We See Atrios and Thers* And Raise Them One

The “rapper” is Steve Chowder from Breitblart’s Island for Misfit Boys, once again proving that it’s the liberals who are the real racists.

* Atrios’s started the YouTube war here. D. Aristophanes kicked Atrios’s butt here. Thers’s lame pansy-assed effort to retaliate is here. We win! WOLVERINES!!!


Comments: 107

Enlightened Liberal

I got nothin’.


Does that chain around his neck somehow hook up to his teeth?

How does he blow Andrew like that to get his column space?


You know, that one’s funny for almost a full minute.


Wow, even conservative video hos are skanky.


The goggles, they do nothing. Al Gore strikes again!


Crowder’s foray into crunk is further proof Breitbart is a genius a couple times over.


I find listening to the chowderhead rather painful.


Full lyrics at the You Tube.


WTF is *wrong* with these people?? Have they no brains at all? Not an ounce of self-knowledge? Not a single itty-bit of doubt that perhaps it’s not the world that’s wrong, it might be them?

Yeah, yeah. SATSQ.

I’m just permanently gobsmacked.

partially-furnished shipping container

That was just Part 1, right? The clever hook must be in Part 2.

Lady Doctor Missus Marita

Dear Gawd, I tuned in to the intertoobs after a week away, and am confronted with this?


The fact is, liberal bias in the media.


Still taking a contrarian position: lookit me I’m Christopher Hitchens!

Im grooming my dog
Peace prize
He seems to like it
Thats a peace prize

That’s funny.

Also: Manowar 300 videos.


Maybe he’d feel better if we went ahead and awarded him the Dork Prize.


And really: “cure AIDS in Africa”? He thinks Bush cured AIDS in Africa? He’s surprised Bush didn’t win for killing a million people in Iraq and turning the country into a huge seething clusterfuck? And Carter somehow didn’t deserve it, for negotiating an end to Egytian-Israeli hostilities – a peace that’s lasted 30 years now?

Why am I not surprised?


Epic fail!!!

{This is what happens when you let your edumacation system go to hell in a handbasket.}

We lasted 30 seconds before WarriorBabyGirl came and whacked the laptop with a wooden penguin.


He thinks Bush cured AIDS in Africa?

He has a vague memory of Bush talking about doing something about AIDS for “those people” and voila! Bush is qualified for a Nobel.

dead liberated iraqi

He curbed AIDS in africa?
I don’t remember him bombing those people.


He thinks Bush cured AIDS in Africa?

Of course he cured it, AIDS has never been better.


This almost qualifies for material for one of the right wing wacky just a coupla guys havin’ fun crazy FM morning talk shows. They are the funniest and best ever. Sometimes they even make jokes about foreigners having funny accents!


It’s good he totally gave Africa some cheap generic AZT in order to make up for all the infections he caused by not letting charities give out contraception. Postponing the death another five years for like half of them will totally make up for it, he does deserve it lieberals.


Argh. For the zilliontyeth time, Obama didn’t win the prize after two weeks, he was nominated then and won it after eight months. Any asshole can get nominated for a Nobel (Bush? Bolton?), and a couple of hundred people do.

Bitch needs to learn something about the Peace Prize. And hip-hop. And handguns, afore he gets his hands on a real one and blows his foot off swinging it around like that.


Only a wingnut would be stupid enough to be confused about why a guy who started an elective war didn’t win a prize for peace.

Lady Doctor Missus Marita

I wish to add that Dash produced better material in his diaper this morning.


Hmm..his ironic humor is so ironic.


LDMM – how is little Dash? We haven’t seen any more pictures or heard much about him of late. Though it’s no suprise that his diaper masterpieces are of superior quality to those produced by adult wingnuts.

Lady Doctor Missus Marita

Dash is doing well, Jennifer. We were just away for a week, traveling due to a family emergency, and he did remarkably well with all the flights and time in cars, and being poked at by unfamiliar people. I stopped posting pictures because it seemed like no one wanted to see them (and a few comments were jokes that were just a bit over the line for an overprotective mama). Could post another picture if you want… and the others are willing to behave (only on this issue – I wouldn’t dare dream of asking anyone to behave otherwise).


Hey Chowderhead,…

See taht Gun you keep waving
and shoving in everyones’ faces?
Well, put it down, and say hello!
Cuz, Taht’s a Peace Prize!


Have to admit, I watched the whole thing for that wingnut in the black bikini. Hot conservatives make baby jeebus cry.


Bush did give a lot more attention to AIDS in Africa than his predecessors (and I include Clinton in that group,) though he stifled the effectiveness of that money and attention by going along with the Christianist morons and their fear that sexual abstinence might not get its nearly-genocidal chance to succeed.


Youtube cracker rappity-tap videos are the new blackface.

especially the gold chains.


LDMM – well, I’d love to see another pic – and of course I’ll behave – but I can’t vouch for everyone else. I bet he’s grow a lot! You’re only two months away from “fun baby” stage now – they start laughing and becoming really interactive around then. I still remember my niece as a newborn at Christmas way back almost 18 years ago now. At 2 weeks, she of course just ate, slept, cried, and pooped. Amazing how fast they go from that to being really aware of what’s around them.

The Tragically Flip

Substance, I’m with you. There’s a couple guffaws in there (and that dog is cute). Honestly anyone on the left should have a really hard time defending the rationale of giving Obama the NPP at this point except under the understanding that indeed the NPP committee is playing politics to cajole Obama to do more.

It’s fine (not terribly funny, but a reasonable attempt at satire) until the inevitable grousing about Carter, Gore and Arafat (which always conveniently omits Rabin winning in tandem with Arafat). Followed by the whinging that President War-of-Choice and the Enhanced Interrogation Band didn’t win one. Sheesh.

I’m mollified by knowing that if Obama made peace with Iran, North Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, brokers the Israelis and Palestinians into signing a deal, then reunites the Smiths, brings Joe Strummer back to life and reunites the Clash and then won a NPP, the wingers would be doing much the same as they are now. That they object to Carter’s prize is the obvious proof of this. I guess 30 years of peace between Egypt and Israel (for which both signatories died!) is nothing to them.


Man, that blond video ho is seriously skanky. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen an overbite like that. Plus, I think she’s his sister.

Lady Doctor Missus Marita

OK, Jennifer, here’s a photo taken during our trip that is tentatively titled: “Will no one rid me of this turbulent diaper?”

For those of you who must make jokes, make all the fun of me you want. Just please maybe don’t cross the line in comments about the baby, eh?

a concerned citizen

cured AIDS in Africa

“the study also found that the [Bush AIDS] initiative had no effect on the prevalence of the disease, suggesting that it has been more effective at keeping infected people alive than in preventing new infections…About a fifth of the funds were dedicated to prevention, and a third of that had to be used for abstinence-only programs.”

Lady Doctor Missus Marita

Plus, I think she’s his sister.

Feature, not bug, etc…


LDMM – oooooh, he’s adorable! And such a serious expression! “Turbulent diaper” indeed.


Oh, my sweet Lordy-Gordy. I thought his video blogs were terrible, but this…it’s just a whole different level of talentlessness.
That said, if I wasn’t so aware of what a jackass he is, I’d ALMOST consider doing him. He’s got a decent body for a wingnut.
He really missed out on a great fuck by expressing his innermost thoughts.
His loss.


It’s fine (not terribly funny, but a reasonable attempt at satire) until the inevitable grousing about Carter, Gore and Arafat

Yeah, the specific political bits kill it. If it was just about getting a peace price for washing the dog and so on it’d be fine.


Honestly anyone on the left should have a really hard time defending the rationale of giving Obama the NPP -the tragically flip

1) not getting involved in Ossetia/Georgia/Russia.
2) negotiating for facility inspections in Iran instead of bombing.
3) establishing a withdrawal from Iraq.
4) not being fuckin’ Bush.
Honestly, Flip, honestly, its honestly only your opinion honestly, and honestly I’m not having a hard time honestly about anything honestly.


Actually, I think he just stuck Gore and Carter in there as a “see? SEE? This is totally politicized! They never give it to Republicans!” Then again, we’ve all noticed that wingnuts aren’t really strong in their grasp of the concept of causation.

That having been said, there has been at least one really questionable recipient: Kissinger, though others would include Arafat as well. In both cases, those awards were based on the recipient’s participation in very specific initiatives and overlooked their overall record of promoting mayhem and violence. Funny how out of that list of 2, one of them is a Republican – and out of the 2, he’s the one who promoted mayhem and violence on the part of the world’s most powerful nation, not an oppressed minority group. I guess Kissinger’s prize is how they got confused into believing that Bush deserved one for starting a war of choice that has killed a million people.


Even with the sound off, that’s pretty damn pitiful.


I’m curious about why MC Chowderhead’s little sister is wearing 1 (one) dogtag in the video. Is she supporting half a troop?

I guess she needs the money.


OK you notice that the LDDM never mentions Gavin anymore. Did she, like the female katydid (I’m making this up) eat him after he did his part in producing the spawn? Oh but listen, as a mixed race baby–part Italian part PR part Afro–I must say that I absolutely loathe white rappers. I mean it’s like Jamal doing redneck shit, with steel guitar and nascar lyrics and all. Please stay within your respective genres, peoples!


Lady Doctor Missus Marita said,

October 18, 2009 at 16:40

OK, Jennifer, here’s a photo taken during our trip that is tentatively titled: “Will no one rid me of this turbulent diaper?”

Nice pic, LDMM!


I for one am excited about the prospect of Obama’s 2009 Nobel Peace Prize joining Ralph Nader, Brussels sprouts, cilantro, Mac vs. PC, and foreskins as an important source of intramural strife.


For all those Goppers out there bubbling into your beers about, “Where’s Bush’s prize for Peaceafying Iraq!?”
George got Saddam’s gun. I thought that was all the reward Dubya ever needed? Now Little Boots should get a Peace Prize, too?
It never really ends with you people does it?

nod to Obama’s prize- He loudly said, “The United States is staying out Iran’s political turmoil” , and then did that.
Even after George had worked so hard to foment it.

I shudder to think what would’ve happened had McCain been in charge. Then again, if McCain had been in charge, the moderates in Iran wouldn’t have made the showing they did in the elections. I’m sure Johnny would have had to cook up some other excuse.

The Tragically Flip


1) not getting involved in Ossetia/Georgia/Russia.
2) negotiating for facility inspections in Iran instead of bombing.
3) establishing a withdrawal from Iraq.
4) not being fuckin’ Bush.

1) This happened on Bush’s watch.
2) Ok, he didn’t bomb Iran (up to now). Neither did Bush or Clinton.
3) He’s announced it, but hasn’t done it.
4) True, but this highlights the big element of lowering the bar present in your list.

Look, there’s some praiseworthy things happening in his FP (also some bad stuff like turning Bagram into Gitmo II), but they’re not at fruition yet. They don’t give out Oscars for great films that are still in production.

Compare against:

1) Clinton withdrew forces from Somalia
2) Clinton did not invade Iraq despite pressure to do so
3) The Good Friday agreement was signed under Clinton’s watch with some involvement of Clinton and his admin (like George Mitchell)
4) the 1994 agreement with North Korea halting nuclear development
5) signing the test ban treaty, and obeying its spirit even though the senate rejected ratification

I don’t actually think Clinton deserves an NPP, but he has a bigger record of actual peace-making achievment than does Obama.

The main thing here is that the case for Obama’s NPP is pretty thin, and I don’t think right wingers are necessarily crazy to complain about it.


The Tragically Flip said,

October 18, 2009 at 16:33

Substance, I’m with you. There’s a couple guffaws in there (and that dog is cute). Honestly anyone on the left should have a really hard time defending the rationale of giving Obama the NPP at this point except under the understanding that indeed the NPP committee is playing politics to cajole Obama to do more.

The point is chowder and the rest of the right-wing screechers have no standing to complain. They’re for all of the things that The Left (i’ll drag norbizness into this for no particular reason) has a legitimate gripe about, and are mad that Obama isn’t continuing even more Bush-Cheney policy.


Also, Brussels sprouts (and such as, like the Iraq, and maps!) are awesome.


Lady Doctor Missus Marita

OK you notice that the LDDM never mentions Gavin anymore. Did she, like the female katydid (I’m making this up) eat him after he did his part in producing the spawn?

See? It’s not hard at all to make fun of me! 🙂

Gavin has not been consumed in some bizarre mating ritual [insert the requisite jokes here], but he has been a bit quiet, as his father passed away this past week. He’ll resurface eventually, but he might need a bit more time.

a concerned citizen

They gave it to Martin Luther King and he was a Republican.


You can’t get to Oslo to accept your peace prize without a map. Case closed. All honors to the distinguished young lady from the great state of South Carolina.


My condolences to Gavin and family.


I left a comment there…we see if he takes my suggestions to heart.

“combining “Peace Prize” with black music/rap/crunk for your parody was a natural. I know those two things just naturally go together. Good effort, but a few suggestions: You should put some burnt cork or something on your face to make yourself look like a real “rapper.” The gold chains and the “Grills” were good, but it needs more authenticity. And by authenticity I mean blackness. Next, the only black person in the whole thing was in an office at a computer—wrong. Not convincing. The guy should be showering the white “Hos” with Crystal, or beating up white kids on a school bus or something. You know how they do. Still, keep at it! “

Rusty Shackleford

Also condolences to Gavin. Losing your father is very hard.


Gavin has not been consumed in some bizarre mating ritual [insert the requisite jokes here], but he has been a bit quiet, as his father passed away this past week. He’ll resurface eventually, but he might need a bit more time.

Oh shit so sorry. I hope he and his family are well and you all are too. You all are the greatest and can’t wait for the next Gavinesque masterpiece!


Sorry for your loss, G.


Youtube cracker rappity-tap videos are the new blackface.

especially the gold chains.

You called?


Fuck, should have read the rest of the thread before posting. Didn’t mean to be flippant. My sincerest condolences to Gav & family.

Lady Doctor Missus Marita

Fuck, should have read the rest of the thread before posting. Didn’t mean to be flippant. My sincerest condolences to Gav & family.

No worries at all. Gav’s sleeping, but I’m quite sure he wouldn’t want to turn any thread into something where people were unable to make jokes at wingnuts’ expense. Snark on, everyone!

Smiling Mortician

LDMM, Dash is beautiful. I’m so sorry about Gavin’s dad.


You know, in theory, there is nothing wrong with white rappers. I mean, stealing the black mans music is a time honoured tradition amoungst white people.

But white, REPUBLICAN rappers? There is just no logical way it can be anything but outright racism. black culture and right wing dogma are basically incompatible things. If a person claims to appreciate both, they are insincere about one of them.

So either this guy isn’t really a republican, and it is a piss take… Or he is a racist jackass.

His inability to dance suggests the latter.

Smiling Mortician

Oops. Didn’t see the last comment before posting. What I meant was: I didn’t know Jaws made music videos.


The main thing here is that the case for Obama’s NPP is pretty thin, and I don’t think right wingers are necessarily crazy to complain about it.

Yes, they are crazy. Plenty of people of all political stripes have questioned the choice, but only rightwingers are complaining about it, as if it was a rigged lottery or a stolen election. It’s neither – it’s a prize given by a committee according to the criteria they establish themselves. There are plenty of Oscars that went to the wrong movie, actor, etc IMO – but because I’m not a member of the academy, my opinion doesn’t count. Do I go around bitching about how Pulp Fiction wuz robbed? No – because in my daily life, it means exactly jackshit as to who won, and I’m not the Decider.

That’s the crux – they can’t accept anything where they don’t get to call the shots – even prizes for which they are constitutionally unfit for consideration.

Rusty Shackleford

Whenever somebody like PZ Meyers says something incendiary about Christianity, the usual suspects invariably say “he wouldn’t say that about Islam!” Clear implication being, because the MOOOslems would cut off his head.

This was months ago, yet Crowder walks around with his sort-of head intact.


70 comments and no “Man Chowder” jokes?


70 comments and no “Man Chowder” jokes?

That’s the S,N! commentariat, always taking the high road.

Or perhaps we were just so busy mocking his looks that we hadn’t gotten to his name yet.

Rusty Shackleford

70 comments and no “Man Chowder” jokes?

The word “man” hadn’t crossed my mind.


I’m sure if Hillary Clinton had won the Nobel Peace Prize, the guy would have recorded this exact same video. Only he would have been in drag. And he wouldn’t be rapping.

But don’t call him raaaaaaacist!


Honestly, Obama deserves that peace prize just for getting elected. I mean, after the Bush years, preventing a Mcain administration saved millions of lives.

Seriously. If Mcain got in, how many new wars do you think he would have started by now?

Having a POTUS who understands that war is generally a nasty thing, and that diplomacy solves problems in a more satisfactory way ought to be a given. Unfortunately, in the current political climate, you can’t rely on even that. Obama taking the presidency away from Mcain was like an adult taking a loaded gun away from a toddler.

Lady Doctor Missus Marita

Oops. Didn’t see the last comment before posting.

I wasn’t saying you shouldn’t leave condolences for Gav. And you’re certainly always welcome to say nice things about Dash. I just don’t want anyone to feel like they shouldn’t snark on this thread. That’s all. 🙂


Good point, Rusty. I couldn’t bear to watch the video, so that’s probably I made that error.

My condolences to Gav and LDMM. I lost my dad five years ago, and recently his last living brother passed away – that’s bought back a lot of it for me.


What’s so racist about that video?
He was smokin’ Marlboro Lights – not Kools or Newports.
And white rappers are sssoooooooo! hip.


Having a POTUS who understands that war is generally a nasty thing, and that diplomacy solves problems in a more satisfactory way ought to be a given. Unfortunately, in the current political climate, you can’t rely on even that. Obama taking the presidency away from Mcain was like an adult taking a loaded gun away from a toddler.

That’s how I look at it. We dodged a bullet not getting ‘Bomb Bomb Iran’ elected. I think the prize is much more about clearly stating “diplomacy good, starting wars to resolve Oedipus complexes bad” than any particular comment about Obama.


From Rusty’s link to Crowderhead:

I’m guessing this one will make it necessary for me to invest in a Ruger… A big one.

Not-so-veiled PENIS reference.


That poor motherfucker has negative infinity rhythm!! He obviously never heard of syncopation.


My sympathies to Gav as well. I lost my dad way back in 94 but still remember how difficult that time was. Hang in there.

Not-So-Newbie McNymchanging

Severly OT, but why can’t my local (New Mexico) paper not carry wingnut welfare columnists who fail at having their own show on Fox Snooze:


Shorter Cal Thomas: Blue Dog Dems better not vote against DADT and/or DOMA or they’ll be replaced by real Republicans. The reason why polling shows support for gays in the military is due to the public’s askeeredness of Teh Ghey Mafia. The fact that Palin/Mc…er, I mean McCain/Palin lost by 7 percent is central to my point.

Not-So-Newbie McNymchanging

My condolences to Gavin and Lady Doctor Missus Marita as well.


We dodged a bullet not getting ‘Bomb Bomb Iran’ elected.

That and Ms. Quitter. I wonder who’d have quit first, McCain keeling over or Miss Mukluk dropping out.


I stopped posting pictures because it seemed like no one wanted to see them

I think most folks love to see pics but don’t want to needle you into feeling like you have to post them because it’s not like you don’t actually have stuff to do.

I’m so sorry to hear that Gavin lost his father. G. has posted about him a couple of times and he sounded like a great guy.

Not-So-Newbie McNymchanging

I wonder who’d have quit first, McCain keeling over or Miss Mukluk dropping out.

The McCain keeling over senario would have been in play here. Even the VPOTUS would have held enough trappings for Her Vainness. Especially when you take into account her planned expansion of VP powers after Cheney’s departure.




Smiling Mortician said,

October 18, 2009 at 18:14 (kill)

LDMM, Dash is beautiful. I’m so sorry about Gavin’s dad.

OK, I know this makes me a bad person (Hey! Zombie here!) but the juxtaposition of these two sentiments made me laugh.

And I feel terrible about it.


John McCain would have kicked Russian and Chinese ass already. Thus terrifying Al Qaeda into surrendering.

Instead we are stuck with a weak elitist fascist communist socialist who is giving all of our money to the capitalists and destroying the market system by increasing the Dow Jones Industrials.




Lady Doctor Missus Marita – Thank you for the pics of Dash. He’s such a sweetie. Sorry about loss.

And now for something completely different:

Mr. Deity and the Science Advisor

Yes, that’s PZ.


grrrrrr, FUWP


And you’re certainly always welcome to say nice things about Dash.


I kinda feel like he missed an opportunity by not including a lyric along the lines of:

getting Russia to agree to reducing their nuclear stockpile by a third, getting Iran to agree to third party processing of their spent nuclear fuel, dismantling an outdated European missile defence shield that was clearly aimed at an enemy that hasn’t actually existed for the past 20 years in countries that objected to it in the first place, continuing to work on winding down a war based on nonsense, putting your ass on the line to try and ensure that our local financial melt-down doesn’t propel the globe back to the 1930’s. working on getting places like gitmo closed at the expense of political capital that won’t be re-payed, managing to raise the US’s ranking among “most admired nations” from 7 to 1, vastly improving our relationship with respect to our previously hated ‘islomo-facisist ‘ nations, all shortly after being elected the first black president of a nation that has been historically (and to a large extent is still currently, in some regions) as racially divided as South Africa was in it’s hey-day, all without resorting to a vague promises to “bomb bomb bomb Iran” or declaring that “Ladies and gentlemen, (insert nation you don’t like here) has been declared an outlaw nation. The bombing starts in five minutes.” …

That’s a peace prize!”

Have to say, I honestly have no idea why something like that wasn’t included. Maybe it lacked a proper flow, or something.


Hey, it’s President Barack HUSSEIN Obama, get it right or pay the price!


Obama has done plenty to merit the peace prize, IMO, and I’m not a big fan. He struck a pretty much perfect tone during the Iranian election crisis, and that’s all the more significant because (a) the US has been in the business of geopoliticizing local dissent to an extreme degree since Clinton and (b) he has a lot of Iran hawks around him who basically tried to force him to fuck the pooch.

That alone is sufficient to both demonstrate that Obama represents a change in national priorities beneficial to the global peace and to show that he’s accomplishing things already. No, it’s not big, but the NPP is typically current-eventsy and defined by potential. If allowing a dissident movement to grow in Khomeini’s Iran without giving the state a valid pretext to round up the ringleaders as spies isn’t worth as much as Kissinger’s awful ass, I don’t know what is.


I looked up this song on google, just to see the reaction, and there was a post up on Stormfront praising it.



I like the Maytag-inspired dance moves.


He does make Jamie Kennedy look cool. That’s no mean feat.

Reminds me of The Offspring satire of white rappers: Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)



(too stupid; didn’t watch)

Youtube cracker rappity-tap videos are the new blackface.

Quoted For Merit … also for how much seeing clueless suburban gobshites mimicking gangsters makes me want to slap them until they cry.

Such a lowly & antisocial reaction might be because I spent about 12 years of human limbo surviving inside a bona-fide ghetto, one bad enough that visitors from LA said they were fearful of walking the streets of it in the daytime. Far as I’m concerned, anybody that thinks having a junkie knock on your door with a rig dangling out of their arm – or having a cop point a 9mm automag at your head at point-blank range – is hella kewl is cordially welcome to give it a whirl.

To me, anyone who takes pride from (or thinks they magically get bonus Man-Points™ from) having lived in any such urban cesspool (or tries to morph themselves into some catoon mutation of what they think the people there are like) needs to give their fucking head a loooooooooooong shake.

Yeah yeah, dehumanization hunger & homelessness are da bomb shit, yo yo yo ho.


PS – “catoons” is actually a portmanteau of cack & cartoons … if we all hold hands & wish it to be.

Not to mention P3N1S.

Deadeye Dick Cheney

Just one more exhibit in the case to outlaw home schooling.


seeing clueless suburban gobshites mimicking gangsters makes me want to slap them until they cry.

That, or drop them off in the middle of East Oakland with no bus fare.

The Abominal Anonymous


So if you have a daughter you gonna name her Dot?

How many kids you got? Enough for a message in a bottle?

“Is it safe”?


Oh My Flying Spaghetti Monster!!!!


And you’re certainly always welcome to say nice things about Dash.

*sipping herbal tea quietly*

Oh, Gav…sorry about your dad. I lost mine two years ago and while he was an obstreporous, obnxious prick of a man, it still left a void.


There are lots of discussion points for and against BHO getting the NPP, but like someone else has commented, it’s something awarded by a committee outside of the USA based on their determination of who’s worthy. Fer fack’s sake, the whining crybabies on the right spewing racist hatred about this, of all things, is just more proof of their inanity and stooopidity. So ya don’t think BHO deserved the NPP? So effen what? Who cares what you pustulencial swine think anyway?

Why they hold this belief system that neocons should be the deciders of everything has gone beyond ridiculous and become absurd. But shine on, you mofos. Stew in your angry little toddler rants and show everyone what dumb bigoted shits you are.


My pov: Hussein deserves the award simply for getting the lazy ijots out there to get offa their asses and vote for him. Avoiding having Bible Spice “in charge” is justification enough for me. Give BHO another award for that one! Sheee…


Why was this video more than 15 seconds long?


Jamie Kennedy is free to say stupid things, this is the dark side of democracy.


(comments are closed)