The Awful Rowing Toward Godwin
Posted on May 7th, 2009 by Gavin M.
Thomas “Double Stuf” Sowell, The National Review:
‘Empathy’ vs. Law: When you buy words, you had better know what you are buying
- You know who had empathy? Hitler, that’s who.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Now, don’t you tempt me to click!
What’s your problem with Hitler?
Great, now I’m going to spend a week checking for Buckleys before I sit down.
I hope you’re happy.
What is it with these people? I remember my shock when one of my winger pals used “egalitarian” as an epithet. What next – justice as a concept is bad, because it tends to elevate the underdog? Freedom is contemptible, because it frees the lesser folk too?
A further shock is that the non-elite winger pals somehow place themselves out of the underdog-lesser folk category, but I guess I understand that pathology a little better.
and I’ve been saying for years that what is wrong with the movement conservative is the lack of empathy, which leads to the lack of morals, which Sowell proves for me. THANKS TOM!
Freedom is contemptible, because it frees the lesser folk too?
I’d kind of welcome that, because I’m well sick of what these bastards have done to that word.
Then again, their turning it into a dirty word would mean anything but that they’d STFU about it, so never mind.
Empathy! GAAAAAAA! That’s code for “people maybe not getting fucked over relentlessly just because they’re low in resources or have other problems!”
At least he avoided the ridiculous phrase “apply the laws as written.” How else could it be done, bunky—apply the laws as spoken by the oracle of Delphi?
Oh, and a kick in the nuts to anyone who types the phrase “Stanford University’s Hoover Institution.” The HI is physically located on the Stanford campus but otherwise has NOTHING to do with the university. As a proud Stanford alum, this makes me crazy every time I see it.
What next – justice as a concept is bad…
This is exactly why we should just forget about all that torture, I mean policy disagreement.
/Fred Hiatt and the WaPoop
I’m the first to mock the believers in Obama’s 11 dimensional chess playing abilities, but I have to admit, by the simple expedient of using a word that denotes everything good about humanity and the only force which makes this world less horrid than nature, he has cleverly forced his enemies into actively campaigning against “empathy”.
It’s really another one of those reality trumping satire things.
Great, now I’m going to spend a week checking for Buckleys before I sit down.
Me, too, and I’m not pooping until I see one, damn it. Empathy schmempathy.
I’m the first to mock the believers in Obama’s 11 dimensional chess playing abilities, but I have to admit, by the simple expedient of using a word that denotes everything good about humanity and the only force which makes this world less horrid than nature, he has cleverly forced his enemies into actively campaigning against “empathy”.
I really hope he’ll make some statement that people shouldn’t shoot themselves in the face with nailguns.
What next – justice as a concept is bad, because it tends to elevate the underdog? Freedom is contemptible, because it frees the lesser folk too?
Well, yes. And I wish them the best of luck continuing to spread that message.
OT, but Rachel Maddow is showing the progression of the GOP “listening tour” which got transmogrified by Rush into a “teaching” tour in nothing-flat, and Cantor immediately buckled.
So we have:
– Actively campaigning against empathy
-Travelling around America to harangue people to accept their shitty ideas
– working to throw out the last two north eastern Senators, as well as Lugar, Hatch, Graham and Arnold
No matter how pathetic the Democrats got in 2002-2006, it was never ever this pathetic. The Wicked Witch of the West died with more dignity than this.
people shouldn’t shoot themselves in the face with nailguns
Stop trying to take away our freedom, Obama!
He should mention checking your tire pressure again.
People who are speculating about whether the next nominee will be a woman, a Hispanic, or whatever….
White men=somebodies
Everybody else=whatevers.
Empathy is code! Awful, awful code!
No matter how pathetic the Democrats got in 2002-2006, it was never ever this pathetic.
Amen. The Redoublechins are out-patheticking even the McCain campaign, which I didn’t think was possible. Patheticology scientists, armed with new research funding included in the Porkulus, are having a goddam field day.
White men=somebodies, Everybody else=whatevers.
That’s about the size of it. IIRC this was Simone de Beauvoir’s point, and she was not wrong.
“Now listen, you queer, you stop calling me a crypto-Nazi or I’ll sock you in the goddamn face and you’ll stay plastered.”
Sowell’s Empathy, Part II: Obama must reanimate Oliver Wendell Holmes.
I do hope they’ll fully exploit the Mustard Scandal – it would merely enhance their wingnuttitude.
Just for historical accuracy, btw, here’s Gore Vidal’s explanation of what really went down when WFB threatened to punch him.
RIP, WFB — in hell.
That’s fantastic.
he has cleverly forced his enemies into actively campaigning against “empathy”.
Yep. And that’s really what’s behind all this “speculation” about whether Obama will nominate a woman or minority, or a “left-handed paraplegic lesbian lolz 4ever!1”. Preemptively make the very idea of someone non-white or non-male (you know, 75% of the population) getting nominated the wackiest and most radical thing you ever heard of, which will make mocking the eventual nominee all the easier. And rightwingers are nothing if not into the easy and effortless.
I really hope he’ll make some statement that people shouldn’t shoot themselves in the face with nailguns.
(cue sudden run on Lowe’s and Home Depot as wingnuts begin to stock up on nails and nailguns… “HE’S GONNA TAKE ‘EM AWAY YOU KNOW!” and then the bizarre flood of emergency room admissions with doughy white guys with nails embedded in their faces murmuring “Take THAT Obambi!” as they’re wheeled into Triage…)
Damn that’s a set of yellow choppers in that WFB photo.
Damn that’s a set of yellow choppers in that WFB photo.
That was back before unnaturally white and even teeth (i.e. dentures) became the photogenic standard for public figures.
Ah, but they do not phrase it as I have, of course. Why should those people have freedom that might COST US MONEY? Why pursue justice when it will COST US MONEY and let those other people STEAL OUR JOBS? You think those messages don’t have traction?
I say movement conservatives lack empathy, but honestly, it is in short supply across the nation. A little fear, a little economic threat and pffft…
Stanford University’s Hoover Institution… AAAAHHHRGH! Somebody just kicked my nuts!
Lazy shitbags like Sowell just have to crank out the wingnut food week after week, so when they hear the nutshits wankering off about “empathy” or “dijon mustard” they have to write about it so as to keep selling their lazy shit to the syndication services of America, because God Forbid that the Redneckistan Daily News fail to have a daily ration of right wingers bleeping bullshit that they heard from the wingnut collective.
Lazy shitbags like Sowell [. . .]
No, really, El Cid. Don’t hold back. How do you really feel about the wingnut media?
Pere Ubu: If I didn’t hate them so god-damn much I’d find their task pitiable. I don’t even think people like Sowell gives a shit about the dreck he’s pushing enough to ‘believe’ any of it. It’s just a better gig than insurance salesman, so, he does it. Lousy, worthless pieces of anti-intellectual garbage, the whole lot of them.
And you know, I just don’t understand how them conservatives can let themselves get into this kind of twisted state. Something WRONG with the motherfuckers. What you think we can do about them, huh? Gotta keep em from running the joint. What is freedom that lets you fight other people’s freedom? That ain’t free, really, is it?
Dammit, that’s too close to how I really feel. Now what??
You know who wrote blog posts?
Next thing you know, some librul justice will feel ’empathy’ for a turtle and try to fuck it. ‘Cause, that’s what they do, and that’s what ’empathy’ leads to.
I’ll be goddamned. You mean – in theory only of course – a bunch of people could do really bad things and get away with them because they’d get preferential treatment?
“I like paying taxes. With them I buy civilization”
“Three generations of imbeciles is enough” (Buck v. Bell, upholding Virginia’s right to sterilize Carrie Buck, who, it turns out, was not retarded, but may have been part indian)
Sowell forgot to elaborate on how these quotes of Holmes relate to empathy and law
El Cid said,
May 7, 2009 at 4:32
Next thing you know, some librul justice will feel ‘empathy’ for a turtle and try to fuck it. ‘Cause, that’s what they do, and that’s what ‘empathy’ leads to.
AND then they will try to marry the turtle, because Liberals Hate Marriage.
“AND then they will try to marry the turtle, because Liberals Hate Marriage.”
And in Conservatown the way you act on your hatred of something is to imitate it. Which at least explains how often Dubya said “fabulous”.
Bitter Scribe:
But how do you feel about Russel Targ et. al. and the Stanford Research Institute?”
IIRC this was Simone de Beauvoir’s point, and she was not wrong.
I think I love you.
I wonder how they’d react if Obama had cited “not a sociopath” as a qualification.
“Sociopath! That’s CODE for ‘Republican’!”
So libs, how was Biden– a dumb palgarizing hack–qualified to be Vice President.
Your Honor, I speak for myself.
You stupid buttmunch, when are you going to acknowledge that failing to attribute a quote once out of the hundreds of times you use it is not plagiarism?
I think I love you.
(Blush) That’s about all I know about her, I’m sorry to say. But I did run with the sort of crowd who read her in depth, back when I was a lad.
So libs, how is my demand for attention any more pathetic than if I pick up this jar of paste and stick my tongue into it while I masturbate? HuH??
And Joe Biden should have been elected president in 1988. He performed the greatest public service in living memory by keeping that lunatic Bork off the Supreme Court.
I’m not only talking about his plagiarism of socialist Kinnock, but also his academic “troubles” to put it lightly, in law school. Google it.
He’s a two bit hack, like most of BOs appointments. Why didn’t he choose Hillary?
Xecky: That’s good enough for me. Any man these days who even has heard of de Beauvoir, let alone understand what she was about, is a gem.
In other news: I loved Vidal’s “Lincoln,” but he sounds like a whiny high-school wanker in that linked article. By the way, I think he’s related somehow to my homeboy Al Gore. I don’t understand the name thing, but that’s what I heard.
WTF. If Obama had said that the judge would have to have empathy for business, Sowell wouldn’t have a word to say about it.
Fuck, Sowell is so damned tiresome.
But… don’t socialists DESERVE to be stolen from?
And the reason he didn’t choose Hillary was because sometimes a politician’s itinerary doesn’t align with those of the people who want him to fail. Weird, I know.
See, if Obama had chosen Hillary as his running mate, Truthy wouldn’t say a bad word about either of them.
he sounds like a whiny high-school wanker in that linked article
Boy howdy. That’s pure hack stuff that could have been pushed out by the most talentless sorehead blogger. Did he really write it?
By the way, I think he’s related somehow to my homeboy Al Gore.
They’re seventh cousins, or something like that.
I liked “Julian,” “Burr” and some of his other books, but I got turned off Vidal for good by that revolting article he published—in September 2001 no less!—in Vanity Fair. The apologia for Timothy McVeigh, whom he calls “an American patriot” or something just as ridiculous and ghastly.
Any man these days who even has heard of de Beauvoir, let alone understand what she was about, is a gem.
I imagine it is unusual – it says something about how my education was conducted that I first read about her in a Doonesbury comic and went looking for further info from my hippie/philosophy-freak friends.
Even the thumbnail sketch of her ideas that I learned raised my consciousness a bit – having been brought up where and when I was and by whom, it hadn’t occurred to me that there was any way the world could be other than that white men were the default/pinnacle sort of people and everyone else a shadow. So well done, Simone!
So instead they aliagned with a man who nearly flunked out of law school and used a taxpayer subsidized service to travel to his taxpayer subsidized job from a shitty little state for 30 some years? Hmmmm?
“A shitty little state”
I thought you were looking out for the common man, not sneering at millions of strangers for being stupid, worthless little proles. Or did you finally get sick of pretending?
I hate Delaware because not only is it a worthless fucking state, but it only elects all Democrats and one piss ant RINO.
Well troofie, you’ve convinced me. Plagiarism. Obama had better give Biden a “0” on that assignment, and if he does it again, he’ll be suspended from participation in all extracurricular sports and clubs while at the White House.
Biden had better watch out, or he could end up on academic suspension.
So you hate every state that elects Democratic legislators. After rounding up, I must ask… why do you hate America?
Obama himself isn’t so clean. He’s been known to cite sources using the ghetto MLA convention as opposed to the preferred APA method. I heard that one time, his bibliography had a typo but the Chicago political machine closed ranks to cover up this massive crime.
Are we gonna have to put one of those ugly fly strips up? I keep hearing the whine of some pestiferous insect.
George W. Bush went to the Ivy Leagues.
Biden went to the University of Delaware.
Who’s smarter?
it says something about how my education was conducted that I first read about her in a Doonesbury comic and went looking for further info from my hippie/philosophy-freak friends.
Hey man, whatever gets you there. Garry Trudeau is a national treasure, for a multitude of reasons.
Uh-uh, Troofus. Sorry. Every time Dubya’s dumbassery was brought up in the past eight years, you assholes started making fun of intellectuals and deriding anyone who cared about the president’s intelligence more than how sexy he looked clearing brush. You can’t have your shit taco and eat it too.
I had a class in economic history from Sowell when he was still teaching. He used to be sane. He was very quick on his feet in logical tit-for-tattering in classroom debates. he was very opinionated and arrogant.
He was very conservative back then, and I disagreed with almost everything he said. I took an opposite-whatever-Sowell said approach to the exams, whenever it was one of those show-me-your logic think-piece type questions, and got an A (probably a minus, I suspect, but forget now). Though by the end of the class he must have caught on to what I was doing. But maybe not.
The guy used to be more or less sane. What happened to him?
Or maybe he just maintained during class lectures.
George W. Bush went to the Ivy Leagues. Biden went to the University of Delaware. Who’s smarter?
My ass. Now eat shit and die already.
Meanwhile, Dick Cheney is a war criminal who orchestrated an official program of torture, Alberto Gonzales had prosecutors fired for not persecuting enough Democrats, Lorita Doan was using taxpayer money to procure government services to help Republican candidates at Karl Rove’s behest, an entire department at Interior was busy fucking and sucking off the oil industry, Scooter Libby was convicted of lying repeatedly to a grand jury, Paulson had the government buy AIG the moment he understood its failure would bring down his old firm and George Bush started a pointless war based on a pack of lies that has caused the premature deaths of more than 1,000,000 people, most of them Iraqi civilians.
So yeah, I feel terrible that a potential plagiarist is attending functions the President doesn’t feel like going to and breaking ties in the Senate.
“…attending functions the President doesn’t feel like going to and breaking ties in the Senate.”
I AM the Senate.
He’s a heartbeat away, libs. How is he any better than Palin?
(Try to avoid religious bigotry when responding)
Because his ticket won and hers lost. Slam, bam, fuck you ma’am.
I feel fine about that. As I said, he was my man in 1988. Biden’s also a religious nut (conservative Catholic), but at least he doesn’t think the earth is 6000 years old, the “end times” are coming soon, and Jesus rode a dinosaur.
“(Try to avoid religious bigotry when responding)”
Oh, okay. So you’re never going to say anything mean about me again? Awesome.
And the library will be closing now, so that’s it for Troofy.
I guess I should add that I disagreed with everything he said that concerned application of economic theory to real life. When he did that, he was obviously a very conservative dude, in danger of going over the edge.
He was pretty good at explaining economic history, and seemed to know it very well. Though he did reveal that he had turned Malthus theory of population into a tautology, when some students raised objections to his interpretation in class. Other than that, I don’t remember much about the class.
If I remember correctly, he was an expert on David Ricard. Think about that… he must have spent humonguous time and effort studying and *reading* Ricardo (economists here understand the implications of that and shudder).
Becoming an expert on Ricardo probably drove him mad.
I’m still here, fags.
I’m not at a library. I’m on my smartphone. Morons.
I’m still here, fag.
The reason I hate Delaware is because my Dad used to drive down to Wilmington to pick up rough trade. When he brought them home, after they had their way with him, he’d always help them tie me down, so they could put their thingies in me as well.
Mom never ever stopped him. I love my Dad to this day, but I’ll never understand why Mom was so awful as to never stop him. She’s as bad as Biden and all those other fucking Delawarians.
didn’t they decide on “Delawarites” on Jim Ignatowski’s wall-o’-TVs?
Old Man Yells At Cloud.
Sunbeams From Cucumbers
His bankruptcy plan for Chrysler is akin to extracting sunbeams from cucumbers.
By George F. Will
The motherfukcing namestrealing qweefbreathing cocksucker at 6:12 isn’t me.
So precious. So precious. Such a…good Troofy.
Pathetic; adj; misspelling “queef”.
The other night I was furiously masturbating to thoughts about Michelle Obama calling me a bad, bad boy, when I ran out of Funyuns. Knowing my priorities, I went upstairs for another bag, sadly not realizing that I still wasn’t wearing pants. Sorry, mommy.
The douchecunt shitpiss Zimbabwe sociateleprompter queefdickvagina at 6:29 is impersonating me. Or am I impersonating him?
…ow, my brain asplode.
Why still bitter, Troofy? After all, Bookmark this and all.
Two roads diverged into the woods and I,
I took the one less travelled by
And that has made all the difference.
Also: mommy had one hot mouth. For a Delawad. Also.
By the way, the dogpissing shitcock fuckbrains pusmuncher at 5:47 IS actually me. Please, please believe me! Please believe me Daddy!
George W. Bush went to the Ivy Leagues. Biden went to the University of Delaware. Who’s smarter?
Oh so now you champion academia!
He’s a heartbeat away, libs. How is he any better than Palin?
Jeebus Christ. You’re not serious are you? Here’s a clue, he can walk and chew gum at the same time, without issuing a press release castigating those who criticize him for having political bias.
We’re fine with Biden, you pathetic skidmark.
Geo. Fleckspittle Will, burbling gleefully over successive contract modifications resulting in blue collar wage concessions, suddenly erupts with apoplectic indignation at the very idea that “some of the company’s lenders, mostly non-banks, [might] receive less than they would as secured creditors under bankruptcy law.”
*shakes fist at sky* “Contracts are sacrosanct!”
Stop impersonating me, and stop calling me “troofy” or I will bring your entire unfunny, pathetic, racist website down. I will bring this website down! Fuck with the bull and you WILL get the motherfucking horns, fags!
YOU stop impersonating ME!
The librarian just called 911 to report the guy pounding on the keyboard and foaming at the mouth.
I’m not at any fucking library, asswipes! You’re all shitbag asswipws! ALL of you! Losers! America is a nation of LOSERS now!
Oh well, so long, everybody. Truthy called me a fag, and that’s not projection–oh, no, certainly not! So I must now blow my brains out! Goodbye, cruel world! Truthy has shown me the pathetic error of my ways! Oy, Oy, Weh ist mir!
It’s a prostate massage, and it’s good for you! Daddy told me so!
No, no! Rev, come back!
You can’t bring down a website that’s already brought you down.
Check the archives. Bringing down you goes way back.
The librarian just called 911 to report the guy pounding on the keyboard and foaming at the mouth.
Nah, he left the library and moved on to the No Tell Motel, with the low, low, low hourly rates. They think he’s a freak, but as long as he pays they don’t care. They’re used to the pounding and weird, gurgling cries. They did have a little fun with him a while back by putting him in the room that hadn’t been sprayed for crotch crickets. Part of the reason he’s gone so nucking futz lately is that the constant itching is driving him wild.
OK, that’s really me at 7:03. Isn’t it? Tee hee hee!
By the way, Daddy called. He wants his foreskin back.
Fuck you. Fuck you all.
That’s all I have to say, fags, and I wish you all well.
Because this, buttmunches, is my last comment ever on this blog. But someday (in 2012) you will realize I was right all along. Obama will be a one-term failure like his hero Jimmy Carter.
You won’t have The Truth to kick around anymore.
Goodbye, libs.
He wants
hismy foreskin back.Goodness gracious, where is my mind? Somewhere between Scorpio Rising and Pink Narcissus of course! Bookmark it, fags!
I’m not at any fucking library, asswipes! You’re all shitbag asswipws! ALL of you! Losers! America is a nation of LOSERS now!
Actually, we won. Elections have consequences.
I wish Bruce were here.
Dag nab it! Them bullets I bought at that gun show cuz Obama’s a-gonna take mah guns won’t go off! Where in hell is the “Dum Dum Arsenal” anyways?
I wish Bruce were here.
I miss Bruce.
Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m not still lurking, it just means I’m not commenting. Because I’m not going to hit the “Submit” button. I’m not.
That beautiful, shapely “Submit” button.
That sexy, hot “Submit” button. I’m not going to touch it, though. I’m just lookin’ at it, you fags.
It’s kinda shaped like a cock. A big, thick, cock. Big, thick, slimy, smelly button. Cock button.
Cock button cock button cock button cock ohgodohgod oh GOD oh my GOD! oh my GOD! oh my
My fake name didn’t change back. Oops!
Troofy just gets creepier and creepier.
Yeah, and I wouldn’t have thought it possible for it to get any creepier.
I don’t know which one is me anymore. I’m so confused.
Yeah, I think its time for me to just go back to my gay porn DVDs. Which I will. Unless I come back, in which case I’ll come back too, just to watch me struggle with myself!
Bye-bye, for good I hope this time!
(make sure & take a shower when you’re done with this thread. You’ll feel a lot better)
Do Sowell and his like-minded ass cramps really think anyone believes Thomas, Scalia, Alito and “I’m so white Casper looks tan standing next to me” Roberts were chosen because they 100% by the law, “Book ‘Em, Danno” types?
Jesus Christ on a bike, I hate these people. Not shoot up your church or kill your cops kinda hate, but still hate.
And speaking of Roberts: I know I’m going to sound like a maroon asking this, but has it always been possible to appoint some gomer off the street Chief Justice, without them putting in any time as an Associate Justice? Does this seem idiotic to no one but me?
my last comment ever on this blog.
Wow, even our local Pravda is Going Galt! The mind wobbles, it does!
Don’t let the magic forcefield slap you on the ass on your way
outin!P.S. Best Sadly, No! Photoshop EVAH!!
Today we are all You Cannot Escape the Truth .
I get it!! The guy in the picture here had to swim & swim & swim, until he came up through Sowell’s toilet, as shown above.
He was Swimming to Commodia
If you were German, would you be in favor of a law “to relieve the distress of the German people and nation”? That was the law that gave Hitler dictatorial power.
He was just another German chancellor at the time. He was not elected on a platform of war, dictatorship, or genocide. He got the power to do those things because of a law “to relieve the distress of the German people.”
Hitler was elected to give the German people happy endings?
If you were German, would you be in favor of a law “to relieve the distress of the German people and nation”? That was the law that gave Hitler dictatorial power.
He was just another German chancellor at the time. He was not elected on a platform of war, dictatorship, or genocide. He got the power to do those things because of a law “to relieve the distress of the German people.”
Hitler was elected to give the German people happy endings?
Today we are all You Cannot Escape the Truth .
You cannot escape You Cannot Escape the Truth!
FWIW I don’t think this latest incarnation is Classic Truthy from, say, three months ago. Classic Truthy didn’t seem to mind being called Troofy or Truth Fairy or Cuntface or whatever else anyone wanted to throw at him. I think he was more of a ‘sub’.
I was going to say something nasty about toofy, but that gbcw bit was just too precious.
Oh, okay.
It’s sort of like an extension of this, but starting with “Total Fuckwad” and moving on from there.
Don’t talk to that Truth bub.
Say what you will about the dear departed Truth, but at least he’s not from Delaware.
If you were German, would you be in favor of a law “to relieve the distress of the German people and nation”? That was the law that gave Hitler dictatorial power.
You mean sort of like a “unitary executive”?
Even though we managed to push troofie off the ledge into the pool of molten metal, and subsequently melted down the fake troofie to get the chip in his head, skynet troofie will still be back somehow, in an unnecessary sequel that should not have been made and makes no sense.
In which he will no doubt be wearing a cop uniform.
In which he will no doubt be wearing a stripper-cop uniform with a navel ring.
Who? Oh, them. That was a different era. Why are you stuck in the past? Move on. Those were extraordinary times. The president needed a free hand. Empathy for rich white guys and religious nuts is not empathy, it’s…uh, freedom. Yeah, that’s it.
Okay, maybe you can escape the troof.
Look what Roy found:
Republicans do not know how to approach you. Democrats and the Democrat-dominated press have misled you and stoked up your wrath to the point that you will not listen to us.
So I propose this: how about listening? How about listening to what Republicans have to say, instead of what the Democrats say we say? How about listening to what we have to say before booing us out of the building?
STFU and LISTEN, wrong-colored Americans!
How about listening to what we have to say before booing us out of the building?
It’s much easier on the blood pressure to listen to what they have to say after booing them out of the building.
How about listening to what we have to say before booing us out of the building?
How about trying a bite of this shit sandwich before telling us you don’t want to eat it?
My goodness. He really is a mentalist, isn’t he?
How about trying a bite of this shit sandwich before telling us you don’t want to eat it?
Hmmm…does it have brown mustard?
MzNicky help me out here. Simone de Beauvoir said something to this effect:
“There are people and women. When women act like people, they are accused of trying to be like men.”
Hmmm…does it have brown mustard?
I dunno, it really depends on what Limbaugh’s been eating this week.
Hey, David Vitter likes it! C’mon, David tell ’em how good it is!
“H…heh… I… I’m wearin’ … a diaper! *giggle*”
Good boy! Here’s another sammich!
Why is it whenever I see Thomas SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWell, I’m reminded of the Uncle Jemima skit from SNL?
I dunno, it really depends on what Limbaugh’s been eating this week.
I may never eat again.
So instead they aliagned with a man who nearly flunked out of law school
Troofie, he made it to law school which is a damn sight better than your spelling indicates you could ever possibly hope to achieve.
Suck it.
And speaking of Roberts: I know I’m going to sound like a maroon asking this, but has it always been possible to appoint some gomer off the street Chief Justice, without them putting in any time as an Associate Justice? Does this seem idiotic to no one but me?
Yeah, the Chief Justice doesn’t have to have been an Associate Justice first; AFAIK that’s always been the case. Earl Warren was made CJ without having been an AJ or even a judge.
Fun fact: technically, you don’t even need to be (or have ever been) a lawyer to be a justice. So, yeah, assuming they can be confirmed, any gomer off the street will do.
The Second Sex (1949)
y’aint comin’ t’git my nail gun o’bammy!
It’s depressing that feminist writings from more than 50 years ago are still culturally more progressive than your average conservative. They pretend their hatred of feminism is a blowback to 2nd wave feminists, but I don’t think they ever really even accepted 1st wave feminism, and resent that WWII even let women into the work force.
If only. He actually uses Chicago/Arabian.
They pretend their hatred of feminism is a blowback to 2nd wave feminists, but I don’t think they ever really even accepted 1st wave feminism, and resent that WWII even let women into the work force.
Yes, the “feminism is just a way for ugly women to get ahead” schtick pioneered by Rush is merely a transparent attempt to avoid facing the real issue that troubles them: independent women don’t have to “settle” for just any man, or even any man at all. Which is a problem for all the fat, balding, misogynistic, ED-afflicted trogladytes out there, all of whom are sure that they are entitled to a carbon-copy of Cindy Crawford or Claudia Schiffer, by simple virtue of being in possession of a dick. And the ignominy of being rejected by females who aren’t even close to a carbon-copy of a supermodel is more than their fragile egos can handle.
There are lots of intelligent gorgeous single women out there. Intelligent, gorgeous single men? Not so much.
Intelligent, gorgeous single men? Not so much.
Look, I’m working hard at it, but there’s only so much of me to go around.
“There are lots of intelligent gorgeous single women out there. Intelligent, gorgeous single men? Not so much.”
Hey, wait a minute… aw fuck. No, you’re totally right.
But if there are any of teh gay persuasion on Sadly…call me. I am easy… I mean single. Single.
He’s been known to cite sources using the ghetto MLA convention as opposed to the preferred APA method
I bet the big socialist poopyhead has never even READ Strunk & White!
It’s depressing that feminist writings from more than 50 years ago are still culturally more progressive than your average conservative. They pretend their hatred of feminism is a blowback to 2nd wave feminists, but I don’t think they ever really even accepted 1st wave feminism, and resent that WWII even let women into the work force.
Indeed, I’m guessing they’re annoyed as hell that the first wave dared to challenge the idea that women are property, let alone the whole right to vote thing.
No wonder they have aneurysms about condom use – not only is it a mechanism for greater freedom for women, it requires effort from men.
I’m afraid I’m only caught up as far as the second wave, and that only sketchily. Whenever I’ve tried to find out what the third wave is about it seems all detaily and esoteric; I suspect that’s because it’s still being hammered out and reading about it is like reading up-to-date scholarly papers instead of outsider-accessible textbook stuff. Is there a good precis of what the third wave is about?
Fuck with the bull and you WILL get the motherfucking horns, fags!
Yet again with the bull and the horn thing.And the fag thing. What’s on this fellow’s mind?
I’m a comics book fan. I know I would be terrified to go before a judge who liked golf. Because that’s how empathy works; you only have a certain amount, and when you use it all up on a few interests you actively hate everything else.
What is the point of this shit? Seriously, every major newspaper publishes bullshit of a similar caliber, and just… why? Does this kind of blather really appeal to readers?
All I can figure is that Newspaper advertisers want to bring in the “moron who believes anything they read” demographic.
Um. What?
All I can figure is that Newspaper advertisers want to bring in the “moron who believes anything they read” demographic.
2. ?????
3. Profit!!
At least, that seems to be the strategy, given the recent fortunes of newspapers.
Hey, if you’re using a CRT at the moment, as opposed to an LCD display, does the picture have any funny patches of color or transparency?
I’m asking because I did some wispy reflections once that looked fine on a laptop, but really slovenly on an older non-calibrated screen.
It’s as if the current majority on the court haven’t shown enormous empathy for rich white men, and their corporations.
It’s as if the current majority on the court haven’t shown enormous empathy for rich white men, and their corporations.
Pff, that’s not empathy, that’s just good old-fashioned originalist jurisprudence!
Hey, if you’re using a CRT at the moment, as opposed to an LCD display, does the picture have any funny patches of color or transparency?
I think that’d have more to do with the video card or drivers rather than the display.
Looks fine on my (Apple) display.
Wispy reflections??
I’m asking because I did some wispy reflections once that looked fine on a laptop, but really slovenly on an older non-calibrated screen.
[repub] Fuck the old and non-calibrated. [/repub]
Yet again with the bull and the horn thing.And the fag thing. What’s on this fellow’s mind?
He seems to desire to bed his own mother and believes this makes him a beast, therefore he questions his fragile masculinity.
I have had this argument with a guy in our CS department, who is a bit of an oddball—his background is in graphic design. Well, I’ve not had this argument with him as much as other, more hard-nosed people have. There’s certainly a difference in color representation from monitor to monitor, even with the same exact input from the video card. There’s that whole color space thing, something that geeks tend to ignore (because the colors are just number values to us), but to the more artistically oriented how things look is a lot more important.
That said, I think Gavin’s monitor is just having issues.
All of the good ones are taken.
Of course Hitler had empathy! He was a vegetarian.
Except for the times when he would eat meat.
Empathy appears to be illegal, at least in certain quarters:
In the view of many conservative SCOTUS activists, the president made a surprising early stumble by saying he wanted his pick to have “empathy” and the understanding “that justice isn’t about some abstract legal theory or footnote in a case book.” Kellyanne Conway, a pollster who in 2006 formed Women for Alito, conducted polling for the conservative judicial alliance The Federalist Society that tested whether voters wanted judges who delved into personal experience when making their decisions.
“We tested ‘empathy’ the way that President Obama defined it, almost verbatim,” she said. “That is such a searing comment, and he even made it during the campaign — it might be the most extra-judicial, lawless comment that any candidate has ever made about the Supreme Court.”
In her polls, Conway asked voters to decide whether they favored a court nominee who “will interpret and apply the law as it is written and not take into account their own viewpoints and experiences” or one who “will go beyond interpreting and applying the law and take into account their own viewpoints and experiences.” In a May 5 memo on the polling, Conway argued that “these descriptions are the best way to explain the otherwise unfamiliar and seemingly academic concepts of ‘judicial restraint’ and ‘judicial activism.’” Nationally, 70 percent of voters favored the first, stricter judge, and 23 percent favored the second judge. And Conway has pointed conservatives to more polls conducted nationally and again in eleven states that largely had the same results.
However (ominous ellipsis alert)…
But Conway’s polling included one result less likely to bolster conservative opposition. It gave voters a direct quote from then-Sen. Obama’s statement during the Roberts confirmation that “we need somebody who’s got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it’s like to be a young teenage mom. The empathy to understand what it’s like to be poor, or African-American, or gay, or disabled, or old.” That statement won the support of 41 percent of voters; however, Conway advised her clients that only 13 percent of respondents agreed with the statement “strongly.”
The LCD display I do the Photoshops on is pretty well calibrated, but it’s like the Auratone speakers that recording studios all used to have: They’re supposed to sound like a car radio, so that you can mix your record to sound good where people are actually hearing it. Otherwise instruments can be at the wrong levels or even totally inaudible.
I mean, I don’t know how things are showing up on monitors that aren’t adjusted every few days — and there’ve been a few things in the past that have just looked horrible…
One was the Ben Domenich ‘Red America’ pictures. They’ve since been fixed a lot, but that hazy, wispy stuff around the heads looked like scribbles with a fat grey marker.
Honus: Well, de Beauvoir made that basic statement in many different ways. The intro to “Second Sex” has something to the effect of “humanity is male, and man defines woman not as herself but as relative to males,” and sort of lays out her treatise on woman not as human but “the Other” etc. etc. Google may be of more assistance to you than I.
Tommy Boy types:
If anybody is interested in why this is bullshit just let me know.
Hey, if you’re using a CRT at the moment, as opposed to an LCD display, does the picture have any funny patches of color or transparency?
Yes. On my MacBook the picture looks like two giant pieces of shit with a toilet seat between them. Please advise.
polling for the conservative judicial alliance The Federalist Society
Oh, thank god she didn’t poll with a bunch of far-right theocratic wingnuts or anything. Why, that might have biased the results!
All of the good ones are taken.
Wow. A mighty long ways from Mott the Hoople, innit?
I’m all for a vigorous debate about judginess, but could we at least have one that isn’t so fucking stupid?
Uh huh. I recommend one of the judge-computers from Futurama. I think it was a Mac.
Hell, why not ditch SCOTUS entirely? The whole Constitution, amendments included, is just a few pages long. Let whoever the hell feels like it “interpret…the law as it is written.” It can’t be that hard!
But how do you feel about Russel Targ et. al. and the Stanford Research Institute?
If I told you, he might use his psychic powers to destroy me.
How strange. You mean the picture of Harry Belafonte talking on the white telephone? With Pete Seeger popping out and saying “Tally me banana”?
I wonder if Ms. Conway gave any examples, in her poll, of “judicial restraint” – i.e., Plessy v. Ferguson – and “judicial activism” – i.e., Brown v. Board of Education.
I’m afraid I’m only caught up as far as the second wave, and that only sketchily. Whenever I’ve tried to find out what the third wave is about it seems all detaily and esoteric; I suspect that’s because it’s still being hammered out and reading about it is like reading up-to-date scholarly papers instead of outsider-accessible textbook stuff. Is there a good precis of what the third wave is about?
Yeah, I don’t pretend to be a master of feminist scholardom, and I think they are too prone to believe in the tabula rosa theory of human development, but the right is still fighting against basic pay equity, as in, same job, same experience, woman paid less….and they think government shouldn’t interfere.
It’s in the later generations of feminism that you start worrying about whether a female dominated job like nursing is being paid fairly in comparison to some male dominated group that is arguably equivalent in terms of training and difficulty, say perhaps auto mechanics. Or worrying about how to reduce the negative career impact for women who have kids and “miss out” on career advancement just by being absent, without any conscious effort to discriminate. How can we ever begin to address these kinds of equality issues when the troglodytes still complain about female cops and soldiers?
We’re tying to solve quadratic equations with cave trolls. It wouldn’t be so bad, but they’re 30% of the population and keep trying to eat the chalk.
If anybody is interested in why this is bullshit just let me know.
Yes, please.
Sorry I got here late for the feminism discussion, dangnabbit. Oh well, what Jennifer said, times infinity.
wrt 3rd wave feminism: I don’t know WHAT those young ‘uns are up to. Running around bein’ all strong and in-yer-face and thinking they can just have fuck-buddies for life if they want rather than turn into “old maids” and “spinsters,” and telling the corportheocracy they’re just fine without Maybelline and pencil skirts and rejecting that tiresome virgin/whore thing, or deciding they may have other plans for themselves beyond serving as human incubator and so forth and I don’t know what all. Which, we 2nd-wavers note with wonder, was pretty much what we were talkin’ about and always wanted, not just for our own selves but for our daughters and so on.
pencil skirts
Wouldn’t the points stab you in the butt every time you sat down?
The third wave is just second wavers who, while theoretically realizing that women were not put on this earth entirely for the sexual pleasure of men, feel somewhat guilty about that knowledge and don’t want to be called unattractive or “un-fun.”
Well, exactly! And think about stiletto heels! It’s Sexbot Masochism.
Ugly in Pink: One difficulty with defining movement participants at this stage of the game brings us, ironically, full circle, back to trying to categorize half the human population in homogeneic/monolithic terms.
Yes, please.
Because Kelo was the very essence of a conservative decision – at least, old-timey small-c conservative – in that it adhered to and logically followed over a century of precedent in takings jurisprudence.
The Scalia-Thomas wing of the Court wanted to ignore all that precedent and simply start re-interpreting the Fifth Amendment from scratch in accordance with their belief in what it means – an approach that is accurately termed “judicial activism” at its most extreme.
Wouldn’t the points stab you in the butt every time you sat down?
What’re you gonna do? All the soft-tipped gray markers are holed up in Gavin’s video card.
All the soft-tipped gray markers are holed up in Gavin’s video card.
And, being fat markers, are all clutching giant sammiches.
There are lots of intelligent gorgeous single women out there. Intelligent, gorgeous single men? Not so much.
Ah, yes. The promotion of shallowness enters a new century.
The Scalia-Thomas wing of the Court wanted to ignore all that precedent and simply start re-interpreting the Fifth Amendment from scratch in accordance with their belief in what it means – an approach that is accurately termed “judicial activism” at its most extreme.
Thanks. Yeah, well that is the actual way conservative judges operate. The pinnacle being Bush v. Gore where they ruled that counting the votes was a violation of equal protection. Or we have Lily Ledbetter (combining our discussions of SCOTUS and feminism, masterstroke!) where they decided it was reasonable to limit a woman’s ability to sue for pay discrimination from 6 months from the first time she is paid unqually.
How is she supposed to know? Well, that’s some kind of empathy shit and they don’t do that.
The liberal justices do occasionally find the law to mean something they personally don’t like, and rule that way. It’s very hard to find examples of any of the conservative justices ever finding the law actually means something liberals would agree with.
There are lots of intelligent gorgeous single women out there. Intelligent, gorgeous single men? Not so much.
If I’d known things were that bad out there, I wouldn’t have gotten married. Sorry.
Best bit from the item:
Mr. The Plumber
The liberal justices do occasionally find the law to mean something they personally don’t like, and rule that way. It’s very hard to find examples of any of the conservative justices ever finding the law actually means something liberals would agree with.
Interestingly, Republican politicians who have to live and govern in the real world – like our own Haley “Mushmouth” Barbour – tacitly applauded Kelo because it makes it easier to bring economic renewal to depressed areas (which includes much of Mississippi).
Via Balloon-Juice: Not-Joe the Not-Plumber has decided that he no longer believes in the GOP, because of their big-spending ways, except that he opposes cuts in social security, medicare/aid, and defense. ‘Cause, you know, consistency and all, and the Demo-craps are the soshalists, blartle garp.
Manny just got busted for roids. 50 game suspension forthcoming.
There are plenty of intelligent gorgeous single men out there. We’re just all dating one another is all.
Not-Joe the Not-Plumber has decided that he no longer believes in the GOP, because of their big-spending ways, except that he opposes cuts in social security, medicare/aid, and defense
Let’s see – Big Pharma, crotchety old folks who want it to still be 1938 ‘cept without all those damn Reds, and the Pentagon.
Well, you’ve pretty much got the Repug base right there, apart from the Islamophobes, the self-hating gays/women/blacks, and the shack-int-the-middle-of-Montana guys.
There are lots of intelligent gorgeous single women out there. Intelligent, gorgeous single men? Not so much.
See! Gay marriage has destroyed society!
pencil skirts
I’m thinking I prefer mechanical pencils, how would a mechanical pencil skirt work?
Yeah, yeah, I promise to read all the comments before posting my own blah blah. Next time. Really, I promise.
There are plenty of intelligent gorgeous single men out there. We’re just all dating one another is all.
That does seem to be the case; however if the current trend towards sanity continues, before long, not many of you will be “single”, either.
You fuck your mother with those horns???
No Jennifer, there are plenty of intelligent, gorgeous single men out there but most of them happen to be beta males (or, in Amanda Marcotte’s parlance, “choads” (*)). A man is much more likely to sleep with a beta female than a woman is to sleep with a beta man. That’s true of every species where the female gets even a little bit of choice in the matter. Probably 90% of “intelligent, gorgeous” single men are single because they’re walking around with scarlet betas on their chests.
Don’t believe me? Do a little experiment. I’ve had a couple of my single and frustrated lady friends do this, and both times it’s been very enlightening. Join OKCupid or another dating site and create a fake man profile. Start with a fairly flattering picture and your standard “nice guy” descriptions — smart, polite, self-deprecating, talks to his mom every Sunday, etc. See how many responses you get in a month. Then put up a much less flattering picture and make your descriptions kinda stupid and dickish but decisive and see the response you get.
Not only do you get about 10x as many responses with the dumb ‘n dickish ad, but a lot more responses from intelligent gorgeous women. I will concede that there actually are an unbelievable number of intelligent gorgeous women out there. But they are not, in my experience, single because of a lack of male analogues (at least not here in Seattle, YMMV in some red state hellhole, of course).
They’re single because their number 1 deciding factor is something women don’t even realize, and it’s something that maybe 10% of guys naturally possess. And a pretty big percentage of guys who do possess it are total jerkwads, the kind of guys that nice girls can never understand why they keep ending up with.
(*) I totally get not finding “choads” attractive. If Amanda wrote a book called “How to Quit Being a Choad”, I can think of at least a dozen guys I would buy it for. If that is even possible, guys understand this fundamental truth even less than girls do.
But I wish whatever wave of feminists we’re on now like Marcotte would at least tacitly acknowledge that females’ preference for alpha guys runs at least as deep — and is about as rational in the 21st Century — as guys’ preference for girls with big ol’ titties…. and it’s a lot easier to get breast implants than confidence implants.
I’m fine with the fact that Amanda likes her dudes extra butch, but I wish she sounded less like a meatheaded fratboy talking about “fat chicks” when she writes about “choads”. nth wave feminism is totally fine with gays and lesbians that prefer butch partners, but voicing the fact that straight people (or straight women, at least) organize along the same principle is taboo.
The fRighties haven’t abandoned the Bush doctrine, at least with respect to the SCOTUS thing. They’re eagerly preemptively shooting themselves in their feet.
Joe! We hardly knew you!
Say it ain’t not-so, not-Joe
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I seem to remember Joe the Plumber presenting himself as an independent in the days after his encounter with Obama.
Like Charlton Heston and
StingPompous Spice, I’m an omega man.Funny how the “Rule of Law” becomes a paramount concern as soon as the Republican kleptocrats are out of power.
I seem to remember Joe the Plumber presenting himself as an independent in the days after his encounter with Obama.
Perhaps, but stumping for the R candidate for Prez kinda looks like an endorsement to me.
How, funny, really. These guys embraced this loser, they even invited him to give a pep-talk to the R congressional delegation, and now he slaps them in the face.
Wonder how his book sales are going? And then there’s that record album…..
a concerned citizen said,
I think you’re painting with a very broad brush there, though I suppose the same could be said of my earlier comment. We could settle by equating equal shallowness to a percentage of both genders, I suppose.
That last bit is the only part of your post I’d disagree with. Alpha-ness (assertiveness, confidence, and related traits like charisma or risk-taking) is probably a pretty good determinant of success in life.
And to be fair, beta-ness is strongly correlated with boring-ness.
I’m an Omega Man, baby
Walkin’ through dusty streets
An Omega Man baby
Shootin’ mutants that I meet
One an one is two, two an two are four
Feel so bad since t’ end o’ the war
We could settle by equating equal shallowness to a percentage of both genders, I suppose.
I think everyone gets shallow to a certain extent when The Urge begins to act up, ifyaknowhutahmean.
The only known gamma-male is the Incredible Hulk, and he doesn’t get on many dates.
Perhaps, but stumping for the R candidate for Prez kinda looks like an endorsement to me.
Absolutely. I was thinking of those days between his encounter with Obama and this commitment to the McCain campaign.
Just please no one utter any “ladder theory” crap.
Perhaps, but stumping for the R candidate for Prez kinda looks like an endorsement to me.
I thought we were talking about Sam (not Joe) the not plumber. When did the subject change to Lieberman?
The only known gamma-male is the Incredible Hulk, and he doesn’t get on many dates.
Which is surprising, because he would have an enormous Schwanstucker.
And to be fair, beta-ness is strongly correlated with boring-ness.
I’ll call bullshit on that. My man is not terribly alpha — he is gorgeous and intelligent, but not terribly alpha — and he is anything but dull.
jackass =/= interesting
Which is surprising, because he would have an enormous Schwanstucker.
AHhhhh, sweet mystery of life at last I’ve found you!
Don’t you wish your boyfriend was iota like me.
Empathy would enable a SCJ to interpret law in a way best suited to its actual predicate: to help produce a healthier & safer society for their fellow Americans … ergo, Sowell can tongue-swab my taint.
Your failure to Godwin Obama – let me show you it.
I think someone needs to check out Hitler’s unofficial platform – a little book called Mein Kampf … because that actually WAS his “platform” & funnily enough, he used catchy slogans, smart-sounding talking-points & contemporary hot-button issues to reinforce it every chance he got – under a paper-thin veneer of civility & humanitarianism.
Yeah, I’m sure Hitler’s open worship of militarism & rabid anti-Semitism, well-known rep for cracking the skulls of anyone who got in his way, & naked lust for total power by fair means or foul had Germans totally sucked into thinking he was just a regular pol – so could you just lick my shithole nice & shiny-clean while you’re down there, T.S.? I reckon you’ll do a dandy job, since we all know you have at least eight years of experience at it.
See? Wingnuts ARE good for something after all.
OT: I just want to share this little gem from Jeff Greenwald’s piece at comparing Obama to (Mr.) Spock.
The whole piece is worth a read but that’s certainly the highlight right there.
Joe the Plummer Quits GOP. (scroll)
h/t Great Orange Satan
Please complete the following sentence: If Ayn Rand had written Mein Kampf ________________.
Ummm…If Ayn Rand had written Mein Kampf it would be 300 pages longer and only teenage boys would take it seriously?
From “Hot Topics” on the search engine:
Miss Beautiful Morals
The HELL???
If Ayn Rand had written Mein Kampf it would have been in English.
The end
I will bring your entire unfunny, pathetic, racist website down.
Oh, are you threatening some sort of criminal assault, when the site owners have your ISP and all that good stuff available to turn over to the local LOE?
Smart move, you conservative swine.
It’s a deal! My main point is that male shallowness re: women is a lot more overt than the other way around. Society as a whole has a greater understanding of why the “nice girl” gets passed over than why the “nice guy” does. Male shallowness — which I’d be willing to concede is far more prevalent than female shallowness — is at least of a Socratic sort.
You have a point there (but success — in terms of financial success, social rank, being the silverback gorilla — is not supposed to be an acceptable reason for a feminist to pick a mate). “Nice guys” are often a mix of beta and boring, no doubt. I’m a guy who finds “nice girls” to be interminably dull (and inevitably flaky, high maintenance and disappointing sexual partners). I get the preference; I just wish it were more explicit so my clueless beta brethren would understand that working on their low self esteem would do a lot more for their chances than working on their abs, their bank account, or being pathologically “nice”.
I don’t think I would equate beta with boring either. Though I have to admit that I find myself more attracted to people of either sex who are just themselves – sometimes they’re alpha, sometimes they’re beta types, but always I prefer people who are genuiunely open about who they are than people who put on a front. I don’t find that the confidence to be oneself is exclusive to either alpha or beta types and it may in fact be more common among the betas, who due to their lack of desire to control events and others, simply don’t go to the bother of trying to construct an impressive facade.
All that having been said, like so many things, much of this stuff is gross generalization, just like the canards about women only being interested in men with money and women being more attracted to tall men or muscle-bound men. That may be true of some women, but it’s never been my thing. What continually amazes me is how blind people are to the consequences of their own preferences. It’s like I was telling one my construction guys once, all these guys who go for the woman with the implants, and the fancy clothes and fake nails and all the rest – they’ve got no reason to complain about being rejected by a woman of that type because they don’t make enough money. She’s advertising that she’s all about high maintenance – and high maintenance costs money. If they can’t look beyond all the trappings to find someone more compatible, they should complain when she can’t, either.
And it would be like, totally non-partisan.
Why not?
If Bush were still president, we’d be looking at “Mars Attacks.”
This is truer than many people want to admit…particularly given that Bush had the martian in drag (Condi)( – go look up the martian in drag and you’ll see…you’ll see) working right in the White House.
You know you can get shallow with my certain extent any time you please, Pere Ubu.
Ooops. I was thinking, if Ann Althouse had written Mein Kampf.
Kern fail
If Ayn Rand had written Mein Kampf, Leni Riefenstahl wouldn’t have had nearly as much material to work with…
At 6:40, start of best meditation on Alpha Males AY-VAR!!!!
like so many things, much of this stuff is gross generalization […] What continually amazes me is how blind people are to the consequences of their own preferences
Whatever her merits as an nth-waver, I have to say that Amanda Marcotte’s sniggering about “choads” really gets up my nose from time to time for this very reason. I’m solid beta and resent being lumped in with the kind of dicks she means to attack.
I think the brouhaha over the racist illustrations in her book was a great example of just how carefully she thinks things through.
If Ayn Rand had written Mein Kampf, the SS belt buckles would’ve read: GALT MIT UNS.
At 6:40, start of best meditation on Alpha Males AY-VAR!!
It is? Oh, I was too busy watching the XK-120. I’ll paly it again anf listen this time.
Joe the Plumber pitches a snit and announces he’s leaving the GOP at almost precisely the same moment that Truth (or the latest incarnation thereof) pitches a snit and declares he’s leaving this website for good.
Oh, I was too busy watching the XK-120.
You may find this movie more upsetting than Bambi.
Wait, Ayn Rand DIDN’T write Mein Kampf?
If Amanda wrote a book called “How to Quit Being a Choad”
She’d better not, because I’m writing that book already and mine will kill hers in sales.
Because Sadlies are intelligent people they will appreciate the following physics fail from Big Failywood writer Ari David:
…a speed of 32 feet per second squared (the speed of gravity for those of you who aren’t into physics)…
Ayn Rand, Ayn Volk, Ayn Fuehrer.
…the speed of gravity…..
God Damn.
AmandaAyn Rand wrote a book called “How to Quit Being a Choad”, she’d lose her entire constituency.What, Rusty? Are you trying to tell us that acceleration and velocity aren’t the same thing? Why do you hate Jesus?
Big Failywood writer Ari David, the sped of gravitas.
Because Sadlies are intelligent people they will appreciate the following physics fail from Big Failywood writer Ari David:
That was so wrong, it made my teeth hurt.
…the speed of gravity…..
You know, it is possible to have a speed of gravity.
Define an orthogonal space with XYZ axes demarcated in velocity units. Similar to log-log graph paper, just extended to the physical.
Maybe those stupid repigs are just misunderstood mathematicians.
Speed of gravity, force of light, why do you hate America so????
I note in passing that, to Breitblart’s credit, comments at Big Failywood don’t get censored much unless there’s profanity.
Similar to log-log graph paper
Repig, the only “log-log” they’ve ever met is the one in their toilets.
Oops. Sorry Dr Mrs. Didn’t mean to step on your joke.
It depends. I’ve gotten the hook for mentioning that Scott Beauchamp isn’t an anti-American monster.
judicial activism.
Judicial Activism?
Three words.
Bush v. Gore.
Nobody on the “winning” side of that one gets to say fuckall about judicial activism, ever.
I love the utterly condescending plea to black Americans from RedState. Let’s see, yesterday the RNC neuticaled Steele as chairman of the party and Rush Limbaugh called Colin Powell a racist. Again. And Rush Limbaugh called Steele “gutless.”
Also, I would think that the “speed of gravity” would relate to how quickly a mass, appearing instantaneously in a vacuum, would begin to affect neighboring masses, or the velocity of propagation of the warpage of spacetime.
…that word, I don’t think it means what he thinks it means.
they’re walking around with scarlet betas on their chests.
Isn’t a scarlet beta a tropical fish?
Speed of gravity, force of light, why do you hate America so????
Speed of lightning, power of thunder
Yes, justme. For the non physics geeks, trust us: that was a major boner. Once again demonstrating that people should never write about a subject which they don’t know well.
What’s the syndrome of incompetent people are the least recognizing of their own incompetence? Well that’s a perfect example, that is.
I’m a Delta Man!
Once again demonstrating that people should never write about a subject which they don’t know well.
And when they do choose to do so, they should definitely not include a smug parenthetical about how smart they are.
And when they do choose to do so, they should definitely not include a smug parenthetical about how smart they are.
That puts the “EPIC” in “FAIL”.
Also, I would think that the “speed of gravity” would relate to how quickly a mass, appearing instantaneously in a vacuum, would begin to affect neighboring masses, or the velocity of propagation of the warpage of spacetime.
That’s how I would understand the phrase too, and if I understand this correctly, it would operate at the speed of light (or no faster than that, anyway, as only activist forces would dare legislate from beyond the speed of light)
What’s the syndrome of incompetent people are the least recognizing of their own incompetence?
I think the syndrome is known as Republicanism.
no faster than that, anyway, as only activist forces would dare legislate from beyond the speed of light
I believe in tachyon marriage.
Standing athwart light, yelling Stop!
If Ayn Rand had written Mein Kampf, there would have been a lot less about that Nancy-boy Austrian watercolorist and more about about some studly American architect. Also, rape.
That puts the “EPIC” in “FAIL”
EPICⁿ if you want to be precise.
Isn’t the speed of gravity how fast the room goes quiet when a wingtard attempts humor?
EPIC? if you want to be precise.
Whoa now, Precision Boy! Some of us don’t have Unicode keyboards!
Isn’t the speed of gravity how fast the room goes quiet when a wingtard attempts humor?
That’s the Crowder Constant.
I think it refers to how quickly you get your face slapped after pinching someone’s behind. Oh wait, that’s “grabity”. Never mind
Don’t you wish your boyfriend was iota like me.
Simple Simon met a Pi-man.
If Ayn Rand had written Mein Kampf, Leni Riefenstahl wouldn’t have had nearly as much material to work with…
OTOH, Zombie Riefenstahl would be the best person to direct teh Atlas Shrugged movie.
No, the speed of gravity refers to how fast a news anchor can go from a segment about Bosco the Orang-utan that can dunk a basketball to one about a tsunami that killed thousands. The standard unit is s/P, or stones per philips.
The standard unit is s/P, or stones per philips.
OK, that was funny.
Zombie Riefenstahl would be the best person to direct teh Atlas Shrugged movie.
OK, that was funny.
Would someone explain to this non-TV-watching culturally illiterate why?
Also, “Precision Boy!” I lieks dat.
Stone Philips is an NBC news anchor, and also hosts Dateline. He’s renown for his, um, lack of emotion.
Would someone explain to this non-TV-watching culturally illiterate why?
Maybe this will help, PeeJ.
See also “Predator, To Catch A”.
Damn you, actor212! I curse you with all the speed of acceleration!
Thag you berry buch.
Re: zombie Riefenstahl.
In my impressionable youth I was once confronted with a coffee table book called, IIRC, The People of Kau by the Riefenstahl, a picture book about naked African warriors that paint themselves in amazing ways. She lived amongst them, as they say, and the author shot of her, with fiendish zombie eyes, has haunted me ever since. It was really fantastic blotter and I should have been more careful about what I looked at.
Stone Philips is an NBC news anchor, and also hosts Dateline. He’s renown for his, um, lack of emotion.
No matter his journalistic failings, he will always have a soft spot in my heart for the two Gravitas-off competitions with Colbert. Holy shit were those funny.
Gingerly dipping one toe in the debate over the ratio of intelligent, gorgeous women vs. men and the whole choad thing, while fearing getting it bitten off:
I’m a choad and proud of it. To quote Ray Barone, “Every jerk I ever knew was self-confident.” This is why, when my friends complain about being dragged to “chick flicks” and their wives and girlfriends talk about “stupid male fantasies” I tell them that the ultimate male fantasy movie was: The Truth About Cats and Dogs.
Think about it: the idea that out there somewhere is this reservoir of beautiful, sexy, otherwise intelligent women who, through some mental quirk, think of themselves like the Elephant Girl or something, and that you can somehow take advantage and worm your way into one of these situations so that she “settles for” you. Tell me that isn’t the ultimate male fantasy! Guys, back me up here.
Of course that’s also when Janeane Garofalo was added to my freebie list, but that’s another story.
I tell you that.
Touche, touchy!
some mental quirk, think of themselves like the Elephant Girl or something, and that you can somehow take advantage and worm your way into one of these situations so that she “settles for” you. Tell me that isn’t the ultimate male fantasy! Guys, back me up here.
I’d feel pretty choadish being “settled for”.
Shorter Sowell:
Old white men are perfectly objective.
I tell you that.
Me too, sort of. I tell you that I read it three times and still didn’t quite understand it.
My two cents:
Thousands of years of women being treated as possessions whose only measures of achievement were their looks and the amount of money their husband/owner had and men wonder why the “nice guy” phenomenon exists? Blame sexism.
Men are shallow, women are shallow. But it’s because we chicks only got the vote in 1920 that women’s shallowness is expressed as wanting $$ and mens’ as “but I’m not violently abusive! Doesn’t that mean I deserve a really hot chick?”
Speed of lightning, power of thunder
Can’t see YouTube at the Borg, but if that’s Underdog, I do believe that’s “Roar of Thunder”
Fuck with the bull and you WILL get the motherfucking horns
Fuck with the reeds, and you will get the Oboe!
— I think I’m getting the hang of this.
Fuck with the cat, and you will get the string section!
— That one’s a bit of a stretch.
Fuck with viagra, and you will get the woodwind!
— Not so sure about that one.
Oh, THOSE horns. But not saxes, right?
UiP has a point I hadn’t considered previously.
Men complaining that they’re too nice to get a cute intelligent women is related, altho not parallel, to conservatives complaining about affirmative action.
Think about it: the idea that out there somewhere is this reservoir of beautiful, sexy, otherwise intelligent women who, through some mental quirk, think of themselves like the Elephant Girl or something, and that you can somehow take advantage and worm your way into one of these situations so that she “settles for” you. Tell me that isn’t the ultimate male fantasy! Guys, back me up here.
My fiancée complains about this. She notes that a lot of television commercials aimed at men will feature a pudgy short bald guy paired off with a woman at least 5 levels hotter than him. It happens often enough that once she put me on to it, I notice it frequently and it can’t be accidental.
I notice it frequently and it can’t be accidental.
It’s because the world is ordered primarily for the benefit of men.
Incidentally, this is also why I have a bitch of a time finding decent porn.
But it’s because we chicks only got the vote in 1920 that women’s shallowness is expressed as wanting $$ and mens’ as “but I’m not violently abusive! Doesn’t that mean I deserve a really hot chick?”
OK, I’ll go along with that.
It’s going to be well more than a century before the vote for women and the Pill are comfortably integrated into society, especially in a society where a large fraction of the population is still butthurt over a war that happened 140 years ago.
The only time I’ve ever heard “Mess with the bull and you get the horns” was in the Spongebob episode “Texas”, spoken by Miss Sandy Cheeks.
I’m pretty confident that’s where Troofster got it.
Yup. We’re getting there, albeit slowly. Doing what you can to call out your friends when they make sexist comments (i.e. “hot girls can’t be smart” or starting the discussion of anyone remotely female with whether you’d fuck her) is certainly appreciated.
Fuck with viagra, and you will get the woodwind!
That’s the one where it whistles, right?
still butthurt over a war that happened 140 years ago.
The Recent Unpleasantness?
No, I get it. It’s like when the ugly girl with the glasses, who shows up on Gilligan’s Island, and all it takes is for her to take off the glasses and redo her hair, and she’s suddenly Tina Louise’s twin! The fantasy is that a guy “discovers” such a girl, and she doesn’t realize she’s actually beautiful, and she thinks the guy is taking pity on her and “doing her a favor” by staying with her, even though she’s so “ugly”. That way, the guy can be as much of a jerk as he wants, and she would never leave him, because she’s convinced she could never do better.
That’s the one where it whistles, right?
You ain’t just whistlin’ Dix, er Dixie!
Doing what you can to call out your friends when they make sexist comments (i.e. “hot girls can’t be smart” or starting the discussion of anyone remotely female with whether you’d fuck her) is certainly appreciated.
Agreed, and I do those very things.
Oh, THOSE horns. But not saxes, right?
Fuck with the bullshit, and you will get teh Sousaphone!
if that’s Underdog, I do believe that’s “Roar of Thunder”
Wow, I’ve been living a lie all this time.
Men complaining that they’re too nice to get a cute intelligent women is related, altho not parallel, to conservatives complaining about affirmative action
Most of these guys, truth be told, are not really nice. They may have a schlubby absence of meanness, but this does not equate a positive quality of niceness. The real description for them is “(mostly) harmless”.
Oh, THOSE horns. But not saxes, right?
No, there will be no sax before a fight. It weakens the legs.
G doesn’t believe in equality of the saxes!
Anyhoo, sax is actually a woodwind, not a horn, believe it or don’t. Insert a joke about sackbuts here.
Out of respect for the Zombie readership here, I am avoiding any jokes about Shawm of the Dead.
Doing what you can to call out your friends when they make sexist comments
OK, but only as long as this doesn’t require me (or anyone else) to stop referring to Jenny McCarthy as the biggest fucking fuckwit on the planet. It’s not sexist if it’s not based on her sex, right?
Most of these guys, truth be told, are not really nice. They may have a schlubby absence of meanness, but this does not equate a positive quality of niceness. The real description for them is “(mostly) harmless”.
Heh. I think the absence of meanness – while undoubtedly schlubby – is in some cases not so much an absence as a careful restraining while performing tasks on some mental checklist of what “nice” is. All with the expectation that after a while that will be rewarded with whatever hot-chickery the guy is after. And that is a brand of meanness in a class of its own.
I think that’s the sort of behavior that Amanda Marcotte describes as nice-guy choadery, and I agree that it’s reprehensible. It does, however, resemble ordinary shyness to a degree that careless observers confuse the two.
I am avoiding any jokes about Shawm of the Dead
Damn. I was lying in wait with my Shwarma of the Dead joke…
That’s the one where it whistles, right?
You may be thinking of the trombone.
OK, but only as long as this doesn’t require me (or anyone else) to stop referring to Jenny McCarthy as the biggest fucking fuckwit on the planet. It’s not sexist if it’s not based on her sex, right?
Knock yourself out. I prefer to refer to her as “Childkiller”
So far today Doghouse wins the internets.
That man has such a way with words.
Incidentally, this is also why I have a bitch of a time finding decent porn.
Two words – Ron Jeremy.
Lesbian porn is preferable if only for the distinct lack of chunky slabs of beef & hair who think having their mouth hang open like a gargoyle on the side of a German cathedral is making a sex-face.
Intelligent, gorgeous single men? Not so much.
Man, us merely well-read, homely single men never do catch a break. I’ll even cook and nobody wants to know. Luckily, there’s marijuana and kung fu movies to fill those lonely nights.
Knock yourself out. I prefer to refer to her as “Childkiller”
I propose a compromise: Childkilling Fuckwit.
Or does Fuckwitted Childkiller have a nicer ring to it?
Maybe something like it can grow out of the listening tour
Has this guy not got the memo that it’s now a “lecturing tour”?
Fuck with AIPAC and you get the Jew’s harp.
Knock yourself out. I prefer to refer to her as “Childkiller”
Until today I would have called her “whowhatnow?” After a day or two, tops, I will again.
Lesbian porn is preferable if only for the distinct lack of chunky slabs of beef & hair who think having their mouth hang open like a gargoyle on the side of a German cathedral is making a sex-face.
Yup. For us straight girls, twink porn is the only thing that even vaguely approaches arousing. That and listening to the main character’s voice on Pirates, which manages to sound a little like Howard Cosell, but still be sexy.
Fuck with the slug and you will get the slime!
Can you tell I live in Seattle!
Shawm of the Dead
for the wood WIN.
I was sure you were going to go for the burping bedpost.
That and listening to the main character’s voice on Pirates, which manages to sound a little like Howard Cosell, but still be sexy.
Now I’ll spend the rest of the evening thinking about Howard Cosell saying “But why! Is the rum GONE!?”
I better buy some porn to wash my brain.
It does, however, resemble ordinary shyness to a degree that careless observers confuse the two.
Passive-aggressive shyness.
Personally, my “nice guy” friend is the type whose entire notion of male-female relationships seems to be based on 50s sitcoms and 60s “James Bond” type movies. I have had a couple of female friends tell me that they think he’s creepy.
Sometimes I want to hit him with a shoe, but I’ve known the guy since high school, and I just can’t drop him like a hot potato.
BBBB knows Austin Powers?! Cool!
Fuck with Buckley’s teeth and you will get the piano.
BBBB knows Austin Powers?! Cool!
Sometimes it seems that way. He’s not quite as self-aware, though.
Seriously though, all this relationship talk makes me glad I’m so eat up with Asperger’s that I find pretty much all human motivation inscrutable.
I’ve always thought the way “Asperger” is pronounced sounds like the worst entree at a really bad bar and grill: “Oh, well, I guess I’ll have the (sigh) assburger”
Mess with the solifugid, get the chelicerae.
We now welcome the Asperger Sackbutt Trio.
To fuck with a virginal you need a pianist.
We now welcome the Asperger Sackbutt Trio.
Their big hit: “I Got The White Castle Sackbutt Blues”
I liked the B-Side “Rusty Sackbutt Rag”
To fuck with a virginal you need a pianist.
Or an organ master.
Organ masters pull out all the stops.
Organ masters do it with their feet?
Organ masters do it to compensate for the hideously disfigured half of their face.
Re. solifugidae, Wikipedia tells me that
They stridulate with their chelicerae.
Coincidentally, this is the motto of my clan.
Organ masters: swell to great.
D’oh! The Asperger Sackbutt Threesome!
I was sure you were going to go for the burping bedpost.
Reminds me of this obscure little book. A delectable mix of whimsy and horror, marred (like most of his books) by a rushed, deus ex machina ending.
“The Asperger Sackbutt Threesome!”
Bill Gates, Darryl Hannah and I did some things we’re not proud of to get to the top.
Are organ masters masters of their domain, though?
We now welcome the Asperger Sackbutt Trio.
That was the Goon Show episode where Ray Ellington was feeling tired and emotional.
Coincidentally, this is the motto of my clan.
The McRachnoes?
My shawm will lute your virginal sackbutt, and then it’s hurdy-gurdy time!
My shawm will lute your virginal sackbutt, and then it’s hurdy-gurdy time!
To quote Kipling, you’re a better man than I, mandolin.
Hey, no love for the ocarina?
Hey, tootle-oo!
“Hey, no love for the ocarina?”
Call it by its real name, the sweet potato, and it might give the double-wetsuit guys some ideas.
Who is Gary Ruppert?
Call it by its real name, the sweet potato, and it might give the double-wetsuit guys some ideas.
Imagining what tones would result from such a placement!
Brings to mind this gem.
When I dance they call me Ocarina.
Fuck with the geoduck and you will get the paralytic shellfish poisoning!
I see your point about the feeling of entitlement but the analogy breaks down pretty fast. Some are just whiners with entitlement complexes, but a lot of choadly men are legitimately trying to give women what they say they want. And doing about 99% of what women want and with a tiny bit more assertiveness would be quite the catch. And perhaps rightly growing bitter as they see guys with 0% of what women say they want but a large amount of confidence having no troubles. I’m sure somebody more clever than me can come up with a pithy saying of the form “an X is a Y that’s been Z’d” here…
Bum potato
Poo potato
Pee potato
You better not fuck with the geoduck! That’s our state bird!
As Chaucer was wont to say, “Fyik thee wit The Byull beast and unto ye will the hoyrns of the creture incommen!”
No, really. He said that.
On the old subject of “speed of gravity”…upon further thought the stupid repig was referring the time derivative of acceleration, which is simply known as “jerk”.
Yes, physics can sometimes be poetic. repigs are jerks, and they talk about jerk.
On the less-old subject of alpha/beta males and females….I had a gorgeous blond as a GF for a number of years. She was POSITIVE she was a choad until she had tons of guys following her around in college. She never even had a date until she was a sophomore there. But she graduated college in 2 years though, so I guess she was just a freshman and a senior.
What? When were we talking about that?
I’ve noticed this for years. I figured it has to do with the ad guys who created it or the director or whoever; schlumpy, bald guys who think they’re entitled to a hot chick. I also think that ugly men can be taken seriously as actors a lot more easily than an ugly woman could.
You gonna talk about jerk you gotta talk to the Sufferer in Boston Bay, Jamaica, WI.
I figured it has to do with the ad guys who created it or the director or whoever; schlumpy, bald guys who think they’re entitled to a hot chick.
Could be that, could be that they think schlumpy guys are easier for their target audience to identify with and / or that the implication is that their product will help them get next to that hot chick.
I think it’s the other way around. Meryl Streep and Glenn Close are taken seriously as actresses, but if they weren’t so ugly, do you think they would be? I can think of a number of actresses on the other hand, that in my opinion are very good, but will never be taken seriously because they’re beautiful, or worse yet, cute.
And, oh man, I’ve been being told “nice guys finish last” since I was in high school. But, in my experience, it’s never a really great guy who can’t get a date because of the way he looks. I know women who are dating guys who are less attractive then they are, because the guy is totally awesome (and, I know men who date women less attractive than they are for the same reason). The guys I know who whine about “being nice” think no one’s dating them only because of their looks, when it’s really that they have no personality. It’s like the Republicans thinking that their big problem is that they’re not marketing themselves well enough, not that their underlying platform is a turn off to anyone with a functioning brain.
Reading the nerd news, minding my own business, saw this:
The Psychological Ethics and National Security should be renamed to the Psychological Ethics and National InSecurity.
Blow the goat and you WILL get the Horn of Plenty!
Flash the horns in the Mediterranean to get a guy who thinks he’s full on alpha to fight.
Fuck with the jellyfish and you WILL get the nematocysts!
I’m a Delta Man!
And Jesus was a stigma man. You guys should meet for coffee, like some good Maxwell House.
That wasn’t actually how I meant “taken seriously,” though now I realize why that was a poor choice of words. I just meant that I think there are less jobs for shlubby women in Hollywood than there are for schlubby men.
I have never bought into the idea that someone is too cute or beautiful to be taken seriously. I’d be interested in the actresses you can think of who will never be taken seriously because they’re too attractive. Maybe I’ll change my mind. I also think Glenn Close and Meryl Streep are beautiful, so there’s that.
I am a professional, and I think being attractive helps even in my male-dominated profession. But, that’s just me.
Roy Rogers? King of the Mu Men.
Fuck with the Kitti’s Hog-nosed Bat and you WILL have proven you have a really tiny peter.
There’s no gold standard for attractiveness, no matter how hard the “Beauty Industrial Complex” strives to make ordinary folks seem inadequate. Sooner or later, you’re bound to run into somebody who thinks you’re hot.
And then they impound the car and take your license away.
Sooner or later, you’re bound to run into somebody who thinks you’re hot.
It is so. And in turn I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the broad range of people I’ve found attractive who I wouldn’t have thought I would have, if you could but dig it.
And then they impound the car and take your license away.
This was in the original version of “Fun, Fun, Fun”, no?
the Presidential Task Force on Psychological Ethics
Fuck with the oxymoron and, ummm, needs work.
Blow the goat and you WILL get the Horn of Plenty!
Also known as the Capricornucopia.
Sooner or later, you’re bound to run into somebody who thinks you’re hot.
Didn’t J.G. Ballard write a book about that?
and for the record, Meryl Streep ain’t half bad.
Didn’t J.G. Ballard write a book about that?
And Rubem Fonseca has a short story on the same theme.
Put the Sessions in the national spotlight and you will get the laughs.
Yeah, maybe “beautiful” was a poor choice of words. There are quite a few commercially beautiful actresses who are taken seriously. It’s the denigration of actresses that are perceived as “cute” that I really object to. When Meryl Streep or Glenn Close win an Oscar, does anyone joke about the presenter saying the wrong name, like they did with Marisa Tomei? If Marisa Tomei looked like Meryl Streep, would they have done that?
Most of my examples have been restricted to the TV ghetto, so you may not know who they are. Since I mentioned her in the clone thread a while back (Wow, we cover everything here, don’t we?) I’ll open with Ashley Williams. She’s only starred in one series, and a few made-for-TV movies. Her face is just so transparent, you can see exactly what her character is supposed to be feeling; you don’t even need to hear the dialogue. They used to call that acting, but I think her looks are real hindrance.
Of course, her sister Kimberly’s career isn’t exactly setting the world on fire, either, so I suspect the connecting thread there is that neither one of them will put out to get a part, but that’s just the cynic in me.
Blow the goat and you WILL get the Horn of Plenty!
Also known as the Capricornucopia
I prefer the term Pornucopia.
Just as men want to date women who make other men impressed, so do women want to date men who make other women impressed. (Adjust as needed if the distaff side does not ring the chimes.)
So they will go with the successful, and whine they are never around. Or they will go for the life of the party, and complain that they flirt. They will act like a stupid ass because they think that will attract a partner, and what they attract are other stupid asses.
Then they complain.
Could be that, could be that they think schlumpy guys are easier for their target audience to identify with and / or that the implication is that their product will help them get next to that hot chick.
Teh Bingo.
Many ads don’t try to sell a product, at least not directly. They either try to sell a lifestyle and promise that buying the product is the short-cut to getting that lifestyle, or they inflame a common need/insecurity and promise that the product will fix it. Both of those require a just-below-average “everyman” for the viewer to identify with, and an idealized version of the benefits.
Yes! All four seasons in one boxed set!
The acronym was PENS. I was trying to slip an “I” in there, you know, for my own amusement and because of my pathological sixth grade sense of humor.
The acronym was PENS. I was trying to slip an “I” in there, you know, for my own amusement and because of my pathological sixth grade sense of humor.
Psychological Ethics and National/International Security
You wish it, we dish it.
You see it, we pee it.
Sooner or later, you’re bound to run into somebody who thinks you’re hot.
Didn’t J.G. Ballard write a book about that?
No, no, ‘Crash’ was Ayn Rand’s best book.
Um, folks? Read the original again: The Psychological Ethics and National Security should be renamed to the Psychological Ethics and National InSecurity.
Really, now, pay attention. Is everyone distracted until troofie gets to the library or what?
Also, corm utopia is more up my alley.
‘Crash’ was Ayn Rand’s best book.
That’s the one where the blatantly Rand/Mary-Sue character gets all squishy for the lean angular Aryan guy after he runs her over in a car made out of Rearden Metal by the hands of free men on his way to blow up a house he designed to keep it from being seized for the good of The State and collectivists everywhere, right?
corm utopia is more up my alley.
Idealistic gardeners want to live in a utopiary.
How about corn palace?
But, in my experience, it’s never a really great guy who can’t get a date because of the way he looks… The guys I know who whine about “being nice” think no one’s dating them only because of their looks, when it’s really that they have no personality.
Man, I must be a “nice guy” in the Marcottian sense and not know it. I’m uglier than a bowling shoe and incredibly social awkward. I don’t whine about “being nice” though. Perhaps it’s like A Scanner Darkly and all the drugs have made two personalities not knowing about the other and neither getting laid.
Any of you ladies willing to settle for “thinks he’s intelligent, not actually disfigured & used to be sort of a man?”
No? Well, who can blame ya?
Ha ha, CNN just mis-spelled Amity (Irony) Shlaes’ name.
W/ a “c.”
Lou Dobbs has her on, as one might imagine.
Fuck with the oxymoron, get a pair o’ docs?
That’s why we schlubs loved Jon Lovitz’ “Lower Your Standards.” rant on SNL so much. (What, nobody’s uploaded that to youtube?)
Except, on further reflection, that could definately be considered a whine on not getting laid. Holy shit!
Fuck with the oxymoron, get the dilemma!
Those hot dogs were perfectly good Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and they’ll be fine tomorrow, got it?
Fuck with the onomatopoeia and get the jibber-jabber!
Damn you, Smut, I was JUST typing in “fuck with a lemma, get the horns of a dilemma” when I decided to hit reload. YOU BASTIDGE.
Die, lemma!
When life hands you lemma…
No, no, no. Sorry.
“You cork-sucking ice-hole!>
“No more nodding!”
*Slinks off in shame now that my brilliant confreres know I’ve seen Johnny Dangerously*
Also, thanks to you I’ve been reading Clark fucking Ashton sodding Smith all afternoon. Dadburnit.
“We’re both swell-lookers, we both scrub floors and neither one of us is Chinese.”
“Ye’ve done yer homework. I’ll give ye that.”
Die, lemma!
I read it’s a myth that they’ll follow one another off a cliff.
Fuck with da theorem, get dilemma.
Horns go better with a button accordion.
Hence, the Marlboro Man. And, the way Camel tried to turn their mascot into some cool ladies man. (Came across more like Chester Cheetah, though, and we know he only appeals to the basement dwellers because of their favorite snack food.)
Hey, my bowling shoes are really cute!
For the record, I don’t think anyone here has the “lack of personality” problem.
For the record, I don’t think anyone here has the “lack of personality” problem.
Besides the fact that we’re here.
“It was a mercy flirt!”–Senseless sitcom reference
I didn’t say anything about having a social life.
For the record, I don’t think anyone here has the “lack of personality” problem.
Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot has been generally silent these days.
I watch an appalling amount of bad TV, but I do not know of this Ashley Williams. So is what you’re saying that a certain look can make someone incapable of being a good actress?
Fucking with a button organ could cause harmonium.
I’m uglier than a bowling shoe and incredibly social awkward.
If you’re the Matt T. I believe you are, have some of your writings printed on a T-shirt.
Show your strengths!
Concertina? I hardly knew her.
Our consumer society is geared towards making everyone feel inadequate and uncertain.
If we are “out there” with confidence, doing what we want, and enjoying ourselves, we have put a Bat Signal up in the sky. We won’t attract everyone, but we will attract people who find our true selves attractive.
I do a lot of Tarot Readings for college students when the local colleges have Psychic Fairs, and half the time I wind up telling them, “The reason people say to be yourself is that you won’t find real love unless your true self is out there; how else is the right person to know you’re there?”
You know, I’ve always wondered about this myself. I seem to have it in my mind he’s not, but I guess I’m not entirely sure.
Also, thanks to you I’ve been reading Clark fucking Ashton sodding Smith all afternoon.
My work here is done.
The only Ashley Williams I know is a fictional dude, and he tends to go by Ash.
Hail to the King, Baby!
Nah. I don’t believe in smart-ass t-shirts any more. If the last few years has taught me anything, it’s that any thought that can be reproduced legible outside of jaw-slapping range should probably kept to oneself. I feel the same way about tattoos and bumper stickers that aren’t related to another person and/or group, like a Widespread Panic bumper sticker or a tattoo of your grandma. That’s just me, though.
That Girl:
No, what I meant to say is that a certain look can make it impossible for someone to be recognized as a good actress. That shot is from the first of her 5 or 6 episodes of How I Met Your Mother, the first time we see her across the room. She starred in Good Morning Miami, which only lasted a season and a half a few years ago. I thought she was really good on Monk as the black widow who was marrying Natalie’s brother. You can’t watch very much bad TV if those went past you! I never watched that miniseries on Lifetime (Montana Sky?) because, well…I’m a guy. (P.S. Loved your show! But then again I was only ~13-18 at the time.)
Nah. I don’t believe in smart-ass t-shirts any more.
I meant like entire articles.
Ditto on the Mar-choad disgust; but for a more visceral reason than those given so far.
Because those of us who grew up seeing the lives of our mother’s or sisters wrecked by male chauvinist pigs set out to learn all the appropriate lessons of Feminism and treat women with respect and consideration. We didn’t do it because it’s who were were, we did it because we painfully learned it was what was right for those around us.
But then when we started trying to date, we found that charisma was actually far more important than struggling to be learned and sensible… indeed people like Amanda Marcotte then proceed to mock and degrade such men, men who stopped and thought and tried to empathize, by sneeringly declaring them “Nice Guys”. Because obviously it’s just a calculated approach to getting access to pussy, right? And lumped our supposedly inferior natures in with all the males that humiliated and reduced women to receptacles for their own sexual desires… you know, those hyper-confident alpha males such as, for instance, Bill Clinton. Whom Marcotte would actually gush and fawn over endlessly, because she was unable in turn to resist creating an entire political philosophy based around nothing more than what sexually turned her on in her reductionist model of Man. It didn’t matter how right on you were or tried to be. You had to give Amanda the man-buzz, or you were a beta male.
Which is absolute horse shit. Especially for a self declared “Liberal”. You’re either truly on the side of anyone who tries to do right, be they widely accepted or the socially abandoned, or you’re a just another damned emotional-poverty tourist, dipping into those “lesser” than yours lives to make yourself feel ideologically justified; or worse, expressing a form of sexual fascism; how dare those untersexuals aspire to your lofty heights, right?
No, how about just… fuck off? And leave us “Nice Guys” to continue trying to support the inherent beauty of any and all innocent life amongst all the wreckage of distorted body image and materialism and shallow selfishness that those confident, alpha types who’ve always ruled the world has left us all, men and women, eh?
The only Ashley Williams I know is a fictional dude, and he tends to go by Ash.
Hail to the King, Baby!
I watched My Name Is Bruce a few weeks back and learned I was not as big a fan of Bruce Campbell as I thought I was. I got it, okay, sure, but damn, I coulda spent that time reading. Or not watching that movie.
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge:
See, I did watch a couple of the Nora Roberts Lifetime movies that were just on. Leann Rimes for the love of God! You want to talk about bad acting… But, my tastes run more to Bones/House/SVU/Burn Notice. You’d think I’d love Monk, right? Just can’t get into it.
I wasn’t even born when my show was on, so take that!
My daughter went to Galt’s Gulch, but all she brought me back was this 30-page speech printed on a lousy t-shirt.
Okay, who mentioned Amanda Marcotte?
Also circumcision is excellent also.
I meant like entire articles.
Oh. I don’t believe in that anymore, either. Thanks for the thought, though.
This is one of those “shorter” posts that’s troubling because I know from experience if I click the link, I”ll see that he actually made that fucking insane argument. I shudden to think what those millions of Jews, gays, Slavs, gypsies and political prisoners would have suffered had Hitler not had empathy.
You Can’t Hide From The Truth’s Dishonor, Not When It’s Been Bookmarked said,
May 8, 2009 at 2:26
Ditto on the Mar-choad disgust; but for a more visceral reason than those given so far….And leave us “Nice Guys” to continue trying to support the inherent beauty of any and all innocent life amongst all the wreckage of distorted body image and materialism and shallow selfishness that those confident, alpha types who’ve always ruled the world has left us all, men and women, eh?
Also circumcision is excellent also.
Oh, now it’s ON! Fuck A is A. A to the motherfucking foreskin restoration K.
This is the thing. I think this is a new direction they’re taking. I’ve been calling them the “Sociopathic Party” for many years now, because all of their positions, economic, social, diplomatic, have been characterized by sociopathy, but they’ve come up with “philosophical” rationales for all of them.
Sociopathy is the condition of not being able to experience empathy, correct? I think their new strategy is to stigmatize empathy as an objectively bad thing.
I like Pandagon. Of the four (?) bloggers, one’s a feminist, one’s a black guy and one’s a lesbian, and they’re all incredibly uppity and unknowing of their proper place in society. Sadly, No! and tBogg and The Poor Man are all funny and Doghouse Riley and roy edroso are phenomenal wordsmiths and Orcinus and Greenwald bring the heavy kung fun, but Pandagon’s mere existence insults the Free-Range American Wingnut to the core of its very being. And those are people I think should be pissed off, honestly. I’m not proud of it but I ain’t gonna sit here and lie about it.
Then you probably don’t want to know what I was doing while I was watching!
OT: Is “blockquote” the hardest word in the world to type? Does anybody have a Dvorak keyboard? Is it any better there?
Also circumcision is excellent also.
If it was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me.
A to the motherfucking foreskin restoration K.
How do they weight the transplant list?
I’ve typed several things in the last half hour, only to think better of them – who wants to start a big ol’ infight, right?
And then I refresh and see: Also circumcision is excellent also.
Not if you get AutoHotkey and put
in your script. Triangular brackets of course.
Then just type “bq” with a space after it.
Totally Politically Incorrect, but Lordy, that Asian/Latina girl on Bones is hot! (And a pretty good actress, too.)
I hate those foreskin reconstructionists SO MUCH!
who wants to start a big ol’ infight, right?
And then I refresh and see: Also circumcision is excellent also.
Well, seeing that Righteous Bubba went nuclear, you might as well let loose, Candy.
foreskin reconstructionists
“That’s only a wallet!”
“Yes, but when I rub it, it turns into a carpet-bag.”
Totally Politically Incorrect, but Lordy, that Asian/Latina girl on Bones is hot! (And a pretty good actress, too.)
One of the most random story lines on that show is that her dad is a member of ZZ Top. He couldn’t look any LESS like her.
Also, thanks to you I’ve been reading Clark fucking Ashton sodding Smith all afternoon.
I can think of worse ways to spend an afternoon.
Thanks, RB, but I can’t find a Mac version of that. I think there are equivalents, but if I weren’t lazy I wouldn’t be complaining about how hard it is to type “blockquote.”
I don’t think there’s a good free equivalent to it, but use Quicksilver – also free – and investigate the “Shelf” plug in. I have a link and a blockquote sitting on the shelf and I drag ’em where they’re needed.
Heredity is bunk, anyway. Mira Sorvino is living proof of that. (Speaking of Oscar-winning actresses who don’t really get much respect.)
And then I refresh and see: Also circumcision is excellent also.
I’ve only been around S,N! for a couple of years, but that was the mother of all infights that I can recall. Mostly because I was in the middle of it.
Ah, thanks, Bubba. I have Quicksilver, but never really used it much. I’ll give it a try.
I’ve only been around S,N! for a couple of years, but that was the mother of all infights that I can recall. Mostly because I was in the middle of it.
Yeah, it was uglier than teh sammich war, and that was bad.
I hate that kind of thing. I have very strong opinions about circumcision, because I just watched someone die of penile cancer which uncircumcised men never get, and he was a mess at the time that argument broke out, but I stayed well clear of it. I don’t mind going total nuclear option on the likes of Amy Alkon, but I just get really upset when people I like fight. It’s a childhood issue, but I don’t try to ‘get over it’ anymore. I’ve learned to avoid things that make me feel terrible.
How do they weight the transplant list?
With a thimble scale.
penile cancer which uncircumcised men never get
correction: which circumcised men never get.
I’ve had a really bad day and should just go watch a movie or go to bed or something.
Macs totally suck.
The Xbox 360 is superior to the Playstation 3.
0.999… = 1.
Real programmers use Pascal.
Hey, don’t diss my fellow California, CAS, this alone should give him literary immortality:
Punk rock sucks!*
(I hope the Fool isn’t around.)
* I don’t really think this.
If I can weigh in on this marvellously meaty confab – speaking as someone who used to be an intelligent, semi-gorgeous woman (and is now a sad wreck of a critter).
Maybe I’ve been lucky. Clearly one person’s experience doth not a credible sample size make. But I’ve managed to find a succession of intelligent, funny, compassionate, quite wonderful men (although I must admit there’s been a dearth for me this millennium). And I haven’t once thought of them as Quote Nice Guys Unquote, much less choads (partly because I’ve never heard the word – it sounds like something slimy that lives in a pond).
Maybe it’s because I like talking, and so I’m attracted to men who are good at it. Not the ones who trumpet themselves – that ain’t conversation, that’s advertising. Just men who think about things and have some surprising insights and enthusiasms. I’ve never been much concerned with the outer shell of the man, just with the head and the heart. So some of the blokes I’ve been involved with could be considered, on purely photographic evidence, to be butt-ugly, although I thought them gorgeous – to me, the sound of the voice and what the voice was actually saying were far more attractive than mere facial features.
And for what it’s worth, since I’m baring my soul here, I think just about all of the folks on here are eminently rootable – the outpourings of wit, erudition, and compassionate good nature are incredibly sexy.
Sorry about that, folks. You will now be returned to your scheduled programming.
Candy – well, FWIW, the infight here was never pro- or con- circumcision anyway; the whole thing got started because I made an innocent reportage comment as in “I saw this” and the only reason I made the comment at all was to ridicule some activists that were in the thing I saw who claimed that increasing the rate of circumcision in Africa was like, and I quote, “a holocaust.”
To which my reaction was the entirely reasonable and defensible “well then it’s a holocaust of foreskins, not people.” That was it, the whole “point” as it were, and one which still stands, regardless of how anyone feels about circumcision.
But lord, that shit went on for a month or more on that thread.
Macs totally suck.
Red Delicious are worse.
this alone should give him literary immortality:
IT’S ALL LIKE THAT. Not complaining; I like it like that.
Korn shell is the best shell. Also vi, also.
None of that!
Actually, I spent most of the last eight years immersed in the Mac/PC wars, feeling that if it were possible for good to…not triumph over evil, but give evil a run for its money…in one little sandboxed area of life, maybe there was hope for the world at large.
A month or two before the election, I began to see light at the end of the tunnel and started paying attention to the real world. That’s when I started coming here, among other things. That whole scene seems so parochial now.
(I won’t say which is good and which is evil, just so as not to start a flame war, but you can probably guess.)
I heartily second this! Well said.
Jennifer, there was a concurrent circumcision fight going on at the same time on Pharyngula, as I recall.
I still remember the pubic hair shaving argument. I tells ya, these things traumatize me.
Really? I thought all the Washington Delicious apples we got here sucked because they shipped all the good ones out-of-state, and we were stuck with the culls.
Okay, VRBoK, fine.
TNG totally sucked. ST is the ONLY ST.
And, I think we can all agree on one thing: FYWP
Really? I thought all the Washington Delicious apples we got here sucked because they shipped all the good ones out-of-state, and we were stuck with the culls.
No, no, no! The total opposite is true. When I lived in Kent, I got the most deliciousest Golden Delicious apples, just at the regular old grocery store. I moved back to Iowa, and the Washington Golden Delicious suck! Washington keeps all the good ones for themselves, I’m sure of it. At any rate, they’re not sending them to Iowa.
To be fair, we have good apples here, particularly Jonathans. I’m craving an apple now.
Try Jazz or Honeycrisp. I think they come from New Zealand, but wherever they’re from, yum.
I really won’t start anything by telling you I liked Enterprise, then. (And yes, the theme song, too. So there!)
Real men circumcise themselves with a single leaf of cilantro. That’s what Ralph Nader did.
It might just be my opinion, good Reverend Battleaxe, but even “good” Red Delicious don’t taste like much of anything but sweet. There are lots of better apples out there, with subtle, spicy flavors that are out of this world. I’ve always been a Macoun and Arkansas Black fan.
IT is a US Senate race to savour, pitting a porn star named Stormy against a Christian family-values Republican shamed after being caught cavorting with prostitutes.
May the “screwing people honestly” candidate win.
Hmmmm, deep-dish brussells-sprout pizza!
The fact is, I spout ridiculous crap on Twitter and get more friends every day.
Real men circumcise themselves with a single leaf of cilantro. That’s what Ralph Nader did.
I heard that if you ate a lot of b-sprouts and listened to Creed for 24 hours straight, your foreskin will spontaneously regenerate. Or was that fall off?
Just what Twitter needs: Another popular parody troll!
I can see Drudge’s Front Page now: “SOURCE: FACT IS, LIBS UNDERMINE WAR EFFORT”.
Keep up the good work G. to teh R.
Yeah, to me delicious apples are just watery, mealy, and tasteless. Maybe the Wonder Bread crowd likes them that way, though. (Is what I just said as bad as ordering spicy brown mustard in a burger joint?)
I heard that if you ate a lot of b-sprouts and listened to Creed for 24 hours straight, your foreskin will spontaneously regenerate.
One does grow a new foreskin, but it’s around the neck.
I heard that if you ate a lot of b-sprouts and listened to Creed for 24 hours straight, your foreskin will spontaneously regenerate. Or was that fall off?
The foreskins are revolting!
to me delicious apples are just watery, mealy, and tasteless
me too also. You can’t even make apple butter with those lumps!
Alison, you’re certainly no less intelligent, even if time has had its effects (which I, as one of the affected/afflicted, find not unattractive).
And you should hear my voice.
There are lots of better apples out there, with subtle, spicy flavors that are out of this world. I’ve always been a Macoun and Arkansas Black fan
There’s a pick-your-own orchard out near Acton that has a few really good heirloom varieties, tigrismus. I was about to say you should come along when we go this year, but then it dawned on me that we’ll have a tiny new friend during apple picking season who might be too small to enjoy the orchard.
the sound of the voice and what the voice was actually saying were far more attractive than mere facial features.
I attribute my romantic success to the fact that I can make the Frau Doktorin laugh. This involves a lot of nitrous oxide and sodium pentothal.
One does grow a new foreskin, but it’s around the neck.
After 24 hours of Creed, one would be happy about that, I imagine. The tighter the better.
I love Granny Smiths, because I hate mealy apples, and Grannies never go that way.
hee hee.
If anyone here is a green tea fan, Lipton just came out with green tea with bits of mandarin orange that not only tastes awesome, but comes in these transparent triangular bags that are like something out of Star Trek.
(Forget the flying car, I’d settle for the replicator!)
screw you, elitist food nazis.
So if Democrats have foreskins, do Republicans have hindskins? And if so, should they be removed, or not? (The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, Roman, nor an empire: discuss!)
I thought Arkansas Black apples were supposed to be cider apples, which have a lot of tannin in them – which makes them good for cider, but lousy for eating out of hand.
Haven’t had a Macoun apple.
Although a Washington State gal for 18+ years, some of the best apple-eating and cider-drinking I ever did was for one year I lived up in Ithaca NY, at Cornell, home of the Obama Mustard Scandal blogger, who managed to fool me briefly into thinking he was a parody blog. Sadly, no – the guy is actually serious.
We usually go to Dowse in Sherborn, mostly because it’s close but they do have a pretty good selection as well. I have apple trees in my yard, too, but the winter moths have wreaked havoc for the past 3 years and caterpillar poop has already started raining down from the maples.
Pink Ladys are good apples, too. Here in CA our farmer’s markets are all gaga over Fujis, which are OK, but can sometimes taste like wood.
I heard that if you ate a lot of b-sprouts and listened to Creed for 24 hours straight, your foreskin will spontaneously regenerate.
I heard you just get brassica balls.
Hey, I had Cheetos, a Hostess cherry pie, and water for supper. (Bought at Walgreens)
Now I have heartburn, which I deserve.
I did mention that I had a bad day.
The 22nd Law of Thermodynamics says that Empathy must always increase.
Somebody else must remember the short story in which a replicator is developed, humans get stupider than usual, as there’s no need for any effort for anything, & the punch-line is someone X yrs. later looking at the moon remarking that it used to be much smaller than the Earth, as the replicators can’t make something from nothing.
Oooh, I’m sorry Candy.
I had a chunk of steak, steamed artichokes, and rice with edamame for dinner.
And two big bowls of ice cream! Because, um… I need the calcium.
Haymarket also has some good apple varieties from time to time.
Also known as cold-rabbi. (But obviously circumcised.)
I thought Arkansas Black apples were supposed to be cider apples, which have a lot of tannin in them – which makes them good for cider, but lousy for eating out of hand.
They do, and the juice seems to leave the mouth drier than before you started, which is odd, but I think they taste pretty darn good. Of course, I tend to prefer tannic wines, too, so mileage, vary, etc. I think if you like big red wines or dark chocolate, you’d enjoy them as well; if not, not so much.
And two big bowls of ice cream! Because, um… I need the calcium.
Ah! So the ice-cream supplement plan has been fully implemented!
Candy, I had a Swanson’s frozen dinner. (The Hungry Man, natch.) Don’t let these elitists shame you w/ their bourgeois cuisinary habits. And congrats on water rather than some corn syrup abomination.
Tomorrow will be better, or belongs to you, or …
At the risk of getting in on a supremely uninteresting argument, I just might add on the Marcotte “Nice Guys (TM)” discussion that if you need several pages and a list of internet references just to say whom you’re talking about, maybe your concepts and terms aren’t that clear.
But saying something along those lines got me banned from Pandagon for a while, so I gave up weighing in on that.
Next thing you know, some librul justice will feel ‘empathy’ for a turtle and try to fuck it
Hey, Amity Shlaes needs love too.
Ah! So the ice-cream supplement plan has been fully implemented!
Yes! And the steak was for the iron, and the artichoke, well… that was a nice vehicle for butter and salt. Which are crucial for baby construction, I’m almost certain.
I’m an Omnomnomnivore!
M. Bouffant: Was it the fried chicken? Those are okay.
M. Bouffant: Was it the fried chicken? Those are okay.
There was a time in college that I lived on the turkey. Mmmmm… cranberry dessert-y thing…
I had a Swanson’s frozen dinner. (The Hungry Man, natch.)
Do they still make foil-pan dinners or is it all plastic trays and microwave these days?
I miss peeling back the foil to expose tater tots (so that’s what they kids are calling it these days hnur hnur).
The last one I had was in a cardboard-y tray. You have your choice of microwave or oven.
I usually limit my food blogging to the weekend but since
it’s close,I’m a shameless attention whore w.r.t. my culinary arts:Made some spanakopita triangles earlier which I will bake off when Ho gets home – they’ll make a nice appetizer.
Prosciutto and wild mushroom (as in actual foraged for real OR mushrooms including morels yahoo!) ragu with homemade tagliatelle (god bless Kitchen Aid!).
Simple green salad. Crusty bread. A Willamette Valley Pinot Noir.
and the artichoke, well
To increase bile flow, of course.
At the risk of being banished as a heretic, Banquet’s Family-Size Lasagne isn’t bad at all.
Actually, I spent most of the last eight years immersed in the Mac/PC wars
It’s an operating system, not a religion.
Naw, the Hungry-Man® “Mexican Style Fiesta.” Really, I eat to live, not that I’m unappreciative of good eats, but it needn’t be high-grade 24/7. Wasn’t very good, but it was on sale, so what the hey.
Almost more work cooking it in the micro-wave. (Remove part of covering. Nuke. HOT!!! Stir. Put covering back. More Nuking!! HOT, you moron!! In an ancient, low-watt atom oven, which takes longer. Re-nuke. &c.)
What are they trying to do to me? If I wanted to work for food, I’d have been born 30 or 40,000 yrs. ago, damnit!!
A Willamette Valley Pinot Noir.
Oooh! Which winery? I miss home! I miss wine! I miss wine from home!
I had grilled swordfish kebabs on tabouleh with a cucumber/yogurt salad and homemade bread.
A few years ago the local grocery had a 10-for-10 sale on the little Swanson frozen dinners, so I got ten, the SO likes them.
Told the guy at checkout that I wasn’t buying any more groceries (left the rest in the cart for the joke) and his response? “Sweet!”
So I put all the frozen dinners on one bag, and presented it with the same joke… and got the same response.
But now I got him hooked on Marie Callender’s stuff, so there’s no going back.
And you should hear my voice.
Ooh, M. B., you’re making me all shivery.
Viz the apple debate, I favour Jonathons, but mostly anything that comes off a real tree, rather than off a supermarket shelf. Ditto most other fruit – a friend brought some cherries in to work from a farm in the hills, and we sat around making nom nom nom noises (and gronf gronf) with tart juice dripping off our chins. Never tasted anything so tastebud-blowing.
So I agree with Lady Dr Mrs – heirloom varieties and direct-from-tree fruits rock.
Circumcision? I’ve never had much of an opinion, to be honest. Perhaps because I’ve never had a foreskin, and never aspired to one, that the subject doesn’t rile me. Or maybe it’s just because I’ve always been a strident feminist, so my obvious response is “Your dick, your choice”. Except, of course, that few tiny babies actually give written, or indeed verbal, consent to having their willies trimmed.
Hey, Frozen Food aficionados, I think we all know that Stouffer makes the best crap, even if they are a Nestle outfit.
I have a lasagna of theirs in the freezer now.
Swanson’s now all plastic (use a baking sheet for the oven).
Mr. Aristophanes, if you are reading, we need to get together soon & discuss defending PED-using home-run hitters. Thanks!
Erath 2006. (Dundee)
And the morels came from Kelly Point Park, right here in the city. I fucking love Portland.
The last one I had was in a cardboard-y tray.
Now that I think of it, mine too. Though lately I’ve been very lazy and/or short on time and have been eating a lot of non-cooked stuff like salads or doughnuts.
Wasn’t very good, but it was on sale, so what the hey.
That has been the other force driving my culinary choices lately. Getting by, but only just.
If I wanted to work for food, I’d have been born 30 or 40,000 yrs. ago, damnit!!
Yup. If the TV dinner is going to make you work for it, you could always use a flint knife to cut the lid away, just to get into the spirit of the thing.
It’s an operating system, not a religion.
iPhone users pray nightly for the coming of cut-n-paste.
the Hungry-Man® “Mexican Style Fiesta.”
Aw, man! Those were my FAVORITE when I was about 9 and my brothers wer 7 and 5 and mom and dad would leave us with a babysitter on Saturday night and we’d watch the Cool Ghoul.
That at the salisbury steak dinner, where you’d get the little cup of hot baked apple slices.
I haven’t had one of those in years.
Actually, It’s three OSes, only one of which is a REAL OS. And it’s not the one you pay for.
I miss wine from home!
I miss the wine-dark sea!
And Rose’s fingers at dawn. Or whatever.
And the steak was for the iron
Studebakers need lots of iron.
My parents actually had a Studebaker.
Point taken (and agreed!), but just to be pedantic—it’s not as if the Microsoft fan boy crowd actually pays for their licenses.
Erath 2006. (Dundee)
Oh, I love Erath. I haven’t been wine shopping in months (for obvious reasons). Sokol Blosser is probably my favorite though. Although I also really like Bethel Heights. And Witness Tree. And Chehalem. And St. Innocent.
Studebakers need lots of iron.
Oh PeeJ, I’m calling him Baby — now.
(Get it? It’s an em dash, only typed, um… backwards… Dash M.!)
g, thanks for clearing that up. I couldn’t tell whethert that Cornell Dijongate guy was for real or not. A fucking mazing. My opinion of Cornell has gone down considerably. Is Moosewood still in business?
Did I mention, btw, that I make my own mustard? It’s ridiculously easy. I do buy jarred mustard (Plochmann’s, mostly) but I keep a stash of brown and yellow seeds handly. Toss some in the spice (coffee) grinder with some vermouth, a bit of vinegar, water if needed and occasionally a splash of olive oyl. Zoom zooom and it’s mustard. Yay!
No, no I use my teeth. Makes me feel closer to nature.
And there’s just so much crap in the stupor market (all of it, of course, variations on two or three brands) that my mind gets numb & looks for the sale tags. Again, they’re making too much work out of survival.
Plus the fucking pirate markets in L. A. jack up their prices to incredible levels, then make you think you’re getting a bargain when you use their stupid “club” cards, so I’m almost at the stage of only buying sale items.
PeeJ do you sell it???? [drool]
Actually – I love Phillippe’s mustard, and the fact that it doesn’t retain its bite very long keeps me going down to Alameda Street regularly for a French Dip.
g, I’m glad that one of us has matured a bit since the age of nine.
it’s not as if the Microsoft fan boy crowd actually pays for their licenses.
At the moment, Windows dorks should be using the (legally!) free Windows 7 beta. It’s almost a half-decent OS. If only they could fix the IO scheduler, which has been broken since Vista. My video player shouldn’t stutter when I open the start menu or copy some files. It worked just fine on XP, fuckers.
I’ve never spent more than a few hours with OS X, but after extensive experience with Linux, FreeBSD, and various Windowses, I’ve reached the conclusion that all OSes are pretty much terrible.
I’ve reached the conclusion that all OSes are pretty much terrible.
I quite agree. My happiest hours professionally have all been spent cobbling up stuff for embedded systems that didn’t have anything so fancy as an OS.
Tomorrow will be better, or belongs to you, or …
I hope so, M. I also hope I can get a new computer soon. This one keeps locking up. It’s driving me nuttier than normal.
I never feel shame about the food I consume. I like good food, but I also like cheap Chinese take-out and Pizza Hut pizza and if I have to have a T.V. dinner I like the Boston Market salisbury steak ones with mac and cheese. They’re not at all bad.
Doc Mrs., I used to love the Swanson turkey and dressing dinners, and then they changed the dressing. I haven’t eaten one since.
I’m tired of fighting this balky machine. The P’s mom is here and we’re watching “Dave”. I’m going to finish watching it and sleep the sleep of the innocent and antihistimine drugged.
I have a secret yen for Kraft macaroni and cheese, because it was a comfort food in the college dorm. I still secretly eat it when my husband goes on business trips.
I still secretly eat it when my husband goes on business trips.
I too have to hide my consumption of that stuff, and my motivation for eating it is much like yours (though it ws a comfort food for me in childhood instead of college). My wife won’t let it in the house.
Ditto. And as big a connoisseur of good chinese food as I am, sometimes I get a real jonesin’ for old-fashioned american style crap–deep-fried greasy eggrolls, and that almond chicken with the goopy brown gravy. I really went hog-wild with that for a while after I got over my Chinese Restaurant Syndrome.
I quite agree. My happiest hours professionally have all been spent cobbling up stuff for embedded systems that didn’t have anything so fancy as an OS.
There is nothing quite so satisfying as writing a message queue manager for an 8 bit or 16 bit micro for real real-time embedded systems when an OS would just get in the way.
Well, let me qualify that – patching an OS/390 system on the fly is pretty fucking satisfying.
patching an OS/390 system on the fly is pretty fucking satisfying.
I’ll take your word for that. 🙂
My triumphs were all along the lines of getting meaningful stuff done in under 100 machine instructions. I wrote a gob of assembly code in the old days, in situations where the team would have run out of space and forgotten some piece and it was my problem to get it running with pretty much no space or execution time available, under ridiculous deadline pressure.
Changing careers was a pain in the ass, but I understand why I did it. That kind of thing is very satisfying but I was getting ulcers.
To each their own, but here are two chapter titles from my upcoming best-seller, How Come I Ain’t Married? Funny You Should Ask …
I still secretly eat it when my spouse goes on business trips.
My spouse won’t let it in the house
g said,
May 8, 2009 at 5:04
I have a secret yen for Kraft macaroni and cheese, because it was a comfort food in the college dorm. I still secretly eat it when my husband goes on business trips.
I remember it being a comfort food while in college and afterwards, because you could get 4 boxes for a dollar.
Comfort for the poor budget!
Also it was all cheesy and buttery and look, all gone!
I remember it being a comfort food while in college and afterwards, because you could get 4 boxes for a dollar.
Well, plus also you could smuggle pats of butter upstairs from the cafeteria, get cartons of milk from the vending machines, and make it in an electric hot-pot in your dorm room.
You could always make it without the butter and without the milk, if you felt too depressed to leave the dorm room. The orange powder dissolved in hot water OK, too.
There’s a magical moment in every good Sadly, No! thread when all the deadpan drollery, tangential puns, and top-drawer poop jokes converge, loop back on themselves, then explode like a giant Dadaist pinata of WIN.
That happened about 300 comments ago.
If Mom and Dad really loved us, they’d get us a new thread.
I see another vote for Supreme Court Justice Anita Hill.
And on that note, g’night ppl!
You could always make it without the butter and without the milk, if you felt too depressed to leave the dorm room.
I can’t imagine it would taste as good without all the butter and the milk.
Doctor Missus – did ya ever get your chocolate edamame from TJs?
Re: processed food – pretty much all of it makes me at least vaguely ill, so I generally don’t eat it. I’ll have the occasional slice of pizza if that’s all that’s available at a lunch meeting or whatever, but about as far as I go into processed food at the store is some of the boxed rice w/flavor packets, marinara sauce, bread, crackers, salad dressings and the like. And even then I’m damn picky. I completely pass up the frozen dinners and what not. These are the perils of the label reader.
And a story I think you folks will appreciate: So I’m out today, doing Satan’s work signing up small businesses in support of a public health insurance option, and I’m working in a part of town that 35 years ago was white, working-class, then became majority black, and is now majority Hispanic. I go into this small grocery, and it’s a middle aged 50-something white guy, and I go into my rap, and his response is: “Well, I’m not the owner but the owners of this place would never do anything to give us health care so they wouldn’t sign up, and even if I was the owner I wouldn’t sign up because MY TAXES ARE TOO HIGH and blah blah blah I’m a persecuted white guy blah.” So I look at him for a minute, then I say, “ok, I see. Your bosses won’t give you health care, and you want to make sure no one else does, either. Ok, then, have a nice day!” And I smile really big, and the black guy who’s waiting to check out at the register starts laughing his ass off, and I turn around and leave.
“And the morels came from Kelly Point Park, right here in the city. I fucking love Portland.”
PeeJ- I,too, fucking love Portland. But I had a most unpleasant encounter with a crazy man in Kelly Point Park, so now I bring both dogs with me. For dinner? Cheese toasties on olive ciabatta and a salad made of mixed greens and radishes grown by the bicycle CSA guy. I fucking love Portland
I can’t imagine it would taste as good without all the butter and the milk.
Well, no, but if you’re fucking depressed and plan to puke it out later due to your habitual bulimia, it’s just fine that way.
I can happily say that bulimia is no longer a part of my life. So whenever I stoop to eating Kraft mac and cheese, I use the recommended amount of milk and butter. Cheerfully.
Justice John Paul Stevens virtually destroyed the Constitution’s restrictions on government officials’ ability to confiscate private property in his 2005 decision in the case of Kelo v. New London — 30 years after President Ford appointed him.
Oh, good Lord. Hyperbole much?
A decision that said, “Sure, local government COULD do this. They don’t HAVE to, and they could always amend the laws to change it, but right now, taking private property through condemnation to give it to another private property owner for an arguably better ‘public’ use is permissible.”
Yeah, THAT’s a pretty fascist decision, isn’t it? Really forecloses all possible change through democratic means, doesn’t it?
Who knew you could have a 570-comment thread without a troll infestation? It’s been fun, everybody!
“I’m an Omnomnomnivore!”
I am totally stealing this.
Re: apples
I suspect I will not find much agreement on this, given the stated preferences so far, but the best apple is in fact the McIntosh. Sadly, they’re very hard to get here in Washington; I only see them in late fall and those are imported from BC. Frankly, I don’t like most of the apples grown in Washington.
Northern Spy aren’t bad, either.
You guys don’t get NY state Macs in the fall? Those are our state fruit!
Well, those and RuPaul, but I digress…
We get Washington apples all the time.
Sadly, no. At least I haven’t seen NY Macs here.
Baby Dash M… That’s not bad.
We used to call The Boy “Wog,” short for “pollywog” because, well, that’s what he looked like on the first ultrasound. Great news, hon! We’re having an amphibian!
Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. Or something.
Ontology recapitulates orogeny.
Orogeny regurgitates analogy