We Shall Not Flag Or Fail. We Shall Go On To The End.

Well, Thers has forced me to violate the treaty provisions forbidding the proliferation of ukuleles of mass destruction. So drag me to The Hague. I spit on your treaties.

And I retaliate for Thers’s Ayn Rand interview accompanied by a spacey Quaalude-drenched New Age soundtrack with . . . Teh Gay Patriot and his newest video. Now I become death, destroyer of worlds.

(If anyone ever offers a webcam that requires a breathalyser test before it can be used, Bruce should snap it up tout de suite.)


Comments: 46

The Tragically Flip

I think this tops that “get a brain, morans” guy.


I think this tops that “get a brain, morans” guy.

Taxation is the chattel slavery of liberal fascism.


I still have trouble believing that sign is real. I mean “Congo = Slave owner taxpayer = niggar” That’s some timecube quality incoherence.


Oh I get it, in the Congo Free State the black people who were enslaved by King Leopold had to pay taxes to him. And since everyone knows that Obamacare is going to forcibly amputate everyone’s hand this is a very clever historical reference. And people say I need their fancy “risperdol” to function.


Bruce really needs to sign up for one of those classes that cures homosexuality, because he’s too stupid to be gay.


because he’s too stupid to be human.



Good lord, did he name his lab after Marley from ‘Marley and Me’? That is the gayest thing evar.

Smiling Mortician

Twice the Bruce video said “An error occurred in loading the video. Please try again later.” So I did. And then it loaded. What the fuck is wrong with me?


Anthony, do you know for sure it says Congo? I just assumed it says Congress. Still timecube level stupidity, tho.


because he’s to stupid to be a vegetable.

I’ll see your FTFY, and raise you a FTFY.


I’ll see your FTFY, and raise you a FTFY.

I have no response to that other than it is quite possible you are not giving vegetables enough credit.


The sign isn’t really wide enough to fit more than one letter practically. But now that I look at he does have just enough room to jam ress in there. So you’re probably right.


You guys realize that you’re just bombing the ashes at this point, right?


I have no response to that other than it is quite possible you are not giving vegetables enough credit.I have no response to that other than it is quite possible you are not giving vegetables enough credit.

handy folds! And all I’m holding is a pair of “because he’s to stupid to be a mineral”s!! Sucker…


I think this tops that “get a brain, morans” guy.

This is the boss of your 41%-approval-rating, higher-than-dems-or-GOP group, America. Things like this convince me (make me hope) that the sole reason they’re enjoying such high approval ratings is because people see them only as an alternative to something they already hate, and once they begin to actually try to win elections, those numbers will plummet.

That, or America is doomed and get me the fuck out of here.


So this is the grand alliance that twoofy rants on and on about, when he’s not in the army, or not running his small business, or being the most excellent whiteman ever in the history of whitemen ever.

Allow me to bookmark it.

Judas Peckerwood

Did that self-loathing twat really name one of his dogs “Saxby”?!!! I hope they eat him.


That 41% number weirds me out. Since there can’t possibly be a single person of color who supports the Tea Party, that means a good deal more than half of all white people support them. Either than or they surveyed children under 7 and half of them liked tea parties. It wouldn’t be surprising if Rasmussen made that mistake.


Things like this convince me (make me hope) that the sole reason they’re enjoying such high approval ratings is because people see them only as an alternative to something they already hate, and once they begin to actually try to win elections, those numbers will plummet.

That, or America is doomed and get me the fuck out of here.

Occam’s Razor applies in this situation.


I think that guy Robertson must be the son of this guy, who I stood next to at a Michele Bachmann-led teabagger rally in DC last November. Fighting health care with the last gasp of breath from his oxygen tank…


You must think that I was born yesterday. I’m not going to click on that, it’ll turn out to be some guy inna fright wig screaming at the camera. Then Rick Astley will start singing and all I will have is burning humiliation and a desire to rip the lungs out from some dickhead. Same result if it was Bruuuuuuce, I guess.


Well, I’m going to have to redeem the uke with this, because that first video can not be allowed to stand.

I’m not watchin’ the second one. Nope.


I know it is rude to threadjack, but this is not that much of a thread really is it? Anyway, this is too good not to share. I was looking for Spanish language manga and found this bit of fuckwittery Colorado Alliance For Immigration Reform.

I can’t decide what is more awesome about it:

Is it that a bunch of Colorado anti-immigration wingnuts have organized under the name CAIR (at cairco.org presumably because http://cair.com was taken!)?

Or is that at least one of them apparently dragged his pre-teen daughter all over Denver showing her Spanish language comic book porn to prove how much he hates of the Mezkins?

I don’t know the word for this feeling that has me quaking in my chair, schadenfruede does not fully cover the situation.


Physical Educator NIck Saban

Either than or they surveyed children under 7 and half of them liked tea parties.

If we are talking about the 20’s jazz marihuana-and-swing-music sense of the word, consider me in as well. Right after the big game of course.

Have you heard that old Benny Goodman classic, “Texas Tea Party”? It is about a football coach that beats Texas in the national championship football classic of the world on ABC, and then goes and smokes some high-grade doobage. That sweet space cake of victory is what we’ve worked hard all year for, friends. When it’s fourth and bong, this coach never punts.


OT, but this from the keyboard of Doughbob is just… I dunno, a microcosm of “Liberal Fascism”:

I’d say Israel is one of my favorite countries (and in many ways it is), but I’ve actually never been to Israel (contrary to what many of my more anti-Semitic correspondents seem to think).

A grammatical monstrosity, embracing a cliched non sequitur, wrapped in a blanket of disingenuity. I guess it’s situation normal on Planet Pantload.


Did that self-loathing twat really name one of his dogs “Saxby”?!!!

I bet it’s yellow.


Don’t nobody say nothing bad about no ukuleles.

I, myself am a ukulele player, which makes it cool.


Ukes! Reminds me of how DRM sucks and you can craft your own steampunk everythings.

Anyways, Ukes!


I’d say Israel is one of my favorite countries (and in many ways it is), but I’ve actually never been to Israel (contrary to what many of my more anti-Semitic correspondents seem to think).

Wow, that is perfect. Having never been there, could he possibly define some of the “many ways” it is his favorite? Are the ladies there insane? Does he kinda like the music?


I think this tops that “get a brain, morans” guy.

If you look closely, he pasted the word “niggar” over something else. Did he spell it correctly the first time around?

Rusty Shackleford

Bruce has the hairlessest chin ever. I’ve seen babies with manlier faces. Girl babies.


I’d say Israel is one of my favorite countries […], but I’ve actually never been to Israel

Actually, I can understand this: Christy Canyon is my favorite porn star, but I’ve never actually fucked Christy Canyon.

Oh. Wait. I meant Raquel Darrian.

I mean, Seka.

I mean, Jesse St James.

No. I mean Christy Canyon.


If you listen closely to GayPay’s vlog, you can hear the dog crying “He touches me!”

Rusty Shackleford

YouTube has everything


I dunno, Rusty…sort of liked this one better…


Just a reminder of how old we all are, the first people conceived to Smells Like Teen Spirit will be eligible to vote in this year’s midterms.


Just a reminder of how old we all are, the first people conceived to Smells Like Teen Spirit will be eligible to vote in this year’s midterms.

Shit, I was thinking this morning that Francis Bean is 17. The fuck?

The Goddamn Batman Isn't On YooChoob; He's Right Behind You, Shoulder-Surfing While YOU Watch It

His dogs are ignoring him and he’s hoping for “a little coast-to-coast thing” with the one gay man in America who possibly doesn’t hate him. On the plus side, sad bastards everywhere feel a sudden lifting of the spirit; they’ll start hitting the gym, maybe take up the ukulele as an ice-breaker.

Smells Like Teen Spirit? The Goddamn Batman Sez, Smells Like Teen *Sidekick*, Amirite?

Shit, I was thinking this morning that Francis Bean is 17. The fuck?

Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future.

I was going to do an age-of-consent joke, but decided to put the kibosh on it. No need to thank me, I’m under court order.


Just to remind everyone of how old I am, here’s an ASW post that made me laugh.



And on January 1, 2013, after the redistricting and her re-election bid is stifled, she will be dragged, kicking and screaming in a straitjacket, to Arkham Asylum.


Note: credit for the wonderful catchphrase belongs to jim.


So this is the grand alliance that twoofy rants on and on about, when he’s not in the army, or not running his small business, or being the most excellent whiteman ever in the history of whitemen ever.

So that would make the Teabag party a nut-filled Whiteman’s Sampler?


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