Mysterious Mysteries Of Strange Mystery

Unhappy voters jam Capitol Hill phone lines
By Lisa Desjardins

Above: Capitol Hill correspondent for CNN Radio

WASHINGTON (CNN) — The recent debate over the nearly $900 billion economic stimulus plan and revelations of tax problems by three Obama administration appointees have voters angrily jamming phone lines on Capitol Hill to air their frustrations to their elected representatives.

There must have been a point at which the journalistic profession finally lost respect not just for the American news consumer — who has, after all, been falling for its conceits since long before reporting began to style itself as a profession — but for the same limiting abstractions that were so famously abandoned by the Gingrich strain of Republicans in the 1990s. Cause and effect is chief among these. Just as a theory has risen among conservative intellectuals that the recent run of government bailouts is not fixing, but rather caused the economic crisis that later led to, you know, that same run of bailouts, we find journalists reporting occurrences such as “voters angrily jamming phone lines on Capitol Hill,” and we gamely read on to learn who might be coordinating such a classic political pressure campaign, only to find:

Their reactions are putting pressure on Congress and benefiting watchdog groups on both sides of the political aisle.

The calls are benefiting…? On both sides of the…?

We’ll know when sports journalism has joined the Washington reporters’ general melee against reality when we start to see statements like, “A swung bat caused a baseball to be emitted from the hand of pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka, who plays for both teams.”

[…] It’s because of people like Betty Davidson.

“I’m very upset!” exclaimed the 63-year-old from Laguna Hills, California.

She called her senators Tuesday, frustrated with the almost $900 billion-dollar economic recovery proposal.

“What a joke!” she said.

But she is particularly incensed by news that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and former Obama appointees Tom Daschle and Nancy Killefer didn’t pay their taxes properly in the past.

Blah-blah people are blah-blah, and [name], [age], is no exception. Blah-blah [alleged trend] yakkity-yak — just ask [name], [age], of [municipality]. “[Relevant exclamation!]” he or she exclaimed. For are we not all Betty Davidson in someone’s news story?

But wait. Of all the random people who might coincidentally appear in such a story as this, we next encounter the peripatetic anti-tax zealot Grover Norquist, explaining how the scouringly furious and panicful whooping-up of angry calls to Congress by conservative talk radio goblins, by activists, advocacy groups, think tanks, stink tanks, phony nonpartisan foundations, Internet fever swamps, Republican front groups, flying monkey rookeries, once-respected magazines of conservative opinion, recently defunded right-blogs, various freewheeling Republican congressional offices, basic yahoos, rantipoles, clergymen, assorted and non-specific up-whoopers, and Grover Norquist — and then a frenzied catch-up maneuver by liberal activists — was actually kind of the other way around, if you look at it in a certain way:

“Just in the last week … responses to our e-mails out to activists have jumped dramatically,” said Grover Norquist, president of the conservative Americans for Tax Reform. “We’ve had more calls into our offices, more e-mails.”

“Yes,” says Norquist, “Responses have jumped dramatically to the organized campaign to stir up public outrage that conservatives have been conducting.” And okay, fine, if you need a quote for some story you’re trying to pull together, Norquist is ready when you are. But then the theme continues:

That same spike has hit Citizens Against Government Waste, which is also seeing a surge in e-mails, calls and angry posts to its Web site.

Also, that same spike has hit Free Republic, as voters make thousands of angry posts to its message boards. “Bwahaha eat a bowl of Freeper dicks Obamalama MUSLIM HUSSEIN” wrote one voter critical of the stimulus plan. “EVRYBODY CALL NANCY PELOSI AND SAY SUCK IT COMMIE BITCH!!!1” suggested another unhappy voter, adding the phone number of Pelosi’s office and signing the message, “REP. ERIC CANTOR (R VA).”

“Americans are angry at Democrats” explained a liberal-leaning liberal. “Muuuuuh” added bipartisan analyst Zombie Ronald Reagan.


Comments: 78




I hope nobody thought these pasty motherfuckers were just going to unplug the wurlitzer, haul the 45’s down to the flea market and then behave themselves for the next four years.

Whadda you doin’ up so late, Gav. I’m [ahem] presently unsituated and thus unsleepy and with much liberty.


Hi, sluggo.

You’re still my favorite comic strip character.


>blockquote>pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka, who plays for both teams

It figures the BoSox would try something like that.


Or something like this:

pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka, who plays for both teams

Speaking of silly errors, are there supposed to be two Norquist quotes, or three?


Here’s the weird thing. I know Lisa Desjardins, in the way that these things sometimes happen (okay, okay, I’d have to probably spend a good thirty seconds reminding her which guy I am and even then her smile of recognition would probably be a little bit artificial, but I’ve discussed politics in a group setting with her before) and so this shitty of an output surprises me. She’s smart, fairly liberal, and is normally on top of things.

But then I realize, “Oh, right. Every Washington correspondent knows someone, and talks politics with them, and comports themselves well on various topics proving they know which end of the world is up…and then every Washington correspondent eventually writes something like this.” So, blech.


Norquist, huh?

I think that calls for #2.


I’m…not sure…that most Obama hopers realize that the Republican party is exacly where it wants to be right now. Suddenly opposing policies that it trumpeted a month ago, blaming “Democrats” for the economic meltdown. It is to laugh, how Obama and the Dems walked straight into the trap. I sincerely hope that the two party system breaks down now. What will actually happen is that the midterms will bring back the Puggy Nutz majority. Thanks, Wall St.


It is to laugh, how Obama and the Dems walked straight into the trap.

The House Republicans just proved that (a) every last one of them can vote against a bill, (b) which will then pass easily. I hope the Dustbin O’History has comfy chairs for all of them.


An Invader Zim reference? Nerd! NEEEEEERD! Pants him!


Can I just express my admiration for an Invader Zim-referencing post title?

Thank you.

I really admire your Invader Zim-referencing post title.

It got me right in the squeedly spooge.


It is to laugh, how Obama and the Dems walked straight into the trap.

Let me get this straight. The Republicans vote on a series of stimulus plans. They lose the election so badly that all of them put together can’t stop the Dems any more. Then they feebly attempt to blame Obama for the economy. And you’re proposing that they planned all this?

You’re ascribing way too much competence to the GOP. That party is FUBAR at the moment. I think that if a light bulb blows out at the RNC in the next two years, they’ll have to outsource its replacement.

I know that there are some Democrats out there who are more comfortable with losing than winning. Still, Occam’s Razor – use it.


I just found out there was a poll last October, and Rush Limbaugh came in at 21% approval.

Sounds about right for a Republican leader.


Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Incurious George writes his memoirs. No doubt, he’ll blame Obama and the Constitution for being unemployed.


D Johnston –

It’s not that they planned to lose. This is, in fact, their strategy when they are not the majority party. It doesn’t matter if it’s the Big Fucking Pile of Cash To Rich People Bailout or the Communist Memorial Garden, if it’s a Democrat proposal, they whine incessantly about it how it’s unfair, and try to stir up the base to call the government and complain about it. When they’re not the majority, it’s about obstructionist politics.


Oh, and incompetence works well with obstructionist politics, I would say damn near a feature of it, as well as ignorance.


At the Dems retreat in Williamsburg yesterday, Obama finally got off the dime and went on the attack, blasting the Pugs for criticizing the stimulus package as just a spending program by saying: “Of course it’s a spending program. That’s what a stimulus IS.” And when the media responds by “reporting”: “Tax and spend Democrats show their true colors”, as you KNOW they will, the Dems in congress need to get past their historic spinelessness and the Blue Dogs treachery, and get Obama’s back.


And this morning, in his “repot” on the stimulus package for CBS radio, Charles Osgood opens with some female voice (completely unidentified) stating that “polls” (none specified or identified) show 55% of all people support tax cuts for business as the only proper economic stimulus.

Osgood went on from there to let us know that the stalemate is all the Democrats fault because they won’t completely capitulate to the Republicans.

Making America dumber by the minute.


I sure do hope more of our economic policies keep being determined by our nation’s 28-%ers who think George W. Bush Jr. is/was doing a great job and KeptUsSafe.


The overt ZIM reference means you have earned the undying respect and allegiance of this writer, and my sword will be ever at your command, to fall on and whatnot.

One of the most interesting things about the right is the lack of ingenuity demonstrated by the entire (lack of) movement. This is the same tired fright tactic they drag out time and time and time again, to whip their constituents into some sort of lusty fear-frenzy, citing the action taken by the Dems to be the first audacious steps toward communism, the breakdown of civilized society, and the eventual stealing of bibles and guns.
Of course, with an administration having to take such drastic measures as the current one just to clean up the mess left by the previous one, and the repeated staccato slapping of metaphorical white gloves against tender republican faces, ‘jammed’ phone lines seems a tiny drop in a fairly epic sized bucket. In this case, it is not the size of the hallway that is shameful, but the size of the wiener thrown.
I do believe that the ‘swings bat, makes pitcher release ball’ analogy to be the most accurate analogy of every argument made by the ditto-driver and his dittohead flock since nineteen-eighty four. Kudos.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we need some bright scientist to find a way to take DNA from Lyndon Johnson and Sam Rayburn and use it to give Nancy and Reid a spine and some huge balls. I want them dry-humping the repukes and to not even think about giving a reach around. (even Pence, who’d probably enjoy a dry ass hump)

The Thinking Man's Mel Torme

I’m really amazed at how the Kool Kidz are doubling down on the stupid. I nearly ran into a tree this morning when driving and some NPR knucklehead was getting tetchy with David Obey on how there weren’t earmarks in the stimulus bill. That meant no Congressional controls on how state and local officials would blowspend the money. Obey’s reaction was “so what,” and that in a bill this size some stupid and/or fradulent spending was unavoidable. NPR bobble-girl just couldn’t get off the point that there were no earmarks.

Umm, when McStain was still in it, weren’t they all gaga overe his earmark jihad?

Orwell would shake his head sadly.


An Invader Zim reference? Nerd! NEEEEEERD! Pants him!

Yeah, but you RECOGNIZED the quote*! WEDGEE!!!!!!

* WTF is “Invader Zim”???


Mysterious Mysteries of Strange Mysteries?

that show is stupid, you’re stupid. only retarded robots watch that.


Retarded robots and Big-headed kids, that is


The winning formula for the Democrats is to smack both the Republicans and the Washington media around.It would be a win-win tactic with the American people.They need to learn the hard way that the nineties are over and things will be different now.
After getting their clocks cleaned these past two election cycles you would think the Republicans learned a lesson,but of course they will never change.So if they want another smack upside their head we must not shirk from our obligation to deliver it.They will lose,and Obama seems to be waking up to this fact.


Riddle me this: Why is Barry O putting the Office of Faith-based Graft under the auspices of the National Security Council? That will be the next item on the conservitards bitch-list.


Obey’s reaction was “so what,”

That was his literal reaction, said with rather a impatient inflection, and it was 10 tons of awesome. I especially loved when NPR bobble head said “Won’t you be responsible if the money is spent poorly?” So Congress is responsible if the money is earmarked and spent irresponsibly or not earmarked and spent irresponsibly. Sucks to be congress!

Democrats? More Obey and righteously angry Obama please (you could use some Dean anger too, quite frankly.) kthxbai


Thank you Gavin for doing the job actual “pundits” and “commentators” and “op-ed writers” should be doing — that is, some actual investigation and analysis of what’s going on. Why aren’t you writing for the Washington Post or the NYT?

Oh yeah wait, for a minute there I forgot and thought it was still 1974, when (some) Democrats had balls and (some) media didn’t suck corporate dick. Good times, sorta.


Didn’t we see this in teh campaign? The LIEbrul media and the GOPers pile on with the stupid for a week or so, and we all wail with despair and proclaim that we made a horrible mistake, and can we please get Hillary back please!!!

Barack keeps cool throughout and then finally swings back against the stupid right as the stupid is reaching its zenith, i.e. when the stupids have punched themselves out. It’s rope-a-dope. That’s how Barack rolls. He might take some punches for a week which these days DOES seem like an eternity. But last night he began the process of burying his opponents. Do we think he didn’t know what the jobs report was gonna say today? Really? Dude can go on television any time he wants – for free – and tear McConnel and Boner’s hearts out.

Bowl of Freeper Dicks

I’m delicious with 2% milk and banana slices.

Bowl of Freeper Dicks

I’m delicious with some 2% milk and banana slices.


She’s smart, fairly liberal, and is normally on top of things

Gavin, Auguste’s post here got me thinking a little.

I’m not sure this is Lisa’s dumbitude, so much as its her kowtowing to the real trope here: make a news story up and make it seem impartial.

Rather than take the true dynamic of what’s going on– conservatives OUTRAGED that the lies of the last eight years have been exposed, while liberals are flummoxed that Obama hasn’t been as progressive as they might have liked– she feels the need to sum up the country’s mood in one story with one POV.


Probably because her editor is a fucking idiot who can’t hold two thoughts in the same box, much less in the same brain.


Mysterious Mysteries Of Strange Mystery

Your head smells like a puppy!

The Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot Explains The Stimulus

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Nobody likes pork! Joe the Plumber! Megan McArdle! Chris Dodd! Hope and Change! Read the whole thing.


In other news, a recently deceased person caused bullets to be forcibly ejected from the muzzle of a police officer’s gun and into their nearly-dead body, thus benefiting those who are both for and against lethal enforcement of public safety laws.


it’s tough, no-nonsense reporting like this that kept us out of the war in iraq.


Funny how Grover had no real problem with pouring billions down the rat hole in Iraq. I never seem to hear anything about pissing all that money away on the news.

Pay Raytheon billions for missles that don’t work? Hey, no problem!

Pay some money to build bridges? Oh, hell no! Don’t waste mah tax money!

I think conservatives want the country to fail so they can pay third world wages here and lose the transportation cost.


Rufus, I once had a girlfriend who accused me of walking into her fist, nose first.


This is GOP SOP, and by now, anyone who doesn’t have a ‘property of Rush’ tattoo on their hind end is keenly aware of it. Here it is in easy-to-swallow capsule form:

1)Whip the public into a frenzy about how evil the dirty hippy Democrats are, and how bad they are destroying the country, the flag, your Mom, and apple pie.
2)Get into office, and proceed to loot the treasury, appoint your criminal buddies into positions of power, and setup lucrative contracts for friends and associates. If the public get wise, see step one.
3)Continue with step two until the very last possible moment, and when the the nut-cutting is about to go down, bail.
4)Let the Dems sort out the mess while trumpeting what a terrible job it is they are doing. Blame them for everything from the ruined economy to the disturbing rise in grandma and puppy related deaths.


Zim is an acquired taste. To the disappointment of my son, I stuck with it long enough to acquire it.

As for the economic news, hey, this is America’s chance to slim down and solve the obesity problem. Look how slim the North Koreans are on the grass-and-bark diet!


‘property of Rush’ tattoo


*crossing self*

The Mark Of The Beast!


But that’s the deal in infotainment news these days. Whoever shrieks the loudest leads the news.

David Obey should have pulled the bitch’s tongue out by the roots. Then his earmark comments would have carried the day on CNN and MSNBC.

Rusty Shackleford

I once had a girlfriend who accused me of walking into her fist, nose first.

You need to take manhood lessons from Steve Crowder. Wear tight pants when you go see him.


Funny how Grover had no real problem with pouring billions down the rat hole in Iraq. I never seem to hear anything about pissing all that money away on the news.

Isn’t that the truth? I mean, holy crap, PALLETS of money disappeared in Iraq and NOW they care about money? Jesu H.



I gotta stop coming to Sadly No! until that rotten meat ad goes away.

Can you start a mailing list to let us loyal readers know when it’s safe to come back?

I removed my bookmark so I won’t forget and accidentally come here.


Something like 318 billion a month in Iraq for the War on Terror, 18 billion a year on a farce of a War on Drugs.

Obama should just declare the ‘War on Wingnuts’ and everyone will think it’s oakie-doakie.



Apparently it is 1974. Just not in a good way.

WASHINGTON – Recession-battered employers eliminated 598,000 jobs in January, the most since the end of 1974, and catapulted the unemployment rate to 7.6 percent. The grim figures were further proof that the nation’s job climate is deteriorating at an alarming clip with no end in sight.


I mean, holy crap, PALLETS of money disappeared in Iraq and NOW they care about money?

They’re not getting their share of kickbacks from this batch, poor things.


$800 billion for 23,000,000 Iraqis, money that we will never ever see again = No problem

$1,000 billion for 300,000,000 Americans to build lives, bridges and businesses = OMFG! WE’LL GO BANKRUPT!

…is how I’ve been terming it. Feel free to use it.


Obama is unprepared for the job and it is showing more and more everyday.

We Hillary voters told you he wasn’t ready! But you didn’t listen.

Sad for our party. He will probably be gone in a year, a passing fad.


They’re not getting their share of kickbacks from this batch, poor things.

Maybe we could hire Blackwater to slaughter most of Wall St.


We Hillary voters told you he wasn’t ready!

Speak for yourself, CD. I was a Hillary supporter when you were still on the fence about her Senate run in 2000, and I think Obama’s doing a fine job.


Can’t you see the Republicans are dominating the narrative Actor212? Bad sign.

Plus this stimulus bill isn’t nearly big enough.


I only see Republicans trying to dominate the discourse, CD, and I see a President Obama about to throw haymakers.


I feel great affection for “rantipole” – mmm, yet another eloquent way to tell someone they’re a dickhead without ruffling their pinfeathers.

Barack keeps cool throughout and then finally swings back against the stupid right as the stupid is reaching its zenith, i.e. when the stupids have punched themselves out. It’s rope-a-dope. That’s how Barack rolls.

Jackpot! The crazy part is, the GOP is just too dedicated to their ideological circle-jerk/taffy-pull not to keep right on biting down on that same hook every damn time … the folly of Wet-Start McCain taught them nothing – in fact, that folly was the one thing about him that they admired. You can draw their learning-curve in one second flat with a ruler. Stupid, & proud of it, right to the pathetic end.

Aren’t all these putative phone-calls of fury at least 3 or 4 months late by now? Did these folks only just run out of paint-chips to huff or what? Yeah yeah, they’re all suddenly hyper-choked about a couple of politicians playing loosey-goosey with their taxes (that’s really some fuckin’ SUPERB timing on the emo-gasm there, America) – yes, surely this is a first in modern history, & a total 9/11-scale emotional shock after the marathon of nobility & ethical perfection they just went through for nearly a decade – but for Ah Pook’s sweet sake, that tax mazuma doesn’t even amount to a zit on a whale’s dick compared to the mighty TARP, so WTF? Other than the pundits’ instinctive need to smoke corporate pole, what am I missing here?

Talk about pissing into an ocean of piss … I sure hope those calls were all toll-free.


Sad for our party. He will probably be gone in a year, a passing fad.

Yes CD, because the Constitution will decide that Obama is doing a bad job, it will personally request Hillary to step in as Queen Princess of the United States of Hillaryland. Now go sit in the corner and draw pictures of Hillary’s inauguration from the saddle of a unicorn.

Given the last 24 hours, it seems to me that the ass-kicking Obama has taken over for the give-bipartisanship-a-chance Obama.


No, LoneOak, if he doesn’t turn things around the country will be in horrible shape and will be forced to resign and Biden will step in. Or he will be impeached.


Hillary would have never had the Republicans over for tea and cookies to begin with.


Thank you Gavin for doing the job actual “pundits” and “commentators” and “op-ed writers” should be doing — that is, some actual investigation and analysis of what’s going on. Why aren’t you writing for the Washington Post or the NYT?

He could sign off his reports with, “Come to Sadlyno, and leave the snark to us.”


I’m coming back around to the Crid Theory (All One Guy) concerning these unfamiliar names which are nonetheless mysteriously familiar with things around here.

Ralph Nader says he has some ideas as to who it might be.


That stupid bitch doesn’t even spell her name correctly. Des Jardins is two words. I know because that might be my name too. But apparently someone got her knocked and had to marry her into the family.


justme: Yah, I was thinking 1974 more in terms of Congressional hearings and Woodward/Bernstein-type journalism. The kind of stuff that catapults shitbag politicians out on their corrupt heinies.


“Hillary would have never had the Republicans over for tea and cookies to begin with.”

No, she would be kneeling down with them to pray together.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico


You fuckers really have to work out what the fuck you think ‘impeachment’ means before you start acting like Obama’s going to get sentenced to it.



He’ll be impeached because he didn’t perform an impossible miracle in the first two and a half weeks in office.

Shame on him!


“revelations of tax problems by three Obama administration appointees”

Silly Repugs of all people should recognize that these three did not not pay their taxes. They simply took a ‘voluntary tax cut’ to help stimulate the economy. If they hadn’t been Obama appointees they would have been Heroes of Wingnuttia.


“Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico said,

February 6, 2009 at 19:25


Not paying his taxes maybe? Lol.


Not paying his taxes maybe?

Your agitprop is duly noted.


As for the economic news, hey, this is America’s chance to slim down and solve the obesity problem.

Ain’t no one gettin’ fat in a recession.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Thank you Wonderella. I haven’t laughed that hard since Blartapalooza.


CD is RS75 with a different nym and a clever new angle the same boring shit.


Seconding the love for ‘rantipole’.


What up w/ the Norquist links? Two or three? (‘Cause if it’s three, you only have two!)


Ach, there ought to be three. Let me go fix it.


Ho ho, now it has six links.


MzNicky said,

February 6, 2009 at 19:22

justme: Yah, I was thinking 1974 more in terms of Congressional hearings and Woodward/Bernstein-type journalism. The kind of stuff that catapults shitbag politicians out on their corrupt heinies.

Ah, the good ol’ days. Shamelessly over, what with the whole SEC still whinging loud about “Executive Privilege” when they get dragged to account in front of Congress. What motherfucking executive, assknuckles? The new one is who is asking. Oy.

I swear to God it’s a good thing that I’m not in Congress, because I would seriously get the fuck up out of my chair and lay an old-fashioned beat down on any motherfucker who, at this point, uttered the term “Executive Privilege” without so much irony that it would wipe out anemia worldwide just by being close in the spelling.

Loneoak said,

February 6, 2009 at 19:05

They’re not getting their share of kickbacks from this batch, poor things.

Maybe we could hire Blackwater to slaughter most of Wall St.

I can probably scrape up $50 if someone’s putting this together.


Isn’t that the kooky red-head from Just Shoot Me?


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