Foiled Again

The Tea Party bashers: Clueless, bitter, and wrapped in tinfoil
Michelle Malkin, March 2, 2009

You know you’re on to something when the tinfoil hat conspiracists start lobbing grenades at you.

In response to the nationwide outbreak of taxpayer protests against the culture of entitlement, a loon at claimed that the Tea Party events this weekend were part of a grand cabal funded by something called the Koch Foundation in cahoots with CNBC’s Rick Santelli:

Tea party follow up
Megan McArdle, March 2, 2009


Meanwhile, I’ve spoken with Brendan Steinhauser, the chap at FreedomWorks who has helped organize the tea parties. FreedomWorks has been, as far as I can tell, completely open about their interest in furthering the tea parties, which is not surprising because they’ve been completely open about opposing bailouts since before Obama took office. As Brendan describes it, he and FreedomWorks were calling for demonstrations against the stimulus even before it passed, but he got the teaparty idea from Michelle Malkin’s blog.


Fig. 1:
“Eating Rubber Chicken with the Feral Republicans”
Blogcritics, October 11, 2008
“Koch: Very Private, and a Lot Bigger”
Business Week, November 16, 2005
“Colorado Conservatives at War over Tax Cap”
The New York Times, August 14, 2005
“David H. Koch to Give $100 Million to Theater”
The New York Times, July 10, 2008
“Charles, David Koch break into the Forbes top 10 richest”
Wichita Business Journal, September 21, 2007

Fig. 2:
Defending the American Dream Summit (Texas)
Event Program, Americans for Prosperity, 2008
“Hundreds to Convene in Austin, TX for Summit Focused on Strengthening Conservative Online Activism, July 18”
Press Release, AFP Newsroom, Tuesday, July 15th 2008
“Right Online Conference: Michelle Malkin”, July 19, 2008

Fig. 3:
“Americans for Prosperity and Other Groups to Rally at State Capitol to Tell Barack Obama, ‘You Don’t Know Stimulus'”
AFP Colorado, February 17, 2009
“Yes, we care!” Porkulus Protesters Holler Back, February 17, 2009

Fig. 4:
Video: “Right Wing Anti-Stimulus Rally in Colorado” (28:19)
ProgressNow Colorado, February 17, 2009


Comments: 249


That tinfoil must be made from transparent aluminium.

That’s the ticket, laddie…


I’m just going to point and laugh at the sign that apparently says “D-PORT ILLEGALS”.


Wait a minute now – if the Evil Left Monolith O’ Gay-Satanic-Abortion-Muzlimz(TM) were the WINNERS in November, why would they be bitter? Angostura enemas? Vinegar martinis? Wormwood baths?

Well, it’s not like she can avoid trying to cover for the folks who keep her in that sweet sweet Wingnut Welfare (I presume she’s handsomely remunerated for getting standing ovations from like-minded goombahs at circle-jerks like the “Defending The American Dream Summit”) – those upscale outfits won’t buy themselves, you know … even in a better economy, who the hell would be nutty enough to actually hire her to do a REAL job?


The tragic thing is, Malkin might not even be aware of the provenance of all the sugar-daddy mad money that makes all of this possible. She probably thinks that the money actually grows under the roots of grass, and the grassroots money is dug up by gnomes and delivered in the dead of night to grateful foundations and committees.

It’s kind of like Neil Bush going to Thailand, and a woman shows up at his hotel room and they have sex, and Neil has no idea who the woman was or what she was doing there, but hey, why ask silly questions like that?


Well what do you expect, they are all PART OF THE CONSPIRACY!!!!


By the way, you guys missed the money quote on this one:

“Some of the most trenchant commentary on the stimulus/bailout/entitlement craze has come from the non-professionals at the Tea Party.

“The critics would be lucky to have half their creativity, passion, and initiative.”

😆 😆 😆

Oh, Michelle. Dear, deluded, brainwashed Michelle.


Dear, deluded, brainwashed Michelle.

Is she a brainwasher, or a brainwashee?

Cognitive dissonance research indicates the propagandists sometimes do fall prey to their own rhetoric.

With many of them, I see a desperateness that is at odds with “creativity, passion, and initiative.” They have to get their points in; their paycheck depends on it.

And if this was a reasoned stance, someone could argue it. I’ve seen ones who try.

Though it doesn’t last long.


“Americans for Prosperity”? Where do I sign up?


That picture of her in Colorado shows the raging monster inside of her that she can’t keep from coming to the surface when she speaks in public.


I’m happy to say I don’t think the teabaggers are funded by anyone. I think they manage to suck all on their own.

In response to the nationwide outbreak of taxpayer protests against the culture of entitlement

Yes indeedy. It’s almost as big as the thundering hordes of disappointed feminist democrats who voted for McCain because they couldn’t vote for Hillary.


Next you libruls are going to tell us that before the Obama administration was here to take all our money so as to give lazy black Mexicans free houses from Nancy Pelosi and Barney Fag that there was some mysterious group of ‘right wingers’ who were President and stuff, but somehow no Republicans can remember them. Yeah. Sure.

Everyone knows that all protests and citizen revolts are purely spontaneous and the results of grassroots organizing, except for when George Soros commands the hippie forces to invite terrorist attacks and to welfare thieve the banking system.


And will someone please teach Ms. Malkin to speak passionately but without that “I’m being buggered by a frozen alligator gar” expression?


Those lobbed grenades aren’t working.


John Galt is their new hero because he can’t be interviewed by Katie Couric.


Cognitive dissonance research indicates the propagandists sometimes do fall prey to their own rhetoric.

I would bet that, in the realm of conservative punditry, Ann Coulter is the only one who doesn’t believe the BS she spews. The rest are happily self-deluded.

Tinfoil Hat Salesman, Tinfoil Hat Sales, Inc.

Thank jebus thank jebus THANK JEBUS for Michelle Malkin and the GOP bedwetting and bedshitting set.

You all may be losing your jobs and houses, but I’m adding a new pool and outdoor kitchen.

Grey skies are gonna clear up, put on a happy face!



Tangled web (from Source Watch):

The first president of Americans for Prosperity was Nancy Pfotenhauer who, prior to the groups foundation in 2003, had been an executive with the Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation. Pfotenhauer later left AFP and in 2007 joined the John McCain campaign. Pfotenhauer was simultaneously the president of the Independent Women’s Forum. From 1996 to 2001, Pfotenhauer was the director of the Washington office of Koch Industries.

Source Watch on Steinhauser:

An alum of the Young Conservatives of Texas, Steinhauser established a sister organisation to YCT, the Young Conservatives of California.


Steinhauser was the Washington, D.C. chapter leader of the right-wing protest group, Protest Warrior.


Steinhauser writes for a blog called, “Reagan’s Children.” The blog includes young conservative writers Ben Shapiro and Hans Zeiger, as well as ISI Membership Director Francisco Gonzalez. Shapiro and Zeiger both have published books and are apparently in the process of writing another.

Steinhauser is currently employed as the Grassroots Manager for Dick Armey’s advocacy group FreedomWorks in Washington DC.

The grassroots, they are so spontaneous!


Things like this are why its utterly impossible for me to take the opinions espoused by Hulkin Malkin (or Coulter, or Limbaugh, and a host of others) seriously, and therefore be able to engage them intellectually. They don’t believe half of the shit dribbling out of their mouths anymore than I do. They’re just dancing clowns collecting checks and basking in the adoration of the politically naive and ill-informed.


I think it’s hilarious that Malkin rages against t3h scourge of “anchor babies” while refusing to acknowledge that she herself is one. Is that in any way related to ‘having the courage of her convictions?’

Way to slam the door shut behind you, lady.


Piyush Jindal is an anchor baby. Michelle Malkin is just an anchor tied around the neck of the GOP.

Prudence Goodwife

They’re just dancing clowns collecting checks and basking in the adoration of the politically naive and ill-informed.-

They are the Larry the Cable Guys of Punditry.


These tea parties are protests against a culture of entitlement? I’ll leave pointing out the problems with that thesis to y’all who are much smarter than I.

What I’ll point out is that, when you think about it, the original Boston Tea Party was a protest for a culture of entitlement. The colonists felt that they were entitled to eat of the fruits (or more precisely the leaves — tea leaves) of the British empire without having to pay for it. Or at least they felt that they were entitled to some form of vote if they were to be made to pay the price for Britain’s (expensive) colonial adventures.

Wait a minute — the GOoPers want to have an expensive empire and to eat the fruits thereof without having to pay for it? Come to think of it, they are just like the Patriots of America’s revolution. I’m not holding my breath, though, for a Washington or even a Jefferson to emerge from the GOoPer movement however (Jefferson had an affair with Sally Hemmings … what kind of GOoPer man would have an affair with a woman?). I’m not even holding my breath for a William Randolph of Roanoke to emerge from the GOoPers.


It’s just kind of sad. They’re so far into the reactionary mindset that even in their moments of extreme outrage, all they can think to do is imitate what they consider to be traditionally leftist methods–while going to great pains to mention those leftist methods and say they’r eso much BETTER. Come on, guys, get some new ideas.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Steinhauser was the Washington, D.C. chapter leader of the right-wing protest group, Protest Warrior

Protest Warriors and MM? I’m starting to get a feeling of déjà vu.


Pictures at an Exhibition. An exhibition of pwn.


The first president of Americans for Prosperity was Nancy Pfotenhauer

The wife refers to Ms. Pfotenhauer as “that Totenkinder woman.”


“Cognitive dissonance research indicates the propagandists sometimes do fall prey to their own rhetoric.”

Yup. Even intelligent people can con themselves into swallowing their own propaganda…and these creeps ain’t all that intelligent.


It’s all good. I have always suspected Michelle buys prebunched panties via the internet.


The internet, minorities, protests, and hip hop???!!!

There’s a nation out there voting based on such gimmicks, trends, and fads and that’s the game the GOP sadly needs to play to rescue that nation.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Of course they swallow their own shit.

If they won’t swallow it, the rubes never will.


Bottom pic looks like Malkin’s about to drop the biggest F-bomb ever.



*clap clap clap*


*clap clap clap*


Well played, Gavin

*polite golf clap*


Oh wait, you’re preggers. You can’t drink can you?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Those giant novelty Porkulus checks look awfully professional for a spontaneous grass-roots movement. But I guess it would be wrong to speculate as to whether or not “protest organizers” had a big stack printed up beforehand to give out to the throngs of people there. There’s probably a perfectly reasonable explanation for having five of them in frame.

Incidentally, I have to say that the whole “Porkulus” thing is yet another huge wasted opportunity by them wingnutters. “Stimupork” gets the message across much better, and raises Islamo-dhimmitudinous implications of replacing ham and bacon with tofu.

James K Polk, Esq.

Lobbied Grenades, what now?


And will someone please teach Ms. Malkin to speak passionately but without that “I’m being buggered by a frozen alligator gar” expression?

Hey! Along w/ the “I feel confused and disorientated” look she has in the first pic and the “Fuck me like I’m Sasha Grey!” look she has every other time, it’s one of my top 3 favourite expressions of her’s!


Tofu! mmm….


Gav scores again.

And really. ‘The chap at FreedomWorks?’ Do you suppose the Giant Elf actually talks like that in person?

Or do you suppose she’s gotten trapped in a amateur revival of My Fair Lady?

James K Polk, Esq.

Hey! Along w/ the “I feel confused and disorientated” look she has in the first pic and the “Fuck me like I’m Sasha Grey!” look she has every other time, it’s one of my top 3 favourite expressions of her’s!

Does she have any others?


How about a John 3:16 Vote GOP sign guy at sporting events?

That guy always got lots of attention.



All those commenters over at Malkin’s place who earn over $250K per year (yeah, I know, right, but bear with me) are busily planning how to avoid those extra taxes by earning just under $250K. Because, you know, if they were to earn $250,001.00, the extra $.04 in taxes would bankrupt them.


Mock away, liberals. I think you are missing what’s happening here.

How well did your judgment work for you during the last two Federal election cycles?

Any reason to think it has gotten any better?


Mock away, liberals. I think you are missing what’s happening here.

Yeah, we are. If only you could bookmark it for us.


The fact is, Rush Limbaugh is not the voice of the Heartlan…sorry, I was not in control of the things that came out of my wordhole. Rush Limbaugh is the voice of the heartland and is right about everything and you liberals are stoopid. Can I has cookie now?


Also, it amuses me greatly that Troofus thinks that the racist bitterness of morons is the key to ’12. So, so funnay.


Waaah! Waaah!

Mmmm, tasty Troofy tears.


And what was that, again? Obama won? I didn’t quite hear that.

Saint Jesus of the Dairy

Feed not the trolls, for they make the stench.

Verily. And whatnot.


Like I have read elsewhere, conservative antics today come pre-spoofed for your convenience.

And I’ll buy “concerned about the deficit” when defense spending comes under serious scrutiny by Republicans, something that hasn’t happened since Eisenhower.


BTW have you guys seen Rick Santelli’s denial that he was involved in an astroturf campaign?

It doesn’t make sense because he still seems to think his rant was some kind of instigator, “striking a chord” with the American people. But if these events were planned *before* his rant, then obviously he didn’t instigate anything.

My instinct tells me someone here is lying.

45% of white people

We voted for Obama. Hardly a small minority.


My instinct tells me someone here is lying.

C’mon, these are Republicans. It’s a man-bites-dog event when they are *not* lying.


Steinhauser was the Washington, D.C. chapter leader of the right-wing protest group, Protest Warrior.

Ah, yes. Protest Warrior, the comedy/performance art troupe who staged a “support Halliburton” rally in Texas.

They ARE a group of performance artists, right? RIGHT? Real people don’t take time off of work to do such things, right?

Northern Observer

Hey Authentic Moron why how did you make like 45 million white people disappear? I mean obama didn’t win Vermont and NE-02 with the AA vote ya know….

As for the malkinistas, were is a manure spreader when you need it. They need a good shower. So they grow up right. Now they look misshappen and undernourished.



Why, that’s a great opening to promote my latest photoshop.

Extra points to the first correct ID of her drinking buddy.


I mean obama didn’t win Vermont and NE-02 with the AA vote ya know….

What, recovering alkies don’t vote? Oh, wait….


Ah, yes. Protest Warrior, the comedy/performance art troupe who staged a “support Halliburton” rally in Texas.

And whose signs in support of the Iraq War involved, um, making fun of communists. Way to stay on message, guys. Almost as golden as Michael Ramirez somehow doing a Jimmy Carter cartoon about once a week.


Extra points to the first correct ID of her drinking buddy.

Jerry Colonna is still alive?!!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

That’s a comprehensive list of citations – and I have to say that I am quite surprised to find that Business Week has a sense of humor.
Koch: Very Private, and a Lot Bigger



I bet if you leave the South out of it, a majority of the grown-up part of the nation’s white population voted for Obama.

St Jesus, the white man's Moses

Now I know you liberals are chest-thumping that the demographics will always ensure that an anti-white agenda will prevail here.



By specifying “grown-up”, you have left a lot of the South out of it already.


I came onto this website saying that people would never vote for a person who belonged to an openly racist church and who was married to an openly racist wife. In truth, white people didn’t vote for Obama

So basically you’re saying that white people are racist.


Why, that’s a great opening to promote my latest photoshop.

She has a convenient shelf to rest her drink.

Rusty Shackleford

In that last picture Malkin looks like she’s giving birth to a big brown anchor baby.


BTW have you guys seen Rick Santelli’s denial that he was involved in an astroturf campaign?

Yeah. This part really stood out for me:

“Many millions of Americans seem to agree with my position”

Really? How do you know you’re talking about *millions?* Did they all send you e-mail? Or did you just pull that number out of your ass? Or maybe some conservative blogger just *told* you that it was millions, huh?

I follow a lot of business and economics news and blogs, and one thing worth observing is that, to be fair, Santelli has been against bailouts in pretty much any form since before the election. If anything, IMO Santelli is being honest about his opposition to bailouts, but it is the conservative hangers-on to his screed who are misinterpreting (likely willfully) and misrepresenting (again, likely willfully) his position. He’s not against President Obama’s bailout proposals — he’s against *all* of them, including President Bush’s. To that extent, conservatives who hold up Santelli as their champion are being quite dishonest, though that shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone here.

One further thing — whether Santelli was involved or not, I think that the registration of the chicagoteaparty domain back in August of last year demonstrates that this is *no* grassroots phenomenon. The groundwork for this had been laid weeks before Obama was elected.

So as far as I’m concerned, it’s not especially germane to the point whether Santelli was involved or not. It’s certainly possible that he could be involved with the Teabaggers, but it is also possible that his CNBC rant was simply a serendipitously-timed happenstance for the Repugs. Either way, Santelli is the ‘hey, look over here’ misdirection that’s keeping us from focusing on the real issue — which is the manufactured outrage of the Teabaggers.


Racist troll is racist! There’s a change.

…usually he’s just a fucking moron.


Yes, this is truly the key to the Republican rebound: hooting and hollering about how offended they are that people _including them_ are being helped by the government. They make no fucking sense whatsoever.


OK thought I’d blogwhore, if you don’t mind. Santelli’s ego has landed and it ain’t pretty.


Either way, Santelli is the ‘hey, look over here’ misdirection that’s keeping us from focusing on the real issue — which is the manufactured outrage of the Teabaggers.

I agree. I suspect they took a look at the political landscape a year ago, realized, despite the bookmarkings, that McCain stood chance zero of winning against Obama, and started trying to come up with ways of disrupting an Obama presidency.

They knew they’d never get him on the adultery thing, the way they entrapped Clinton, so they sat and waited to see which smear would take shape during the election cycle. The only thing that seemed to have any, albeit minor, resonance was the whole “socialism” thing.

Not realizing, or more accurately, not caring that the economy being in the tank would force anyone’s hand, even Reagan’s (who raised taxes in each of the last seven budgets he submitted) to perform a capitalistectomy.

They don’t care. They don’t want America to prosper. They want it to fail.


Someone better tell Sean Penn that his precious Democratic voters are the ones who passed Prop Eight.

Look, I and others have pointed out to you that there’s simply no statistical evidence of this. All you’ve done is engage in supposition, conflation and a pretty laughable misreading/misinterpretation of statistics to make a claim that you haven’t been able to support with actual voting figures.

If you have *actual* demographic voting figures, then trot them on out. Otherwise, you’re simply beating the same old drum and claiming to have evidence when, by my count, your claim has been debunked at least a couple dozen times already.

If you have no actual, verifiable demographic voting figures (that you can link to so that anyone here who wants to can see them for themselves) to present, then I shall not engage you further on this topic. In short, play nice or piss off.

/troll feed


it’s not especially germane to the point whether Santelli was involved or not.

Yes, that’s the conclusion I arrive at as well. Basically, he’s either a shill or a tool. He’s “not” the spark that lit the flame …


…we all know that Obama voters passed the Proposition.

Whenever anyone says “we all know” it’s because they don’t know any such thing.

Which direction are the voting trends on gay rights issues going, troofie? How does the 18 to 30 year-old demographic vote on the issue?

Now extrapolate about, say, eight years from now.

Heh indeed!



Troofie’s a real Nowhere Man.


Basically, he’s either a shill or a tool.

That’s really all Santelli comes down to. The business bloggers have essentially your same take on it; they’re just nicer about it than you are.

That being said, I like your post. Y’all keep it up, heah?


Mock away, liberals. I think you are missing what’s happening here.

Yeah, another Timothy McVeigh. Oh joy.

And you’d cheer for it, wouldn’t you?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

They don’t care. They don’t want America to prosper. They want it to fail.
It is kinda amusing that the logo for Americans for Prosperity is their name in strikeout.

Speaking of King Rushbo, that whole media blowhard directing GOP puppets to sabotage government thing? Totally a liberal fever dream. There’s no evidence for that type of behavior at all.

The Goddamn Batman's Rogues Gallery Features Several Puppet- Or Marionette-Themed Villains, And Really, There Are Worse Shticks Out There

It’s not a question of whether MichMalk is a puppet, it’s where Jesse Malkin et al. put the hand, and frankly, I don’t wanna know that badly.


Face it libs, there is nothing Obama can do to fix the economy. All we need to do is obstruct, deride, and wait for the mid-term elections when disgruntled voters will give us control of the legislature again. Socialism will not prevail in America.


Before you say “You want America to fail” the answer is “No. I want what is best for the country. Better a few people have a little pain now than to permanently ruin the economy with socialism”.


Socialism has prevailed in America for quite some time – oil companies, the sugar industry, the tobacco industry, United Fruit, the list of recipients of government largess is long and storied (not to mention all the unrequited federal aid red states get). Conservatives have no inherent dislike of socialism, only the choice of recipients.


They’re not grassroots, they’re more spontaneous than that. They’re rhizomes. Conservative rhizomes, everywhere you look. Deleuze and Guattari are conservatives, I just know they are!


I am fairly confident that the tea-baggers will be just about as successful as “The Gathering of Eagles”.

Remember them? Weren’t they also getting “thousands” (dozens) to protest against the eeevil librul agenda?

I just checked out their website to see if they were outraged by Obama’s recent Iraq speech. I saw no mention of that, but it did have some notice about someone who lost their purple heart in a Walmart parking.

But, in honor of those brave vets, I do propose the name:

“The Baggering of Teagles”


Which direction are the voting trends on gay rights issues going, troofie? How does the 18 to 30 year-old demographic vote on the issue?

Now extrapolate about, say, eight years from now.

No, no, no. You are only allowed to do that when it proves that the Mooslims are taking over and are two steps from instituting Sharia.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

via comment 12 at the ME-gan link. And I’ll not use a hypertext tag as the name of the artcle is ten gallons of awesome in a five gallon jug.


“viciously anti-white” = removing white privilege (I thought you cats didn’t like “special rights”)

“in massive taxation and spending on the productive” – (sorry, can’t translate that one into English – if it’s tax *and* spend on the productive doesn’t that even out?)

“in huge bureaucracy” – not giving business buddies preferential treatment (the cost of admin on a Medicare claim is less than half that of a private insuror)

“a craven posture towards our foreign enemies.” – scared of brown folks


For us, this isn’t about “winning”. All we have to do is exert pressure and wait for the crisis to become so great we are swept into power again. And that can be done by a thousand tiny cuts.

Look at the porkulus package. We got your boy in the White House to make changes to make the package more palatable, and then we voted against it and will do everything we can to make sure the more dangerous aspects are never implemented. Win/win for us, lose/lose for you.

There is nothing easier than beating liberals.


Whites are increasingly a demographic under siege, from massive Third World immigration and anti-white “affirmative action” policies.


So let me get this straight.

52.7% of electorate voting for Obama == huge mandate, go forward and do what you like

55% of white people voting for McCain == insignificant minority

So let me get this straight.

You’re arguing that white people’s votes should count more. How much more? Say 2/5?

And let’s be clear – something like 67% approve of the job Obama’s doing, in spite of all your juvenile stunts demanding Depression 2.0 while tossing puny teabags in rivers, in spite of your cute re-naming of stimulus as “porkulus”. The election was a long time ago. Since then, Obama’s earned a mandate of almost 70%. And I hate to tell you this but…70% of everybody is a lot more than “55% of white people”.


The Liberal Plan is to make this country a one party state through massive Third World immigration, legal or illegal.


In any case, please name one instance of white privilege from which I benefit. I’d be happy to name the official anti-white policies that are enshrined in public policy now; go ahead, I’m waiting.

How’d you get your job? What price did you get on your house? Live around any brown folks? Got buddies on the city board?

Not that you will provide truthful answers to any of those.

As for “protectionism”, I don’t know what you are getting at. Most protectionism (like the sugar subsidy I mentioned) is to benefit big business. Nor is immigration “unfettered” – that is a plain ol’ ordinary lie.


There is nothing easier than beating liberals.



How many minorities do YOU live around “little pig”?

How about the rest of the white liberals on here? Did any of you go to majority black schools, or send your children to the same?


As Jared Taylor said, rich liberals love “diversity” so much they force everybody but themselves live with it.


All we have to do is exert pressure and wait for the crisis to become so great we are swept into power again.

Dude, you guys are the ones that fucked it up in the first place. You don’t care if it’s fucked up, you just want to be the majority. In other words, it *is* all about winning for your side. You lied.


There is nothing easier than beating liberals.

I imagine that being disconnected from consensus reality makes a lot of things easier for you.




The attention around Mr. Santelli’s views now appears to be a distraction at CNBC. (The New York Times has a content-sharing agreement with the network.) Mr. Santelli declined interview requests on Monday, and the network canceled his appearance on “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart” on Wednesday. “It was time to move on to the next big story,” a CNBC spokesman said.

Yes, indeed. How embarassing when the “big story” concerns your reporter’s questionable credibilty.

Who thinks Santelli’s not moving to Fox News or Fox Business when his contract with CNBC is up this summer?


Gavin pushes the genre yet again. Nice work.


How about the rest of the white liberals on here? Did any of you go to majority black schools, or send your children to the same?

My wife is not Caucasian. And I went to school with lots of nonwhite kids. I’m sorry you’re so piss-in-your-pants terrified of anyone who isn’t your ‘kind,’ but some of us grew up and learned how to get along with people who aren’t exactly the same as us.

Maybe you should catch up to the rest of the class.


Who thinks Santelli’s not moving to Fox News or Fox Business

If he’s smart, he won’t go to Fox Biz. Their ratings are abysmal, even if they did hire away that tasty Liz Claman from CNBC.


My son went to a 90% black Little Rock School District school for all his junior high and all but one year of high school. In lots of his classes he was the only white kid in the class.

For his junior year he went to an all-white school, just to see what that was like. He went back to his public school for his senior year (where he was greeted with open arms).

I asked him what he learned. He said “I learned that assholes come in all colors”.

Smart kid.


“They don’t care. They don’t want America to prosper. They want it to fail.”

The Kochs and their peers don’t want America to fail *or* prosper. They only want themselves to get and retain as much wealth as possible. Period. If it means re-instituting feudalism, they’re for it. If it means some kind of democratic socialism, they’re for it. Whatever it takes.

They would re-institute slavery or put liberals in concentration camps if they could get away with it and if it would increase and secure their wealth. And they would get dutiful Christians and Jews to defend it.

As always, it comes down to a Monty Python line: “We don’t morally censure you. We just want the money.”

The Authentic Truth Before His Dishonor

You really shouldn’t feed trolls you know; the idiots are only going to claim that the fact that some of you actually did go to schools with a significant ethnic mixture proves the Islamification of America next. They aren’t interested in arguing honestly, just in providing Gotchya’s to the other 2 at most Republican obsessives who come here for exactly the same reason. They won’t convert anyone, but they can waste your time.


Well not all of our kids are whiggers, LittlePig.


LittlePig – did he go to Central?

Whenever I hear the ranters going on about “majority black schools”, I always think of Central High and what a good school it is.


Oh, and re the trolls here and everywhere:

One of the good things about the last eight years has been the demonstration by the right that, from POTUS to troll, they will lie about anything and everything.

So, as my mother used to say, I-G-N-O-R-E. It’s a matter of simple efficiency. Even on the rare occasions when they’re telling the truth. They’ve relinquished the right to be engaged in good faith dialogue because, ten times out of eleven, they’re not arguing in good faith. Look at their most public voices. If Michele Malkin or Ann Coulter says it’s a sunny day and you don’t need an umbrella, are you NOT going to look outside first?


Most people like to be around people that are like themselves. “Birds of a feather flock together”. Even children understand this at the lunch table. Diversity is un-natural.


“My wife is not Caucasian.”

Well, good for you. But most of us want our grandchildren to look like their grandparents. We don’t want them to look like Anwar Sadat or Fu Manchu or Whoopi Goldberg.


Well, good for you. But most of us want our grandchildren to look like their grandparents.

Mine will. So will yours; ugly and brutish.


How to tell when a thread is dead:

The Authentic said,
March 3, 2009 at 18:25

aristides said,
March 3, 2009 at 18:25

George said,
March 3, 2009 at 18:26


Most people Wingnuts like to be around people that are like themselves. “Birds of a feather flock together”. Even children mini-wingnuts understand this at the lunch table. I hate Diversity is un-natural.


Well, it’s not like she can avoid trying to cover for the folks who keep her in that sweet sweet Wingnut Welfare

Well, she could take up honest work, like fellating the 6th Fleet…


I went to a majority-black school for grades K-4 when I lived on the West Coast, then a majority-white school for 5-9 when I moved to the Midwest, then a slightly-lower-majority-white school for 10-12, and for undergrad I went to a university that was plurality-white (something like 35% white, 30% Asian/Middle Eastern, the rest Hispanic and black). Now I live in Newark, NJ.



Why do you think all the blacks sit with blacks, whites with whites, asians with asians, etc. at the lunch table in schools James?

Saint Jesus Died Hard

Feeding Trolls Leads to Bloated Corpulent Distended Threads, comprised primarily of Troll Puke.

Feed not the Trolls.



LittlePig – did he go to Central?

J.A. Fair. I had known the principal for years (we did scouting events there). Pretty good school, not quite the elite Central is, but pretty good.

He did a year at Lutheran, met some world class assholes over there (in admin, teacher and student flavors) and learned the lesson. He decided the grass is greener where he had been, and asked to go back to Fair.

Distilled Essence of Twoofie






[repeat ad nauseum]


How about the rest of the white liberals on here? Did any of you go to majority black schools, or send your children to the same?

There weren’t enough blacks in NM in ’64 to make a majority-black school anywhere in the state.

I graduated from a majority Chicano school in Santa Fe NM , was the lowest (academically) ranked anglo in my class.

But then I hardly attended school at all, my senior year. In those days, anglos did not NOT graduate.


How’d you get your job? What price did you get on your house? Live around any brown folks? Got buddies on the city board?

They probably shun him, as well, for being a fucking racist loon and it would be impolite to be seen with him.


ABC News discovers the “Go Galt” Movement:

I’ve seen a lot of dumb news reports in my life, but I’m not sure anything can quite match this one from ABC News. The premise of the report is this: Barack Obama plans to raise taxes on people who make more than $250,000, so the reporter has gone and found people who earn a little more than that sum who plan to decrease their income so that they come in underneath the magic line.

Now, the obvious objection here is that the tax code doesn’t work that way. A tax increase affects the marginal dollar that a person gains. That’s means only every dollar over $250,000 is taxed at a higher rate. Obama is not proposing a tax system whereby somebody who goes from $249,999 to $250,000 suddenly becomes poorer. Nobody has ever enacted a tax hike like that in the history of the United States.

Reading the whole fucking thing. And ignore the trolls.


Hey, Troofie?

You do realize that, the more you obsess on this topic to the exclusion of all others, the more you reinforce the widely held and accurate belief that you are a racist?

Cuz, you know, only racists would take note of how oppressed and singled out they are…


How about the rest of the white liberals on here? Did any of you go to majority black schools, or send your children to the same?

Noo Yawk City school system here. In fact, I was the minority in at least one school I went to. So was my daughter.


#aristides said,
March 3, 2009 at 18:14
Face it libs, there is nothing Obama can do to fix the economy. All we need to do is obstruct, deride, and wait for the mid-term elections when disgruntled voters will give us control of the legislature again. Socialism will not prevail in America.

Some kind of socialism is inevitable in the coming global environment.

The question is not ontological but temporal: Not whether, but when.

By then the USofA will likely already be a shattered, strife-torn, class-riven economic basket-case, mainly through the efforts of the likes (or the few remaining survivors) of “aristides” -style “thought.”

Wanna bet he’s a climnate-change denier, too?


Most of us want our grandkids to be healthy and happy and don’t give a rat’s ass about what they look like, or whether they’re of our blood or adopted.

How racist is it to claim we want them to look like us? If my kid’s happy with her partner, and her kids are happy, I don’t give a FUCK if they have five arms and ooze slime. I’ll love them anyway.


By then the USofA will likely already be a shattered, strife-torn, class-riven economic basket-case, mainly through the efforts of the likes (or the few remaining survivors) of “aristides” -style “thought.”

You mean like….*looking at watch*…..nnnnnnnnnnow?


#aristides said,
March 3, 2009 at 18:16
Before you say “You want America to fail” the answer is “No. I want what is best for the country. Better a few people have a little pain now than to permanently ruin the economy with socialism”.

Well, there we go. We have agreement.
Except that we want your to suffer the most.
Maybe even die.
Nothing wrong with dying, really.
Everybody does it.
Then, too, you’d not have to witness the “shame” of socialism.
So just swallow your bolus and expire…


A 2002 Department of Justice survey found that, although the likelihood of being stopped by police did not differ significantly between white drivers and other races, black or Latino drivers were three times more likely to be searched than white drivers.

Young white offenders are likely to receive lighter punishments than minorities in America. Black youth arrested for drug possession for the first time are incarcerated at a rate that is forty-eight times greater than the rate for white youth, even when all other factors surrounding the crime are identical

Deirdre A. Royster[24] conducted a study which compared black and white males who graduated from the same school with the same skills. She looked at their success in their school-work transition and subsequent working experience. What she found was that the white graduates were more often employed in skilled trades, earned more, held higher status positions, received more promotions and experienced shorter periods of unemployment. Since all factors of these graduates education and skills were strikingly similar, the differences in employment experiences could only be attributed to race. Royster concluded that the primary cause of these racial differences was due to social networking. The concept of “who you know” seemed just as important to these graduates as “what you know.”

White Americans are more likely than black Americans to have their business loan applications approved, even when other factors such as credit records are comparable

Black and Latino college graduates in America are less likely than white college graduates to end up in a management position

While discriminatory practices have since been outlawed, there are still unofficial tactics which take place to advantage white homeowners and disadvantage minorities. Property ownership is one of the most valuable assets one can obtain. But “most white families have acquired their net worth from the appreciation of property that they secured under conditions of special privilege in a discriminatory housing market.” .[31] This net worth accumulation assists in placing whites in more favorable conditions to receive low interest loans, mortgages and financial assistance in the housing market. Chip Smith[32] paints a quick picture of some additional ways whites are privileged.

Whites are offered more choices; 60%-90% of housing units shown to whites are not brought to the attention of blacks.
72.1% of whites own their own home opposed to 48.1% for African Americans
46% of whites had help from their family in making down payments on homes compared to 12% for African Americans
Whites are half as likely to be turned down for a mortgage or home improvement loan
Whites pay on average a 8.12% interest rate on their mortgage, lower than the 8.44% African Americans pay on average
The median home equity for whites is $58,000 compared to $40,000 for African Americans

Gee, that was easy and I barely scratched the surface!


Obama must have done way worse with white voters than John Kerry. What’s that, Great Gazoogle?

Percentage of white voters
Kerry 41 Obama 43
Obama +2

Percentage of white men
Kerry 37 Obama 41
Obama +4

Percentage of white women
Kerry 44 Obama 46
Obama +2

But you tools want to know why you really got creamed in the 2008 election? Suck on this:

Latino voters
Kerry 53 Obama 67
Obama +14

Good luck getting those Latino votes back with your “All Limbaugh All The Time” strategy. Maybe in the future you guys shouldn’t demonize entire massive demographic groups.


Diversity is un-natural.

Actually, us liberals who understand the Theory of Evolution know that diversity is not only natural, it’s inevitable. Much like the downfall of modern conservatism. To celebrate that diversity, I will subsist on your delicious tears and drink your milkshake, LastGen Failure.


Personally, I attended public school K-Bacholer’s degree (K-12 in SoCal, undergrad at UCB in Norcal)

I was never in the majority as a white student.

BTW, we all sat at the lunch table together.


I am not feeding the trolls. I am just a geek for demographic trends in voting and can’t resist the urge to comment on such.

I bet if you leave the South out of it, a majority of the grown-up part of the nation’s white population voted for Obama.

It’s not in a tidy little package and I don’t know how to get raw data to analyze myself but this article kind of addresses your question. The linked NYT charts are good too especially in terms of trends. If you want to know state by state how whitey voted, the CNN page I’m finna link to in the next paragraph is yer man.

If you want to know how fucked the GOP’s future is check out the exit polling from this past election. Keeping it broad, the demographic most in McCain’s favor was white people over 65. They made up 13% of the electorate and went for McCain over Obama 58% to 40%. Maybe STD Hanson should rethink his idea of letting the old fucks die as soon as possible because their replacements, white people 18-29 went for Obama 54 to 44%. And white devils of any age are becoming a smaller portion of the electorate. From 77% in 2004 to 74% in 2008. lol.


“And white devils of any age are becoming a smaller portion of the electorate. From 77% in 2004 to 74% in 2008. lol.”

More liberal racism on display.


“who the hell would be nutty enough to actually hire her to do a REAL job?”

That would be the Blethen family, to the chagrin of Seattleites forever.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

More liberal racism on display.

We are all enjoying your bitter tears. Cry, you stupid motherfucking repig, cry.


I don’t know why so many people consider a trip to Hawaii a dream vacation when it must be one of the most unnatural states in the union.


Ahhh, our little racists friends are back screaming for attention. Aren’t they just PRECIOUS!


That is some creative pWnage, Gavin.

Again I say, Bravo!



Since you went on some extended hiatus and left us in the caring hands of your imitators and straight-up sockpuppets, you could have at least come up with some new material. But what’s this? White people distrust Obama, Obama’s a racist, homina homina anti-white this that and the other. Seriously, dude, could you at least attempt to learn a new trick? Maybe? It’s not that this one isn’t hilariously dunderheaded (it is.), but that it doesn’t even come close to addressing the Wingnut Outrage Of The Day. You sniffed close with the McCain-hates-pork aside, and really amped up your usual pity party by noting that Americans rejected the poor, poor man. More of that, please. Where’s the “porkulus” taunts? The complete pig-ignorance of what your pals in Bammy and Mississip slurp up in federal funds? The random ACORN’s-getting-mah-money-I-woulda-spended-onna-charcoal-greyull argument? Do I have to write this stuff for you?


And hey, what the hell:

Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.

My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.

Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.

Bolded for great justice epic fail. Your tears never cease to nourish. Cry more! Yummy.


Word to trolls – tonguejack my shitbox.


Nicely done, Gavin.


Slow clap, you guys.


I got my job through a long history of overachievement. My industry is all results-based, so I got noticed.

So how much does running a Klavern pay?

Seriously, If that industry is IT, then your answer is bullshit; I know many well-regarded talentless hacks in my profession. If that industry is any kind of finance related thing, again, it’s all in the bullshitting (see the current meltdown). In fact I know of very few industries that are results-based. What industry would that be?


Here is how it will go down next week. First Pennsylvania will be called for Obama three seconds after the polls close. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, Pennsylvania is a blue state” will be your comment. Florida, Virginia and North Carolina will be too close to call.

My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. Ohio will soon be called for Obama, effectively ending the election. Florida, North Carolina, Iowa, Virginia, Colorado, New Mexico and even Indiana will eventually go blue. You will wake to an Obama presidency and the great conservative freakout will be on.


Owned troll is owned.


Authentic Truth Before His Dishonor said,
March 3, 2009 at 18:51

You really shouldn’t feed trolls you know; the idiots are only going to claim that the fact that some of you actually did go to schools with a significant ethnic mixture proves the Islamification of America next. They aren’t interested in arguing honestly, just in providing Gotchya’s to the other 2 at most Republican obsessives who come here for exactly the same reason. They won’t convert anyone, but they can waste your time.

George said,
March 3, 2009 at 18:51

Well not all of our kids are whiggers, LittlePig.

Proving your point troll is proving your point quickly.


Gentlepeople, I do believe we have shut the little trollboy up.

Well done, all. He has to nitpick now. I expect typos will be his next “cogent point” to raise.


Why should the troll(s) change their shtick? A beautiful take down of Malkin and the comments section is all shot to shit. The racial angle works out fine for them. Some of them might even believe what they’re saying.

Over at the first link, Malkintent “Room 237” is making me laugh with comment like these:

I was at the NYC one Saturday. Yes it was small. A big part of it is that those of us on the conseravtvie and libertarian right tend to be more individualistic, somewhat distrustful of political crowds (they can easily turn into mobs) and frankly have better things to do on Saturday afternoon than our neighbors on the left.

Better things to do than save our Republic and keep white people from being put on trains to the camps? Good thing Room 237 doesn’t have better things to do.

We are at a disadvantage viz the left. Namely, we have lives, politics is not everything, and we distrust political crowds (too easy to turn into mobs). We do not have the organizing ability and expertise.

To give you an idea, a few months ago, when I lived in Chicago, I suggested on an e-mail list that we needed to look into the community organizing model. The idea was to combat emminent domain abuse in Cook County. I was shouted down.

Goddamn I wish I could read those emails. Frankly, the ones I get from LongIsland4Obama are kind of wonky and boring. All about getting organized to get shit done. They only get nasty when someone is trying to use the list to sell t-shirts or something. I think it would be much more fun to read emails with a wingnut defending him or herself from a bunch of other wingnuts’ accusations of Alinskyism.


Well not all of our kids are whiggers, LittlePig.

That’s a hoot. He’s a big fan of Red Skelton, Mel Blanc and Jimmy Durante. Yeah boy howdy, that’s whigger material, right there.

But then hey, he’s not inbred white trash, so no, he’s not like your kids at all.


If you are exulting in that trend, may I suggest you look up Helen Suzman. I think you will find it to be very educational.

Golly Gee Willikers, Mr. Dumbass, it’s the whole Obama’s-gonna-make-us-into-South-Africa argument again!

Dude! New material! Pronto! Here, let me help:

Liberal droogs-

As we can see from these numbers (cite something Gateway Pundit said that he got from Bob Owens who bungled getting it from Rasmussen, assuming ol’ Bumblin’ Bob isn’t in jail yet), the public has turned on the Teflon Fraud and his stimulus bill of goods. What a surprise that you liberals were unable to see that diverting funds to ACORN (here’s where you would cite something Jammie Wearing Guy or someone of his standing, who got the info from WingNutDaily) from hard-earned American taxpayer money would be something the public would disavow. Maybe if you weren’t so invested in racialist politics (OK, I guess you can use your Helen Suzman stuff here) you would understand this; as it is, too bad, so sad.

See how much better that is?


I’m waiting for Troofie to show how gazillion more blacks hate white folks than white folsk hate blacks.

Cuz, you know, it’s not like he has facts to back this up. Not like this is coming out of his racist, cracker KKK ass….


Still waiting for that white privilege thing to be pointed out to me. (Looks at watch.) Come on, liberals, this is an article of faith with you! This should be easy!

You won’t even say what you do for a living. And I know lots of people, rich and poor, that think they are hot stuff and got it all, “on their own”, i.e. via Daddy and/or daddy’s connections, Mommy and/or mommy’s connections. etc. etc.

Jonah Goldberg thinks he’s hot stuff, and he’s the frigging poster child for neopotism.

Your highly-inflated self-opinion notwithstanding, what the hell do you do?


And I know lots of people, rich and poor, that think they are hot stuff and got it all, “on their own”

You mean like a Presnidet who was born on third base, thinking he’d hit a triple?


wow – thanks for the belly laugh! Can’t think of any industry that is results-based. (Shaking head and laughing.)

I’m still waiting to hear about this mythical industry that has no dead wood.

Oh wait, I get it – you run a MickeyD’s !


Your highly-inflated self-opinion notwithstanding, what the hell do you do?

He trolls websites, refusing to present evidence to support his bleatings whilst simultaneously demanding that all and sundry answer his leading questions in order to demonstrate his PWN3RSHIP of tel librulz. I don’t know how you get paid for that, but there you are.

Thus far, I haven’t found him to be worth the effort, so I expect to follow some valuable investment advise with respect to his ass and simply refrain from adding further time, effort and resources to a venture that is not generating any positive returns.



Let’s not forget that he questions the accomplishments of others without, as you and Lil Pig point out, bothering to establish his own.

The Blarthentic

At least I’m not a big dummy like that dumb DrDick! Boo-yah! Score one for the Troofster!


Wait..trolling web sites is an *industry*?


Awww. The adorably naive sense of acomplishment.


And I didn’t say my industry has no dead wood. I said that in my line of work, getting ahead is entirely results based.

My God, it’s Jonah Goldberg!


I said that in my line of work, getting ahead is entirely results based.

You work the casting couch circuit? Oh, I thought you wrote “Giving head.”

Thanks, here all week, tip your waitress. etc.


are you worried at all about all the H1-B visas being issued to replace you?


Our troll obviously doesn’t keep up with the news in this area, or else he’d know what a laugh riot that comment was.

(giggle, snort)


This is truly funny – liberals assume that anyone who achieves even the modest success I have is because they benefit from white privilege, have connected parents, etc. No wonder you want the government to take control

You mean like how conservatives assume all blacks are bad people?

But, retarded generalizations aside, your lack of compassion, sense of self-entitlement, fear of loss of privelege, and reluctance to admit your line of work leads me to believe that you have benefit from privilege. Most people that have encountered the school of hard knocks don’t speak as you do, so it is difficult to assume you are not a beneficiary of some amount of good luck. The example of George W. Bush and Megan McArdle come to mind – they never had to hit a lick at a snake their whole lives, and so are self-centered and consider themselves God’s gifts to humanity. Nobody that’s had to actually hit a lick talks like that.


You mean like how conservatives assume all blacks are bad people?

They don’t think that *all* blacks are bad people. Just the ones who won’t gobble Rush Limbaugh’s knob.


So, LittlePig, while you are posting rejoinders to “Top Ten Reason .NET is better than J2EE”, are you worried at all about all the H1-B visas being issued to replace you?

Nope. I did have a job outsourced to India in 2003, and had to be a janitor for a while, before I got a job programming at one of the places I was janitoring. I’ve changed around a couple times since then (the periodic Alltel purgings kept the IT market pretty much glutted here in Little Rock). I’m pretty good at what I do (I recently wrote the reporting suite included in the Eclipsys company’s Clinical Manager 4.5), so that’s really not a big issue for me.

And I’ve never coded a line of either .NET nor J2EE, so I can’t say as I’d be posting in that forum.


“I’m being buggered by a frozen alligator gar” expression?
I was going to say something about “The Lady’s Not for Gurning”, but the thread seems to be spooged up with the usual scumbuckets repeating their usual lies for the n-th time.


the Kennedys, who have gotten nothing through their connections.

Except, you know, the Presidency and a couple of Senatorial seats. Apart from that the Kennedys are just like Troofy, a bunch of total losers.


They don’t think that *all* blacks are bad people. Just the ones who won’t gobble Rush Limbaugh’s knob.

Michael Steele is more…what would the wingnut equivalent of whigger be?


And I’ve never coded a line of either .NET nor J2EE, so I can’t say as I’d be posting in that forum.

Troofie’s stalking you too, huh?


The Authentic Spoiled Brat may be an Asperger’s kid (the grandiose nyms are certainly consistent with it), and so be a legend in his own mind. Lots of glibertarians are Asperger’s sufferers (if “sufferer” is the right word, since it’s the people they are exposed to that actually suffer).


I have personally never trusted people who say things like “My success is due solely to my own hard work, I have never had help from anyone, I’ve never benefited from dumb luck or connections”, etc. It’s not that I think such people don’t exist, it’s that I suspect their numbers are exceedingly small.

And another somewhat unrelated thought: if Republicans can’t show up for protests because “we have jobs”, how is it that they’re able to hang on every word from Rush Limbaugh for three hours every work day?



I had a similar thought about Troofie. You’ll notice, as with Asperger’s sufferers, he gets into this whole OCD thing with regards to one topic. You know, the whole “restricted and repetitive interests and behaviors” thing, coupled with the delusionary feeling that somehow he’s “won” something.

“Abnormalities include verbosity, abrupt transitions, literal interpretations and miscomprehension of nuance, use of metaphor meaningful only to the speaker, auditory perception deficits, unusually pedantic, formal or idiosyncratic speech, and oddities in loudness, pitch, intonation, prosody, and rhythm”

Troofie, seriously, in all honesty, you should really go have this checked out.


I don’t get this whole “tea party” theme. Doesn’t a tea party mean you’re throwing something into a body of water? If so, what do they plan to throw? Subprime mortgage bonds? Financial derivatives? Why should anyone with a real job give a shit?


It’s not that I think such people don’t exist, it’s that I suspect their numbers are exceedingly small.

All it tells me is that they’re unaware of themselves on a profound level. No one got anywhere “all by themselves.”


All it tells me is that they’re unaware of themselves on a profound level. No one got anywhere “all by themselves.”

You’re being way too kind.

This denial allows them to discredit anyone else’s accomplishments, plus it has the added bonus of allowing them not to give a rat’s ass about anyone else struggling to get by.


At first I thought the troll was saying not all of our kids are Whigs (as opposed to Tories).

I feel old.


I was thinking of “Tea Party” more in line with Lewis Carroll than and the faux Indians throwing imported goods into a harbor. You know, Mad Hatter, down the rabbit hole, that kind of thing. Bobby Jindal does a great Cheshire Cat, when he gets that kind of creepy smile really going. And he is on the downside of the disappearing curve, at least from a political perspective.


Doesn’t a tea party mean you’re throwing something into a body of water? If so, what do they plan to throw? Subprime mortgage bonds? Financial derivatives?

Clearly, they plan to leapfrog over the SEC and implement mark-to-market accounting ASAP. This would explain why they’d throw that shit into the harbor.


I said that in my line of work, getting ahead is entirely results based.

I hate to inject nuance into the mix but, human nature being what it is, I don’t think anything is entirely results based.

I was extremely qualified when I applied for my current job (Air Freight Pilot).

The thing is, there were literally 5000 other applicants who were every bit as qualified as me, some probably more so.

If I hadn’t known somebody in the company who was willing to make sure my paperwork found its way to the right people it would likely still be sitting in a pile with the other 5000 that never got an interview.


I got my current job as an affirmative action hire: they wanted more white people in the department. Fuckin’ badoodle-boo-yeah.


Why would someone who believes “getting ahead” in his industry is “entirely results based” still seem so up in arms about affirmative action? Never seen it, could never be affected by it, and yet seems so very upset. Odd.


We are alarmed that America is turning viciously anti-white

Yeah, tell me about it. I’m afraid to leave my house now.

Shorter The Authentic

Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. 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Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites. Ah, you are only proving my point that liberals are hypocrites.


I have zero political or familial connections,

No references.
Didn’t know anyone already employed in the company.
Coworkers are complete strangers.
No word-of-mouth connections whatsoever.

Dude, is your job on Earth? “very average claims” – are you out of your mind? Most everyone I know of any political stripe will admit the connections that got them a job. I’ve only gotten a couple out of pure resume, and that wasn’t because of my talent in my profession (because all IT shops in a town don’t keep track of all other IT shops in a town), although I had that talent, it was sheer dumb luck. I got one because I happened a be a janitor there (luck). I got the job in 2003 because a mutual friend of me and a boss across town said I was free (I hadn’t even started looking).

Name this pure merit based industry.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Too funny
Well, I was going to leave it alone – but this has just pushed me over the edge.

Authentic, if you engage in even the most modest perusal of this site – you will see how incredibly full of shit you are. The “liberal narrative” my ass, it’s you fucking whiny-ass-titty-babies on the right that have problems with individual success.

We’re Obots you fucking moron – our ObaMessiah is the child of a single mom, yours was the son of a four-star admiral, son of a four-star admiral that married into HUGE money.

The reason we question your “modest success in your chosen field” isn’t because it “challenges our liberal narratives” – it’s because you are obviously a stupid fucking idiot – one that likely needs help going potty. Although, I do believe you in your claims of success – as a bleeding heart lie-beral I believe that mental deficiencies like yours aren’t big enough handicaps to prevent a person from being a solid contributing member of society.

But you are seriously making me doubt that position.


I pasted this once here before, and I’ll paste it again, by dadgum:

“I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.” Ecclesiastes 9:11


>They’re just dancing clowns collecting checks and basking in the
>adoration of the politically naive and ill-informed.-
>They are the Larry the Cable Guys of Punditry.

Yes, and this is why it’s a colossal waste of time to engage them. National politics is a kind of professional wrestling, and these are the “bad guys” – the sheik, mr. moneybags, etc. They are clowny by design.

It may be stupid to cheer for the “bad guys” of wrestling, but it’s meta-stupid to commit your free time to make fun of the “bad guys” and their fans.


Of course, there is no such job. He had a buddy in the business that talked him up, or knew the secretary or whatever, unless he literally works for the Borg.

He just doesn’t see the ‘white privilege’ part of that.


achieved modest success in my chosen field



I deal blackjack in a small whorehouse just outside Las Vegas.


but it’s meta-stupid to commit your free time to make fun of the “bad guys” and their fans.

Doesn’t that make you meta-meta-stupid, then?


>Doesn’t that make you meta-meta-stupid, then?

No, because I’m not making fun of you. I’m explaining that what you’re doing is a waste of time. It would be meta-meta-stupid if I were to set up a website with daily photoshops of posters. If I lampooned their every personal hypocrisy, etc.

Truth is, posters are just ordinary people – not too different from the “wingnuts” they fetishize. We are all brainwashed to a certain degree (modern society requires it) and each of us is doing roughly the best we can, considering the circumstances.

These “wingnuts” are harmless trolls, it’s best to ignore them.


I have zero political or familial connections, achieved modest success in my chosen field, and that’s so threatening to the prevailing liberal narrative

Says the supporter of the ultimate “failing upward” President…


“Shorter The Authentic,” just so you know, you actually should call yourself “The Malfunctioning The Authentic Robot.” Let’s try to be consistent. Thanks.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Anyways, back to the “Give Me Tax Breaks or Give Me Death” lulz0rs. I’m really surprised that they decided to go with “Moroccan Roll” for the name of their movement.


I am pretty sure that I got my present job strictly on my merits. I didn’t have an “in” or didn’t know any interviewers.

However, I WAS their third choice and only had a single day to decide to accept or decline once their first two turned them down.



You know, I really must say that “frozen alligator gar” line earlier had me spewing my drink….


These “wingnuts” are harmless trolls, it’s best to ignore them.

I disagree. While it is not healthy to obsess on them it is relatively important to discuss what they are running as current memes. The book “Right Nation” explains how persuasive and dominant Talk Radio and right-wing bloggers were. Exposure and ridicule would seem to be the best counter to them. That and the, albeit slight, connections to be made with persons of a similar outlook and sense of humour.


These “wingnuts” are harmless trolls, it’s best to ignore them.

I think it’s healthy to at least have a place to vent about it; like it or not, pundits do have some pull on the National Discourse, and plugging your ears doesn’t make them go away.

Everything besides eating, breathing and shitting is a waste of time. Who cares?


If there’s anything that bunches my panties, it’s people that think being coy and making people guess what they’re thinking is a valid substitute for actually making a point.


I sell arrange matches with mail-order brides abducted recruited from Eastern Europe.


I am a professional doorstop.


It is ze powaaahhh! NC. Sad and illusionary as it is.


I am a freelance rapist.


I suck cock. On spec.


I am Richard Mellon Scaife’s lawn jockey. Well, one of them.


Emptying the grease traps at the Papa John’s is not a “career” per se. Just sayin’.


I make white things for white people.


it’s people that think being coy and making people guess what they’re thinking is a valid substitute for actually making a point.

It’s rather annoying and pedantic, if you ask me. The addresser makes an implicit assumption that addressee’s thought process matches their own. And if the addressee fails to answer the rhetorical question, then it is a sign that they either 1) Aren’t bright enough to pick apart the chestnut and therefore shouldn’t bother their little mind with these weighty things, or 2) They are willfully ignoring what is plain for everyone to see.


I teach little boys how to masturbate.


3) Or they are lying ….


And it’s more of a line of work than an industry (although I’ve been in the same industry my whole career).

Here’s a direct quote from Troofie:

“Shine, sir?”


it’s people that think being coy and making people guess what they’re thinking is a valid substitute for actually making a point.

As Thers put it in a recent Whiskey Fire post:

It’s a bit oblique in that winning “I said it but didn’t say it so if you say I said it you’re the bigot” comic mode that conservatives love so dearly. And that’s always hilarious!


Overachieving troll has bored everyone beyond normal bounds of troll-occasioned boredom, results noticed, rewarded with bigger bridge.



….Lying because the liar knows that there is likely someone around who actually does what the liar claims to do for a living.


Legalize said,

March 3, 2009 at 22:55

3) Or they are lying ….

And what is convenient for them is that they get to make the “bad faith” claim about the person, to wit:

Too funny. Deliberate liberal ignorance, summarized. Good stuff!


“I said that in my line of work, getting ahead is entirely results based.”

Heh, guess who sold the most burgers at the drive-thru window last month?


Verbatim The Troll:

And it’s more of a line of work than an industry (although I’ve been in the same industry my whole career).

And I didn’t say my industry has no dead wood. I said that in my line of work, getting ahead is entirely results based.


I am a wooden swan on a Victorian carousel.


I am Joe the Plumber’s drain snake.


Will the next mystery contestant sign in, please?

Shorter The Authentic

“Shorter The Authentic,” just so you know, you actually should call yourself “The Malfunctioning The Authentic Robot.” Let’s try to be consistent. Thanks.

Considering The Authentic’s cumulative output, I believe my entry was technically shorter.

And marginally less repetitive.


I was Rush Limbaugh’s favorite ashtray, but I was recently promoted to anal humidor.


I was Rush Limbaugh’s favorite ashtray, but I was recently promoted to anal humidor.

That’s not a promotion.


Heh, guess who sold the most burgers at the drive-thru window last month?

I was thinking more along the lines of cog in the Amway machine.


“I’d rather be lucky than good any day.” – Old Fighter Pilot Saying


I’m too anal to be meta-meta-stupid.


Considering The Authentic’s cumulative output, I believe my entry was technically shorter.

Using “The Malfunctioning” first is nicer for people’s killfiles.


Hey libs, I see you still haven’t guessed what I do. You know that means, right? You got it, I WIN THE INTERNETS!!!!!!! PWNEDDDD!!!!MALKIN1!!1!


OT (sort of):

I don’t know. Is Michael Steele too stupid to exist or merely too stupid to breathe?


Shame about your nuts, Mr. Steele.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I think Malkin’s just upset because didn’t offer any money to get her to pose wearing nothing but strategically placed teabags.

Of course, she would decline such an offer in a spittle-flecked, apoplectic rage, but the fact that it hadn’t been made must gall her to no end.

Rusty Shackleford

I think Malkin’s just upset because didn’t offer any money to get her to pose wearing nothing but strategically placed teabags.

Should be placed between her brain stem and her yaphole


I swallow the jism that is spit out by GOP Congressmen after they finish off Rush.

St Jesus the Authentic

The Authentic said,

March 3, 2009 at 22:50

I make white things for white people.

Back during the apartheid era, the South African government placed a large order with Fisher & Paykel for Whiteway washing machines.

They cancelled the order when they found out that all the agitators were black.

Rusty Shackleford

I make white things for white people.

Golf ball manufacturer


Obama Says Now May Be Good Time to Invest in Stocks (Update2)
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By Roger Runningen and Robert Hutton

March 3 (Bloomberg) — U.S. President Barack Obama said falling share prices may mean bargains for investors with a “long-term perspective.”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Buy low, sell high (if the damn stock doesn’t tank in the meantime).


It’s true. Some people are making money these days. That happened during the Great Depression too of course. Bargain days!


isnt g w bush teh biggest example of white affirmative action aka white privilege going?


Truth- It would be pretty simple just to say what you do. But then we could make fun of it. And you couldn’t continue to obfuscate. Me, I’m a lawyer. See how easy that is? Now go ahead, make generalizations about me. But keep hiding your totally merit-based occupation.
You did say you worked for a company. I’d have thought a staunch conservative like you would be all John Galt and all, in business for himself, one of the creators. Guess not.


And will someone please teach Ms. Malkin to speak passionately but without that “I’m being buggered by a frozen alligator gar” expression?

Not possible. I’ve said this before: I don’t think Michelle realizes how much she looks like the photos of the screaming, cursing white women in the crowds around the first black kids to go to desegregated schools, back in the Fifties. I was only a kid myself then and I remember how terrifying those distorted, furious faces were.


I’ve just been reading some of the comments over at Mad Malkin’s site. I swear, i will NEVER understand neo con Americans. Now they are (literally) planning to head to the hills. Do a “John Gault”. It’s hilarious! IT’s like they are awaiting for, and seemingly looking forward to, Armageddon. Stocking up on canned foods and water, growing vegies, living in communes! oh, and of course, they are all well armed.

Tell an Aussie this. Please. Are these peopel for fucking real? I mean, this is all over a pissy tax increase for people earning over $250,000, right?. And i doubt any of the tools at Malkin’s site will ever earn that much in their life time. So why the frigging hell are they all planning on living in caves? There’s talk of social collapse. Advice from one nutbag (who obviously thought about this scenario way, way too much) said to get out of the cities as they are full of lefties!

Now that the right is out of Govt, does that mean the paranoia is back amongst these fools? Is it the days of black helicopters again?


Tell an Aussie this. Please. Are these peopel for fucking real?

No worries, Craig. They’re all full of shit.

I mean, this is all over a pissy tax increase for people earning over $250,000, right?

Well, that and the fact that they’re sore losers. And they don’t like black people.

And i doubt any of the tools at Malkin’s site will ever earn that much in their life time. So why the frigging hell are they all planning on living in caves? There’s talk of social collapse. Advice from one nutbag (who obviously thought about this scenario way, way too much) said to get out of the cities as they are full of lefties!

It’s nothing new. The same crazoid survivalist nutters were saying the exact same things in the runup to Y2K. And the only ones of those who still have any piece of their reputations intact are Ed Yourdon and Ed Yardeni, and they’re still worthless. Gary North still has an audience, but they’re mostly wackjob christian dominionists just like he is, so that audience is pretty small.

Now that the right is out of Govt, does that mean the paranoia is back amongst these fools? Is it the days of black helicopters again?

Well, that’s what they’d have you believe. I seem to recall some of them saying that President Clinton was going to declare martial law so he and Hillary wouldn’t have to step down from their throne.



Tell an Aussie this. Please. Are these peopel for fucking real?

A small handful of them, Aussie.

But keep in mind these same folks rah-rahed and cheerled a war in Iraq.

And about as many signed up for that as will head for the hills.


Shorter Megan McArdle:

Johnny Ola told me about this place. He brought me here…Old Man Roth would never come here, but Old Man Johnny knows these places like the back of his hand.


There’s talk of social collapse. Advice from one nutbag (who obviously thought about this scenario way, way too much) said to get out of the cities as they are full of lefties!
If only Zombie Orson Welles would come up with an updated version of the War of the Worlds radio performance.


Shorter Megan McArdle:

Indeed? Then there is yet hope.


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