Presenting This Week’s Scandal Of The Century

Shorter Wes Vernon:

Obama’s terrorist pals get away with murder? Literally?

  • Become outraged, reader, for Barack Obama’s fascist murder thugs have taken the word ‘gullible’ out of the dictionary. Okay, no, seriously — pull my finger.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


  1. Intending one kind of elusiveness but achieving another, Vernon cites the official-looking acronym “ASI” and gives the phonetically unremarkable name of Cliff Kincaid as the acronym’s president, in effect ruining our pitching strategy by declaring a game of Nerf tag. Mr. Kincaid is a bit of a rock star to us, for his other monkeyshines include an editorship at that most enduring of late Smoot-era kitchen table start-ups, that veritable clapped-out 1969 Mustang of billionaire-supported right-wing media bias complainants, the family hand-me-down institution that was once Reed Irvine’s Accuracy in Media and is now Don Irvine’s downward-trending operation of the same name, hypoxic from the roaring butt-fumes of L. Brent Bozell III’s own father-enabled copycat enterprise, the Media Research Center. Also, Kincaid sometimes hangs out here, a place previously of note. Also, tell us if we’ve totally fallen behind some emergent curve in fucktardery or something, but a person who seriously thinks that George W. Bush is a pseudo-socialist and Rudy Giuliani is a dupe of the Mexicanadian conspiracy is so far to the right that he’s driving in the breakdown lane. Also, okay, we’re trying to be reasonable here, Kinkaid, but dude, WTF?
  2. Of note in a general way is the classic Mutt-and-Jeff routine that the right performs in launching these stories. If one guy is going around making a wild allegation, the press and public will tend to assume that he’s just some guy going around making a wild allegation. But if you cite some other guy making that wild allegation, while the other guy goes around citing you, well then, which is more likely: that there might be some truth to the charge, or that there’s some kind of quote-unquote ‘conspiracy’ at work?

    The chance of success rises significantly with each additional person or 503(c) entity that you can bring to the party, although not Aaron Klein at World Net Daily.

  3. The claim that Bill Ayers and the Weathermen were involved in the unsolved San Francisco bombing comes solely from Larry Grathwohl, an informant first for the Cincinnati police and later for the FBI, who was a member of the Weathermen for a period in 1970 in some sketchy capacity between infiltrator and provocateur. Grathwohl says that he heard Ayers say that his Weather co-conspirator and future wife Bernadine Dohrn planned and expedited the crime. While nobody can say that such a thing didn’t happen, it’s also the case that testimony of the I-heard-somebody-say-that-somebody-else-did-X variety is greatly coextensive with the evidentiary category, ‘farting Dixie.’ Further points of consideration include that Grathwohl’s original account of the event, as in his 1974 Senate testimony, is corroborated only by the 1976 potboiler, Bringing Down America: An FBI Informer With the Weathermen (a.k.a. The Young Revolutionaries), author: “Larry Grathwohl as told to Frank Reagan” — and that while the story’s few specifics have remained consistent over the decades, its telling is now animated by the angry certainty of a cookie-cutter wingnut, which is Grathwohl’s current mode of interface with the wide and changing world.
  4. Cf. Herbert Romerstein, a political coelacanth whose career has spanned a range from HUAC investigator to revisionist defender of Joseph McCarthy. The word ‘communism’ intoned over a pointed index finger is to Romerstein as ‘Fire and Rain’ is to James Taylor.
  5. Update: Well, I must say that the humor potential in associating Kincaid’s ASI with the American Sheep Industry group (see first link in Item 1, above) seems greatly expanded since last night (see guy in cowboy hat, last link in Item 1, above). I can’t decide which is the weirder possibility: that it’s a coincidence, or that Kincaid was like, “Hey Tom, would anyone mind if I named my extreme right wing group after your sheep thing?”

Comments: 425


Awww, you changed the picture. It had a certain style of unique crazy that has been replaced with…okay, with a similar but different kind of unique crazy, so uh, what am I saying here?

Someone or other

He’s being attacked by the wild parrots of San Francisco?

Xecky Gilchrist

Wow, this really is like some sort of “Keeper of the Flame” thing for zombie 2008 campaign smears.


“political coelacanth” is an especially nice touch to describe living-fossil reactionaries.


Gotta give Vernon credit for one thing; that might well be the first time a wingnut has tried to use the Vince Foster ‘murder’ against Obama.


Well, I was feelin’ sad and kind o’ blue,
I didn’t know what I was gonna do,
The Communists was comin’ around,
They was in the air,
They was on the ground.
They was all over. . .

Well, I got up in the morning
Looked under my bed
I was looking every place
For them goddamn Reds
Looked behind the sink
And under the floor
Looked into the glove compartment of my car
Couldn’t find any…

Looked behind the clothes, behind the chair
Looking for them Reds everywhere
Looked up my chimney hole,
Even deep down inside my toilet bowl.
They got away!

Well, I fin’ly started thinkin’ straight
When I run outa things to investigate.
Couldn’t imagine nothin’ else,
Now I’m home investigatin’ myself!
Hope I don’t find out too much . . . good God!


Wait a minute, wasn’t Cliff Kincaid the name of Bill Cosby’s high school teacher/baskeyball coach character on his first sitcom?


And I’m not just the president of Hair Club for Intergalactic Aliens, I’m also a client!


Gotta love the bonus crazy:

If the name of the late Mark Felt rings a bell with you, he is the man who turned out to be “Deep Throat” in the Watergate investigation. He spilled the beans to reporters Woodward and Bernstein about the cover-up not because he was inspired by a Boy Scout “good government” crusade. He was simply in a snit because Nixon did not appoint him FBI director when J. Edgar Hoover died. That’s it! That’s how we got Jimmy Blunderbuss Carter in the White House.

But whatever one thinks of Nixon, he showed remarkable judgment in passing over Felt as top cop.

Yeah, Nixon’s call was so great, he lost his entire Presidency for it. (I’m not saying that’s really what happened; I’m taking Vern’s own claims to their logical conclusion.)

Also, like the name-calling against Carter. He tried to broker an honest peace in the Middle East, tried to move us away from dependence on Saudi oil, refused to treat iwith hostage-taking Iranians, and thought that maybe, just maybe, supporting Osama bin Laden wasn’t teh greatest thing EVAH. What a friggin’ loser!

Xecky Gilchrist

“political coelacanth” is an especially nice touch to describe living-fossil reactionaries.

Yes, and “living-fossil reactionary” is a great term for a concept that’s been haunting me a bit lately. That is, that throughout the twentieth century America saw some times of serious social upheaval which resulted in both change and people pissed off about the change; the 1960s was the last really huge one, IMO, whatever the “Reagan Revolution” dorks want to believe. And some of the people who are now howling about how things were better in the Old Days before Event X (Civil Rights Act, 19th Amendment, whatevs) were around back then and still haven’t gotten over the butthurt.


You gotta love how halfway through the essay he blurts, “That’s it!” as if he were Fred from Scooby-Doo figuring out why the caretaker dressed up like a ghost and scared a bunch of tourists away from his “haunted mine”.


“political coelacanth” is an especially nice touch to describe living-fossil reactionaries.

I, for one, prefer the term coprolite.


And, Joe Max, love me some Dylan.


You know, I really love this blog, but it is humor and meant to be so. However you guys (presumably, and correct me if I am wrong) do a great job of researching your targets. I didn’t know a bit of the background of this Wes guy, and frankly wouldn’t have even looked it up (based on the idea of one wingnut psychopath is just as good as another) without your ever helpful background footnotes. Thanks a lot for the background and I can only hope that perhaps one day the evil “liberal media” will start picking up leads from S, N! in the same way that Brit Hume looks to the MRC for news.

Thanks for the great blog. Peace.


On those rare occasions when the mainstream media allow Americans to focus on the past of Obama’s pals Ayers and Dohrn

I know the MSM has been keeping me from focusing on the past of those two. I haven’t been able to Google™ anything, or read a book on the subject, because the MSM will not allow me.

Do you think they’re sending distracting signals to my fillings?


Back when Rev. Wright Bill Ayers was Teh Great White Hope for stopping Blacky HUSSEIN X, local wingnuts here in Seattle would get really, really upset with the question, “In which court was Mr. Ayers convicted, and what were the charges?” Wingnuttery is really suffering welfare reform, if months-late and mega-bucks short pieces like this are their bestest efforts.


To be absolutely clear: The (metal) fillings in my teeth, not the pie fillings I surround myself with.


Ho ho ho, my God, this! (as per note 1) must be a whole new level of crazy. Who knew cowboys of sheep, shopping malls, and property rights, cared about (not protecting) the environment?

SN’s lobbyist, Leonard, from the Milk Solids Council, should try and get membership.


I’m impressed with Sovereignty International. Their director, Robert Voight, apparently died twice.


The fact that fReichtards consistently refuse to adequately deny allegations that they regularly break into petting zoos in order to have some quality time with the goats is central to my point. Also.


“Also, like the name-calling against Carter. He tried to broker an honest peace in the Middle East, tried to move us away from dependence on Saudi oil, refused to treat iwith hostage-taking Iranians, and thought that maybe, just maybe, supporting Osama bin Laden wasn’t teh greatest thing EVAH. What a friggin’ loser!”

Actually, Carter did not “try” to broker an honest peace in the Middle East but actually succeeded.

During the Camp David Accords, Carter got Egypt to grant diplomatic recognition to Israel and recognize its right to exist, which essentially ended the conventional war against Israel as without Egypt signing on, Syria, Jordan, and all the other Arab nations didn’t stand a chance.

And that’s a peace that has remained unbroken for over 30 years which in the Middle East is really saying something.


Wow, following the Wingnut Whoolizter gets harder with each successive ‘thought’ expressed:

When Ronald Reagan became president, he granted Felt a pardon.

Well, was Reagan wrong to pardon Felt? It sounds like Felt should have been punished for allowing Ayers to escape. But St. Ronald of Reagan can do no wrong! So, was this information submitted without a value judgement attached? But how can a wingnut speak without handing down righteous, wrathful judgement?

Head hurts. Must stop now.


Hey Wes, that STILL doesn’t dis-qualify him.


Actually, Carter did not “try” to broker an honest peace in the Middle East but actually succeeded.

I stand corrected, sir. Well done!


Hey Wes, that STILL doesn’t dis-qualify him.

Oh, puh-leeze. Having murderous friends invalidates forever the vault copy of your birth certificate.


“St. Ronald of Reagan can do no wrong!

Hey…is this like that Star Trek episode where they got Vejur to break down by posing it a logical contradiction?

That’d be a great idea if Wingnuts didn’t believe six contradictory things before breakfast.


Wingnuts are working at the US-Canada border:

A B.C. sales representative who markets equestrian products in Canada was barred from crossing the U.S. border to attend a trade show last month by a U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer who accused him of trying to steal American jobs.

“He looked at me, and in a yelling voice he said, ‘You’re friggin’ stealing jobs away from American citizens,’ and I tried telling him that I wasn’t,” Joel Borsteinas told CBC News.

Borsteinas, a Canadian citizen, said he’s been in business for 15 years, acting as a middleman between U.S. and Canadian suppliers of western wear and equestrian products and Canadian retailers who want to stock the products.

He said he goes to the U.S. half a dozen times a year to attend trade shows and meet with suppliers who want him to market their products to retailers north of the border. They pay him a commission for every Canadian order he sends to them.

“I’m creating American jobs. The (U.S.) companies that I actually work for — I have been in touch with them all — and they still think that this is absolutely crazy.”

Borsteinas said the border officer who refused to allow him entry to the U.S. was the supervisor on duty at the time at the Sumas crossing in southwestern B.C.


I’m impressed with Sovereignty International. Their director, Robert Voight, apparently died twice.

That’s one sharp-looking dude, too:

I think the second time, it was his hair that died.


During the Camp David Accords, Carter got Egypt to grant diplomatic recognition to Israel and recognize its right to exist, which essentially ended the conventional war against Israel as without Egypt signing on, Syria, Jordan, and all the other Arab nations didn’t stand a chance.

And that’s a peace that has remained unbroken for over 30 years which in the Middle East is really saying something.

B…b…but…he’s history’s greatest monster! It’s unpossible for him to have done anything good ever when he was president!!!!


Gavin said “political coelacanth” — which has actually never been said before.

This is why Teh Sadly rawks.


The Search for Conservative Humor, Episode #6,345,928 in a continuing series:

Nope, not there either.


Gah!! I saw that Zobama thing somewhere & knew better than to click it. But I did here. Fortunately, PJTV is unable to provide an adequate stream (probably much like that guy w/ the hat who’s running things into the ground over there) so I didn’t have to watch much of it.

When’s the first winger in blackface going to make an appearance?


During the Camp David Accords, Carter got Egypt to grant diplomatic recognition to Israel and recognize its right to exist, which essentially ended the conventional war against Israel as without Egypt signing on, Syria, Jordan, and all the other Arab nations didn’t stand a chance.

and, and, AND, he allowed the mad mullahs to take over Iran, Carter personnally, he phoned up the ayatollah and told him to displace the Shah. Or, at least that’s what i read on townhall.


Carter failed to turn Iran into glass. He will always be a failure to these dipshits for that reason alone.


Comptrollers … teleprompters … Birth Certificates … I see a vast & diabolical pattern forming here … or at least I would see one, if only I had me some good old untreated tertiary syphilis.

Well, America better take this sort of thing coming from teh wingnut tribe deadly seriously – especially after the way Bill Clinton exploited Y2K to make himself President-For-Life & impose martial law, JUST LIKE THEY PREDICTED HE WOULD!

These chumps are just getting warmed up – I’m eagerly awaiting the “Obama Killed JFK” expose, soon to be followed by “Obama Did 9/11” & “Obama Invented AIDS” … roll on, crazy train, roll on!

I personally try to avoid political coelacanth – it’s nowhere near as good as Pacific salmon & besides, all the teeny-tiny bones get stuck between my teeth.


“political coelacanth” is an especially nice touch
Is that because of their sensitive eyes? Their oily, inedible flesh? Because they swim head down, backwards or belly up to locate their prey?


Ho ho ho, my God, this! (as per note 1) must be a whole new level of crazy. Who knew cowboys of sheep, shopping malls, and property rights, cared about (not protecting) the environment?

Lesley, surely that would make them ‘sheepboys’, about which I shall refrain from comment.


Silly people! Everybody knows that the Office of the Presidency of the United States was vouchsafed BY GOD to members of the Republican Party, and therefore all interlopers (i.e., Democrats) who dare to assume such office are evil and corrupt and their works are an abomination and must be rent assunder. Or something.


rent assunder
do not want.


Their money has dried up! As has been mentioned here by others, the ride on the wingnut welfare gravy train has ended. They don’t have any new material, just reiteration.
I like the screeching about Michelle’s arms, its always hilarious. You know that those aren’t her real arms, hers are in the vault, the ones she’s wearing were forged…in Vulcan’s ironworks!!!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Wow, you can actually see the spittle on forming on the other side of the monitor!

…they quickly spread the unvarnished hogwash that the Weather Underground was just another anti-Vietnam War organization. That is a lie. Not a distortion or disingenuous verbal acrobatics. It is a flat-out, pure, prime, grade-A lie. And any supposedly knowledgeable person (and news media people are supposed to know what they’re talking about, no?) who spreads the garbage that the Weather Underground people were poor little flower children of the sixties is a liar of the morning-noon-and-night variety — a liar from A to Z.

Ummm, Wes – buddy, ya gotta take it easy. I know you’re deeply invested in bringing this scheming cabal of psycho-killers, (qu’est-ce que c’est) to justice but screaming like that ain’t good for the ticker.

Here’s the problem Wes, you’re keeping too much bottled up inside. I mean really, the Weather Underground? That’s your boogeyman? Crud, Laura Bush has as high a death count, and hers is actually verified as being her fault.

So, tell us Wes – what’s really bothering you. Get it off your chest. Here’s a hint from us libs that might help – try a few swears. Seriously, just take a deep breath and then yell FUCK as loud as possible. Maybe you could try MOTHERFUCKING COCKSUCKING CUNTLICKER!. It might take a few tries to find the appropriate mantra. I find that PENIS. works really well for me.

Once you get past that initial block, it’ll be easy. That first breakthrough will allow you to finally address whatever it is that’s been eating away at your soul, and for your own health, you really ought to do it Wes. Really we’re concerned for you buddy. Think of it as the lefty version of “I’ll pray for you.”


It’s hilarious the way you libs all always rise to the defence of St. William of (Putting On) Ayers. When are you going to accept that he was a terrorist, pure and simple? He should’ve been executed for treason and terrorist activities. But like Ted Kennedy, like John Kerry, like Al Gore, he’s managed to avoid any kind of accountability for his actions based solely on his family’s wealth and connections. Why you libs want to hold him up as some kind of saint or moral paragon is beyond me.


By the way, if anyone wants to help plan AA’s wedding, 3Bulls is working on it.




If Ayers was a terrorist and treasonous, what does that make Stonewall Jackson?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Wow, I’m not sure where you got “Why you libs want to hold him up as some kind of saint or moral paragon is beyond me.” from, ’cause it certainly ain’t this thread.

But, just to help you along in your paranoid delusions, the one where anyone to the left of Dick Cheney is some crazed fusion of Cindy Sheehan, Dolemite and Stalin.

Bill Ayers is NUMBER ONE BESTEST!!! GO GO BILL AYERS!!! I think Bill Ayers is a better role model than the Dalai Lama!!!

P.S. racist knight, I think you may be a victim of projection.


Jackson was a gifted tactician, sometimes seemingly gifted by fits of military genius. But he was, and anyone who fought for the Confederacy was, whatever their motivations, a traitor and a terrorist. Even if one applauds the Confederacy’s adherence to the Virginia School of states’ rights, their actions were inexcusable and should have been even more swiftly, more totally, punished.


Kincaid got his start thanks to M. Stanton Evans, who ran the National Journalism Center for a long time. Kincaid has demonstrated the close ties between Hugh Hefner and the liberal-left. Please update your “Who really controls Obama” file accordingly.


The dude’s hairpiece is ready for liftoff.


Gah!! I saw that Zobama thing somewhere & knew better than to click it. But I did here. Fortunately, PJTV is unable to provide an adequate stream (probably much like that guy w/ the hat who’s running things into the ground over there) so I didn’t have to watch much of it.

I will give this to wingnuts: They sure know how to, albeit desperately, amuse themselves.


pj o’rourke is funnier than any liberal who ever lived. dennis miller and dennis leary are two of the most talented standups you’ll ever see.

oh and btw, fyi, tina fey said in an interview she was secretly tempted to vote for rudy because she “wanted to feel safe”.


This is excellent news for Rudy! He’s sure to win Florida now!


oh and btw, fyi, tina fey said in an interview she was secretly tempted to vote for rudy because she “wanted to feel safe”.

No she didn’t.


The fact is, liberals, Obsama failed large last night. He is an empty suit, no creditability, and wants to destroy America, starting with socialism then dismantling our military by defunding it well funding liberal causes like ACORN and blacks who lied to get there morgages.


The Relatively Talentless Mr. Ripley: Oh but she did, my friend, she did. And to your beloved NY Times, no less.
Ms. Fey, who wrote that line, said it was semi-autobiographical, a way of ”admitting I have a lot of liberal feelings, but I also live in New York, and I want to feel safe, and I secretly kind of want Giuliani.”

bookmark it. QED.


Ru-dy! Ru-dy! Ru-dy!

Yep, definitely love a guy who turned voters off the more he campaigned.


I secretly kind of want Giuliani

She means ‘want’ in the biblical sense. Maybe it’s his teeth…


Also, love the Mayor Of Freaking New York getting up to the podium and describing Barack Obama as being too cosmopolitan.


After getting his ass whupped by Crazy Grampaw and Moose Barbie, Rudy can find comfort in the fact that an actress didn’t think he was that bad. Of course, she voted for the Black Democrat with a Scary Name anyway.

Ya know what helps me sleep better at night? Thinking about how Rudy will never again have any shot at elected office.


Hey guys your own entertainment mafia, the bespectacled intellectuals themselves, secretly kinda wanted Rudy. Doesn’t that make you sad saps realize just how close we are to re-taking the house and senate? We are only a few vagrant twists away from mass defections to Jindal’s presidential run 4 years from now.


You know who else? John Swartzwelder, who wrote more Simpsons episodes than anyone, is a hardcore anti-environmentalist, pro-gun libertarian. So you guys remember that when you make your little Simpsons allusions, watch your little 30 Rock cilps and SNL clips, we’ve got Fey and Swartzwelder on our side.


Yeah, and Edward Norton played a skinhead! OMG DAVID DUKE IS TEH WINNAR FOREVRE LOLOLO!!


Scott, honey, no. I’m talking about the political beliefs of actors and actresses and writers, not the characters they play. You…you can tell the difference right? You know if you see Christian Bale you don’t need to do a citizen’s arrest on him for killing Paul Allen witn an axe?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Doesn’t that make you sad saps realize just how close we are to re-taking the house and senate? We are only a few vagrant twists away from mass defections to Jindal’s presidential run 4 years from now.

Sure does. As Tina Fey says that she is secretly wishing of voting, but not actually doing so, so goes the the world.

But you’re right in connecting a Jindal presidential run with mass defecations from vagrants.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Please pretend I actually typed “rest of” between the the’s.


white knight, Coach Urban Meyer has the Boss Bobby 2012!!!!!!!! routine already patented. Get some new material.

Additionally, you’d think that after the endless We’re winning! We’re winning! chirping in Election 2008 didn’t work, wingnuts would search for some friggin substance. You know, SHOW don’t TELL. But alas. Boss Bobby rules! Everyone loves Super Sarah, the Power Palin!



Don’t ever correct typos like “the the”. The NEA might think it’s an homage to e.e. cummings and throw some money at you. Remember they gave Saroyan a bunch of cash for his incomparably brilliant poem “lighght”.


. . .you guys (presumably, and correct me if I am wrong)

Man wait you didn’t order your 2009 The Guys of SadlyNo! calendar? I can’t wait till May, which has a sweet pose of tintin wielding his massive disemvoweler. . .

Oh but that site Renew America is like my recurring nightmare, where I’m walking down a dimly lit hallway and being attacked by the skeleton of a straw man puking out generalizations about shadowy liberal monsters. Be gone selwyn duke and haunt me no more!


John Swartzwelder, who wrote more Simpsons episodes than anyone, is a hardcore anti-environmentalist, pro-gun libertarian.

He apparently got this from Wikipedia, which deduced it from a joke on a DVD commentary.

Swartzwelder and Tina Fey!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!


Me calling. I’d like me NEA rants back, thanks.


DN Nation–Hey, amigo,kemosabe, homeboy, I don’t happen to like Palin. William Buckley hated the Kristols and Ayn Rand. Not all Conservatives like each other or even respect each other. That would be like me assuming you must love Jerry Brown and the Rev. Jim Jones (card carrying kommie y’know) because you post on a liberal site.

But Jindal is the real deal. He’s smart, funny, charming, handsome, and he’s already kicking it into gear while Obama is forced to go down with a sinking ship he can’t possibly save. If unemployment is up in double digits four years from now and housing prices still haven’t recovered, Boss Bobby is going to have a cakewalk.


secretly kinda wanted Rudy.
So what you’re saying is that he almost secretly, kinda won? I glad to see that this secretly, kinda reality is working out so well for you.

If this is a repost, I secretly kinda apologize. Damn workpress


Hey, amigo,kemosabe, homeboy, I don’t happen to like Palin.

You mistake us for people who actually give a shit.


But Jindal is the real deal. He’s smart, funny, charming, handsome,

No he’s not.


There goes St Jesus again, saying “we” this “us” that. Libs must all be able to speak for each other. What’s that buzzing I hear? Is there a hive around here somewhere…..

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I was thinking of leaving it uncorrected as a tribute to Matt Johnson


Great movie, just sayin.


Ripley: You can deny it all you want, but Jindal is brilliant. In four years when the whole economy has turned into a regular pig’s breakfast under the watchful eyes of the Boy King, Jindal will march easily into the White House.

Don’t forget, Obama’s approval rating is already down to about 50/50. FACT.


(The news media) spread the unvarnished hogwash that the Weather Underground was just another anti-Vietnam War organization.

Those comsymp bastards! Any real American would spread only varnished hogwash.


Ah yes, the old standby… if you agree, it’s because great minds think alike. If you disagree, it’s because you are a victim of groupthink.

“There you go again!” An old favorite from St Reagan.

Did Tina Fey say that she kinda sorta wanted Jindal? But not to the point of voting for him? Go check Wikipedia.


This reminds me of the ascensions (however brief) of Republicans like Michael Steele, Ben Shapiro, etc.

It’s not that any of them actually offer any concrete electoral benefits to the Republicans. Steele, Armstrong Williams, and Alan Keyes have offered nothing but embarrassment and failure, and Shapiro and the other Teen Republicans haven’t produced anyone who could keep a job outside of RenewAmerica.

Republicans latch onto these isolated cases, these one-in-a-million outliers, and elevate them beyond their ability to perform, all the while screaming, “Our message is reaching black people! Our message is reaching the youth! Nothing will ever stop us again!”

Tina Fey voted for Obama, but she once said something kinda sorta positive about Guiliani, and Chuck Norris thinks Texas should become a republic again, and the other day, Letterman told an Obama joke, which proves beyond any possible shadow of a doubt that the GOP message is reaching movie stars, and the national mood is now wildly pro-Republican, and nothing will ever stop the them again.


Don’t forget, Obama’s approval rating is already down to about 50/50. FACT.

Nope. Zogby only. FACT!!!1!!1!


Again, “If……”
Great movie, just sayin.


Ya know what helps me sleep better at night? Thinking about how Rudy will never again have any shot at elected office.

I dunno. With Paterson more or less doomed, Giuliani does have a reasonable chance if he runs for governor. New York is kinda crazy like that.


But Jindal is the real deal.

Show. Don’t tell.

He’s smart

Book smart (aside from the creationist nonsense), yes. Political smarts? Severely lacking.


Something called “volcano monitoring,” nyuk nyuk nyuk




He’s even goofier looking than Obama.

and he’s already kicking it into gear

By making an ass of himself on national TV. But hey, he’s got K-Lo and Hewitt’s hearts all a-flutter, and we know what that’s worth coughromneycough.

If unemployment is up in double digits four years from now and housing prices still haven’t recovered

…Boss Bobby still will be a tool only loved by wingnut bloggers and trolls. Bookmark it.


When was the last time Tina Fey said something that wasn’t snarky?

I’d feel sorry for them, grasping at straws in this pathetic way, if they weren’t such smug assholes about it.


Don’t forget, Obama’s approval rating is already down to about 50/50. FACT.

In a Zogby online poll.

Again, you’ve learned nothing from Election 2008. Endless, worthless proclamations and cherry-picked polls from the most discredited sources. Keep it up.


I hope they make Jindal run, actually. He needs the exorcise.


D.N. since you mention it, if Ron Paul doesn’t run, my dream ticket would be Jindal/Romney or Romney/Jindal. If RP runs even as a 3rd party that’s where my vote and my money will be going.


Tina Fey is empathetic with what makes people vote for the Republican party? SHE MUST BE THE NEXT PHYLLIS SCHAFLY BY GOLLY.


D.N. since you mention it, if Ron Paul doesn’t run, my dream ticket would be Jindal/Romney or Romney/Jindal. If RP runs even as a 3rd party that’s where my vote and my money will be going.

Congrats! I don’t care.

But hey, hitch your wagon to I-only-won-Michigan-where-I-spent-a-buttload Romney. Whatever.


Once you get the Tina Fey Kinda Sorta vote, it’s all over for the Dems.

Except for the DVD commentary anecdotes, which aren’t all that good actually.


It sounds like white knight wants the economy to tank so Jindal can get elected. How unpatriotic. Why does he hate America and wish for its failure?


If RP runs even as a 3rd party that’s where my vote and my money will be going.

Okay, bring out the disemvoweller. This is just too sad. I don’t want to hear any more. I’m not that sick.


God damn, I hope all of white knight’s dream scenarios plays out. It will be funny watching the Excorcist coupled with the guy who lost to John McCain in 2008 fight for votes with Ron Paul. Barack won’t have to lift a finger if the idiots in the GOP don’t learn a thing.


I’m glad Ron Paul exists. It gives crazies a good outlet that meshes well with screed-xeroxing and fevered hoarding.


Jindal and Romney. Diametrically opposed are we? Kinda, sorta good luck with all that.
Again, “If…”. Great movie.


It’s nice, at least, to see they’ve tired of Chuck Norris as the wingnut “A FAMOUS PERSON AGREEZ WIF ME LOL” trump card. Now they’re adding Tina Fey to their side, with all the commitment to evidence I used in high school to decide Jennifer McNulty in my Math class secretly thought I was hot.


Oh my, a Papist and a cultist on the same ticket? If that happens, I think 2012 is going to be a good year for the Constitution Party.


I miss evil trolls. These new ones are just so pitiable.

Troofus went to a hotel so his post wouldn’t be disemvoweled for a few minutes. Think about that.


That Girl: Yes, I hope Obama fails miserably and the economy continues to go down. It’s inevitable with his economic plans anyway. Sometimes the country has to suffer in order to be saved. Like Jefferson said about watering the tree of liberty.

NC: A Phyllis Schlafly reference? Really? Oldie but a goody. Hey didn’t she and Tipper Gore used to be pals? Censorship makes strange bedfellows.


“Oldie”? Schafly is still active.

Timothy McVeigh

Hey, I was a fan of that same Jefferson quote. You wanna hang out, or are you still busy condemning Bill Ayers as a horrible, inexcusable terrorist?


NC Yeah but she’s an old hag and I don’t care about her even a little. More dead weight that needs to be purged from the party.


Well we got that cleared up.

Republicans actively hoping for the economy to tank because it will be good for their team = patriotic.

Liberals telling the truth about Iraq, Katrina, the economy or any other of Bush’s clusterfucks = treason.

I can’t believe these assholes really believe their own shit. They must know how they contradict themselves at every turn. They have no principals other than GO TEAM. And maybe never having to pay for anything, but even that isn’t furthered by wanting the economy to tank.


Legalize: Isn’t “not lifting a finger” pretty much Obama’s plan as it is? Talk big but really just hang out on talk shows making jokes about developmentally disabled persons while the whole thing goes to hell anyway? By 2012 the average person will be so badly off they will have a hard time feeding, let alone providing health care for, their kids. We are just going to waltz into the White House and set things up our way.


“pj o’rourke is funnier than any liberal who ever lived.”

Okay, buster, time’s up. Say good-night to mommy and daddy’s friends and get your little heinie up to bed.

(Cliff Kincaid was John Ratzinger’s character on Cheers. No, not the Pope! What? The Pope started out on Cheers? Nobody tells me anything.)


D.N. since you mention it, if Ron Paul doesn’t run, my dream ticket would be Jindal/Romney or Romney/Jindal. If RP runs even as a 3rd party A poopy toilet – that’s where my vote and my money will be going.

Repaired for clarity. Yer welcome.


That Girl: We never should have been in Iraq in the first place, nor should we go into Iran. Nor should we continue to prop up Israel at every turn.

As for Katrina–meh, that’s complex. So many of their problems were the direct result of inept mostly Democratic state leadership dating back to about the time of the New Deal. So much corruption and tomfoolery. Some blame also rests with Nagin. Much as my heart went out to those people, and it did, I’m still not sure taxpayer money should have been used in that situation. That’s best left up to private charities, especially when we were running a deficit thanks to Bush’s wasteful spending.


As for Katrina–meh, that’s complex. So many of their problems were the direct result of inept mostly Democratic state leadership dating back to about the time of the New Deal. So much corruption and tomfoolery. Some blame also rests with Nagin. Much as my heart went out to those people, and it did, I’m still not sure taxpayer money should have been used in that situation. That’s best left up to private charities, especially when we were running a deficit thanks to Bush’s wasteful spending. Hey, everybody! I just farted! Ha, ha, ha.


“Legalize: Isn’t “not lifting a finger” pretty much Obama’s plan as it is?”


“Talk big but really just hang out on talk shows making jokes about developmentally disabled persons while the whole thing goes to hell anyway?”

Yawn. How ’bout that Zogby poll!

“By 2012 the average person will be so badly off they will have a hard time feeding, let alone providing health care for, their kids. We are just going to waltz into the White House and set things up our way.”

You forgot to say, “bookmark it.” Boring. Stupid. Wrong.

Concern Troll Is Concerned

I am extremely concerned that liberal socialist Nazis like Barack Hussein Hussein would be so insensitive as to make fun of retarded people on television. I am also concerned that a blog that supposedly supports freedom of speech would consider banning one-note trolls who constantly post off-topic (and may be legally retarded themselves). I used to be a left-wing socialist member of the Democrat Par, but now I plan to campaign for Alan Keyes and begin picketing Planned Parenthood clinics.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Doesn’t that make you sad saps realize just how close we are to re-taking the house and senate?

You mean, regaining the permanent majority?

Think about that.


I love it when they go all revisionist. “Shut up, I’m a Libertarian, that’s why.”

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

…hang out on talk shows making jokes about developmentally disabled persons…

You do realize that “developmentally disabled persons” is a P.C. term, don’t you?

Aren’t you afraid you’ll get your mouth all full of Communism if you say things like that?


Legalize: Isn’t “not lifting a finger” pretty much Obama’s plan as it is?

Yep, every day I turn on Boortz and Hannity and Levin and Savage, and they’re all complaining that, gosh darn it, Obama just isn’t doing anything.

Really, dude? Really?



I believe in having good manners. I never understood what the big anti-“PC” backlash was. Most of what people call “PC” is just common courtesy–you know, don’t use deliberately offensive words in describing people. It’s a kind of snide schoolyard sarcasm people use when they derive pleasure from deliberately being racist, sexist, homophobic or using derogatory slang about persons with disabilities.


Much as my heart went out to those people, and it did, I’m still not sure taxpayer money should have been used in that situation.

And you think this attitude will be a political winner with people who will “be so badly off they will have a hard time feeding, let alone providing health care for, their kids.” That government shouldn’t help whatsoever, except for cuttin’ some capital gains taxes and sheet.

You suck at teh logic.


D.N. Savage is a skilled standup comedian. I still don’t believe his act, but I enjoy listening to him and I enjoy how hopped up he gets a lot of libs. Don’t pay attention to any of the others.

My own observation has been that Obama has actually done very little except flap his gums and pose for pictures. He will occasionally make some impotent moralizing flailing speech about how giving a tiny percentage of money to help retain valued employees in banking and finance is the worst thing ever. Not exactly doing much, though.


Obama’s not doing enough! He’s doing too much. Poor people can’t pay for health care! My tax dollars shouldn’t go to [insert whatever the fuck here]! Tax cuts! Whoops, except on AIG execs – 90% tax increase!

Whitey's "Own Observation"

My name is Glenn Beck.


Sept. 23, 2007

In writing for Liz, Ms. Fey said, she drew somewhat on her own experiences in television. In one episode Liz is called a vulgar name by a subordinate, an incident that Ms. Fey said was based on something that happened to her.

In another episode, in which Liz reflects on things about herself that others wouldn’t know, she says, ”There is an 80 percent chance” that she will ”tell all my friends I’m voting for Barack Obama, but I will secretly vote for John McCain.”

Ms. Fey, who wrote that line, said it was semi-autobiographical, a way of ”admitting I have a lot of liberal feelings, but I also live in New York, and I want to feel safe, and I secretly kind of want Giuliani.”

There is no chance that Ms. Fey was finding humor in the eternal struggle in the human animal between irrational impulses and rational decisions. Such as the craving for a pint of Chunky Monkey versus the decision to be healthy by controlling the appetite. Or the lust for a cute not-my-spouse person versus the decision to live in a warm, trusting marriage relationship. Or the longing to turn over and go to sleep rather than get up and feed and diaper your crying infant.

There is no way that Ms. Fey could feel a conflict between her desire for a familiar daddy figure and her intellectual comprehension that Giuliani located the emergency response teams in the World Trade Center for his own convenience and chose the cheapest radios for the police and firemen of the city rather than the best.

Therefore I must conclude that Ms. Fey is nothing more than a card-carrying Neocon and I will never find her funny again.


My own observation has been that Obama has actually done very little except flap his gums and pose for pictures. He will occasionally make some impotent moralizing flailing speech about how giving a tiny percentage of money to help retain valued employees in banking and finance is the worst thing ever. Not exactly doing much, though. I just farted again! Two times! I’m full of farts today!


St Jesus: That joke about how Jindal should run because he needs the exorcise was hilarious. I cracked up when I read that.


I believe in having good manners.

What are a guy like you doing in a place like this?


Seriously, guys? You’re encouraging this back-and-forth garbage?


Miss Manners finds trolling extremely impolite.

Right Wing Conspiracist

“My own observation has been that Obama has actually done very little except flap his gums and pose for pictures. He will occasionally make some impotent moralizing flailing speech about how giving a tiny percentage of money to help retain valued employees in banking and finance is the worst thing ever. Not exactly doing much, though.”

Sounds a lot like Jimmy Carter!


NYM: lol, I am also a good sport. Most of the articles here are entertaining and so are a few of the posters. Besides I’d have been banned long ago at most Conservative blogs, because I agree with most of their ideas but I don’t belong in the right way with the right words and they’re not big with the tolerance.


You’re right! We need rotary garbage!


My own observation

…is complete, Instapundit-addled bullshit.

Sorry, troll. You were interesting for a while, but that moment has passed. Good luck with Jindal/Romney ’12.

Right Wing Conspiracist

How long until Obama puts on a sweater and tells us to turn down the thermostat, carpool, and lower our standard of living?


Since the troll chow is out anyway: white knight, fresh from the Cleveland Steamer, did you in the previous thread really attempt to diss the commentariat here, calling them ‘sad pockmarked spazzes’, because they weren’t as hardcore at playing dice-based RPGs as you?


Savage is a skilled standup comedian

No he’s not.


The commentariat? Really?

Owlbear was much more hxc than I ever was, I was only trying to keep up.


Whatchoo talkin’ about? Savage’s subtle comedic style combines Sam Kinison yelling, Lewis Black yelling, and a burned out militiaman who hates black people, women and gay people and thinks autistic kids are faking it, yelling. I’m laughing just thinking about it!
Because if there’s one thing “Epic Movie” taught us, it’s that parody doesn’t have to be funny.


You’re encouraging this back-and-forth garbage?

On the bright side (though admittedly not too bright), one might find utility in identifying the back-and-forthers and retaining this information for future reference and appropriate action.


I ran on HOPE ‘N CHANGE once, too.

Look what happened to my Presidency!

Bitter Scribe, a Washington-based writer and veteran broadcast journalist.

Hey, what a coincidence! I just heard that the former President of the United States lied to the American people to start a completely unnecessary war that has cost tens of thousands of lives and billions of dollars, and we were all told to just shut up about it because it’s all in the past!


Marlowe: Look at Savage’s background. I still maintain he’s just a post-modern performance artist.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

one might find utility in identifying the back-and-forthers and retaining this information for future reference and appropriate action.

That’s a good idea – everyone involved should be banned, only to reappear two hours later.


Hey, what a coincidence! I just heard that the former President of the United States lied to the American people

I will never lie to you.

But I’ll never have a second term, either.


The Reagan Legacy is not pretty.


I was talking about action on the part of readers and commenters, not the proprietors. I guess I should have made that clear.


Trans: I sure as hell don’t want him on my team, but nor am I going to concede that a substantial portion of conservatives actually believe the things he says on a regular basis.

The 1980s, 90s, and mid 2000s Economic Booms

The Reagan Legacy is not pretty.

Yes it is.


Another day of being completely ignored by trolls.




So an entire radical left-wing socialist conspiracy is resting upon the word of one man, even if it is massively backed up by an entire book written by another man…but based on interviews with the first man!

Suddenly, Major Garrett’s question at the news conference last night makes sense.

Bear Market Rallies

We tend to be temporary and fleeting.


Marlowe; I am going to let you in on a little secret. Lots of self-proclaimed Conservatives aren’t all that bright. They do believe what Savage says, that’s what makes his act so good.


I still maintain he’s just a post-modern performance artist.

Karen Finley was a pomo performance artist.

She got the joke. So did her audiences, which numbered in the hundreds and maybe the thousands on a really good night at a large venue.

Savage doesn’t get the joke, but worse, neither do his listeners who, while not as extensive as he’d like them to be, don’t appear to be intelligent enough to understand that he might be kidding.

The WWE. That’s pomo performance art, and yet I’d wager that about 60% of their audience doesn’t get the joke.

And I mean the adults. I don’t expect the kids to.


I’m sure wingnuts will attribute my rise to Obama, seeing how they think Obama giving a friggin speech causes me to fall.

Or maybe they’ll just ignore me completely.


I used to put daily stock updates on my blog. Why don’t I anymore?

Billions in Taxpayer Money to Wall St. Losers

Of course you’re up on this news.

Right Wing Conspiracist

You can crown when the Dow is above 10,000 again. Until then it’s just a Bear Market Rally.


We no longer care about Wall Street. We care about, um…hey, anyone want to like us?


My tactics are tired.


political coelacanth

Best band name of the week.


Troofus went to a hotel so his post wouldn’t be disemvoweled for a few minutes.

The fuck you say. I must’ve missed that thread. Is this confirmed? If so, that is awesome.

Right Wing Conspiracist

Troofus went to a hotel so his post wouldn’t be disemvoweled for a few minutes.

That’s probably just Tintin making up bullshit about peoples IP addresses again.


Me- Happened in the thread before this one. Here’s Tintin:

The Authentic has been dealt with again. You have to wonder why the first thing he did when he logged onto his hotel’s WiFi was run over here to see if he could see the site and comment.

pwn3d. Troofy squealing that we “lost” right before getting the boot: Classic.

Right Wing Conspiracist

Yeah man, you guys totally won a debate against The Authentic using facts, logic, and evidence.

Oh wait, you just said “PENIS”, “POOP”, made up shit about his IP address to mock him then disemvowled and banned him. My mistake!


Troofus went to a hotel so his post wouldn’t be disemvoweled for a few minutes. Think about that.

It doesn’t surprise me. It was pretty clear that trolling Sadly, No was the most important thing he had going in his life. He’s probably having a hard time finding a new obsession strong enough to replace it.


PENIS!!!! POOP!!!!

Dragon-King Wangchuck


Dragon-King Wangchuck



Oh wait, you just said “PENIS”, “POOP”, made up shit about his IP address to mock him then disemvowled and banned him. My mistake!

And that’s a bad thing…how?

We tried to be civil, and all we got was stalked.


Marlowe: Look at Savage’s background. I still maintain he’s just a post-modern performance artist. Braaaaaaaaap. Flp. Squeek. Oh, man, I just farted again. I’m gonna go sit on the can for a while. I had two burritos last night. Maybe I just need to take a good shit.


Yeah man, you guys totally won a debate against The Authentic using facts, logic, and evidence.

Oh wait, you just said “PENIS”, “POOP”…

Penis and poop are inescapable and undeniable facts.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I told you WordPress loves me more! HAHAHA, it’s only you who are posting comments too quickly!

Dragon-King Wangchuck


Concern Troll Is Concerned

Yeah man, you guys totally won a debate against The Authentic using facts, logic, and evidence.

News flash: It is impossible to “win” a debate against a troll using facts, logic and evidence when the troll in question has no interest in listening to facts, logic, or evidence.

Since when are trolls ever interested in listening?


Gentlemen, behold:





Damn. I wish I had thought of that.


Gentlemen, behold:


Behold the anagrams:

Ponies Pop

Pies On Pop

And the piece of resistance:

Peon Psi Op

Come, won’t you join the peon psi op?


Indeed. Because PENISOOP would be far too disturbing.

Right Wing Conspiracist

Who is a troll is in the eye of the beholder.

Really, there’s little difference between the tactics the Authentic used and what you all and Tintin do. The only difference is you get to disemvowel and ban who you don’t like.

In a way, we’re all trolls now.

Dragon-King Wangchuck, troll

In a way, we’re all trolls now.

I am Spartacus!

Jonah Goldberg's Next Book

In a way, we’re all trolls now.

Dammit. Gonna have to think of a new chapter title.


The only difference is you get to disemvowel and ban who you don’t like.

Well, yeah.

C’mon. Admit you thought Peak Truthy was the funniest thing in the history of ever. Dude’s last words here were crying about the Duke LAX hoax, Actor212, and Tintin right before getting the ol’ heave-ho. All done from the comfort of a Super 8 because he’s banned from home. For all of us who waited for more than half a year for that nitwit to be even remotely interesting, his final act was classic. And for that, he still won’t be missed.

Dragon-King Wangchuck, troll


Right Wing Conspiracist

I’m not sure that was really Truthy, or if a regular just happened to be at a hotel and decided to spoof him/her/it (this is also assuming Tintin was telling the “Truth” about his/her/its IP address).

Defending Troofus

Not worth it.


Really, there’s little difference between the tactics the Authentic used and what you all and Tintin do.

Mocking stupid people isn’t the same as being stupid people. Satire is not the same thing as spam. No one has a right to be aggressively wrong all the time.

Yeah man, you guys totally won a debate against The Authentic using facts, logic, and evidence.

The first twenty or so times, yes. After that, it was mocking time.

Creationists, holocaust deniers, and conservatives: eventually you just get sick of privileged stupidity.


Hey…is this like that Star Trek episode where they got Vejur to break down by posing it a logical contradiction?

First of all, V’Ger.

Secondly, you’re thinking of “I, Mudd”.

Norman, coordinate!


Norman, coordinate!

To this day, I regret that that line wasn’t followed by Anthony Perkins, lit from below to get the crazy gleam in his eye, stepping out from behind the scenery to say “Yes, mother.” and stab one of the robots.


Peon Psi Op

What a Concern Troll engages in when concern trolling.


I forget. Did they ever determine if I was programmed by the Borg?

Right Wing Conspiracist

Me and white knight are begging to be disemvowelled. What gives with the delay?


Ahh Little, to run into someone who loves the Trek so much. Did you know that both Nimoy and the Shat have birthdays this week? I really wish I didn’t have that knowledge now that I think about it……

….damn I’m a nerd….


V’ger said,

March 25, 2009 at 18:58

I forget. Did they ever determine if I was programmed by the Borg?
Naw, that was the whale probe thingy.


Kinda OT, but not really since it’s still in the general category of silly wingnut bullshit:

Every single day seems to prove that Glenn Beck is more prophetic than he is crazy.


Right Wing Conspiracist

So when is our bright and articulate President going to release his test scores?

Dragon-King Wangchuck, troll

First of all, V’Ger.

Actually, I haven’t read the book, so I’m trusting wiki on this:

Vejur in the novelization by Gene Roddenberry

Right Wing Conspiracist

More to the point, when am I going to learn to wipe my own ass? Mom, I’m done in here!


If only we had strict defenders of the Constitution like GW and Dick Cheney watching out for us.

If only.


I must say Obama’s tactic of ‘strings and shiny objects’ is working brilliantly.


Do you suppose we could get White Knight to do a “Bookmark this, liberals” post along the lines of the late great The Truth? It might include, “In four years when the whole economy has turned into a regular pig’s breakfast under the watchful eyes of the Boy King, Jindal will march easily into the White House.”


Lex (Agent of Chaos) Azagthoth said,

March 25, 2009 at 19:08

Ahh Little, to run into someone who loves the Trek so much. Did you know that both Nimoy and the Shat have birthdays this week? I really wish I didn’t have that knowledge now that I think about it……

….damn I’m a nerd…

Here ya go!


Why the hell would anyone care about Obama’s test scores?

Rusty Shackleford

Troofus went to a hotel so his post wouldn’t be disemvoweled for a few minutes. Think about that.

Now that is funny. Spending all day jumping from wi-fi hotspot to wi-fi hotspot just to troll the comment threads of a website where most of the regulars have him/her killfiled. That’s gotta be the new dictionary definition of “pathetic.”


I am Spartacus!

I am Flatulus!


Really, there’s little difference between the tactics the Authentic used and what you all and Tintin do. The only difference is you get to disemvowel and ban who you don’t like. you’re actually funny

Fixed yer post.


Hey…is this like that Star Trek episode where they got Vejur to break down by posing it a logical contradiction?

First of all, V’Ger.

Secondly, you’re thinking of “I, Mudd”.

Norman, coordinate!



“Error! Error! Fall-tee! Fall-tee!”


The Changeling (not to be confused with the hideous Angelina Jolie movie)

The Extra Authentical Truthiness

Once when I was staying at a Super 8, a nasty bug got through my protection. And my laptop got a virus from the wireless connection too.


I was talking about action on the part of readers and commenters, not the proprietors. I guess I should have made that clear.

Oh, understood, but I need to do something more than I’m doing. I haven’t been able to spend enough unstructured time here lately, and I’ve been sort of blindly assuming that TinTin has been making up the deficit….


Dude’s last words here were crying about the Duke LAX hoax, Actor212, and Tintin right before getting the ol’ heave-ho.

Only he heard them as, “From Hell’s heart, I stab at thee… For hate’s sake, I spit my last breath at thee…”

I gladly accept the role of Capt. James T Kirk, Troofie.


Bear in mind that motel troll was probably in the lobby, or sitting on his tricycle outside. They don’t rent rooms to people under 18.

Ruppert of Borg

The fact is, you will be assimilated. From now on, your existence will service the Heartland. Resistance is futile.


Why the hell would anyone care about Obama’s test scores?

Or teleprompters. Or birth certificates. Or the Annenberg board. Or Rev. Wright.

Cowards need lots of places to hide, it would seem.


You are already assimilated. When you realize this, you will be enlightened.


In the film version of the Obama administration, will Christopher Walken play Wes Vernon?

Dragon-King Wangchuck, easily distracted troll

When will Obama reverse the polarity on transporter pattern buffer?


Wesistance is futiwe! Pwepare to be assimiwated!

Huh huh huh huh….


I’ve been spending plenty of unstructured time here, meself.

Now I have to get back to work. *sniff*


Hmmm, pr’pare t’ be askimilated.

Number of photon torpedoes on the USS Voyager

We are endless.

Dragon-King Wangchuck, easily distracted troll

I demand that the Federation release the vault copy of the transcript of Obama’s performance in the Kobayashi Maru Simulator.


There’s also a “Henry Lamb” at the other ASI. Awesome. Maybe he accidentally joined the wrong one?

Electrician of Borg

Resistance is measured in ohms.


He said ass stimulation…huh huh….huh huh….




The Lady in Red…
She’s been assimilated.


What is it with these idiotic humans and their idiotic minds? Stupid! Stupid! They ought to just let themselves be assimilated like the islamofascistliberals they are!


So many Borg, so few Swedes.


Please put it on the record that actor212 combined Rush, the Borg, and Plan 9 in one post. Well done.


What about MEEEEE!!!!!


Assimilatin’ is hard work. That’s why I’m going to spend the next month on my Unimatrix Zero Ranch.


Is there a more fitting comparison for Rush Limbaugh than Eros of Plan 9?

Gilbert Gottfried of Borg



And ACORN. I forgot ACORN.


Could Wes be Superman?
From Christopher Walken’s Twitter feed:

A neighbor kid shows up from time to time dressed as Superman. I think it’s him anyway. Very difficult to say for sure without the glasses.


Wow, I clicked through to the Cliff Kink-aid bio page, and it looks like a major Sadly photoshop effort! Jarring color scheme, anti-U.N. logo, and Cliffy even sports a (graying) Wingnut Face Mullet(TM). His “qualifications” are teh awsome:

” In the 1980s, he was a guest co-host on CNN’s Crossfire (filling in for Pat Buchanan), where he confronted the then-Libyan Ambassador to the U.N. with evidence of Libyan involvement in international terrorism.”

(Sounds so brave, yet just involves yelling at some guy in a TV studio.)

And, best yet, “ASI” (America’s Survival Institute) has the url “”. Maybe the “Survivor” TV series got the url he wanted?


That ball was in!


I know we’re suppose to assimilate everyone, but McEnroe really is a little shit.


Resistance is futile. Prepare to be Mickey Mousified and cast your vote, over and over again.


If anyone hears Dean Vernon say “Needs more cowbell,” please be sure to let us know.

Pantload DoughBorg

That you are resisting successfully is central to my assimilation.

The Borg Perfessor

LOCUTUS SAYS that resistance is futile. Heh.

Concern Borg Is Concerned

By failing to flagellate Obama in a sufficiently vehement fashion, you liberals are only making yourselves look bad.

Spartacus of Borg

We are Spartacus.

A is for Asswipe

The thing about authentic troofie racing to post from a Motel 6 somewhere is the timing. Remember, he’s the one who posts 24/7 – further proof (as if any is needed) that he’s got no job. It’s highly doubtful he goes to school, even though his comments are what one would expect from a 10th grader. College? No fucking way -maybe he did but flunked out. So anyway, why is it THIS WEEK that he finally finds himself travelling even though he has no income?

It’s spring break, aint it? His parents are probably in academics. Ergo his disdain for academia and his pathetic need to feel like he’s getting the best of someone – because he gets intellectually slapped around by his mommy, you see.

I’m giving 4:1 odds on the profile.


Oh fuckety fuck. ‘Twas I that did that dirty thing.


Yo Spartacus! You like oysters? Or snails?


Top ‘o the Hope and Change for you to assimilate.

Spartacus of Borg

Yo Spartacus! You like oysters? Or snails?

This is not a question of morality. All molluscs will be assimilated. Meet me at the bath house, 10 PM. Resistance is futile.


Also, thanks folks! I finally understand the borg thing. I could never figure out what the fuck it was about because they kept saying resistance is feudal.



Borgmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it will go down next week. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.

First, we’ll assimilate Virginia and Michigan, but you liberals won’t think much of it.

Florida will go Borg and a little nervousness will creep in.

As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be sprouting nanobots.

My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a Kang presidency and the Great Federation Freakout will be on.


Holy flurking shnitt!


Shhhhhh. Don’t let the wingnuts know it’s true.


All this assimilating has made me very fat. Fortunately I have this very large house to live in.


Naw, that was the whale probe thingy.
It was bad enough being abducted by aliens and subjected to anal probes without the whales getting into the act.
I am Blartacus!


We is the Borg. Resistance are footile. U will be asimilatud. Romney.


Resistance is blart. You will be blarted.

American Sheep Industry dot Borg


We have assimilated both Kincaid and McDonnell. Resisting Svereignty is futile.

Godlstein of Borg

You will be assimilated slapped with my cock. Resistance is futile, just like my search for meaningful employment.


Where’s my motherfucking iced tea. You will assimilate this loofah.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I am totally looking forward to Debbie Schluessel’s review of The Weathermen movie, in which a giant blue Dr. Ayers’ penis hangs before her eyes, its pendulous scrotum giving her a metaphorical teabagging.

Lamest Fucking Cop-Out In The History Of The World of Borg

Mistakes were assimilated, but dwelling on the past is futile.

Second Lamest Cop-Out in the History of the World Borg

I’m insulted that you even asked me whether resistance is futile.


Even though we will assimilate you and resistance is futile, my belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators.

The Fool of Borg

What do you bench?


She said, She said,

I know what it’s like to be dead
I know what it’s like to be dead

I know what it is to be sad
I know what it is to be sad


I’m giving 4:1 odds on the profile.

I’ll take that bet. I think he’s posting from a motel because he got evicted. Maybe spending a year or so posting comment after comment here about Kamu Kambon and the Jena 6 instead of looking for a job or applying for disability benefits or maybe seeking help from some social services agency to get his life back on track wasn’t such a great idea after all. Yeah, I know, hindsight and all that. And I don’t think he’s stupid. He sounds college educated to me and he’s smart enough to have derailed dozens of threads here by manipulating a bunch of people into wasting their own time “arguing” with him. Not stupid, troubled.



Paul Begala: “The GOP is like an arsonist who complains that the fire department is wasting water.”

Oh that’s good.


The paramount concern of white people is Dr. Kamau Kambon of Borg. Why?
We are going to assimilate all your white women, but none of the ones tainted by flouridation

Owner of a Lonely Borg

Assimilate yourself
You are the move you make

Owner of a Lonely Blart

Blart yourself
You are the blart you blart

Smorgas of Bord

Eat me.


Colleague emails link to a letter to the editor of the NYTs from an AIG executive pleading innocence and reasons he deserves his bonus. Colleague calls this “the other side of the AIG story.” Like we’re supposed to read this and have a lightbulb go on that reminds us these finance executives are nice humans who got caught up in something that wasn’t their fault.

I point him to Matt Taibbi’s latest report on the facts of what’s happened and he responds by saying “that was entertaining”; and then he admits he didn’t read it because he’s suspicious of others who aren’t Matt but might write like him who judge human nature so harshly.

Oh my godz, kill me now. I really can’t take more of this.


So are you liberals ever going to assimilate the profoundly important questions, which are fundamentally relevant to the current discussion, that I ask?

Hahaha. Of course not, your attempts would be futile.


What light through yonder window breaks?

It is the east and you will be assimilated.

Dragon-King Wangchuck of Borg

You will be PENIS. Resistance is PENIS.

And in conclusion, PENIS.


Mah charcoal cube!

Being John Borgovich

You know I’m going to be a thread title soon.


Wow, I clicked through to the Cliff Kink-aid bio page, and it looks like a major Sadly photoshop effort! Jarring color scheme, anti-U.N. logo, and Cliffy even sports a (graying) Wingnut Face Mullet(TM). His “qualifications” are teh awsome:

” In the 1980s, he was a guest co-host on CNN’s Crossfire (filling in for Pat Buchanan), where he confronted the then-Libyan Ambassador to the U.N. with evidence of Libyan involvement in international terrorism.”

(Sounds so brave, yet just involves yelling at some guy in a TV studio.)

That’s real upward mobility, wingnut-wise, eh tensor? From appearing on a basic cable new show 20 years ago, to flacking bizarre wingnut conspiracy theories (sourced to ONE GUY!1!1!) on an obscure website. Soon, he’ll be writing angry letters to the editor of the Peoria Weekly Advertiser.


Troofie posts from a motel because he’s a bellhop-in-training. Eventually they’ll trust him enough to wrap the paper strip that says “SANITIZED” around the toilet seats.

Th Athntc Trth Bfr Hs Dshnr

I’ll take that bet. I think he’s posting from a motel because he got evicted.

I wouldn’t. Good grief folks, I’m ashamed to have to spell this out for you, but he’s almost certainly just swapping between free proxy servers, which are usually unsecured or hijacked computers but easy enough to find with a google search, to keep up a stream of new IPs until someone at SN! recognizes his posting style and closes that one down.

Indeed, even his freak out yesterday was only to try and play for the sympathy angle from any right wing observers he foolishly believes might be here… he even used his Right Wing Conspiracist identity to further push that idea, but no one spotted it despite being incredibly hamfisted in implementation. After all… how much advance warning do you think he would have had if he was going to be genuinely banned? Yet he was sat around caterwailing about it for ages…

Now, if he’s actually emailed the hosts of SN!, they will genuinely know where he is, and how he’s constantly posting from there, as emails contain every step across the internet under the MIME parts of the headers, even if they then go to an anonymous proxy from his originating computer. But actually preventing people going to webpages etc when behind a proxy is almost (if not outright) impossible. You’d have to be able to identify by internal hardware identification his actual computer to really put a dent in his activities… and then, and only then would he start going to WiFi locations with their own hardware for him to use. The only realistic way you can control their influence is… yes… ignoring them.

I do agree he’s seriously psychologically damaged. To still be at it all these years later, to endless bombard here and elsewhere with his certifiably insane claims indicates a man-child way, way beyond common sense’s event horizon. And I agree he’s smart enough to have at least sat down and worked out the basics of getting around internet bans; his OCD and outright anti-social hatred won’t ever let him stop posting. But the idea that the instant someone says he’s banned he actually is is laughable. Which is why he’s here as White Knight again. And suddenly everyone seems to have forgotten his endless “Authentic” claims about how he satisfies women… by pushing up on each stroke “to hit the g-spot”, at which point everyone burst out laughing at his lack of knowledge. You knew he was the same obsessive troll then. He’ll claim you see him everywhere when he’s not soon. And then you’ll forget the insanity he came out with in this thread. But all you have to do is… ignore it entirely

Jorge of Borges

The search for truth is futile.

Victor of Borge

You will entertained. Resistance is futile.


I wouldn’t. Good grief folks, I’m ashamed to have to spell this out for you, but he’s almost certainly just swapping between free proxy servers, which are usually unsecured or hijacked computers but easy enough to find with a google search, to keep up a stream of new IPs until someone at SN! recognizes his posting style and closes that one down.

Or he’s posting from the general-use computer in the lobby of a Sleep Inn. C’mon, admit it: That’d be funnier.


You will be bankrupted. Spending is futile.


Or he’s posting from the general-use computer in the lobby of a Sleep Inn.

I heard he hangs out in an old Radio Shack in Montana somewhere where they still stock Tandys.

Melvin St. Charles, Night Manager, S.C. I-95 Exit 142 Sleep Inn

So THAT’s what he’s doing. Hold on, gettin’ my evictin’ broom.


“Or he’s posting from the general-use computer in the lobby of a Sleep Inn. C’mon, admit it: That’d be funnier.”

Way funnier. What would be even more funnier to me is knowing that Twoofie is wearing dark glasses, a false beard and a baseball hat, sneaking into the lobbies of various motor lodges in whatever rube hole he lives in.

For the sole purpose of posting at S,N!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

You will entertained. Resistance is futile.

I think that what you meant to say was Resistance is many-tile.


What would be even more funnier to me is knowing that Twoofie is wearing dark glasses, a false beard and a baseball hat, sneaking into the lobbies of various motor lodges in whatever rube hole he lives in.

For the sole purpose of posting at S,N!

Posts 24 hours a day. No apparent job. New IPs. Hangs out in hot sheet motels. Likes Republicans.

Oh my god, he’s a gay male hooker!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

And for that, he still won’t be missed.

He won’t be missed because he’ll never be gone.


What would be even more funnier to me is knowing that Twoofie is wearing dark glasses, a false beard and a baseball hat

Or better still, one of Bugs Bunny’s more outrageous drag getups.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

To still be at it all these years later, to endless bombard here and elsewhere with his certifiably insane claims indicates a man-child way, way beyond common sense’s event horizon.

Thus we have the dement horizon, the boundary beyond which facts cannot impinge on a consciousness.

Some experts theorize that the combined denseness of the wingnutosphere will cause such a collapse that it will spawn an alternate universe in which Bill Kristol has a beard, Zombie Reagan is President-for-Undeath, and magic ponies shit Cheetos and piss Mountain Dew.


Let me explain my theory of the Borgasm.


Noise Machine spreads new meme: Obama is BOR-RING:

See also:


Th Athntc Trth Bfr Hs Dshnr said,

March 25, 2009 at 21:41 (kill)

You’ve got an awful funny style of ignoring him, don’t you? Are you the one or one of the ones who’s been posting his “bookmark this” comment in its entirety over and over? Anyway, look at me talking about him too. I couldn’t help speculating about his profile though and I stand by my theory.

Bitter Scribe, a Washington-based writer and veteran broadcast journalist.

And for that, he still won’t be missed.

How can we miss him when he won’t go away?


You parasites will not be assimilated.


Your 401Ks have been assimilated. Burp!


Thus we have the dement horizon, the boundary beyond which facts cannot impinge on a consciousness.

As opposed to the cement horizon, which is the absolute bottom line level of stoopidity in the Republican party.


Zee Burg ere-a a feecshunel pseoodu-rece-a ooff cyberneteec oorguneesms depeected in zee Ster Trek fruncheese-a. Zee Burg eppeer in muny , pleyeeng mejur rules in Zee Next Genereshun und Fuyeger telefeesiun sereees, preemerily es un infeseeun threet tu zee Uneeted Federeshun ooff Plunets und zee meuns ooff retoorn tu zee Elpha Qooedrunt fur isuleted Federeshun stersheep Fuyeger, respecteefely. Borg borg borg! Zee Burg hefe-a becume-a a symbul in pupooler cooltoore-a fur uny jooggernoot egeeenst vhum “reseestunce-a is footeele-a”.
Zee Burg muneeffest es cyberneteecelly inhunced hoomunueed drunes ooff moolteeple-a speceees, oorguneezed es un intercunnected cullecteefe-a, zee deceesiuns ooff vheech ere-a mede-a by a heefe-a meend. Borg borg borg! Zee Burg inhebeet a fest regeeun ooff spece-a in zee Delta Qooedrunt ooff zee gelexy, pussesseeng hoondreds ooff fessels und hefeeng cunqooered thuoosunds ooff systems. Um gesh dee borg, borg! Zeey ooperete-a sulely tooerd zee foolffeelling ooff oone-a poorpuse-a: tu “edd zee beeulugicel und technulugeecel deestinctifeness ooff oozeer speceees tu zeeur oovn” in poorsooeet ooff perffecshun. Thees is echeeefed thruoogh furced esseemileshun, a prucess vheech trunsffurms indeefidooels und technulugy intu Burg, inhunceeng, und seemooltuneuoosly cuntrulleeng, indeefidooels by implunteeng oor eppendeeng synzeeteec cumpunents. Um gesh dee borg, borg!


anyone unemployed? Fraud investigators are in demand.

ShakesBorg said,
Les.l.ey, Send them my way. I have an answer for DeSantis.

I read your piece and agree, but the effort would be wasted on someone as out of touch as I’ve described. The individual in question – who is also a brown noser – doesn’t deserve any more attention than I’ve already given him. (Any respect I had has left the building.)


Borg! Borg! Borg!

(with apologies to Smut Clyde)



It astounds me that some people can actually tie their own shoelaces.

Melvin St. Charles, Night Manager, S.C. I-95 Exit 142 Sleep Inn

This thread has really gone off the rails. Blart.


The Constitution does not guarantee any right to not be assimilated.


Hey, and that’s only one. Another – one of the (self-admittedly) laziest people I’ve ever met – blames the crisis on the victims, people who invested their life savings with these finance firms.

I am putting feelers out for work elsewhere because I can’t stand working with rednecks anymore. They suck the life out of my soul.


In A.D. 2009
Borg was beginning.
Captain: What happen ?
Mechanic: Someone set up us the borg.
Operator: We get assimilated.
Captain: What !
Operator: Main screen turn on.
Captain: It’s you !!
CATS: How are you gentlemen !!
CATS: All your borg are belong to us.
CATS: You are on the way to assimilation.
Captain: What you say !!
CATS: You have no chance to survive make your time.
CATS: Ha ha ha ….
Operator: Captain !! *
Captain: Take off every ‘ZIG’!!
Captain: You know what you doing.
Captain: Move ‘ZIG’.
Captain: For great justice.


Another – one of the (self-admittedly) laziest people I’ve ever met – blames the crisis on the victims

But let me guess, the 2001 recession was Clinton’s fault…

CATS: How are you gentlemen !!

KITTIES! >^..^<


Borgism states that “Assimilation Assimilates” (the Axiom of Assimilation) and “Assimilation is Assimilated Identity.” To be assimilated is to be “an entity of a specific nature made of specific attributes, which is assimilated.”[3] That which has not been assimilated does not and cannot be assimilated. Hence, the Law of Assimilation: a thing that is assimilated is assimilated. Whereas “assimilation assimilates” pertains to assimilation itself (whether something is assimilated or not), the law of assimilation pertains to the nature of an assimilated object as being necessarily distinct from non-assimilated objects (whether something is assimilated or not). As Rand wrote, “A leaf cannot be all assimilated and non-assimilated at the same time, it cannot attain warp speed and beam down at the same time. Borg is Borg.”[3]


Ed Henry managed to crawl up his own ass. His verdict? “Smells like lilacs.”


Ed Henry managed to crawl up his own ass. His verdict? “Smells like lilacs.”

It struck me odd that Henry asked a question that the President answered just five minutes earlier.

I realize that the yahoos in Bugfuck, KY can’t be bothered to listen to an in-depth explanation, but Obama clearly said something very similiar to “I didn’t wan’t to say anything until I had all the facts” in his lengthy answer, so it must have been pretty annoying to listen to the same question all over again.

Which merely means Ed Henry is from Bugfuck, KY.


I was heading into this event with the same strategy: make news on something unexpected (I won’t tell you which topics I was working on cause it would ruin the surprise for a future presser or interview with the president).

Shorter Ed Henry: It’s all about me, me, me.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Herein lies the genesis of Ed Henry’s FAIL:

But on Tuesday night, as I sat in the front row nervously reviewing my hypothetical questions written out in longhand (decidedly old school), I kept thinking back to a conversation I had with Wolf Blitzer Saturday night at the Gridiron dinner.


As opposed to the cement horizon, which is the absolute bottom line level of stoopidity in the Republican party.

There is no bottom line to wingnut stupidity. It extends downward past the boundaries of space and time. It extends downward beyond the feet of Gargu the Turtle God, upon whose shell the universe rests. It’s extent is beyond infinite, beyond knowable and unknowable, beyond all that can ever be or has ever been.

That is why I worship wingnut stupidity. Debbie Schlussel and J. Grant Swank are my Gods and Sadly, No is my shrine.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

As opposed to the cement horizon, which is the absolute bottom line level of stoopidity in the Republican party.

I thought the cement horizon was the absolute bottom line your skin can hit when you’re going downhill on your bike, and have to do a “controlled” flop onto the sidewalk to avoid being “car-doored”.


More Henry: I’ve got no hard feelings toward the president and I assume he feels the same, but I can’t worry about that. I was doing my job…

Where can I get this job – professional wanker?


I received the following response to my incredulity that anyone would believe the letter from de Santis was anything but a self-pity party:

The larger corporate reasons for publishing the story …didn’t invalidate that executives personal feelings or his life experience, regardless of whether he or I or you or Matt [Taibbi] think he is operating under a delusion.

I replied:

I don’t buy that de Santis (the author of that letter) was delusional or misinformed; or a misunderstood guy who made a few mistakes or didn’t know what was going on.

He’d like sympathy. He’s embarrassed and ashamed and people probably shun him at the martini bar. He wants to keep his bonus. But he’s only a victim in his own mind. Even if he believes every word that he’s written, this guy was at the very top of the food chain in AIG. This pity party he’s having for himself, and his colleagues who profited, reflects a grossly inflated sense of entitlement, one he and his peers haven’t earned. For this reason, his letter seems disingenuous at the least and insidiously manipulative at the worst. He is trying to make his victims and the government wagging the finger feel guilty.

Lance Mannion wrote an insightful essay distinguishing the wealthy who’ve earned through invention, talent, and luck and those who schemed to fabricate wealth, destroying others in the process.

The true victims of decisions by guys like de Santis – and the saddest personal stories – are the people who got bilked, lost their life savings, their pensions, and the hundreds of thousands who have lost jobs because of decisions made by men like him. But it goes beyond this. The US chronically underfunds public education and health, has no public health insurance plan, has an incredibly low minimum wage, nationally, and horrendous poverty. It makes repeated excuses for why it can’t spend money to raise people out of poverty. And now, because of guys like de Santis and their crummy criminal self-serving decisions, the government is spending trillions to bail out companies run into the ground by guys like him. It’s unconscionable.

I don’t care one iota for his feelings.

I’m astounded that anyone could weep for a VP of AIG’s fabricated hedge funds division.


I’m astounded that any one has any sympathy for suckers who put their money in the stock market to begin w/. If you didn’t know that the “markets” are OTB for millionaires & people given “stock options” by their corporate masters, you didn’t do your fiduciary duty to yourself, & deserve to be worked like the proverbial rented mule until you drop dead. Which is what your corporate masters wanted anyway.

Funny how that worked out, isn’t it?


M. Bouffant, I can’t totally agree with you.

For years the government encouraged people to “invest for their future” and trust finance companies with their investments. This is particularly true in Canada where people are encouraged to invest privately to grow their pension income. Government wants people to take care of themselves in their old age.

In 2003, Bush tried to privatize social security, and hand all the money over to finance companies “to grow” – even while it was quietly making it possible for these corporations to blow every dime and make a killing with virttually no oversight.

People who wouldn’t otherwise gamble their earnings away, thought they were making wise choices with accredited firms they were told they could trust.


Wes Vernon has the weirdest eye thing going on. It’s like his left eye is sort of swollen and barely fits in the socket while his right eye has been pulled backwards by the suction and is almost covered by the lid. Is this a sign of demonic possession or what? I mean demons give themselves away through the eyes, am I wrong? We’ve all seen movies from Ghostbusters through to The Shining where weird eyes means bad things.
Then there’s all that drool about Ayers, I guess.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Wes Vernon has the weirdest eye thing going on. It’s like his left eye is sort of swollen and barely fits in the socket while his right eye has been pulled backwards by the suction and is almost covered by the lid. Is this a sign of demonic possession or what?

It’s a sign of the ríastrad, often translated as “battle fury” (Thomas Kinsella rendered it “warp spasm” in his retelling of the Táin Bó Cúailnge). Among the manifestions of the ríastrad, we have, as Kinsella put it:

On his head the temple-sinews stretched to the nape of his neck, each mighty, immense, measureless knob as big as the head of a month-old child… he sucked one eye so deep into his head that a wild crane couldn’t probe it onto his cheek out of the depths of his skull; the other eye fell out along his cheek.


Is this a sign of demonic possession or what?

It’s just being a dopey Windows user: Mac users can quickly and easily take care of wandering facial features with the iBall.


Les.l.ey at 0:02



Possession by the spirit of Bill the Cat is not a pretty sight.


It could just be a badly installed echo chamber. One of the early ones with the suede covering and orange carpet in them.

BBBB: So we see the connection down through the ages and the origin of adjusting the lighting in ones house. Turn Down Your Ríastrad


If you didn’t know that the “markets” are OTB for millionaires & people given “stock options” by their corporate masters, you didn’t do your fiduciary duty to yourself, & deserve to be worked like the proverbial rented mule until you drop dead

Nah, that’s just silly. With the advent of online trading, you can open an account for a few thousand dollars and it’s not the high level science/art they want you to think it is. Not exactly the realm of “millionaires & people given stock options”.

I’m just a dood, and not an educated one at that, and I’ve done pretty well fucking around with stocks. Take Cree Research (CREE). Look at their stock price over time. You’ll see it fluctuates irregularly between like 18 bucks and like 28 bucks. If you buy a couple hundred shares when it goes under 19 and sell them when it goes over 25, you have well over a thousand bucks profit even after paying the commission. And in a few months, you do it again. You have some having fun money. I’ve found a number of these companies with repeating cycles and while you can’t say for sure WHEN you’re going to make a profit, you pretty much are going to make a profit…



Les.I.ley, I’m somewhat being an Internet hard-ass,but anyone who had any “faith” in any institution, gummint or private, is self-deluding.

I mean, if one isn’t aware of the “business cycle” & all the other excuses they have for when your money disappears into their pockets, well …

A. Kiwi. No shit. What really kills me is that that’s his “official” head shot. Unless he really likes looking that way, or is so deluded that he thinks he’s lookin’ sharp, what is up therewith?


It is interesting to read of Aaron Klein being in there swinging. This Klein article from 2005 is a favourite. It’s a “well I don’t think any of this stuff but WOW look at those similarities!!!!”
Then there is the row of bullet points detailing teh awesome similarities such as

Jewish Gaza homes described as beautiful and charming were demolished this week by Israel’s military. Once beautiful homes in New Orleans now lie in ruins

Then he gives about 90 words at the end of the article to luke warm denial of the claim.
However the article does have 3 lines of robust rebuttal near the top containing what might be my favourite God quote
“What, God is cross-eyed?”
‘What, Wes Vernon is cross-eyed?’


Mac users can quickly and easily take care of wandering facial features with the iBall.

DO NOT install iTouch software on your iBall. It will make you go blind.


mikey, so whatever’s happening just keeps on happening, no matter what, right?

Seriously, I s’pose you can make pin money or whatever by on-line “trading” (Why the fuck do they call it that? They’re not children swapping baseball cards, they’re buying & selling shit!) activity, but as far as a long-term place to wait for money to roll in for one’s retirement, the NASDAQ/NYSE is not it.

My OTB characterization (Hey, I’m commenting 16/7 from a motel, what can I say?) is not totally accurate. The stock markets (they don’t provide financing to companies any more) are essentially set up as rewards for execs who get stock options. Why is it that the CEOs of so many of these criminal endeavors are mere salespeople, whose real job is not to keep the co. running, but to jack up the stock price (by “selling” stock analysts on the stock/co., so the Board of Directors gets re&#0235lected & the CEO & his option-receiving buddies get free money.

Shorter: Capitalism: Bullshit!!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

BBBB: So we see the connection down through the ages and the origin of adjusting the lighting in ones house. Turn Down Your Ríastrad

Took me a moment, you sly Kiwi! I think the bulbs in Wes’ house are permanently dimmed.


That is why I worship wingnut stupidity. Debbie Schlussel and J. Grant Swank are my Gods and Sadly, No is my shrine.

I enjoy watching the Pantload twist the same lame crap into some frothy wingnut excretion.

Extra fail for pompousness.


frothy wingnut excretion

Isn’t there a word for that?


Yes, there is. It begins with a d, and rhymes with bloggorhea.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Yes, there is. It begins with a d, and rhymes with bloggorhea.

I thought it rhymed with “can bore ’em”.


Well, I was thinking “Santorum,” but that works too.

P. S.: Is this some Google plot, like the Baby Jesus Butt Plug?


B/4 responds to my “straight” line.


If unemployment is up in double digits four years from now and housing prices still haven’t recovered, Boss Bobby is going to have a cakewalk.

Four years is a long, long time, pal. I think poor ole Bobby is gonna have to contend with a much rosier economic picture than you’re hoping for.

As opposed to the cement horizon, which is the absolute bottom line level of stoopidity in the Republican party.

That would be an EVENT horizon, because stoopidity among Republicans has no bottom…it just keeps flowing over the edge and down down down into the black hole, forever and ever.


Ripley: You can deny it all you want, but Jindal is brilliant. In four years when the whole economy has turned into a regular pig’s breakfast under the watchful eyes of the Boy King, Jindal will march easily into the White House.

Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.



Elvis Crespo says, “But I was just scrolling through my iTouch!”


And I bet he’ll use a teleprompter. What a loser!


Yes, there is. It begins with a d, and rhymes with bloggorhea.
What is it with you people and large flightless birds?


Naked Politics is somewhat disappointing.


Obama is the “Boy King?” That would make “Boss BobbyPiyush” what, a “Gamete Prince” in comparison?


Boss Bobby is going to have a cakewalk.
He’ll be greeted with flowers and candy; treated as a liberator.


Naked Politics is somewhat disappointing.

Tell me about it. They never get any comments.

Xecky Gilchrist

Obama is the “Boy King?” That would make “Boss BobbyPiyush” what, a “Gamete Prince” in comparison?

As may be, but it really is weird seeing the legit complaints/snarks about Bush being applied to Obama for no reason.


Jeez, ITTDGY, etc., give us a warning about a link like that. Almost jumped out of my chair.

Xecky Gilchrist

Is this a sign of demonic possession or what?

I think it’s a sign of being 109 years old and suffering Level 7 WATB Butthurt for 93 of them.


No reason is the reason.

If some of those writer ladies were nekkid, Naked Politics might be more interesting. Or if I could apply the male voyeuristic gaze to more of them.
(Wider shots.) Except for the one who shares my “legal” name. Just in case, I’d probably stay away from her. Or not.


mikey, so whatever’s happening just keeps on happening, no matter what, right?


I don’t know how to fix it, Bouffant. If you do, I certainly wish you’d fucking do it.

In the meantime, I want to survive as well as I can. So yeah, I use the available tools to generate an income. If that makes me some kind of evil capatalist plutocrat, well, I guess I can live with that….


Big Bad Bald Bastard

Four years is a long, long time, pal. I think poor ole Bobby is gonna have to contend with a much rosier economic picture than you’re hoping for.

There will be an eruption of support for Jindal, and he will seriously kick ash. He has the boyish good looks of a young Bob Denver, and a lavaly (hot, even) wife. His coneservative values will steer him into a pumicing political career.

Xecky Gilchrist

BBBB – very magmaminous of you to say so.


As may be, but it really is weird seeing the legit complaints/snarks about Bush being applied to Obama for no reason.

They’re lazy, is what it is. They’ve decided to copycat, whether it applies or not.


Ecce Igneous Dei!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Xecky… your name…




Yeah, what kind of total chump actually thinks folks like accredited loan agencies or banks know anything about money – or that Wall Street brokers know what they’re doing with a portfolio? L0Lz3rz!11!!

Well polish my halberd & launder my sporran, what have we here? Warp spasm FTW!

Among the manifestions of the ríastrad

My personal favorite is the part where every hair on the body stands up, each one with a tiny bead of blood somehow perched on its tip.

Still holding out for warp spasm porn.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Xecky… your name… WHO DID THIS TO YOU??!!!

Whoops, sorry – the rest of it was still in the dryer…


mikey, I don’t think you’re a nasty ol’ plutocrat, more power to you if you can get some money out of the system.

As a nihilist, my solution is to tear it all down & start over. If all the stupid & evil humanoids die in the process, we’ve got a better chance at making something that will work.


Whoops, sorry – the rest of it was still in the dryer…

I laughed…

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Still holding out for warp spasm porn.

Make it happen, jim. The “trick of the Gae bolga” has decidedly homoerotic overtones.

(furiously googling Ferdia fundament)


Also, mikey, hope you don’t get caught on the up or down stroke of one of those cycles.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

As a nihilist, my solution is to tear it all down & start over. If all the stupid & evil humanoids die in the process, we’ve got a better chance at making something that will work.

Are you really a nihilist if you care about making something that will work?


mikey, I don’t think you’re a nasty ol’ plutocrat, more power to you if you can get some money out of the system.

I’ve got some money in the system as well. It nevertheless seems insane to me that I can sit on my ass and get $$ just because I initially had $.


Mac users can quickly and easily take care of wandering facial features with the iBall.

DO NOT install iTouch software on your iBall. It will make you go blind.

Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to Happy IBall.

Caution: Happy IBall may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds.

Happy IBall Contains a liquid core, which, if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at.

Do not use Happy IBall on concrete.

Discontinue use of Happy IBall if any of the following occurs:

– Itching
– Vertigo
– Dizziness
– Tingling in extremities
– Loss of balance or coordination
– Slurred speech
– Temporary blindness
– Profuse sweating
– Heart palpitations

If Happy IBall begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head.
Happy IBall may stick to certain types of skin.

When not in use, Happy Fun Ball should be returned to its special container and kept under refrigeration…

Failure to do so relieves the makers of Happy Fun Ball, Wacky Products Incorporated, and its parent company Global Chemical Unlimited, of any and all liability.

Ingredients of Happy IBall include an unknown glowing substance which fell to Earth, presumably from outer space.

Happy IBall has been shipped to our troops in Saudi Arabia and is also being dropped by our warplanes on Iraq.

Do not taunt Happy IBall.

Happy IBall comes with a lifetime guarantee.

Happy IBall



It’s not quite warp spasm porn, but I think it’s time for some educational content around here.

Bunny-rabbits = Lucifer’s little helpers.


I don’t really care. I’m just pretending I do so no one gets all huffy.

Or, I might be using this definition:

(sometimes initial capital letter) the principles of a Russian revolutionary group, active in the latter half of the 19th century, holding that existing social and political institutions must be destroyed in order to clear the way for a new state of society and employing extreme measures, including terrorism and assassination.

Or this.

a. an extreme form of skepticism: the denial of all real existence or the possibility of an objective basis for truth.

Certainly I don’t deny existence (as I’ve felt enough pain to know it’s real) but anyone who says there’s an “objective basis for truth” is a self-righteous dipstick.


I, for one, would welcome our new Satan bunny overlords


B/4’s YouTube link: 80s music: As good a reason as any for the total destruction of human society & culture.

Bitter Scribe, a Washington-based writer and veteran broadcast journalist.

He has the boyish good looks of a young Bob Denver…

Sorry, but I think the president of Iran has him beat in that department.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I don’t really care. I’m just pretending I do so no one gets all huffy.

Fair enough. I wouldn’t get huffy if you didn’t, personally – usually I care but sometimes I don’t, so I think I get it.


Are Your Children Playing With Lucifer’s Testicles?
My search for the widest possible range of prosthetic testicles, with a separate one for every social occasion, has entered a whole new dimension.


…anyone who says there’s an “objective basis for truth” is a self-righteous dipstick.

well, of course! QED! (and that’s the truth!)


B/4’s YouTube link: 80s music: As good a reason as any for the total destruction of human society & culture.

And this is something that simply cannot be argued against…



Discontinue use of Happy IBall Akvavit Highball if any of the following occurs:

– Itching
– Vertigo
– Dizziness
– Tingling in extremities
– Loss of balance or coordination
– Slurred speech
– Temporary blindness
– Profuse sweating
– Heart palpitations


He has the boyish good looks of a young Bob Denver…

…and the navigational skills of an older John Denver?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

80s music: As good a reason as any for the total destruction of human society & culture.

I reckon we were as close as we have been to that total destruction during the 80s. It was a joyful time to be a young man, when everybody thought there was going to be a big fat nuclear war any minute.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

– Itching
– Vertigo
– Dizziness
– Tingling in extremities
– Loss of balance or coordination
– Slurred speech
– Temporary blindness
– Profuse sweating
– Heart palpitations

Sounds like the start of something fun to me.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Sounds like the start of something fun to me.

Sounds like another day at the office for that last President guy.


Whoever is responsible for that Landover Baptist site is an evil genius.


If Happy IBall begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head.
Happy IBall may stick to certain types of skin.

I heard similar warnings about Mikey.


Discontinue use of Happy IBall Akvavit Highball if any of the following occurs:

– Itching
– Vertigo
– Dizziness
– Tingling in extremities
– Loss of balance or coordination
– Slurred speech
– Temporary blindness
– Profuse sweating
– Heart palpitations

Discontinue use? Call them “social occasions” and equip yourself accordingly.


Happy IBall may stick to certain types of skin.

As a hyperhydrotic, I’m outraged by this blatant skintypism.


a young Bob Denver

Last two times Bob made the news were a pot bust & his death. Good roads for Piyush to follow.


And this is something that simply cannot be argued against…

Aw come on, who doesn’t love Sammy Hagar?

Wes Vernon's fiancee

baaaa baaa baaa

Dragon-King Wangchuck

And this is something that simply cannot be argued against…

Blame ittdgy. It’s 80’s youtube time!


– Itching ✔
– Vertigo ✔
– Dizziness ✔
– Tingling in extremities ✔
– Loss of balance or coordination ✔
– Slurred speech ✔
– Temporary blindness ✔
– Profuse sweating ✔
– Heart palpitations ✔

Why is everyone so concedrned with my sex life?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

And this is something that simply cannot be argued against…

Not because it’s impossible, but because it’s pointless, even if you disagree.

In my case, I’m not qualified.


thenthelightningwill (22 seconds ago) Reply | Remove

Lolzers, M. Bouffant.

I was just watching it!


OMG another 80’s music “fest!” Only one thing to do.


Whoever is responsible for that Landover Baptist site is an evil genius.

See the “also bought titles by these authors” list at the bottom of the page. Fred Phelps and Jorgé Luis Borges, together at last.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Badmouth the 80s all you want, but we’re talking about the decade that gave us Jan Hammer.


Also, PENIS.


Dragon-King Wangchuck

OMG. Thank you PeeJ. That was fucking hilarious.


A friend of mine many yrs. ago told me that when his father was in the Limey Army (musta been in the ’40s or ’50s) the baby-killerssoldiers would have amateur shows on base that often involved the adventures of “Penis & Anus, The Rollicking Homosexuals.”

Good to see the old traditions in a new, innertube style.


A note from Mrs. Tilton, commenting chez alicublog:

So when will normal people stop acting as though these droolers and ticcers are the other end of a conversation, and let them instead gibber and gesticulate off in some dark, unvisited corner of their own, walling them off from the nation’s political discourse as a lung walls off a tubercular node from healthy tissue?

Words to live by over here, should there be more drooling ticcers.


Sounds like the start of something fun to me.

Sounds like the boilerplate insert in any random prescription medication to me.


But that’s the reason for S,N!’s existence, MB.

We mock, therefore we am. I mean be.



Smut Clyde: Surely you are acquainted with Betty Bowers. If not please Google. I’d link but I’m too drunk.


iTouch ur iBall


Aw come on, who doesn’t love Sammy Hagar?

I, for one. I = millions, if not billions.


I am NOW acquainted with Betty Bowers. I’d link but I’m too sober.


I, for one. I = millions, if not billions.
This would be central to my point, if we lived on 3bulls universe.

On the other hand, I actually like that song. Also, I can’t drive 55, which is a good reason for me not to get in my car most days. (I think I went over 3 weeks one point this winter when I didn’t get in my car.)

PS: I lived for over 20 years in Manhattan when I didn’t get in my car, because I didn’t have one. But now I live in Ohio!


But now I live in Ohio!

If you call that living….


I’m thinking about starting a new blog.

I’m going to call it “Up and Down Hillview”.

I never seem to get on a freeway anymore. I find 35mph to be frighteningly excessive.

I drive up Hillview to work.

I drive back down Hillview to the grocery store, and thence to home.

My “life” is stoopid, and it’s lived out on a suburban residential thoroughfare.

The good news is there are NO white people here.

I HATE white people….



Why have Sean Connery’s legs been replaced with over-sized inverted chess pawns?


mikey, you know it. Whoever came up w/ the idea that transportation is best conducted by multi-thousand pound chunks of metal barreling down the freeway at high speed mere inches from each other w/ nothing but a painted line separating them was an idiot.


multi-thousand pound chunks of metal barreling down the freeway at high speed mere inches from each other

Now THAT’s entertainment.

Johnny Coelacanth

“The good news is there are NO white people here.

I HATE white people….”

Come on, Mikey. Don’t lay out trollbait like that.



“So round, so firm, so fully packed.”

(Sorry about repeating the event horizon joke; I was responding to the thread after it had been open in a buried window for a while. GMTA, I guess.)


Xecky… your name… WHO DID THIS TO YOU??!!!

Whoops, sorry – the rest of it was still in the dryer…

Yeah, and you’re never fully dressed without a thxayyquou.


(comments are closed)