Shorter Michael Ledeen
Above: The Gilles de Rais of the Neocons.
- So-called ‘realists’ naively assume that, when they enter dialogue with our enemies, they are engaging other human beings — which just goes to show that they have no place in the foreign policy business.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
As is so often the case when dealing with the writings of long-time neoconmen (and Ledeen has been a menace to civilization for thirty years now), it’s hard to know where to begin, how to approach the clusterfuck of insanity: it’s a Gladwellian instance where one’s first, most superficial, instinctive response — horror, disgust, revulsion — is correct, but how? — and why? I think Ledeen’s work inspires negative-overload because we of the lefty persuasion are hardwired to identify and then furiously react to what is Orwellian. And Ledeen’s shit is definitely Orwellian, with the telltale and de riguer touch of Strauss: which is just a pseudo-intellectual way of saying it’s so god-awful fucking backwards.
“Realists” are conservatives — especially in the dictionary sense of the term, but also in the political sense. Ledeen is far, radically far, to their right. “To the right of Attila the Hun” is a joke-cliche’, but Ledeen is self-admittedly far to the right of Henry Kissinger, a man whose genocidal tendencies can at least be mentioned in the same breath as Attila’s. In typical Overton Window fashion, Ledeen paints conservative “realists” as hopelessly naive idealists: Brent Scowcroft as a Quaker. Thus he accomplishes two goals: carving a spot out for himself as the true, serious rightwinger, worthy of being listened to, and at the same time, he pushes the Left off the cliff. So much for meta strategy, now for the actual substance.
Ledeen says the “realists” shouldn’t assume that “our enemies” are human beings who will respond rationally to traditional diplomatic negotiation. Typically, he’s arguing in the negative; he doesn’t say what he considers a sensible alternative. So one has to “discover” the implied alternative, an easy enough task. What does Michael Ledeen really mean? Answer: assume that “our enemies” are irrational and subhuman, which in turn implies… yes, “faster, please” to the preferred and completely typical neocon proposal to exterminate the brutes. Yet because of the style in which he argues, plausible deniability (albeit of the flimsiest sort) is maintained. Say what Ledeen really means, and he splutter-feigns outrage at your ‘strawman.’
He wasn’t always so careful. Back in the day, in the infamous eleventy-billion word article Ledeen wrote for Partisan Review (which ultimately divided the magazine by zero and was so toxic that it inspired poor Daniel Bell and Diana Trilling both to throw in the towel on the neoconservative movement), he argued:
[A]fter citing a French conservative about the necessity of “breaking the law from time to time,” Ledeen proposes a change in two laws that “forbid us” to conduct a minimal “counter-terrorism policy”: “One is a law that prohibits American officials from working with murderers; the other is an executive order, dating to 1975, prohibiting any official of the American government to conduct, order, encourage or facilitate assassination.” — quoted from Sidney Blumenthal’s Our Long National Daydream.
Another point, probably useless to make but I’ll do it anyway, concerns Ledeen’s consistency. Back in the Reagan Era, Ledeen, like nearly all neoconservatives, whole-heartedly signed on to the much-dread and now thankfully much-dead Jeanne Kirkpatrick’s formula that the United States could and should do business with “authoritarian” regimes (right-wing tyrants) not only because of their own supposed rationality and alleged ability to reform, but so as to sabotage the nefarious global designs of “totalitarian” regimes (left-wing, i.e. communist or “communist” tyrants, which could not, it was thought, ever reform). In the post I’ve shortered above, as in so much of his writing over the last decade or so, Ledeen has argued what is effectively the opposite: for if we accept his premise that the Iranian mullahacracy is a tyranny, what is it but a right-wing, religious one?
Still MOAR
Israel-Palestine is much in the news lately. Though this is a few years old, it’s quintessential Ledeen on the subject. In other words, it too implies that the first, best and Final Solution for ‘the enemy’ (in this case, it’s probably the Palestinians but he could mean any Arab group or, considering his obsessions, Persians) is extermination. Here are the nutjob grafs:
Yet, as our rabbi reminded us last Sabbath, many Jewish scholars believe the Israelites en route to the Holy Land performed an even greater sin when they believed ten of their twelve spies who said that the inhabitants of the land of Canaan were too strong, and that any effort to conquer them was doomed to failure. The other two, Joshua and Caleb, said that victory was possible.
For permitting themselves to become paralyzed by fear, for accepting a misleading intelligence assessment from the ten instead of listening to the clear-eyed reports of Joshua and Caleb, for refusing to confidently move forward against their enemies, an entire generation of Jews was compelled to wander in the wilderness.
The failure to pursue victory doomed the Jews of that generation to wander in the desert. They were denied freedom in the Promised Land, having proven themselves unworthy of it. I find that story doubly important for us, both because of its historical and moral significance, and because of its contemporary relevance. We are challenged to fight an enemy who wishes to deny us our freedom, and enslave us. We hear voices repeating the false intelligence of the ten, telling us that all is lost, that there is no hope. Iraq is lost, they say, and Iran must be appeased. I was just invited to a conference on “how to live with a nuclear Iran.” There will be more such voices, perhaps even a consensus that we cannot win, and must accept our doom.
Joshua and Caleb saw more deeply, realized that their war could be won, and their cause was just, and refused to surrender to the “consensus” of the ten. In the end, they were proven correct, the war was won, and the Jews became a free people.
The smear on modern Jewish “peaceniks” is explicit; more to the exterminationist point is what Ledeen leaves unstated while assuming that approving readers and fellow AEI “scholars” know the rest of the story; he knows they can complete the toxic analogy, and surely he is right about that. What did Joshua and Caleb advise doing to the (indigenous, it must be said) “inhabitants of Canaan”? What, indeed, did the Israelites end up doing to the Moabites and Amalekites? Anyone? Oh, you, geeky kid on the front row who doesn’t know you’re gonna get called an anti-Semite? Yes, it’s true. The correct answer is indeed divinely-assisted genocide. By the way, Ledeen, David Frum, Marty Peretz, and all the PODhoretz People have just denounced you as an anti-Semite. Anyway, everyone in Israel is familiar with analogies to the Amalekites (it’s sort of like “going Godwin” here* but exponentially worse and with a social cootie factor of bazillion); the only people who do it consistently are the Kahanist scumbags who amount to the Jewish version of the KKK; even most Likudists think it’s beyond extreme, but for Ledeen it’s just another day at the office.
In short, Michael Ledeen should suck shit and explode.
*Yes, I know that I have frequently “gone Godwin” here, in this very post, for instance.
Right you are Miss Leedeen. So here’s a gun, some ammo and a helmet. Go get ’em tiger! Rrrr!
Ledeen and his ilk make the argument for assisting Israel, one I support, to a degree, ludicrous, and paints reasonable solutions as outrageous cave-ins.
Look, there are a couple of solid reasons to support the state of Israel: a fucking world war was fought to create it, for one, for another, it supports our entire (admittedly outdated) Middle East policy, right down to our energy plans. We keep bases there to keep the Saudis honest. Period.
It (and I want to emphasize this is past tense) made sense. Now that oil no longer makes sense, our support of Israel should be contingent on one thing and one thing only: proactive solutions to tamp down the conflicts. We agree to stand by and support Israel if and only if they agree to actively seek peace with the Arabic world.
Jews and Muslims got along fine until the rest of the world decided Israel should exist. We can’t blame either side here for resenting that intrusion. Therefore, it is up to us to find the solution to the problem we, the rest of the “free world”, created.
accepting a misleading intelligence assessment from the ten instead of listening to the clear-eyed reports of Joshua
Yeah, and those same naive ancient Isrealites probably didn’t believe Joshua when he told them he could make God stop the sun in the sky and thereby give his army enough time to slaughter every single Amelkite before the sun went down!
wait, I am confused… Is G.W.Bush a realist, too? Because, you know, he is the one who thought that democracy would cure Gaza and Iraq, and democracy is generally attributable to human beings.
I seem to have somehow missed the neocon split into “let’s bomb them into democracy” and “let’s bomb them into non-existence” fractions…
Silly krassen, don’t you know that the Bush Legacy is of MASSIVE FAIL because he wasn’t radical enough? If only he’d blown up the Iranians and the Saudis and the Palestinians and the Egyptians, then he’d have been a success — and a true
scotsmanneoconservative.How does Ledeen avoid the term untermenschen?
How does Ledeen avoid the term untermenschen?
I was going to say that he probably wouldn’t understand the word, but now I realize that Ledeen is probably one of those old-school conservatives who actually knows his shit (but doesn’t let it stop him from wanting to bomb the fuck out of stuff).
The problem is that the Middle East is also full of Ledeens.
You have two religious extremist camps sharing Holy Places.
Each hates the thought that the Other gets holy at the same place.
Catholics and Protestants got violent over the same issues, and they are basically the same religion.
And Protestantism itself split over how much water was needed for Baptism, leading to “full immersion” Baptists maintaining they were holier than the “sprinklers.”
This is the problem. Not religion per se, but the tiny minds in each religion who cannot maintain the suspension of disbelief required by their faith as long as another faith is walking the earth.
And the leaders with tiny minds in each faith who get the faithful all frothy over it to maintain their own leadership.
That’s what’s happening in the Middle East, and on Main Street.
I don’t blame religion. I blame the tiny minds.
Does anyone need further proof that neo-cons are just fascists without the courage to own their swastikas?
Ledeen is the naked face of the neocons, both here and in Israel. He says what Likud and Kadima do, but will not admit and say aloud.
…what is it but a right-wing, religious one?
I’ve said it here before, but people don’t bring up the fact that the ‘Islamofascists’ are right-wing religious fundamentalists, nearly enough.
Also, since the Pantload Opus and the countless similar wingnut shitstreams that followed in its wake, I think Godwin’s Law is officially out the window.
Also, I love ‘splutter-feigns’ and think it should be a new word. Doesn’t even need the hyphen; ‘splutterfeigns’.
Ledeen’s “Final Solution”sounds a lot like another one I vaguely recall reading about somewhere, but I swear to Godwin I don’t remember where…
a fucking world war was fought to create it
Sadly, no. The war was fought because Germany was hellbent on conquering all of Europe and perhaps the world. Had Hitler been content to simply exterminate Jews, the rest of the world would have tut-tutted, shook their heads, and looked the other way. Israel was born in blood and horror as a result of an extended and horrendous terrorist campaign by Jewish groups such as Irgun and the Stern Gang, who were internationally labeled as terrorist organizations. Most of what Hamas and Hezbollah know of terrorism, they learned from the founders of Israel. Up until recently, virtually every leader of Israel was a former terrorist. Europe and the US ultimately acknowledged and supported the state of Israel out of guilt over their own rampant antisemitism and a an opportunity to offload their own Jews.
There are reasons to support Israel, and I do, as long as the act in accordance with international law and civilized standards of conduct. They have ceased to do so. It is time for the US to pull the plug on Israel until they elect responsible and sane leaders (no Kadima or Likud need apply).
I don’t blame religion. I blame the tiny minds.
And tiny dicks.
Completely OT, but check out this headline at the top of WaPo:
Old habits die hard, huh?
If only the “tiny dick” theory could continue to gain traction. Can you imagine high level diplomatic meettings then?
“I say bomb them!”
“What, Gene, ya got a tiny dick?”
“Well… no.”
“Okay then. We’ll go another way.”
*Yes, I know that I have frequently “gone Godwin” here, in this very post, for instance.
It’s almost impossible to avoid it when talking about the Neocons. Their whole schtick is to creep to the line, cross over it, wait until someone says, “hey, wait a minute, you’re calling for genocide!” and then jump on that person as a weak cowardly antisemitic commie appeasenik traitor Islamist. In this way, the line is moved.
The only thing that works against them is when enough people start calling them out, that it gets costly to them to jump on that many people.
Meanwhile, John Cole brings us more obliviousness from the fReichtards:
Get it? They’re not human and due to their inferior minds, they get excited about the least little thing. And the squeals and grunts they use in the place of language? All lies and exaggerations.
Man needs a tiara. All that real estate going to waste. tsk, tsk.
Ledeen is the naked face baboon’s arse of the neocons, both here and in Israel.
Well, they really are the same thing after all.
I’ve always been a big Michael Ledeen fan. The man has unmatched experience in gross incompetence, spectacular failure, and sustained rabid lunacy, all the way back to Iran-Contra and beyond. And after making a shreiking fool of himself for decades, he’s not slowing down a bit.
No one on this planet has shown the long-term commitment to profound stupidity that Ledeen has. What a guy!
‘shrieking’ fool, not ‘shreiking’ fool.
But he does a lot of shreiking, too.
Old habits die hard, huh?
Heh. But as long as Harry Reid is going to cave to whatever the Republicans want whenever they crook their pinkies in such a way as to suggest that they might consider a filibuster, there might as well be a GOP majority in the Senate.
Shit, if the Senate had magically gone 100-0 Democratic in the last election, Reid would build a totem Republican out of papier-mache and feces just so he could ritually cave to it.
I can’t for the life of me possibly imagine a single other language on the face of the entire planet to which such a statement could even slightly apply.
We can keep going on and going on and going on and putting up with whatever today’s excuse is for not settling this illegal occupation and refugee problem and establish some Palestinian state as the consensus has been for the last generation and a half.
And we can keep doing so until we don’t.
On Ledeen in particular, let’s review this:
What’s funny is that no one has to assume that.
Once a negotiated settlement is achieved, one not involving an illegal occupation, then you have 2 states. If at that point there is still violence or terrorism, guess what? You have states all around the world who occasionally go to war or have terrorist attacks, and they are obligated to deal with it in the same way all states do.
What — if a Palestinian state is established, suddenly they automagically become able to wage war against the 5th most powerful and nuclear-armed military on the planet?
This is ludicrous.
Hell, Israel has invaded its neighboring state of Lebanon over and over and over again, killing tens of thousands and destroying vast swathes of the country, with the U.S. often participating.
So, apparently Lebanon’s statehood doesn’t imply that Israel will vanish in a puff of smoke or that the sneaky Arabs will touch the interior of the Israelis’ thighs, thus crippling them.
Ledeen is consistent, I’ll give him that. Along with a red hot poker up his ass.
Don’t forget taking all the women and girls as slaves, if you really want to complete the analogy. In fairness to Ledeen, he’d probably settle for just killing them all, even if he wouldn’t get his own personal harem.
Funny how he left out the whole it-was-God-who-made-the-Jews-wander-the-desert-for-forty-years-as-punishment-for-kvetching thing from his charming little Biblical justification for genocide (Numbers 14 is pretty explicit on this). I’m sure it just slipped his mind.
(Just noticed the spellchecker knows “kvetching.” Awesome.)
Shh. Ix-nay on the ewish-jay errorism-tay. Don’t you know it’s rude to undermine the claim that “terrorism never works” with a real-world counterexample? People might get the wrong idea.
Update: The WaPo subhead now reads:
Not factually wrong, but still quite obnoxious. How about: “With the Senate GOP holding onto a nearly powerless minority position, they will have to accede to Obama’s requests in order to have a voice on important legislation.”
Although I would still prefer: “With the tiny-minded Senate GOP holding onto their tiny dicks in fear of Obama’s mighty governmental schlong, they will need to bow to the demands of pipe-swinging Democrats.”
And yeah, David Ben-Gurion bombed the British hospital in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem or somewhere. The hospital. Not an act of terrorism there, not at all. Of course, pointing this out makes me an anti-semite.
Which brings up another thing. The conflation of anti-semitism and anti-zionism. It has become impossible to be anti-zionist without being anti-semitic. I guess. Which brings up another thing. Aren’t the Palestinians semitic? Which brings up…..
I would like to see a corollary, or converse, or whatever-you-call-it, to Godwin’s Law. Whenever someone uses a Nazi/Hitler comparison or analogy in a reasonable fashion, and some other commenter sneeringly invokes GL, you could call THIS law on him.
I leave it up to the much smarter commenters here to come up with a name, if they so desire.
How about: “With the Senate GOP holding onto a nearly powerless minority position, they will have to accede to Obama’s requests in order to have a voice on important legislation.”
Much better, but you’re forgetting what is standing in for leadership on the dem side. I expect to see Harry Reid opposing the Republicans on the grounds that they’re not obstructing the Democrats enough.
We should, if only because the wingnuts have tried hard to make people cautious about bringing up the Nazis. You can’t call us Nazis! We don’t wear black uniforms or create camps with German names!
I mean, it’s a sign of a substandard mind to be so literal about everything. That’s something psychiatrists look for when they evaluate people in mental institutions.
Your stupid minds! Stupid, stupid!
Sometimes, Ed Wood got it right.
Not for a long, long time. We’ve been way too closely aligned with Israel for our own good since the 1970s. And too closely aligned for Israel’s good as well, since our increasingly unquestioning commitment has given them cover while they wander further and further into cloud-cuckoo land.
Not that anyone’s likely to do anything about it. In the Middle East, bad American strategy tends to take on a zombie-like quality… obviously failed policies keep staggering over the landscape, no longer really alive but still operative.
It has become impossible to be anti-zionist without being anti-semitic
Not true, PeeJ. You can be Jewish. That’s why I’m not an anti-Semite; I’m a “self-hating Jew.” A godless self-hating Jew, even — the worst kind.
Whenever someone uses a Nazi/Hitler comparison or analogy in a reasonable fashion, and some other commenter sneeringly invokes GL, you could call THIS law on him.
Mingo’s Law, maybe? Godwin’s Law got its name from Mike Godwin stating it on Usenet, so why not.
If people could have any decent level of grasp of right and wrong, you wouldn’t have to hold cartoon images in front of them of Hitler or Stalin and follow every point you make with “And Hitler did that! Hitler Bad! Bad!” so that our demonically retarded discourse could find some universally recognized Bad Guy and go, “Oh, right, that is wrong to do, I get it, it’s wrong because Hitler did it, and he’s a Bad Guy so it’s wrong!”
Hitler was a vegetarian! Vegetarianism is wrong!
Hitler liked dogs! Liking dogs is wrong!
I swear, that’s the shorter version I’ve read in wingnut screeds against progressive ideals like animal rights. (Running a pet blog makes me a target.)
In fact, wasn’t that Pantload’s whole thesis? He should have hired me as an editor. I could have nutshelled it for him, gratis.
I’d have even thrown in nutshelling him. Heh heh.
Reports arrive that a mosque in Gaza shelled/bombed while filled with hundreds of worshipers, including women & children, apparently killing 11. I assume all were thankful that finally governments were acting boldly and bravely without this naive assumption that negotiations with an Enemy can ever get anywhere.
Over at Thers’ place, a neocon was explaining how Israel and Hamas were like the U.S. and Nazi Germany.
See, Hamas started it!
Ledeens is busy carving another 11 notches in his…um…penis or something.
What, they invaded Poland?
Don’t you know it’s rude to undermine the claim that “terrorism never works” with a real-world counterexample?
Oh, yeah, I forgot. I will be sure not to mention the American Revolution, the 1910 Mexican Revolution, Algeria, Kenya and all the other African wars of Independence, Vietnam (1945-1975), or any of the other examples either.
DrDick: Are you calling George Washington a Muslim? If so, I want to vault a copy of his birth certificate.
Are you calling George Washington a Muslim?
Worse, a terrorist, waging a brutal campaign against the internationally recognized just authority.
I must say that never before have I given any consideration to what Michael Ledeen does with his weenie.
Human nature makes us want to believe other people are like us. So, when Ledeen says, “It requires an act of religious faith to believe that our enemies will agree to a durable peace, and respect its conditions.” He is stating that he will not honor any peace agreement, & will never bargain in good faith.
That can be applied to alot of stuff the wingnuts puke out of their pie-holes. “You can’t let them have that power, because they will rape, pillage, & try to tear the country apart!” Heard from a wingnut, is an admission that they would do exactly that if given the opportunity.
Try using that translation to their statements. Makes alot of sense…
I couldn’t agree more. Ledeen thinks everyone is out for genocide, deep down.
Because he thinks that way.
Ledeens is busy carving another 11 notches in his…um…penis or something.
This is my rifle
This is my gun
This is for fighting
This is for fun
“It requires an act of religious faith to believe that our enemies will agree to a durable peace, and respect its conditions.”
Uh-huh. But he takes the story of Joshua and Caleb literally (“In the end, they were proven correct, the war was won, and the Jews became a free people.”)
“Realism,” Ledeen-style, then, is believing real people are cartoons (who willingly court their own annihilation because that’s the way they are), and myths from the Bible are historical reportage.
I tehya, the price of freedom is eternal mocking of these credentialed, respected idiots.
I know that when I want to build a cogent, convincing argument I always quote freely from ancient religious tracts. Perhaps if he sprinkled a bit of Song of Solomon in there it might be more interesting.
Oh, and dude with the really long name:
Reid would build a totem Republican out of papier-mache and feces just so he could ritually cave to it.
That’s a keeper, and I will use it without permission.
Mere performance art or sharp political satire? You make the call. Considering we’re talking thousands of shoes, I’m leaning more toward political satire, myself.
WereBear said,
This is the problem. Not religion per se, but the tiny minds in each religion who cannot maintain the suspension of disbelief required by their faith as long as another faith is walking the earth.
No, it’s religion.
I know you mean well, but part of the reason religion has been allowed to get away with such brutality is this wishy-washy acceptance of religion as long as it doesn’t strictly adhere to all the horrible things in the bible. In order to respect the wishes of fake Christians and not hurt their feelings, it’s a taboo in our society to question anything religious. And so by extension, the real homicidal nuts get a free pass.
It’s time to stop tiptoeing around the feelings of religious people. Anyone else who believes in ridiculous things in our society gets mocked. We won’t move forward as a society until it becomes the default position to mock and ridicule religion.
And the leaders with tiny minds in each faith who get the faithful all frothy over it to maintain their own leadership.
That’s what’s happening in the Middle East, and on Main Street.
I don’t blame religion. I blame the tiny minds.
Religion encourages tiny minds. Anything that requires “disbelief” to prevent the follower from wanting to wipe another 1/.3 of the population off the planet, is an anachronism.
I hear ya, 3D, but you are painting with an incredibly broad brush.
We will never, ever, eradicate religion. People with frontal lobe epilepsy get “religious” visions.
That’s because there is something in our brains that lights up when it gets electricity. And we can’t eradicate that.
The best we can do is channel it into better rivers. Wiccans are religious. Buddhists are religious. I’m a Taoist, and some call that a religion.
We can call it religion or spirituality or philosophy.
But we can’t cast it out.
“For permitting themselves to become paralyzed by fear … an entire generation of Jews was compelled to wander in the wilderness.”
“What, indeed, did the Israelites end up doing to the Moabites and Amalekites? … The correct answer is indeed divinely-assisted genocide.”
Jeez, old testament God was a dickhead. I’m glad he’s mellowed since then.
Jews are culturally hardwired to implode their host nations.
That is the way they have done it throughout history.
Yet the UberKike, in his chutzpah, imagines that the ‘gentiles'(separating Jews from the rest of humanity, again) are the cause of antisemitism, not the Jews themselves.
Imagine that! I think with the empirical evidence we have now gathered of how supremacist Jews operate, we can state that antisemitism is a healthy reaction to Jewish predations.
The myth of the Holohoax(Zionist lies used as cover for the slaughter Jews like Ehrenburg did to Germans)goads them on.
The genital mutilation(neuro/psycho-surgery) each of their babies undergoes, changes their brain structure. Then they are programmed with racial supremacist ideas and genocidal glee in slaughtering their enemies.
They are not like us.
We cannot afford to have Zionists in power anywhere, in our nations.
Here in Canada the Zionist takeover is nearly complete, and I know in Germany you aren’t even allowed to heap the scorn and ridicule on the Holohoax.
As a minimum measure of self-defense, supporters of terrorist regimes like Israel should have no lobby groups, or political ties in their host nations.
Whether we need to kick all the UberKikes to Israhell or not is debatable.
I am sure sick of these scum and their lies, and takeover of –first the media, then the legal system, then politics, and now Canada is Israel north.
Here’s a neocon(JEW) saying 4000 troops had to die in Iraq for Israel, doesn’t matter in lies got us there:
For various reasons Israel and the Palestinians don’t get along.
Leeden might be in the apocalyptic camp. Sadly I value my retinas too much to go and read his spewl, but he may be in that “get all the Jews together and have them convert and then it’s final combat time, baby” camp.
Time for some Conservative leaders to stand up and denounce this sort of crap, eh.
*chirp* *chirp*
I think you’re thinking of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and the associated Waxman-Geschwind Syndrome (basically hyper-religiosity and hypo-sexuality, even between seizures). But your point stands.
Amusing footnote: IIRC, the same Waxman and Gerschwind discovered cases of a different variety of TLE that actually causes orgasms in women during seizures.
Oops, forgot to change my name back. FAIL.
Yes, and well done, too. But we just wanted a simple block of flats.
Now take your medication and go finish that bead necklace. Get it done before dinner and you can have extra Jello! Won’t that be fine!
“That’s because there is something in our brains that lights up when it gets electricity. And we can’t eradicate that.”
Alcohol, lots and lots of it, seems to help. Therefore it is everyone’s solemn duty to humanity to get plastered, pissed, three sheets to the wind, rip roarin’ drunk. The world needs you. Please don’t shirk your duty.
OK, anarchore, you can go crawl back under your rock in the sewer swamps. This is not Stormfront.
DrDick, I just tell the truth.
If it doesn’t mesh with your decades of Zionist-mediated brainwashing, maybe it is you that is stuck “under your rock in the sewer swamps”.
Seems a fitting metaphor for the Zionist Lie ‘O’ Sphere of the media and political discourse.
If you can’t handle it, well this isn’t Britney Spears’ fan site, either.
I’ll drink to that, neon.
Oh, and anarchore, I’ll put this as politely as I possibly can… Fuck off and die.
anachore’s shit is the first Stormfront bollocks I’ve seen at Sadly No. I’d forgotten they were around, which is kind of dumb of me.
Fuck off, anachore wanaker!!
That feels better
Anarchore wrote:
Who am I to disagree?
F*** off you little racist freak.
In fact, the Sadly, No basement was infested with Nazis for years.
If you can’t handle it, well this isn’t Britney Spears’ fan site, either.
It isn’t? Damn, coulda fooled me. But what the hell do I know. I’m just a dumb, circumcised, anti-Zionist, atheist überkike. (Missed your umlauts, Herr Scheißkopf.)
Anarcwhore–fuck the hell off, Nazischwein.
And I say that as a Canadian AND a German.
So does the Zionist Occupational Government of Germany now castrate all males as reparation and contrition for the Holohoax?
Funny how exploding historical lies, using empirical evidence of the liars’ perfidy, sends the emasculated into hysterics.
This is where decades of incredibly corrupted dialog has gotten us. “Support” for Israel is now a zero-sum concept.
I support Israel as a nation and an ally, except when they do stupid or criminal things.
I have never backed down from my support for America. But her leadership has been horribly evil over the last decade, and the best thing I can do for America’s long term viability is resist them.
I support the Palestinians. That the world has stood by for half a century and watched what has been done to them in the name of – um, actually, officer, it just kind of happened. No one can truly say why. Considering the way these people have suffered under the occupation, I actually have a hard time “blaming” them for firing rockets. They SHOULD resist. You and I would resist. Israel, were the circumstances reversed, would fire rockets. And more.
In spite of plenty of history to analyze, the Israeli leadership seems to believe that the best way to ensure their security is endless wars, blockades, collective punishment and thousands of dead Palestinian civilians. I very heartily disagree with this calculation. I cannot imagine a situation where the behavior of the Israeli leadership would lead to anything but a permanent state of hostilities. The first step to living in peace with your neighbors is to NOT INVADE, STARVE AND BOMB THEM. The second step is to assist them in developing a viable economy and infrastructure, help them become what they aspire to become.
It’s odd, and more than a little frightening, that a nation’s leadership could be so blind about what they might achieve with what methodology. A cynical person might almost have to believe, at this point, that this is EXACTLY the outcome they wanted….
Or, if you can read German (which I doubt)–leck mich am Arsch, du Scheißnazi.
BTW, the “hoax” is awfully well-documented, best of all by those who practiced it.
Now FUCK OFF AND DIE, kapister?
Actually, it’s your vicious attacks on Britney Spears that send me into emasculated hysterics.
Though I do have to admit that perfidy is oozing from every pore of my body.
Bina you sexy bitch, you! I certainly can read German, and your invitation is very provocative.
Now I have one for you.
Would you like to earn $1000?
All you have to do is refute this links research, that shows that Auschwitz was a work camp, with theatre, chapel, swimming pools, and lots of work to do producing rubber and other things for the war effort.
I don’t mean to say that no Jews were mistreated in Germany, they were.
The Zionists invented the death camps to cover for genocides against Germans, like Dresden, Eisenhowers death camps for German POWs, and the rape of 2 million German women at the urging of Jewish bolshevik Ira Ehrenburg.
Yeah man, you don’t dis Britney around here. Per fi diddy combs?
Mikey, why you gotta be all reasonable and shit? I’ll admit, my feeble attempt to get the Nazi’s tiny brain to segfault was unsuccessful, but that’s no excuse to bring logic and sanity into this.
leck mich am Arsch, du Scheißnazi.
Bina FTW. I don’t even really know German beyond a few phrases, but I know enough Yiddish to read that. 🙂
Reid would build a totem Republican out of papier-mache and feces just so he could ritually cave to it.
You’re on to something there, I think. Can’t we convince a few of his staff to make one, and when he feels like caving, they can pull it out, have him cave to it, and then get on with life? Y’know, pencil it in his schedule?
Goddamn, you’re a funny one, AnalWhore. They also WORKED PEOPLE TO DEATH. Or do the corpses they burned both there and at Birkenau mean nothing to you?
Oh, here…read some pictures.
Now go revise history someplace else, before I kick your ass again.
I certainly can read German
In other words, you ran it through Google’s translator.
Adelaide Institute, eh? Anyone want to take bets on which “fellow” of that Holocaust-denial (and AIDS-denial just for good measure) cesspit is posting as “anarchore”? I got $10 on Doug Collins.
In other words, you ran it through Google’s translator.
And now anarchore is searching for “scheiß” videos…
Nazi troll sounds a lot like die Wahrheit. Just sayin.
Or better still:
Kind of hard to escape the impact of THAT, eh?
Bina, I am not going to jump through hoops for you.
The Auschwitz plaque originally read 4 million killed, now it is at 2 million, but the six million dead number still stands.
If I refute Bikenau will you say, “but look at Dachau, they made human skin lampshades, bars of Jew soap(could you imagine a Nazi wanting to wash with that), and electric Jew disintegrators”?
I know that in math there is a concept known as ‘imaginary numbers’.
Look at the situation objectively:
Advantageous position for propaganda placement: Zionists were the victors of the war
Advantageous position for propaganda placement: Zionists own the press
Zionists lied for the Iraq war 1 million dead
Zionists founded a state using terrorism
Zionists support a state founded on terrorism, that uses terrorism for it’s aims
Zionists are directly involved in the 9/11 attacks
Zionists wanted to exterminate Germans prior to WWII
Zionists did exterminate Germans post-WWII in acts of genocide
Zionists exterminate Palestinians in acts of genocide
Zionists don’t allow questioning or investigation of the Holocaust, unless it is to shore up a foregone conclusion
And you still believe the Zionists in their self-serving lies and hoaxes? Did they remove your frontal lobes?
Israel was born in blood and horror as a result of an extended and horrendous terrorist campaign by Jewish groups such as Irgun and the Stern Gang, who were internationally labeled as terrorist organizations.
Sadly, No!
“His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country”.
— Arthur Balfour, 2 November 1917
Israel was created by the British, during their occupation of the British Mandate territories, which comprise most of what is now Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon, which lasted for about 40 years, and began with the British desire to secure the Suez Canal in WWI. To get a really accurate picture of the major colonial powers’ influence on the region in the First World War period, look up the Sykes-Picot agreement. (Shades of the Papal Line of Demarcation…)
Irgun and the Stern Gang didn’t create the country, they took the country away from the British. I seem to recall that violent gangs of revolutionaries did that in various places from time to time…
Oh dear, more irrevisable facts….
Blueprints for the Kremas and photos of the ovens. Revise THAT, you troll.
I should have known our lazy-minded troll couldn’t prove his bullshit. Instead, he accuses me of making him “jump through hoops”.
Well, if you like that whips’n’chains stuff, troll, here. Some more German for ya:
Du kannst meine Füße auch lecken, Aschloch!
I certainly can read German
Reading is not the same as understanding, asshopper.
Argh…should read ARSCHLOCH. See what happens when you type faster than a troll can think?
See, in the US, even trying to talk, in a reasonable way, about Israel, is like just like the ancient myth. You get around the Leeden beast, but then you crash into the evil Neo-Nazi troll on the other side.
Ledeen and anarchore are pretty much indistinguishable, actually. Put ’em in a jar, shake it up, and I bet they’d try to make babies.
And the sad part is, both the neo-Nazi and the neo-con act exactly the same way. They try to explain away and minimize the damage that their genocides do. Case in point: our troll. Death camps? Psshhh. “War effort”. Neocons: dead Palestinians? “Collateral damage”. Dead Iraqis? “Collateral damage”. Everyone claims it was all in the name of life, liberty and Lebensraum. No one wants to be accountable for the inevitable heap of corpses.
A pox on both their (surprisingly similar) houses!
A few days ago PeeJ introduced the word “perseveration”.
Example of use:
The Sadlynaughts perseverated in refuting the creepy Truth-troll’s claims, hoping that their truth or falsity mattered to him.
You are wasting your time with your propaganda sites. Anyone can write a bunch of shit, when they are financed by those with deep pockets. Until the claims can be investigated publicly without those dissenting being sent to prison, the holohoax is a joke.
Eisenhower starved 1.7 million German soldiers to death(maybe some of the emaciated victims represented as Jews were some of these Germans).
He even pulled a trick like Bushes ‘enemy combatant’ designation, to rename their status as DEFs, so he wouldn’t have to abide by rules for POWs:
The rape of 2 million German women(this is not even contested):
Then there were the German expellees:
It ends up as far more than six million.
So when do I get my reparation money as a survivor of the German Holocaust?
The ardently bloodthirsty Arab / Muslim hating Zionist and the paranoid Jew-hater and spotter of the Hand of Zionism in all things are two of a pair, and really should just get a room.
And if perseveration won’t work, perchance flagellation will. (evil smirk)
Stop projecting. And fuck off.
As a wise old perfesser once said—Heh. Indeed.
(PROTIP to the regulars: stop engaging this guy. You really think you’re going to convince him of jack squat?)
Convince him of jack squat? No, of course not. But on the off chance that any impressionable youngsters have been harmed by the sight of him masturbating in the street, I offer an antidote.
On bended knee, even.
genius is 1% insufflation and 99% perserveration
‘This is not Stormfront.’
‘F*** off you little racist freak.’
‘Nazi troll ‘
‘evil Neo-Nazi troll’
You think anyone who doesn’t buy the same crap you do must be in ‘this category’ or ‘that category’.
What I am really seeing here, and everywhere else I go where the libs or the cons -mainstream thinkers, all- congregate, is massive StopCrime(cf G Orwell).
All I had to do was mention the holohoax lies, and your StopCrime(StopThink) conditioning/breeding(?) halts your mental processes.
Because StopCrime says to question holohoax lies, makes you a -what is it? NeoNazi? Yeah I’m a NeoNazi here for telling the truth… if I do it at a con site, I’m a Muslim.
Oh, and the shining StopCrime word of the moment– ‘troofer’ –referring to those that point out the lies around 9/11.
I am sure that one day ‘troofer’ will be as powerful a StopThink stimuli as ‘holocaust denial’.
Maybe one day soon there will be laws passed against questioning 9/11 as well, and your future counterparts will be very pleased with themselves by denouncing such people as NeoNazis, just because the evidence trail leads straight to Israel, and as we know anyone criticizing Israel or UberKikes in government and media is a Hitler.
You think anyone who doesn’t buy the same crap you do must be in ‘this category’ or ‘that category’.
Yes, indeedy! (Hint: the categories are the same.)
Heh…I think we have it rattled.
Keep up the good work, meine Lieben!
‘creepy Truth-troll’s claims’
At last, I was waiting for someone to say that! The proper term though, amoung the Zio-bots and their minions, is ‘troofer’.
-yep, it’s StopCrime/StopThink, working so well on you fools.
I think you lose any pretense at credibility and seriousness and any chance that you will be taken seriously when you resort to playing childlike semantic games to attempt to advance your point.
So I take this as an implicit admission you are a Truther as well. God, you must be about as popular as herpes among people with an IQ, say, higher than the speed limit.
Yeah, guilty as charged, Doug (or is it Ingrid?… no matter). Us überkikes are just so powerful and cunning we used our magic überkike mind control rays to make the whole uncircumcised world hallucinate the holocaust and forget our überkike atrocities against the peace-loving Nazis. Just witnessing a staggering intellect like yours overcome our psychic illusions is so exciting I’m getting a woody. I think I’ll go fap to pictures of Prussian Blue and imagine how I’m going to Jew-rape them with my circumcised Jew-penis.
BTW, criticizing Israel is not enough to qualify one as a Hitler. But revising DOCUMENTED HISTORY will certainly get you qualified as a neo-Nazi ARSCHLOCH.
Simba B,
No, nobody will convince anarchore of anything. But it’s fun to kick him around for a while.
I wonder what our troll says, by the by, to all the Israelis who criticize their own government for this? B’Tselem, for instance?
Oh. Inconvenient fact. I really must learn to stop throwing those around…
Ix-nay on the ircumcision-say.
And how about all those Jews, in Israel and beyond, who support the human rights of Palestinians? My gosh, they’re as bad as me…a German-Canadian supporting the human rights of Jews! AND Palestinians! AND Iraqis! AND…
(pant pant)
No, the media control does that. Of course winning the war, means they could spin whatever tales they wanted to.
I suppose you believe in the Jewish shrunken heads by the Nazis as well?
No, nobody will convince anarchore of anything. But it’s fun to kick him around for a while.
Sure, kick him around a while, it’s fun. But don’t get mad, otherwise he wins.
No, we’ll settle for YOUR shrunken head. On a platter, please. Good doggie.
The ‘holohoax’ investigators are as much in search of the truth as are the “hollow Earth” enthusiasts. There’s the same degree of confusion about the difference between being skeptical about ill-proven claims and simply being obstinate against dominant empirical research.
Now, why on Earth (solid or hollow) it would seem so strange and unbelievable that at some point in history, a tyrannical regime would apply industrial manufacturing and mass organizational and records administration techniques to mass killing, I don’t know. It seems pretty inevitable that some tyrant would do it sooner or later, and you have to have a pretty barren familiarity with history to think that Hitler wouldn’t have been a leading candidate to introduce and perfect this bold anti-human innovation.
I can’t necessarily assume that little fraidy-cats who won’t accept the holocaust and who cringe under their beds that the mean old Jooz and Zionists are the ones spooking them at night are racist and/or partially Nazi-flavored.
But a good sign of true anti-Jooness is the whining and bellyaching that “buh I’m just criticizing Israel,” when in reality they aren’t brave enough to do any such thing. That would take actual knowledge, as opposed to cheap “kike” invective, but since we’re dealing with minor league cowards as opposed to true opponents of Israeli militarist cruelty, such is to be expected.
“BTW, criticizing Israel is not enough to qualify one as a Hitler. But revising DOCUMENTED HISTORY will certainly get you qualified as a neo-Nazi ARSCHLOCH.”
Documented bullshit. When are you going to collect your $1000 by refuting the auschwitz work camp article?
Well, Clyde, he did seem strangely worked up about the matter in his initial post. Apologies for any psychological trauma I may have inflicted on anyone else. (I was going to call it “collateral damage,” but then I realized I want to be able to, you know, live with myself and not make jokes about mass murder.)
Plus, everyone knows the Nazis didn’t shrink any heads except their own. To fit the revised historical facts, y’know.
The ‘holohoax’ investigators are as much in search of the truth as are the “hollow Earth” enthusiasts.
-ahh but the hollow Earth thesis is not banned in Germany, but it would be if it harmed the interests of Zionism.
Also, please do not engage him directly. This just encourages him to continue. Everyone knows he’s a racist piece of shit.
Insult him, make snark at his expense, that’s what we do here. That is far more effective than giving him the illusion he’s being taken seriously.
Your counterfeit cash doesn’t tempt me any more than your counterfeit history does.
But keep trying, it’s hilarious to watch you spinning and buzzing on your back, little fly…
But it’s fun to kick him around for a while.
Fun? For definitions of fun approaching bored self-flagellation, perhaps.
A suggestion. Take an hour and stroll randomly through the archives of this site. Read some threads that did NOT include troll interaction.
Compare how much you smile with this thread.
Arguing with trolls is only “fun” if compared to setting yourself on fire.
I’d suggest you try the alternative and see if, ultimately, you don’t agree that it’s substantially more rewarding than providing masturbatory assistance to pimpleface here…
Of course winning the war, means they could spin whatever tales they wanted to.
I call The Jews in the next game of Axis&Allies.
Oh look, it thinks it knows how to QED. By posting a real fake hypothesis to bolster evidence that its own fake one is real.
This is too funny for words.
“Also, please do not engage him directly. This just encourages him to continue. Everyone knows he’s a racist piece of shit.
Insult him, make snark at his expense, that’s what we do here. That is far more effective than giving him the illusion he’s being taken seriously.”
A StopCrime acolyte!
The practices of Germany with regard to limits on free speech are not under my control. I’m not in favor of restricting anyone from prattling on about their anti-Holocaust nonsense, but similarly I’m not in favor of letting other nitwits like Hollow Earth enthusiasts or Creationists or Forbidden Archaeologists waste everyone’s time with nonsense.
Take my failure to engage those points directly as a victory, if the fraidy anti-Joo wishes. I’ve played that game with other nitwits on other message boards, and it’s just not interesting enough to do again.
Also, it is completely a myth that any European ever landed in the Americas with a boat. It is all a myth created by the evil Aztlanians.
Point taken, Mikey. (Geez, always bringing sanity into this shit.) I’ll just go grab a snack of shrunken heads and let him get bored.
I’d suggest you try the alternative and see if, ultimately, you don’t agree that it’s substantially more rewarding than providing masturbatory assistance to pimpleface here…
You’re probably right when it comes to The Truth and his ilk, but I think this guy really wants us to come around to his side, however delusional that may be, and if he gets the message that we think he’s a mouthbreathing, retarded, worthless sack of shit he’ll turn tail and run.
Problem is, people here are actually taking his points and trying to refute them. DON’T DO THAT. We all know he’s wrong, and all it does is make him continue.
“So I take this as an implicit admission you are a Truther as well. God, you must be about as popular as herpes among people with an IQ, say, higher than the speed limit.”
Why the hate for truth?
Teh Stupid. It burns.
What a coinkidink, so do the Kremas. Or used to, before the camp commanders ordered them dismantled to conceal the evidence so dumme Scheißhammels like our troll could believe the Big Lie to the bitter, bitter end…
Unfortunately for them, they didn’t work fast enough at that dismantling bit. The records still, inconveniently, exist.
Oh noes.
Why the
hateCoffeeCrisp fortrutha nice light snack?…ah, better.
Yum…Coffee Crisp.
Well I see that there are many are puerile sacks of vermin here, with contempt for the truth..
Enjoy your discussions –limited of course to not offending the Zionist UberKikes and their minions.
I will leave you with some ‘troof’, while I attempt to cleanse myself of the aftercling of consorting with those with contempt for honest discussion:
Why aren’t any of you accepting my happy-meal challenge to try and prove the so-called theory that this country used to be the property of some other country called “England” or some other improbable name? Oh, god, here we go again with the easily disproven lists of statues and old books and whatnot.
…puerile sacks of vermin
Leaving so soon? My feelings are hurt…
(cue crocodile tears)
Heh…I think we have it rattled.
I think it was the comparison to Ledeen that did it. Calling him out as a shit-eating nazi fucktard was one thing, but comparing him to a neocon really got to him.
And you guys are in lots of trouble! As soon as I am released from this institution, I will have more typing time!
You may be onto something there. A lot of wind went out of the troll’s sails after I did that.
Shorter anarchore: I’m still mad my parents had me circumsized.
Since the topic is making fun of Nahtzees.
Shorter anarchore: I’m still mad my parents had me circumsized.
I can never remember- is that bigger or smaller than super-sized?
If anyone wants a real discussion, come to my blog(sig link).
That’s discussion, not flame war… see you in a bit, my bath is running…
….my bath is running
know what you mean! (nudge, nudge, wink, wink!)
That’s discussion, not flame war
You seem to think we want the former with you. That doesn’t help you in the perceived IQ department.
Wow — from “untermensch” to “UberKike” in just two generations? Yet another reason I’m proud to be a Jew!
Lies! The evidence leads here, to this lair of ruthless hellspawns who will stop at nothing to achieve their evil ends! Connect the dots! Walk the dog home! Skip to my Lou!
Say not the forbidden word! There are more fearsome things lurking on the intertubes than mere Nazis.
If anyone wants a real discussion, come to my blog(sig link).
Looks like yer doin’ real well in that department, champ—
Posted in Canada, Jews, ZOG, Zionism, Zionofascism, chutzpah, jewish supremacy | Tagged: Lawrence Cannon, Israel Lobby | No Comments »
Posted in Israel, Israel/Palestine, Jews, ZOG, Zionism, Zionofascism, anti-semitism, jewish supremacy | No Comments »
Posted in Israel, Israel/Palestine, Jews, ZOG, Zionism, Zionofascism, jewish supremacy | No Comments »
etc., and so forth.
Simba B: I saved that gif! Sweeet!
Shorter anarchore: I’m still mad my parents had me circumsized and the mohels’ scalpel slipped. My secret nickname is Hedwig*.
If nothing else, words like UberKike serve to signal a good-faith desire for real discussion and the open-minded pursuit of truth.
Mr. Leeden, are you available for lectures?
Ye gods, Snorghagen. I hadn’t even considered the risk of attracting the militant anti-c**********n people.
Simba, I think he accidentally linked to a box of Dr. Bronner’s soap. Either that, or Gene Ray started a blog.
*’hem* Anyhow.
Werebear was saying…
That’s because there is something in our brains that lights up when it gets electricity. And we can’t eradicate that.
And yet, us atheists carry on with the very same parts in our very same brains. Which would seem to undermine the sly assertion that belief in bullshit is essentially unavoidable.
The best we can do is channel it into better rivers.
HAH! Look up some the ancient regimes and societies run by Buddhists and Buddhist clerics, my friend. And I guaran-goddamn-tee you that if you took a country and made Wicca the law of the land, in a couple generations you’d have a theocracy harsh and intolerant enough to rival anything descended from that nice Mr. Abraham.
We can’t cast it out.
It’s unlikely we’ll ever be able to completely cast out racism and other forms of ridiculous tribalism as well. Would you advocate channeling such things into “better rivers” or just roll your eyes and let it past when someone suggested such a thing. I do not honestly believe that you would.
A couple generations ago, a colour-blind society would have been literally unthinkable. And while we’re nowhere near a truly just and harmonious society, we’re starting to get there. A slim majority of people HAVE finally, FINALLY twigged that maybe judging people by their external appearance is kind of a no-no.
If we are unable to cast it out, sir, it will be because we didn’t try.
Or enough of us threw their hands up in defeat from the get-go.
ahhh now I feel clean, but I may have to leave soon:
Well duh, Simba the blog is called ‘zionofascism’ you know, not ‘mealy-mouthed-pseudo-liberal-touchy-feely-let’s-talk-around-the-issues-but-never-about-them.’
As to the rest of you, I don’t know why you have a problem with the truth.
You should be raging against the Zionists that are the cause of 1 million Iraqi dead -though I’m sure that if we allow them, in 50 years the Zionists will have rewritten the history of that as well(just like they don’t mention the German Holocaust at the hands of Jews), and clueless bozos will be calling people Nazis for challenging those Zionist lies.
Can you guess who the clueless Bozos of our time are, based on the paragraph above?
“In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”
Someone please explain the psychology of Holocaust deniers to me. What can be gained? What leads a person down this pathetic, ignorant path?
Sure, they’re rabid anti-Semites, but wouldn’t a rabid bigot celebrate the Holocaust? Or does the tiny sliver of humanity that exists within them know that society wouldn’t stand for that shit, so they just deny it instead? Do they know, deep down, that it really did happen, and it was done by people like them? Does the shame drive the denial?
What drives these fuckers?
Well duh, Simba the blog is called ‘zionofascism’ you know, not ‘mealy-mouthed-pseudo-liberal-touchy-feely-let’s-talk-around-the-issues-but-never-about-them.’
As to the rest of you, I don’t know why you have a problem with the truth.
The mewling coward version of reality?
Do you sympathize with the UberKikes, like Kissinger, Chertoff, the Aspers, the Bronfmans, and Micheal Ladeen?
Do we have the right to denounce our enemies?
I know my custom-coined slur, against wealthy Zionists may offend, but I don’t really care about offending wealthy Zionists or those who sympathize with them.
We have the right to name, and denounce our enemies, the people that have taken over our political system, the UberKikes.
Every Canadian politician like the Americans, must make the pilgrimage to the AIPAC/CJPAC lobby groups and declare their unwavering support for Israel, or else. Any criticism, or 9/11 truth that mentions Israhell is carreer suicide for a Canadian pollutician.
Under pressure from the UberKikes, the Afghanistan mission(Canada’s proxy Zio-imperialism) was extended. Opposition leader at the time, Stephane Dion(Bilderberg attendee, Zionist puppet) capitulated on his statement that the mission would not go beyond 2009, and caved in and supported the Harper(Bilderberg attendee, Zionist puppet) government extension to 2011.
So please excuse me for dispensing with the niceties when talking about a genocidal racist cult that wants to exterminate or enslave all non-Jews, especially honourable Germans who speak out about the UberKike menace to our democracies and the world.
…ahhh now I feel clean
(can’t say the same for the poor cat!)
…excuse me for dispensing with the niceties
No, no…dispense away. We expect nothing less.
Anachore, the reason you have a miserable life has nothing to do with an International conspiracy to keep you repressed.
It has to do with the fact that you are a moron and a coward of epic proportions.
Forgot to include the link about the Leslie Hughes scandal, where a candidate was kicked out of the Liberal party and smeared for writing about an Israeli company being warned:
Dion then let the Canadian Jewish Congress decide if she should be allowed to run.
The Jews said no.
Nope, no UberKIKE control in Canada’s political process, none whatsoever! (sarcasm)
Owlbear, I repent. I love Israhell, I love terror! I love Zionist control of the media and politics. I’m so very very sorry, please call off the Mossad hit sqauds.
They have Jews in Canada? UberKIKE control in Canada’s political process
y’know, buddy, all else aside, I think you’re not in quite the best spot to discuss Canadian politics! (Not that they’re not all deeply interested.)
Owlbear, I repent. I love Israhell, I love terror! I love Zionist control of the media and politics. I’m so very very sorry, please call off the Mossad hit sqauds.
I think this just proves my point.
Yes, it really IS this bad.
Stepane Zion, Canadian Jewish Congress pawn:
Squeal louder, you’re not convincing enough yet.
I am offended at the very suggestion that our own home-grown American WASP and redneck ruling elites couldn’t have come up with their own reasons to lie the nation into a murderous and costly war, and had to be under the thumb of ‘Zionists’.
Yeah owlbear, we know where you went to school(or is that shul?).
Nice point-scoring, by the way.
You are certainly formidable.
So, now I’m the one repressing you?
This is pleasant. Via Juan Cole: (or is that shul?).
Depends what you mean. If you’re confident what meaning you wish to use, you could try looking it up in one of those reference books – a dictionary would be a good start.
So who wants to join me in a little Jew bashing fun? We could go around smashing shop windows and stuff. At night.
Well El cid, the neocons are a Jewish movement, and half of the Bush admin is Zionists.
AIPAC(Israeli Lobby) control of congress is common knowledge, so you must be uncommonly ignorant, yet very opinionated. What a winning combo!
It is quite tedious when people play dummy, but that is part of your MO I suppose.
‘elp! ‘elp! I’m being repressed!
Someone please explain the psychology of Holocaust deniers to me. What can be gained? What leads a person down this pathetic, ignorant path?
Alas, I can’t diagnose strangers over the interducts, because (a) this is against professional ethics, and (b) no-one’s paying me. But I repeat myself.
In the course of a third cup of breakfast, it came to mind that there is an Interweb niche for someone to pose as a ‘zionofascist’ troll, and post Mein-Kampf rants about how an unassimilated Jewish minority will “implode their host nations” — simply to discredit the Islamofascist fuckwads who make similar claims. Having said that, I don’t really see die Wahrheit in that role.
It is quite tedious when people play dummy
…pisses off the pros
I gotta agree with Smut & Mikey. Engaging with filth like anarchore is worse than useless.
LOL, smash windows, yep that would be what Jews like to do, to gain sympathy, as we all know Jews are always victims, getting their windows broken and stuff(usually by Jews themselves, but let’s not mention that).
Well, I’ve known plenty of irrational atheists. 9/11 Troofers, “Fortean” types, “alternative medicine” nutters, etc. But, yeah, the hyperactivity of human pattern recognition and the insecure need for something/someone else to tell us our purpose instead of making it for ourselves are not insurmountable for most. WereBear can speak for him/her/itself, but I don’t think it’ll ever entirely go away, if only because of pathologies (in the medical sense) like TLE, schizotypal personality disorder, etc. I think the best-case scenario is increasing marginalization of magical thinking — hell, any marginalization would be a start.
And I’m not gonna pretend to be a paragon of rationality myself. I just channel it into addictions, like my “lucky cigarette” habit. Wait, sorry… that’s OCD, not religion.
Canadian Jewish Congress porn?
That got my attention.
anarchore: This is my last engagement, but I fail to see the slightest bit of evidence that your criticism of Israeli state crimes and massacres is any more severe because of all the “ZIONIST!” you’ve sprinkled through it.
Instead, you’re just one more coward who will never, ever have the slightest impact on anything, and you just want to run around your chickensh*t little Jew-bashing fora so you can feel like you’re fighting against the WunWirldGubmit.
Or maybe you’re just another poseur trying to fill up genuinely dissident sites with faux anti-Semitism to satisfy your Israeli AIPAC / CAMERA paymasters.
Canadian Jewish Congress porn?
That got my attention.
You have to subscribe.
That’s right, “Israeli atheist”, worse than useless, because someone might actually learn something about who controls their countries.
Here’s a link to some Harvard NeoNazis, talking about UberKike control of the USA:
“Whatever you do, don’t engage anarchore!”
“Aiiieeee!! The truth, the wretched ugly truth, how we hatesss it! How it burnsss usss!”
…worse than useless
“it hurtsss usss, hisss cursed truth and citation of his factssss”
“he tricked ussss
“cursssse him”
Cool! That would certainly improve the signal to noise ratio. I see Bina the anal enthusiast and foot fetishist has already obliged us.
…improve the signal to noise ratio
(psst… the noise is on the bottom!!)
Well what do you think Israel is? Is Zionist now another one of the words that must not be used?
AIPAC? AIPAC exists now? Wasn’t this you a few comments ago, saying there is no such thing as Zionist lobbies?
This is my last engagement…
You’re engaged!? Congratulations! (.and commiserations, respectively).
Geez, even not engaging him is useless. Killfile, indeed. Thanks to whoever coded the S,N! killfile script for Greasemonkey.
Did you mean ‘Mossad hit squids’? Are they related to the fearsome Jewish Octopus?
RyRy, your surrender and apology is graciously accepted.
Next time, learn something about the topics you are about to be discussing, to avoid being made such a fool:
That’s a cute Jewish conspiracy, Sonrhagen. 🙂
Next time, learn something…
ah, we bow at your feet, master! Clearly, the key is “next time”!
Snorghagen, That. Is. Awesome. I see serious crossover potential with this.
Okay, folks, through Internets Tubes jiggerywhizzery, I’ve figured out “anarchrore’s” True Name.
It really seems obvious in retrospect, doesn’t it?
I’ve figured out “anarchrore’s” True Name.
Does this mean we can banish anarchore by saying it?
“speak, ‘friend’, and enter!”
i.e. “Piss off, asshole!”
Oh, good, the new Israel-post Nazi.
Can someone explain how this *always* happens? I mean, is there any other topic on Sadly, No! that’s this predictable?
(Of course, I could also point out that “the whole Middle East is fucked up because of religion! No other reasons!” line is also predictable as fuck. Like if tomorrow everyone woke up atheists, they wouldn’t still be fighting over borders or just classic vendetta-style shit.)
Like if tomorrow everyone woke up atheists, they wouldn’t still be fighting over borders or just classic vendetta-style shit.
Well, duh. That whole Hatfield-McCoy thing was totally a religious war.
I think we’ve all learned something here today, and that is: Every time a SadlyNaught feeds a troll, Jesus weeps, and then it’s like a booger on your finger that just won’t fling off, or dogshit on your shoe that even after it’s scraped away still lingers olfactorily. Now go and sin no more, which means DON’T. FEED. THE. GOD. DAMN. FUCKING. TROLLS.
…fighting over borders
Get off my lawn!!!
I couldn’t link to it. @#%&#*!!! I wanted to see some hot cephalopod porn!
No shit. Not even the bravely psychopathic Nazi dared type the word.
Nonetheless: “each of their babies?” Is there a female bris(s?) of some sort that the evil Jooos keep from us?
Not to mention that the “word that shall not be typed” has some serious “neuro/psycho” effects. I’ll grant you that males of the species often “think” w/ the lower head, but does that leave us wide open to brainwashing? I think not. I was “victimized,” & none of the programming worked, as I’m about as un-socialized & anti-AmeriKKKan as possible. Wrong again, A-whore.
Are “we” not entering the realm of parody here?
Or is the persecution/martyrdom on the altar of “whiteness” thing just really in charge today?
Or, a “Canadian.”
“Honourable Germans.”
Is there a female bris
Well, yes. And not a pretty thing, either.
(Though, to be fair, not Jewish).
ckc (not kc), as an outraged progressive I knew all about that, but thought it was only practiced by, well, you know, Arab Mooooslim Radical Fundies &/or African cultures. Per analcore, however, the You Know Whos do this on “each of their babies.”
So s/he’s either a racist & a sexist (No! How?) thinking that females are not actual babies, or is (again) wrong about everything.
I couldn’t link to it. @#%&#*!!! I wanted to see some hot cephalopod porn!
Shit, they took it down?! Bastards. And it’s not in the Google cache. It looks like some of them are still up through other links in the BoingBoing comments but, uh… beware. Those otaku linked to some stuff that is simply not meant for mortal eyes at any blood alcohol level. *shudder*
“Mein Fehrer! I can valk!“
I miss the wholesome trolliness of Rugged in Montana.
Sorry to interrupt your Stormbackender hexagram jerk; just wanted to comment on the apparent weirdness of Ledeen’s rabbi’s Torah. I had always thought that God/YHWH/El/Whatever punished the protomythoisrealites for that golden calf thing, you know, when Moses abandoned them for his mountain traipse.
Strange to find out the punishment was instead for them not torching every frickin’ bush to see if they were properly holy.
You back again, Analwhore? You sure are a glutton for punishment. Should have known you Nazi scum could never resist trying to “win back” a real German who hates your fucking guts.
BTW, nice job of projection. Yeah, the Jews did Kristallnacht all by their widdle wonesome. Just like they burned the Reichstag. Only–oops, here comes another inconvenient fact–NAZIS DID BOTH.
You may now go cry in your methpipe.
The way I read it (may have something to do w/ the way Ledeen wrote it) I thought the Big Fucking Killer in the Sky was punishing them for accepting the “false” intelligence & not going “faster, please” to commit genocide against whoever was in the “Promised Land.”
And the very same shit goes on in the Unholy Land to this day, except of course the non-existent gawd isn’t doing shit.
I think Ledeen is just like our troll–not only a fascist, but a projectionist, too.
Man needs a tiara. All that real estate going to waste. tsk, tsk.
Location, location, location.
Mikey said:
In spite of plenty of history to analyze, the Israeli leadership seems to believe that the best way to ensure their security is endless wars, blockades, collective punishment and thousands of dead Palestinian civilians. I very heartily disagree with this calculation. I cannot imagine a situation where the behavior of the Israeli leadership would lead to anything but a permanent state of hostilities. The first step to living in peace with your neighbors is to NOT INVADE, STARVE AND BOMB THEM. The second step is to assist them in developing a viable economy and infrastructure, help them become what they aspire to become.
Absolutely. In fact, religion has very little to do with the israeli/palestinian conflict. It is almost purely an economic dispute. The whole religious thing is just background noise. Just like the whole hatfield-McCoy thing was mainly about timber and railroads, and and caused by absentee power brokers for their own financial and political gain.
the religious angle is hyped to provide cover for the violence and atrocities utilized to gain land and wealth.
And this Nazi troll sounds exactly like The truth, right down to daring Dr Dick to refute his circular self-authenticating syllogisms.
Well, now we know. “The Truth” is a Nazi.
I wouldn’t call it “background noise,” exactly, Honus. It’s certainly used as a means of reinforcing hatred and avoiding the actual issues that could lead to compromise or even someday, gods forbid, reconciliation. But, yeah, it’s not by any means a root problem, simply an aggravating factor that would be just background noise if it wasn’t a convenient propaganda tool.
Hard not to “go Godwin” when the subject is a guy who’s repeatedly praised fascism – you know, back when it was young & innocent & only terrorized & curbstomped its foes, rather than gassing them by the millions.
To me, Godwinning is when you say “rednecks burning Dixie Chicks CDs is exactly like the SS throwing Jews, gays & Gypsies into the ovens alive! OMFG FASCIZM!!!” Pulling a Godwin in regards to Ledeen is nearly impossible, since he IS a crypto-fascist douche.
Who can forget his boffo contortions in the early 1980s, when he was whoring around as a “terrorism expert” & selling the idea that the Grey Wolves fascists who shot Pope John Paul II were actually working for their archenemies in the KGB (a fantasy that in many places became the “official” version of the shooting)? Good times, good times.
Now, kids, don’t pick on the poor Stormfront troll … mustn’t be mean to the mentally-handicapped, you know … if it wants to try to talk those mass-graves & crematoria full of human bones away, let it. We’re all just being brainwashed by the Zionist World Conspiracy known as historical reality, after all. “TEH JEWZ DID WTC – NEVAR FORGET!1!!1!”
If it keeps the sad little thing off the streets, I’m all for it.
I have been observing the interactions and conflicts of humans for aeons.
For millenia their tribal allegiances and primitive nationalistic and ideological conflicts have raged.
But one victory over much of the world has been won without firing a shot.
To conquer a modern democracy is not through the vote, not through armies, but through infiltration and subversion.
A cohesive group, built around a religion, and practicing ethnic nepotism can slowly gain influence by purchasing media and gaining influential positions for their members.
That is exactly what has happened.
I have watched the Zionists control, to varying degrees, almost all democratic governments.
The group has even invented numerous mechanisms that effectively criminalize exposing the group.
Anarchore has tricked you into thinking he was something he was not, by strategic use of language.
I see that humans have not evolved in their thinking- for all their vaunted technology, they are enslaved by the truth-hating paradigm of the times.
Following the ensuing wave of predictability, anarchore proceeded to smash every argument, with lucid reasoning and clear facts.
I have seen dark ages in your history, where reason was crushed, but also periods of enlightenment.
Human, listen! If you think you are enlightened, you are so deep in the dark shadow that it looks like light.
You are about to step out of a long dark age, and step loose of the bonds that bind your very thoughts.
You will see an enlightenment the scope of which has never been seen.
I have already told of too much. I take my leave of you now, lest my world see fit to censure your watcher once again for taking too active a role in the affairs of humans, who for all your failings and weakness, I have developed a fondness for.
UATU the Watcher
Klaatu barada nikto to you too, dude.
You will see an enlightenment the scope of which has never been seen.
Oh fuck, it’s back. And it decided to try to make itself sound like it came from Gozer.
Well it seems an impartial galactic observer has weighed in and declared pwnage.
While the herd chews it’s cud…
Dude, seriously. Put down the crackpipe. Check yourself into a mental ward. Take your meds.
And remember, that thing you shoved up your own ass is NOT a rectal probe put there by enlightened alien beings. It’s your HEAD.
Wow, this is a real haven of filth.
Haven’t you anal-obsessive Israeli-lovers noticed Israel/Zionist/Jewish supremacist lobbies in your countries?
You guys are inventing Nazis, when I have not said anything resembling Nazi policy.
You creeps are covering for terrorists:
and you openly admit you hate truth.
How are you any better than Nazis, or supremacist genocidal Zionist UberKike vermin, yourselves?
And Bina you are one horny slut, and kinky too, always talking about rectal probes, anal sports and foot fetishism.
I would expect conservatives to be like idiot neocons, and worship Israel, but I sure didn’t expect it on a ‘progressive’ site.
You people are a collection of scum, dishonest turds, rotten low hanging fruit, spoiled bananas, shrunken heads, distorted egos and bloated unhealthy bodies.
Your comments reek of degeneracy, filth, drugs and a toilet mindset borne of the intellectual prostitution you engage in.
While you fight the ‘right wingers’ and the conservatives fight the ‘antisemtic liberal media’, the Zionists grow stronger, ruling over the confused herd.
Hey everyone,
How did you get me to read each comment to this point? Was it some kind of hypnosis? Please stop. Why won’t you listen to Mikey?!
That must be why you keep coming here. Admit it, you LIKE it.
Not offhand, no. (buffs nails)
Except for all the parts blaming the Jews for trying to own the world. But that’s trivial, right?
Yawwwwn. And where do you think they learned it? FROM THE CIA. Where did THEY learn it? FROM THE NAZIS.
Really? Where did anyone say that?
This is coming from someone who calls Jews vermin and wants to see them exterminated. Teh Irony, it burns. Just like corpses in an Auschwitz Krema…
Sheer wishful thinking on your part, but whatever. (yawn, snzzzzzzzz…)
I think SOME Jews are vermin, so what?
I’m sure SOME ‘progressives’ are intelligent, but I haven’t met many.
And by the way, the Zionists do pretty much control the world.
Iraq was a Zionist job. Half of the neocons around Bush are Jewish Zionists, many of them dual-Israelis. AIPAC controls Congress.
And did you notice that when the Canadian Jewish Congress in Canada got mad at Liberal candidate Lesley Hughes for writing the truth about Israeli companies getting warned prior to 9/11, instead of standing up like a man and saying that yes, Zim Shipping did get warned and it was in an Israeli paper. But Dion, Zionist puppet from a party of Zionist puppets-in-waiting and globalist free-trade looters, let the CJC tell him what to do.
Admit it, the Jews own politics in Canada, too.
WTF? We’ve got an actual Nazi troll?? Again?
Hey Anarchy Whore;
I’ve had relatives who fought in a war that defeated your kind utterly. Should we meet face to face, I will be more than happy to continue my family’s proud tradition of utterly humiliating Nazis.
Take your meds and leave. You are not welcome here, or anywhere else outside your trailer park. And take note– I said “meds,” not “meth.”
Nope, just a bunch of ‘liberals’ who think a free-thinking anarchist is the same as a Nazi, because they hate the truth that he tells.
The Zionists own politics in Canada,
and the USA.
To review, we find that “Jews,” comprising some 0.2 % of the world’s current human population (13.3 million individual “Jews,” & every last one of them richer than Croesus, by the way) have been controlling/owning the world since about the time they killed Jesus? And somehow they get away w/ it ’cause they’ve brainwashed the remaining six or seven billion non-Jewish humanoids wandering aimlessly over the planet into not noticing this massive conspiracy?
If so, good for them, & more power to them as well (I&I welcome our apparently not-so-new overlords!) as they’re certainly deserving of the whole mess, what w/ being smarter, stronger, wealthier, more powerful, etc., than, if not the entire world, certainly anark-whore & his miserably tiny, mutilated wiener, “Little Adolf.”
Dude. Stop. You are NOT a “free-thinking anarchist”, you are a Nazi. A FASCIST. An exterminationist. And a holocaust revisionist. You are the scum de la scum–capisce? You get no takers for your ideology here, because nobody here is depraved and dumb like you.
Now blow.
Actually I think you pricks do know that I’m not a Nazi, but just want to paint me as such for the ‘StopCrime'(cf G Orwell, 1984, read it you plebes) gravitas.
Most of you trolls are probably Zionists yourselves.
There oughta be a Pantload book in this (A doughy one.):
Free Thinking Anarchism: Liberal Fascism, or Just Nazis? (Or the Other Way Around, Depending on the Wind.)
Oh, or
Free Thinking Anarchism: Pricks or Nazis IN THE AGE OF TERROR.
I think it’d be a best-seller!
Free thinking Anarchists who share views on the Holocaust with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
You don’t have to be an Iranian President to know the holohoax is 1% fact, 99% lies.
Turns out that there are people whom I hold in more contempt than antisemitic neo-nazis — that being people who decide to pose as antisemitic neo-nazis for shits & giggles, and to piss off the liberals. So today has not been wasted, since I’ve learned something new.
I dunno, the website anark-hoor links to is more than a pose for kicks. But he may just be using it.
Worse than the Chinese “May you live in interesting times” curse: “May you live in times when parody is difficult to impossible.”
“May you live in times when parody is difficult to impossible.”
Two words: Poe’s Law.
But he may just be using it.
Whichever way, MB, the guy is waking up every morning and deciding to go on being him, which is kind of sad.
The fact is, the Palestinian people are a death cult.
Three generations have been raised to view Jews an blood drinking animals that should be eliminated. Israel offered them a separate state and half of Jerusalem in 2000. They rejected it. Israel gave them Gaza. They held elections and chose to be governed by terrorists that has waged war against Israel from Gaza.
Parents of suicide bombers as young as the pictured baby are featured on Palestinian TV as heroes. I’ll never forget the celebration of a Palestinian teen that blew up herself and a Pizza Hut in Tel Aviv.
Such parents are peeved now that their children may die in their rocket launcher laden homes instead of a Pizza Hut with scores of young Israelis that just ordered pepperoni and extra cheese.
Do I have to repeat that to convey the depths of sickness in their culture?
These people are sick.
There can be no peace until they get their minds concentrated. The only way that will happen is after utter and devastating defeat. This is the lesson of history.
Israel has always been capable of delivering utter and devastating defeat but has never done so. Now, they say that this is all out war.
But is it?
I think not, because I know what all out war is, and it requires no ground assault.
The United States faced a death cult after Pearl Harbor. Millions of lived were saved thanks to the courage of President Truman to be willing to concentrate the minds of the Japanese people with two atom bombs. We did that to avoid a ground assault.
It took two bombs, so sick were the Japanese people in their death cult.
Israel doesn’t need to use nuclear weapons. They can deliver the blow with conventional weapons from the air. But they are not willing to do it.
Therefore, Israel is failing its people. Not too long in the future, this operation will end, and not far in the future, more Israelis will die at the hands of Palestinians again.
It will take more than removing rocket launchers and capturing and killing some Hamas leaders. The sickness of the whole people is deep. Radical surgery is required.
But what about the moderates, you may ask? Just saw one on CNN. She is an apologist for the radicals. Reminds me of the “good” slave owner in Uncle Tom’s Cabin that enabled the brutish Simon Legree.
I’ll never forget a Palestinian barber whose barber shop was destroyed the last time Hamas waged war against Israel, soon after the clarifying elections. He said that next time he would vote for those that wouldn’t cause his barber shop to be bombed. But there aren’t enough of his kind in the death cult.
We know what Lincoln had to do, that Sherman foresaw, to end that one.
20 years later, more Southerners volunteered for the Spanish-American War than any others. The Japanese love baseball.
Israel, want some good neighbors?
Concentrate their minds.
We are all supposed to get a pink glow of good feeling inside because Israel goes to such lengths to limit enemy casualties.
I don’t get that feeling because the duty of Israel’s government is to protect their people and their half measures the last 40 years have not done that and a full measure of devastation would save more lives in the long run and bring actual peace.
Concentrate the Palestinian mind.
Bomb the hell out of them.
Its the right thing to do.
Unless you do, we will all be back for this re-run in a few years, again
Oh? So calling Jews kikes and parasites and vermin and conspiratorial isn’t exterminationist? Even though the über-authoritarian (NOT anarchist) Nazis did it right before they gassed them? Along with, I might add, gays, gypsies, socialists, communists and REAL anarchists, not phony Nazified whores like you?
The mind boggleth, yea verily.
BTW, I was wondering when Gary Ruppert would show up, and why it took him so long.
One might say I smelled a Ruppish conspiracy…
I’m rather certain that the Nazis themselves admitted to the Holocaust. But hey, if you wanna argue against the people who carried out the genocide, whatever, dude.
Actually, no. No, it’s not exterminationist(nice word). That is like you saying Nazis are scum and me taking that to believe you want to exterminate all whites.
Now, when I refer to “supremacist genocidal Zionist UberKike vermin”(this is the only context in which I talked about Jews as vermin), who do you think I am talking about?
I thought you would understand that not all Jews are “supremacist genocidal Zionist UberKike vermin”. Seems kind of bigotted of you to think that of all Jews.
I am of course referring to the likes of Henry Kissinger, the various Zionist Israel Lobbies posing as Jewish groups, including the criminal Bronfmanns club the Canadian Jewish Congress, media monopolies like Canwest Global, which has a reach into nearly every Canadian home. CBC is not must better after a run under the former president of the Canadian Jewish Congress, Rabinovitch(what was a rabid Zionist warmonger doing running the CBC? Making sure whenever Hamas or Hezbollah was mentioned, they were referred to as ‘militants’, instead of police or soldiers).
I am talking of people like Irwin Cotler and Leo Adler, always crying ‘antisemitism’ while consolidating their pernicious power.
The fact that I have to explain this to a Canadian shows the deleterious effect of years of Zionist ‘programming’ via ubiquitous “supremacist genocidal Zionist UberKike vermin” ownership of the media.
The fact that Jews allow it shows some failings in their culture, ie morality and policing criminal and terrorist elements. Jews for the most part don’t know about, or are blinded by their inculcated victimhood to allow it(after all, the Jewish people are the most brainwashed by the Zionist terrorists), so it is up to us, not the Jews, to stop the Zionists. Perhaps more of them will join us as they realize that supporting Jewish criminals once more, at the expense of their hosts, will lead them into big trouble once more.
People that are brainwashed never realize their thrall. How could you? They only give you a certain serving of correct thoughts on that media that has shaped your weltanshaung, and are trained to be averse to certain subjects. Try thinking outside of your PC-rose-coloured-glasses filter when you look at these supremacists and terrorists.
“And by the way, the Zionists do pretty much control the world.”
They even control India. And Indonesia. And China, Mandrake. China! Do you know when the Jews took control of China, Mandrake? 1947. 1947, Mandrake. How’s that for your postwar commie conspiracy!
I almost forgot Brazil. And Vietnam. And Russia – all eleven time zones of Vietnam. The Jews control nine of them!
Whoopsie! Meant to say that the Jews control nine of the eleven time zones or Russia. But you all knew that, right?
Concern racist is concerned.
But mainly racist.
Also, it is widely known that the Jews control the UAE, and the Congo.
And Japan.
And the Galapagos. Many of the Tortoises in the Galapagos, and numerous of the most influential finches in the Galapogos, are Jewish. Also, very many Argentinean penguins are Jewish.
It’s like Papua New Guinea in Risk.
You start as the Jews, you cover the entire globe in purple.
Anarchore: closet cocksucker, just like his Naz heroes Ernst Roehm and Adolf Hitler.
Hey, anarcocksucker, you should definitely check out “The Hidden Hitler” by University of Bremen history professor Lothar Machtan.
Also, the Jews control the foreskin market.
….sorry about that. I just figured we could take the annoying trolls in a new direction….
Exactly, Leon. Exactly!
Penguins have foreskins? Who knew?
Did someone mention “foreskin restoration”?
Did someone mention “foreskin restoration”?
Another use for Shamwow???
Shorter ‘sadlyno’ comments –
“You are telling too much truth about Zionist power over politics, that is not nice, we should only criticize neocon nut-cases who aren’t taken seriously anyway, and keep the attention off of Zionist control of Government.”
My inner voices told me to stop taking that Zionist medication, so I could hear them better.
So, hey, everybody!
Listen to what my inner voices are saying now!
Anybody who won’t listen is a ZIONIST!!!
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist,
That one needs to be remembered at the end of 2009 in any Comment of the Year voting.
Beautiful. Worthy of mention not only in the post, but throughout the blogosphere.
Thanks for the laugh.