They’ll Get To That Part Later
Posted on December 11th, 2008 by Gavin M.
Shorter Entire Right-Wing Media:
- It has not been proven impossible that despite all so-called ‘existing’ evidence, Obama might have attempted to, uh, buy his own, uh, I guess Senate seat.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Obama was driving a caddy while Keyes was fixing a Ford.
Indeed. Some would wonder about the role of Obama’s not-being-President-yet in this DOJ matter, but they would be wrong to do so.
thats a great cover.
Blatant bias! There’s no mention of the orange cheetos dust on their fingers, nor of Renfield-style laughter.
oh yeah and special prosecutors for eva
palin/special prosecutors 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[changed — or rather hoarded for later — the art and link]
[sorry; I know that’s a bad habit]
He had to! All Illinois politicos are corrupt. Obama was an Illinois politician. Therefore Obama is corrupt. He just couldn’t help himself – it’s in his nature. He’s been trained to do it. It’s ingrained. blah blech belch
Shorter entire right wing media (which would be most media if we were to start quantifying as well as qualifying):
We’ve got him now! Except we don’t. But there’s a tape of him promising the Blago upty gazillion dollars if Blago will appoint Bill Ayers to his seat. Or maybe Michelle. Or Mumia Abu Jamal. Or….
Here’s the prior link about the special prosecutor.
Blagojevich ain’t no friend of mine,
Don’t want his stupid name on my behind.
I think it’s kinda cute. Sort of like when everyone’s at the table enjoying a nice lovely dinner, and the dogs are sitting in the corner sulking because all they get is kibble, but then one of the kids drops some meat on the floor and all the dogs come running and grab it up and take off to gnaw it to pieces and they’re trotting around with it all show-offy like they’ve really done something. That’s what it’s like.
Righties are Tinkerbell-clapping so hard their hands are numb and neon pink. Hey, maybe if Obama’s convicted of knowing some corrupt guy Bush can be president FOREVAR! *SWOON*
U.S. conservatives rubbed their hands with glee on Wednesday over news that the Democratic governor of Illinois has been accused of attempting to sell the U.S. Senate seat of President-elect Barack Obama.
Oh, thank God that reads “hands.”
I’m surprised it took so long. RightMichigan has figured out what caused the demise of the big 3. Yep, you guessed it: domestic partner benefits. Damn gays always flexing their economic muscle. Oooh. Gays.. Flexing. Muscles……aahhhhh
The right-wing media are still calling plays from the playbook that just lost them the House and Presidency, and a few more Senate seats. Standing on the overall ethical record of your party and calling the other party corrupt worked pretty well in 1994. Since then, not so much.
OT, but big congratulations to Dragon-King Wangchuck on his country’s first daily newspaper.
Good on you, yer Dragon-ness.
Oh, dear you posted the wrong Disney image. The correct image is here:
You might want to fix that.
It almost seems- with a few exceptions- that the redder the state, the more corrupt it is.
What you DEMONcraps don’t understand is that Obama must be crushed before becoming President of the USA of America. Some would say that, given the economic danger that the country is in (which is the fault of the Democrat Party, BTW), that we should all pull together and work side by side for the good of the nation. Bear-scat! The only way this country can be saved is if it is run by Republicans, surely that much should be clear, even to pathetic LIEbrals like you? I fully endorse the strategy of my party, which is to do anything and everything it can to destroy the coming administration in order to show that it was all the Democrats fault.
My wife (a native Chicagoan) commented “Isn’t finding a corrupt Illinois politician a dog-bites-man story?”
Dan “Riehl” American: “Special Prosecutor not my cup of tea. One lump or two?”
Seriously, Dan, what special prosecutor do we need here? Blago is already under arrest!! Not that much more “investigation” is needed. Unless we can “get” Jesse Jackson, Junior too!!
U.S. conservatives rubbed their glands with glee on Wednesday over news that the Democratic governor of Illinois has been accused of attempting to sell the U.S. Senate seat of President-elect Barack Obama.
U.S. conservatives rubbed their glands with glee
Thank Diety you didn’t say glans. Wait, nooooooo, what have I done?! I just bleached that brain, too.
U.S. conservatives rubbed their
glandspants with glee on Wednesday over news that the Democratic governor of Illinois has been accused of attempting to sell the U.S. Senate seat of President-elect Barack Obama.Fized-er
Run-DMC references are automatic thread-winners.
(If that isn’t a rule, it should be.)
Speaking of Disney, Republicans are like Wall-E, that adorable little post-apocolyptic robot that, even in the midst of total collapse and decay, only knows a single thing, which is to run around and scoop little piles of trash into bigger piles of trash, while making adorable little robot noises. That’s all they know how to do. They are programmed that way. To do otherwise is impossible.
Well, Republicans are like Wall-E, if you leave out the “adorable” part.
Yay! It’s working for me now! Thanks DNS Gods!
The rightwing media sure is taking Patrick Fitzgerald a lot more seriously lately. Except when he says stuff like “President-Elect Obama is not implicated in any way”. They seem to grow a bit deaf during that part.
Well, Republicans are like Wall-E, if you leave out the “adorable” part.
And the “doing something vaguely productive” part.
Well, Republicans are like Wall-E, if you leave out the “adorable” part.
And the “doing something vaguely productive” part.
And change “moving trash around” to “leaving piles of trash they’ve created themselves behind them with no regard for anyone”.
Biagojevich is a thug, but at least he’s not a pedophile. That’s strictly a GOP thing.
Sad, pathetic little hatebags. What, if anything, is the point of trying to involve Obama directly in this mess? Just because? Seriously. Is there something the right hopes to gain from this latest ill-tempered, BASELESS screeching? What, they can’t get the election results thrown out by the Supreme Court so they think if they bawl loudly enough then Obama will throw up his hands and say, “yeah, you got me! I guess the game’s over. Call off my presidency.” I mean REALLY and TRULY, what IS THE FUCKING POINT? Do they think it’s still 1998 Clenis time and the last 10 years have never occurred?
Sorry for shouting but good LORD these fucking dolts make kindergartners look mature. No offense to toddlers etc.
Dear Sadly Tech Dept.:
FWIW, I can now get here on Firefox but not on Safari.
Now Blago don’t give a damn, or say, “Thank you, ma’am”
Eatin filet mignon, lobster tails and crab
He eats the finest FOOD, he ain’t the kindest DUDE
and then to put it to you straight he’s CRAZY LAZY AND RUDE
His temper’s boiling hot, whether you like him or not
Not to mention bout his mansion and his big ol’ yacht
He never gave me a dime or even spent, some time
and that’s why I had to cold write this rhyme about..
Blago crazy!
What, if anything, is the point of trying to involve Obama directly in this mess? Just because?
Yes. That is the whole idea behind Gingrichian politics/governing. Attack constantly, no matter what.
Ok, so being Command in Chief of the Illinois National Guard is now NOT sufficient enough justification to behave how you want?
What really gets me is this: how fucking stupid do you have to be to try and sell President-elect Barack Obama’s seat. What, you thought nobody would be paying attention to how that worked out. I mean, seriously, how does this man manage to successfully dress himself in the morning?
…how does this man manage to successfully dress himself in the morning?
FWIW, I can now get here on Firefox but not on Safari.
I’m here, via Safari. That’s just how I roll.
Thanks Thlayli
but that was set up by Righteous Bubba, who must’ve won immediately.
Abramoff and Delay forgot more about corruption than the Democrats will ever know.
MzNicky & all:
The point is that he’s arrogant (uppity) & an uppity usurper (not descended from English royalty, if you know what I mean.) Seriously, the number of clowns who figured he was a natch’ul born citizen, but they’d like to see him forced to produce it just to “cut him down to size” at, say TIDOS Yankee’s Super Fund site yesterday (?) alone indicates there’s much more at work here than mere polarized die-hard righties resenting a “leftist” (Really, who the fuck are they kidding?) who somehow got elected in this allegedly center-right country.
Tell y’what, I completely understand the actions of Governer Biagojevich. He clearly had to raise some serious cash – motherfucker had to buy SEVERAL vowels.
I still can’t pronounce it…
So, Ah, there’s nothing to see here is there?
One assumes that the delicate eyes of Reuters readers are being spared here.
A. kiwi:
I noticed that too. They use the same, not even an eff or four asterisks form in both the story story & the “Oooooh, he said ‘poopy-doody'” sidebar story.
This is the fuckingest thing I’ve ever seen.
Um, it’s going away bit by bit and day by day, isn’t it? Like, there’s a progression from worse to better?
Gavin: Okay, now I can get here on Safari. Sometimes it just won’t load but now it is.
And as I meant to say before I distracted myself: FWIW, reading you 5×5 on IdiotExploder7 (32- & 64-bit) Firefox, & Chrome (which seems to be Safari).
Link, please.
Another news day has passed and yet President Obama has not ordered the Department of Justice to execute Governor Blagojevich. This is simply ongoing proof of Obama’s corruption. And if Obama in any way begins demanding Blagojevich be punished harshly and/or quickly, this is further proof that Obama is trying to shut Blagojevich up. Obama is completely trapped in a situation of his own makening.
The new internationalism?
I think Safari is a little stickier with its caching.
Globalism lowers all boats & bars.
Obama needs to stand up in front of the press and say “I did NOT have sex with that Woman!” That’ll shut ’em up.
Ain’t that the real truth (not some snotty troll truth).
This guy seems to have made a special boat lowering effort though. I wonder what the connection to William Ayers will turn put to be.
“Will turn out to be” actually. Sheesh
Oh right, sorry about that.
“….topping a year of nationwide Democratic scandals,…”
Did I miss something? What on earth is the odious Malkin babbling about?
I knew the minute this hit that it would be bad news for Obama. Remember Whitewater? How many years do you suppose the nuts can milk this?
What on earth is the odious Malkin babbling about?
Winning an election. The Democrats could only have done that if they used scandalous, nefarious methods to override the will of the people.
Globalism lowers all goats in bars.
And when it comes to globalism, Obama is the globaleist
I find globulism icky.
I believe my previous comment was too profound for RSS.
Uh oh. RSS busted?
Globalism lowers all floats in jars
Thank you so much for the link. I pass the Pink Taco in Century City often, but I’ll be keeping even farther away now.
I am tempted to call that number though.
Dear everybody-relying-on-RSS: you suck and you are all losers. I hate you deeply.
Also, I have eaten those plums you were saving. They were fuckin’ awesome, haha.
There is shoe polish on the eye-pieces of your telescopes. When you use your telescope, the shoe polish will transfer to your face, giving the comical impression of a black eye. All will laugh, except for you.
Only Mickey Kaus can lower us goats! He’s got such a purdy mouth…
Your knowledge of the secret lives of your significant others is lacking in that I have been having sex with all of them, including the pets. Had you not been relying on your RSS feed you would know this.
The comment count not updating? HA! I can freely confess to stealing ONE SOCK PER LOAD OF LAUNDRY YOU DO, unknowing dupes! I have made many many puppets with them, acting out scenes of the foulest depravity inside puppet theatres constructed of high-grade plutonium isotopes.
Since when did wingnuts ever pay any attention to stuff like facts or evidence?
Blah. Goy. eh-vitch.
It translates to “Son of a boring gentile”.
Wow, I had no idea I could kill a thread with a single nonsense post.
Sorry, everybody!
Blah. Goy. eh-vitch.
Translates to “son of a boring gentile”, if that helps you remember it.
Like the site didn’t remember this comment the first time I typed it, which is why it’ll be in here twice (or zero times) by the time you read it.
And when it comes to globalism, Obama is the globaleist
When it comes to troubling links to corrupt pols, he’s the sleaziest
and in foreign policy, he’s the appeasiest!
Looks like an appeasiot to me.
Appease aporridge ahot, appease aporridge acold, appease aporridge in the apot, anine adays aold.
Awith aapologies to aWalt aKelly.
aWalt aKelly brother of the more famous aR?
Awash with awareness.
re: the MSM…yes.
As John Cole would say, this has been SATSQ.
it worked! penis is the magic word to solve the home page snafu.
Derelicts banging heads at NRO.
Andy McCarthy chastises Obama for not speaking to Blago about his Senate seat:
But 45 minutes later, Victorous Cassius Hansimus chastises Obama for his Blago/Obama connections.
Jeebus, is Hansen taking writing lessons from Teh Swankster?
Victatus Davidus Hansonium is a never ending sock full of horse semen. When he’s not gabbling on about the Ancient Greeks he swoons about his own cleverness in reading newspapers and summarizing what their op-ed writers ventilate upon. This is eaten up like manna from bleedin’ heaven by the foot soldiers of the RW because he’s got a PhD.
Yes, I think you could say I don’t like his attitude.
Mr. Sparkle: Actually I was referring to rightwingnutters.
[somehow the first two times I tried to type that word it came out “ringwormers.” Perhaps my brain knows more than it’s letting on?]
The point is to cripple his presidency, like they tried to do with Clinton. Kill off all the “hope” crap, and put a Ken Starr-era scandal story at the top of every news hour so Democratic voters will switch off the TV in disgust.
Then the Republcans can fillibuster health care reform, global warming legislation, and whatever else they find offensive without the harsh glare of public scrutiny. Dust off the “Contract with America” bullshit for 2010, and Bob’s your uncle.
MzNicky: My bad.
Either way, it’s gonna be a looooong presidential term.
Dear everybody-relying-on-RSS: you suck and you are all losers. I hate you deeply
Well poop.
Well, actually, there is an ongoing sameness in the failure to function department, o fearless leader.
Which is why I’m hours behind, not knowing where the fuck “now” is.