The commie plot to sap and impurify all our precious English pronunciations


It Sticks in My Craw [Mark Krikorian]

Most e-mailers were with me on the post on the pronunciation of Judge Sotomayor’s name (and a couple griped about the whole Latina/Latino thing — English dropped gender in nouns, what, 1,000 years ago?). But a couple said we should just pronounce it the way the bearer of the name prefers, including one who pronounces her name “freed” even though it’s spelled “fried,” like fried rice. (I think Cathy Seipp of blessed memory did the reverse — “sipe” instead of “seep.”) Deferring to people’s own pronunciation of their names should obviously be our first inclination, but there ought to be limits. Putting the emphasis on the final syllable of Sotomayor is unnatural in English (which is why the president stopped doing it after the first time at his press conference), unlike my correspondent’s simple preference for a monophthong over a diphthong, and insisting on an unnatural pronunciation is something we shouldn’t be giving in to.

Krikorian goes on to point out that his own last name is Armenian. Personally speaking, I don’t think people who descend from swarthy, terror-loving Middle Eastern MuslamoNazi* countries have any right to tell us how to pronounce their names. From this point forward, I shall pronounce Krikorian’s last name as “Crackwhoreian” and there’s nothing he can do to stop me.

*And yeah, I know most Armenians are Christians. But they’re located really close to Iran, which means that they have probably been brainwashed as MuslamoNazi sleeper agents and they’re highly likely to torch their Bibles and start slaughtering white people at any given moment.

Gavin adds:

Above: Golda rhymes-with-tire


Comments: 467


and a couple griped about the whole Latina/Latino thing — English dropped gender in nouns, what, 1,000 years ago?

But, see, in Spanish, they…

Ah, screw it. He’s got enough rope anyway.


“English dropped gender in nouns, what, 1,000 years ago?”

It did? Hmmm. Remind me to ask actress212 about that.


In other news, what a wad of fuck this guy is.


insisting on an unnatural pronunciation is something we shouldn’t be giving in to

Um, I sees a preposition at the end of that sentence and that is something with which one should never put up.

Gee, stones and glass houses, Mr. Crackwhoreian.


Shorter Crackwhoreian:

“How DARE people in other countries impose their filthy Socialist non-English pronunciations on us!”


Oh, for God’s sake. They come up with ridiculous shit like this, and then they’re shocked, shocked, when they get accused of xenophobia.


I wonder if he knows what a craw is. Because I can totally picture him as having one. Carrion eater of some sort.


And plus also: How totally magnanimous of this wad of fuck to have as his “first inclination” to pronounce someone’s name the way she pronounces it, as if she would know better than he would. What a fucking wad of fuck.


It did? Hmmm. Remind me to ask actress212 about that.

I also know several princesses, goddesses, and lionesses who might have some objections to his claim.


Um, I sees a preposition at the end of that sentence and that is something with which one should never put up.

Ahem. “Up with which one should never put.”


Surprised he didn’t throw a Democrat party in there for good measure. Shorter Future Crackwhoreian: How come everybody hates me so much for telling them how they should live their lives?

Also, what MzNicky said.


Here’s a sample of English from 1000 years ago:

Syððan wæs geworden þæt he ferde þurh þa ceastre and þæt castel: godes rice prediciende and bodiende. and hi twelfe mid. And sume wif þe wæron gehælede of awyrgdum gastum: and untrumnessum: seo magdalenisce maria ofþære seofan deoflu uteodon: and iohanna chuzan wif herodes gerefan: and susanna and manega oðre þe him of hyra spedum þenedon.

See for yourself whether nouns have gender.


Remind me to ask actress212 about that.

MzN, you promised we’d never speak of that performance.


“In other news, what a wad of fuck this guy is.”

Nicely said. We have a friend who described a bad car as “a great big hunk of fuck.”

It’s a shame that one of the most fabulous things you can do has had its colloquial verb hijacked as a pejorative, but fuck it.


Crackwhoreian is inspired.

Wait until someone tells him that “Tennessee” has two pronunciations. His poor craw!


He really falls short in not noting that many or most English nouns mostly became genderless largely due to…..the French! Yes, we can thank the conquering Normans, How come he doesn’t mention that?


The amazing thing is that he actually publishes this.

I can almost understand his feeling – it’s similar to gripes my elderly relatives mutter, and I tolerate them. But they aren’t writing letters to the editor with them, or god forbid, publishing them.

Sounds like he wishes they’d changed his ancestor’s name to Kirk or Kelly at Ellis Island. Cause, you know, But one of the areas where conformity is appropriate is how your new countrymen say your name


This may seem like carping…

No shit.


I can see why he prefers his nouns genderless.


“English dropped gender in nouns, what, 1,000 years ago”

Dear Sir or Madam: I would say you are a bullshitting dick, but alas must settle for steershitting tool.


Ahem. “Up with which one should never put.”

Bah! Pedant!


See for yourself whether nouns have gender.

Well, Old English nouns did have gender, but I suppose your point is probably that Krikorian isn’t likely to know jackshit about OE.


Do not use the correct pronunciation of anyone’s name. It’s un-American. Filter all unfamilar words through the thickest redneck accent you can find and you’ll be all right.


OT, but remember the other day when Twoofie (or one of his multiples) was whining at us about the evil liberal treehuggers and how they were inconveniencing the noble bid’nessmen of West Virginia in extracting value from their private sovereign property?

Well, this might be what those liberals had in mind:

The Brushy Fork impoundment (pictured below at left), located in Raleigh County, W.V., is the largest such coal impoundment in the country, holding some 7 billion gallons of what’s known as coal sludge or slurry — the poisonous, chemical-laden goo left over after processing coal. According to data gathered by the state Department of Environmental Protection and cited in a citizens’ report, coal sludge contains dangerously high levels of toxic elements including arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead and mercury, as well as more complex chemicals used in the washing process.

Massey Energy’s own filings with the state Department of Environmental Protection estimate a minimum death toll of 988 people should the dam break. Within three hours of a break, floodwaters would reach over 38 feet in the town of Peytona, W.V., which lies more than 26 miles downstream. The impoundment is built over a honeycomb of abandoned underground mines, raising questions about its long-term stability.

The facility has already experienced serious problems. Marfork Coal has been cited for more than 200 violations, including at least 46 at the coal processing plant associated with the Brushy Fork impoundment and another 72 at the impoundment itself, according to Coal River Mountain Watch. In December 2005, the coal processing facility released at least 10,000 gallons of toxic sludge into the Coal River, which serves as a drinking water source for thousands of people living downstream.

Those rotten tree-huggers, eh?


It Sticks in My Craw

Not “craw”! “CRAW”!


Let’s try reversing Sotomayor’s “wise latina” statement and see how it sounds:

“A wise white male, with the richness of his experience, would more often than not arrive at a better decision than a latin woman”.



Pere, it happened in Martin County, Kentucky. Google it.


Let’s try including the entire thought, Dan, instead of picking out one bit – how’s about that?



Yes. You are.

In the context in which she said it…have you read the speech or are you merely parroting talking points?…Sotomayor was talking about how judges sometimes have more familiarity with some issues than with others, and those a judge has experienced one would hope that judge would make better case law than one who has not.

Sort of how like a baseball umpire who’s actually called a few games would make a better baseball umpire than a football referee.

Also, Fail.


Well Fried should be pronounced “Freed” if we use the German pronunciation. Likewise with Seipp. OTOH the brits pronounce Quixote or quixotic as “Kwiksoat” and “kwiksahtik” so whatever. I imagine then that “nukyalur” is actually preferred. Honestly, who gives a shit either way.

Ted the Slacker

Putting the emphasis on the final syllable of Sotomayor is unnatural in English…

Well go complain to your editor, that Lopez pers… oh.

Side question, did Scalia and Alito ever get on your nerves as well?


No, she suggested that someone who had more melanin in their skin and a different set of genitalia would make better decisions, just because of those two differences.

And who says white males don’t have a “richness” of experience? Cause that’s what she implied.


Dan, you’re too stupid to live. And you’re a troll.


For a strident defender of English, it’s shocking that Crackwhorian doesn’t know that there was no English language 1000 years ago. We all spoke Anglo-Saxon: which did have gendered nouns!


Lest we forget:

Pahk It In, Already [Mark Krikorian]

The president has been the rightful target of much mockery for his “Pahkistahn” pronounciation (a pronunciation defended again just yesterday by Tunku Varadarajan), but I heard something positively hilarious on NPR this week. (Yes, I’m an NPR type of guy — but I love Rush!) There was a report on our South Asian imbroglio and the reporter repeatedly used — in the very same sentence — the Obama-ite pronunciation of Pakistan but the normal American pronunciation of Afghanistan. (And I just noticed the president himself does the same thing.) Look, if you’re going to say “Pahkistahn,” you need to also say “Ahf-ghan-i-stahn,” with a voiced uvular fricative for the “gh,” kind of like a French “r”. And you should also say “Soorya” for Syria, and “Italia” for Italy, and “Suomi” for Finland, and “Hayastan” for Armenia, etc., etc. Anything else is both ignorant and affected, like Moliere’s middle-class gentleman bragging about having spoken in prose his whole life.

05/12 05:53

Krikorian is earning his money.


Wow g, what intellect. You sure destroyed my argument!


And who says white males don’t have a “richness” of experience? Cause that’s what she implied.

And it just got you so upset, didn’t it? WATB.


Deferring to people’s own pronunciation of their names should obviously be our first inclination, but there ought to be limits.

Why should there be limits? Who sets the limits? How should the limits be enforced? Who will determine that the limits were willfully ignored? What will the punishment be for not obeying the limits? Could one’s name be revoked — like a driver’s license?


Wait, when did Dan have an argument?


Foolish, if Chief Justice Roberts had said, ““A wise white male, with the richness of his experience, would more often than not arrive at a better decision than a latin woman.”, you would be screaming bloody murder and so would every other leftist in America.


And who says white males don’t have a “richness” of experience? Cause that’s what she implied.

No, that’s what YOU inferred.

White males do indeed have a richness of experience at being white males. At being a minority or a woman or a minority woman? Not so much. All clear now?


Why yes I do, dlauthor, and it’s that Sotomayor made a racist remark, and that there’s apparently a double standard on who can make racist remarks and get away with it.



That’s not what she said. She didn’t say hispanic women have a richenss of experience at being hispanic women, she said they have a richness of epxerience, period, that white males don’t and therefore hispanic women make better judges.


A wise white male, with the richness of his experience, would more often than not arrive at a better decision than a latin woman.”, you would be screaming bloody murder and so would every other leftist in America.


Was he talking about an incident happening over martinis served by the “boy” in the club after a round of golf?

In that case, I might agree with him.


Talking point 101. Got the FAX blast, didnt’ you, Dan, and here you are. What’s the pay these days? Free donuts?


Krikorian pronounces it “im-BROG-le-oh” like any good Uh-mer-uh-cuhn.


What Sotomayor said (excerpted):

Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences, a possibility I abhor less or discount less than my colleague Judge Cedarbaum, our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging. Justice O’Connor has often been cited as saying that a wise old man and wise old woman will reach the same conclusion in deciding cases…I am also not so sure that I agree with the statement. First, as Professor [Martha] Minnow has noted, there can never be a universal definition of wise. Second, I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.

(emphasis added)

Die Verdammt Fliedermausmensch Changed His Name At Ellis Island Because It Looked Better On A Comic Book, Or So Neal Adams, Formerly Niels Abramov, Told Him

I wonder how Kim Cardassian feels about all this?


Dehumanization is awesome, isn’t it?


Shorter Dan:

“Anyone who thinks there’s any kind of experience outside of the world of rich white males is by definition a racist.”


That last part changes nothing. She’s still saying hispanic women make better legal decisions than white men.


This is the kind of careful and objective jurisprudence that DingDong Dan prefers.


No, she suggested that someone who had more melanin in their skin and a different set of genitalia would make better decisions, just because of those two differences.

You either have a basic incapacity for reading comprehension, or are deliberately misinterpreting what she says in order to suit your own purposes. Either way, you are fractally wrong.

There is also no argument in the universe that could be made that would change your opinion in the slightest degree. So I will settle for laughing at you.

Haw haw.


She’s still saying hispanic women make better legal decisions than white men.

I wish I lived in your world. It must be fun not having to deal with reality.


I wonder how Kim Cardassian feels about all this?

Was that that same Kim Kardassian who was on the cover of “People” a couple weeks back?



Dan doesn’t know what an argument is either. Modus ponens with fallacious predicate => FAIL.



You don’t think minorities can be racist, do you actor212? Typical leftist thinking. That’s what is blinding you to the obvious racist nature of the statement.


She’s still saying hispanic women make different legal decisions than white men.

Fitzed for accuracy. “Different” = “racist” to Dan’s tiny brain.


Pere Ubu, she didn’t say DIFFERENT she said BETTER.


Find another bridge Dan.


She’s still saying hispanic women make better legal decisions than white men.

Even a third-grader reading that would get the basic point that she’s saying “might” in certain situations, and that it’s a speculation. Deliberately misinterpretting it into an absolutist statement is exactly the kind of intellectual dishonesty that goes for discussion among Dan and his friends.


You don’t think minorities can be racist, do you actor212? Typical leftist thinking.

Self-referential ignorance. It’s a thing of beauty!


Was that that same Kim Kardassian who was on the cover of “People” a couple weeks back?


Yes, but she spells it Kardashian.


It’s pronounced Throat Warbler Mangrove, however.


Second, I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.

Emphasis mine. More often than not, make a better decision than a white male. This implies hispanic women are superior judges to white men.


No, she suggested that someone who had more melanin in their skin and a different set of genitalia would make better decisions, just because of those two differences.

See, actually…this in fact never happened! But other than that you’re right.

I’m almost inclined to call Troofy on this. And not because of the usual hangups and obsession with certain posters*, but because Troofy was trying this whole Biden’s-from-Deleware-and-is-thus-evil thing a few weeks ago.

* This got you canned from here before. I’d recommend you learn from your mistakes.

Herr Doktor Merkwürdigeliebe

Ze mine shaft community of necessity vill be peopled vis only ze most deserving.


This implies hispanic women are superior judges to white men.

I dunno, maybe they actually are?


Well Pere if you think that, that makes you, well, a racist.


More often than not, make a better decision than a white male.

Right. A Latina woman who has experienced that life *would* make better conclusions about that life than a white male who has not.

Tell you what: we’ll do an experiment.

We’ll put you and Sotomayor in the middle of the South Bronx and see who gets out in one piece.

I’ve got my money on the Latina honey. You? Well, maybe we ought to measure you for a casket before we start, eh?


I can relate. It’s pronounced albin.


I wonder what John Boehner thinks about this?


“We’ll put you and Sotomayor in the middle of the South Bronx and see who gets out in one piece.”

That’s more of an indictment of people who live in the South Bronx than it is a slam against me.

The Rev. Joseph Lowery

Hey, Troofy, remember when you said that my inauguration prayer would have a chilling effect on Obama’s support, as it would show everyone how evil and racist he was?

You should have told everyone to Bookmark It.


But anyway, nice to know you think hispanics are violent savages!


Well Pere if you think that, that makes you, well, a racist.



That’s more of an indictment of people who live in the South Bronx than it is a slam against me

I smell fear.


Why? Because you’re saying someone’s race makes them superior.

Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine Hulk And The Flash Combined

I don’t have a dog in this fight.


But anyway, nice to know you think hispanics are violent savages!

No, I think you’d be stupid enough to say something that would enrage at least one person.

Tarquin Fin-tim-lin-bin-whin-bim-lim-bus-stop-F'tang-F'tang-Olé-Biscuitbarrel.

Yes, that’s the correct pronunciaiton. Now FUCK OFF!


Lowery isn’t a racist, he’s just an old black guy who thinks its still 1967.


. She didn’t say hispanic women have a richenss of experience at being hispanic women, she said they have a richness of epxerience, period, that white males don’t and therefore hispanic women make better judges.

Naturally. She was talking about empathy and understanding. Something that white assholes — well, let’s just say Republicans — hate and fear.

And, of course, she didn’t say anything as simplistically and categorically as you did. That’s what dishonest hacks like you do. You read something like this: . Justice O’Connor has often been cited as saying that a wise old man and wise old woman will reach the same conclusion in deciding cases…I am also not so sure that I agree with the statement. First, as Professor [Martha] Minnow has noted, there can never be a universal definition of wise. Second, I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life. and get all whiny and huffy about how unfair it all is! I mean after all, YOU want to be able to be a racist dick, so why can she say something like that and not suffer? WAAAAAHHHHHH. Sucks, doesn’t honkey?

Of course, because you are dishonest and illiterate, you can’t actually understand — or pretend not to understand — what she’s saying. She said that wisdom comes with a wealth of experience — and that her perspective, and the perspectives of every judge, are informed by their upbringing, their class and their race.

If you understood anything, anything at all beyond your whiny sense of white privilege, her thesis is self-evident. But your point, in so much as you have one, is EVEN DUMBER when you read the thought immediately before the passage you edited and purposely misread.

In our private conversations, Judge Cedarbaum has pointed out to me that seminal decisions in race and sex discrimination cases have come from Supreme Courts composed exclusively of white males. I agree that this is significant but I also choose to emphasize that the people who argued those cases before the Supreme Court which changed the legal landscape ultimately were largely people of color and women. I recall that Justice Thurgood Marshall, Judge Connie Baker Motley, the first black woman appointed to the federal bench, and others of the NAACP argued Brown v. Board of Education. Similarly, Justice Ginsburg, with other women attorneys, was instrumental in advocating and convincing the Court that equality of work required equality in terms and conditions of employment.

So, in other words, she’s saying that in cases that deal with discrimination due to race and gender it would take someone OF that race and gender to make the case. And understand the role of race and gender issues in the law better than a white man would.

But again, since you are terminally dishonest, you can’t read and everything you know is fed to you by equally stunted assholes, you will live and die without ever knowing why you can’t call that hotheaded bitch a spic.

Fucking asshole.


I gotta go with The Editors on this. They cite the precedent of Nicaragua v Nihawahawahawaha. The former is the English approximant, while the latter is the NPR approved version which takes seven days to pronounce.

Of course, Nikeraguar is a country, not a person, so it’s OK.


Jay B., do you have anger issues?


Oh and discrimination cases? You mean like the New Haven firefighters case?


Why? Because you’re saying someone’s race makes them superior.

No, not “superior”, just better suited to make judge-type decisions.


Why not just call Jay B. “uppity” like you want to, Dan?


Golly, whatever might she have meant by saying someone who isn’t a white male might bring a “richness of experience” SPECIFICALLY TO RACE- AND GENDER-BASED DISCRIMINATION CASES to a multi-member court that is predominately white and male… No, it’s obviously racist. The only non-racist option is to choose another white male. It’s never racist to say they’re better*.

*Except when John Yoo said, “[Clarence Thomas] is a black man with a much greater range of personal experience than most of the upper-class liberals who take potshots at him,” soooo totally not racist.


I think she does mean that she believes a wise latina would more often make a better judgment than a white male. It’s called perspective, a point of reference. Who better to appreciate the perils of tyranny and oppression, the priveleged or the disenfranchised?



why, even bringing a case like that before a judge is racist! There is no discrimination, after all, just snotty minorities who haven’t gotten their free ride yet.

Of course, this ignores all evidence to the contrary, but what the hell, wingnuttery is a evidence-free food.


Your “life experience” shouldn’t influence judicial decisions. The law and the Constitution should. The Constitution says the same thing, no matter what race or background the person who is happening to read it has.

This is the Supreme Court. Not Oprah or Dr. Phil, people.


Jesus fuck. I went and read the original. It hurt me.

This is what people are coming up with about the justice pick? ‘She’s got a spic name?’ Aaaaargh! Blart!

Listen punk, I got some names for you. Asian names. Long ones. Short ones, with tones. Spanish names. Russian names. English names that you can’t even say without laughing, like Rush and Scooter and Dick.

Fuck off and die soon, Crackwhorian. Your Armenianity endangers the nation.


First off, Crackwhoreian is brilliant.

I’m guessing that Krikorian is from the Armenian “krika” for “head” and “oryun” for “shit:”. And he’s basically saying “Let us all be assimilated morons” with this crap. So I suppose we can assume at least two things: 1. that he’s the yahoo in the restaurant who orders eskargotz and la-zag-nee. and 2. Alexander Cockburn would take an immediate dislike to him.


The troll can’t read. He finds one point a week to hammer on over and over again, gleefully ignoring the more salient counter-arguments and only addressing the flippant ones.

Let’s move on.


And don’t even get me started on your pitiful German. Let’s not go there.



Delaware Dan, what she said was that one’s gender and ethnicity have an effect on one’s jurisprudence in certain cases. Are you seriously implying that being white and male has NO effect on how a judge makes a decision? That we should not take into account the gender of the “reasonable man” standard for self-defense when the “reasonable man” in question is a battered woman who kills her husband in self defense? Are you really that stupid? No, wait, don’t answer that.


BTW, saying there’s no such thing as objectivity in the law (that everything is subjective) is a Fascist idea, especially if you’re saying racial background is the root of that subjectivity.


Your “life experience” shouldn’t influence judicial decisions. The law and the Constitution should. The Constitution says the same thing, no matter what race or background the person who is happening to read it has.

Yeah, because there’s no interpreting the sacred holy books unless you’re a white anglo-saxon male of privilege, eh?

NOW who’s the racist?


Look, you can’t trust the English pronunciation of anything. Have you ever tried to talk about “Worcestershire sauce” out loud?
(see also: an awesome poem)


Holy crap, did someone actually read Jonah the Whale’s “book” for non-comic reasons?


Wait! The goalposts….they’re …right….over….HERE! You racist homolover niggers and spics won’t address my argument. This si how it will go down….


saying there’s no such thing as objectivity in the law (that everything is subjective) is a Fascist idea

c.f. the “doctrine of the unitary executive”, the fact that the Geneva Conventions are “quaint”, children of undocumented immigrants aren’t citizens regardless of what the Fourth Amendment says, and other wingnut legal “innovations” like that there.


Troofy- You went to paste-eating mode too quickly with this one. In your better days, you could have drawn this out for hundreds of posts, but when you whip

BTW, saying there’s no such thing as objectivity in the law (that everything is subjective) is a Fascist idea

only a few posts in, you’ve ruined the Troll Experience for yourself and everyone else. I missed it when you would post as Reagan. At least that one (sorta) made us try.


Jay B.–

Yours is the definitive riposte. Henceforth, re our current troll, as my mother used to say, “I.G.N.O.R.E.”


“It’s Brundan.”


Your “life experience” shouldn’t influence judicial decisions. The law and the Constitution should. The Constitution says the same thing, no matter what race or background the person who is happening to read it has.

If that were true, you wouldn’t NEED a Supreme Court.

Judicial Understanding FAIL.


Senator, I tried to in my opening statement, I tried to provide a little picture of who I am as a human being and how my background and my experiences have shaped me and brought me to this point.

I don’t come from an affluent background or a privileged background. My parents were both quite poor when they were growing up.

And I know about their experiences and I didn’t experience those things. I don’t take credit for anything that they did or anything that they overcame.

But I think that children learn a lot from their parents and they learn from what the parents say. But I think they learn a lot more from what the parents do and from what they take from the stories of their parents lives.

And that’s why I went into that in my opening statement. Because when a case comes before me involving, let’s say, someone who is an immigrant — and we get an awful lot of immigration cases and naturalization cases — I can’t help but think of my own ancestors, because it wasn’t that long ago when they were in that position.

(game, set, match, wingnuts)


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why Sam Alito sucks Corporate cock.


also wy thay got tu yuz all thim fansee spelinz win evreebahdee shud jus riyt tha way i talk any whair on tha urf


For a strident defender of English, it’s shocking that Crackwhorian doesn’t know that there was no English language 1000 years ago. We all spoke Anglo-Saxon: which did have gendered nouns!

Not only that, but the nouns also had DECLENSIONS, as modern German still does.

O the non-English HORROR!


See people like Dan are actually SEEKING OUT twists of phrase in everyday occasional speech that they can use to imply that a perfectly mainstream person has extreme and ugly views.

It’s funny, because they are the same people who decry what they call “Political Correctness” – cherry-picking rare examples that are positively mythological in the inaccurate telling of them. They fear being sued or losing their jobs due to a single telling of a dirty joke, or being cursed out for holding a door for a woman. And they tut-tut the idea that an innocent, well-meaning person can be so terribly wronged by the misinterpretatin of a single word or gesture.

Yet they comb through a quote – like this one and like Michelle Obama’s “proud” quote – and construct a totally false characterization of the person. They do the same thing to others that they so irrationally fear might be done to them.

It’s a mirror image of their fear that they will lose the sense of entitlement they so fiercely need for self-affirmation.


It’s a mirror image of their fear that they will lose the sense of entitlement they so fiercely need for self-affirmation.

Either that, or it’s a projection of their own deep-seated racism, turned inside out and vomited all over someone else to make it look like their outwardly denied racism is somehow justified. When in actual fact it is not, and never has been, and never will be. The End.

(Don’t you love the convolutions of wingnut thinking?)


(And don’t you love it even more when you can just take the sword of clear, non-wingnut thinking, and slash that Gordian knot with one fell stroke, and call a racist by his right name?)


Back on the pronunciation thing – does this mean we can call the House Minority Leader John Boner now? ‘Cause as far as I know, when two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking.


Either you guys made DD pop, or somebody poed the troll.


Jersey Tomato:

I’ve never actually heard that pronounced, so I thought it was pronounced “Boner”.

I think I’ve been having a more amusing time than anyone else.


monophthong over a diphthong

I don’t want to think about this wad of fuck in connection with any sort of thong.


Is Tancredo now “tanker-dough”?


Just finished reading an interesting book about the history of English grammar, called Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue by John McWhorter*. It posits, and convincingly I might add, that rather than Norman French, English grammar (as opposed to vocab) got seriously screwed up because of exposure to (a) the indigenous Celts, and (b) Norse immigrants who didn’t speak Anglo-Saxon so well.

Also, a less ironclad argument that proto-Germanic may have been similarly affected by the Phoenicians, of all people. Interesting stuff.

* Come on, Crackwhorian. Pronounce that.


Where’d you go, Dan? Why don’t you address me?


Ooh. I liked Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue. It probably has the clearest explanation I’ve found for why English grammar is the way it is.


For a strident defender of English, it’s shocking that Crackwhorian doesn’t know that there was no English language 1000 years ago.

It is known as old english. And suddenly, all at once, precisely 1000 years ago, a supersmart blogger said the language should henceforth have non-gendered nouns. And just like that, over the course of four or five or seven hundred years – overnight it was! – English became the language that Crackwhorian insists that everyone speak today in just the way he sez.


Imagine that first sentence in italics, please.


Back on the pronunciation thing – does this mean we can call the House Minority Leader John Boner now? ‘Cause as far as I know, when two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking.

Sure, why not? Umlauts are for us Germans, as is the use of an e to modify the pronunciation of the vowel it’s attached to. He’s an Amurrican, and he’s not using either; therefore, according to Crackwhorian, he’s fair game.

(Don’t you love it when you can beat the wingnuts at their own game, using THEIR rules yet?)


Oh, FYWP. What I meant to say was:

Back on the pronunciation thing – does this mean we can call the House Minority Leader John Boner now? ‘Cause as far as I know, when two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking.

Sure, why not? Umlauts are for us Germans, as is the use of an e to modify the pronunciation of the vowel it’s attached to. He’s an Amurrican, and he’s not using either; therefore, according to Crackwhorian, he’s fair game.

(Don’t you love it when you can beat the wingnuts at their own game, using THEIR rules yet?)


If people aren’t pronouncing “Sotomayor” with the accent on the last syllable, how the fuck are they pronouncing it?! Please, please, please don’t ruin my afternoon by telling me people are saying it “SEW-toe-mare” or something. I mean, is “Sotomayor” supposed to be hard to pronounce or something?

Monolinguals need to get out more.


It’s not just the white maleness either. If a white male atheist was nominated for the Court, the wingers would be apoplectic.

It’s specifically Privileged While Male Good Ol’ Boy. Upper crustians or their courtiers (of which Jonah is a perfect example). It’s a whole lot more about economic class and a whole lot less about the melanin component.

Those born on third base have enough advantages without enshrining those advantages into constitutional precedent.


If people aren’t pronouncing “Sotomayor” with the accent on the last syllable, how the fuck are they pronouncing it?!

Soda-maid? Hold-the-mayo? Anything they can think of that appeals to the back row 3rd grade boyz crew which runs the Republican Party of the Dixie Confederate Uprisin’.


Soda-maid? Hold-the-mayo?

So close.



Sorry, IB, hate to ruin your PM but it is being pronounced:

So-to-may-yer. As in mayor, vice-mayor, assistant-mayor, soto-mayor.

You know, the really quiet mayor.


I assume that’s pronounced die-john mussturd.


That’s DEE-john, you elitist.


I’m not sure why anyone bothers arguing with “Dan” about what Sotomayor meant or didn’t mean by her statement. I recall arguing (in real life) with people over John Kerry’s “botched joke” a couple of years ago. They knew what he meant, and I knew they knew what he meant, and they knew that I knew, etc. But none of that mattered, because they never lost that smirk that says, “Yeah, I’m full of bullshit and I know it, but that’s okay because it’s pissing you off”.

You must always keep in mind, it is most emphatically not about being right or having the facts straight. It’s about pissing off liberals, period, end of story, finé, exeunt all.


That’s DEE-john, you elitist.

That may be closer to how the French pronounce it, but this here’s America, and there’s an “i” in it, so it’s DIE-JOHN.

But please feel free to go o’vair and make love to the Awful Tower or whatnot.


That may be closer to how the French pronounce it, but this here’s America, and there’s an “i” in it, so it’s DIE-JOHN.

Mark Twain pronounced it “demijohn.”

Rusty Shackleford

Crackwhorian observed that his name is Armenian? What a racist. We non-racists don’t see “nationalities” – we just see names. *sniff*


I am a firm believer in pronouncing names, place names, etc. appropriately to their national/linguistic origins.

For example, the “J” sound of English doesn’t really exist in Deutsch. So why do we insist on calling that country Germany? Shouldn’t we call it Chermany as the Chermans do?


For example, the “J” sound of English doesn’t really exist in Deutsch. So why do we insist on calling that country Germany? Shouldn’t we call it Chermany as the Chermans do?

No, you’d then call it Deutschland, as the Deutsch do.

BTW, the Deutsch use a “dsch” to approximate the “J” sound. Which means that Mr. Boner is a “dsch”-bag.


For example, the “J” sound of English doesn’t really exist in Deutsch. So why do we insist on calling that country Germany? Shouldn’t we call it Chermany as the Chermans do?

Or “Soshallist”, like the Republicans do…


That may be closer to how the French pronounce it, but this here’s America, and there’s an “i” in it, so it’s DIE-JOHN.

Do you drive a Naissan Altima?


Anybody ever been to TX?

Guadalupe St.: GWAH-duh-loop
San Jacinto: Juh-SINT-o
Pedernales: PER-dan-al-is
Manchaca: MAN-shack


I drove an Ah-KOO-rah for a while. Really pissed people off.


I must, for the first time mind you, side with the wingnuts against SadlyNo on this one. I found it irritating as hell how they kept pronouncing this lady’s name. Just cause she’s a bigshot now doesn’t mean we all have to lick her feet by pronouncing her name in a ridiculous way.

I hate wingnuts as much as anyone. But that doesn’t mean I have to worship Obama and engage in the degrading “Me Talk Like He Talks!” ritual. Fuck him and the supreme court nominee he rode in on.


Manchaca: MAN-shack

Only in Texas


I hate wingnuts as much as anyone. But that doesn’t mean I have to worship Obama and engage in the degrading “Me Talk Like He Talks!” ritual. Fuck him and the supreme court nominee he rode in on.



Just cause she’s a bigshot now doesn’t mean we all have to lick her feet by pronouncing her name in a ridiculous way.

How is it ridiculous?

Johnny Coelacanth

I think Latina women* are better than white men, especially as judges. If I’m bored in court, I’d much rather imagine what Salma Hayek is wearing under her robes than John Roberts. Also, no white man ever entranced me with his spicy curves and a long fall of raven black hair.

Not saying it couldn’t happen, but it seems unlikely.

*Redundancy noted.


Most e-mailers were with me on the post on the pronunciation of Judge Sotomayor’s name (and a couple griped about the whole Latina/Latino thing — English dropped gender in nouns, what, 1,000 years ago?).

Yeah, it’s absurdly perplexing to have to remember different words to describe males and females in the same semantic category, and we totally don’t have any of those English anymore except in really obscure terms like “waiter/waitress” or “actor/actress.” Mexlamofascists need to stop taking over our language.


I found it irritating as hell how they kept pronouncing this lady’s name.

Let me pause to consider whether this is super important or ULTRA IMPORTANT.

Young Dr. Frankenstein

FRONK-en-steen. My name is FRONK-en-steen.


Just cause she’s a bigshot now doesn’t mean we all have to lick her feet by pronouncing her name in a ridiculous way correctly…?


If people aren’t pronouncing “Sotomayor” with the accent on the last syllable, how the fuck are they pronouncing it?

I think Krikorian is calling for the stress to fall on the second-to-last syllable of her last name. Like the mayor in Mayor Quimby.


I e-mailed Mark about actor/actress but have yet to receive a response. Shocking, I know.


I must, for the first time mind you, side with the wingnuts against SadlyNo on this one.

First time indeed.


Para ti, Krikorian. Para que aprendas, huevón.


why do we have to have so many damn words and names anyway? itn’t it all too crazy what to have different words and names for all this diffrunt shit? and whassup with all these numbers?

I Cried My Heart Out For Want Of My Love

Sott-Oh-My-Or, I assume.

Rusty Shackleford

Also, no white man ever entranced me with his spicy curves and a long fall of raven black hair.

Really? Not even Taft?


Also, no white man ever entranced me with his spicy curves and a long fall of raven black hair.

You just haven’t met the right white man yet.


EYE-gore, please.


So, them’s the rules, eh?

Justices SCAlia and ALito it is.

Delaware Dan's sheet and pointy hat

If people aren’t pronouncing “Sotomayor” with the accent on the last syllable, how the fuck are they pronouncing it?!

SHUT UP, that’s how.


Juj Scaly and Juj All-toe, that’s what.


Wait, what was that about licking Salma Hayek’s feet?

‘Cause I ain’t a foot guy, but hell, when in Rome oppress the barbarians I always say.


Also, no white man ever entranced me with his spicy curves and a long fall of raven black hair.

Really? Not even Taft?

Or Alito. That’s a sexy jurist.


We can get her for wholesale i.e. Sotomayor al por mayor. (Spent too much time in the garment district in Manhattan)


Let’s not be to hard on Dan. What he is saying is that empathy should never ever enter into a judge’ decision making process and they should never ever make policy from the bench. Furthermore, Justice Sotomayer should have shown greater empathy for the plight of the white firefighters in the New Haven case and created new discrimination policy from the bench. Is that clear to everyone?


What about the part where she puts a monument to the 10 commandments in the courtroom, did I miss mention of that?


What about the part where she puts a monument to the 10 commandments in the courtroom, did I miss mention of that?

Who? Salma Hayek?


We could be literal and call her Greater Woodlands.


What about the part where she puts a monument to the 10 commandments Kama Sutra in the courtroom, did I miss mention of that?

Fixed for liberal accuracy

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

One of the many things that’s so stupid about this whole rant is that English has always been uniquely good about accommodating the pronunciation of foreign words, at least those that its phonology can wrap itself around, and even there finding close analogs. It helps that it has maintained a richer set of phonemes than many of its European neighbors.

In English, for example, we can look at the word “Celtic” retaining the Latin spelling, with a “c” in front of an “e”, and pronounce it “Keltic” without blinking an eye. The French are physically incapable of doing that. It’s spelled “Celtique” so it has to be pronounced “Sell-TEEK”. No accommodation is possible. Idiots like Krekorian would rob English of one of its best features in order to pronounce a Supreme Court nominee’s name in a way that they think takes them down a peg.

Does anybody know, by the way, how Spanish speakers deal with the totally alien name “Hayek”? Especially since no Romance language has pronounced the “h” for at least 1500 years? Inquiring minds want to know!


Who? Salma Hayek?

No, Judge Salmamayor.

Or was it Mayor Sonya?


Sticks in his Not his Craw, not his Craw


Er…not the craw, the Craw!


Would a judge who previously had been a cop or criminal defense attorney have life experiences which would give them greater insight into criminal justice issues as opposed to a judge who has spent their entire career in academia? Ditto, growing up in the South Bronx versus Grenwich, CT?

Johnny Coelacanth

“You just haven’t met the right white man yet.”

Hey, I’m a liberal. I’m open to the experience. As long as he looks like Salma Hayek, I’m game.



actor212 said,

May 27, 2009 at 18:37

It Sticks in My Craw

Not “craw”! “CRAW”!


Am I the only one to wonder whether the pronunciation blahblahblah-MEYer isn’t also an ethnic intrusion into English, albeit a more familiar one?

Not that English isn’t largely composed of ethnic intrusions to begin with.


And shouldn’t you pronounce that “ahll-bite”


Hm. justme has a point.

From here on in, it shall be pronounced “OscarMAYer”….


Hey, I’m a liberal. I’m open to the experience. As long as he looks like Salma Hayek, I’m game.

He works over on Christopher Street.


ethnic intrusions

You sure know how to get a whingnut excited.


I’ll make poopy in my pants if I want to, and you can’t tell me not to.


Does anybody know, by the way, how Spanish speakers deal with the totally alien name “Hayek”?

They pronounced the “h” like a “j.”

Rusty Shackleford

Does anybody know, by the way, how Spanish speakers deal with the totally alien name “Hayek”?

All the letters are silent. They hold their hands in a cupping position a few inches from their chests and nod knowingly.


If people aren’t pronouncing “Sotomayor” with the accent on the last syllable, how the fuck are they pronouncing it?!

Round these parts I ain’t heered nobody say her name yet. It’s just “that illegal Hispanian.”


Well, This is apparently not parody. Or it’s so clever you can’t tell the difference.

Sotomayor also claimed: “For me, a very special part of my being Latina is the mucho platos de arroz, gandoles y pernir — rice, beans and pork — that I have eaten at countless family holidays and special events.”

This has prompted some Republicans to muse privately about whether Sotomayor is suggesting that distinctive Puerto Rican cuisine such as patitas de cerdo con garbanzo — pigs’ tongue and ears — would somehow, in some small way influence her verdicts from the bench.

Curt Levey, the executive director of the Committee for Justice, a conservative-leaning advocacy group, said he wasn’t certain whether Sotomayor had claimed her palate would color her view of legal facts but he said that President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee clearly touts her subjective approach to the law.

Delaware Dan, what say you? Does Judge Sotomayor’s preferences for Puerto Rican cuisine prove that she’s biased against good ole Smithfield ham and Navy bean soup?


Tony Scalia Pronounced Scale-Ya

Alito Pronounced Al-It-Toe

Souter Pronounced Sowt-Er


Even if you decide to anglicize a name, it can be done in many ways. Think of Mayor Koch (Kahtch), the Koch Brothers (Coke), and people in my high school who pronounced it “Cook” (translating the meaning, but not changing the spelling).


Also, from our local newspaper’s web site, a/k/a “Cretins on Parade”:

“Nobama should send her back like all Hispanians. Look how they tore up they own country! Now he wonts it done here too.”

Sadly, yes.


All I know is someone who says stuff like this is some kind of crazy islamo-fascirascist judge:

Let us not forget that wise men like Oliver Wendell Holmes and Justice Cardozo voted on cases which upheld both sex and race discrimination in our society. Until 1972, no Supreme Court case ever upheld the claim of a woman in a gender discrimination case. I, like Professor Carter, believe that we should not be so myopic as to believe that others of different experiences or backgrounds are incapable of understanding the values and needs of people from a different group. Many are so capable. As Judge Cedarbaum pointed out to me, nine white men on the Supreme Court in the past have done so on many occasions and on many issues including Brown.


FRONK-en-steen. My name is FRONK-en-steen.

Only in Amurrica. In Deutschland, you say FRUNK-en-shtyne.


“Nobama should send her back like all Hispanians. Look how they tore up they own country! Now he wonts it done here too.”

Heilige Scheisse! How the hell do they get off complaining about the lack of English among Those People when they can’t even speak/write/comprehend it themselves?


This has prompted some Republicans to muse privately about whether Sotomayor is suggesting that distinctive Puerto Rican cuisine such as patitas de cerdo con garbanzo — pigs’ tongue and ears — would somehow, in some small way influence her verdicts from the bench.


I mean…she’s flying in the face of Amurican cuisine, good ol’ red, white and blue Amurican food like hamburgers, frankfurters, pizza, and Chinese take out!


None of this will be a problem when Esperanto becomes our official language.


Only in Amurrica. In Deutschland, you say FRUNK-en-shtyne.

Also in Transylvania.


Far iu parolas Esperanton plu, krom William Shatner?

Rusty Shackleford

Curt Levey, the executive director of the Committee for Justice, a conservative-leaning advocacy group, said he wasn’t certain whether Sotomayor had claimed her palate would color her view of legal facts but he said that President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee clearly touts her subjective approach to the law.

Possibly a legal history geek’s reference to the legal realists. (See first bullet point under “Essential beliefs of Legal realism.”)


You take the blonde. I’ll get the one in the turban.

I can't type with hooves

Also in Transylvania.



Frau Blucher


All the letters are silent. They hold their hands in a cupping position a few inches from their chests and nod knowingly.

[Checks photograph]
The evidence suggests that Mark Krikorian is deeply steeped in Hispanic culture.

Johnny Coelacanth

“All the letters are silent. They hold their hands in a cupping position a few inches from their chests and nod knowingly.”

LOLwin, as the kids used to say.*

*Forthwith shortened to ATKUTS.


The evidence suggests that Mark Krikorian is deeply steeped in Hispanic culture.

I took it to mean he has a uniboob.


Far iu parolas Esperanton plu, krom William Shatner?

Does someone do the NYT Xword puzzle? I was (blissfully) unaware of that until recently. Damn you Will Shortz!

Rusty Shackleford

The evidence suggests that Mark Krikorian is deeply steeped in Hispanic culture.

His gesture in the photo above signifies a “monoboob” or cyclomastos.

Rusty Shackleford

Damn you, actor.



I’m comfortable enough in my masculinity to admit that I went to a high school so geeky, there was an Esperanto elective course.


Sorry, Rusty.


Funny, but no one seems to have picked up the subtext. By not accomodating her surname to a modern American standard english pronunciation, Judge Sotomayor is somehow not “really” American. Pace Obama’s Hawaiian vacation in an “exotic” locale.

Rusty Shackleford

Does anybody know, by the way, how Spanish speakers deal with the totally alien name “Hayek”?

When referring to Friedrich Hayek the letters are still silent; the object is signified by making a circle with thumb and forefingers and moving the circle rapidly forward and backward in front of the crotch.


Yeah, that is one big boob in the picture up there.


So if I were to call Mr. Crackwhoreian, a stupid pile-o of crap-o, would that qelch his sensibilities?
I just made it easy, I didn’t say it in Mexican or Puerto Rican. That was good ole’ americun!

Rusty Shackleford

In addition to being an obvious unAmerican, Sra. Sotomayor also attended Catholic school, which totally proves something.


“…turning now to the world of sports, where golfer Chy-Chy Rodrigwez has won the US Open…”


For example, all the consonants in my name are silent and it is pronounced Oha Oha


One wonders if Crackwhorian is bidding on Marsle Marse’s hat.


Hey! An actual Grammar/Pronunciation Nazi. At NRO, of all places.

Not to mention the Texas GOP:

The 2008 Texas GOP platform sought to abolish the IRS, repeal the minimum wage, privatize Social Security, end the corporate income tax, mandate “American English” as the nation’s official language, evict the United Nations from U.S. soil and “dispel the myth” of a constitutional separation of church and state.

Not no day-um Limey, Canuck ner Antipodean English, neither!!

And a pre-emptive FY to WP.


Sra. Sotomayor also attended Catholic school, which totally proves something.

Proves there are too many effing bead-rattlers on the Court as is, & we don’t need another.

Why hasn’t any one raised a stink about this? I think I know who might, though.


PeeJ said,
May 27, 2009 at 21:56

Far iu parolas Esperanton plu, krom William Shatner?

Does someone do the NYT Xword puzzle? I was (blissfully) unaware of that until recently. Damn you Will Shortz!

Fuck that shit; I’m the (one) asshole who actually bought the goddamned DVD.


Not no day-um Limey, Canuck ner Antipodean English, neither!!

I, too, have a hard time understanding Smut Clyde’s comments.


Fuck that shit; I’m the (one) asshole who actually bought the goddamned DVD.

I think Darryl Hannah speaks it also. I think I remember reading somewhere she was optioning another movie in Esperanto.


You know why latinas don’t bbq much?

The beans fall through the grill!



The 2008 Texas GOP platform sought to abolish the IRS, repeal the minimum wage, privatize Social Security, end the corporate income tax, mandate “American English” as the nation’s official language, evict the United Nations from U.S. soil and “dispel the myth” of a constitutional separation of church and state.

’ems sum crazy sumbitches right there.


You know why latinas go to Catholic school?

Because they’re stupid!


Rusty Shackleford

I wonder if the Texas GOP is still running on the platform of privatizing Social Security. I’ve noticed that we hear a lot less about that lately.


Manchaca: MAN-shack

I thought “Man Shack” was where Justice Souter was retiring to (with his back issues of “Latin Inches” and “Ethnic Intrusions.”)

Also, isn’t “Monophthong” Michelle Malkin’s maiden name?


You know what else might stick in Crackwhorian’s craw?

My godless liberal cock.


My name is spelled with an F in American English but in the original Swahili it is pronounced with a “T” sound.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Actually, you know what? If I encounter a non-English* name and am forced to say it out loud, I just pronounce it correctly (as nearly as I know how) and let the chips fall where they may. There are a million ways to mispronounce something, and as a general rule, I can’t be arsed finding out how they choose to mispronouce them. Do I care to waste any time researching and finding out that Bob Saget pronouces it “Saggit”? Mmmm…No.

So it’s So-to-my-YOR unless proven otherwise, and sometimes even then.

* Then there are such fine old English names as Cholmondeley, Featherstonehaugh, and Crowninshield, which are central to my point, because: shut up, that’s why!


Bob Saget

It’s pronounced “sah-ZHAY.” Margaret Sah-ZHAY.

Johnny Coelacanth

“I thought “Man Shack” was where Justice Souter was retiring to ”

~The Man Shack is a little old place where we can
get together, love shack baby. Man Shack Baby!~

Johnny Coelacanth

Eh, fail. I blame word press.

Johnny Coelacanth

“My godless liberal cock.”

Is that you, Salma Hayek?


Bob Saget

It’s pronounced “sah-ZHAY.” Margaret Sah-ZHAY.

You sure? Somewhere in the mists of time and schooling, I learned it should be pronounced Sa-GHEY.

Rusty Shackleford

Maybe Justice Sotomayor should put a pronunciation key on every opinion, modeled after the first Sade album.


You sure? Somewhere in the mists of time and schooling, I learned it should be pronounced Sa-GHEY.

No, I’m quite sure it’s pronounced “Margaret.”


You sure? Somewhere in the mists of time and schooling, I learned it should be pronounced Sa-GHEY.

No, I’m quite sure it’s pronounced “Margaret.”



I would like to take this opportunity to urge “Delaware Dan” to cease bringing shame upon my native state. I suggest seppuku.


Something tells me this asshat never had any trouble pronouncing Milton Friedman’s name with the correct German pronunciation.


I smell fear.

I thought that urine smell just always radiated from Twoofy and his ilk.


Well, mr. Mark Krikorian, do you have a family crest?


I thought that urine smell just always radiated from Twoofy and his ilk.

No, just Twoofy. The ilk is toilet trained.


By not accomodating her surname to a modern American standard english pronunciation, Judge Sotomayor is somehow not “really” American.

No, Krikorian is making the point that there are two classes of surnames that don’t fit default English pronounciation rules. There are (a) those that deserve the effort of pronouncing them ‘correctly’, because they are attached to people from a sufficiently Germanic background; and (b) those that come from a completely alien culture, that will injure our throats if we try to say them.
People from Class (b) probably have strange, inscrutable patterns of thought.

If pronounced properly, my own surname comes out as a stream of gargles and glottal stops, but of course that is true of most words in Danish.


Well, mr. Mark Krikorian, do you have a family crest?

I’m picturing a white hood on a field of burning crosses.


Wow, I didn’t know Smut was a Danish name!


I’ll be back later to kick all you libs’ asses.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

If pronounced properly, my own surname comes out as a stream of gargles and glottal stops, but of course that is true of most words in Danish.

Yeah, I strangled on a stød once. Hadda be hospitalized.


Yeah, I strangled on a stød once. Hadda be hospitalized.

Do you have his phone number?


The fact is,


If pronounced properly, my own surname comes out as a stream of gargles and glottal stops, but of course that is true of most words in Danish.

Is it the language itself or the aqvavit that causes it?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Is it the language itself or the aqvavit that causes it?

It’s that Danish deviled ham that tastes like tuna.

South Bronx Residents

That’s more of an unfair
indictment of people who live in the South Bronx than it is a slam against me.

Fixed your post.


Why the fuck did anyone even bother with such an alien name as “Condaleeeeezzzzza”? Why didn’t they just call her Candy Rice?


There are two jokes in Scandiwegia, and one of them is about Danish.


Also, it’s slightly ironic that Mr Krikorian presents his anti-immigrant, anti-multiculturism speeches here.
Just saying.

Teh Great Gazoogle

Results 1 – 10 of about 694 for danish “throat disease”.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

There are two jokes in Scandiwegia, and one of them is about Danish.

Oh there are more than that. Remember all those jokes you think of a Polish jokes? Being a Norwegian, when I heard them they were Swedish jokes. Plus “Sometin’ musta happened to Ole.” Ya sure, ya betcha!


My favourite line from Riget II:
“It was a joke. Do you have them in Sweden?”


None of this will be a problem when Esperanto becomes our official language.

You know who speaks Esperanto? GEORGE SOROS, that’s who!

(No, really.)


We could be literal and call her Greater Woodlands.

Only after we interview her waxer.


Keep arguing, guys. I’m pretty sure you’ve almost convinced Dan of the error of his ways. Just a few more posts.


Who’s Dan? I come here for the entertainment.


None of this will be a problem when Esperanto becomes our official language.
In order to convince me, you should mention the name of some well-known sexy Esperanta.


I went to school with a kid named Freddy Crackwhoreian. Hell of a wiffle ball player. Used to pick his nose in social studies. I wonder if they’re related…


In order to convince me, you should mention the name of some well-known sexy Esperanta.

Unless I’m mistaken, it’d be Esperantista.


Especially since no Romance language has pronounced the “h” for at least 1500 years?
Romanian still does. Though to be fair, the only example I can think of is “pahar” = “drinking glass”, which is a Slavic borrowing.


None of this will be a problem when Esperanto becomes our official language.
Fuck that shit. Interlingua 4 evah!


Ruh-roh, looks like Snarlin Arlen draws a primary contender after all.

Bye, fuckwad. We don’t really want you either.


Fuck you some more George Will! Hah! We got liberalosocialofascistohomoisto gubmint AND beer!

Enjoy beers from more than 20 of your favorite Northwest microbreweries and live entertainment on the main stage featuring Portland favorites, Crazy 8s!

Proceeds from this amazing fundraising event will support the Zoo’s award-winning education programs and provide new veterinary equipment.

$25 for guests 21 and over includes commemorative tasting glass and 10 tastings.

Alameda Brewhouse
Blue Mountain Cider
BridgePort Brewing Company
Cascade Brewing
Crater Lake Root Beer
Deschutes Brewery
Double Mountain Brewery
Fearless Brewing Co.
Fish Brewing Company
Full Sail Brewing
Hopworks Urban Brewing
Kona Brewing Co.
Lagunitas Brewing Company
Laurelwood Brewing Co.
Lompoc Brewing Co.
MacTarnahan’s Brewing Co.
Pelican Pub & Brewery
Pyramid Breweries
Redhook Ale Brewery
Rogue Ales
Trumer Pils
Widmer Brothers Brewing Company


None of this will be a problem when Esperanto becomes our official language.

Fuck that shit. Interlingua 4 evah!

Ooh, death match between the peace and world brotherhood languages!

Johnny Coelacanth

When I was a young man, thirsty for knowledge but short on cash, I stole a “Teach Yourself Esperanto” book. Two decades later, all I can remember is Katito es tre kontenta; The kitten is very happy.

Rusty Shackleford

Curse you, PeeJ! Making me long for my PDX days. Full Sail PA was my fave.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Volapük will rule all you Zamenhof-sucking Esperantistoj!

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Curse you, PeeJ! Making me long for my PDX days. Full Sail PA was my fave.

And I used to live 3 blocks from the Red Hook brewery. Good stuff!

Rusty Shackleford

Red Hook is good AND relatively reasonably priced, not to mention available outside the PNW. Always a nice find here in the mid-South.


I’ll be back later to kick all you libs’ asses.

No, no, no, you’re putting the apostrophe in the correct place!! Now try it again, but get it wrong this time!


Do we get to talk about Oregon beers now?


a a a! toki pona li toki pona. Tawa pona, losers.


In order to convince me, you should mention the name of some well-known sexy Esperanta.

Rightwingsnarkle said,

May 27, 2009 at 23:50

I went to school with a kid named Freddy Crackwhoreian.

Is he really that well known?


Curse you, PeeJ!
What Rusty Shackleford said.

[Couturat] devoted himself to advocating an international language. Unfortunately, international languages are even more numerous than national ones. He did not like Esperanto, which was the general favourite, but preferred Ido. I learnt from him that Esperantists (so at least he assured me) were wicked beyond all previous depths of human depravity, but I never examined his evidence. He said that Esperanto had the advantage of allowing the word Esperantist for which Ido provided bo analogue. “But yes,” I said, “there is the word Idiot.”

What Bertrand Russell said.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Do we get to talk about Oregon beers now?

Weird fun fact: (A couple of years ago, anyway, which is the pull date on all my statistics) Of all the microbreweries in the country, 25% are in Washington and ~20% are in Oregon. I wonder what that’s all about?

Johnny Coelacanth

“Of all the microbreweries in the country, 25% are in Washington and ~20% are in Oregon. I wonder what that’s all about?”

It’s raining. What the fuck else do you have to do with your time?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge


Stolen from John Wilkins.


Once you start quoting Bertrand Russell it’s hard to stop.

[Wittgenstein] inherited a great fortune from his father, but he gave it away on the ground that money is only a nuisance to a philosopher. In order to earn his living, he became a village schoolmaster at a little place called Trattenbach, from which he write me an unhappy letter saying, “The men of Trattenbach are wicked.” I replied, “All men are wicked.” He rejoined, “True, but the men of Trattenbach are more wicked than the men of any other place.” I retorted that my logical sense rebelled against such a statement; and there the matter rested until residence elsewhere enlarged his view as to the prevalence of sin.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Johnny Coelacanth said,
May 28, 2009 at 0:35

“Of all the microbreweries in the country, 25% are in Washington and ~20% are in Oregon. I wonder what that’s all about?”

It’s raining. What the fuck else do you have to do with your time?

Olympia says: “It’s the water”, but in their case, the proper slogan would be: “It’s water”.

Bertrand Russell

Once you start quoting Bertrand Russell it’s hard to stop.

My logical sense rebels against such a statement.


Dammit, Johnny, I was about to type that.


Once you start quoting Bertrand Russell it’s hard to stop.

The above proposition is occasionally useful.


For example, all the consonants in my name are silent and it is pronounced Oha Oha

Hey, that gives me a great idea! Tintin should work on a disemconsonanter for the trollies.


“The 2008 Texas GOP platform sought to abolish the IRS, repeal the minimum wage, privatize Social Security, end the corporate income tax, mandate “American English” as the nation’s official language, evict the United Nations from U.S. soil and “dispel the myth” of a constitutional separation of church and state.”

” ‘ems sum crazy sumbitches right there.”

[Deep shuddering sigh] Damn I miss Molly Ivins. Especially now, after those last two whiskey sours.

Not Oscar Wilde

Dammit, Johnny, I was about to type that.

You will, ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®©, you will.


Here’s something I just read:

Unpersuaded, Wendy Long, counsel for the Judicial Confirmation Network, said Republicans would oppose Sotomayor because of statements and writings that suggest she bases her decisions at least in part on her gender, ethnicity and background.

“Republicans actually believe the Constitution means something,” Long said. “They don’t believe demographics matter or gender matters; they believe the rule of law matters, and people who vote Republican actually believe in those principles.”

Can I get a BWA HA HA?!


The English language is part of what holds our Great Nation together. It is one of the traits that makes up American Culture along with Christianity, Western Civilization, federalism and rugged individualism.

If America becomes a multi-cultural cesspool as the left would have us to become, than we shall be no more prosperous than the former Yugoslavia with their constant ethnic warfare. This Nation needs a Federal Constitutional Amendment declaring English the National Language. All those who wish to immigrate to America must be required to speak, read and write fluently in English.

Any and all attempts by the left to promote the Spanish language or Hispanic culture is an attempt to destroy Our Great American Civilization from the inside using the cult of multi-culturalism which has all but destroyed Europe and Canada.


If I encounter a non-English* name and am forced to say it out loud, I just pronounce it correctly (as nearly as I know how) and let the chips fall where they may.

When I taught journalism at the university, calling the roll was often a feat worthy of a UN-caliber translator. I’d just pronounce the names I was unsure of as best I could and in a questioning tone, look up hopefully, and laugh at myself when the always-patient student corrected my pronunciation. Then I’d mark it phonetically on the roll sheet so as not to make the same mistake again. But fuck, what did I know, I was young, I didn’t know what I was doing, I thought people deserved to have their names pronounced correctly. I’m so glad I now have Mr. Crackcornwhoreian to set me straight.

Johnny Coelacanth

““They don’t believe demographics matter or gender matters;” as long as the nominee is a wealthy male.


Deferring to people’s own pronunciation of their names should obviously be our first inclination, but there ought to be limits.

Also hilarious, Liz Cheney vs. Lynn Cheney, debunking each other on the “correct” pronunciation of the family name.

(They’re both wrong, it’s actually pronounced “DOOSH-bag”.)


I’ll be back later to kick all you libs’ asses.

Yawn….whatever. Although, if you really want to use proper English, you should write that “I’ll be back later to kick all your asses, libs.” Can’t have even a loose semblance of kickage without proper grammar, y’know.


Who sets the limits? How should the limits be enforced?

it used to be the folks on Ellis Island. It’s apparently not any more – I can’t imagine if his family’s name had been changed to Kirk he wouldn’t be using it to write for the Corner.


In Little Saigon, this might be called a “Ngo Ngyuen” situation…


Spelling variations of this family name include: Soto, de Soto, Desoto, Sota, de Sota, de la Sota, Desota, Sotela, Sotelo, de Sotelo, Sotera, Sotero, Sotillo and many more.




In Little Saigon, that’d be a “Ngo-Ngyuen” situation…


Romana: [slowly] Romanadvoratrelundar.
The Doctor: By the time I’ve called that out, you could be dead. I’ll call you “Romana”.
Romana: I don’t like “Romana”.
The Doctor: It’s either “Romana” or “Fred”.
Romana: All right, call me “Fred”.
The Doctor: Good. Come on, Romana.


There are two jokes in Scandiwegia, and one of them is about Danish.

Why are they making fun is delicious breakfast pastries???


Not a joke, apparently

Slightly gobsmacked, I called Bolton earlier today and asked him whether this was for real–whether any conservatives were genuinely raising this issue. He confirmed, saying, “a source I spoke to said people were discussing that her [speech] had brought attention…she intimates that what she eats somehow helps her decide cases better.”

Bring it on!!! With salsa!


Close, but not quite American enough yet. Too many syllables, still. I think “crack whorin'” works and if he doesn’t like it, shouldn’t he just shut his un-American piehole?
Or “cry Korean.” I’ll accept that.


How about simply “Crackwhore”?

And if that doesn’t roll off the tongue easily enough, “Cracker.” Yes! Cracker is just about perfect.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Yes! Cracker is just about perfect.



Bring it on!!! With salsa!

And merengue.

Part of my Latina identity is the sound of merengue at all our family parties[.]

And that genre’s not even originally Puerto Rican! They’ve got her just where they want her.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

And that genre’s not even originally Puerto Rican! They’ve got her just where they want her.

I think part of the problem is, they know they’ll never have her right where they want her, if you know what I mean, and I think that you do.


There are in fact two sounds of meringue. One is the whir of the egg-beater; the other is the abrasive whine of Australians claiming that the the Pavlova was invented there, and not in New Zealand.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

And meringue on pig’s ears and tongue? That’s just disgusting!

Sotomayor--Too Liberal for SCOTUS

So I see you libs have just nominated a far-left reverse racist who is pro-abort and probably a closeted lesbian to boot.

Perfect. This will energize the whole conservative movement, and be the spark that leads to the Great Republican Revival.

I can’t fucking wait for 2010 and 2012!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist



99th percentile or higher on every standardized test ever taken, including SAT, GRE, and I can’t fucking wait for 2010 and 2012!

I can sense your excitement. Perhaps you could intensify your pleasure by holding your breath until then.


Oops, ignore the ital above — I meant to quote:

I can’t fucking wait for 2010 and 2012!


And meringue on pig’s ears and tongue? That’s just disgusting!

Hey, as long as the pig consents.


Olbermann just pronounced CrackWhorian the World’s Worst Person for this.

Hope your check’s in the mail there, Brad.


So I see you libs have just nominated a far-left reverse racist

Is that some kind of ice-skating move I’m not familiar with?

She also likes pork and beans!

Lady Doctor Missus Marita

I suggest seppuku.

You want the troll to do logic puzzles? I’m confused.

And PeeJ, no fair for making me not only homesick, but also crave beer (sweet, sweet, forbidden beer).

(Weather there was gorgeous when we made a lightning raid to the Beaver State a coupla weeks ago, by the way.)


The pig will eat anything. Consent is a mere formality.


Uh-oh! We done it now!

The Republican Party of the Dixie Confederate Uprisin’ has now declared that by nominating this retarded Purter Rikkin chick they is finally gon’ git the hell up off the porch and fixin’ ta do some seriss whoopass!


Just found this blog. Thanks for the entertainment. But I’ll move on now. My conclusion is that there’s too much silliness and Kum Ba Yah’n goin’ on here. And I would hope that a wise white male with the richness of his experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a Latina woman who hasn’t lived that life.

Lady Doctor Missus Marita

Oh man, now we have to miss Bruce and Gagaw.


I guess Mark CRICK-o-ryan would also have a problem with Teh Gratest Preznit Evarr, Ronald not-as-it-should-be REEgan.


lightning raid to the Beaver State

aka The Not-So-Immaculate Studebaker Conception.


A BJ’er linked to this

Mr. Krikorian … holds a master’s degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, a bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University, and spent two years at Yerevan State University in then-Soviet Armenia



Funny– all this foofaraw and I haven’t even heard how she pronounces her name. I’m guessing it’s pronounced “SO-toh-MY-or” as opposed to “so-TO-MAY-or”?


I’m guessing it’s pronounced “SO-toh-MY-or” as opposed to “so-TO-MAY-or”?

It’s pronounced “wingnut meltdown” and it’s music to my ears.


Mr. Krikorian … holds a master’s degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy

Which master? Why doesn’t he let go?

Lady Doctor Missus Marita

aka The Not-So-Immaculate Studebaker Conception.

You can actually see sometime when Studebaker kicks now. That’s so cool. I feel like I’m in a scene from a sci-fi movie, though.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Deferring to people’s own pronunciation of their names should obviously be our first inclination, but there ought to be limits.

As someone with a perfectly phonetic, yet somehow unpronounceable (by cretins) last name, I typically don’t answer anyone who can’t be arsed figuring out the pronunciation of my name. Weeds out telemarketers.

The rightards got nothing on Sonia S.


I will always have a place in my heart for Bruce. Gagaw is just a pretender.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

My (Norwegian) name ends in -ing, (It denotes servitude, if you were wondering). I once had a salesgirl look right into my light gray eyes, in the middle of my pasty-white face, and ask: “Oh, is that Chinese?”


…I would hope that [blah blah blah]

Yes. Carry on.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

That was aimed at BBBB, by the way. There was a blockquote and everything:

As someone with a perfectly phonetic, yet somehow unpronounceable (by cretins) last name, I typically don’t answer anyone who can’t be arsed figuring out the pronunciation of my name. Weeds out telemarketers.


Lady Doctor Missus Marita


There is no reason to bring bestiality into this.


There’s a reason to bring bestiality into everything.


Thanks for the entertainment. But I’ll move on now.

Cue cute little tow-haired kid running down the drive crying, “Gagaw! GAGAW!!!”

Seething Tumbleweed


That was me.

St.Henri, district of Montreal

Actually, it was me.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

And who says white males don’t have a “richness” of experience? Cause that’s what she implied.

Says the guy trolling a blog every night.

Lady Doctor Missus Marita

Oh PeeJ, I’ve been informed that there are two beefs left for purchase this summer, if you ever do find friends who want to get in on a grass-fed fix. Lemme know.


ok, a bit late for this, but….

big-boo-TAY! big-boo-TAY!

i would say so-to-my-OR, but haven’t heard its various manglings by the likes of crackwhorian. it’s just not that hard to take a few nanoseconds to figure out how to pronounce a name.


Lady Doctor Missus Marita said,

May 28, 2009 at 3:20

aka The Not-So-Immaculate Studebaker Conception.

You can actually see sometime when Studebaker kicks now. That’s so cool. I feel like I’m in a scene from a sci-fi movie, though.

I’m sure studebaker will not have acid blood, LDMM.


Bye Gee-gaw. Watch out for that ass-hittin’ door.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Weird fun fact: (A couple of years ago, anyway, which is the pull date on all my statistics) Of all the microbreweries in the country, 25% are in Washington and ~20% are in Oregon. I wonder what that’s all about?

I have been unable to find any confirmation on teh t00bz yet, but I was told that a labor action by the Teamsters back “in the day” prevented Anheuser (how would Crackwhoreian pronounce that?) Busch, Miller, and the other big breweries from flooding the markets in the Pacific Northwest with their inferior, though cheaper, products. I will continue to search for authentication. Christ, I am more diligent in researching a friggin’ anecdote about beer for a comment post than the entire wingnut-o-sphere is about researching the theses they propose in the pieces they are paid to write.

Also, patitias con garbanzos kick ass.


I have more than one octopus stuck in this vacuum collection, but I cannot email my concerns to any Internet forum (of which, here, I have listed several) because lax security has lead to what one might call a virus infestation, because there is more than one virus on my computer. It is as if I am stuck in not one continuum of trouble in the plural, but two, or three, and perhaps four. A specificity and not an abstraction of Jesus on Infinite Earths wept. Furthermore, I effect a lack of affect, or affect a lack of effect.

I can't type with hooves

I can sense your excitement. Perhaps you could intensify your pleasure by holding your breath until then.

I suggest a wet-suit, or two, while he’s at it.

Also, I wonder how Teh Crackwhorian pronounces Golda Meir’s name.

I can't type with hooves



(Sotomayor’s nomination) will energize the whole conservative movement, and be the spark that leads to the Great Republican Revival.

There can be no doubt.

My conclusion is that there’s too much… Kum Ba Yah’n goin’ on here.


I have more than one octopus stuck in this vacuum collection…



Geez, these right wingers must be leading pampered lives if this is all they can come up with to complain about.


Even more insulting than pronouncing his name Crackwhoreian would be mispronouncing it Kevorkian.


Even more insulting than pronouncing his name Crackwhoreian would be mispronouncing it Kevorkian.

How about asking, “Oh, is that Turkish?”


You want the troll to do logic puzzles? I’m confused.

Whatever it takes to make their heads explode.


…including one who pronounces her name “freed” even though it’s spelled “fried,” like fried rice. (I think Cathy Seipp of blessed memory did the reverse — “sipe” instead of “seep.”)

Yes, because “Fried” doesn’t mean anything at all in, say, German, and “ei” is NEVER pronounced “eye.”

Does this idiot go around calling people named Friedrich “Fryedrick” (eh, probably) or complain about the confusing looks he gets when he tries to discuss “Eensteen”?

Why stop with spelling?

“My name is Hector.”

“Hmm, not ‘American’ enough; I shall call you Bobby. Everybody, this is Bobby.”


“Hmm, not ‘American’ enough; I shall call you Bobby. Everybody, this is Bobby.”

You jape, but it was exactly this reasoning that led Piyush Jindal to adopt that name. Well, that and watching “Brady Bunch” reruns.


Delaware Dan said, at 19:25:

“BTW, saying there’s no such thing as objectivity in the law (that everything is subjective) is a Fascist idea,…”

I can parse that, even though it is hooey on its face. But this:

“…especially if you’re saying racial background is the root of that subjectivity.”

Well, it makes no sense at all. None. It is gibberish.

We can has better trollz now?


In the photograph, why is Kevorkian’s collar orange? Is his head leaking?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

In the photograph, why is Kevorkian’s collar orange? Is his head leaking?

It’s the Cheeto dust. The color is probably derived from annatto, or as Sonia Sotomayor would say, achiote.


Does this idiot go around calling people named Friedrich

It’s Froderick.



Bless you.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Fwewease Fwodewick!


Shorter Crackwhoreian,

…you can call me Meier!

Knights in White Satin

“…Of all the microbreweries in the country, 25% are in Washington and ~20% are in Oregon. I wonder what that’s all about?”

–20% are in Oregon?

Sooo…where are the other 75% microbreweries? There are so many possibilities, like, like … well, they must be somewhere. I have a friend who makes beer in his garage, but I doubt He is the missing 55% or 75% or whatever. I myself have been drinking sparkling whine. I mean wine.

Knights in White Satin

“Sparkling whine”. I like that. I’m sure it could be used to describe a conservative/Repug, but who who who? Not Loadpants. Althouse? Nah, she drinks whine from a box. Um, um…..dee dee dee dee dum dum…Eh- I give up. Sparkle simply can’t be used in the same sentence or paragraph as conservative or repug.


Purity of English.

Of Pure English.


Professor Steven Chu, the US Energy Secretary, is a full fledged, unmistakable imbecile.

I’m going to paint my entire house and yard black just to piss him off. LOL

OT, yeah. Seeing the very serious intellectual commentariat going Gagaw (tee hee) over Maria So-do-meier’s inability to judge fairly due to hispanic cuisine, I have to mention this.

The comments are teh preshuss.

Your CMR-114 Discriminator

Pure English Only.
Only Pure English.


In the photograph, why is Kevorkian’s collar orange?

Never apply spray-on tan to the exterior of your craw.

Your CRM-114 Discriminator

Gagh. CRM, as it says above. Hey, I was knocked out, remember?

John Boehner but it's pronounced Boner you elitist anti-American

Never apply spray-on tan to the exterior of your craw.

You talkin ta me?


Anne Laurie’s going to be a regular contributor over at Balloon Juice.

Werner Herzog has a comedy remake of The Bad Lieutenant coming out.


He’s got a point, y’know!

After all, English has been such a pure clean language for so long – Shakespeare in the original & all that jazz … well, at least until those damn hippies started messing around with the drugs & spouting all that wacky acid-rocker lingo … & now the computer geeks have just made it even worse!

1F W3’R3 N0T CAr3FUL, 500N 3\/3ryth1nG W3 R3Ad w1LL L00K L1kE Th15!


Hey, mingo just beat me to it. So in that case, I’m reduced to pointing out that Cantonese (and presumably all other Chinese dialects) has no gendered pronoun, even. There’s no he and she, it’s all kieuh (hey, the spelling’s off, but it should be in characters anyway, right?).

The logical conclusion is that Cantonese (and hence presumably blah blah) is even better than English, so we should all proceed immediately to Cantonese.

Have fun with those tones, Crackwhore.


“Hmm, not ‘American’ enough; I shall call you Bobby. Everybody, this is Bobby.”

Stolen! It should be Bruce, you bastard!

Gary Rupert (rymes with stupid squirt)

The fact is that she has a funny name and eats funny food and has empathy for others and grew up in the South Bronx which makes her racist spic trash like those kids in West Side Story but now she drinks decaf mocha chino lattes from Starbucks which means she is a sell out who hates her own community which is why Obambi is just like Bush who I want to have hot monkey sex with unlike Obama who is a racist just like all black people.

That is central to my point.



Sweet baby Obama, I hope the SadlyNo labs have budgeted enough to send all of us to:


And the TV’s in Esperanto
You know that that’s a bitch
But alienation’s for the rich
And I’m feeling poorer every day
Hey hey hey


thetragicsongwildfire said,
May 28, 2009 at 7:45

Sweet baby Obama, I hope the SadlyNo labs have budgeted enough to send all of us to:

Carrie Prejean and Steven Baldwin and Ben Stein on the same bill? This has late 70’s Who concert disaster written all over it.

Who is this Lila Rose though? Must consult the Gazoogle. I will report back.


Lila has launched several successful undercover investigations exposing racism and sexual abuse cover-ups by Planned Parenthood. Her brave work has revealed new evidence to build a strong case against the abortion industry and lobby.

During her freshman year at UCLA, Lila founded the student magazine The Advocate, for which she serves as Editor-in-Chief. The Advocate approaches right-to-life issues from unconventional angles and publishes the results of Live Action Films’ evocative student investigations and educational pieces. The most recent issue was the first to expand its reach beyond UCLA, with students disseminating copies on over a dozen college campuses across the nation

You Tube “this video is private” hmm


Live Action Films? You don’t think . . . no can’t be.


Live Action Films? You don’t think . . . no can’t be.

You don’t want to know and I don’t want to know.

J. Wentworth Moneybagington, IV

We true Americans believe that race, ethnicity, gendre, and social class (whether one is a multi-billionaire or merely a billionaire) should not be considered — at least in terms of political philosophy, that is. Why, one finds it risible to imagine a fellow who didn’t read Suetonius in the original being admitted to the old boys’ club, if such a thing existed, which it of course does not.

It goes without saying that Catholics are suspect, as well as many Episcopals.

H. Augustus Worthmore, VI

Don’t listen to J.Wentworth. He is new money and one eighth (horrors) Catholic on his mother’s side. Damn immigrants are ruining this country.

W. Bentley Munny-Bagges, XVII

You can say that again, old bean.

Bear Redfeather

And how.


Reading this, it suddenly occurred to me that I’ve never been sure which syllable you stress in ‘hegemony’.




I see that J. Wentworth Moneybagington, IV uses the old spelling ‘gendre’ which surely precludes any suspicion that he is an arriviste or a par-venue.

I’ve never been sure which syllable you stress in ‘hegemony’.
Since it is pronounced ‘hoy’, the question does not arise.


I thought it was pronounced “hedge money”, since those are two American words, except for maybe hedge, which might ought to be ‘bush’, but then it would be ‘bush money’ which sounds African.


but then it would be ‘bush money’ which sounds African.

Africa, nothing! I made my money in Nazi Germany.


Don’t listen to that imposter! I’m the one with the tainted fortune!

Bush Crime Syndicate Board Of Directors

We are taking nominations for the next member of the Bush Crime Family to have the media and our voting machines put into office.

Names will be accepted between May 28 and May 31.

One note: do not nominate that crack-whore daughter of Jeb, as even the forces at our control cannot rehabilitate her enough.

Pressed Trousers Undergrowth

Torture, economic collapse and political paralysis.

Let these be my final ledge-uh-see.


“Silent Consonants: Secret And Apropos” next on Lifetime. A woman marries into super-wealth and finds out that unspoken letters formulate a recipe for hidden conspiracies. Starring Melissa Gilbert and Stephen Colbert.


BTW, saying there’s no such thing as objectivity in the law (that everything is subjective) is a Fascist idea

I’m sure that will be of interest to Dick Cheney, who continues to insist that because in an imaginary scenario where torturing a prisoner might yield information to stop a ticking time bomb and save 15 million people’s lives, then in all cases it’s ok to torture prisoners.

I have to say, I’m really looking forward to all the court cases in which those charged with first-degree murder use the “but what if the guy I premeditatively murdered had been holding a gun on me? Would I not then have been completely justified in killing him? As long as it’s a possibility that the guy I killed might have in some scenario have threatened me, how could I possibly be guilty?”


By the way, maybe Crick-o-ran is familiar already with Basic English, but you can actually listen to Our Government’s Radio Network airing programs in Special English.

Three Elements Make Special English Unique

It has a core vocabulary of 1500 words. Most are simple words that describe objects, actions or emotions. Some words are more difficult. They are used for reporting world events and describing discoveries in medicine and science.

Special English writers use short, simple sentences that contain only one idea. They use active voice. They do not use idioms.

Special English broadcasters read at a slower pace, about two-thirds the speed of standard English. This helps people learning English hear each word clearly. It also helps people who are fluent English speakers understand complex subjects.

Special English Radio Broadcasts

Special English broadcasts to different parts of the world several times a day, seven days a week. Each half-hour broadcast begins with:The latest news from around the worldA different short feature every day about development, agriculture, health, education, economics, news events and American idioms.15-minute in-depth features about life in the United States, news about science and space, American history, popular culture, influential Americans and short stories.

Sometimes the Voice Of America will say funny and foreign words, but to people who are askeert of big and weird and not-mommy words like that nice Mr. Creek-Run, VOA will help you along.

Here is an example of text written in American Special English:

This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.

A bill to place new restrictions on the credit card industry in the United States won final approval this week in Congress. The measure went to President Obama to sign into law with popular support, except among banks.

Credit card companies will have to inform cardholders forty-five days before they raise interest rates or change other important terms. The new act will also bar companies from raising rates on existing debts unless payment is at least sixty days late.

Also, companies will have to send out billing statements at least twenty-one days before a payment is owed. They will have to tell how long and how much it would take to pay off a card if the holder makes only the lowest monthly payment. And they will have to write their cardholder agreements clearly and publish them online.

These changes, however, will not take effect for nine months.

People who are afraid of big and foreign words can listen to the calm, 2/3 speed news here.


Prescott Bush said,
May 28, 2009 at 12:25

Don’t listen to that imposter! I’m the one with the tainted fortune!

Shut up, son. I got you your fortune selling bullets to both sides in WW 1.


Samuel Bush said,

May 28, 2009 at 14:16

Prescott Bush said,
May 28, 2009 at 12:25

Don’t listen to that imposter! I’m the one with the tainted fortune!

Shut up, son. I got you your fortune selling bullets to both sides in WW 1.

You mean you can make money illegally selling arms?


Like John Boner, right?


“Wait until someone tells him that “Tennessee” has two pronunciations. His poor craw!”

Somehow “His poor craw!” made me break down into uncontrollable laughter. Well done, Mr. Wonderful.


Its TENN-see. The other syllable isn’t American enough.


We’uns hyere in the glorious border state pronounce it “Tin-uh-SEE.” Although El Cid’s usage is perfectly acceptable as well.


I’d like to see the Republicans filibuster Sotomayor successfully, and have Obama come back with his second choice, Angela Davis.


Hint to Mr. Crackwhorian:

Put a lil’ pause in there before the last syllable and you should have no trouble – like “So to may *pause* OR”.

I realize this should be difficult for me as a speaker of American English to place furriner’s accents properly, but JE-SAYUS that’s pitiful.


Live Action Films? You don’t think . . . no can’t be.

Evocative pieces* from unconventional angles!


Hey, if he thinks “putting the emphasis on the final syllable … is unnatural in English,” does he abhor it? How does he restore his aplomb when so perturbed? I implore him not to succumb to being provoked anymore, but to ignore what has so incensed and annoyed him heretofore before it destroys him, to becalm himself and employ himself in a less perverse, bizarre pursuit before he falls into disrepute.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Its TENN-see. The other syllable isn’t American enough.

I thought it was pronounced “NORT-Jay-zuz-land”

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

and have Obama come back with his second choice, Angela Davis.

Why not go for the gusto and send in Bill Ayers?


Besides, Angela Davis is so much easier to pronounce.


No, we need more women on the court, so it’s got to be Bernardine Dohrn. She always seemed to be the brains of that outfit, anyway.




The only problem with Oh-bamma nominating Osama bin Laden to the Soooprim Kurt is figgering out his Amurkin name. Perhaps Oh-see-me been Leaden.


The only problem with Oh-bamma nominating Osama bin Laden to the Soooprim Kurt is figgering out his Amurkin name.

No problem, none of those words has an accent on the last syllable, after all.

“O SA ma bin LA den” – Q.E.D.


none of those words has an accent on the last syllable, after all

It’s a good first step but not Amurkin enough.

Oh Sam’s been Leading.

At least that is a sentence.



MzNicky said,

May 28, 2009 at 16:15


Now, this would actually be a good idea.

Xecky Gilchrist

Hey, if he thinks “putting the emphasis on the final syllable … is unnatural in English,” does he abhor it? How does he restore his aplomb when so perturbed? I implore him not to succumb to being provoked anymore, but to ignore what has so incensed and annoyed him heretofore before it destroys him, to becalm himself and employ himself in a less perverse, bizarre pursuit before he falls into disrepute.

Reproduced in full because it’s unbelievably awesome. Golf Clap Plus!



This is why I can’t get through the day without S, N!

Rusty Shackleford

There’s a microbrewery here in Mississippi, of all places. Lazy Magnolia. Pret’ good too, and that’s coming from someone with Oregon experience.


There’s a microbrewery here in Mississippi

Eelwhiz Beer?

Rusty Shackleford

Eelwhiz Beer?

You mean Keystone Light?


Perhaps Oh-see-me been Leaden.

Yeah, well, we had some seamy leadin’ for about eight years there, and that was eight years more than enough.


Eelwhiz Beer?

“Eelwhiz Beer – Of course it’s in the water! Where else would they go?”

kind of a long slogan but you get the gist. We can work it out in conference later, J.B.!


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Rusty Shackleford

Also, second the Anita Hill motion.


Also, second the Anita Hill motion.

Bit late for that as the entire SadlyNo! commentariat voted for her last week. You can Nth it though, it still makes me giggle.

Rusty Shackleford

Damn. I’m always behind the times.


You mean Keystone Light?

Tastes great! Less slime!


Obama was very foolish to have nominated Ida Luz Rodriguez for the Supreme Court. We need good patriot American conservative jurists.


Check the ColdFusion documentation to verify that you are using the correct syntax.

No wonder the syntax is wrong. Cold fusion’s been disproved.

Sadly's Original Zombie Thread(TM)

You will never surpass me, libs.


Oppress my ghost, libs.

Clarence Thomas

Hey, there’s a short curly on my can of Keystone LIght.


Knights in White Satin said,

“Sparkling whine”. I like that. I’m sure it could be used to describe a conservative/Repug, but who who who? Not Loadpants. Althouse? Nah, she drinks whine from a box. Um, um…..dee dee dee dee dum dum…Eh- I give up. Sparkle simply can’t be used in the same sentence or paragraph as conservative or repug.

Peggy Noonan.


Hey, there’s a short curly on my can of Keystone LIght.

Why, soitanly! It comes with every can! Nyuk nyuk nyuk!

Tony D'Annunzio





Pray for me! Please!


Cold iron shackle
Ball and chain
Listen to the whistle
Of the evening train
Welll you know it’s like I said…
You better get back to Tennesseee Jed

Tennessee! Tennessee!
There ain’t no place I’d rather be
Baby, won’t you carry me?
Back to Tennessee!

Cause I know you all just can’t get enough Grateful Dead lyrics…


Ken: really hits home, don’t it?

Tony D'Annunzio

I ain’t payin’ no fifty cents for no Coke.


The Firefox extension MR Tech Toolkit allows you to over-ride the version compatibility of Greasemonkey so that it is compatible with 3.5b4, for them’s what use it.

You have to make sure that the desired extension (say Greasemonkey) gets downloaded as an XPI file, so go to somewhere like to save the file rather than have Firefox install it.

Then you can bring up the MR Tech Toolkit options, enable the menus, enable the “Install Extensions” etc menus, and then whenever you pull up the “Add-On’s” window for an incompatible extension, look up to the “File” menu and choose “Install Extension”.

As the prompt to install comes up, just check the box for overriding the version compatibility check.

Then you can install and use your Greasemonkey scripts (say, killfile) again with 3.5b4.

If you’re using the regular Firefox (not Beta, say 3.0.10), then you can just click “Add-Ons”, search for Greasemonkey, install it, restart Firefox, then install the script (such as killfile linked above). Then reload the webpage and apply the script as desired.

Rusty Shackleford

The Onion has an Opinion section? Couldn’t be much funnier than today’s claptrap from Kristof in the NYT.


Illegal immigration is arguably the most serious problem facing our Nation today. If our Federal Government does not do it’s Constitutionaly mandated job and secure our borders and enforce Our Nation’s Immigration Laws, then that said government has violated it’s contract with the American People and is now illegitimite.

The Federal Government’s Contract with the American People is to provide for Our Common Defense. But not securing our Nation’s Borders and Enforcing Our Nation’s Immigration Laws, the Federal Government has violated it’s contract with the American People. The only reason the Federal Government exists is because We the People have consented to said government to provide for our Common Defense. The Defense of These Fifty United States.

The Federal Government must act immediately or the militia, all able bodied male citizens between the ages of 18 and 45 have the responsibility to secure our Nation’s Borders and Enforce Our Nation’s Immigration Laws ourselves. What we need is a larger, more organized and better equipted Minute Man Project which will work with the U.S. Border Patrol which has failed at it’s job miserably.

We the People may enventualy have to solve this Immigration Crisis Ourselves unless our government acts.


I guess the ticking time bomb was seen as less interesting than a ticking hard-on when it came to Abu Ghraib.

After all, remember, Saddam had the rape rooms. We had patriot chambers:

A former U.S. general said graphic images of rape and torture are among the photos of Iraqi prisoner abuse that President Barack Obama’s administration does not want released…

…Retired Major Gen. Antonio Taguba, who oversaw the U.S. investigation into the abuses at Baghdad’s Abu Ghraib prison, was quoted as telling Britain’s Daily Telegraph in an article Wednesday that he agreed with Obama’s decision not to release the pictures…

According to the Telegraph, the new photos depicted much more serious abuses than previously documented. One photo reportedly showed an American soldier apparently raping a female prisoner and another was said to show a male translator raping a male detainee, the paper reported.

The Telegraph said the photos related to 400 cases of alleged abuse between 2001 and 2005 at Abu Ghraib and six other prisons…

…Although Taguba’s 2004 report detailed incidents of rape of detainees, it was not revealed that photos existed of the shocking abuses, until now. Some of the unreleased photographs show detainees being raped and sexually abused with objects, such as a truncheon, wire, a phosphorescent tube and a policeman’s baton.

One photo also shows a female prisoner with exposed breasts after her clothing was forcibly removed.

Maj. Gen Taguba saw the horrors first hand during his Abu Ghraib investigation and he believes the Bush administration is guilty of war crimes.

In a preface to a report by Physicians for Human Rights on prisoner abuse and torture in U.S. military prisons Taguba wrote: “There is no longer any doubt that the current administration committed war crimes. The only question is whether those who ordered torture will be held to account.”

Rusty Shackleford

Taguba – what is that, Mexican? You know how they are.


Taguba should go to jail himself for obstruction of justice. How was it not obvious that he was part of a whitewash?


I think it’s supposed to be pronounced “Tag-butt” in American.


We’d all be wise not to even pretend that there is any connection between Abu Ghraib and the ticking time bomb scenario.

You may find it a great opportunity for a joke, but the more you help conflate those two ideas the more you enable torture, which isn’t really funny if you think about it.


@ El Cid

It’s nice of Obama to protect our troops by suppressing those photos, but I think they would be much safer here at home, where they won’t be raping children be torturing for the pure joy of it be lynched.

It’s funny how “liberating oppressed people” always seems to come to this place.


The only question is whether those who ordered torture will be held to account.

He made a funny.


Apparently this isn’t the first time Krikorian felt threatened by the evils of Hispano-Latino influence:

Hispanic Pizza Menace

I wonder how he feels about Korean Taco Trucks.


We’d all be wise not to even pretend that there is any connection between Abu Ghraib and the ticking time bomb scenario.

So if a ticking time bomb somewhere out there is reason enough for us to torture, is the potential for another Abu Ghraib reason enough for others to torture us? Because let me tell you, I’m just about mad enough to waterboard the truth out of some people in the Pentagon.


Illegal immigration is arguably the most serious problem facing our Nation today.

Which nation is that, Hairy? The “white men can’t cum without Viagra” nation? The one with the Confederate Flag?


Hispanic Pizza Menace

That’d be a pretty good band name.


Illegal immigration is arguably the most serious problem facing our Nation today.

Cripes, I thought teh ghey gettin’ married was. Will you wingnuts please coordinate your bigotries better so we can be more efficient at making fun of your sorry asses.


Will you wingnuts please coordinate your bigotries better so we can be more efficient at making fun of your sorry asses.

It just makes socialism harder when you get these “free thinkers” roaming around.


Illegal immigration is arguably the most serious problem facing our Nation today.

Cripes, I thought teh ghey gettin’ married was.

I was working for Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders in Boston when the first gay marriages were going on. There was a flood of binational couples who called, hoping that they had finally found an escape from the constant fear of immigration agents. We had to tell them, not only that their marriages still wouldn’t be valid for immigration purposes, but that the Bush administration was actively seeking out and deporting people who tried to take that route, even if they had temporary legal status.

Several of our attorneys wanted to test this in court, but it was decided that the combination of teh gheys and teh illegals was too politically potent.


I shall hereby pronounce his name as “jack ass”


tigrismus said,
May 28, 2009 at 16:03

Tigrismus wins a new Intertube — but wait, there’s more! — and also a whole new artificial language for commenting within it.


Dan sez:

Your “life experience” shouldn’t influence judicial decisions. The law and the Constitution should. The Constitution says the same thing, no matter what race or background the person who is happening to read it has.

This is the Supreme Court. Not Oprah or Dr. Phil, people.

Samuel Alito sez:

Because when a case comes before me involving, let’s say, someone who is an immigrant — and we get an awful lot of immigration cases and naturalization cases — I can’t help but think of my own ancestors, because it wasn’t that long ago when they were in that position.

[. . .]

When I get a case about discrimination, I have to think about people in my own family who suffered discrimination because of their ethnic background or because of religion or because of gender. And I do take that into account.



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