I love days like today

While I don’t think Obama deserved to win the Nobel Peace Prize, I applaud the committee for giving it to him just to see the hilarious reaction it’s produced here at home. Many, many stupid things have been said about this story already today, but it’ll be tough to top Erick “The Dim” Erickson:
I did not realize the Nobel Peace Prize had an affirmative action quota for it, but that is the only thing I can think of for this news.
There are some days — think the day the Mark Foley scandal broke, or when Arlen Spector switched parties or where Obama gave his speech to the Muslim world — where I truly love reading right-wing blogs. This is one of those days.
Limbaugh: ‘Greater embarrassment’ than losing Olympics
Conservatives pounced on the the Nobel Prize committee’s decision to award President Barack Obama the Nobel Peace Prize, with talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh calling it a “greater embarrassment” than losing the Olympics.
“This fully exposes the illusion that is Barack Obama,” Limbaugh told POLITICO in an e-mail. “And with this ‘award’ the elites of the world are urging Obama, THE MAN OF PEACE, to not do the surge in Afghanistan, not take action against Iran and its nuclear program and to basically continue his intentions to emasculate the United States.”
Limbaugh continued: “They love a weakened, neutered U.S, and this is their way of promoting that concept. I think God has a great sense of humor, too.”
The Israeli far-right said similar things about Yitzhak Rabin when he won in ’94, I’m sure. And the old Russian hardliners probably felt the same way about Gorbachev. Wingnuts around the world, no matter their nationality, all view winning the Nobel Peace Prize as a national stain. Would be sad if not so funny, etc.
UPDATE II: Via Dragon-King Wangchuck, we have the incomparable Bill Kristol:
We could note that, if the
SwedesNorwegians wanted to give the Nobel Peace Prize to an American, it would have been been better to give it to Sen. John McCain for having the guts to push through the surge in Iraq, which has brought relative peace to that country.
Giving the Nobel Peace Prize to someone for advocating war? Priceless.
D. Aristophanes adds: Prognosticatin’ Pipes weighs in:
My prediction: The absurdity of the prize decision will harm Obama politically in the United States …
At this point, I think they believe that winning the election ‘harmed Obama politically in the United States’. Also, the Dodgers win over the Cards last night harmed their chances of going to the NLCS.
Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican National Committee, notes that Obama “won’t be receiving any awards from Americans for job creation, fiscal responsibility, or backing up rhetoric with concrete action.” Expert to hear much more along those lines.
Really? We can expect that? You must have some kind of crystal ball that reveals the blindingly obvious! Thanks for sharing, Crackie!
Indeed! Hear hear!
Heh. Erickson implicitly calls Bush’s War on Terra “a policy of abject American capitulation to our enemies.”
The FBI is going to have to hire more temps to keep up with all the treasoning that’s about to go on…
Hell, anyone who wants to go to freeper sites and just snap some screenshots could be saving the feds’ anti-terrorism squads some investigation time…
Has this thread been sprayed for Concern Trolls, Hillary PUMAs and Nadermites?
So Nelson Mandela and Kofi Annan are now officially white.
I think we all owe Secret Leader Soros a round of applause for this Holiday weekend.
I’m hoping they give Obama the Nobel Peace Prize again next year too.
He is a festering dick sore.
So Nelson Mandela and Kofi Annan are now officially white.
And MLK, Kim Dae Jung, Yasser Arafat, Aung Sang Suu Kyi, Oscar Arias Sanchez, Bishop Tutu, Anwar Sadat…
I hope they just retire the prize in his honor. That’d make it even funnier.
I didn’t want to start confusing the issue by extending the colour palate.
And you forgot Muhammad Yunis.
It’s going to be great day, yes indeedy.
Erk sounds irked.
I hope they just retire the prize in his honor. That’d make it even funnier.
I’m hoping he donates his money from the prize to ACORN.
And you forgot Muhammad Yunis.
I always make that mistake. I’ll do better next time the President wins a Peace Prize. Pinkie swear?
Irky’s closing line:
Veiled intern blow-job reference.
I’ll do better next time the President wins a Peace Prize. Pinkie swear?
Only if you kiss it to the sky
(veiled penis reference)
Have any of them yet realized that the awarding to Obama is nothing more nor less than anti-awarding a prize to Bush? Shall we telll them?
Jeebus really, really loves us!
I hope they just retire the prize in his honor. That’d make it even funnier.
Calling it the Barack Obama Peace Prize would be a nice gesture. Not because he deserves it, but because it would never let wingnuts forget.
Have any of them yet realized that the awarding to Obama is nothing more nor less than anti-awarding a prize to Bush?
Pretty much. It’s like “thanks for replacing Bush’s cowboy diplomacy with actual diplomacy.”
See if just let Norwegians vote in our elections, this sort of thing wouldn’t happen.
This is pretty much it. But the Nobel Peace Prize committee often does this sort of ‘most improved’ or ‘most potential’ award, so, okay, thanks to Barack Obama for not being George W. Bush Jr.
The more I read the whining rightwing bloggers, the more they seem like rival warlords, just without military skills, or organizational skills, or people skills, or writing skills, or coloring-within-the-lines skills…
Hey Erk, why is it so few white guys get the NPP despite the Nobel committee being full of white folk?
The more I read the whining rightwing bloggers, the more they seem like rival warlords, just without military skills, or organizational skills, or people skills, or writing skills, or coloring-within-the-lines skills…
Why, that would make them….just angry old white guys!
Hey Erk, why is it so few white guys get the NPP despite the Nobel committee being full of white folk?
Hellloooo…it’s because of white guilt! The same reason why the Demoncraps voted for Obozo in the first place.
Erick in person must be just the most pissy, small-minded human being on earth. I pity his family.
Someone has riffed the McNaughton painting!
Why, that would make them….just angry old white guys!
Yeah. The kind of people you wonder why on earth you ever took them seriously at all.
Better riff on the McNaughton painting.
Can someone with a good firewall check in with Michelle Malkin? Because that’s gonna be some fun.
As to the actual subject, well, hopefully he’ll feel pushed to get us out of Afghanistan and enact actual health care.
Better riff on the McNaughton painting.
Not bad, but not done to such incredible detail.
Also, this is a nice fuck you to Arizona state for snubbing Obama on an Honourary degree. I’m pretty sure the old Alfred Nobel medal will nicely fill that mantlepiece gap Obama had for his ASU hPhd.
So, in other words, Erk agrees with the Taliban that the award was undeserved?
Here’s her closing line, which sums her shit up nicely:
“The World Apology Tour yields dividends.”
Hellloooo…it’s because of white guilt! The same reason why the Demoncraps voted for Obozo in the first place.
I think the wingnuts will claim the Marxist Muslim had an inside track:
Not bad, but not done to such incredible detail.
Bah. As a fan of the Mythos, I actually wanted more detail…
In other news, the mouth-breathing retard who brought a handgun to her five-year old’s soccer game a year ago has been shot dead, presumably by the same handgun. But guns don’t kill people, people kill people. You can pry my gun from my cold, dead fingers. Also.
I’m hoping they give Obama the Nobel Peace Prize again next year too.
This may be funny for you, but for K.J. Lopez and an emailer, it’s a serious matter.
Bill Kristol
R U Fucking serious? First, McCain? WTF?!?!
Swcond, and much much more importantly, take your fucking surge and surge it up your fucking colon you imbecile.
Just another day in paradise.
Why does all the good stuff happen on days when I need to really work?
Rassin’ frassin’ world…
I did not realize the Nobel Peace Prize had an affirmative action quota for it, but that is the only thing I can think of for this news.
…wanted to give the Nobel Peace Prize to an American, it would have been been better to give it to Sen. John McCain for having the guts to push through the surge in Iraq, which has brought relative peace to that country.
My fucking brains just leaked out of my fucking ears.
R U Fucking serious? First, McCain? WTF?!?!
It’s Bill Kristol. Asking him not to be an idiot fascist-fellating sycophant is like asking the zebra to change his stripes.
If you asked him to take a bath, he’d claim it was a great move for McCain and was a great way to assure a clean election for the GOP. Then he’d fall in the tub, get his dick stuck in the faucet, choke on the bathmat, fall through into the apartment below, and come out filthier than ever, just in time to brag about how clean he was on Fox News Sunday.
Shorter Rush Limbaugh: “I have a miniscule penis.”
At least they didn’t give it to “You” and put a mirror on the cover of the award.
I was kinda worried that with all these WIngnut branes asploding that things might get kinda slippery and icky, with people having to walk through all that gunk piling up on sidewalks, in shopping malls and at McDonald’s and such. But early reports indicate that the branes in question simply hit the ground and evaporate, leaving no trace except for a short-lived odor of cat yack.
Imagine my relief.
Chimp, so fucking useless he can’t get credit from Kristol for the surge.
Obama secretly cut a deal with the Euros last week, yanking Chi-town off the table and handing the Olympics to Rio — in return for getting himself the Nobel THIS week.
I’m a proud alum of Alfred Nobel grade school in Chicago IL.
They should give every Nobel in every category in every year to Ronald Reagan! WOLVERINGS!
Awesome name for an extension of the Cheetos branding…it sure beats Funyuns!
So losing the Olympics shows that the international community isn’t buying Obama’s act, and winning the Nobel Peace Prize shows that the international community is buying Obama’s act. What a shocking reproof to the reproof, which is essential to my point, which has never been made with such care.
Why, it’s almost as though they start from the presumption that Obama is bad, and fit the facts around the policy.
I was thinking of them as power rings that make adamantium claws…
Pam’s on it!
Kristol is an OG troll.
The Israeli far-right said similar things about Yitzhak Rabin when he won in ‘94, I’m sure. And the old Russian hardliners probably felt the same way about Gorbachev. Wingnuts around the world, no matter their nationality, all view winning the Nobel Peace Prize as a national stain.
I remember the right-wingers in this country going nuts when Tutu won it. Imagine the reaction of their South African cousins.
Pammy’s gonna get into the vodka early today.
Why did the Nobel committee ignore the true deserving recipient: General David Petraeus????
Scott FTW.
Obama won what? This is embarrassing. Who’s next? Bill Ayers?
Backyard Conservative confronts Bill Ayers in Reagan National airport; he confesses he really won the Nobel Peace Prize.
If Kristol had said McCain deserved the prize for campaigning against torture, even in the face of protest from his own supporters, I might have agreed with him. I would not have voted for McCain, but I nonetheless respected him for that stand, even after the Palin fiasco.
Of course, Kristol liked that we tortured the fuck out of people, so that would never happen, but if the wingers are going to play Fantasy Island, I’d like to join in.
The wingnuts are correct:
President Obama’s repeated attempts to reach out to intransigent elements of the GOP have thus far borne no fruit.
Therefore it’s too early for him to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Just wait until Morning Joe loses the daytime Emmy to Obama and his excess media exposure.
I did not realize the Nobel Peace Prize had an affirmative action quota for it, but that is the only thing I can think of for this news.
I’m confused: is “Nobel Peace Prize” or “affirmative action quota” the euphemism for “giant Negro cock” in the sentence above?
Remember in 2002 or 2003 when the wingnuts were crowing about how Bush had been nominated for the Peace Prize? Yeah.
Why did the Nobel committee ignore the true deserving recipient: General David Petraeus????
El Cid channels the Sun.
I’m kinda sorry that there’s no Daily Show or Colbert Report on Fridays. I think maybe today Stewart and Colbert are a little sorry about that too.
See! This proves Obama was a Kenyan Manchurian Nobel candidate! Let me see the triple vault long form papyrus copy of his burf certifat!
Dick Cheney says: If George W. Bush hadn’t wussed out at the end of his term, torturing and bombing Scandinavia would’ve made him King of the Peace Prize.
Shorter Nobel Peace Prize committee: SUCK IT, CONS!
I’m flattered and humbled by the h/t, but my advisors are suggesting I turn it down to prove my humility. With the countless snark-tivists toiling away under the dangerous conditions of actually reading TownHall, &c. it seems outrageously premature.
Nonetheless, I’ll accept this shout-out, as a symbol of how Bill Kristol is always wrong about everything. And how the world must move forward in recognizing what a complete ass he is. Also. Too. PENIS.
Obama’s Kenyan family said they delighted by the award. “It is an honour to the family… we are very happy that one of us has been honoured. We congratulate Barack,” Said Obama, the president’s step-brother, said. — Sapa-AFP
We can finally release the Whitey Tape!
Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican National Committee, notes that Obama “won’t be receiving any awards from Americans for job creation, fiscal responsibility, or backing up rhetoric with concrete action.” Expert to hear much more along those lines.
I wish he’d go black again.
I told you this would happen if we blew up the moon.
P.S. Orly Taitz demands a through examination of the long-form award certificate.
Brad, I think John McCain is more deserving of that h/t than Dragon-King Wangchuck. DKW can get the next one.
This is the bestest day since almost forEVAH!
“I told you this would happen if we blew up the moon.”
Exactly. First person to ever end a moon war and with no civilian casualties I might add. Bravo Mr. President.
Very much on-topic: this pretty much sums up everything in 22 seconds.
Malkin was disappointingly subdued today, besides making up a question from the press that I didn’t hear asked. Sulky, mostly. I was expecting something a bit more bile-filled.
The Nobel Prize thing just seals the deal. Both weak, effeminate “leaders” that apologize to the world about America, ask the Jews to kindly walk single file into the sea for the Palestinians, are against capitalism and freedom, never met a foreign, anti-American dictator they didn’t love, and so on.
I have no doubt he will meet a similar electoral fate, as well.
I love the smell of Republican male menopause in the morning. Smells like … English Leather.
It’s also a pathetic consolation prize from the international elite for his failure to win the Olympics.
Notice the other “leaders” they’ve awarded it to in recent years: the late terrorist Yasser Arafat, the Communist Nelson Mandela, Gorbachev (a man who dismantled his nation and surrendered the Soviet Union to the west without a fight), Algore…..Hopey is in good company!
I have no doubt he will meet a similar electoral fate, as well.
Consider it bookmarked.
Another candidate for hormone replacement theory.
Seems to be a trend on the right, probably because they’re getting old and young people hate them.
Glenn Beck says that the prize should have been awarded to Teabaggers.
Gorbachev (a man who dismantled his nation and surrendered the Soviet Union to the west without a fight)
OK, maybe there’s one young Republican, but they’re rare.
Gorbachev (a man who dismantled his nation and surrendered the Soviet Union to the west without a fight)
And all this time I thought conservatives were supportive of the Soviet Union ending. I am learning new things every single day.
And just imagine what SNL and the late night shows are going to do with this. Hopey is turning into a world-wide punch line. I love it.
the late terrorist Yasser Arafat
I guess Yitzhak Rabin is a late terrorist, too?
If the Nobel Committee really wants to watch wingnut branes squirt out of their ears next year they’ll give the Peace Prize to Secy. Clinton. Which would be worse? The blackety black or the wimmenz?
Hopey is turning into a world-wide punch line.
Clearly, they awarded him with the Nobel Peace Prize just to mock him.
Wanted: Smarter trolls.
And all this time I thought conservatives were supportive of the Soviet Union ending. I am learning new things every single day.
And *I* thought that Reagan single-handedly dismantled the Soviet Union blindfolded while fighting off bears.
They should have given the Peace Prize to Reagan, of course, who intimidated the Soviets into electing a weak leader.
Seriously this is such a huge embarassment for Obambi.
Wait a minute, I thought the Soviet Union ended because Saint Ronnie beat them into submission with his awesome, gigantic cock. Now you’re telling me Gorbachev just surrendered without a fight?
Ohhhhhh shit … I’m on a Lollercoaster & I can’t get off (if I was loopy enough to want to) !
So much mewling from Teh Pinhead Brigades – oh be still my palpitating ventricles – such sweet sweet baaaaawing!
Yeah, sure, suggest “Wet-Start” McCain instead, dudes! Yes indeedy-doo, that’s one of the greatest minds of our time right there, my fellow prisoners! Heck, maybe he could even split it with PW Botha, Yuri Andropov & Saddam Hussein after you get Palin’s hoodoo-voodoo exorcist-preacher to reanimate them!
That “affirmative-action” crutch sure is feeding some real fat happy termites by now, huh gang? Yep, you definitely have my hearty approval to stick with that line like a lamprey hanging off a sturgeon’s arse – it really shows everyone how HIGHBROW you are, after all!
LOL-LOL-LOL-LOL- fuckin’ – LOL!
Cry some more, wingnuts! CRY SOME MORE!
It’s Official: Obama is the new Carter said,
Sour grapes taste sour.
First person to ever end a moon war and with no civilian casualties
Sure–moon aliens don’t count. Just because they have dark green skin.
So, you righties are in favor of the communist hardliners now? I iz konfuzed.
The reason this troll is hating on Gorbachev is because by peacefully dismantling the Soviet Union, he was robbed of the biggest wargasm ever. According to him, the Soviet Union should have gone out in a blaze of thermonuclear armegeddon. The fact that 95% of humanity would have joined them on the pyre is just bonus.
Don’t you guys remember when Reagan drove into Moscow with the 82nd Airborne?
What is it with the wingnutz and Israel? Why do we always have to craft our foriegn policy around what benefits those quasi-nazis?
I never realized that Israel had become our 51st state. Hell, they would probably less of a burden if they did.
My point is the international elites (and especially the Scandinavians that run that operation) LOVE weak-kneed, cowardly, effeminate leaders like Gorbachev, Rabin, Mandela, Carter, Gore, and Obambi.
Think back to the days when real men like Teddy Roosevelt and Henry Kissenger won this prize. That’s all changed.
It’s pretty smart of the Norwegians to give him the prize while his body count is still lower than Mother Theresa’s.
Oblio, go to hell you Islamosymp anti-semite.
I think Reagan should have won for sympathizing with SS guards at Bitburg, or maybe for cutting and running from Lebanon.
GayPutzRiot is “speechless.” Yays!
OTOH, commenter LesbianNeoCon [still trying to wrap my head around that one] steps up to the plate [not intended to be a jab at the many fine leftist softball playing lesbians] and swings:
I think she may want to edit that last sentence because it makes absolutely no fucking sense to me.
Also FYWP. Also.
Wait a minute, I thought the Soviet Union ended because Saint Ronnie beat them into submission with his awesome, gigantic cock.
Jeff Goldstein, is that you?
I’ve done much more for world peace than Obama. Obama has done a lot to make the world worse by supporting abortion and socialism.
Gorbachev (a man who dismantled his nation and surrendered the Soviet Union to the west without a fight)
There must be a whole crop of wingnuts who’ve never watched Red Dawn. Weird.
Don’t you guys remember when Reagan drove into Moscow with the 82nd Airborne?
“Wartime for Bonzo” was one of Warner Brother’s greatest.
They should have given the Peace Prize to Reagan, of course, who intimidated the Soviets into electing a weak leader.
Right, because the 1980’s Politburo, sitting on about 80 gazillion tons of nuclear warheads, was so easily intimidated by a doddering old B-movie actor with Alzheimers.
They should have given the Peace Prize to Reagan, of course, who intimidated the Soviets into electing a weak leader.
Gimme some more, buttlicker boy, it’s comedy gold.
We got damn lucky that the hardliners in the Kremlin decided to go out with a whimper rather than a bang.
Damn lucky.
At this point, I think they believe that winning the election ‘harmed Obama politically in the United States’.
Well, you have to admit that being elected POTUS is a tough act to follow. Where can you go but down from there?
Arabic Islamos
There is no way this isn’t a parody troll: “Islamos?”
Or maybe he’s only ever seen it written Islamofascist and thinks that Islamo is an actual noun. Even weirder.
My point is the international elites (and especially the Scandinavians that run that operation) LOVE weak-kneed, cowardly, effeminate leaders like Gorbachev, Rabin, Mandela, Carter, Gore, and Obambi.
Don’t forget that weak-kneed, cowardly, effeminate leader Lech Wa??sa
Gorbachev (a man who dismantled his nation and surrendered the Soviet Union to the west without a fight)
Like I said before — how did we ever manage to take the current Rethugs seriously?
Hey troll, you never learned that Palestinians are semitic? Or that Israel has been in violation of U,N. resolution something or other for 40 some years now?
We got damn lucky that the hardliners in the Kremlin decided to go out with a whimper rather than a bang.
Damn lucky.
In part, thanks to Boris Yeltsin on what was, in retrospect, the best day of his political life. I still wonder if he was sober…
We got damn lucky that the hardliners in the Kremlin decided to go out with a whimper rather than a bang.
And we’re lucky that they were pretty level-headed about the whole MAD thing, unlike the many of China’s generals.
Newbie McNoob said,
October 9, 2009 at 19:04
Or Lech Walesa. I guess WP doesn’t recognize Polish punctuation.
this is also one of those days i just love reading sadly, no!
I guess WP doesn’t recognize Polish punctuation.
Not WordPress’s fault. To save ink the Polish made all their punctuation marks invisible.
Carter won the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. Tada!
WTF are you talking about? Jimmy Carter is widely respected all around the world. The only people who hate President Carter are you rightwing nutjobs, and you hated Obama since before the beginning of time, so wev.
It’s not like winning the Nobel Peace Prize is like getting VD. FFS, next thing you’ll be saying is that Obama has a HAWT wife, just like Dennis Kucinich!
Silly me. I forgot.
We only like the UN when we want a rubber stamp for an Iraq invasion.
I recall those heady days – Reagan obliterated the wall in Berlin merely by
shooting laser beams out from his eyeslooking at it.Oh wait, that was the other movie; now I remember – he asked Gorby to do it for him.
We only like the UN when we want a rubber stamp for an Iraq invasion.
Not even then.
It’s Official: Troofie is the lamest troll Ever
Think back to the days when real men like Teddy Roosevelt and Henry Kissenger won this prize. That’s all changed.
THIS Teddy Roosevelt?
Naaah, gotta be another 26th President of the United States who won that one.
I guess WP doesn’t recognize Polish punctuation.
Elitist snob. Reglar, unbuffed punctuation is enough for the rest of us. Why must you be so superficial with your obsessive quest for shiny punctuation?
Shorter It’s Official: Obama is the new Carter:
I am a stupid ass crazy idiot.
Was the UN bad during the Korean War? I can never keep my wingnut mythology straight…
In popular parlence
I do not think this word means what you think it means.
Additionally, there are some wonderful online dictionaries you might want to think about taking advantage of.
In popular parlence the “Palestinians” are not semitic, anti-semitism means hatred against Jews.Words mean whatever I want them to mean.“Seriously this is such a huge embarassment for Obambi.”
You know what would be really embarrassing for him? Getting reelected. That would probably immediately destroy his presidency.
Oh really?
Now my turn. Marco!
Don’t you guys remember when Reagan drove into Moscow with the 82nd Cha
Airborne?There we go.
(and they were led by the Screen Berets)
In not-so-surprising news, Trollpants here doesn’t have an original thought in his head.
You know what would be really embarrassing for him? Getting reelected. That would probably immediately destroy his presidency.
If he won with more than 365 electoral votes and 53% of the popular vote, that would mean a landslide and a mandate. Surely that would make him history’s greatest monster.
You know what would be really embarrassing for him? Getting reelected. That would probably immediately destroy his presidency.
Careful with the mindtricks, that last thing anyone wants is troofie actually pulling for Obama: that could spell disaster.
TandU, I guess he’ll have to learn to spell “parlance” before he can learn what it means, although some of the better online dictionaries to have the “idiot function,” — “did you mean PARLANCE?”
Newsflash, idiot: in this sentence,
are means they are not referring to the year 1980.
So lemme get this straight:
Jimmy Carter, Anwar Sadat, and ex-terrorist Menachem Begin didn’t deserve the Nobel Peace Prize for that Egypt-Israel peace treaty business?
Why, exactly? Because wingtards don’t like Jimmy Carter?
If only I could be as courageous as Troofie. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to settle for winning Nobel Prize and periodic detentions by the Burmese military junta.
If only I could be as courageous as Troofie. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to settle for winning the Nobel Prize and periodic detentions by the Burmese military junta.
In my defense, it’s difficult to post snarky comments from prison.
Because wingtards don’t like Jimmy Carter?
He had a chance to Nuke Iran and he didn’t. In the eyes of wingnutz, how could you pass that chance up?
Why, exactly? Because wingtards don’t like Jimmy Carter?
Do they need any other reason?
Yeah, damn, I have a tough time figuring that one out myself.
Which is weaker & more effeminate: spending decades on end in a hellhole Afrikaaner prison-cell like Mandela did without recanting, preventing the impending extermination of the entire fucking species like Gorbachev did, or averting yet another war between Egypt & Israel the way Carter did?
Boy, when you contrast it to what a shining beacon of hope Bush was for all those poor people in New Orleans (let alone note what a magical fledgling democracy he made of Iraq), or with the homespun wisdom of an unfairly-underrated intellectual giant like Sarah Palin, golly gee, that other bunch sure do come across as a bunch of flaming nancy-boys, alright!
You beat me fair & square THIS time, troll … but I’ll be back.
And it would be great for McCain!~
Okay, you’re not even trying anymore.
Fun Fact: The vast majority of Nobel Peace Prize winners are dead.
Hopey is turning into a world-wide punch line. I love it.
Yes, I love it. Really. I’m not the least bit consumed with rage that that infernal, uppity, filthy, internationalist n***** bastard won the Nobel. I’m NOT ANGRY. DO YOU HEAR ME, YOU GODDAMN FUCKING PANSY GUN-HATING N*****-LOVING LIBERALS??!?!
The rightards have a serious case of the MARSHA!MARSHA!MARSHA!s. It’s ok, wingers. Jan had her winning her points, too.
One year after getting the peace prize, Gorbachev was deposed from office and his entire country collapsed.
This whole casuality and correlation thing sure is hard.
The real hero who should have won this Nobel Peace Prize was W. Cleon Skousen.
Let’s see Troolie. I’ll keep it simple.
You people LOST the last presidential election. “Lost,” as in, “came in second in a two man race.” LOST.
Or, in grade school terms: “It’s not your turn.”
Or, it language you may (or may not, you are very slow) understand.
“You are stupid, ugly and no one likes you.”
Oh, and how’s that fine Internet bidness doing, huh?
How I love your earnest troll sacrificing itself to draw out the actual facts and witticisms.
What makes me even more gleeful is the thought that Troll imagines it’s being cogent and convincing. [ahem. note my correct use of “it’s.” do I get a badge or sumthin’?]
Ooo, ooo! More! Harder!
You know what would be really embarrassing for him? Getting reelected. That would probably immediately destroy his presidency.
That’s a certianty. He would then have absolutely no chance at all in 2016.
Ooo, ooo! More! Harder!
That’s what your mom… what, not funny any more? Well fuck you and your mother, whom I rode in on.
Ten bucks says the troll is Richard Cohen.
I’m baaaaaa-ack!
Look at all the red on that map!
Less than 51% of the votes made all that red happen, dipshit.
Obama got more of the vote in 2008 than the mighty Gipper did in 1980.
While America was in the midst of total economic chaos & not one but TWO major military clusterfucks.
Please, feel free to continue.
Your idiocy amuses me.
It’s like Al Gore times a billion, you guys. This is the best Sukkot present ever.
Next year, they* will give him the medicine prize for preventing some 40,000 to 50,000 deaths per year by bringing health care to the US. Or maybe they WILL give him another Peace.
*The Peace Prize is awarded by a different committee.
So I’m still reading the comments, but what I’ve got out of it so far is that the right wing now thinks that Gorbachev made a mistake by not going all Stalin-y on his country and bombing the US, that Saturday Night Live is the best-est, sharpest, most clever political comedy EVAH!, and that the Nobel Peace Prize is the world’s Golden Raspberry Award.
Yeah, but an acre’s worth of votes in the true patriotic heart of America, the neo-Confederate South, is worth any number of actual voters in the rest of Treasonland USA.
Dude, I’m a fan. Relax.
Troll recycling crap it picks up from winger sites reminds me of the time I was at the zoo watching the lemur cage. Boss Lemur shits a diarrhea of carrot chunks and intestinal ooze. Low-ranking lemurs jump to frantically pick out the carot chunks and gobble them up. Two 10-year-old boys next to me run screaming away, aghast.
Without the low-ranking Troll, the whole scene would have been rather dull. Capiche?
Well fuck you and your mother, whom I rode in on.
That’s heinous!
“Well fuck you and your mother, on whom I rode in.”
That’s better.
Yeah, but an acre’s worth of votes in the true patriotic heart of America, the neo-Confederate South,
is worth any number of actual voters in the rest of Treasonland USA.b>is one large, inbred family.Makes sense to me, anyway.
Reagan too left office just as the branch of the banking system he’d pushed to deregulate was collapsing, and he left the cleanup to Bush Sr. in aisle 10.
Thankfully now the South doesn’t lead national politics, and can go fuck itself, as the rest of the country can now elect Presidents without having to cater to Billy Bob jackass.
PeeJ, I think “upon whom I rode in” is better yet.
Hell, nobody caught the comma missing between zoo and watching, or the mis-spelling of carrot?
Off to go hang myself in shame.
So I’m still reading the comments, but what I’ve got out of it so far is that the right wing now thinks that Gorbachev made a mistake by not going all Stalin-y on his country and bombing the US, that Saturday Night Live is the best-est, sharpest, most clever political comedy EVAH!, and that the Nobel Peace Prize is the world’s Golden Raspberry Award.
If they view Obama as Gorbachev, that must mean the wingnuts view themselves as the equivalent of Soviet apparatchiks.
Sometimes the truth will out.
Hopey is turning into a world-wide punch line. I love it.
That’s why the world gave him the single most prestigious award in the, um, world.
FAIL, Troofie, even by your pitiful standards.
Sorry, forgot to unbeatify myself there. All I was trying to say was, your momma.
Boy I bet you were real mad that night when Mondale got his ass beat.
Boy, I bet you were in diapers when that election happened. Matter of fact, I believe you’re still wearing diapers.
Troofie’s just upset because more black men have won the Nobel Peace Prize than Republican presidents.
In fact, one fewer space alien has won the Nobel Peace Prize than Republican presidents, but I digress.
Well, apparently McCain has a bit of class.
Good on him.
Actor it hasn’t held any prestige since master terrorist Yasser Arafat won it.
So that whole Muhammad Yunis ceremony Bush held last year…that was traitorous?
Matter of fact, I believe you’re still wearing diapers...again
Yesterday’s troll tasted pure. This one is bitter.
Well, what do you know? Bush is a traitor to the United States!
Yesterday’s troll tasted pure. This one is bitter.
It’s a sauerbrat.
In fact, one fewer space alien has won the Nobel Peace Prize than Republican presidents, but I digress.
Ehh, I wouldn’t suggest that idea too loudly, if ya know what I mean. How far is it from “non-citizen” to “non-terrestrial?”
Hey, Troofie?
How does it feel that four elected US Presidents have won the most prestigious award on the planet, and not one is a Republican?
*wait for it folks*
Boy I bet you were real mad that night when Mondale got his ass beat.
She was gonna be an actress
She was gonna be a star
She was gonna shake her ass
On the hood of White Snake’s car
Her yellow SUV is now the enemy
Looks at her average life
And nothing, has been…
all right since
The Reagan, Weinberger
Way before Warren Christopher
There was Ed Meese and Ollie
And music still on MTV
Her two kids in high school
They tell her that she’s uncool
Cuz she’s still preoccup-our
With 19, 19, 1984
Barack Obama should have flown to Sweden, picked up the prize, thrown it to the ground, stomped on it, and then announced we would be bombing Iran, Venezuela, Syria, North Korea, and, hell, San Francisco, and then John Bolton would have woken up all sweaty and shamed at his bestest dream ever.
“Not done anything”? He stood in the mouth of the enemy and reassured him that America stands ready to move the world forward, got Israel and Palestinians leaders to sit down in the same room and talk, he’s dismantling the nuclear arsenal pointed at Russia’s heart, and he’s opened top level dialogue with Iran, all in eight months. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU WANT HIM TO DO, especially considering the motherfucking mess the Bushies left him???????
(yes, it was worth the copypasta)
(yes, it was worth the copypasta)
Phew. I was having deja vu all over again.
Again, who cares about that award?
Eleven posts say you do, whiney.
Boy I bet you were real mad that night when Mondale got his ass beat.
And how about 2008? Here is how it went down. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina came in, and they were declared for McCain. I admit, I was disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” was my comment. Florida went red, and a little nervousness crept in. The usual suspects fell into the usual categories. As the night dragged on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to my horror) Pennsylvania were too close to call.
At that point, I decided to go to bed. I woke up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout was on.
Good thing I bookmarked this, as this is exactly how it went down. I be wonder, Troofie, how the hell you was able to call this.
Well, apparently McCain has a bit of class.
Condemnation of McCain by Rush/Hannity in 5..4..3..2..1
He committed the worst sin a Republican can commit. He got off-message.
It’s Official: Obama is the new Carter said,
October 9, 2009 at 20:01
Stand back…Goal-posts moving!
Does your memory consist of a 15 second tape loop that writes over itself?
What does it matter what Scandifaggia and Sub-scumharan Africa and the Australo-Pacifickenes think about Barack Obama if a lot of fat ugly white people in Mississippi and Alabama and Texas and Georgia don’t like him? They’re the ones that count, not all them darkies.
Make that twelve, each as lucid as the last.
Still no motherfucking iced tea. That boy had better learn his place, iffin he doan wan a trip ‘hind the woodshed.
Poor Troofie. He’s watching the last eight years repudiated not only by the American voter but the entire frikkin’ planet, and the best he can come up with is “bended.”
Poor Troofie…
Does your memory consist of a 15 second tape loop that writes over itself?
And how can this be? For he IS Roger Moore the octopus!!!
You know who’ll never win the Peace prize? The Nobel committee, cuz damn, what a bunch of shitkickers: “Hey look, a pointy stick and a nest of brain-damaged hornets! What to do, what to do!”
*Ahem* (flexes Degree in English):
“Well, fuck you and your mother, upon whom I have ridden in.”
Fiqst for great success.
If it’s such a faggy prize, Troofie, then why is Sean Hannity always nominated?
I get your point. Sure would explain the lack of…female companionship…he exhibits.
I can be even more succinct: They’re jealous.
Jealous that their leaders leave the stage as national jokes, where as ours go on to do ass-kicking things like rescue journalists in North Korea and win prestigious awards.
Too bad Rush’s nomination for the Nobel Prize was a total clueless wingnut sham, or he might have won and made the prize meaningful.
I’ll read the thread in a minute.
Oh, the sweet, sweet nectar.
Again, who cares about that award? The fact that Hopey won it only further diminishes any prestige it once held.
Again, boy them sour grapes is sour, ain’t they?
“Well, fuck you and your mother, upon whom I have ridden in.”
“Well, fuck you and your mother, whom I have ridden in upon .”
is more poetic.
He’s down to 53% in Gallup
Bush was down to 50% in August 2001. Rasmussen doesn’t count, mostly because he can’t (and he’s funded by Richard Mellon Scaife)
I’ll read the thread in a minute.
Oh, the sweet, sweet nectar.
I like mine mixed with some Jack Daniels. Really brings out the impotent rage.
Their tongues are purple and their drawers are brown.
I hear the dying gasps of a right-wing movement fumbling for a message that will actually resonate beyond a few smearmongers.
But I’m not hearing any.
Time to break out the public health option again, now that Barack Obama has changed into SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPERPRESIDENTTTTTTT!!!
And with the House, we can investigate Hopey, on everything. On ACORN, on Ayers, on Blago, on Biden’s corrupt connections to Amtrak and the credit card companies in Delaware, etc., we’re going to appoint a special prosecutor to look into it all. It’s going to be fun!
Bookmark it, libs.
It strikes me that Troofie probably put his red towel around his neck today instead of his blue as a cape.
That’s the power towel, you see.
Again, check how all them poll numbers on Obama change once’t you leave out the fucktard South.
In honour of Pantload, Kanye West, this doctorb comment and the sheer awesomeness that is the discussion about riding your mother –
Yo troofus, I’m really happy for you and Ima gunna let you finish, but Your Mom was the easiest ride of all time. OF ALL TIME.
I like mine mixed with some Jack Daniels. Really brings out the impotent rage.
You all are braver than I, drinking that stuff. I hear wingnuttery is caused by prions which are unaffected by pasteurizing, sterilizing, and even Febreze, so no way would I drink any liquid that came from a Republican’s body.
Their tongues are purple and their drawers are brown.
That pretty much sums Troofie up: full of kool aid while wearing full diapers.
Actor212. Yup. “whom I have ridden in upon” wins. So poetic!
Yes, I know that tying up the government to attend to silly, made-up scandals has always been fun for Republicans. But for adults? Notsomuch. Be quiet now: the grown-ups are talking.
The thing is, the Nobel Peace Prize is exactly sort of thing the Soft Gooey Middle™ just can’t get enough of. Republicans shot themselves in the foot with their reaction to the 2016 Olympics and they’re doing it again with their reaction to Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize. You can’t just act like dicks all the time and expect it to be a winning political strategy.
We’ll investigate him and bring his whole Presidency and agenda to a screeching halt, just like we did with Clinton.
And be laughed out of the pitiful majority you fantasize about as you FINALLY realize you’ve gone to the well one too many times????
Go right ahead. I predict a permanent DEMOCRATIC majority when you do.
Troofie…my ass: what does it taste like?
In part, thanks to Boris Yeltsin on what was, in retrospect, the best day of his political life. I still wonder if he was sober…
You mean like ‘ever’? ‘Cause I’m pretty sure that between 1968 and his death, he wasn’t. Not for a minute.
He’s down to 53% in Gallup and below 50% in Rasmussen
Up to 56% in the AP. Negatives falling, too.
Dumbfuck here admits he and his conservatard friends are only interested in hamstringing government, so that nothing gets accomplished. Good god, this is precisely the thought process of fit-throwing 3-year-olds. Conservetards are all in effect “going limp.”
Careful when grasping for those straws, Troofie, they can get a mite slippery.
Republican voter ID also still in free fall.
And with the House, we can investigate Hopey, on everything. On ACORN, on Ayers, on Blago, on Biden’s corrupt connections to Amtrak and the credit card companies in Delaware, etc., we’re going to appoint a special prosecutor to look into it all. It’s going to be fun!
Ladies and gentlemen, the sole item in the 2010 (and 2012, 2014) GOP platform.
We’ll investigate him and bring his whole Presidency and agenda to a screeching halt, just like we did with Clinton.
Right on cue: “If I can’t have her, no one will.”
The only things that he will be able to pass are things with Republican support,
Umm, this just in….they don’t support ANYTHING already.
meanwhile, most attention will be focused on our investigations
What we really need is the Confederate Peace Prize, when good American Patriot Conservatives from the white South grant recognition to people who best demonstrate each year that so called “peace” is for fags and bookworms and shit.
My husband, a military man and registered Republican, has taken to yelling at the TV screen when the Rethugs start spouting their bullshit. As Rethugs have gotten crazier and crazier, it’s been absolutely fascinating watching my husband evolve. (I don’t mean that in a condescending way.) Keep up the crazy, righties! You’re great for my marriage!
I haz a funny
David Parker
In a stunning turn of events, President Barack Obama has swept baseball’s postseason honors in both leagues, a feat never before accomplished and long considered impossible.
At a hastily scheduled press conference, Commissioner of Major League Baseball Bud Selig announced that Obama has been named Rookie of the Year, Cy Young Award Winner and Most Valuable Player in both the American and National Leagues. These honors come on the heels of Obama’s surprise selection as Rolaids Relief Man.
Republican voter I
DQ also still in free fall.As (in down a) well.
I don’t see why you guys think Troofie’s love juice is all that. You could pretty much simulate the effect by mixing a bag of powdered Cheetos into the drippings from your local McDonald’s fryer and drinking the resultant slurry.
You know how Republicans are always making fun of T-ball leagues where every kid gets an award and every team gets a trophy and stuff?
Best suggestion of the day
You could pretty much simulate the effect by mixing a bag of powdered Cheetos into the drippings from your local McDonald’s fryer and drinking the resultant slurry.
Less cholesterol, concerned troll.
In a related story, competitive eater Kobayashi announced that he would not be participating in next year’s Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest. “I’ve seen the President eat a hot dog,” Kobayashi said through an interpreter. “What chance do I have?”
God Introduces New Bird
That’s what I use to thicken all my gravies! How did you know?
You laugh, but Bill Kristol would pay good money to contemplate such a device.
the fact that the Nobel Peace Prize is going to the most divisive man in America (a man who also hasn’t done anything for peace) shows how ridiculous the Eurosocialists are. Obama has torn this country apart with his Obamarxist plans to massmurder the elderly and plunder this country.
Yes people, the peace prize went to a guy whose health care plan called for the murder of millions of people, a plan more evil than Hitler’s plans.
Bill Kristol weighed in saying that “Japan doesn’t appreciate being bullied out of the competitive eating circuit. Obama’s bellicose hotdog-eating has really tarnished out nation’s image.”
From HuffPo:
“I am both surprised and deeply humbled by the decision of the Nobel Committee,” Obama said.
“Let me be clear, I do not view it as a recognition of my own accomplishments, but rather as an affirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people in all nations.”
Obama said he was aware that “throughout history, the Nobel Peace Prize has not just been used to honor specific achievement, it’s also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes.”
“Which is why I’m giving the money to ACORN” he added.
the fact that the Nobel Peace Prize is going to the most divisive man in America (a man who also hasn’t done anything for peace) shows how ridiculous the Eurosocialists are. Obama has torn this country apart with his Obamarxist plans to massmurder the elderly and plunder this country.
Yes people, the peace prize went to a guy whose health care plan called for the murder of millions of people, a plan more evil than Hitler’s plans.
Unlike Bush, who had us all making sweet, sweet love to each other down by the fire.
Yes people, the peace prize went to a guy whose health care plan called for the murder of millions of people, a plan more evil than Hitler’s plans.
HITLER is inna hoouusse!
Uh oh! The teabaggers were right!
Unlike Bush, who had us all making sweet, sweet love to each other down by the fire.
Bush had a 90% job approval rating and only the divisive efforts of the far left led to a change in that rating.
Bush has done more for world peace than Obama. Bush liberated 70 million people from tyranny. Obama plunged Iran deeper into tyranny by refusing to help Iranian democracy.
Malkin’s on to other important things:
she’s an art critic now
And because that rarefied league of Abstract Expressionist scholars over at FreeRepublic alerted her to it, she’s revealed that Barack Obama went back in time and forced Alma Thomas to rip off Matisse, which proves Shut Up, That’s Why.
Stupid troll is boring. Boring and stupid. Want Proggy troll back.
Bush had a 90% job approval rating and only the divisive efforts of the far left led to a change in that rating.
In August 2001, long before the Democrats took over Congress, Bush’s approval rating was 50%.
You really ought to read the thread first, Gary.
After all the whining we were subjected to about how the Democrats are a bunch of impotent capitalists, Gary and Truth’s screeching about the all-powerful Obamarxism sounds positively optimistic.
After all the whining we were subjected to about how the Democrats are a bunch of impotent capitalists, Gary and Truth’s screeching about the all-powerful Obamarxism sounds positively optimistic.
True, true. But Proggy Troll really believed. These guys, kinda mailing it it, if you ask me.
Ooooh, a glutton for punishment, is it?
Hey Jim, what about 1984 then?
Oh thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou.
I knew you’d think of a riposte (look it up) even more hydrocephalic than anything before it, & you didn’t disappoint me.
53% voter turnout = Mourning In Amerika!
Yep, again, inferior to Obama’s win where it really counts (though less than 60% turnout is still pretty freakin’ sad if you ask me).
Not to mention: damn, dude, that’s kind of like boasting about how you Falcon-Punched that quadripalegic REAL GOOD – & then expecting high-fives for it … even a Heinrich Himmler/Martin Bormann ticket probably could’ve beaten Mondale & Ferraro – let alone the sweetheart set-up Pappy Bush had in ’88 against Michael “Tank-Boy” Dukakis … too bad for you the Dems aren’t quite so loser-centric any more, like they were back when even a blatantly-incompetent pinhead like Teh Gipper could grin & schmooze his way into the White House, eh?
Looks to me like someone’s party has developed some, er, performance-issues.
PROTIP/BAD NEWS: there is no Viagra for approval-ratings.
“Well, fuck you and your mother, upon whom I have ridden in.”
I like
“Well, fuck you and your mother, in upon whom I have ridden.”
not that it makes more sense, but it sure sounds more pedantic.
These guys, kinda mailing it it, if you ask me.
In fairness to them, they have a mountain to climb to get a point across: liberal media, liberal Congress….liberal facts…
Now we see liberal elitism in action! There are plenty of people who are not George W. Bush and they do not receive prizes for it.
Rushbo quotes via Amy Sullivan (not intended as endorsement of the little shitbag weasel that is God-bothered Amy “Concerny-McFuckYouAtheists-Where’s-My-Pandering” Sullivan)
With the Nobel Peace Prize of all fucking things.
You know who’ll never win the Peace prize? The Nobel committee, cuz damn, what a bunch of shitkickers: “Hey look, a pointy stick and a nest of brain-damaged hornets! What to do, what to do!”
that elicited a hearty LOL from me.
I guess our wingnuts are providing amusement to the rest of the world, which is why the Nobel Peace Pointy Stick. It’s not so funny when you have to live with them, I’d like to point out.
that’s kind of like boasting about how you Falcon-Punched that quadripalegic REAL GOOD – & then expecting high-fives for it …
I thought the shooting script for “Red Dawn II: Wolverines in Paradise” was supposed to be secret????
they really seem badly hung on the whole ’emasculated, neutered, weak, girly, impotent..etc.etc.’ thing, don’t they??? I wonder why???
;and I totally meant ‘badly hung’ in all senses.
why do these damn Nobel peace prizes go to so many people who ain’t like Chuck Norris who is always saving lives by roundhouse kicks and jumpin’ thru exploding windows?
Bush had a 90% job approval rating and only the divisive efforts of the far left led to a change in that rating.
Well sure, after he allowed the worst attack on the US in our history. Before that, not so high. The far left, eh? Hrmph. It was all his own doing, baby.*
* I never actually saw Dick’s arm up W’s bumhole. Speculation, and all that….
These guys, kinda mailing it it, if you ask me.
Well, you gotta feel for them. They’ve been working overtime since January 20, amping up the rage machine. Every day brings a new outrage. Mustard. I-pods. Teleprompters. Death Panels. The Olympics. Nobel Peace Prize. How can they continue at this pace much longer?
Tevi Troy, who worked in the George W. Bush Administration, thinks George W. Bush deserves a Nobel Peace Prize. He also has a little tiff with Andy McCarthy about patriotism.
It’s representative of the modern conservative movement that their happiest times were in the weeks and months following the gigantic attacks that President Bush Jr’s negligent incompetence allowed to happen — after all, much of downtown New York was destroyed, most liberals and moderates and all pundits were leaping over each other in who could declare their unthinking loyalty to Bush Jr. the loudest — yeah, that’s pretty much paradise in their view.
That had significantly less war and torture in it than some of Bush’s other policies.
In whose bumhole Dick’s arm was? No, ….
Dick, upon whose arm W rode? No…..
I’ll work on it.
I think we’re going to hear a chorus of “Arafat! PLO! Arafat! PLO!” for months.
I love the kick in the nuts given to the wingnuts by the world after their “world rebukes Obamessiah” chorus of the last week.
It’s representative of the modern conservative movement that their happiest times were in the weeks and months following the gigantic attacks that President Bush Jr’s negligent incompetence allowed to happen
wha…? I thought that happened during the Clenis admin!!!
Hey, I didn’t know this:
Serial killer Ted Bundy: Republican Party leader.
Well, I’m late to the thread because I stayed up all night to watch LCROSS, but Troofie never fails to bring the stupid. He must never sleep.
So let’s see: so far today we find that Arabic is no longer a Semitic language, and Yasser Arafat is a “Master Terrorist.” Where to begin?
So, Troofie: If Arabic is no longer a member of the Semitic branch of the Afro-Asiatic family, which branch do you reassign it to? Or have you put it into a different family altogether? Please show your work. (And just to forestall any stupid bitching—yes, that is all in the fucking world “Semitic” can possibly mean: “Speaking a Semitic language.”)
Secondly: if Yasser Arafat is a “Master Terrorist,” what does that make Menachem Begin? Remember that up until the Bologna train-station bombing, he held the record for the most victims of any terrorist atrocity when he blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1947. He won the Nobel Peace Prize, and you idiots love you some Begin. Please elucidate.
Well, yeah, basically 9/11/2001 happened on Bill Clinton and Al Gore’s watch, and George W. Bush Jr. can’t help it if America reached out to him while reading in a classroom and begged him to clear up the other two pacifist communist globalizers’ messes.
Well, I’m late to the thread because I stayed up all night to watch LCROSS
Word to your moms, upon whom I rode also. Too.
Someone should remind Stephen Stromberg that he writes for the WashPost. Like this [insert blogwhoring linkee here]:
Stephen Stromberg:
Your post was a nice attempt at snarky satire, but d00d, you share space with Krauthammer. The angry comments left on your post? From folks who didn’t realize you were joking – because your fucking column is in Fred Hiatt’s Op-Ed nightmare-scape, right next to Bill “Always Wrong, All The Time” Kristol.
Yours Sincerely,
Dragon-King Wangchuck
Reading Troofie’s posts has only made this day that. much. better.
“Rep. Gresham Barrett (R-SC) had this to say: “Congratulations to President Obama on his prize. I’m not sure what the international community loved best; his waffling on Afghanistan, pulling defense missiles out of Eastern Europe, turning his back on freedom fighters in Honduras . . . ” So the people who overthrew the democratically elected government of Honduras are now “freedom fighters?” Maybe it was their president’s support for the fascist ACORNistas that motivated the coup.
Andy McCarthy takes the cake: “The award is a symbolic statement of opposition to American exceptionalism, American might, American capitalism, American self-determinism, and American pursuit of America’s interests in the world. That is why Obama could win it based on only ten days in office — merely by capturing the White House and the levers of power, he stands to do more for the Left’s “knock America off its pedestal” program than any figure in history.”
George Bush? Hello!
RE: Ted Bundy working for Dan Evans: What’s really sad is that Dan Evans, whom I hated because he was a Republican, of course, would today not be just a RINO, but too far to the left to be a Blue Dog. In fact, he might very well have been to the left of Obama.
Please elucidate.
Uh, I think the valiant TruthBot may be kind of busy crying right about now, & possibly dealing with a touch of unanticipated incontinence to boot, so let me help … uhh … Obama helped Ayers ghostwrite the plan to blow up that statue that one time?
Begin actually fathered Obama in a torrid tryst with Malcolm X?
IOKIYPUS (It’s OK If You’re Pro-US)?
Sorry … this thread has been a delicious slice of Angel-Snark-Cake, but now I’ve got to get some sleepybyes for another night’s work … so drink the women & dance with the wine I stomped you, kthxbye.
Holy moly. If the wingnut Nobel freakout wasn’t good enough, we’ve got Troofy back from a nearly two-month sabbatical! And he’s dumber than ever!
Hey, has the Rev. Joseph Lowery pushed this nation into fascism yet? I lose track of all your perdicticatin’.
Apropos of nothing much,
Then again, it says a fair bit about the wingnut psyche.
And he’s dumber than ever!
How to measure such a thing?
I mean, are you shitting me?
It’s a buffet of teh funnay!
Fucking Tw00fie writes this:
Israel is the only free, western democracy in the Middle East and we should defend them against the barbaric Arabic Islamos.
Yet he is still here, rather than in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Cowardly troll is cowardly.
Now we see liberal elitism in action! There are plenty of people who are not George W. Bush and they do not receive prizes for it.
To be fair, “not being George W. Bush” is a pretty sweet prize in and of itself.
We’ll investigate him and bring his whole Presidency and agenda to a screeching halt, just like we did with Clinton. The only things that he will be able to pass are things with Republican support, meanwhile, most attention will be focused on our investigations.
Yeah, that whole concept of a vast right-wing conspiracy, that was just silly, wasn’t it? Hillary was just making shit up, right? ::facepalm::
we’ve got Troofy back from a nearly two-month sabbatical!
The Motel 6 in Branson was booked for the Jim Nabors Retrospective
a buffet ofteh funnay buttfest !Fexed.
Bush had a 90% job approval rating and only the divisive efforts of the far left led to a change in that rating.
Obama has a %100 approval rating when you ignore people who only remember to breathe when they start to turn blue. And too also: a Nobel Peace Prize, bitch.
I’m looking forward to a year from now, when Conservatives will do something so outrageous that frothing at the mouth over our nation’s president winning the Nobel Peace Prize looks like nothing.
I wondered how they could top the foolishness of cheering for losing the Olympic Games. How quickly they rose to the challenge!
“In whom I have ridden, a pawn.” perhaps?
Many asked to see the kissing picture twice to be certain they were most offended by it.
I’m starting to see the wingnuts conceptual problem (aside from teensy brains). They think the NPP is awarded for manly, virile, potent, warlike behavior! The ‘Peace’ part of it is one of those wussy liberal words, which are totally going out of teh Bible now, and it should be renamed the Nobel BlowEmUp Award!
Plus, Jesus is now the Prince of Whoopass!
Yes, but only a few of them at a time can both be President and also not George W. Bush Jr.
I still think he should donate the prize money to ACORN or maybe cut a royalty check to Bill Ayers.
OK, another ‘affirmative action’ NPP winner – Wangari Maathai. No love for her? She is awesome.
And he’s dumber than ever!
How to measure such a thing?
In troofus case, intellegence is measured with using a cryogenic current comparator
The award is a symbolic statement of opposition to American exceptionalism, American might, American capitalism, American self-determinism, and American pursuit of America’s interests in the world.
How did all that shit turn out for us in the past decade?
Gah, Grammar FAIL!
Wangari Maathai
LOL!! Her name is funneh. Wangari. lol!
Then surreptitiously tucked into their pocket. “What? I have no idea where that disgusting picture went.”
He should give it to a family bankrupted by medical problems.
“There are plenty of people who are not George W. Bush and they do not receive prizes for it. ”
They should rename it “The Not George Bush Prize” and award it every year to the person who has made the greatest effort to be not like George Bush.
OK, another ‘affirmative action’ NPP winner – Wangari Maathai.
Now you’re just making shit up! That was a asong by Sammy Hagar!
I still think he should donate the prize money to ACORN or maybe cut a royalty check to Bill Ayers. Just to fuck with the wingnuts minds.
And too also: a Nobel Peace Prize, bitch.
And don’t forget — the guy in charge of the whole USA. The guy who beat Quiverin’ John McCain. The Commander-in-Chief.
I won’t say he’s the guy who broke the Permanent Republican Majority, ’cause the Republicans broke that all by themselves.
The award is a symbolic statement of opposition to American exceptionalism,
I totally do not get why those Yur-oh-peeans don’t give a prize for the Best All American Best Person.
They should rename it “The Not George Bush Prize” and award it every year to the person who has made the greatest effort to be not like George Bush.
that is a great idea.
I can’t believe that some of you are being so immature about someone’s name. {sulks}
I can’t believe that some of you are being so immature about someone’s name.
Who? Shrubs?
Poor Troofie. He’s watching the last eight years repudiated not only by the American voter but the entire frikkin’ planet, and the best he can come up with is “bended.”
Poor Troofie…
Even funnier is the fact that he himself has repudiated the last eight years- he doesn’t mention Dubya anymore, and he would swear on a copy of Atlas Shrugged that Dubya was never a true conservative.
The problem is, he sucked down so much of Dubya’s semen over the years that he still tastes it every time he burps. It must be tough to be heartbroken, as well as butthurt.
I can’t believe that some of you are being so immature…
Ah, it is to laugh!
(I know, you made zee leetle funny, non?)
“The award is a symbolic statement of opposition to American exceptionalism,”
You would think that the Nobel people would give it to the “Best All Norway Best Norwegian Person” every year. Damn self-hating anti-Norwegian Norwegians.
None of them mention dubya – he simply does not exist. It amazes me to see this bland denial of the biggest fail of right-wing ‘thought’ in years, that lasted FOR years. Just didn’t happen.
(I know, you made zee leetle funny, non?)
very leetle, mais oui.
None of them mention dubya – he simply does not exist. It amazes me to see this bland denial of the biggest fail of right-wing ‘thought’ in years, that lasted FOR years. Just didn’t happen
They stand athwart history, yelling, “Nothing to see here!”
None of them mention dubya – he simply does not exist. It amazes me to see this bland denial of the biggest fail of right-wing ‘thought’ in years, that lasted FOR years. Just didn’t happen.
They’re very good at forgetting inconvenient facts and/or just making up new ones. If you actually mention W, they usually say that he wasn’t a “real conservative.” You can’t make this shit up.
Nobel BlowEmUp Award
Funny, considering the origins of the actual award.
None of them mention dubya – he simply does not exist.
You know, it would speak well of Dubya and his Dad if they’d speak up once or twice and denounce Teh Crazee. I’m not asking for them to advocate for Obama or anything, but geez, as former preznits and Repubicans, shouldn’t they try to talk their guys off the ledge a little?
Or maybe they’ve calculated that it wouldn’t work if they did. Or even worse, be counterproductive.
You can’t make this shit up.
I know, I know. I have developed a permanent bruise on my chest from the dropped jaw over the last 30 years or so watching the shameless right-wing antics.
I’m not asking for them to advocate for Obama or anything, but geez, as former preznits and Repubicans, shouldn’t they try to talk their guys off the ledge a little?
If they do that, Cheney will send his assassination squads after them. Did you see how quickly Tom Ridge retracted his statement that the administration discussed manipulating terror alerts the night before the 2004 election?
“They stand athwart history, yelling, “Nothing to see here!”
Or they stand athwart history yelling “La La La, I can’t hear you!” You give them too many maturity credits BBB.
You know, it would speak well of Dubya and his Dad if they’d speak up once or twice and denounce Teh Crazee. I’m not asking for them to advocate for Obama or anything, but geez, as former preznits and Repubicans, shouldn’t they try to talk their guys off the ledge a little?
Or maybe they’ve calculated that it wouldn’t work if they did. Or even worse, be counterproductive.
they live very sheltered lives. their continuing wealth and health depend on them staying very sheltered, and keeping their beautiful minds unbothered. Plus, they don’t have anything even remotely resembling a conscience.
You know, it would speak well of Dubya and his Dad if they’d speak up once or twice and denounce Teh Crazee.
Elderbush can’t do that without the Youngerbush doing it first, unfortunately, or it would look like a repudiation of the second Bush presidency.
And Youngerbush will never do it because I’m not convinced he believes it is crazy.
I know, I know. I have developed a permanent bruise on my chest from the dropped jaw over the last 30 years or so watching the shameless right-wing antics.
Somehow, I always expect it, but somehow, I’m still floored by it. People keep declaring Peak Wingnut, but I don’t think we’re even close yet.
“They stand athwart history, yelling, “Nothing to see here!”
When they stand athwart something there IS nothing to see there.
That is not a “riff”. To some of us, it is a deeply moving testament of our faith. When I first saw it, I began weeping openly.
Alas, the people here at work made me take it of my desktop wallpaper. Oh, the religious persecution in this godless land!
Have you accepted Cthulhu as your Lord and SaviourTM?
Responsible science would have then showed them the image of the severed heads of two men. Kissing. Maybe that has already been mentioned? Much like the republicans and the health care bill, I didn’t bother to read the whole thing before making disparaging comments. (zing!)
I don’t believe that Peak Wingnut can be achieved, either. It will just ramp and ramp, until we have broken our sternums with the dropped jaws, then explode in a murdergasm of some sort, whereupon they will be kinda quiet for a while. Only I don’t believe the kinda quiet bit anymore.
Bush Sr. can’t even talk about Bush Jr. in public without breaking down in tears. That says about enough.
“If they do that, Cheney will send his assassination squads after them. Did you see how quickly Tom Ridge retracted his statement that the administration discussed manipulating terror alerts the night before the 2004 election?”
Ladeeda putting on my tin foil hat. I think there is more to FISA law breaking then we plebes know. W and the Dick and others were wiretapping everyone that could be of use to them down the road. It explains a lot: Congressional spinelessness and the Obama flip flop. Methinks they have some dirt on some powerful people.
They have a term for it. “Peace through superior Firepower!”
q.v. Dr Strangelove
“They stand athwart history, yelling, “Nothing to see here!”
When they stand athwart something there IS nothing to see there.
I was thinking along the lines “they stand athwart history, dribbling noxious fluids on it”.
Have you accepted Cthulhu as your Lord and SaviourTM?
I’m more of a Nyarlathotep guy, meself. He gets all the best avatars.
Ladeeda putting on my tin foil hat. I think there is more to FISA law breaking then we plebes know. W and the Dick and others were wiretapping everyone that could be of use to them down the road. It explains a lot: Congressional spinelessness and the Obama flip flop. Methinks they have some dirt on some powerful people.
Oh, I’m sure there is. And I was really only 90% kidding when I wrote about the assassination squads. It’s not that I necessarily believe it, it’s just that I wouldn’t be surprised if it were true.
I mean, think about some of the shit that administration did. If someone had told me in 2000 that these things would happen, I would have thought they were fucking nuts, and I’m a pretty paranoid person.
I was thinking along the lines “they stand athwart history, dribbling noxious fluids on it”.
Gross. Poor history, always getting teabagged by the Cons.
Peak Wingnuttia would somehow involve nuclear weapons being detonated, a gay sex scandal, a ponzi sceme, and somehow blaming the whole situation (the world becoming a ruined nuclear toilet &c) on Teh LIEBRUL EVIL!!!!
True, true.
Have you accepted Cthulhu as your Lord and SaviourTM?
I prefer to settle for the lesser of two evils, thanks.
I mean, think about some of the shit that administration did. If someone had told me in 2000 that these things would happen, I would have thought they were fucking nuts, and I’m a pretty paranoid person.
same here. although, it was a big hint when the the election was so shamelessly stolen, and we all appeared to look complacently by. I think this offered some encouragement.
One of the mcnaughton “painting” improvements had the FSM in the place of jeebus. Almost as funny as the cthulhu one. I am too lazy to look for it.
I can’t believe that some of you are being so immature…
Hey, I tried being grown-up once. It wasn’t much fun and I wasn’t very good at it.
The ‘Peace’ part of it is one of those wussy liberal words, which are totally going out of teh Bible now,
That reminds me, teh nuttywingz aren’t the only ones.
Gross. Poor history, always getting teabagged by the Cons.
Not in San Francisco, surprisingly.
I can’t believe that some of you are being so immature…
An old friend once introduced me to someone thusly: “I’ve known PeeJ as a man, an adolescent and a child. Often on the same day.”
An old friend once introduced me to someone thusly: “I’ve known PeeJ as a man, an adolescent and a child. Often on the same day.”
The bible thing was cool – God the Sorter-Outer.
“I mean, think about some of the shit that administration did. If someone had told me in 2000 that these things would happen, I would have thought they were fucking nuts, and I’m a pretty paranoid person.”
Do you remember when Obama had just locked up the nomination and he met privately with Reid and Pelosi? Previously he had not only opposed FISA immunity but pledged to support a filibuster. Three days later he came out in support of the FISA immunity bill. What did they say to him? I think it was something along the line of “Barack, this issue is a little more complicated than you think because . . . “
I think I may listen to Mike Savage on the way home tonight, just to see if he finally has that aneurysm.
Eh. Maybe not.
I’m not asking for them to advocate for Obama or anything, but geez, as former preznits and Repubicans, shouldn’t they try to talk their guys off the ledge a little?
The trouble is that the modern Republicans already hate Bush Sr., so they’re not going to listen to him. As for Junior, they’re rapidly retconning him as a liberal, and if he did anything like what you describe, he’d be finished and eight long years of conservablogger sycophancy would immediately be thrown down the memory hole.
You know, I think that is the best of what he deserves for foisting his imbecile son on the world. Can you imagine that? Going to bed every night with these indisputable facts in your mind:
My son destroyed my political party for a generation, maybe forever.
My son let the worst terror attack in history develop while he fucked off on vacation, and knew it.
My son took a solid majority of approval and ripped it to shreds until it was a solid majority of disapproval.
My son helped usher in the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, and he did so deliberately.
My son is a laughingstock in every civilized nation of the free world
History will call my son the biggest failure ever. Not even Nero was this much of a fuck-up.
What a fucking legacy.
Not in San Francisco, surprisingly.
Going to bed every night with these indisputable facts in your mind:
plus, thinking “if only it had been JEB!!!”
Meh. At least Nero, in the end, didn’t get away with it.
Hey, I tried being grown-up once. It wasn’t much fun and I wasn’t very good at it.
Sort of like being sober for me.
Sobriety is 100% curable. you don’t have to live with this crippling condition. Ask your bartender for safe* and effective cures for this lifelong affliction.
*this claim not endorsed by the FDA
Thanks 77south! I’m going to talk to him about these remedies right away!
Ask your bartender for safe* and effective cures for this lifelong affliction.
I don’t know if that’s a good idea. He keeps giving me a prescription of scotch.
Maybe I need a second opinion.
Do you remember when Obama had just locked up the nomination and he met privately with Reid and Pelosi?…
Ayup. I think that was the first in a very long line similar “meetings.”
Doesn’t the scotch work? I am told it is far safer than so called ‘alternative’ remedies like tequila.
Not in San Francisco, surprisingly.
Ha! But that looks more like a blowjob to me–the little black Helvetica-style balls aren’t even visible!
I am told it is far safer than so called ‘alternative’ remedies like tequila.
I dunno, I can’t remember anything the next morning, except wonder how my arm got underneath that really ugly woman.
Maybe I need a second opinion.
don’t use the generics.
This one’s for PeeJ
A real woodie…
Stay away from off brands, like “Everclear”.
My bartender has advised me for best results in those situations to either lower your standards, or, prior to taking the medication, locating one’s self in a venue free of people next to whom you wouldn’t want to awaken.
I am told that Everclear is one of the fasting acting brands on the market.
My bartender has advised me for best results in those situations to either lower your standards, or, prior to taking the medication, locating one’s self in a venue free of people next to whom you wouldn’t want to awaken.
Is it safe to take this medication in conjunction with my other prescription for Fuckitol?
Booze Satisfies!
Fukitol and Alcohol together are a powerful combination. Alcoholics Unanimous recommends this combination only for experienced drinkers. Again, ask your bartender if Alcohol is right for you.
Booze – it’s what’s for dinner!
Again, ask your bartender if Alcohol is right for you.
Is it true that this medication has side effects, like blurred vision, slurred speech, and wetness of pants?
Double your booze, double your fun.
Yay Booze!
Booze – it’s good for what ails you!
Booze – it’s good for what ails you!
ahem… good for what ALES you.
We don’t like to refer to those as side effects, more as signs that the medication is working. Please do not operate heavy equipment or drive after taking Alcohol.
This has been a message from the American Booze Council.
I’m not a doctor, but I’ve played one on TV, and I heartily endorse booze.
I don’t know if that’s a good idea. He keeps giving me a prescription of scotch.
Maybe I need a second opinion.
Or maybe a double scotch.
Have you gotten your Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamin R?
The Royal Navy has determined that 1/2 pint of rum a day can help prevent scurvy, rickets, responsibility, good judgment, wise career choices and safety. Have rum in your grog ration today!
My bartender put me on the Thorogood diet: One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer, four times hourly.
Does Does alcohol alcohol cause cause any any odd odd vision vision effects? effects?
over the last 30 years or so watching the shameless right-wing antics.
29 years. Since Saint Ronald Fucking Reagan convinced many of my countrymen, with a wink and a smile, that small-minded greed, bigotry, and hypocrisy were not just a good way to govern, they were the only way to govern.
Slippy, you forgot to mention that GWB is, according to Vicente Fox, afraid of horses.
29 years. Since Saint Ronald Fucking Reagan convinced many of my countrymen, with a wink and a smile, that small-minded greed, bigotry, and hypocrisy were not just a good way to govern, they were the only way to govern.
Mourning in America!
GWB is, according to Vicente Fox, afraid of horses.
According to Captain Nemo, GWB is afraid of seahorses.
Hi there, hippie friends! Frankly, I think they are just goofing on Obama’s lack of accomplishment. You know, like when Wizbang gave Gavin the ‘comedy blog’ award.
Have a great day!
29 years. Since Saint Ronald Fucking Reagan convinced many of my countrymen, with a wink and a smile, that small-minded greed, bigotry, and hypocrisy were not just a good way to govern, they were the only way to govern.
Either Reagan or a Bush has been president for 68% of the time I have spent on this planet. This is one of the main reasons why I am not ashamed to admit that I have clinical depression–it’s just a natural response, really.
According to Captain Nemo, GWB is afraid of seahorses.
Their tiny wetsuits give him flashbacks.
I know. You’d think they’d prefer giving a Nobel Peace Prize to a President who had presided over the worst domestic terror attack in history, invaded and occupied a non-attacking nation, and had allowed the largest financial and banking collapse since the Great Depression.
respondents were more offended by the image of two men kissing then that of a severed head.
Two great images that go well together!
Either Reagan or a Bush has been president for 68% of the time I have spent on this planet.
I was born just after Johnson was elected on his own, so I’m not thrilled with the collection of presidents in my life. But prior to Reagan the Rs at least tried to pretend that they actually cared about human beings. Nixon was a sack of shit, but he still (for example) signed OSHA, the Clean Water Act, Title IX, and Clean Air Act into law. Since Reagan got in it’s been nothing but contempt for anyone they deem to be less than an über-Galt.
Their tongues are purple and their drawers are brown.
These are not the lyrics of “Cities on Fire” that I remember.
Obama’s fans in Turbaco, Colombia, hold a parade to celebrate Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize.
BREAKING: First images from LCROSS mission reveal a sign reading “Congratulations President Obama” at the bottom of new crater.
Hey, when you’re on a roll, you’re on a roll.
Since Reagan got in it’s been nothing but contempt for anyone they deem to be less than an über-Galt.
I agree. My husband and I were talking the other day about how ideas that we consider to be right-wing, especially on economic issues, are basically accepted as common-sense. Globalization Is Good. Taxes Are Bad. Poor People Are Lazy. And then there’s the fact that concepts and terms that the left have used to criticize the US are now advocated by cons and even moderates as good and unassailable truths about the nature of America. I’m thinking specifically of American exceptionalism here, but there are other ideas, as well.
Two great images that go well together!
Further investigation (i.e. actually reading the thread) reveals that DragosaniBOB has already mentioned the Witkin ‘Le Baiser’ photograph.
Wow, Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize brings Kevin back after a long hiatus. I gotta say it was a good day.
Shalom, gentlemen.
Ha, very funny.
Hey, maybe I skimmed the thread too fast, but it looks like the wingnuts are missing a pretty big opportunity here. After all, you know who else won a Nobel Peace Prize?
Wow, Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize brings Kevin back after a long hiatus. I gotta say it was a good day.
I’m holding out for Bruce.
Poor Atlanta man is being harassed simply because racist liberals hate his freedom of expression.
Hey, maybe I skimmed the thread too fast, but it looks like the wingnuts are missing a pretty big opportunity here. After all, you know who else won a Nobel Peace Prize?
Once again, commenters here jest while at the Corner they say these same things with seriousness or with the intent of conveying a serious message.
Their tongues are purple and their drawers are brown.
These are not the lyrics of “Cities on Fire” that I remember.
might make a nice G&S patter song, though.
HITLER! 11:26 this morning at TPM:
(And no, this is not a cunning attempt to compare the president to the Fuhrer . . .)
No, we knew tight off the bat there was nothing cunning about it.
Right, even. Veiled cunny reference?
HITLER! 11:26 this morning at TPM
Humorless leftists are always amusing.
Veiled cunny reference?
might have to explain this for all the non-linguists here.
Okay I get the basic logical frame. Obama’s in power so if an American won something international that’s bad. If America lost something international in humiliating fashion then that’s good.
But how do I hang on to my xenophobia? I understand ridiculing the Nobel comittee for doing this (although thank you for bringing attention to Obamanation’s lack of qualifications for this award.) But am I know supposed to respect the IOC? Isn’t my storyline that they have better judgment than the American voters do?
Please, help me. I want to be able to hate ALL Europeans just as much as I hate Obama and his fellow-traveller so-called American supporters. But all this international stuff is making it hard. Frankly I wish we’d just skipped the whole “oh yeah the World slapped him down good” bit. That was the mistake. Fuck the world AND fuck Obama. Yeah. Feels good. I hope this Nobel Peace Prize can put everything back in it’s proper place.
I think you’d better EXPLAIN WHAT YOU MEAN.
I think this is all a bit premature so early in Obama’s term, but the Republican reaction has been priceless. Thank you, Nobel Prize Committee!
Q: How many leftists does it take to screw in a light bu–
A: That’s not funny!
After laughter comes tears.
Q: How many leftists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Just one, but what they do makes baby Jesus cry.
Re: J’s link:
(And no, this is not a cunning attempt to compare the president to the Fuhrer . . .)
Oh that’s a given.
relative peace = war
can’t argue with that
Bookmark this:
It will be the shame of winning the Nobel Peace Prize that finally turns Barack Obama into a frothing-at-the-mouth, Neocon killing machine.
Q: How many leftists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None they just wait for the government to steal the rich people’s hard earned light and give it to them, JUST LIKE HITLER.
relative peace = war
Q: How many leftists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
They’re all willing to try, but it’s just too tiny to have a decent drug-infused gay satan orgy in.
Q: How many leftists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
…surely you mean “trim the wick on the soya oil lamp”?
Q: How many leftists does it take to change in a light bulb?
A: Was the light bulb a little bit faggy to start with?
Q: How many leftists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None. Light bulbs are running-dog lackeys for the imperialist ruling elite.
Damn, ckc beat me to the gag.
Q: How many leftists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Silly boy, leftists screw in hot tubs. In California. While dining on arugula. And sipping lattes.
Q: How many leftists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Dunno, but if it was the last lightbulb on earth, and America needed it to survive, Republicans would be cheering for Obama to break it.
The light bulb must choose to change itself, so the left must form a vanguard party to organize and propagandize among proletarian light fixtures.
I’m more of a Nyarlathotep guy, meself. He gets all the best avatars.
Three-Lobed Burning Eye? Pffft!
Stay away from off brands, like “Everclear”.
I’m a “Graves” man, myself- the pride of Lewiston, Maine, indeed!
Veiled cunny reference?
Best amusement park EVAR!
J— said,
After laughter comes tears.
Did this involve Dragon-King Wangchuck and your mother?
No love for Azathoth?
or Shub-Nigguroth the black goat with a thousand young?
or Hast—-?
Q: How many leftists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
I will do my part by posting comments on liberal blogs about how the replacement bulb and the unlit alternative are essentially the same.
Q: How many leftists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
It really doesn’t matter because in about five minutes a bunch of wingnuts are going to come over and break the bulb and then stand around in the dark complaining how they can’t see anything and how it’s all the leftists’ fault.
According to my Bulbscrewers Union rule book, at least three certified Screwers are required to attend a job, unless the pre-existing bulb had been shattered. In that case, a qualified Sweeper and Disposal Specialist must be present in addition to the three Screwers.
Journeyman pay range for Screwers runs from $36.50 to $48.00 per hour, while Sweepers and Disposal Specialists’ payscale starts at $32.75.
Did this involve Dragon-King Wangchuck and your mother?
My mother said, “Dude. That’s the fan. Relax and to put your light bulb in once again.”
Once again, another leftist circular screwing squad.
Q: How many
leftistswingnuts does it take to screw in a light bulb?…better to curse the darkness than risk missing the teevee, besides I can see well enough to locate the Cheetos.
Contrary to popular opinion, it is actually more fun to curse the darkness than to light a candle.
and try to put
oh, I say! tut tut
Q: How many leftists does it take to screw in a light bu–
A: That’s not funny!
I heard that joke as
Q. “How many feminists does it take to screw in a light bulb?”
A. “that’s not funny!”
Two leftists to tut a light bulb.
Sodding leftists. Next thing you know, they’ll tell you to get off the goddamn lawn.
It will be the shame of winning the Nobel Peace Prize that finally turns Barack Obama into a frothing-at-the-mouth, Neocon killing machine.
He’ll probably get Kristol first- the smirk will become a grimace, then a rictus of fear.
Sodding leftists. Next thing you know, they’ll tell you to
get offreplace the goddamn lawn with organic soya (for the oil lamps).phxt
The fact is, Obama getting the Nobel Prize is the best thing ever for the Republicans, since here in the heartland most people have no use for these eleite prizes that are awarded by biased socialests. We will take back the House, The Senate, and when Obama is impeached for crimes of destroying the constition to replace free market with Marxism, we get the White House back where it belongs with a White man. America will be ours again once ACORN is crushed.
No love for Azathoth?
If I wanted to hear flutings and tootings, I would buy a James Galway album.
(mind you, if they’re really sodding leftists, maybe they’ll replace the lawn with…. lawn)
once ACORN is crushed.
Worst coffee substitute EVAH.
when Obama is impeached for crimes of destroying the constition to replace free market with Marxism
The free Marxet?
…surely you mean “trim the wick on the
soya oilrendered fat from wingnuts sent to ACORN re-education/fat camps lamp”?Fizzixed
once ACORN is crushed.
Worst coffee substitute EVAH.
I, uh, actually have a bag of acorns I am going to soak, grind, and eat as part of my grand experiment in foraging. N.B. Stinging nettles are delicious, just make sure you thoroughly cook them, or you’ll have a not-so-pleasant experience.
Q: How many leftists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One. Just one. And the whole world is cheering every time he changes it.
Once again, another leftist circular screwing squad.
Intrigued by your ideas, subscribe to your newsletter, etc.
Stinging nettles are delicious, just make sure you thoroughly cook them
I double-dare you to try this with Urtica ferox, the NZ tree nettle.
“components of the sting include […] histamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine and acetylcholine, and other substances not yet identified.”
I find nettles to be pretty mild in flavor – you have to soupify them to make the deliciousness.
There has been one recorded human death from contact—a lightly clad hunter who died five hours after walking through a dense patch.
What do I look like, Smut, a Kahukura caterpillar?
I find nettles to be pretty mild in flavor – you have to soupify them to make the deliciousness.
Spanakopita, old boy, spanakopita!
Well well well. What have we here? ‘Pon my sudden realization that I never did a damned thing with a nettle except soupify it, I started looking…
Men who wear condoms have found that briefly applying nettles to the PENIS before putting on the condom…
Men who wear condoms have found that briefly applying nettles to the PENIS before putting on the condom…
Bulwer-Lytton win!!!
Organic S&M- that’s fantastic!
I mispronounce quite common words: urticate, salpinx, bordereau.
Thank you, St. Jim.
Actually, the wingers would prefer Brawndo. ‘Cause Brawndo’s got electrolytes.
Why, DNC! What are those big, hairy, meaty things hanging down between you legs?
Sorry if someone has already addressed this , like I’m going to go back and read 500 posts. Sheesh.
The New Zealand Tourism Board is concerned that all this talk of “lightly clad hunters” in such close proximity to “men who wear condoms” will create unreasonable expectations about the NZ Bush experience.
not to mention the “dense patch”
Two minutes ago on Rachel Maddow, Barbara Boxer called Rush Limbough’s comment “very wimpy” . To paraphrase, “anyone can throw a punch or in Rush’s case, send other men and women to throw a punch for you, but it takes a real leader to look an enemy in the eye and talk to them.” From my memory of a few minutes ago.
Hey all, just back from doing some Thanksgiving feast prep. And screwing your mom. Did I miss anything? Cause I certainly didn’t miss your mother.
“ExpeRt to hear” is one hell of a lousy Freudian slip.
will create unreasonable expectations about the NZ Bush experience
Heh, indeedy!
Thanksgiving feast prep
…subtract several hundred time zones as needed
Greyson on the House floor said today that “I want to inform my Democratic friends that Olympia Snowe was not elected President of the United States.”
I’m sorry, wrong blog. I thought this was firedoglake.
…subtract several hundred time zones as needed
Mebbe I’m making Kimchi. Ever thought about that?
Alan Grayson should immediately issue a formal apology to President Snowe and resign.
Korean Thanksgiving?
Poorly veiled testicle reference.
Korean Thanksgiving?
Janusnode Thanksgiving.
Kim Chi? Whose mother is she?
Frankly, I think they are just goofing on Obama’s lack of accomplishment.
Oh, yeah, Kevin, you got it. Those cats are always making $1.4 million dollar jokes.
You’re pickling a turkey? Is that a veiled PENIS reference? Is the turkey a veiled reference to my mom? That would explain a lot, actually.
But another troll is proffering second-hand carrot chunks, so you’ve arrived just in time.
Just keep fucking that turkey.
You’re pickling a turkey?
perhaps you’re thinking of this…
Petunia Pickle Bottom Diaper Bag Touring Tote Glazed Turkish Twilight
You’re pickling a turkey?
Actually, yes I am. Orange brine with brown sugar. Gonna deep-fry that bad boy too, never can have too much moistness in something you’re gonna put in your mouth.
Since Columbus only discovered America and not that honking mass of igloos to the north, us Canuckistanis have to have our Thanksgiving this week-end. So I was baking up some pumpkin pies. And your mom.
Did I pick a bad weekend to drive to Toronto? I didn’t realize it was Thanksgiving in Canada.
Orange brine with brown sugar. Gonna deep-fry that bad boy too,
Pocahontas, eat your heart out!!
I was baking up some pumpkin pies. And your mom.
Given the pronounced and unfortunate resemblance between my mother and Poppin’ Fresh, I am not amused.
Good day, sir!
Thanksgiving in Canada.
…not to be confused with Death in Venice (I jest – my in-laws are always welcome)
I didn’t realize it was Thanksgiving in Canada.
Not to worry. We didn’t have no pilgrims or John Smith and Pocahontas, or whatever it is that you Yanks use as an excuse for the consumeristic orgy that is Black Friday. We’ll just eat ourselves silly and get all passive-aggresive about family members. No biggie. Hell, we don’t even watch teh foots-ball, because even though the CFL is faster paced and more interesting than American feets-balling, no one gives a shit about it.
But if you were looking to do any shopping, you’re SOL.
Are restaurants and such open?
I didn’t realize it was ____________ in Canada.
I’m sure there’s a technical term for this – whatever, it makes me laugh.
I’m sure there’s a technical term for this
The technical term would be that I’m an idiot.
That being said, I’m trying to see how much of my vacation can be salvaged.
So this is the day that Canada gives thanks for not being owned by Rupert Murdoch, and Citibank, and Halliburton, and such as?
…not being owned …
this also makes me laugh (sardonically)
The technical term would be that I’m an idiot.
Really? You didn’t strike me as an R voter.
(real – i.e. American – Thanksgiving in Canada is approaching midWinter: frozen turkeys, dead Pilgrims, etd. We go early so that we can hunker down and survive,)
Spanakopita, old boy, spanakopita!
If you can’t spanakopita, you probably can’t span at all.
Are restaurants and such open?
Wow. I dunno. I’ve always had Thanksgiving dinners (all week-end) surrounded by loved ones, and your mom. I’d suspect that a lot of the independent restos are closed, but you certainly won’t starve in Toronto.
Given the pronounced and unfortunate resemblance between my mother and Poppin’ Fresh, I am not amused.
Wasn’t Poppin’ Fresh gunned down in that bizarre East Coast/West Coast rap feud?
Wasn’t Poppin’ Fresh gunned down in that bizarre East Coast/West Coast rap feud?
No man or god short of Janus node can provide us with the appropriate doughboy rap.
I am embarassed to have to look it up, but here’s a two year-old Chowhound thread:
So, all is not lost. Plenty of places are catering to the cookery impaired – you’ll be able to score turkey dinners all week-end.
Tomorrow won’t be a write-off, Saturday should be business as usual. Sunday and Monday are different stories though. You may wanna call ahead and check in on places you were planning on seeing.
you certainly won’t starve in Toronto
…unless, perhaps, you’re trying to find a parking spot…
More recent Toronto Thanksgiving Restaurant reference:
Unless you need to go into a bank or a govt. office on Monday, most things will be open, though I can’t really speak for
the center of the universeToronto.No man or god short of Janus node can provide us with the appropriate doughboy rap.
Yo yo yo, the boy with the dough,
Put it in the oven, nice and slow.
Bake it up golden, nice and brown,
Spread the aroma ‘cross the town.
Biscuits, pie crust, rolls for dinner
Fat chance, yo, that you’ll get thinner.
Uh, a little help!
And then there’s the fact that concepts and terms that the left have used to criticize the US are now advocated by cons and even moderates as good and unassailable truths about the nature of America. I’m thinking specifically of American exceptionalism here, but there are other ideas, as well.
I’ve noticed this, especially with regard to American exceptionalism. It always seems so strange when some wingnut refers to it as a good thing. How is it taught in US schools? Is it taught as, “Of course the rules don’t apply to us, we’re the Good Guys”?
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody. Major Kong, as others have said, you shouldn’t starve. (Heck, I didn’t even starve the year I spent US Thanksgiving in downtown Philadelphia with no food in the refrigerator. Place looked like that Twilight Zone about the last man on Earth, but the restaurants were still open.)
Vice Admiral Merlinbeeno Pardoned’s Fudgy Pacific Cod Fudge
2 sticks ugliest Pacific cod, iced
1 bag Beaumont cheese
1 Abondance
4 portions charismatic swan tail, mildly charred
1 ounce vanilla
1 jar coffee
Cherishingly begin praying. Place the Pacific cod into a small bowl. Mix the Beaumont cheese with the Abondance over medium heat in a wok. Stuff the resulting concoction into the Pacific cod. Bake the swan tail, vanilla, and the coffee hoggishly. Heap everything together gleefully. Abandon for 46 hours. Serves 6 accessible enemies with ageless stomachs.
Thank you, St. Jim.
Bless you, Anon, for you have sinned – now say ten Hail Carlins & recite Krassner’s LBJ Skull-Fucking Sermon on Teh Mount to atone for your politeness … then go, & sin some more.
OT: the LULZ comes in many guises.
2 sticks ugliest Pacific cod, iced
Do you like fishsticks?
So PeeJ, I came up with another name for your food/politics blog:
“Swings Left, Cooks Right”
OK, so I’ve done the hard part, the rest is up to you!
We found our new dog!!! 2 years after losing our malamute, we have found another.
He’s getting his nurdles snipped over the weekend, and then he’s ours.
For a limited time only, come see him at my link!
Isn’t he a good boy?
He’s getting his nurdles snipped over the weekend, and then he’s ours.
Oh, joy! [winces, crosses legs]
No man or god short of Janus node can provide us with the appropriate doughboy rap.
They call me Pills-bury, I gots kills that I buried
Gots bills that I carry and mo’ milk than a dairy.
Pop, pop, pop is the sound of my Glock
Ain’t no cardboard spiral tube and there ain’t no cops.
I rise cuz I got yeast, I make every meal a feast,
Got a cinnamon Rolls, I last but not least.
Lovin’ from the oven is what Poppin’ Fresh knows
Got Mrs. Smith and Marie Callendar screamin’ mm-ah-oh.
A for profit right of centre Canadian radio station reported “Republicans and the Taliban are outraged that Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize.” And then the announcer burst out laughing.
You, FlipYrWhig, are a genius!
Isn’t he a good boy?
A most excellent dog, though with all this talk of Malamutes and Canadian Thanksgiving, I can’t help but think of this.
Getting his nurdles snipped is part of the deal when you get a dog from a county shelter, I’m afraid. (altho we’d probably do that anyway.) I don’t think he’s a purebred malamute, but he’s mighty pretty.
For a limited time only, come see him at my link!
He’s adorable.
Thx, Big Bad. Poppin’ Fresh is gangsta.
That’s a pretty dog, g. Congratulations.
Congrats, g, we sure love our Malamutt.
Well, two at least. Three for a lark.
I don’t know how you get them in one, though. It had better be a big lightbulb.
Q: How many leftists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Light bulbs are creations of corporate power. They screw in ALL OF US!
Power tot he People!
Sorry for the swingers personal site ad, but:
Another McNaughton riff, this one by me.
Een Sovyet Chunion, light bulb changes you!
G, looks like a purty boy, and sounds like a good-natured one as well. Pity about his nurdles, but then a boy ain’t guaranteed to be able to hold onto his nurdles in this sad old world.
a boy ain’t guaranteed to be able to hold onto his nurdles in this sad old world.
I can guarantee that every boy has held his nurdles a time or two.
So Limburger thinks Obama is the antichrist, eh?
Nice looking dawg, g. We lost two old ones this year but have a very cantankerous seven-month old puppy who seems to fill the void. And, speaking of voids, we just had his nurdles, er, done. Tones down the agro a bit.
Aaanndd, completely off topic (heh), I saw a couple of stories side by side while checking on the bezball playoffs (no, no, don’t wanna talk about it).
The first story: Gold in the Olympics. Feh.
But the second story gives me hope. “Golfer loses arm to alligator.”
Sooo, I’m a’ thinking that Olympic Golf could be really, really exciting if they set it up just so.
Not “gold.” “Guff.”
Sooo, I’m a’ thinking that Olympic Golf could be really, really exciting if they set it up just so.
Set up the course adjacent to the biathalon. Eliminate the traditional biathalon targets. Instant excitement.
Set up the course adjacent to the biathalon. Eliminate the traditional biathalon targets. Instant excitement.
Golf claps interwoven with outbreaks of screaming. I’d watch that.
Golf claps interwoven with outbreaks of screaming.
Brings back memories of my honeymoon…
Limbaugh continued: “They love a weakened, neutered U.S”
And a guy who has to take pills to get his dick hard knows neutered when he sees it.
I can guarantee that every boy has held his nurdles a time or two since breakfast.
Will you people please get off my mom, whom you are upon, also?
You’ve already had breakfast?
“Will you people please get off my mom, upon whom you have also ridden in?”
Seriously, fiquestated!
Seriously, fiques
tated!More accurate, no?
Limbaugh spoke like a true child of the 1960’s who had his opportunity to *strengthen* the US by putting his body in front of his words, but instead chose to sit out Vietnam on his pilonidal cyst which he later had harmlessly removed. He now encourages legions of small-minded followers to cower behind their doors with their blunderbuss in trembling hands, but if push came to shove and El Rashbo was needed by his country, especially in the event of an ill-considered spat between the US and another nation engendered by the running of a *particularly* loud and arrogant mouth (such as his own), you know where he’d be — cowering behind all of us.
Of course, he would still have the unmitigated gall to speak tough-sounding words from waaaayyyyyyy back there, because his shameless cowardice knows no bounds.
Fuck him *and* his mother, upon whom he rode betwixt the legs to town.
Of course, he would still have the unmitigated gall to speak tough-sounding words from waaaayyyyyyy back there, because his shameless cowardice knows no bounds.
He’d get fragged in boot camp. If it took that long.
Biathlon? So, winter golf?
That’s one of the striking things about most of the Screen Berets. I would expect almost every one of them to be shunned and ridiculed in any environment that required a pair of stones. I’m not a vet, but I can’t imagine any of these guys being held in anything but contempt by ordinary people serving as soldiers, and as such, needing to know if they can rely on a fellow squad member when they step in the shit. And if any of these douchebags were officers (happens all the time) they would get fragged, more likely or not.
And, yes, no one knows how they personally would react to combat until that moment arrives. However, adversity reveals character, and to date (and with only occasional skoshes of adversity), none of these dickwhistles have exhibited much, if any.
/humorless dildo
Your mother.
“Aaanndd, completely off topic (heh)”
Doctorb nice MacNaughton. The only thing I would suggest you add would be
This photo
555 is the new 666
Right on, I’ll replace eye-poke McCain with that.
To me it seems a bit inaccurate (though not entirely unfair) to say that the RNC have “sided with the Taliban” over this prize. I mean, the Taliban guy is saying that Obama doesn’t deserve it because he’s maintaining or increasing the level of US military presence in Afghanistan, while the Republicans would literally not be satisfied until every American (with the exception of RNC members, talk radio guys, and some of the doughier bloggers) was riding a Humvee through Kandahar. And even then, it would seem a little empty because a Democrat is in the White House.
Also the fun thing I’m hearing now is “the Nobel deadline was Feb, 1. ONE WEEK after taking office. damn i guess he did do a lot in that week. I must have missed it”.
Because you see, the committee stops accepting nominations on 01/02, then they stay up all night and by noon on 02/02 they have their decision Then they write the person’s name on a form, and then it takes eight months to process it; meanwhile the committee buggers off to their day jobs.