Conservatives Are Revolting

Don’t look now, but Confederate Yankee is not only still fantasizing about armed insurrection; he’s beginning to unravel the whole tangled skein of wheels-within-wheels that makes up the cloak which covers the many-armed bananapus of conspiracy that some in the know like to call ugh ack strangling me plan is called plan is called bonk croak
It was never about helping the American people, folks. Never.

What do we notice right away, folks? Well, folks, When Mr. Yankee affects a certain signature Rush Limbaugh tic, then folks, you’d be right to suspect that he’s been holing up in some wifeless garage or basement redoubt, smoking up big fatties of talk radio.
You’ll never guess what ‘it’ was about. Sure, it was a conspiracy of Jewish Bankers, but did you know that they have been secretly engineering our destruction?
You know, this is just another sign of how much standards have been improving in the wingnut community. If they aren’t sending out bloodthirsty anti-liberal manifestos after being sentenced to life in prison for a murderous rampage at a Unitarian church, they’re turning out to have been literally building a dirty bomb at the time of their murder by their long-suffering wife in Bangor, Maine.
It was never about helping the American people, folks. Never.
In our collection is a pamphlet whose usefulness seems never greatly to diminish, but unfortunately, the heading, “When Wing-Nuts Decry Papal Conspiracies Which Threaten American Prosperity, espc. Through Obscure Manipulations of Finance,” gives only the riposte, “We smell something, sir, yet for certain it is not popery! (viz. pot pourri)”. Did that one age well? I don’t think it did.
See, fashions certainly change, but it seems like only a little while ago that we were supposed to be worried about the Muslims and their global Sharia banking conspiracy. And sure, it was definitely the Jews for awhile there, but for a long time before that, the problem was in fact the waves of far-ranging Papist conspiracies. These followed hard upon the nation-stopping panics over Illuminism and Masonry. And oh, how easily we forget about those golden years after the War, with Eisenhower being “a dedicated, conscious agent of the Soviet conspiracy,” and the Soviets secretly controlling US military movements, and the Bilderbergers using the Republican Party as a pawn of international communism, not to mention the secret control of the world by the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, and the planned famine for America, and the liberal-engineered suicide of civilization, and. . .oh wow, there’s still someone who supports the once-popular Samuel F.B. Morse theory that America is being subverted by Austrians in the pay of the Jesuits. What if it is we who are the crazy ones, while it is only he who is still sane!?!
Frickin’ Austrians.
If Democrats had wanted a true stimulus to help the economy, they could have easily crafted a bill that both parties would have supported fully for just over $100 billion dollars. Instead, the House and Senate Conference bill is a 1,434 page bloated spending spree costing $798 billion, with even more massive spending in the wings as Democrats will attempt to spend at least that much again on more government bailouts of the financial sector.
If Democrats had wanted a true stimulus, they could have trimmed away 88% of the stimulus. But no, they had to pork it up into a whole big spending spree and blow it all out into the economy where nobody will ever see it again.

If liberals were this dumb, they would have spent the last eight years being like, “Let me tell you, folks, if Bush had wanted a true tax cut, then folks, he could have raised taxes to pay for it.”
While our Easter bunny continues to spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) in an attempt to bully the American people into accepting the solution offered by Democrats, the American people are increasing rejecting the pork-filled corruption that is this “stimulus” bill. Further, it is a bill, that like most government intervention, appears to be too little, too late to matter.
Oh, oh, actually, if Democrats had wanted a true stimulus, they could have spent more money and done it sooner. But no, they had to pork it up into a whole not-big-enough corruption dawdle, and then… Okay, wait. Our level of hyperbole is constant; historically significant levels of stupidity can overtake it, leaving us as relatively measured and plainspoken as a Matt Yglesias or an Ezra Klein. If we hadn’t rebiased to correct for the all-frequency, needle-pinning razz of stupid now jamming the receivers, you would have just read the sentence, “Confederate Yankee misses the point when he cites as irresponsible an unwillingness by Democrats to reduce the size of the stimulus,” instead of the one above, which concludes:
…skull-rape America’s eye socket with a big hairy monster peen.
History suggests that the worst of the recession may be over, and a rise in retail spending seems to support that possibility. Corporations that have been hard hit are still reporting a curious increase in sales to new customers, and the CBO itself said that without any intervention at all, the economy would correct itself in 2009.
Wokay, let’s look at these pivotal assertions one by one.
1) “History suggests that the worst of the recession may be over,” because say folks, here’s Nick Gillespie at the libertarian journal Reason, folks, taking time off from watching his self-rationalizing teenybopper ideology get pounded to splinters by every new day’s load of economic news, as though each morning the newspaper fell on his doorstep headlined, NICK GILLESPIE SUCKS AT THINKING, and the TV chyrons kept scrolling FAILWATCH…GILLESPIE DEEMED INFERIOR, TO BE EATEN BY STRONGER HUMANS — and if that seems unkind: Honest people of various convictions can often find themselves in sympathy with right-libertarians, but try to imagine crafting a harsh libertarian eulogy to the Bush presidency that savages government spending and regulation, but doesn’t get around to mentioning anything about torture, the apparently massive illegal surveillance of citizens, the unitary executive theory, signing statements, the various excesses of the Patriot Act, the loopholes in habeas corpus, Dick Cheney in any regard, or hey, why not just pick things off a nice, big, carefully organized list? — and I think we’ve lost the momentum of this sentence, for which I blame Gillespie and his haircut (a.k.a. the Chicago Reacharound, a.k.a. The Fountainhead), so let’s just slap a period on the.

…Because Gillespie with his goddamn tornado hair, and what do we find at Reason, chez him, but a Bruce Bartlett item from 1993 that was recycled a couple of weeks ago in the New York Times. Bartlett, a supply-sider and Bush apostate, is sometimes notable among economic cranks as an honest broker (his abiding ideological loyalty has seemed to be to the late Falsaff of free-marketry, Jude Wanniski, rather than to the Republican Party) but is in this case not notable in such a respect. Quod Bartlett: “The history of anti-recession efforts is that they are almost always initiated too late to do any good. The enactment of stimulus plans is a fairly accurate indicator that we have hit the bottom of the business cycle, meaning the economy will improve even if the government does nothing.” Such an argument is unconvincing, even if… Wait, need to rebias.
…typical failsplosion in this whole grinding economic failpocalypse. Gillespie, who gets paid by think-tanks to talk about emo hair economics, is like, ‘if this is right, whoah, pop the champagne,’ while missing everything that people count on experts to notice. Nothing about the chart looks right. And indeed, if you look at Bartlett’s original piece, you’ll find it more accurately labeled: It does not, in fact, show a fair sampling of government anti-recession efforts, but instead shows a sampling of Federal public-works programs. Moreover, it begins after the Great Depression, omits three whole postwar recessions, and even uses what seem to be cherry-picked programs (we see, for instance, the 1971 amendments to what is called the “Public Works and Economic Development Act,” but don’t see anything about the act itself, whose untruncated name is the “Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965”).

This is getting long, but damn. The list is supposed to suggest what, exactly — that recessions and government anti-recession programs are in some kind of mysterious pushme-pullyu relationship? It seems to make sense at first, but then when you try to put it into plain words, you realize that there’s nothing to it but a grouchy emotional hook. Sheesh, the government — they’ll do it every time!
2) Single, out-of-context data point equals reversal of macroeconomic trend: Sadly, No.
3) Congressional Budget Office said that recession will end this year on its own: Fish, barrel, boom.
Perhaps you’ll let them win, and fundamentally change this country into a socialist state, a greater Sweden or France. These are not horrible countries, but they are not the United States.
Americans love their freedom and their independence, and the risk and opportunity that independence brings.
So I have a simple question for you: are you looking to accept this nightmare and become a socialist, or are you still enthralled with the core beliefs of our founding fathers, and not so easily led to slaughter?
Slaughter, even. And a link to that post of his with the wild pigs. If we turn on CNN one day soon to find that Mr. Yankee has made his stand against The International Socialist Conspiracy of TBA by shooting up a Montessori school or a Whole Foods, I guess we’ll bear some of the blame for helping to drive him out of his mind. But it’s all for the greater good, because when Soros reveals his argh poison dart gack don’t mourn organize
Perhaps you’ll let them win, and fundamentally change this country into a socialist state, a greater Sweden or France. These are not horrible countries, but they are not the United States.
For one thing, France did an excellent job of sating the bloodlust of the mob during their Revolution, unlike ours, and they seemed to kick the shit out their traitorous little Vichy fucks whereas we let ours keep their stupid little flags and name themselves “Confederate Yankee” on a stupid ass blog.
Shit, we should be so lucky as to be a greater France. France is fucking awesome, and a *greater* version of that would turn the day on with its smile.
“Bananapus” related to “porkulus?”
“These are not horrible countries, but they are not the United States.”
Hmmm… my logic may be a little rusty, but isn’t CarpetbaggerY saying the United States is a horrible country? OK, we did just suffer eight years of Worst. President. Ever., but, really now.
“a greater Sweden or France.”
Greater than entire towns full of leggy blondes? Greater than barrels full of champagne? Greater than leggy blondes full of champagne? WTF could be greater than that?
As I’ve written previously, whingnutz usually trot out this “ZOMG!! Not Western Europe!!” crap when decrying teh gaeyz’ nups. Now, some dude who actually calls himself by the American short-hand for “rural, poor, ignorant, racist, and happy to stay that way,” denounces places with adequate health care, a higher standard of living, shorter workweeks, etc. We’re replacing “ignorant or lying?” with “real or parody?”
Which part of meltdown of so-called financial system at same time as economic cycle headed completely south at the same time (Didn’t I hear the two have never really combined before, putting us all in un-charted territory?) don’t these “getting better all the time” hippie relics understand?
First they ignore you.
And then they laugh at you.
And then they laugh at you.
And then they laugh at you.
And then they laugh at you.
And then they laugh at you.
And then they laugh at you.
And then they laugh at you.
And then they laugh at you.
And then they laugh at you.
I lost track. Did your list include the Gnomes of Zurich?
Greater than leggy blondes full of champagne?
I was going to say something else, but I was distracted.
HAHA!! I always keep links to info about the Know Nothings handy. It’s really amazing how many modern nativists really know nothing about them. I wasn’t trying to be funny, dammit, that just sounds like a bad joke. True, though….
Classic piece on Gillespie,Gavin.
The measure of Cowboy Bobs intellectualism. Taking government money means you become a socialist. This is why he doesn’t understand the Wild Pigs Scenario, the pigs are smarter than him.
I wasn’t trying to be funny, dammit
Intentionalism is over-rated.
True M. So, are you a chronic insomniac too?
Post-employment & inclined to stay up late. I get my eight hrs.
See, fashions certainly change, but it seems like only a little while ago that we were supposed to be worried about the Muslims and their global Sharia banking conspiracy. And sure, it was definitely the Jews for awhile there, but for a long time before that, the problem was in fact the waves of far-ranging Papist conspiracies.
Oddly enough, I was thinking just the other day — well, maybe earlier today — that Teh Jewish Conspiracy of Sinister Bankers Engineering Market Crashes in order to Profit From Them has not always been Jewish. I mean, one of the archetypal images in the development of the trope comes from the sequence in “Dr Mabuse the Gambler”, where Mabuse is carrying a cane and wearing a fur-trimmed cloak and a top hat, and he has just engineered a market crash by promulgating false rumours in order to buy up shares while they are cheap — Dr Mabuse created so many of the conventions of cinematic iconography that it is just not fair — and Mabuse’s character was not Jewish. And in more recent history, the Conspiracy of Sinister Bankers were Swiss… or the Bilderburgers. But the state-sponsored anti-semitism of the 1930s basically set in concrete the idea that they are usually Jewish.
I have to wonder if Pam Geller has thought out the full implications of the “George Soros = Sinister deracinated banker with no real loyalty to the country where he resides” equation she is currently peddling.
The enactment of stimulus plans is a fairly accurate indicator that we have hit the bottom of the business cycle, meaning the economy will improve even if the government does nothing.
So — History contains these edifying scenes where the economy was in decline, and a government enacted a stimulus plan, whereupon the economy improved. The strong correlation between Stimulus plan and economic improvement actually proves that stimulus plans are not necessary.
“The history of antibiotics is that they are almost always administered too late to do any good. The injection of an antibiotic is a fairly accurate indicator that we have hit the peak of the infection, meaning the patient will improve even if the doctor does nothing.”
the whole tangled skein of wheels-within-wheels that makes up the cloak which covers the many-armed bananapus of conspiracy
If I had been involved in the process of compiling the Old Testament, then Leviticus 19:19 would read like this:
Thou shalt not sow thy prose with mingled metaphor, for this is confusion, and abomination in the eyes of the L*rd.
The fact is, the ‘nanerpus is a conspiracy foisted upon the hardworking, heartlanding American people by the Jewish Restauranters to weaken our country from the outside by forcing redblooded, success Americans to eat gaily-decorated breakfast foods instead of real food for real Americans.
I don’t know if anyone else noticed, but that title can be read two very different ways…
“Corporations that have been hard hit are still reporting a curious increase in sales to new customers,”
Watching the teevee, and what to my wondering eyes did appear?
An ad for Mercedes-Benz blatantly begging you to buy a Benz using the hilarious punchline “Let’s Talk.”
They have an overstock. Of 2400 cars. In AUSTRALIA.
Sooo…MB needs to sell a car to one out of every 100 Australians within the next 60 days.
Good luck with that.
Just realized I totally suck at math.
Suck, suck SUCK at math. Like CY sucks at living.
Still, that’s an awful lot of cars that start at 60,000 AUD.
Wait, I might be right about the one in 100 thing.
2400x100x100=24,000,000. Australia has around 20,000,000 people.
Is that right?
I’m surprised that no one has commented that this is some scary and underreported shit. So, let me be the first. This is some scary and underreported shit.
Shit, what’s a fan of Sadly, No! and Nick Gillespie to do?
Dude, Australia has about the same population as Shanghai. That’s hilarious. I had no idea it was that empty.
But that still only comes out to 1 in 10,000 Aussies. Which, to be fair, is rather a lot of people to suddenly convince that they should go buy Mercedes-Benzes.
Yeah, I didn’t know that either. I’ve encountered a ton of Australians in Europe, and now I feel like I’ve met a significant percentage of the population.
So where can I find this “Dousing the Casuistries of the Know-Nothings”, other than on eBay? Sounds like a worthwhile read.
Yes, the librul-hater who shot up the Unitarian church here in my fair town is behind bars for good, and as you can see from the link to his manifesto he’s well-schooled in wingnuttery. Even scarier to me was to read the comments left at the Knoxville News-Sentinel’s web site about this story. Welcome to my world.
Destroy All Planets!
If certain shadowy economic manipulators and war profiteers had been more thrifty in their choice of venue, we’d be paranoid about the Red Roof Inners and the Motel 6 Group. Think about it.
I blame Scottish bankers.
“But that still only comes out to 1 in 10,000 Aussies. Which, to be fair, is rather a lot of people to suddenly convince that they should go buy Mercedes-Benzes.”
Yep, multiplied it by one too many hundreds.
“Yes, the librul-hater who shot up the Unitarian church here in my fair town is behind bars for good, and as you can see from the link to his manifesto he’s well-schooled in wingnuttery. Even scarier to me was to read the comments left at the Knoxville News-Sentinel’s web site about this story. Welcome to my world.”
Your world is our world. It’s pretty fucking scary. The fact that these fascist blowhards refuse to acknowledge their role in this tragedy reinforces the fact that they clearly wanted something like this to happen and must be giggling in their Geno-Cide that a bunch of Unitarians got whacked by one of their whackjobs.
Bunch of savages in this country…
I don’t know if anyone else noticed, but that title can be read two very different ways…
You said it, they stink on ice.
But that still only comes out to 1 in 10,000 Aussies. Which, to be fair, is rather a lot of people to suddenly convince that they should go buy Mercedes-Benzes.
Maybe they can sell a few to the Kiwis, I hear they’re fairly
plushlushflush.This country being the US. We’ve moved to Oz for a year and then it’s back to Matawan, NJ…10 minutes from Leonardo, NJ…the homeplace of the Quick Stop and RST Video.
When people visit from out of town it’s the first place they want to see.
Clerks was a great film.
Damn, that Cummings guy sounds like a nut.
Where did he get all that shit from? Also, I’m wishing his dad had added to that trust fund a requirement about not being a neo-nazi, white supremacist.
If the stimulus is “too little, too late,” is Gillespie now telling us that he would have supported George W. pushing an even bigger stimulus a couple of years ago?
This is about as meaningless an argument as anyone can make, but it’s so ridiculous it’s funny, too. Like standing amid the burning embers of your house and waving off the fire trucks because their mere arrival is an indicator that the fire is about to go out on its own. Or eschewing the parachute because you’re already a lifeless bag of broken bones on the ground and there’s nowhere to go but UP!
Funny schtick from these conservative economists..
“Where did he get all that shit from? Also, I’m wishing his dad had added to that trust fund a requirement about not being a neo-nazi, white supremacist.”
Don’t you get it? It’s the You Ess Fucking Ayyyyyyyyyyyyy.
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
The Founding Fathers obviously foresaw that the development of nuclear and semi-nuclear weaponry should be entrusted to any fucking dipshit lunatic who can write his name on an order sheet in order to preserve the Republic against the barbarian hordes.
After all, the 5 megaton bunker-busting ballistic musket ball was the key to overthrowing the British…
Yes, the librul-hater who shot up the Unitarian church here in my fair town is behind bars for good, and as you can see from the link to his manifesto he’s well-schooled in wingnuttery. Even scarier to me was to read the comments left at the Knoxville News-Sentinel’s web site about this story. Welcome to my world.
I recently dropped my dead tree subscription to the Des Moines Register, mostly because that once-great Pulitzer-winning font of news has become a Gannett-ravaged shadow of its former self, and have since been attempting to read it online. I’m probably going to restart my subscription, because, like Youtube comments, no matter how hard you try it’s difficult to avoid the comments at the bottom of the article. Why is it that the wingnuts seem to dominate the comments section of so many newspapers? Our area is fairly liberal, too. For the longest time I read the Seattle Times on line not just because I miss Seattle but because they didn’t used to allow comments. Now they, too, have fallen. They do have slightly better commentors than most newspaper sites, but still, it’s annoying to me to have to read or at least see blather on every single news story. At any rate, for some reason the worst of the nuts seem to be attracted to the comments on online newspapers. Too lazy and dumb to write a letter to the editor, I suppose.
I can’t usually work up as much rage at Chinless Bob as I can at any other random wingnut saying the same things. I just feel sorry for him. He’s like the runt puppy of a litter you’d like to love just a little more because he’s so much less attractive than the other puppies, but you just can’t because the little bastard bites your ankles and pees on your shoes every time you take your eyes off of him for a moment.
MzNicky, Sara Robinson at Orcinus has an excellent post up about that shooter. Glancing over there, I see Dave Neiwert has a post up as well now. Attention must be paid.
Americans love their freedom and their independence, and the risk and opportunity that independence brings.
Yeah, they love it so much that they’ll tap the phones and intercept every electronic communication to keep it. That’s true love, baby.
And they love that risk, right up until they lose money, in which case they run to the government with their hands out.
That’s some weapons-grade stupid, right there.
Why is it that the wingnuts seem to dominate the comments section of so many newspapers?
Shut-in anger junkies with time on their hands? I can’t imagine.
The “Know-Nothing” Party, formally the American Party, is a lot more like the modern conservative movement than its faux hatred of immigrants (i.e., they love immigration when Reagan props up the failing California service economy in 1986 with his Amnesty of those who massively fled Reagan’s slaughters in Central America, and hate it on the campaign trail).
They also share the the sheer, nation-harming, obstructionist idiocy:
What better historical parallel can be given for the last 8 (Bush Juniorite) or 28 (Reaganite) years of this nation?
Shut-in anger junkies with time on their hands? I can’t imagine.
Sure, but there are a lot of laid-off angry non-wingnuts with time on their hands these days, too. It just seems really disproportionate.
“I can’t usually work up as much rage at Chinless Bob”
I can. It’s primarily because he’s got no chin.
Seriously. How can anyone be so lacking of chinly and killing fortitude and be so derisive of others for their lack of chinly and killing fortitude?
You need a chin to be a killer. And fortitude.
Or at least go and kill the brown people you so fervently wish were dead.
Bob’s got none of the Genocidal Holy Trinity.
No chin, no fortitude, no killer of brown people.
Epic fail.
I don’t remember seeing that Maine story on any national networks. Am I wrong? Or is it just that he’s a $10 million-per-year trust fund white supremacist Christian named James, and not a financial-aid-receiving engineering student named Omar?
It’s only four days old, so they’d still be screaming about it if he were the latter.
This is, bizarrely, good news for the world.
The further off the charts Ballpeen Bob Owens goes, the more likely it is he’ll be tossed in the hoosegow, whining about “oppression” as he goes.
Once upon a time, there was a nice man named Raúl Prebisch who wrote nice things about state intervention, including nice things about temporary state control over key industries under certain circumstances. But he was from Argentina and worked for an office of the UN, so he really was a communist fascist who wanted to destroy the free market and impose global socialist government, so pay no mind when other apparently nice men like Matthew Richardson and Nouriel Roubini write nice things about “receivership,” which is really just code for communism and the end of the world as we know it.
If you let me come live in Australia, i promise to buy a Benz. No, two. Really, I swear. Can I live in Coff’s Harbor?
And Bartlett knows and values the wingnut blogosphere. As he says, they “regurgitate exactly” what they are told.
Time for me to dig out my old Illuminati cards to try to piece together the connections. I know the Bavarians control New York, the Mafia, and the Society for Creative Anarchism, and the UFOs control California, Madison Avenue, and the Goldfish Fanciers, but where do the Rosicrucians come in, and who’s got the Orbital Mind Control Lasers?
AndDan Bartlett. Different Bartlett, apt quote.This is a little number we recently tossed off at the (whatever the fuck it is Eric Idle says before the song “Isn’t Awfuly Nice To Have A Penis,” I’ve tried for seventeen years to decode that word and cannot find it on the interwebs)
The town in Georgia’s got a law on the books
Says if we all got guns then we won’t have crooks
Now what could make them think that way?
What could make them act that way?
They’re just right wing pigeons from outer space
Sent here to destroy the human race
They don’t give a damn about you or me
They just buy guns and watch TV
Let’s go!
The lady in Detroit owns a can of mace
Got pissed at my brother so she sprayed it in his face
Now what could make her think that way?
What could make her act that way?
She’s just a right wing pigeon from outer space
Sent here to destroy the human race
She don’t give a damn about you or me
She just buys guns and watches TV
The man in the White House who just don’t care
He starves little kids and he dyes his hair
Now what could make him think that way?
What could make him act that way?
He’s just a right wing pigeon from outer space
Sent here to destroy the human race
He don’t give a damn about you or me
He just buys guns and watches TV
In the last few weeks, the conservative movement and the Republican Party has found its voice and its backbone again!
We will NOT be held responsible for the failure of the Porkulus, because no conservatives voted for it!
And if you think it was hard to get this through, just try and nationalize healthcare! We will sink it.
Further, it is a bill, that like most government intervention, appears to be too little, too late to matter.
So let me see if I have this straight.
1)The Stimulus Bill is the Hugest, Most Giant Pile of Pork that will bankrupt the Next Generation, because of its unprecedented Hugeness of money-spending
2) we don’t need it because the recession – which conservatives denied existed as recently as September – is all over now.
But in fact, the bill’s too small and that Obama fella is so lazy he didn’t get it through until almost 30 days after being sworn in?
Is this the same kind of cognitive dissonance that leads to being askeered of that elitist Harvard educated arugula-eater devastating our pristine White House with his Ghetto Mama, rap music and watermelon?
Sure, but there are a lot of laid-off angry non-wingnuts with time on their hands these days, too. It just seems really disproportionate.
Liberals tend to do (change is good). Conservatives tend to bitch (change is bad).
I don’t worry so much now that the last election has demonstrated that a majority of Americans are developing bullshit immunity.
The election was bought.
We’re back! and we have the combination! Conservative Observer!
We’re through with you. Go back to the golf course and work on your putz…
Liberals tend to do (change is good). Conservatives tend to bitch (change is bad).
Good point.
Grandma gave me a ride to the book-lending facility where the nice people gave me a card to freely borrow books from the book-lending facility, provided I give them the books I borrowed back in exchange for newly-borrowed books and everything!
They even gave me free internet access! SUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did I mention that they’re socialist dickwads?
They’re socialist dickwads.
My IP was never banned in the first place.
But my point stands (despite all the ad hominems). This bill passed with essentially no Republican support. Only the Three RINOS would crossover, and even they had to be convinced. And this bill was supposed to be EASY to get through.
Now, imagine when BHO tries to push through his health care nationalization…
The game is just starting, libs!
No one gives a fuck what I say, which is why I keep on keeping on saying the stupidest fucking things ever said. It’s not like anyone is listening.
I see all libs can do is “spoof” me instead of responding to my points and argument. Grow up, children!
Again, The Porkulus is nothing more than the ego-ego of Rush Hudson Limbaugh III: fat, bald, sweaty, Viagra-sucking, destitute-Carribean-prostitute-fucking, hillbilly heroin-addled Southwest Missouri State dropout.
Yet they line up in droves to get their taste of the drippings…
Is Porkulous the new name for Rush Limbaugh?
Shut-in anger junkies with time on their hands? I can’t imagine.
LIttlePig: If only they were all shut-ins. Alas.
Candy: I’d drop our loathesome local Rethug-godbag newspaper in a heartbeat if it were up to me. Unfortunately, the spouse still enjoys the dead-tree version with his morning coffee.
“I see all libs can do is “spoof” me instead of responding to my points and argument. Grow up, children!”
Nope. We’ve already refuted your “points” and “arguments” ad nauseam and we’re frankly sick and tired of the effort.
MzNicky, the only thing left to miss in my local rag is the funnies. It’s a pain in the ass trying to read them all on line, as the Register doesn’t post them. I can read most of them on the Seattle P-I site but rarely have time.
One at a time, all the features that made the Register good have disappeared. Still has a liberal editorial board and Rekha Basu, an excellent columnist, but the editorial cartoonist is gone now – a victim of layoffs – and the opinion section has been subsumed by the purported “news” section, and then they charged extra for the Thanksgiving paper even though the entire thing was ads. I understand that newspapers are having a tough time but it doesn’t seem to me that the way to get a better market share is to debase the value of the product and charge more for it.
Sorry about the rant. I’ve been a lifetime paper reader and watching the industry
diecommit suicide pisses me off.Oh, happy VD Sadly Nosians! Say, shouldn’t there be a VD Hanson piece up in honor of the occasion?
“Let’s talk about something important. (sees Conservative Obsever pouring coffee). Put that coffee down. Coffee’s for closer’s only. You think I’m fuckin’ with you? I am not fuckin’ with you. I’m here from downtown. I’m here from Mitch and Murray. And I’m here on a mission of mercy. Your name’s Conservative Observer?”
“Again, The Porkulus is nothing more than the ego-ego of Rush Hudson Limbaugh III: fat, bald, sweaty, Viagra-sucking, destitute-Carribean-prostitute-fucking, hillbilly heroin-addled Southwest Missouri State dropout.”
All libs can do is make ad hominem attacks I see.
You call yourself a Conservative Observer, you son of a bitch?!?!
I have to wonder if Pam Geller has thought out the full implications of the “George Soros = Sinister deracinated banker with no real loyalty to the country where he resides” equation she is currently peddling.
Do you? Really?
I’ll see all your daily papers, and raise you one Wisconsin State Journal*.
*Our motto: “Ack! Too many words!”
I don’t got to listen to this shit!
“You certainly don’t pal ’cause the good news is you’re fired. The bad news is you got all you got, just one week to regain your job, starting with tonight, starting with tonight’s blog.
Oh, have I got your attention now? Good.
‘Cause we’re adding a little something to this month’s sale contest. As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac El Dorado. Anybody want to see second prize? Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is your fired. You get the picture? You laughing now? You got facts. Mitch and Murray paid good money. Get their names to sell them. You can’t close the facts you’re given, you can’t close shit, you are shit, hit the bricks pal and beat it ’cause you are going out.”
Listen? Hell, I can barely READ it.
The fun is actually just beginning. Obama, having learned his lesson, is about to make Republicans cry:
Ha. Ha. Ha.
Republicans will be free to go sh!t themselves on Fux Nooz and the Sunday Talkies, and Obama will be going around the country raising a helluva noise in support of repairing 30 years of Reaganite undoing of the New Deal.
Ha. Ha. Ha.
*Our motto: “Ack! Too many words!”
At least your motto was written by Bill the Cat! Aack!
@Blake: I guess we’re all getting third prize these days, huh?
” Fuck you, that’s my name. You know why mister? Cause you drove a Hyundai to get here tonight, I drove an 80,000 dollar BMW. That’s my name. (To Conservative Observer) And your name is you’re wanting. You can’t play in the man’s game, you can’t close them? Then go home and tell your wife your troubles. Because only one thing counts in this life. Get them to sign on the line which is dotted. You hear me you fuckin’ faggots.
ABC. A, Always, B, Be, C, Conservatively Observing. Always be Conservatively Observing. Always be Conservatiely Observing. AIDA. Attention. Interest. Decision. Action. Attention. Do I have your attention? Interest. Are you interested? I know you are ’cause it’s fuck or walk. You close or you hit the bricks. Decision. Have you made your decision for Christ? And action. AIDA. Get out there. You got the prospects coming in, you think they came in to get out of the rain? A guy don’t walk on the lot lest he wants to buy. They’re sitting out there waiting to give you their money. Are you going to take it? Are you man enough to take it? (To Conservative Mosserver) What’s the problem, pal?
Ack. I wrote that before the follow-ups, really I did.
the American people are increasing rejecting
Wrong in every possible way.
Democrats Attempt to Ram Through Multi-Generational Financial Rape Anyway
Democratic multi-generational financial ramming rape, Islamic rape waves, gay agenda down-throat-ramming, usw, what is it with these guys and their rape fantasies?
Republicans don’t care about how much Obama goes to town halls where people ask him for a house and car (that is exactly what happened in that pathetic display in Fort Meyers last week).
They WILL NOT vote for any Democrat healthcare plan. NEVER. It will die in the Senate.
what is it with these guys and their rape fantasies?
It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
But my point stands (despite all the ad hominems). This bill passed with essentially no Republican support. Only the Three RINOS would crossover, and even they had to be convinced. And this bill was supposed to be EASY to get through.
Now, imagine when BHO tries to push through his health care nationalization…
The game is just starting, libs!
Actually, it’s over, and you people can’t even begin to understand how you just lost: by forfeit. The Democrats can pass anything through our lower House, anytime they want. In our Upper House, they’ll soon have Senator Franken (say it, over and over and over again) to help pass President Barack Hussein Obama’s (ditto) progressive legislation. (What’s Senator VItter going to do, filibuster? They’ll just take his diapers away, and that will end it.)
When you’re done decorating your new home, have us by for tea. A properly accented Dustbin of History can look fabulous, and even feel comfortable. (At least, you’d better hope so.)
Gotta go. My Congressman, Jim McDermott, is writing legislation now, and it’s not liberal enough for me, so he and I have to talk. Cheerio!
BTW, I hope he takes his teleprompter.
Because uh, eh, uh, you kno…uh…
“They WILL NOT vote for any Democrat healthcare plan. NEVER. It will die in the Senate.”
You’re almost certainly right.
And when your syphilis really starts to kick into that nasty tertiary phase and your mother is on separate 18-month waiting lists for her cataract removals and hip replacements, I’m sure you and she will rejoice in your opposition.
If only Barry could articulumnate like Preznit Shrub.
Then he could catapult him some propaganda!
So — History contains these edifying scenes where the economy was in decline, and a government enacted a stimulus plan, whereupon the economy improved. The strong correlation between Stimulus plan and economic improvement actually proves that stimulus plans are not necessary.
“The history of antibiotics is that they are almost always administered too late to do any good. The injection of an antibiotic is a fairly accurate indicator that we have hit the peak of the infection, meaning the patient will improve even if the doctor does nothing.”
Correlation doesn’t equal causation! Correlation doesn’t equal causation! ConFedYank is the sort of person who’s surprised that he’s less hungry after eating, every damn time.…shit where’s my teleprompter?
“what is it with these guys and their rape fantasies?”
They could never get any the old fashioned way so they delight in fantasies of taking by force.
“They could never get any the old fashioned way so they delight in fantasies of taking by force.”
That’s funny, because violent force is the foundation of taxation and therefore the modern lib welfare state.
I can’t wait for Obama’s Second New New Deal. I want to personally attend Sean Hannity’s Great Weeping ceremony.
If you put all ConOb’s comments together in one place and you’ve got a Manifesto!
(whatever the fuck it is Eric Idle says before the song “Isn’t Awfuly Nice To Have A Penis,” I’ve tried for seventeen years to decode that word and cannot find it on the interwebs)
“That’s funny, because violent force is the foundation of taxation and therefore the modern lib welfare state.”
Matthew 20:21–Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s.
Can’t believe someone with the scriptural credentials of the Conservative Observer would so blatantly jam the mote further into his god’s eye.
Fucking atheist degenerate hypocrite.
Conservative Voyeur seems almost moderate compared to a couple of “opposing viewpoints” the Orcinus posts on Adkisson have attracted. I feel quite tolerant of our resident troll just now.…shit where’s my teleprompter?
Man, after eight years of gynecologists not getting to practice their love with women, questions about whether or not our children is learning, and not being able to put food on our families, that is just flat-out funny. Sometimes I really think all of Sadly’s trolls are parodies.
Candy: When our paper dropped one of my favorite comic strips I went to “gocomics dot com” and signed up to get it every day by email. I sometimes think of doing that for all the comics I like so I’d never ever have to look at our local rag again.
My background is journalism, so I know what you mean about the slow painful death of newspapers. Ours keeps shrinking shrinking shrinking, although there’s still a chockful Sports section. Getting news on the GoogleTubes was a revelation to me; I realized how much the local paper edits certain news stories and opinion columns, and it’s not just for space reasons either. Bah humbug and a pox on them all!
Me–ah, yes. Makes perfect sense. Thank you thank you THANK YOU.
OT, but I thought this was particularly amusing.
After this country gets a load of endless trillion dollar deficits and a failed stimulus package, combined with tax hikes and a worsening economy, this nation will have full-blown Bush Nostalgia
Conservatives are Revolting
They certainly are.
Dousing The Casuistries Of The Know-Nothings would be a great band name.
CO, I’m on the verge of disliking you.
“The Democrats can pass anything through our lower House, anytime they want. In our Upper House, they’ll soon have Senator Franken (say it, over and over and over again) to help pass President Barack Hussein Obama’s (ditto) progressive legislation.”
Even if Stuart Smalley gets a Senate seat, you still don’t have 60!
They [Rethugs] WILL NOT vote for any Democratic healthcare plan. NEVER. It will die in the Senate.
Then the Rethugs will return to their home states where their political careers will die. The US populace has been demanding health care reform for years and years. Rethugs are beginning to be seen for what they are: vile obstructionist shitbags whose sole purpose in life is to amass and maintain power. (And money.) They couldn’t care less about people, or this country.
MzNicky, I started out as a journalism major, long time ago. Grew up in a family that was passionate about the news. It’s all just really sad. I understand that electronic media is the rape wave of the future, but I still think there is a place for newspapers if they would stop self-destructing.
And what the hell will I line the cat box with?
New fake troll is boring.
We will kill his socialist health care plan just like we killed HillaryCare.
It’s time for Harry and Louise to make a comeback!
Alas, they both died of an easily diagnosable and totally treatable illness. Oopsie doodle!
Pheh. Juan Williams was on NPR this morning. Why, I have no idea. His “analysis” consisted essentially of “the dems say this but the repubs say that.” I wish to applaud Mr. Williams for that i9ncisive, acute insight. I certainly could never have learned that on my own, completely without his help.
CO, on the other hand, sees such a performance as exemplary journalism.
Candy: Our local newspaper is so bad my cat refuses to take a dump on it! Hahahaha I just kill me.
PeeJ: Fair and balanced, you see.
BTW, to whoever, I enjoyed the “Glengarry Glen Ross” Alec Baldwin cameo appearance script thing up there. Hilarious, one of my favorite movies.
That’s funny, because violent force is the foundation of taxation and therefore the modern lib welfare state.
Help! Help! I’m being repressed!”
Fantastic post, Gavin.
Listen! Strange women lying in ponds, distributing swords is no basis for a system of government!
Alec Baldwin was the man in that movie. David Mamet used to be the man, until he went all wingnut on us…
Schlussel, She-Devil of the SS, reviews children’s IMAX movie, for which she presumably paid because greens are the only offensive coloreds we hear about.
Interestingly, no other viewers reported this.
If you put all ConOb’s comments together in one place and you’ve got a
Manifestoman festering!OT, but Jebus, I’ve gotten into an annoying fight with an eejit on the comments thread on Orcinus.
Check this out:
Sorry. Back to your regularly scheduled programming. I was afraid I might have a stroke if I didn’t communicate with sane people.
Schlussel: piffle piffle piffle oh no she did NOT “The best thing about the dull “The International” is when a shoot-out destroys most of the interior of the Guggenheim. I love seeing modern (phony) art destroyed. ”
Jesus, just tattoo “I are a moran” on your forehead already.
If you put all ConOb’s comments together in one place and you’ve got
a Manifestoa man festeringmy killfileThe best thing about the dull “The International” is when a shoot-out destroys most of the interior of the Guggenheim. I love seeing modern (phony) art destroyed. ”
I just couldn’t believe she really said that, so I actually had to click on the link and check it out. Needless to say she did indeed. In retrospect, I don’t know why I ever doubted it.
Her commentors are mostly morans as well. Some seem to be angry with her for being a different sort of moran. I gather she insulted La Palin on her own blog. They’re not sure how long she’ll last on Big Ho.
David Mamet used to be the man, until he went all wingnut on us…
D00d lost his sh!te.
Michael Ledeen, who identifies himself as one who is “more concerned with the future of freedom than with the pedantic subtleties,” insists the proper label for the stimulus bill is fascism.
Ugh… after yesterday’s psychotic break from reality and decency, people are already back to feeding The Truth/Conservative Observer/Etc because he’s simply posting as his usual politically ignorant self, under his latest Proxy Server IP address. Blah Blah Blah Observer Blah Blah Observer. Pity he can’t change the front page of SN! though, which is as far as most readers of this site will ever go anyway… but the Stimulus will fail, because *mumble mumble hate*
Also from Schlussel:
– Jim Carrey is a hypocrite for narrating a movie with an environmental theme because Yes Man killed sea lions
– The parents who took their children to Friday the 13th deserve to be butchered
I gotta give her credit for squeezing so much crazy into a brief movie review.
If you’d shut the fuck up about it there’d be ONE LESS POST about a troll.
Curse me for providing irony.
Add Senator Franken, add Senator Kennedy’s replacement, Mister President Obama does a whistle-stop tour of Maine, simultaneously podcast speeches boosting his plans, to provide political coverage for Collins and Snowe. He took Maine in 2008, so you know the locals will listen to him. He won’t even need Specter, but Specter needs him for any shot of reelection in 2010. Gregg says he won’t run again in 2010, but he’s lying, again. So he’s vulnerable too, because Obama took RI by a bunch. Nope, Obama’s got no chance of reaching 60 votes in the Senate during the next two years. The wingtards panic is screaming at us.
I just couldn’t believe she really said that, so I actually had to click on the link and check it out. Needless to say she did indeed. In retrospect, I don’t know why I ever doubted it.
Oh yes, and that wasn’t the worst: as Rusty pointed out, she really does accuse Jim Carrey of killing sea lions because the film makers used energy to make another film he was in. I had previously been unaware of the prevalence of sea-lion-burning power plants out west; Ignorance, thy name is Liberal!
You don’t get it, Indiana McOhio.
After a few miserable failures and an inability to get his legislation passed, Obama’s approval rating will go into Carter territory. Nobody likes a loser.
“Even if Stuart Smalley gets a Senate seat, you still don’t have 60!”
I love this. Blow Reilly thinks he’s being clever by calling Franken by the name of a *satirical character* Franken created. It’s the level of mockery of a dumb third-grader, a literal-minded doofus who would go up to Christopher Lee at a restaurant and taunt, “How’s your dinner, Saruman?” and think he’s being witty.
And now CO thinks he’s being clever by doing what Blow does.
The conservative sense of humor: It never fails to fail.
The Three RINOS have already heard thousands of phone calls from outraged conservatives in their states. If they go along with BHO again they will get primaried, and they don’t want that!
It looked like Michael Ledeen (in the piece J– linked) was going to be reasonable there by pointing out that the U.S. is not, in fact, turning into a socialist nation.
Then, in the twinkling of an eye, he goes full wingnut. Amazing.
The Big Hollywood truly is grand. Scan through the responses to this John Ridley post, in which he asserts the Republicans’ opposition to the stimulus bill has been childish. My favorite so far is not one of the more vitriolic but one that makes me laugh: “I though this website was for the non kooks in hollywood, how did this guys sneak in?”
Two of those RINO’s live in Maine and where the collective support for the GOP as a party is hovering around 15%.
Outside of the Beltway President Obama is very popular.
“Outside of the Beltway President Obama is very popular.”
He’s only been in office a month.
Come August, when the economy is sinking deeper into the abyss and the deficit grows and grows, things will be different. He’s gonna go into Carter territory–fast!
Ledeen’s first commenter brings the early dumb: “It is deemed preferable to interact with large corporations that are set in their ways and disinclined to introduce new disruptive technologies and management techniques. In other words, a Bill Gates is not to their liking.”
All emphasis mine.
I guess that explains the lawsuit, though, eh? The government wanted to hurt tiny little Microsoft and their totally nonobstructionist efforts to continually improve technology.
Collins doesn’t come up for reelection until 2014. If Obama provides political cover in Maine, under the guise of ‘taking his agenda to the people’, then Snowe won’t have to fear a wingtard primary challenge. If Obama gives a major speech in Providence, with a Democratic RI Congressman onstage with him, Gregg, who’s up again in 2010, will get the message that the DSCC will mount a major challenge, which they may do anyway. Gregg and Specter may have to go the ‘statesman route’, and ignore any wingtard challenge. The thing is, if the wingtards mount primary challenges, and if those challenges fail, then that makes Obama much stronger than if they continue to threaten without doing it. Crist can win the Florida Senate seat without breaking a sweat. Will wingtards threaten Crist with a mouth-breathing, single-eyebrow, mama-jammin’ primary challenge?
Gregg is from New Hampshire, not uber-liberal Rhode Island.
After a few miserable failures and an inability to get his legislation passed, Obama’s approval rating will go into Carter territory.
Hey, can I bookmark this?
Crist isn’t running for Senate in Florida.
Adam Putnam will be the nominee!
Bookmark whatever you want, Kiki. By late August/early September Obama will be at his all-time low in approval ratings–I’m gonna say between 35 and 40%.
Mr. Carter started off on a high note of “hope and change” too. By summer of 1977, his Presidency was pretty much doomed.
BHO is just a Carter redux.
I’m confused – is ACORN getting $2 billion from Porkulus, or $5 billion?
The only reason that I can glean that The Lives of Others is the #1 conservative movie of the past 25 years is that William F. Buckley liked it.
So ConJob, what chaps your ass the most? Heath care for American Children or Heathcare for Veterans?
Again what is the most galling to you? Safer roads and bridges or modernized schools?
Finally, why the fuck do demand all of that for Iraq and then squeal like a stuck pig when the same is offered to your fellow citizens?
I demand that Congress repeal the laws of gravity. Wheeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
$25 BILLION, Rusty.
Can that be enough?
So I should try again?
What chaps my ass is middle class people demanding welfare checks (SCHIP) and flushing money down the toilet in the name of “education” when really all that money does is feather the nest of the Educrats and the Teacher’s Unions.
Washington DC Public Schools has one of the highest rates of dollars per pupil in the nation, yet its a failure! Another example of the limits of liberalism.
I’m not sure $25 billion is enough to buy enough multiple/phony/deceased voters to ensure the manifestation of Hussein X’s caliphate. Perhaps we should steal more from HONEST SMALL BUSINESSES!!!1! bwahahahahahahaha
I think the arguments is that The Lives of Others is critical of an authoritarian regime of the left, therefore it must be conservative.
The one I don’t get—and if someone can clarify, please do—is Tin Men, one of the Also Rans according to K.J. Lopez.
Look, I know its the highlight of your day, but no one else is really interested in the shit you pull of you ass….
Educator and Teachers:Leaches on America.
Got that one from Crushed Lymphballs didn’t ya?
Now let me tell you some more about my ass chaps….
So I should try again?
In the name of all that’s holy, YES! Comments have become virtually unreadable because of these assholes.
All hail the energy and inventiveness of capitalism.
So I should try again?
Gavin: If you’re asking us commentarians, I vote yes also.
“Educator and Teachers:Leaches on America.”
Well they haven’t done a very good job of educating people in recent years, have they?
Look at any Democrat-run school system! Like D.C. or Detroit.
hehe, can yah get us a MAC address on that?
Jokes! I kid! I’m a kidder…
But didn’t Tin Men star known friend-of-Clooney Danny Devito? How could the fruit of conservatism blossom on such a poisonous tree?
Recently, no child has been considered WORTH bringing along, ConJob.
Gavin, I say listen to the man!
P.S. I realize the link might be ambiguous (but it’s a great song!!!). I think our troll eats asphalt. It’s time he treated us good.
Give the public schools a little competition from vouchers and have merit pay for teachers and an end to tenure. Then we will see our school systems take off!
All I see coming out of “Vouchers” is Liberty University.
And “Virgin Ben”…
Gonna have to do better ConJob.
CO: Writing in English: U arE duing it Rong!!11!!!
Fool me once, shame on … shame on …
wuh, wuhfoolmuhwon’befoolagin!
After this country gets a load of endless trillion dollar deficits and a failed stimulus package, combined with tax hikes and a worsening economy, this nation will have full-blown Bush Nostalgia
Yeah, that’ll happen.
How far down do those turtles go, again?
All the way, Julia Grey!
Alright, Gregg from consevative New Hampshire (Which totally went for Obama in 2008!) instead of rhode island. I was wrong because i’m distracted by “Bats:Human Harvest”.
Ledeen calling something fascist reminds me of some old saying about a pot and a kettle. Wait, it’ll come to me…….
Tenure for public school teachers isn’t an ironclad defense against being sacked. You can still be let go for poor performance or as a disciplinary action if you’re a tenured teacher.
You can provide for school choice without a voucher system that just sucks the money out of the public school system, like the system of standard schools, magnet schools and charter schools found in New York City and other cities.
“Bush Nostalgia” is what I feel for my sister’s pubic region, ever since she took out that restraining order.
So now I’m working on the rest of my siblings instead.
I notice that conservatives all want to spend less money on education until it’s their wealthy, suburban school system you’re talking about.
“I notice that conservatives all want to spend less money on education until it’s their wealthy, suburban school system you’re talking about.
Not here. Our property taxes are ridiculous, the Educrats need to make due with less.
Yep, the electorate is going to go batty over the deficit. The deficit spending is going to make people not like Obama. Yep, deficit spending. Ol’ deficit spending, good ol’ deficit spending, makin’ people so mad they coiuld chew nails, that deficit spending . Yep, yep, yep. Do the wingtards ever listen to themselves?
How many of the liberals here would send their kid to a D.C. public school? Anyone?
I wonder why it is, that in conservative land, “throwing money” at something is never the answer, unless it’s the military.
Its more likely that statewide funding of school districts will happen than it is that vouchers will replace public schools.
Sorry about the misspelling. Of course I meant “make doo.”
Iggnerrinse ain’t dunn me know harm.
Not here. Our property taxes are ridiculous, the Educrats need to make due with less.
I blame Obama for high property taxes and long-standing local school conditions. Or Jimmy Carter. OR BOTH.
Its more likely that statewide funding of school districts will happen…
That’s actually what needs to happen, and it needed to happen 30 years ago. Among other things, it would have stopped southern states from gerrymandering school districts to de facto preserve separate and unequal wherever possible. Here in Arkansas, that’s what they did – all the rural districts would be split up so all the black kids went to one with no funding, while the white kids all ended up in the other, which was supported by the only local tax base – people who own land.
I really don’t like doing that kind of thing, but point taken.
I notice that conservatives all want to spend less money on education until it’s their wealthy, suburban school system you’re talking about.
My wealthy, suburban neighbors here in Mississippi say that “throwing money” at the public schools is no way to fix them while they simultaneously send their children to private “academies” for $10K/year/child.
Of course, all the money in the world wouldn’t fix what they see as the real problem with the public schools.
Of course, all the money in the world wouldn’t fix what they see as the real problem with the public schools.
What? Don’t they still sell those skin-lightening creams?
I liked the Joe Hill reference at the end. Well done, sir.
…the Educrats need to make due with less.
Rarely is the question asked: is our conservatives learning?
Where do you live in Mississippi Rusty? I flew T-38s at Columbus AFB back in the 1980s.
“I wonder why it is, that in conservative land, “throwing money” at something is never the answer, unless it’s the military.”
One of my favorite Jules Feiffer cartoons from literally 35 years ago or more. All dialogue guaranteed approximate.
Man in suit and little boy.
1. Man is hurling pieces of paper out of frame.
BOY: What are you doing?
MAN: Throwing money at problems.
BOY: What good will that do?
MAN: The problems will eat the money. The problems will grow fat and sleepy and go to sleep.
2. Man is standing with arms petulantly folded.
BOY: Now what are you doing?
MAN: Not throwing money at problems.
BOY: What good will that do?
MAN: The problems will starve to death. The problems will dry up and blow away.
3. Man is throwing pieces of paper again.
BOY: NOW what are you doing?
MAN: Throwing money at the army.
4. Man is running in terror.
MAN: Here come the problems!
but it’s a great song!!!
I’d just like to take this opportunity to thank Eric Clapton for introducing Tosh to the US.
That’s quite the coincidence, MajorKong. Quite the coincidence.
This is a little number we recently tossed off at the (whatever the fuck it is Eric Idle says before the song “Isn’t Awfuly Nice To Have A Penis,” I’ve tried for seventeen years to decode that word and cannot find it on the interwebs)”
“Caribbean,” apparently.
Close-tag fail. I suck.
Actually it was 4 years of my life that I’ll never get back.
Actually it was 4 years of my life that I’ll never get back.
I feel you.
Actually it was 4 years of my life that I’ll never get back.
That’s exactly how I feel about 7th grade.
I’d just like to take this opportunity to thank Eric Clapton for introducing Tosh to the
USwhite people.Fixed that for you.
some old saying about a pot and a kettle
A chicken in every pot, a fish in every kettle.
Joe Hill, yeah, thought so.
Current ninny, w/ his two line recitations of ancient, yet never ending talking points is either someone so dense he has taken the “annoy the libs” thing seriously & is sitting there typing from a list, or some (not-actually funny) jokester. Hardly worth banning either way.
But if “troll” comes from the fishing term, rather than a physical description of the typist, you all aren’t very good examples of Darwin’s fish. It’s got some of you flopping around on its deck. Quit biting!
I went to look for that comment extolling Clapton for sharing the wonder of Bob Marley with US listeners, but it’s gone. Gone, gone, gone. The liberal fascist dystopia feared and predicted by the Confederate Yankee is upon us. At least here at Sadly, No!
Let the Repugnacans keep listening to their delusional base. Every day that goes by that Obama doesn’t release his vault copy birth certificate is like a gay abortion with party balloons. Half a million people lose their jobs in January and Boehner doesn’t want to extend unemployment benefits and McConnell doesn’t want to increase food stamps. Yay! WooHoo! Some months from now, Obama will extend Medicaid coverage to millions more needy americans, and Boehner/McConnell will try, unsuccessfully, to block that too. Yay! WooHoo!
J, I remember it too. It did exist, damnit! They can’t put everything down the memory hole, the fasci
Since Lawnguylander tacked a comment about “Dunkin Dönitz” on to the end of the Godwin-shrugged thread, I feel obliged at this point to mention the concept of Keitel-fried chicken.
Greatest Conserv-O-Tune Evah!!
“Taxman,” by that dead Limey guy.
(I type this only because it just popped up on the robot radio.)
Stand strong, Big Bad Bald Bastard. Your quoting the original is our last glimmer of hope against the Sadly Stasi.
Johnny B. Goode tonight!
As much as…everyone!..would like the recession to already be over, using one month’s retail sales data as a definitive indicator is just stupid. I understand that they (Repugnacans) must constantly overreach in order to keep the fury inflamed, but don’t the Sunday morning talking heads just despair when they are forced to accept this? is there a shorthand term for “sunday morning talking heads”? punditocracy confers too much dignity.
Been awhile since I’ve done one of these. But not that long a while.
Again what is the most galling to you? Safer roads and bridges or modernized schools?
I think the most galling thing to these conservatards is that Congress is going to give tax cuts to them instead of their millionaire bosses.
Is this thing on?
Joe Hill.
Q: Is there a shorthand term for “sunday morning talking heads”?
A: Calvin Trillin calls them “Sabbath gasbags.” Works for me.
Q: Is there a shorthand term for “sunday morning talking heads”?
A:Courtesan Choir?
Help me get Hal Turner booted off Blogger. Not because he’s a right wing gasbag, of course, but because he’s violating Blogger’s TOS agreement virtually every time he posts.
For good measure, I think we ought to report him to the FBI’s counter-terrorism task force, Homeland Security and even Infragard. That piece of shit wants to start trouble on my blog? Fine. He’ll find that I can give better than I get.
Hal Turner? The balloon-bomb mastermind?
Ah, smooooth
History suggests that the worst of the recession may be over, and a rise in retail spending seems to support that possibility.
A rise in retail spending, hey yeah. That nudge in January can be attributed to gift card cashing. Past that blip, retail analysts forecast sales will continue to plummet (helped along by the 10 million foreclosures forecast if the stimulus Confed Yankpoo doesn’t support doesn’t work.)
Btw, I understand Bananapus can be fixed with a healthy dose of antibiotics. Unfortunately, Yankstain will need a headectomy if his life is to be saved from the gangrenous rot that’s set in. The man’s practically on a pus drip!
These are not horrible countries, but they are not the United States.
This is close to word-for-word from some Red Scare book about education that I found in my university library. It was some screed about how Socialism Communism [sic] was being propagated through U.S. public schools. Vintage stuff, printed in ’53 or so.
There was one passage discussing some ideas that were, in the author’s view, less pernicious than outright Redness but still suspicious – I don’t remember exactly what ideas they were, but his claim was “while these may be useful ideas, they are not American ideas.” This was the first real exposure I’d had to the concept that to some people “American” meant something quite different than merely “From America”; it was more the sense used in the phrase “House Un-American Activities Committee”.
One less singer in the band
“Good luck to all of you.”
Rarely is the question asked: is our conservatives learning?
kiki: I’m totally stealing that. There are oh so many uses for it out here in the blogosphere!
I’ll see your “Dousing the Casuistries of the Know-Nothings” and raise you a Fiery Flying Roll.
See also scurrilous depiction of 17th-century Ranters.
You keep using that word “Talent”. I don’t think means what you think it means…
Of course we want to head-hunt those managers so talented that they bankrupted their own banks, and pay them ten times as much as we pay our existing managers! Why wouldn’t we?
The retail sales thing is particularly simple: sales didn’t fall as much as usual because they were so bad in December. So the likes of Ace are getting excited because we have seen a *sustained* slump in retail sales. Break out the champers!
I flew T-38s at Columbus AFB back in the 1980s
And I used to bullseye womprats in my T-16 back home.
I almost missed this bit by CO
Sweet, sweet irony.
“New restrictions on executive pay at U.S. banks receiving federal aid may cause talented managers to flee to hedge funds and foreign-owned banks, say critics of the measure. ”
Proponents of the measure say “good fucking riddance”.
If I was going to make up a story I’d have picked something a bit more glamorous than a T-38 Instructor.
Something like an F-15 pilot and maybe thrown in a couple of air-to-air kills for good measure.
I did one tour as a ’38 Instructor, one tour as a B-52G Aircraft Commander and then flew KC-135s in the Air National Guard.
T38 is a BEAUTIFUL airplane. I’m willing to bet two things.
First, you found a few opportunities to make it do things not found in the owner’s manual.
And second, it was a lot more fun to drive than a BUFF or a tanker….
I flew a PA-38 Tomahawk back in the mid-80s.
Of course, that’s a dorky little two-seat prop plane for teaching civilian flight students, but it has a cool name.
It’s funny, when you think about it.
We used to hate on the airdales in a big way. Fuckers with the clean sheets and good food. Who frequently found a way to kill us instead of the other guys.
But then, when the FACs came out in the field, they were some of the steadiest, bravest, calmest guys and a whole bunch of times were the only thing that stood between us and getting overrun. Sure, more often it was the arty guys, but the airdales could do shit the arty couldn’t, and when you needed to adjust fires, those a good FAC was actually less likely to kill grunts than a stoned army FO.
When it comes down to it, we had a bit of hero worship. And that wasn’t something that sat comfortably, but there it is. Those airdales had it better, and when your company is getting chopped up and the battalion channels are all clogged up with sobbing infantry asking for deliverance, the airdales were calmly asking “where do you want the ordnance”. And when you said 200 meters northwest of the smoke, most of the time they put it there. And incoming fire would slacken, and you could pull in your wounded and reset your perimeter.
You guys were the difference at least six times that I can think of, and are certainly the reason I’m an old man.
Thank you…
The T-38 was a lot of fun. You just had to watch yourself in the landing pattern. Approach speed was 155+ knots. If you got slow those little wings would pretty much stop flying.
The B-52 was a tough mission. We did a lot of night low-level training back then. This was late 80s/early 90s and we were still training to penetrate Soviet air defenses. A normal training mission was anywhere from 8-12 hours long and it would wear you out. And then there was the whole Gulf War, getting shot at thing which I didn’t really enjoy.
Tankers were pretty boring unless you were refueling something big like a C-5, which would actually move us around.
I was usually too busy to be scared when I was in the plane.
It was the day before a mission that I’d get my guts twisted in a knot thinking “Is tomorrow going to be that day?”
It’s like the feeling you get right the cop turns his lights on in your rear view mirror – except you feel that way the whole time.
Oh god I pray every day that we get some of that European Socialism over here.
I know we’ll no longer be free to watch our child suffer from an illness that we cannot afford to have treated, but I’m willing to risk that if we can just get to host the Eurovision Song Competition in 2011.
Lord jesus, that confederate yankee is one dumb shit. I wonder how he manages to dress himself in the morning. Does he have a real name, anyway? I think “Confederate Yankee” is far to grand for such a low sort of person. I’d love to read some bio on him, like how far he went in school and where and if he’s ever done anything as liberal as raised kids or had a wife.
Or maybe he’s just too committed to the “movement” to allow himself the luxury of those basic human experiences. From his picture, he does appear to be someone who may have sequestered himself for the good of, um, something or other.
If you notice the subtext of every single right-wing blog post this week, they really appear to be afraid that the economy’s going to improve and dash their hopes.
Now THAT I can relate to.
You’d be sitting in the Huey, inserting in sections, 12 choppers, 8 guys in each. If you were in the first section, you were gonna have a hundred guys, half of which were FNG and useless, to hold the LZ. If it went sideways, you were going to be zipping a lot of kids into black bags.
But you’d be going in, at 2500 feet, the fresh clean air rushing past your face, feeling SO good and at the same time being SO scared about what you were going into. And then they put the skids on the deck and you jump off and and run out, screaming your head off, trying to be scary. If you’d done it before you had the sense to find the 60s and get close. Hell, babe, I’ll run for ammo later if I can sit under that volume of fire.
Sometimes you could SEE them. That always scared me. Muzzle flashes and incoming rockets and mortars were bad enough, but those fuckin tan unis with the red flashes? Oh sweet jesus, those are the ACTUAL people who want to kill me.
And then you get pissed. Mother fucker wanna kill me? And that’s when you GET that you’re very likely going to die, and you put your rifle on your shoulder and you start making it expensive for them. You start killing people. It’s inside your fear that you can find your way to WANT to kill them. And again, you can SEE them. So you can see your rounds hit, and you keep firing, keep shifting targets, all while the machine gun rattles on your right.
That combination of terror and anger is what war has been, since cain and abel. It’s killing out of fear, and advancing out of rage.
I’m kind of thinking it’s run it’s course…
kiki: I’m totally stealing that. There are oh so many uses for it out here in the blogosphere!
Unfortunately, it’s not a rarely asked question at all. It seems to have been something of a daily query throughout this century so far.
And the answer, of course, is written in yellow and white at the very top of this page…
Yeah, but a B-52 is just such an awesome beast. I can’t help but luvving that plane. The Ho and I are really into aircraft (he flies – single engine rentals) and I’m pretty sure we’ve been to better than 98% of the air museums in the US. And half the ones in Europe. He got to fly in a B-17 (his all time favorite plane), the bastard, but I never got to fly in a B-52. *sigh*
When I lived in San Antionio I would occasionally ride down to Kelly (I think it was Kelly? down on the south side) and watch the C-5’s. I’d just sit there when they flew about 200 feet overhead and wonder how the fuck something so goddamn big could actually fly.
And finally, quite a few years ago some bastard was acquiring up surplus T-38’s from somewhere and selling them to the public for personal use. Now there’s a personal jet!
“Obama’s approval rating will go into Carter territory. Nobody likes a loser.”
Sweet, sweet irony.
Sickeningly, gaggingly, head-examination time sweet.
Yes, Kelly AFB is (or was) on the south end of San Antonio. I was stationed at Randolph for a while, which is on the northeast side.
I remember being told that it cost $1000 an hour to operate a T-38 and that was in 1980s dollars.
MzNicky, that wasn’t me sliding down the slippery slope, that was some name-stealing chump.
Hey, you guys are talking about fighter planes (don’t come down on me if I don’t have the terminology right.) I have basically zero interest in planes, except the ones I have to fly to Europe a couple of times a year, and then I only care that we get there.
But I live only a couple of blocks from a small regional airport that hosts an air show every year. Again, don’t diss me because I basically don’t care about some 50-year old biplane being flown upside down 50 feet off the ground.
What always got me out of the house and onto my bike to head for the airport was when the Blue Angels flew. Awesome. AAAWWWWSSSOMMMMMEEEEE.
But I always had the thought, what if these awful, noisy, threatening, violent planes were swooping down on my house.
yep. An important and reasonable question.
Of course, you might also ask “what if these awful, noisy, threatening, violent planes were all that stood between you and LOSING your neighborhood.
The problem is twofold. One is the execution. The other is the ownership….
In my tongue-tied way, I was trying to impart the fact that I, who has never been subjected to any sort of violence (well, there was my first husband but that was all shouting) was able to put myself in the position of people to whom the sound of an F16 (??) would strike terror in their hearts. And there must be many many people in this situation.
But if they are not after YOU, they are beautiful planes. And the pilots are superb.
I managed to experience some wonderful momentary terror when some time after 9/11 I saw a large passenger jet headed for downtown at low altitude.
Some asshole was filming a movie.
My thoughts exactly.
Wow, t4toby, pretty much sums up my thoughts. Beautiful agents of terrible destruction.
Yeah, libs. Carter. BHO=Carter. Bookmark it! One term President!
Jeez, hasn’t that annoying little jerk gone to bed yet?
Ahh, fuck.
We ALMOST got to have an interesting conversation with people who have intelligent things to say. Thanks MK and Pat and T4.
But no. We’re far too egali fucking tarian to allow something like that to happen.
Shoulda known better…
Guys, one line simple crap like that is easy to ignore. We got the radioactive crap off our hands now. We can deal with this, just like we deal with the fake Gary Ruppert stuff.
Oh, that one’s easily ignorable & dismissible. And giving itself away when it sez: “Bookmark this.”
Hi friends. My narwhal just died. He got run over by an UFO. He never did anything explicitly wrong…
How about we ignore the jerk and carry on? Sorry if I interrupted the flow by acknowledging his presence.
Damn you Simba, you fast-typing …
It needn’t be explicit.
Spinning aid into economic subversion – oh, what won’t those wacky wingnuts say for money &/or e-fame?
They sure shovel out one, uh, original version of a legacy, huh? Yeah, the crafty GOP are sure as heck gunning to make themselves smell SWEET in the history books – commemorating their staunch opposition to a whole big schwack of programs to help poor & desperate fellow Americans while their prospects darkened. You betcha!
There exists a disturbingly large “just-not-giving-a-shit” demographic in America who would beg to differ, & pretending this isn’t true won’t make it go away … much like looking at one of several hopeful-looking twitches on a dead-nasty economics graph & telling everyone to clap as hard as they can for Tinkerbell. Playing feelgood head-games with your society can be hazardous to your health.
Morphing a huge number of diverse individuals into a singular homogenizing label & using one’s non-existant telepathy & omniscience to predict what they will adore or aspire to is just, like, so way gross. Obama may want to look into a “STFU & Stop Worshipping Bullshit” initiative to pay some of these bloviating sots NOT to post stuff like that.
Your graphic reminds me that the jingle chorus “the wet head is dead / the wet head is dead” still dances in my head like an adorable little brainworm. Mmm.
“the wet head is dead / the wet head is dead”
It works best if a pouty model is saying it.
[tuneless whistling]
Realize that he forgot to put “real” before Americans. Unreal Americans don’t count.
Unreal Americans don’t count.
Not according to ACORN!
mikey’s back!!!
I have had a lovely Pinot Noir and I’m going to sleep. But It’s great to see mikey!
I have pictures.
Speaking of planes, before I go to sleep….
I used to live in a city that had an annual appearance by the Blue Angels. Magnificent. Only when they practiced in the days before the show, they swooped over my neighborhood. They came so close you could count the rivets in their bellies, andthe noise was so loud that they set off car alarms.
This was not an issue when I was single and childless, and at work in an office far from the practice area. But when my child was a baby and I was at home with him, I was very worried about them waking him up and frightening him during his afternoon nap.
one day after I put him to sleep, the jets flew overhead, creating their sonic booms and huge noises. I went to his room to comfort him, but before I opened his door, I stopped to listen.
he was standing up in his crib, and talking to himself. and he was saying, “Oh, the big plane! the big plane is flying! Oh, the big plane!”
I listened, because I didnt’ want him to be afraid, but he wasn’t. He was talking to himself, trying to explain what it was he was hearing in the sky.
So when I went into his room, it was just to say, “oh, hey, sweetie, do you want to go outside and see the planes?”
Christ this guy is stupid:
I don’t actually recall which fads of modernity were rejected in that film. The autogyro? Apple-peelers? The Terrorist Fist-Bump? Groundhogs as weathermen?
Groundhogs as weathermen?
I didn’t know Bill Ayers was a groundhog! Maybe that’s why the movie is conservative.
You know, I’ve never actually seen Groundhog Day. Is it worth netflixing?
Hi g, back when I still lived in NYC, and long after 9/11, I was out to meet a friend at a place somewhere around 12th and 7th (i.e. west village-ish).
I got there, they weren’t serving, there was no power. Also, a group of military jets came down 14th Street, real low, going east to west.
And there was a huge amount of smoke coming from the power plant at 14th and the Hudson (at FDR)…because it had sploded.
Took a while to find out there hadn’t been another terror attack, and it was all a big coincidence (the jets were flying down 14th to practice for a Yankee Stadium gig).
I am just pointing out that Unitarian*Universalists reaped a whirlwind that was provoked in part by their own anti-conservative wind. .
Jesus Murphy, Candy, that’s an eye-opening statement. So the UU-ers, amiable get-along-ers to a man/woman/dried fish, have anti-conservative wind?
I was going to write a long thang about Punxutawney, relating the time in college when some friends and I went to Groundhog Day and stood around at in the 15-20 degreee weather at 6 fucking a.m. drinking beer and shivering our balls off, all for some reason which to this day I can not figure out. I grew up about an hour away from Punxy – it’s a bizarre, eerie place. One of the great mystiries of the world is why anyone woul dbuild a road from Punxutawney to Chloe, PA. But there it is.
well, then we finished the second bottle so I’ll just say goodnight.
That post was way too long, and now I’ve had to jump in at comment number 16 billion and three.
Where’s the Sadly, No! that I fell in love with?
I used to live in a city that had an annual appearance by the Blue Angels.
I’ve always preferred the Fabulous Thunderbirds.
Daniel Larison has a reasonable* take (Yes, at the American Conservative.) on “film” as political statement.
*Meaning he didn’t actually call for the lopping off of the heads of the evil cabal that runs Hollywood.
Where’s the Sadly, No! that I fell in love with?
I blame Obama. Look at the time-line.
It’s from a different era, so one hesitates. Has it dated itself? I’m pretty sure I liked it when it came out. How do you like your Bill Murrays?
“I’ve always preferred the Fabulous Thunderbirds.”
with Jimmy Vaughn piloting the Flying V.
How do you like your Bill Murrays?
Preferably with a generous helping of Scarlett Johansen, or maybe some Gwenyth Paltrow.
“How do you like your Bill Murrays?
Preferably with a generous helping of Scarlett Johansen, or maybe some Gwenyth Paltrow.”
I would have to concur. Andie McDowell has got to be the most annoying actress in film.
GD’s still an OK flick, tho…
Also, PJ Soles was smokin’ hot in Stripes.
I just looked her up and she’s frakkin’ 58!!1!!1! Still looks pretty good.
I’m particularly impressed that Ace thinks Obama is the Easter bunny. Such a masterly conflation of chocolate and “jungle bunny”!
Like yer blog, there ‘Megann’ (if that is your real name, anyway).
But comment moderation? I mean, c’mon.
Bookmark this, liberals! You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.
So where does “Glengarry Glen Ross” fit in the canon of conservative cinematography?
Theologians and philosophers across the ideological spectrum have embraced it.
This sounds almost like an admission that GD is not inherently conservative.
This putatively wacky comedy
Putative wackiness.
Ostensible screwballitude.
Purported surrealism.
Certain liberal ideologues would have you believe that this movie possesses the property of unpredictability, and an internal logic that is not entirely in tune with the logic of quotidian life — but fortunately JG is here to explain that it is not wacky at all, but rather, is a perfectly predictable outgrowth or extrapolation of the tenets of conservative thought.
Unitarian*Universalists reaped a whirlwind that was provoked in part…
I was not previously aware that whirlwinds were susceptible to provocation. Remind me never to tease a tornado, or aggrievate an anticyclone. No way of telling how far these meteorological over-reactions might go.
Don’t worry, Smut, only a wind can provoke a whirlwind. And an anti-conservative wind at that. So don’t fart when there’s a whirlwind in the area, and you’ll be safe.
They were harassing me!
K.J. Lopez is pleased.
A ver:
That’ll work.
And what’s this whole deal with labeling things “conservative,” anyway? Sounds like they’re having trouble defining themselves. Or deciding they’re a specialty group of some sort.
Converse are conservative because their stripes curve down, to the solid earth. Nikes are liberal because their stripes curve up, to nothing except maybe genitalia.
Every now and then I like to treat myself to a little Frank Rich. Enjoy:
Actually, it’s about doing the same thing over and over, getting the same lousy results, and how nothing good happens until one is willing to embrace change and liberal concepts.
So I am totally unsurprised that it went waaaaaaaaaaaaay over their heads. (To fit in with the aeronautical theme.)
For the conservative, the moral of the tale is that redemption and meaning are derived not from indulging your “authentic” instincts and drives, but from clinging to the wacky economic “theories” of a really bad novel from the 1950s.
I went to bed this evening with the idea that I’d read a few paragraphs of a new book and drift off to sleep (it’s 2:00 AM Monday morning here in Oz).
Instead, I found myself so shocked and appalled at what I was reading that I am convinced that I am reading the most important book my life.
The book is entitled “The Prosecution Of George Bush For Murder” by Vincent Bugliosi. Some may remember Mr. Bugliosi as the chief prosecutor of the Manson murder trial and author of “Helter Skelter,” his eyewitness account of that trial.
No doubt that Mr. Bugliosi is a typical self-aggrandizing, publicity-seeking attorney, but it is his anger that gives this work a feel unlike any other I’ve read.
Mr. Bugliosi is pissed. Fucking pissed. Pissed enough to compile a 249-page case against Chimpy McKillallthedarkies, with another 95 pages of endnotes.
I’m only 47 pages in and my rage and incredulity at the mendacity of these murdering terrorist fuckwads is absolute and without limit.
This is obviously Mr. Bugliosi’s intent, delivering a powerful and emotional opening statement to set up the facts of the case.
And the facts of the case are these: Bush lied us into a war that is second only to Vietnam in its length, stupidity, savagery and betrayal of the troops, the people and the Constitution.
But even Vietnam wasn’t this stupid, the result of a pissing match between a draft-dodging perennial fuckup and a tinpot dictator on the order of any number of despots in Africa and Asia.
So Chimpy McHetriedtokillmydad ginned up a conflict that has cost the US thousands of lives, tens of thousands of broken physical and mental cripples, trillions of dollars, our international standing and any sense of moral leadership going forward.
Other than that, no big whoop.
The fact that the current “administration” continues to fail to take action against this murderous savage and his sycophantic lackeys merely serves to emphasize its moral bankruptcy in the face of its support for FISA, the USA PATRIOT Act and ratcheting up the war in Afghanistan, a lesser but no less evil war crime and crime against humanity.
America will never be the same. We’ve lost everything our fathers, grandfathers and forefathers fought for to establish a true Republic where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were the common goals of all who came to America to seek a better life for themselves, their families and the world at large.
Let’s not forget that Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon all paid for their criminality in Vietnam in one way or another. Chimpy McDestroythemooslims, on the other hand, retires to an all-white suburb of Dallas to count his millions and write a memoir that will do its level best to whitewash the evil of his deeds.
He needs to write that memoir from a 7×7 cage at the Supermax facility in Colorado. After all, the entire history of all the civilian murderers in the world cannot compare to the slaughter ordered by this dry-drunk, coke-sniffing absolute failure of a human being.
Even the death penalty would not be sufficient. He needs to be administered the full Ludovico Technique every hour of every day for the rest of his life. Even then he could not come within light-years of viewing all of the wretched, violent deaths he so casually caused.
And yet, he’ll skate. Obambi (in this case the moniker is completely justified–a deer fawn would probably be more outraged at these atrocities than Mr. Bipartisan Compromise) has shown that the principles of the unitary executive are here to stay and he has no intention of letting his own “presidency” bear the kind of scrutiny it would take to bring Chimpy McCheneysbitch to justice.
Not revenge. JUSTICE.
Anyway, that’s my rant. The anger of the American people at this diabolical regime is the only path to obtaining that justice for all those whose lives have been ended far too soon because of this wretched creature.
Get mad.
PS–in response to Jim D. Adkisson’s insane philosophy that liberalism is the death of his America, let the record show that Pennsylvania, New York and California had provided Chimpy McNationaldefenestrator with more cold, dead bodies than Texas, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina and Mississippi had as of March 2007.
Let’s do what they do and kill their benighted philosophy once and for all by bringing its perpetrators to justice.
Scientists: Pace of Climate Change Exceeds Estimates
Republicans: It snowed last night!!11!
Eat it, lieberals!!! HAR HAR HAR!
The message of Groundhog Day, boiled way down, is that it’s better to care about other people than to be a self-centered prick. That’s why I can’t fathom how it could possibly be considered a “conservative” film – and by Panty Loaddough, no less.
For the conservative, the moral of the tale is that redemption and meaning are derived not from indulging your “authentic” instincts and drives
They’ll just NEVER get over how they missed out on all the sex and drugs in the ’60s and ’70s. Never.
Conservative movie historian dates origin of “chick flick” to 2006.
WSJ: only conservatives display loyalty, save lives, oppose Nazis
Of course that is a world in which Mamma Mia! and Sex and the City did poorly at the box office.
Now I have to get the Vincent Bugliosi book! Though I know how it will make me feel.
And isn’t it strange that this book is not well-known, discussed and thrashed out on every talk show from here to Hawaii?
I thought the teevee loved controversy!?!?
Conservative movie historian dates origin of “chick flick” to 2006.
I went to that link. Geez. In addition to having no knowledge of cultural history, they don’t even seem to understand what a “chick flick” is.
I saw Bugliosi on C-Span’s Book TV some weeks ago talking about this book. Looks like a good one, although I don’t know if I need any more blood-pressure elevation going on these days.
In addition to having no knowledge of cultural history, they don’t even seem to understand what a “chick flick” is.
Apparently if a woman (viz., Nora Ephron) wrote it, it is automatically a “chick flick.”
If someone told him that a woman (viz., Katheryn Bigelow) directed Point Break, his dogs would be licking his brains off the floor for two days.
So where does “Glengarry Glen Ross” fit in the canon of conservative cinematography?
“You think you’re queer? I’m gonna tell you something – we’re all queer.”
Cue images of slamming cinema doors and remotes hurled through TV screens immediately after this line…
The fact is, moviegoers in the U.S. (and most moviegoers overseas) prefer inspiring, heroic stories that extol free-market principles and limited representative government. Although many, if not most, Americans (including self-described “moderates”) now support some liberal policies, as shown by the last two national elections, they still don’t like to watch movies mocking or demonizing traditional beliefs and mainstream American values, and support faggotry.
Also from the WSJ: the average gross of movies like An American Carol was $71.8 million, as long as Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is considered to be like it.
So, Gare, name a movie that fits your description of “inspiring, heroic stories that extol free-market principles and limited representative government.”
C’mon, I’m dying to know.
If someone told him that a woman (viz., Katheryn Bigelow) directed Point Break, his dogs would be licking his brains off the floor for two days.
I doubt it would take two days to lick up his brains. Maybe if his dogs are miniature poodle puppies.
Gary, the fact is the movie-going public generally rejects movies with overt political agendas in favor of lightweight or relatively lightweight escapist entertainment. Which is the underlying reason that the Big Hollywood site is so unintentionally hilarious.
Also – “faggotry”? Really?
The fact is, An American Carol, Fireproof, and Expelled all exemply USA values to the heartland and were tried to be buried by the liberals.
I doubt it would take two days to lick up his brains. Maybe if his dogs are miniature poodle puppies.
They are. Also, I dropped a tiny piece of chicken on the floor yesterday and the dogs keep going back to that spot and licking, just in case they missed any chicken molecules.
The fact is, An American Carol, Fireproof, and Expelled all exemply USA values to the heartland and were tried to be buried by the liberals.
The fact is, those movies made about five bucks at the box office. Not because they “exemply USA values”, but because they simply weren’t good.
Correction: Fireproof did fairly well at the box office. Which, in Pantloadian fashion, only proves my point.
The other two bombed.
were tried to be buried by the liberals.
But like ZOMBIES they came back from the tried to be burying to FEAST on liberal BRAINS and then to RULE THE WORLD! Except they didn’t come back, they vanished in a little puff of sad smoke that smelled vaguely of abandoned dreams and flop sweat. THE END.
Q: Is there a shorthand term for “sunday morning talking heads”?
“Assholes” works for me.
Just Alison, that whole conversation about the UUs being at fault for the shooting made me so angry I thought I might pass out at one point. Turns our the person in question is a Canadian UU excommunicant who has a real hate-on for that church. I think there are lots of things wrong with her. However, the last time I checked Sara Robinson had brought the ban hammer down on her, as she is wont to do. The commentor, although clearly with major issues, wasn’t really trolling and wasn’t really off-topic, but things are super controlled at Orcinus- every time I think Sadly No should ban some troll, I always think about some other sites that are real quick to give people the boot, and am really glad that Sadly is the way it is. I wouldn’t want to see people getting banned right and left for daring to oppose the host on some point.
I’d just like to say I really appreciate Sadly,No! Best site on the t00bz.
Oh, these threads are too funny with Con OB in the killfile. just blank comment after blank comment, and occasionally a reference in a regular’s post.
It’s like watching the neighborhood crazy yell at you from the other side of the street. Can’t hear him, and you can just go on your merry way….
It’s so addictive, in fact, I am getting an itchy killfile-finger even for Gary Ruppert.
No need to bring the banhammer; just spread the good word about killfile to the regulars.
I’d just like to say I really appreciate Sadly,No! Best site on the t00bz.
Candy: I’ll second that. This is just about the only blog I visit anymore. I also appreciate the Sadly hosts’ warts-and-all approach to commenting with almost zero banning. A starvation diet usually works wonders with most trolls, but that requires everyone’s participation, so. But when things get exceptionally ugly and disruptive, seems like the hosts have no choice but kick the offender out. I used to write for a blog that went totally batshit insane last year and ended up banning not only me and other regulars but anyone who wasn’t a sworn-in-blood PUMA. That’s why I totally support Gavin et al.’s policy of erring on the side of permissiveness. That’s what DFH’s are supposed to do.
I’d just like to say I really appreciate Sadly,No! Best site on the t00bz.
Seconded. Love it, trools and all (although I would also love it without the trools, I agree that the too-happily-applied banhammer is a bad thing).
ha ha ha, too late, Mr. Gilchrist! I already seconded! That means you thirded.
Drat! I suck at parliamentary procedure.
just blank comment after blank comment, and occasionally a reference in a regular’s post.
I would like to take this opportunity to do some Greasemonkey script whoring. I wrote an amendment to the usual killfile that removes the entire comment. You don’t see any blank comments at all, it’s like they were never there. The only downside is that it’s hard to remove people from your killfile should the need arise. Of course if a regular references a killfiled post you will still see that.
Search for “S,N! total commenter death” on the site.
Gavin, this guy’s persona couldn’t pass a Turing Test.
What is the difference between this guy and a spammer?
I’d just like to say I really appreciate Sadly,No! Best site on the t00bz.
It almost doesn’t need to be said, but I’m glad you said it and I agree completely.
What is the difference between this guy and a spammer?
One’s a star-bangled spammer, and the other’s a…
No. I give up.
A spammer actually has something to say?
A spammer actually has something to say?
Sounds about right. Spammers’ motivations do actually make sense.
Candy, I agree heartily: on the scale of “religious folk who ask for a bit of firearms lovin'”, the UU-ers don’t even rate. I mean, they’re just so nice, and sensible, and reasonable, and all. They’re about the only denomination I could ever even think about joining, if I were religulous.
And to seriously put forward the idea that the ‘asked for it’ by being nice and all, that’s brain-explodingly weird. I feel much the same as Roy Zimmerman about Jerry Falwell – “that was out loud, did you know that?”. I couldn’t imagine even saying something like that from a pseudonym, much less my own name. Whew. Some folks have no shame.
Good link, Alison! Zimmerman makes me smile!
Whew. Some folks have no shame
I realized yesterday (again) how deeply and tragically true that is. I followed jurassicpork’s link above to his blog and discovered the awfulness of Hal Turner. I could take ten showers and and I think I’d still smell the Hal stench. Vile.
But few clouds have no silver lining, and although I sadly became aware of the disgusting racist known as Turner, I also visited jurassicpork’s good blog Welcome Back to Pottersville for the first time. So there’s that.
This entire debate is pointless. Obama and Bush are two sides of the same coin. They are playing “good cop” and “bad cop.” They exist to distract you from what’s really going on.
All the bailouts and stimuli – both Obama’s and Bush’s – are stealing from our children’s tax dollars to pay for the mistakes of the mega-rich today.
If you spend your energy defending the “good stimulus package” because Obama is a “good president,” you are completely missing the point.
Especially if you toil, for free, to spin the news so Obama looks good, you are an incredible chump who makes Wall Street very proud.
Blah, blah, blah. Go rickroll a float.
Killfile is amazingness to an amazing degree. Thanks to whoever created it.
Y’know, I read S,N periodically. I don’t claim to *understand* y’all, but I can’t help but swoon over the awesumnus of yer prose stylings. I mean, seriously, the folks here can write!
Rebias indeed.
Oh, and thanks for the parts I do understand.
re-lurker activated ***shwooooop***