Hardly Har Har [Updated for our Sadno Premium subscribers]

Look, all you ‘funny conservatives,’ you can Yar! and Yo-ho! and flourish your cutlasses and pistols all you like, but if we press this button here, it activates the satellite lasers. A’ight?


The top ‘funny conservative blog’ IMAO goes after Mithras for saying that conservatives aren’t funny:

The New York Nationals attempting to halt the multigame winning streak of rivals the Harlem Globetrotters

Mithras a blogger, who is, and I mean this with the strictest inter-blogger professional courtesy, an ignorant moonbat nutjob of I’m sure, the most delightful sort, also possibly an extremely large radioactive moth [ed note, nope that was Mothra], asks Where Are All The Funny Conservative Bloggers?

Then he (she? no offense, dunno, don’t read him/her) lists a few:

Meanwhile, here’s TBogg.

Mithras, who I believe, was once a big frigging atomic moth in badly dubbed Japanese movies, has a post up today on the dearth of funny conservative bloggers. He asks (and we’re assuming a ‘he’ since we haven’t kept up on our giant atomic moth genitalia as of late):

We’d say that great minds think alike, but of course we wouldn’t say that, because it’s a dull cliche — and not least because of the glory that is TBogg, and the moldy ungreatness of IMAO’s stuff, like this stack of wet, buggy plywood:

A lot of people have been asking “why hasn’t the MSM picked up on the Air America scandal?”.

Well, it turns out that it’s because the execs at Air America have been sitting on a bunch of stories that are – shall we say – “less than flattering” about the other major news outlets, and threatened to go public with them if the big boys cracked the story.

Through various nefarious means, I’ve discovered what those hidden scandals are:

MSNBC paid over $3.4 million dollars in bribe money over the last nine years to keep the Apple Mighty Mouse off the market.

Ted Koppel was videotaped at Peter Jennings’ funeral rifling the corpse’s pockets looking for spare change to support his vicious crack habit.

Since the 2004 elections, Dan Rather has spent millions of dollars of CBS’s money buying vintage typewriters on eBay.

This one actually isn’t so bad. It’s more allusive than the others, and I like the parsimony, as opposed to the vague girdle-commercial locution of “shall we say — ‘less than flattering,'” and “various nefarous means.” (I’d have been like, “I walked backwards into Black Rock at quitting time, saying, ‘Whew! Rough Day! Hasta manana, j-dawgs'” — or something like that.) Needs development though. I see it more as a photo with a caption. There’s probably a usable Rather-with-typewriter pic somewhere.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…

The ink used to print Newsweek is manufactured in Honduran sweatshops and its main ingredient is the blood of orphans.

Elvis has been working in the mailroom at NBC since 1977.

Ha ha! See, it’s funny because Elvis… [smack] Ow! Whudja do that for?

Almost a year beforehand, members of the Associated Press CLEARLY knew that September 11th was coming. It was on all their calendars, just sitting there next to September 10th.

This one isn’t bad either. It seems vaguely familiar, like it might have made the rounds via email a couple of years ago, but who knows. Let’s jazz it up a bit:

Almost a year beforehand, [Elvis] CLEARLY knew that September 11th was coming. It was on all the calendars, just sitting there next to [dead Honduran crack babies].

See, you want to get in as many of the funny things like celebrities’ names and crack and dead Hondurans as you can. That’s what gives it that special funny-person luster. A good formula is…but then, really, what I mean to say at essence is that Frank is a cum-guzzling monster twat.


[Correction: We’re informed that this post is by ‘Harvey,’ while ‘Frank’ is the one who always goes, “You pathetic moonbats! Bwah-ha-haaa! I am big; I stomp your Underoos with my iron bootfist!” (See previous monograph on ‘conservative humor.’)]

Funny left-bloggers practicing for another game vs. ‘funny’ right-bloggers.

Oh wait, there’s more.

Wolf Blitzer, booze, a can of Crisco, and a video camera. ‘Nuff said.

Dear Stan the Man:
The last Spiderman ish was Ditko’s best webspinner since the Thermoplastic Man (ish #372 — ‘Nuff said!) Looking forward to the next ish. Keep it mighty, Marvel!
‘Nuff said,
-Frank J

Keepin’ it mighty for the FOOM, Frank!
‘Nuff said,

All the major networks accepted serious payola from Lyndie England to keep showing those Abu Ghraib photos, which did wonders for her “internet dominatrix” business, which – coincidentally – is owned by Time-Warner.

Speaking of ownership, you may have already guessed that greedy corporate sports network ESPN owns ‘RoidCo, which makes steroids in Honduran sweatshops out of orphan-blood.

Needs a celebrity name. Sugg: ‘Jimmy Hoffa.’

Oh, and Robert Novak had sex with Tom Cruise, but hey – who hasn’t?

Hur-hur. Looks like all the rest of the bases are covered and it’s time for a ‘one word’ joke. “Hey, one word: Soledad O’Brien and a can of spray cheese.”

Now it’s time for a Simpson’s reference and a cringingly unsolicited ‘well, okay’: “D’oh! Well, okay, that’s eight words.” Now an ironic pop-culty rejoinder: “But hey — I have it on good authority that Elvis is IN the building!”

Yeah, love those late-night talk shows. Oh wait, it’s time for an ‘oh wait.’ And now…our Number One reason why radioactive space monkeys on crack are better than Howard Dean: “Yeeaargh!”

Hoo hoo. Ha ha. [pumps arm] WOO!

Let me know if there any media scandals that I missed…

Sigh. Two words: Tim Russert and a can of [bang!] [shoots himself]

PS: Conservative Humor.


Comments: 74


Is it time to open up the plagiarism files again?


Oh, I see.

sorta like when they shoot cans, right?

I’m almost ashamed to share a language with those two.

again, aiming for wit, falling down half-way.


tbogg, of course, probably does not shoot cans.

other than aluminium.


of course, tbogg does in fact get it.

“And when they find out that their sense of humor is deader than Bob Dole’s dick, they start invading countries instead of invading those sweet marshy swamplands to the south, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.

If you’re liberal.”

in more ways than one.

maybe they just don’t get it.

or it.


I suppose if we ever need to find common ground, it can be in the fact that the right and left wing bloggers both (for the most part) do not read the other side’s blogs, and yet can rip into them quite viciously with little provocation. We’re just less serious about it.


we’re no less serious,

they are just less vinous


For more proof that Conservatives lack the funny gene see this blog-whoring post The Album Formerly Known As Sean Hannity?s Phone Number …


Amazing Spider-Man 372 wasn’t that bad, actually. Spider-Man and the Black Cat teamed up to fight some Spider Slayers. And we got to see Smythe Jr.’s carapace for the first time. Good times.

And as every webhead knows, Ditko’s last issue was 38!

Oh, and Bush sucks.


Um, italics are stuck on again. Some parts of the above were difficult to tell if it was Gavin or the “memorably named” IMAO. Wait! Don’t hit me–Ow! It’s just that–Ow!! Stop that! Oof, argh!


I dunno. A few of those were actually fairly funny. The Rather/typewriter thing. The Lyndie England thing, in a frog-in-a-blender-joke way. The Sept 10 thing, though, yes, I’ve heard it before, but they get points for trying.

And the Wolf Blitzer thing needs at least one more tangible object/person/creature in that construction to work. I’d have left out the booze, honestly, and included, say, a Ken doll in a wedding tux. But tastes vary.

And, of course, the Elvis thing, but that’s just because I have some sort of involuntary reaction that makes me giggle at Elvis references, regardless of context.


If Harvey isn’t funny, why did his post get 11 trackbacks?


If Harvey isn’t funny, why did his post get 11 trackbacks?

For the same reason lots of people watched Everybody Loves Raymond: they have crappy senses of humor.


If Harvey isn’t funny, why did his post get 11 trackbacks?

Doubtless another news schock being suppressed by Air America. Dead Honduran crack babies have blogs…and they find Harvey hysterical!

As do I…er, I mean…*ahem*…dittuh?…doo-daa?…Dada?…What is that word again that wingers use to sound supportive and clever?


Jeez, how the hell did I manage to miss “schock” on like, 5 previews? I’m not German.


“What’s that up in the air?”


“It’s hardly a speck from here. Do you see it?”

“Barely. What in the world is it?”

Alas, it is Frank J.’s joke, soaring so high above their heads they’ll never know its beauty or its glory.

And did you steal space lasers from me? I’ll sue you for everything your pathetic site contains. Don’t mess with the big leagues, children – you might get hurt!


(there; you made me laugh)


No, I got your joke. But being fawning and gushy is anti-climactic.

But, so there are no hurt feelings: “That’s gold, Frank…GOLD!”


Y’know, I didn’t really believe the whole “conservative bloggers aren’t funny” thing until I started reading the blogs that conservatives said were so fucking funny. God, these people suck. And it’s a very sad moment when you realize that the funniest conservative around is still William F. Buckley.

That is, the funniest conservative who’s actually trying to be amusing…


It’s really not that conservatives aren’t funny; it’s that dogmatic extremists aren’t funny. Marx wasn’t exactly a laff-riot. The Ayatollah Khomeini famously said “There is no fun in Islam.” The best Mussolini ever managed was “pull my finger.” Martha Stewart is funny like a migraine. Humour ceased to exist in the US during the 50’s. The Soviet Union was a humour-free zone (..except for subversive satire, which had the annoying consequence of being quite often, deadly.)

The type of conservativism we’re seeing these days is extreme.


Well, maybe Marx wasn’t ha-ha funny, but try keeping a wry smile from coming to your lips when he goes up one side of Burke and down the other:

“This sychophant who, in the pay of the English oligarchy, played the romantic laudator temporis acti against the French Revolution, just as, in the pay of the North American Colonies, at the beginning of the American troubles, he had played the Liberal against the English oligarchy, was an out and out vulgar bourgeois. ‘The laws of commerce are the laws of Nature, and therefore the laws of God.’ No wonder that, true to the laws of God and of Nature, he always sold himself to the best market.”


“…involuntary reaction that makes me giggle at Elvis references…”

That makes 2 things we know you giggle at, D.

Why is it that no one talks about my astute observation that fart jokes are the highest form of humor there is?

Conservative Humor


And did you steal space lasers from me? I’ll sue you for everything your pathetic site contains. Don’t mess with the big leagues, children – you might get hurt!


there; you made me laugh)

Yes, but you see, that’s not funny.

Wait, I’m you: “No, you stole from me! I will sue you pathetic peabrains. Bwaa-ha-haaa!”

The whole point is that if you’re going to be funny, you can’t be running around waving your arms in the air, ranting like Dr. Smith from Lost in Space.

Because that makes you the straight man, see?

Aah, they don’t get it.


Well, maybe Marx wasn’t ha-ha funny, but try keeping a wry smile from coming to your lips when he goes up one side of Burke and down the other…

Good point.

The whole point is that if you’re going to be funny, you can’t be running around waving your arms in the air, ranting like Dr. Smith from Lost in Space.

Yes, but as you said, God Forbid they should ever stop.


Yes, but as you said, God Forbid they should ever stop.

Hey man, long may they wave. When in the history of the world has such fun been available at one’s fingertips? I mean, honestly.


I am not sure if “funny” is an objective qualifier. You see, many attributes are dependent on the environmental conditions. There is a mushroom “ink cap” that is quite numerous in US and in Poland. US mushroom guides deem it edible, while it is deemed poisonous in Poland. Small print: it makes you sick if you drink alcohol.

My estimate is that a mere six-pack can make you laugh at most of IMAO stuff, unless you drink to the weepy sounds of country music. This theory would explain a lot: cognitive peculiarities, the style of humor and the bouts of weepy sore feelings that you get after the third six-pack.


I think that mushroom is called the ‘shaggy mane’ here. Not to get off topic, but what does the one in Poland look like?


Here’s hoping Conservatives never clone the funny gene. Imagine Caddyshack without Ted Knight. A Marx Brothers movie without Margaret Dumont. Dr. Strangelove without Dr. Strangelove. The whole subgenre of 80’s teen comedies would be lost without humorless Republican fratboys. -SHUDDER-


I think the fact that the mushrooms make you sick when taken with alcohol explains why they are considered deadly in Poland.


If Harvey isn’t funny, why did his post get 11 trackbacks?

10 of those trackbacks are from Sadly, No! and another trackback is from Harvey to his own blog where he admits that his post wasn’t his best effort.


I’m sorry, petercollada, did you just take a backhanded swipe at Poland?


Oh, and Frank J, love your latest post. Excerpt:


* A New York taxi company.

* A posh Hollywood party to be among other America haters.

* Into a volcano.

Shiver me timbers, Frank, that is just phenomenal stuff. I mean, who would’ve ever thought to make a joke about Middle Easterners driving taxis? Or about Hollywood being full of America-hating liberals? And the volcano thing – pure brilliance right there… if you’re an adolescent “cool kid” wannabe with the social skills of a feral hamster, that is.

Q: How many self-absorbed, profoundly unoriginal wingnut douchebags does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: Go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut, you self-absorbed, profoundly unoriginal wingnut douchebag.


Could someone please tell me what this has to do with Marie Jon’?


Actually… FrankJ used to be kinda funny, in that Junior High cut-up sort of way, before he hooked up with the airhead accountant and let all those so very lame folks on to share his site. His used to be one of the few righty blogs I’d read. (See his Nuke the Moon post, for example. Teh funnee.)

So let the funnee-destroying-airhead be a lesson to the MJ’-obsessed of the ‘sphere!!11!!!1111!!1!


Chris, I think what it has to do with Marie is that she actually knows how to be funny, as seen in Sadly, Yes!

(Conservative Humor)


FrankJ used to be kinda funny, in that Junior High cut-up sort of way, before he hooked up with the airhead accountant and let all those so very lame folks on to share his site.

Kind of like when PJ O’Rourke became a “fellow” of the Cato Institute. You could just imagine PJ at the time, in full-blown sell-out (not the cleverly self-deprecating faux-sellout he banked on in the twilight of his actual career): “Gee, I’m old and puffy, the drugs and booze have taken their toll, and rich people are taking me seriously, although not for reasons I can agree with at all. Still, the winters seem to be getting colder, what’s up with music these days and…what the hell is this thing on my neck? God, I hope it’s benign…so what the hell, eh? Besides, Halcyon is prescription.”

…only, in reverse. Kind of.


“What’s that up in the air?”

Alas, it is Frank J.’s joke, soaring so high above their heads they’ll never know its beauty or its glory.

(Much) shorter Frank J.: “Am too funny you just don’t get it cuz it’s like so good an’ you’re just too dumb an’ stuff.”


Actually… FrankJ used to be kinda funny, in that Junior High cut-up sort of way, before he hooked up with the airhead accountant and let all those so very lame folks on to share his site.

See, that just proves the point. When Seb let lame airheads onto the site, they were still funny.


10 of those trackbacks are from Sadly, No! and another trackback is from Harvey to his own blog where he admits that his post wasn’t his best effort.

now THAT’S funny


My airhead accountant is the best funny around on the podcasts!

You guys wouldn’t know funny if it stole your kidneys and left you for dead.


You Attack One IMAO Blogger, You Attack Us All!

Since I’ve been discussing it and I’m back home and able to access it, here’s the article where some guy…


“For the same reason lots of people watched Everybody Loves Raymond: they have crappy senses of humor”

That explains why the best humour I’ve ever read has been Dave Barry, FrankJ, Iowahawk, and BlameBush!. I see things so clearly now 🙂


You guys wouldn’t know funny if it stole your kidneys and left you for dead.
Funny, but sadly, true.
right and left wing bloggers both (for the most part) do not read the other side’s blogs The reason for that from our side is that we are subjected to idiotic, liberal drivel every time we turn on the TV or read a “news” paper. Watch a crime drama, and we’re supposed to feel bad for the rapist because his daddy abused him. Watch nearly any show, and in one way or another, we are subjected to Leftist/Marxist philosophy. I can understand OUR need to get away to our echo-chamber retreat. What’s your excuse?


Boy I’m just slappin’ my knee on that conservative humor link. Get it, cuz the page is blank, cuz conservatives aren’t funny, so the page is blank, and… Whew! I’m about spent after that. Guess I’m not gonna get around to bombing any abortion clinics today.


I wouldn’t argue about the cum guzzling Frank, the Liberals are experts at cum guzzling, especially limp dick Michael Moore’s cum, so they know them when they see them…except in your case where their vision is so narrowed by their own extreme views… Oh and by the way Liberals SUCK!!


Damn, most TV shows glorify Marxist-Leninist philosophy? I mean its hard to see what with the commericals and all.


Watch a crime drama, and we’re supposed to feel bad for the rapist because his daddy abused him.

Ok, so…according to the liberal-leftist-homosexualist agenda, how long do we have to wait before deciding this is:

1)An obvious satire of your typical wingnut who thinks liberals love rapists, no matter what.
2)An actual wingnut who thinks liberals love rapists, no matter what.

Since the wingnuts are self-parodying (I blame unviveral literacy for the confusion), it’s very hard to tell these days.


Well find me a washer because I just might be a wingnut! Whoo yeah! Pardon me, I have baby seals to slaughter, and some bibles to thump, so I gotta go again.


Definitions of humor on the Web:

* wit: a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter
* the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous; “she didn’t appreciate my humor”; “you can’t survive in the army without a sense of humor”
* temper: a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling; “whether he praised or cursed me depended on his temper at the time”; “he was in a bad humor (like liberals on a good day)”
* the quality of being funny; “I fail to see the humor in it(with IMAO there is always humor)”
* (Middle Ages) one of the four fluids in the body whose balance was believed to determine your emotional and physical state; “the humors are blood and phlegm and yellow and black bile”
* liquid body substance: the liquid parts of the body(Hmmm,body liquids. May be from a blended puppie?)
* put into a good mood (always)

Posts like yours seems to make my day brighter because I laugh at those who do not understand high humor. The humor of the bloggers and posts at IMAO often makes fun of themselves. Humor of ‘self’ is often considered the highest of all humor.


Well, golly! Dang it. I think I’ll go join me the army, so I can help fight’n’ me this war agains them nasty ol’ towelhead moooslims. Maybe we can sart to win the dern thing and then we’ll have us that there oil to bring what that price down o’ the gas-o-leen… Shooo-we!


I just read Fitch’s comment as “bibles to hump”. My subconscious playing tricks on me? for it seems oddly appropriate. sorry Fitch, I tried to read the rest of your posts, but for some reason immediately fell asleep.

Frank J: I hope you are saving your best stuff for your website.


You guys wouldn’t know funny if it stole your kidneys and left you for dead.

Funny, but sadly, true.

See, now, I would have said “True, but sadly, not funny.” I mean it sort of had that meta-humor Anti-Funny Funny And That’s What Makes It Funny Because We’re Talking About What’s Funny, And That’s Irony! thing going for it, but then this Fitch person came along and added a Jay Leno patented “Huh? Huh? Get it? Get it?” desperate mugging to it which pretty much stripped away the funny like Alien saliva on a watercolor painting.

And, yes, I freely admit, as a liberal feminist queer chick, I personally always, *always* feel sorry for rapists, fictional or otherwise, ’cause, you know, fish gotta swim, hearts gotta bleed, as Molly Ivins once said.
Well, okay, actually, the only rapist I ever felt even remotely sorry for was the one who tried it on me and ended up with a piece of his dick in my teeth. And even then, I wasn’t, honestly, *that* sorry.
Jesus Christ, Fitch, WTF are you watching, and wouldn’t you feel more comfortable over at Men’s News Daily?


That makes 2 things we know you giggle at, D.

Ah, Yosef, you’d be amazed at the things that make me giggle. I’m an easy lol.


You guys need to not drink and blog.


wouldn’t you feel more comfortable over at Men’s News Daily? Hey, what’s the url on that. It sounds HOT! You know I love me some mens in short shorts. MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM!


Hey CG! What’s up with the bionic enhancements. How can I get some?


Fitch- Here’s the link. Unfortunately, Men’s News Daily has a resident comedian- Pastor Joseph Grant Swank.


Read Wazzadem losers. That shit’s funny no matter who you are.


His article had the word “monkeys” in it. THATS funny. Somehow, that was all I saw though. “Monkeys” flew out at me, and something about boring political stuff, and no gay porn.


Swanky’s kinda avant-garde, not for everyone. Here’s a choice excerpt:

All the more these personages cannot be trusted. They hide behind their degrees and wealth and social standing but say nothing at all to discipline the Muslim murderers global.

Further, the United Nations does nothing, says nothing, sits on its collective hands as Kofi Annan mutes himself concerning the Islamic killers international.

And this may be one of the greatest Swank sentences of all-time:

It’s just plain brainlessness mushroomed to realize that not only is this suicide fad expanding but that the devotees of this religion ? actually a killing cult, not a world religion ? do not pipe a peep in protest.

OK, so it’s not so much funny as totally incomprehensible- which, in turn is why it’s funny.


Goddamnit it’s about time. Y’all have been fishing for trolls for days, and they weren’t coming over, finally we get to read the thoughts of Captain Dickinhisbrain and the Unfunny Gang.

“When Seb let lame airheads onto the site, they were still funny.”

You’re talking about back when s.z. and Peanut were guest hosting, right?


Wow… This was almost as funny as the joke that was John Kerry’s 2004 Presidential Campaign!!!!

Cum Guzzling Monster Twat??? Do you still have a Mullet??? Is your cassette collection comprised of Skid Row, Slaughter, and Poison????

I must give you some kudos, however, on your feeble attempt at snarkiness… Keep at it boss, you will get it someday!!!

Best of luck!



You forgot to go ‘bwaa-ha-haa.’


Oh… My Bad….


I think my favorite comedic conservative line was the one about dropping ten stories of the UN building by Bolton.

Or no, my favorite was Coulter saying she wishes McVeigh stopped by the NYT building.

No, no, it’s when Bill O’Reilly said Sheehan was responsible for her son getting killed! (http://mediamatters.org/items/200508110002)

Or maybe Bush’s “Fool me once, can’t… don’t fool me again” non-sequitur.

Conservatives: always good for a laugh!


Watch a crime drama, and we’re supposed to feel bad for the rapist because his daddy abused him. Watch nearly any show, and in one way or another, we are subjected to Leftist/Marxist philosophy

Marx spent so much time talking about rape and sexual abuse, it’s no wonder the worldwide Communist revolution failed!


Best comment on the thread.
“Is it time to open up the plagiarism files again?”-GregH

Maybe it is, I posted mine first.

You ever gonna finish editing this post? The cheetah picture was funnier.

Not sure the globetrotter theme fits, I mean wouldn’t the urge so set your clothing on fire be overwhelming?


Actually, I find these trolls to be a trifle sub-par. I’m used to a higher standard of trolldom at S,N.


What I don’t get about that website is why, if they’re so right wing and conservative, the main color on the page is red and it says in big letters at the top “MAO”. Is that some secret code that they are really Maoist Commie-Symps?


My favorite funny conservative moment was when Ann Coulter said the US should invade Canada, except for Alberta, to save some cowboys for her. The funny part being that some people think she was serious!


This is pretty sad. You admit that Harvey said that the post wasn’t his best stuff, but you then go ahead and rip into it like you think you’re the Texas chainsaw killer (Oh, wait, no that’s not who you would be. Theres too many “Bible-Thumpers” and “Queer-Bashers” in Texas).

I do hope that this isn’t a comedy blog because your post was more confusing then funny. It may have something to do with the fact that you’ve got about 3 pictures thrown up in the middle of your post that has almost nothing to do with what you where saying.

And no, the main problem with the Right/Left divide isn’t that they don’t read each others work, its that neither side shows enough class to not kick someone when their down/show some restraint.

To any Libs out there, just chill out and enjoy the freedom of the Internet.

To any Conservatives out there, just chill out and enjoy this wonderful country that allows you to say what you want.

P.S. Humor isn’t just one thing. Thats why theres more then one catagory i.e. slapstick, irony, satire, knock knock jokes… just because you don’t think its funny doesn’t mean it isn’t.


“It’s more allusive..”

It’s REALLY “elusive” when searching for words you didn’t encounter during the English class you missed while attending “rallies” and “sit-ins”.
Or is this the new “phun wif phonics” they teach now?
What a ‘Tard….


Horrabin is such a clown. I may be “eluding” to a book you seem to have read. Hope you had as much phun reading it as I did.


The main problem with conservative humor is that they confuse “it’s funny because it’s true” with “it’s true because it’s funny” and so they use humor as a means of conveying truth (or their version there of). And they consider it funny if you just insult the other side, whether it’s true or funny; though they prefer anything that confirms stereotypes and generalities. And so truth and funniness become self-fulfilling items, each confirming the other. It’s funny because it’s true, and it’s true because it’s funny. But if you don’t already agree with them, you won’t find it funny or true.

Coulter and Limbaugh are perfect examples of that. You can’t attack them for saying offensive stuff, because they were just joking. But the joke was a way of reinforcing certain truths which can’t be said in a straight-forward manner. And so they get the best of both worlds: They can say anything they want, but without any accountability. And what’s saddest of all is that the joke is always on their followers; but they never know it.

Oh, and in keeping with this board’s theme of funny bloggers, I’ll give my own favorite joke: Fart.

But that’s copyrighted, so don’t even think of using that without permission.


I don’t care now what anyone else says, I got quoted! *pats self on back* And corrected, but it was by Marc J., who said some things I agree with, so I can handle it. Could it be that I am not the only moderate in the blogosphere?


(comments are closed)