Town Hall of Shame

me. I got a nickel for you.”
From Dennis Prager, the man who has no shame, we have a Clown Hall column titled “Minorities Should Express Shame.” It’s hard to imagine what got rolling around in Prager’s protoreptilian brain to prompt him to advocate mass apologies from blacks and gays. Perhaps, he was watching “To Kill a Mockingbird” on TMC and had gotten all hopped up that Tom Robinson didn’t apologize for raping Mayella Ewell before trying to escape from jail and getting shot.
Basically it appears that Prager thinks that individual members of minority groups should apologize for the bad things that other members of that group did which forced the majority to enact discriminatory laws against the entire minority group and then feel vaguely guilty years later for doing so
But what about minority shame?
Why does one almost never hear expressions of group shame from members of any American group other than white Christians (specifically, white Christian male heterosexuals)?
You know you can scarcely turn on the TV these days without being confronted by yet another white guy apologizing for Jim Crow laws and poll taxes.
Is there something inherently wrong about members of minorities expressing anything but group pride? Are there no minority sins worthy of shame?
Surely there are laws that the blacks and the gays passed that discriminated against straight white people that deserve an apology. Like the time that the blacks of Mississippi passed the law requiring white people to take dancing ability tests before voting. And then those gays in New York city passed a law imposing a higher tax on drinks served without little umbrellas and tropical fruit garnishes.
No? Those things didn’t happen? Well perhaps Dennis has some ideas:
[D]isproportionate rates of violent crime and out-of-wedlock births in the black community … is [an example].
Whites shouldn’t be the only ones being forced to deliver tearful apologies for their higher rates of financial crimes and higher divorce rates.
The absence of any expression of shame in the gay community over the current blacklisting — and attempts to economically destroy — anyone who donated to the California proposition defining marriage as between a man and a woman is another example.
Frankly, the gays should apologize for ever wanting to be anything other than hairdressers who live in tiny apartments with be-ribboned little pekingeses and chihuahuas and a collection of Bette Davis DVDs. And they should apologize for not giving enough money to the Mormon Church. Most importantly, they should apologize for Richard Simmons.
And while we’re at it, every black in the U.S. should apologize for this too:
I’ve got that banned Warner Brothers cartoon (in the background) on an mpeg. Bugs Bunny was an equal opportunity offender.
“Prager”? That doesn’t sound like an American name.
as a white Christian heterosexual male, i am sorry for Dennis Prager. (although I do question my Christianity.)
W. T. F.
I’ve decided all wingnut could be shortered by:
Quit trying to make me feel like being a better person!
He’s certainly got a point. Did you ever hear of the Indians apologizing to Custer? Mmmm?
What were they to say? “I’m sorry, White Man, for ruining your planned massacre and winning that day instead”?
Seriously, though? Someone has to apologize for Richard Simmons.
Why, just this morning, I was talking to a friend about what costume to wear to the First Annual Shame Parade here in NY…
Hey, if being without shame is good enough for George Bush, it’s good enough for everyone.
Dennis Prager should apologize. Just, you know, on general principle.
Are the only evildoers in America white male heterosexual Christians?
Yes. But not all white male hetero Xians are evildoers in America.
Now wait a goddam jesus jumpin minute here.
All of a sudden a politically motivated economic boycott is an unacceptable expression of a less powerful community’s outrage?
But what about the outraged boycotts called for by the malkin thing, and the AFA boycott of Disney and all the other boycotts that the right has called for? Why are those ok and the Prop 8 boycotts are not?
Prager really missed the magic opportunity here. He could have called on the SCLC to apologize for the Montgomery Bus Boycott and he would have reached perfect wingnut symmetry…
Did Prager apologize for the couple in New Jersey that named their kids Adolph Hitler anf JoyceLynn Aryan Nation? No? What gives?
A giraffe sinks in Quicksand and realises the doom coming , makes his peace . When surprised that his long legs touch solid sand one angry Giraffe wonders in his embarrassment if the Giraffian display of weakness was observed .
In this episode the blames directed at equivocator Einstein . If all the sand moved at the same speed the reasoning goes the bottom would be at the top .
Tomorrows exciting episode investigates why some people buy shoes and others only need to duck .
“In fact, there is real pride in expressing shame.
MinoritiesI should give it a try.”Fixed a bit of Mr. Prager’s prattle.
“If one expresses group pride, one is morally obligated to express group shame. Obviously, this does not apply to any person who does not identify with, let alone take pride in being a member of, a group.”
He actually wrote this.
Yeah, and Poland should apologize to Germany for provoking that unpleasant bit of business in 1939.
Ahh Krypton , we hardly knew you
I wonder if this is his knee-jerk reaction to this article in the NYT:
The number of black children being raised by two parents appears to be edging higher than at any time in a generation, at nearly 40 percent, according to newly released census data.
(I would direct link, but I always screw it up. You can find it on Oliver Willis’ blog)
Those were the good ‘ol days huh? We could update that cartoon with a towel instead of the straw hat.
[Some] Iraqis apologized for the show thing. It’s a start.
Prager’s professional whining to his white bigot audience is code for “How come no one likes us anymore?”
The absence of any expression of shame in the gay community over the current blacklisting — and attempts to economically destroy — anyone who donated to the California proposition defining marriage as between a man and a woman is another example.
Gee, where would gays learn such evil tactics?
While I believe Prager is a Turdlollisucker, and this article is a giant crapaud de crap, as I am a gay man I would like to take this opportunity apologize for Richard Simmons.
There is no excuse, really.
You know, up until the mid sixties blacks consistently had the lowest voter turnout of any group, but have they apologized for this shameful and longstanding lack of civic responsibility? No, they have not.
So there.
Dammit, Mikey beat me to it.
As a white man, I would like to apologize for Dennis Prager.
Our bad. Sorry.
It’s also about time that women apologized to men for all that raping. Hussies.
Hey, if Dennis can do it, so can I. When I look at what Lou Perlman has done over the years, I, as a Jew, am filled with shame.
Back to Prager:
Funny, but I don’t think Israeli Jews in Israel constitute a minority.
Ahh, white heterosexual christian males, the last frontier of discrimination. Really, the hypocricy of the left is mind boggling. So just so I can know how to be politically correct, its not okay for white heterosexual christian males to discrminate against minorities, but it is okay for minorities to discriminate against white heterosexual christian males.
Considering that it was white heterosexual christian males who founded the American Nation, and made this country the greatest the world has ever seen, it would seem that minorities are, shall we say jealous of us.
Not that there’s anything wrong with a black man being proud to be black, but I’m just pointing out the inherent hypocrisy in modern liberal thought. I for one am proud to be white, I am proud to be heterosexual, I am proud to be Christian, and I am proud to be a man.
Liberal thought police want to condemn me as a bigot? Take your best shot chumps.
Hey, not sure if you take requests – but will you guys “shorter” this ridiculous HuffPo piece? Wow, talk about an elitist moron.
So, basically, lynching and homophobia were cancelled out by the likes of Willie Horton and Bobby Trendy? Whew! That’s a relief!
Those are all well and fine, but to taste the depths of hypocrisy one needn’t go any farther than the Prop 8 battle itself. ProtectMarriage was(is?) a yes-on-8 organization that sent out registered letters to no-on-8 donors that read like this,
The fuckers start with crazy, borderline-illegal bullshit, and then get teh vapors when the folks they’re trying to oppress decide to vote with their wallets, letting the free market flower.
As a white American male with Christian roots, I profoundly apologize to all sentient, semisentient, and even remotely aware organisms for Dennis Prager.
Is he ashamed of kyping Hugh Hewitt’s patented too-toothy-and-overchinned “Albinomable Snowman” look this War-on-Christmas season?
Hey, not sure if you take requests – but will you guys “shorter” this ridiculous HuffPo piece? Wow, talk about an elitist moron.
Shorter: The Economic Crisis is a Test of Character
“Don’t worry. Be happy.”
I think Prager is on to something here.
In order to spread this idea, he should proceed to the nearest ghetto corner and ask all of the men he finds there whether they’re ashamed of black violence. He should then travel around the ghetto asking every black woman whether she’s ashamed of having her children out of wedlock. I’m sure the experience would be very enlightening for all involved.
Rick Warren, BITCHES!!!
If they don’t yet, they will soon. It’s one of the stickier questions as to the continued existence of Israel as both a democracy and a Jewish nation, IIRC.
But I get your point. Not to mention, a ruling minority isn’t very minority-like, now is it?
I believe the day will come when he rips off his mask to reveal Andy Kaufman.
Troofie! Still boring as ever, I see!
“If one expresses group pride, one is morally obligated to express group shame. Obviously, this does not apply to any person who does not identify with, let alone take pride in being a member of, a group.”
I’m sure he’s proud to be an American. So when will he take this next step and apologize for what America has done in the world?
Oh, and to our proud little kilt-fouler, above…
Careful of those seven deadlies, bucko.
Hey, now! Ask the Afrikaaners if…
Shit. Never mind.
I believe the day will come when he rips off his mask to reveal Andy Kaufman.
This would be the greatest event EVAH in the history of the universe.
Don’t you people understand? The fact that American voters chose Barrack Obama over John Sidney McCain proves that there is no racism in the USA. Therefore, it’s all the fault of minorities that they aren’t rich and white.
(I think I got the argument right, it’s been a while since my Stormfront-trolling days.)
And also, this from the inimitable Mr. Leonard Pierce is on right on topic here.
America. Has. Never. Done. Anything. To. Apologize. For.
You know, his argument would make a lot of sense if, as Prager assumes is the case for everyone else like it is so undeniably true for himself, people simply refuse to recognize any evil amongst one’s own chosen authority figures. But other people actually do; Look, here’s an example; in this ‘ere Al Franken book I have, it references a comment that Jesse Jackson made in 1993 about the sad influences of criminality amongst his own people;
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery — then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”
Original source here;
A decade and a half later, and with the entire Atlantic between Prager and I, how is it that I’m more aware of the nuances of American debate than this clown is?
And would he recognize that’s a rhetorical question, I wonder?
@Galactic Dustbin
Yes, well we now know why you aren’t a writer for SN!
I am proud to be a deuterostome and a craniate. Considering that it was craniates who created modern civilization, it would seem that the other bilaterians are jealous of us.
I was about to post this again. Heh.
Funny, I was about to post this again.
What should we women be apologizing for? Come on, don’t leave us out. Is it because you menfolks never pay attention to a word we say?
A decade and a half later, and with the entire Atlantic between Prager and I, how is it that I’m more aware of the nuances of American debate than this clown is?
Probably the main difference is that Prager is an ignorant lying douchebag, and you aren’t.
Huh? What’s that?
justme – cool! I just got through watching it again, after finding the link in the comments of that thread.
Hey everyone, if you didn’t click my link, click justme’s instead for the coolio slide show.
What should we women be apologizing for?
Brittney, Paris, Malkin, Coulter, Schaffly, K-Lo, Atlas Jugs, Our Lady of the Wine Box ….
DrDick – why should women be apologizing for Coulter? Do we have to apologize for all trannies?
This is fun. All Iraqis (who are not white, by the way) who ever expressed pride in being an Iraqi should express unending shame at forcing America (made up of proper white people) to blow the fuck out of their country.
All republicans whoever expressed pride in being a republican, should express great shame at the fucked up direction the republican party has led this country.
What should we women be apologizing for?
If somehow you can convince my wife to apologize, for anything, just once, that would be great.
What should we women be apologizing for?
Occasionally pointing out the little sock-shaped throw rugs left RIGHT NEXT to the freaking hamper?
Jennifer – OK, I give you that one, but the rest of the list …..
Women should be apologizing for finding lost keys and feeding pets and keeping track of what is actually going on in the house.
Oh, and buying groceries and cooking delicious nutritious meals. And keeping the family in clean underwear.
And cleaning at least once a month, or when the cat starts to play with the dust bunnies in the hall.
I’m really sorry, anyway.
pat – no woman has done any of those things to me for a very long time, so I cannot accept your apology. 😎
What should we women be apologizing for? Come on, don’t leave us out. Is it because you menfolks never pay attention to a word we say?
Well, hell-oooww little lady! Come here often? Wanna go back to my place and see my collection of Civil Defense Saltines?
Did Prager apologize for the couple in New Jersey that named their kids Adolph Hitler anf JoyceLynn Aryan Nation? No? What gives?
Pshaw. Just because they gave their kids those names and think Swastikas are symbols of peace doesn’t mean they have to apologize for anything. They are shiftless welfare sponges, though, so that might be something.
DrDick, I’m sorry to hear that. Unless you are not sorry. In that case, whatever. Does this mean you will be sitting out the coming war of the sexes that will probably hijack this thread any time now?
As usual, DrDick has proven himself to be both a hypocrite, and a coward. You honestly believe that it’s okay for black people to discriminate against white people, but it’s not okay for white people to discriminate against black people?
What about all the black on white crime that is being fueled by gangsta rap? Is that okay in your most enlightened opinion. I’ll ask you another question. I assume you think its okay to have an orgainization like the NAACP, and to have black history month, and black entertainment? But in your opinion most wise professor, would it be okay to have a National Association for the Advancement of White People, or to have white history month or white entertainment, or anything at all exclusive to white people?
Answer this question, or you are as I suspect, a hypocrite and a coward.
Oh, btw, do you have a real job yet, or are you still a professor?
Pat –
I rather enjoy my current situation, but I think I will maintain strategic neutrality in the war of the sexes. I am much more of a bonobo than a chimpanzee.
Teh Crusader listens to gangsta rap? Who knew?
“would it be okay to have a National Association for the Advancement of White People?”
It’s called the Republican Party, shit stain.
or to have white history month
Allowing workers time off to honor white presidents is socialism, pure and simple. It was joe Hill and all those white union workers who destroyed this USA of America, and I must apologize for that. Oh, and Santa Claus, who, while white, is as red as they come.
Shorter Fake Scotsman:
“Well, golly-gee, what’s with those young urban people and having their pants down so low? I just keep thinking to myself, “Hey, get a belt!” or something. And what about that BET on the teevee? Can you imagine the outrage if there was a WHITE Entertainment Television station?”
If one expresses group pride, one is morally obligated to express group shame.
That explains why Aryan Nation and those other White Power/White Pride groups have been so quick to express their shame at… oh no, wait, never mind.
Commander Piss Pot of the Butterscotch Brigade pissing and moaning again? Life is so much more pleasant with killfile.
What’s the matter DrDick? Spill coffee on your laptop? Or are you simply a coward?
I’ll ask you another question. As I’m sure you are aware, black people refer to whites as cracker on television and in comedy skits, constantly. However, in response to a black person calling a white person a cracker, would it be okay for the white person to respond by refering to the black person as the n word?
Its not hard DrDick, a simple yes or no will do.
When will black people apologize for not being white?
I am not speaking on behalf of DrDick, but I shall express my opinion anyway:
Troofie’s sock puppet will just have to talk to the hand, because I ain’t listening to any more of his puerile shit. I deal with enough intellectual garbage from the small minority of subnormal stoner freshmen in my classes and they are far brighter and more lucid.
Its not hard DrDick
But I’m sure you’re willing to make it hard, eh, Scotty?
Do blue men get the whites?
But I’m sure you’re willing to make it hard, eh, Scotty?
Just cannot admit to himself that I am not really into him.
Do blue men get the whites?
Having seen one of their shows, I would say they are freebasing.
Congradulations nostromo, you have successfully answered my question. I commend you, as you have shown to have far more courage than the spineless ole professor, DrDick.
You see, liberals believe it’s okay for black people to insult white people using racial ephithets, but its not okay for white people to insult black people using racial ephithets.
I give nostromo credit for acknowledging the blatant hypocrisy on his own side. Apparently DrDick doesn’t have the courage of his convictions to answer my questions honestly. No wonder you became a professor DrDick, instead of having to talk to intelligent people such as myself who’ll put up an intellectual arguement, you deal with naive little college students who trust you, and will believe anything you tell them.
You wouldn’t last one day in the real world.
You see, liberals believe it’s okay for black people to insult white people using racial ephithets, but its not okay for white people to insult black people using racial ephithets.
Stupid cracker.
Troofie, you’re still boring even when you wear a skirt.
Troofie, you’re still boring even when you wear a skirt.
And ugly, too. You really need to shave those legs and get some exercise. Jeebus!
Loneoak – Don’t be insulting crackers like that, even they have standards.
I did not know that “cracker” was the equivalent of the “n-word”.
Oh, that’s right. Because its not.
You wouldn’t last one day in the real world.
and what is it that you DO do, Mr. Kilted Renaissance Fair Role-Player?
I appreciate the fact that everyone needs a way to feel special.
However, being a white man is due to the actions of just a few genes, which none of us had any say in getting.
It’s like being proud of lactose intolerance, or the ability to curl your tongue.
Richard Simmons is gay?????
It’s like being proud of lactose intolerance
Well, he is certainly proud of his intolerance, not to mention his pig ignorance.
This is a vitally important issue. Like most whites, I too lay awake in bed wondering how long it will be before I am truly free to berate every black person in earshot with one of the English language’s most violent words – a word whose underlying sentiment is ‘You was slaves, you ain’t deserve no better, and when them bleedin’-hearts ain’t lookin’…’ – in direct retaliation for a couple of black people calling me a pastry.
And for that matter, when will I be free at last, free at last, thank God almighty free at last to get all up in elderly Jews’ business shrieking about throwing them into the ovens for being hook-nosed baby-killers?
I’m just wondering, what is it that we’re going to trade to say ‘nigger’? How much is ‘nigger’ worth to you? Certainly a lot. Maybe you’d be willing to give up a few thousand lives in a major city to sling around a few more choice ethnic slurs. Something tells me you’ve made the same tradeoff before.
Because I know who you are and I know what you do, lemme ask you this, completely tangential-wise: Dick ain’t obligated to give a shit about you, but I have a lot of free time and I’m a lot smarter than you, and I’m fully prepared to pants you in front of everyone every time you come out with another asinine received argument to try and pass off your chimpanzee race-conniptions as reasonable. Go back to Stormfront if you want to fucking pretend you’re anything but horrified of the black dick you see around every corner. Or maybe strike up this conversation with the Marines, see how they feel about being told they’re nigger-lovers. You got nothing, you little creep. You got nothing.
“Loneoak said,
December 18, 2008 at 1:43
You see, liberals believe it’s okay for black people to insult white people using racial ephithets, but its not okay for white people to insult black people using racial ephithets.
Stupid cracker.”
Amen, brother.
Geeze why do complete morans such as the fake scottsman insist that their ignorance is some sort of intellectual arguement (sic) while attempting to insult some PHD?
Because the fake scottsman is a “saltine of the earth” type.
You don’t actually know what ‘gangsta rap’ is, do you? You’re saying this because you’ve heard it on TV.
Yeah, how vile that they won black students the right to go to law school and the same high schools as whites. And where will it stop!? Obviously, they’re only pretending to want the same rights and entitlements society has, until living memory, actively denied to anyone with the wrong grandparents. They must be simply seditious evildoers bent on destroying our white way of life.
Every other month is white history month.
Because the political correctness police bust in your door and haul you off to jail if you, a white man, watch BET – and they’re phasing out MTV1-2 and VH1 because they’re politically incorrect.
We have one. Unsurprisingly, it does almost nothing even tangentially related to problems facing white people (even in those existing cases where whites are largely poor and a numerical minority) and mostly spends its time building awareness about the Jewish conspiracy to free the slaves. It’s run, of course, by David Duke; while we all know you go to some pretty extreme lengths to bark the bigot party line, seeing you carrying water for the Grand Wizard of the KKK is a new one.
Call me back when white people have been hauled from their homes in chains at the bottom of cargo freighters, spent hundreds of years being bred, sold, and broke as slaves, and then thrown into the bottom of the economic pyramid and left to moulder, with the local polity only dealing with the situation when some lucky and skilled whites rose above the absolute bottom.
You wanna know the reason it’s not cool to be proud of being white? That, and beause of you.
When I think about all the times my poor ancestors heard stuff like “cracker, you best get back to picking that cotton,” I just can’t accept that there might be a legitimate use of the word. I’m sorry, but it just seems wrong to me.
As a white female, I apologize for Camille Paglia.
You know, almost nothing makes me laugh harder than white, heterosexual, wealthy, Republican males caterwaulling about how victimized they are by everyone.
Really. Almost nothing is funnier than that.
Also this: I’m sure he’s proud to be an American. So when will he take this next step and apologize for what America has done in the world?
Made. of. win.
Not that white females are a minority.
Compare the current parody troll to shoelimpy™.
Same m.o., same results. There isn’t really any point getting worked up about this d00d’s SJK, people.
He’s just a low-rent Camille Paglia.
Lol, MzNicky.
I did not see your comment before completing mine.
He’s just a low-rent Camille Paglia.
That’s not just low rent, that’s condemned and ready for the wrecking ball.
Because the fake scottsman is a “saltine of the earth” type.
Hey dude, thems fighting words!
True of both, DrDick.
Speaking of Camille Paglia,
As someone with a side part, I apologize for Dennis Prager.
Seriously, here’s you fucking up American history:
@Galactic Dustbin
Yes, well we now know why you aren’t a writer for SN!
Don’t cry, don’t cry. Never let them see… you… >sob<
There, there, Galactic Dustbin. Don’t cry. I’ll even let you play with my pet troll. Just don’t poke him too hard with the pointed sticks.
Ephithet has got me beat.Some sort of a theoretical epigram???
For that matter, as someone quite often recognized as being part of the minority community colloquially referred to as “Assholes”, I’d like to apologize for the actions of other assholes, as represented by but certainly not limited to Dennis Prager.
You see, liberals believe
Sorry, mikey. My empirical evidence shows that Assholes are definitely not a minority.
As an Asshole, I apologize for that.
Assholes are a supermajority.
I enjoyed alec’s march of history.
It reminded me; I’ve long thought that, should the Revolution be taking place now, the Wingnuts would definitely be… Tories.
Obeisance to authority, contempt for the Constitution, sucking up to the rich… yup.
They’d be Tories.
They’d be Tories.
In prison or before a firing squad. Founding fathers did not deal lightly with such vermin.
Why are you laughing, justme? Didn’t we read in a previous thread that Doctor Hate (I think I may have spelled that wrong) proved that conservatives understand liberal thinking in its entirety?
In prison or before a firing squad
Sadly, they escaped to Canada.
Sadly, they escaped to Canada.
And Florida. Sort of explains 2000, doesn’t it.
Ehi, ho trovato alcuni veramente interessanti funghi porcini nei boschi di ieri e di colori che rendono viva intensamente! Venite a pensare di esso, perché sono io a parlare di questo tipo?
I think Dennis Prager should apologize to his fellow Jews for writing this article, thus making us have to experience group shame yet again.
Do blue men get the whites?
Or are they hippo-crytes…
Can you imagine the outrage if there was a WHITE Entertainment Television station?
I thought there was one already.
Or are they hippo-crytes…
Trivial aside: why would a band that named itself for a Bonzo Dog song be so goddamn mopey?
You know, to be routinely exposed for hiding perversity and crimes in their closets, conservatives sure are big on wanting other people to demonstrate shame.
You’d think they’d be all “Ixnay on the Ame-shay, ease-Play!”
You know, to be routinely exposed for hiding perversity and crimes in their closets, conservatives sure are big on wanting other people to demonstrate shame.
That is because they have none and do not even understand the concept. They want others to demonstrate it for them so that they can try to understand it. A futile hope, I might add.
You see, liberals believe it’s okay for black people to insult white people using racial ephithets, but its not okay for white people to insult black people using racial ephithets.
Seriously, Troofie, don’t you ever get tired of soiling your Underoos?
I for one am proud to be white, I am proud to be heterosexual, I am proud to be Christian, and I am proud to be a man.
Two out of three ain’t…
Wait, that’s just one, sorry. OK, ONE out of three is about average for you, Troofie.
As a woman I want to apologize for all the women who nagged their husbands or boyfriends to take out the trash. Nowadays I take it out myself without saying a word to husband. I feel so empowered! Also, I don’t rummage thru the bin and “rescue” “perfectly good” items.
Alec, you make me proud to be a fellow Las Vegan … er, Vegasite? Southern Nevadan (And can you believe the weather? It’s like frickin Ohio outside).
I’m a boy I’m a boy
But my mother won’t admit it
I’m a boy, I’m a boy
But if I say I am I get it…
Prager should take his clown act on the road with Dennis Miller for the “Poor Misunderstood and Badly Abused White Boys” tour.
Tour Tag Line: Two “Dennis” Shitweasles for the price of one!”
Can you imagine the outrage if there was a WHITE Entertainment Television station?
You mean the 90% of TV that isn’t BET, Telemundo or “the CW”?
Listening to you, I get the music
Gazing at you, I get the heat
Who’s next, then?
Now, now, Pere. Don’t be trying to confuse Little Lord Tiny Putz with the facts. That will never work as he is impervious to knowledge and reality.
For those who can’t read Italian: Italian Rugged is on shrooms.
That is all.
Does that mean that Modena is the Butte-hole of Italy? Because the other Rugges is from the Butte-hole of America.
For those who can’t read Italian: Italian Rugged is on shrooms.
Must be one of them Butte Eye-talians.
You see, liberals believe it’s okay for black people to insult white people using racial ephithets, but its not okay for white people to insult black people using racial ephithets.
Speaking as a far-left liberal, you have my permission to use all the racial slurs you wish next time you come in contact with an African-American. Knock yourself right out, and do tell them that a white boy from Mississippi said it was okay.
tell them that a white boy from Mississippi said it was okay.
As another far-left progressive, I would add that a white hillbilly boy from Oklahoma said you really should.
One might even suggest that Prager drive around in a car with loudspeakers on it abusing people he sees. Just for more equitable distribution.
As a resident of Atlanta, I promise you that it’s really a behavior that gains entry to their culture; it’s just a test among ‘the blacks’ to see if you’ve got what it takes to be their friend. And sense ‘the blacks’ can smell fear, you’ve got to make sure and not hold back and go all the way. Only then will they recognize you as one of them and pee on you so as to share the communal scent.
“You see, liberals believe it’s okay for black people to insult white people using racial ephithets, but its not okay for white people to insult black people using racial ephithets.”
Really? His entire argument is just a variation of “Why can’t I say n####er?”
Also, while they won’t tell you this, as a far-left communist, I can tell you that the ‘blacks’, as you know them, actually utilize ceremonial robes for when they curse at one another. So you should get to wearing that white cloth robe in your uncle’s closet first.
When they see you walking up to them in that, they’ll know you’re cleared for saying the phrase.
Note: Also remember that male bonding often involves violence. Any playful jabs and hits inflicted are not assault, but indeed, acceptance!
Seen at WHITE Entertainment Television: A band calling itself “Lady Antebellum”.
Now that’s funny. How long has it been now? 140+ yrs.?
Fuckin’ serious, man. I’m pretty young as the audience goes, so tell me if I’m wrong: the last twenty or so years we’ve had about as much snowfall as we’ve got in the last coupla days, right? I remember it snowing, like, five days my whole life here, and two of them just happened.
Our poor dogs and one of our cats have never seen snow in their lives. Didn’t know what to make of it.
Really? His entire argument is just a variation of “Why can’t I say n####er?”
That’s about it. And it’s even dumber because it’s not like anyone’s stopping him.
Yeah, no one’s stopping cracker barrel from saying anything he wants. I’ve even typed the word once or twice in my web log (but not in a bad way). Though I see our hosts like to censor it, so I’ll not here.
Anyway, the real WHITE Entertainment Telebision is right here. We’re not sure they’re even aware of the existence of non-white volk.
But if “urban” = “black/brown,” rural certainly = “white.”
And fog! Fucking fog: I didn’t actually know what it looked like until Thanksgiving, when we drove into enough of it to close to white us out on the roads.
Also, was it just me or have we had a really assy rainfall history the last couple of years? I remember the typical being a couple of big torrential storms that cool the city the hell down for the autumn and the occasional sprinkle in winter, very very rarely being sleet. Instead, we’ve just had cumulonimbus shrouds occasionally – or, even worse, warm rain without freaking cloud cover. The first time I ran into that I spent half the day swearing – instead of changing the weather from stifling and dry to muggy and cool, it just made it stifling and muggy.
I’m a little afraid of the snow, to be honest. I love me some snow, but I know jack shit about how to deal with large amounts of it and neither do most people driving here. My dad (UMC trauma) is probably gonna have horror stories – especially if it stays snowy until New Year’s Eve, which he considers the worst single night of the year.
In the meanwhile, I should probably track down something to cobble together some snowclothes – I have to imagine the goodwills are already out and anyone with galoshes &c are gonna be gouging for a few weeks.
That’s a mighty fine looking shit moat you’ve constructed to fend off reality, Mister D.P.!
Absolutely, Dennis is clearly owed an apology by black women everywhere for the shameless seduction of Thos. Jefferson by Sally Heming, thus sullying his image of one of the Founding Fathers into that of a dirty miscegenator.
(Not to mention for all those luscious black booties who tempted Ol’ Strom to sin, bringing disgrace down upon a pillar of the Grande Ole White Partye.)
Wasn’t Ephithet a pharaoh of the XVIIIth Dynasty?
Just after Ptenisnet.
And I allus wondered what the reaction would be if the African-American community decided to d something about Black Crime by, you know, organizing armed security patrols of their neighborhoods?
I’m sure those white guys would say “Bully for you! That’s the way to take the initiative, by gum!”
Hey, it’s the Weather Channel! Alec, this may surpass 1979, which is regarded by old-timers as the banner year for snow. That was only eight inches. We already got half that in Henderson. I moved here in 1990 (which makes me not-an-old-timer) and have never seen it snow like this here. Global warming is a myth.
I got nothin.
by, you know, organizing armed security patrols of their neighborhoods?
They tried that once. Didn’t turn out to well. An obscure group called the Black Panthers. Nation of Islam and the Black Muslims do it as well. Scare the bejeebus out of folks like Prager and Troofie.
As a white Christian male, I apologize for Dennis Prager.
this may surpass 1979, which is regarded by old-timers as the banner year for snow. That was only eight inches. We already got half that in Henderson.
Wusses. Here in western Montana we already have over six inches and are expecting 4-5 more tonight and tomorrow. Oh, and today was the warmest day in the past week with a high of 7 F. First time it has been above 0 for 3-4 days.
Remember, though he spends most of his time sucking up to X-ians, Prager is Jewish. So you X-ian fools needn’t apologize for him on that basis. Just for being “white” male Americans along w/ him.
As carbon based life forms …
Ah fuck it, we’re only sorry one of the larger carnivores hasn’t eaten him. We tried to get a brigade of brown recluses to hide in his underwear but they all said no. And don’t get us started on the rattlesnakes. Bunch of pussies.
Hey, neat. Which part? My family lives in Green Valley, although Henderson is unreasonably large and sinuous – my fiancee’s mom decided to move somewhere within the city which still somehow managed to be almost as far from GV as friggin’ Boulder City. Ah, slapdash urban planning.
I’m trying to remember: 1990 was immediately before or immediately after that one chemical plant exploded? My memory tells me before, but I could be wrong.
Naw. He’s Judeo-Christian.
And as far as the Jewish part goes, he’s a Neoconservative – which is kind of like being Conservative, except the Torah is actually about the US government rather than the Almighty; dietary and lifestyle infractions only count if someone is watching and are otherwise encouraged in order to trip up the hypothetical ‘some Jew’ responsible for them, they worship our Lord who is Christ, and they will occasionally spraypaint the odd Reform synagogue with swastikas.
See also Joe Lieberman, Bill Kristol.
This brings up an interesting question about who has to apologize for whom.
Do, for instance, white people have to apologise for G W Bush or do only Texans or wherever the hell he was born. Do African Americans have to apologise for Obama or just Chicagoans?
Do White males have to apologise for Cowboy Bob Owens or just Dumarses?
Do Women have to apologise for Malkin or just Dumbarses.
Dumbarses will be kind of busy .
Would fake Scotsmen have to apologise for Laird McNasty of the Fake Codpieces or just Sadly No! trolls?
It’s a baffling case.
alec said,
December 18, 2008 at 5:05
… It’s like frickin Ohio outside.
Tell me about it!
… It’s like frickin Ohio outside.
Not here. No mountains in Ohio. 😎
Prager’s right. There should be a National Association for the Advancement of White People.
Oh, wait…
And Dennis? If you admire Antony Beevor’s work so much, how about learning to spell his name?
Being a white male lazy asshole, I’ll just repost what I said at World-O-Crap:
50 years from now, white Christians will be the minority. And the children will ask, “Grandpa, do you remember when you were the majority, and in total control of everything?”. And the old man will answer, “Yes, child, I remember. I cried like a fucking bitch the whole time, and constructed an elaborate fantasy life in which I was the victim, and lo, I failed to enjoy my majority status, but instead caterwauled and kvetched, and cried and bitched, and wept bitter tears. Mark ye, children–do not take shit for granted, lest ye spend your golden years regretting being such a fucking bitch when you should have been enjoying yourselves.”
Actually, considering he didn’t even use his skeevy ‘Judeo-Christian’ label this time in people he complained about having to apologize ALL THE TIME, I’m really not going to be surprised when Prager ‘discovers’ he’s been a Jew for Jesus all along, and then he’s not going to be my fucking problem anymore.
then he’s not going to be my fucking problem anymore.
He never was my problem, regardless of how many superficial characteristics we shared in common. He is his own problem and a total asshat regardless of what group(s) he bleongs to.
Wusses. Here in western Montana we already have over six inches and are expecting 4-5 more tonight and tomorrow.
Pansies. We’ve got 8 inches of pelican droppings here in Butte.
I cried like a fucking bitch the whole time, and constructed an elaborate fantasy life in which I was the victim, and lo, I failed to enjoy my majority status, but instead caterwauled and kvetched, and cried and bitched, and wept bitter tears.
LOL! Perfect.
You’re a fucking joke. You really have no way of earning any more disdain.
Therefore, what’s with the sock puppet, dumbfuck? The shitstain racism is just the same. Nut up and use your real name, you pussy.
Pansies. We’ve got 8 inches of pelican droppings here in Butte.
Here in Spokane, we’ll have nearly two feet by tomorrow morning, if it keeps falling at this rate. I cleared off my porch railing about 30 minutes ago, and about a half-inch has fallen since. The shit has been falling like this since early this morning.
In Southern Calif. it’s wet & we’re melting!!
So there!!
My favorite thing about Scotsman Commander guy:
He gets owned before anyone even replies to his lame sophistry.
I suspect he is a mean liberal masquerading as a conservative to make conservatives look stupid. Just like Mallard Fillmore and Jonah Goldberg.
I’m pretty sure the First Commanding Cracker’s fake too. His spiel is just a bit too easy & obvious; what most wingnuttia implies, but doesn’t dare to explicitly state. (Except on the farther fringes.)
As a wealthy old suck-up lawyer guy, I’d like to apologize for being shot in the face by dick cheney. My bad.
Its not snowing in Hawaii – it rains a little bit every day.
Man, if it starts snowing there . . .
M. Bouffant,
As I came across this, I thought of your comment in the Swanksgiving thread about not being able to get Firefox to play nice with WMP. Turns out there are two different plugins. The new one actually works. Woo hoo.
You may now relegate Exploder to Windowsupdate duties only.
Also, here in the home of the gaycommiehippies, SF, it is nut-freezing cold. Well, for SF, anyway. I moved here to avoid being able to make ice without a freezer. No snow, but brrrr.
Clearly, this cold snap means that global warming is a treasonous lie told by enemies of our patriotic oil companies. Fire up the Hummers!
Maybe he got the idea from Bill Donohue…
Its not snowing in Hawaii – it rains a little bit every day.
It must be hell.
Man, if it starts snowing there . . .
Errr, guys? Mauna Kea? It translates as “White Mountain”. At 13,000 feet altitude, it gets it’s share of Winter snow, as does Mauna Loa.
Thanks. I found the right plug-in somewhere. Mostly using Chrome these days.
Downloaded the IE8 beta, it’s very irritating.
Mark my words. Mark them!
Come January 9, wingnuts’ heads will asplode.
As Leonardo once said:
In the Adirondack mountains of NY, we had a foot, then it all freakin’ melted. Which is not a good thing. We have skiing, and dogsled rides, and tobogganing, and it’s all pretty pathetic without snow.
We’re cycling back up, and it’s supposed to snow all next week, but when I moved here ten years ago, the winter was “normal.” By January there would be yard-high paths carved through the snow around all the houses, like in The Thing, and it would be routinely below zero at night. And often, during the day.
Which is not as bad a thing as it might sound; it’s supposed to be an Alpine climate. When the sun is shining, and the wind is quiet, you can walk around with your coat open at -1.
I liked it. If I wanted a soggy, wet, bone-chilling winter, I could have gotten that on Long Island. And it’s two months shorter.
Jew for Jesus
completely o/t, but I sat watching “Bad Santa” last night getting pissed up on Armagnac. What a movie….
please continue
As a person of Scottish descent who is interested in learning The Truth about things and has been known to play The Fool and occassionally to pick a Booger out of his nose, I would like to apologize for the presence of shit-witted racist trolls on this board.
No one has to see these trolls, you know.
OK, I’m still to scared to click on the link personally……
I shall avail myself of the opportunity to apologize to you, Dennis Prager, on behalf of all gays everywhere since the dawn of time. It was terribly callous and cruel of us to eschew any and all sexual interest in your pasty ugly self. It was particularly heinous on our part as we know how hot you’ve always been for a hard plooving.
No guy has ever come on to you, no guy ever will. The gay mafia has made us all swear a vow, not that it was really necessary. Really, I’m *so* sorry.
tell them that a white boy from Mississippi said it was okay.
And a redneck girl from Tennessee besides.
By the way — if as a white female I apologize for the shame of Camille Paglia, does that mean I can also take pride in Molly Ivins? Seems only fair.
One more thing (I’m catching up): White het males whining about “what about us persecuted white MENNNN?? where’s OUR white history month, blah blah blah?” reminds me of when my kids were little and it would be Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, and they’d whine “why isn’t there a KIDS’ Day?” and I’d tell ’em “Because for you two EVERY DAY is Kids’ Day.” Took ’em a while to figure it out but as they grew up they did.
IOW, whiny jerkoff white males = toddlers.
Tell it, sister.
MzNicky, you just figuring that out now?
btw, “brats” is probably a better descriptive than toddlers
Of course, if liberal person X were to tell Prager that he, as a Jew, should be ashamed of something some random Jewish person did, he would be the first to complain about the anti-Semitism of the left that blames the misdeeds of one Jew on all Jews.
I, for one, am ashamed of Prager.
PeeJ: I maybe should have said “always reminds me …”?
Does he mention that all us Spics are nuts? Because we are. I’ll apologize on behalf of that part of my heritage. We’re one wacky group of people.
As for black folks, I guess Prager will have to present his thesis live to various groups and then ask for his apology live. He should take this on the road and try playing it live. He’ll get more than shoes thrown at him.
It was a purely rhetorical question. But one can’t be reminded enough – otherwise we’d keep doing that silly liberal forgive and forget thing.
Ugh…this man is serious? “Why so serious, son?”
So what about us mixed race folks? Do we get a pass or do we have to feel more guilty? Or more proud? Prager didn’t leave enough instructions and now I’m lost.
I liked it. If I wanted a soggy, wet, bone-chilling winter, I could have gotten that on Long Island. And it’s two months shorter.
Yea, but you’d need flood insurance which you can’t buy and even if you could, you couldn’t afford to eat after the premiums.
I hearby grant all black people permission to call me cracker, honkey, or whitey. However, I withhold permission to call me “flat-ass” or “no-ass”, because that’s untrue and would hurt my feelings.
Its not snowing in Hawaii – it rains a little bit every day.
It must be hell.
Assuming you’re not speaking satirically, it’s actually rather pleasant: around 4 or maybe 5 each afternoon (depending in the island) you can expect a brief shower.
Most people don’t even open umbrellas.
So what about us mixed race folks? Do we get a pass or do we have to feel more guilty? Or more proud?
Half of you has to feel proud about the other half feeling guilty.
Chifferobe or chifforobe or chiffrobe, but not chiffarobe.
Eh, I’m only a quarter white. But that side is Scots and Welsh. Can’t we feel persecuted too?
There is a shame in being a minority.
I checked the box next to “White Heterosexual American Male”. If other couldn’t be bothered to do a little research before getting born, its not my job to make them feel good about the life they got.
By the British, if you like.
On the other hand, I’m only a quarter Spanish, so all my inner persecution has to come from the Irish, Scottish, Welsh and British fighting it out.
As a white person, I’d like to apologize for uber-stupids like troofie and his alter-EGO, scottish “commander”.
I’ll go out on a limb here and guess that the next alias for troofie will be “Supreme Leader Of All Entities In All Universes Of All Times And Dimensions”
I’ve got Native American, British, Scandinavian, and German.
I’m so conflicted!
Leon, 1/4 here too. OTOH my white side became a pretty strong Southern Confederate family so I guess I have enough guilt to be sharing, though perhaps Prager would suggest that I celebrate that and just apologize for the whole “brown pride” business while screaming, “The South will rise again!”. Ya think?
Were–well, have the Euro part of yourself apologize to the Native part and then go into utter shame about being Native American while screaming apologies for any sympathies for Leonard Peltier. That ought to do it.
I should check. I might want to leave these in the comments for Prager if that option is available.
Morning, folks.
Courtesy, we find out “Mastermind of Rwanda genocide jailed”. Whee. Only what – thirteen years too late? “Never Again” my pudgy white American ass.
And I can’t swear to it but I do believe I heard Glenn Blecch’s show playing “It Came Upon A Midnight Clear” a few minutes ago. Gosh, isn’t it lovely to be lectured on the True Meaning Of Christmas by a guy who just applies Jesus’s message the other 364 days of the year.
Thanks, Lex, I feel so much better!
Well hey, at least it’s “Mastermind of Rwanda genocide jailed” at all.
Unless we get moving quick, Cheney is going to run out of pirated organs and the blood of newborns and go to his Final Reward.
And I think we should get some action in first, if you know what I mean.
Then again, evil people sometimes live a looooooooooooong time (see Thurmond, S) because they really aren’t sure what awaits them.
On account of being descended from Irish potato-famine-fleers, Northern Ireland (Belfast) troublemakers, rural Heartland (Kansas) bigots and Southern (teh glorious border state) pig-brained conservatoids, I guess I’ll apologize in general to everyone.
And I think we should get some action in first, if you know what I mean.
WereBear: I’ve got my stiletto heels and some particularly repulsive gym shoes at the ready. Just say the word and I’ll pull on my combat boots.
On account of being descended from Irish potato-famine-fleers, Northern Ireland (Belfast) troublemakers, rural Heartland (Kansas) bigots and Southern (teh glorious border state) pig-brained conservatoids, I guess I’ll apologize in general to everyone.
Huh. We may well be related.
[D]isproportionate rates of
violent crime and out-of-wedlock birthspoverty in the black community … is [an example].There, fixed it for him.
While we are on the subject, it was quite a while back that Partner asked what I thought would be an appropriate fate for Cheney.
I said he should contract an incurable disease that would make all his organs decay and he would spend all his ill-gotten gains buying street drugs to try and stave off the pain.
He sorta shuddered and said he didn’t know I was so bloodthirsty.
I’m not, really. But every rule has an exception.
“So what about us mixed race folks?”
You have to apologize for Tiger Woods and Barak HUSSEIN Obama making white male penises shrivel up and run away.
As for your pathetic winter complaints, heh, I’m in Minne fucking sota. It is to laugh.
“I for one am proud to be white, I am proud to be heterosexual, I am proud to be Christian, and I am proud to be a man.”
I love this. “I, for one, am proud to be right-handed.”
It doesn’t get any more pathetic than that.
And isn’t Pride one of the seven deadly sins? Shame, sir.
And isn’t Pride one of the seven deadly sins? Shame, sir.
I’m sure his reaction would be one of “HURR HURR then howcum we have Black Pride and Gay Pride hurr hurr a winner is me!!11”
Of course, he’s missing the fact that large institutions haven’t been making white, heterosexual, male Christian people feel worthless for decades.
Lotsa comments on Prager’s piece along the lines of “I agree with everything you said except your needless trashing of American hero Joe McCarthy.”
Here’s an actual example: “Dennis, I can’t believe that you wrote that Joe McCarthy Blacklisted people in Hollywood. The blacklist you wrote of was implemented by Hollywood people themselves and McCArthy had nothing to do with it.
Also the famous statement by Joe Welch, the opposing attorney in the McCarthy/Army hearings was a total setup. The person McCarthy “outed” had actually been in the press recently and McCarthy did nothing wrong.”
As a predominantly Scandahoovian, (pasty, of course) white male, I will happily apologize for leutefisk. As long as I get credit for lefsa. Nothing I can do about Garrison Keeler, I fear.
DrDick: “…white hillbilly boy from Oklahoma…”
Sooners rule.
pbg: “Just after Ptenisnet.”
Asterix and Obelix rule.
All apologies accepted. Note: I do not speak for Prager.
P.S. Roxy Music is truly a beautiful thing. Check out Wetton on that bass…….drooooooolllll…..Just had to share;)
I apologize on behalf of my fellow white-trash raised in plywood shacks* for Larry The Cable Guy, as well as 4X4’s with gun-racks & Confederate Flag bumper-stickers.
I apologize on behalf of my fellow heretics for putting Torquemada through that whole messy Inquisition thing. Who knows how many of his perfectly good outfits got major pinhole-burns from attending those auto-da-fes? Also, I imagine the cleanup afterwards was a real bitch.
Sure. Not to mention Mary Wollstonecraft – & Helen Caldicott – & Petra Kelly – & Karen Silkwood – & Sibyl Edmonds – & ________ (your favorite here).
Hmm … I know there’s gender reassignment … but I’m kind of leery of hospitals & bloodshed, so can I just turn in a gender resignation?
* Yep, we were literally too poor to afford a trailer. I knew I should’ve picked rich parents, damn it! Sadly, I never got to sit next to railroad-tracks with a cute dog & play a harmonica.
Woah, really? REALLY? Amazing! Who
gives a rat’s assknew?jim: I mention the late great Molly Ivins because of her classic ass-kicking of Paglia some years ago. I’ve posted the link here several times but I’d hate for anyone to have missed it so just in case:
I just can’t encounter Paglia’s name anymore without immediately thinking of that marvelous column.
Prager should be repeatedly slapped by Hugh Hewitt’s tits for this one.
As one with a Mayflower ancestor (writhe in shame, recent immigrant dogs) who was in the banking way of things, I would like to apologize for Wall Street.
PS: the Puritans kicked my ancestor out of the colony a month after they arrived. Where has our traditional wisdom gone?
As a big, bad, bald bastard, I apologize for both Stone Cold Steve Austin and Hank Paulson.
should the Revolution be taking place now, the Wingnuts would definitely be… Tories
Should they have been born in Afghanistan, the Wingnuts would be Taliban.
* The whitest law school I could think of.
You’ve never heard of Liberty University?
…and you call yourself a conservative!
Also, Stone Cold Hank Paulson would’ve been a great meme for the pre-bailout days… sigh.
The Crapture: No, No, NO! We’re the Liberal DemonCraps! We don’t ENDORSE torture!!!
Hmmm, it seems there’s a few other Las Vegans on this thread besides myself, similarly confused about the weather. Snow in the mountains to the west is normal, but I live down in the valley and saw like 3-4 inches yesterday and last night. The last time the valley saw anything more than a momentary flurry was, I think, in 2003.
Of course it’s mostly melted in today’s bright sunshine, but it’s still freakin’ cold.
You snowbirds can mock our whining all you want, and rightfully so, but snow removal isn’t exactly a high priority here and no, nobody here knows how to drive in it, not even the few who are sober. The only stockpiles of salt here are reserved for margarita glasses.
Do we have enough of us in LV to have a Vegas Drinking Sadly? If so, I recommend either the Freakin’ Frog or the Double Down Saloon, since both are within staggering distance of my apartment. How many are needed to make a quorum, anyway?
Oh, and as a white dude in Nevada, I was tempted to apologize for Harry Reid, but then I remembered that our other Senator is John Ensign, Inc. Sorry about that, our bad.
I’ll also apologize for our mayor, Oscar Goodman, just because somebody ought to.
The Truth?
You’re a loathsome racist fragment of dogshit. You are slightly less than a pint of vomit.
Fuck you, you moron.
No, seriously: fuck you.
Can I just say nice to read a alleviation to find person who actually knows what they’re talking about on the web. You actually have learned to bring a problem to light and make it valuable. Even more people need to study this particular and understand it section of the story. I can’t believe you aren’t very popular as you certainly have the gift.