The Global Race To Confederate Yankee’s Bottom

Above: Our Turgenev of the Tarheels

Destroying the Village in Order to Save It

Confederate Yankee is here to explain the economy and why its collapse is the fault of you. We join this Confederate Yankee post already in progress.

[…] And so the government is going to steal $17.4 billion more from taxpayers to prolong the inevitable death of unions companies that don’t deserve to live.

For that matter, much of the manufacturing in this country doesn’t deserve to live, particularly that created with non-competitive union labor so prevalent in the Northeast and upper Midwest.

It looks like he’s gone into abandon New Orleans mode again, only this time he’s saying it was a stupid idea to build a country where a recession could get it.

[…] The simple fact of the matter is that the U.S. auto industry is not just Ford, Chrysler, and GM, but Honda, Toyota, and other “foreign” manufacturers that build cars here on the mainland United States. What separates the successful companies that aren’t asking for a bailout from the leaches grubbing for tax dollars from your already empty wallet? Greedy, bloated, self-serving and uncompetitive union labor, particularly the United Auto Workers (UAW).

Oh no, not the United Auto Workers (UAW)!

Okay, well, as you’re noticing the received distortions about the auto companies vis-à-vis the UAW (the suspicion has long been with us that Mr. Yankee consumes talk radio — which, given his position as a conservative blogger of some prominence, is like a moonshiner who gets wrecked on airplane glue), note as well the ease with which conservatives have pivoted to support Japanese companies against nominally American ones, and their new skepticism toward the sort of blue-collar flypaper that was set out by John McCain back in, oh gosh, way back in September of 2008: “Our workers are the most innovative, the hardest-working, the best-skilled, most productive, most competitive in the world. That’s the American worker. And my opponents may disagree, but those fundamentals — the American worker and their innovation, their entrepreneurship, the small business, those are the fundamentals of America, and I think they’re strong. But they are being threatened today.”

Then again, McCain’s speechwriter smartly conjoined ‘worker’ with ‘entrepreneurship’ and ‘small business,’ so it can’t be said that he didn’t actually mean toilers in the fields of ownership and finance. Sneaky that way! Back to Mr. Yankee:

Non-union car factories are cranking out the smaller, higher-quality, more fuel efficient fleets that America wants to buy, while the unionized Big Three are cranking out bloated beasts that carry and estimated $2,000 of overhead per vehicle because of concessions the automakers have made the unions over the years in noncompetitive benefits and pensions.

This has become a popular unsourced claim, but even more appealing has been the plaint that American car companies are going under because they’ve been forced by government regulation to build smaller, more fuel-efficient cars instead of bloated beasts, etc. Perhaps the first set of imaginary circumstances can negotiate a free trade agreement with the second set, creating what business experts call a “win-win.”

As a result of this bloat, to make their cars competitive on the price point, unionized companies have to remove $2,000 from some other part of that vehicle, affecting the overall quality, durability, fit, finish, and reliability. Detroit is in trouble because they’re cranking out cars that are worth less than their competitors, and buyers know it.

Is this true? We don’t know! Luckily, we have this:

Above: Book we luckily have

If the average GM car takes 22.15 person-hours to build, and even if by some accounting unknown to art or science each GM worker were actually, in real life and not in some conservative crack dream, making $73 per hour (totaling $1,616.95 in labor costs per car), then how full of crap does the $2,000 figure appear to be?

Answer: If we assume that each car ought to carry $0.00 in labor costs — i.e., to be built by slaves who forage elsewhere for food and shelter; or by a combination of those slaves and some kind of robot that you can acquire for free, and that doesn’t require any power and never breaks down — the figure appears even then to be full of at least $383.05 worth of crap, per car.1

Confederate Yankee now owes us this sum in addition to that of our previous invoice.

We rejoin this Confederate Yankee post already in progress:

[…] Michigan, New York, California… look at a the map of the areas most affected during our current economic crisis, and you’ll see areas of large populations in the Northeast, West Coast, and upper Midwest (historical big government Democratic enclaves) and a handful of swing states.

We looked and looked, and no such map was to be seen. Maybe there was a plate in the hardcover version of his post that’s missing from the paperback edition.

In any case, it’s certainly weird that the areas most affected by the crisis are centers of populations and finance. You’d think the deep South would be the first to crash, with the Franklin Mint bubble taking out Waffle House and Cracker Barrel, whose collapse would wipe out the rustic knick-knack manufacturers, dropping the floor out from under the Beanie Baby speculators, and so on down the line until you reach John Deere, at which point it’s game-over for Amway, Carhartt, Philip Morris, Mary Kay, QVC, Bob’s Big Boy, and the whole line of dominoes leading from Bally/Midway and the rest of the video poker manufacturers to Winn-Dixie and Piggly Wiggly, and from there to one Branson concern after the next, wiping out Winnebago before toppling various Indian tribes and their casino buffet and dream-catcher keychain suppliers, landing subsequently on Disney itself, at which point the coastal elites would notice something missing but not be able to put their finger quite on what it was, until 3AM one night when they sat bolt upright in bed, saying, “Oh my God, whatever happened to the Jonas Brothers?

Democrats in Congress (and soon to be in the White House) are unwilling to address the fact that the big government economic politics of FDR and LBJ are the politics of long-term economic failure.

This is an idea worthy of admiration. After the Clinton-blamers had recited their catechisms, and after Rush Limbaugh did what Rush Limbaugh does by blustering and har-harring about ‘the Obama Recession,’ Ace, a man of vision in some ways, raised the standard of étonne-moi! by blaming the current situation on Jimmy Carter. But now with “the politics of long-term economic failure,” we learn that the economy has been tanking ever since America stopped listening to Herbert Hoover — or, actually, it’s a brilliant enough phrase that you could blame everything on Teddy Roosevelt and the Progressive Era if you wanted to, or on the cruel way in which John Adams marginalized Alexander Hamilton, or come to think of it on Oliver Cromwell.

The next time our pants are too tight in the nuts, we’ll blame LBJ for the politics of long-term pants malfunction.

Also, note that the Democrats are in trouble once again for their refusal to address this wacky rationalization that Mr. Yankee just invented. I would mention in reply that Republicans are unwilling to address their own prosampiquity, which is a word I invented.

They are continuing to sap the ability of businesses to do business, while pandering to the unions that are dragging their constituencies into ruin.

Someday America will come to its senses, and businesses will be exempt from all laws while workers receive no pay.

Don’t worry about this being a partisan attack…

Wait one second here, is this some kind of partisan…? Oh, whew.

There are plenty of “go along, get along” RINO Republicans that voted for the same legislation on both the state and federal levels to get us to where we are today.

Someday Republicans will come to their senses and defy the leftist establishment.

If you look at the areas of the country hardest hit during our current economic crisis, the bulk are those that long ago embraced big government solutions. New York. New Jersey. California. Michigan. Ohio.

Look at those areas that have weathered the financial storm better. The Deep South. The lower Midwest. The Western states.

Oh wait, we found the map he’s been talking about.

Those states that have taken the hardest hits are those that have embraced big government intrusion and union meddling. Those that have survived are those areas with far more business-friendly markets.

SCARECROW: Mua-ha-ha-ha!

FRED: I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night,

VELMA: Alive as you or me,

SHAGGY: Says I, “But Joe, you’re ten years dead,”

SCOOBY: “Ri rever ried,” rez ree…

SCARECROW: Goddamn it! [pulls off mask]

KIDS: Mr. Jenkins!

JENKINS: And I would have gotten away with it too, if not for you big-government kids and your union meddling.

You’re no fool, and…

It’s like he’s talking directly to us!

…I’m sure you’ve noticed that businesses and talented individuals with a drive to succeed have been migrating away from the bloated big government states to the free market states in droves within the past decade.

Indeed, although on the down side, some have had to kill their oxen, while others died of dysentery. Later, individuals with a thirst for adventure collected keys in a space station infested with aliens and zombie space marines.

No, but really here, what we’ve mostly been noticing is that jobs and capital have been draining out of the US into places like China and Haiti, where there’s a generational underclass that will work long hours under dangerous conditions for crap pay.

Mr. Yankee is thinking of a world in which things are not necessarily as they are — i.e., affected by what many have called a “global race to the bottom” — but as they ought to be. In Free-Markistan, just as lowering taxes always increases revenue and deregulation always fosters good business practices, lowering wages always benefits employees:

The “best and brightest” are fleeing cramped Northeastern apartments for McMansions on the outskirts of Atlanta; the tech companies are peeling away from Silicon Valley and Silicon Alley to relocate to climates where they have cheaper land and more educated labor pools, like North Carolina’s Research Triangle Park.

For example, on Monday I’m joining a brand new marketing department of a major international high technology company.

Insert observation about “the best and brightest.”

They needed more staff, and determined that they could add more people and get more bang for their buck by building a new marketing unit from the ground up in North Carolina, for far less than they could add staff to an existing marketing unit in their California operations. Once they started interviewing, they were further impressed that the quality of resumes here was also significantly higher than they were used to in their California headquarters.

Imagine how well they’d do in India, where computer science Ph.D.s will line up to work at your help desk for $4,500 a year. That means that India’s economy is flourishing because it is a free-market country and not a bloated, big-government country full of pampered, parasitical workers, that doesn’t deserve to live.

That’s ten well-paying white collar jobs that California lost and North Carolina gained, and when the time comes to add more people to the marketing unit, which location do you think will have a natural advantage? Obviously, the site with lower operating and salary costs and a higher-quality recruiting pool has a distinct advantage.

Obviously so, as we learned just today from the Charlotte Observer:

Jobless rate for N.C. surges to 25-year high
State’s workers lose jobs at a record pace. Double-digit unemployment seen for 2009.

North Carolina lost jobs at a record pace last month, pushing unemployment to a 25-year high as the outlook for the state darkened amid a deepening recession.

Employers slashed 46,000 jobs in November, more than in any state except Florida, according to data released Friday by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Those job cuts pushed the unemployment rate to 7.9 percent from 7.1 percent in October, according to figures from the N.C. Employment Security Commission. The jobless rate is now the highest since October 1983.

Damn that William Hooper and his politics of long-term economic failure.

Admittedly, this MSM story lacks all credibility because it utterly fails to account for the other people who might be added to the marketing unit.


And so I find it particularly amusing that “intellectuals” that remain in their fading big government enclaves are now panicking that those slow and stupid hicks are doing so much better than they are, and feel the solution is to penalize those areas that are doing well by forcing them to accept their failing ideologies.

Hyuk hyuk! Ah wurk fer six-fifty an hour, an ah got no health insurance a-tall, kyew-kyew! [arm pump]

This guy in particular is amusing with his blatant regional bigotry and assumed superiority. He won’t admit it and perhaps can’t even see it with his nose stuck so high in the air, but his attitude of entitlement, shared with minimally-skilled, over-compensated union sops, that has wrecked his region’s economy and led them to such desperate thoughts as attempting to force a laughable “Reconstruction” on successful southern states to make them more like failing big government northern trainwrecks.

Here’s a deal, then. We liberals will leave the red states and take our Rural Electrification Projects and Eisenhower Highway Systems with us, if the red states will stop taking our money:

1 Or more, considering that the $2,000 is ‘removed from the car,’ while in other wingnut estimations, the workers are also responsible for a similar inflation of the car’s final price. In other words, you can basically just make it up a number and blame it on anything you want.


Comments: 313


Wait, wait, wait… wait

hold up, so States that have to draw more on the Federal Government just to ensure that state entitlements, like the ability to not be destitute on the street the millisecond your jackass boss decides now is a good time to ‘eliminate redundancy’ have better enviroments for business…

Here I thought the health of an economy and society was based upon the ability of the lower classes to not exist in squalor rather than how a CEO can squeeze a few more pennies out of their wage slaves


I would mention in reply that Republicans are unwilling to address their own prosampiquity, which is a word I invented.

Nuh-uh! According to the OED, prosampiquity is used to describe the movements of bivalves via the rapid open and closing of their shells, which creates a rearward vortex, propelling them forward.


Once they started interviewing, they were further impressed that the high infant mortality rate and abundance of unwed mothers.


“Non-union car factories are cranking out the smaller, higher-quality, more fuel efficient fleets that America wants to buy, while the unionized Big Three are cranking out bloated beasts that carry and estimated $2,000 of overhead per vehicle because of concessions the automakers have made the unions over the years in noncompetitive benefits and pensions.”

Wow! I had no idea that the welders and car-painting-robot repairmen are directly and completely in control over what products it is that they make! Thanks, Confed!

“Detroit is in trouble because they’re cranking out cars that are worth less than their competitors, and buyers know it.”

See above.

“and you’ll see areas of large populations in the Northeast, West Coast, and upper Midwest (historical big government Democratic enclaves)”

Places that traditionally are wealthier are harder hit by economic downturn. Next, Confed goes undercover to expose the sordid reality behind water and its alleged wetness.

“Those that have survived are those areas with far more business-friendly markets.”

Nothing says “competitive business friendly” like a shiny new Wal-Mart!

“And so I find it particularly amusing that “intellectuals” that remain in their fading big government enclaves are now panicking that those slow and stupid hicks are doing so much better than they are,”

See above.

“This guy in particular is amusing with his blatant regional bigotry and assumed superiority. ”


“Michigan, New York, California… in the Northeast, West Coast, and upper Midwest (historical big government Democratic enclaves)…fleeing cramped Northeastern apartments for McMansions on the outskirts of Atlanta; …his nose stuck so high in the air, … a laughable “Reconstruction” on successful southern states to make them more like failing big government northern trainwrecks.”

Blatant regional bigotry, indeed.


..on Monday I’m joining a brand new marketing department..



Nuh-uh! According to the OED, prosampiquity is used to describe the movements of bivalves via the rapid open and closing of their shells, which creates a rearward vortex, propelling them forward.

Not in the actual OED, but maybe in some made-up version of it, sure.


For example, on Monday I’m joining a brand new marketing department of a major international high technology company.

Let’s hope the red nose and baggy plants fit.


Oh, I just give up. My computer hates me today.


Jesus Mother-Fucking Christ!!

This two-bit asshole, who can’t live w/o taking his gun everywhere w/ him, writes this entire piece of poop to announce that he got a job? Is this going to be another of these short-term contract deals? I can just imagine Bob plugging all the computers in, & humming to himself, ‘I’m a computer professional, la la la…”

Seriously. Marketing? As if that produces anything. Fucking parasite. And surely Bob won’t be writing any marketing campaigns. (Except the ones directed at the other “successful” Southern states. Maybe “New York City!!?” of the Pace Picante Sauce adverts was his idea, except the boss changed it from “JEW York City!!?”

A masterful work of research & refutation, by the way.


1. Dear Gomer, No one’s leaving Silicon Valley. There is, however, expansion in the heavily Democratic Research Triangle. And Sand Fucking Hill Road isn’t moving to NC anytime soon.

2. Please explain to Mercedes-Benz how all their German unions are holding them back from building truly great cars. Labor unions are stronger in Europe, but workers have more of a voice in how the companies are managed, wage bargaining is centralized, etc., etc.

3. Idiot: Look up “adjustable-rate mortgages” and “collateralized-debt obligations” and “zoned zone” and get back to em about how economic troubles in CA and FL are the product of labor costs.


Ooooh, nice call, M Bouffant. I missed that part about him getting a marketing ‘job’. Valet parking > dog walkers > telephone sanitizers > Paris Hilton > marketing > Hitler. That’s how the chain goes to the bottom.


As I recall, from his “Look, I have a gun & it goes everywhere w/ me” srory, he was then doing some sort of computer contract gig (where they wouldn’t let him take his gun to work). My guess is he gets to plug in the computers,and maybe connect them. (Under supervision, of course.)

Can’t really imagine him, say, writing anything for marketing purposes, unless the international technology giant is selling crap specifically for the so much more successful Southern states.

“Do you have a (probably some sort of fascist German tech) in your suburban Southern McMansion?”

And get that, he thinks that “McMansions” are a good thing.

I don’t care if he’s packin’ 24/7, one could still just sneak up right behind him & clock him, then kneecap him w/ his own gat, for further poetic justice. North Carolinians, the challenge is before you!


Interesting thing about that chart…

In the left-hand column there are four states that are colored red, based on their 2004 election results. Obama won three of them. Coincidence…?


I had no idea that the welders and car-painting-robot repairmen are directly and completely in control over what products it is that they make! Thanks, Confed!

actually, the point there is that Detroit needs to sell higher-margin products like SUVs due to the necessity of supporting several generations of UAW pensioners and extra hands.

It’s a fair cop, and I think the answer should be levelling the playing field by giving everyone in the nation the health plan benefits that the UAW get from GM et al. I believe GM already offloaded the pension responsibility to the union.

Funny thing is that free marketeer idiots like Yankee here don’t realize that if life’s necessities like health insurance and retirement plans AREN’T mandated at the employer level (Ie are “optional”) then human nature being what it is will soon skip these expenses. But much like the rise of the two-income household mainly served to jack up real estate prices beginning in the 1970s, the extra household income saved by avoiding health insurance and retirement savings will eventually end up in increased rents and land values, since the dominant cost of all our household budgets is housing.

Historically, this is known as “The All-Devouring Rent”, but neoclassical economics strived to intentiionally forget this because understanding rent was not something the rentiers what us to be able to do.



Jesusland is now w/o New Mexico & Colorado. And where does Hawai’i come into the picture?


“Non-union car factories are cranking out the smaller, higher-quality, more fuel efficient fleets that America wants to buy, while the unionized Big Three are cranking out bloated beasts that carry and estimated $2,000 of overhead per vehicle because of concessions the automakers have made the unions over the years in noncompetitive benefits and pensions.”

O really? It’s our fault that American auto manufacturers can barely outcompete Yugo? Hmmmmm.

1938-1948: American heavy manufacturing sector explodes in response to big-government tax-and-spend Roosevelt and his make-work war on innocent little Hitler. Auto industry, which has strong cross-production potential for airplanes, tanks, and other vital war materiel, performs brilliantly, helping expand the US military from one which could have readily been defeated by Mexico or Canada (this is actually true) to the world’s largest and best-funded, and producing the only major economy on Earth without significant large-scale private transit. Inexplicably, this period also sees the growth of unions and business-union cooperation, dooming the industry to fail within the next decade unless something is done.

1948-1958: The failing American auto industry, under increasing pressure from unions without the heavy hand of the state squeezing them down, tumbles deleriously into national prominence, dominating the national manufactory and economy. The walking corpse of the American automobile is shamed by the economic wizardry of contemporary Spain and Greece, whose business-friendly (mumble mumble) governments put dozens of cars on American roads for every American car in Bizarro World.

1958-1968: American hero Barry Goldwater catapults the self-interested heroes nattering nabob of Bolshevik negativity Dwight Eisenhower calls “criminals and Texas oilmen” into national prominence, gradually turning “fuck the unions” into an acceptable position in sane local politics. Meanwhile, doughty Argentine and South African bulwarks of capitalism win over at least ten skeptical American car-buyers with their sexy economic efficiency and rational contempt for darkies. Meanwhile, the United States buys from France at a song a number of South Asian villages to be destroyed that they be saved, a massive boon to our struggling economy – which had an unsustainably low unemployment rate, a record low ratio of national debt to free capital, and a scandalous level of secondary economic activity.

1968-1978: The long, hard process of liberating American industry from the Red Army begins, as following the liberation of America from tens of thousands of would-be hippies in the aforementioned Asian swamp and the liberation of several key American allies from their “elected” governments, real American economic masterminds Friedman and Laffer – fresh and rearing to fight from years of guerilla struggle in Santiago and Sacramento cocktail parties – convince American patriots of the need to strip away basic state protections for the labor force, stop raising the minimum wage or listening to the most basic safety concerns (Ralph “Boom-Boom” Nader having bankrupted General Motors with his shameful seatbelt putsch, which would ultimately save millions of economically inefficient lives), and treat American economic power as a direct function of the defense industry rather than any other. Right-thinking economists rebel against detente, which – with the dramatic reduction in state money spent on weapons whose very use is a crime against humanity – is what was really responsible for the “stag-flation” the perverse Demoncrats blamed on our friend the Ayatollah. All of this freedom immediately sees liberty dividends; as corporations and state and local governments of both parties – Atlases among us mere mortals – are freed from their basic obligations to society, American industry is primed to catch up with Japanese car-makers, whose wide-ranging economic freedoms allowed them to produce almost half as much as we did during a supply shock in America and a boom there.

1978-1988: With the election of 1980’s Reagan/Autry ticket, America takes a long trip down memory lane, and with the return of traditional values, “far-out” (of date) equipment, and the final defeat of the Timorese menace, happy days are truly here again. By lunchtime in America, our economic freedoms have increased to the point that pioneering CEOs are regularly making billions by selling entire companies to the soviet socialist Japanese and Germans, cleverly increasing their productive capacity and leaving them with our inefficient, worthless auto sector hung on to owing to inexplicable sentimental attachment by the UAW.

1988-1998: Radical liberal Bill “Tricky Dick” Bush, whose 1992 election casts an inescapable pall over bomber-fag George “Take Your Dead Ass Home” Clinton. The latter still soldiers on nobly for the cause of economic freedom, giving American manufacturers a degree of freedom over their workers not seen since the endless glory days of the late 1920s and, after a hard fight, winning a first per-capita and then absolute industrial manufacturing disadvantage to the European and Asian economies. Tragedy strikes, however, as the Japanese bank crisis threatens to force American executives to run their own corporations, with some even made to run at a profit instead of quietly driving the margins down to accomodate foreign mergers.

1998-2008: Thankfully, with 9/11’s removal of several thousand economically inefficient New Yorkers, the hands of America’s true movers and shakers are freed again, and before long America leads the world in amounts of money paid to failed executives. By now, billions and billions of dollars have accumuated at the top of the economic ladder, and the American auto industry – through decades of careful lobbying – has ensured that its cars are inferior in engineering, fuel capacity, safety, and price to cars manufactured in Singapore — a country about the size of Staten Island. All is not well, however: the auto companies themselves have run out of money to give their managers, and 18 billion federal dollars hang in the balance. Scandalously, the election of a Dhimmicrat ensures that at least several hundred of these dollars will go towards paying bonuses which have become the stuff of story and song in Detroit. Who will win this, the last clash of civilizations???

In all seriousness, if you want a powerful manufacturing sector, you bring the unions and the businesses to the table together and make sure the state is making smart subsidies. Subsidizing the development of fuel-efficient cars is smart. Subsidizing the development of butch names for poorly-classified minivans is not.

The “hurr, unions is to blame” argument is especially ridiculous: we’ve been fed a picture of Japan as a ruthless hypercapitalist empire for a generation now, and yet somehow even when the equivalent of the Great Depression strikes, nobody starves — and even in the most insane days of the bubble, the disparity between the best-paid executives and the lowliest laborers was less than that between the manager and night janitor of Cracker Barrel.

We’ve pared the unions to the fucking bone, TIDOSY, and for some wacky reason every time someone particularly enthusiastic about trickle-down economics takes office, labor standards erode like a sand boner in a wind chamber, and yet industrial growth is always dwarfed by – and sometimes directly eaten by – the growth of executive salaries, a profligation of back-room loans and deals, and complete hostility to innovation. The American worker is already being paid so little she needs state intervention to feed her children; there’s no more blood left to squeeze out of that stone. Meanwhile, the rich have been soaking it up like a sponge, but take a finger to them and it’s class warfare.

Further, the economies we’ve been failing in respect to are not those run by Libertarians or anyone even closely related to trickle-downers. The British economy, between Thatcher and New Labour, has been in worse shape than ours. The economies of IMF fiefs have generally imploded. We’re being outcompeted by states which pay for healthcare, for education, and for other externalities workers require in a salary.

It’s because of fuckers like you, TIDOSY, that our taxes aren’t taking advantage of economies of scale and paying for healthcare, higher education, and other vital things. It’s because of you that General Motors and Ford have to – because any company that doesn’t would suppurate workers like no tomorrow. Go ahead and blame the unions if you like, but don’t act shocked when – even when the last union has been shut out of the negotiating table – no American company is able to even come close to competing with companies in countries that can afford to pay half what we do for workers. In a country that ran its affairs like China does, the minimum wage would actually be an acceptable salary! The cost to the taxpayers of feeding, clothing, housing, and healing the workforce would be a tiny fraction of what it costs the private sector to. Instead of paying about $500 per car in extra taxes, our glorious economically free lieges are paying $2000 extra per car in externalities we fucking refuse to pony up for.

And maybe, because you’ve got wingnut welfare, you’ve got yours. But remember, you dim little fucker, that the refusal of British parents to vaccinate has resulted in a small-scale and growing measles epidemic. Bill Gates couldn’t save himself if America’s neglect of its citizens’ basic medical needs boiled over; do you really think you would be immune to whatever plague is breeding in Detroit’s assembly lines? I don’t know, maybe 2% of the second $100,000 you make is worth your children dying in agony of needless disease, but as human beings we have a slightly different perspective.


I still say TIDOS Yankee looks like Lee Harvey Oswald.



unionized companies have to remove $2,000 from some other part of that vehicle
Could someone please tell me exactly where the $2000 is fastened to cars constructed by non-union labour? Rest assured that I will not misuse this information.


Could someone please tell me exactly where the $2000 is fastened to cars constructed by non-union labour? Rest assured that I will not misuse this information.

You ever see that Far Side cartoon where a dog makes it with a car? That’s where.

Technically, it’s only $1900. The rest is Gary Larson’s hush money.


Could someone please tell me exactly where the $2000 is fastened to cars constructed by non-union labour?

Have you checked the glove compartment? That’s where the odd stuff usually ends up.

Either that, or the trunk.


Seriously, TIDOS Yankee and all his ideological kin need to shut their gobs and move to China already. If they hate regulations and unions, this is the country for them.

A story: I used to work for a company that had an ever-loving shitload of rules. This all tied back into their “reputation,” which was all-important to the bigwigs. Technically, I wasn’t allowed to speak to my students outside of classes (though I did anyway). This company also had local teachers for giving classes to younger students. I seldom encountered these women outside of class; during company events, they even sat in a little group apart from everyone else.

I found out why after I left (from one of the local teachers, no less). Turns out that they were forbidden from communicating with the foreign teachers outside of class. Most of these women were afraid that if they lost their jobs, they’d have to go to another city to find new work. The job market is that tight, and that’s for a relatively high-skill job. Job security is a bad joke here.


Have you checked the glove compartment? That’s where the odd stuff usually ends up.
Thank you. And it’s not protected, is it, by one of those little tags saying “Do not remove this money under penalty of law”?


Blatant regional bigotry, indeed.

Could it be blagrant?

"Oh Stewardess, I Speak 'Nut"

That was some awesome-ass writing. Gavin had me long before he got to the Winn-Dixie and Piggly-Wiggly. One for the ages, truly. Possibly the best of Twenty-O-Eight.

Oh, and don’t look now, but Toyota is in trouble, too. (See, BBC TV, just minutes ago.)


Basically, Owens would rather give federal tax money to the Kraut & Japanese corporations that we attempted to bomb back to the stone age during WWII, rather than let any unionized workers make enough money to live on.

And for that he can go to hell.


Which is where I’m headed. See y’all there.


I just heard that $73 an hour figure from my dad. The wingnuts work has been well done. I wonder how much money Wolf Blitzer makes an hour?

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

See, when I look at Yankee Traitor, I don’t see Lee Harvey Oswald (perhaps because Lee Harvey Oswald will always look like Gary Oldman to me, and Yankee Traitor is no Gary Oldman). No, when I look at Yankee Traitor, particularly in the pictures up on this post, I have the sudden, inexplicable flash of ‘Craig Kilborn’, former host of the Daily Show back when nobody gave a shit.



businesses and talented individuals … have been migrating away … in droves within the past decade.
It always cheers me up to read more about those Droves.


The fact is, liberals and their classwar ideals of stealing wealth created by the productive classes, will fail.


So, juuuust for the fun of it, re Auto Worker Fatcats, I went out and did some, get this, research.

Wow! Look! Facts!


OK, time to update our lists and add “Members of Unions” to the list of things that are a threat to America.

Should they go before or after gay marriage?


Please explain to Mercedes-Benz how all their German unions are holding them back from building truly great cars. Labor unions are stronger in Europe, but workers have more of a voice in how the companies are managed, wage bargaining is centralized, etc., etc.

Yes, kindly explain how companies like Volvo, Volkswagen and BMW seem to be doing so well with strong unions. These are companies where the bosses’ salaries are a small multiple of those of the workers, and who have NO stock options to incentivise them (read: manipulate the company’s stock price at the expense of investment).

Funny that.


Is there anyway Sadly, No! can sponsor a bunch of immigrants with marketing degrees to move to N.C.?

Then we can have a contest to see how long it takes C.Y. to go form “people working for less money will make America better!” to “its not fair that others will work for less money and steal ma’ job!”

Side question, in the McDonalds corporation, which department do you think it was that had to decide between putting a maze and a connect-the-dots on the paper liner of the serving tray?


C.Y. is right in one sense. Many Americans do think US car makers make worse cars.

This is obviously a failure of the the marketing departments of the US car makers. If we want to save American companies, we should outsource all of our marketing departments to the foreigners. They seem to be amazingly good at convincing Americans that anything foreign is fancy and worth a lot more money.

The fact that C.Y. is an impressive marketing job candidate only goes to show just what sad shape the American pool of marketing talent is in.

Colonel Richard Hindrance (Mrs)

Teh “productive classes” – that’s the working classes, right?


Um … help me out here.

Is Cracker Barrel really a mainstay of the Southern economy?
Or izzat one a’ them joke-things?

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Side question, in the McDonalds corporation, which department do you think it was that had to decide between putting a maze and a connect-the-dots on the paper liner of the serving tray?

I think it’s the guy whose office is above the basement where the guy who came up with the McNugget worked.


He’s proud that he’s letting his Confederate half dominate his Yankee half even more. Because he’s trying to be their most dangerous export: Southern Baptist Businessmen.

SBB’s love God publicly, but don’t understand how he let Lincoln free the slaves. This results in a capital/labor relationship that is right out of a sword and sandal epic, where the bosses say things like, “Mashuel, you molded this brick with too much of your own sweat. But you are a good worker, so only thirty lashes.” And Mashuel does some humble posture of gratitude.

That kind of relationship.

SBB’s tell women to wear their hair up or down, tell men to get a haircut, wheedle unpaid overtime from them at every opportunity, and will fire someone because the Jesus fish fell off their car.

Because Mammon is their god, and power is how they worship It.

I knew the country was in trouble in the early 80’s, when I was in New York City, working for a Fortune 500 company with a long history of excellent ideas and who treated their workers to a benefit package that today’s workers would consider a fever dream. For a few years, all was rather good, as corporate experiences go. I was elected my section’s labor representative. I went to a training meeting.

We started right off with a video starring a chubby twinkly guy in a suit explaining how we can understand people’s motivations from the generational perspective. As it went on, it mentioned morals, and God, and by the end the tie was off, the hair was standing on end, and he was trying to save our souls, ending with a screaming fit about the horrors of Pink Floyd.

Then the tape ended and the floor was opened for discussion. I didn’t say anything. I realized I had fled to a whole other country, but I hadn’t fled far enough. The SBB’s had podded out the executives of this company, too.

And now that company is a degenerate shell of itself.

However, it is always good to know that yesterday, today, and forever, Pink Floyd will continue to get on their last nerve.


Marketing Unit Honcho: Our advertising copy does not have enough run-on sentences!

2nd In Command: Send it to C.Y. for solutioning.


M Bouffant beat me to it but it needs to be said again. He used 1500 words to say (in the style of the Wankee) “I got a job so the economy is teh awesome where I am and not where you are and thus all of this neatly fits my ideological world view and your policies suck. No data needed! The south will rise again!”

Folks, CY just won the gold medal in wanking for the third year running! (And poor Ace thought he had it this year.)


In any case, it’s certainly weird that the areas most affected by the crisis are centers of populations and finance. You’d think the deep South would be the first to crash, with the Franklin Mint bubble taking out Waffle House and Cracker Barrel, whose collapse would wipe out the rustic knick-knack manufacturers, dropping the floor out from under the Beanie Baby speculators, and so on down the line until you reach John Deere, at which point it’s game-over for Amway, Carhartt, Philip Morris, Mary Kay, QVC, Bob’s Big Boy, and the whole line of dominoes leading from Bally/Midway and the rest of the video poker manufacturers to Winn-Dixie and Piggly Wiggly, and from there to one Branson concern after the next, wiping out Winnebago before toppling various Indian tribes and their casino buffet and dream-catcher keychain suppliers, landing subsequently on Disney itself, at which point the coastal elites would notice something missing but not be able to put their finger quite on what it was, until 3AM one night when they sat bolt upright in bed, saying, “Oh my God, whatever happened to the Jonas Brothers?”

Genius. Big quote but needed to be kept intact. Thank you.


The “best and brightest” are fleeing cramped Northeastern apartments for McMansions on the outskirts of Atlanta

Um, bullshit. The outskirts of Atlanta have become a dead zone, mostly due to the housing bubble, but also due to lousy development planning and high transportation costs (who knew that sitting on I-285 for 3 hours a day wasn’t good for your wallet). If you look at moving patterns around the ATL, more people are moving into town than out of it.

This line would have made perfect sense in, say, 1992, but alas, Jeremy did not speak in class today.

I would have first made mention of how ridiculous it is to act like urban, blue areas are taking what rural, red areas are making, but you covered that well enough. Cornfed’s beloved deep south is sucking the federal teat dry. Also,

And so I find it particularly amusing that “intellectuals” that remain in their fading big government enclaves are now panicking that those slow and stupid hicks are doing so much better than they are

In case you didn’t notice, dumbass, the intellectuals-suck platform died a well-earned death on November 4th.


As a Southrener [sic] I apologize to sentient beings everywhere for Confederate Wankee.


Is there anyway Sadly, No! can sponsor a bunch of immigrants with marketing degrees to move to N.C.?

Cornfed’s Tarheel love is about to have its foundations destroyed. NC was barely blue in 2008, but if you look at the wider trend, that state ain’t coming back to wingnut hands for a good, long while. When Obama destroys Palin/Jindal/Huckleberry/K-Lo/Beavis/Whatever there in 2012, I can’t wait for the long Wankee spew about how moonbats, Muslims, unions, and the usual bogeymen have ruined what was such a fabuloussss place to live.


(I’m originally from Raleigh. I love how he’s touting the RTP as if it were a conservative entity. They do “science” stuff there, Wankee, ergo, it’s not.)


Why is Iowa red? Because it went for Bush in 2004? That can be the only reason, because Iowa went Dem in 92, 96, 2000, and overwhelmingly in 2008. Bush barely squeaked it in 2004. That’s irritating.

I don’t doubt that we get more than we give, though, because of all that scum-sucking corporate agriculture and hog lot/chicken lot crap, and adding in the fact that when we had Rethugs in charge they did their level best to destroy the unions, passing the Right to Work Law and working hard to turn this state into hog lot hell. We may have a chance to get rid of that Right to Scab shit soon, though. I sure hope so.

I hate Confederate Yankee and all the assholes who think like he does. May they all find out what it’s like to go hungry. Soon.


They needed more staff, and determined that they could add more people and get more bang for their buck by building a new marketing unit from the ground up in North Carolina, for far less than they could add staff to an existing marketing unit in their California operations. Once they started interviewing, they were further impressed that the quality of resumes here was also significantly higher than they were used to in their California headquarters.

I have to ask how he knows this. Did he talk to someone at a managerial level high enough to make these decisions about work unit location? Did he talk to someone with oversight of the entire hiring process? How does Bob Owens have such access to executive decision-making?

As with most wingnut anecdotes, I’m inclined to think there’s little truth at play in this particular reference.


I love the bit with the Scooby gang singing union songs. 🙂

And I’d love to know what’s going to happen to the “Calvin peeing on auto makers’ brands” window sticker market if the Big Three fall. Has Wankee considered how dumb his Toyota’s gonna look with a sticker of Calvin peeing on a Mercedes logo?


Also, I gotta wonder what kind of company would hire Bob Owens for marketing. He’s a PR disaster waiting to happen. A little googling would’ve revealed that he’s a racist, grill-tipping moron who’s almost guaranteed to severely damage the brand value of any company, product, or service he promotes.

Maybe they just thought “He couldn’t be that Bob Owens, right? There’s hundreds of Bob Owenses around the country, surely we couldn’t be unlucky enough to pick the lunatic rightwinger who begs for grills, right? What’re the odds?”


And I’d love to know what’s going to happen to the “Calvin peeing on auto makers’ brands” window sticker market if the Big Three fall. Has Wankee considered how dumb his Toyota’s gonna look with a sticker of Calvin peeing on a Mercedes logo?

Kinda off topic, but it really pisses me off that Bill Watterson does not get any royalties for those stickers using his character. Now those stupid ass Jesus & Calvin stickers are appearing in various parts of the country. Gag. I’d like to see Watterson take some sort of legal action, but apparently although he’s annoyed by this rip-off, going after all the little sources of this theft would be like trying to swat a fly with a sledge hammer.


I have to ask how he knows this. Did he talk to someone at a managerial level high enough to make these decisions about work unit location? Did he talk to someone with oversight of the entire hiring process? How does Bob Owens have such access to executive decision-making?

He “knows” this because…

1) He was interviewed at a California-based company with operations in North Carolina. Thus, they must hate operating out of California, which has a terrible economy and thingy.
2) The interviewer exchanged niceties with Owens. Thus, they must hate the idiots who apply for their jobs in California.


Y’all been misspelling “Yanker” throughout. He’s ugly and he’s stupid and he can’t get any grills. Have compassion. Quit it.

Yanker. OK?


Y’all been misspelling “Yanker” throughout.

He’s ugly and stupid and he can’t get any grills. Have compassion. Quit it, mkay?

That is all.

Except, fuckin’ WordPress!

One day wordpress will post a fucking comment

Y’all been misspelling “Yanker” throughout. Quit it, okay?


The sad part is that Megan McArdle says virtually the same thing, in slightly more elevated language due to the MBA she got out of a box of Cracker Jacks.


Wankee looks like a blond Rick Moranis in Ghostbusters to me.

Is the secret putting the word "fucking" in the name field?

“He’s a PR disaster waiting to happen.”

He’s ugly and stupid and he can’t get any grills. What could go wrong?

fucking wordpress

i give up


What separates the successful companies that aren’t asking for a bailout from the leaches grubbing for tax dollars from your already empty wallet?

Um, because, you know, Toyota, Honda, Volkswagen, Hyundai et al, already GET government subisidies, in the form of direct subsidies all the way thru to NATIONAL HEALTH CARE, you shithead!


Oh, and don’t look now, but Toyota is in trouble, too. (See, BBC TV, just minutes ago.)

For the last couple years, there was big talk in and around my Northeast Mississippi home about the plant Toyota was going to put somewhere between Tupelo and New Albany. It was going to be one of them plant towns, and there was going to be satellite work done in places like Mantachie and Belmont, as well. Lots of other businesses, particularly service industry, announced they were moving to the area and the local community colleges and satellite campuses for Ole Miss and MSU were reworking themselves to deal with the coming educational need. Hell, one of my cousins bought some land and built some cheap houses out in Dorsey on Old 78, as it was a sure bet.

Week before last, Toyota announced that the plant was on hold for the forseable future, and the general idea is that the deal as a whole is off. My brother and I are about to hit the road for a week home to make Momma happy. Should be some interesting convorsations.


This post belongs in the Sadly, No! hall of fame. This kind of referenced but snark-laden take-down of making-up-shit wingnuttery is why I read S,N! Bravo! I’m forwarding it to everyone of my relatives who has fallen for the union-blaming Bob Corker bullshit.


Toyota’s cutting production at all its plants.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> Also, I gotta wonder what kind of company would hire Bob Owens for marketing. He’s a PR disaster waiting to happen. A little googling would’ve revealed that he’s a racist, grill-tipping moron who’s almost guaranteed to severely damage the brand value of any company, product, or service he promotes.

You have to assume his “marketing job” is nothing more than sitting on a focus group.


You have to assume his “marketing job” is nothing more than sitting on a focus group.

Holy crap! He’s probably manning the Pepsi Challenge booth at local malls!


What Yanker doesn’t seem to get is that cars in general aren’t selling right now regardless of country of corporate origin (see Toyota’s announcement today). Perhaps people are concerned enough about their economic prospects that they don’t want to increase their debt load. Perhaps because the average worker can’t beg online for grills n’ stuff is why they are being cautious.

If GM hadn’t done everything in their power to kill the EV-1, they would have had a car that out-sold everything when gas prices were above $4/gallon. That level of short sighted stupidity, combined with his “fuck the planet” attitude is why that wanker CEO of GM needs to be forced to walk the plank over a shit moat.


That’s “Ga-ree-yul”, people.

Someone noted you can tell you are in the South when the word “grits” is pronounced with three syllables. I got a good laugh the other day when a local radio person pronounced “bridge” as a three syllable word, “There’s a wreck on the ba-ree-idge”.


The fact is, liberals and their classwar ideals of stealing wealth created by the productive classes, will fail.

When the marketeers go Galt on us, boy will we be sorry.


Bobo ought to consider that, if it wasn’t for unions, he’d be working in a mill on Christmas day, despite his lung disease.


The brilliance of this post is symphonic. You could even work Joe Hill in, thematically, like Dvorak did with folk tunes. I love me some brilliant S,N! in the morning. And the evening. Ain’t we got fun?


I love regional accents and linguistic oddities. Love ’em. When I was a youngster, I lived in Michigan (and truly thought that I spoke normally), and I recall going to visit a friend in Dayton, Ohio. I learned right away that I spoke far too quickly, and that my pronunciation of “road” mistakenly included only one syllable.


If you look at the areas of the country hardest hit during our current economic crisis, the bulk are those that long ago embraced big government solutions. New York. New Jersey. California. Michigan. Ohio.

Look at those areas that have weathered the financial storm better. The Deep South. The lower Midwest. The Western states

Uh, Wankee? Why would we want to “look at a map” when this table tells the tale. A tale, we might add, much different than the one you’re telling.


Someone noted you can tell you are in the South when the word “grits” is pronounced with three syllables.

And yet the word “oil” is pronounced with _one_ syllable.


[…] And so the government is going to steal $17.4 billion more from taxpayers to prolong the inevitable death of unions companies that don’t deserve to live.

Somehow, I imagine this guy was on board with giving $700 billion to the brilliance that is AIG, Lehman, Goldman Sachs, et. al. He also probably sees no contradiction there.

And, by the way, California is failing because we refuse to pay taxes. See Prop 13. Also, our governor is an idiot and the Republicans in the Legislature are even dumber and more childish than he is.




And yet the word “oil” is pronounced with _one_ syllable.

So is “boiled.”


He’s got a job? Good. Now he won’t have to beg for cooking tools . . .


Fuckity, fuck fuckwit!

Amazing how one of the greatest economic booms in the 20th century, under a Republican president, occurred during a time when unions were at their strongest, wages were growing dramatically, government regualtion of business and finance was much greater than now, and the top marginal income tax rate was 90% on incomes over $250K.

Perhaps, Confederate fuckwit would like to calculate the cost per car of executive compenstaion, given that Toyota’s CEO (and other executives) makes 17 times as much as Toyota’s (even though Toyota made money on every car and GM lost money). The GM CEO also also makes 261 times as much as the average production worker.


Shit!. Too mad to even write. That should read, “GM’s CEO (and other executives) makes 17 times as much as Toyota’s “


Is there anyway Sadly, No! can sponsor a bunch of immigrants with marketing degrees to move to N.C.?

I dunno, man, my apartment’s small enough as it is.


Cornfed might want to consider that all those people fleeing the smog-choked urban wastelands of Big Gummintistan for the rapturous meadows of Freemarketania are bringing with them a horrible, horrible disease: liberalism. Might wanna check the blue levels in the Research Triangle and Atlanta areas.


Oh, and today’s NYT reveals that the recession is having its greatest impact in the fucking South, home of low wage, non-union manufacturing.


It appears that the wingers’ plan to reform its image – it’s New Way Forward if you will – is to be more explicit and vocal as to the groups about whom they shout and blame shit on. In other words they intend to further alienate groups like unions, minorities, immigrants, women, etc. I love this plan.


Oh, and today’s NYT reveals that the recession is having its greatest impact in the fucking South, home of low wage, non-union manufacturing.

Obviously the Gray Lady is just a bomb-throwing Red Bitch, what with all these convenient “facts” that just happen to undermine Confyank’s glorious central points.


He’s got a job?

As soon as his boss finds him using his computer to compose Malkin slash, though, he’s gone.


The fact is, has teh Wankee been jobless this whole time?


“And, by the way, California is failing because we refuse to pay taxes. See Prop 13.”

And every time someone blames Prop 13 for tax revenue trouble an angel castrates itself (and that’s difficult for asexual beings). For example, California school funding is 16th in the country, well above average, particularly since most schools are in relatively benign climates. For a second example, property taxes continue to rise even as the real estate bubble pops. For a third example, well just fuck it. At least conservatards have an excuse for being ignorant – they’re also stupid. Anyone else who embraces this faux talking point – FAIL.


Shorter Wankee: I’s a gonna shoot me some retired auto workers wit’ mah guhn.


“facts” that just happen to undermine Confyank’s glorious central points.

Yeah, and don’t forget that commie social-est reality thingy and its well-known liberal bias.


But but but he’s doing jes’ fine!

Got a new job and all.

Must be, from previous experience, that recruiters are hard up when he gets an interview.

It might not be scientific, but it’s heartfelt.


Gavin: Brilliant.

Alec: Brilliant.

Would it help if we chipped in and bought Yankee a copy of How to Pick Up Grills?


Shorter Wankee: I’s a gonna shoot me some retired auto workers wit’ mah guhn.

I would love, love, love to see Wankee try to start some shit with a pissed off union dood. Wankee would get his ass kicked all the way home. Probably have a pair of busted knee caps to mouth off about.

I’m not usually so harsh of teh Wanker, as I feel it’s a little mean to pick on the intellectually hampered, but this particular bit of spew really pisses me off.


The GOP-ers aren’t America haters, they are Old Confederacy lovers!



Maybe they just thought “He couldn’t be that Bob Owens, right? There’s hundreds of Bob Owenses around the country, surely we couldn’t be unlucky enough to pick the lunatic rightwinger who begs for grills, right? What’re the odds?”

“But that Owens fella seemed so nice when he was hosting ‘Hee Haw.'”


And right on cue, a report about how the southern economy is doing worse than the nation as a whole:


At this point, I am proud to proclaim that i am a fourth generation union man (even if mine is a really wimpy bullshit union affiliated with the national teachers’ union and my father was only a union member for about a year right out of high school). Unions are what created our modern prosperity by pushing up wages and therefor consumption. Without unions you have feudal capitalism and a third world economy.


As always, I love the wingnut boner fides:

This guy in particular is amusing with his blatant regional bigotry and assumed superiority

“If you want any proof of my claim, simply read this ‘article’ written by some jackass that I’ve never heard of, anyway. It’s like they’ll just publish anything on the web.” Argument by blogroll, qed.

Putting out an APB for The Troof

Seeing how this thread has DrDick in it and we’re making fun of his best bud, Bumblin’ Bob.


For example, on Monday I’m joining a brand new marketing department of a major international high technology company.

Heh. I know where he’ll be working and they do OS a lot of work to India. The entire post is an Olympic-class suck up piece. Maybe he’s hoping they’ll buy him a new grill.


Dr. Dick, I’m hoping the last sentance of your post remains a statement and doesn’t make the leap into prophecy. Time will tell…


Unions are what created our modern prosperity by pushing up wages and therefor consumption. Without unions you have feudal capitalism and a third world economy.

Unions are what countries whose governments don’t fear their citizenry need.


StringonaStick –

Me, too. That has been the Republican project for the passt 30 years. Remains to be seen whether to current Democratic government can reverse the process.


At least conservatards have an excuse for being ignorant – they’re also stupid. Anyone else who embraces this faux talking point – FAIL.

Actually, the above looks more like a “talking point” than the idea of Prop 13 being problematic.

Since you’re obviously some kind of economic genius (as opposed to that idiot Ian Welsh), why don’t you explain what needs to be done to fix California’s economy.


For example, on Monday I’m joining a brand new marketing department of a major international high technology company.

Vacuum-cleaner salesman?

The Goddamn Batman Knows That Telemarketers Are A Cowardly And Superstitious Lot

For example, on Monday I’m joining a brand new marketing department of a major international high technology company.

“Mr./Ms [name as listed in the phone book], have you considered upgrading to Microsoft Vista–hello? Hello?”


From speaking with citizens who have more socialized systems, I would say a great talking point to counter this whole “need more money in my pocket!” panic would be to do some actual spending money comparisons between the different systems, comparing how the chunk that comes out as health insurance would look under taxes, etc.

Because one thing I am struck by is that other citizens don’t look at their paycheck the same way. We look at it, and think about all the stuff that has to come out before we have fun with it.

They look at their paycheck and already see what they can have fun with.

Because if your social safety net is built in, and so much of your stuff is taken care of by the time the money gets to us, we will see the true nature this system puts into our pocket.

Once we make that transposition in the wingnut mind, there will be a revolution.


Facts be dashed man! I have a new temp job changing toner cartridges and an idea that I will run well and truly into the ground! Good day to you sir!


Hey might actually do well at his new marketing job. The Sham-Wow practically sells itself, it’s been reported.


<a href=”Talking point *not* fail.

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, state spending on k-12 education:

California, 33rd, or 46th, depending.

If CA is 16th, it’s gotta all be going to the universities and colleges


MzNicky said,

As a Southrener [sic] I apologize to sentient beings everywhere for Confederate Wankee.

As a White Male Christain [sic] I apologize to sentient beings everywhere for Confederate Wankee.

Scott said,

Also, I gotta wonder what kind of company would hire Bob Owens for marketing.

One that doesn’t care if its sandwich boards get drooled on?

I think you can tell how far south you are by the number of syllables in the word “Jesus”. By the time you’re hearing “Jay-uh-zuz-uh” you can hardly move for hexadactylic banjo players.


For example, on Monday I’m joining a brand new marketing department of a major international high technology company.

Does this mean that he won’t be working teh gun counter from now on? How will he keep his finger on the wingnut pulse of America?


On the great North Carolina economy: oopsie!

Please take special note the first of the “[o]nly two industries [which] added jobs in November”…


a major international high technology company.

A what?

Seriously, I’ve heard plenty of abbreviations and buzzwords in my day, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen or heard the words “high technology” together. It’s almost as if someone was dense enough to think that the phrase “high tech” must be short-hand, and that person would sound smart by un-shortening it, despite the fact that no one has ever said it the long way, not to mention the fact that “high tech” is often used in a sarcastic way.

At least, it’s used that way by me.


Does this mean that he won’t be working teh gun counter from now on?

The pawn shop has started to sell Chinese-made laser sights?


No, really, he’s right.

As someone who’s lived in Silicon Valley for a long, long time, I can assure you that the reason that companies like Intel and Cisco and Google and Applied Materials and Oracle HATE it here is that it’s just so damned hard to find smart, talented, skilled people in Northern California. Sheesh. If CY was competing for a job out here, he’d end up bagging groceries, but only while the smarter, more pleasant students were in class.

Also, Marketing??


I’d pay good money to hear what Yankjob even thinks that word means. I’ve been in Marketing Communications for a couple decades (Interactive Collateral) and I’m trying to imagine where TIDoS would fit in a development team.

Design? Layout? Copy? Color? Message? Production?

Um. Maybe he could go get bagels…


You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> Um. Maybe he could go get bagels…

Maybe he will be the new research director for


So is “boiled.”

Crahst, ah could go for some noss hard-buld ay-iggs. Ol up a gree-ill and cook up some hay-im.

You’d think that pronouncing “bowl” and “boil” the same way would be rather troublesome for a cooking show, but it hasn’t stopped the Paula Deen juggernaut.


a major international high technology company.

Sounds like a meth lab.


Um. Maybe he could go get bagels…

Nah, I wouldn’t want to trust him with bagels, and I sure wouldn’t want him fetching the coffee. You’d wind up with Folger’s instant made with hot tap water.


Sounds like a meth lab.

Maybe the Palins used their connections to hook him up.


Remember TQM? Total Quality Management? Zero tolerance for error? GOD I hated that…system or whatever it was. I recall arguing with a “teacher” that rather than having a “Zero tolerance for error” one should have a couple of plans set up for spotting and fixing the error. Then I stopped going to classes, but he passed me anyway.

The point is I suspect Cornferarat Wanker is working for what’s left of that company. Probably High Up in Management. Huh.


WereBear said,

December 22, 2008 at 20:06

Truer words have never been spoken.

My Euro friends all tell me that they have never had to worry about retirement or losing their jobs or health insurance, that they can spend their paychecks as freely as they like and know that whatever is left will go into the bank.

I wish I had that luxury and I’m not exactly middle class or poor.


The point is I suspect Cornferarat Wanker is working for what’s left of that company. Probably High Up in Management. Huh.


Management wannabe, maybe. But actually in management?

That would require the ability to purchase your own grill.


Unions are what countries whose governments don’t fear their citizenry need.
Unions are apparently a Good Thing in Soviet-era Poland, but a bad thing when closer to home.


Unions are apparently a Good Thing in Soviet-era Poland, but a bad thing when closer to home.

Funny, I was just thinking about that yesterday. Solidarity!


Stag Party Palin: I dunno. Husband & I bought a little house in a rural area of Fremont CA about ’94. Over the years many of the houses in the neighborhood were replaced with humungous McMansions wouth $700k or more. WE’ve been offered $500 K for the property. But our taxes remain the same as when we bought the house for $278 K. When I look at the tax breakdown only a teeny-tiny percentage goes to schools. In Fremont, if you want your kid to ride the bus to school, its $300.00 PER SEMESTER. The schools suck, too. That’s why we moved to Nevada. (The house is “rented” to relatives)


Oh come on, there is no way that a “major international high technology company” as we understand such an entity hired this fool. He means that Weber Grills hired him to write advertising copy for Sunday newspapers. “Now with weighted bottoms and optional bolts to keep your grill safe in windstorm! You will never need to replace your Char-coal Ga-ree-yul if tragedy strikes someone else and causes minor damage to your property!”


Ya know….. I don’t think anyone’s racing to Confederate Yankee’s bottom. It’s just a hunch I have.


there is no way that a “major international high technology company”

Aren’t we imposing our concept of “high technology” on Wankee?

After all, he could consider Slate Rock and Gravel high tech because it uses a bird to whistle the work schedule.


The fact is, has teh Wankee been jobless this whole time?

I thought he used to claim he worked in a gun shop, hence the “gun counter Gomer” appellation.


For example, on Monday I’m joining a brand new marketing department of a major international high technology company.

This high technology piece of equipment is called a telephone, Bob. And this information retrieval system is called a telephone book. Look in the book and you can see numbers that you, the technology operator, tap onto the keyboard of the Telephone. Then you say these words on this information dispersal system with the writing on it into the handpiece. No no Bob you have to be holding the handpiece, up by your ear, there,
After 14 hours you can go home and every month you get $45 crisp dollars for to keep, unless you use the electricity here, which you have to pay for.
Go to it Tiger!!


Unions are what countries whose governments don’t fear their citizenry need.

WTF? Since when is the main point of unions the protection of citizens from the government? I thought it had something to do with, uh, labor. How was he able to mix in a gun ownership meme with an anti-union meme? Are laborers supposed to demand better wages with their weapons? If that were the case, this union member would arm himself.

Coach Urban Meyer

Take a look at this, loony libs!

Wuzza-wuzzup, loony libs! Read that link yet? Because over at The War Room, they’re getting their knickers in twisters over Super Sarah, the Power Palin winning the official Conservative of the Year Award! Badoodle-boo-yeah! You better believe that the launch for 2012 begins here for us McCaniacs, just clamoring for a chance to beat the Obummer and take back Wacky Washington!

Ding dong dilly, loony libs! You just got hit with an AWARD of TRUTH. Urban out.


Also, I’m guessing that his high tech “marketing” position involves a phone, a list of names and a script.

“Hello, I’d like to interest you in an exclusive deal just for those in your area.”


“Hello, I’d like to interest you in an exclusive deal just for those in your area.”




Since when is the main point of unions the protection of citizens from the government?

Since Reagan decided that government’s social contract with its citizenry is null and void.


Super Sarah

I hear she can suck the chrome off a bumper.


Coach Meyer always reminds me of Scooby Doo for some reason.


Here’s the thing that gets me: we have someone here blaming the unions for the collapse of the car industry, but how can the factory floor workers possibly be responsible for stupid design decisions made by marketroids? (Like, it seems, Confederate Yankee.)

Also keep in mind that people like CY were the ones driving the latest Yellow Peril scare of the late 80s and early 90s, when the Japanese were going to buy us all out and take our jobs because we were buying foreign cars.


Why does this troll think anybody over here cares who is “conservative of the year”, whatever they THINK that might mean?

On the other hand, “coach”, I suspect you’ll find a LOT of support for Palin for President 2012 around these parts. Yeah. Obama vs. Palin. Smart, thoughtful, effective vs. the Pro-Ignorance party with the meth and the unwed mothers. Yay….



You just got hit with an AWARD of TRUTH.

Ouch! The little sparkles come off the plastic and get in your eye!



Palin’s Conservative of the Year after a careful selection process that basically included only finding Ann Coulter cock and sucking it.

Coach Urban Meyer

Just what the Cool Coach predicted! Silly snark and whining from the loony libs! You better believe that this country is ready for Super Sarah, the Power Palin, to take over along with Boss Bobby in 2012 once the disaster Obummer administration comes to a merciful end! Heckadoodle, most of us McCaniacs are betting that the Bummer Blago Super Scandal absorbs Duhmbo and Obummer even before the freaky four is up!

SPREAD of TRUTH, loony libs. Live it, love it. Urban out.


Is CUM just the Troof trying to be funny? They both have the same tone.


Sarah Palin can suck start a Harley. I’ve seen her do it.


Boss Bobby

Didn’t he star in those Tom of Finland movies?


Oh! I understand now.

This supposed “American” is actually rooting for the President to fail, regardless of any damage that might do to the nation.

And why would he be rooting for the collapse of the american government? Oh, I see. So he can have someone from HIS party in power.

Mcainiac, eh? As in Country First?

Thought so…



Some People think that all our parody trolls are just one guy.

Apparently they heard this from Ralph Nader.


Is CUM just the Troof trying to be funny?

I’ll go out on a limb and say Coach Urban Meyer is funny.


Um, coachiepoo? “Conservative of the Year” is more like a booby prize than an honor. Now that I think about it, it is quite literally a booby prize.


It’s a good thing that conservatives love America so much and are so full of optimism … if they weren’t I’d have to accuse CY of being an America-hating negative nabob with posts like this.


Bookmark this, liberals. Many of you droogs have doubted my ability to finish this bag of Doritos and this Big Gulp of Game Fuel in under three minutes. Mark my words, liberals, I will be proven right.


“If CA is 16th, it’s gotta all be going to the universities and colleges”

Nope. Another Reagan legacy is the slow, but steady decline of the California public college system. A few flagship schools (like Berkeley) have retained much of their former grandeur, but it has come at the expense of lower tier schools and even they hav lost ground.


I hate the coach because I hate that coachlike way of talking. Loathe it. Funny it ain’t.

Apparently they heard this from Ralph Nader.

Hmmm, I’ve wondered about that.


Many of you droogs have doubted my ability to finish this bag of Doritos and this Big Gulp of Game Fuel in under three minutes

This is true. We have money on you doing it in under two.


I used to work in RTP, and the companies located there are staffed almost entirely by expatriate Northerners from NY & NJ. And those high-quality resumes with which the local employers are so impressed are coming from Duke, which is again almost entirely populated by Northerners (the locals call it “New Jersey University at Durham”), and UNC-Chapel Hill, which, according to Jesse Helms, is an acronym for “University of N***ers & Communists”.

Would the North Carolina that CY is babbling about be the same NC that went Obama blue in November, as well as sending useless Republican senator Elizabeth Dole back to wherever the hell she lives? Or is there another NC with which I’m not familiar?


Some People think that all our parody trolls are just one guy.

This is the Amy Alkon theory of the Tiny Turd.

It is therefore significant in the body of literature, as represented in the Library of Shit Moat…



Shorter Truth: Dorito, ergo sum.


Yup, things are not lookin’ good in the CA higher-ed system. Dysfunction abounds, tuition goes up 20% every year, classes are overflowing, etc.


Shorter shorter Toof: Ich bin ein Wanker.


This is the Amy Alkon theory of the Tiny Turd.

I have your IP address, mister! And I know how to use it.

Gary Ruppert is no match for me.


Loneoak –

Same thing just about everywhere in the country. Ol’ St. Ronny worked really hard on sharing the pain when he became prezdick, cutting back on federal grants to higher education (and for low income students) shifting from low interest federal loans to higher interest private sector loans. Fucking rethugs have been aggressively gutting American higher education for 30 years. they really do seem to be trying to create a 3rd world system with all wealth concentrated in a small elite and everyone else struggling to survive. Greedy fuckwits.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Shorter CUM:

I think I’m being funny when I write this way, unaware of the fact that I sound like the typical loser, low-IQ, America-hating rePig.


Or is there another NC with which I’m not familiar?

Certainly not the one that 1) voted for the Democratic nominee for president, 2) voted for the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate and 3) voted for the Democratic candidate for governor.


Ahh, those were the days… I wonder what Brian’s doing now? (I think I can guess.)

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> Fucking rethugs have been aggressively gutting American higher education for 30 years. they really do seem to be trying to create a 3rd world system with all wealth concentrated in a small elite and everyone else struggling to survive.

Have you seen the Rove quote from the New York Magazine when chimpo was running in 2000? I will dig it up later, but TurdWarCriminal lets slip the fact that repigs hate education and that America becomes better educated under Democrats.


Bookmark this, liberals. I finished my Game Fuel and Doritos in under two minutes, because I’m ballin like that. Mark my words, liberals: Now I’m putting on some TAG and going out with this fly chick I met on Hannidate last night. You liberal droogs can’t match my game.


D.N. Nation said,

December 22, 2008 at 22:25

Well, well, well. Look who it is.


I’m thinking that Bob’s new “marketing” gig will be along the lines of those paid actors who go to trendy bars and talk up the new trendy vodka, or wander around in trendy new jeans.

Bob will soon be found at major gun shows, loudly extolling the performance of the highly popular, field-proven .325 WSM cartridge with the XP3™ bullet technology, with its .325 WSM Supreme Elite® cartridge featuring a new 200-grain XP3, Winchester’s flagship hunting bullet design.


Now I’m putting on some TAG and going out with this fly chick I met on Hannidate last night. You liberal droogs can’t match my game.

Nah. Troofie is all about this hot new winger craze:


You Can’t Put Lipstick On A Repig,

You mean, “As people do better, they start voting like Republicans — unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing.”


So, delighting in the name but unsure of it’s actual existence, I Googled Hannidate. OMG.

Featured profile:

Gay HIV+ Republican
Gender – Age: Male – 54
General Info:
I’m a middle-aged, fairly
handsome, very masculine, HIV+
white guy looking for other
HIV+ males interested in a
long-term relationship.


I Googled Hannidate. OMG.

Damn, have to say that is right there in my target demographic. /s


Nope. Another Reagan legacy is the slow, but steady decline of the California public college system. A few flagship schools (like Berkeley) have retained much of their former grandeur, but it has come at the expense of lower tier schools and even they hav lost ground.

Yep. The UC professional schools are basically considered private schools now, because the state provides little to no funding. My UC law school’s ranking continues to go down year after year. Coincidence? I think not.

Also, I work in education and am well aware of the financial issues. If anyone thinks that schools here are getting plenty of money, he/she wrong.


This post = win aplenty.

Shockingly, given such a golden opportunity to use it somewhere worthwhile, nobody’s referenced Bill Hicks’ “If you’re in marketing, kill yourself … no, really” quote yet … so neither will I.

Good thing Confederate Yinyang banned me, because I’d hate to make him all emo by pointing out that his blatantly anti-American (ergo pro-terrorist?) attitude toward such sacred cows as Ford & GM would make the likes of Saint Ronald O’Reagan smack his weak bitch ass silly. Not to mention that BushCo could easily have prevented them from selling ever-larger, ever-pricier white-elephant SUVs into an oversold market (as many urgently recommended years ago) – & left them to gut themselves.

The “blame unions” meme-turd he’s squeezing out hasn’t had even a peg-leg to stand on for many years now. The time when unions had any real social dominance in the US is sadly long gone – if Owens wasn’t so busy polishing his helmet gun, he’d’ve noticed that America’s been DE-unionizing since at least the early 1980s … yet oddly enough, economic downfalls continue apace – & this, the worst in generations, is occurring in the least union-rich environment America’s ever had. Someone prone to connect dots might even notice a pattern there. Wonder if Grill-Boy will be willing to follow his job to Mumbai next year? Stay tuned!

“I’ve got a job now, so the economy isn’t doing THAT bad” is mental myopia taken to its pathological conclusion. When they “de-staff” him for downloading dwarf-porn on the company PC, I’m sure that dire omen will conclusively signal the Obamagenic onset of America’s economic Ragnarok.


Apparently, fun-loving US banks have found a new game to play with all that yummy TARP money – hide-&-go-seek.


I hate the coach because I hate that coachlike way of talking. Loathe it.

Well me too, but somehow it makes me laugh to imagine the most grating speech patterns on Earth, just as the elementary school string ensembles make me laugh at the torture endured by everyone near them, myself included.


Once again, CUM and D.N. show up at roughly the same time. Mere coinkydink?


The Global Race To Confederate Yankee’s Bottom

Damn, it’s those assless chaps, isn’t it?


I know you liberal droogs aren’t mackin on my fly Hannidate honeys. Bookmark this, liberals, you don’t cross The Trooth.


Sarah Palin can suck start a Harley. I’ve seen her do it.

Video or it didn’t happen.
Gosh darn it all to heck, I’d pay good money for such a magnificent display of epic suck.

Oh YouTube, YouTube, why hast thou forsaken me?!?


Feather in DN’s cap if he’s the Coach IMO.

It surprises me that I am pretty much on my own in finding the Coach funny. It’s like a Pee Wee Herman thing to me, and the Coach never posts enough to hijack a thread anyway.


Democrats in Congress (and soon to be in the White House) are unwilling to address the fact that the big government economic politics of FDR and LBJ are the politics of long-term economic failure.

For example, prior to FDR, we had rough and tumble business cycles that resulted in a panic, recession or even a depression every 10-20 years. Post-New Deal, our economy was growing (admittedly with a bit of stagflation here and a mild recession there) from the depths of the 1930s all the way to nearly the present, and it is only now, with decades of GOP (counting Clinton as GOP-light) management undoing the New Deal bulwark, that we are experiencing anything like a pre-New Deal recession/panic. See … thanks to FDR and LBJ we had strong economic growth in which even the poorest of the poor in this country were lifted by the rising economic tide. If that’s not economic failure, I don’t know what is …
… er … wait a minute!?!?


It surprises me that I am pretty much on my own in finding the Coach funny.

It’s the others in his stable of sockpuppets that really irritate people. That probably figures into their feelings on CUM.

As far as CUM goes, meh. He’s not a thread-hijacker, sure, but then again he rings too cartoonishly phony for me to find him funny.


BTW — of course TIDOS Yankee hates him manufacturing. He wants us to be a nation of slave holding plantation owners yeoman farmers. An advanced, modern economy is anti-American according to a true Confederate like TIDOS Yankee … and the modern, so-called conservative movement.


I think the coach serves of a spread of funny fairly frequently… it’s also hard to take a troll who boodles seriously enough to be annoyed. He, RIM, and Gary are my only unkill-listed trolls.


Oh my Christ, Hannidate! There is no downside to Hannidate.


Serves up. Ah, well.


From “Coach” (My guess? Pervert coaching Pee-Wee Football so he can help the players “adjust their jocks.”) Myers’ link:

“Sarah Palin wins HUMAN EVENTS’ prestigious “Conservative of the Year” Award for 2008 for her genius at annoying all the right people. The last woman to get liberals this hot under the collar would have been … let’s see now … oh, yeah: Me!” Coulter wrote in her column about the award.

But if anyone on the McCain campaign chose Palin because she would drive liberals crazy, my hat is off to him!

There’s conservative “philosophy” in a nut-shell: Irritate “libs.” Remember just after the election they were all hand-wringy about the future of the party & all? Guess they’ve found their “core principles.” They’ve probably realized they’re the political equivalent of the appendix,& will be able to do nothing more than be irritating for several election cycles to come, at which time their party will be consigned to the dustbin of history.


Hey, Rugged –

Y’all up to your necks in pelican shit over there in the Butte-hole of Montana? We have had 6-8″ of the fluffy white stuff in the last 24 hours here in the People’s Republic. Supposed to warm up a bit the next couple of days, so I may go cross country skiing.


DrDick & RiM: FCC regulations prohibit communications not intended for a general audience. Therefor…
Huh? This isn’t… It’s the “CB of the 21st century?” No regulation? I can say “fuck!!”? Wow…


I’ve gotta admit, I enjoy the Cool Coach.

I find the notion of a babbling, super enthused hyper-conservative Urban Meyer amusing.


For example, on Monday I’m joining a brand new marketing department of a major international high technology company.

Translation: While you lazy hippies were sleeping, TIDOS Yankee was researching his glorious future in Multi-Level Marketing by watching an entire hourlong infomercial and then calling the 1-800 number. The recording said to call back Monday morning.

Nim, ham hock of liberty

It took me a while to figure out what was so funny about the photos at the top of this post.

Then I realized – those are the exact same faces my 9-month old son makes when he’s pooping.


Synchronitously, IIRC, Oregon Guy is located someplace warm. Dr. Dick, here in Portland (no, the good one) the city is pretty much shut down. Eight inches of snow does that here, apparently. As a native of northwest PA, I think it’s amusing. Got everyone’s knickers in knots here, though.

Dr. Missus? You getting this?


That third pic of Cornfed in particular is adorable.


Also, ESAD, wordpress


Then I realized – those are the exact same faces my 9-month old son makes when he’s pooping.

Hardly surprising, since TIDOS Wanky is always totally full of shit.


I. Said. Good. Day. Sir.


As a native of northwest PA, I think it’s amusing. Got everyone’s knickers in knots here, though.

Having grown up in Oklahoma, I understand the trauma. When you do not usually get much snow, you never get used to driving on it. Of course we always laughed at Dallas, where 2″ could cause multi-car pileups and shut down the city for a week. Of course, I spent 12 years in Chicago before moving out here to the northern Rockies a decade ago, so I have had lots of practice.


Y’all up to your necks in pelican shit over there in the Butte-hole of Montana?

My beautiful Butte is snow white and frozen solid, filled with icicles and road salt. It pains me more than I can say. I blame it on Obama and the LIEbrals that elected a Muslin Maoist as their Shania Lawgiver. Ululate to your precious black J*sus, DEMONcraps…meanwhile, G*d punishes my Butte for your sins!

Commander Whoosa-whatsit Of The Scottish Contingent During The Thingy With The Hey-Hey Or Something

DrDick and the rest of you liberals are unable to see the awesomeness of Hannidate, which is your loss and my gain as I pick up women who understand that those people are the real thing threatening our liberty and my ability to get a little somethin-somethin.


* I think the one on the right is my sister, who still lives in Oklahoma.

Whoa Doctor! Mebbe you can arrange an introduction?


Your Jesusland map is out of date. Try this one

And, as for Atlanta–didn’t they run out of water last summer? ANd won’t global warming make that a common event? Don’t come to Michigan begging (or any other signers of the great Lakes Compact) for help.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> You mean, “As people do better, they start voting like Republicans — unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing.”

That’s it! I have had wingnuts claim that I made this quote up. I even saved the physical magazine that it was from.

For some (!) reason, you can’t find this quote on the NY Times archives (well, anyway, a few months ago you couldn’t)


Whoa Doctor! Mebbe you can arrange an introduction?

Depends. How much you into pain? I mean really into pain.


Depends. How much you into pain? I mean really into pain.

Well, I eat brambles for fiber….


Rugged, stop copying & pasting your way through life.


Rugged, stop copying & pasting your way through life.

Copying and pasting is central to my point (and my shtick).


You mean good, right thinking, America loving women* like these:

Dude, a little warning next time.


I think those lovely ladies love Burger King more than they love America. Royalist scum.



That’s cuz it’s not from the New York Times. It’s from the New Yorker:

Rove, President Bush’s longtime political advisor, made the statement in a phone interview with author Nicholas Lemann, who quoted it in an article entitled “Bush’s Trillions: How to Buy the Republican Majority of Tomorrow,” published in the February 19, 2001 issue of The New Yorker.

Here it is in context:

A little while after I met with Kent Conrad, I spoke on the phone with Karl Rove, who has been the chief political strategist for Bush’s entire career in elected office. Obviously, Rove was thinking past the tax cut, to a whole first-year program for Bush that could strengthen the Republican Party considerably. “Take a look at our agenda,” Rove said. “Education. This year, we picked up seven points in the suburbs over ’96. Our education plan allows us to make further gains in the suburbs. It will also allow us to make gains with Hispanics and African-Americans. The tax cuts will make the economy grow. As people do better, they start voting like Republicans — unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing. Look at the course of the campaign. There’s a lot of data. If you give people the choice between a tax cut and more government services, they’ll choose the tax cut. The more Bush talked about an across-the-board cut, the more support for it grew. People do have a desire for basic services–schools, helping the less fortunate — but not for unrestricted government.”


RIM is the only funny one. I would go so far as to say I look forward to his posts. As a bonus, he’s very generous with his shrooms!

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> That’s cuz it’s not from the New York Times. It’s from the New Yorker:

Hmm, I think the New Yorker piece is a paraphrase of the NY Times mag. I do have the original hard copy of the magazine, whatever it is. I will dig it up.

We can’t have wingnuts accusing us of making things up. That area is left for them – they specialize in fighting reality 24×7.


I find RUGGED quite amusing too, though I’m thinking he may have been a bit too generous in sharing ‘shrooms w/ himself.


“High technology” A bong with a usb port???


Dude, a little warning next time.

What part of ” good, right thinking, America loving women” didn’t you understand?


What part of ” good, right thinking, America loving women” didn’t you understand?

OK, point taken. I was hoping for at least, you know, Bo Derek or the chick with the enhanced knockers from Everybody Loves Raymond…


I find RUGGED quite amusing too, though I’m thinking he may have been a bit too generous in sharing ’shrooms w/ himself.

Can’t say I object to the gentleman, but then he is a bit of a local favorite here in the northern Rockies.


I like shrooms!


RIM’s shrooms always give me weird trips involving peilcans and badgers. Not that I’m complaining, but Josh St. Lawrence’s peyote really gets me dreaming up some crazy animals that don’t even exist. Don’t even get me started on Lonny Martello’s LSD.


or the chick with the enhanced knockers from Everybody Loves Raymond

Are enhanced knockers godly? I mean I know they are ‘Merican as the- *hur-uhm*- day, is long, but what would Jesus say?


Re Prop 13: there is a grab-bag of statistics out there and they are not about the same things. For instance, the HP study shows California ranking 30th in per-student expenditures, but 49th in “cost-adjusted” expenditures – I don’t know what “cost-adjusted” means, exactly. OTOH, it shows teachers’ salaries ranking #1!! Not surprisingly, it shows staff per student at 50th.
Another study shows per capita spending (NOT per-student spending) ranking 16th overall and 10th (!) in K-12 (27th in colleges):

Quality of education is not what I’m talking about. My very narrow point was that you can’t blame Prop 13 for a lack of revenue because, bottom line, the money is being spent. The amount people pay is not lacking – the amount per student *is* behind the 8-ball. Why is that? More students per capita than other states? Diversion of tax money? I don’t know.
One can argue we should be paying more, but to say, “…California is failing because we refuse to pay taxes. See Prop 13,” simply is not true. And saying, “Since you’re obviously some kind of economic genius (as opposed to that idiot Ian Welsh), why don’t you explain what needs to be done to fix California’s economy,” is called moving the ad hominem goal posts. Good snark, though.


Josh St. Lawrence. Heh, I forgot about him. So I guess if he mysteriously shows up in the next few threads, we’ll know he was fake.


test comment plz ignore.


RIM’s shrooms always give me weird trips involving peilcans and badgers.

You really need to climb a mountain in the wilderness before taking RiM’s ‘shrooms. Context is everything with a proper ‘shroom trip. I prefer Stuart Peak in the Rattlesnake National Wilderness or up the Bass Creek trail in the Bitterroots.


I’m thinking he may have been a bit too generous in sharing ’shrooms w/ himself.

(A solitary figure sitting in a lotus pose in the midst of a primeval Montana forest, meditates on the fiery white stag that is his astral amanuensis, speaking in the voice of impossibly deep bells, like the voice of an angel-god, bridging the stars to this holy earth he sits upon, earth that smells of the inner microscopy that makes it glow so amazingly, and suddenly, everything atomic becomes like some fractal-magma that exerts a strong magnetic force that causes the trees and rocks themselves to rise up in an open throated song so beautiful, so harmonic as to have a metallic solidity that he can feel as his hands grasp at the air in front of him…)


(BURP!)………………..oh, that was weird.

What time is it? Crap, I was supposed to be at the Blood Clot two hours ago! It’s Ladies Night!!


Jesus would say: “God made you a member of the itty bitty etc. committee for a reason. Don’t fuck w/ them.”


Actually, I still want to know just who the hell it is that is supposedly racing to TIDOS Wanky’s bottom. I cannot imagine any remotely sentient being who would want any part of that skanky frame.


Cheney Worst VP ever; Bush MRI on shoulder; terrorists convicted; Bush can still destroy world with “football. It’s the News at a Furtive Glance, starring George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, heavily illustrated with pictures of Bush’s greatest moments.

It’s not exactly Turgenev but it’ll have to do.



DrDick said,

December 23, 2008 at 0:34 (kill)

RIM’s shrooms always give me weird trips involving peilcans and badgers.

You really need to climb a mountain in the wilderness before taking RiM’s ’shrooms. Context is everything with a proper ’shroom trip. I prefer Stuart Peak in the Rattlesnake National Wilderness or up the Bass Creek trail in the Bitterroots.

This is real, bedrock truth. I’d add Glacier Point Trail or Nevada Falls in Yosemite, the west side of Mount Tamalpais down to Stinson beach (has the benefit of cold beer at the bottom) or Bolinas Ridge to Limantour head…



For instance, the HP study shows California ranking 30th in per-student expenditures, but 49th in “cost-adjusted” expenditures – I don’t know what “cost-adjusted” means, exactly. OTOH, it shows teachers’ salaries ranking #1!! Not surprisingly, it shows staff per student at 50th.

Hey dumbass, “cost-adjusted” is precisely what explains the difference between raw salary and per-student expenditures. It is fucking expensive to live in CA. Obscenely expensive in a lot of areas and still surprisingly expensive even in undesirable areas like Fresno. A $70K salary here is about equivalent to a $50K salary in Ohio if one is paying rent or mortgage. If you own your home outirght you’re sitting pretty for the most part, but not many teachers are in that situation. If CA didn’t pay it’s teachers the highest salaries on average we wouldn’t have any teachers.


Actually, I still want to know just who the hell it is that is supposedly racing to TIDOS Wanky’s bottom.

In the real world, the race to the bottom is a phenomenon associated with irresponsible governments locked into free trade agreements in which the states with the weakest labor protections become the labor pool to beat, resulting in the other states trying to slash and burn the unions and the minimum wage. Of course, this works great if you’re producing textiles or electronics parts or something else that could readily be done by a robot, but you try getting skilled laborers (which the heavy manufacturing sector requires, especially with the increasing need to operate a robust range of manufacturing automata) to work for less than the price of Twinkies.

In Treason In Defense Of Slavery Yanqui’s world, the race to the bottom happens because unions, having been infiltrated by Dhimmicrats, hire homosexuals – who are, in his cosmogony, basically like Speed Racer if Japan were ancient Greece.


“See Prop 13”

Prop 13 wrote into law the 2/3 requirement for any tax increases.

So, when the state is on the ropes and needs more money, a handful of yahoos from the Mississippi portion of the state can keep the legislature from raising any taxes. They hold things like job safety hostage before they’ll even pass anything, because they know their jobs are safe even though the vast majority of Californians disagrees with them.


Well, that didn’t come out right. I meant that they try to rescind safety regulations and other necessary legal protections for the working class, refusing to vote for any budget bill unless it guts laws they don’t like.

And yes, cost of living in LA, San Diego, and the Bay Area is much higher than most areas of the country. Of course teachers salaries are going to be higher than in Arkansas or Idaho.


On the subject of actual races to the bottom, five men are convicted for playing along with a FBI-concocted conspiracy and DUI enforcement has gradually produced Third World-style security checkpoints.

Prop 13 wrote into law the 2/3 requirement for any tax increases.

Well, obviously the intent is that the Mississippi yahoos, California’s Atlases, will – after shrugging off the burden of the state – be able to hire more child laborers with their newly-freed tax money, which rationally self-interested children will spend on education.


And saying, “Since you’re obviously some kind of economic genius (as opposed to that idiot Ian Welsh), why don’t you explain what needs to be done to fix California’s economy,” is called moving the ad hominem goal posts. Good snark, though.

Ah! Pet peeve! Just because someone makes fun of you or says something snarky does not make what they said an ad hominem attack. Learn what that means, please.

Furthermore, I don’t know what “moving the ad hominem goal posts” means. Literally. It makes no sense. But, I did not use an ad hominem fallacy. I didn’t attack what you said based on some irrelevant fact (e.g., your occupation). I was responding to the substance of your claim, which is pretty much the opposite of ad hominem. Ian’s colum, which I linked to, was about how to fix California’s economic issues, including repealing Prop 13. Did you read it? Here’s what he said:

“First: a repeal of proposition 13, so that a supermajority is no longer needed for budget changes and so that property taxes can be raised again. Sorry, if you want government, schools and roads, you will have to pay for them.

Second: a proposition which outlaws all future propositions and allow the legislature to nullify any past propositions with a simple majority vote. Californians have repeatedly proved that direct democracy does not work in California. We can debate why, but the results are in.

Until they do, I will continue to maintain that the current budget crisis is the predictable (and predicted) result of Prop 13. Californians voted for it, now they’re getting it. It is not just a result of the economic crisis, California has been having budget crises for years. It would be fundamentally unfair for the rest of America, through the Federal government, to bail out a State whose citizens refuse to be taxed at the level their services require.

[My emphasis.]

Since you referred to that as a “faux talking point,” I figured you had a better idea. I honestly wanted to know what it was, since it’s actually relevant to the thread. I wasn’t moving the goal posts. You told me that Prop 13 was not California’s problem, and I asked what it is.

Yeah, I was snarky. I guess next time some jackass insults me, I’ll try should be sweeter in my reply.


Coach Meyer always reminds me of Scooby Doo for some reason.

A dead horse whose maggoty corpse was dug up and the maggots used as evidence of movement so they could flog its bloated carcass some more?

Yeah, I can see that.


Just because someone makes fun of you or says something snarky does not make what they said an ad hominem attack. Learn what that means, please.

Furthermore, I don’t know what “moving the ad hominem goal posts” means. Literally.

FAIL. fail. FAILfailFAILfail

But, I did not use an ad hominem fallacy. I didn’t attack what you said based on some irrelevant fact (e.g., your occupation).

Learn what ad hominem means, please.

Also, I feel the need for a serious ad WordPress attack.


Don’t forget, if you update that map to 2008, only one red state is on the give-more-than-gets list…


What the hell?


Just because someone makes fun of you or says something snarky does not make what they said an ad hominem attack. Learn what that means, please.

This is a correct understanding of what an ad hominem fallacy IS NOT, so I don’t see why PeeJ says FAIL.

But, I did not use an ad hominem fallacy. I didn’t attack what you said based on some irrelevant fact (e.g., your occupation).

This on the other hand doesn’t quite get at the nut of what an ad hominem IS. The nut of ad hominem isn’t the relevancy or irrelevancy of the personal claim, it’s that one attempts to use a personal claim to undermine an argument. In other words, it’s not the attacking that makes it ad hominem (thus making relevancy irrelevant (hah!)), it’s the purpose of the attack.


OT: Can someone else confirm for me that Facebook is kaput at the moment?


Actually, I still want to know just who the hell it is that is supposedly racing to TIDOS Wanky’s bottom. I cannot imagine any remotely sentient being who would want any part of that skanky frame.

Aw, c’mon, your ass-kicking foot isn’t itching?

And people who hate ad hominem are assholes and should be roundly ignored no matter what they say. Neener!


Facebook is Ok from New Zealand at the moment, sorry. Maybe some interweb tubes are frozen up?


Working for me, Loneoak.


Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Also, Facebook is fine for me.


Had to clear mah cookays to get FB to work. Stupid Safari.


Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

You’d like that, wouldn’t you.

Seems as though you’re more successful at getting what you want as “The Truth”.


ad homimem

Sounds like something the priest mutters over your dead grammaw.

Also, give it a fuckin rest, Ralph. We get you’re real smart and you figured out the big secret or something. Now stand down fer crissakes…



For example, on Monday I’m joining a brand new marketing department of a major international high technology company.

Why would a major international high technology company have a new marketing department?

and to RIM, sorry about your sin punished Butte.


I did close the god damned tag –


Galactic Dustbin said,

Are enhanced knockers godly? I mean I know they are ‘Merican as the- *hur-uhm*- day, is long, but what would Jesus say?


Loneoak said,

Stupid Safari.

That’s a given.


Seems as though you’re more successful at getting what you want as “The Truth”.

Say it ain’t so, Ralph! There you go again…

Also, I’m not The Truth.


“Stand down” – is that ad homimem?


“Stand down” – is that ad homimem?

No, just confusing unless you are a miner.


Say it ain’t so, Ralph! There you go again…

As a great American, a real American, um, once said, um, during morning in real America, you betcha.

(cue pundits from Limbaugh to Maddow praising the underdog win of the century, the glorious trumping of farts, etc.)

Personally, the logical fallacy I’m most concerned about is ad Eminem. I spent a while suggesting he was the Pope’s secret identity and I’m a little worried about it catching up to me.


And speaking of horrible rap, the first man to cobble together the True Scotchman’s inner dialogue on race (40s films, Birth of a Nation, Soulja Boy, etc.) wins a shiny new Internet.


OT, but I’ve been playing Sock and Awe! It’s a lot of fun, lemme just say that about that. Very relaxing, too.

sock and awe although I’m sure someone else posted this days ago and I just missed the link.


Personally, the logical fallacy I’m most concerned about is ad Eminem.

I always come down with a case of ad nauseum every holiday TV season, but it usually clears up quickly with the new year.


When I get a chest cold, I always get a bad case of ad hoc.


When I get a chest cold, I always get a bad case of ad hoc.

I usually get extremely phlegmatic as well.


I believe the post up top is ad homunculus.


Ad infinitum is the never- ending pain in the gonads one gets from reading Cowboy Bob’s spewling.


I believe the post up top is ad homunculus.

It is a toss up between that and ad nauseum.


Dudes, you’ve gotta read Ed Gillespie’s latest Koolaid gargling about Bush’s legacy.

Among Mr. Ed’s fact checks: That deregulation did not contribute to the global meltdown, that Bush is a responsible steward of the environment, that he’s not unilateral and that he didn’t take his eye off the war on terror by invading Iraq (multilaterally, of course).

You thought Bush and Cheney were delusional. They ain’t got nuthin’ on Gillespie. If you guys here at Sadly, No! wanna jump in and get some of this, be my guest.


If it wasn’t for shrub and teh Shooter, we would all be living in Hooverville.

Instead of about to be living in Hooverville.

Thanks, Dick and puppet!


Hooversville, dah-link?


M., Hooverville is term for homeless encampments created by the Great Depression.


Valet parking > dog walkers > telephone sanitizers > Paris Hilton > marketing > Hitler. That’s how the chain goes to the bottom.

Why do I find it only too easy to believe that Traitorous Yankee is a marketdroid? Geez, what a surprise that he actually got a JOB pushing bullshit instead of just spilling it for free on teh Intertoobz.

But don’t knock parquedores — it’s an awful job, but in a place like L.A., with far too many cars, they’re really needed and they’re usually really nice guys.


Actually the South has been far harder hit than other parts of the nation.


Dudes, you’ve gotta read Ed Gillespie’s latest Koolaid gargling about Bush’s legacy.

Triumph in the Middle East! Rising international respect! Forceful and effective action to protect the environment and avert climate change! Growing prosperity and a sound economy!* How could I have failed to see how wonderful the last eight years have been?

(* It’s true that we are currently facing a few ‘economic challenges’, but that’s totally beside the point and not really that big a deal and it’s all Nancy Pelosi’s fault anyway.)

Gillespie was the subject of one of my favorite early Sadly, No photoshops, from way back in 2004.


Doesn’t this mean his “brand new job” pays for shit because it’s down south? Where you can hire people cheaper? Is he actually admitting this? And bragging about it?

Clueless git.


Bob Owens…has been “a day laborer, college freshman composition instructor, car salesman, sports writer, web designer, and technical writer, just to name a few.”

How many detestable union-made American cars did he sell and make a handsome commission from?

Amy Alkon's Testicles

If it hasn’t already been noted… Bob is no longer posting comments on that thread.


I’m here laughing my ass off. Excellent writing. Thank you.



Oh, I know. I was making a, well, more of a reference than a joke, really, to Green Acres, wherein Lisa would call Hooterville “Hootersville.” (No chicken restaurant humor there, either.)

Indeed, I almost went w/ “Hootersville, dah-link?”


If it hasn’t already been noted… Bob is no longer posting comments on that thread.

Not only that, he removed the two I left there. Does this mean I’m banned for life? The shame.


You can consider those concealed comments.

Yes, but do you have a proper concealed carry permit?

Amy Alkon's Testicles

For posterity, I’ll post here, verbatim, the post Bob won’t allow at his site:

Wow… that was really remarkable, Bob. Most people as ignorant and mendacious as you at least TRY to keep their ignorance and mendacity well-hidden… but you put it out there for everyone to see… and see it they did. Sadly, No!’s refutation of your every single point is brilliant.

For future reference, Bob: the plural of “anecdote” is NOT “data.” While I’m glad you found a job (enabling you to purchase your OWN outdoor cooking equipment,) you are now aware that your neighbors are losing their jobs at an alarming rate… and that North Carolina is one of those Wingnut Welfare states that receives 8% more federal dollars than it contributes… pretty much the OPPOSITE of everything you posted.


DrD, I don’t like concealed carry. It’s too hard to reach in anywhere & pull one’s gat out on a timely basis. I go for unconcealed, there it is, “You got a problem w/ it you know what’ll happen to you, punk-ass chump” gunbelts & a shoulder holster on the outside of my camo clothing. (Even the skivvies are camo.) A long gun of some sort slung casually over the shoulder, a few thousand rounds on my ammo cart & I’m ready to face the outside world.


M. Bouffant –
The state government has been muttering about the ban on firearms on state college campuses conflicting with the state constitution and muttering about overturning that rule. My response is that if they do it I will walk into class the next day with my .41 magnum on my hip, slap that puppy on the lectern and give them a choice. I will leave my guns at home, if they do.


How many detestable union-made American cars did he sell and make a handsome commission from?

CUSTOMER: So the firm just gave me a raise, and the wife and I figured we’d get a new car to replace our old two-door. It worked fine before the kids, but – you know, we just need something a bit bigger. I’m still hoping for something nice and cheap to run, though – I got the money right now, I don’t know how long gas is gonna stay cheap.

BOB “HONEST’S BOB” OWENS: You wanna what? A Prius? Naw, you ain’t want one’a them hunks-a junk. Now we just got in a few Dacia Logans, and lemme tell you, they’re real beauties. Just a tad smaller than an SUV – and I won’t lie to you, pretty fuel efficient from the factory, but we cut a few lines and threw in a bit of weight, so it shouldn’t break 15 highway. Real triumph of the free market.

CUSTOMER: What? 15 highway? You’re kidding me. I can’t afford that.

BOB “HONEST’S BOB” OWENS: Ha! Sure, you say that now, but what are you gonna tell the kids when someone lets ’em know their dad’s a little light in the loafers?

CUSTOMER: I’m their stepfather.

BOB “HONEST’S BOB” OWENS: Maybe with a piece of free-range Romanian steel between your legs she wouldn’a left you. Or ain’t you man enough to drive a car with a two-star safety rating?

CUSTOMER: What? Jesus. This is ridiculous. No, I don’t want your Balkan jalopy. Can we please look at something else? I asked for something cheap to run, and for that matter it ought to be safe.

BOB “HONEST’S BOB” OWENS: Fine, be a little girl about it. If you can’t handle a real car, I’ve got a manucar and a few dozen miles of track on sale for a song from Iceland. They’re on the freedom train to boomville and you can get in on the ground floor.

CUSTOMER: Are you fucking joking? This is a hand-car.

BOB “HONEST’S BOB” OWENS: Hey, don’t blame me, you’re the one who can’t get it up.

CUSTOMER: No, I mean – this is a fucking hand-car. You know, for a railroad.

BOB “HONEST’S BOB” OWENS: This Nordic Tiger’ll pay for itself within a year, I swear.

CUSTOMER: Jesus. At least Crazy Eddie only tried to grab my dick.

BOB “HONEST’S BOB” OWENS: Screw you! Iceland has a glorious future ahead of it and it’s gonna last forever! You’ll be sorry!

(CUSTOMER leaves, making rude gesture. Pan to MANAGER standing behind BOB “HONEST’S BOB” OWENS.)

BOB “HONEST’S BOB” OWENS: Hear that? Eddie couldn’t even find his dick. What a queer.

MANAGER: What in the hell are you even doing here? I fired you last week.

BOB “HONEST’S BOB” OWENS: The joke’s on you. I’m not even union!



MANAGER: What in the hell are you even doing here? I fired you last week.

Gotta give it to ol’ TIDOS, he’s no quitter. No sir. they have to call the cops to haul his sorry ass away.


Anyone else think that his marketing job at a “major international high-tech company” involves a sandwich board hawking pre-paid cell phones?


Anyone else think that his marketing job at a “major international high-tech company” involves a sandwich board hawking pre-paid cell phones?

Either that or he’s a telemarketer.


“major international high-tech company”

Acer or LeNovo?

Seriously, how can we find which high technology co. took him on & then maybe send some of his crap to his foreign superiors?


Marketing job = sign spinner.

I win.


I’m joining a brand new marketing department of a major international high technology company.

Somewhere in the back of my mind is an old commercial where the guy in the chicken suit (or equivalent) says to the kid, “No, kid. I’m just a sad, sad man who has made some very bad choices in life…”


I will leave my guns at home, if they do.

Hell, I’d be happy if they would leave their cell phones at home.


Can’t really imagine him, say, writing anything for marketing purposes, unless the international technology giant is selling crap specifically for the so much more successful Southern states.

You didn’t believe the BuyMore Nerd Herd was an actual company? Well, Confederate Yanker is the team member selling the extended-warranty contracts.

(There are certain Geenyus Marketeers who actually make quite a good living out of being *soooo* bloody pushy that people throw money at them just to shut up and go the fvck away. I’m guessing this is the ‘sweet spot’ CY dreams of, although if he had the right mixture of pushy/deferential, why would he be begging for patioware over the intertoobs?)


alec, you left out an important part of that exchange:

BOB “HONEST BOB” OWENS: Now look here, you pansy. To sweeten the deal, I’ll thrown in this slightly wind-damaged gree-yu-al.

CUSTOMER: [Arches eyebrow, sighs] …


Can’t really imagine him, say, writing anything for marketing purposes, unless the international technology giant is selling crap specifically for the so much more successful Southern states.

Truck Nutz?


Eeeew!! Those things for your trailer hitch?


Instant Karma File: Wingnut Welfare meets teh Grapes of Wrath.

Tales told by idiots, signifying nothing – they just don’t sell like they used to.




(kicks black into pit)


To my dear sweet Kristin, ad hominem is, “an argument or appeal founded on the preferences or principles of a particular person rather than on abstract truth or logical cogency (OED).” Intent has nothing to do with it. *All* personal remarks are irrelevant. ‘Moving the goal posts’ means you’re changing the subject. Therefore because I am *only* talking about the revenue stream from Prop 13, when you sarcastically call me an economic genius and then ask me to explain how to save the California economy, you’ve done a twofer.

And, BTW, I’m not insulted. Anyone who is insulted by remarks made on this blog ought to read a Nancy Drew mystery instead.

To drive this point into the dirt, the revenue stream from Prop 13 is not responsible for California’s revenue ills. It is, and nobody has refuted this yet, comparable to what other states get from property taxes. It’s not the most, it’s not the least. Now, if your argument is that CA is more expensive to live in than other states, are you blaming Prop 13 for that? If not, then you have no argument. If you are, I’d like to see some proof.

There are other revenue sources, and anyone who pays utility bills in CA knows what one is – the service charge. My DWP bill is 50% service charges. But you can’t call it a tax, technically. And there are sales taxes and income taxes.

You quoted Ian Welsh: “It would be fundamentally unfair for the rest of America, through the Federal government, to bail out a State whose citizens refuse to be taxed at the level their services require.” Well, good news for California at last, which in 2004 received 81 cents back from every federal tax dollar, while Mississippi got $1.84, Alaska $1.82, West Virginia $1.74 … need I go on? I believe Ian just stuck the dagger into his own argument with that one.


DrD, I don’t like concealed carry. It’s too hard to reach in anywhere & pull one’s gat out on a timely basis.

I just carry my .45 out in the open, in my right hand, always ready.


Precisely. No “Who’s the fastest gun?” bullshit.


Got that right, pard. I usually keep my sidearm facing forward with my arm extended, so if I need to use it, I’m ready. Most of the folks here in Butte know me and have grown use to it but outsiders get a little jumpy around me (if they aren’t guilty then why are they acting so nervous?).


Here is a REAL map of unemployment as of Nov. 8th.

Guess what, the South isn’t doing so well:


Al Franken claimed this weekend that when all the “ballots” are counted he will defeat Republican Norm Coleman for the Minnesota seat. If this happens, it will be a travesty. Franken is one of the most notorious liberals in the country. And he is backed by the hard Left. They are attempting to steal the election. When Election Day came and went last November, Norm Coleman led Franken by almost a 1000 votes. But then Franken and his liberal allies counter-attacked. Franken traveled to New York where billionaire George Soros threw a fundraiser for Franken helping him to raise millions for his legal fight. Franken has used Soros money to wage a fierce legal fight.
posted by noink on Dec. 22, 08 at 4:36 PM |

9 of 89 people liked this comment.


Get The Ballots In Your Hands

I gotta hand it to the Dems…they sure knew what they were doing in 2006 when they spend a TON of money getting Democrat Secretaries of States into office in certain states. The Democrat Secretary of State personally held on to 200,000 potentially fraudulent ACORN voter registration cards after they people were registered so the local officials couldn’t verify them. Same thing in Minnesota. Everywhere else in the country that ACORN works, there is a trail of fraud a mile wide. However, according to the Democrat Secretary of State, Mark Ritchie, everything ACORN did in Minnesota was legit. Interesting. And isn’t it interesting how Coleman won all the recounts where a scanner was involved (even though Franken added 500 votes out of nowhere), but once Ritchie and his group got his hands on the ballots, the election suddenly goes to Franken. What a joke.

posted by RedGuyInBlueState on Dec. 22, 08 at 5:05 PM |

7 of 51 people liked this comment.

Wingnut tears to brighten your day.


Are enhanced knockers godly? I mean I know they are ‘Merican as the- *hur-uhm*- day, is long, but what would Jesus say?

I quote: “Nize tits, my child.”


Franken is one of the most notorious liberals in the country. And he is backed by the hard Left. They are attempting to steal the election.

First, and much to the consternation of the King and Church, American liberals insisted on elections among the people, then they kept on until all people were defined as people, then they persisted until all the citizens got moderately fair representation, and now they insist on stealing the damn elections by counting the votes in a fair and transparent manner as agreed by all parties actually involved. Is there no shame? Is there no end to this anarchic tyranny of democracy, concern for the people, and the liberal fascist oppression of our righteous overlords?

As for Confederate Yankee and the conservative whine about unions, pffffttttttttt.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

For example, on Monday I’m joining a brand new marketing department of a major international high technology company.

“Heeyuk, paper or plastic?”


PeeJ/Stag Party Palin: No fail. Ad hominem means to take an aspect of character and impute it invalidates everthing someone does. The wingnut version of this most in play at the moment is, “Bush Derangement Syndrome” in which someone who dislikes Bush is dismissed out of hand.

The argument made is, “‘X’ hates Bush, so nothing she says can be believed.” That’s ad hominem in a nutshell.

If someone is a clueless git on a sunject, saying so isn’t ad hominem. It might even be simple truth, as in Rice lying about Hussein not being honest because he didn’t account for non-existent yellowcake. Since the CIA had told her that was nonsense calling her a liar not only isn’t ad hominem, it’s relevant. This is because ad hominem does not mean, “He was mean to me

Amy Alkon’s Testicles: To address a different logical fallacy: The plural of anecdote is data. Collect enough anecdotes and you can figure out what’s going on (just ask Nate Silver). The problem is, the singular of Data isn’t anecdote. Data is only functional in the plural. How one collects all those singular anecdotes is the tricky bit (as an Army interrogator I collected anecdotes. Analysts collected those [from lots of us] to create data).


thank you for shared


yeah,There are other revenue sources, and anyone who pays utility bills in CA knows what one is – the service charge. My DWP bill is 50% service charges. But you can’t call it a tax, technically. And there are sales taxes and income taxes.


(comments are closed)