How much does the new GOP website suck?

So much that even its most devoted sycophants won’t stand up for it:

TheGaryRuppert Either the new GOP site is experiencing a DOS attack from liberals, or they need a better server. What a mess of a site #tcot

If you’ve lost Gary Ruppert, you’ve lost Moran America.


Comments: 112


It sucks so much I haven’t been able to get on it and leave anything smarty-pantsed all day.


In fact, I had trouble getting on the Sadly site for a while too. I thought the entire InternetsTubes were broken because of how sucky the GOP suck-site is.


I know! I couldn’t access Twitter for a while and had to do actual work. Fuckers.


Those revolving G “O” P faces? They seriously need someone who knows how to that sort of thing to get in there and insert a few faux O faces. Like that guy with the “Moran” sign, for example.


fixyerown webthing, morans!


Republican National Committee In light of President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize Award…
For what other awards should President Obama be nominated?
option 1:1. Heisman Trophy
option 2:2. Hollywood Actors Guild Lifetime Achievement Award
option 3:3. Bud Light’s Real Men of Genius Award
option 4:4. America’s Next Top Model
option 5:5. Humility In Action Award From Arianna Huffington
October 9 at 9:21am · via Poll


Republican National Committee Insure Success? Feed The Donkey: Insurance Companies Team Up With Dems To Line Their Own Pockets At The Expense Of Middle-Class Americans news looks like…. fox!


Michael Steele is not much of a writer. This should be a very productive site.


Steele’s blog is called “What Up?”

No, ok, stop, because you’re just yanking my chain now. The entire GOP is just some comedy writers fucking with me.


I see what they did there in that poll.
Heisman? (They wanted to put Maurice Podoloff trophy up, but figured none of their readers would know wtf that is). Check
Hollywood? Check
Alcohol and/ or drugs? (W was sober remember) Check
Gay? Check
Arianna? WTF??


Wow. Gary Ruppert knows what a DOS attack is and seems to have an idea as to how they work. That’s rather surprising.


Are there any stupid Canadians up in heyur?


Stiv Bator: Seriously? ALL of ’em, dude! O’bammy is the MAN!


you’re reaching… i was saying that the site is a mess, which it is.

When it comes to the heroes section, the most noticeable things about it are how many of the heroes are from the 19th century, how not one woman from the last 100 years is on there, how there’s 10 African-American males and 5 white males on the page.

Outside of Reagan, Eisenhower, and Lincoln, there’s not a single hero on that page that Republicans openly identify with. No William F. Buckley. No Barry Goldwater. Not a single female activist who stopped the far left-Equal Rights Amendment.

It’s a sloppy site.

But when you consider how Obama has alienated most of the nation and how his communistic agenda is going to get his party crushed in 2010, things could be worse.


Looks like the Gary bot has gotten an upgrade.


Not a single female activist who stopped the far left-Equal Rights Amendment.

Does that site have a kitchen? If so, they can put me in there.


I don’t see anything wrong with the site, except for its shit content and the utter moral, political and intellectual bankruptcy of the people running it.


Y’know, for someone who has alienated most of the nation his poll numbers look awfully good.

The numbers for Dems aren’t any guarantees, but they aren’t bad either. And many districts (of either party) tend to run with no opponents anyway. The Democrats could conceivably lose a couple of Senate seats in 2010. But I don’t think any serious person thinks there’s going to be a 1994-level change in the House. The number of Ds in the House is just too big for that to be terribly likely.

Could it happen? Maybe, if Obama were to have some giant, stinking pile of scandal hit him and implicated a lot of Congressmen. But Presidential scandals tend to have less impact on Congressional races anyway, no matter who is in the White House.

Of course, the GOP repeatedly insulting the brown folks, especially when they make up 30% of the voters nationally, is kind of a losing strategy, you know. Fox would do wonders for the conservatives if they ditched Beck. He makes you all look like conspiracy-theory spouting bigots. Bachmann does you no favors there either.

Oh right, I forgot — only white men are really part of the nation, and only if they are Christians, and only if they go to church weekly, and only if…

Ah, forget it. I am attempting to argue with all that logic-y stuff. Forgive me.


if this site is the GOP getting down with the young community they are truly f*ked. I’m waiting for steel to do some cool rap talk to get down with his homies.


the Obama poll numbers are deceiving because they phrase questions as a question of the approval of Obama and not an approval of how Obama is doing his job. Remember that Obama’s personal approval always stands above his job approval due to the media hype to obscure Obama’s ties to radicalism.

By no count is the non-white population of this country close to 30%, and when you consider that most Hispanics don’t vote because they’re not citizens, their impact is even less (also, Hispanics can’t even win districts where they’re the majority, like in LA with Richardson and Chu).

When Obama’s ties to communism and tyranny are known, Obama will go down


So Token Loc (is that the winner?) posted and got seven whole comments, including a few that said they were leaving the Republican party.

The peeps is inna house!


What a shame that Obama’s vague connection to Bill Ayers was kept such a tightly guarded secret during last year’s election.


So much for the Gary bot getting an upgrade…


When Obama’s ties to communism and tyranny are known, Obama will go down

It’s not like talk radio goons and the Fox Opinion Channel clowns haven’t been broadcasting that canard 24/7. Why hasn’t the message come across to John Q. and Mary Public yet?


the media hype to obscure Obama’s ties to radicalism
Obama’s ties to communism and tyranny

These exist purely in your fevered imagination. As does this:

By no count is the non-white population of this country close to 30%

How about by the count of the only entity that matters, the United States Census Bureau? Wherein we find that non-hispanic whites are 66% of the population, leaving the non-white population at 34%. (Or 32%, if you removed the category “two or more races.”)

If you return some day to reality, it might help your political prospects. Just sayin’.


They have a new blog called “co-blog” i kept thinking…co-blog ….i’ve hear this ………….doh! cobag COBAG COBAG


Raising the specter of the United States Census Bureau to a Bachmannesque clown like Gary Ruppert isn’t going to score any points with him.


Raising the specter of the United States Census Bureau to a Bachmannesque clown like Gary Ruppert isn’t going to score any points with him.

Aye. Thus intended.


Oh, I see. Intention understood.

I guess I need another cup of coffee.


Cob-log = veiled cornholing reference.
[/unsubtle attempt to shame The Poorman Institute into a resumption of service]


When Obama’s ties to communism and tyranny are known, Obama will go down

That there is some Swanky wordsmithing.


When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Obama’s ties to communism and tyranny are known…

Needs work.


How much does the new GOP website suck?

let me count the ways


Obama will go down

Keep your fantasies to yourself please. TMI.


The Garybot had an upgrade in code, but the content? Sadly, NO.


It sucks so much I bookmarked it, Libs!


I was unaware of President Obama’s ties to communism and tyranny.

This changes EVERYTHING.

Bubbles Malevolent

Obama will go down

…much like the GOP website?


…much like the GOP website?

Yes, only he’ll recover a lot faster.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Aha, found the rest of my name.


If you’ve lost Gary Ruppert, speak more slowly.



Wait–Gary Ruppert’s real? I thought he was just a boogy-man liberals told their children about.


I was unaware of President Obama’s ties to communism and tyranny.

And Hermes!

Knight who says Ekke-ekke-ekke-ekke-ptang-zoo-boing-zow-zing!

I daresay this GOP website thing sounds particularly unlike the kind of shrubbery that will elicit votes from either the target demographic, or the “base.”


The site may suck, but the comments are kinda special. To wit:

Posted by charles foster on 10/13/2009 12:04:26 PM

As a Centrist I support Mitt Romney as POTUS 2012 . Mr. Obama’s radical progressive socialist agendas are not good for our sovereignty and liberies . Martin Luther King Jr., a Republican supported the Right to Keep and Bear Arms for self defense . Dr. King did not want firearms to be carried while protesting . Our freedoms of speech and self defense are threated like never before . Mitt Romney is Mr. Economy and he believes America’s best days are still ahead of her . Thank You Michael Steele for your courage in honoring your fine mother .



Thank You Michael Steele for your courage in honoring your fine mother .



It is nice of them to put their talking points online.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Martin Luther King Jr., a Republican supported the Right to Keep and Bear Arms for self defense . Dr. King did not want firearms to be carried while protesting .

Both of these are correct, though you have to parse a bit. In the first one, the commenter is clearly addressing Dr. King and informing him that a Republican supported the Right. As for the second, it should be self-evident that Dr. King would want no one to be carrying a screaming gun.


Not a single female activist who stopped the far left-Equal Rights Amendment.

It’s true. The Bill of Rights is a liberal document.


Aaannnd, another commenter:

Posted by Carl Gottstein on 10/13/2009 11:16:45 AM

I was born in Albany NY. The ratio here is 20-1 dems to Republicans. I regestered as a dem and went to work as a committee person. I moved up became a deputy ward leader, and I found a whole industry sucking of pain and misery. a corrupt system of confiscation and thugery. I was 21. I found the lazy somthing for nothing culture anti American and Forgin to what America is about. I became a Republican because thats where the American dream lives, in the republican movment. As a GOP activist I am happy to not be surounded by race baiters, and poverty pimps, but open minded good people.

I am go out on a limb here (heh-heh) and guess that a certain Zombie would be very, very interested in an aggregation of “open minded good people.”


I see the diet of llama urine didn’t agree with Senor Rupperto.


No longer “What Up?” the site’s now called “Change the Game”

As in “If you’re getting your ass kicked, change the game.”


By no count is the non-white population of this country close to 30%

Errrr, Gary’s right…It far exceeds 30%!

Population growth is fastest among minorities (taken as a group), and according to the United States Census Bureau’s estimation for 2005, 45% of American children under the age of 5 are minorities.[15] In 2007, the nation’s minority population reached 102.5 million.[16] A year before, the minority population totaled 100.7 million. Hispanic and Latino Americans accounted for almost half (1.4 million) of the national population growth of 2.9 million between July 1, 2005, and July 1, 2006.[17]
Based on a population clock maintained by the U.S. Census Bureau, the current U.S. population, as of 20:42 GMT (EST+5) 6 October 2009 is 307,634,627.[18]


the republican accomplishments page is particularly rich in its duplicity and ahistoric nature.


change the game, move the goalposts, etc.


I’m thinking about “going to,” too.


The site may suck, but the comments are kinda special. To wit:

Posted by charles foster on 10/13/2009 12:04:26 PM

As a Centrist I support Mitt Romney as POTUS 2012 . Mr. Obama’s radical progressive socialist agendas are not good for our sovereignty and liberies . Martin Luther King Jr., a Republican supported the Right to Keep and Bear Arms for self defense . Dr. King did not want firearms to be carried while protesting . Our freedoms of speech and self defense are threated like never before . Mitt Romney is Mr. Economy and he believes America’s best days are still ahead of her . Thank You Michael Steele for your courage in honoring your fine mother .

He left out Rosebud.


The Greedy Oily Pillagers’ party cannot seem to find one good thing to say about President Obama, they are s….oooo well trained. Say the word “immigration” and it says “lie.” Say Obama and it says so many things that are false it reveals its confusion. Pavlov and Skinner are the fathers of conservative political philosophy.


I found the lazy somthing for nothing culture anti American and Forgin to what America is about. I became a Republican because thats where the American dream lives, in the republican movment.

I’m not gonna go forgin around in a republican movement to see if the American dream is in there somewhere.


On an unrelated note, Erycckk “America’s Shittiest Burgess” Erickssohnn is mailing rock salt to Olympia Snowe because her name totally means snow, so we should kill her with rock salt and also she’s the Wicked Queen of Narnia, which is totally real you guys.

1) What with the wingnut memory lasting about a week unless regularly refreshed by trusted sources with hate objects, some idiot will almost instantly (and in complete innocence) send her table salt instead in a neat little envelope.
2) Erack apparently doesn’t get the entire point of letter-writing – implied promises or threats made to your own representatives, who have to face reelection from a body including you. The idiots mailing Snowe rock salt aren’t (with a few possible exceptions) her constituents, so it’s a meaningless gesture, except:
3) It manages to be an implied death threat, especially coming from non-constituents whose primary interest is in making the world safe for the Second Coming of Sarah Palin.

Oh, peak wingnut, how could we ever have believed in you?


Thank You Michael Steele for your courage in honoring your fine mother .

Is this GOOPer for “Word ta yo mutha”?


Thank You Michael Steele for your courage in honoring your fine mother .

Is this GOOPer for “Word ta yo mutha”?

And thus the grand cycle of honky-placation that Vanilla Ice began vanillaing-up the abbreviation of “word to the motherland” is complete.


I spent a minute or two refreshing the page to get a look at all of the “Republican Faces” that had made it up on the site. I suspect it’s actually just RNC staff photo album.


How about by the count of the only entity that matters, the United States Census Bureau? Wherein we find that non-hispanic whites are 66% of the population, leaving the non-white population at 34%.

And half of that 66% are womens, and probably 1 or 2% are gay. So that brings the Republican base to about, what, 30%? Sounds about right.


My god, that GOP website makes me furious!

All I see are people talking about “confiscation and thugery“!

Thugery? Thugery couldn’t hold a pretend candle in a make-believe wind to the great Shields and Yarnell.

Beware my silent fury, GOP website!
One day I will figure my way out of this invisible box… And then I will mimic writing you a very angry message indeed!

All PENIS, all the time

alec, I think you must have missed it. The reason for sending salt, indeed the entire GØP raison d’être:

It is a visible demonstration of our contempt for her.


Hang on….why are you removing gays from the Republican numbers?????


Hang on….why are you removing gays from the Republican numbers?????

I used the closet filter.


I spent a minute or two refreshing the page to get a look at all of the “Republican Faces” that had made it up on the site.

Republican Faces


your courage in honoring your fine mother .
I await details from Dragon-King Wangchuck as to who else is honouring your fine mother.

All PENIS, all the time

On an unrelated note, Erycckk “America’s Shittiest Burgess” Erickssohnn is mailing rock salt to Olympia Snowe…

Is anyone registered over there? Someone should point out that they could save $2.50 buy mailing only a small, symbolic quantity of salt. Getting them to first grind it to a fine, powder-like consistency would be fun. Also.


I await details from Dragon-King Wangchuck as to who else is honouring your fine mother.

Hey, she OFFERED her honour.

I honoured her offer.

And all thru the night, I was honour and offer…


Is anyone registered over there? Someone should point out that they could save $2.50 buy mailing only a small, symbolic quantity of salt. Getting them to first grind it to a fine, powder-like consistency would be fun. Also.

Plus also.


Dunno if it’s been brought up yet, but Djur caught the following on the REAGAN REAGAN REAGAN REAGAN REAGAN REAGAN REAGAN REAGAN TAX CUT REAGAN hagiography:

Our country has to decide, said Ronaldus Magnus, “whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether to abandon the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives better than we can plan them ourselves.”


Wait–Gary Ruppert’s real? I thought he was just a boogy-man liberals told their children about.

But he’s definitely NOT a troll, because he uses his REAL NAME!

All PENIS, all the time

Speaking of D-KW, he had this to say earlier:
*okay, he’s still got more comments than I do. *sniff*

Go over to his blig and show his mother some, ummm, love.


Norbiz training for Limbo Olympics?

Every day is a new low for the left. Every day.

Also. Every day. Everyday, as well, too.

N.B. Zombie Reagan’s sig line.


“How much does the new GOP website suck?” you ask, rhetorically.

Ever heard that simultaneously hilarious and “ewwww!” phrase, “it ain’t gonna suck itself?”

Well, the new GOP website sucks so much, it’s gonna suck itself.

Along, of course, with various goats. Also.


Have these fucktards realized yet that a 5 pound bag of rock salt may only cost $3,but it costs, like, $20 to ship?


Have these fucktards realized yet that a 5 pound bag of rock salt may only cost $3,but it costs, like, $20 to ship?

It’s part of their sekrit plan to bankrupt the socialist post office.


Have these fucktards realized yet that a 5 pound bag of rock salt may only cost $3,but it costs, like, $20 to ship?

On of the commenters over there noted that Big Red is selling the salt through his Amazon page or some such. Hey, fleece the rubes, it’s a living.


One. One of. One of the. One of the commenters. ETC.



I got yer failboat right here.



Maine needs free rock salt right now.

I would be grateful if Erick recognized that I am treasonous and also a disgusting drunk.

He may send cheap booze to my home address.


He may send cheap booze to my home address.

Rock and rye, no doubt.


Nobody likes to salt the snail, Charlie.

partially-furnished shipping container

Is nobody a little suspicious about so-called Gary Ruppert’s non-usage of “The fact is,” in his twilts?

All PENIS, all the time

Is nobody a little suspicious about so-called Gary Ruppert’s non-usage of “The fact is,” in his twilts?

The fact is, nobody is suspickyus.


The reason is, the immovable object that is my cognitive dissonance finally met the unstoppable force that is actual factses. It ‘sploded.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

This Gary also doesn’t refer to an article-free “USA” (also) as in “Little girl, if you don’t touch my Freedom Apple Pie junk you hate USA”. My theory? The real Dread Pirate Ruppert has been retired since the inauguration, and living like a USA Freedom Patriot Eagle in the Heartland. Also.


They seriously need someone who knows how to that sort of thing to get in there and insert a few faux O faces.

I refuse to name anyone’s name as a potential expert on faked O-faces.


So if you sign up at What’s UP! can you post images?


Yesterday my dove Fairfax died monumentally. He took a powerbook to the thorax and died vulnerably some weeks thereafter. My question is to Cthulhu… Why did it have to be my Fairfax?

Enraged Bull Limpet

Just nail ‘im to to the perch and soldier manfully onward. Thinking of England might help.


Substance McGravitas said,

October 14, 2009 at 4:59

Yesterday my dove Fairfax died monumentally. He took a powerbook to the thorax and died vulnerably some weeks thereafter. My question is to Cthulhu… Why did it have to be my Fairfax?

Shoulda gone netbook, I guess.


Will the RNC win a Webby Award?


And they said, Not so; but it was so. And God said, Let thine handmaid find grace in thy spirit against God, and the tongue that shall be captain of the city which he shall yield no meal: if so be that being clothed we shall take to ourselves the houses of God is God save the LORD? At that time forth, and sat before him, Thus saith the LORD; and they shall be seen. And the Gileadites took the young man became a young bullock without blemish, and offer them for a continual dropping. House and riches are corrupted, and your fathers provoked me to think this again, that, as a fool doeth it destroyeth his own flesh; and they went forth, and sat down.

And he gathered of every tree that is greatest among you what ye read or acknowledge; and I will send my messenger, and he was leprous in his zeal to the sign which the LORD will give them of the hill country of Moab, far or near; Yet if thou wilt forgive their sin–; and if by grace, then is all turned white: he is good: for his hour was come, they and their song all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and understood of the concubines, and virgins without number.


Either the new GOP site is experiencing a DOS attack from liberals, or they need a better server.

Nyah hah hah haaaah! My Ultraviolence Hex is working its malign majyck! My brethren & I unroll our prayer-SuperSliders (inscribed with 666 & the Black Sabbath logo) & devoutly genuflect in the direction of San Francisco, chanting the sacred spell (“Crash, fucker, crash”) from moonrise to moonset daily!

There is no escape! Soon their puny website will be but a bad memory! Muahahahaha!

OR – I actually spent my day off blowing shit up on my laptop, & having a ball doing so.

I report, you decide.


my god… it’s full of sux.


Advice to Michael Steele: as long as you’re going with the blog titled “What Up”, you should know that the correct term to describe the rest of the website is “Wack.”

You’re welcome.

mmeetoilenoir lurktastique

Wiggity wiggity whack, it is. And full of PENIS, too.


Wiggity wiggity whack, it is.

This is a common error, but one whacks the cheap honky faggot (Acosta 1971) who misspells wack.

mmeetoilenoir lurktastique

Dang it! You know, I noticed that after I hit the button. Where do I get whacked for being wack? And what happens if I’m not a cheap honky faggot?


Hey Gary, you are aware that the governor of New Mexico is a Latin dude? I know he doesn’t have a last name like “Sanchez” or something to make it easier for you to spot. But try. Lots of people from Central and South America have names that are English, Irish and even German.

Oh, and by the way, his family as been in the area since before the US existed there.

Most latinos, Gary, are citizens. Even if you counted 11 million people here illegally (an inflated number, and not all are from Latin America) you still get 11-12% of the population that can vote and isn’t white. Tack on 10% that’s black, another 5% that’s Asian, and you get 27% or so. But most Latinos are citizens, which brings them up to 15% or thereabouts.

Gary, do you live in a place where there only white people? Southeastern Idaho? Some back corner of Wisconsin?


@ Gary Ruppert – “By no count is the non-white population of this country close to 30%, and when you consider that most Hispanics don’t vote because they’re not citizens, their impact is even less (also, Hispanics can’t even win districts where they’re the majority, like in LA with Richardson and Chu).”

And so goes the GOP Outreach to Hispanics Campaign. Majestic.

Speaking of which, anyone see where the Spanish-language page of is located?


Off-topic, apologies for possible repost, &c., but did you dudes & dudettes know that Charles Johnson of LGF has lately started referring to Pammy Atlas as a “shrieking harpy™”?

It’s true. You could look it up. And then you could sue for trademark infringement.


Big Red is selling the salt through his Amazon page

(salt-seller joke goes here)

Stupidity-as-a-lifestyle-choice comes with a pricetag. In this case, it’s $3 plus shipping & handling … in another case, it might be a dysfunctional & bankrupt economy &/or hundreds of thousands of dead. Teh Stoopid is kind of fickle like that.

I think EE should advertise his salt as having WHAT RED-STATE STROKE-FORCE NEEDS: MOAR ELECTROLYTES!


Speaking of which, anyone see where the Spanish-language page of is located?

I dunno if I’ve brought this up, but it speaks to the heart of why the GOP is doomed. You see, there is an entire class of Republican politcos and strategists that in the enterprising and more-evangelical-than-Whitey immigrant cohort sees the Party’s future, or at the very least crassly calculates that they’re the only remotely conservative growth demographic. ¡No estoy un nombre, soy un hombre libre!, yes, and I’m not saying GOP rule is in the Latino community’s interest, but rather that these people do exist, people like Rove and Bush and various others who take trouble to speak Spanish and limit race-baiting to Acceptable Targets.

Problem is, they’ve been outnumbered by racist dipshits from the beginning, and the cold, dispassionate manipulators of the party have been gradually replaced by narcissistic doctrinaires: your Palins and your Gingriches.

Which brings us to El Americano.

It is a vanity project by Gingrich’s perpetual “Hey Guys, Look At What A Genius I Am!” campaign.

Gingrich, whose previous accomplishments included calling bilingual education a Marxist plot and describing the tongue of Cervantes as ghetto pidgin, has a Spanish-language vanity website.

Any person with an ounce of historical consciousness would look at this and laugh – and it can’t be anything but damaging for the party, which at the best of times has presented itself as a group split down the middle on whether Hispanics are a key demographic or a plague sent by God. Makes them look dishonest, sleazy, manipulative. (More so than usual, I mean.)

Gingrich can’t be unaware of this, but he doesn’t care about the damage he does to the right or the Party or even his own political allies. Newtie wants to be the Biggest Genius so Newtie gets to be the Biggest Genius, and then we buy Newtie a pony for being so smart.

Ladies and gentlemen, the two-party system.


For an AMERRRRRKUN website, it sure does have a lot of red fields with small yellow-ish stars on it, knowumsayin’?


(comments are closed)