Andy Bartbleit’s Big Crazywood
Oh dear, oh dear. Andy Breitblart sure looks like he is old enough to know the perils of drunk dialing and leaving voice messages. But evidently not. There he was on his fifth (or seventh) Jack and Diet when he read Gawker describing the Holocaust Museum shooter as a “right-wing extremist,” and he lost it, as Andy is wont to do.
While Andy continues his slide into bourbon-fueled, rage-drenched paranoia, we fully expect to hear that he went postal over a news account of a robber driving a Chevy Malibu, screaming “You can’t blame that fuckface robbery on me just because I drive Chevy Malibu, you pathetic fucking piece of shit” Stay tuned.
(LEGAL NOTICE: We don’t know for sure whether Breitbart was baked on bourbon when he left the voice mail. All we’re saying is he sure sounded drunk, and it would be irresponsible not to speculate, etc. Moreover, any readers who drink Jack and Diet should be advised that we are not blaming Andy’s voicemail on you or anyone else who also drinks Jack and Diet, or Jack and Coke, or even just Jack, for that matter.)
Yeah, all the leading “multiculturalists” on campus are black-hating, Jew-hating white Supremacists who like Hitler and try to kidnap Federal Reserve Board members.
We don’t know for sure whether Breitbart was baked on bourbon when he left the voice mail.
No we don’t, and neither do we know if he interrupted dinner with his wife to go on a drunken tear because there was content on the intertoobz which he didn’t agree with.
I repeat, we don’t know this.
Wait, did we ever get any of those photos of BriteBlart screaming insults at those people protesting against the practice of using child soldiers? ‘Cause that would probably go well with this rant.
Multiculturalist? I do not think that word means what he thinks it means.
This was more of a waking-up to reality shock for Blartblart, eg. racism is associated with far right-wing policies. Now lets see if he takes a few more Ambien with his bourbon and goes back to sleep.
“…its fucking beyond the PALE!” perhaps he’s drinking PALE ale. one of the photos has him drinking Stella Artois, and Old Dominion breweries makes a (perfectly reasonable) pale ale available in DC. Not casting aspersions here, mind you, but how does that schmoe get Gawker’s voice mail? Has he been secretly giving them scoops? Its irresponsible not to speculate!
He says he’s “basically fuming”. Lemme tellya, ain’t no “basically” about it! I’m taking my drink and moving further down the bar, thank you very much. some fuckin’ irish spring, dude.
What a wallydraigle.
Drunk dialing while in the throes of a Tourette’s episode is never a good idea.
I’m still angry that Gawker sold Gridskipper, which used to be fantastic and is now essentially dead. I suppose I should have gotten drunk and left an incoherent rant in their voicemail sooner.
from Beliefnet:
James von Brunn, Evolutionist
Also, if you’re so insanely worked up that you’re going to cold-call someone to vent and you get cockblocked by some “leave your message after the tone” noise – just swear once and hang up. For fucks sake, do not deliver your “expertly rehearsed masterpiece” into someone’s voice mail. Especially if that “someone” is Gawker- for crying out loud. I mean, how long until this gets mashed up with Christian Bale’s lament about the total lack of professionalism going around these days.
Mixing with Diet does not make up for the fact that your whiskey of choice has as much sugar as a Mountain Dew.
from Beliefnet:
James von Brunn, Evolutionist
This is genius. It’s like a loophole in Godwin’s Law.
Now, now, y’all have a care. I’m sure Andrew only drinks to excess because his fellow right-wing extremists are all terrorists.
Just think how you’d feel if your side had completely lost the cultural wars and was responding to the ongoing humiliation by shooting random innocent people and firmly cementing public opinion of all right-wing extremists are demented racist kill-crazy McVeigh wannabes. Why, if I were Andrew, I doubt I’d ever want to sober up at all…
Hey, anyone catch Sarah Palin’s latest turn on Matt Lauer, desperately keeping herself in the news by making sure everyone knows David Letterman embarrassed her kid?
Palin on Today
Later, Lauer pressed Palin to explain a line in a statement from her spokesperson that “it would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman.” Lauer asked, “Are you suggesting that David Letterman can’t be trusted around a 14-year-old girl?”
“Hey, take it however you want to take it,” she said. “It is a comment that came from the heart that Willow, no doubt, would want to stay away from David Letterman after he made such a comment. And you can interpret that however you want to interpret it.”
“Well is that not perhaps in bad taste also, governor?” Lauer asked.
So she responds –
“No, it’s not in bad taste,” she said. “Hey, maybe he couldn’t be trusted because Willow’s had enough of this type of comments and maybe Willow would want to react to him in a way that maybe would catch him off guard. That’s one way to interpret such a comment.”
What the heck does she mean by that? Is she suggesting Willow would slap Letterman? Flash him?
What a strange thing to say about your own daughter – especially in the context of defending her. It’s like she’s shoving Willow into the ring – “C’mon, Willow, are you going to let him talk about you like that? Let’s you and him fight!”
Andrew seems to be laboring under the misapprehension that booze will rinse away the shit taco aftertaste in his mouth.
In all fairness, it is difficult to tell whether that call is the product of bourbon or simply Breitbart’s normal stupidity. He is at best not very coherent.
Jack and diet? That sounded more like everclear and a straw.
Of course the shooter was a multiculturalist!Hell-oo,he was visiting the “Holocaust Museum”.Duh.I bet his next stop was the AIDS Quilt.
Plus, speaking as a guzzler of Woodford Reserve – Jack Daniels is not bourbon. It’s Tennessee Sour Mash.
That “evolutionist”” link contains something purported to be the shooter’s writings that speak of the favorable affects of “in-breeding.” Huh. Could be a meta explanation there.
I’m slowly coming to understand the real world. Nazis are Hippies. White Supremacists are multiculturalists. Visible minorities are racists.
Which leads me to conclude that Republicans are Communists. Republic of North Korea anyone? Party loyalty above all. And who brought in the socialist banking system? Wall Street. Bunch of Leninists.
Conservatism is not a bad philosophy because it encourages crazy old men to pick up a gun and shoot a museum guard. It’s a bad philosophy because it encourages sane young men to pick up an MBA from Harvard or a degree in International Relations from the University of Chicago and kill many more people through perfectly legal means.
Jack Daniels is not bourbon. It’s Tennessee Sour Mash.
Quite correct, Mr. Wangchuck. To wit:
How enervating to find such attention to detail. Drinking should never be done without a heavy dose of pedantry, I always say.
That’s a good question — are people racist just because they have brown skin?
And just because Nazis want to kill Communists, does this make them not Communists?
Republic of North Korea anyone?
Well they do have Republic in their name. Therefore by wingnut logic they must be Republicans.
North Korean wingnuts like to repeat the phrase “It’s a republic not a democracy” as they salute their
kingDear Leader.Maybe Andy meant, “beyond the pail”, over the porcelain rim, down his Dockers and all over his Thom McCann’s.
Pedantry always drains me of energy, too. See?!?! Like right now!
“Republic of North Korea anyone?”
“Well they do have Republic in their name. Therefore by wingnut logic they must be Republicans.”
Yup. And you can add Saddam Hussiens’s Republican Guard and the Irish Republican Army to the list of terrorists our own GOP is apparently affiliated with.
Using their own ‘logic’, of course.
Conservative Communism? Republican Communists? No, I’ve got it. The Commie Right: The hidden agenda behind “RED State” politics. I smell non-best-seller.
Alcohol Pedant:
Isn’t “Bourbon” only produced in Kentucky?
Andrew Breitbart = Aberrant Web Dirt
“Conservatives aren’t collectivists like all those people on college campuses.”
Pedant overlord time.
Some folks say that Bourbon can only be produced in Bourbon County, Kentucky – like Champagne can only come from the two Champagne regions in France. To them I say – not until them Kentuckians swallow there foolish anti-French bias and gets themselves an appelation d’origine.
As for the requirements listed by Alcohol Pedant, Jack actually qualifies under all four. It’s disqualified by all that crazy charcoal and cotton crap they do to it.
@Alcohol Pedant
Fuck me. I don’t care whether Jack is bourbon or not. The word sounded better in the post. But if we’re going to get all whiskey-prissy, here’s how the BA-fucking-TF defines bourbon:
Jack has 80 percent corn so it exceeds 51 percent and meets the other requirements. The distillery cleverly claims that its not bourbon because of the charcoal filtering which, based on the BATF decision, is horseshit.
So I’m sticking with “bourbon” 🙂
Shucks. Going overly-pedantic opens you up to all sorts of embarassments.
I actually didn’t mean to be praising no cheese-eating Frenchies. Of course, for bourbon (how ironic), it’s be a certification mark or some other sort of ™ thingy that they’d be after.
My school has a tradition called “Fourth Year Fifth.” Fourth-year students are supposed to consume a fifth of bourbon during the last home football game of the year. Traditionalists say you can’t start before kick-off. I was not willing to sign up for that and instead had my first bourbon and coke with a pancake breakfast. Smuggled about half the fifth into the game and finished by the 4th quarter. My liver still had not forgiven me.
Shocking how I got dick all to say about lebelling Von Brunn a lefty – but bourbon bourbon bourbon bourbon bourbon PENIS bourbon bourbon
By the way, the picture of Blartblight doing his gorilla hooting next to an actual gorilla actually makes me laugh.
Yeah! FUCK YOU, you anti-child soldier protesters! FUUUUUUUUCK YOUUUUU!
Not a right winger, Andy? free Republic/computer says nooooo.
You need to ammend your legal disclaimer to also indicate that “no wording in this disclaimer should be construed to indicate that Jack is a kind of Bourbon”. Unammended, your wording would indicate that you view Jack Daniels’ is a kind of Bourbon, which will make the Bourbon folks rather angry and all litigious-like.
and ps. who gives a fuck if your fat ass is offended.
The important thing is that Jack Daniels sucks. Give me a real quality tequila any day.
It’s the lesbians! It’s their fault!
Also, Jack is shit. Nasty rotgut.
Did Andy actually call Von Brunn, a white supremacis neo-Nazi, a “multiculturalist”? Are you fucking kidding me? What’s the cultures Von Brunn likes.. German, Austrian, and Danish. Yup, that’s multicultural!
I also posted this on the Intermission thread, but Breitbart’s “It’s such a fucking slander on people like me. This guy’s political philosophy is more akin to the drivel … that delineates us by group and not by individuality” is pretty fucking funny.
I could shout down Andrew Breitblart with one sangria tied behind my back.
I’m expecting this absurd “he’s a multiculturalist!” line to really take off; magicians of unfalsifiableness like Mikey Baroney thrive on this nonsense.
/taps mic to make sure it’s on.
Andrew Breitbart, an ode:
“LEEEEEAAAAAAVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEE NNNNNNEEEEEEEOOOOOOOCCCCCCCCCOOOOOOOONNNNNN ALONE!! /sobsobsobdeepbreath And how fucking dare anyone associate our loons with us! After all we’ve put this country through! We lost an election and lied the country into war! And now you want to make us be responsible for the hatred we stoked to get elected?! LEEEAVVE NEEOOOCCCCOOONNNSS ALONE!
Jack Daniels tastes like what I figure the scum of spilled drinks, spit, and flop sweat on the floor of a really divey bar tastes like. It’s like rotten fruit and body odor-infused whiskey.
This isn’t snobbery here — I gladly drink Old Crow and Evan Williams, both of which are cheaper than the overpriced Jack. JD is just the American version of those disgusting Eastern European grappas which smell and taste like pond water.
You liberals just won’t admit that in campuses across American required courses on multiculturalism are all readings by David Duke and David Irving and assorted leftist white supremacists, right alongside the chapters from African post-colonial writers.
Jack Daniels is niether bourbon, nor sour-mash nor whiskey. It is solvent. If you want a decent sour-mash at a reasonable price, go with Jim Beam. If you want a good bourbon, get Maker’s Mark or Knob Hill. If you’re going to mix it with anything besides ice, by all means buy whatever has the word “whiskey” printed somewhere on the plastic squeeze bottle.
I’m sick and tired of these old, white, male, Christian, racist, anti-gay, former military leftwingers pushing their multi-cultural liberal agenda down our collective throats.
Being the elitist Francophile that I am, I prefer Pastis to bourbon.
In cases such as this, never rule out Lysol.
Edgy as hell, economical to a fault, & with a finish said to have that certain “je ne sais quack” – it’s what all the cool wingnuts are chugging since November (or so it would seem).
There is no identifiable group called “Jews” – just millions of individuals who, working independently, developed identical personal cultural traditions.
Similarly, there are no “Pittsburgh Steelers” – just eleven individual athletes who happen to [etc.]
It’s odd how one can be practically Jonah-like in one’s application of rules. For example, Budweiser ain’t beer – but a nice Belgian lambic, or Granite Brewery’s Ringberry Ale?
Coors Light is much like making love in a rowboat. They’re both fucking close to water.
Coors Light: the hate-fuck of beers
A long time ago my father assessed my athletic ability thusly:
“You’re small but slow.”
Not sure why that came to mind but seems apt.
Knob Creek, straight up in a wide-bottomed tumbler.
JD is for biker weddings.
I can’t think of anything nastier than Jack and Diet, unless it would be Jack and Diet filtered through the dirty thong of the Whore of Babylon, and even then it would depend on how many customers she’d had. Maybe Jack and Diet filtered through the gusset of Kathy Lopez’s granny panties.
…good grief, I think that my brain just clawed my third eye out. I know a certain Darknight Detective who’s going to be picking up a fifth of the Dirty Bird tonight.
When I was in the Air Force everybody drank this stuff called Jeremiah Weed. I don’t know if anybody actually liked it or if they just drank it out of peer pressure.
Other than stripping the paint off an engine block, I can’t imagine it being good for much else.
Jack=sucking on a charcoal bricqette.
Power’s Irish Whiskey all the effin’ way.
OT – von Brunn was a convicted felon…how did he end up owning a gun? I’m sure our law-and-order Republicans are all over that.
“I’m expecting this absurd “he’s a multiculturalist!” line to really take off; magicians of unfalsifiableness like Mikey Baroney thrive on this nonsense.”
Remember when the ‘liberal’ media was desperately trying to label the Unabomber as a leftist of some kind (ignoring all the other inconvenient facts pointing out the opposite), based solely on the fact that he wasn’t overly fond of corporations?
As for beer, Capital Brewing’s Autumnal Fire is the shiznit. Next is Victory’s Old Horizontal.
“Coors Light: the hate-fuck of beers”
Watch what you say. Michelle Malkin or Jim Treacher will accuse you of wanting to rape conservative beer magnates.
Must be Friday–all anyone wants to talk about is booze. Not that I’m opposed to the idea, mind you. The local weather here is calling for a severe alcohol front to move through the region later this afternoon. Meantime, here’s a nice linky:
I’m just glad Mr. Jameson was not implicated in Blartbart’s rant …. yet.
I see that a tiny green hat was used to belittle Mr. Breitbart. I can only presume a connection with leprechauns, whiskey, brawling that stereotypes the Irish. Luckily, Mr Breitbart trumps your picture with his ‘beyond the Pale’ rejoinder to gawker. This makes me so angry!!! Then, Irish Spring jokes in the comments! Mr Breitbart does not look Irish to me! I’ll bet he’s a gin drinker.
I can’t think of anything nastier than Jack and Diet,
Peppermint Schnaps and Mt Dew. Yes, I drank that in college. Is it any wonder I don’t touch alcohol now!?
I finally just listened to the voice mail masterpiece. I love the “it’s all about me!!!111” crap. It just demonstrates, once again, how the mental development of people like BreitBlart is so retarded that they operate on the emotional level of toddlers. (No offense to toddlers, who are often less self-centered and self-absorbed than your average right wing pundit.)
Also, I saw a commercial for the Mall Blart dvd today, which promised that it’s selling at a new “special” price. Apparently, they’re having some problems selling it. Who are all these unAmerican bastards who aren’t snapping up dozens of copies apiece? Paul Blart is the new baseball and apple pie, people!
I don’t know if Andy might ever pull a Treacher and troll the very threads that make fun of him, but just in case I’d like to put this in YELLCAPS for his benefit:
Yup, that’s multicultural!
ELWOOD: What kind of culture do you usually have here?
BREITBART: Oh, we got both kinds: Bavarian and Tyrolean.
But the Coors commercials are the closest to pr0n.
We don’t know for sure whether Breitbart was baked on bourbon when he left the voice mail.
It would be, of course, irresponsible not to speculate.
Internet traditions, respect.
Hell, he probably has a subscription to the “New American” and thinks seriously about dropping it ’cause it’s too politically correct at times.
Toddlers can also be quite winsome and amusing at times, and I don’t think you could say that about people like Breitbart.
Peppermint Schnaps and Mt Dew.
Ahem. Ice 101 and Jaegermeister; tastes like Scope, looks like diarreha. And so as to be germane to the topic, its called a Screaming Nazi.
Welp,it’s after 1pm on the east coast. Anyone up for Irish Car Bombs? Besides Bleitblart I mean ….
“Anyone up for Irish Car Bombs?”
Oooh! Me!
You know why Jack Daniels bottles are square?
So they don’t roll out from under the seat of your pick-up when you come to a stop sign.
Also, Jack sucks. Drink George Dickel Black Label.
Apparently Sarah Palin will do just about anything to get air time these days. Sadly Nos! be aware. If you want national fame, write a naughty post about Palin and/or her family and post it with an unforgivably disrespectful photo-shopped image of same. Then send her a link. I’m sure she’ll bring it to the attention of Fox News immediately.
Every day this wingnut theater of the absurd (a kooky kabuki, if you will) gets more and more entertaining.
I swear I’m gonna pee my pants if I don’t stop laughing soon.
OT (as it relates to Screaming Nazis and Irish Car Bombs):
Hilzoy has this to say about Eric the Redfaced and the nature of right wing screamers (OK, maybe a bit on topic).
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming…
Dear Sadly No!,
It is evil of you to have the final five seconds of your YouTube video be 423 decibels louder than the rest of the video.
Woodford Reserve on social occasions requiring speech, Booker’s when alone and addressing migratory birds.
So they don’t roll out from under the seat of your pick-up when you come to a stop sign.
So THAT’S what the huge cup holders in those new SUVs are for. Big Gulps my ass.
by the way FYVMWP
One night, very late at the Pike house, we were reduced to bottom-shelf gin and grape KoolAid. Even though we were already spifflicated, it was hard to get down. We, of course, did give it the old college try.
YELLCAPS? Butthurt prefers to think of them as coolness glyphs.
George Dickel white is even better, but Andy Dimblart would still probably pollute with Coke.
Like using Bombay Sapphire for gin & tonics.
Just drink it on the rocks. Any swill will do for mixing with Coke. Jack is not my favorite, but even that I wouldn’t mix with Coke.
It’s coffee. Beat it, kid!
What Von Brunn wrote before murdering a guard in the Holocaust Museum:
from Frank Shaeffer’s Huffpo article
So which liberals, multiculturalists and left-wingers have been yelling constantly about how the Obama administration is coming for everybody’s guns?
Richard Andrew Poplawski Believed Glenn Beck and Wayne LaPierre
Loony leftie Glenn Beck?
Media conservatives fearmongering: Obama will “take away your gun”
Notorious progressives like Hannity?
Oh, those “liberals.”
I once pulled bongs thru Grandma Graf’s lemonade. Mmmm, lemony.
Richard Andrew Poplawski Believed Glenn Beck and Wayne LaPierre
Loony leftie Glenn Beck?
Wheee, so that makes two blathering shitwits with nationwide media shows we can have arrested for inciting violence.
Fact is, here in the heartland, we drink vodka tonics and nothing else. You libs drink too much Bordeaux and other unamerican varietals. Also, we sometimes drink miller high life when it is on sale. Most real Americans can’t afford all the fancy session beers you libs drink.
“No, it’s not in bad taste,” she said. “Hey, maybe he couldn’t be trusted because Willow’s had enough of this type of comments and maybe Willow would want to react to him in a way that maybe would catch him off guard.”
The hell, she actually SAID that? About her own 14 year-old daughter, whom she’s supposed to be trying to protect? It’s not enough for her to denounce Letterman’s tacky joke, she goes on the “Today Show” and exploits her daughter some more?
This is even worse than when she tried (unsuccessfully) to use the youngest daughter as a human shield against Phillie hockey fans.
Truly, Sarah Palin is beneath contempt.
The word is, grease.
I can’t think of anything nastier than Jack and Diet
Just last week, after muddling some fresh mint – I discovered I had not as much bourbon as was required. Mind you, this is after pouring. What to do? Have a way too sweet julep, or find something to supplement.
Then I had – what I thought was an epiphany at the time. Mojitos are basically juleps with rum instead of bourbon – and they taste mighty fine. I’d just top my glass up with a little rum. The only light rum I had in the building was Wray & Nephew Overproof White.
Let me tell you – I love bourbon, I love rum, I love mint. These are great tastes that do not taste great together.
Von Brunn was a frequent poster on the far-rightwing hate site “Free Republic”.
His hateful screed “Obama is Missing” is signed by him, IN HIS FULL NAME, James W. von Brunn, on December 02, 2008
It is still up on that site… check it out before it’s removed.
His Free Republic nick was “wannabegeek”… read his other rightwing hate posts.
I don’t know why the MSM is not covering this.
Google “Obama is Missing”
Here is a compilation of von Brunn’s racist rants on the far rightwing hate site, “Free Republic”.
See for yourself the thoughts of a racist, murdering rightwinger before they “vanish”…;brevity=full;options=no-change
Totally Fake Gary.
Straight rye (none of that Canadian nambly-pambly rye) except I’m medically teetotal for the next week.
All this discussion of Bourbons, but no love for the Romanovs or Hapsburgs?
Yeah, real Gary never posts without linking to his Twats, secure in the knowledge that libruls need only to read them for a minute to see the error of their ways, and what The Fact Is. Also.
Palin’s Idiotbots are busy defacing this site.
I thought that was notable.
I can’t think of anything nastier than Jack and Diet
WR = good
Bookers = Firewater. Don’t get this one, but I do like the floating pulp.
Try the Knob Creek, It has the Bang and the Pow.
It is still up on that site… check it out before it’s removed.
Indeed. Note that the first four pages of comments paper the walls of an amen corner. They all sang “hallelujah.” Now, they have nothing in common. He doesn’t represent their views at all.
Fucking vile morons. Not to mention stupid.
Also, I saw a commercial for the Mall Blart dvd today, which promised that it’s selling at a new “special” price.
I went by my local hippie used CD / DVD / BD / WhateverthefuckD store yesterday and osberved that they had nine copies of Paul Blart in Blu-Ray on their “Just Arrived” used shelf. Didn’t it just ship like last week?
And no, WordPress, my posting two comments in one day, four hours apart, does not constitute “posting too fast” so FYWP.
I can’t think of anything nastier than Jack and Diet
Maybe. Only maybe.
And no, WordPress, my posting two comments in one day, four hours apart, does not constitute “posting too fast” so FYWP.
Maybe WP was editorializing.
I hope Blartbart doesn’t drunk call his ex-girlfriends and use the same language.
Tullamore Dew or Balvanie Single Malt, depending on which side of the Irish Sea I wish to drink on. An occasional sip of greedily horded shiso-leaf infused shochu distilled from sweet potatoes once in a while. Last night, it was Smuttynose IPA and Brooklyn Lager while watching this guy. It was nice to have a respite from the ugliness of current events.
Von Brunn was a frequent poster on the far-rightwing hate site “Free Republic”.
I guess the freepers gots a lot of “scrubbing” to do after this horrific event- they’re already trying to put forth the meme that he was a “leftist”.
I tried vodka and Coca Cola™ when I was new to drinking (alcohol, that is…I was already a big Coca Cola™ fan).
It wasn’t as good as it sounds.
Maybe WP was editorializing.
Indeed. I have to admit that I don’t have anything all that interesting to say, but I’m surprised that blog software was smart enough to pick up on that.
Back on topic, I think Breitblart’s screechfest is a favor to us. We can link an mp3 of it any time the rightards get all pearl-clutchy about Civility, in much the same argument-ending slamdunkish way we duplicate the “bookmark this, libs!” bullshit as necessary.
It’s impressive that Mr. Website Guy feels the urge to leave a phone message.
Back on topic, I think Breitblart’s screechfest is a favor to us. We can link an mp3 of it any time the rightards get all pearl-clutchy about Civility, in much the same argument-ending slamdunkish way we duplicate the “bookmark this, libs!” bullshit as necessary.
Absolutely. It does lack the instant gratification of “bookmark this” but one takes what one is given.
Jack Daniels tastes like what I figure the scum of spilled drinks, spit, and flop sweat on the floor of a really divey bar tastes like. It’s like rotten fruit and body odor-infused whiskey.
Or the bottom of a bus bucket on a Saturday night. Pick out the lemon slices and straws and there you go.
Palin’s Idiotbots are busy defacing this site.
Wow. The twenty seconds I spent reading those comments are twenty seconds I’ll never get back. I mean, Huffington Post awful. YouTube awful.
And it’s such a fucking slander on people like me. This guy went after, this guy was after neocons like me who are conservative. He had the address of The Weekly Standard there. Conservatives believe in individual liberty, they don’t believe in group’s rights.
It’s like a circular self-refuting argument, perfect in its endless stupidity and self-pity.
It does lack the instant gratification of “bookmark this” but one takes what one is given.
I would be very surprised if we don’t get some better examples very soon – like after next week’s Crazed Right-Wing Murderous Thug of the Week gets caught with a house full of taped Rush Limbaugh shows going back to 1994 and every book every written by Malkin, Coulter, et al after hosing down a school bus with hot lead in protest of forced integration through busing or whatever the hell it is he’ll do.
Knock wood that it doesn’t actually happen.
Heh Neddie:
“YouTube awful.”
Yeah, no kidding. They look like they are winding down now, sadly. Just about a post every ten minutes. A trickle, really.
Buffon? What is wrong with these people?
And I thought one of the recent comments didn’t have a spelling error, so it had to be fake. Then I saw the ‘off colors remarks’.
Knock wood that it doesn’t actually happen.
I wish I could believe that something like that wasn’t going to happen, but it took OKC for these assholes to ease up last time.
We joke about their incoherence and insanity, but some of them are murderois, incoherent, and insane.
Murderous, too.
“Murderois” only applies to the French wingers.
“YouTube awful.”
I wouldn’t have thought it possible, but you’re right. I suspect it may all be the same commenter, though – the particular style of illiteracy seems very consistent. Sort of like how we appear to have 92340723401210324098 trolls here but there’s really only one (with an occasional flying-monkey platoon passing by to halfheartedly pitch a turd or two).
“Murderois” only applies to the French wingers.
Careful with that! Invocation of Frenchness, especially implying that it could apply to wingnuts, might set them off.
I suspect it may all be the same commenter, though – the particular style of illiteracy seems very consistent.
Yes that may be right. Certainly could be one main commenter, at least.
Its still going…
Twoofie has been notably absent these past two days…
“YouTube awful.”
Well, how many of the YouTube commenters are foreign-language speakers? The Palinites are English-only advocates? You betcha!
This comment on that “Insider” site made me chuckle:
I agree; I only watched occasionally, but no more. We will have to switch to Bill O’Reilly- at least a little common sense is at play on his show!
You show ’em, boycott the guy who made a stupid joke, the target of which was misidentified, and watch the actual sexual harasseur (in keeping with the Frenchiness).
Mixing with Diet does not make up for the fact that your whiskey of choice has as much sugar as a Mountain Dew.
I demand a source for that slander! Watch out, or I’ll sic George Bush’s Beverage Police on your ass.
All. One. Guy.
All. One. Guy.
Hey, it’s not like Todd was busy doing anything much else all day…
Have people been following the I’m Just Going To Say Something Here thread? Because they really are just saying something over there.
Nope. They put out an action alert. There were some number of people involved.
Just a small number, is all.
Kinda the same problem they had on election day.
I am objectively a manlier man than Brightfart, and I can prove it. I keep my Wild Turkey (none of that fake brown-label 80-proof stuff, either) in the freezer, because I like the report as of gunshots when I pour it over ice. If I did this, Brightfart would dive under the table while peeing his pants. QED.
Like that stupid bunny, they just keep going
If you want national fame, write a naughty post about Palin and/or her family and post it with an unforgivably disrespectful photo-shopped image of same. Then send her a link. I’m sure she’ll bring it to the attention of Fox News immediately.
But she never mentions her defenders, like Treacher. Notice that? His name wasn’t brought up by Letterman, either. Almost makes you feel sorry for the sap. All that work and energy, and his damsel in distress doesn’t even catch his eye.
we are not blaming Andy’s voicemail on you or anyone else who also drinks Jack and Diet, or Jack and Coke, or even just Jack, for that matter
Jack and Dr. Pepper? Jack and Nehi Orange? Jack and A&W?
With so many and so much good bourbon out there, why anyone would prefer Jack Daniels is beyond me, especially since they dialed it back from first 90, and then 86 proof…to the current and inoffensive 80…
To be fair, “fuckface crime against humanity” is a pretty good phrase.
Y’know, the commentariat here recently has risen to a remarkable height of snarky PoMo obscure-referential bebop dada schadenfreude Joycean-stream-of-consciousness cacoethes scribendi with PENIS (and the posts don’t suck TOO much) that i wonder, just as a thought-experiment, what would happen if a bunch of commenters were to go over to a selected right-wing blog at an agreed-upon time and kind of flash mob. Of course you cats won’t herd, so it’s all hypothetical, but i wonder what the reaction would be.
All this discussion of Bourbons, but no love for the Romanovs or Hapsburgs
Romanov = cheap-&-nasty vodka.
Hapsburg = absinthe.
Brunn was a friggin’ Birther, Bleitblart. Also too:
Republic if North Korea anyone?
There is no such place as the Republic of North Korea. North Korea’s official name is the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), which sounds exactly like the name a Republican would come up with.
Absinthe is damn good, as long as you import it. The ‘legal’ absinthe stuff might as well be Sambuca with green food coloring. Hell, it probably is. We used to import Czech Strong Absinthe in my college days.
My favorite drink nowadays is imported Scottish Mead. I could probably foodgasm just by the smell of it.
Mein Gott, they are still at it over there…