Chock full o’Nuts
Hey, whatever happend to Jillian Bandes? You remember her. She was the redneck wingnut who was fired from the UNC student newspaper after writing a column advocating that all Arab guys should be strip-searched at airports and that this wasn’t really a problem because Arab guys would enjoy getting all “sexed up” at the airport. Well, guess what? Jillian is now a contributor to the Clown Hall blog — “Where racism isn’t just a philosophy, it’s a job qualification!”
The other great thing about blogging for Clown Hall is you can recycle some stale wingnut blogger talking points from weeks ago, lard it up with ridiculously hyperbolic language à la Atlas’s Jugs, make up some shit to throw in for good measure to get the half-witted Town Hall commentariat all torn up, offer it up as your own blog posting, and then call it a day, collect your wingnut welfare check, and get to happy hour at Smith Point by mid-afternoon. Which is pretty much what Jillian did with her latest offering: “Michelle Obama’s Veggie Garden Is Poisoned!”
Michelle Obama’s much-touted White House garden is chock full of lead, according to a White House spokesperson. The garden had lead concentrations of 93 parts per million, with 10-50 ppm being an acceptable level.
So let’s see. Stale news? Check. Previously covered by other wingnuts? Check. Breathless hyperbole? “Poisoned!” “Chock Full of Lead!” Check. Figures (“10-50 ppm being an acceptable level”) pulled out of ass? Check. Purpose of post is to encourage spittle-spewing and racist comments from crazed TownHall readers? Check:
RonnaRonna writes: Wednesday, July, 08, 2009 11:23 PM
I wonder if anyone has ever seen her hoe
ing in that garden of hers.
cottoneyed writes: Wednesday, July, 08, 2009 11:53 PM
“RonnaRonna” ah, that
would be the first ho’, she ain’t doin’ no hoeing, no sirree!! And let me take this opportunity, well that is since Late Night’s, Alfred E. Neuman made it OK to crack funny’s about politicians daughters, to make my own funny’s about the first ho’, and of course, her two first ho’ daughters. Yo’ check it out dawg, obama knows the 3 rules of pimpin’: 1. Keep your ho’s in check. 2. Keep yo’ ho’s in pocket. 3. Always roll with yo’ bottom bit.h. Axe obama, politics ain’t no different. Hey dawg, anyone check out the first ho’, that ho’ is broad, baby, a 777 ain’t got nothin’ on that ho’. I is shor glad, Alfred E. Neuman opened up this type a’ dialog, gives us all a chance to be funny like him! Right dawg? Pretty funny…..
And there’s even a commenter apparently longing for the good ole days of the Confederacy where the only Negroes in the White House were doing laundry and stirring up a pot of grits. See if you can find him.
That’s old news, I want her view on the swim club defense- that’s a real ameriKKKan story of heroic efforts to keep amurika beautiful!
What!? But, but this is post-racial America!
Stop being so P.C. And lighten up! I thought this was suppsed to be a humor blog!
That is a good gig: she posts nine lines and one link, and then lets the commenters do the work. But gosh…isn’t she as cute as a speckled pup?
Yeah, it’s all fun and games ’til the ropes come out.
That gif makes her look like whatshername in Mad About You. Helen Sumpinorother.
Although this was an actual funny comment:
My generation grew up eating pesticides so lead in a salad is flavorful, like bacon bits.
But it confused some poor soul. He wasn’t quite sure if that was a joke or not.
On a plus note, maybe that Obama Death List will include themselves.
Are you serious?
I knew this would happen even if we had a black President. The Race Pipms sþill wouldn’t let the Race Hustling business die. In fact, business would boom.
It’s only fair, every time a comedian makes fun of a Republican’s family, we can be racist.
And you hush about the Race Pipms sþil. That was supposed to be a secret.
You don’t have to eat it, but why waste a scoop of perfectly good industrial rice pudding?
RedCon, you’re right. It has been 11 whole years since anything like a lynching happened.
You can make all the racist jokes you want. You can laugh at all the racist jokes you want. We get to call you racist and you’ll be a richly deserving social pariah. I don’t want to suppress people’s bigotry. I want them in the light where I can see them and keep a watchful eye on them.
Negroes eat vegetables?
I’d think every sentence she writes originally started with OMG or SRSLY or OTOH, before being edited, but that assumes a level competence on the part of TownHall that’s way way beyond it.
The racist jokes were beyond the pale, but I have to say that this comment cracked me up: “The garden is Michelle’s stepping stone to push fellow Americans into eating healthy foods.”
They’re “pushing fellow Americans into eating healthy foods”!!! Those food fascists!
Michelle’s already shown off her buff arms to try to make us feel inadequate about our doughy physiques and now this! What next???!!
Cracker please.
Pass the Sun Chips.
-Mike Berbiglia
And you hush about the Race Pipms sþil. That was supposed to be a secret.
What does that even mean? Why am I always the last to know about Secret Liberal Plots?
Oy, RedCon! Þorn is our letter, along with eð. Only people who speak English have any right to use ðem. What is it with these racist bastards coming in here trying to act all cool by using our outdated graphemes?
RedCon is right, if you can’t laugh at the First Lady of the United States being called a whore over and over again in racially demeaning blackface dialect, then…wait, what?
And there’s even a commenter apparently longing for the good ole days of the Confederacy where the only Negroes in the White House were doing laundry and stirring up a pot of grits. See if you can find him.
So not fair. Remember the last entry in Where’s Waldo, where the page is covered with hundreds of little figures who are almost exactly like Waldo? Yeah, so not fair like that.
Sorry, should have been ‘wiþ ðese racist bastards’. Ðis inconsistency is inexcusable on my part; I’d þank you all if we could put it all behind us.
Oh my. Speaking of racism, has anyone seen this yet?
I didn’t I could be surprised by anything that the Fox News commentariat said anymore, but I was wrong.
My oh my. That is telling. So post-racial.
Christ, the commenters are acting as if Michelle put the lead there herself.
g, not only that, but they also seem to think that she and B personally planted the garden and were just too dumb to check for lead. I’m guessing, in actuality, they had some organic gardening types plant the garden and take care of it and they didn’t know anything about testing for lead since neither one of them have probably done any urban gardening? Crazy hypothesis, I know!
“See if you can find him”?
As a wiser commenter than I once said, “Nope. Not gonna click it.”
Speaking of racism, has anyone seen this yet?
Saw it on Huffpo.
Rather a pity Malkin wasn’t around to talk this through with her BFFs, but crikey moses, that is some vault copy nuts.
Speaking of contamination – wow.
Anyways I did a little googly-mooglies. The 10-50 ppm BS is from the linked Suzanne Goldenberg piece. It’s from the Guardian.
So, first I stopped by EPA to see what they had to say. Sure enough – 400 ppm is the hazard level for soil that your children are rolling around in and eating.
So I dug a bit deeper – sure Goldenberg’s a US environment correspondent, but the Guardian’s a Brit paper:
DEFRA’s Soil Guideline Value for lead is 450 ppm.
Finally, I read some older articles written by Suzanne Goldenberg. She spent quite some time covering the Middle East. Everything I came across in my sampling read pretty objectively (i.e. orders of magnitude better than US press at the time). Here’s a bit about Jenin. She’s clearly not some partisan hack with a crazy vendetta or whatnot.
So, I have no idea where the 10-50 ppm came from. Some breakdown somewhere. I wonder if it’s been brought to the Guardian’s attention yet?
More people have died from shark attacks and lightning strikes than lynchings in the past 30 years!
More people have died from shark attacks and lightning strikes than lynchings in the past 30 years!
More people have died from inability to afford health care than terrorism in the past 30 years!
That wild-ass rotating gif already made me nauseous before reading the post, so that saved me some time this morning. Thanks!
“truculent and unreliable said,
July 9, 2009 at 15:57
Oh my. Speaking of racism, has anyone seen this yet?
I didn’t I could be surprised by anything that the Fox News commentariat said anymore, but I was wrong.”
Yeeah. I can tell that both swedes and finns marry people originating from outside sweden/finland. It is not that uncommon, though it is still rather new thing (For finns mainly because the society was pretty closer untill maybe 1980s or so, and there weren’t many foreigners here.)
I’m say better medical care, or different diet might be more likely reason, though this is pure speculation.
Ðis from ðe supposedly tough-on-crime right?
The odds that RedCon is posting from one of those tax-draining gubmint welfare states south of the Mason-Dixon: 100%. Don’t worry, RC. I’m working today, so you’ll get to keep your fancy indoor plumbing and ‘lectricity!
Ummm, spoiler alert, please?
Pop Quiz:
Which of the following has killed the LEAST number of people in the last 30 years?
A)Shark attacks
B)Lightning strikes
C)Terrorist attacks
“Spittle-spweing?” I’ve heard of “spittle-spewing” before, but never “spittle-spweing.” Is that some new wingnut variant of spittle-spewing?
Ha ha Specialist G I’m glad all us libs decided to live up north ha ha ha couldn’t be any libs on here in the south I guess ha ha ha indoor plumbing whewww tee hee hee
RedCon is right, if a horrible crime is rare enough then you never have any right to bring it up, ever, ever, ever…wait.
That gif makes her look like whatshername in Mad About You. Helen Sumpinorother.
Helen Hunt?
You demean the true beauty of Ms. Hunt by associating her with this wackjob, sirrah. I’d challenge you to a duel for her honor but I can’t fit the slapping glove though the Ethernet port.
So never mind. I’ll just sob quietly in the corner (as opposed to The Corner, where everyone sobs not-so-quietly).
And re: RedCon – perfect example of the principle that “politically correct” is shorthand for “why won’t anyone laugh at my racist and homophobic jokes anymore?”
I live in Texas, and we pay more to the feds than we get back, thank you very much!
Which of the following has killed the LEAST number of people in the last 30 years?
So lynchings are okay ’cause they killed fewer people than sharks, and Toby Keith wrote a nice songs about lynching, and 9/11 so shut up you liberals.
Why, I can barely argue with insightful carefully-thought-out political commentary like that.
If they would check, they’d probably find that the lead-filled garden is where Dick Cheney used to go with a close friend and a shotgun to play ‘catch.’
I live in Texas
SO not surprising.
Pop Quiz:
Which of the following has killed the LEAST number of people in the last 30 years?
Shark attacksLaura BushB)
Lightning strikesStalinC)
Terrorist attacksHitlerD)
LynchingsGenghis KhanE) Chappaquiddick!
But we’ll drone on about it anyway.
But its still OK to make jokes anout whites, men, heterosexuals, and especially southerners, right Pere? Those are funny, but jokes about blacks, women, or gays are not. Not evem jokes about self-righteous liberal yankees are, right?
Help, help, I’m being oppressed!
Texas: like a whole other country? We should be so lucky!
Right Winger: The Left is too PC.
Who did David Letterman joke about? Grab the torches and pitchforks. He must be stopped.
Not evem jokes about self-righteous liberal yankees are, right?
Would you mind telling one?
“More people have died from shark attacks and lightning strikes than lynchings in the past 30 years!”
Trying Too Hard and Failing Troll is trying too hard and failing.
But its still OK to make jokes anout whites, men, heterosexuals, and especially southerners, right Pere?
The South manufactures its own comedy these days, q.v. Governor Sanford here in Sou’ Ca’lina.
As Jello Biafra sang, “being a clown gives us the right to laugh”.
And as a hetero white male, I say, go for it. We’re hardly an oppressed minority.
Actually, I looked at the Pop Quiz again, and I’d have to say that the answer certainly isn’t what he thinks it is. Lynchings in Baghdad alone probably out weigh everything except lightning strikes.
But wait – RedCon must mean in the US alone, since all them foreign countries don’t count. Well in that case, it’s probably shark attacks. It’s not like lynchings magically stopped sometime in the 70’s. Just ask the families of Michael Donald or James Byrd Jr.
Why lynch when you’ve got a Super-Max?
Michelle’s already shown off her buff arms to try to make us feel inadequate about our doughy physiques and now this! What next???!!
The only changes that repigs consider “improving themselves” are:
1) amping up their hate levels
2) buying additional guns
3) whining more
More people died in David Lynch films in the past 30 years than the 30 years previous to that!!11one! Linear extrapolation indicates that he’ll kill all of us (fictional characters) sometime in the near future!!!11!one!
RedCon – finish a sentence without a typo! I DARE YOU!
Hint: if you only use one letter, it’s easier.
What is your opinion of cilantro, RedCon?
And the food nanny/fascist stuff isn’t a straw man. They’re already considering taxing “unhealthy” foods to pay for socialist health care.
Why should the government control what we choose to eat? I thought liberals were “pro-choice”? Or is that only when it comes to abortion and homosexuality?
Why should the government control what we choose to eat?
They don’t. Eat all the lead paint you want.
I hope it’s obvious to everybody that “FlaccidCon” is troofie.
I do not, in fact, recall this “Jillian Bandes”, although yon animated GIF does bring to mind a certain crazy-ass camera hogger of YooChoob fame.
Aha! I got it. Pretty sneaky Tintin, that’s a pretty darned obscure reference you got there but speaking of:
The Chock Full O’Nuts and Actresses that Jillian Bandes is vaguely reminiscent of:
Season Hubley.
Hey B, didn’t say there weren’t Libs in the South. Just guessed (correctly) that’s where the troll was from. Hope it’s not too late to get your money back on that strawman!
Somebody or other made a mean joke about Laura Bush being a “lump in the bed” during the Bush presidency. Shouldn’t family be off limits?
This place needs better trolls! This “RedCon” can’t even try to rebut one strawman without erecting another. Please get your big brother to help you out.
So let’s see. Stale news? Check. Previously covered by other wingnuts? Check. Breathless hyperbole? “Poisoned!” “Chock Full of Lead!” Check. Figures (”10-50 ppm being an acceptable level”) pulled out of ass? Check. Purpose of post is to encourage spittle-spewing and racist comments from crazed TownHall readers? Check
You forgot one, Tintin: “Conservative stereotype-based ‘humor’ that’s anything but humorous: Check!”
But that goes without saying, I suppose.
There’s a negress in the ore mine.
And the food nanny/fascist stuff isn’t a straw man. They’re already considering taxing “unhealthy” foods to pay for socialist health care.
Wait, are they fascist or socialist? I can never keep this straight, dammit!
This POP QUIZ stuff is fun!
Who’s responsible for the deaths of more Americans –
Al Qaeda or The Confederate Army?
Fascists are a kind of socialist, genius.
Hey B, didn’t say there weren’t Libs in the South. Just guessed (correctly) that’s where the troll was from.
Real Southerners don’t claim Texas.
Jillian Bandes of the now defunct Culture 11 interviews Dawn Eden, author of some book about chastity. We remember Eden, yes we do.
So, I have no idea where the 10-50 ppm came from….
Think it is the old levels for being exposed on a permanent basis (i.e. Lead in drinking water….0. However I am pretty sure that’s been superseded and there is no permanently acceptable limit. But I cant be arsed looking it up, so I may be very wrong.
But being very wrong never stops RedCon and his other sad, lonely ‘friends’.
Fascists are a kind of socialist, genius.
Put down the Jonah Goldberg already, genius.
Right-wingers are a special case of Asylum Escapees.
Conservatives are a special case of Serial Killers.
Republicans are a special case of War Criminals.
Fascists are a kind of socialist, genius.
At this point we should officially ignore the troll, as he has just reveled himself to be a 12 year old saddo in a basement.
Bandes is now doing something on YouTube called “Washington Beat” for Townhall. Her delivery is painful. Tintin’s animated gif is more fluid.
OMG, not a fried pork rind tax! Don’t worry RC, the Repubs in the Senate will fillobluster any attempt at taxing Cheetos as a terrorist attack on their constituency.
Wheee, the “Fascists = National Socialists = Socialists = Communists” trope!
By that logic, of course, North Korea is a republic. ‘Cause that’s what they call themselves, Q.E.D.
And pay roadie trolls are a kind of troll.
I live in Texas,
So what do you think of your potential school board chairwoman?
rebut one strawman
Veiled PENIS reference. The proof: without erecting another
Unbreast my roast, Gibbs!
HAHA! Shit I remember this one. Didn’t like his tone at all, no siree! So I just happen to find a big block of cocaine. What a surprise! Turns out he was on probation for possession. HAHA!! Get uppity with me, asshole!
Yeah! And the English are a kind of French, Jonah.
“rebut one strawman
Veiled PENIS reference. The proof: without erecting another”
Keep your eyes from drifting downward, N__B! Don’t be going off half-cocked!
I look forward to Sarah Palin becoming president and jump-starting the effort to nullify nanny-state laws that prohibit me from buying the substance of my choice from an enterprising capitalist at a competitive price, and shooting it into my vein with a clean, new needle, bought over the counter. And there better not be a “sin” tax on it to pay for rehab services because I’ll never need them.
President Palin will have a personal stake in this, since it would allow her grandson’s other grandmother to be released from prison.
And Crack? Whoa Nellie, if that ain’t the gift that keeps on giving!?
That was a CIA operation wasn’t it?
Anyway liberals hate fast food and want to destroy it because it is a result of capitalism, industrialization, and globalism, which they all hate.
Look at all the anti-McDonalds screeds written by leftists in the last decade. They just hate the fact people make a free choice to eat there.
RedCon, have you considered starting a blog to showcase your stunning advances in fresh political thinking?
Keep your eyes from drifting downward, N__B!
I read better with my eyes oriented down. Rassin’ frassin’ progressive bifocals…
[rimshot] But at least they ain’t right-wing bifocals! [/rimshot]
The <rimshot> tag is deprecated. Please use this instead.
I hate McDonald’s ’cause I hate McDonald’s.
The “lefty” stuff is just a topper to my hatred of their idiotic “hipper-than-thou” attitude. And their association with Wal-Mart doesn’t help either.
You can now buy “McDonald’s Drive-Thru” playsets at Wal-Mart, complete with a lil’ headset so your future burger flipper can pretend to take orders through it. That, in my mind, is child abuse.
“Yes, Johnny, this is what you will do for the rest of your life ’cause the wingnuts gave so much power to the corporations that they were able to outsource every other job in the country leaving wage slavery at McDonald’s your only option beyond joining the military! By the way, we have a plyset for that, too…”
via Atrios,
The racist segregation pool that didn’t like the complexion of black kids? Under the spotlight.
Wingnut tweet, just now:
@PatrickRuffini:Are sagging Obama approval numbers due to wall to wall Jackson coverage?
Longer tweet: Because of saturation coverage of a famous dead black guy, America is no longer so sure about famous black guys. Cavuto?
The tag is deprecated.
I honestly read that as “The tag is depreciated.” See what happens when I read looking straight ahead?
I like McDonald’s. Eat there all the time.
The hatred of Wal-Mart pretty much shows how much the left hates working people who, thanks to Wal-Mart, can buy goods at affordable prices even in the smallest town in middle America. The fact that they are successful ramps up the leftist hatred, too.
BTW, would you rather have your kid get a Government Welfare Playset, with model unemployment office and ObamaBucks?
I hate McDonald’s because it tastes like shit. And because they have those fucking stupid “coffAY” commercials or whatever the fuck it is.
I mean, if you’re going to buy food that kills people and is bad for the environment, you should at least eat at Wendy’s. At least their food doesn’t taste completely pre-digetsted.
I actually know Jillian personally…I was working at the Daily Tar Heel when all that shit went down. Funny thing is, Jillian wasn’t really ever a wingnut, she was pretty DFHed while at Carolina. Who knows, maybe she’s gone full wingnuttia, but I remember her being fairly liberal, except for that one column.
I mean, Christ, leftists are so melodramatic!
“If my kid plays with a McDonalds playset, he will be a burger flipper!!!!”
“RedCon said,
July 9, 2009 at 18:12
I mean, Christ, leftists are so melodramatic!
“If my kid plays with a McDonalds playset, he will be a burger flipper!!!!”
So… You’d have no problem with kids playing with two male dolls in rainbow shirts, or with abotion clinic playset?
RedCon, do you have a Twitter account, at least? Your talent is wasted here on this leftist scum!
Who knows, maybe she’s gone full wingnuttia
All signs point to Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Argle Blargle BLAH.
“If my kid plays with a McDonalds playset, he will be a burger flipper!!!!”
McD’s needs workers!
If there was a market for Homo Harry Doll, and parents wanted to buy it, no, I wouldn’t bitch and whine and demand the government “so something”.
Tedious troll is tedious.
Speaking as a person who grew up in a small town in the midwest whose family’s business provided “goods at affordable prices,” Wal-Mart can go take a flying fuck.
What, did you think we ran around shoeless in burlap sacks and slept on the floor before Wal-Mart came around?
And burger flipping on the same moral level as abortion? Uh, ok. No.
The hatred of Wal-Mart pretty much shows how much the left hates working people who, thanks to Wal-Mart, can buy goods at affordable prices even in the smallest town in middle America.
I hate them because I worked for them for 5 1/2 demeaning years of “hip” culture hell. Besides, there’s really nothing I can get there that I can’t get elsewhere at a comparable price, if I can’t do without it in the first place.
Of course, “middle America” used to have things called “local stores” where people could buy stuff from shops run by their neighbors, which sold “goods at affordable prices” even in small towns. But hey, Wal-Mart sells Hanna Montana videos and NASCAR potaoes, so Q E fucking D I guess.
I thought liberals were “pro-choice”? Or is that only when it comes to abortion and homosexuality?
A timeless wingnut classic. Here’s some basic psychology 101 for ya, RedCon – only people who are ‘struggling’ with their own ‘temptations’ believe that sexuality is a choice. Personally I’ve never had a second’s doubt that I’m heterosexual, and that’s why I don’t give a flying fuck what anyone else does in their bedroom. How ’bout you?
As a native Texan, I would like to say that I am embarrassed that RedCon lives in my state.
Pop Quiz:
Which of the following has killed the LEAST number of people in the last 30 years?
A)Shark lynchings
B)Race Pipms sþill
C)Unattended burning paper bags of dogshit
D)Sex between badgers and impure Finns
People have made a free choice to shop at big box stores instead of smaller chains or mom and pop shops. That’s how the market works. Would you rather have a government enforced ban on big box stores and taxpayer subsidies for smaller ones?
And anyone who thinks that mom and pop shops weren’t extremely demanding employers has obviously never worked for one.
“RedCon said,
July 9, 2009 at 18:17
If there was a market for Homo Harry Doll, and parents wanted to buy it, no, I wouldn’t bitch and whine and demand the government “so something”.”
So, who exactly has demanded goverment to do anything about the McDonald toys?
Geez, that shark has no tongue! How does he taste?
Like rotted cheese.
The hatred of Wal-Mart pretty much shows how much the left hates working people who, thanks to Wal-Mart, can buy goods at affordable prices even in the smallest town in middle America.
Oh, and, as a wife of a “working person” (I assume you mean good ‘ol blue-collar manly man “work,” after all, not some pussy-ass desk job like I have), I can assure you that he hates Wal-Mart, too, especially since competition with Wal-Mart has been responsible for him being laid off once and may cause it again and the Wal-Mart model has been mostly responsible for an overall depression in wages in his career field.
But, you know, keep pretending like you give a shit about working people. It’s cute.
If there was a market for Homo Harry Doll, and parents wanted to buy it, no, I wouldn’t bitch and whine and demand the government “so something”.
No, RedCock, you would just bitch and whine and demand that Wal-Mart (or whoever) stop selling it.
I’m sure it would take very little effort to find a toy that wingnuts claimed promoted homosexuality or being Arab or pacifism or atheism or socialism or whatever.
Would you rather have a government enforced ban on big box stores and taxpayer subsidies for smaller ones?
(This episode of “Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions” was brought to you by all the defunct independent bookstores that Wal-Mart, Sam’s Club, and all the other big-box chains have destroyed, including the bookstore I used to own. ‘Cause who gives a shit about community, wide selection or booksellers who know and care about what they carry when you can get 20% off your purchase?)
I would like to apologize for the run-on sentence above. I get all het up when I think about Wal-Mart.
I thought liberals were “pro-choice”? Or is that only when it comes to abortion and homosexuality?
Exactly. You can have an abortion or you can have gay sex. Or you can have a gay abortion. You must choose at least one. That is the true meaning of pro-choice.
Greenland sharks may taste like a cleaning product mixed with rotting fish heads, but other varieties of shark can be quite tasty.
If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice.
And burger flipping on the same moral level as abortion? Uh, ok. No.
What is the difference between a McDonald’s burger and an abortion? One is a tasty meal and the other is a McDonald’s burger.
Pere, the chains destroyed your store but now the chains are being destroyed by Amazon.con. “Creative destruction”, etc.
I guess in the 1920s you would have demanded the government subsidize horse shoe makers to protect them from “unfair” competition by automobiles?
Q: What block of the population of Wisconsin is the largest recipient of state aid (welfare, for the trolls)?
A: WalMart employees. No insurance, no living wage, etc.Gotta keep the prices on that Chinese crapola low! Any right-winger bringing up WalMart as an example of anything other than corporate blood-sucking at its most heinous simply hasn’t a fuckin’ clue.
Also, its a lot easier to live with McDonald’s if you just think of the golden arches as a new type of sign for “public restroom”. My willingness to ingest that barf is directly proportional to the caliber of the weapon aimed at me.
But, you know, keep pretending like you give a shit about working people. It’s cute.
Isn’t it?
Redcock and his homies just looooove themselves (in a manly way, of course) some workin’ men… unless those workers are in a union, or want higher wages, or better medical coverage, or better safety equipment, or something silly and socialistic like that. q.v. media coverage of just about any strike in the last 30 years or so.
Plus, as I said, these are the shitlickers who have empowered the corporations with their idiotic “free market” blather for decades, to the point where the corps kick them in the gutter and take their jobs to Vietnam, to which these boobs say “Thank you sir may I have another”. Virtually guaranteeing their children will have nowhere to work other than Wal-Mart or McDonald’s, won’t earn enough money at one job to support themselves, and live a life of misery. But that’s okay with the wingnuts, I guess.
Dirty freaking liberals and their hatred of Wal Mart…it is YOUR DUTY as an AMERICAN to support Wal Mart in financing the communist dictatorship of China, and their slave factories in order to destroy what is left of the American economy in debt and devalued currency…wait, just a minute, that don’t sound right
to support Wal Mart in financing the People’s Republic of China,..there, that’s better. (I love the conservative world view- up is down, liberal is fascism, communist is republican, wheeee what fun!)
Thanks RedCon, for showing us the light.
Leading shitbag John Ziegler on the Palin resignation.
You know who else wanted to ban department stores atthe big box stores of their day) in the name of “community”?
The Fascists.
Thankfully you won’t get to live out your totalitarian fantasies of forcing people to shop only at government approved “community” locations. FREE people made FREE choices and decided that 20 percent off was indeed more important than “community”.
Please don’t encourage Troofie. He gets overstimulated and wets himself.
Free people made free choices, Pere, and they chose the chains over your little store. Just because you are a failed small businessman who blames his own failure to turn a profit on “the corporations” doesn’t give you the right to lobby for government force to live out your totalitarian fantasies.
Fascists also railed against big chains because they destroyed “community”, you know.
The nice thing about big box stores is that their size and ubiquity will make them ideal holding cells for white Christian males en route to the camps.
He’s a rebel and a runner
He’s preggers and a fag
He’s a restless young romantic
Has an addiction to tea-bags
He’s in his third trimester
But you know he’ll find a cure
He’s sucking all sorts of cock
To keep his nature pure
Fascists also railed against big chains because they destroyed “community”, you know.
Its a well known fact that Mussolini hated Wal-mart, but bore a somewhat begrudging affection for Target.
Question for CommieInmate: you like Camaros?
Pere, the chains destroyed your store but now the chains are being destroyed by Amazon.con. “Creative destruction”, etc.
Amazon dot CON is right. Who gives a shit about customer service, after all? And what happens when the next dot-com crash occurs and Amazon disappears?
You know who else wanted to ban department stores atthe big box stores of their day) in the name of “community”?
The Fascists.
I SO call “bullshit” on that one.
Hey, Redcock, maybe you can explain this to me: fascism is the subservience of the individual for the “greater good” of the State, right? So how is that any different than the subservience of the worker to the “greater good” of the Corporation? Both are dictatorial heirarchies, after all. Why is it appropriate in the wingnut mind for my employer to tell me what I can & can’t do, even off the job, while the goverment doing the same would be intolerable?
Redcock and his homies just looooove themselves (in a manly way, of course) some workin’ men… unless those workers are in a union, or want higher wages, or better medical coverage, or better safety equipment, or something silly and socialistic like that. q.v. media coverage of just about any strike in the last 30 years or so.
I just want to know how the fuck the Republicans did it. Those motherfuckers have a way of turning their shit into gold and I don’t get it. How the fuck did they convince a large number of working class people that shilling for the oligarchy was in their interest? It’s nuts.
Wal-Mart won’t even consider opening a store unless the local government guarantees to subsidize zoning and property abatements, and gives them a 10-year moratorium on paying any property taxes. They will also demand multi-lane road construction for access to the location, infrastructure improvements in the area, like water, sewer, fire and police protection, all on the taxpayer’s dime. Then, when they start hiring, they hand out state food-stamp, school lunch subsidy and other welfare benefits applications to the new employees, because they know they won’t be paying anyone near enough to afford to live. They only hire “part-time” employees, so they get around any requirements to provide decent benefits for your “hard-working Americans”, and the medical plans they do offer are really more like “discount coupons” than actual coverage, so the employees end up going to the emergency room and bankrupting themselves for expensive treatments, rather than being able to visit doctors on a regular basis for cheaper preventive or therapeutic care.
But oh, yeah–they hate “big Gub’mint”
Alfred E. W. said,
July 9, 2009 at 18:59
Feature article on the front page of Wikipedia today, no shit:
Gropecunt Lane was a street name found in English towns and cities during the Middle Ages, believed to be a reference to the prostitution centred on those areas; it was normal practice for a medieval street name to reflect the street’s function, or the economic activity taking place within it.
oooh, ooooh, that’ll get the wingnuts all hep’d up…
Hi, guys. Long time no chat.
Second off, y’all know there’s a script to eliminate Twoofie’s newest incarnation, right? It feels really good to hit (kill). It really does. Try it. You’ll like it.
Corporations are much weaker than states. Have a large, sustained boycott of a corporation and watch them change their behavior very quickly. Hell just give them bad press and they buckle.
McDonalds ended the supersize option and introduced more salads just because of that stupid movie.
Pere, Amazon has whatever book you want, at a low price, shipped to you without ever leaving your home. That’s pretty good “customer service”.
If you want a place to sit down and browse books in a “community” setting, go to a library.
How the fuck did they convince a large number of working class people that shilling for the oligarchy was in their interest?
By convincing them they were part of the oligarchy. Motivated self-interest without the yacht.
The running theme is that Pere hates hates hates HATES the free choices other people are making, and would like to use government force to stop it.
Wait. Doesn’t WalMart do organic food? Therefore by the Goldberg principle of “Shut Up, That’s Why!” Walmart is Nazi-Fascist-Double-Hitler-no-touchbacks. That makes liberals who hate WalMart the Champeens of Freedum!!11one Take that RedCon!
If you want a place to sit down and browse books in a “community” setting, go to a library.
You know who loved libraries? I know you do…
I haven’t set foot in a Wal-Mart for over 10 years. And while you’re free to clog your arteries to your heart’s content by cramming down all the McDonald’s deep-fried crap you can shove in your pie-hole, Troofy, it doesn’t make the truth any different: fast food isn’t “food” at all. Sorry it hurts your tender sensibilities to point out that there’s very little that the majority of Americans eat these days that could be classified as actual food, like the stuff my grandfather and grandmother grew on their farm.
Likewise, you can continue ass-kissing the Wal-Mart corporate titans with your blather about what a great service they provide by selling cheap crap cheaper than a local mom & pop can sell it, but it only reveals your underlying poor math skills: Wal-Mart can sell cheaper because they don’t pay living wages. The mom & pop stores charge a bit more, but they actually support families with their earnings. And those families have money to buy things like food, houses, cars, etc. Which the Wal-Mart workers don’t have. So your addiction to false economy actually puts the entire economies of small towns directly into the shitter, as all the locals close shop and are forced into low-wage servitude at Wal-Mart and can no longer afford to do business with any of the other locals, who are also forced out of business. And then they all go on food stamps and qualify for state health insurance for their kids since Wal-Mart doesn’t provide it, and you get to pay for that in the form of higher taxes.
So in the end, you haven’t saved a penny, and you’ve forced a lot of your fellow citizens into poverty, and Wal-Mart makes out like a bandit since they’re the only game in town. Hey, sounds like a win-win to me – for Wal-mart. For everyone else, it sucks donkey. But that’s what you’re all about, innit?
Toby is correct. Please keep readers other than the troll in mind. I’d given up the killfile and the filtered RSS for a couple of months but there appears to be a need again.
1. Sell everyone the ‘American Dream’
2. Tell everyone that the government is taxing the rich unfairly.
3. Let the fear that the populace’s giant pot of Trickle Down will be unfairly taxed when they finally somehow ‘make it’ drive their political choices.
4. Profit!
Pop Quiz:
Which of the following has killed the LEAST number of people in the last 30 years?
A)Greenland sharks working part-time at WalMart
B)Rush lyrics
C)Fast food chains serving supersized hákarl chunks
D)Tentacle sex with John Ziegler and Sarah Palin
I think Troofy should show his support of McDonalds by eating his every meal there. Good luck with that, Troofy.
If you want a place to sit down and browse books in a “community” setting, go to a library.
I went there last week and accused three book shelvers and a check-out clerk of being Satan-worshippers because those ALA hippies wouldn’t pull the Harry Potter series off their shelf, so they won’t let me back in. Plus, a tax-funded, public institution? Yuck.
Plus, a tax-funded, public institution? Yuck.
Yeah, funny how in the olden days, the captains of commerce frittered away their money in building things like libraries for the rabble (Andrew Carnegie). Seriously, those old farts were such bleeding hearts.
1. Sell everyone the ‘American Dream’
2. Tell everyone that the government is taxing the rich unfairly.
3. Let the fear that the populace’s giant pot of Trickle Down will be unfairly taxed when they finally somehow ‘make it’ drive their political choices.
4. Profit!
It helps that that threw a little fear of the browns and the gays in there for seasoning.
Which of the following has killed the LEAST number of people in the last 30 years?
Nah, just joshing. I just wanted to say POOP.
If you don’t think Wal-Mart pays a “living wage”, don’t work there. Nobody is forcing you, you have freedom of contract.
I love brown gay seasoning!
Wait. That didn’t come out right.
My dealer would like to open a Recreational Drugs R Us in a nice suburban strip mall (there are some good properties available at reasonable rent right now), so his customers wouldn’t have to risk being mugged in dark, inner city alleys. But his admirable ambition is totally thwarted by statist laws that interfere with a person’s free choice to ingest substances for fun. His friend Roxie would like to take an adjacent space and provide BJs at reasonable prices. But NOOOOoooo.
Damn statist laws interfering with people’s free choices.
Corporations are much weaker than states.
If you want a place to sit down and browse books in a “community” setting, go to a library.
Oh, you mean the library that’s less and less accessible because they have less money than ever, where the employees are overworked and underpaid, there are fewer and fewer books on the shelves and there’re more cutback to be announced next month? That is, if they’re even open.
…go to a library.
Haw haw. That commie-librul-fascistist institution?
RedKong must not be a real conservativistableist ’cause that-there liberry thingie doesn’t have anything to do with national defense or checking your bedroom to see just what you’re doing with your sexual equipment.
I call fake troll.
If you don’t think Wal-Mart pays a “living wage”, don’t work there. Nobody is forcing you, you have freedom of contract.
Eat cake libs!
Um, like which “big chains”? References, please.
As I recall, the Nazis were all about big corporations: Bayer, Seimens, I.G. Farben, Schindler. IBM sold their punch card tabulators to the Nazis to track Jews in the country, and to efficiently round them up for the death camps. IBM knew exactly what the Nazis were using their machines for, and helped them program them.
And up until the day of Pearl Harbor, Standard Oil of New Jersey had $120 million invested in Nazi Germany; General Motors had $35 million; IBM had $30 million; and Ford had $17.5 million. That’s almost half-a-billion 1940s dollars invested in Hitler’s regime.
Yeah, the Nazis sure did “rail” against those “big chain” corporations…
The running theme is that Pere hates hates hates HATES the free choices other people are making, and would like to use government force to stop it.
Yes, I’m the one who wants to use goverment force to negate other people’s free choice, like getting married, adopting children, using birth control or having an abortion.
Oh, wait, that’s you guys.
Oh my god I installed the killfile and **POOF** troll-be-gone!
Praise Jeebus!
No one anywhere has ever called for “the government” to “shut down” Wal-Mart, so put that whining straw-man to bed already! What I want to know is why conservatives are so keen on big government subsidies to these huge operations. Hey, if they’re so great, let them compete fairly with other stores. The low prices they charge are basicall due to a government handout that amounts to a 10-15% subsidy.
Question: What I want to know is why conservatives are so keen on big government subsidies to these huge operations.
Answer: Two legs bad, four legs good. No wait…
Good thing no one on the right “hates hates hates the free choices other people are making”, like, you know, electing a centrist Democrat in a landslide. Nope, they’re all super-peachy-keen happy with that free-market result, allright.
Who is stopping anyone from getting married?
A gay guy can marry a woman anytime he wants! And a lesbo can marry a man. Nobody is stopping them.
The definition of marriage is, after all, a man marrying a woman.
A man can’t marry a man anymore than a square can be round.
I sure love Wal-Mart, and therefore China. What am I, a Goddamned Communist?
Question: What I want to know is why conservatives are so keen on big government subsidies to these huge operations.
They like the taste of rich mens’ jism more than their usual diet of mule?
I married a woman and I pay for the men! That’s how we do things in Texas!
The definition of marriage is, after all, a man marrying a woman and then cheating on her.
And by “things” I mean “woodland critters”.
The definition of abstinence is, after all, letting your underage daughter have sex just a FEW times before she gives birth to a bastard.
The definition of marriage is, after all, a man
marryingowning a woman of the same racial background.F.U.xxed that for ya.
The bottom line is Leftists hate that the vast majority of Americans choose not to live like them. They don’t live in the downtown of a big city in a small loft apartment, drive a Prius, shop at Whole Foods, and go to “community” bookstores.
No, normal, everyday Americans live in a big four bedroom house at the end of a cul de sac in the suburbs on an acre lot, with a big SUV or two in the driveway, eat at McDonalds, shop at Food Lion and Wal-Mart, and get their books from
And you all just can’t stand that!
The definition of marriage is, after all, making sure that when you are cruising for some male companionship that you don’t do it openly, but instead do it in an airport bathroom stall.
Shut DOWN teh Walmarts! Force teh fatties to eat salads with ranch on the SIDE FASCISM! Ban teh sale of non-organic Cheetohs!
No normal everyday Americans live in a big four bedroom house at the end of a cul de sac in the suburbs on an acre lot, with a big SUV or two in the driveway, eat at McDonalds, shop at Food Lion and Wal-Mart, and get their books from
I agree. No normal, everyday American lives that way. Only nutcase, mortagaged-to-the-max repig whiners do that.
WalMarts are to small towns what strip mining companies are to forests.
with a big SUV or two in the driveway
Not so much anymore, not after the $4 a gallon gas Bush got us.
Burn down the disco! Hang the blessed DJ!
Yep, lead in the soil is generally sort of trivial, since it’s not readily soluble – unless you like to eat mudpies. It’s when you breathe it in via exhaust or stack-gases that it’s a real bitch … or if it’s in something like paint (or Chinese toys) that kids then shove in their gobs. Thank goodness the GOP under Reagan & both Bushes eviscerated both the EPA & basic imported-product-standards before such Wonders Of Teh Free Market could be eliminated once & for all, eh?
Sweet bleeding Jesus, I just couldn’t read fast enough to get past that GIF … shudder … & yet, I find I want to see more GIFs here. Sick, huh?
Nice to see a troll finally have the courage to defend the weaker members of society – like white males, McDonald’s (“Over 78 Billion Regurgitated”) & WAL-MART. I know I’m kept awake nights worrying about such helpless entities now trapped in the Vulcan Death Grip of a socialist/fascist/crypto-Islamic Obama regime who are so eeeeeeevil they actually feed little kids vegetables … & want them to have free health-care …oh the humanity!
normal, everyday Americanswhite people live in a big four bedroom house at the end of a cul de sac in the suburbs on an acre lot, with a big SUV or two in the driveway, eat at McDonalds, shop at Food Lion and Wal-Mart, and get their books from
A man can’t marry a man anymore than a square can be round.
I’m going to frame that and put it in the hall of fame, right next to:
Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.”
— Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of science, 1949
“I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.”
— Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943
“I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is a fad that won’t last out the year.”
— The editor in charge of business books for Prentice Hall, 1957
“But what … is it good for?”
— Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968,commenting on the microchip.
“There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.”
— Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977
“This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us.”
— Western Union internal memo, 1876.
“The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?”
— David Sarnoff’s associates in response to his urgings for investment in the radio in the 1920s.
“The concept is interesting and well-formed, but in order to earn better than a ‘C,’ the idea must be feasible.”
— A Yale University management professor in response to Fred Smith’s paper proposing reliable overnight delivery service. (Smith went on to found Federal Express Corp.)
“I’m just glad it’ll be Clark Gable who’s falling on his face not Gary Cooper.”
— Gary Cooper on his decision not to take the leading role in “Gone With The Wind.”
“A cookie store is a bad idea. Besides, the market research reports say America likes crispy cookies, not soft and chewy cookies like you make.”
— Response to Debbi Fields’ idea of starting Mrs. Fields’Cookies.
“We don’t like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out.”
— Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles, 1962.
“Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible.”
— Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895.
“If I had thought about it, I wouldn’t have done the experiment. The literature was full of examples that said you can’t do this.”
— Spencer Silver on the work that led to the unique adhesives for 3-M “Post-It” Notepads.
“So we went to Atari and said, ‘Hey, we’ve got this amazing thing, even built with some of your parts, and what do you think about funding us? Or we’ll give it to you. We just want to do it. Pay our salary, we’ll come work for you.’ And they said, ‘No.’ So then we went to Hewlett-Packard, and they said, ‘Hey, we don’t need you. You haven’t got through college yet.'”
— Apple Computer Inc. founder Steve Jobs on attempts to get Atari and HP interested in his and Steve Wozniak’s personal computer.
“Professor Goddard does not know the relation between action and reaction and the need to have something better than a vacuum against which to react. He seems to lack the basic knowledge ladled out daily in high schools.”
— 1921 New York Times editorial about Robert Goddard’s revolutionary rocket work.
“You want to have consistent and uniform muscle development across all of your muscles? It can’t be done. It’s just a fact of life. You just have to accept inconsistent muscle development as an unalterable condition of weight training.”
— Response to Arthur Jones, who solved the “unsolvable” problem by inventing Nautilus.
“Drill for oil? You mean drill into the ground to try and find oil? You’re crazy.”
— Drillers who Edwin L. Drake tried to enlist to his project to drill for oil in 1859.
“Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau.”
— Irving Fisher, Professor of Economics, Yale University, 1929.
“Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value.”
— Marechal Ferdinand Foch, Professor of Strategy, Ecole Superieure de Guerre.
“Everything that can be invented has been invented.”
— Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Patents, 1899.
“Louis Pasteur’s theory of germs is ridiculous fiction”.
— Pierre Pachet, Professor of Physiology at Toulouse, 1872
“The abdomen, the chest, and the brain will forever be shut from the intrusion of the wise and humane surgeon”.
— Sir John Eric Ericksen, British surgeon, appointed Surgeon-Extraordinary to Queen Victoria 1873.
“640K ought to be enough for anybody.”
— Bill Gates, 1981
“$100 million dollars is way too much to pay for Microsoft.”
— IBM, 1982
“Who the h_ll wants to hear actors talk?”
— H.M. Warner, Warner Brothers, 1927.
And up until the day of Pearl Harbor, Standard Oil of New Jersey had $120 million invested in Nazi Germany […]
You forgot the obligatory reference to Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker continuing to do business with lil’ Adolph through most of ’42.
Also, FYWP.
But seriously, Season Hubley.
I’m going to frame that and put it in the hall of fame, right next to:
Don’t forget this gem:
“No ni**er will ever be president”
– millions and millions of American conservatives and right-wingers
You forgot the obligatory reference to Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker continuing to do business with lil’ Adolph through most of ‘42.
Those commie-lovers!
Henry Ford. Also.
….go to “community” bookstores.
Reminds me, I need to stop at Quimby’s on the way home tonite. That’s Troofie, er, Redwhatever.
No normal everyday Americans live in a big four bedroom house at the end of a cul de sac in the suburbs on an acre lot, with a big SUV or two in the driveway, eat at McDonalds, shop at Food Lion and Wal-Mart, and get their books from
Then they get cancer or heart disease or diabetes, watch their savings and retirement go down the tubes thanks to corporate “healthcare” and wind up in a trailer park if they’re lucky or on the street and eventually dead.
The American Dream!
Who knew the Bushes (and Ford) had such a long history of supporting socialism?
I think a giant sammich should appear in her hands in that last frame of hers.
Who knew the Bushes (and Ford) had such a long history of supporting socialism?
They’ve always loved both kinds. Both the Pantload kind (fascism [sic]), as well as their old favorite so popular in Washington DC (corporate socialism, AKA handouts to the wealthy)
President Obama just wants you to eat your brussel sprouts Troofie. Otherwise it’s off to bed with no wetsuits for you Mr.
I love how conservatives feel the need to knee jerk defend Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart and McDonalds are their mascots. I’d rather have Whole Foods and a loft apartment in a city as mine (along with other liberal crap like the opera, symphony, ballet, museums and LIBRARIES), thanks very much.
Also, wouldn’t not-Joe the not-plumber have a problem with RedCon defending a giant corporation that puts “small businesses” out of business?
Not evem jokes about self-righteous liberal yankees are, right?
Would you mind telling one?
A self-righteous liberal Yankee walks into a bar with a bald eagle on his shoulder. The bartender does a double take and says, “Where the hell’d you get that?”
The eagle replies, “From Madison, Wisconsin. They’re all over the place.”
I reserve the right to eat bad food, drink polluted water, breathe dirty air, and get grossly obese. I know these things make my Big Business idols rich and happy. Then when I get old and/or incapacitated and/or sick, I will blame it on Liberals and whine a lot for more benefits.
I guarantee this scenario is followed by myself and millions and millions of my fellow
hypocritesrepublicans every year in America.Let me see if I have this right.
RedCon Loves: Big Box Stores, Fast Food Chains = Real America
Liberal DFHs Love: Independent Book Stores, Local Coffee Shops = Commie Fascists.
Is that about it?
If it wasn’t for false equivalencies, what would these trolls have to say?
There’s no way that the idea of taxing unhealthy foods is in any way in even slightly as significant as restricting people’s right to marry.
Beyond that glaring disparity, there’s no consensus on “the left” that taxing unhealthy foods is the answer to all the health issues caused by these kinds of foods, yet banning gay marriage is a plank of Rethuglican party policy. Again, completely dissimilar. But not surprising.
RedCon asked:
“Who is stopping anyone from getting married?”
And who is stopping you from being un-PC?
This is one area where I disagree with Howard Dean. Dems will never get the votes of the Confederate flag decal Southerners. Why? Because the Confederate flag decal Southerners define “freedom” to mean they are free to do whatever they want, regardless of consequences to anyone else. Drive through the rural south (and Texas!) to see what I mean. There you will find 1954 Chevys parked in front of houses and trash everywhere and rusted, leaking oil barrels, excuse me redneck fire pits. That is how they define freedom. “Community” is for communists.
I will say this about the trolls – they sure bring out teh funneh in the posters here. The “definitions” of marriage above made me laugh out loud for reals.
Also, wouldn’t not-Joe the not-plumber have a problem with RedCon defending a giant corporation that puts “small businesses” out of business?
Oh, but you see they can’t compete with success and creative destruction and buggy whips and progress and shut up that’s why.
s that about it?
You forgot the part about round homos being square.
IBM knew exactly what the Nazis were using their machines for, and helped them program them.
Oh, but it’s even juicier than THAT.
Corporations like IBM, ITT, Kodak, Standard Oil, Ford & GM not only gleefully helped Hitler’s Wehrmacht get in gear – GM & Ford also got to have their capitalist cake & eat it too, by suing the US for all those icky falling bombs doing damage to their Nazi subsidiaries – & winning.
Oh, Free Market Magic Pony, is there anything you CAN’T do?
Welcome back, t4!
PENIS. Also.
Fisher also said “I expect to see the stock market a good deal higher than it is today, within a few months.” And he made the ‘high plateau / good deal higher’ comments not just in 1929, but on October 15, 1929. The Great Crash began on October 24.
Irving Fisher – the Larry Kudlow of the 1920s.
Oh, but you see they can’t compete with success and creative destruction and buggy whips and progress and shut up that’s why.
Basically, it’s okay for a crap shoveler like Wal-Mart to make them go out of business and ruin the local economy all the while sucking in taxpayer money. But, make earners over $250K pay a little bit of taxes and businesses pay a living wage and IT’S ALL OVER OH NOES THE SOCIALIST-ISLAMO-COMMIE GUBMINT IS RUINING SMALL BUSINESS!
I bet they think their philosophies are consistent. (Or, probably more likely, they don’t know what the eff they’re talking about and Rush or the Savage Weiner told them that Wal-Mart = Jesus and they went with it.)
@Bitter Scribe said, July 9, 2009 at 20:09
That rocks–though Berkeley works better out here.
What politician is talking about shutting down Wal-Mart?
“Fuck you all. I’m done.”
No no, Conservatives love Wal-Mart because it pisses off liberals, who only hate Wal-Mart because it is a successful, capitalist enterprise.
We liberals ignore the magic free market rainbow ponies to focus on crap only liberals could possibly care about: living wages and local economies. We’re stupid socialists.
The “definitions” of marriage above made me laugh out loud for reals
You’ll love how Betty Bowers explains traditional marriage.
@cyntax – Thanks. I thought of Berkeley, but Madison seemed more Yankee.
There is lotsa info on the Nazi – Big Business connection in WWII.
You hear a huge amount on these subjects from the dirty Liberal Media.
This news might encourage the right-wing back to buying GM cars. Recall that the wingnuts now hate GM because it is “run” by Obama, and advertises Camaros targeted to gay people. When the right-wing hears that GM helped Hitler, they will go back to lining up for Chevys.
Republicans/Conservative like this idiot troll defend these things for one reason and one reason only: they believe it “annoys” liberals. That’s it. Reflexive, mindless if-you-like-it-I-hate-it-and-vice-versa-ism. They love Sarah Palin because listening to her is like chewing tinfoil to any thinking person. They hate Al Gore because we are inclined to listen to him. They will even fight to the death against things that would directly, measurably benefit themselves, like health-care reform, alternative energy and Employee Free Choice, only because they are things the Democrats support.
I’ll let you in on a little secret, RedCon: It totally annoys Liberal Democrats when people like you run with scissors, play in traffic, drink bleach and pee on electric fences. In fact we would be in favor of big government programs to take away your choice to do these things.
Run along now, you know what to do…
Fascists are a kind of socialist, genius.
(heh), Yeah…….That’s why the Nazis aligned themselves with Franco’s rebels against the left-wing loyalists in the Spanish civil war. I guess it never occured to you to wonder why the Germans didn’t knit daisy chains and exchange butterfly kisses with the Soviets during the war, eh?
I’m sure it would take very little effort to find a toy that wingnuts claimed promoted homosexuality or being Arab or pacifism or atheism or socialism or whatever.
You wish it, I dish it.
You want a true “local” economy?
Welcome to North Korea! No trade with the outside world! No McDonalds! No Wal-Mart or “consumer crap”! Totally local economy protected from the horrible, horrible consequences of global capitalism!
I’m still trying to figure out how it is if the goverment says I can’t do “x” it’s a horrible dictatorship and evil and all that, but if the corporation I depend on for my well-being says I can’t, I should just shut up and take it.
You want a true BJ?
Welcome to my pants! No checks accepted!
You want a true snoggleblart?
Welcome to disjointed ranting! My own! I love jjrewdfjowet, ass-munching, and fucking goats after giving them a blowjob.
You want a true “local” economy?
Welcome to North Korea!
Wheeee! Straw men are such fun.
Besides, as I pointed out earlier in this very comment thread – under your insightful logic North Korea is a “republic”, just like you guys claim the USA is.
I’m still trying to figure out how it is if the goverment says I can’t do “x” it’s a horrible dictatorship and evil and all that, but if the corporation I depend on for my well-being says I can’t, I should just shut up and take it.
Because corporations are perfectly altruistic and you can trust them, while on the other hand government is just interested in making a buck off you.
Nyarglebarglefrigglegfhdsdhsagsdf, be quiet like the rest of the voices in my head
You want a true meal?
Here, kid, put some ketchup on your taco boat. Grab a carton of apple juice and you’ve got all the food groups.
P.S. I hear North Korea has a really, super-low carbon footprint, too!
Mentioning “carbon footprints” is automatically hilarious! I don’t even have to know what it means!
Here, kid, put some ketchup on your taco boat. Grab a carton of apple juice and you’ve got all the food groups.
As long as there is nothing green like lettuce on the taco boat, and the apple juice has 100% Minimum Daily Requirement of high-fructose corn syrup in it, and is imported from China.
If these conditions aren’t met I will whine and sue you.
I don’t know about you guys, but North Korea isn’t in my locality.
Mentioning “Jewish Concentration Camps” is automatically hilarious! I don’t even have to know what it means!
North Korea produces some mighty fine artisanal bark stew (you’ve gotta give ’em that…).
North Korea being the perfect local economy isn’t a strawman, its true. They conduct no trade with the ourside world. I guess that’s why their standard of living is so high!
Hey at least they aren’t being oppressed by McDonalds playsets, and they aren’t fat!
Sadly No! is like an itch Troofie just has to scratch.
Blacks and whites will never be able to marry, any more than a man will ever land on the moon.
Bookmark it (in an actual book), Libs!
ourside world???
This reminds me of The Red Telephone, by Love, the end where Arthur Lee keeps repeating “we’re all normal and we all want our freedom”, slowly stretching out “freedom” into “freedom. free-dumb. free-dumb.”
I know I try to make my carbon footprint as big as I can. Guess the leftists are going to have to cut back even more for all the tons of extra carbon I will raise!
Women will never be allowed to vote, any more than darkies will.
Take it to the bank!
As long as I feel like I’m pissing you libs off, I’m gonna keep saying all kinds of crazy stuff. How do I know I’m pissing you off? Cuz you keep responding to all the craaaaazy shit I throw out there.
Hoooo-eeeeeee, I’m whuppin’ yer lefty hides real good!
Enacting minimum wage laws would be the death of American industry! If congress ever passed such a thing, we would descend into communist totatlitarianism virtually overnight! Which is why minimum wage laws will never be passed in this country!
Also, liberals like the idea of mandating a decent minimum livable wage, and for that reason, I will oppose it with my dying breath!
Even when you laugh at me and make me look stupid, I WIN!
Mah doo-doo. Ur stepping in it!
I know I try to make my carbon footprint as big as I can.
You could drive an F-350 for the rest of your life and it wouldn’t even equal the amount of fuel I’ve dumped over the years.
Socialism sucks, but keep your hands off the welfare you Blue States give us to buy Oxycontin and wetsuits with.
the amount of fuel I’ve dumped over the years.
This is why I’m in awe of pilots. I can’t even stand the smell of aviation fuel and you guys shit it.
Sadly No! is like an itch Troofie just has to scratch.
Yes, and it’s the other way around, too.
Although I’d recommend some kind of heavy duty jock-itch powder in addition to a vigorous nad-scratch.
Wilson, why else do you think he calls himself RedCon?
Wal-Mart or North Korea.
Those are your options.
“Dumping” fuel means pumping it out of the tanks and into the atmosphere to make the plane light enough to land.
What other option is there, Rusty?
There’s freedom, and there’s slavery.
I scream “Ketchup is a vegetable” at climax. If I’m ever with a non-plugged in woman, I hope that doesn’t turn out to be a problem.
Speaking of slavery, outlawing it unfairly punishes the wealthy.
Nyarglebarglefrigglegfhdsdhsagsdf, LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
Now you’re speaking my language, baby. Cthulhu Fhtagn here often?
Well, since troofie loves government-subsidy-propped business so much – like how Wal-Mart couldn’t survive without food stamps – he’ll be in very heaven when the new health care reforms go through.
I love all the disparaging talk about the “nanny state”. If a nanny is needed to keep the kid from adulterating the lemonade he’s selling, then I’m all for the nanny.
If the new troll (same as the old troll) wants melamine in his milk or lead in his kids’ (as if!) toys, he can add it himself. To insist on unadulterated consumer goods would be antithetical to his political philosophy.
Very heaven. The place for very Saints such as Xeckus.
There’s Red Dawn and there’s the Seventh Seal.
Hump or death.
You haven’t been watching your Eddie Izzard.
There’s my anus or yours
“Dumping” fuel means pumping it out of the tanks and into the atmosphere to make the plane light enough to land.
I was kidding before, but now you’ve piqued my interest. (Veiled penis reference? You decide.)
I would have thought that pretty much plane is light enough to land. But I really do know little about the topic.
“I would have thought that pretty much plane is light enough to land.”
Well, them ‘ere ol’ wangs is fulla jet fuel, and you don’t want your wangs to be fulla jet fuel when yer tryna land on that dang ol’ ground, I tell you what.
“There’s my anus or yours”
Heh. No, no there’s not.
Remember when I said I would leave? I hoped you Bookmarked It(TM)!
There’s freedom and there’s slavery. And there’s never any confusion.
There’s never any confusion over where my right to use leaded gasoline ends and your right not to be poisoned by the air you breathe begins. Or where my right to travel on airplanes while untreated for drug-resistant TB begins and your right not to be exposed to it begins. Or where my right to have a glorious sex orgy on my lawn ends and your right not to have to see it from across the street begins. Or where my right to use extreme wealth to undercut competitors’ prices until they go out of business and then jack the prices up ends and your right to a fair marketplace begins. Or where my right to control my own body ends and where the right of your fetal self to be born begins. Or where my right to decide to employ children ends and the right of children to be educated and lead healthy lives begins. Or where my right to fly down the highway at 70 mph on a motorcycle without a helmet ends and the right of the community to protect itself from caring for lots of patients in comas resulting from motorcycle accidents where no helmets were worn begins.
Geez. It’s all so simple! Stupid libs like to pretend there are shades of gray in the world, but IT’S SIMPLE.
We had it all sorted out in 1950, and we need to make a big U turn. Preferably at 70 mph and without a helmet.
That was pretty damn good right there.
We had it all sorted out in 1950, and we need to make a big U turn.
I can’t argue with the fact that a 90% top marginal tax rate would be a good thing. Not so sure about the rest of it.
“There’s my anus or yours”
Heh. No, no there’s not.
Now, Johnny, it’s called an anus, not an anme.
Now share!
There’s no confusion in my head about what is right and what is wrong.
Anything I do = right.
Anything you do = wrong.
Get it, libs?
at 21:51 St. Xecky Gilchrist said,
Ssshhhh. Don’t give it away. The wingnuts don’t know about that part of the 1950’s option.
Even Shorter:
Protecting consumers=Communism
Protecting corporations=Freedom
Regulating business=Communism
Regulating marriage=Freedom
War on corporate greed=Communism
War on drugs=Freedom
Human rights=Communism
Corporate rights=Freedom
I have difficulty believing that Troofie does very much at all without a helmet.
Bingo! Steerpike FTW
I would have thought that pretty much plane is light enough to land.
A KC-135 carried a lot of fuel. Up to 200,000 pounds of it. Sometimes they would launch us and then the planes we were supposed to refuel wouldn’t launch for some reason.
We’d be too heavy to safely land with all that weight. It could damage the aircraft or just make it hard to stop on the runway.
The options were – fly around in circles for 8 hours to burn it off or just dump it. Believe it or not, the fuel is actually less polluting than the exhaust would be from burning it.
There’s my anus or yours
Mi caca su caca?
Cletus McMustang, Fighter Pilot, Confederate Airforce
I think I’m in love.
I think they dropped the “Confederate” a few years back and call themselves the “Commemorative Air Force” now.
Initially I read this as a cunning plan to make the White House assassination-proof by ensuring that all the staff looked like Obama.
In Twoofeee’s paradise, one can always indenture oneself to a megacorporation, like a character in a William Gibson tale. If one’s lucky, the employer may provide nypharium privileges.
Does Wal*Mart have a corporate anthem? I have seen creepy videos of some cheer they do, but no song.
Also, a single payer socialcommiehomislamexican health system would do wonders in increasing the power of self-determination among the working populace. Not having to worry about lapses in health insurance would give workers a lot more leeway in their career choices, and a lot more leverage vis-a-vis their employers.
Geez, that shark has no tongue! How does he taste?
Like rotted cheese.
Mock the Scandiwegian diet if you must, but I’m confident that it’s a defense against Alzheimer’s disease.
Watched “Jar City” the other day. WARNING: Contains frank and disturbing depictions of Icelandic food. Where else in the world can a character stop at a Macs-equivalent takeaway on the way home from the office, and pick up a fermented sheep’s head to eat in his apartment?
From the comments;
Just think if Laura Bush had been in charge of this garden.
She’d be trying to grow Scotch plants.
@Duros62: And then running them over. Accidentally. Also.
“the vast majority of Americans choose not to… go to community bookstores.”
Indeed. I choose not to patronize the many independent booksellers that fail to exist in my community.
Well, maybe your community is… like… a FAG!
“Where else in the world can a character stop at a Macs-equivalent takeaway on the way home from the office, and pick up a fermented sheep’s head to eat in his apartment?”
In a Thomas Harris novel?
RedCon said,
July 9, 2009 at 16:50
I live in Texas, and we pay more to the feds than we get back, thank you very much!
You do not.
Also, a single payer socialcommiehomislamexican health system would do wonders in increasing the power of self-determination among the working populace. Not having to worry about lapses in health insurance would give workers a lot more leeway in their career choices, and a lot more leverage vis-a-vis their employers.
Which is the real reason why the corps are fighting it so hard. Except for the insurance companies, whose motives are that plus their gravy train. But it’s horrible to comtemplate the peasants having any real power.
“the vast majority of Americans choose not to… go to community bookstores.”
There’s the usage I call the “libertarian ‘choose'”, which is used to present a false matter of choice in a condescending manner.
I just got a call from a pharamaceutical seller (like for real pharmacy, so stop that laughing) who sounded JUST LIKE SARAH PALIN. Complete with the “y’know” and everything. She may have been winking as well; I couldn’t tell over the phone.
Wal-Mart hires undocumented workers to skate federal employment laws. They extort manufacturers into producing what Wal-Mart wants or they won’t sell their products, not to mention the municipalities with leaving hundreds of square feet of vacant space if they piss off Wal-Mart for just about any reason. They seize [steal] all goods and services of the surrounding communities REGARDLESS of the economy of that area. They price everything so low that competition buckles [that would be every similar retailer]. They rather pay fines than clean up their act. This is not entrepreneurship, this is predatory.
You can have my ranch dressing when you scrape it off my cold dead hands!
Hundreds of thousands of square feet of blahfloooghity, to be precise…
The only changes that repigs consider “improving themselves” are:
1) amping up their hate levels
2) buying additional guns
3) whining more
4) New seat covers for the SUV to cover up the skidmarks.
Actually, I have a locally-owned bookstore within walking distance – about 4 blocks. I’m in the habit of looking up stuff on Amazon, and then having them order it in for me if they don’t already have it in stock. I love my local bookstore – the people there read books, they host reading groups and booksignings and events for local authors, and I get to physically browse through books whenever I like. In a nod to their loyal customers, they have a “bakers dozen” club, where with every 12th book purchase you get a coupon for 10% of what you spent on those purchases. I probably drop $1000 in there every year, even after claiming my freebies, and that probably amounts to maybe $100 more than buying through Amazon would cost. But my bookstore provides a living for the owners and several employees rather than dividends for Amazon shareholders and bonuses for Amazon executives, and they provide a lot of other good stuff that I can’t get from Amazon. Worth every damn penny, and clearly I have enlightened neighbors as well, because the bookstore stays busy. Then again, I live in a lefty-socialist neighborhood, built around the city’s old money enclave, and those people are buncha goddamned commies, not at all like your conservative suburban McMansion-dwelling wanabees who see more value in saving a lousy buck on a book than they do with the health of their local economy.
I’ve always wondered what it was about living in a city that barred one from being a “real American”. Don’t more Americans live inside population centers?
There’s the usage I call the “libertarian ‘choose’”, which is used to present a false matter of choice in a condescending manner.
The libertarian “choose” pretty much means “sign yourself over to a corporation and bend over”.
Well there’s your problem: concern for your local economy is elitlist.
My favorite book store AYVAR!!!! was New Haven’s Book World, open 24 hours a day, good used book section, an “adult” section. I would say that the customers who showed up at four in the morning were scary, but I’d be indicting myself (how would I know what the crowd was like were I not a member?). When they folded, my heartbreak was only slightly assuaged by their ten-dollars-for-a-box-full-of-books sale.
NYC used to be a used book aficianado’s paradise, but most of the independent booksellers have been driven to the sidewalks around NYU. The Strand is grand, but it manages to piss me off- it’s too big to be as disorganized as it is.
While I enjoy the stupid, inane ramblings of idiot trolls as much as the next person, I have to admit that out in the real world, conservatives are proving that there’s no pwnage like self-pwnage:
It looks like John Ensign’s sexual dignity — which hasn’t been high lately — has plunged to new depths. His lawyer has just released a remarkable statement saying that Ensign’s parents paid the Hamptons $96,000 after he told them about the affair…
Hampton, a former close friend of Ensign’s and chief of staff to the senator, said that Coburn and other peers were involved in talks to urge Ensign to pay Hampton for the damage he caused his family — including potentially giving him “millions” of dollars.
“This was at the request of Tom Coburn and some people to try and help them manage John,” Hampton said of the talk about payments, which he said were necessary because Ensign continued to “pursue” his wife and left his family in financial shambles.
“I didn’t talk to John Ensign personally at all. Our attorneys did talk. Our attorneys absolutely talked, because Sen. Tom Coburn asked and was involved in these negotiations out of good will and good faith,” Hampton said earlier in the broadcast…
“Dr. Coburn did everything he could to encourage Sen. Ensign to end his affair and to persuade Sen. Ensign to repair the damage he had caused to his own marriage and the Hampton’s marriage,” Coburn’s office said in a remarkable public rebuke of his friend and fellow Christian conservative. “Had Sen. Ensign followed Dr. Coburn’s advice, this episode would have ended, and been made public, long ago.”
On Thursday, Coburn declined to go into detail about his conversations with Ensign.
“I’m not going to go into that — that’s privileged communications. I’m never going to talk about that with anybody. … I never will, not to a court of law, not to an Ethics Committee, not to anybody — because that is privileged communication that I will never reveal to anybody.” He suggested that his position as a physician and an ordained deacon could keep the information privileged.
And the senator lashed out at the media for continuing to focus on the matter and for helping “tear apart” the Hamptons and the Ensigns, who each have three kids and have known each other for years.
“You’ve got two families that are back together and you guys are going to help tear them apart. What do you think their kids are thinking about what you’re writing right now? You’re helping tear apart two families that are back together — you need to quit.”
I’m so glad that fine, upstanding JeeboPatriots like John Ensign, Tom Coburn, Mark Sanford and Sarah Palin are running things in this wonderful country of ours. I mean, I would hate to see it taken over by godless immoral commies.
Major Kong said,
It all makes sense now. And I will carry with me forever the image of your KC-135 forlornly looking for a missing mate while flying in circles until it
shot its waddumped fuel.Thanks^2.
Thanks, PeeJ. I was beginning to think you didn’t miss me.
Re:Carpenter story – COCK.
POOP, Also.
And who can forget Hte Buttocks‽‽‽
Stupid preview showed me interrobangs.
That GIF is really creepy. I keep scrolling up to see if there’s a new thread (hint, hint) and get hit with that wierd, Marsha-Brady-on-meth loop. I can almost hear her going nom, nom, nom…
Make the bad woman stop!
You can have my ranch dressing when you scrape it off my cold dead hands!
This is one of the few combinations that does not feature in the Icelandic diet.
Seattle somehow manages to have quite a few independent bookstores, and there’s Powell’s in PDX.
Green Apple in S.F. is my favorite local bookstore – my wife and I used to buy books there on a weekly basis when we lived in the city. Now that we’re out in the burbs it’s hard to find anything other than Borders or Barnes and Noble. There used to be a great store called Bonanza Books in Walnut Creek, but they closed last year.
Smut, one of the local Mexican restaurants by me cooks three cow heads a day.
I love saying to the counter girl, “I would like some head.”
I really love it when she responds by asking me if I want hot and spicy.
I reckon you could live in Powell’s, if you took in a sleeping bag and concealed yourself amongst the stacks at closing time, and if you could cope with a diet of leftover pastries at the cafe.
The only danger would be from the other longer-term denizens of the place.
“Fuck you all. I’m Done”
Denver’s Tattered Cover bookstores (they have 2 locations), are teh awesome! They are these old, creaky, musty rambling places where you can feel like an explorer, stumbling upon a long-lost section tucked away in a corner somewhere. It has the vibe of a funky oldoff-campus used-bookshop.
I reckon you could live in Powell’s, if you took in a sleeping bag and concealed yourself amongst the stacks at closing time, and if you could cope with a diet of leftover pastries at the cafe.
You could hide among the stacks by day, reaching through gaps between the books to grab patrons’ hands, saying “scuse my finGAHs.”
Oh, and Salt Lake City has a pretty good indie bookstore, Sam Weller’s. It’s doing fine, but is sadly moving from its ancient original location to somewhere much less cool.
Our bookstore was run by readers for readers and (as we hear) was thought of very highly by the people who stopped by… only evidently we decided to start a new store at a particularly shitty time with respect to the economy, in a red state where people are more concerned about saving a buck off the latest flibberty-floo from Nicolas Sparks than getting recommendations on new authors.
Bitter? Oh, a tad.
I believe that would be more like “scuse my finGAHs.”
Cities are foor poor people, gays, the extremely wealthy, and childless leftists.
Everyone else lives in suburbia.
Salt Lake City has a pretty good indie bookstore, Sam Weller’s.
I still remember the State Bookstore (I think it was called) with all the dusty shelves piled high with stuff (my perfect image of a used bookstore) and *ahem* the back issues of adult magazines. *cough cough*
As well as The Cosmic Aeroplane that had a really nice used book section in the basement, where I bought my copy of “Legal Highs”.
“@cyntax – Thanks. I thought of Berkeley, but Madison seemed more Yankee.”
As a Madisonian, I resemble that remark, though I can’t say “ayuh” for the life of me.
I wonder how The 12 Faces of Twoofie might react to the knowledge that Adam Smith basically cribbed the whole “economic forces == natural law which is > legislation” crap from the Physiocrats, a buncha wig-wearing Frenchies.
Upper middle class white families. Yeah, that’s just about everyone.
Pere Ubu – sorry to hear about that…just know that there are places (even in the red states) where people value a good independent bookstore. Ours, like I said, has the good fortune to be located in an old-money commie-liberal shopping enclave that’s been there for going on 80 years now. It may be that your location wasn’t as propitious from the beginning as my local’s has been.
Teh Buttox.
I still remember the State Bookstore (I think it was called) …
I don’t remember one by that name, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t here – though a lifelong Utahn, I’ve only been in SLC since ’91.
As well as The Cosmic Aeroplane that had a really nice used book section in the basement, where I bought my copy of “Legal Highs”.
I do remember the Cosmic Aeroplane and miss it terribly. It had a nice little head shop in the basement, too, when it was at its peak. That part of town has been kind of gentrified, though it wasn’t bad to begin with. The neighboring Blue Mouse theatre is also long gone, although that weird little awning over the door is still there (I think).
Square Books, Oxford, Mississippi
Who said anything about “white”?
And I’d say worlking class, middle class, and upper middle class live here.
All I know is that where I live I don’t have to worry about getting mugged or asked for change by some homeless alcoholic, or have some city bus dump off a bunch of direlect ghetto trash outside my door.
Speaking of which:
“It has two fleshy globes separated by a vertical cleft. Please state your answer in the form of a question.”
“What is my ass, Alec.”
It may be that your location wasn’t as propitious from the beginning as my local’s has been.
We thought that was the case… then the only other independent bookstore in town, the one which had been open for about 20 years in the same location, closed last October.
Bookstores all over the country are going out of business. It wasn’t just us – which is cold comfort, really.
Green Apple in S.F. is my favorite local bookstore
That’s a great one. I live near Adobe and have no complaints 🙂
From Smut’s link: The OED marks it as obsolete, though natiform skull, bony nodules on the surface of the skull in infants with congenital syphilis (also called Parrot nodes), is in some current medical dictionaries.
Most medical dictionaries just call it “butthead”.
Also: He wrote that he was surprised to learn that it had never been used as an insult…
We’re going to have to do something about that.
All I know is that where I live I don’t have to worry about getting mugged or asked for change by some homeless alcoholic, or have some city bus dump off a bunch of direlect ghetto trash outside my door.
No, you just have to hope the home meth lab operating out of the vacant foreclosed McMansion down the block doesn’t blow up.
Nice, Smutty.
As in “that is quite a natifomular chin you have there” or “That chin is very natiform”?
Stupid homeless people harshing my mellow–particularly when 1 in 4 of them were even stupid enough to serve in the military. Suckahs!
There used to be a great store called Bonanza Books in Walnut Creek, but they closed last year.
I live in Walnut Creek, and I loved that bookstore. My cousin actually used to work there. She was really sad when it was gone. Now all we’ve got is Barnes & Noble.
I work in SF though, so will check out Green Apple.
All I know is that where I live I don’t have to worry about getting mugged or asked for change by some homeless alcoholic, or have some city bus dump off a bunch of direlect ghetto trash outside my door.
Don’t you mean your mom’s door?
particularly when 1 in 4 of them were even stupid enough to serve in the military. Suckahs!
Wingnuts are always quick to point out that we have an all-volunteer homeless population, so they deserve whatever they get.
Yes, Johnny, this is what you will do for the rest of your life ’cause the wingnuts gave so much power to the corporations that they were able to outsource every other job in the country leaving wage slavery at McDonald’s …”
I heard somewhere that they were actually test-marketing outsourcing that as well. The voice in the squawkbox may not even be in the building.
Dang toby, I wuz going to go there. I got delayed trying to remember which actor was famous for his natiform chin.
Also, testing 1 2 3 ‽‽‽
Cosmic Aeroplane closed? Shit.
I still remember buying a subscription to the Worker’s Weekly or some such from a guy on the sidewalk outside. I’m probably still on an FBI watch list for that 22 years later.
“Natiform skull” is the new liberal dogwhistle code for “enticingly large forehead“.
I heard somewhere that they were actually test-marketing outsourcing that as well. The voice in the squawkbox may not even be in the building.
*sigh* I believe it.
particularly when 1 in 4 of them were even stupid enough to serve in the military. Suckahs!
That’s what they get for working for a state-run bureaucracy instead of getting real jobs. Right, Troofy?
Cosmic Aeroplane closed? Shit.
I regret to inform… but yes. Around 1990, I think. A few years later there was briefly a tiny store with the same name, I think run by one of the original proprietors, in a different part of town – but it wasn’t a bookstore (some music, some clothes, some other hippie gear) and it didn’t last long.
– I was close but wrong, Cosmic Aeroplane closed in 1991. Here’s a little sneer from the Mormon paper about it.
As well as The Cosmic Aeroplane that had a really nice used book section in the basement, where I bought my copy of “Legal Highs”.
Just be careful of the nutmeg, mon pere. The best line in the linked page:
I also ate a substantial supper of spagettios, pumpernickel bread and kippers, and continued drinking water.
Ah, here’s the troll’s “tell”:
have some city bus dump off a bunch of direlect ghetto trash outside my door.
Not… racist… at… all… Bonus bunghole points for misspelling “derelict”.
Hah! I read that first time through as all volunteer army, but given the 101st Keyboardists lack of over-seas deployment, their disdain works both ways.
And of course we’d hate to see people like this benefitting from more accessible healthcare.
The only changes that repigs consider “improving themselves” are:
1) amping up their hate levels
2) buying additional guns
3) whining more
There’s also buying nunchakus and throwing stars and a self-help martial arts video. Oh yeah, and a badass tattoo.
Are walmart book sections anything like airport chain bookshops? Anything you want so long as it’s tom clancy.
I think redcon get’s all his books on discount from ClownHall. All the Jonah, Beck and Coulter you can stomach – arghhh!
“Natiform skull” is the new liberal dogwhistle code for “enticingly large forehead“.
Did someone say enticingly large forehead?
Sweet bleeding Jesus, I just couldn’t read fast enough to get past that GIF
It wasn’t so bad once I realized there’s a bit where she kinda resembles Mel Brooks.
If you squint, you can almost see the Torquemada outfit.
Hah! I read that first time through as all volunteer army, but given the 101st Keyboardists lack of over-seas deployment, their disdain works both ways.
HehIndeed, I was riffing on their “support of the troops”.
“…call from a pharamaceutical seller…who sounded JUST LIKE SARAH PALIN”
Does she have a daughter?
This is one of the few combinations that does not feature in the Icelandic diet.
For sure. You have to pry the double-stuffed pepperoni bread sticks off first.
‘Scuse my finGAHs!
Nice, PeeJ. I forgot the semi-colons, but the preview tricked me into thinking I had it right.
I work in SF though, so will check out Green Apple.
That Girl…Clement Street and 6th Ave., it’s in a great neighborhood…has tons of great asian restaurants (my favorite: a Burmese place called Super Star) and the best pizzeria west of the Hudson, Giorgio’s. God, I miss living there…
You were looking at her forehead?
“No, normal, everyday Americans live in a big four bedroom house at the end of a cul de sac in the suburbs on an acre lot, with a big SUV or two in the driveway….”
Well, if Troofie is telling the truth he lives in Texas, but we now know he’s not an engineer.
Average surban lots with four bedroom houses are about 0.25 acres. Stucco-Provincial McMansions sit on 0.35 to 0.50 acres. An acre lot would put you into horse property/six-bedroom territory. Of course, your house of whatever size will have lost a third of its value in the past year and your SUV’s are now boat anchor bankruptcy bait, but that doesn’t much matter to your the standard parents’-basement-dwelling troll.
Also, I can’t resist:
“I live in Texas.”
“It’s not much of a living.” Calvin Trillin
You were looking at her forehead?
How could I avoid it? If one were to paint it red, it could serve as a warning to low-flying aircraft.
That Girl…Clement Street and 6th Ave., it’s in a great neighborhood…has tons of great asian restaurants (my favorite: a Burmese place called Super Star) and the best pizzeria west of the Hudson, Giorgio’s. God, I miss living there…
Thanks commieatheist! My office is in China Basin, and the only SF activity I seem to do is go to Giants games. I need to get out and explore the City more.
Er “commie atheist.” There was supposed to be a space in there.
What does Clown Hall pay its inbred white trash writers?
RedCon is a good example of a troll who succeeds because he knows how to stay within himself. He doesn’t try to create a cartoon supervillain persona. Doesn’t claim to hang out with CIA agents. Doesn’t cut and paste enormous blocks of text. He knows his talking points, takes what he’s given, and isn’t afraid to hit to the opposite field with a pitch rather than trying to pull everything. Despite limited natural abilities, he’s had a good run.
From the Ziegler thing:
Um, am I mistaken or weren’t some of these “bogus theories” espoused by Palin’s own staff? The Letterman thing was, for sure.
You’re in my part of the world, commie…
Green Apple is a great store, so is Walden Pond Books in Oakland (on Grand Ave), along with Pegasus Books and the venerable Moe’s Books in Berkeley.
Pegasus had a Barnes & Noble open up across the street from them on Shattuck Ave, a practice called “angeling”, to try to suck up the neighborhood customers (it’s Starbuck’s standard MO.) But after two years the B&N had closed for lack of business. Pegasus outlasted them, because the Berkeley customers supported their local shop.
It can be done.
Not for long, boyo…
Once gas prices hit $6-8 per gallon, the suburbs are dead, and the US will undergo re-urbanization. Suburbs will be the new ghettos, abandoned to vandals, squatters, scavengers and arsonists. It’s already begun in the fringe exurbs.
And as usual, Pohl and Kornbluth knew it all 54 years ago….
Guys, I don’t like it when you all talk about me so much. Race Pipms sþil.
“There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.”
– Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977
OK, smarty-pants, how am I going to watch videos of Bert and Ernie doing gangster rap?
Who is stopping an yone from getting married?
Yeah, your mother asks about that all the time, I won’t tell her you’re waiting for your sister to get out of the slammer…………….
“have some city bus dump off a bunch of direlect ghetto trash outside my door.”
Yes, you’re probably full of derelict rural white trash up to your eyeballs……
“If I owned Hell and Texas, I’ve live in Hell and rent out Texas.”
Bookmark this, troofie.
I know I’m feeding the troll, and I have my regrets about it, but whoever is posting as RedCon (Troofy, I guess) is a despicable person. Reveling in the fact that you pollute, indulging in racism, lying over and over. I have no doubt that you are a sad and pathetic person, but you should go and re-examine the wreck that your life has become. Someone might love you at some point if you learn to love yourself. Although you do have being from Texas going against you.
Could somebody please explain what the fuck is w/ all the Alfred E. Neuman references in that racist moron’s brainblart?
I want her view on the swim club defense
Wait. They have defense in swimming heats now?
I gave the sport up too damned early!
I live in Texas, and we pay more to the feds than we get back, thank you very much!
According to the hardly-liberal Tax Foundation, in 2004 Texas received 94 cents in Federal spending for every dollar of taxes it paid it.
That’s just slightly higher than the national average of 92 cents. Texas ranks 23rd out of 51 states and DC.
Typical blond Americunt.
You know what, troofy and the other wingnuts that may be reading this? You’ve got us. We’re busted. We really are trying to stop you from eating meat and driving SUVs and smoking. Whenever you celebrate Earth Day by turning on the heat and air conditioning full blast in your home while idling your Ford Excursion in the driveway and running two barbecue grills at once in your backyard, it does make us cry. When you defy us by chain-smoking one unfiltered Lucky Strike after another, it teaches us a lesson we’ll never forget. Hell, I might as well give up the whole game here. You know what really fills us with sorrow? When you slam your balls repeatedly in a desk drawer. I can’t even begin to describe the pain I feel when some right-winger dedicates himself to choking down so much red meat in their diet that you could hear their arteries hardening in the next county. And please, whatever you do, don’t continue to childishly do the opposite of anything we suggest might promote your financial, physical, mental or any other kind of well-being. Don’t play in traffic. Don’t drink the stuff under the sink. Don’t jump into the bear enclosure at the zoo. Don’t nail your penis to a burning building. Don’t copulate with the garbage disposal. Don’t try to stop a running chainsaw with your tongue. Please. We’re just trying to look out for you and it hurts us when you don’t listen.
Why do you conservatives insist on making yourselves look stupid by refusing to check facts?
The WH garden is far below the commonly accepted standard of 300 ppm, as I discovered in less than 2 minutes doing a simple Google search. Get some brains before you start spewing such trash!
I don’t believe no one mentioned Monclair Book Center in NJ. That place is the bee’s knees. I moved away from that neighborhood, and I miss it. Books for days…
Montclair, too. Sigh.
RedCon said,
July 9, 2009 at 16:50
I live in Texas, and we pay more to the feds than we get back, thank you very much!
You ought to back that up with some facts because I doubt that’s true.
Ironically, most of the family-values, redstates are actually a net drain on the Fed. Apparently stupid is more expensive than not stupid.
“And there’s even a commenter apparently longing for the good ole days of the Confederacy where the only Negroes in the White House were doing laundry and stirring up a pot of grits. See if you can find him.”
Snaggle-Tooth Jones (aka “Cicero”), at your service, sir.