Ah, Mr. Yglesias, We Meet Again, But This Time The Advantage Is Ours


Forbes proclaims me one of the 25 most influential liberals in the media. I bet that‘ll make the Obama people regret not having invited me to last night’s awesome Arcade Fire slash Jay-Z party. Also, yes, many of the people on that list aren’t actually liberals. And I’m afraid the rest of us may not actually have much influence. At a minimum, I don’t have much juice in the party invitations department.

Locked out of the Arcade Fire party!!! It’s almost reminiscent of the way in which certain multiple-award-winning liberal bloggers were more successful infiltrating CPAC than attempting to cover the Democratic Convention.

Above: This was really the final straw

We’re totally refusing to blogroll the new White House blog, Matt, and we encourage you to do the same.

Harsh, yes, but they must learn.


Comments: 62


I’ve got 99 problems bv but being Yglacias aint one.


Additionally, since when is Forbes an authority on who or what is “liberal” anyway?


We’re totally refusing to blogroll the new White House blog, Matt, and we encourage you to do the same.

It doesn’t allow comments, so it’s not a real blog.


Forbes dot com is full of fail. I could barely get it to work at all.


Hiatt!? Fred Hiatt is a liberal? Forbes needs to share his stash.


Speaking of Mr. Leonard Pierce, where the hell is he?


I’d really like to know what criteria Forbes is using to decide who is “liberal.” Christopher Hitchens? Chris Matthews? Thomas Friedman?


Speaking of Mr. Leonard Pierce, where the hell is he?

Besides being too good for this dump, he was having trouble with the WordPress interface, although I’m sort of out of the loop on how that did or didn’t work out.


Sometimes I’m so high I don’t understand a fucking thing you say.


I’m not going to bother clicking through to Forbes, but here’s my 5 most influential liberals in the media list:

1) David Broder
2) Maureen Dowd
3) Jeff Ganon (he’s a fag, right?)
4) Tom Friedman’s mustache
5) Lindsay Lohan


neal, you need maor. When we start making sense you need to call the paramedics.


Okay, fine, I clicked through. I counted 7 actual political liberals, a few people who play liberal media personalities on the teevee, a bevy of centrist morons, and at least one self-proclaimed conservative. (I mean, WTF, didn’t Sullivan write a book titled “The Conservative Soul”? Were there no, uhh, liberals who write books about liberalism, who could take that spot?)


I assume you mean “MOAR” and not maor. Trust me, I am aware of all internet traditions!


Hiatt!? Fred Hiatt is a liberal? Forbes needs to share his stash.

Ah, come on. Hiatt’s almost as far left as Norm Coleman.


Once the site got working, it was great. Didn’t even have to click to see the next turkey. The lazy surfer’s dream.

It is a shame that, like all lists & awards, it is w/o meaning. Although the stupidity was amusing as always, And there’s an Overton effect in describing those listed as “liberal.”

Chris Matthews? As post-partisan as you can get. Interested only in himself & the game or sport of politics. Would have gotten a thrill up his “leg” if he could’ve seen Hitler in person. Or Stalin.


wasn’t it Forbes that blew goats predicting the fortunes of real estate?


Forbes offers a half-assed reason for each of these. Self-proclaimed conservative Andrew Sullivan gets a spot because he’s gay (apparently none of them on the right) and he supported Obama. MoDo and Friedman are both regulars on the NYT Op-Ed page, which makes them de facto liberals. Hitchens is there because he’s an atheist (again, apparently none of them on the right) and I guess because he opposes torture, which speaks volumes about today’s Republican party. And Fred Hiatt…OK, they don’t even bother trying to justify that one. They themselves describe him as a moderate who is “Pilloried on the left” and he supports the Iraq war.


Can Matt Y. hold down a gig?

Seriously, I didn’t know he’d left wherever he was & moved on to ThinkProgress. You must be a real shitheel if you can’t even hold down a telecommuting gig.


Neal, obviously you are confused. I didn’t write that, in fact, I didn’t write this. You’re clearly not high enough.


I think if you took Forbes’ investment advice, you’d right now be at the level of the sign holder on the freeway offramp. Of course, if you invested in what any monthly investment rag told you to (what with all the buyers of ad space to keep happy), you deserve that fate. Remember investor: You Bought Thain’s Toilet. I’m sure he’d be grateful to take a dump in your honor.


Self-proclaimed conservative Andrew Sullivan gets a spot because he’s gay

Reminds me, the Rachel Maddow (& I’ll grant she is rather liberal & influences me) entry:

The presenter of her own MSNBC show, Maddow, a lesbian, has outpaced Keith Olbermann and other colleagues to attract a cultish following hooked on her blunt outsider’s perspective.

I can see mentioning that Sully is gay, especially if, as claimed, “his tendency to view virtually everything through a ‘gay’ prism puts him at odds with many on the right” (That’s why he’s a liberal, see?) but Maddow, while out, doesn’t seem to me to make any big deal out of her orientation, certainly no more than any other liberal w/ a platform. Maybe they wanted to be sure that “cultish,” “liberal” & “lesbian” got lumped together.


Seriously, if you write “slash” instead of “/”, fuck off and die in a flaming pile of shit. Unless you’re being ironical. In which case, Alanis Morisette would like her 8-track back.

And stop writing on the internets, regardless.


I think in this case “liberal” is defined as “more liberal than Forbes”. Thus, zombie Francisco Franco also counts as a liberal.


It’s a new age, people! Liberalism is breaking out everywhere! Fisting is now discussed in polite company!

Truly, the the wingnuts were right.


Fisting is now discussed in polite company!

Maybe that’s what the Whitey Tape is all about. Faux News’ faux relationship expert may have seen the tape and actually has specific evidence of the Obamas engaged in fisting. Quick, get a confirmation from Korir!


Kevin Drum?
Did Megan put together this list?


And no Digby?
Naomi Klein?
Jane Hamsher?

And seriously, fuck Ezra and his career. Something about him irks me even more than Yglesias.


When he said thing-thing slash thing-thing, I thought he meant slash as in yaoi. Wow, that’d be cool – slash fiction with Da Prez!

You folks have disenchanted me.


Fuck you WordPress. Just fuck you, and the horse you rode in on.

I’ll try that link again: yaoi.


I read something somewhere w/in these last two days of our long national excitement about a person wanting to go home & fantasize a menage-à-trois w/ the first Couple.

And then I mercifully forgot the whole thing. Until you, Just Alison, had to remind me.


a person wanting to go home & fantasize a menage-à-trois w/ the first Couple.
Anyone who is not fantasising about a menage-à-trois with Tycho Brahe and his beer-drinking pet moose is hopelessly vanilla.


The line must be drawn somewhere, preferably around the moose’s body.


From the sounds of it, that list seems like it just needs a different title.

I’ll be polite and not add one. I do note that Steve Clemons got to go to Maureen’s party. Maybe Matty Y can get on that gravy train.


preferably around the moose’s body.
That would be a menage-abbatoir.

Dragon-King Wangchuck, Godless Heathen

MoDo and Friedman are both regulars on the NYT Op-Ed page, which makes them de facto liberals.
Didn’t Bill Kristol have a regular NYT spot for a while?
Also Former President George W. Bush did some stuff for Africa and was pushing a pro-Mexican-Welfare-Queens immigration policy.

I suppose Forbes left those two off, because they now have as much influence as a bowl of wet noodles. Yayyys!

I look forward to the list where they cover Most Influential Liberals In History. That way we’ll get profiles of left-wing giants such as Hitler and Attilla the Hun.

Dragon-King Wangchuck, Godless Heathen

Although, in defense of Forbes, at least they didn’t go the way the usual wingnut would.
Top Ten Most Influential Liberals
1. Osama bin Laden
2. George Soros
3. Cindy Sheehan
4. George Soros
5. Ward Churchill
6. George Soros
7. That shoe-throwing guy
8. George Soros
9. Kim Jong Il
10. George Soros


Apparently, it is all about the party invitations.

Real liberals are wild & crazeeeeee, wanting more people to have more spending money.

However, that does lead to something the corporatists should recognize, something sadly lacking in today’s economy… what are they called again?

Oh, yeah.



Dipnote, the State Department’s blog, has comments, but it ain’t new. It started under Sec. Rice.


Just read that Forbes article-cum-collection-of-profiles. Jeepers. What a piece of shit.

It’s like eating too much junk food, except it makes your brain feel slow and nauseous instead of your stomach.





I’m not going to bother clicking through to Forbes, but here’s my 5 most influential liberals in the media list:

1) David Broder
2) Maureen Dowd
3) Jeff Ganon (he’s a fag, right?)
4) Tom Friedman’s mustache
5) Lindsay Lohan

Sadly, that’s pretty close to the Forbes list.

Just substitute Fred Hiatt for Broder, Andrew Sullivan for Jeff Gannon, and Oprah for Lohan.

But Maureen Meow’d and Friedman’s mustache are direct hits.



Didn’t Bill Kristol have a regular NYT spot for a while?

Oh yeah. I used to read the Times on a regular basis and I remember taking note of the large number of conservatives on the supposedly leftist Opinion page. It’s pretty much Krugman vs. the GOP.

The only way to make it come out even is to claim that MoDo is liberal, which requires ignoring everything she’s written since the Clinton years. I always found it funny that Coulter used MoDo as a punching bag so often when they seem to share a lot of common beliefs – namely that all Democratic politicians are gay.


I am just surprised that K-Lo and Bill O’Reilly didn’t make the list. WTF??? Tweety and Rachel make the list but not KO?? Thomas “Suck On This” Friedman is a liberal? Andrew “Im a REAL Conservative” Sullivan is a liberal? And where is John Amato of Crooks and Liars? Can anybody take Forbes seriously after that article?


Well, it’s Forbes.

I was stuck in the doctor’s office for quite a while back in November (Hey, I’m standing in line already! Are you really going to scare me with socialized medicine, wingnuts? When I’ll sit there all day if I know I can afford to see a doctor?) and wound up flipping through a Forbes that was only a few months old.

The economy is fine! Look at how these millionaires are doing! Would you like a $75k car? President Bush cares about us!

So Forbes, even allowing for the long magazine lead times, are giant anuses.


It doesn’t allow comments It hasn’t been updated in two days, so it’s not a real blog.



Also Former President George H. W. Bush did some stuff for Africa and was pushing a pro-Mexican-Welfare-Queens immigration policy.

I suppose Forbes left those two off, because they now have as much influence as a bowl of wet noodles.

Fixed, but I crave noodles. Does that make me a bad person?


did they list the secsual orientation of all those people, or did they just pick a few at random?


Anyone who is not fantasising about a menage-à-trois with Tycho Brahe and his beer-drinking pet moose is hopelessly vanilla.

Some of us just aren’t into impromptu golden showers.


Forbes proclaims me one of the 25 most influential liberals in the media.

Who’d ya blow to get on the list, Matty? I’ve read your shit.


Although, in defense of Forbes, at least they didn’t go the way the usual wingnut would.
Top Ten Most Influential Liberals
1. Osama bin Laden
2. George Soros
3. Cindy Sheehan
4. George Soros
5. Ward Churchill
6. George Soros
7. That shoe-throwing guy
8. George Soros
9. Kim Jong Il
10. George Soros

I’m surprised George Soros isn’t on this list.




Forbes is a ridiculous magazine, and Steve Forbes is a ridiculous man.

It's The Goddamn Batman's Party And He'll Scowl If He Wants To

I clicked on the Forbes link and was composing something suitably snarky about Matt’s appearance in my head, but then the slide show went to Dowd, then to Hitchens, and I had to avert my eyes; even a badly-damaged adult child with a pernicious flying rodent fetish can take only so many for the team.


After reviewing the list, it’s obvious Kudlow is No. 26 with Lou Dobbs right behind him.
It’s what you would expect from a Forbes list


Can anybody take Forbes seriously after that article?

Did anybody take Forbes seriously before that article?


I went on that website once already, so yeah, I’ll pass, on account of how I’m kind of low on Gravol right now.

That list of “Liberals” pretty much sounds like par for the curse with the malformed homunculus of text that bears Forbes’ name. Any time the topic of Forbes magazine comes up, I like to recall the warm soft glow I felt some years back at seeing their “The Great Global Warming Hoax” cover.

I presume the “Jews Did 9/11” & “Batboy Runs for US Senate” covers are on hold until a propitious moment arises for their unveiling to a grateful world.

Turbine Yukon Palin

Shorter Forbes: Here are some liberals, because we say so.

Emperor U.S.A. (the naked truth)

Ezra, Yggie the Stooge and Kevin Drum? Could someone please go give HTML some of that recreational Vicodin he likes before he sees this list? Confiscate all sharp objects in his house while you’re at it.


Who are the top ten most influential conservatives?

1. Jonah Goldberg…


Seriously, if you write “slash” instead of “/”, fuck off and die in a flaming pile of shit.

I for one would like to read more Tycho Brahe-Spock pon farr “/”. Moose optional but appreciated.


I am not able to offer any moose-related narratives at the moment. All my literary activities are centred on the continuing adventures of Coleridge and Porlock, the world’s most incompetent private detectives.


Who are the top ten most influential conservatives?

1. Jonah Goldberg…

If by “influential” you mean “blitheringly idiotic”


re mat yglesias, so a self-proclaimed liberal foreign policy expert who was wrong on the most important foreign policy issue of his day (iraq) is one of the most influential liberals in the media?

that sounds about right… lol

the u.s. is fucked


If there’s an animal involved, it’s a menagerie-a-trois.

You’re welcome.


(comments are closed)