Breitbart Proceeds To Phase Three On O’Keefe Racism Scandal
The Washington Independent’s Dave Wiegel points us to Andrew Breitbart’s first tweets on the breaking story about his boy ward James O’Keefe’s allegedly racist past:
Desperate Salon, Max Blumenthal, Gawker, Village Voice (usual smear artists) lying through teeth over James O’Keefe. Details to come…
Curiously, Breitbart seems to have skipped Phase Two in our predictive model for how he and his cohort would handle this burgeoning scandal, going straight to Phase Three (Sputterings About ‘Hatchet Job’/’Character Assassination’/’Partisan Agenda’).
Breitbart is now tweeting that ‘Weigel DENIES’ that O’Keefe manned a table selling Neo-Nazi claptrap during a White-Man-Negro-Haters Club meet-and-greet held at Georgetown University in 2006.
Odd, because here’s what Weigel says about this:
I was at the 2006 event that leads Blumenthal’s story and can confirm all the details about it.
This was fast – Breitbart is now on Phase Five (Kerners Are Go! Mission: Discredit Blumenthal, OPP):
Conservatives are pathetic.
Apparently, Breitbart’s lead kerner is something called ‘Retracto, the Correction Alpaca’:
and …
From Weigel:
No. Also, ACORN and Bill Ayers. And shut up.
Check Big Journalism. Retracto the Correction Alpaca has been their Phase Six beast on the O’Keefe story (i.e., not wiretapping, not wiretapping, not wiretapping!).
Retracto, the Correction Alpaca
I hope he’s keeping an eye out for Mickey Kaus.–C-t60lI
Max Blumenthal has 1 skill: Mix PC/Cultural Marxism with McCarthyism. He’s despicable race-baiter & left’s last resort smear merchant.
That’s THREE skills, mofo!
I love the “OMG OMG OMG Max is a master race-baiter and smear merchant!!!!eleventy!” statement in support of the ACORN video pimp.
J – right … I thought I recognized the name from a mention on Patterico a few days ago. ‘Not wiretapping’ was classic Phase Six execution on their part.
no, not wiretapping, you poor senseless beast.
Just criminal trespass and fraud. On federal property. Otherwise known as a felony, possibly prosecutable under terrorism laws.
I might guess that Fuckwit O’Keefe picked Landrieu because he knew Daddy would be able to forestall the DHS charges?
Substance – spelling fixed, thanks.
Hah! Guilty pleasure confession: I liked that movie.
That is quality screenwriting right there.
Anyway, the pattern on the right is following the Timothy McVeigh/ Scott Roeder models. Rightwingers never qualify as terrorists or Anti-American, because they are right-wingers! Q.E. to the fucking D.
tigrismus – the way this whole O’Keefe thing has unfolded since the New Orleans arrest is like being force-fed Schadenfreude Cake flavored with Refined Essence of Irony …
I cannot read this. My eyeballs are still seared from that FCINO video.
Substance – spelling fixed, thanks.
do not appease Mr. McGravitas until he has answered the questions about his birth, and the disappearance of one Mr. Bubba.
being force-fed Schadenfreude Cake flavored with Refined Essence of Irony
between that and Tim Tebow, I am worried about progressives. I hope we can handle it.
Sorry, Zombie … I am the Neville Chamberlain of fixing spelling errors.
‘S’Ok, DA, you’re also a pretty good drunk-poster.
That Substance bastard, though, he needs to be subjected to lunch with Jonah Goldberg…
‘Retracto, the Correction Alpaca’
Hooo-boy, that is some stupid shit right there.
And I second El Cid’s response to Weigel’s hypothetical. The reason can be seen in Breitbart’s responses since the not-bugging: attack, attack, attack, and vilify anyone who would dare to cast aspersions on your not-so-bright boy, regardless of the truth of the accusations.
Obama administration’s reaction to the smear jobs on Jennings and Jones? Crickets. Jones quit, and I’m surprised that Jennings hasn’t resigned yet.
When I’m looking for a smear merchant, and I’m looking for the best, there can be only one: Max Blumenthal, Smear Master Extraordinaire.
See, if you read these things like those cheaply produced lawyer or bail bonds commercials, it just makes it that much easier.
Retracto, the Correction Alpaca
I hate furries.
Hilarious, I imagine Breitblart’s so afraid his little minions will sing that he’s sweating piss right now.
Cantors has a delightful new strawberry smear, if you’re into that kind of thing, or so I hear … myself, it’s too sweet, I don’t know from the putting-the-fruit-in-the-smear crowd … give me the traditional smear and some lox with the egg bagel or the plain.
Correction alpacas are HELL on typewriters.
Smear merchant = hold a mic and let them talk.
“Did you know that Jesus loves you?”
Max Blumenthal has 1 skill
Isn’t he the agit-prop guy who attends Republican events and book launches, stirs up trouble, and videos the ensuing hilarity?
Breitbart must really despise people who behave like that.
Here’s a link to Weigel’s “denial”:
Basically, Weigel can’t confirm that O’Keefe was sitting at a table selling American Renaissance magazine. And the photographic evidence was seized by the FBI(?!?), so all that’s left is a closeup of the pimply-faced Avenger for Truth and Justice. And Weigel can’t confirm that O’Keefe had anything to do with organizing it.
So, in other words…ACORN! ACORN!! ACORN!!!
Again, we are mainlining Enriched Essence of Ironic Irony (Now With Extra Ironicness!) here, Smut.
Max Blumenthal is the Vegemite of schmear.
Isn’t he the agit-prop guy who attends Republican events and book launches, stirs up trouble, and videos the ensuing hilarity?
Breitbart must really despise people who behave like that.
Yes, he’s just like O’Keefe, except without the trying-to-trick-people-into-saying-potentially-illegal-or-embarrassing-things part. Of course, with conservatives, no such trickery is required.
Did you know that Jesus loves you?
usual smear artists
My usual smear artist is Gerhard Richter, but tastes vary.
Yes, he’s just like O’Keefe
I suppose it’s Blumenthal’s lack of O’Keefe’s mad editing skills that makes him a mere hack.
Breitbart is waiting for something from Weigel. Yes, he is waiting.
Looking at O’Keefe’s mug, he reminds me of a guy I had a fight with in high school (one of two, the other one was this guy’s buddy trying to get cute). The guy was picking on a lowerclassman, and I intervened… next thing you know, I’ve got the guy by the throat, until we were warned that a faculty member was coming. I waited for the guy after the event, but he’d skipped out early- he was absent the next day.
Good times…
“bookish sort”, Bastard?
Anyway, I agree O’Keefe looks like a total cobag sink-lettuce muncher.
I suppose it’s Blumenthal’s lack of O’Keefe’s mad editing skills that makes him a mere hack.
Mad editing skills AND phat pimp threads.
So, why again are we against sheep with laser eyes hunting and killing other sheep?
Breitbart is waiting for something from Weigel. Yes, he is waiting.
Boy, that photo of him on his own wallpaper is really not very flattering.
Curiously, Breitbart is relying on Weigel’s lack of recollection about an event from four years ago to ‘disprove’ the OPP account that O’Keefe ‘manned a table’ offering racist literature.
You’d think Breitbart could just ask O’Keefe and report back what he says.
I suppose it’s Blumenthal’s lack of O’Keefe’s mad editing skills that makes him a mere hack.
Mad editing skills AND phat pimp threads.
Our two main weapons are mad editing skills, and phat pimp threads. And trying to trick people into saying potentially illegal or embarrasing things.
Wait, our three main weapons are…
“bookish sort”, Bastard?
Yes, but sometimes the “Hong Kong Book of Kung Fu” is the work of choice.
The best things about this fight were my opening, “Hey, ____, you got a problem I can’t handle?”
and a post event conversation I had with a mutual acquaintance, as I was waiting for the guy to emerge from the school:
“He’s not such a bad guy when you get to know him.”
“I told him I was going to kill him, and I wouldn’t want to let him down.”
…so WHY an “alpaca”, anyway?
How about “Retracto, The Correction Frog”?
I’m surprised that everyone is just letting ACORN get away with luring the innocent O’Keefe into their offices and letting the Federal Government get away with making the telephone access closets of their New Orleans building so amazingly tempting. Something should be done.
“I told him I was going to kill him, and I wouldn’t want to let him down.”
I like you, Stuart, you’re not like the other people here in the trailer park.
the telephone access closets of their New Orleans building so amazingly temptin
Obviously an ‘attractive nuisance’
Has anyone asked Breitbart why he was willing to hire a rabid white nationalist? I think people deserve to know why Andrew Breitbart supports neo-nazism.
because Breitbart supports all forms of authoritarian staus-quo-ism, including virulent racism. It’s all good if it maintains the ability of rich people to get even richer, and to give him a few dregs in the form of dingleberries he nibbles from their hemorrhoidal poop-chutes.
Breitbart’s ‘Tweeting Us Softly’ tour continues with the claim that O’Keefe’s participation in the Great Georgetown Cracker Hoedown of 2006 was really:
Huh. Interesting that this other account of the event, by a VDare racist who was in attendance, paints a very different picture than Breitbart does:
Breitbart’s Twitter thingie is great fun. The belligerence just goes on and on and on as he responds to everyone.
Could O’Keefe argue that because he is sexually attracted to telephone distribution systems that the oppressive federal government is discriminating against his guerrilla attempt to marry Landrieu’s phone system?
Could O’Keefe argue that because he is sexually attracted to telephone distribution systems that the oppressive federal government is discriminating against his guerrilla attempt to marry Landrieu’s phone system?
Yes, he could. But won’t. Because he, like every other wingnut, is a MANLY MAN MAN’S MAN WHO LIKES THE GIRLS.
zombie HTML FAIL.
and lives with his Mommy and Daddy.
And watches “300” over and over for, uh, “inspiration”.
I know you guys love the Carly sheepistopheles ad, but really, is there any greater gift today than the Breitbart twitter meltdown?
Teh latest tweet:
Michael Steele, call your office.
Uh oh. Time to invade Italy:
What kind of Stalin-Hitler un-Reaganite terrorists have laws against banks misleading municipalities on the nature of the products they’re selling? There should be a law against such things.
What kind of Stalin-Hitler un-Reaganite terrorists have laws against banks misleading municipalities on the nature of the products they’re selling
Italy’s financial police are seizing 73.3 million euros ($102 million) of assets from Bank of America Corp
Hey!! 2 million of that is MINE!
Under the not-rescinded guidelines of their hero Dubya, the whole nest of plotters could be renditioned off to some hellhole where “enhanced interrogation” will get the truth out of them. Including the landing pad for the Venusian Galacto-Vixens who will join with Phyllis Schlafly in crushing hetero men to death with their monstrous thighs.
…so WHY an “alpaca”, anyway?
How about “Retracto, The Correction Frog”?
Or a little more rhymey: The Correction Vivisectionist. Of course then you’d have to call it BillFristo.
Could O’Keefe argue that because he is sexually attracted to telephone distribution systems that the oppressive federal government is discriminating against his guerrilla attempt to marry Landrieu’s phone system?
Yes, he could. But won’t. Because he, like every other wingnut, is a MANLY MAN MAN’S MAN WHO LIKES THE GIRLS.
So you’re saying he likes to put his plug into the jacks?
Carly sheepistopheles ad
It was done better:
Well, I was talking about actual countries.
Venusian Galacto-Vixens who will … crushing hetero men to death with their monstrous thighs
go on. This is relevant to my interests.
Well, I was talking about actual countries.
The DO have Rush.
They.. THEY. the Galacto-Vixens stole the Y from my comment.
Any black nonleftists out there sick & tired of white libs & MSM using race card w/out evidence 4 crass political gain & 2 destroy lives?
Woohoo, the LLLLLLLLLLL countdown has begun! ACOOOOOOOORN!
A few more torques on the scrotal garrot and they’ll be singing it in four-part harmony.
So is that Carmina Burana in the background of that Carly Fiorina ad, because now that I think about I’m surprised that hasn’t happened before.
Michael Steele, call your office.
He’s busy getting ready to debate Harold “The Lefty Liberal” Ford.
zombie rotten mcdonald said,
February 4, 2010 at 4:16
They.. THEY. the Galacto-Vixens stole the Y from my comment.
The many disguises of feesh.
Retracto, the Correction Galacto-Vixen
well, that explains the need for so much lanolin, Pere.
Also, I thought these people thought highly of McCarthy and his lot. I mean, isn’t half the right-wing publication schedule dedicated to hacks trying to justify that drunken paranoid sot’s delusions by finding the one guy with a federal job that attending a slightly left-of-center meeting?
One would think they would applaud Blumenthal’s advocacy for McCarthyite tactics.
so, if you direct message mr breitbart he will fire back.”it was a debate w a black guy as one of three on stage. weigel wsa there. it was at georgetown law school. u r a fucking lunatic.”
weigel for his part says “the charge that he [o’keefe] sold racist tracts is false.” but then neither blumenthal nor down-with-OPP say he did. so i don’t know what the fuck dave is talking about. the claim that OPP makes is that he was “manning a table”.
it’s all very confusing, except the part where andrew breitbart remains teh same fuckwit shitheel bag filled with bags of costco douchebags.
Wanna bet that Steele and Ford get tossed a question about O’Keefe?
it was at georgetown law school
OPP says it was bounced from Georgetown and held across the street, once the other relationships were brought out by SPLC.
And that JO’K was manning a lit table, but I would guess they were not SELLING anything, so there’s a technical truth to that. And if they want to hang their hat on that technicality, they are welcome to. I don’t think racists have been able to charge for their garbage since the 50s or so….
I believe the formula for Breitbart, et al, is that if you cannot spin the facts to suit your ideology then it is okay to lie outright.
I read some of the comments up there.
And what got me was, someone said he can’t be convicted of wiretapping.
I think that’s correct. Being that he failed in his attempt.
What he tried to do is still a felony.
But the one that will really get him is “conspiracy” . They planned this whole thing out. With intent to wiretap the Senator from Louisiana’s office.
Maybe he just was trying to be a nice guy.
Maybe he tried to get through to the Senator and he couldn’t, so he just stopped by with a few friends dressed like telephone repairmen to try to “fix” her phones? Maybe he was just doing it out of the kindness of his heart?
I mean, think about it. He and his friends went out of there way to volunteer their time to help the Senator. A Senator from the opposing side. Now that’s bipartisanship!!
And if you believe that…………………………… probably think George Bush is an intellectual.
As for these bozos being racist’s.
Who knows? Maybe they were just helping out at that Klan meeting?
OKeefe. What a st00pid little twerp.
I hear Louisiana prisons are very nice during hurricane season.
mudshark! Dude, how are ya?
How come Dave Neiwert’s not over here on this thread joining in on the race-baiting. This has all the things he loves and more, even if most of it is really bad reporting by Blumenthal and OPP.
Hi Dennis. I’m ok. Tough times right now.
Correct me if I’m wrong here. But didn’t this clown OKeefe go to this meeting and take a seat at a somewhat racist org’s table?
I suppose it could be construed as subjective.
But after his stunt with Acorn. Which he’ll be going to trial for on the 12th of this month. Plus, him being a radical rightest. Kinda leans to him being somewhat of a racist. To what degree? Who knows?
After this upcoming trial, which I think he’ll get a suspended sentence, he’ll be faced with an even more critical trial. That one he’s going down for.
His dad won’t be able to help him o this one.
Now, before you start in on me. I have to ask you this.
What do you think his intentions were for trying to get to the phones in the Senators office?
What is it with this clown OKeefe?
Does he think he’s some kind of actor?
And his source of funding. This clown Breitbart.
I would think that once the whole truth comes out about all of this, he’ll be charged with conspiracy as well.
I wonder who else is involved?
Someone will be offered a deal for a light sentence.
I’m curious to see what they have to say.
But didn’t this clown OKeefe go to this meeting and take a seat at a somewhat racist org’s table?
He didn’t just GO to the meeting, mudshark, he was a member of the sponsoring organization and sat at a table covered in racist literature.
Now, maybe he was tired. After all, he hasn’t been sleeping well ever since he was put in a predominantly black dorm in Rutgers (after balking at being paired up with a gay man in his first dorm) and calling everyone in that dorm “nigger”…you know, racism builds a healthy appetite but does nothing for destressing you…but it seems to me that if you’re one of the people who’s sponsoring the meeting you tend to stay away from places you feel uncomfortable being seen.
Are these irrefutable facts?
I have a tendency to believe them.
1st off, he hates Democrats, Liberals, Progressives.
That much we all know. Where’s there’s smoke, there’s fire.
This clown hasn’t been doing his dirty little tricks out of the kindness of his heart. He has an agenda. And his sponsor has an agenda.
People like these two are filled with hate.
President Obama winning the election just set them into action.
Obama winning the election has brought the crazies out of the wood work.
It must be driving them nuts to see a man of color sitting in the Oval Office.
Cause, if McCain would have won, this kinda stuff wouldn’t be happening.
But after his stunt with Acorn. Which he’ll be going to trial for on the 12th of this month.
One of the tweeters said “pretty good for a 25 y.o.”
Yep. How many 25 year olds manage to get themselves into TWO criminal cases, one of which is a federal felony? Pretty good, indeed.
Weigel has retracted his ogirinal tweet:
Another leftist lie exposed, another leftist liar exposed, another leftist website forced to deal with uncomfortable truths.
Some retraction: “I did tell Isis, after seeing her photo of O’Keefe, and hearing her description of the event — and remembering her walking around, taking photos — that her photo definitely jogged my memory of O’Keefe being there. And O’Keefe has confirmed that he was there.
In my original post, I wrote that “O’Keefe’s position at the Leadership Institute gave him some ownership of the event, but in general the crowd consisted of conservatives and libertarians who wanted to see some controversy.” What I meant was that unlike the reporters in the room or the college students watching the spectacle, O’Keefe was Epstein’s co-worker. He didn’t wander in off the street — he knew his colleague was planning an event, knew it was so controversial it was moved out of the building, and he tagged along. ”
But yeah, getting some details wrong by relying on an eye-witness who later walks back those details but not the gist is totally the same as lying.
Interesting how all you empty headed lefties suddenly shut up once this story was COMPLETELY EXPOSED for the smear job that it is.
All you have to do is look at Patterico’s break down of this and its clear this entire Salon story by Blumenthal was a lie. This isn’t hard. Click a link. Read. Apologize. You may start now.
Well, I say we all just wait and see what happens when he goes to court.
In Louisiana. He’s goin down for that one. And once he’s in da Big House.
He’ll find out just where he fits in the prison society.
You clowns crack me up. You show up on a 2 day old thread and act all brave and tough.
That’s pretty sad. Very sad in fact.
Weigel has listed five things Sid got wrong:
-Salon’s description of the event as a “conference on ‘Race and Conservatism’” — Weigel says it “was a two-hour debate, not a conference.” That makes a big difference, as one’s attendance at a debate does not by itself indicate an allegiance with one side or another.
-Salon’s claim that “The leading speaker was Jared Taylor” whom Salon labels a white supremacist — Weigel says that Taylor is controversial, but “was only one of three speakers.”
-Salon’s claim that O’Keefe helped “plan” the event — Weigel notes that his other sources agree with O’Keefe that O’Keefe had no planning role. Weigel concludes that O’Keefe “absolutely wasn’t” a planner of the event.
-Salon’s claim that black conservative Kevin Martin “was added at the last minute” to provide cover for conservatives — Weigel provides an e-mail proving that Martin was invited 29 days before the event.
-Salon’s claim that “O’Keefe was manning the literature table” — Larry O’Connor tracked down Blumenthal’s source, who claimed that Weigel had witnessed O’Keefe manning the table. Weigel makes it clear that he didn’t: “I never told anyone that O’Keefe had ‘planned’ the event or ‘manned’ the table, because I could not confirm those things.”
Is there anything left of Sid’s story?
Just a pile of smoking ashes.
Can’t wait for the correction.
Hey, Tom, did you actually Blumenthal’s story/ ‘Cause, like there’s a lot left….besides O’Keefe having best friends who invite Jared Taylor to talk about race (gee, wonder what he’ll say) and friends who like to get drunk and karate chop passers by while screaming the “n” word at them, there’s still the details of, you know, O’Keefe himself admitting he hates teh gay and is not too fond of Indians and was accused, pretty accurately apparently, of calling his dorm mates the favorite word of Epstein, Taylor, et. al.
It’s not really your fault if you can’t tell the work Pat does for Andy, but Pat’s not exactly the last word on a subject. You could actually read stuff and try to think for yourself.
“It’s not really your fault if you can’t tell the work Pat does for Andy, but Pat’s not exactly the last word on a subject. You could actually read stuff and try to think for yourself.”
Sweet Jesus that is funny due to the fact that almost nothing you said in your post is even remotely supported by evidence. Its only stated as fact by Sid and then repeated by you ’cause, you know, it MUST be true.
Columbia Journalism Review is the latest to rip Sid, even if they did try to soften the blow:
But nice try anyway.
BTW, I look forward to timb and the rest of the left condemning Obama for the 20 years he spent at the racist Jerimaih White’s church. They were “best friends” you know.