We know not of what you speak

Moonbats Pounding on the Door

When I opened registration this afternoon, a veritable herd of trolls began trying to register multiple usernames, with free ?throw away? email services and anonymous proxies to hide their identities. I?ve blocked at least seven of these bogus accounts (registered with names that reek of antisemitism).

Leftist tactics at their ugliest; they give themselves permission to lie, cheat, steal, and stalk their ?enemies,? with no concern at all for morality or decency.

I?m watching, moonbats.

It’s a good day when you can ruin Charles Johnson’s digestion. Oh wait, this just in: “Fly, my lizard minions. Bwa-ha-haa.” Wonder what that means.

See, old Charles is doing the 180-degree Wingnut Projection trick, woundedly, fist-shakingly accusing others of exactly what he, himself does. Like so many wingnuts, he’s an excellent disher-outer, but a very sore and startled taker. And it’s also worth noting, if not at the categorical length at which we’d so richly love to note it, that clinical narcissists and sociopaths tend to assume, understandably if not correctly, that other people have the same motivations as they do. When they habitually accuse others of lying, cheating, distorting reality, hating people, wanting to destroy civilizations and exterminate ethnic groups, etc., it’s because they themselves live in a world in which such modes of thought are normal and unexceptional. Briefly, Charles Johnson is either evil or insane, depending on the flavor of analysis you prefer. Also ugly and stupid with no class, but our preferred analytical style, after all, is like a dynamic combination of the Fabianist and the Fat Albert Gang.

In any case, the moonbat grapevine says that the “names that reek of antisemitism” thing is a simple bald-assed lie, like some people will tell when they think nobody will catch them in it [update below]. But since we don’t have any moonbat trolls here, we really couldn’t say. I think some hang out here on occasion, but they’re totally different ones.

Also, they’re very shy and retiring and hate gigantic traffic surges, so if any LGFers were to go here, they’d wail and sob with every several hundred unique visitors. It would be quite a terrible scene. Please, we beg of you. And no S,N! readers should go here right away either.

Where were we? Oh yeah. As they say, “BWAH-HA-HAHAAAA!!!!”

Bonus Anti-semitic update: Major ShortsSniffer, 3Bulls mystery troll and lifelong Jew, carelessly registered as ‘MajorSS,’ apparently causing several actual Jewish wingnuts (BossHaganah, HebrewRaptor, and ProphetEzekiel) to be shot in the purge.

Our sympathies to their friends and families.

Bonus funny: Near the top of the now-200+ comments in the LGF thread:

#5 Bayou_King
8/20/2005 06:37PM PDT

bring ’em on


Comments: 312


f***. maybe he thought MajorSS was anti-semitic- I think it was shortssniffer!!! Shortsniffer got hosed with his abbreviation!!!

Cookie Jesus on a cracker. THat is rich. I wonder what CapnT’s prob was? WTF- he could have seen that the e-mail in use there was my actual name- and it’s just as Jewish as Shapiro. He’s lying his head off. Maybe it was the harvard.edu

wah wah.


The hero returns! Jeez, man; you really got up Charles’s nose. That was epic.


I didn’t even post- I think there were probably a milliuon other people waiting for it to open, because I was on it right away- and every e-mail address I used was a university account with my real name, which means I find these comments very amusing:

#1 ipl 8/20/2005 06:34PM PDT

they must not have the guts to use a real email address

#5 Bayou_King 8/20/2005 06:37PM PDT

bring ’em on

Dear ipl,


Dear Bayou_King,

You are like the pussy that flails his arms around his friend saying “hold me back! hold me back!” stop holding yourself back! BK must be Yosef. That was too classic. Hats off, Yosef.


Oh Cookie Jesus,

I’m going to throw up- the “we are up for a real debate” meme is laughable! Did Brad sign up as Colonel Klink or something?

“#14 rendiew_trebor 8/20/2005 06:43PM PDT

You Evil Zionazicarlrovehallifascist! How dare you keep out meaningful debate for legitimate people with differing points of view on the world.

/sarc off

If they came here for a legitimate debate then we may have something, but their user names say more then their posts ever could.

Good job on keeping out the garbage.”


Well, I suspect the anti-semitic names thing could just be Charlie oil that was added to the fire, unless he can prove there really were such beasts.

The saddest thing is that Charles used to be our type of guy, fun-loving, techie, and enjoying the occasional Bush joke. Old Osama sure had some power over Charles to turn him into the nasty broad-brusher he is now.


If he only banned seven, then that only leaves three unknowns.

Oh yeah, nice password, Nazi tardball.

Rear Admiral Tubesock

I don’t even know what to post, or where. Hell, I may even be banned already and not know it. Suggestions? Thoughts?


#208 Charles 8/20/2005 09:58PM PDT

“MajorSS”, by the way, is one of the people who registered multiple names today, from an account at Stanford. And he/she/it is now posting from an anonymous proxy in Russia.

I left that account open just to see what it would post.

This is not a friend.

The Big Green Lizardoid is on the hunt.


Jeebus, those guys love to talk to each other. They can do 200+ comments just on trying to register at LGF.


One of the accounts has posted something in a Cindy Sheehan thread entitled “No Debate Possible.” I don’t think it’s a stellar effort, but I’m wondering what, if any, response it will get.

If you want to know which comment it is, think Maxwell Smart.


My spies tell me that account is already nailed. Holy crap. My spies say “my bad” who would have thunk it. I blame it on shortsniffer. Stupid trolls.


Charles is pretty smart. He probably thinks there is a cabal behind it. Oooohh a scrambled Russian IP address. Sweet Ukko? GregH? I am so shut out of LGF it’s not even funny. I must have noticed right when it went up. Does he sit there all day? I wanted to talk music with him. He said he was listening to Weezer and I wanted to see if he liked the new one, which I believe is an abomination. I guess we’ll never hang out.


Oh my god. The Rear Admiral in a flanking action! I AM WETTING MYSELF.

THis one was also good:

#80 ted 8/20/2005 10:28PM PDT

43 “Cindy needs to get laid”

I dont think Cindy likes men anymore..if you catch my drift…


Isn’t it incredible the lengths they will go to keep their community insulated. They were even talking about only allowing new members in by referals from current members. Talk about inbred!

There is also a jet-stream of paranoia over there. I hope some come over here and say hi. Loosen up, have a few beers and shoot the breeze.


Oh f***, the shit just hit the fan. MY BAD> I screwed up!! I just wanted to get everyone in, and now STanford U. is going to get a Lizardoid denial of service attack. Oh, fucking shit. If he publishes my e-mail addresses I’m going to be really really sad. I will be so f****** F*****. I just wanted to get MAjor and Private in!


I hope he doesn;’t catch Carolina Girl and Cartman!!


and Bob’s Kids Kid- hope they don’t boot her either-

have you guys seen any other ones that have escaped the purge???


You people have so much to say and to bash, yet NOT ONE of you fucks can come up with a solution for anything. Till then may your little black hearts and Cro-Magnon shaped heads can kiss off.



There are two more you haven’t mentioned.

Charles thinks some of the names registered were offensive. Guess which group:

1) zulubaby
self hating muslim

2) BossHaganah

MajorSS would only appear offensive to the most paranoid. I wonder how disappointed he’ll be when he learns the SS stands for shortsniffer.


You people have so much to say and to bash, yet NOT ONE of you fucks can come up with a solution for anything. Till then may your little black hearts and Cro-Magnon shaped heads can kiss off.

Woop! They’re here!

Hey Pinko, are you serious about a DoS attack on Stanford? That would be like opening up a titanic can of angry-programmer stomp-ass.

Pvt. Jockstrap Johnson

MARBLE, I so totally agree with you. These pussies can’t bring themselves to face the cold hard facts and suggest a Solution for the problem. Only we Lizardoids have the cojones to propose a Solution to finally take care of those Arabs.

Colonel Jew Klink

I don’t think a PARTIAL solution is the answer with those Arabs.

I think they demand a solution that is not PARTIAL, not OPEN-ENDED….


Well, I don’t know, I just got all freaked out since chazmo is in possession of all of my e-mail addresses, and I accidentally applied from home which is a hard IP address and not assigned by the network every time. I am waiting for my computer to explode!


Geenie Cola is so scared she is sleeping with a super soaker and told me not to piss anyone else off for another 4 minutes. Until tomorrow


Awesome. Cro-Magnon heads are essentially identical to modern homo sapiens. You are a total douce MARBLE

Oh, here’s my facts cuz we are debating:

“Cro-Magnons lived from about 35,000 to 10,000 years ago in the Upper Paleolithic period of the Pleistocene epoch. For all intents and purposes these people were anatomically modern, only differing from their modern day descendants in Europe by their slightly more robust physiology and brains which were about 4 percent larger than that of modern man. The Cro-Magnons could be descended from any number of subspecies of Homo sapiens that emerged from Africa approximately 100,000 years ago, such as Homo sapiens idaltu”


Huh, that’s weird, what kind of security do you have over here? MARBLE can just waltz right in! How novel! I’m going to put that in my pipe and smoke it!


They’d have to be stupider than they seem to try launching an attack on Stanford. They’d be a smoldering crater as soon as the CS guys there found out about it.


This one is awesome:
“Thanks for the warning” did he think Yosef was coming for their women?? They wouldn’t have had a chance!

#211 EW1(SG) 8/20/2005 10:05PM PDT

#208 Charles:

This is not a friend.
Thanks for the warning.


Seriously, my last name is not quite Jewjewjewbergsteinbaum, but it is close- where did he get anti-semitic from?


Seriously, did you register any of those other names he mentioned? It looks like three authentic Judaic-type usernames and one accidental double-entendre.

self-hating muslim

Sup Suckas. Y’all a bunch of no-good, yellow-bellied bitches.


I registered the three authentic Judaic-type usernames, thinking the names were cool and would fit in at LGF. I didn’t take into account Charles’s paranoia, which causes him to really eyeball those Jewish things, even though he’s a Gentile.

self-hating muslim

Any of y’all jew-haters? How ’bout them colored people? Shit.


The other three names are genuine Lizardoids in good standing. Another is Yankee Yankee Zulu and another is savage_nation. Those aren’t even the worst names in there, if you have the stomach to look at some of the others.


Y’all like talking shit ’bout Jews and what-not. But the fucking niggers are off limits, right?


Oh but if you guys aren’t the heroes of the the brave new electronic world, I don’t know what would be!!!11 Bravely going where no liberal has gone before – or whatever.

No honestly I’m standing in awe, groveling in the dust in front of your superior wit and intelligence. Just, you know, perhaps you overdid the self satisfied smug thing just a teeny bit. Just saying.


How ’bout grabbing a few cocktails and shooting the breeze? I love to spout hate speech in random directions. Looks like I fit in here, with y’all stoopid, blue state mutha fuckas.


I think he was all over the fact that the confirmation of the e-mail addresses came from the same IP addresses.

I know that:


got registered, but obviously, he freaked out. Oh well. Maybe he can post something over at Misha’s and she can try to get me fired. AWESOME! Like I said, I just wanted to talk about Weezer with him. I am so sad GregH was at the “Roller Derby” tonight and then had a “skin flute” recital.


I can use my pee-ach-dee over here to sound reeel smart an shit.


No honestly I’m standing in awe, groveling in the dust in front of your superior wit and intelligence. Just, you know, perhaps you overdid the self satisfied smug thing just a teeny bit. Just saying.

See, there’s that projection again. Charles Johnson is humble? I mean, one can’t even do a +5-size Bwa-ha-ha around here without someone calling one on it.



He also freaked out when he saw registrations going in from Russia and other countries with disposable email addresses.

Rune, have you gotten a front page post (FPP) on LGF yet? Let us know when you hit the big time, like that spoof writer on the Cindy Sheehan thread. All you sycophantic Lizardoid minions know you’d kill to get a FPP.


Well, that’s certainly better than sounding like a racist douchebag, right?

Funny thing is these guys truly believe in “The Bell Curve” yet they also believe that liberals are a hypereducated elite. What does that say about their childrens chances of winning the genetic lottery?

See, the Bell Curve is not true, but they don’t think that-


Charles is a pansy. I don’t even have to put in a real email address here.


Most liberals are stoopid sheep who believe the hysteria-du-jour.


Aah, don’t let them scare you. This is the internet; people who pull stuff like that open themselves up to a world of shit.


Look, mah, I can do it too.
I can post on Sadly, Noo!
Even though I’m the village dunce,
I can do it, just this once.


What kind of asshole would PayPal $$$ to LGF, but cancel their subscription to the NY Timers???

That’s absurd.


I think we are hilarious.

C’mon you guys, this has made your night- don’t act pissed, enjoy it. Got the blood flowing up into your brain, instead of your Charles Johnsons.


Look, mah, I can do it too.
I can post on Sadly, Noo!
Even though I’m the village dunce,
I can do it, just this once.

I can do it,
Every day!
That’s because,
I am so gay.


What kind of asshole would PayPal $$$ to LGF, but cancel their subscription to the NY Timers???

A lizardoid, that’s who! But don’t call us assholes. We each have a cloaca, which is a common hole for shitting, pissing, and fucking. In other words, we’re assholes X 3.


Tra la la
Tra la le
My name is Pinko
I have a pee pee!


Can you drink a dog shit milkshake through a cloaca?


Jeebus, I leave for a little while and well, quite frankly, the place is a mess.


GregH, how was the skinflute recital??

Friggin Geenie Cola has to sleep with a super soaker, and is goign out for a conceal and carry because we live in fear of a lizard attak!


I can do it,
Every day!
That’s because,
I am so gay.

Though there’s nothing wrong with that
I’m really so dense
because of my Lizardoid hat
and my many loads of nonsense


oh Tapio, you and your loads. Be careful where you shoot them.


Paranoia big destroyer.


I have to say this was more fun that actually having to do research and blend in over there. It was giving me the creeps. It really was my sole goal to get those guys to admit that even though In and Out burger is in California it’s friggin awesome. But they wouldn’t even let me do that.


Acute Schizophrenia Paranoia Blues


Acute Schizophrenia Paranoia Blues STOAL FROM HANNITY! STOAL FROM HANNITY.


I’m disappointed in the Lizardoids. I expected them to cum in surges all over this bog, but we’ve hardly even gotten a rise out of them all night, other than Charles big flash FPP at the very beginning.

I guess being Lizardoids, they can’t be expected to have stiff resolve and firm determination. (Clo-aaa-ca)


No, Doofus. Stole from the Kinks.


I love The Kinks. Especially the accidental Jumpin Jack Flash that is Catch Me Now I’m Falling.


Pinko Punko, I wish! Girls in frilly panties, fishnets and roller skates is a good thing though.

I’m too dense to understand the soaker hose reference.


The Kinks ain’t no Lynard Skynard they’re Something Else.


the soaker is a liberal weapon, that’s as big of a gun as we would go for, a battery powered water cannon (hey it can shoot 25 feet)! You know, since we are anti-gun and pro-crime! And Geenie Cola is Mrs. Punko


Oh, they’ll be here tomorrow; Charlie Chuckles only posted the URL at 10:30 PST. I’m seeing a proportionally large amount of wingnut-type traffic from across the Atlantic, and it’s going to be moving Eastward with the sun.

How to funnel some multitudes over to 3Bulls? They don’t seem to be buying the ‘don’t go there’ injunction…

Pvt. Jockstrap Johnson

a battery powered water cannon

I’m glad Mrs. Punko has SOME method of having her needs fulfilled. You, Pinko, are like us Lizardoids. Huge dicks but dickless.


I have to admit to a little squirt in my shorts when I saw big Chuck hose me personally. But I think they think they need to be on the lookout over there, so maybe they are patrolling there- cuz there hasn’t been a peep at three bulls. Maybe Gavin should post something massively inflammatory.

Also, I checked, Charles was listening to the new Weezer, which based on the two radio tracks, is an absolute atrocity. I know he could probably destroy all of Gaza with “Beverly Hills”. Seriously, it’s a Joan Jett chorus over a bad Everclear cover band.


Tomorrow is Sunday. Won’t they spend all day at church and relaxing with the family instead of on the heathen internets.


“Charles and LGF to Sadly, No: Ratshit batfuckingly insanely, No”

They trumped us. We got nothing.


Sunday is da day of da Lahd! The Lizardoids will be doing da work of da Lahd, just as the men of ye olde time on ye Crusades. 101st Keyboarders, man your stations!


I posted a big picture of Phil Collins. I don’t see how they could stay away. MAybe I should just change the name of THree Bulls to:

“Welcome to NOW! Here are our mottos:
Israel Out of West Bank Now!! Women stop shaving Now! America Hating Starting Now! Hugging of Muslims Starting Now! Friday Cat Blogging Starting Now!”


…..battery powered water cannon…is that anything like the Kaye Grogan Vibe?


ABOVE NOT WORK SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There the post is up. Its like fill in the blank. There is no way it can be denied. It is like a big fat watermelon waiting for Gallagher.

Pvt. Jockstrap Johnson

it can touch both your clit and pereneum at the same time, causing dual pleasure

You insensitive brutes. Where’s the dual pleasure for us Lizardoids and our cloacas? I fart in your general direction.


I still can’t get over the “reeks of anti-semitism”- the only way those names could have been more pro-Israel is if they were “IrgunAvenger” or “Menachem Begin risen from the grave to drop A-bombs on your ass, Arabitards”


As Gavin mentioned, it’s all projection.


You’re forgetting one thing, Pinko. At LGF, anti-semitism isn’t about hating the Jews, it’s about _not_ hating the Muslims. Anyone who might not hate the Muslims is an anti-semite. Since we don’t hate the Muslims, that makes anything we do anti-semitic.


Paranoia, psychosis, laziness and anger drive people like the LGFers and their leaders (I would add greed to the leader’s motivations).


Aren’t the palestinian people semites?


GregH, I’d rather not get into that one, right now. I’m just stating the facts, as dropped from the cloaca of the Big Lizard.


I know and I agree with your point.


Yeah, I hadn;t thought of it that way, its even worse than the whole “if you are anti-Israel, you are anti-semitic”- its, if you don;t hate the brownies, you are anti-Israel and therefore anti-semitic. sheesh. The people over there, they just like feeling like they are in a club. They learn the speech patterns and the whole way of communicating. What is the point of opening comments anyway, you could take the same 100 comments from any post and no one would notice. I admit that it is probably like that Eschaton sometimes, and Atrios too. But not all threads are like that at Kos, and you can have a debate at Kos- the whole mercury/vaccine thing was discussed at length at Kos, it was a real debate (even though the facts are clear there).


I see that my hotness quotient has risen to 3.4!


Maybe that’s what they do. Charles, with his programming skills, has created a Turing monster. All those vile posts are just computer generated by switching “Jew” with “Muslim” in Mein Kampf and other odious works.

There used to be more enlightening discussion, but now, anyone who deviates from “smite the Arab” gets shouted down.

Capt. Trollypants

You always are the leader, Mein Marshal!

Everyone else only has three votes but you have 25- you are rolling now. I can’t wait for Jockstrap to get rated.


Dude, I already am rated: X.

We Lizardoids want to say that we are sleepy and will fuck your cloaca when we wake up. We need the sun to rise and warm our cold blood before we can begin our odious scurrying.


What does Chaz know about our “Morality or decency” in this business?? For all he knows we could have been like a 21 Jump St. trying to go undercover to catch some bad guys on his board. I mean, I’m kind of like the super hot Richard Greico, GregH is the young Johnny Depp, I kind of view Ukko as Peter Deluise. And when Brad is in drag, he’s pretty hot, so there it is- Holly Peete nee Robinson!


GOD BLESS CHARLES JOHNSON! He saved us from the hordes, hordes I say, of moonbats pounding at the LGF gates waiting to get in and interupt our pleasing stories with their alternate viewpoints.


Er maybe you meant “alternating viewpoint”

Cobag #1: “From here it looks like all muslims suck and liberals hate america”

Cobag #2: “I’m getting the same thing here, except a bird just flew by me.”




Ohhh, that looks easy….

Cobag #3: “From here it looks like all liberals suck and muslims hate america”


Can you believe that “Major SS had the gall” to say something about 9/11? Like they fucking own that day? They’re the ones that hate america. 95% of them had never heard of the Taliban before that day, and now they throw around terms like “dhimmitude” like they’ve read the Koran. I’m going to go bite my pillow. I getting seriously angry now. Gav- you are great- GregH- you are a gentleman and a scholar – Tapio- I take my hat off to your wisdom and boundless energy- remember to tell the world “your NOW!” http://3bulls.blogspot.com/2005/08/whats-your-now-liberal-legionnaires.html

g’night all.


Buenos noches y suenos dulces.


Hyv?? y?t?, all. (Good night in Finnish).


But I think they think they need to be on the lookout over there, so maybe they are patrolling there- cuz there hasn’t been a peep at three bulls. Maybe Gavin should post something massively inflammatory.

You know, after calling him a deranged psychopath who’s ugly and stupid, I’m stuck with ideas like, “Aah, what about Photoshopping his face onto a picture of Marvin the Martian?”

I got nothing, basically.

Your Mother is a Platypus

Debate at Kos? …bah I’ve tried that a few times. Anytime you stray a bit from the accepted BushHitler idealogue you get shouted down by a barrage of fuck you too idiot, your mother is a donkey!1!!


btw. your “posted by” is fucked



If arguing over the internet is akin to participating in the special olympics, arguing across websites must be like the special olympic equivalent of professional wrestling.


I mean, I’m kind of like the super hot Richard Greico {…]

Um, so, Pinko, you saying that you’ve been keeping busy by starring in crappy killer aliens and robots flicks for the Sci-Fi Network? OooooKaaaay.


It’s a good stunt to get site traffic.


Nice try, fake Brad.


You tried and Charles stopped you… Bravo Charle!

Rear Admiral Tubesock

You moonbats think you’re so smart! Well, I’ve had approving comments on my LGF comment, so there!

#86 Tubesock

Agreed. And what about the other side of the coin, where the ‘freedom fighters’ draw aid and comfort from America’s internal divisions, and are able to turn the saga into a recruitment tool and energy for the ‘resistance?’ Sorta like Abu Grab and the korans in the toilet. Someone else’s son may die over their brazen idiocy.


Rear Admiral Tubesock

Oh well. According to a later post, Chaz busted me as a troll. I always thought a troll was someone who dropped into a forum and posted something inflammatory to generate vitriolic responses. My post was not of that nature, and Chaz has now excluded a potentially valuable contributing member from his little community.

Heh heh, I said “member.”


Charles,does this qualify as slander or just stupidity?

Posted by: Tapio at August 21, 2005 08:09 AM
Oh f***, the shit just hit the fan. MY BAD> I screwed up! I just wanted to get everyone in, and now STanford U. is going to get a Lizardoid denial of service attack. Oh, fucking shit. If he publishes my e-mail addresses I’m going to be really really sad. I will be so f****** F*****. I just wanted to get MAjor and Private in!

Poor Sirrius. So confused. It’s treasonous slander my little green friend.

You’re welcome.

By the way, I really resent having to go over to that LGF thing and read the comments. Like the last thing I need to see is a bunch of Crystal Meth addicts high-fiving each other for being clever.


We ♥ you Gavin!


You guys are so gay,


I was a “moonbat” member til a few days ago. I got banned for calling Bushco, “chimpy”. Was doing that for 6 months. No warning at all. I would have stopped using chimpy if CJ said he had a problem with it. Check out my post at LGF using the advanced search feature and selecting comments only. Search for “treblanews” my nick at LGF. See if I deserved to be banned? Here is a letter I sent CJ through the “contact us”on the LGF site. Never got an answer back.

Charles Johnson

Before 9/11 you use to call Bush2, ?shrub?, and President Carter, ?mr. Peanut?.

Why I use ?chimpy?.
Shrub failed in protecting the US from terrorist attacks even though Clarke and Clinton warned him, at the start of his admin. about the threat OBL posed. Shrub did nothing even though he knew for sure OBL was behind the bombing of the USS Cole.. He receives a PDB titled ?Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US? and ignored it and continued on with his vacation. Didn?t have a meeting about terrorism until a week before 9/11. Heads should have rolled but instead Rice got a promotion and Tenet gets a medal. That?s just a few of the reasons I use ?chimpy?, just like you used ?shrub? before 9/11.

In the comments section the minions use far worse words for former Presidents Carter and Clinton. Also the minions employ the same kind of comments towards Democratic Senators, Congressmen, Republicans who oppose ?Shrub? and heads of foreign states. How come I got banned from LGF for using ?chimpy?? Isn?t sauce for the goose sauce for the gander? And why now, with no warning from you by e-mail even though I have been using ?chimpy? for 6 months? Are you afraid I may persuade some minions to my point of view and shrink the membership of LGF which might lose you advertising revenue?

Censorship for this reminds me of Mao, Castro, Hitler, Saddam etc. Der Fuhrer would be proud of you.

Hopefully you won?t be a ?girly man?, and I will receive a reply from you concerning this matter. But I doubt you will reply because there is no good reason for censoring me.



I trust you picked up the pieces of your shattered life and moved on.

I prefer Chimperator. It’s funny on so many levels; it’s like finding Hitler funny.

…And really, isn’t that all the world needs? To find the humour in Hitler?


I love how Chazmo is regulating intent and not just content. You could literally just copy down existing comments from good faith members, but if your intent is not up to his snuff- WHAMO. This is the very definition of megalomaniac. It’s pretty scary actually.


Any hits yet?

Maybe 3Bulls needs to be more explicit with the top post, like having a title like, “Welcome troop-hatin’ moonbats! In this thread, let’s hate on conservatives, God, ‘n’ babies!”


Mega Dittos Gavin.


110+ comments on a thread in which she that cannot be named isn’t mentioned? Shocking!


Nobody is biting. It it like we are fly fishing with the wrong flies.


Well, it’s obvious the Lizardoids don’t hold a candle to the Vox Day gang. The VD gang will swarm your site at the slightest criticism of their ringleader, but the Lizardoids don’t have the same spirit. On the blog over there, the person who MajorSS responded to appeared shocked and scared. It is evident that the vile hatred of the Lizardoids is a testament to their fear, not their motorcycle gang toughness.

LGF: Where we’re so scared, we wear brownshirts.


Maybe we should switch to stink bait?

Heh, Tapios said VD.


If we want some fun with wingnuts, we need to provoke the VD gang (heh, I said it again). The only problem is that they are so fringe, they might not be as much fun to entertain as MJ (no thread is complete without her). They are just hooligans, and not very interesting ones at that.


That’s why I wanted Gavin to unload both rhetorical barrels on VD. The guy has really good quality trollsies, at least they are fun. Seriously, we would have lightened up LGF a little bit, and I bet we could have totally ended up having tickle fights with them and drinking cosmos and maybe throwing some Pop Secret into the microwave and who knows what could have happened. We didn’t even get the shot.

Oh, GregH I thought you said “Mega dildos, Gavin” and I was confused for a minute.


Yeah, Pinko, I was hoping it would end in some lusty baying, but Charles was too clenched to allow it. There was baying for blood, not for manly bonding.


Tapio, I was trying to bait Gavin into that- I think he has something in the works. I basically told Gavin that we could not be BFFs until Vox Day was discussed thoroughly. I think Tapio, GregH and whoever else wishes should make this solemn vow to not be BFFs with Gavin until he accomplishes his specified duty. Charles would throw the Lizardoids a bone like that. I actually could picture Chazmo (that’s his new name, I don’t want to hear him referred to otherwise) flinging picked over bones from his nightly meat to the ravenous hordes swarming about his table. He is also probably dressed like a Viking.


Oh now you’ve done it. You’ve broken the MJ’ silence. Expect this thread to go to 400+ before you know it.

VD is a piece of work. A vile woman-hating vaguely skinhead piece of work. I see that his minions are very sensitive about his hairdo; which, is sort of funny given everything else they have to defend about him.


his minions are very sensitive about his hairdo

I’ve always thought his hairdo looked like a landing strip. The rest of the pudenda is a disappointment, however.


I solemnly swear not to be BFFs with Gavin, Seb, Jeff or Brad until mocking of VD begins in earnest at S,N.

Allah on a pongostick!

Ok, just to enlighten a passing LGF right wing extremist and Bush worshipping SUV driving evil brownshirt who likes to eat small innocent immigrant Moslem children and stomp on small endangered spieces, yeah so who’s the broad-that-can’t-be-named? Marie? And what’s so special about her, besides her looks?

btw. I’ve had some trouble finding your own images on the site – seeing as only a two-bit sleazy cowardly scumbag would publish images of some of their hot readers without first having published their own – and naturaly I assume you are no such thing, two-bit sleazy cowardly scumbag that is, not hot, so I guess it’s gotta be here somewhere…


No BFF until we talk about VD!

No BFF until we talk about VD!

No BFF until we talk about VD!

What’ve you got dudes?


Tapio, please do not be so hilarious. Pudenda- the world’s funniest word.

Oh this from LGF, they constantly lap each other in stupidity:


I am never sure which bothers me more, that the moonbats take such glee in thinking that LGF people are anti-semites, or that the use of such BS nicks does not bother them more-”

and this:

“#231 Publius Vergilius Maro 8/21/2005 05:14AM PDT

Wait. Moonbats think we here at LFG are anti-semites? Are you serious? Considering how negative their opinion of Israel is, and how often they dry-hump Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinians, I always imagined it was the other way around.


I did not know that.”


Our first catch of the day!! Cicero pales in the face of this rhetoritician:

bikerlizard says:”FUCK YOU SCUM BAG MOONBAT FAG SHITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!SUCK A DICK YOU FAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08.21.05 – 3:50 pm

Pvt. Jockstrap Johnson

AOPS, you can find the pics of the elite here if you look hard enough.

These pussies love Marie because she has the cojones to sic Acme Law firm from 123 Main St. on them. She also keeps flirting with us by posting lo-o-o-ong comments.


I have been posting as a “loyal minion” on LGF for quite some time (can’t say exactly how long for OpSec reasons). I have gained the trust of some of the top lizards and am in regular private email convos with them (which I’ve saved). Also, some of them have sent my pics of their boozeups. I’m nearly ready to publish a hilarious expose of the LGF crowd naming names, quoting lizards and the pictures are too funny for words!

Stay tuned Batties!


Oooh, it’s started, Pinko!

“FUCK YOU SCUM BAG MOONBAT FAG SHITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!SUCK A DICK YOU FAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The lusty baying has begun! I won’t be disappointed. Hallelujah!


Too small through him back!


Um, my alter ego’s spelling is getting to me. Make that “throw”


They’re definitely over there; I can see them popping their heads up and clicking through. There should be like 50-100 unique crazies per hour.

Maybe if you went and hit comments over there instead of here. The sight of a long comment thread might draw them in.


I have been posting as a “loyal minion” on LGF for quite some time (can’t say exactly how long for OpSec reasons). I have gained the trust of some of the top lizards and am in regular private email convos with them (which I’ve saved). Also, some of them have sent my pics of their boozeups. I’m nearly ready to publish a hilarious expose of the LGF crowd naming names, quoting lizards and the pictures are too funny for words

I think I just had my first orgasm. Or, a pre-me, anyway.

If you’re lying, I’ll hate you forever.


You had me at hello, Mr. Sneaky.

Please let us know when you are ready for your close up.

I agree with Mal, I think a lot of shorts just got creamed.


I have been posting as a “loyal minion” on LGF for quite some time (can’t say exactly how long for OpSec reasons). I have gained the trust of some of the top lizards and am in regular private email convos with them (which I’ve saved). Also, some of them have sent my pics of their boozeups. I’m nearly ready to publish a hilarious expose of the LGF crowd naming names, quoting lizards and the pictures are too funny for words

oy vey! Is that true?! You gained their trust by being a lying scumbag. Cleverly pretending to be a lying scumbag, I mean! A brave man such as you surely only walks the earth once a century. Perhaps only once ever! Are we witnessing the seconding comming?! Is the kingdom of God neigh?!

I’m just absolutely sure the earth will stop spinning when you release your world shattering account of your scary hiatush amongst the evil right wing BushHitler crowd.

Come on. Give us some bits. Did the dasterly bastards force you to say I love America or some such distasteful thing? Oh, but it must have been absolutely awfull! Scary too!! Good thing we have brave men such as yourself!


EAT IT, Rune Boy!


Yeah. That’s the spirit GregH man – Big Scary Man! Give us some meat ^M^M^M^M vegtables (hey! when in Rome etc. and I’m an open kinda guy, boy I mean, and this being amongst liberal tree hugging feminst veggies) give us some vegtables of the clever deep undercover work that’s been going on. Do I figure in anywhere. Oh but tell me I do. I’m a big motherfucking LGF huncho lizard I tell you!


oy vey! Is that true?! You gained their trust by being a lying scumbag. Cleverly pretending to be a lying scumbag, I mean!

Ooh! those damn dirty moonbats. We were all jumping up and down and being like, “Woohoo! Nuke all the Muslims and send the liberals to Gitmo!” when they came by and only pretended to want to nuke all the Muslims and send the liberals to Gitmo.

That’s, like, immoral.


Hey Rune, do you remember that time? That time under the bridge when we held eachother and you said it was OK but I shouldn’t tell anyone? Do you remember it was our little secret? Do you remember the tears? You said you liked it but that I shouldn’t tell. Do you remember?


BTW, we moonbats are afraid of people who eat meat and ride motorcycles.

See Fig. 1


Rune, you said that you would never forget that time. Tell me that you remember.


God, what did we ever do without trolls? This is like the full-flavored blog experience here.


Full-flavored peaty overtones in this here bog.


Ooh! those damn dirty moonbats. We were all jumping up and down and being like, “Woohoo! Nuke all the Muslims and send the liberals to Gitmo!” when they came by and only pretended to want to nuke all the Muslims and send the liberals to Gitmo.
Not that there’s anything wrong with wanting to nuke all the Muslims and sending the liberals to Gitmo of course. Or visa versa. Or both. Yeah both, a thing worth doing, is worth doing properly. Send all the liberals to Gitmo and nuke the fucking place.

Hey Rune, do you remember that time? That time under the bridge when we held eachother and you said it was OK but I shouldn’t tell anyone? Do you remember it was our little secret? Do you remember the tears? You said you liked it but that I shouldn’t tell. Do you remember?

Hey I like a bit of boy-on-big-scary-man action just as much as the next guy. But I think you’re mistaken me for somebody else. Possible your donkey?


I knew you liked it Rune. You said so yourself. Why do you deny that it was you? That it was us?


Are we witnessing the seconding comming?! Is the kingdom of God neigh?!
?Hablas Ingl?s, se?or? ?O Finland?s?


Is Rune too small? Does he not meet the size limit? Must we throw him back?

Rear Admiral Tubesock

Is the kingdom of God neigh?

Use a little horse sense, son. Of course it is. Look at all these moonbats here at Saddley, No! They’re terrified that Marie Jon’ will be wearing the bridle veil for Jesus when he returns. They have not a bit of salvation in their souls, but you bet when the Lord returns (and it will be soon, you can lay odds on it) they will be currying favor like crazy.


Oh man, my last post was messed. I blame switching to Canadian Multi-lingual keyboard and “Character Map” (to find all the frickin’ diacritics) for that. My use of the familiar second person with “senor” (I’m not going hunting for a tilde again, sorry) I blame on my bad Spanish.

Lo fucking siento.


Rune, you said that you would never forget that time. Tell me that you remember.

Now that you mention it. No.

…or wait! You were that little nerdy toady looking guy with bad breath who said something like we little girly-men are humans too ahh, those days were the wild days huh! YIIHAA We were the rebels then! Hiding under bridges. Hugging men! ahhh golden years.

Of course now I’m just an evil old and bitter man with a grudge. Not that I don’t love you anymore!!


I had to take the doogies for a walk and I miss Rune boy- yeah they must have made him say “I love America”- yeah, I see that tossed around at LGF all the time- accusing other people of hating america does not mean you love it. It all comes down to the definition of “love” “America” and “is” don;t you know. Your vision of America is everybody in lock step mind control like at LGF. That’s a vision of the Fourth Reich (I didn’t say Third, so Godwin’s law is still put to bed) to me. So I don’t “love” your America, I love my America. Where the president doesn’t start and fight wars incompetently, where the president puts the Republic over political concerns, and where people are tolerant of other people’s cultures, and they don’t race and religion bait. That’s my America, and there is nothing in it that says you have to love it or leave, you are more than welcome to defile it, and I would fight for your right to do so. It’s called freedom, you total cobag.


I registered at LGF long ago, so if anyone wants to say something there just tell me and I will post it. You don’t even have to pay me, I’m such a slut.


…or wait! You were that little nerdy toady looking guy with bad breath who said something like

Woop! Insults. Time for Finnish!

Moi moi, vitunlihakeitto! Suksi vittun!


I registered at LGF long ago, so if anyone wants to say something there just tell me and I will post it. You don’t even have to pay me, I’m such a slut.

Hmm. You know, I have an old account too. I see a plot taking shape.


Oh man, my last post was messed. I blame switching to Canadian Multi-lingual keyboard yap yap yap

Yeah. That’s what I do too. Blame Canada! Buncha liberal commie bastards up there anyway. Perhaps we can nuke them, when we nuke the frogs. Two for the price of one. Guess you’re comming round huh. Next thing you’ll be eating steaks and muttering damn liberal media under your breath. Good thing, my work here is not in vain.


No insults like Danish insults!

Din lille gavtyv! Slambert!


We could rabidly debate which shiny-clean WMDs to use on I. and S. in order to win the WOT for the NWO. They would never suspect a thing.

What other kind of bats are there, anyway?


Is there a real Rune and a fake Rune, or does the whole rest of the internets practice Scandinavian verbal duelling?


No insults like Danish insults!

Din lille gavtyv! Slambert!

Dude, you’re busted. Wingnuts don’t speak foreign languages.


There’s languages other than American?


French Canadian swears top them all. Interpreted literally, they sound like praying.

‘sti de calisse de tabernacle; sacr?-moi le camp avant que je te chrisse une bonne?

Intent: You fucker; Get out of my face before I cream you.

Literal translation: My Host of the Chalice of the Tabernacle; Sacred me the field before I Christ you a new one.


Where do trolls go when they die?
Are there bridges in the sky?


Hey, y’know how on LGF they combat trolls by going ‘GAZE’ and listing recipes and stuff?

Mon ami, on pense qu’one trouvait une methode nouveau, ici! Les moonbats, ils parlent comme les grenouilles…


I thought we were trying to entice the trolls? What is the ecretsay anplay ayanyway?


Wow, they have secret code words like “GAZE” at LGF. That’s so cool!


Hard to squeeze any fun out of that which is below parody in the first place…


The ecretsay anplay… Do you guys still have an ecretsay eadthray? The green foozballs are still coming through here.


Sure do. I haven’t been there in a while though.




I’m sorry; multi-lingualism is freaking hot. It all goes back to the steps in front of the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, when this guy used 3 languages to pick me up. Ah, memories…

….What we’re we talking about again? Oh, right. Multi-lingualism is sexy. Except when it involves Esperanto. That’s just dorky.


Mal de mer, it does often seem that languages with a Catholic heritage have a good supply of religious imagery in their swearing, whereas Anglo-Saxon uses body parts. I guess it’s because we refer to whatever was most taboo to get the biggest rise.

Anglo-Saxon swearing: You twat! Go suck your father’s dick!

Catholic swearing: Mal de mer expressed it

Lizardoid swearing: J-Dam you! Go kiss a bunker-buster!

Which leads us to ask why Gavin and I like to use poro and vittu in our colorful expressions.


Sure do. I haven’t been there in a while though.

The one here, or the one there?


The one there. I just went. Nobody has been there in a while but there’s still the lingering stench.


I certainly won’t go and leave a message there. Hopefully no one will check.


still up- u know where to go

illstay ecretsay


If Moonbat for Hire is still here, there seems to be a secret plot in the works…


erewhay otay ogay?


Anglo-Saxon swearing: You twat! Go suck your father’s dick

Yeah, but what explains the vileness of Finnish swearing? They’re not even Indo-European, let alone Anglo-Saxon.

I think it has something to do with being blond.


Agent Moonbat, due to the seriousness of the mission, I must briefly confer with the general office…

moonbat dirtcheap

The G.O. is… gone!


Blame Canada! Buncha liberal commie bastards up there anyway. Perhaps we can nuke them, when we nuke the frogs. Two for the price of one. Guess you’re comming round huh. Next thing you’ll be eating steaks and muttering damn liberal media under your breath. Good thing, my work here is not in vain.

Being the open, charismatic, inter-nationalist that I am, I think I need to point out to Americans (yet again) that the word “frog” is, to French-Canadians, the equivalent of “nigger.” I wrote the writers of Cheers about that almost a decade ago, and,, despite their apology, nothing seems to have changed.

The French (from France) find the term “frog” funny, because:

a) Grenouille is a cute little amphibian, and tasty to boot.
b) They’re French. It’s impossible to insult them.

The rest of us find the term “frog” as funny as “nigger.”


Oops..and that was me, Mal de mer. More Mal than mer.


A contact address has been sent to…a contact thing, at some place somewhere.


But it’s not under the rock by the third tree after the fork!


I’m sorry; multi-lingualism is freaking hot

Boy am I one sexy bastard! Not only am I multi-lingu-whatever. I even speak a language none of you girlie-men ever knew existed; Faroe. Of course swearing in Faroe mostly involve fish and sheep, and I kinda like the sheep so I won’t insult them by bringing them up here. Anyway we all know you’re lying. We also know you masturbate to images of goats and Barbie dolls, but that’s beside the point. You are a dirty cheat because we all know there’re only two swear words in froggish. merde and tres merde. coward being more like a french philosophy or state of mind or something.

The rest of us find the term “frog” as funny as “nigger.”

Being the closed, bigoted, nationalist that I am I think I need to point out I find nigger pretty funny too.

Anyway, now that I’m official too sexy for this site, I think I’ll leave you to it and head for bed.


Thank you, Rune. Slumberland is God’s way of telling the rest of us I’m giving you all a break


Sure, he’s leaving so we don’t make him prove he knows Faroe.


m4H, I sent you an e-mail from your websitesy with a link- was that not your webloggie?


mmmmmmyes but sometimes it’s slow or something and the oxygen is running out… will proceed with hand signals…


Rune has to prove he speaks English, first. Meaning whether he’s referring to the Faroese language (..which, I hasten to add, is not related to Finnish), or to the islands.

…oh, well. I guess we’ll never know. Rune just dropped 100 ml’s of Nyquil, it appears.


hmm, M4H, let me know if you can’t get there today, on this thread and we’ll figure something out. things are slow, so there is not a hurry, we need to be upersay ecretsay!


Yeah, and imagine: If you were one of the 3 1/2 people who spoke Faroe, wouldn’t you be excited to have a chance to use it?

If he’s coming back, I’ll bet he’s on Google right now control-‘c’ing Faroese phrases.

“Ha ha, you moonbats are a bunch of [luncheon menu] who think you’re [does this store sell travel guides?] but you’re really [is it not beautiful weather for skiing]!!!



I can can fake Faroese better than Runa; the aengle-seaxona thrym-kringa can English. I just did a google search on Faorese; it has “?’s” and everything (…so hot!)

V?lkomin til heimas??una hj? Fer?ar?? F?royar

I don’t think this is safe for work, by the way.


199 slut bagz!!!




Brad pops his head in after the dust clears and the Red Sox win. Nice one.

Oh yeah, 200, Koulterz!!


Cobag? What an awful thing to say. I thought belittling one of your senators with the epithet Santorum was bad enough, but this?


dude, you guys are comedic genius.

I have to confess I have an LGF account too, and I rarely use it. It isn’t really worth the time.

These people have no sense of humor. I have tried with them in the past but nothing works.

Charles is what happens when hippies stop smoking weed and start having a world opinion. Dismal


Chazmo is really weird. He claims to be above the fray, while his minions essentially take the anti-Semitic handbook, and cross out “Jew” and write “Muslim”.


Man, what happened? I posted something and now the last two comments have been reversed?

It’s like being washed out in the machine during a Surf session.


Maybe Chucko is to blame, but anyway.

The last comment and the one in front of it are mine.



Chaz is totally burning the midnight oil. He just nailed someone that he thought was one of us. Obviously this thread isn’t saferoni. also, the ecretsay thread may be compromised. Let’s clean up references to it, and also link to it via haloscan link to comments, not a bookmark to the post. Oy Vey. This guy is total meshugganah.


Hmm… I wonder if CJ might be confused if he saw someone posting in this thread with the same name as someone who posts in his threads. That could lead to an unwarranted banning.


Which thread is that? i am lovin Charles falling apart. the moles are even better. I think I might do a little moling myself.



Chester, I accidentally didn’t delete any comment that had no reference to anyone’s identity or an unfolding plan. Because no LGFers aren’t around and not watching.

Pinko Punko is not one to contact regarding no plans that do not have to do with LGF.


No, dude, seriously I am on your page.

Let’s do this, I have wanted to fuck those tards up for years. I am a total prankster too. I see the comedy in this and i totally want to do this.

Trust me I am no LGFer.


what is up with the title names getting all mixed up?

I am signing my name so people will know its me.

I do have the pictures from the Texas LGF roundup. Pretty fucking usual.


BTW guys. If they knew who i was on LGF they would shit bricks.


chester di NOT just read the previous post and would never try to contact Pinko Punko. He would never want to be a part of something as evil as fucking with people who call for the death of all Muslims and liberals. Never.

As a matter of fact he won’t be sending an email anytine soon.




i want to send you my e-mail, but Cj is all over this thread and I can’t tell you the secret place. maybe there is some way for gavin to not pass you my e-mail. since he sees e-mails attached to comments like not this one.


Gavin, never mind Chesters seems like LGF. I love Chester, but I can;t do it. Chazmo, has me insaniac.


Cattt is going to be toast. She’ll protest that she’s not one of us, but I’m not goign to let her be the only one having any fun. You are toast Cattt!

I can’t wait for you to get hosed! See you at Trivia night at O’Shea’s. Don;t be mad, you know we love you- you’ve put in a ton of time over there- come back to us sweetie!


Secret LGF weeder-outer quiz.

How much money is missing in Iraq, and where did it go?


Yes she had a good run. It’s too bad that she got caught.


There are no wrong answers, btw. And a few more questions, so no single one is decisive…


$8B – Sandy Berger’s Pants?


Greg I hope she sees you first, she can hit pretty hard. Night-



chester does not see the concern and realizes he might never jeopardize the plan, he really wishes you well in it though.

If there was a way Chester would never do it. He is a true LGFer and would quickly rat you out to his buddies over at LGF.

Please just promise Chester he can see the aftermath. I am busting a load in my pantaloons already. Actually you could have checked Chester’s credentials at LGFWatch but comments are shut.

I wish there was a way to prove otherwise.


If Chester never found a way to give Pinko a bargaining chip about Chester no alliegience would ever be formed.

Chester is a true LGFer.



Cattt can be a sore loser but she had a better run there than anyone else that I know about……



chester is actually not that politically involved but Chester doesn’t hate LGF with all his heart, and would never wish Chuckie Monster to be hit by a car on his “Cycle of Violence.”

actually Chester’s Sister in law is not Muslim and Chester loves it when LGF talks shit about nasty muzzies.

Chester would be happy to answer any other LGF or Right wing trivia though.

chester has soome answer, and yes he is an LGFer. He has moled for quite sometime as well. Don’t ever trust him. He even knows about Charles cleaning up his thread archives when he tore the site down a while ago and removing inflammitory posts so he can move forward with his PJMedia project. Chester knows some dicey info about some such dicey project.


Ah but does Chester not know Cheetos?

Mazeltov Cocktail

Shh! Shh! Change your username, you bumbling booby!


Sorry, I couldn’t resist!


Well, Chester is of the opinion that the authors of this site can monitor chester’s Ip, so anonymity shouldn’t be the issue.

However, Chester was a longtime LGFwatcher who was alittle displaced after LGFWatch closed comments. Chester has an LGF account he has quietly drawn information out of various LGFers for over two years and is the complete mole of the site. He was enthralled today, but he understands how adept Charles is at web programming so he understands the dilemma. He doesn’t ask for much, not a clue into the plot, he really just wants to add information to Charles demise. He has a plenty, and he really noticed Charles getting nervous and really likes it.

Anyway, you guys have already made my weekend. you never had to let me in, its more masturbatory to wonder, and fantasize.



Mazeltov Cocktail is right. Everyone ought to have LGF names now so identities can be secret.

Ok Chester, who is the worst president, worse than even Reagan?


um……Chester Arthur!





Anyway I am busting a nut already. I can’t wait for the outcome. You are such teases.

I will be waiting. If you need information about LGFers such as Steve jofnson aka. Iron Fist and his address in Knoxville, TN. let Chester know.

He has some more and he might even know where someone might find Charles.



Oh, and Charles if you are reading this. you will probably ban these guys but you will never find me.

My final day will be when you try to drop PJMedia.

Dr. Gedunken Donuts

This is too good to be true.

“My final day will be when you try to drop PJMedia.”

I hope it drops as painfully as a kidney stone for Charles. We may never know your real name, but you will get a star on the wall like all good NOCs.


It is never too good to be true. As ingenious as your plot is ( I won’t give details, but I have to say you guys are Navy Seals, real covert shit) you aren’t even close to what I have. I leave this on this thread because I respect how fucking smart and ingenious you have been. It took me a day to put it together.

When you drop whatever you have planned, even better. It was so fucking smart how you even planned for trolling even though who would have known who without code.

I dont even want to know what you will do next, just promise me one thing. Do it for Chester.

I have to say I am in envy of your tactical skills at trolling. I study.

i will stay out of the rest, but I hope there is some way to see the result. It would be futile if fancs couldn;t and trust me…This is NBA Playoff trolling I am observing and studying.


Ps. I have some great stuff about the PJ, so no worries.


“We may never know your real name, but you will get a star on the wall like all good NOCs.”

No but we are true moonbat comrades. Some people get mad and others get even. That is what I see here and I will let you see the end of my plot in return..

Like I said you guys run a tight ship. I even like how you invited trolling in and knew exactly who it was. Nic randoms is the most intelligent blogging cloak I have ever seen. You are true warriors and you have my respect.

It took me a bit to figure out the code but I laughed my ass off when the LGFERs (and they were obvious) came here as ordered and you could pin them without nics. You guys are the new breed. I can’t wait to see what you do next. Please.

All I ask is just provide a place (possibly from here) where this kind of planning can be appreciated. I have revealed to precious few I am an LGF mole but you guys are ingenious. Just don’t leave me hanging.

/Back to worshipping False Chimpity Chang Idol.





Hey, Chester! It would be too funny if you were one of my “LGF Lizard Buddies”!!!


Yeah fuckin A we need a solution for the Arabs that’s not open ended…now I’m not a Nazi (cuz as you know the Nazis were actually leftists….National SOCIALISM anyone?)…

But how about a FINAL SOLUTION to the Arab problem??

Even the ones who don’t claim to be Dirty fucking Muslim terrorist scumbags, are just pretending so they can take over the world and blow us all up

hating MOONBATS???????

We should fuckin kill you too, shoot you along
with the dirty Muslims

Then we’ll kill the ‘moderate’ conservatives ‘cuz they’re just traitors and dogs too




Hi Guys! I’m on your side now! I hate LGF!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!

I’ve got pictures of Ann Coulter and Charles Johnson together performing a gruesome homosexual act. I’ll give you the pics but first tell me where you’re secret club house is at, OK?


Guys, something bad has happened. Meet me at the place we meet.


Cattt, give us a few minutes. I’ll round everyone up. Hope that you’re ok.

Major Shortssniffer

What the hell?! One of you effin’ moonbats stole my name and shortend it so now I can'[ty post at LGF! I knowd it was one of yuo bastids!




Eat it Shortsniffer! Now that we’ve got three or four true blue Lizardroids banned from LGF where will you go? Huffington Post????? Talking Points Memo? The Poor Man? 3 Bulls? Bwaaahahaha!


Ha! Shortssniffer got his shorts sniffed! I can’t believe someone got him banned from LGF! That’s frickin hilarious!!!


I can’t believe there are no trackbacks to this! You would think Atrios or Kos would have sent their minions to help out.

Major Shortssniffer

I’d like to see those leftie idiots here! Thought we told ya’ll. this Is a mans blog now! We’ll eff up ther sh!t good!





Sigh, Shortsniffer it seems that we have much to learn in the art of Cobaggery.


We totally are cobags. We really should have studied our friend better. Next time, I’ll do the research listening to the shitty Weezer. You guys can research mind control and propaganda. Then we will make him except us.

and he won’t tell us-

EAT IT!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!


see, i told you ether helped.

Major Shortssniffer

Mdhatter, you mispeled “either’ dumbass!!!1!!!




Uh, Major, I think you need to learn a thing or 2 before you post about what other people write. Jackass.


ghastly demon trolls.

what a wonderful thread. i’ve been so amused that i completely forgot to play with my balls.


You moonbat looozers are patetic, just tryin to get trafic by fukin with CJ. ROTFLMAO!!!! stay in kalifornia with Sindy Sheehan moveon.org and all the other girly men. Lizardoids RULEZ ya moonbat wankers!!!!


I love the conservative obsession with website traffic. Um, I don’t see any ads anywhere, so I don’t know what the difference is between a million hits and no hits. Don’t be a total Fumento.

Cindy Fatima Sheehan

Hey! I’m only here for the pussy. All liberals are pussies. When you hit them they say sorry and blame themselves. They’re so cute like that.


Heh! You liberal sickos just got scholed by a girl!!!!!!!!11!! Panzy Freaks!!!1!!


I can’t believe there are no trackbacks to this! You would think Atrios or Kos would have sent their minions to help out.

Trackbacks have been broken for a long time. If someone links, we usually find out by a bunch of referrals coming in.


good one Pinkie, but wheres the Brain? Answer: CJ has one and dhimmiRAT moonbats DON’T!!! ROTFLMAO!!!


“Hey, Chester! It would be too funny if you were one of my “LGF Lizard Buddies”!!!”

Well, if JFK can sleep with an East gErman spy, I suppose we can share a wittle nubbin ourselves.

To any LGFers reading this are you guys shitting your knickers yet. Think about all those bot comments you have seen over months and years on that site and now you have to question it all.

Nothing is safe, and we are such mean spirited and evil moonbats we do it just for sport. We lie cheat and steal and manipulate you all. What a world…Bwahahahahha!!!!!



Heh. Good stuff, Chester.


I have been going through the archives, and I think I pinned a couple of you from the Texas boozer, but I can’t believe how long you have been there.

I am impressed. Do your nastiest, I am stroking my cock over here. I am watchin’ Chuckwagon scrutinize his other members. Really fun stuff, I hope he won’t question me because of you bastards. You guys are evil and cruel to play with Chucksters online universe and you should be ashamed of yourselves.


look familiar? :p



You are doing it all wrong, you’re supposed to stroke your pussy a la Blofeld.

OK, Chester, pop over to 3Bulls (the latest post/thread and I will send you to the ecretsay eadthray)




I finally went over to LGF and read that thread. Good grief! It was like “A Very Bataan Death March Christmas”!

Capt. Trollypants

I double dog dare you Chester, you asshole. Go ahead betray the Lizardoids. U will pay the consequences. I can’t wait for you to be hosed.

EAT IT!!!!!!!!

Major Shortssniffer

Gawdamn, Capn! I wish these bastrds would put up som rael email addresses so we could find out wher theyr at! I would kick some leftie losser ASS!!!1!!11!!!


They are too big of Friday Cat Bloggers if you know what I mean!!

/bwah ha ha voice

Major Shortssniffer

I like to look at cat every day of the wek if you now wht I mean!!



I double dog dare you Chester, you asshole. Go ahead betray the Lizardoids. U will pay the consequences. I can’t wait for you to be hosed.

It hasn’t happened yet….Betrayal of the lizardoids? Christ almighty I forget how stupid some of you are as I pluck out the comments.

Alrighty you mishevious bastards I put up a post at 3bulls.

you had a problem with the jewnics because Charles has a real bug up his ass about Antisemitism. I noticed someone up there made mention of Arabs being semites and that is REALLY BIG NONO!

A Little LGF longevity advice, never say anything that can even possibly be misconstrued as antisemitism. The readers are programmed to freak out.

Chuckles is a goy, but I don’t know what has compelled him to be a wannabe expert on Judaism. I guess it adds to the LGF stewpot.

Carry on



Thing is, if he truly thought like an Israeli- most of the nicknames would have seem ultra perfect to him, except the MajorSS, but that was because somebody was a total cobag screw up. Oh well. We suckwad. Looking forward to seeing Chesteroni in action.


PP, the way you keep putting ‘-oni’ at the end of things, I’m starting to think that you’re actually a character from “Happy Days”. I’ve got no idea why, that’s just how it is.


Aha, Yosef trying to prove that he’s not a commie spy by dropping a few HD references. Well let me tell you something, Mr. I love Stalin drawers! Any true blue American would know that they would add an “arelli” to the end of words not an “oni.”

Heh. Indeed.


I’ll “not” strangle the both of you SICKO TROLLZ with Kaye Grogan’s soiled leopard print thong if you do “not” start that “not” ironic “not” nonsense again.

Major Shortssniffer

You do “not” make any sense leftwimp moonbat!!!


Hey nutterooo trying not SUCKING IT!!!


Heh, SCHUUULED!!!1!!


Or as we like to0 say hear in AMERICA….SCHUUUULEDARELLI!!!!1!


Asshat, I’ll have you know that in all its full spelled out glory, I am the Hottest Young Conservative Writer on the Internets!!! Your boyfriend Justin doesn’t hold a candle to me. Or as I like to say (in a quote I totally just invented right now) King Kong ain’t got nuthin on me!!! And so what about Joni? Shouldn’t she be Jonarelli?

Major Shortssniffer

ROTLFMOA!!!!!1!!11!!! You tell ’em aSshat!!1!!



you decide!


“Chaciaroni loves Jonarelli”

Just doesn’t have quite the same ring.




First of all doucheroos, don’t listen to the trollsies on how to follow the Pinkeroni. It’s a cross between Gollum and Baby talk. Everythingsies should be plural and most nouneroonis should be nouneroni, nounerooni, nounerooski or plural. So don’t be such total trolleronies.


Also, you have been so f***ing funny tonight I have to eat a whole bag of Oreos because you have depressed my self esteem.


This is just WRONGOROO!

JJ 10 Votes – Rating 7.5
S.S 5 Votes – Rating (Not enough Votes)
T.P. 3 Votes – Rating (Not enough Votes)
A.H. 30+ Votes – Rating 4.7


I just had some verbal diarrhea serious post over at my place and had to wash the seriousness out with a visit over here.

I also found someone on the flip side that is the most hilarious person. They must know who they are The comments fly fast and furious over there, so I won’t give away any clue to the Lizard King- poor Jim Morrison- I wish he would expose himself to his nickname usurper- but I want to praise you for your brazen and wonton disregard for your personal safety just to make us laugh. Maybe it was Yosef.


Actually, that was a pretty great post. I’m afraid to spoil it by leaving any comments on it. But I’ll ponder for a while and see what I come up with.


Wasn’t me. I don’t even know which thread it was on you’re talking about.

I am going to learn English soon.


Oh yeah, 291, beeyotchezz!!!


292, Beeyotchorooarellioroni!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


293 bizatchatizzlelizaroidos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


294, fellas!


295, Punkozz!!!!!

Conservative Humor


BossHaganah, HebrewRaptor, and ProphetEzekiel are our failed heroes, having sacrificed themselves for the cause of decency and universal human respect. For being shot down by jackbooted thugs while answering the call of duty, we salute you our heroes!


Obituary for BossHaganah:

BossHaganah was born in 1917 of humble background to Schlomo and Meriam Feldstein, but he grew into an outspoken supporter of the cause of freedom. He left the University of Erfurt in 1936 to enlist with the anti-Franco forces in Spain. When Franco defeated the liberal forces, BH fled back to his native Germany to fight the rising tide of fascism he observed. While trying to infiltrate the local brownshirt crowd with three of his friends, he was given away by his humble background and summarily shot dead. He was buried in a desecrated grave in the conservative town of Blogospheria.

We salute you, Boss!


‘Tis I, F.M.Asshat, the Hottest Young Conservative Writer on the Internets!



jay-pee-tee-arooski, we salute your valiant efforts for the great cause and want you to know your greatness was documented for all eternity, and we will arrange a tree to be planted in Eretz Israel for your efforts.


WHAT A FRIGGIN’ HONOR!!1!!! With my powers as a US Senator (guess which one), I declare that although I am pantless at this time that today is officially the Special Day of Sadly, No! Let the word go forth that the women should deter their lubriciousness with Absorbshun while the male volume should increase with Spur-M and No, No, No will thunder over the plains sprinkling the landscape with prostitutes and booze and deformed cats.

You are so kind.

I would like to thank Rear Admiral Tubesock, Yosef, GregH, jpatman, Gavin M, Brad R., the ever stealthy Tapio, the lamented Ukko and the uknown soldier sprinkling a certain site with “Adverb, Whatever part of speech Yes and No Are” expressions left and right.

Oh yeah, one more thing-



Greatest Exceptance Speech Evah!


Ah, I was blessed to sit under such a marvelous orator: our Lizardoid friends could only dream of such eloquence! (Being blog like a conservative day, we’ve gotta praise ourselves and knock the other side).


I’ve analyzed the relationship between Absorbshun and Spur-M. My study has shown that optimal results can be obtained by using Absorbshun in exactly a 4:7 ratio (by weight) to Spur-M. The increasing drying ability of Absorbshun helps to mop up the increasing output caused by Spur-M. Just another tidbit to file away. Of course, if you’re a Lizardoid, the use of Absorbshun may be optional, depending on your style of play. The reason why is that many lizard species are parthenogenic, ie. females have virgin births and males are not needed. Nontheless, the females often practice mounting behaviors, even though no sperm is passed between cloacas.

This may explain The Lizard King’s sense of paranoia and frustration. Being a male in a world where males are unneeded must have been a blow to his ego. When the female folks are out mounting and birthing, Lizard King sits in front of his computer and shoots poor folks like BossHaganah and jpmatc.


My fave coservative blogger thing- the nitpick:

“James Douglas Morrison was born in 1943 to a Navy admiral, of all people, and he grew up as an army brat”

-Sadly, No! Army brat? I thought his dad was in the NAVY??? Leftists hate freedom, love terror, QED!

Major Shortssniffer

Pinko Spunko got 300?! Wht a toll for being ekcited about that!!!1!! Who effffin cares doooooooood?


Hey congrats, Pinko! If you talk to the prize claim dept, tell them I’m still waiting on my prize for 300 in that other thread.

Meanwhile, in honor of BossH, HR, and PE, and in honor of PP’s #300 post, let’s all toast. Raise your corndogs in honor!



Just for the record, Gavin, I abhor antisemitism, or racial discrimination of any kind for that matter. Furthermore, I ahbor the notion of other trolls intruding on my turf. Well, I take that back. I humbly acknowledge that its really just borrowed turf, and I’m on borrowed time. But, oddly enough, liberals keenly aware that I am the same redneck who released a CD called Right-wingers Need Love Too, have graciously welcomed me in the door. They have shown me, a bold-faced right-winger, love, though they have a hard time expressing it, and they have an odd way of making me feel welcome.


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How dare the spammers defile the sacred thread!


Those are the best comments on the thread.


(comments are closed)