly vicious, laying down Catholic doctrine to actual churchmen and churchwomen from her little suburban fake-nun castle. Jesus, what an awful person she is.
The Wankoress spake, and ye did not respond?
(Taps foot…)
Titled “No Erectile Dysfunction Drugs To Sex Offenders” it would literally prohibit convicted child molesters, rapists, and sex offenders from getting erectile dysfunction medication from their health care providers.
What about patrons of prostitutes? That would cause the GOP to nix the amendment.
El Cid — Yes, and the leader of the Sipsey Street Irregulars is, as required by universal law of irony, living on Social Security disability payments.
J–‘s Ghost Chili link was all about an Indian guy who leads “a defense research laboratory in Assam”, proposing to make pepper-spray weapons using a low-production local chili that’s about as hot as a good Caribbean habanero, rather than follow every other pepper-spray manufacturer in the world and use pure capsaicin oleoresin (16 000 000 Scoville units, and a cheap commodity on a global market).
The US is not the only country with defense contractors ripping off the government.
“Obama Has Two Mommies”, premiering this fall on CBS”
Correction–NBC. It’s only a tiny sliding slope down from “The Marriage Ref” to this…
From Media Matters:
Sen. Coburn’s Own Health Care Bill Doesn’t Include Viagra Provision
Anybody familiar with the new poster over at the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler? He calls himself “LC Subotai Bahadur, Lord Pao An.” Teh lulz are strong with this one.
To wit:
This comes after another post where he encourages business owners to fire all the commie scum Democrats who work for them.
What’s with this obsession of creepy old rethug douchebags like Coburn and Dole with Viagra?
Speaking of limp dicks, we WERE talking about KKKonfederate Wanker, weren’t we?