Russians of Mass Destruction
Posted on December 20th, 2009 by Tintin
The Techno Chicken provides the perfect excuse to put and end to the YouTube War with Thers once and for all. We will not entertain a plea for a peace treaty without obtaining a massive indemnity from the defeated party.
Would someone kindly explain to me precisely what the hell the point behind all of these clips has been?
Also, firstness. Also.
I don’t know what the fuck that was, but I think it’s fair to say you have won this war.
And you get to write the history.
And let me also say that I after this long and ugly war, I am much less inclined to play any youtube clip that anyone sends me ever again.
there is so much wrong with that on every level…
Well captialism is alive and well in Russia apparently. Just like America, people are starving, homeless and dying of simple diseases and tens of thousands are spent for vanity such as that and justified as art.
This was not very good.
I don’t even want to know how you pluck these cysts from the bowels of youtube. I need to go cleanse my brain with some Rory Gallagher and SRV.
This was funnier when it was “Bruno”. Now it’s just mean.
In a competition for the crowning title of Russian insanity, my hat is off to you. Well played, sir, well played.
This was not very good.
That depends on your definitions of “not” and “good.”
All I see is desolation.
The Dash Board: It’s true. He really does love hugs.
Further proof that, in war, there are no winners.
Such a stirring example of the glory of the USSR.
Maybe it’s time to let this particular internet tradition jump the shark:
The most relentlessly boring song ever recorded. Performed by a seventies pop combo featuring hardcore russian afros, the soviet answer to Gary Numan (at the 2:12 mark) and Elton John on saxophone.
Lenin and Stalin must be so proud.
I’m hit! Medic!
That dude stole my hairpiece!
LDMMM – I love that Dash loves hugs, and thanks for the links. That black background makes it look like you’re keeping him in a box, though. Don’t forget to poke holes in it, so the li’l critter can breathe.
Dash is probably loving the fact that he is not exposed to youtube wars.
The hell?
Wasn’t that guy on the Gil Gerard “Buck Rogers”?
I didn’t know he sang.
If I`m on the jury for your war crimes trial, I`m going to vote “guilty“ and press for the death penalty.
20 Dec 2009, Never Again!
“Dash is probably loving the fact that he is not exposed to youtube wars.”
You can tell by the innocent light in his eyes. And the fact that he’s still smiling.
Also, I trust that the evil poo issue has been resolved? Here’s hoping you don’t have to sacrifice much in the way of delicious chow while nursing.
That video is like playing Russian Roulette with six loaded chambers. What’s that dude supposed to be, anyway? Some sort of crazed badger or something?
FYWP, I did so close that tag!
And rising from the East, comes… something…
Game over.
found by following Jon’s link above…Girly Man
Not bad. Needs more cowbell.
Would someone kindly explain to me precisely what the hell the point behind all of these clips has been?
Would someone kindly explain to me precisely what the hell the point behind all of these clips has been?</i.
These clips are all central to my point
The Dash Board: It’s true. He really does love hugs.
What happened to his eyebrows? I bet he burned them off making explosives.
Would someone kindly explain to me precisely what the hell the point behind all of these clips has been?
War is always pointless.
Jeez. They’re outsourcing everything these days.
No More War. Yee c’mon.
Willy said,
December 20, 2009 at 20:57
Also, I trust that the evil poo issue has been resolved? Here’s hoping you don’t have to sacrifice much in the way of delicious chow while nursing.
Well, not really, although it seems to be mostly under control, we’ve had a frustrating time with a few docs, and I’m still on a very restricted diet (with no good clue as to how many of the things I’m avoiding are really necessary to avoid). But as long as I avoid dairy, soy, eggs, nuts, and fish, at least I’m following doctor’s orders. Which is no problem. It’s not like there’s a holiday coming up where I’d want to eat ridiculous amounts of candy and baked goods, or anything.
What happened to his eyebrows? I bet he burned them off making explosives.
His eyebrows are still there, they’re just hidden by his massive blush, as off camera I am holding up his BFF Jacques the Peacock.
his BFF Jacques the Peacock
Someone needed to do it.
I gave it 5 stars. And I was just trying to imagine what an enormous vodka-fueled orgy of self-loathing kicks in when they all climb back on the tour bus…
his BFF Jacques the Peacock
The tag on Jacques’ belly says “Lamaze”, which I think is French for “The amazement” or “The state of gobsmacked astonishment”.
The tag on Jacques’ belly says “Lamaze”, which I think is French for “The amazement” or “The state of gobsmacked astonishment”.
Well, that’s probably about right. Dash loves Jacques, to the point of making nursey-face at the toy (which makes Mommy just a tad jealous, to be honest). I’m not sure why he’s so captivated, but he is.
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Also, when did Cher defect?
In Soviet Russia, talent finds YOU
Where o where did you find Lord Xenu’s original tapes for Incident One implants? My Thetan is about 50% less Operating after viewing that video — I’ve suddenly lost the ability to be three feet in back of my head, and it’s going to take all the auditing I can afford during an entire trillion-year hitch in the Sea Org to get my tone level back up to Affluence.
Please stop this madness _before_ linking to the Obscene Dog or The Gorilla Goals. I don’t want to become just a body thetan, merely a part of someone else’s ridge or mass.
That wasn’t so horrible. The song was bad, but I like the house music background. That’s the only shame of this song is they took something nice and ruint it. The french gay christmas stuff last week was much worse.
Dude. Lady Gaga called–she wants her outfit back.
It looks like Ming the Merciless organized a furrie con.
The after-show orgy must have been amazing.
Vitas? Isn’t that the guy who plays the random hot barbarian from Loulan in the new Mulan flick?
I can’t believe they countered with Vanilla Ice’s “Ninja Rap.” How lazy is that? Dude, I think you’re getting in their head and now they are just kind of going through motions.
@monkey knife fight: We still have a few bunker busters in our arsenal.
For the love of God and all that is holy, will you two please stop this? Do you have any idea what kind of collateral damage you’re causing? Think of the suffering humanity!
Tintin: don’t let up, my friend. Nothing less than the free world is at stake here.
There is a Vitas/Lord of the Ring (sic) fan flick. Truly random.
In that 7th element video it looks like his costume is pointing directly at a very small package. Is this dude a eunuch?
A very serious, thoughtful, plastic toupee that has never been made in such detail or with such care.
I hate to differ here, but, although it ain’t my particular cup of tea, despite the preposterously silly presentation, I thought the song was reasonably catchy, the backup band and singers were really competent and professional, and the guy really can sing, unlike many of the artistes featured in this war. I certainly heard a thousand worse disco songs back in the late 70s – early 80s. (You think you know bad! You whippersnappers don’t know from bad! And get off my lawn!) Am I alone in thinking this?
I say it’s Disco, and I say the Hell with it, also.
The band was talented and the exotic back up singer made me keep watching far longer than I should have.