Aims. Fires. Blasts Own Foot Into Smithereens


The eminently mockable Andy McCarthy is over at America’s Shittiest Website™ this morning giving a spelling lesson:


Of course when lecturing brown people about their illiteracy and their laughably ignorant spelling, it is normally a good idea, well, to be right. The British troops that were returning were members of the Royal Anglian Regiment. Yes, that’s “Anglian,” not “Anglican.” The regiment is so called because consists of regiments from the ten Counties of East Anglia and the East Midlands. And yes, Andy, there is a place in England called East Anglia.

Bonus stupidity points go to Attorney McCarthy for not knowing to put the period at the end of his first sentence inside the quotation marks. (That dig is for you, MzNicky!) And extra bonus stupidity points for the scare quotes in “British” Muslims.

I can imagine McCarthy sitting in front of his computer telling himself how stooopid teh Mooslims are and what a genius he is when the flood of email came pouring in correcting his mistake. Now he’s wondering whether the Corner crowd will believe him if he says that Muslim terrorists got his password and were posting stuff under his name to embarrass him.

This should be the funnest update ever.


Comments: 595


And you wonder why the Corner doesn’t have comments…




Wow, what a moran. But he is kinda Mavricky!


Greetings to Sadly Nauts from East Anglia!

Which we now learn from the National Review should actually have been called East Anglica.

I would get that wrong though, being of “British” Irish descent.


Here, we see the basic difference between the wingnut and the moonbat. Wingnuts find it psychologically impossible to even conceive of the fact they might possibly be wrong until they shoot themselves in the foot, and usually not even then. Moonbats, on the other hand, are obsessively concerned with whether they have their facts right, to the point of not getting around to posting. I know which one I am… 😉


[quote]UPDATE: Our friend Andrew Stuttaford informs me that I’m in error. The regiment in the video is from East Anglia in the U.K. I regret the error.[/quote]



In another time, McTory would be inveighing against those “British” Papists.


I would get that wrong though, being of “British” Irish descent.

And a Muslin too, I’ll wager.


The fact is, this doesn’t matter. Muslims still hate us and want to kill us, and Obama is a muslim. The UK has been taken over like France was by jihadists who spawn like rabbits and have changed the laws. We are next if we don’t have some more tea bag parties and another revolution.

Follow my Tweets.


You mean the Anglican church is not sending regiments to Iraq?

Surely brigades of the Christian church fighting Muslim insurgents in an overwhelmingly Muslim nation would only be received positively.

Clearly Andy Charlie McCarthy was on the right path of thinking.

League of Primates

Re: image.

Our lawyers will be in touch.


hey, lookie!!

he “regrets the error.”

Rusty Shackleford

The UK has been taken over like France was by jihadists who spawn like rabbits and have changed the laws.

Ever see rabbits doin’ it? (Spawning, not changing laws.) Shit is violent.

Feste **TROLL**

Tht nd McCrt! H’s stpd nd h’s btch. ll h nds t d nw s lstn t pnk msc nd h’d ft n prfctl hr t Sdl, N!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

OMG! Teh scary evil Muslins were protesting the war. Some of them had signs!!! A few of them were YELLING!

When will the fascistic Islamofascists learn that voicing dissent is not allowed in a free democracy?

Feste **TROLL**

Lttl nd McCrth hts hm sm brwn mrnns Sys th n’t Brtsh, th’r prbbl rnns N-C nglns, nd, tht’s th dsh Nw smn tll nd tht dsn’t mn th fsh


He’s updated it.


Feste said,

March 11, 2009 at 15:48

D.N. Nation said,

March 11, 2009 at 15:50


Oh yes that is funny!

UPDATE: Our friend Andrew Stuttaford informs me that I’m in error. The regiment in the video is from East Anglia in the U.K. I regret the error.




Bonus stupidity points go to Attorney McCarthy for not knowing to put the period at the end of his first sentence inside the quotation marks. (That dig is for you, MzNicky!)

Not to defend McCarthy, but you’re wrong to call him stupid for this. It’s not a hard and fast rule, even in your crazy American English. Here’s the relevant Wikipedia entry, if you care. You are, of course, right to call him stupid for everything else.


shorter typical wingnut “Just because I’m wrong doesn’t make me wrong.”


Have to disagree on the period inside the quotation marks. Since “Anglican” isn’t actually being quoted, the normal rule wouldn’t apply from my point of view. Granted, it’s English so nobody even knows what the “normal” rule is half the time. Still, there are many many more things to rip into McCarthy for – and this just doesn’t cut it for me. MzNicky may disagree of course.


Not to defend McCarthy, but you’re wrong to call him stupid for this. It’s not a hard and fast rule, even in your crazy American English. Here’s the relevant Wikipedia entry, if you care.

Con respeto, actually, Wikipedia seems to argue that McCarthy *is* wrong.

“The traditional convention in American English is for commas, periods, and question marks to be included inside the quotation marks, regardless of whether they are part of the quoted sentence”

“while scientific and technical publications, even in the U.S., almost universally use logical quotation (punctuation outside unless part of the source material), due to its precision.”

Except that McCarthy isn’t writing for a scientifical or technomological publication.


Oh tintin, tintin. My understanding is that in British usage, and sometimes in Amurkan as well, it is actually acceptable to place the period outside the ending quotation marks if the quotes are used to delineate a word or words that do not usually stand alone — for example, “Angli[c]ans”. I’m sure this is what Mr. McCarthy had in mind, seeing as how he was referring to “British Muslims.” er, “British Muslims”.

In any event — good catch, as they say in the late lamented copyedit business.


The UK has been taken over like France was by jihadists who spawn like rabbits and have changed the laws. We are next if we don’t have some more tea bag parties and another revolution.

Tea bags are the perfect rabbit birth-control method!

Feste **TROLL**

MzNck: ‘d jt yr tttl nytm, hnybns. Wr y wr f th fct tht hv m wn tchnq?

Touchstone **TROLL**

Hmm. Fst wrts wtt dtt mkng fn f ndrw McCrth, th btt f th jk f th pst ths cmmnts r cmmntng n — nd tht mks hm trll? Smn lvs cntrl nd frs cmpttn.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

This has all been part of a giant Musselmam plot to make Andy look bad. I mean how could it not be? It’s East Anglia. Clearly not part of Teh West. I bet that the western half of Anglia speles its karrectically, as West Anglica.

Cripes, can’t those East Anglians lurn sum ENGLISH. Geez, Anglia? How foreign and totally not english or western can you get!

Touchstone **TROLL**

Lttl nd McCrth hts hm sm brwn mrnns Sys th n’t Brtsh, th’r prbbl rnns N-C nglns, nd, tht’s th dsh Nw smn tll nd tht dsn’t mn th fsh


Rule 24 of Strunk and White is that commas and periods always go inside the quotation marks, and I think that is the rule that most Americans have adopted. Of course, not following that rule is hardly the worst thing McMonkey has ever done.


Unfunny said,

March 11, 2009 at 15:52

Nope. Nice try, though. You’ll notice how Tintin didn’t do the IP check for me.


UPDATE: Our friend Andrew Stuttaford informs me that I’m in error. The regiment in the video is from East Anglia in the U.K. I regret the error.

It would probably be in the Korner’s best interest to force every single poster to do a Google search before hitting “send.” It’s not that they make small little grammatical mistakes…these are high-larious, self-pwn1ng moments.


I see now that Alexander has beaten me to the punch. More coffee is now required.


You know, holding up a sign saying GO TO HELL doesn’t seem that bad to me compared to the Christian soldiers, a significant number of whom no doubt believe in Hell, and thus have to believe that they’re personally sending thousands of Muslim combatants and civilians to hell.


And DMG. And Ob/Gyn-K. I guess that settles it then! We can all agree that Andrew McCarthy is an illiterate douchebag.


Rule 24 of Strunk and White is that commas and periods always go inside the quotation marks, and I think that is the rule that most Americans have adopted.

It was certainly one I obliged my students to follow, lo those many years ago. And Strunk was a required text in the class.

Of course, not following that rule is hardly the worst thing McMonkey has ever done.

I usually refrain from spelling, grammar or punctuation flames, as everyone is prone to such errors. However, one might reasonably expect that a professional writer would tend to be more attentive to those sorts of things. However, given the lack of attention McCarthy was paying to other things, like facts, I suppose exceptions should and shall be made.


As a grammar pedant, may I further point out that the Festering Troll’s vowel-free comments now make much more sense.

Scared Republican

Oh no! I was hoping for a moment of peace from the ever present Muslim ooogly boogly menace. I needed it because my Depends were full and I needed a second of calm to change them. Just as I was doing that, Mr. McCarthy alerted me to yet ANOTHER evil Muslim menace! I peed on the floor in the middle of the change!

Damn you, McCarthy. Damn you.


Andy M, who wears a hat that sports a propeller,
Thought he found hisself a den of terrorist misspellers
Manning the gates, he boldy sounds the klaxons!
Well, someone has to warn the Jutes and the Saxons


Periods inside quotation marks is an AP style rule too, IIRC.

Scared Republican

Can someone here tune my radio to Rush? I’m afraid to touch the dial. The Muslim ooogly booglies have probably wired it up to high voltage.


As a grammar pedant, may I further point out that the Festering Troll’s vowel-free comments now make much more sense.

Clearly, his typographical aphasia is the fault of the Hawaiians, who, with their great outrigger war canoes and superior knowledge of navigation and sea currents, have crossed the ocean in order to rape and pillage his linguistic knowledge, and to carry the vowels off as prizes.

They did much the same thing, on a lesser scale, to languages like Czech and Polish in centuries past.

Nutso McBiggins

The periods inside quotation marks rule is completely stupid. Whether by ignorance or intention, I see it broken more and more frequently. I welcome the day very soon when it ceases to be proscribed.



That’s the spirit! A for effort, D- for execution.


The periods inside quotation marks rule is completely stupid. Whether by ignorance or intention, I see it broken more and more frequently. I welcome the day very soon when it ceases to be proscribed.

Move to the UK, you blackguard. We’ll have none of your typographical heresies here.


Associated Press style is the period is always inside the quotation mark.

just sayin’ …


Just adding to the others re: the period. My experience has been that Americans put it inside the quotation marks, while Brits (and other Europeans, such as Germans) put it outside. I’m American and generally follow the American conventions.

As McCarthy is American, it would be unusual usage, but think of it this way: would you be chiding him for writing “colour,” or would you just note that it’s rather unusual for an American to do so?

Anyway, just leave the corrections at Anglia, since that’s the only absolutely incorrect statement. Getting on him about punctuation–especially when the real mistake he makes is so hilariously stupid while being central to his post–just dilutes your attack.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I believe the UPDATE has been updated with the following addition:

It doesn’t change the essence of the post. What’s depicted in the video is disgraceful. For more, see Nile Gardiner’s post, above.

Central to Andy’s point about the lack of respect shown British soldiers is that the disrespectful musselmen did spell the name of their regiment correctly.

Additionally, he wants to reiterate the question I translated for him earlier:
When will the fascistic Islamofascists learn that voicing dissent is not allowed in a free democracy?


But what about apostrophes?


Periods inside quotation marks is an AP style rule too, IIRC.

Yeah, but AP style reeks. As a communist, I always preferred NYTimes stylebook. It’s what magazine editors usually go by, so that’s the style to which I am most used.


B nd MzNck: dmt t. Y fnd m lst hmrs vrs prtt clvr, ddn’t y? Dn’t y ht tht?


RWR, it’s great how you self-contradicted in only two sentences. I call parody troll.

So nothing about the fanatical Muslims jeering soldiers from their own country?

These people are forming a disloyal fifth column in all of the European countries and need to go home to the Middle East before they ruin Europe.

I see what you do there.


I welcome the day very soon when it ceases to be proscribed.

Prescribed. Proscribed means forbidden.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

From the linked Gardiner post:

It’s about well past time that Muslim Evangelical leaders in the U.K. U.S. actually took a stand and denounced en masse extremists like this.



The periods inside quotation marks rule is completely stupid.

But it makes for much neater copy. Periods outside the quote marks look like mistakes.


“hmrs,” tht s (Nt th dft s f qttn mrks)


I should have said from their supposed home country.

Should have, but didn’t. Again, I call parody troll.

Watch this shocking video on the Islamisization of Britain:

Troll or parody troll, makes no difference to me. I follow no troll links.


That only proves my point.

Archibald Armstrong

“Prds tsd th qt mrks lk lk mstks.” Ww. Tlk bt bggng th qstn. MzNck, y r gd lttl rl fllwr ndd. Th rls r s dpl ngrnd n y tht y dn’t vn rlz th r cnvntns — th sm s ntrl! vn whn th r llgcl, th stll stnd cnvctd n MzNck’s ys bcs th “lk lk” mstks.


Getting on him about punctuation–especially when the real mistake he makes is so hilariously stupid while being central to his post–just dilutes your attack.

Begone, apostate! And that would be “central to his POINT”. Now see how ugly that exterior period looks? Just sitting out there by itself without being included. Poor little period.

Okay, clamming up my piehole now.


Unclamming my piehole to invite Archibald Armstrong to jump up my ass.



But Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra from the Muslim Council of Britain branded the move ‘bizarre’.

He said: “The vast majority of Muslims have no problem whatsoever with the Three Little Pigs. It’s always been the traditional way of telling the story and I don’t see why that should be changed.

“There’s an issue about the eating of pork, which is forbidden, but there is no prohibition about reading stories about pigs. This is an unnecessary step.”

Other recent rows have involved ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ being changed to ‘Baa Baa rainbow sheep’ and Christmas events called ‘winter’ festivities.

Mr Mogra said: “How far are we going to go? Are we going to change the seven dwarves because it’s discriminatory towards people who are physically less able? Where do you draw the line?

“Every time we get these stories Muslims are seen more and more as misfits. We have to accept there’s a predominant culture here.”

His views were echoed locally in Huddersfield.

Local councillor Terry Lyons added: “I can’t believe that Muslims would be offended by this. This is pandering to a few extremists. People will take umbrage at this decision, making it easier for the BNP to recruit.

Mohammed Imran, of the Hanfia Mosque and Educational Institute said: “According to the Koran it’s forbidden to eat pork or touch a pig, but there’s no ruling about talking about them or singing about them.”

Archibald Armstrong

MzNck: ‘d jmp p yr ss n tm, sgrplm. Jst bnd vr nd sprd yr chks nd w’r pllng strght nt slttn sttn.


MzNicky said,

March 11, 2009 at 16:53

Unclamming my piehole to invite Archibald Armstrong to jump up my ass.

Hope Archibald ain’t agile.


Archibald wasn’t agile enough to avoid the killfile….


When will those islamofacists learn that criticizing the government is NazoFacisi?!?!?


MzNicky just recognizing the fact that without rules, language would have no meaning to the reader, just the writer. I think Mr. Armstrong proves that point fairly succinctly.

btw if you follow through to the Nile Gardiner article, it has such a obviously misquote that it would make you think that the Corner had no editor at all. Yet we know it does.


I regret the error. It doesn’t change the essence of the post.

Except for the whole thing about that the essence of the post being in error to begin with, but yeah, other than that, it doesn’t change a thing.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

But what about apostrophes?
What about them? Stupid jumped-up commas think they’re too good for the rest of the punctuation. All namby pamby idealistic marks with their heads in the air – little do they know that they are just a pawn of Teh Man – embodying that oppresive concept of “ownership” and “possession”.

Okay, I admit it, I think the period should go outside of the “”‘s. And that apostrophe’s should be a’bused as’ much as p’ssible’.


Golf claps to Tintin; the disemvoweling really seems to send the trolls scurrying. I imagine they have to go call the waaaaahmbulance about the bad censoring liberals.

While the killfile stomps those roaches like a size 12 workboot, the disemvoweler makes em scatter like a big can of Raid….


ts nt nsl t ll t fnd hmrlss ppl wh cn dsh t t bt smpl wll nt tlrt bng th btt f jks — vn n fn. Wht S nsl s t fnd sd hmrlss hypcrts cngrgtd t hmr wb st.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Hope Archibald ain’t agile.

Surely you mean agicle.


zmb sd, “rchbld wsnt gl ngh t vd th kllfl.” Slf-rfttn s th swtst vrt f nntntnl hmr. Thnks zmb.


I’ve heard that way back in the mists of yore, the standard was to overset the quotation mark above the period, not to the left or right. The advent of the typewriter made people think that each character had to occupy a slice of horizontal space alone.

In fact, typewriter conventions for page layout seem to take a lot of inches in a lot of manuals of style. It’s really frustrating in a modern world where good document design could be properly enforced by a template instead of tabs.

League of Primates

These people are forming a disloyal fifth column

Obstructing remedies to economic disaster and wailing about insignificant tax increases.


Gathering to protest illegal war and wanton killing of civilians.



Just because Sadly has an heroic dedication to open commenting doesn’t obligate the other commenters to talk with, or indeed even listen to, snide assholes whose only goal is to disrupt the other people.

Anyone working on a disemvoweling script that will work alongside the killfile?


What IS unusual is to find said humorless hypocrites congregated at a humor web site.

Feel free to piss off and never come back.

A British Person

[i]In Britain they’ve already banned stories like the Three Little Pigs from schools there because it might “offend” Muslims to talk about pigs.[/i]

No they haven’t, you ignorant tosser.

“Get a brain, moran,” as I believe you say over there.


Sadly, No! is now attracting (anti-?)grammar trolls? This should be fun.




zmb rttn mcdnld: dshs t t, bt cn’t tk t. Gsh w wldn’t wnt n <>dsrptv hmr nw wld w? Tht wld b sdl ndcrs nd w cn’t hv tht.

Andrea Mitchell

Man, Joe Biden’s an idiot!

Archibald Armstrong

“Fl fr t pss ff nd nvr cm bck.” fl t s th hmr n tht, m lttl lllpp.


Joe Biden said,

March 11, 2009 at 17:11 (kill)


Still correct, “Joe.”

Archibald Armstrong


Archibald Armstrong

nj yr lttl crcl jrk — hv t d sm wrk, nfrtntly

League of Primates

They are what they are, troll. If soldiers and their masters would truly own what they are doing, maybe we’d have a few less of these adventures.

That would be “cool.”



The regiment is so called because consists of regiments from the ten Counties of East Anglia and the East Midlands.

I’m looking forward to your explanation of what the hell “because consists” is supposed to mean. Does it sound something like “Pot, kettle, black”?


I have to do some work, unfortunately

Of course you do.



Joe Biden said,

March 11, 2009 at 17:11


Oh, wow, really? Really? Wingnuts are still pretending that Joe Biden’s completely acceptable usage of the term “Bosniacks” was somehow a gaffe?

League of Primates


So grammar pests get disemvowelled and anti-Muslim bigots don’t?

This place is getting hopeless.



Joe Biden said,

March 11, 2009 at 17:23

Hey, whats that number of the website I’m in charge of again?

My father, who works as the head of environmental management for an international electronics firm, likes to say “dial up the website.” It’s called being 60.

League of Primates

If they killed babies, then they’re baby killers.

Not so hard, is it, troll?


“Bonus stupidity points go to Attorney McCarthy for not knowing to put the period at the end of his first sentence inside the quotation marks.”

Not a universal practice, by any means.

13.5.1 In American usage printers usually place a period or comma inside closing quotation marks whether it belongs logically to the quoted matter or to the whole sentence or context…. But when a logical or exact distinction is desired in specialized work in which clarity is more important than usual (as in this dictionary), a period or comma can be placed outside quotation marks when it belongs not in the quoted matter but to a larger unit containing the quoted matter. The package is labeled “Handle with Care”.

Webster’s Third





I like the disemvowelling. Can we also make their fonts really small, so the scrolling is shorter?


Was your hero John Kerry a baby killer? How about Wesley Clark or George McGovern? Bob Kerrey?

George McGovern most likely was. Aerial bombardment is a rather blunt instrument of warfare. Even more so in McGovern’s day.

Of course German planes conducted “Terror Bombing Raids”. Allied planes merely “De-housed the work force”.


How does it feel to be on the same side as Fred Phelps?

The U.K. allows gays into their military?


Wow, so now Troofie is astroturfing himself to have the kind of rip-roaring “HAHAHA I pwn j00!” arguments he wants to have with the rest of us. Sad, really.


Was your hero John Kerry a baby killer?

Kerry possibly was one, but I haven’t read anything to confirm such. In any case, the guy’s no hero to me after he pretty much rolled over in 2004.

Self-aggrandizing delusions

Don’t you love how I am always the foundation of a Republican’s ‘reality’?


Note to David Vitter: When you ask someone in a fit of rage if they know who you are, it might be wise to stop and wonder why they would know who you are.


Sounds like that “moral relativism” the Right is always accusing us libs of.


How free is a nation when people who disagree with a war are not allowed to demonstrate against it, even if it is inappropriate?

I’m guessing this makes England more free (sic) than the United States, that they allow this to happen to soldiers returning from a war against Muslims.


Weirdest thread ever. Oh, and I’m going to make one editorial criticism, then duck and hide: less TinTin, more of the other writers, please.


I didn’t know members of Al Qaeda and Shiite militias were “babies”. I guess in loony lib land they are.

I didn’t know that everyone killed in Iraq (other than a US or Allied soldier) was a member of Al-Qaeda or some Shiite militia or other. I suppose in dimwit conservative land they are.


hate-spewing, venomous email sent to mr. mccarthy. that was fun!



Of COURSE they are! They’re all brown!


John Kerry, George McGovern, Bob Kerry, and Wesley Clark, unlike almost all Repiglicans, actually served their country during actual wartime. Having thus seen first-hand its unspeakable horror and uselessness, they naturally despise the incalculable monstrosity of it all, especially when entered into solely to gratify some shitbag warmongering “leader”‘s teeny tiny ego/penis. It’s called being able to determine a moral path and then following it. No wonder cons don’t get it.


“Al Qaeda” = Pretty much anyone we happen to point a gun at these days.


s m lbrl drgs hv bn bs n m shrt bsnc hr. Lt’s s, smn pnts t tht lrg nmbr f Mslms wthn Wstrn cntrs hld vws t dds wth th hst cntr, nd m ctll ps thrt t tht cntr. Wll dn, lbrls, s tht s < hrf="" rl="nfllw">rdcls d. Cntrtrrrsm ffcls r stppng p wrnngs tht slmst xtrmsts n Sml r rdclzng mrcns t thr cs, ctng hmd nd th dspprnc f mr thn dzn Sml mrcn yths. Snc Nvmbr, th FB hs rcd t ncvr n ts t frgn xtrmst ntwrks n th nxpctd dprtrs f nmrs Sml mrcn tngrs nd yng mn, whs rltvs blv r n Sml. n ddtn t Mnnpls, th nvstgtn s ctv n Bstn, Sn Dg, Sttl, Clmbs, h, nd Prtlnd, Mn, .S. lw nfrcmnt ffcl sd, nd cmmnt mmbrs s fdrl grnd jrs hv ssd sbpns n Mnnpls nd lswhr. l-Shbb — mnng “th yth” r “yng gys” n rbc — “prsnts .S. thrts wth th mst srs vdnc t dt f ‘hmgrwn’ trrrst rcrtmnt prblm rght n th mrcn hrtlnd,” Grgtwn prfssr Brc Hffmn, sd n frthcmng rprt b th ST ntllgnc Grp, prvt frm tht mntrs slmst wbsts. Ths crz wngnts nd thr fntss f trrrsm!


Note to David Vitter

“Do you know who I am?! Can’t you see by my bulky britches I’m wearing a diaper?!!”


I see my liberal droogs have been busy in my short absence here.



If they’re terrorists wouldn’t we rather they be in Somalia than Columbus Ohio? Just sayin’.


Poor Troofie…

He can’t seem to wrap his mind around the fact that more domestic terrorism is at the hands of white Christian American men than will ever occur in this land at the hands of the swarthy folks.

Doctor Missus Marita

Oh, and I’m going to make one editorial criticism, then duck and hide: less TinTin, more of the other writers, please.


[Throws shoe at ducking Me]

I like TinTin’s stuff. And there are a lot of days this blog would be awfully quiet if he weren’t around.


well, “authentic,” looks like your work here is done. after starting a religious war based on false pretenses you’ve managed to inflame the entire muslim world and make the world that much more dangerous.

between that, the economy, new orleans, the ruining of the constitution, the shaming of the United States in the international community and the abandonment of ideals our country has held sacred since her inception… is there anything else you people would like to fuck up? or have you been helped?



You have a point.

Apart from Bob Dole, I can’t think of a Republican of the past twenty years who both served honorably in war and are outright hawkish, can you?

Yea, they’ve supported this war and that war, as did Kerry with Iraq, but none has stepped forward to glorify war in the political theater.


“You mean the Anglican church is not sending regiments to Iraq?”

Sadly, no. How many divisions does the Archbishop of Canterbury have?


I agree the protests were inappropriate. You go scream at the leaders who sent those soldiers into an unjust war (and prosecute individual soldiers who committed crimes) but you don’t go scream at the average soldiers returning home.

That doesn’t change the fact that Andy McCarthy is a bigoted asshole. he saw the spelling on the signs and rather than assume that maybe, just maybe, the locals had a clue what the unit was called he assumed that the lil’ brown folks were too stupid to spell. Plus he was too lazy to do a simple Google to check first.


Tintin rocks. Plus, check the ears on the P-shop up above.


As McCarthy is American, it would be unusual usage, but think of it this way: would you be chiding him for writing “colour,” or would you just note that it’s rather unusual for an American to do so?

Yes, Alexander, I would chide him for writing “colour,” or “metre,” or “theatre,” or even “grey.” Because I’m all nitpicky like that. And my students love to hate me for it.


“Apart from Bob Dole, I can’t think of a Republican of the past twenty years who both served honorably in war and are outright hawkish, can you?”

Bush I, McCain, Dole, and, um. let me think a second. Reagan? no. Bush II? (snicker) no. Newt? nope. Limberger? nope. OK, I’m stumped. Are there any others aside form the odd Congressional back-bencher??


The Authentic said,

Isn’t it about time for you to start going Galt? I heard the Gulch is currently only accepting white people.


omg. authentic got de-voweled.

that’s harsh.


How many divisions does the Archbishop of Canterbury have?

Oh, he does alright for himself.


Ww, thr’s mr thn fw shftcpprs hr t Sdl, N.


Woodrow fan: Plus his Freudian ethnocentric slip was showing.


s m lbrl drgs hv bn bs n m shrt bsnc hr. Lt’s s, smn pnts t tht lrg nmbr f Mslms wthn Wstrn cntrs hld vws t dds wth th hst cntr, nd m ctll ps thrt t tht cntr. Wll dn, lbrls, s tht s rdcls d. Cntrtrrrsm ffcls r stppng p wrnngs tht slmst xtrmsts n Sml r rdclzng mrcns t thr cs, ctng hmd nd th dspprnc f mr thn dzn Sml mrcn yths. Snc Nvmbr, th FB hs rcd t ncvr n ts t frgn xtrmst ntwrks n th nxpctd dprtrs f nmrs Sml mrcn tngrs nd yng mn, whs rltvs blv r n Sml. n ddtn t Mnnpls, th nvstgtn s ctv n Bstn, Sn Dg, Sttl, Clmbs, h, nd Prtlnd, Mn, .S. lw nfrcmnt ffcl sd, nd cmmnt mmbrs s fdrl grnd jrs hv ssd sbpns n Mnnpls nd lswhr. l-Shbb — mnng “th yth” r “yng gys” n rbc — “prsnts .S. thrts wth th mst srs vdnc t dt f ‘hmgrwn’ trrrst rcrtmnt prblm rght n th mrcn hrtlnd,” Grgtwn prfssr Brc Hffmn, sd n frthcmng rprt b th ST ntllgnc Grp, prvt frm tht mntrs slmst wbsts. Ths crz wngnts nd thr fntss f trrrsm!

Oh man. That looks…BEAUTIFUL.

Songbird McCain

Some people claim I didn’t serve honorably in Vietnam, but I have an excuse.

I was giving information to the Viet Cong ONLY so I would get medical treatment.


I served honorably in Vietnam, if you count the combat service I had having sex with that closet lesbian Lynne so that I would get my 4th deferement.

George Bush Senior

I served honorably in WWII, if you ignore those persistent rumors that I let my co-pilot get killed so I could escape.


I served honorably in the National Guard, if you ignore the months years I was AWOL and the tremendous amount of drugs I used while I was AWOL.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

nj yr…

Technical question. I assume the disemvowelling is done automatically by script – and I was wondering how it knew when “y” was sometimes a vowel.

John Kerry's Crewmates

No, you didn’t lie about your medals, John. Several dozen of us testified to that.


I agree the protests were inappropriate. You go scream at the leaders who sent those soldiers into an unjust war (and prosecute individual soldiers who committed crimes) but you don’t go scream at the average soldiers returning home.

Agreed. Of course, that distinction is lost on our conservative associates.

If you’ve got a complaint about the war, go scream at the lawmakers who sent the troops, not at the troops themselves. It’s not like they get to vote on it or anything.


I served honorably in WWII, but since I am now called a “Liberal” and/or a RINO by the unhinged wingnuts, there’s your explanation.


Cnsrshp s fr mwlng lttl psss


Censorship is for mewling little pussies

Then it is not appropriately applied to said pussies?


Europe is a weak-kneed continent and is committing demographic and cultural suicide.

Been there, done that

The Swedish Emigration Commission 1907—1913, in Swedish Emigrationsutredningen, was a parliamentary commission mandated by the Swedish Riksdag to try to reduce Swedish emigration to the United States. In the 19th century, Sweden had had one of the highest rates of emigration to North America in all of Europe, the third highest after Ireland and Norway. By 1910, one fifth of all Swedes had their homes in America.[1] The situation alarmed conservative Swedes, who regarded emigration as a challenge to national solidarity and to the very nation state itself, already seemingly under threat from trade unionism and the international socialist movement.[2] The liberal interest, which had in the 19th century favored emigration as a practical necessity, by now also saw it as a net drain, depriving Sweden of the labor necessary for economic development. Both camps shared a perception, disturbing in a Europe where the forces of war were gathering, that young, male Swedes were fleeing to America to get away from military service.[3]

The conservative and nationalist parties proposed dealing with the problem by restrictions, the liberal and Social Democrat parties by social and economic reform […]


Fuck Me. What a dick.


B-GYNL f y r mwlng lttl pss, thn lt th pplctn bgn!


I told you they were calling whine-one-one…

It’s not censorship when you kick the drunk who is groping people, breaking dishes, and peeing on the rug out of your party.

Or even just take his vowels away.


I am going to Galt Island and go on strike. Some evil LIEbrul stole all the vowels from my keyboard!


Wel…since most of my professional writing, such that it is, would probably be considered “technical” that may explain why I saw it differently. I don’t need no stinkin’ strunk & white to tell me what’s what. Bloody elitists!

Oh, or maybe I’m more familiar with British usage for various reasons.


zmb: yh bt tht’s nt wht’s hppnng hr nd y knw y lttl prt-Stlnst


If you are a mewling little pussy, then let the application begin!

Perhaps you would favor me by first striking me with your purse?

No? Ah, well, ’tis no matter.



cnsr THS stpd pnk btch!


shaftcapping? disemvoweling? i learned some new words!

the internets is confusing me today. and i thought it was just a system of tubes.


yeah, I am sure the drunk doesn’t think he’s causing any problems….

killfile is censorship too, I suppose. Because when I refuse to even look at trollspew, it’s repression, it is!


I like TinTin’s stuff. And there are a lot of days this blog would be awfully quiet if he weren’t around.

Tintin rocks.

Damn skippy, fellow hippies. I work in insurance. FUCKING INSURANCE, MAN. If I didn’t get at least one or two Sadly posts a day, I’d blow my brains out, or begin an expensive hard drug habit…and in this economy? I can’t afford meth!

So thank you TinTin, you magnificent bastard. You’re the wind beneath my wings…and the key to my (relative) sobriety.


Cnsr THS — stpd pnk btch


Too bad the plugin doesn’t seem to work on the RSS feed. I’m not complaining, mind you, this is about sixteen different kinds of awesome that something’s finally being done.

Trust me, I’ll live. 🙂


Y cn thnk m fr “shftcppr”. Prtt wtt, hh? nvntd t jst fr ths ccsn.


Wait, nevermind.


The stories about my harridan daughter Bristol throwing Levi out of the house are untrue. ABSOLUTELY UNTRUE!

She didn’t throw him out, he left by himself after being told to get the hell out.


Feste said,

March 11, 2009 at 18:38

So I guess you’re outed as a parody troll, huh?


Cnsr THS — stpd pnk btch


Dragon-King Wangchuck


Does that pay out if you don’t get laid, or if you do get laid and something horribly awry occurs?


@B-GYN “Cnsr THS stpd pnk btch (chckls)” Hhhh. Th lgh s n y, m stpd pnk btch frnd! Tht s <>xctl hw pstd t n th frst plc!


Does that pay out if you don’t get laid, or if you do get laid and something horribly awry occurs?

If it were the former, I’d have some claims to file.

HAHA! Self-deprecation! Huh. I’m gonna go cry for a bit.


I will continue to put my periods outside the quotation marks where they can roam free and experience all that life has to offer. If anyone says that I’m un-goddamned-American I’m gonna start posting in Cyrillic.


I would love to see a Cyrillic post that has been disemvoweled.


I would love to see a Cyrillic post that has been disemvoweled.

Or Hebrew.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

That is exactly how I posted it in the first place!

Perhaps he was chuckling at the memory of that joke being done with way more style.


im gonna throw out all my jimmyhats and replace them with shaftcappers. they done expired anyway.


@Drgn: Srr, br. mssd t. ftr sw sm f yr thr dsmll fld ttmpts t hmr, stppd rdng nythng ndr yr nm. Bt ‘ll gv y crdt fr tht n.



Dude if you’re looking for shaftcappers, you came to the right place!


Maybe a tiered system of registration could be instituted. until you register, all your comments are randomly piefiltered or disemvoweled or converted to Cyrillic. at a rate of say one in four get left alone.

sigh. I’m betting that would break WordPress though.


i hate it when mommy and daddy fight.

Unicode Sales, Inc.

I believe I might have some products that will be of interest to this thread.


@zmb: gr whlpssdl! jst cn’t tk t f nyn sys smthng fnn tht dn’t gr wth. W nd mr rls rnd hr t kp vryn n ln!


Clearly, his typographical aphasia is the fault of the Hawaiians, who, with their great outrigger war canoes and superior knowledge of navigation and sea currents, have crossed the ocean in order to rape and pillage his linguistic knowledge, and to carry the vowels off as prizes.

They did much the same thing, on a lesser scale, to languages like Czech and Polish in centuries past.

The Hawaiians raided Bohemia in war canoes? Damn, their seamanship really was impressive. Beware, TIbet!


@zombie: I agree wholepussedly! I don’t even want to hear anyone I don’t agree with! People need to learn to be polite and follow the rules and follow the crowd!


Snorg, I believe that would be: “bwr, Tbt!”


Maybe a tiered system of registration could be instituted. until you register, all your comments are randomly piefiltered or disemvoweled or converted to Cyrillic.

I would be interested in viewing the results of such an arrangement.

A. Nuther Poossy

@. Ps: y’r s rght! vn f smn s n th sm pg s m dlgcll, jst wn’t tlrt t f th dsgr wth m mscll n n mplt w. wll stmp m ft, wll!


I agree that Dragon-King won with the PNS joke.


Dragon-King Wangchuck

Sorry, bro. I missed it. After I saw some of your other dismally failed attempts at humor…
Alas poor Yorick random Shakesperean jester, I knew him Horatio.
A fellow of infant jest, of most excellent fancy.
He hath bored me with his backtalk a thousand times.


Yo yo yo Sadly, No, I know there’s vowels you’re takin while trolls be fakin their IDs, check me, easy as 1-2-3, for sheezy

Archibald Armstrong

h m rprtr xtnds fr bynd th Shksprn — nd whl t m b chtc, t s fr frm rndm!


Let’s see, I think I’ve still got one of my favorite lists in my Documents file somewhere. Oh yes, here it is:

Military Service of Key Democrats
John Kerry – Lt.j.g., 1966-70, Vietnam, Silver Star, Bronze Star
Tom Daschle – 1st Lt, Air Force 1969-72
Al Gore – Army journalist, Vietnam
George McGovern – WWII, Silver Star, Distinguished Flying Cross
Bill Clinton – None
Jimmy Carter – Annapolis graduate, Naval officer, 1946-53
Walter Mondale – Army, 1951-53
Richard Gepardt – Air National Guard, 1965-71
Ted Kennedy – Army, 1951-53
Bob Kerry – Lt.j.g., 1966-69, Vietnam, Congressional Medal of Honor
Daniel Inouye – Army, 1943-47, Congressional Medal of Honor
Max Cleland – Capt., Army, 1965-68, Vietnam, Silver Star, Bronze Star, triple amputee
Tom Harkin – Lt., Navy, 1962-67
Fritz Hollings – Army officer, WWII, Bronze Star, seven campaign ribbons
John Glenn – WWII, Korea, Six Distinguished Flying Crosses, Air Medal with 18 clusters, Astronaut
Wesley Clark – West Point graduate, Army, 1966-2000, Silver Star, 4-Star General
Charles Rangell – Army, 1948-52, Korea, Bronze Star

Military Service of Key Republicans ?
George W. Bush ?- Texas Air National Guard (during Vietnam, thereby avoided combat)
Dick Cheney – none
John Ashcroft ?- none
Don Rumsfeld – Navy aviator, 1954-57 (between Korean and Vietnam wars)
Tom DeLay ?- none
George H. W. Bush ?- ? ?Navy aviator (youngest), WWII, Distinguished Flying Cross ?Army Air Corps
Ronald Reagan ?- Intelligence 1st Motion Picture Unit, WWII, made pilot training films
Karl Rove ? – none
Paul Wolfowitz – none
Richard Perle – none
Newt Gingrich – none
Trent Lott ?- none
Phil Graham ?- none?
Rudy Giulani – none
Mitch McConnell ? – none
Colin Powell – Army, 4-Star General, Chairman of Joint Chiefs
John McCain – Vietnam POW

Fun Extra-Bonus Service Records
Sean Hannity ?- none
Rush Limbaugh – none (butt cyst)
Bill O’Reilly ?- none
Michael Savage ?- none
Michael Medved ?- none
Bill Bennett – none
George Will – none

Archibald Armstrong

Mtt: Tht’s gd strt! Wth cncrtd ffrt nd svrl yrs f prctc* y m rn yr flscp. * nd, y knw, r pnts f Q


I believe now’s the right time for a little musical lesson.


So does this thing work by IP or what?

aeiou PENIS


Pseudonymous troll is still a dumbass.


Aaahahahahahahaha. Awesome. Suck it, Truth.


Don Rumsfeld – Navy aviator, 1954-57 (between Korean and Vietnam wars)

To be fair, Mr. Rumsfeld served in various components of the Naval Reserve long enough to retire. I think he retired as a Captain.

Archibald Armstrong

“Psdnyms trll s stll dmbss.” Y’r sch smrt! Cld y tll b th dnk rs nd tl?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

aeiou PENIS

That’s some pretty fancy PENIS you got there.


OB-GYN Kenobi said,

March 11, 2009 at 19:13 (kill)

To be fair,…

We don’t go in for that sort of thing round these parts, Mister!

Archibald Armstrong

So I’m thinking we rebrand this place, relaunch, and call it either “Shaftcappers R Us” or “Shaftcapperly, Yes!

Are you with me? Of course you are!


We don’t go in for that sort of thing round these parts, Mister!

Well, to be fairer, he was still a douchebag. And a Navy guy. Frakkin’ squids.


You’re such a smarty!

I do okay.

Could you tell by the donkey ears and tail?

If you’ve got something to confess, have at it.


I’m cracking up at the disemvoweled troll-talk. ::Grmbldy-mmbl-snrk-frktng ::– it’s like they’re speaking in tongues bungs. Which they are!


Hey, do you want to go out?

Huh, do I want to go out.


I demand snarkification of the David Vitter / airport story!


No military experience here, even though I was the perfect age for the First Gulf War.

Yes, surely there’s no difference here.

Wingnuts who wimped out of the draft during the bloody Vietnam War acting like tough warriors as they cheerlead the Iraq War = Barack Obama not enlisting during a surgical strike of a military operation against a tinpot dictator that ended in like five minutes and, years later, not supporting the Iraq War

Um, right.

Archibald Armstrong

wll hnd — cn cll y Jck? — llw m t trnslt. Y s th trdtnl flscp ws mdld n th rgnl dnk rs nd tl, ltr stylzd nt th lrpps wth blls.

Archibald Armstrong

MzNck: ‘ll tlk t yr bng nytm, swtchks — nd thn ‘ll jmp rght nt t!


Also, Obama was 30 and in law school during the First Gulf War. Yes, perfect age.


Hey MzNicky, you forgot me!


Tntn sx cck, lcks dcks, ∓ nzzlz btts.


I have no idea where all those random question marks came from in that list of service records. If they’d showed up in preview I’d have stricken them from the record! Also, I believe Sarah Palin is age-appropriate for military service. Why does she hate our troops and America, etc.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

This disemvowelling is cool – if I may suggest a small tweak, how about ROT-13ing the consonants?


I am not in favor of war, thus for me to not fight when I was too old for Gulf War One is doubly appropriate.

However, the Republican chickenhawks who squawked the loudest about bombing runs on innocents all curiously avoided actually serving.

Some would accuse them of being Depends-wearing Scared Republicans, but in the matter of diaper-type underwear, I will defer to Senator Vitter.


What I meant to say is: I wish Tintin would sck my cck, lck my dck, & nzzl my btt.


Also, Obama was 30 and in law school during the First Gulf War. Yes, perfect age.

Until the second Gulf War, I believe the maximum age of enlistment was either 40 or 42. IIRC, 30 would have been the maximum age for accession as an officer.

The One Term President

Bookmark this, liberals. Or, as I should say, Bkmrk ths lbrls.


Ooooh! Sounds kinky!


Why would someone enlist to fight in a war they don’t support?

The One Term President

lk t whn Bb wns scks m mcr pns. m pthtc trll.


Y’r s rght, Fx Pck! D wsh Tntn wld nzzl m btt! Thn cld lt ths jll frt rp nd knw tht t hd bn pt t gd s!



Dragon-King Wangchuck

ONOES!!! wlbr1 hz rvld th rl rsn fr 1337spk!!!!!


MzNlcky: l‘ll t&lk t0 y0vr bvngh0l3 &nytlm3, sw33tch33ks — & th3n l‘ll jvmp rlght lnt0 lt!


Just wanted to see if the little fuck could learn…


The One Term President said, […]

When did Bush 41 say all that?

Furthermore, periods only belong in quotation marks if they are part of the quotation.

The Zero Term President

Hi, this is Dubya. I am calling myself the “Zero Term President” now since I was appointed by the SCOTUS in 2000 and had Ohio delivered to me in 2004 by that Blackwell. I might as well tell you now that he comitted massive vote fraud to deliver that state to me, since you can’t prosecute me any more.

Heh heh heh

Also, you rotten Republicans have all disowned me, and called me a Liberal and a RINO. Don’t you guys remember when you were all cheering for me like a bunch of drunken orangutans?

What a bunch of ingrates! But because I got a bunch of money from you suckers taxpayers and put it in Swiss bank accounts, I don’t really care what you loser Republicans think.

Bye bye. See you guys on the lecture circuit. Wait, I won’t. You Republican voters can’t afford the fees. Sorry.


Archibald Armstrong

So frakkin’ clueless.


Most people hate Rush Limbaugh, but Republicans continue to suck his cock:

When asked if they agree with the statement, “Rush Limbaugh shares my values,” or the opposite statement that he does not share their values, all voters break out at 32% yes, to 57% no. Among independents, it’s 30%-58%.

But here’s the thing: Limbaugh scores 60%-29% with Republicans. “There is a reason why,” the polling memo says triumphantly. “Limbaugh ranks very high as a leader of the Republican Party’s
ideas and direction.”

When asked if Limbaugh has too much influence over the Republican Party, too little influence or about the right amount, all voters put it at 49%-15%-26%. Republicans, however, weigh in at 27%-20%-43%, and independents are at 50%-12%-29%.—-but-the-base-loves-him.php?ref=fp3


How many hours long was Gulf War I? 100? OK, it was about 6 months long if you include Desert Shield. Oh yeah, for a 30-year old to not volunteer for such a short war is exactly the same as spending years dodging the draft in Vietnam (1965-1972). (eyeroll).

When will righties understand it’s not the failure to serve in a war that’s the problem, it’s not serving yourself when given the opportunity and then cheerleading for OTHERS to go risk their lives that’s the problem.

Archibald Armstrong

Cls r fr ths wh dn’t lrd hv nswrs. Kp yr cls, trd


and put it in Swiss bank accounts

I look forward to hearing more details about this.

Scared Republicans

When will righties understand it’s not the failure to serve in a war that’s the problem, it’s not serving yourself when given the opportunity and then cheerleading for OTHERS to go risk their lives that’s the problem.

But we CAN’T go fight. They don’t allow Depends in a war zone.


I don’t know if this is directed at me or not, but it seems to be, so I’ll respond.

How many hours long was Gulf War I? 100? OK, it was about 6 months long if you include Desert Shield. Oh yeah, for a 30-year old to not volunteer for such a short war is exactly the same as spending years dodging the draft in Vietnam (1965-1972). (eyeroll).

I made no claim regarding President Obama’s enlistment or lack thereof. I simply pointed out that, contrary to another poster’s apparent claim, he *was* age-eligible for accession during Desert Shield and Desert Storm. That’s all. Anything else anyone might want to read into my comment is their responsibility, not mine.

When will righties understand it’s not the failure to serve in a war that’s the problem, it’s not serving yourself when given the opportunity and then cheerleading for OTHERS to go risk their lives that’s the problem.

Um, you and I don’t have any disagreement on that point. Furthermore, I’m a disabled veteran and you won’t see *me* doing any cheerleading for Operation Clusterfuck.

The Zero Term President

You betcha I will be quiet. If I appear in public you guys might notice how drunk I am all the time.

I can tell you now that the pretzel incident was me yelling at the TV in a drunken rage while watching the Super Bowl.

Sheesh. Suckers Republicans.


I don’t know if this is directed at me or not

That’s okay, misdirection has been common theme on this thread.


Hey Archie! I thought you had some work to do. Finished cleaning the bathroom already, did ya?


That’s okay, misdirection has been common theme on this thread.


William F. Buckley's ghost

Just checking in to see how movement conservatism is doing here.

Oh, shit.



hmmm … “Cleaves and re: for toe-hose whoo-hoo! don’t and re: 3 andy have a V8 and news & world report”? No, that can’t be it.

Zombie Jerry Garcia

I’m here in heaven jamming with Joey Ramone.

I must’ve been crazy all those years that I kept playing the same old crap. Joey has shown me the light. Punk Rock is the greatest thing. I see in retrospect that the crap I played for decades past its due date always sucked.


No, that can’t be it.

Funny, I could have sworn that’s what it said.


I simply pointed out that, contrary to another poster’s apparent claim, he *was* age-eligible for accession during Desert Shield and Desert Storm

I wasn’t saying Obama wasn’t age-eligible. Just that he wasn’t what you would consider prime enlistment age.





Zombie Jerry Garcia

Please, just don’t tell us you’ve become one of those after-death Moonies:


I wasn’t saying Obama wasn’t age-eligible. Just that he wasn’t what you would consider prime enlistment age.

Fair enough. Though to a recruiter, anyone who will report to the MEPS, sign the contract and get on the bus is acceptable. I’ve never known recruiters or reenlistment NCOs to be choosy.

FWIW, there was a graying ‘Nam vet in my platoon in boot camp back in the mid-80s. He was drafted while in his late teens, got out and eventually decided to get back in. He actually had ribbons and a combat patch on his Class A uniform (due to his prior service), which attracted no end of attention from our First Sergeant and Sergeant Major during our first formal inspection. IIRC, Nam Vet Boot Camp guy would have to have been in his mid-to-late 30s.


Please, just don’t tell us you’ve become one of those after-death Moonies…

What type of music does Reverend Moon listen to? Polka?



Archibald Armstrong

OB-GYN: you voluntarily joined the military in the mid-80s? Cool!

Did you get to kill any Central American peasants? You duh man!


Tntn s sch bb. N, t’s nt cnsrshp, t’s jst cwrdc. thnk f y lbrls jst gnr th thrt f (fr xmpl) Sml trrrsm n th S, t wll jst g w. Srl th hlrt f Z-lst blggrs mkng mstks s mr thn ngh cmpnstn fr th fct tht w hv fldd r cntrs wth tns f mllns f Thrd Wrldrs wh dsps r vls.

Archibald Armstrong

I often wished I had volunteered for the military in the mid-80’s because Reagan’s use of the military was invariably morally justified and wouldn’t have presented any problems to my conscience.


OB-GYN: you voluntarily joined the military in the mid-80s? Cool!

More than that, I volunteered *after* completing a dual B.A.

The economy was still sucking when I graduated, and there weren’t many scholarships, assistantships or funded teaching positions available at the time. So I enlisted, saved some cash, got the GI Bill and used that green to pay for two more degrees after my term of service ended.

Did you get to kill any Central American peasants? You duh man!

I didn’t serve in Central America, but I knew one Hispanic sergeant who claimed to have served in Honduras around that time. About the only things he’d say about it were “we were there to train their Army” and “they grew some really good coffee.”


omg there’s a somali under my bed


No, it’s not censorship, it’s just cowardice.

If one calls their host a coward, then one shouldn’t expect to be greeted with a seat at the table and open arms.

Hosts’ rules should be respected, whether on the Internet or at a dinner party. If one won’t comport with them after a polite reminder, then it should come as no surprise when one is shown the door and asked to leave at an uncommonly early hour.


Gee, that’s funny: I got a fellowship at an Ivy League school in the mid-80’s during that bad economy. Just lucky I guess.

As a backup plan, I was ready to go help inavde Grenada, mine the harbors in Nicaragua, train the Salvadorans in counterinsurgency torture techniques, that sort of thing.

YMMV. Shrug.

Scared Republicans

Beware the Muslim menace. It has soiled many a Depends on me. The local landfill had to close because I was producing so many urine-soaked diapers. Lousy socialists.

Concerned liberal

Dear sir

President Obama’s lack of military experience is worrisome, quite frankly. I hope he will make the right decisions in his foreign policy, but his best strategy would be to listen to the Republican leadership in Congress since they have a genuine perspective on war.

Also, I think my fellow Democrats on an internet so-called snark blog known as Sadly No! are putting themselves in a precarious position by not finding the humor in the postings of an individual who posts under various identities, most notably “The Fool.” His comic genius is right up there to me with Rush Limbaugh’s and Glen Beck’s. My fellow liberals should stop insisting on their own standards for what’s funny and wake up to the changing landscape of America.


Camille Paglia A Concerned Liberal.

The Waaaaaambulance

Tintin is such a baby. No, it’s not censorship, it’s just cowardice.

Somebody call me?

Scared Republican

I’m really scared of the brown people that seem to be flooding our shores. At least that is what my Lord Rush has told me.

I’m SCARED, dammit! I’m going through CASES of Depends every week now.


I went to this party once. It was cool, in that anyone off the street was invited. The people seemed all right, but then I overheard one guy talking about punk, and I just lost it! I walked up to the guy and real loud, I said, “punk sucks, man! Let me tell you about all the boring music they made when my dad was young. HAHAHAHAHA.” I said this real loud, because when you’re right about something, you should say it really loud.

After I totally shut that guy up, I went over to the bar. “Hey, man, give me a drink.” The guy looked at me and said, yeah, you look like you’re about fifteen. “No way, dude!” I said. “I’m 50 and I have like three different degrees NOW GIVE ME A DRINK!” But he just walked away.

So I totally took my penis out and rubbed it all over the bar. Hey, if I can’t get a drink, I’m going to take my dick out and rub it all over. That’s just what I do. Then everyone got real quiet, and looked at me, then looked away. Because they were all impressed with my dick! And they knew I was right to take my dick out in a room full of people, none of whom I actually know.

I totally showed those people who the real man is. I can’t wait to go back again and be the biggest dick in the room.

Archibald Armstrong

“we were there to train their Army”

Yeah, if by “their” you mean the former Somocistas’ Contra army that was slaughtering peasants in Nicaragua.


B, pst cvl, n tpc cmmnts. Y lbrls ncmfrtbl twst n yr chrs s y hnd wv, lnch nslts, r smtms jst cmpltl mss th pnt. t s mr hnst t bn ppsng vw pnts thn pll Tntn’s lttl trcks, bt gn – m nt cmplnng tht ths s cnsrshp. lk rmndng y lbrls f yr ntllctl pvrt nd lck f wt. Cm t Sdl N – w hv hndrds f psts n typ b Z-lst blggr! W’ll dscss rcps, mk pns tht wld mk nrd Mnth Pythn fns crng, nd pst phts f r drbl pts! Bt dn’t chllng r ds! ftr ll, w r <>hlrs.* * Cn smn pls drct m t n ntntnll fnn pst hr?


Tintin is such a baby. No, it’s not censorship, it’s just cowardice.

One order of Waaaaaamburger and French Cries to go.

Archibald Armstrong

“I can’t wait to go back again and be the biggest dick in the room.”

laym: in your case, success is guaranteed

Cry, Troofy, Cry!

Your tears nourish me. Waaah! Waaah! Bookmark this, the liberals are being meeeean!

I think it’s time for Tintin to remind us about Troofy’s IP.


I totally showed those people who the real man is.

The penis, mightier than the sword.


Yeah, if by “their” you mean the former Somocistas’ Contra army that was slaughtering peasants in Nicaragua.

Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. Maybe the guy was making it up.

Shrug. Lot of assholes here this afternoon. Lot of PLONKing will get done.


all your comments are randomly piefiltered or disemvoweled or converted to Cyrillic FUCKBUM.

Hawaiians, who, with their great outrigger war canoes and superior knowledge of navigation and sea currents, have crossed the ocean in order to rape and pillage his linguistic knowledge, and to carry the vowels off as prizes.
They did much the same thing, on a lesser scale, to languages like Czech and Polish in centuries past.

National Lampoon, c. 1980. That is all.


Do Conservatives know that God lets Mexicans into Heaven?

Archibald Armstrong

“The economy was still sucking when I graduated, and there weren’t many scholarships, assistantships or funded teaching positions available at the time. So I enlisted, saved some cash, got the GI Bill and used that green to pay for two more degrees after my term of service ended.”

Excuse FAIL


National Lampoon, c. 1980. That is all.

Well spotted, sir.

Excuse FAIL

Shrug. Why do you hate American soldiers, troll?



You liberals, disemvowelling trolls is cowardly, you liberals.

I prove my courage every day by answering other people’s arguments directly without resort to diversion, you liberals.

And by constantly complaining about minority groups who are extremely dangerous, all under my constantly changing pseudonym, you liberals.

I would have a Congressional Medal of Honour if Congress wasn’t controlled by you liberals, you liberals.

Cry, Troofy, Cry!

Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.

My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.

Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.

Archibald Armstrong

“Why do you hate American soldiers, troll?”

I don’t hate American soldiers at all.

But if you volunteered in the mid-80’s, knowing that the military was being used immorally all over the world, then you are a moral cretin. Its not like you said you volunteered in 1942, dude.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

The penis, mightier than the sword.

Blockquoted for being the unvarnished and objective truth.




That word is both like and unlike the word PLONK in many ways.


Blockquoted for being the unvarnished and objective truth.

Let’s not put it to the test.


I’ve been blockquoted. I feel so dirty.


Anonymous troll is taking advantage of anonymity to accuse a poster of cowardice? IRONY IS NOT A TOY.

The Hawaiians raided Bohemia in war canoes?.
Needs explicit reference to “the seacoast of Bohemia”
Exit Smut, pursued by a bear.


Heh. No wonder it’s called ‘movement conservatism’.


Hey Festus/Archie/Fool/Cosmic Charlie,

Since right-wingers and punks are two of your favorite things, here is a blog that is far more suited to your unique trolling talents. The guy over there is terribly lonely and could use the company of a shrewd debater like yourself, so why don’t you do us all a favor and go play with him for a while?

Be sure to tell him J Neo Marvin sent you. You’ll get a warm reception.


movement conservatism

All I know is it makes a hell of a mess.

Archibald Armstrong

Yep, more than a few shaftcappers here at Sadly, No. Fortunately I don’t have a job and have the time to troll this blog for your entertainment, at least until the cable is cut off.




I look forward to plaigersing that quote in the future, thanks.

Isaac's Chapeau

hey did anyone else see this:

I see via Harry Brighouse that Brian Barry has died. I’m not a good candidate to offer an evaluation or overview of his work. He’s an engaging and enjoyable writer with a voice that made him particularly pleasurable to read when you agree with him, and somewhat maddening when you don’t–he was an impressive wordsmith in a way that few political theorists are. I endorse Why Social Justice Matters with few reservations, but on the subject of Culture and Equality I’m afraid I have to wholeheartedly endorse Jacob Levy’s critical review.

Barry’s writing possessed a dry wit and some delicious snark. I’m somewhat hesitant to highlight a book review, given his career’s worth of substantive work, but as a fan of the genre of devastating reviews of deserving targets, I can’t resist taking this opportunity to excerpt from his review of Robert Nozick’s Anarchy, State and Utopia:

Finally the intellectual texture is of a sort of cuteness that would be wearing in a graduate student and seems to me quite indecent in someone who, from the lofty heights of a professorial chair, is proposing to starve or humiliate ten percent or so of his fellow citizens (if he recognizes the word) by eliminating all transfer payments through the state, leaving the sick, the old, the disabled, the mothers with young children and no breadwinner, and so on, to the tender mercies of private charity, given at the whim and pleasure of the donors and on any terms that they choose to impose. This is, no doubt, an emotional response, but there are, I believe, occasions when an emotional response is the only intellectually honest one. The concept of a “free fire zone,” for example, could appropriately be the subject of black comedy or bitter invective but not dispassionate analysis. Similarly, a book whose argument would entail the repeal of even the Elizabethan Poor Law must either be regarded as a huge joke or as a case of trahison des clercs, giving spurious intellectual respectability to the reactionary backlash that is already visible in other ways in the United States. My own personal inclination would be to treat the book as a joke, but since it is only too clear that others are prepared to take It seriously, I shall do so as well…..
Nozick’s vision of “utopia” as a situation in which the advantaged reinforce their advantages by moving into independent jurisdictions, leaving the poor and disadvantaged to fend for themselves, could be regarded as the work of a master satirist, since it is in fact merely the logical extension of pathologically divisive processes already well-established in the United States: the flight of the middle classes to the suburbs while the inner city decays from lack of resources, and the growth of “planned communities” for the wealthy aged and other specially selected groups who are able to shed much of the usual social overhead. Unfortunately, there is no sign that Nozick, jokiness personified in other respects, sees this particular joke, but, thanks to the direction given to public policy by Nixon and Ford and their Supreme Court, the American people have an increasing opportunity to enjoy the joke personally.


I was wondering how long the coalition between the West Anglicans and the Moozilums would remain a secret. There was a schism in Angalicandia some time ago about the precise meaning of the word “door”. Now it seems the West Anglicans are ramping it up a notch.

RoundTree Topper

Glenn Greenwald is well worth reading today as usual:

The mission of the Beltway journalist
(updated below – Update II)

Earlier this week, I wrote:

It’s difficult to select what one thinks is the single most illustrative symbol of how our country now functions, but if I were forced to do so, I would choose the fact that it is America’s journalists — who claim to be devoted to serving as a check on Government and exposing its secrets — who are, instead, leading the way in demanding that the Government’s actions of the last eight years be concealed; in trying to quash efforts to investigate and expose those actions; and in demanding immunity for government lawbreakers. What kind of country does one expect to have where (with some noble exceptions) it is journalists, of all people, who take the lead in concealing, protecting and justifying government wrongdoing, and whose overriding purpose is to serve, rather than check, political power?

Today, The Washington Post’s Ruth Marcus provides as pure an example of this warped “journalistic” mentality as one can imagine:

On the legal issues entwined in the war on terrorism, Obama is, again wisely, proceeding more slowly than many civil libertarians demand. Guantanamo will be closed — eventually. Military commissions have been halted, torture policies renounced and secret memorandums released.

Yet the Obama Justice Department backstopped the Bush Justice Department’s assertion of the state secrets privilege to block lawsuits challenging wiretapping and extraordinary rendition. The administration argued that prisoners in Afghanistan cannot challenge their detention in court. It leaned on the British government to keep evidence of alleged torture secret.

Look at what Marcus is cheering for in that second paragraph, what she considers to be good things: Preventing judicial scrutiny of illegal government spying and kidnapping programs. Abducting people with no due process, shipping them off to Afghanistan, and then locking them up for years with no rights of any kind. Purposely concealing — keeping secret — evidence of massive government torture programs. These are the extreme secrecy and suppression efforts that this “journalist” favors.

Imagine if you walked into a random class in a journalism school and asked one of the students why they enrolled in journalism school, and they replied this way:

I want to become a journalist so that I can help the Government conceal its secrets. Especially when high political officials break the law, I think it’s really important that nobody find out about it. In particular, I think it’s crucial that victims of government torture and illegal spying be prevented from uncovering what was done and imposing accountability on our Government leaders. And the most important thing is that when government leaders break the law, they not be investigated.

So I want to go into journalism in order to do what I can to help the Government suppress the truth, avoid exposure, and evade accountability — because I think the key role of journalists is to do everything possible to enable the most powerful political leaders to hide what they’ve done from the public. That’s what I see as the most important function a journalist can serve.

That’s Ruth Marcus. That’s exactly what she’s saying here. She’s actually praising the Obama administration for “lean[ing] on the British government to keep evidence of alleged torture secret.” In fact, it’s most of our press corps saying the same thing. Protection of and servitude to political power and the maintenance of government secrets is their driving religion.

Thomas Jefferson, in a 1799 letter to Archibald Stewart, wrote: “Our citizens may be deceived for awhile, and have been deceived; but as long as the presses can be protected, we may trust to them for light.” And Jefferson later added:

Our first object should therefore be, to leave open to him all the avenues of truth. The most effectual hitherto found, is freedom of the press. It is therefore, the first shut up by those who fear the investigation of their actions.

With some important exceptions, our press corps does exactly the opposite of what Jefferson envisioned. Instead of “trusting to them for light,” we have The Post’s Richard Cohen demanding that political leaders be permitted to operate — these were his words — “with the lights off.” And instead of wanting to “shut up the press” due to a “fear of investigations of their actions,” political leaders now want to amplify and glorify the press as much as possible, since it’s led by the likes of Ruth Marcus, David Ignatius and Stuart Taylor who are singularly devoted to blocking investigations — not conducting them — and ensuring that government wrongdoing remains concealed, not exposed. All you have to do is read what they say — compare it to Jefferson’s expectation of what the role of the press would be– and see how twisted and corrupted our national media is.

In Newsweek today, Howard Fineman has one of the flimsiest and most inane — yet highly revealing — columns in some time. Fineman announces that while Barack Obama may be popular among most Americans, “the American establishment’ — who Fineman believes, like most journalists, he speaks for and serves — “is taking his measure and, with surprising swiftness, they are finding him lacking.” As David Sirota notes, Fineman offers no evidence for his announcement of what “the establishment” thinks and never even bothers to identify what this “establishment” is which is rebelling against Obama, other than to say that “it is a three-sided force, churning from inside the Beltway, from Manhattan-based media and from what remains of corporate America.”

Even if Fineman were right that this unseen “three-sided establishment” is becoming disenchanted with Obama, who should care? Or, more to the point, who should consider that to be a negative reflection on Obama? What has this “three-sided establishment” done that is remotely positive? What have they been right about? What disaster haven’t they cheered on and enabled?

Just look at where the U.S. is and what has happened over the last decade. Look at the mentality as reflected in the Marcus column: it’s urgent that our most powerful elites be permitted to operate in secret, with total impunity no matter what they do, and with no accountability. What better reflection on Obama could one possibly want to see than the fact that this “three-sided Beltway/media/Wall St. establishment” is supposedly dissatisfied with his actions?

UPDATE: About that classically execrable Fineman column, Jamison Foser writes:

Howard Fineman doesn’t bother quoting or paraphrasing anyone in “The Establishment” in his column about the Establishment turning on Barack Obama. That’s because Fineman, though he tries to pretend otherwise, is a member of that establishment. He doesn’t need to quote it, he is it. . . .

Fineman’s eagerness to speak on behalf of the Establishment is, indeed, creepy. What he says is even worse.

That’s the most important truth of American political life: journalists like Fineman (and Ignatius, Marcus, etc. etc.) endlessly pretend to be watchdogs over the political establishment when, in fact, they are nothing more than subservient appendages to it, loyal spokespeople for it, completely merged into it. It’s not that we have a press that fails to perform its function. They perform it perfectly. The point is that their function is to amplify and glorify establishment power — the exact opposite of what Thomas Jefferson thought they would be doing when he advocated for a free press as the supreme safeguard against abuses of power.

UPDATE II: Continuing with my Marc-Ambinder-inspired pledge, we’re in the process of contacting Ruth Marcus to invite her onto Salon Radio to discuss her column. I’ll post an update with any response she provides.

Gargleballs Armstrong

I am a master of the Interwebs and I like to try to intimidate people by using my ninja skillz to uncover the uncoverable: an IP address.

Eugene Robinson

Fucking Anglicans.


I like to try to intimidate people by using my ninja skillz to uncover the uncoverable: an IP address

It only works when they guess right. Dynamic IP addressing is like Kryptonite to such creatures.


“Fucking Anglicans.”.

They can be obtuse.


i cant believe you guys are being so mean to this authentic guy, when he’s single-handedly defending america from the somali menace. and bringing the funny just like dennis miller and ben stein.


“Dynamic IP addressing is like Kryptonite to such creatures.”

As are breasts, soap, and green leafy vegetables.


****WONK WONK*****

Should be ********BLART BLART***********, no?

S,N Punctuation Police

Hey there, Mr. Lazaro: Did I see you put a period within the quotation marks AND without them? I’m afraid I’m going to have to issue you a citation.

RoundTree Topper

The JOhn Boehner is such a boner. Let Krugman explain:

Can America be saved?
So I read this:

Boehner said Americans want government to practice the same financial restraint they have been forced to exercise: “It’s time for government to tighten their belts and show the American people that we ‘get’ it.”

and I wonder if this country can handle the crisis we’re in. Remember, John Boehner is, in effect, the second-most influential member of the GOP (after Rush Limbaugh). And while Democrats hold a majority, it’s not enough of a majority to make the minority party irrelevant.

So the fact that Boehner’s idea of economics is completely insane matters.

What’s insane about Boehner’s remark? He’s talking about the current economic crisis as if it were a harvest failure — as if we faced a shortage of goods, so that the more you consume the less is left for me. In reality — even most conservatives understand this, when they think about it — we’re in a world desperately short of demand. If you consume more, that’s GOOD for me, because it helps create jobs and raise incomes. It’s in my personal disinterest to have you tighten your belt — and that’s just as true if you’re “the government” as if you’re my neighbor.

Plus, who is “the government”? It’s basically us, you know — the government spends money providing services to the public. Demanding that the government tighten its belt means demanding that we, the taxpayers, get less of those services. Why is this a good thing, even aside from the state of the economy?

Again, this is what the leaders of a powerful, if minority, party think. Can this country be saved?


DDay has a great post at Digby’s place:

The Health And Welfare Crisis

by dday

The combination of soaring costs and economic meltdown means that more and more people have to forego health insurance. That’s what part of the stimulus tries to stop by offering subsidies to keep the jobless on their old coverage through COBRA. But since health insurance does not translate into health care, we’re seeing an additional crisis – people with insurance scrimping on treatment because they can’t afford the co-pays.

Take South Dade Realtor J. Berry Hamilton, 57. She’s gone to a policy with a $5,000 deductible, meaning she has to pay most costs out of her own pocket. Recently, she brushed off her doctor’s request for a diagnostic exam when she got a sinus infection. As her business has declined, she figures: “Let me see if the antibiotic works first, and if it doesn’t then maybe I’ll have the X-ray.”

“Patients are spending less, no question about it,” says Bernd Wollschlaeger, a primary care doctor in North Miami Beach. “A patient needs a echocardiogram. And they say they can’t afford the $100 or $200 co-payment, so they’re deferring. In the long run, this just can’t be good for healthcare.”

People are certainly pinching their pennies. For the five hospitals in Baptist Health South Florida, Vice President Karen Godfrey reports that patients are now hesitating on tests and procedures even with co-pays as low as $15, “which is very surprising.

“One of the registration managers was telling me some are negotiating for services. If a woman gets a prescription for a mammogram and an ultrasound, she wants to know the co-pay for both,” then pick the test with the cheaper co-pay.

I should mention that this is the DESIRED state of health care for Republicans. It’s what they’ve argued for years. They think Americans should all be smart shoppers with health care and then the spending won’t be as wasteful. Of course, when this means neglecting needed drugs or tests, it cuts into preventive care, which when used effectively actually saves the patient and the system money. So a short-run savings causes long-term catastrophic costs, and raises overall spending. Not to mention the fact that people get sicker as a result.

This is not to say that there aren’t wasteful treatments and procedures offered to patients – that’s why comparative effectiveness research, to measure and weed out those less useful treatments, is an important element of reform. But that’s a far cry from what’s happening now, which actually is the dreaded “rationing” that Republicans like to warn everyone about. In fact, controlling costs and making treatment more affordable is the only way to actually be able to improve health outcomes. Right now we spend and spend, more in some regions, less in others, without value for that spending.

And if you’re aging and have some aches and pains and need to be freaked out more than just about the fact that health care becoming too expensive, your pension just shrunk, too.

A wave of US companies are suspending payments to their staff 401(k) retirement plans in a bid to cut costs amid the economic downturn.

Saks, General Motors, newspaper group McClatchy, clothing company J.Crew, FedEx, UPS, Coca-Cola Bottling, Reader’s Digest, Motorola, Regions Financial and Sprint Nextel are among the growing list of companies which have suspended contributions in recent months.

Even the AARP, the influential advocacy group formerly known as the American Association for Retired Persons, will suspend contributions to its staff 401(k) plan from March 22 for the rest of the year.

The growing number of suspensions appears to strike a blow against the viability of 401(k) plans, which were introduced 30 years ago as the main way that Americans should save for retirement, replacing defined benefit pension plans. Companies typically offered to match employee contributions up to 5 per cent of annual salary.

Considering that so much of that 401(k) wealth vanished in the stock market, maybe this isn’t such a bad thing. But with defined-benefit pensions going the way of the dinosaur, these defined-contribution plans were, other than a too-small Social Security benefit, the only retirement planning a lot of people had. And now that’s evaporating.

And this is why we have to tackle multiple issues at once right now, regardless of the short-attention spans of corporate media. Of course the economy and the financial sector need to be managed, but our craptacular social services structure was decaying in the 1990s, and just barely limped along during the post-9/11 jobless recovery. A downturn just finishes it off, and we have no choice but to rebuild it or leave behind entire classes of Americans.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Cut and Paste Troll is calling us libs out on our hypocrasy. Well, guess what RT, CTRL-V? You’re still boring when you quote from left-wing sites. Perhaps a lot less unhinged, but dumping stolen text without comment only works when there’s some sort of meta or contextual connection.

The Sole Exception

Comments are strictly and sweepingly unmoderated. The sole exception to this ancient rule is assholish behavior such as physical threats or ‘outings’ of people who wish to remain anonymous, for which there obtains a zero-tolerance comment-deletion policy.

Because you’d have to be a serious dickhead to do that.


“Hey there, Mr. Lazaro: Did I see you put a period within the quotation marks AND without them? I’m afraid I’m going to have to issue you a citation..”.

I was really trying to hedge my bets, as it were. I am an “innie.” A period goes inside quotes at the end of a sentence.


It occurs to me that being banned by S,N! must be a status symbol to the wingnut trolly set. How else to explain their increasingly aggressive and desperate posts? Other than the usual lives filled with unbearably dull and bitter loneliness and/or mental illness.




Non Anglici, sed Angli.

Scared Republican

Other than the usual lives filled with unbearably dull and bitter loneliness and/or mental illness.

Don’t forget fear. Everpresent, unyielding, overwhelming FEAR of the Brown People.


?? ???? ?? ? ?? ??? ??? ????. ?? ? ???? ?? ? ???????


Derek wrote:

Yes, Alexander, I would chide him for writing “colour,” or “metre,” or “theatre,” or even “grey.” Because I’m all nitpicky like that. And my students love to hate me for it.

Just for the record, you were replying to Andrew, not to me.



Those hat makers are bad mother- SHUT YOUR MOUTH!


My last comment was full of HTML fail. Hopefully the Fool and his mighty penis will be curious enough to paste that blog into his browser anyway.


OB-GYN Kenobi: no worries dude, my remarks were not aimed at you. 🙂


What they do
They’re smilingin your face
All the time they want to take your place
The shaftcappers (shaftcappers)


No worries, then. 🙂


It occurs to me that being banned by S,N! must be a status symbol to the wingnut trolly set

yeah, MzNicky, I could imagine them getting together and chuckling over their best troll-bait experiences, comparing taunts and laughing at the ones they get to play.

If that, is they had a social life, or could interact with other humans.


I can dig it.


It would probably be in the Korner’s best interest to force every single poster to do a Google search before hitting “send.”


They could hire an editor and do some fact-checking that way. Just a thought.

Johnny Coelacanth

“They could hire an editor and do some fact-checking that way.”

Or they could just enforce the Google rule and lose 200 pounds of unsightly editor.


It would probably be in the Korner’s best interest to force every single poster to do a Google search before hitting “send.”

I think they regard fact checking as a sign of weakness. You know, like when you signal a lane change in Atlanta or Boston.


There is the unassailableness of Wingnut logic as well. “Well maybe it didn’t happen quite like I said, but it could have.


Grammar Nazi! In case no one has linked to it yet, here it is.


Maybe that is central to their point.


There’s nothing wrong with having the period outside, because it’s not a quote but a “special term”.


I think they regard fact checking as a sign of weakness.
Reality can sense your fear.

“Well maybe it didn’t happen quite like I said…”
No, no. The canonical form goes like this: “The fact that we could believe such disgusting things about [target of misdirected attack] speaks volumes about their moral abasement.”

The English Fucking Language

which Obama unwisely commented about last week, saying that daily DJIA/NASDAQ tallies are similar to gyrating political polls

Volatility. That was the point.

On a day when the Dow again lost another four percent, Obama announced plans for healthcare reform with a $650 billion price tag.

There was also a surge in sunspot activity, which is just about as relevant.


On a day when the Dow again lost another four percent, Obama announced plans for healthcare reform with a $650 billion price tag

That is actually a good thing.


I think it’s time to appropriate the phrase “cut and run” as a synonym for “going John Galt”.

At a time when most Americans want some serious action taken to deal with a grave, immediate problem, the Republicans are loudly proclaiming the virtue of sitting on your ass and refusing to lift a finger. I really hope they keep this up. We need reasons to smile at a time like this.

Turbine Yukon Palin

The garbled, disemvowelled text applied to Resident Trolls: The Dumbrella Chronicles is seriously awesome. Thank you, whoever did it. If you really want to take the time to figure the same old drivelpost out, you can, but otherwise, the eyes just skate delightfully over the text — giving them exactly the amount of consideration time they warrant.

Their petulant, resorting-to-potty-mouth insults — how soon they arrived! — are the tears of thwarted adolescents denied their ability to feel better about themselves in the only way they know how: by shitting on others.

Their tears taste like sunshine. Cry some more for momma, little trolls. Cry some more.


I approve the disemvoweling too. It makes it easier to resist feeding the lttl bstrds.


It makes it easier to resist feeding the lttl bstrds.

It also opens up a multitude of new ways to ridicule them.


Mn, ths thrd s ttlly wrd. Grmmr Nzs, th sl trlls.


“Personally, I’m having the time of my life watching you fall on your faces. The worse thing that could have ever happened to your pet theories, libuhrals, happened. You got a true believer in office to test them

Congrats, troll, you have won the all-time prize for psychological projection.

REF: Years A.D. 2000-2008

Rusty Shackleford

Didn’t miss much today I see.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

HPL Disemvowled:

Ph’ngl mglw’nfh Cthlh R’lh wgn’ngl fhtgn.


Disemvowelling is good. Thanks to whoever did it.
Combined with killfile it is like a new website.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Didn’t miss much today I see.

The usual maelstrom of madness.


Better than a madstorm of maleness.


I saw a mudstorm of muleness.


I forecast shattered scowers and stunderthorms.


Better than a madstorm of maleness.

Says you. That’s number one on my wish list.


I watched the Ebn Ozn video. I hadn’t seen that for some time.


Paul T Lazaro said,
March 11, 2009 at 21:25

“Fucking Anglicans.”.

They can be obtuse.

I saw what you did there.

And vis a vis the disemvowelling, I’m getting rather a kick out of it. It reminds me of the gnolls in Terry Pratchett’s work – “Sngk, ht dggty!” The mental image of Boring Troll shuffling along with a compost heap strapped to his warty back is irresistable.

Mr Spinny Head is very spinny today. Sigh. Every time I turn my head, my brain takes several seconds to catch up. It’s like Kaz Cooke’s Squoozy Woozy Leg Virus, only cerebral.

Sorry if all of that makes no sense. We now return you to your usual programming.


If these muslim swine really believe Great Britain is engaged in an illegal war of aggression then maybe the best protest of all would be to self-deport back to their third-world countries of origin?

I mean really, if they believe Great Britain to be an evil nation, why not commit the ultimate act of protest and leave? Its as simple as that.

What these mohammedans are doing is an act of treason against the nation they swore an oath of loyalty to by becoming citizens. Hopefully the government of Great Britain will wake up and realize that the BNP were right about muslim immigration all along. If I were Gordon Brown I would call out the British army to round up and arrest these fifth columnists and put them in detainment camps for the duration of the war. It worked well for us in the 1940s and it will work well for the British today.

John in Bucharest

Although I agree that the trolls are annoying, it isn’t all that hard to skip past them and every once a while they some some sh-t that is very funny. So, as a regular reader and occasional commenter, I personally would suggest that S, N! just stick to the same comment policy it has always had.

“Its a troll, from a deep dark hole,
Its attention span is getting thinner,
It needs to eat – and a response is a treat –
So it will have S, N! for its dinner.”

Oh well.


OT, via Wonkette: Ross Douthat will assume Kristolnacht’s slot (ahem!) on the NYT op-ed page.

Memo to NYT: Please don’t douthat.


The disemvowelling is great. What’s really telling is that the troll keeps trying to get around it, to crash a party where he’s clearly not welcome, and nobody wants to see him. I haven’t seen anyone who isn’t under 13 or mentally ill do that for oh, 40 years.


Oh great, Lard Fairy is back. More details on the “detainment camps,” please. Will there be be work? That is, would working make them free?


If these Republican swine really believe America is engaged in an illegal stimulus package of socialism then maybe the best protest of all would be to self-deport to some other nation not encumbered by taxes?

I mean really, if they believe America to be run by evil Black Muslim Commies, why not commit the ultimate act of protest and leave? Its as simple as that.


trolls are getting dumber every week


More details on the “detainment camps,” please.

Speaking as someone who avoids the D train at all costs, even if it means taking the N, I would prefer not to visit the camps.


OT, via Wonkette: Ross Douthat will assume Kristolnacht’s slot (ahem!) on the NYT op-ed page.

Honestly, their “liberals” aren’t that much better. Same for WaPo. Newspapers are only for serious people.


trolls are getting dumber every week

A week ago I wouldn’t have thought that possible, but today I’ve seen some of the strongest dumb ever.


The regiment is so called because consists of regiments from the ten Counties of East Anglia and the East Midlands.
Next you will be telling us that the Black Watch regiment came from a place called Black Wat. We’re not that gullible.


Sounds wicked Just Alison. I know who Kaz Cooke is and love her writing, if she says it’s bad, it’s bad.
Best wishes across the Tasman

The Authentic Truth Before His Dishonor

Bookmark this thread Liberals; the thread where The Truth was finally revealed to have been The Fool and countless other new names all along, as his posts were endlessly removed of their vowels; He even started desperately researching ASCII codes to get around the filter to brag about how The Fool supposedly pwned everyone… whilst doing it under yet another new name, which of course he never does. Yes, the insane part of his mental cycle has begun again, a point that comes around every 2 weeks or so when the frustrations of life get too much, and he’s not allowed to try and ruin life for everyone else…, so he’s flaming out in a complete bout of out of control rage and retardation once more! Perhaps he’ll even start trying to trace IP addresses to get people’s work place, eh McN, so he can call you up and shout “Stop posting at Sadly No! Fuck you!” just like he used to do at Eschaton.

But YOU are the evil ones! Bookmark that!

The Authentic Truth Before His Dishonor

Oh, and Lord Harry is him too. You’ll notice he waited until he got a few test comments through unedited under his new identity hiding processes, then brought Harry back out again so he can at least try and maintain plausible denial. Yes, he’s given waaaaaay to much of his life learning the tricks of the trolling trade; what a pity it doesn’t get him a job, or a date, or his peace of mind back eh?


The fact is, liberals suck. Follow my tweets.


what a pity it doesn’t get him a job, or a date, or his peace of mind back eh?

Objection! Imputing motive without evidentiary support.


I don’t know what’s more sad, the fact that Gary Ruppert has an active Twitter page, or that 8 people are his “followers.”


Gm, St nd Mtch! | Mrch 11, 2009, 4:20pm | #
Brkng (Bd) Nws fr d Prfs yrs nd Dhrn [Cndc d Rssy]

Th fllwng jst n frm nncy@fmlyscrtymttrs.rg (rd t th nd fr wrd f nw rprt cncrnng “nw SDS” n cmpss):

n snstnl lttr t b rlsd t Mrch 12 Ntnl Prss Clb nws cnfrnc, th Sn Frncsc Plc ffcrs ssctn (SFP) tlls Clff Kncd f mrc’s Srvvl, nc., nd FmlyScrtyMttrs.rg cntrbtng dtr, tht vdnc n th 1970 bmbng mrdr f Sn Frncsc plc ffcr pnts t Wthr ndrgrnd mmbrs Brnrdn Dhrn nd Bll yrs, tw sscts f Prsdnt Brck bm. Th lttr wll b md pblc t nws vnt tht wll ftr frmr FB nfrmnt n th Wthr ndrgrnd syng tht yrs tld hm tht Dhrn plntd th bmb tht klld Srgnt Brn V. McDnnll. Th nfrmnt, Lrry Grthwhl, hs tstfd ndr th bfr th .S. Snt bt th bmbng plt.

“Thr r rrftbl nd cmpllng rsns t blv tht Bll yrs nd hs wf Brnrdn Dhrn, mmbrs f th trrrst grp ‘Wthr ndrgrnd’ r lrgly rspnsbl fr th bmbng f Prk Plc Sttn nd thr plc sttns thrght th ntd Stts drng thr ‘tr f trrr’ n th lt 1960s nd rly 1970s,” th SFP lttr stts. Th SFP lttr s sgnd by ll fv ffcrs f th SFP.

Th SFP lttr sys tht whl “Sgt. McDnnll ws th sl ftlty f ths hns nd cwrdly ct,” whch ccrrd n Fbrry 16, 1970, ght thr plcmn wr srsly njrd. “Ths rspnsbl fr th cld bldd mrdr…nd th njrs t th thr ffcrs hv nvr bn brght t jstc nd th cs rmns pn,” th lttr nts.

“Th Sn Frncsc Plc ffcrs’ ssctn jns Mr. Clff Kncd f mrc’s Srvvl, nc. n hs vlnt nd nbl ffrt t rg rnwd ffrt by th pprprt Lw nfrcmnt gncs (Lcl, Stt, nd Fdrl) t brng ths cs t cls nd brng ths rspnsbl fr th mrdr f Sgt. Brn McDnnll nd th njrs t th thr ffcrs t th jstc thy hv s lng ldd.”

n ddtn t rlsng th lttr, Jm Pr, rtrd Sn Frncsc Plc ffcr wh ws n f th frst n th scn ftr th 1970 bmbng, wll dscrb th dvsttng mpct f th blst. n ddtn, tw rprts n th Wthr ndrgrnd wll b rlsd. Thy r “Wht ws th Wthr ndrgrnd?” by frmr Cngrssnl nvstgtr Hrbrt Rmrstn, nd “Frm rms t dctn t Pltcl Pwr — th Rtrn f th SDS nd th Wthr ndrgrnd,” by Clff Kncd nd ntrntnlly-rnwn blggr nd rsrchr Trvr Ldn. Th lttr xmns hw mmbrs f th Wthr ndrgrnd hv rgrpd t frm “nw SDS” n cllg cmpss.

*Th Nws Cnfrnc wll b hld t 12:30 p.m. t th Ntnl Prss Clb, 529 14th St., N.W., 13th flr, Wshngtn, D.C. Rsrvtns cn b md by cntctng r by cllng 703-255-2211.

Scared Republican

To summarize:

I am scared of Muslims. I am scared of socialism. I am scared that Obama will really fix all the errors and cosmic-level fuckups that my hero Dubya made. I am scared that white people are a minority. I am scared of all the black, women, hispanic, and Muslim CEOs who run almost all of the Fortune 100 firms.

But mainly I am scared that the vacuum cleaner will tear my tiny wee-wee off while I am using it to pleasure myself. Loneliness is something that only us He-Men of the 101st Chairborne can stand.

Dallas Texas Cocaine Delivery Service

Do any of you guys have the address for a person named “Miss. Accomplished” in town here? I think whoever it was misspelled her name because she listed her name, using our standard protocol to pick an alias, as “Mission Accomplished”. She said there will be some guys at her house that are wearing earpieces and that I am to deliver the goods to them. Must be one big dealer with a buncha bodyguards, since she ordered so much product.


Gary Ruppert has an active Twitter page

It’s just the same one-line throwaways he leaves here. He’s found his own level. You don’t really believe the “Followers” are anything but his various “names,” do you?

See where the quotation marks go there? Before the comma!! Hah!


I deny everything in this article. My shredder farm is working on, uhhhh, fixing the evidence of this.


Fucking shit, can entire pasted posts (especially from places like “Family Security Matters”) just be eradicated? Doesn’t dipstick get that we can make the choice to look at comedy writing or not? We’ll either follow the link, or not. Slapping the scaredy-pants bullshit on the table in front of us doesn’t make it any more likely we’ll look at it.

Private property rules!! Property rights!! No Trespassing!! Etc.!!


Douthat Dance goes to the Times. Edroso has the primer.


Funny how a chorus of visitors who can’t stop whining keep hearing the derisive laughter around them as “WAAAAH!” Fix your hearing aids, little ones, it’s “BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” you’re hearing.


Did you know that if you drink enough whiskey you black out?

I use this technique whenever whats-her-name (you know, the woman who uses a lot of Xanax and lives in my house) gets too annoying.


The reason that 911 was the fault of Clinton even though it occurred eight months after Holy Lord Bush was appointed is because he was on vacation in August 2001.

Obama never takes vacations so everything since 12:01 PM on January 20 is his fault.


We didn’t deregulate the banks to screw America up on purpose. It was just a side effect, since we were just interested in making lax laws so we could more easily steal billions and billions of dollars from the taxpayers.


Leave the comedy gold to me, SadlyNo!’s conservative visitors.


When the stock market goes down, that is the fault of Obama. On the days it goes up, that is due to the Free Market Genius of Holy Lord Bush.

Don’t worry if those statements seem insane. NOTHING we say makes any sense.


I likey the killfile, however it works. Updating the walkies filter for all of shoelimpy’s various personas was too much effort.


I’m havin’ a cookout at the ranch next week. And I have a special invitation extended to ALL Republicans!

Yes, any of you guys can come. You just need to bring a “party gift” for, uhhhh, a that charity that I donate to. The Party Gift must consist of two parts:

1) 300 or more grams of cocaine
2) one or more cases of 25 year old whiskey.

You can substitute 50 year old whiskey if you want.


Oops. He found a new proxy ip to use.
How sad is it to basically devote your life to trying to get in the way of people enjoying each others company?


The conservatives complain if I try to save money from the Federal Budget by giving out cheap gifts to heads of state, since they are just symbolic garbage and end up in some storage locker anyway.

Fuck the conservatives. They hate America, and they hate me.


Updating the walkies filter for all of shoelimpy’s various personas was too much effort.


Big Bad Bald Bastard

Running HPL through the disemvoweler:

Ph’ngl mglw’nfh Cthlh R’lh wgh’ngl fhtgn!

Is the “Y” in “R’lyeh” a vowel or a consonant?

Is their a combined HPL/Grammar pedant in the house?


I borrowed a Michelle Malkin portrait from Sadly,No! to use for her page on

I hope there are no copyright issues.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Double bing-bang hell, I just commited my most-hated grammatical error ever in a post about grammatical errors, whilst calling for a grammar pedant.

I’ll be in the basement, curled up in a ball, crying… kinda like Twoofy.


There’s nothing wrong with having the period outside, because it’s not a quote but a “special term”.

A special term is what I use to describe my special purpose.


Is Flash hip-hop? Michael “Wheels of” Steele says no.


I borrowed a Michelle Malkin portrait from Sadly,No! to use for her page on

Isn’t she a Californian?



Having the period outside, weather permitting, is perfectly acceptable–agreed.


Is Flash hip-hop? Michael “Wheels of” Steele says no.

P. Diddy: Old School. I recall him in the “Old School” sections of the PE liner notes.


Is the GOP emailing a master list of suicide-prevention hotlines to its membership yet?


The fact is, Karl Rove is following me, so eat it, libs.


Ph’ngl mglw’nfh Cthlh R’lh wgh’ngl fhtgn!

Is that Welsh?


Ph’ngl mglw’nfh Cthlh R’lh wgh’ngl fhtgn!

And once again I ask: Is that Welsh?


WordPress is putting in for overtime this week.


bm s lrdy msrbl, msrbl flr ncmptnt.

Johnny Coelacanth

“miserable failure incompetent.”

Aren’t we all a miserable failure incompetent from time to time?

Caerwyn Nyolarthotep

Is that Welsh?

Oh, aye. It’s a variant spoken in the old, old, old country.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

And once again I ask: Is that Welsh?

No, it’s cheesy but brilliant pulp horror from the 1920s.

Now, this is Welsh:

Gwethoch Fi I Lawr Yr Afon

No link, but it was a Welsh version of this.


The fact is, Obsama is a looser, and so are all libs. FAIL. Follow my tweets.


See Johnny he said miserable, miserable failure incompetent. So, like, it’s doubled. Man, that smarts. I mean like he doubled it man!!!!!
That’s probably near to eleventy on the sting-o-meter.

Howls of derisive laughter, Bruce.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Not many people know this, but there was a sequel to the film “The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain” based on the Cthulhu mythos.

It was called “The Englishman Who Came Down A Mountain After Seeing the Utter Insignificance Of Humanity Amidst The Cold Darkness Of The Cosmos But Went Mad And Began Speaking Welsh.”

It was largely panned.


trolls are getting dumber every week

In a few weeks they should be having trouble understanding the purpose of the ‘Submit Comment’ button.


It was largely panned.

“Crawling Chaos.”


In a few weeks they should be having trouble understanding the purpose of the ‘Submit Comment’ button.

Obviously, WordPress held up this comment for a few weeks.


‘m rspnsbl fr ths crss. shldn’t vn xst.


“The Englishman Who Came Down A Mountain After Seeing the Utter Insignificance Of Humanity Amidst The Cold Darkness Of The Cosmos But Went Mad And Began Speaking Welsh.”

You need to have an American connection for a hit movie according to Michael Medved, see: “American DNA and the movies: Why I know everything”


Thanks for adopting the bOINGbOING “disemvoweling” tool on the board here. I was really starting to get fed up with persona-hopping Troll’s maunderings. Now, even if he manages to get one through, the others that are disemvoweled make me just snicker. Kinda like the Troofie is standing there with his pants around his ankles, looking around all panicked, wondering why nobody is taking him seriously…

Apparently, the meds just aren’t working the way the label said they would.


Another link sent by wordpress into the abyss.



Nbdy “dsmvwld” m n ths cmmnt thrd. 🙂

Troofy's Doctor

Apparently, the meds just aren’t working the way the label said they would.

Au contraire!!!!!


Don’t start me on the Welsh.
This folk dwells in remote and secret places, and celebrates foul mysteries on savage hills. Nothing have they in common with men save the face, and the customs of humanity are wholly strange to them; and they hate the sun. They hiss rather than speak; their voices are harsh, and not to be heard without fear. They boast of a certain stone, which they call Sixtystone, for they say that it displays sixty characters. And this stone has a secret unspeakable name; which is Ixaxar.


“Dsmvwl” THS:

bm s msrbl fckng flr.



bm s msrbl fckng flr


It was largely panned.
I think you mean “sospan fach’d”.

Troofy is a faily FAILURE!!!

Hr s hw t wll g dwn nxt wk. Frst, th rslts frm Vrgn nd Nrth Crln wll cm n, nd thy’ll b dclrd fr McCn. Yu’ll b dsppntd, bt “n bg dl, chng cn’t cm vrnght” wll b yr cmmnt. Flrd wll g rd, nd lttl nrvsnss wll crp n. Th ul sspcts wll fll nt th sl ctgrs. s th nght drgs n, h, Clrd, nd (mch t yr hrrr) Pnnsylvn wll b t cls t cll.

My dvc t ths pnt t yu wll b t g t bd. Yu wll wkp t McCn prsdncy nd th Grt Lbrl Frkt wll b n.

Bkmrk ths, lbrls, s ths s xctly hw t s gng t g dwn. Yu wll b wndr hw th hll ws bl t cll ths.


“Disemvowel” THIS:
Here ya go: ppstnl dfnt dsrdr.


Nobody “disemvowled” me on this comment thread. 🙂

Except you “disemvoweled” yourself, you fucking cretin.


This folk dwells in remote and secret places, and celebrates foul mysteries on savage hills. Nothing have they in common with men save the face, and the customs of humanity are wholly strange to them; and they hate the sun. They hiss rather than speak; their voices are harsh, and not to be heard without fear. They boast of a certain stone, which they call Sixtystone, for they say that it displays sixty characters. And this stone has a secret unspeakable name; which is Ixaxar.

Don’t you mean “They sing far too loud, far too often, and flat.”?


far too often, and flat.”?

[note positioning of punctuation – comments welcomed (and ignored)]


whatever happened to that Commander guy of the Scottish brigade or whatever? I guess he’s lord harry now
I’ve always been glad we don’t have lords in the U.S.


t’s sch plsr t wtch lbs spn thr lttl whls.

Hy lbs, bm hs drvn th stck mrkt thrgh th flr, nsltd th Brtsh Prm Mnstr, ppntd tx cht fr Trsry Scrtry, nd nstttd plcy f ppsmnt fr fghnstn. ll n FFTY DYS!

Gd, ‘m lvng ths! Kp spnnng, lbs! Ths wll mk th Crtr yrs lk gd fr th Dmcrt Prty by cmprsn! LL!

Troofy is a faily FAILURE!!!

lk p!


Y’r dstryng mrc lbs.

Dstryng hr.

Rpng hr.


Wt ntl 2012 nd r nxt Rnld Rgn.

‘ll b lghng my ss ff whn B nly wns Mss. nd D.C.! LL!


Tht’s rght, lbs.

bm wll ls n 2012. H wll b sch msrbl fbl fckng flr vn Nw Yrk Stt nd Clfrn wll ln p t vt gnst hm! LL!

HH! Lbs.

Lmmngs. Rght ff th Clff!

Y shld hv nmntd Hllry, lbs. Sh wldn’t b THS stpd.


Mmmm. Delicious.



Fckng mrns. G fllw y ffrmtv ctn “Prsdnt” rght ff th fckng clff!

Troofy's penis is small, small, SMALL

Tch m pns, Bb wns!

Troofy's penis is small, small, SMALL

Cry, Troofy, cry! Bitch.


Vtrs’ bm Flly Cmng Hm t Rst
By Kyl-nn Shvr
t’s nly bn 7 wks snc th mn whs rsm fts ncly n th bck f pstg stmp bcm th mst pwrfl hmn bng n th nvrs. s Prsdnts g, Brck bm hs prvn t lst n thng tr: chng s lk th flp f cn. Chng cn brng th bst f tms; chng cn brng th wrst f tms. nd nyn vr th g f twlv ght t hv knwn tht. nstd, 52% f th mrcn lctrt hs rn rnd lk bnch f hwlng nnns fr th pst yr chntng lk hrd f Jm Jns’ fllwrs, wh cn’t gt ngh f th psn kl-d.

S mch fr prgrssv nlghtnmnt.

Wth n cnmy n shmbls, slnkng twrd ll-t dprssn lttl frthr ch dy, th Prsdnt dsn’t knw th dffrnc btwn pplrty-bsd pltcl trckng pll nd th cnfdnc mtr f th stck mrkt, whch rprsnts th ctl svngs nd pnsn fnds f mllns nd mllns f rdnry mrcns. Hck, th gldn by f cmpgn n-lnrs dsn’t vn knw tht P/ rt stnds fr prc/rnngs, nt prft/rnngs.

f nly h hd nc hd ppr rt nstd f ll ths pck-p gms wth th hps.

Tht fmd trnstn tm — th tm tht ws gvn grtr nsd ccss thn vr n hstry by mr-thn-grcs t-gng Prsdnt, s bt t g dwn s th mst ncmptnt bnch f nncmpps vr prdcd by nvrsty systm. Ths fncy dgrs r vdntly nt wrth th ppr pn whch thy’r prntd.

n tm f mntng cnmc prl, vn s th trnstn tm dthrd, n wld hv thght tht flly stffng th Dprtmnt f th Trsry wld hv bn tp prrty. Nt fr ths bnch. Tmthy tx-cht-TrbTx-chllngd Gthnr s n-mn Trsry Dprtmnt nd s s t f tch tht h spnt prcs mnts n frnt f Cngrssnl pnl scldng r wn gs nd l cmpns fr dmgng th nvrnmnt, vn s rcrd 31.8 mlln mrcns sgn p fr fd stmps.

rth t Tm: Y wn’t gt th Cntry t f ths mss by slmmng th cmpns tht hr s s w wn’t nd t b n th dl.

s thr sngl bsnss ntrprs n mrc tht ths dmnstrtn dsn’t ht wth dth wsh?

Sm f ths flks nw lnng p t gt fd stmps nd th lk prbbly wrkd n th dmstc trst ndstrs tht hv tkn whck frm Prsdnt bm. vry tm th Prsdnt slms trp by s-nd-s frm sch-nd-sch cmpny, rl ppl ls th jbs thy wld hv hd prvdng srvcs t ths xctvs.

Ls Vgs sn’t knwn fr nythng bt ctrng t t-f-twnr, s t?

vdntly, tlprmptr ttchd t ch f n’s hps ds nt grnt vn sngl gff-fr mmnt. Fr ll th rhtrcl ht jbs prptrtd gnst Gvrnr Srh Pln, ths wmn gt p nd dlvrd n f th bst spchs f ths ntr cmpgn wth tlprmptr gltchs nd st f nts scrbbld n by svrl thrs, ll wtht s mch s brkng nl r mssng bt. Prsdnt bm’s mtt: hv 2 tlprmptrs, wll trvl.

S mch fr Mr. rdt.

Whn t cms t th vry fw jbs wth whch r fdrl gvrnmnt s ctlly cmmssnd by th .S. Cnstttn, ths dmnstrtn s cmng p n mpty vry sngl dy. Whl ths Prsdnt clls cmmtt mtng ftr cmmtt mtng (h clls thm smmts) fr mr wll-dctd nncmpps t st rnd nd B.S. thr wy thrgh r dmstc prblms, r frgn plcy s lkng lk th Kystn Cps hgh n M∓Ms.

Frgn plcy s ctlly n th Cnstttn; hlth, dctn nd wlfr r nt.

Prsdnt bm hs vdntly dcdd tht srl nd Grt Brtn r qt dspnsbl lls, bt th Chns, th Rssns, th rnns, th Syrns nd Hms r gng t b r nw bst frnds.

bm dsptchs Mdm Scrtry Clntn t th Chns t bg thm nt t stp spprtng r dbt, bt nt t wrry bt ths prckly hmn rghts sss bcs w’r nt gng t frt vr ths mllns nd mllns f hmn bngs kpt ndr th brtl bt f cmmnsm ny mr. Chn nswrs wth wnk nd nd nd nnncs thy’r ppng mltry spndng by 15%. Svrl dys ltr th Chns srrndd n f r nrmd nvl vssls s prsnnl chrtd th cn flr nd dmnd w lv ntrntnl wtrs.

n th flp sd, Prsdnt bm stns th Brtsh nd mrcn pblcs wth th mst flgrnt snbs btwn r tw ppls snc th Rvltnry Wr. Frst, frgng th cstmry jnt prss cnfrnc wth th flgs nd crmny. Thn th bvs dnl f vn nc lnch fr th Brt. Thn th ck-tkr f bd mnnrs, tcky, chp gft n xchng fr th xqstly tstfl gfts frm th Brtsh ppl. Thr prss s gg frm t nd dclrng tht th .S. wll b srry fr ths. Whn Prsdnt bm snt bck th bst f Chrchll, gvn rght ftr th 9/11 ttcks, wtht s mch s nt f xplntn, prhps th Brts shld hv knwn smthng snstr ws ft n th vl ffc.

Bck t r nwfnd frnds, Prsdnt bm mvd swftly ftr th srls’ ttmpt t dstry rckt-lnchng sts n Gz t ffr $900 mlln n ssstnc t th Plstnns — rd Hms. nd Scrtry Clntn md sr t tk nt f th dmg dn by ths nsty srls whl sh trd th Wst Bnk, tkng th pprtnty t pblcly scld srl (r hrtfr frnd), csng srl ldrs t snr, “Sh’s nt th Hllry w knw.” Hllry ws brly t f th rgn bfr rn tst frd nw lng rng mssl nd md crtn t ntfy th srls tht th nw mssls r flly cpbl f httng srl’s nclr fclts.

Nw, whn r w gng t gt t s ll tht “smrt pwr”?

Nt wth th Rssns, pprntly. Whn Mrs. Clntn md hr “smrt pwr” dbt thr lst wk, sh crrd gmmcky lttl gdgt, rsmblng th Stpls “sy Bttn.” nly Mrs. Clntn’s prfctly ctsy-p d ws t nscrb th Rssn wrd fr “rst” n th bttn. nstd r Stt Dprtmnt cdmc wz kds pt th Rssn wrd fr “vrchrg” n th lttl bttn, mkng mncmt f Hllry’s “smrt pwr” bfr sh vn gt t f th gt.

Mnwhl, th Rssns gffwd t Prsdnt bm’s ffr t trd mssl dfns systms n strn rp (h hd lrdy pr-nnncd hs ntntn t scrp mssl dfns systms, rmmbr?) fr hlp wth th rnn nclr “prblm,” syng “hgglng” vr sch thngs s nprdctv.

Shds f JFK nd th Cbn Mssl Crss r mkng my skn crwl.

Th Nrth Krns r ctng p strm t, nd blthly thrtnng Sth Krn cvln rlnrs, whl thy prpr t lnch fr-rchng mssl tht thy’r cllng “stllt.” s f tht wrn’t ngh, th Nrth Krns r ls brznly ttrng wr thrts – nt skng t cm t th ngttng tbl whr ll th “smrt pwr” flks r n chrg nw.

Nt t wrry, thgh, bcs s Gllp, Rsmssn nd Zgby rmnd s vry dy, ths Prsdnt s stll n pplr, cl dd t th 52% wh drnk hs kl-d frm th cmpgn trl — pls fw mrcns wh prbbly ddn’t vn vt bt lv t tlk t pllstrs n th tl. nd s glm nd dm stlk vry hrdwrkng mrcn, th bms prty hrdy, fstng n dlccs, tstng clbrts nd stck s wth th chck.

nyn n bmlnd vr hr f cgntv dssnnc? Tr nd fthrs?

S, wht wll th cmpgn slgn f th thr prty b fr 2012?

‘ll hv whck t t.

bm ld; hp dd.

Th rnns gt th -bmb, th Rssns gt thr jv bck nd th Chns wn vrythng.

Vt fr th n-cl, wrk-xprncd, gd-wtht–tlprmptr gy r gl wh knws frnd frm f nd cn dd 2 + 2 nd gt 4 vry sngl tm.


The Islamic preacher of hate (that the British government to their detrament still allows to continue breathing), that refered to British solidiers killed in Afghanistan as “cowards”, needs to be killed publicly and very bloody.


s “Sdly, N!” s vltng thr wn plcy.

Typcl lbrl hypcrts.


zomg! all this time i thought the disemvowelled were just texting it in. sadly, no i don’t read enough “sadly, no.”


I like to post inane craps on Liberal blogs, even if they remove all the vowels. It’s the closest I get to “going Galt”, since they don’t allow my profession (giving blowjobs to Republican politicians) in the Galt Village proper.

Scared Lord Harry

Can one of the other Scared Republicans let me know where you can get Depends cheap? I’m starting to have problems holding back the urine with all these dastardly Muslims hiding under my coffee table and bed.


Lard Hairy, the “public blood” you’ve noticed to is a sign your sister is now old enough to menstruate, so if you’re going to continue raping her you’d better use some sort of contraception.


I like tasting my own tears when I cry and whine about Obama. They taste salty, like the spunk of the many Republican politicians whom I enjoy giving oral pleasure to.


DN Dnns Blr ‘Mnpltd ntllgnc’ Bfr Cngrss
By d Lsky
n hs lttr dfndng hs nmntn f Chrls Frmn t th pst f Chrmn f th Ntnl ntllgnc Cncl (Frmn hs wthdrwn hs nmntn), Drctr f Ntnl ntllgnc Dnns Blr sttd tht th qts ttrbtd t Frmn tht csd cntrvrsy wr ll tkn t f cntxt.

Jk Tppr f BC Nws rprtd tht Sntr Lbrmn rspndd t Blr’s clm by sttng tht (t lst) h hd rd ll th sttmnts n cntxt nd tht thy wr ndd cntrvrsl f nt scndls nd tht thy cst srs dbt n Frmn’s qlfctns fr th pstn.

Blr: “s fr s th sttmnts f mbssdr Frmn tht hv pprd n th prss ths hv ll bn t f cntxt, nd rg vryn t lk t th fll cntxt f wht h ws syng. ‘m bttr ff gttng strng nlytcl vwpnts …thn f ‘m gttng prckd pblm jdgmnts tht dn’t rlly chllng.” (Ths ws frm trnscrpt)

Nw cms n xmpl f hw Blr’s “t f cntxt” dfns f hs lng-tm frnd ws dplcts:

Th Wshngtn Pst hs fnlly rprtd n th cntrvrsy srrndng th ppntmnt f Chrls Frmn t hd th Ntnl ntllgnc Cncl. t sms tht th Pst ls spk t Chrls Frmn, thgh thy dn’t hv ny n th rcrd qts frm th ppnt. ccrdng t th ppr, Frmn s clmng h ws tkn t f cntxt n hs vws n th Tnnmn Sqr msscr:

Frmn hs ls bn fltd fr sttmnts bt th Tnnmn Sqr prsng n 1989. Crtcs hv sd tht h fltd th Chns fr nt ctng rlr n pttng dwn th dmnstrtns, bt Frmn sd th rmrks wr hs ssssmnt f hw Chns ldrs hd sn thngs.

Frmn’s lls r clmng ths s wll — Blr jst ffrd ths dfns f Frmn n frnt f th Snt rmd Srvcs Cmmtt.

Wll, Dnns Blr, Drctr f Ntnl ntllgnc, ws wrng — s fw mnts f rsrch wld hv clrd p.

TH WKLY STNDRD pblshd Frmn’s ntr ml. Frmn dscrbd hw th Chns ldrshp sw ths vnts, nd thn scndd thr ssssmnt. H grd tht th prtsts wr ntlrbl nd tht th gvrnmnt hd nly dn wht ws, n hs vw, ncssry t nd th stndff. Frmn wsn’t tkn t f cntxt, nd t’s dply dshnst fr Frmn nd hs frnds t clm thrws.

Th mm cn b rd hr.

Nxt xmpl f Blr’s mnpltn f ntllgnc:

Dnns Blr’s lttr t Cngrss nly mntnd Sd gvrnmnt fndng f Frmn’s Mddl st Plcy Cncl.

Ths mnmzd th pprnc f dpndnc n Sd rb fr th fndng f th thnk tnk. Ths ws dcptv. n fct, Stv Rsn gts rght t th bttm f hw dcptv ths sttmnt ws ( bg sn f mssn) snc fndng frm Sd srcs xtnds bynd jst fndng frm th gvrnmnt.

ccrdng t lttr frm th ctng xctv Drctr f Frmn’s Mddl st Plcy Cncl n tdy’s Wshngtn Tms, MPC rcvd fv prvsly ndsclsd cntrbtns frm th Sd Frgn Mnstry n 2008, nd $1 mlln frm th Kng f Sd rb n 2005. n ddtn, Prnc lwld bn Tll l-Sd nnncd tht h “dntd mr thn $1 mlln t th S Mddl st Plcy Cncl” n Mrch 18, 2007. MPC’s xctv drctr sys n hs lttr tht th bdgt f MPC s $600,000 yr, sm rghly ql t th ttl f ths thr cntrbtns frm dffrnt dnrs n Sd rb snc 2005. H clms tht,”vr th pst dcd, schdld cntrbtns t th cncl frm th Sd gvrnmnt hv mntd t lss thn n-twlfth f r nnl bdgt.” Wht f w tk nschdld cntrbtns nd nly th prd snc 2005?? Th nmbrs sggst mch hghr lvl f dpndnc n Sd rbn srcs.

Blr’s lttr t Cngrss mntns nly Sd gvrnmnt fndng. nvrsts tht rcv fdrl fndng hvng t dscls ll frgn-src gfts bv crtn mnt, nd ths shld b th stndrd fr th ntnl ntllgnc Cncl. Lkws, wht bt thr rb/Glf gvrnmnts? Frmn shld rvl ll frgn-srcd gfts, dntns, tc. fr th ntr tm h hdd th MPC.

Sd ryls nd bsnssmn td t thm r d fct gvrnmnt srcs f fndng whn th cntry s rn by th Sd ryl fmly. Trv qstn? Wht s th nly ntn n rth nmd ftr fmly? Tm s p. Sd rb s nmd ftr th Sd fmly, whch nclds Prnc lwld bn Tll l-Sd.

Blr my jst b prrtng wht th Mddl st Plcy Cncl nd Chs Frmn snt t hm. n wld hp, thgh, tht th Drctr f Ntnl ntllgnc wld pprct tht th Sd gvrnmnt s ll bt synnyms wth th Sd ryl fmly nd th vrs bsnssmn td nt th gvrnmnt nd th fmly. Prdnc wld ld n t ncld ll srcs frm Sd rb-nt jst ths frm th d jr gvrnmnt-n n’s clcltns f th mny snt frm th kngdm t ts d fct mbssdr, Chrls Frmn.

Wll ny f th crtcs tht lmbstd Grg Bsh drng hs trms n ffc fr mnpltng ntllgnc rs n nqry why r Drctr f Ntnl ntllgnc smngly mnpltd ntllgnc (r crtnly dd nt sk t ntllgnc — fct tht shld hv bn clr n hs pck f Frmn) bfr Snt Cmmtt?


I see “Sadly, No!” is violating their own policy.

…that’s the beauty of having your own policy – you’re free to violate it at will.


The vast amount of alcohol and drugs I now use is because I feel guilty for destroying America.

HAHAHAHAHA. Only jokin’! Like all Republicans, I hate America and loved stealing as much money as I did from all the suckers who voted for me.


Troofy is a faily FAILURE!!! said,

March 12, 2009 at 3:50

lk p!



I guess the posture of ‘just making libs face their own hypocrisy in an attempt of humorous dialog’ is pretty much dropped now in favor of ‘just being an egregious squeezebag annoyance because it gives me meager validation in my sad life’.


Dd TLL y t stp sckng m ff Tntn?


Cpypst Trll has just demonstrated that shit from WorldNutDaily can be made even funnier than it already is.


Did TELL you to stop sucking me off Tintin?

You might want to ask Vanna if you can buy a vowel.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Here ya go: ppstnl dfnt dsrdr.

That’s the stuff, all right. You don’t need to be a Dr. Frist to spot that one!

Who put a nickel in Troofy tonight anyway? I haven’t seen this kind of explosion since the last time my dog ate an entire box of All-Bran™.


hv n P mskr, sshls!

cn gt nw P ddrss vry wk.



Stpd shts. ‘ll b bck. f y strk m dwn, ‘ll b strngr thn vr bfr!

Mehitabel the Abyssinian

Where?! Where in the rules does it say “No peeing on computers”?!
Hypocritical house-apes.


I have an IP masker, assholes!

…oh, wow! Where did you get it? Can I see it? Golly!!


Where?! Where in the rules does it say “No peeing on computers”?!

Yet it still produces better results than our Mad Troll.


I’ll be durned. A snit.


I have an IP masker, assholes!

Is that like dress shields?


I haven’t seen this kind of explosion since the last time my dog ate an entire box of All-Bran™.
It vividly demonstrates why highly-caffeinated energy drinks are not recommended for persons under the age of 14.


ntrdc lttl nrchy. pst th stblshd rdr, nd vrythng bcms chs. ‘m n gnt f chs. h, nd y knw th thng bt chs? t’s fr!


I’ll be durned. A snit.

Cage Match 2nIte: Durned Snit versus Disemvoweled Troll
This time, it’s personal.


‘ll b bck, lbs.

n lctn Dy, 2009. Whn w wn th Gbrntrl lctns n Vrgn nd Nw Jrsy.

‘ll b bck thn.

T Brgg.



I haven’t seen this kind of explosion since the last time my dog ate an entire box of All-Bran™.

Oh, thanks for reminding me! “Scanners” is on IFC tonight.

These days it probably plays like a documentary about the conservative movement.


I have an IP masker, assholes!

Seems to work like shit.


Back in the real world: has anyone else noticed that the greasemonkey killfile script seems to turn itself off each time our gracious hosts’ server runs its (I’m guessing here) automated, IP-based disemvoweling?


Back in the real world: has anyone else noticed that the greasemonkey killfile script seems to turn itself off each time our gracious hosts’ server runs its (I’m guessing here) automated, IP-based disemvoweling?

…there’s something to be said for letting it (shit and) all wash over you.

(i.e. too lazy to install killfile script)


Back in the real world: has anyone else noticed that the greasemonkey killfile script seems to turn itself off each time our gracious hosts’ server runs its (I’m guessing here) automated, IP-based disemvoweling?

That’s probably because we’re changing the troll name to add “Disemvoweled Troll” at the beginning. I’ll fix that so the troll name stays the same and your killfile script still works. It means I have to do some javascript editing, and I’m better at php than javascript, so please bear with me.

Mehitabel the Abyssinian

I have an IP masker,
You could try blaming another cat.


Back in the real world: has anyone else noticed that the greasemonkey killfile script seems to turn itself off each time our gracious hosts’ server runs its (I’m guessing here) automated, IP-based disemvoweling?

The troll’s getting renamed as well as disemvoweled, so the script is actually working fine. I like the renaming! If it’s in front it works best for the magic RSS and the pie script (although other killfiles are not so wild-card friendly; I’m sure someone can tell me what I’m missing if I’m wrong).


Tintin –

Thanks for the explanation. No need to change it on my account…I was just making sure senility hasn’t arrived earlier than expected.


And, actually, I didn’t mean that killed nyms reappeared, I meant that the script actually turned off, so that I had to go to the tools menu and restart it.


I haven’t seen this kind of explosion since the last time my dog ate an entire box of All-Bran™.</blockquote.
But the end result was so similar that scientists will be busy for decades before a definite classification of difference can be made.


* doesn’t work as a wildcard in non-pie killfile.


Here’s the real difference between liberals and conservatives: when liberals are disatisfied with their government, they threaten to leave the country, though they seldom follow through with it. When conservatives are unhappy, they threaten secession and acts of violent civil disobedience, and unfortunately they follow through with it all too often.


> Alligator is loose!!!!


And, actually, I didn’t mean that killed nyms reappeared, I meant that the script actually turned off, so that I had to go to the tools menu and restart it.

I’ll be. Doesn’t happen to me. I’m using Total Commenter Death.


God, I love cock so fucking much!

Especially Barney Franks!

What I love even more is tasting Obama’s dick cheese. MMMMMM!

Meh. Barney Franks and Obama franks really need chili and onions as well as cheese.


N__B, that’s odd, it’s not happening to me.


I’m using “SN Kill-Autopsy” on Firefox 3.0.7.


I also like the renaming. You can killfile the squeezebag if he manages to sneak in past the disemvoweler (can we name the disemvoweler program? I’m in favor of Jeffrey Dahmer) but when the pretty, pretty program does its work you can enjoy the Lovecraftian/Welsh hilarity!


A reminder for our Orthodox friends: Barney Franks are no longer kosher if you serve them with Obama Cheese.


N__B, that’s odd, it’s not happening to me.

Ever since high school working with a paper-tape timeshare terminal, I’ve been a bug magnet. HEY! ALL YOU PROGRAMMERS OUT THERE! I’ll find your bugs for you just by using the damned machine.


Initially the page loads and the “(kill)”s aren’t there, then they show up. You may have something inhibiting your own Firefox from running the script. I can’t think how what looks like a pretty boring source would have an influence on the guts of your browser.


Doctor, my Firefox is inhibited. It won’t dance for me anymore.


I took out the name change for the troll, so killfiles should still work. It was easier than I thought.


It means I have to do some javascript editing, and I’m better at php than javascript, so please bear with me.

tintin: You are a genius. Not only are the goddam fucking trolls still permitted to post, albeit disemvowelled, but their idiotic unwanted bullshit comments are rendered unto gobbledygook, as they are anyway, and should thus be displayed. Additional bonus: Their blatherings are now hilarious. The lazy and/or technophobic and/or averse to having to change their nyms to pass muster with the killfilers can scroll through the troll droppings and have ADDITIONAL LAUGHFESTS!! at their expense. Thank you thank you thank you.


whom I enjoy giving oral pleasure to.

Excuse me, but that would be “to whom you enjoy giving oral pleasure.”

And chances are good the only pleasure they receive is that your constant babbling stops for a few moments.


I hate putting the period inside the quotation.

I know I should but .. but I just don’t want to.

Does that make me a bad person?


Okay, now I saw RB’s comment, so I’ll put the name change back in so that “Disemvoweled Troll” will precede the actual name.


“Nutso McBiggins said, March 11, 2009 at 16:34

The periods inside quotation marks rule is completely stupid. Whether by ignorance or intention, I see it broken more and more frequently. I welcome the day very soon when it ceases to be proscribed.”

here here!!!


Does that make me a bad person?

Nothing worth getting your vowels in an uproar.


Ever since high school working with a paper-tape timeshare terminal

Uh, you didn’t go to a certain all boys (at the time) school in the Pacific NW, did you?


wait not proscribed you idiot!

pro·scribe (pr-skrb)
tr.v. pro·scribed, pro·scrib·ing, pro·scribes
1. To denounce or condemn.
2. To prohibit; forbid. See Synonyms at forbid.
a. To banish or outlaw (a person).
b. To publish the name of (a person) as outlawed.


pre·scribe (pr-skrb)
v. pre·scribed, pre·scrib·ing, pre·scribes
1. To set down as a rule or guide; enjoin

so I take back my here heres and give a there there.


so I take back my here heres and give a there there.

(I think you mean a tsk tsk.)


Okay, now I saw RB’s comment, so I’ll put the name change back in so that “Disemvoweled Troll” will precede the actual name.

Thanks. I am grateful.


I know I should but .. but I just don’t want to.

Me neither. I ignore the rule when it feels right. TH MN CN’T STP M!


Well, Kevin (if that’s your real name) no wonder you’re opposed to grammar, you can’t even understand why it’s “Hear! Hear!” rather than “Here! Here!”

Disemvowel this one as well, he may not notice the difference.


“1) 300 or more grams of cocaine”

that is a lot of cocaine. cut for snorting or sticky for crack?


yes well I knew that…

err. I was pointing out the location of my happiness.

until I was crushed and dismayed.


Uh, you didn’t go to a certain all boys (at the time) school in the Pacific NW, did you? No. Semicoincidently, I was in the second co-ed year of a previously all-girls school in NYC.


Old MacDonald had a vowel
And with that vowel he made a demonstrative adjective
With a here-here here and a there-there there
Here a there, there a here, everywhere a here there…


Excuse me, but that would be “to whom you enjoy giving oral pleasure.”

And chances are good the only pleasure they receive is that your constant babbling stops for a few moments.

Hummmmrrrrrmmmrrrmmmm. What do you mean? Hmmmmmmmrrrrrrrrr.


Mr Spinny Head is very spinny today. Sigh. Every time I turn my head, my brain takes several seconds to catch up.

Eh, Alison, vertigo sucks.

I have had good luck with meclizine, it’s over the counter seasick medicine (the US prescription version is Antivert) sold under various trade names or just meclizine HCL. For some reason, the plain old tablets I used to get have been replaced by chewable, berry flavored ones, but if you take them like regular tablets and DON’T chew them, they are not so vile.

Hope you feel better soon.


Disemvowelled CTRL+V troll is madness! When scrolling past it, I saw the end of all being!


Here we see a familiar trope:

S.C. governor evokes Zimbabwe in arguments against stimulus

COLUMBIA, South Carolina (CNN) — The United States faces a Zimbabwe-style economic collapse if it keeps “spending a bunch of money we don’t have,” South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford said Wednesday.

Sanford, a Republican, has been an outspoken critic of the Obama administration’s $800 billion stimulus plan. He said he’ll turn down about a quarter of his state’s $2.8 billion share unless Washington lets him use that money to pay down debt.

“What you’re doing is buying into the notion that if we just print some more money that we don’t have and send it to different states, we’ll create jobs,” he said. “If that’s the case, why isn’t Zimbabwe a rich place?”

Disemvoweling: here to stay.



Anglican soldiers? Oh shit.

Filters such as SpellCheck & Google might render the pungent extrusions emitted daily by the Corner more lucid-seeming … & that is precisely why we must hope they never learn the power of these mighty weapons.

L to the O to the muthafuckin’ L! Teh Mighty Morphin’ TrollBorg is livid because due to the hilarious filching of their vowels, it’s now become harder than ever for anyone else here to take their comments seriously … on a comedy website.

“Snarking on our sacred freedumb-loving neocon heroes is Serious Fucking Business! How DARE YOU! This is no place for lulz, you dirty fucking liberal-homo-pot-smoking bastards! GRRRRRAAAAAAHHH!!!”

Don’t these gits know how much it costs these days to get a new irony-meter?

This lot is a bloody pack of rank pikers – if I were feeling moved by the Spirit O’ Snark (& wanted to waste time irking a bunch of historically quadripalegic ignotrons who’ll never bother to wonder just why they’re so peeved by what I’m saying) I could troll & effortlessly get my ass banhammered from any of numerous wingnut sites – in under 5 comments. No threats, no obscenity, no ad hominem … just funny little stories made of cold hard facts.

But why bother? Swine do not yearn for pearls.


Wherefore my vowels shall sound like an harp for Moab, and mine inward parts for Kirharesh.


N_B: My alma mater just absorbed one of the all-female schools in the area, I think. I was far & long gone by then.


“Sanford, a Republican, has been an outspoken critic of the Obama administration’s $800 billion stimulus plan. He said he’ll turn down about a quarter of his state’s $2.8 billion share unless Washington lets him use that money to pay down debt.”

He should turn it down, then, so it can be sent where it will do some good.
I also noticed today that economic genius Sanford’s South Carolina is one of four states with double-digit unemployment.




Are the trolls gone yet?


Fer now. Probably some modem cycling going on or something.


Excellent. So, now to the matter at hand – how do conservatives reconcile their right to silly,impotent teabagging protests with their refusal to allow British muslims to protest against the war in Iraq? Willful stupidity, or random jackassery? Discuss.


Teabagging produces at least one winner.


And also, why are rich people so fucking stupid?

Jamie Dimon, chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase & Co., said the U.S. can rescue its banking system by the end of the year if officials start cooperating and stop the “vilification” of corporate America.

“If we act like a dysfunctional family and we don’t finish these things and we’re forever debating them, I think this will go on for several years,” Dimon, 52, said at a conference hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington. “It’s completely up to us at this point.”

Congress called Dimon and seven other bank CEOs to Washington last month to face criticism for outsized pay packages and executive perks at a time when losses were rising and the U.S. was pumping billions of dollars into their companies. Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd led an effort to put new restrictions on banks that receive government support.

“When I hear the constant vilification of corporate America, I personally don’t understand it,” Dimon said in his speech. “I would ask a lot of our folks in government to stop doing it because I think it’s hurting our country.”

If Mr. Dimon thinks he’s being vilified now, I suggest he makes a few dumbass statements like that (and maybe makes a few YouTube videos ala TigerPussy) and waits for the reaction from this country’s non-rich citizens.

Jim "Churn Pimp" Cramer

Hi! I’ve always used my crappy show to be a ‘Churn Pimp’ and now somebody actually mentioned that in public. I’ve always cunted on the kindnesses of strangers, and the time-fillingness of sound effects, and the unwillingness of other financial analysts to publicly repudiate my advice, even if it cost their clients’ money. Its easy to pick stocks when the entire market is rising, but I still blew that simple act. As the entire financial industry started to implode, I jollied the rubes long enough to cover the cashing out of my friend’s positions. Now I’m begging someone to take me seriously, so I’m going on the Daily Show tomorrow night to see if I can pretend this is all a big joke that I’m an accomplice to, rather than the target.


Willful stupidity, or random jackassery?

Why “or”?


I, for one, am always willing to ascribe intentionalism to stupidity.

Jim "Churn Pimp" Cramer

counted…I’ve always cunted on the kindnesses of strangers,…counted


you’re not troubled by the kindnessessessessses?


I’m waiting to see if Stewart mentions GE as being behind all the pushback against his anti-CNBC screeds. He sort of alluded to it last night but obliquely.


Are the fucking trolls gone? This place is getting to be impossible.


Pimp daddy, you wuz right the frist [sic] time. n

Silly bunt.

Engorged Bull Limpet

Whoa. I have the gift of reading strewn entrails to predict the future, and now know what’s in store for the next several decades.


I’ve always cunted on the kindnesses of strangers

You’ve been disemvowelled.

Matt "Stooge" Drudge

Hi! I’m Matt Drudge, and I’m a greasy stooge for republican astroturfers. I pretend that I’m breaking a story when I’m actually lying, and spreading misinformation that can be plausibly denied by someone else later and repeated by other stooges now. For instance, the Alabama mass murderer is actually an environmentalist, is one of my latest.


Can I just say I love seeing a multi-page and entirely fact-free troll screed after it has been disemvowelled? It is a thing of beauty.


Please don’t ‘dis’ me!!!

Sarah M. Vowell

forgot my middle initial. let me reiterate, don’t ‘dis’me, dudes.


Is your damn disemvoweler adding consonants now?


This seems symbolic of something, somehow:

Filer emergency crews retrieved an unidentified Ada County man from a rest area toilet Thursday afternoon, after he climbed into a waste tank and became stuck.

Poo on you, indeed.

John Peter Zenger

By the by, don’t we have enough issues here? What do we care if one group of british citizens yells at another group of british citizens? What mealy-mouthed drone thinks a fifty-word paragraph is enough to describe the internal political relationships of foreign nations? Do we care what the brits think about our politics?

Typical Conservative

What do we care if one group of british citizens yells at another group of british citizens?

We care if they’re muslims. By definition, everything they do is disgusting.


Poop to all and to all a good poop.

Enraged Bull Limpet

A ei ou (y). “Y?”

–YE! u o tha, ieals.


Is that troll still here? We have something for him.


Gee. What could that mean?


I’ll be happy to accept any gifts & honoraria for my brethren & sistren.


“When I hear the constant vilification of corporate America, I personally don’t understand it,” Dimon said in his speech.

I’m in favor of promoting greater understanding among all humankind and I’d love to be able to help poor Mr. Dimon understand exactly why people like him are regarded as miserable blebs of rotting goat pus. I’m sure many millions of people worldwide would be very happy to lead him to enlightenment.


The fact is, bookmark this ding dong dilly libs!


Is that troll still here? We have something for him.

Ooh, a surprise! I love surprises.


Shalom, gentlemen.

Moderate Democrats and Hillary supporters such as myself are concerned about what Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s black nationalist wife said to Louis Farrakhan about Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s real Somalian birth certificate.



Dear Andrew McCarthy

I’m, I’m afraid there’s been a mistake. The man who has been speaking to you is an impostor. He is not in fact the Bishop of East Anglia, but a man wanted by the police. I am the Bishop of East Anglia and anyone who doesn’t believe me can look me up in the book. Now then, the first prize is this beautiful silver cup, which has been won by me.


Ever since high school working with a paper-tape timeshare terminal.

I did that in high school too. A Teletype terminal and an acoustic coupler modem.

Gods, I’m old…


Hr s hw t wll g dwn nxt wk. Frst, th rslts frm Vrgn nd Nrth Crln wll cm n, nd thy’ll b dclrd fr McCn. Yu’ll b dsppntd, bt “n bg dl, chng cn’t cm vrnght” wll b yr cmmnt. Flrd wll g rd, nd lttl nrvsnss wll crp n. Th ul sspcts wll fll nt th sl ctgrs. s th nght drgs n, h, Clrd, nd (mch t yr hrrr) Pnnsylvn wll b t cls t cll.

My dvc t ths pnt t yu wll b t g t bd. Yu wll wkp t McCn prsdncy nd th Grt Lbrl Frkt wll b n.

Bkmrk ths, lbrls, s ths s xctly hw t s gng t g dwn. Yu wll b wndr hw th hll ws bl t cll ths.

Your ideas are interesting to me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.




If there’s anybody still around – thanks, Another Kiwi and Gentlewoman. The spinny head is because I’m cutting back on my medication again – I’ve gone from 337 mg about a year ago to (this week) 37, and it has some unpleasant effects. Maybe that’s why they call it Efexor, yuk yuk yuk. Sorry. But I’m so determined to get off this psychoactive chemicals shit, that I’m just putting up with it in hopes it won’t last long. Then, in a month or two, I’ll be off the goddamned stuff altogether, after almost a decade. Yeehah.

Viz the trolls – it’s quite amusing seeing them ranting and raving consonantally. And I love the glee with which the regulars poke fun at their fuming incoherence. Carry on, regardless.

And Dimon. Well. What a big girl’s blouse. I bet he looks forward to officials ‘co-operating’, or, as we say, bending over. What a complete and shining knobbesticke. I’m sure there are any number of people around the world who’d be overjoyed to take him into their families and show him dysfunctional. And indeed vilifying.

Whatever happened to the custom of tarring and feathering, anyway? There’s a fine old traditions that needs to be revived.



Joe Max said,

March 12, 2009 at 8:07

Ever since high school working with a paper-tape timeshare terminal.

I did that in high school too. A Teletype terminal and an acoustic coupler modem.

Gods, I’m old…
What about having a punch card machine where you punched in your program and at night the teacher took your stack to the nearby university and ran it. Teletype machine came next and then my senior year we got a DecWriter terminal that printed at a blazing 30 cps.

It was a time when dinosaurs still roamed the earth.


Gods, I’m old…

Yeah, that thought crossed my mind. But we’re the perfect age to say, twenty years from now, “I remember back in aught-six…” while simultaneously gumming our pablum and boring our grandkids. So not all is lost.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Teletype machine came next and then my senior year we got a DecWriter terminal that printed at a blazing 30 cps.

It is hard for the young whippersnappers to understand those days. I remember using a 50 baud acoustic modem. I remember using a computer that had only transistors in it – no ICs. I remember the day of joy when my roommate in grad school got a 1200 baud modem. We would wake up at 5:55AM, log onto the university mainframe over the phone to get the low connect rate…then go back to sleep for 3 hours before doing any coding.

I remember the day of joy in undergrad school when they got paper terminals. Before that day of joy all there was was batch processing. Leave a semi colon out of a 2000 line program and you lost a whole day when the results said, “Compilation error on line 1288. Stop.”

Kids these days will look back in 2060 and say, “When I was young we had to actually physically interact with a computer to make it do something!”


Is their a combined HPL/Grammar pedant in the house?

Your summoning incantation has been successful.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Why, back in aught-six we didn’t have no flying cars. You probably never heard of “baud”, but when I was a spry young ‘un like you are now, our series of tubes were delivered 300 baud at a time.

Acoustic coupler modem? Wow – that is old. Translation for folks not already taking fiber supplements – an acoustic coupler modem is a box, with these spongy bits on it, that you cradled the “hand set” of your “telephone” on. That’s right, your computer made electronic digital signals – which would be converted to analog sound waves that went into your phone.


Damn. With all that disemvowelling, this thread has turned into the longest Lovecraft incantation ever.


D-K W –

The most fascinating old-timey aspect of acoustic couplers isn’t their communications workings, it’s their mechanical design. The spongy bits were sized for a standard phone handset because there was such a thing. The modem makers could assume they knew what all phones looked like.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Mostly true. There were still some non-standard handsets, and IIRC – plasticy foam adapters you had to use to get them to fit!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Back in aught-six, major league baseball games only ran four hours! You could watch an entire game in ONE SITTING (well not counting getting up to return the rented beer).

Back in aught-six, it actually cost more to “call” people “long-distance”.

Back in aught-six, you could go “fishing” – with an “f”, and catch actual, real, live fish – and then cook and eat ’em. Sure it was a hundred mile walk to the fishin’ hole, uphill both ways, through a meter of snow – but it sure was worth it. Nothing like them “FYSH” you get outta the dispensers.

The Authentic Dragon-King Wangchuck, Elizabethan / Early Stuart Jester Extraordinaire

Back in aught-six, we hadn’t been overrun with Mexican Muslims and forced to gay marry while wearing certified organic hemp burkas. Sck n tht, lbs!


Acoustic coupler modem? Wow – that is old. Translation for folks not already taking fiber supplements

Pff, you don’t have to be so patronizing. We learned about this in our History of Ancient Computing class.


when I was a spry young ‘un like you are now, our series of tubes were delivered 300 baud at a time.

I’ve seen 75 baud settings on modems, but you try to tell today’s kids that, and they’re all like ’75 baud? What’s that? A *chalkboard?*’ Then they make fun of your gray hair.


forgot my middle initial.

Oh no you DIDN’T Sarah — you were dis-M’ed, Vowell!

Before the mutation happened — it used to only occur in comments. But one day


the sun rose BLOOD RED over the hill

a rogue strain of PHP got loose in an insufficiently sterilized petri dish that had once contained HUMAN BLOOD. The PHP grew!

Six feet, five inches!!!!!

AND IN SEARCH OF “M”!!!!!!1!!!one!

Okay, officer. I’ll go quietly….


I swear I closed that.

Damn you, wordpress, damn you.


Fortran on punch cards, batch processing.

10 digit machine language.

finally got terms that you could write BASIC programs on-luxury!

don’t miss it. Nope.


last weekend, I watched Alien and was amused by the many, small CRT screens, complete with analog ‘clicky’ sounds whenever anything was being displayed, character by character.

In a supposed interstellar ship.

Guess they were running Windows 52.3.


Dragon-King Wangchuck, still no mba

Speaking of Douthat, I have a message of “bipartisan comity” for him.

Ross – you now have the same opportunity that B.M. Matt had. You would be a fool (or a Frenchman) to turn it down. Let me tell you right now, if you don’t take your chance to personally spit in Megan McArdle’s face before you leave the office for the last time – you will regret it. It don’t matter that you’re a conservative – ME-gan’s contempt of not ME-gan can encompass multitudes.


Modem? terminal? Hell, I used to practice law with carbon paper.


last weekend, I watched Alien and was amused by the many, small CRT screens, complete with analog ‘clicky’ sounds whenever anything was being displayed, character by character.

More amusing computers from far worse scifi – every square inch of wall in “Space 1999” was covered by keyboards. Apparently each function on Moonbase Alpha required a dedicated keyboard to work.


Hell, I used pen and paper to draw buildings.

plus, a diazo-print machine.


plus, a diazo-print machine.

Ah, sweet ammonia.


You drew buiIdings with a paper and pencil? I also drove nails with a hammer and sawed boards with a hand saw. My sons laughed when demonstrated this. I still have a leveling instrument that you have to focus and doesn’t use a battery. I don’t trust lasers.


N__B said

“Ah, sweet ammonia.”

“this Corporal Wintergreen is a very power man. He has a mimeograph machine.”
Joseph Heller, Catch 22


my kids also laugh when we watch reruns of Miami Vice and they see those phones those guys are using.


Apparently each function on Moonbase Alpha required a dedicated keyboard to work.

Yeah, but the ships were some of the coolest-looking ever in TV science fiction.


More amusing computers from far worse scifi – every square inch of wall in “Space 1999? was covered by keyboards. Apparently each function on Moonbase Alpha required a dedicated keyboard to work.

wait, we had a moonbase TEN YEARS AGO? no one tells zombies anything.

Drove nails with a hammer? LUXURY! We had to make our own nails by pouring molten metal into our hands, then drive them with our PENIS.


I’m with Kenobi on the ships though. Gerry Anderson hit that one out of the park.


Ahem. First paid programming job was writing a plotter driver for a Wang with 4K (yes, that’s 4 Kbyte) of core memory. Anyone know what core memory is/was?

You aren’t old unless you’ve toggled in the OS from the front panel.


Oh please. I used to do up law documents on a MAG-CARD machine. “Memory typewriters,” anyone? Anyone? I’ve got my ear horn out but I cain’t hear ya.


Oh please. I used to do up law documents on a MAG-CARD machine.

Punch-card Christmas wreaths. Seriously.


Punch-card Christmas wreaths

Holy shit. I had completely forgotten about those. Never made one m’self but I recall others doing it. ‘Course, they were called Hollerith cards then.


RB: I had to Google “punch-card Christmas wreaths.” I see those old IBM cards can also be used to create a fun and unique window shade.


Yeah, but the ships were some of the coolest-looking ever in TV science fiction.

Sadists’ colonoscopes.


That shade’s pretty nice. There’s something that still seems futuristic about the little holes.

Player pianos: gadget of the new millennium!


While I’m being old: I have a recipe for Japanese Fruit Pie written down on a card-catalog file card from the olden days when I worked at the university library. It has a hole punched in it where the rod that held the cards in place in those long narrow drawers went through. Time to go yell, kids on lawn. Good pie too.


sorry, don’t know where that came from


This thread is a virtual fountain of youth: whenever I feel old, I’ll be able to come here and read about old codger computing and feel like a spring chicken again.


I made a comment about the tales of codger computing making me feel young, but the hamster-driven PDP-7 running the site apparently won’t post it as long as I’m on its lawn.


Well then getchyer l’il heinie off’n its lawn, whippersnapper!


Yes, ma’am, hobbling as fast as I can.


This thread is a virtual fountain of youth: whenever I feel old, I’ll be able to come here and read about old codger computing and feel like a spring chicken again.

You go to hell. I was just thinking about how old I feel; all that outdated computer knowledge I’d forgotten until MzNicky and ZRM and the Dragon-King brought it all up again.


Mea cupla – I think I started it with fond reminiscences of paper tape. AND HEY – you can write your program comments ON THE TAPE!


Mea cupla

Latin for “Where the hell’s my drink?”


“Where the hell’s my drink?”

I know the answer to that one. Lunch’s pint of Bass is resting comfortably in my bloodstream.


Of course in my day we didn’t even have 1s and 0s; we had to use capital-letter i’s and o’s instead.



It means I have to do some javascript editing, and I’m better at php than javascript, so please bear with me.

By all means.


My drink’s at home, waiting to be mixed and poured. I’m trying to decide if I need to make a stop for mixers on the way home this evening.


“Memory typewriters,” anyone? Anyone?

You evil thing. Yes, yes, circa 1985.


1985? 1985? No no, my young friend. I’m talking 197fucking7, the MagCard monstrosity which if I recall correctly had these interchangeable cartridges that looked sort of like VHS tapes. I was so thrilled to not have to use carbon packs anymore, although I still took dictation from a magnetic-belt player. Now I’m going to get someone to help me up and assist me in fixing the first of the evening’s toddies.


Smithers? Did we have those picto-cubes delievered by autogyro this morning? Someone get out the dictabelt and take a memo…


I’m talking 197fucking7, the MagCard monstrosity which if I recall correctly had these interchangeable cartridges that looked sort of like VHS tapes.

They were considerably smaller than that in 1985, but still cumbersome and finicky. I hated them with a passion.


Mr. Burns: I still celebrate the day I quit working for you, you chintzy old cheapskate.


Drove nails with a hammer? LUXURY! We had to make our own nails by pouring molten metal into our hands, then drive them with our PENIS.

Criminy — kids these days know nothing.

You drive the nails with your hands. The mold for casting the molten nails is your penis. Why do you think there’s a hole in it?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Why do you think there’s a hole in it?
As an afficiando of all things PENIS, let me say that molten metal sounding sounds like it would HURT LIKE A FUCKING SON OF A BITCH. DO NOT WANT!


So British Muslims are pissed that British soldiers are going to Muslim countries and killing Muslims? The horror!

And how exactly does Andy explain Fred Phelps celebrating at American soldiers’ funerals? Or are Phelps and his followers really Muslims pretending to be Christians?


Why do you think there’s a hole in it?
If Zombie Rotten McDonald happens to have holes in his hands, he would hardly be the first one.


“You aren’t old unless you’ve toggled in the OS from the front panel.”

Yup, true dat. My senior project in college was writing an assembler for an Interdata 32, a “mini-computer” the size of a refrigerator into which you had to toggle the initial boot code via front panel switches. DO NOT MISS.

Right at the end of the year, the lab got a brand new PDP-11 running an early Unix. That was teh shit, right there.

My first two years of college was batch jobs on punch cards and 2 day turnaround on your final project during finals week. Stress? No, not at all.

Penises everywhere

Why do you think there’s a hole in it?
As an afficiando of all things PENIS, let me say that molten metal sounding sounds like it would HURT LIKE A FUCKING SON OF A BITCH. DO NOT WANT!



I have it on very good authority that the soldiers of East Anglia really DID go to hell, just ask King Arthur so THERE nyah nyah nyah liberal scum !!!1111!!!1!


The really hilarious thing is that in the video – to which Andy links – the announcer describes the soldiers as “the Royal Anglian Regiment” more than once. Out loud. Can’t miss it.


If you want to name the disemvowelment script, how about TNH, in honor of Teresa Nielsen Hayden, who invented the technique at “Making Light” before bringing it over to bOINGbOING?

I’d like to join in with the “you think that was primitive?” crowd, but it would soon turn into such a boring reminiscence that it would be censored for sheer torpidity, so let me just summarize briefly:

“I’M OLD!!”

(Really, I’m a youthful 52, but I think old.)


(comments are closed)