I’m Nominating WorldNetDaily for the Pulitzer Peace Prize in Medicine

“Old media” outlets like the New York Times and the Washington Post must quake in their boots every time the hungry young reporters at WorldNetDaily scoop them with hard-hitting investigative pieces like this:

9/11 panel hammered for ignoring Atta intel

Staff dismissed info about ID’ing of hijackers, ex-Bill Clinton aide Jamie Gorelick fingered

“Holy cow!” you say. “And WorldNetDaily is a highly-regarded news organization! They’d never publish such explosive allegations without first consulting high-level intelligence officials with extensive knowledge about the commission’s report, right?”

Well, let’s take a look at their lede (emphasis mine):

Online commentators are taking aim at the 9/11 commission for its failure to include in its report that intelligence officials reportedly ID’d hijack ringleader Mohamed Atta as part of an al-Qaida cell in the U.S. over a year before the September 11 tragedy, saying the panel was acting politically instead of factually.

Quite a scoop. With reporting like this, it’s easy to see why the Internet has taken such a prominent role in…

Oop! What’s this? The voices in my head are telling me they’ve got some BREAKING NEWS!!!

WorldNetDaily Hammered for Complete Incompetence, Utter Ineptitude

WND Editor Joseph Farah, the “Sy Woodward of the Internets,” Fingered

Online commentator Brad R. is taking aim at WorldNetDaily for its massive intelligence failures. R., who writes for the prestigious Internet magazine Sadly, No!, says WND routinely scrounges right-wing websites for crackpot stories and posts them as “breaking news.”

Who knew this reporting stuff was so easy?


Comments: 24


Oh man you’re the digital Woodward, Bernstein and Encyclopedia Brown all rolled into one fact finding, clue sniffing, reporting machine!


Staff dismissed info about ID’ing of hijackers, ex-Bill Clinton aide Jamie Gorelick fingered

Ew! you know, I like Bill and all, but I’m sick of hearing about who is fingering who.


Ew! you know, I like Bill and all, but I’m sick of hearing about who is fingering who.

I was thinking of going there, but I thought, “Nah, too tasteless, even for me.” Glad you were up to the challenge, Vespa 😉


I’m just upset that VV beat me to it!

(Conservative Humor)


Breaking News: Joseph Farah’s moustache first ever consevative attempt to break the 99% liberal domination of subtle post-ironic satire.
Blog gossip spread, handlebar fingered.


Blog gossip spread

This sounds like a Swankism. “Sadly, No! is working tirelessly to acheive its blog gossip spread.”


WND Editor Joseph Farah, the “Sy Woodward of the Internets,” Fingered

Ew! Not even Marq, known fancier of Ben Shapiro, could condone this…


Actually, I think Jim’s the one with the hots for Ben…


9/11 panel hammered…
Jamie Gorelick fingered…

They’re good at the headlines though, gotta admit.


9/11 panel hammered…
Jamie Gorelick fingered…

They’re good at the headlines though, gotta admit.

Joseph Farah fudge-packed!


‘…fingered in sex probe!’


Wow, not only are you getting scooped by WND, but Jesse from Pandagon has the latest up from Kaye!

However, I must point out that S,N! has 17.2% more snark than Pandagon, according to my precise (and patented) tabulation methodology.


Jesse’s muscliing in on Kaye? Doesn’t he know that’s OUR BEAT??!!!?


I threatened that if Jesse takes Kaye, we’ll snatch Amanda.

Then I thought about that a bit.


OK, but we *could* launch a kitten strike. It’s been ever-so-long…



a kitten strike.

clue sniffing AND glue sniffing

to the batmobile!


Heh. It’s my birthday. I get to be as unashamedly tasteless as I wanna be!


V.V.- Really? Sweet! Feliz cumpleanos!


Yep. 24 today. Almost hitting the quarter-century mark . . .


Vestal Vespa, Feliz Navidad! At 24 you’re still just a pup with many more great years ahead. Although, after 27 it is downhill all the way.


Happy birthday, VV. Demand your right to be unashamedly tasteless every day!


Actually, I think Jim’s the one with the hots for Ben…

Geeze, Gavin–! Ew! Brad is 101% correct! Sheesh, I wouldn’t suck vBen’s winkie with either of your mouths!
Oh, and Happy Birthday, Vespa!


Hey, VV, I missed the news yesterday, so happy one day late b-day! Once you get to be as old as me, life’s going to be a lot harder. You start forgetting things, your body starts hurting in places you don’t know you have, you can’t see or hear as well, and you start driving slower.

So enjoy these next 4 years, because 28 is rough.


i really would like to read your blog…however white on black is nearly unreadable…blue on black is totally unreadable on either my sony multiscan or my dell lcd…is it really worth it to lose a big part of your readership? the black background looks like an add for crazy eddies anyway.


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