Blame It On The Chicken Tikka Masala


ABOVE: The Yellow Badge of Courage

Sooner or later it was inevitable that some wingnut would blame the tragedy in Mumbai on the Mumbaiites themselves, arguing that their cow-free diet turned them into a bunch of curry-breathed cowards unable to stand up for themselves. That’s why ten terrorists kept the city of 19 million under siege for three days.

But what couldn’t be anticipated is that Ye Olde Butte Missile, whose sole act of courage in his entire lifetime was a decision eleven years ago to have his tuna salad on rye rather than wheat, would be leading the charge:

Somebody Get Me A Gun

This post … describes a microcosm of India’s failure to defend itself aggressively against Islamic terrorism. The hero of the story is Sebastian D’Souza, a picture editor at the Mumbai Mirror, who took one of the most famous photos of the terrorists in action …. D’Souza describes his experience at the railway terminal where many innocent Indians were murdered:

“I first saw the gunmen outside the station,” Mr D’Souza said. “With their rucksacks and Western clothes they looked like backpackers, not terrorists, but they were very heavily armed and clearly knew how to use their rifles.

But what angered Mr D’Souza almost as much were the masses of armed police hiding in the area who simply refused to shoot back. “There were armed policemen hiding all around the station but none of them did anything,” he said. “At one point, I ran up to them and told them to use their weapons. I said, ‘Shoot them, they’re sitting ducks!’ but they just didn’t shoot back.”

What is the point of having policemen with guns if they refuse to use them? I only wish I had a gun rather than a camera.”

If Mr. D’Souza ever wants to emigrate to the United States, we’ll take him.

I wondered earlier today how a mere ten terrorists could bring a city of 19 million to a standstill. Here in the U.S., I don’t think it would happen. I think we have armed security guards who know how to use their weapons, supplemented by an unknown number of private citizens who are armed and capable of returning fire. The Indian experience shows it is vitally important that this continue to be the case. This is a matter of culture as much as, or more than, a matter of laws.

Apparently, Hinderaker gets most of his knowledge about gunfights while masturbating to an old video tape of Rambo. The likely reason the police didn’t fire back is that their pistols or bolt-action rifles weren’t likely to be effective against gunmen wielding AK-47s. If the cop missed, he’d be dead before he could fire the next shot. There’s also this tricky problem of collateral damage — the cops wouldn’t want to hit bystanders, whereas the terrorists didn’t care. Instead of seriously thinking about the consequences of the mismatch in firepower between the terrorists and the station cops, Hinderaker prefers a racist explanation which turns a country filled with dusky people into a nation of cowards. Let’s just hope that, the next time Hinderaker dines in an Indian restaurant, his dal has strange “creamy” taste eerily reminiscent of snotchos.


Comments: 618


Here we go again; the problem is that the citizenry is not heavily armed enough.

It worked so well at that Toys R Us in California, after all.


But but but!

Gunz is k00L & solve all of our problems! Just think, the 9/11 hijackers would be harmless if all of the people on those planes were packing heat!


Instead of seriously thinking about the consequences of the mismatch in firepower between the terrorists and the station cops

Thinking, seriously or otherwise, is not part of assrocket’s skill set. Given the level of conflict and social tension present in India (along class, caste, ethnic, and other lines), I somehow do not think that more guns would make for a more peaceful society (just look how well that has turned out here).


“I wondered earlier today how a mere ten terrorists could bring a city of 19 million to a standstill. Here in the U.S., I don’t think it would happen.”

The ability of right-wing bloggers to forget 9/11 when it is expedient to an argument is actually creepy.

Prehaps I shouldn’t speculate, but then maybe I should. My guess is that Hinderacker and the NRO crowd, despite their obsession with the supposed feeble-mindedness of victims of massacres, would, in the event a man armed with an AK-47 burst through their door, be swiftly reduced to gibbering and crying in their own excrement with not a single thought of self-defence or heroics remaining.

I wouldn’t blame them either, if they weren’t quite so keen in dropping ugly hints about anyone else in that situation.


10 terrorists with rifles killl 300 people and paralyze a city for 3 days. Something obviously is wrong with the response. Your comment doesn’t sound serious.


shorter hindraker: you say hostage, i say “pussy.”


“pistols or bolt-action rifles”?
Be serious, everyone knows Mumbai police are only armed with rusty flintlocks and the occasional sharpened stick. Backward, practically 4th-world city, not like, say, Bombay or Dehli.


Just like Dinesh D’Souza to make shit like this up.


I’m confused…

The hero of the story is Sebastian D’Souza, a picture editor at the Mumbai Mirror, who took one of the most famous photos of the terrorists in action…

leads to…

Here in the U.S., I don’t think it would happen. I think we have armed security guards who know how to use their weapons, supplemented by an unknown number of private citizens who are armed and capable of returning fire.

It seems we’ve reached an ideological and logistical paradox, here. So, American citizen, what will you be? A selfless and patriotic Ansel Adams with a camera? Or an uncounted Joe the Plumber Yosemite Sam with a Gideon’s Bible in your left breast pocket and a Smith & Wesson 637CT slapping against your right thigh?


I have to mildly disagree. Yes, a cop with a pistol (and a moral obligation to bystanders) would be a sitting duck to an immoral AK-47 yielding terrorist, but its also sort of their job to own up to that risk. Any job which includes a willingness to give up your life as an official job requirement kinda sucks, and I can understand the desire to shirk that duty, but it is your job.

And, I don’t know how to say this without sounding like the crazies in the wingnut comment threads, but you’d think the cops would have some sort of tactical training to allow them to utilize their numbers to even the odds a bit (the photographer made it sound like there were many more cops that terrorists at the station).

Can anyone seriously imagine a group of standard pistol-toting NYC patrolmen acting this way?

But do I agree that a heavily-armed citizenry is part of the solution? No, not at all. A bunch of citizens with guns are likely to do much more harm (see Toys’R’Us shootings) than they are to ever be in a situation like this where they may be of some help. They’d fail any cost-benefit trade-off.


Shorter Assrocket:


I think we have armed security guards who know how to use their weapons

And some of them even get paid above minimum wage!

If Mr. D’Souza ever wants to emigrate to the United States, we’ll take him.

For about 5 minutes, until he does something Hindu-y and Malkin, LGF, FreiRepublik et al start screaming “DHIMMITUDE DHIMMITUDE” and demand he gets deported back to his dusky country for being insufficently American.

I wondered earlier today how a mere ten terrorists could bring a city of 19 million to a standstill.

Christ, only twice that number brought a country of 300 million to a standstill, and still are having an effect on us even now.


Your comment doesn’t sound serious.

Pshyeah, ’cause what Assrocket wrote is just so much more realistic.


The ability of right-wing bloggers to forget 9/11 when it is expedient to an argument is actually creepy.

I seem to remember several occasions when 2-3 gunmen with hostages tied up the police in LA or NYC for a day or two. They even made an obscure movie with an unknown actor named Pacino about one.


Yes, we know how such a confrontation would have gone down in the USA! USA! USA!

We know because the LAPD showed us how easy it is for uniformed cops armed with pistols can take down heavily armed perps in North Hollywood about ten years ago…


Let’s just hope that, the next time Hinderaker dines in an Indian restaurant, his dal has strange “creamy” taste eerily reminiscent of snotchos.

I am a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very bad person for thinking this very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very funny. Food adulteration is no laughing matter, and the mere suggestion that some chef or waiter in a restaurant Mr. Hindraker would attend would do something so low and vulgar as to add, let’s just be prudent here, something vile in terms of bodily fluids to Mr. Hindraker’s food in a kind of reverse-Galt move just because Mr. Hindraker is not only a nasty piece of work but is a conservative and therefore probably a shitty tipper is so seriously wrong that I shouldn’t find any kind of amusement in it.

snotchos! *snicker*


Not a word, huh, about the brave Indian commandos who finally killed all but one of the terrorists? Tsk, tsk.

You’d think these stories were right out of the Onion: Priest equates vote for Obama with sin; Psy Ops to merge with MSM; war profiteer advertises on network news. But, sadly, enough, they’re real. All too real.

Comrade Rutherford

Republicans have no compassion or empathy for anyone other than themselves. They have no understanding of restraint. They fantasize about untrained citizens making clean sniper-like kill shots with a short-barreled pistol from 100 yards. They have no feelings for the innocent bystanders that would be murdered by vigilante’s indiscriminate bullets. Being a Republican means being a narcissistic sociopath whose every thought and action results in misery and suffering of everyone nearby. Party of Life, my ass.


Not a word, huh, about the brave Indian commandos who finally killed all but one of the terrorists? Tsk, tsk.

You’d think these stories were right out of the Onion: Priest equates vote for Obama with sin; Psy Ops to merge with MSM; war profiteer advertises on network news. But, sadly enough, they’re real. All too real.


19 people attacked the US on Sept. 11, 2001, and the rightwing basically gave up on democracy: they DEMANDED the unitary executive, they DEMANDED that we torture people, they DEMANDED that we suspend our Constitutional rights.

So Assholerocket can fuck himself: the behavior of the Indians has been much, much better than his behavior in the face of terrorism.


for being insufficently American

“insufficently assimilationist” is what I was looking for and couldn’t think of. Please revise your copy.


Seems to me even the Wildest Cities of the West started having a “no guns in town” rule.

But even obvious reasoning powers do ever elude the wingnut.


If Mr. D’Souza ever wants to emigrate to the United States, we’ll take him.

Oh, Butt Missile is in charge of Immigration now? Who up and made HIM the decider.

Me, I’m gonna withhold judgement on Mumbai’s cowardly cops at this point.

Just don’t know enough to make the call. If they had a shot, with a clear background and didn’t take it, they were derelict in their duty. But what were they seeing? How good a shot did they have? What was in the background. How fast did all this happen? What about their responsibility to protect civilians, getting them to cover, evac’ing the wounded?

Nah, it’s pretty easy for one dude to see things a different way when it’s somebody else who owns the responsibility for acting, and getting it right. Maybe it’ll turn out that the whole lousy passel of cops in the train station were mincing cowards under fire. But somehow I’m expecting the outcome to be a little more complex, a little more nuanced than that.

AssRocket doesn’t do complexity very well, so we’ll just disregard his rantings too…



for being insufficently American

You mean like not eating at McDonalds and being a *gasp* vegetarian (as most higher caste Hindus are).


being a *gasp* vegetarian

Oh, well, jeezus christ on quaaludes, he might as well tattoo “I AM A COMMIE” on his forehead!


Yes, an established chain of command is soooo yesterday. The world would be much better if police took their orders from random strangers who might or might not know exactly what the fuck is going on. Next FudBuster will insist that soldiers should take orders from bloggers.


How many D’Souzas are there anyway? It’s not as if it’s a particuarly Indian name.


Here in the U.S., I don’t think it would happen. I think we have armed security guards who know how to use their weapons, supplemented by an unknown number of private citizens who are armed and capable of returning fire.

Good idea! But…precisely how are the real police going to be able to distinguish between the “terrorists” and the “armed private citizens” who are “returning fire” in a crowd?

Sounds like those “private citizens” may need to pack some body armor along with their “heat”.

Anybody stupid enough to pull out a gun in a melee situation, who is not wearing the official uniform of the legitimate police authorities, is just asking to be hunted down like an animal and summarily shot, because it just isn’t practical for the cops to stop the firefight while they verify that you have a valid “concealed carry” license for your piece.

That said, I recommend that Hindy and Gun Counter Gomer go for it!


How many D’Souzas are there anyway? It’s not as if it’s a particuarly Indian name.

Did a little Googling and confirmed my impression. Dinesh’s family are originally from Goa (though he was born in Mumbai). Goa was the first European colony established in India by the Portuguese. The D’Souzas would either be descendants of Portuguese miscegenation or else their ancestors adopted a Portuguese name.


Most soldiers, cops and security guards don’t have a death wish. They have families, loved ones and well, generally have an aversion to dying like any normal human being. The ones that do generally don’t make good soldiers, cops or security guards. On the other hand, having a death wish will make you a highly effective terrorist.

For the life of me, I do not understand the mindset of a person who sees a highly confused chaotic situation, where bullets are ricocheting and you face an uncertain, hard to identify enemy with loads of panicking people and think “woah, wouldn’t it be great if all of those scared shitless individuals were packing heat?”


Actually, Chicken Tikka Masala is a Scottish dish. It is based on the Indian dish Chicken Tikka, but served in a tomato sauce that originated in Glasgow.


How many D’Souzas are there anyway?

Tons. It’s India. Yes it’s a Portuguese name but anybody having regular contact with a varied population of Indians will bump into a D’Souza now and then.


How many D’Souzas are there anyway? It’s not as if it’s a particularly Indian name.

Probably quite a few. Dinesh was born in Mumbai. It’s a Portuguese name; there are a lot of people with them around the old Portuguese colony of Goa. I have a co-worker named Fernandes from India, who is Catholic.


From what I read in the NYT this a.m., it wasn’t “cowardice” so much as that the Indian police were poorly equipped. One sharpshooter is quoted as saying there was so much mayhem and people running everywhere that they were afraid most of the time to try to take a shot at the terrorists for fear of accidentally shooting a civilian.

Also: Early reports that the gunsmen were checking for US and UK passported people as their primary victims are apparently false. Eyewitnesses say the gunsmen were randomly shooting everyone they could.

Also: I don’t know, but is this actually Islamic terrorism, as ButtMissle says? Does anyone really know yet? The attackers were all Pakistani, I think, and Pakistan and India have had violent differences for decades over, for ex., Kashmir, as well as religious conflict. I can’t find out anywhere though if these attackers were affiliated with Al Qaeda or any other Islamic terrorist groups.


Oh, that’s right, the Portuguese had that bit.


I guess Assrocket has forgotten about this.


When American Christians take down a heavily armed gunman in their own church, in front of their own children, this receives precious little praise from our self-proclaimed Wingnut Citizen Vigilantes. Oh yeah, the killer’s home was infested with right-wing hate screeds from the likes of Coulter, and the churchgoers didn’t use weapons to eliminate this threat to their families. Wingnuts have long grown accustomed to fighting reality, tooth and nail — it’s the only combat most of them will ever know — but a story seemingly designed to destroy their mythology can have denial as their only response.

Peace to the victims of terrorism everywhere, and may we now begin using effective methods against terrorists, not this (Beavis & Butthead voice) “hunhya hunhya DEAD OR ALIVE hyunh hyunh!!”


I think we have armed security guards who know how to use their weapons, supplemented by an unknown number of private citizens who are armed and capable of returning fire.

He thinks security guards are armed? How the fuck can this be an unknown? Does the man never leave his house? For the record (at least in D.C.) I’ve never seen an armed security guard. Most security guards can’t be trusted with nail clippers because they’re the people who couldn’t make the cut for any of our 9,000 law enforcement agencies. As for the unknown private citizens (again I’m referring to D.C. which is more likely to be hit by terrorists than whatever security guard free utopia FudBuster inhabits), the unknown private citizens would have to ask the terrorists to wait while they ran home to fetch their guns.

And then they’d probably be arrested if said guns hadn’t been registered.

Lord the man is 31 flavors of stupid.


I think we have armed security guards who know how to use their weapons…

This has me wondering if assrocket thinks that the Mall Ninja is real and drives an armoured golf cart featuring launch rails for shrikes.


Damn! What happened there? I was Umzugged.


an armoured golf cart featuring launch rails for shrikes

The missile or the bird?


Also: Early reports that the gunsmen were checking for US and UK passported people as their primary victims are apparently false.

*waiting for the retraction of knee-jerk anti-Muslim rhetoric from wingnuts, including our very own Goshpodin Pravda, over this*





MzNicky –

We do not in fact know the nationalities of most of the attackers. The only known surviving attacker, who is in custody, is a Pakistani. Earlier reports, however indicated that the attackers spoke perfect Hindi, which would indicate that they are Indians rather than Pakistanis (whose national language is Urdu). Remember that India is the second largest Muslim country in the world even though Muslims make up only about 13-14% of the population. There are huge tensions between Hindus and the Muslim minority which have been exacerbated by the Hindu nationalist movement over the last decade.


See here.

quote:Originally posted by Nordic:
Hey Geekboy, SPECIAL-ED, et-all, does the shadow government agencies that fund your ops also provide you with anti-armor capabilities? I mean what if a posse of gang bangers starts driving through the mall all a blazin’ in their ‘74 Licoln Continental? Do your low profile, battery powered patrol units come equipped with mounts for attaching Hellfires? Also, what if your three-man team is ambushed by superior numbers of Chechin rebels while guiding traffic at the escalator? If I were you I’d consider mounting claymores to the sides of your HUMGEE (”g” for golfcart). We all eagerly await your next installment!

You are a doofus, of course there is no anti-armor capabilities for golf carts, the UNIMOG was woth the anti-armor work though. We would never consider using any missles larger than our modified surplus Shrikes, Hellfires are completly out of the question. also, ourgolf carts are modified, and can take abouse alot tougher than golf balls..

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

the attackers spoke perfect Hindi, which would indicate that they are Indians rather than Pakistanis (whose national language is Urdu).

Aren’t they the same apart from the writing system?


Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist –
No. They are very similar, but Urdu is a Hindi-Arabic creole. The grammar is mostly Hindi, but the vocabulary contains a lot of Arabic (and Farsi) words. The standard greeting in Hindi is “Namaste” while in Urdu it is “Gya hal he?” as an example. There are Hindi speakers in Pakistan (Urdu is the national language as Hindi and English are in India, but both countries are multilingual), but their acents are very different from those in India (say the difference between NYC and Georgia).


Big words soar like ravens after a steady diet of Cheetos, Rambo and Heritage Foundation cash.

These are the same fuckers who said they would have tackled the Virginia Tech gunman.


I think we have armed security guards who know how to use their weapons

Actually, I believe most private security firms discourage their employees from premptively shooting people who “look like backpackers” on the street.


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Actually, I believe most private security firms discourage their employees from premptively shooting people who “look like backpackers” on the street.

And I would actively encourage private security guards, at least most of the ones I have seen, to avoid shooting at anything, living or otherwise. Pimply faced adolescents and catatonic retires do not exactly inspire confidence that way. Most of them are more reminiscent of Police Academy than Rambo.


Can’t Mr. Assrocket remember the Washington D.C. sniper from a couple of years ago? Two guys and an old car with a hole in the trunk kept people terrified for weeks before being caught, and they had no connection or support from foreign governments or well-funded terrorist organizations.

So, grow up, guy. It seems more likely by the day that these gunmen were from a group supported by our good buddies, the Pakistanis. Maybe if Bush hadn’t spent the last eight years coddling Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, the world’s two biggest supporters of Islamic terrorism, while bombing the innocent with glee in Iraq and Afghanistan, things like this would not be so common.


WortPresse –

I see someone else got Umzugged (whatever the fuck that is) as well.


re: d’Souza – my sister-in-law married an Indian from Goa named Manuel… Many of the Indian Catholic families from Goa have Portuguese names.

(and to describe India as ‘multilingual’ is like describing France as ‘producing a couple kinds of cheese’)


I am very well acquainted with people who own or manage private security firms. Being armed is a very rare assignment. Very rare, and usually only assigned to a very small elite group of individuals. Security guards’s job description is to watch over things, report, deter, or detain. They’re not supposed to be enforcers or, god forbid, commandos.

FWIW, I don’t think even armed security guards pack the kind of weaponry that would make it possible to shoot a bunch of armed gunmen across a crowded public square anyway.


Before I got Umzugged, I tried to compare the pompous idiot nitwit wingers to their earlier complaints about how all the students at Virginia Tech should have been packin’ heat and started shootin’ at each other in the hallways as soon as they ‘uz suspectin’ an armed gunman was about.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

DrDick – thanks for the language lesson.


(and to describe India as ‘multilingual’ is like describing France as ‘producing a couple kinds of cheese’)

Same is true of Pakistan. CIA World factbook lists the following languages:
Punjabi 48%, Sindhi 12%, Siraiki (a Punjabi variant) 10%, Pashtu 8%, Urdu (official) 8%, Balochi 3%, Hindko 2%, Brahui 1%, English (official; lingua franca of Pakistani elite and most government ministries), Burushaski and other 8%.


Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist –

De nada. It is what happens when you hang out with cultural anthropologists. As it happens, I have long had a mild interest in South Asia, though I am by no means an expert.


Can’t Mr. Assrocket remember the Washington D.C. sniper from a couple of years ago?

Mr. Inter-Colonic Ballistic Missile can’t remember when 19 guys brought the entire country to a screeching halt. He can’t remember that on two different occasions one person made our postal system into a death and destruction delivery system. He can’t remember anything, because where you and I have long term memory, he has Die Hard on and endless loop.

Where the hell does he live, anyway? It sure as fuck better be someplace terrorists are likely to hit.

(FWIW the Beltway Snipers were more like 6 years ago. I should be able to remember but between someone parking an airplane in the Pentagon and donning protective gear to open the mail and wondering if I’d be shot while I waited for the damn bus, that period is all kind of a blur.)


If the Indians would just execise there 2nd Amendment Rites, there’d be no terrorism. Instead, there doin just what they did when the cowboys were at war with them, not using the guns that G*d gave them. Oh right, they don’t worship our J*sus G*d, therefore there gonna loose the war against terrer (as that Admiral what’s-his-name from the Army said, “Our G*d can beat up your G*d”, and he was right).


not like, say, Bombay or Dehli.

Nitpick: Mumbai = Bombay.


Rugged –
Indian tribes did not and do not have 2nd amendment (or any other constitutional) rights because they are preconstitutional.


Dr Dick,

there are 14 official languages in India. Not two.

They certainly do eat cow in Mumbai, you just have to know where to go.


Nitpick: Mumbai = Bombay.

Next you will be telling us that Kolkata is Calcutta.


I can see it now. The terrorists stand there awestruck while I draw my legally concealed Kimber Tactial Ultra, line up the tritium sights and calmly pick them off one at a time with well-placed .45 ACP rounds.

Actually it would be more like my body is shredded by automatic weapons fire before I even get my weapon unholstered.


Earlier reports, however indicated that the attackers spoke perfect Hindi, which would indicate that they are Indians rather than Pakistanis (whose national language is Urdu).

Some of the attackers were photographed wearing red threads on their wrist, a Hindu practice… and recent investigations of a bomb attack in India that was originally pinned on Muslims turned out to be the work of a Hindu group attempting a “false flag” act to foment anti-Muslim sentiment there.


Nayagan –
I stand corrected on the languages (something I realized after I posted that). I am aware that people (mostly lower cast or Muslem and Christian) eat beef in India, though most do not. I had many Indian friends in graduate school and knew several devout upper caste Hindus who sneaked down to McDonald’s for a bit of “forbidden fruit”.


Major Kong –
Only if you are lucky.


Indian tribes did not and do not have 2nd amendment (or any other constitutional) rights because they are preconstitutional.

Another DEMONcrap lie! All humans have a 2nd Amendment Rite as it is G*d given (unless there G*d is some sort of pansy who doesn’t belive in guns).


Orange Tom –
Yeah, that was a group of the Hindu Nationalists I mentioned in mine at 21:34. At this point we really do not know anything for certain about the origins and intentions of the attackers except that the police say the one they captured is Pakistani.


The tragedy, even crisis here (probably intended) is that even if it turns out not to be true (somewhat unlikely at this point,based on reports from the tango in custody) is that there is SO much suspicion in India about the activities of ISI around the Kashmiri separatists that there is very little likelihood that they will not be considered the responsible party, regardless of the evidence that comes to light.

The only reasonable assumption is that the Indian government will embrace the conventional wisdom that some elements of the Pakistani government supported and funded this operation. So the question that follows is “what will they do about it”. A government confronted by large-scale state sponsored asymmetrical attacks really only has two choices: Covert operations to destabilize the responsible government, perhaps even to the point of regime change, or a retaliatory attack – an overt act of war.

In short. This is NOT GOOD…



CIA World factbook lists the following languages:

And that’s before you get into the regional variations and dialects… NYC vs. Georgia doesn’t even come close in some cases; it can be more like the differences between Québécois or Creole and Parisian French. We found out about a funny “who’s on first” sort of thing where one of my wife’s uncles took our son shopping one morning. The uncle is from the southern part of Kerala, and we were in the northern part; the uncle was trying to explain to the shopkeeper what my son’s name was – turns out it’s a homophone for something like “who” in one dialect of Malayalam and “him” in another. What’s his name? Who? Yes, him. No, who? That’s right, him. And so on for a few iterations…


Rugged –

Indian tribes, as preconstitutional sovereigns, have a God-given right to do whatever the fuck they want to (subject to proper approval by their legal guardian and protector, the US government as per Worchester v Georgia 1833).


It occured to me that many of you might enjoy this.

Spencer Ackerman on Kristol:

Dear Republicans: when are you going to repudiate this mad cretin? What does he offer you, really? Have you liked the Iraq war? Have you liked its contribution to losing you both houses of Congress and the presidency in a blowout? Have you liked his constant boosterism of a weak 2008 nominee? In terms of both policy and politics, how’s Kristol’s influence working for you?



A dozen dudes bring a city full of Euro-Americans to their knees (NYC, DC, Madrid, London): EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED!!!ELEVENTY!!11 LETS ROLL!!!!!

A dozed dudes bring a city full of brown people to their knees (Mumbai): STUPID SWARTHY PUSSIES DON’T EVEN EAT MEAT!!!!111

It’s really quite elegant.


protected static –

And the list was for Pakistan. As Nayagan pointed out, there are 14 official languages in India and dozens of other, smaller languages (which in India can be over a million speakers).

The CIA list for India:
Hindi 41%, Bengali 8.1%, Telugu 7.2%, Marathi 7%, Tamil 5.9%, Urdu 5%, Gujarati 4.5%, Kannada 3.7%, Malayalam 3.2%, Oriya 3.2%, Punjabi 2.8%, Assamese 1.3%, Maithili 1.2%, other 5.9%
note: English enjoys associate status but is the most important language for national, political, and commercial communication; Hindi is the national language and primary tongue of 41% of the people; there are 14 other official languages: Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Malayalam, Kannada, Oriya, Punjabi, Assamese, Kashmiri, Sindhi, and Sanskrit; Hindustani is a popular variant of Hindi/Urdu spoken widely throughout northern India but is not an official language (2001 census)


A government confronted by large-scale state sponsored asymmetrical attacks really only has two choices: Covert operations to destabilize the responsible government, perhaps even to the point of regime change, or a retaliatory attack – an overt act of war.

In short. This is NOT GOOD…

Pretty much what I was thinking.

Nightmare scenario right now is India using this as their 9/11 to justify war with Pakistan.



So, I don’t know how accurate the original story is, but let’s assume that it is. The automatic-weapon-versus-handgun argument falls pretty flat. (“Bolt-action” — really? Seriously, does anyone really think that there are cops wandering around with bolt-action rifles? Hahaha! Are you for real? Come on, admit it: you really wrote “muzzle loaders” the first time, right? Or was that “musket?”) In the panic and pandemonium created by people firing into a crowd, I doubt that anyone would notice a single handgun shooting back, and hence the “dead before he could fire the next shot” thing seems pretty unlikely.

And I really don’t buy the cops-don’t-wanna-hit-bystanders argument, either. When dudes are spraying automatic weapons fire all over the place, it seems like a pretty stupid debate. “Golly,” says the cowering cop, “I better not shoot. My single bullet might hit an innocent bystander! One that wasn’t already hit by the hundreds of bullets flying around already, I mean.”

As much as I hate the Butt Missile, I can’t say that this post added much. How about questioning the original quote instead? Seriously, isn’t it more racist to accept that Indian cops may be such withering flowers and to defend them as such, than to question some jackass who obviously has his own preconceptions? Perhaps this D’Souza creep never saw “masses of armed police who refused to shoot back” but rather only a single man. Because yeah, it also seems pretty fucking unlikely that this guy was running about from one unresisting cowering mass to the next, urgently entreating them to fight back and oblivious to the gunfire around him. Methinks he was cowering like everyone else, infuriated by his helplessness, and transferring his anger.

But yeah, Hinderaker is still a goddamn moron.


A government confronted by large-scale state sponsored asymmetrical attacks really only has two choices: Covert operations to destabilize the responsible government, perhaps even to the point of regime change, or a retaliatory attack – an overt act of war.

Yeah, destabilising a nuclear power that probably has somewhat dodgey control of it’s nukes, which could end up in the hands of extremists or even grabbed by outside powers to further the kabuki of “the war on terror”.


And I really don’t buy the cops-don’t-wanna-hit-bystanders argument, either. When dudes are spraying automatic weapons fire all over the place, it seems like a pretty stupid debate. “Golly,” says the cowering cop, “I better not shoot. My single bullet might hit an innocent bystander! One that wasn’t already hit by the hundreds of bullets flying around already, I mean.

My first thought was “Hmm…….I wonder if those cops are actually issued ammo, or are those guns there for the purpose of fear and respect only?”. Hell, there have been plenty of instances where US troops have had their ammo taken away from them to keep tense situations from getting out of control. I don’t condemn or condone this, but there are examples of it.


xyzzy – actually, yes… many of the cops in India do have bolt action rifles. India’s a lot like Israel when it comes to weaponry (if for different reasons) – they don’t throw anything away, they rebuild and upgrade.


I can see it now. The terrorists stand there awestruck while I draw my legally concealed Kimber Tactial Ultra, line up the tritium sights and calmly pick them off one at a time with well-placed .45 ACP rounds.

Yuh-huh! And their eyes would turn to Xs and they’d go *Ping!* when they fell over, just like the duckies at the shooting gallery. It’s true! I saw it in “A Christmas Story.”

And when you ran out of bullets the surviving bad guys throw away their guns and rush up to fight you hand-to-hand, but they’ll circle menacingly while you deal with them one at a time.

Then you get the girl. Unfortunately, Angelina Jolie isn’t available so you have to settle for Ann Coulter.


It’s funny how the ‘Hind’ part of Hindrocket’s name gets comedically altered to reveal its Freudian intent, but the ‘rocket’ part remains unmolested.

I therefore humbly suggest he be known as ‘Buttpenis’ from now on.


Orange Tom and xyzzy –

The Indian police in the photos I have seen seem to have been issue automatic weapons, though I did see some bolt action rifles (snipers I expect), and clearly had ammunition as I saw several exchanging fire with the attackers on TV. That aside, police in any developed country (and India qualifies here) are stringently trained not to endanger civilians. Period. It is better to let the suspects escape than to injure a single civilian. This standard is not always observed (which is why we have civilian review boards in US cities), but it remains a central part of police training. I knew a lot of cops when I lived in Chicago.


My first thought was “Hmm…….I wonder if those cops are actually issued ammo, or are those guns there for the purpose of fear and respect only?”. Hell, there have been plenty of instances where US troops have had their ammo taken away from them to keep tense situations from getting out of control. I don’t condemn or condone this, but there are examples of it.

Good point, Orange Tom.

My point was more to question Clif’s reasoning on this one. If I were unarmed (either without a weapon or with an ammo-less weapon), I am pretty confident that I’d look for cover in a situation like that. But if I were armed… who knows?

At any rate, I know a lot of cops, and they’re trained pretty well. In a situation like that, training/instinct takes over. If those Indian cops were armed, I have no doubt they’d be fighting back — which makes me doubt the first/original reporter.


there are 14 other official languages: Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Malayalam, Kannada, Oriya, Punjabi, Assamese, Kashmiri, Sindhi, and Sanskrit;
What about Romani?!


I therefore humbly suggest he be known as ‘Buttpenis’ from now on.

I actually favor “Buttweenie” myself.


xyzzy – actually, yes… many of the cops in India do have bolt action rifles. India’s a lot like Israel when it comes to weaponry (if for different reasons) – they don’t throw anything away, they rebuild and upgrade.

protected static – hey, if I’m wrong, then I stand corrected. Although I have to say, that guy looks like regular army, not police.

police in any developed country (and India qualifies here) are stringently trained not to endanger civilians. Period. It is better to let the suspects escape than to injure a single civilian.

The diff here, DrDick, is that they weren’t trying to escape. When it’s clear that they’re just wandering around killing people, I’m fairly confident that the cops would figure out that they have to do something.

At any rate, none of this obviates my single point that the original story is probably just bullshit. It was quoted by Hinderaker, after all.


What about Romani?!

1) the Rom are probably from the area that is now Pakistan
2) they pretty much all left several centuries ago
3) if they are there, they fall into that “other” category

In India, a language can have over a million speakers and represent less than .01% of the population. In Pakistan, that would be less than .1%.


Most security guards can’t be trusted with nail clippers because they’re the people who couldn’t make the cut for any of our 9,000 law enforcement agencies.
This only strengthens Mr Buttraker’s point, so long as you change his advice to the Indians from “have more security guards wandering the street” to “have more Blackwater mercenaries wandering the street”.


Mr. Inter-Colonic Ballistic Missile is too good. And ICBM is a homophone for his skivvies if he were ever caught up in something like this.

How is that no one with a concealed carry permit is ever on the scene at Luby’s, Virginia Tech, Columbine etc massacre?


In India, a language can have over a million speakers and represent less than .01% of the population. In Pakistan, that would be less than .1%.

I think your math is a bit off here, DrDick. You just implied that the population of India is over ten billion peeps. (Off by a factor of 10.)


Ssecurity Gardin’ is good work for the student. My 2 brothers & 1 sister worked their way thru college (along with loans) working as security guards at night. My husband did the same when he was working on his PhD. They have some hysterical stories about the job, and none include firearms.


I think your math is a bit off here, DrDick. You just implied that the population of India is over ten billion peeps. (Off by a factor of 10.)
You are correct. There are reasons I am not an engineer (though may father was one who did calculus in his head) and conversions to percentages in my head with a cold has never been my strong suit.


It’s funny how the ‘Hind’ part of Hindrocket’s name gets comedically altered to reveal its Freudian intent, but the ‘rocket’ part remains unmolested.

Before I got “umzug”‘ed, (which is German for removal, just for chuckles, I suppose) I was going to refer to him as Assblast.

Which I will:

You know, Assblast, terrorism handling advice is as terrorism handling advice does. Shall we do a trial run of having everyone above the age of 18 pack heat for a while? Say, in Minnesota?

Personally, I can’t wait for Granny to whip out a pistol on Gold Values day down at the Rite Aid. That’ll teach them to run out of her favorite laxative.


How is that no one with a concealed carry permit is ever on the scene at Luby’s, Virginia Tech, Columbine etc massacre?

Because it’s illegal to carry at all (unless you’re a cop) at public schools or any private place that expressly forbids it (like some stores). Of course that varies from state to state, and I dunno if it’s true in Virginia, but it was true in Colorado the last time I checked. A concealed carry permit is not a license to do whatever you want.


xyzzy – Can’t say – it’s a terrible picture – but khaki uniforms on police are pretty common in India.


The Indian police in the photos I have seen seem to have been issue automatic weapons, though I did see some bolt action rifles (snipers I expect), and clearly had ammunition as I saw several exchanging fire with the attackers on TV.

If they were issued automatic weapons, it was well into the siege, a point where even ammo-less cops would be handed a clip or two for their sidearms. Personally, I would’ve dreaded being in the shoes of those Indian cops, with chaos everywhere in an urban environment like that. Rifle bullets travel long distances and rarely find residence in a moving target…they pass through walls in a way most folks would find hard to believe, meaning that every shot has to be judged by what’s behind the target. Given my memories of the Mumbai environment, it must’ve been an ungodly mess, requiring real discipline on the part of the authorities. An old truism to keep in mind is “Sometimes the reaction can be more destructive than the action”. Given the assertion that the attackers were hoping to kill 5000 or so, the 300 or so who died were relatively small numbers (and how many of those were from stray police rounds?).


How is that no one with a concealed carry permit is ever on the scene at Luby’s, Virginia Tech, Columbine etc massacre?

Because Dirty Fucking Homo-fascists won’t allow every RealAmerican man, woman, child and schnauzer to Glocks in their socks.

You see, guns are magical things. Once you touch one you instantly know how to conduct yourself during shoot outs, terrorist attacks and other emergencies and they allow you to read minds. So not only can you make lightning-quick plans with other gun wielders including the police, but you can read the bad guys’ minds so you don’t shoot innocent bystanders. But the DFHs don’t want people to know that, they don’t want us reading each others minds, they don’t want us to stop the bad guys, they don’t want us to be Bruce Willis*. That’s why they won’t let us have guns.

I can’t believe you didn’t know that.

*I keep saying Bruce Willis. Less out of it people may substitute the Cinematic Hero du Jour. Unless it’s Keanu Reeves. Fuck that noise.


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Which proves that liberals are fascists.


“to carry

I know it isn’t WP’s fault, but FYWP, just because.


Orange Tom –

I am with you on this. I do not see how good policing guidelines anywhere would allow the police to simply open fire under these circumstances. Most of the police I saw were in fact armed with hand guns and not rifles at all.


DrDick said,

November 30, 2008 at 22:49

I therefore humbly suggest he be known as ‘Buttpenis’ from now on.

I actually favor “Buttweenie” myself.

……How about ButtWeiner?


Glocks in their socks.
Dr Seuss parody from RB in 5…4…3…2…


I do not see how good policing guidelines anywhere would allow the police to simply open fire under these circumstances.

Dunno, DrDick. In my neck of the woods, cops are justified in firing if they believe that their safety is at risk, e.g. even if someone simply points a weapon in their direction. And I live in a bastion of liberal thought, Seattle.


It might ought be recalled in these sorts of discussions that India also has to be quite cautious of over-reactions which prompt regional violence and civil uprisings.

I still think this might be closely tied to operations by bandit warlords, not what we quite think of as ‘terrorist’ movements per se.


You see, guns are magical things. Once you touch one you instantly know how to conduct yourself during shoot outs

Right. I own a Ruger .41 magnum which, except when I am up in the mountains or elsewhere in the back country, lives unloaded, broken down, with a trigger lock in the case in my closet. I know damn good and well that I would not know what to do if someone started shooting at me. Actually, I do know, because it has happened. I would immediately dive behind whatever cover is available. In the case in question, I cleared a bar from a barstool in about 2 seconds flat.


Uzis in their shoesies?


Dunno, DrDick. In my neck of the woods, cops are justified in firing if they believe that their safety is at risk, e.g. even if someone simply points a weapon in their direction. And I live in a bastion of liberal thought, Seattle.

Can’t speak to Seattle, but anywhere I know of, that is premised on having a clean line of fire, which the Mumbai cops emphatically did not have for the most part.


The time to take action on this is before they are running around the city in question with Uzis and bombs.

That’s why it was so stupid, the flak Kerry took for calling it a “law and order” problem. It is. And that’s how it is best handled.


Given that reportedly all but one of the terrorists were killed, I think we can assume that the cops were shooting back plenty. So it’s the original quote that’s most questionable, which was cherrypicked by the wingnut to justify his Die Hard fantasies.


In my role as a Sadly, No weapons wonk, I’d just like to point out that the US is virtually the only nation in the world today that still uses bolt action sniper rifles (Remington 700-based, such as M40).

Pretty much every other nation uses newer semi-auto sniper rifles such as Dragunov, HK PSG, SIG, Galil, Barrett etc. But in many cases, and in ALL cases where I saw Indian Police snipers in action in Mumbai on BBC, what people assumed are sniper rifles were actually what’s commonly referred to today as a “DMR”, a designated marksman rifle. This is an extensively modified, accurized version of an issue assault rifle, in many cases chambered for a more serious cartridge, fitted with appropriate optics.

In the 100-500 meter range you’re likely to be operating in an urban environment, Minute of Arc accuracy is not critical. The ability to shoot a two or three inch group would be sufficient, along with optics capable of allowing the shooter to ID the targets and the hostages, and differentiate between them…



And that’s how it is best handled.

Because ultimately that is what it is, a law and order problem. Police have the tools to deal with this kind of violence and these kinds of networks, which more closely resemble organized crime syndicates than armies.


Don’t mess with Hinderaker. He’s known to pack a ninie in his heinie.


Mikey –
That would be what I saw. I assumed they were snipers by their locations and actions, which seemed more targeted. Do not really think .50 caliber military sniper rifles would be very useful for policing in an urban environment. Where does the slug go after it has passed through the target and 3-4 walls/doors?


Don’t mess with Hinderaker. He’s known to pack a ninie in his heinie.

For business or pleasure?


For an OG like Hinderaker, there is no difference.


ha ha. and ha. Once again, I am so amused to hear liberals opine on the use of firearms, as if they actually know anything other than “melt them down”. You see, dummies, this would never have happened in Heartland America, with most citizens armed and able to respond in seconds with lethal force. That what keeps most cities here safe from terrorism, it’s like on flight 93… LETS ROLL.

Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade

Despite the obvious dangers of bolt action rifle toting policemen firing on automatic rifle welding terrorists, they should have taken the shot. Its there country, they know the terrain better, they could have found a way to compensate for their inferior firepower.

However, I’m not going to condemn them, I’ll save my condemnation for the Islamic terrorists who have been the scourge of the world for a millenia and a half. This just strikes right at the foundation of your moral relativist beliefs. There is no reconciliation with radical Islam. They believe that their god commands them to slay the non-beliver, there is no compromise with such a belief system.

They will not be detered from their barbaric plans by your moral relativist, “live and let live” philosophy. Savages like Islamic radicals are like brute beasts, they exist only to be slaughtered, before they slaughter you. I respect and admire President Bush, I think, for the most part, he has been a pretty good President, however he had it all wrong when he declared this struggle “the war on terrorism”, he should have declared it the war against radical Islam. It is a belief system that motivates their actions. Therefore the war should be not just against terrorism, but against the belief system itself, which is the source of their terrorism.

Not all radical muslims participate in terrorist actions, however all of them at the very least tacitly approve of their terrorist actions. As long as their is moral support for terrorism, there will always be terrorism. There are currently two major philosophies with in the Islamic religion that support terrorism. They are Wahhabism, which is the state religion of Saudi Arabia, and the Iranian version of Shi’ite Islam. All of America’s military, economic and intelligence might should be dedicated to, if not to specifically eradicating Wahhabism and Iranian Shi’ite Islam, to the very least containing them.

First, all mosques in America, which preach those brands of Islam should be shut down. I know you liberals will throw the whole, freedom of religion arguement at me, however any religion that insights treason against the host nation, is not protected by the first amendement, as the courts have repeated ruled.

And if some how containment is not possible, then it has been estimated that roughly 150 million muslims, worldwide, are radical. If that is the case, then I personally will have no moral reservations about eradicating them, if that is indeed the only way to solve this problem.

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

I think we have armed security guards who know how to use their weapons, supplemented by an unknown number of private citizens who are armed and capable of returning fire. The Indian experience shows it is vitally important that this continue to be the case.

That’s very interesting, John Hinderaker of Power Line blog.

Say, let’s see what Power Line blog has had to say on similar topics as recently as July:

I’m not suggesting that Obama would actually try to establish a domestic security force as powerful as our current military, only that deep-down it appears he wouldl [sic] like to do something of the kind. That impulse seems like a threat to our freedom regardless of whether Obama attempts to hatch the full-blown object of his fantasy.

I’m not accusing Power Line of being inconsistent, but… I’m not sure how to finish this sentence.


I assume that there have been no high-profile US cases lately of well-armed dudes running amok and killing dozens, and this is why Buttraker has been reduced to exploiting the Mumbai battle to make his recurring claim that “This is why the US needs wider ownership of guns and lower inhibitions about using them”.


I just got sonic boomed, a little while ago.

Joan Baez one day, the space shuttle the next. what an exciting life.

Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade

One of the greatest stengths to America’s security, is the second amendment. If terrorists ever attempted to take an American city hostage, they would be gunned down in a matter of minutes by angry gun-toting citizens.

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

One of the greatest stengths to America’s security, is the second amendment. If terrorists ever attempted to take an American city hostage, they would be gunned down in a matter of minutes by angry gun-toting citizens.

Really? Then how do people successfully rob banks full of presumably gun-toting customers?

Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade

The restrictions on the second amendment are un-constitutional, and should be overturned. I know you liberals are pacifists and opposed to self-defense, however it is the right of all freemen to be armed.

All federal restrictions on private gunownership, begining with the 1934 firearms act, should be overturned. Vermont currently has the most leniant gun laws in the nation, as citizens are allowed to carry a handgun, either concealed or in the open, without a permit. That’s the way it should be in all fifty states.


And I am amused to hear conservatives opine on the distribution of firearms, as if they knew anything about Law Enforcement other than what they watch on ’24’ and ‘Walker, Texas Ranger’. I can just see a bunch of wanna be heroes shouting “Wolverines” converging on a hostage situation like ants to a used Jolly Rancher. What a freaking mess that would be.

Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade

Not everyone walking into a bank, carries a gun on them. However, if Americans hear on the news about terrorists holding a city hostage, you will see many citizens with guns arriving on the scene to take back their city.

Thats what makes America such a powerful nation, not only do we have the most powerful military on the face of the earth, we also have the world’s most heavily armed citizenry.


Bad parody trolls make me cry.

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

However, if Americans hear on the news about terrorists holding a city hostage, you will see many citizens with guns arriving on the scene to take back their city.

I’d ask how, exactly, you see this scenario playing out, but I’m afraid you’d tell me.

Your ideas intrigue me, though. I’m starting to think we don’t really need a police force or a National Guard since we have armed citizens to protect the public safety.


What a freaking mess that would be.
Except for the carnage, however, there is great comedy potential in such situation. I can just see the Cornerite Commandos, the Townhall Troopers, the Malkin Monkeys and the rest storm the bastions. Would make the Keystone cops look like the Navy Seals.


According to my sources, the average Indian policeman doesn’t carry a sidearm. Almost all weapons are kept in central lockers and given to officers on an as-needed basis. Officers carry them as status symbols and are not always terribly well trained.

Police in India are typically horribly funded.

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

Scot said,

And if some how containment is not possible, then it has been estimated that roughly 150 million muslims, worldwide, are radical. If that is the case, then I personally will have no moral reservations about eradicating them, if that is indeed the only way to solve this problem.

As solutions go, that would certainly be a final one. My understanding is that when it comes to solving problems on that scale gas works more efficiently than bullets.


Your ideas intrigue me, though. I’m starting to think we don’t really need a police force or a National Guard since we have armed citizens to protect the public safety.

Iirc, Mr. O has proposed an armed, civilian counter-terror force for the USofA.

Which scares the bejeebus outta me.

Imagine the drooling, knuckledraggers and crotch-gropers of the HSA Transpo check-points fully armed and nervous?



Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade said,
December 1, 2008 at 0:05

Not everyone walking into a bank, carries a gun on them. However, if Americans hear on the news about terrorists holding a city hostage, you will see many citizens with guns arriving on the scene to take back their city.

Thats what makes America such a powerful nation, not only do we have the most powerful military on the face of the earth, we also have the world’s most heavily armed citizenry.

Here’s where we need “Woody’s Corollary” to Poe’s Law: “Absent a smiley or some other textual clue (“/snark”), it is functionally impossible to create a piece of Rightard fantasy which will not be regarded as ‘serious’ by someone…”


What a fucking idiot.


Thats what makes America such a powerful nation, not only do we have the most powerful military on the face of the earth, we also have the world’s most heavily armed paranoid and scared-shitless citizenry

Fixed your typos.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I can just see the Cornerite Commandos, the Townhall Troopers, the Malkin Monkeys and the rest storm the bastions.

That would be funny. But I think they’d consider their job to be to sit in bunkers and make bleg-posts demanding money for their service of encouraging other people to shoot some terrorists.


If terrorists ever attempted to take an American city hostage, they would be gunned down in a matter of minutes by angry gun-toting citizens.

Whoops. He was only reaching for his housekeys.


g: I always liked Joan Baez’s version of “Susanne” the best.


Your ideas intrigue me, though. I’m starting to think we don’t really need a police force or a National Guard since we have armed citizens to protect the public safety.

You are Thomas Jefferson and I am so getting you fired.

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

Yeoman farming is going to supply all our food needs too.


MzNicky, she sang “Imagine” last night. Absolutely thrilling.


Hindraker. Okay, hind=butt. raker=a scratching thing, like fingernails that rake. Therefore,


Eliminates the phallic component altogether.


anybody else here who’s ever been in a fire fight, please raise your hand?


Seriously. Clap your hands if you’ve ever fired a weapon with the earnest intention to kill another person…


Kinda what I thought…


And as for that “standing army” nonsense…


Eliminates the phallic component altogether.

Which does sort of describe Hindraker to a tee.


Plus “Buttscratcher” is less cumbersome than “ButtocksTeenyWienie.”


anybody else here who’s ever been in a fire fight, please raise your hand?

As I indicated above, I have been in places where gunfire occurred. Twice in fact. In both cases, I did what any sensible, untrained civilian does. I made for the nearest cover, in one case clearing a bar from my barstool to do so. In neither case did I see any swarms of heroes (pretty much everybody except the parties to the dispute were under tables or otherwise seeking cover) and these were Okie redneck bars where everybody owned and shot guns.


anybody else here who’s ever been in a fire fight, please raise your hand?


Seriously. Clap your hands if you’ve ever fired a weapon with the earnest intention to kill another person…

Man……………..let’s not even go there.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Okay, hind=butt. raker=a scratching thing, like fingernails that rake.

I guess we could call him Moonraker and remind everybody of a cheesy Bond flick.


What’d be really stupid is if he called himself Hindrocket.

Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade

I can see that pansy DrDick doesn’t think radical Islam poses a threat to civilization. DrDick is not only a coward for refusing to answer The Truth’s honest questions about black racism, he’s also delusional.

I guess thats what passes for a professor nowadays, one who’s willing to both ignore and rewrite the facts of history in order to condemn America and Western Civilization.


So — anyone else besides me suffering from post-Thanksgiving traumatic stress disorder? Family and food overload kind of thing?


No. They are very similar, but Urdu is a Hindi-Arabic creole.
Nonsense. Hindi and Urdu are the same language, same as American and British English are the same language. There are local differences, as in any language, and there is a difference in the origin loan words – those in Hindi tend to be of Sanskrit origin while those in Urdu of Perso-Arabic. But even that one isn’t that clear cut and thanks to movies and popular culture, many Urdu characteristics can be found in your standard Hindi as well.
Hindustani is the umbrella name used for the language of which Hindi and Urdu are two forms. In a census, language is self-reported and a lot of people chose Hindustani to avoid the association with the two religions represented by Hindi and Urdu.
Urdu is in no way a creole.


Yeoman farming Slave labor is going to supply all our food cannabis needs too.

There’s what Jefferson said and there’s what Jefferson meant.

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

So — anyone else besides me suffering from post-Thanksgiving traumatic stress disorder? Family and food overload kind of thing?

Cured the food overload problem by putting on sweats. Only precious time can cure the other.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

So — anyone else besides me suffering from post-Thanksgiving traumatic stress disorder?

Not I – my family has mostly died off or moved away and those left all get along pretty well and approach holidays with moderation. We’re kind of boring.

I’ve been there, though.

Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade

Alright DrDick, if Islam is really a religion of peace, and doesn’t pose a danger to Western Civilization, then how come almost all terrorist attacks in modern memory are committed by muslims?

How come no prominent muslim religious leader condemned 9/11 or terrorism in general?

How come, there are no widespread demonstrations against terrorism coming from supposedly peaceful muslims?

If you can answer these question fairly and honestly, then I will retract my previous comment refering to you as a coward.


humm.. this post upwards some ways gave me an idea about how to solve the entire law- enforcement dilemma.

The Indian police in the photos I have seen seem to have been issue automatic weapons, though I did see some bolt action rifles (snipers I expect), and clearly had ammunition as I saw several exchanging fire with the attackers on TV. That aside, police in any developed country (and India qualifies here) are stringently trained not to endanger civilians. Period. It is better to let the suspects escape than to injure a single civilian. This standard is not always observed (which is why we have civilian review boards in US cities), but it remains a central part of police training. I knew a lot of cops when I lived in Chicago.

So, I mean, what the hell – let the States handle it. Everyone voting for pretty dictation machines and mythical and violent paternal love can have a private militia instead of police. And the rest can spend money on training and supporting a police- force.. you know, along with a justice- system, or something.

I think we all know who is going to have the last laugh then!


woody, tokin librul said,

December 1, 2008 at 0:34 (kill)

anybody else here who’s ever been in a fire fight, please raise your hand?



Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Lordy, I haven’t had to add anyone to the piefilter for awhile – it’s not like the runup to the election when various concern-troll Moms were popping up all over along with a bunch of other little flying monkeys.

So thanks, Crusade guy, for the opportunity.


So — anyone else besides me suffering from post-Thanksgiving traumatic stress disorder? Family and food overload kind of thing?

I just moved from Boston to San Francisco, so I spent the holiday sleeping on a mattress in a temporary sublet, eating a turkey footlong from Subway. Then one of my teeth noticed that I am between jobs and without insurance and decided to puff up the right side of my face like a pumpkin.

So all of the elements were there, it just didn’t come together as I would have liked.


Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist –

So what exactly is this killfilter thingee anyway and how does it work? Sounds like it might save some scrolling and the need for eyewash.


Seriously, folks, we need some sort of trollwiki, I’m can no longer tell the real ones from the fake ones. But just in case Commander etc. etc. is indeed a real one:
How come no prominent muslim religious leader condemned 9/11 or terrorism in general?
Lookie here.


You can find two versions of the script in the right-hand sidebar at my URL. Requires Firefox and Greasemonkey.


So — anyone else besides me suffering from post-Thanksgiving traumatic stress disorder? Family and food overload kind of thing?

Nope. What little of my family that is left lives about 1600 miles away and, since I had a cold, I cooked a rather modest meal for myself.

Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade

Thank you bulbul, that was all I was asking for.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

DrDick – the piefilter is not the same thing as the killfile people have recently been discussing. I think the killfile removes troll comments entirely, while the piefilter just replaces what they type with “I like pie!” or whatever other message you want.

There’s a concise writeup of installing the piefilter here; I’ve never used the killfile.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Oh yes, and like his Majesty above said, the piefilter requires Firefox.


Does the greasemonkey go in the pie? I wouldn’t like that.

Scottish crusaders? They would be the ones back in Calais saying “Ye go right on, Jim, we’ll catch up wi’ ya soon”


Thank you bulbul, that was all I was asking for.

So, basically, you’re incapable of using Teh Google™ yourself?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Does the greasemonkey go in the pie? I wouldn’t like that.

It does, but it’s OK. The trolls are the ones eating all the pie.


That there killfile thingamadoodle I couldn’t figure out. The pie script gets boring. I’ve decided it’s more entertaining to just peek at whatever horseshit the blitherers are blathering about and then scroll on through. Doesn’t matter if they’re real or fake; they all get the scroll treatment from moi. Except for RUGGED. He’s a gas.


Can’t I just blame it on the bossa nova?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Except for RUGGED. He’s a gas.

Agreed. I just piefilter the really annoying ones. But since I’ve been compiling my troll list for a few years, that means there are several dozen pie-likers listed.


..and of course, if the filter doesn’t filter out the responses (of those who respond …and shame on them!!), it does lead to a bit of incoherence (er, a bit more incoherence)


Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade:/If you can answer these question fairly and honestly, then I will retract my previous comment refering to you as a coward.

Oh, oh! That is so clever – tricking the man into either answering the question with the truth you know, or else being disingenuous. You’re a genius, man!

…sigh. This used to be so much more /fun/ before the 11th of November, you know? Then the righties would go “huh! You can’t challenge my arguments, we are in the majority, and that makes everything I say right (as long as I parrot the GOP talking points, which are given by God unto man. White Christian man and everyone who agrees with Him, more specifically). And then get flustered and embarrassed on your behalf for not knowing the code.

Now they’ll just say – “oh, well – the world (literally the world) has been taken over by pussies and socialist marxist tyrranous mothers. And ONLY I know the real truth and hold in my mind the true PATH to salvation for Mankind (more specifically, etc..).

Amd I mean, that’s not even funny, is it. Obviously I can laugh at disabled people giving themselves a black eye trying to practice their softball- serves, of course – but this is… *tcchh*….


Is Mr. Buttraker’s pee-stain getting bigger? I swear it’s spread since this thread started.

I am in such desperate need of a life.


Perhaps I’m not alone (I hope not!), but I didn’t even notice the stain til you mentioned it – I can see I’ve a lot to learn!


ckc (not kc): Alas, that is the real problem. I am forced to scroll through troll respondees as well.


I actually use both. I like idiots like the truth to tell me of their love of fruit-filled pastry deserts, but when something nasty suddenly gets tracked in the house, getting annoying, unpleasant obnoxiousness all over the carpet, I like to be able just to bang the kill command.

If they stick around long enough, I’ll put ’em in the piefilter…



It’s not looking like someones face is it??

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Then the righties would go “huh! You can’t challenge my arguments, we are in the majority, and that makes everything I say right…

Yeah! And they could pretend they had some sort of influence over things, like when Bart Simpson commanded his dog to sniff another dog’s butt at the obedience school.

That was fun, but I don’t miss it all that much. Partly because it isn’t really gone; it’s still doing the corpse-sitting-up-and-farting kind of stuff.


Pardon me while I amuse myself in this torrent of troll-shit.



Thank you, we now return you to your pie already in regress.


It’s not looking like someones face is it??



I am in such desperate need of a life.


I know. I’m making cookies, watching the raiders/chiefs game and writing funny country and western lyrics.

All over the world, men of power and distinction wish they were me…



Mocking the trolls is one of the best things about S,N! Why would you want to filter them out?


That there killfile thingamadoodle I couldn’t figure out.
You and me both. *sigh* Just have to keep investin in eyewash I guess.


mikey: That actually sounds pretty good. Me? I’m finding Jesus in the pee stain on Hindrocket’s pants.

What kind of cookies?


it does lead to a bit of incoherence (er, a bit more incoherence)

Nah. Probably more coherent only reading the one side.


Nonsense. Hindi and Urdu are the same language, same as American and British English are the same language.
Wikipedia sides with Bulbul and sez that teh grammar is practically identical.

The Pie script can be customised. Today the trolls are all telling me how much they like black pudding.


“Today the trolls are all telling me how much they like black pudding.”
That’d be the Olthwaite trolls.


Loneoak: I’m all in favor of mocking wingtards. I take exception to trolls’ persistent taunting of the regulars (and hereby salute their fortitude in not taking the bait) and then taking over a thread.


I take exception to trolls’ persistent taunting of the regulars

And doing it so lamely.


…You can also make the messages troll-specific, like this:
if (k == 0) nextSib.innerHTML = ‘I like Black Pudding.’
else nextSib.innerHTML = ‘I like pie.’;


Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
Yeah! And they could pretend they had some sort of influence over things, like when Bart Simpson commanded his dog to sniff another dog’s butt at the obedience school.

Lol! Exactly! You’ve seen the TV- series, too?! I swear to god, it’s the craziest thing I ever saw.

Yeah.. that last season is going to stay livid in my memory for a long time. Oh, happy days.


if (k == 0) nextSib.innerHTML = ‘I like Dingle Schnitzel.’
else nextSib.innerHTML = ‘I like Dingleberry pie.’;


Wikipedia sides with Bulbul

Yes, I stand corrected on the creolization thing. As I mentioned, this is not my area of expertise. The linguists do seem to be arguing about whether they are one or two languages (they do like to argue). Minimally fairly divergent dialects. I was basing my statements in part on what my Indian and Pakistani friends in graduate school said.


I started with a good old fashioned chocolate chip cookie recipe I like. Except I had leftover pecans from T-Giving, so I used those instead of walnuts. Then I hit ’em with a good shot of cinnamon and vanilla extract. And a couple firm shakes of cayenne pepper. Cayenne tends to make magic with anything sweet. The incas told me that when I was helping them out with their Pizarro problem in 1524.

I also like to pack the dough in a fairly small pan pretty thick and cook ’em slow so the edges don’t burn while the middle is firming up. Then I cool ’em and cut ’em into bars. A non-trad look, but it yields a thick, soft, chewy cookie more reliably than trying to get the little discs right…



The only problem with getting any humor value out of that guy is that he literally *has no idea what he’s talking about*. For me, that’s no fun. It would be like arguing with a crazy guy on the street.


Personally, I am in process of getting dinner started. Fixing a burghul pilaf with pinenuts, onion, cilantro, parsley and mint. Will have steamed broccoli and a ribeye with it.


My current project is to edit the pie-script so that as well as trolls, it will also recognise the names of some of the regulars*, and splice in HTML tags so as to change the colour and font of their comment.
At least I’m not using the blink tag.

* Or the URL in the case of certain regulars whose names are Legion.


Mocking the trolls is one of the best things about S,N! Why would you want to filter them out?

In some cases because they’re completely fucking boring and non-stop: the pie script first came about when I was moaning about annieangel, who people seem to miss but would post like crazy.

Some people I filter aren’t trolls but just tend to write things I don’t want to read – among those things are responses to trolls that aren’t interesting or funny.


@mikey: there was an article in the NYT recently about making the perfect chocolate-chip cookie. The secret? Letting the dough rest in the fridge for up to three days. We don’t bake cookies often, but next time we do, we’re trying the and-on-the-third-day-we-baked approach.


Any chocolate-chip cookie dough that isn’t baked immediately I eat raw. Three days? No way.


Any chocolate-chip cookie dough that isn’t baked immediately I eat raw

This is why there is never any chocolate chip cookie dough (or chocolate chip cookies for that matter). I do not want to weigh 300 pounds and look like Jonah the Whale or Gimme Sammich.


DrDick said,

December 1, 2008 at 1:55

Goddamnittohell and back that should read:
“This is why there is never any chocolate chip cookie dough (or chocolate chip cookies for that matter) in my house.


I was basing my statements in part on what my Indian and Pakistani friends in graduate school said.

At least they SAID they were in graduate school.


At least they SAID they were in graduate school.

This was 20-30 years ago.


The wingnut fantasy life is so vivid. It somewhat reminds me of when I’m watching a football game, and I’m shouting “What’s wrong with you guys? You can’t punch it in from the 1-yard line? What are you, gutless???”.

The difference being, of course, that I fully recognize the fact that I’m living vicariously, and after I’ve had a chance to calm down, I realize the folly of what I said. Oh, and plus, it’s not literally a matter of life and death.


Oooo! Oooo! Just figured out how that killfile thingeemadoodle works. It’s magic! No more eyewash needed and saves wear and tear on the scrolling fingers.


In some cases because they’re completely fucking boring and non-stop: the pie script first came about when I was moaning about annieangel, who people seem to miss but would post like crazy.

I should add here that the saviour of Sadly, No! for me was ImJohnGalt, who gave my whine some kick. Thank you once again, O noble free man.

Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade

Face it liberals, radical Islam is a threat to Western Civilization. I know you guys hate Western Civilization and consider it and everything it represents to be the source of all evil. But can you at least admit that Islam will not serve you any better, and that you have a vested interest in seeing radical Islam defeated?

America is a Christian nation, our laws and our constitution are based on the Bible. However, nobody is forced to go to church. Even though the majority of Americans are devout Christians, you are free to be as irreligious as you want. Nobody will prevent you from being irreligious.

However, do you honestly believe that you will be afforded the same rights under Islam? You say radical Islam poses no threat to Western Civilization, therefore I presume you don’t believe in fighting back against terrorism. If everyone believed as you liberals believe, than the radical muslims would not be resisted, they would be free to walk into the White House and the Capitol and establish there Islamic theocracy without a fight.

Do you honestly believe you wouldn’t be forced to convert to Islam at gun point? There are no Christian Pastors or Priests who call for forced conversions. In fact, under Christianity, forced conversions would be impossible. In order to be a Christian, one must make a personal choice, a sincere profession of faith in Jesus Christ. I somehow find it doubtful, that a profession of faith made under the barrel of a gun would be sincere.

Islam makes no such distinctions. You would be forced at gun point to convert, or you would be killed. You would be forced to grow your beards, pray five times a day, and to attend mosque every friday. Not to mention be forced to fast for the month of Ramadan. One of the greatest things about Christianity is that, no one is forced to do anything they don’t want to do. No Christians believe in forcing peope to attend Church services, or to pray, or to live a Christ like life. Under radical Islam, there is no freedom, only slavery. I hope you liberals enjoy being forced into the Islamic religion. Thats exactly what would be allowed to happen if this entire country were made up of pacifists such as your selves.


*shrug* I’m just sayin’ what they was sayin’… Three days seemed to be a small price for superlative cookies.


a football game […] it’s not literally a matter of life and death.
FSM knows, it’s far more important than that.


One of the greatest stengths to America’s security, is the second amendment. If terrorists ever attempted to take an American city hostage, they would be gunned down in a matter of minutes by angry gun-toting citizens.

Yeah, like when Boston wet its collective pants and the entire city shut down because some cartoon characters on a lite-bright were flipping them the bird.


I just want to know if there’s a sura prohibiting the consumption of chocolate chip cookies. Gingerbread men I could see being prohibited, what with that whole graven images thing, but I’m thinking chocolate chip cookies are probably a-ok, regardless of how long you let the dough rest in the fridge.


…cartoon characters on a lite-bright

This still makes me laugh – a classic!

Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade

Good G*d, that show Aquateen is retarded.

I’m generally not in favor of big government, but if government decides to ban that stupid program, I’m all for it. /s (partly)


a football game […] it’s not literally a matter of life and death.
FSM knows, it’s far more important than that.

See the 1969 Soccer War between El Salvador and Honduras.


I think the problem with Hindlicker is that he thinks he’s this guy.

Ok, one of the problems.


Good G*d, that show Aquateen is retarded.

I hope you can see this because I’m doing it as hard as I’ve ever done it before. E=


Another Kiwi at 1:32:

“Today the trolls are all telling me how much they like black pudding.”
That’d be the Olthwaite trolls.

Ripping Yarns FTW.


Hey, let’s play with the troll!

Face it liberals, radical Islam is a threat to Western Civilization.

Actually, monotheistic extremism is the threat, whatever imaginary sky daddy they choose to worship.

I know you guys hate Western Civilization and consider it and everything it represents to be the source of all evil.

And so the Commandante erects the usual strawman argument, and goes on arguing with it as if it existed. Sorry, Commandante, nobody here “hates Western Civilization”. In fact, to paraphrase Ghandi, I personally think it would be a good idea.

But can you at least admit that Islam will not serve you any better, and that you have a vested interest in seeing radical Islam defeated?

See, since you’re trying to argue with somebody (who, I don’t know) who hates Western Civilization, I can’t answer that.

But out of curiosity, how do you recommend going about “defeating” this radical Islam of which you speak? Nuking all the Muslim countries? The Ann Coulter final solution: “Bomb their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity?” I keep asking this of guys like you and Truthie, but I never get a solid answer to the question: exactly what does “defeating Islam” entail? Be specific, like Coulter was.

America is a Christian nation, our laws and our constitution are based on the Bible.

Sorry, Bunkie, but no. The Constitution nowhere mentions the Bible. The Treaty of Tripoli specifically stated, “The United States government is in no wise founded upon Christian doctrine,” unanimously passed by the Senate and signed by President John Adams.

However, nobody is forced to go to church. Even though the majority of Americans are devout Christians, you are free to be as irreligious as you want. Nobody will prevent you from being irreligious.

They will, however, prevent gay people who belong to the Glide Memorial Methodist Church in San Francisco from getting married in their church, a church that believes in freedom of marriage.

However, do you honestly believe that you will be afforded the same rights under Islam? You say radical Islam poses no threat to Western Civilization, therefore I presume you don’t believe in fighting back against terrorism. If everyone believed as you liberals believe, than the radical muslims would not be resisted, they would be free to walk into the White House and the Capitol and establish there Islamic theocracy without a fight.

How many ways can you be wrong in a single paragraph? Let’s see…

The chances of a mass of AK-47 toting Taliban tribesman marching into Washington DC and staging a successful coup of the US Government are somewhere around the chances of DC being hit by an asteroid. So no, I don’t think that’s a threat, unless you’re a paranoid, pants-pissing coward. Are you?

The way to resist terrorism of any kind, from any source, is to treat it like any other kind of organized crime. You fight it with police work, undercover agents, high technology, and more to the point, by “draining the swamp”. If we stop buy oil from Saudi Arabia, we deny money to a wide swath of terror organizations. So our energy independence is a prime method of fighting terrorism.

Do you honestly believe you wouldn’t be forced to convert to Islam at gun point? There are no Christian Pastors or Priests who call for forced conversions. In fact, under Christianity, forced conversions would be impossible. In order to be a Christian, one must make a personal choice, a sincere profession of faith in Jesus Christ. I somehow find it doubtful, that a profession of faith made under the barrel of a gun would be sincere.

See above. The rest of this message is more paranoid pants-pissing.

Go change your shorts, Commandante.


Hey guys.

Let’s not.

And say we did…



Mikey –

I agree. Love that killfile. Download it and a little (kill) button appears by each post. Clickit and it asks if you want to add the troll to your killfile. Click yes and no more Commander Codpiece. Saves me from my inner pedagogue. A problem with being a teacher who loves his job is that you always want to seize the teachable moment, even with uneducables like Troofie and the Commander. Now now problems and no need for eyewash from reading their drivel.

Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade

Joe Max, my delusional liberal friend, as for your comment about the Treaty of Tripoli, proving that America is not a Christian Nation, well, they say around here, Sadly No.


Good G*d, that show Aquateen is retarded.

Takes a retard not to get the absurdity.

And stop calling yourself a Scotsman, you cracker shitheel.


I can just see the Cornerite Commandos, the Townhall Troopers, the Malkin Monkeys and the rest storm the bastions.

Only if the bastions stood between them and safety.

Yeah, like when Boston wet its collective pants and the entire city shut down because some cartoon characters on a lite-bright were flipping them the bird.

Holy shit, I’d forgotten all about that and now I’m laughing so hard the cats have stalked out the room in disgust.

I have not watched ATHF in a while and that is a shame.


Good G*d, that show Aquateen is retarded.

Takes a retard not to get the absurdity.

Ditto that. You’ve got a pretty sad case of Grouchy Old Bastardism going if you don’t think a hip-hop dancing, talking meatball who cavorts with an animated, floating helping of french fries and a crazed shake to be absurdly funny.

Dude needs to get off the innert00bs, return to his porch rocker, and resume whittling.


My theory is that Shake is Evil Cosby.

Yeah, like I’m going to believe a bunch of construction workers on the subject of America’s origins.


The things we forget.

Tim Curry.

That was fun….


Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade

I personally believe that “Meatwad” is the most idiotic fictional character in the history of entertainment, the possible exception being the dog Brian from Family Guy.

Neither one of those programs is funny. My favorite cartoon show by far is South Park. South Park is so politically incorrect, its brilliant. I hate all things pollitically correct, which is why I find South Park so appealing.

Eric Cartman is absolutely awesome. That episode with the ginger kids was a classic.


Damn you mikey! You need to put up a warning for links like that. Now I need to go find the brain bleach.


That’d be the Olthwaite trolls.

Nothin’ wrong with a black pudding if even the white bits are black!

Guess who’s got a new shovel, then?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

1/31/08 Never Forget!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

1/31/07, I mean.

I forgot.


The linguists do seem to be arguing about whether they are one or two languages
And I don’t expect the matter will be resolved any time soon. Unless we just wrap it up by quoting one of the greats (possibly Max Weinreich): “A languague is a dialect with an army and a navy.”

(they do like to argue)
Indeed we do.

So what’s the deal with Commander? Based on his characterization of South Park, I call an excellent parody.


The secret? Letting the dough rest in the fridge for up to three days. We don’t bake cookies often, but next time we do, we’re trying the and-on-the-third-day-we-baked approach.

You don’t need to wait that long — as long as the dough is chilled all the way through, and you put them into the oven without letting them warm up to room temperature beforehand, you’ll get cookies that have crispy edges and squishy/chewy middles, if that’s what you like. It’s just like making sugar cookies, or anything else found under the heading ‘refrigirator cookies’.

Interesting Addition: sunflower seeds add an unusual but not unpleasant flavor to chocolate chip cookies, and make a decent substitute for walnuts or pecans. Plus the salt brings out the sweet, which is nice.


The things we forget.

Oh, damn you had to go there and now I got to pull it out on you!


Oh, damn you had to go there and now I got to pull it out on you!

I ain’t going there. Once is enough for one noght.


Goddam, but we had some fun in them days.

You could dress all crazy, drugs weren’t bad, and gender was whatever you wanted it to be…


Yep, I see how

As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion as it has in itself no character of enmity [hatred] against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen [Muslims] and as the said States [America] have never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

totally =

it simply assured the Muslims that the United States was not a Christian nation like those of previous centuries (with whose practices the Muslims were very familiar) and thus would not undertake a religious holy war against them.

So in your reading, the founders really wanted a Christian theocracy, they were just too afraid to say so because then the scary Mooslim pirates might kidnap them. So they craftily made it seem like they were creating a secular state, while they were secretly fingers-crossed-behind-backs sending telepathic messages to the future explaining that “not in any sense” actually means “in our very own special sense”


“Guess who’s got a new shovel, then?”

Not a Spear and Jackson ???


You could dress all crazy, drugs weren’t bad, and gender was whatever you wanted it to be…

I don’t remember…. but I am still trying to figure out how I wound up with pierced ears.


You could dress all crazy, drugs weren’t bad, and gender was whatever you wanted it to be…

~presses “play” on Rocky Horror Picture Show DVD~


OK, the trolls have now become so cartoonish they’re insulting cartoon characters in hopes of getting attention.

They should have paced themselves during the Bush Years because now they’ve shot their wads, jumped the sharks and rung down the bleedin’ choir invisible. This, is a dead troll.


~presses “play” on Rocky Horror Picture Show DVD~

I was thinking Velvet Goldmine

Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade

Pedestrian, before you decided to attack me as an “idiot”, did you even bother to read the actual quotes from the Founding Fathers themselves and the accompaning footnotes, which were all throughout the article?

I sense you simply want to deny the fact that America was founded as a Christian nation, in order to justify your own secular leftist political ideology,which doesn’t hold weight when presented with the cold hard facts of history.


Ugh, happens every time. I spot a sexy new troll from across the room and he’s doing something so cute I just have to go say hello. Then before I know it he’s exposed in the harsh morning light, yammering on about the most inane topics, and making plans for brunch with me and his equally boring friends.

Why oh why can’t I just leave them where I find them?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Not a Spear and Jackson ???

Sadly, they don’t seem to make the brass-handled No. 3 anymore. Still some goodies, tho.


…perhaps instead of “I like pie.” the script should be “Hey, sailor! New in town?”


You could dress all crazy, drugs weren’t bad, and gender was whatever you wanted it to be…
Maybe so, but you couldn’t use Greasemonkey to turn a comment thread into a Tequila hangover by showing each of the regulars’ contributions in a different colour.


…perhaps instead of “I like pie.” the script should be “Hey, sailor! New in town?”

I think I prefer “I blow goats,” but then I really am enjoying the silence afforded by the killfile. Maybe if they weren’t so chattery I could go with the pie file.


Am I right to assume that there is also a company called Shovel & Jackson, who make spears?


you couldn’t use Greasemonkey to turn a comment thread into a Tequila hangover

Hmmmm. That has potential. How pray tell does one accomplish this feat?


yields a thick, soft, chewy cookie more reliably than trying to get the little discs right…

Bar cookies rock, and yet seem to be a neglected sub-genre of cookies, all people know are brownies.

Blondies, for instance, a great favorite. I’ll have to make them myself, but ’tis the season.

‘Night all.


I was thinking Velvet Goldmine

Baby’s on fire…


Velvet Goldmine

That was one of those movies that felt like someone else’s fantasy, clearly made for an audience of people not like me. Like every movie without explosions and car chases.

Commander of the Scottish Bedwetting Contingent during the First Crusade

I’m scared.

And nobody pays any attention to me.

Oops. I pooped myself.


I modified the Pie script. I’m sure it could be done within the framework of the Killfile script instead, but I’m new to this.
So the Bimler Research Laboratories version of the Pie script edits the HTML code in the usual way, checking each comment against the list designated trolls and replacing it if necessary. Then it goes through a 2nd list of designated regulars. If a comment meets the criteria then the script walks through its linked list of paragraphs, editing each one. Like this:

if (p[i].innerHTML.match(regularlist[k])) // this is a Regular post
// find the first [p] tag of the comment
var nextSib = p[i].nextSibling;
var pctr = 0;
while (nextSib || pctr < 2 )
if (nextSib.nodeName == ‘P’)
if (pctr == 1) // this is the first [p] tag of the comment
nextSib.innerHTML = ‘[font color=red]’ + nextSib.innerHTML;
restofMessage = nextSib.nextSibling;
while (restofMessage) // – need to delete the rest of the comment
restofMessage.innerHTML = ‘[font color=red]’ + restofMessage.innerHTML;
restofMessage = restofMessage.nextSibling
nextSib = nextSib.nextSibling;


Why oh why can’t I just leave them where I find them?

Aw, don’t be hard on yourself, Pedestrian. There’s a visceral thrill in poking the hornets’ nest to see what it does.


Baby’s on fire…

I see “Needles in the Camel’s Eye” on that soundtrack, but not that BOF. Regardless, “Here Come the Warm Jets” is a great fucking album.


There’s a visceral thrill in poking the hornets’ nest to see what it does.

We just need fresher nests. Ours tend to crumble into cobwebs and hornet poo.


Well, I’ve got an hour to kill and happen to read a lot of Adams, Jefferson, and Madison… After just glancing through the Wallbuilders article, I noticed Barton continues his convenient omissions. For example, after the “human nature” section John Adams went on to write:

Now I will avow, that I then believed, and now believe, that those general Principles of Christianity, are as eternal and immutable, as the Existence and Attributes of God; and that those Principles of Liberty, are as unalterable as human Nature and our terrestrial, mundane System. I could therefore safely say, consistently with all my then and present Information, that I believed they would never make Discoveries in contradiction to these general Principles. In favour of these general Principles in Phylosophy, Religion and Government, I could fill Sheets of quotations from Frederick of Prussia, from Hume, Gibbon, Bolingbroke, Reausseau and Voltaire, as well as Newton and Locke: not to mention thousands of Divines and Philosophers of inferiour Fame.

John Adam’s certainly concluded the American Revolution was grounded in “rational” Christianity, but his theistic rationalism meant human reason is the highest revelation from God, not the Bible. Let us look at his reasoning on reason, revelation, and the Trinity.

The human Understanding is a revelation from its Maker which can never be disputed or doubted. There can be no Scepticism, Pyrrhonism or Incredulity or Infidelity here. No Prophecies, no Miracles are necessary to prove this celestial communication. This revelation has made it certain that two and one make three; and that one is not three; nor can three be one. We can never be so certain of any Prophecy, or the fulfillment of any Prophecy; or of any miracle, or the design of any miracles as We are, from the revelation of nature i.e. natures God that two and two are equal to four. Miracles or Prophecies might frighten Us out of our Witts; might scare us to death; might induce Us to lie; to say that We believe that 2 and 2 make 5. But We should not believe it. We should know the contrary.

Adams’ and many other founders’ Christianity is not the Biblical conservative evangelical version, and when Barton conflates them, he comes precariously close to bearing false witness.


Curt Wild & Brian Slade play “Baby’s on Fire” in the first scene after they start, ahem, collaborating… It should be on the soundtrack if it isn’t.


Oh, and as to the snotchos…

Does that mean we’re going back to the spooge-cookbook?


ThreeBulls! is having a concern troll Olympics.

I wonder if I could get away with just posting some comments from this thread?


Back on topic:

In the first wave of the attacks, two young gunmen armed with assault rifles blithely ignored more than 60 police officers patrolling the city’s main train station and sprayed bullets into the crowd.

Bapu Thombre, assistant commissioner with the Mumbai railway police, said the police were armed mainly with batons or World War I-era rifles and spread out across the station.

“They are not trained to respond to major attacks,” he said.

The gunmen continued their rampage outside the station. They eventually ambushed a police van, killed five officers inside — including the city’s counterterrorism chief — and hijacked the vehicle as two wounded officers lay bleeding in the back seat.

“The way Mumbai police handled the situation, they were not combat ready,” said Jimmy Katrak, a security consultant. “You don’t need the Indian army to neutralize eight to nine people.”

From the AP.


Takes a retard not to get the absurdity.

First time I watched Aquateen I was tripping balls on mushrooms. Great times.

South Park’s anti-PC element is sometimes really funny, sometimes excruciatingly pedantic. They occasionally forget the purpose of satire.


A problem with being a teacher who loves his job is that you always want to seize the teachable moment, even with uneducables like Troofie and the Commander. Now now problems and no need for eyewash from reading their drivel.

“When I tell any truth it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those who do.” — William Blake


Seriously, does anyone really think that there are cops wandering around with bolt-action rifles?

Quite possible. I saw a lot of Turkish security forces carrying bolt-action Mauser rifles when I was there.


“When I tell any truth it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those who do.” — William Blake

I don’t actually require someone to defend me against trolls. Thanks though.


I sense you simply want to deny the fact that America was founded as a Christian nation, in order to justify your own secular leftist political ideology,which doesn’t hold weight when presented with the cold hard facts of history.

That’s odd. You’d think they would have, you know, mentioned God or Christ at least once in the US Constitution, which is the basis of our entire government.

It’s an amazingly secular document, especially by 18th century standards. The religious conservatives of the 19th century maligned it as the “Godless Constitution”. They also believed that the Civil War was divine punishment for not having declared a Christian nation.


If you give it a moment (as I just did) you’ll realize that the Indian “policemen” (& I’ll bet they are all men) at the train station are probably at about the same level as the typical U. S. security guard, except that they’re gummint employees.

Mostly a show of force, or the “Security Theater” that some guy (Weisberg?) has written a book or magazine article about & has been talking up on the radio.


Major Kong –

Now don’t go trying to confuse them with facts, they just bounce right off and leave no impression whatsoever. I much prefer the killfile.


bulbul said,
December 1, 2008 at 1:01

Seriously, folks, we need some sort of trollwiki, I’m can no longer tell the real ones from the fake ones. But just in case Commander etc. etc. is indeed a real one:
How come no prominent muslim religious leader condemned 9/11 or terrorism in general?
Lookie here.

This might help.


Quite possible. I saw a lot of Turkish security forces carrying bolt-action Mauser rifles when I was there.

Haven’t we gotten past the “I saw…” argument as a serious debate argument at this point?

Yeah, I saw a UFO and seven bigfoots and a yeti fighting al Qaeda.


A bit of perspective from those PC pro-Arab surrendercrat Frenchies in an editorial in a daily Israeli Jewish newspaper:

Israeli officials who earn their living from defense contracting and security consultations were quick to criticize India’s security forces and to dish out advice on how to deal with terrorist attacks. An outstanding example was Minister Rafi Eitan, who blamed the Indians’ shoddy preparation for such scenarios. This is the same Eitan who, during his service in the Israeli defense establishment, embroiled Israel in the Pollard affair, tripping up the Jewish spy in a case that got him a life sentence. Eitan could learn a thing or two from the Indian home minister, who oversees most of his country’s security agencies. He resigned from his post after accepting responsibility for the lack of prior intelligence on the terrorist cell as well as for the slow response to the attack…

…It is more convenient to recall the 1976 Entebbe rescue operation than to remember the very same, vaunted Sayeret Matkal unit storming a school in Ma’alot, which had been taken over by a group of terrorists two years earlier. The operation left 22 children dead.

Less than one year later, the attempt by Sayeret commandos to rescue hostages held in Tel Aviv’s Savoy Hotel left eight civilians dead, and also cost the lives of paratroop brigade commander Uzi Yairi and Sayeret soldier Itamar Ben David. In October 1994, the soldier Nachshon Wachsman was killed as Sayeret Matkal forces broke into the house where he was being held hostage by terrorists. IDF Captain Nir Poraz was killed in the operation and seven soldiers were wounded. Meanwhile, Gilad Shalit has been held captive for over two years just a few kilometers from the heart of the country…

Terrorist attacks are a cause for sorrow and rage, not for arrogant statements and impossible ideas.

I don’t know what world these damn wimpy, out of touch, arugula-eating Israelis are living in, but we Amurkans have shown that terrorist attacks are the best possible prompt for arrogant statements and impossible ideas.


I don’t quite get you xyzzy.

I spent a lot of time at Incirlik AFB.

After the first month or so you start noticing little things, like what kind of rifles the sentries are carrying, just out of sheer mindless boredom. And there was a LOT of sheer mindless boredom.


No offense Major Kong, but the point is that personal experience is no substitute for journalism. So you lived on an AFB? Well, good. The rifles that foreign sentries carry at an american base are not representative of what the police in the streets are carrying, though.

Which is not to say that you’re not right. Who knows, you might be, and I’m certainly not the one prove it. But I’ll continue to be skeptical until someone shows me a picture of an indian cop (who doesn’t look like regular army in a helmet) with a bolt-action rifle.


But I’ll continue to be skeptical until someone shows me a picture of an indian cop (who doesn’t look like regular army in a helmet) with a bolt-action rifle.

You might want to read the press report from the AP posted by M. Bouffant at 5:11 above.


Okay, you’re right and I’m wrong, DrDick. It’s true: Indian police are cowards and sycophants. All hail Hinderaker.


Smut: nice script.

There are a couple of problems with the pie/killfile idea: many people don’t use Firefox, and it’s based on commenter names. A better solution could be provided in the blog software itself.

I’m not familiar with WordPress but I imagine that it does track the server environment variable, REMOTE_ADDR, for every comment. It’s unreasonable to require public disclosure of that IP but page generation could certainly skip inclusion of comments from any particular IP without disclosing that address. Individual preferences could then be cookied, indexing into a server-side MySQL table.


Skeptical Cat is skeptical


It’s true: Indian police are cowards and sycophants.

Not what I said or implied in any way. Merely an observation that the Indian police were inadequately armed with batons, service revolvers, and bolt action rifles. Their actions make perfect sense given what they had to work with.

Bear in mind that while India has made tremendous progress in the past 50 years, it is still in many ways a relatively poor country (compared to the US, Britain, or Israel). They are modernizing as fast as they can, but there are significant fiscal restraints.


There are a couple of problems with the pie/killfile idea: many people don’t use Firefox, and it’s based on commenter names. A better solution could be provided in the blog software itself.

Our hosts would rather the blog comments ran wild except for death threats and such, so why they should customize beats me.

The pie script can kill based on URL.


Not what I said or implied in any way. Merely an observation that the Indian police were inadequately armed with batons, service revolvers, and bolt action rifles. Their actions make perfect sense given what they had to work with.

Come on, DrDick, you’re supporting the original story again. Who says that it’s at all correct, other than the original (biased) reporter?


They are modernizing as fast as they can, but there are significant fiscal restraints.

There are also significant bureaucratic restraints. You can find the constitution of India at and not only is it long but it is very concerned with hiring practices.

The British were excellent at exporting irritating paperwork to their colonies.


“I wondered earlier today how a mere ten terrorists could bring a city of 19 million to a standstill.”

Christ, only twice that number brought a country of 300 million to a standstill, and still are having an effect on us even now.

PereUbu wins his own personal Intertoobz, for speed & conciseness.

Apart from that, I feel compelled to point out that in Buttweenie’s fReichtard universe, India is full of teeming brown masses whose individual lives are worth no more than a clay pigeon’s. All the sane people here who talk about armed police officers “not risking the lives of innocent bystanders” are incomprehensible to the Buttweenie Brigades, because pshee, it’s like ants at a picnic — they get ignored unless they get in the way, and when that happens, who cares how many or how horribly they die during the removal?

That’s the universal troll response: “Ya gotta remember, ‘those people’ are Not Like Us!”


Nodding Sleepy-Latinity

Isn’t this a line from a Queensrÿche song? Something about “nodding next to you”?


Given the Indian population’s general distrust of the forces of violence easily wielded by their own government (up to and including massacres), maybe there are reasons not to prefer your police forces to be too heavily armed.

[Indira] Gandhi’s later years were bedeviled with problems in Punjab. In September 1984, Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale ‘s separatist Sikh militant group took up positions within the precincts of the Golden Temple, Sikhism’s holiest shrine.[13]

Despite the presence of thousands of civilians in the Golden Temple complex at the time, Gandhi ordered the Army into the shrine in an attempt to clear it of the militants. Accounts differ in the number of military and civilian casualties. Government estimates include four officers, seventy-nine soldiers, and 492 militants; other accounts are much higher, perhaps 500 or more troops and 3,000 others, including many pilgrims caught in the crossfire.[14] While the exact figures related to civilian casualties are disputed, the timing and method of the attack were widely criticized.

Indira Gandhi had numerous bodyguards, two of whom were Satwant Singh and Beant Singh, both Sikhs. On 31 October 1984 they assassinated Indira Gandhi with their service weapons in the garden of the Prime Minister’s Residence at No. 1, Safdarjung Road in New Delhi. As she was walking to be interviewed by the British actor Peter Ustinov filming a documentary for Irish television, she passed a wicket gate, guarded by Satwant and Beant. According to information available immediately following the incident, Beant Singh shot her thrice using his side-arm and Satwant Singh fired twenty-two rounds into her using a Sten submachine gun. Beant Singh was shot dead and Satwant Singh was shot and arrested by her other bodyguards.

But, hey, surely what India and Pakistan need right now is even more heavily armed troops roaming the street on set of macho hair-trigger orders to take out the bad guys where ever they think necessary.


Who says that it’s at all correct, other than the original (biased) reporter?

I am an empiricist. I go on the data I have, a handful of press reports (I have read more than one) stating that police only had service revolvers when confronted by the attackers and TV news footage showing police armed with service revolvers and bolt action rifles. Some officers may have had automatic weapons in the TV reports, but I did not notice any. In the absence of any empirical data to the contrary, I would conclude that is what they had. It is no slam on the actions of the police. They are notoriously underfunded and apparently not very well equipped.


Isn’t this a line from a Queensrÿche song?

Why isn’t there a mash-up called Silent Wucidity?


I am an empiricist.

Hopefully you’re a breeder,too, DrDick. The world needs more that will start a sentence like that.


Hopefully you’re a breeder,too

Mission accomplished. He is 35 and has 11 and 12 year old sons of his own. 😎


Alternative spelling wussidity. “Silent Wussidity”—that’s what Hinderaker’s singing to the Indians cops at the train station who failed to take out that terruco with their nightsticks. Meanwhile, he’s singing to himself any of a number of ACDC songs: “Shoot to Kill,” “Big Balls,” “TNT,” for example.


Mission accomplished. He is 35 and has 11 and 12 year old sons of his own. 😎

Awesome! You done good. Heywait,shouldn’t we be arguing about something?


The pie script can kill based on URL.

Ummm, no. The pie script provides a starter set:

GM_setValue(‘trolls’, ‘,Shoelimpy’);

but that “” is not the address of the machine from which the comment was sent. Filtering comments by examining the address of the originating computer more reliably excludes the dreck.

I’m not generally in support of censorship and I think our hosts here are admirable in their restraint. I can also understand that there are adults who don’t want to listen to children screaming while they are trying to talk to other adults.


Buttrocket’s answer couldn’t be wronger, of course: it has nothing to do with Indian or Mumbai culture so much as it has to do with the government running the local Muslim community into the ground.

The very real suspicion that some ISI honcho might have had something to do with it says more than enough: outside of Kashmir, Indian Muslims don’t exactly have a cozy relationship with Pakistan – and finding an Urdiphone in Mumbai would be like finding a Texan in Boston.

This is what happens when you spend twenty years not just metaphorically but literally and openly treating a group the way Hitler did the Jews – that is to say, fucking Warsaw.


From the Wikipedia article, Law enforcement in India:

The weapons and equipments issued vary from state to state and agency to agency. The standard equipment for a constable on his beat is the lathi (baton) which is generally made of bamboo. This is also his device for personal safety. Indian police officers generally do not carry fire-arm when on regular duty. However arms are always available at police stations. These include .303 Lee Enfield rifles and Self Loading Rifles. Some special units in the state police force may also have additional automatic weapons like AK 47 Assault Rifles. Officers of and above the rank of Sub-Inspector are authorised to carry a small arm, generally a 9mm Browning Pistol.


I wondered earlier today how a mere ten terrorists could bring a city of 19 million to a standstill. Here in the U.S., I don’t think it would happen.

Of course not; HERE it took 19 terrorists–and they cheated and used boxcutters.

Mikey–and anyone else who likes chocolate chip cookies:

The secret to the moist and chewy cookie is to up the ratio of brown sugar to 1 cup, and use only 1/2 cup of white sugar.


The pie script can kill based on URL.

Ummm, no.

Ummm, yes.


The official website of the Mumbai Police.


alec –

That may be overstating it a bit, but Indian Muslims are certainly oppressed. Their situation has gotten considerably worse over the past decade or so owing to the rise of Hindu Nationalist parties which scapegoat Muslims (and Christians, Jains, Buddhists and everyone else who is not Hindu). These parties appeal to the poor and marginal (of whom there are still hordes), particularly in rural areas. There have been hundreds of attacks on Muslims and Muslim businesses. Despite this there is relatively little organized militant Islam outside of the northwestern region (Kashmir and Punjab).


I sense you simply want to deny the fact that America was founded as a Christian nation, in order to justify your own secular leftist political ideology,which doesn’t hold weight when presented with the cold hard facts of history.

You want the cold hard facts of history? America was born secular, Mexico was born Catholic. It took them two civil wars to get to the current, less secular state than America.

You will find very few non-Catholic immigrants into Mexico before the 1920s, and of the Catholics they tend to be pretty ideologically uniform. By contrast, America was one of the immigrant world’s bottom-feeders, and most of the 300 million of us are the bastard children of radicals, heathens, and losers.

Long story short: to the extent they’re different at all, Mexico and America differ most dramatically in the respective presence and absence of an established church, and the consequences of that are that America is the Earth’s biggest economy and Mexico is a second-world shithole.

You want a country whose national anthem has Jesus in it? Move to Serbia.


finding an Urdiphone in Mumbai would be like finding a Texan in Boston.

Urdu is spoken by a pretty hefty minority in Maharashtra.


That may be overstating it a bit, but Indian Muslims are certainly oppressed.

In general, yes, but Mumbai’s a special case – the headquarters of Shiv Sena, which is kind of the equivalent of if Florida had a socially and politically acceptable Nazi party. It’s difficult to impress on people how extreme the situation is there; if the reasons for this attack weren’t basically similar to the 1992-3 riots, they’ve got a lot in common.


You will find very few non-Catholic immigrants into Mexico before the 1920s

Actually large numbers of Germans, including Mennonites, emigrated there in the 1840s. Many settled in the north of Mexico and gave us Chihuahua cheese. They are also responsible for introducing the accordion into Mexican music as well as polkas.


Urdu is spoken by a pretty hefty minority in Maharashtra.

I was under the impression there’s a significant language barrier between Pakistani and North Indian Urdu. (Mind you, ‘significant language barrier’ barely describes the space between Hindi and Urdu to begin with, so…)


Urdu is spoken by a pretty hefty minority in Maharashtra.

According to Wikipedia, it is widely spoken by Muslims throughout northern India.


Actually large numbers of Germans, including Mennonites, emigrated there in the 1840s.

I thought that happened primarily in the 20s, albeit owing more to immigration from Canada than Germany.


Terrilynxin Grinning-Seize the Char said,
December 1, 2008 at 6:37

The pie script can kill based on URL.

Ummm, no.

Ummm, yes.

The piefill/killfile examines the page’s markup. The IP of the computer from which the comment originated is not in the page’s markup. Yes, the comment can be killed based on the URL supplied by the commentor.


I was under the impression there’s a significant language barrier between Pakistani and North Indian Urdu

From what I am learning tonight, it would appear that we have something like a dialect chain stretching from Hindi to Pakistani Urdu, with many dialects in between. Some of those call themselves Urdu and others Hindustani. Apparently these differ from Hindi in the inclusion of words from Farsi, Pashtun and other languages of that branch of Indo-European.


I thought that happened primarily in the 20s, albeit owing more to immigation from Canada than Germany.

Nope. They came over the same time as my ancestors moved to St. Louis. I actually had a friend in graduate school whose family were German Jews who landed in Vera Cruz and settled in the Rio Grande valley (Texas side) and became ranchers. It is also the same time that large numbers of Germans settled in Texas, coming from the American side.


The pie script can kill based on URL.
— If the commenter is thoughtful enough to specify a URL in that line of the comment box (as has, for instance, Regine Lexwojoyweseep above), then the pie script can use it when it parses the thread.


the inclusion of words from Farsi, Pashtun

Pashto is pretty Farsi itself.


From what I am learning tonight, it would appear that we have something like a dialect chain stretching from Hindi to Pakistani Urdu, with many dialects in between. Some of those call themselves Urdu and others Hindustani.

IIRC, the bold line between the two is which script you use to write it – and Hindustani is used primarily for the two in congress (although I guess it’d be a reasonable thing to call either written in Latin too, absent other information), whereas ‘Hindi’ is what they seem to call the language when written in Devangari.

There are other writing systems (largely abiguidas, with the odd abjad), and confusingly the Arabic variant used for Urdu is also apparently called Urdu, but that’s the limit of my knowledge about that.


Buggrit, fred got there first.
It occurs to me that I could tweak the greasemonkey script so as to splice in an animated GIF of a dancing leprechaun when it detects RB’s URL.


and Hindustani is used primarily for the two in congress
Heh heh, you said “in congress”.


“Actually large numbers of Germans, including Mennonites, emigrated there in the 1840s.”

Yeah, the 1920’s was when my grandfather came to the US. Much of southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa (and Wisconsin) are all German. My father grew up in north Iowa next door to the Amana Colonies (the folks who make fridges and stuff). Bunch of communists they are. If you are lucky enough to be born into the Amana commune you have free heath care for life.

Germans have that strict, militaristic side but there is the other side, the “Volk”. They are the original hippies.


Tangentially related cool historical note: religion used to dictate pretty heavily which script you used in the Euro-Arabic cultural continuum – there is the odd remnant of that – like most Slavic languages written in Latin being primarily spoken by Catholics, Yiddish, and the convoluted history of the Turkic and Turkmen family. Language was primarily ethnic.

Sadly, because this convention died out long before England got even remotely diverse (although this might just be a good thing in that it prevented some Fraktur variant from dominating Protestant linguistics and thus English), we lack the rich linguistic history of writing in crazy moon-scripts. But Greek, Arabic, and Latin in particular could each be found in just about any script in use in the Abrahamic world.


Germans have that strict, militaristic side but there is the other side, the “Volk”. They are the original hippies.

Wer nicht liebt Wein, Weib und Gesang / Bleibt ein Narr sein Leben lang, as they said before the invention of what we would call drugs, sex, rock, and/or roll.


Germans have that strict, militaristic side but there is the other side, the “Volk”. They are the original hippies.

That’s my family. On my father’s side I am St. Louis German (48ers), mostly from Bavaria. My father was actually the first in his family to marry someone who was not German. Our major contribution to world culture has been the beer bust and leather hot pants. 😎


Assrocket’s comment about bringing the city to a standstill for three days is pure unadultrated cr@p . The terrorists didn’t have the run of the city , they were holed up with a extraordinarily large number of of hostages . But I have to disagree with your comment about the policemen on the railway station . When you are a policeman the physical danger comes with the territory . I’m sure the NSG and Marcos commandos ( who finally took out the terrorists ) would not have let the terrorists escape even if armed with Mumbai police weapons .


It occurs to me that I could tweak the greasemonkey script so as to splice in an animated GIF of a dancing leprechaun when it detects RB’s URL.

It’d be funny if it just replaced all the stupid names with “Righteous Bubba”.


Look, Assrocket may fap about the prospect of being in that kind of hell when he’s not fapping to teenage beauty pageants, but had he been in the midst of the shit going down in Mumbai, he would have been standing in a puddle of his own bodily fluids. That’s all that needs saying here.


plenty to choose from: 64,200 on Google images

Knew we should have done more to keep out those undocumented immigrants.


Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue,
Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang…



What do the Dutch have to do with anything?


he would have been standing lying in a puddle of his own bodily fluids


What do the Dutch have to do with anything?
I often wonder that myself.


What do the Dutch have to do with anything?
Well, they are great at minor dike repairs and make good cheese and decent beer.


It’d be funny if it just replaced all the stupid names with “Righteous Bubba”.
That was easy:
if (k = 2) then p[i].innerHTML = ‘Righteous Bubba’;

I have half a mind to switch all RB’s comments into Cyrillic alphabet.
Anyway, if the Dutch are so smart, how come they don’t have their own alphabet so you can tell their language apart from other German dialects?


Anyway, if the Dutch are so smart, how come they don’t have their own alphabet so you can tell their language apart from other German dialects?

They’re are German Lite according to my umlaut count.


I think we should distinguish between righteous and heathen Bubbas.


Boo hoo. I’d have less typos if only I had eaten the new hourglass marshmallow.


They’re are German Lite according to my umlaut count.

An umlaut or two shy of a load you say?


Heh heh, you said “in congress”.

That reminds me – when do we get to elect representatives to the Sexual Congress?


I often wonder that myself.

Well, wonder no more, friend! For five easy payments of €20.95 you’ll get the Nederminder, which uses revolutionary carbon-German aerosol technology to keep an eye on the Dutch for you! You’ll never have to spend five minutes wondering why your new friend doesn’t use the letter Y again!

Don’t wait!! If you order now, we’ll throw in three Nordisieves absolutely free!!! Resolve every Aryan superman into North, West, or Tibeto-Germanic in a snap! Solve Norwegians and partition Alsace-Lorraine with ease! That’s a €50-value plus the priceless Nederminder for the low price of €100 or five easy payments of €20.95! Call now!!!!1


An umlaut or two shy of a load you say?
A thong short of a diph.
I went to the doctor with a bad trema, and it turned out to be diaresis.


Written Dutch is great…if you know German, English, a bit of French, and can decipher some consonant shifts, then Dutch is about 60% readable.

But spoken Dutch is easy to pick out. They use sounds that I don’t believe are present in any German dialect. To my non-native German ear that can only understand Hochdeutsch and Berlinerisch, Dutch just sounds like Bork! Bork! Bork!


Written Dutch is great…if you know German, English, a bit of French, and can decipher some consonant shifts, then Dutch is about 60% readable.

French is actually the same way if you have a sufficiently ridiculous vocabulary – as a general rule, if you’ve forgotten a French word think about the fanciest English synonym for it you know and try to gallicize it.

Of course, there’s a historical reason for that. Dutch is just our nearest neighbor (excepting Frisian etc) – and as such, it’s pretty comprehensible when written. When spoken… yeah.

My favorite part of the Dutch-English relationship is Afrikaans – there are a few whole sentences that work in either (WP gives ‘my pen is in my hand’ as an example), but obviously the pronunciation diverges.


I went to the doctor with a bad trema, and it turned out to be diaresis.

You got off lucky. Could have been grave.



You should read Suketu Mehta’s editorial in the nytimes, where he takes pains to mention, at every opportunity, the Hindu AND Muslim leaders who spend all day developing new schemes to excite their bases to presumably harm others if not just irrational hate-of-others in the process–that they fail to do so in a spectacular and horrible fashion every year shouldn’t distract from what goes on in the street every day.

Mumbai is all about money, all about the hustle and unless you can substantiate, via linkypoos and argument, that the experience of Jews in Warsaw ghettoes is comparable to that of Muslims living in Mumbai, I’ll just go on believing that, guess what, the Hindutvadis are NOT behind this and the duck is just that.



Understood it was just ignorance with the ‘not cow-eating’ thing but Chicken Tikka Masala is a cultural marker in England, not America, where south asians generally carry high-status stereotypes (i.e. not Tikka cook, slaving away in kitchen) like doctor/lawyer/scientist/investment banker (unemployed, to be current, i guess)…anyhow, this could have given you a great angle considering “HINDeraker” and angrily administered prostate examinations.


Glocks in their socks.
You must leave, sir, your jacuzzi;
Here come floozies, with their Uzis.


Chihuahua cheese



I have half a mind to switch all RB’s comments into Cyrillic alphabet.

you mean they’re NOT?


What do the Dutch have to do with anything?
Well, they are great at minor dike repairs and make good cheese and decent beer.

And double salt licorice!


Because Dirty Fucking Homo-fascists won’t allow every RealAmerican man, woman, child and schnauzer to Glocks in their socks.

I like this version, because it read as though they were doing something urgent and biological out of quivering fear.

I also have an image of black patent leather little-girl shoes, with those ankle socks with the lacy frill around the top, complete with Glock. Priceless.

Oh, and Another Kiwi: Eric Olthwaite is my hero!

Enraged Bull Limpet

Gawd, I love you guys: there’s no better way to burn an hour or two of late-night, semi-drunken, post-holiday, dash-and-comma-ridden angst than reading one of these prodigious SN threads. My only substantive comment is that the Dutch are also excellent at smoking eels, since I recently returned from those shores and can solidly attest to that.


Yeah, ever since the Dutch decriminalized eels they been smokin’ ’em every chance they get.

I smoke two eels in the morning,
I smoke two eels at night.
I smoke two eels in the afternoon,
It makes me feel all right.
I smoke two eels in time of peace,
And two in time of war.
I smoke two eels before I smoke two eels,
And then I smoke two more.

Enraged Bull Limpet

–Oh, and please: no cracks about what other commodities the Dutch are adept at smoking, ‘kay? Those eels were sufficiently transcendent.

Enraged Bull Limpet

Too slow with the cautionary note. A two-hour gap in comments does not a safe interval make in these ribald parts…


You gotta strike while the eel is hot.

Enraged Bull Limpet

Yep, and that’s why my Strike Force always seems to misfire: we wait until the eel has cooled and the TV crews go home. Still got another concealed eel in the pants pocket to guard against resurgent insurgents, though. See my ultra-manly blog for further details.


Ah yes, the Dutch Trouser Eel. I think a saw a program about them on Animal Planet. Source of the familiar Dutch greeting “Is that an eel in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”


Is that an eel in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?


Wow. Gotta refresh quick in these here parts.

Enraged Bull Limpet

Wow, is it ever happifying to see y’all at this late hour! Too bad I can’t stick around to further degrade the discourse, but grim reality looms in a few short hours and I’m bound for the bedbugs’ tender ministrations soon. Blessed be!


That reminds me – when do we get to elect representatives to the Sexual Congress?

How about ‘Dongress’?


the Hindu AND Muslim leaders who spend all day developing new schemes to excite their bases to presumably harm others if not just irrational hate-of-others in the process

And Anielewicz was a just-barely-classier-than-usual mafioso. It’s less a matter of effort than resources, which – on a purely demographic level – the Hinduists got and the Islamists ain’t.

Put any religion in the majority or minority, and they’re going to be by and large respectively oppressive cocks or paranoiac social cohesionists.

that they fail to do so in a spectacular and horrible fashion every year shouldn’t distract from what goes on in the street every day.

Yeah, but race riots and international terrorism don’t exactly follow normal economic rules. Like I said earlier – the fact that the Islamists do a minority of the oppressing is demographic, not cultural. The Warsaw comparison was wantlessly glib, but I’m still not seeing this as completely or even mostly independent from Thackeray & co.

Enraged Bull Limpet

How about ‘Dongress’?

OK, my professed regrets about not being able to stick around for further discourse degradation are hereby retracted. Sleep is good and purifying!


After “Dongress” I need purifying as well.


I neglect SN for a weekend and a nugget thread appears… nugget, because this S’naut has been to Mumbai and knows quite well the area that got shot up.

Okay, the train station, has some fucking unpronouceable name these days, but everyone still refers to it as VT (Victoria Terminus). It handles half a million commuters daily. It is the holy grail of mass transit, if you will, the Sarah Palin of sweaty, skidmarked wingnuts.

The hijackers struck during the afternoon rush-hour. Leaving aside the fact that the police were overmatched, the number of innocent bystanders would have filled the World Trade Center several times over.

So maybe the police choked, or maybe someone made a snap decision to wait for the gunmen to move somewhere else before starting up the gunfight at the Bollywood Corral. I dunno, but jeesus krize orlmitey, I would think twice about second guessing the police from a bazillion miles away in the comfort of my parents’ basement.

Actually, one other part of Indian culture for Butt Missile to take note of – a number of Indian pols and appointees have offered to resign for failing to prevent the attacks. Obviously the the wingnut doctrine of personal responsibility is manifestly misunderstood, I guess there isn’t a hindi equivalent for “Blame Clinton”.


Nayagan said,
December 1, 2008 at 8:15 · Edit


Understood it was just ignorance with the ‘not cow-eating’ thing but Chicken Tikka Masala is a cultural marker in England, not America, where south asians generally carry high-status stereotypes (i.e. not Tikka cook, slaving away in kitchen) like doctor/lawyer/scientist/investment banker (unemployed, to be current, i guess)…anyhow, this could have given you a great angle considering “HINDeraker” and angrily administered prostate examinations.

I hate explaining jokes, but I’ll make an exception here. I’m well aware of both points you make about “cow-eating” and Chicken Tikka Masala. I was parodying the faux-justifications by wingnuts on this matter by using inaccurate cultural stereotypes. In fact, the silly word “cow-eating” was meant to underline that it was the wingnuts making the argument, not me. But, alas, parody sometimes isn’t always sufficiently obvious that everyone gets it. Now let me get back to converting kindergarten students to prancing and mincing Judy Garland fans.


Screw personal responsibility, the wingnut’s vocab cannot even reach institutional responsibility.

Unless it’s “find some poor lower-echelon sod we can stick with it.”


You know what I want to know?

Why is it that these conservative gun fetishists don’t actually seem to know anything about guns?

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

A number of highly ranked gov’t officials in India have resigned since they failed in their mission to protect Indians.

I am waiting for Pravda to denounce numerous members of the chimp administration since they did not take this needed action after their failure in preventing 911.

Since about 3 high ranking Indian officials resigned and the death toll was about 200, there should have been about 3100/200 times the resignations by the republicans.

I will also be waiting for him to denounce the chimp administration since they didn’t appoint any Democrats to the cabinet in 2000 in contrast to that flaming Liberal Muslim terrorist Obama who will be keeping Gates, a republican, as a member of his cabinet.

Get cracking, loser Pravda! You have a lot of republicans to denounce.


Let’s just hope that, the next time Hinderaker dines in an Indian restaurant, his dal has strange “creamy” taste eerily reminiscent of snotchos.

Clif, Hindrocket’s idea of an “Indian restaurant” is the Aladdin Cafe at Disneyworld. Please.

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

My favorite Bible verses are the ones about co-equal branches of government, bicameral legislature, the people being the only legitimate source of governmental authority, etc.





Why is it that these conservative gun fetishists don’t actually seem to know anything about guns?

That’s because they’re not in touch with their inner penises.

They may *touch* them, and frequently, but are not in touch…


All Hindrocket knows about Indian cuisine he learned from the first Harold and Kumar movie…

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

All Hindrocket knows about Indian cuisine he learned from the first Harold and Kumar movie…

I’ve never tried Indian food, because Utah doesn’t have White Castle franchises.


There was no Indian food in Iowa to speak of until Indians began to be heavily represented in the medical fields, and then, over the last couple of years, all the insurance and banking corporations opened Indian offices and then began to bring people from those offices here to work. Now we’ve got some fine Indian food around these parts. Yum!

Some curry would be so good this morning. Fiery hot curry. Actually, all I had to eat yesterday was a handful of butter rum Life Savers and a chunk of maple walnut bread, so I’d probably eat a corndog at this point. (Not really)

I’d like to take this opportunity to say that I love you guys. Comment threads like this one make me feel I’m not wasting my time hanging around here reading comments when I should be producing.


My hovercraft is full of eels.

Dutch eels.


Pakistan May Move Troops From Afghan to Indian Border

This doesn’t really surprise me, but it’s very ominous.


My nipples are exploding in delight!


Drop your panties, Sir William! I cannot wait until lunchtime!


After “Dongress” I need purifying as well.

You probably shouldn’t watch this then:


After “Dongress” I need purifying as well.

I first read this as “dogress” and thought perhaps Santorum had wandered in.


I first read this as “dogress” and thought perhaps Santorum had wandered in.

So you dogressed.

I mean, digressed.


I swear I have just dropped in on this post, but I have read all the comments, and just have a few non-eel things to add, things which although I wasted time, I could not force to rhyme and shine.

First: neither the Mumbai police nor anyone else knew at the outset how many terrorists there were.

Second, as has been mentioned, not everyone is as sanguine about collateral damage as is Hindrocket, Rumsfeld, Bush, et al.

Third, “don’t get killed” is a good directive for police anywhere, because their lives matter, too, plus once they’re dead they’re no longer on the job and can’t help any more.

Fourth, people have mentioned the “Toys R Us” situation, but I’m thinking about the Long Island WalMart. Presumably people like Hindrocket want many citizens fully armed, all the time, because after all, you never know when Islamofascists are going to pop up. So why would those shoppers – and employees – not be armed? And then we would have had quite a different set of headlines than one employee trampled to death, several other people injured, and lots of great bargains scored.

Fifth, happy December, s-naughts. Hi Candy, hi MzNicky.


Ding dong shalom, gentlemen.


Shalom bom biddly bizzle, Coach.


Hovercraft-eel-driving Jesus.


WTF is going on over there at

Hot deal: Free juicy tubes with purchase – MSN exclusive!


Hi larkspur.
ittdgy: That concern troll thread at Three Bulls is hilarious.


When keywords go awry!

It’s not that much different than Teh Stoopid Google sidebar results like “Looking for armed felony assault? Find deals on armed felony assault on e-Bay today!”

Not that I’m googling about armed felonious assault. Really.


Fourth, people have mentioned the “Toys R Us” situation, but I’m thinking about the Long Island WalMart.

I don’t even want to think about the gunfight after the trampling.

Nevermind some idiot going, “You say I’m number 31 and only the first thirty get the sale price? I don’t think so”


Nevermind some idiot going, “You say I’m number 31 and only the first thirty get the sale price? I don’t think so”

Oh, yeah, that’s what we need – the well-behaved and sophisticated clientele of Wal-Mart carrying weapons. I can’t see how that could go massively, massively wrong, nope, nosirree.


You will find very few non-Catholic immigrants into Mexico before the 1920s

Mormons in Mexico


Oh, yeah, that’s what we need – the well-behaved and sophisticated clientele of Wal-Mart carrying weapons.

“Oh, Miss…does this Glock go with my ‘Ah’m wif Stooped’ T-shirt?”


I’m too busy and too lazy to google it, but I think I read somewhere that there was some Irish immigration to Mexico, particularly during The Famine.

Ah, hell, I can leave no stone ungoogled (and no finals week studying unprocrastinated):

Irish diaspora



I see where you were going. I do ask, however, because I’ve not found that the proggy people i’ve met have a significantly greater knowledge base regarding South Asia and the SA diaspora, than the more glib conservatives i’ve met.

some of the more ignorant questions i’ve encountered were posed by my reform jew/yogic all-star neighbors/genuine hippie neighbors whom I knew during childhood.


I think I read somewhere that there was some Irish immigration to Mexico, particularly during The Famine Spring Break.


You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

On the subject of WalMart Black Friday stampedes, only the biggest ones made the news.

I heard about the one at the Howell Michigan WalMart where a woman got trampled and bloodied.

Maybe the wingnuts/nutjobs/whackjobs can secede, but instead of the CSA they could form the WSA – Walmart States Of Amerika.


@actor212 – I think that only counts as migration, not immigration, given the seasonal nature of the phenomenon.


The congress eel is larger and more vicious than the conger.
Also, the usual joke about ‘social morays’.


I haven’t seen any confirmation that Anne Coulter’s jaw is really wired shut. But it would be irresponsible not to speculate on how she broke it. I’m thinking she slipped on the tile when approaching the terlet to purge and smashed her jaw on the porcelain. What else could possibly be the cause?



By the way, this thread is inane. Everyone knows that all whingers are expert hoplologists. Indeed, they are the only expert hoplologists.


Perhaps we could have confirmed the size difference between congress eels and other types had not Larry Craig done something to hide it.


Hoplology? I have learned a new word today.
I vaguely recall an earlier thread where we concluded that ‘hoplite’ was a recondite word for Budweiser.


The congress eel is larger and more vicious than the conger.
Also, the usual joke about ’social morays’.

When Larry Craig bounces his leg, that’s a moray.


I vaguely recall an earlier thread where we concluded that ‘hoplite’ was a recondite word for Budweiser.

Were they not servants of the Spittoons?


@protected static

I refuse to lower the travels of the gorgeous Monarch butterfly to the gutter.

The Goddamn Batman Does Not Do Black Friday Because He Makes The World's Coolest Gadgets Himself

Here in the U.S., I don’t think it would happen. I think we have armed security guards who know how to use their weapons

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Or those dusky Hindoos could just smother the terrorists with the weight of their bodies. I mean, they throw themselves in the path of the Jagann?tha anyway, wot? Life is cheap on the subcontinent, thinks the assrocket-wallah.


New Thread Cat requests a new thread.



non-Catholic immigrants into Mexico before the 1920s

Also a pretty good number of Chinese. They didn’t fare too well during the Revolution.



A government confronted by large-scale state sponsored asymmetrical attacks really only has two choices: Covert operations to destabilize the responsible government, perhaps even to the point of regime change, or a retaliatory attack – an overt act of war.

You forgot the third option, mikey–attack Iraq instead of destabilizing or attacking the responsible government.


they throw themselves in the path of the Jagann?tha anyway, wot?
In New Zealand religious ceremonies we drag the Juggernaut through the streets — a giant jug of beer. Many worshippers, maddened by their religious devotion, perish when they fling themselves in.


Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade said:

All federal restrictions on private gunownership, begining with the 1934 firearms act, should be overturned. Vermont currently has the most leniant gun laws in the nation, as citizens are allowed to carry a handgun, either concealed or in the open, without a permit. That’s the way it should be in all fifty states.

If I’m not mistaken, the Bill of Rights refers to the citizens’ right to bear arms–not guns. So if the citizens have an unrestricted right to arms, why can’t we have unrestricted rights to buy and deploy grenades, nitroglycerin, mines, bazookas, and shoulder mounted anti-tank and anti-air missile launchers? In fact, if we can afford it, why can’t we have fighter jets, armed drones and small nuclear weapons? If the Founding Fathers didn’t want us to have those things they would have said so. ‘Cause they totally foresaw the way automatic weapons would be used in the 21st century in the U.S.

In modern usage, “arms” is often considered synonymous with “firearms”. Historically, however, “arms” has referred to a variety of weapons and armor.[20] In the United States, the term has been used to refer to edged weapons such as the bayonet and sabre.[21]


What else could possibly be the cause?

She was trying to teach Kaus a thing or three, and the goat was a kicker?


Well, missile launchers don’t seem relevant in my world.

But a grenade is a whole nother kettle of fish. There is a certain peace of mind to be found when one has an M67 baseball frag in one’s coat pocket.

Gnome Sane?



That’s the spirit justme!


Ah Smut Clyde you do not mention Regurgitation Thursday when the Kiwiland gutters run (or more accurately sludge) with the devotional prayers of the faithful.
And now I have double- salted Dutch trouser eels driving hovercrafts engraved upon the memory and it’s not as if there was room for that in the memory to start with.


But a grenade is a whole nother kettle of fish. There is a certain peace of mind to be found when one has an M67 baseball frag in one’s coat pocket

We’ve both probably had the misfortune of running into unfriendlies who thought the same thing…


I am amused that that image of Hindy includes a J. Crew catalogue photo.


jew/yogic all-star neighbors/genuine hippie neighbors

That is a terrible band name


That is a terrible band name

It’s a bit clumsy, but I do like some long band names like “Honest Bob and the Factory-to-Dealer Incentives”.


I like to imagine Mr. Coulter finally said the wrong stupid fucking thing to the wrong person and Ka-POWEE!


Also, I second the request for a new thread please. This one’s getting threadbare! ha ha! get it? “thread-bare”!


“So if the citizens have an unrestricted right to arms, why can’t we have unrestricted rights to buy and deploy grenades, nitroglycerin, mines, bazookas, and shoulder mounted anti-tank and anti-air missile launchers? In fact, if we can afford it, why can’t we have fighter jets, armed drones and small nuclear weapons?”

Armed drones? You mean Connecticut Yankee?

Attention K-Mrk shoppers, there is a blue light special on suitcase nukes in aisle 5. On sale today only!


In fact, if we can afford it, why can’t we have fighter jets, armed drones and small nuclear weapons?

When you get to that scale, it’s cheaper just to buy a government that already has those things and tell them what to do with them.


jew/yogic all-star neighbors/genuine hippie neighbors
I’m quite fond of that neo-klezmer fusion style with the accordion and the violin.


Also, I second the request for a new thread please. This one’s getting threadbare! ha ha! get it? “thread-bare”!

Yech, and somebody punned all over it.


Also, no one could have predicted that terrorists would attack hotels in Mumbai.

Criminy, how deeply allied with Bush-Dick did India get?


Now there’s an idea – post-nuclear grunge klezmer. Now to decide ona name for the band….


Post Nuclear! The new cereal to really blast you into your day, and give you the half-life you need to radiate! With 8 essential vitamins, minerals, and isotopes.

Only from Post(TM)!


Why does TM work in Teh Preview but not in the comment? Why? Why? I suppose there’s some fancy schmancy brackety thing I’m not doing correctly.


Inebriated Russian rock polka

The new Sadly,No! house band!


The Bad Things are post-apocalyptic polka.


Candy, WordPress, in spite of her overwhelming evilness, speaks unicode.

You can just create your symbol ™ (alt = 0153) and paste it in

No brackety thingies at all!



Only from Post(TM)!

Ah, yeah, post-modern cereal. Its flavor depends entirely on the ontological structure you’ve accumulated from your culture.


The Bad Things are post-apocalyptic polka.



“Hey, let’s play with the troll!”

Hey, let’s don’t!


Why does TM work in Teh Preview but not in the comment?

We’re supposed to do Transcendental Meditation whilst in Preview? (smacks head) THAT’S what I’ve been doing wrong!



Nah, just plain old Polkalyptic.


Inebriated Russian rock polka

Go search YouTube for a band called “Nightlosers”. They have a video called “Dragostea something something something” that I can’t understand a word of but is hilarious nonethless.



Thanks mikey. I’m pretty computer illiterate.

totally off topic, but I think the troll at Orcinus is going to have a heart attack or stroke soon. It’s funny in an icky guilty pleasure kind of way.


the troll at Orcinus is going to have a heart attack or stroke soon

Larry gonna have MI?

oooh, I’m going to have to check that out.


Candy: On my Mac keyboard the ™ is Option + 2.


Option a/k/a alt


You know, for all the shit these guys say about “liberals politicizing tragedies” (think Paul Wellstone and the like), they sure are quick to trot out these “armed citizen heroes” arguments every. fucking. time.


“[Smut Clyde’s] current project is to edit the pie-script so that as well as trolls, it will also recognise the names of some of the regulars*, and splice in HTML tags so as to change the colour and font of their comment.”

This leads one to wonder who is on SC’s list of “regulars”, what makes one “regular” (much eating of vegetables or fiber bars?) and worthy of colored text (do they have to ride in the back of the blog?), what one has to do to achieve colored-ness rather than the bland black-on-blue of the prols.

Upon myself I keep a Glock.
I keep my Glock down in my sock.
I do not wish to go unarmed
I am afraid I will be harmed.

Because of this I keep an Uzi
I keep an Uzi down in my shoozie.
I know that I have learned my lesson,
Under my arm is a Smith and Wesson.

And in my pants I keep a Colt.
Of my gat I keep a holt.
I’m safe at home, Mumbai or France
I seldom ever piss my pants.




Thanks, MzNicky.

Yep, Pere. Multiple question marks and much ALL CAPS frothing and name calling. A new troll, a racist going by the name “Waiting to be censored” entered the fray on the most recent of the Crazy Larry threads, but it’s seriously outclassed in the foaming at the mouth department and will not be true competition for Larry.

The pace is kind of slow over there. This has been going on for days and none of the threads has broken a hundred comments.



You can also get the trademark by typing,

apersand t r a d e semicolon

w/ no spaces


This leads one to wonder who is on SC’s list of “regulars”

The list:

Toshamouxe Butt the Spotty Autopsy Surgeon
Georgetta Nathaniel
Custom Clumped the Curator
Harland Kile
VoyFreudians Lovie the Outrageous Market Gardener
Targetedgee Pox
Doctor Nguyet Fe the Oceanic Flying Fish
Clocrcub Strangle
Fleet Admiral Syntaxes Sulphuric-Holm
Grandpa Great-Aunt Friendly the Abysmal Circuit Preacher
Lieutenant Commander Ralph Earleen
Yuk Rages-Wised
Conenoreen Miriam the Split Inker
Shapodaisy Terence
Secretary Cregbuckshot Shaquana
Wavelengths Lobu the Mason
Commander Meyo Bazyaqu the Designer
Father Rosendo the Financier
Yuprefe Edmund the Programmer
President Affrightvipr Elite-Revokes the Kind Electrical Engineer
Sates Enedina the Wonderful Jellynose Fish


The alt+whatever doesn’t work for some of us laptop types. Alas, you have to use the keypad numbers. The longhand version is to type & # whatever ; without the spaces, where “whatever” is the unicode number, 153 in this case. Thusly™. Should your unicode charts read in hex only, like the official ones at, you have to type & # x whatever ; Fun for the whole family.


If we don’t get a new thread soon I’m going to start putting RB’s nonsensical names through the anagram-o-meter. I’m sure none of us wants that sort of mess, now do we?


I’m quite fond of that neo-klezmer fusion style with the accordion and the violin.

I used to listen to this station a lot, especially late at night after getting my daily fill of the dub, but then they went subscribers only. I have yet to find something similar.


Thanks, atheist™ That method worked on my poor old laptop.


This newest never-ending thread is making me dig really deep. So, of course the Indian police had many arms. But they didn’t have any guns.

Or, Vishnu won the arms race, didn’t he?

Also, FYWP and your cheesy-ass gravatar.


Riddley Walker&#153

Crikey 1 hour ago I couldn’t spell puter leat and now I are one


No I ain’t


Let’s just take “Targetedgee Pox,” for example.

Aged Pretext Ego
Gaged Pee Extort
Gated Egret Expo
Repeat Detox Egg
Page Exerted Got
Tag Geode Expert
Dagger Tee Ex Pot
Raged Get Poet Ex
Age Dog Peer Text

and so forth.


For that matter, windows users can open the little applet called “character map” and select any symbol or character, click the “copy” button and then just paste it into the comments window.

There you have it. A mouse only solution for the keyboard challenged!!





Yes, we need a new thread.


FYWP with the entire reader’s digest condensed books collection. Sideways.


Or, Vishnu won the arms race, didn’t he?

The winner of the arms race has to be this guy.


Poor Stevie Harper is losing his job.

What tragic news. Hmph. Heh. BWAHAHAHAHA


Ahh, the old, ‘Why didn’t the policeman with the outdated revolver shoot at the armoured auto-matic weapon wielding madman who was using double clips of ammo?’ Or the ‘Why didn’t the unarmed fellow…’

Look, they eventually won, and they managed to capture most of the gunmen. That’s pretty awesome.

Maybe there were some heroics we haven’t heard about – but it’s much easier to rush a single guy with handguns than it is a group of guys with automatic weapons. That’s why the military uses them.


Poor Stevie Harper is losing his job.

More schadenfreude pie! Ow. Ow. So sweet my teeth hurt!


I have to say, after checking in on the last thread to see if anything was happenin’ there, this thread looks pretty good again. Not that I wouldn’t like a new one, of course.


A new thread will arrive shortly.

Also, mikey, why you wanna get yourself all dirty wif dem Winderz?


This is almost as good as John “They should have rushed the gunman” Derbyshire.


This is a test. Had this been a real comment, you would have been instructed to bite me, WordPress.

Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade

Good afternoon my liberal friends. Sorry I haven’t posted in several hours, but some of us have to work for a living. I see the conversation has turned to the right to bear arms.

Well, regardless of whether the Founding Father’s could have envisioned the advances in weaponry during the coming two hundred years, they had a firm belief in individual liberty and in personal responsibility. They no doubt would approve of the invidual right to keep and bear arms, if they were living today.

George Washington once said, “Rifles are liberties teeth.” And Jefferson, “Let every man be armed.” They realized that the government couldn’t protect each and every individual citizen from criminals and Indian savages, so they all agreed that as freemen, Americans should allowed to own and carry guns without restriction.

Maybe reading up on your constitutional law will enlighten you to the true greatness of America.


If you can’t decide who’s you’re favourite soul musician, Sam Cooke or Ray Charles, that’s Sam-or-Ray.


Hey, I’m entirely OS agnostic. As long as somebody else is buying.

If I’m paying it’s Ubuntu. Otherwise, windows, mac, solaris BeOS, NeXT, whatevs, bay bee, I’ll fart around with it for money…

I pretty much have no integrity…



Maybe reading up on your constitutional law will enlighten you to the true greatness of America.


A round of snotchos for my good freind Scotty!


I miss Bruce.


Dammit if that isn’t Saul.

Should I get out your marked words again, Rabbi?


I pretty much have no integrity what so fucking ever” is what you meant to say, no?

And like I said before, bite me, WordPress.


I’m all for the Second Amendment, actually – as long as we keep it to the Founder’s original intent.

I see no reason why the sale of muzzle-loading unrifled black powder weapons should be regulated.


If you can’t decide who’s you’re favourite soul musician, Sam Cooke or Ray Charles, that’s Sam-or-Ray.

So if that’s the definitive way to say it, and you want to say it like those damned kids on my lawn say it these days, it’s Sam-or-Ray s’word!

Hey, gimme a break. I put a little effort in that. Not much. But some.


mikey said,

November 30, 2008 at 23:32

In my role as a Sadly, No weapons wonk, I’d just like to point out that the US is virtually the only nation in the world today that still uses bolt action sniper rifles (Remington 700-based, such as M40).

Mikey, actually the Danish Armed Forces equip our “standard issue snipers” with the SAKO TRG-42 chambered for the .338 Lapua magnum. Pretty much as hi-tec old school bolt action stuff is one might imagine. But those are real snipers.

We don’t do designated marksmen any more, the Danish Home guard fielded the HK G3 in some sort of designated marksman revamp – it wasn’t (as far as I know) an actual G3/SG1, but rather a G3A3 with a modified receiver/buffer mechanism for lesser recoil (which was plenty for the standard issue G3 (M/75 in Danish terms), a silent bolt closure, a Hensold scope mount and (albeit standard production) barrel test fired and selected for accuracy (best 5 pct. production as far as I remember), but it’s gone now. Home Guard at one point bought some Colt Canada C7CTs for field testing but they’re not bying in large numbers for actual fielding. We’re sort of in limbo as far as designated marksmen go.

But regular army has embraced real snipers real hard. And they bolt 🙂

And Hindrocket really, really ought to stop reading all that fantasy crap.


Well, regardless of whether the Founding Father’s could have envisioned the advances in weaponry during the coming two hundred years, they had a firm belief in individual liberty and in personal responsibility. They no doubt would approve of the invidual right to keep and bear arms, if they were living today.


How the fluck can you know what people 200+ years ago knew? They’d probably get hooked on fast food and tee-vee and never get around to all that thinkin’ and governin’


…that’s Sam-or-Ray.’re ronin with some bad company!


And Jefferson, “Let every man be armed.”

Thomas Jefferson was so right. Especially when he said “What this country needs is a revolution every 20 years.”

No, that didn’t appear in the Constitution. Same as your excerpts above. When you keep saying “constitutional law” I do not think it means what you think it means.

Also, you might think twice about the Scottish bit. Unless you really like the idea of a Claymore up yer arse. Which idea, I suspect, has got you creaming yer diapers.


Dear FSM in Himmel, a new thread please! I’ve started feeding the trolls. It’s that bad. Someone wake the goddamn chipmunks already!


I see no reason why the sale of muzzle-loading unrifled black powder weapons should be regulated.
Worst cover version of “Gunpowder, Treason & Plot” EVAH.


So, Kevin just joined the Scottish Whatever Crusade?


Unless you really like the idea of a Claymore up yer arse.

You need to specify: Sword or landmine?


They’re still offering “free juicy tubes with purchase” over at!

Just thought you might like to know.


Can we haz new thread plz?




Unless you really like the idea of a Claymore up yer arse.

You need to specify: Sword or landmine?

Football team


Let’s not be so quick to say of Obama’s coalescing Cabinet, ”It’s Full of Stars!” Let’s also be especially circumspect of his nominating Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State.

I’ll have a chickenhawk salad on wheat, please.


You need to specify: Sword or landmine?

Really? Couldn’t it be both/and instead of either/or?


… he would have been standing in a puddle of his own bodily fluids.

In the Assrocket household, they call this Tuesday.


George Washington once said, “Rifles are liberties teeth.” And Jefferson, “Let every man be armed.” They realized that the government couldn’t protect each and every individual citizen from criminals and Indian savages, so they all agreed that as freemen, Americans should allowed to own and carry guns without restriction.

So, of course, this means that I have the constitutional right to keep a Stinger missile launcher on my roof, claymore mines around my yard, and a suitcase nuke or two in my closet, just in case the redcoats or the injuns decide to come marching in again, right?


the Assrocket household

Meet Assrocket!
His boy Assboy!
Daughter Booty!
Tail his wife!


Can we haz new thread plz?

Seriously. Even just a link to the hypnotoad from Futurama would do at this point.


You know, I’m really not that pissed about Obama’s appointments so far. I never started hating Clinton, so maybe it is easier for me to suddenly not hating her. She’s shown herself to be someone who works hard, earns the respect of her opponents, and doesn’t quit easily. I’ll give her a shot.

As for Gates, he was a critic of the war before being put in charge of it, so he’s no doctrinaire neocon. It doesn’t bother me one bit if Bush wants to start us on the road to withdrawal and Bush’s Sec of Def wants to run the first leg. There will probably be a lot of bad days ahead and Republicans aren’t going to be able to wash their hands of them.

As for the UN ambassador being an African American woman named Rice? Yeah, that’s probably a horrible idea, we shouldn’t do that. Good in depth analysis.

May I remind you that at this point in the Bush appointments the popular wisdom was that:

A) W rewards loyalty above all else, bringing along the whole crew from TX
B) Dick Cheney indicates a moderate shift in the spirit of his father’s administration.

I’m sure I will have plenty to be disappointed by soon, I’m just a little slower on the draw than some of you.


Whoo-hoo!! Constitutional crisis in Canada! Make some popcorn! This is gonna be…



pedestrian, I’m inclined to agree with you. Obama’s picks are entirely within his character; he’s pretty much doing what he told us he was going to do.

One thing with Clinton; I’m not sure she’s a good administrator. Hopefully somebody will see that and put a top-notch careerist in place to run the office so that she can focus on policy and schmoozing, both of which I think she’s pretty dang good at. At which I think she’s pretty dang good. The goodness of which I cannot dispute. Whatever.

Also, putting my little gravatar image into preview but not in the post itself is just unnecessary teasing, that’s what it is.


“…realized that the government couldn’t protect each and every individual citizen from criminals and Indian savages…”

No, that’s retarded, how are you going to stop a criminal with a musket and also… “savages,” really?


Oh for CRISSAKE. I go to eat some cheap Mexican food and have a couple of margs and come back and it’s still the same goddam thread.

I’m going to have to start fucking with the trolls if this keeps up.




If you can’t decide who’s you’re favourite soul musician, Sam Cooke or Ray Charles, that’s Sam-or-Ray.

Not to mention Otis, or the Wicked Wilson Pickett, which I guess I just did.


premium margs? On the rocks with salt? let’s go back to the bar and wait some more.


Now there’s an idea – post-nuclear grunge klezmer. Now to decide ona name for the band…

Gogol Bordello.

Although they’re more post-nuclear gypsy punk, I guess.


Speaking of the almighty Otis Redding.

Hey Sadly guys! Word and stuff.


Gogol Bordello.

See also, The Ukranians.


It’s begining to look as if I’ll be watching the football game tonight, eh?



g: Oh yes. Bean burritos and cheese dip: $10. Margaritas: Priceless.


It’s begining to look as if I’ll be watching the football game tonight, eh?

Canadian football?


This is the first night in about 6 or so that the Vols have not been playing in some goddam football or basketball tournament game or whatever, so I’m gonna go watch a lame-ass DVD of some sort with the spouse. There’d better be a new thread when I return, or — or — well, there’d just better be, is all I know.


Also, the pee stain on Hindbucket’s pants is definitely spreading. It’s starting to resemble Janis Joplin more than Jeebus now.


Just a suggestion for those who might want to
Cowboy Bob carries guns everywhere he’s allowed to. Notice how all of his gear is begged from suppliers?


Canadian football?

Nah. The season ended last weekend with the Grey Cup.

I think the Roughriders beat the Rough Riders.


Buttrocket’s suggestion that the citizens of India oughta all be packing heat displays his keen insight into the regional dynamics of recurring violent religious riots. The only thing that’s curious is that he’s not more clear about which side he’d like to see armed as the good citizens in the ongoing Hindu vs. Muslim holy hatred.


One of the greatest things about Christianity is that, no one is forced to do anything they don’t want to do.

Except the wimmenfolk, of course. Nine months of nausea, weight gain, fear of eclampsia, unbelievable pain during delivery, in order for a 14 year old girl to give birth to her own half-sibling? riiiiiiight….


And I forgot to add: I’m of Scottish descent. Mr. Scottish Contingent is setting himself up for a real old-fashioned clan feud here — if he actually has any Scottish genes. Betcha his mom just TOLD him those Viking rapists were Scots.


Chihuahua cheese


And how do they ever get enough milk from those little dogs…


Tehanu said,

Except the wimmenfolk, of course.

And those altar boys.

Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade

Nice try PeeJ, buddy boy. You say that just because Jefferson’s words “Let every man be armed”, are not in the Constitution, that they have no legal standing.

You couldn’t be more wrong. Ever hear of the doctrine of original intent? You know, the judicial philosophy that judges are supposed to follow rather than relying on “international law”, or using their own personal beliefs to decide constitutional matters. As one of our Founding Father’s, Thomas Jefferson’s personal beliefs go to the original intent of the constitution.

All of the personal opinions of our Founding Fathers have to be taken into account when deciding matters of constitutional law.

Conservatives: 1

Liberals: 0

Nice try there buddy boy, better luck next time, eh.


I’m mostly interested in the Susan Rice at the UN and Jim Jones as NSA. Rice because I’ve always wondered what the world might look like if the UN actually stepped in to halt genocides and humanitarian crises. She has written forcefully in support of an activist agenda. I recognize that these actions might result in unforeseen consequences, but since nobody’s ever tried it, I’m in.

Jones because I can’t find anything substantive about his views or opinions. He’s a fucking ghost. I’ll be interested in where he wants to take foreign policy, assuming at some point he actually TELLS somebody…



The original intent of the Founding Fathers is very, very important, as long as it’s only right wingers allowed to interpret what they wuz akshually thinkin’.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I go to eat some cheap Mexican food and have a couple of margs and come back and it’s still the same goddam thread.

I’m happy enough to wait if the next one’s a goodie. Like, another “48 to 52” and not one of Brad’s meltdowns.


Ever notice how the trolls always give out little scores in their posts, like:

Libruls: 1
Conservatives: Eighty-Bazillion!!!!!!111!!!

It’s almost as if they think saying something automatically makes it true. ALSO, are we keeping score? Because I have a few elections I’d like to add to the tally…


Oh! And I had a major epiphany for dinner tonight.

Four words:

Turkey. Cordon. Bleu. Sammich.

I mean, that’s pretty close to perfect, n’est ce pas?

Turkey cutlet, breaded w/herbs and pan fried over relatively low heat so it gets crispy golden brown, then topped with a slice of black forrest ham and a slice to tangy swiss cheese and shoved under the broiler for a minute to melt the cheese, served on a whole grain Ciabatta roll.

Damn, that may be the perfect sammich.

I’ll report back…



Damn, that may be the perfect sammich.

I possess Nutella, bread and bananas. I am comfortable with my sandwich direction.


All of the personal opinions of our Founding Fathers have to be taken into account when deciding matters of constitutional law.

Which is why I say let’s apply the standard they had when they wrote the law – ergo you can have as many weapons as you want, as long as they’re 18th Century-level technology.

Or does “original intent” only apply when it’s in favor of your biases?


If the Obftaclef of Bigotry and Prieftcraft can be furmounted, we may hope that common Senfe will suffice to do Everything elfe.

Alfo, the greateft Service that can be rendered to any Country is to add a ufeful Plant to its culture. Wafhington knows what I mean, right? Awww yeah. An acre of the beft Ground for Hemp, is to be selected and sewn in Hemp and be kept for a permanent Hemp Patch. Where are all the fifters at?


George Washington once said, “Rifles are liberties teeth.”

Wrong quote. What he actually said was “Teeth are rifles’ kidneys” and “Dicks are liberty’s ear lobes.”


Pere — also cannons. Even though they’re too large to actually bear as such. Suppose you agree that I can’t actually bear a cannon, not having a womb, which is nobody’s fault, not even the Romans’, but that I can have the right to have cannons.


Wait, rifles were made of wood?

Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade

Another fine example of liberal folly, this time coming from Pere Ubu. As long as you liberals continue to make absurd comments, like the one above no one will ever take you seriously.

Heck, even Barack Obama had to move to the center in order to become electable. Once he reveals his true colors (no pun intended) he’ll be booted out of office in a landslide.

Keep up the absurdity Pere Ubu, you’re only hurting your own side with foolish comments like that. That noise you hear in the background are your slightly less brain dead liberal friends telling you to “shut the hell up before you descredit us!”


I nominate Scottish boy as the new Coach Urban Meyer. Was he real at some point? Who knows. But he’s sure as hell fake now.

Also, 544 comments. Jesus H. Christ, new zombie thread?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Jesus H. Christ, new zombie thread?

It is eating a lot of people’s brains.


That noise you hear in the background are your slightly less brain dead liberal friends telling you to “shut the hell up before you descredit us!”

I thought it was Assrocket and you calling for anothe plate of snotchos with extra “special sauce”.


Pere Ubu said,

December 1, 2008 at 20:58

New Thread Cat requests a new thread.


Some people in the world don’t even HAVE THREADS! And here you are, whining for new ones. This is the kind of entitlement I’ve learned to expect from the commentariat around this place.

I shan’t be back.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I shan’t be back.

Ooh, are we going to have a Concern Troll Olympics here too?


Ooh, are we going to have a Concern Troll Olympics here too?

Well, it could be off-topic. On the other zombie hand….

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I’m concerned that all the bitching about getting a new thread is going to make teh Sadlies feel put-upon and they’ll never post anything new ever again.

I had been thinking about voting for certain candidates in the Democrat party, but if this is the way their own allies behave, I’m going to have to think it over.


I dunno. I highly doubt one (or more) of them is sitting out there reading our agony and just going, “Mwhahahahaha, NO NEW THREAD FOR YOU”. (Yes, I know Xecky G.’s comment is sarcasm)

Didn’t we used to joke about them all being passed out drunk on the floor or something whenever this happened?

Also, every time I press a key to type this comment my computer opens a new connection to This seems to use about 40% CPU on Firefox, and I can’t imagine the Gravatar folks appreciate it.

Jes’ sayin’.

The Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot

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We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. The media are in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. The media are in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. The media are in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. The media are in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. The media are in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. The media are in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. The media are in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. The media are in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. The media are in the tank for Obama. Heh. 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Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. The media are in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. The media are in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. The media are in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. The media are in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. The media are in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. The media are in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. The media are in the tank for Obama. Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s a gaffe-o-matic. The media are in the tank for Obama.


The mecha-emus are attacking, again.


I don’t have any logs.

No. I’m not going out for logs.

I’ve just got to remember to put in some inventory tomorrow.

‘Cause I’d like to light some shit on fire at this point….



Another fine example of liberal folly, this time coming from Pere Ubu. As long as you liberals continue to make absurd comments, like the one above no one will ever take you seriously.

I’ll double your pleasure.



Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade

Could someone please explain to me what E= means? I’m no computer geek, and I tryed googling it, but got no satisfactory explanation.


Guy who sez he ‘shan’t be back’ comes back in two comments.


This is why liberals never win elections.

Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade

There are a lot of valid complaints about conservative messaging on illegal immigration. Unfortunately, those of us who are in favor of securing the border and against amnesty can come across, falsely, as being hostile to Hispanic Americans.

With that in mind, here are points that may deserve to get a little more attention when we’re talking about illegal immigration…

1) Conservatives believe prosperous Hispanics are more likely to vote for their candidates than poor Hispanics. Liberals believe exactly the opposite. So, if you’re Hispanic and poor, Democrats want to keep you right where you are while Republicans want to see you become wealthier and more successful.

2) There is a false assumption about Hispanics that drives a lot of the immigration debate. That assumption is that the average Hispanic American cares more about an illegal alien from Mexico or El Salvador than he does about his fellow Americans. That’s a gratuitously unfair smear on the patriotism of Hispanic Americans and no one assumes this about any other group of Americans. No one thinks for example, that black Americans would vote for which ever party that brings in more African immigrants or white Americans would support whichever party brings in more white Europeans. Hispanic Americans are just as patriotic as any other group and they don’t deserve to be attacked this way.

3) In tough economic times, does it really make sense to legalize 12-20 million illegals who can take advantage of our social safety net? It’s never a good idea to import poverty, but it’s an even worse idea to do it when the economy is bad and we’re running a huge deficit.

4) Illegal immigrants take jobs from American citizens and drive down labor rates. Because illegal immigrants don’t pay health care, don’t pay car insurance, and cheat on their taxes, they can afford to work for less than American citizens. This is really what’s happening when they talk about “jobs Americans won’t do.” They’re jobs where illegals have driven the salaries down so low, that Americans won’t do that job for that price anymore.

5) Although conservatives believe that English should be our national language, we should still do advertising in Spanish. Why? Because it sends a message that says “I have a problem with illegal immigration, not Hispanics.”

6) Conservatives believe that English should be our national language for a number of reasons including that it helps unify us as a culture and that you almost have to know English to get a good job in this country.

The reason the Democrats oppose having English as a national language is because they want to keep Hispanics poor, separate, and marginalized. That’s because the more successful and integrated into American society that Hispanics become, the more likely they are to vote for Republicans.

7) If Hispanic Americans want a party that will keep America safe and moral for their kids, then they should vote for the party that is pro-family, anti-abortion, and for traditional values. That’s the Republican Party. A vote for Democrats is a vote for people who want a perverted culture for your children.

8) One of the important reasons to build a wall is to keep illegals from dying in the desert trying to get here. By keeping the illegals out of the US and at home, we can save hundreds of lives every year.

9) How are countries like Mexico ever going to build better lives for their citizens when their people with the most “get-up-and-go” have “got up and went” to the United States? These Third World nations need their best and brightest to stay in country, not to go to the US where even if they’re highly trained, they have to do manual labor because they can’t speak the language.

10) Most Hispanic immigrants to come this country to find an opportunity, not to get a hand-out. The GOP is the party of opportunity and the Democrats are the party of hand outs. People who want opportunity and want to set a good example for their children, should be voting Republican.


I think we should try for 1000 comments.


“In the 100-500 meter range you’re likely to be operating in an urban environment, Minute of Arc accuracy is not critical. The ability to shoot a two or three inch group would be sufficient, along with optics capable of allowing the shooter to ID the targets and the hostages, and differentiate between them…”

Mikey, dude, a three inch group at 500 meters would be well under minute of angle accuracy. It would be damn near 1/2 MOA.


Hey scottish, read this:

At the same time, there is an enormous sense of relief. After a claustrophobic decade, anger and resentment are possible again. It’s official: capitalism is monstrous. Try talking about the benefits of the free market and you will be treated like someone promoting the benefits of rape. Honest resentment opens a space for the hope that one day language might regain some of its critical capacity, that it could even begin to describe social realities again.

Ten points if you can guess the nationality of the writer.


henry lewis said,
December 2, 2008 at 4:32

Guy who sez he ’shan’t be back’ comes back in two comments.


This is why liberals never win elections.

Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system.


I think we should try for 1000 comments.

I’m just gonna run out for a six-pack.

Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade

I’m guessing, from the choice of wording, the the writer is your typical liberal American.

Big deal, we all knew liberals are anti-capitalism. Tell me something I don’t already know.


I am concerned that concern trolling will be overrun by copypasta. But I want to make sure that we send the message “I am offended by plagiarism, not Right Wing News articles”.

(Have we gotten our snark on with Right Wing News yet? I’d look but my computer is going really slowly because every character I type requires my browser to connect to gravatar for some reason)


the writer is your typical liberal American.


Go collect a parting gift at reception.

Anyone else?


No new thread YET?! Good lord. Okay, now I’m starting to worry a little, like I used to when my kids were still living at home and were out with the car after curfew and I had to stay up past my bedtime worrying if they were drunk in a ditch by the side of the road somewhere.

C’mon, SN guys. I’m too old for this shit.


I’m guessing, from the choice of wording, the the writer is your typical liberal American.

Icelandic, but thanks for playing!


Sounds like your typical casino capitalist, by association anyway.


I am a very bad person.

I am poking at the 9/11 Truther/anti-immigrant nut over at Orcinus.

I’m sure he’ll show us all when the Latino gangs show up on our doorsteps to take away our guns just like Gary North said they would.


You’re on the extreme.

Do your math on a three inch group at 100 meters.

See what we’re talking about here?

We’re talking PRACTICAL accuracy rather than CONTEST accuracy.

The point is you have to be able to lay rounds on target, not win a contest.

I train on combat handgun at 7 and 15 meters. Why? Because beyond that you don’t have the capability to lay rounds on target. But with that training, can I hit at 50, or 80, or more? Yeah, actually. Because what you’re learning is what the round and the barrel is going to do, and what it turns around and asks of you.

If you can shoot a tight group at 100+ meters, you can take your shot, if the situation requires it, at 400 or even 500. Of course, the likelihood of a dead center shot goes down. Anybody who has spent time with a rifle will accept your math, but there’s also the whole “feel” thing.

I once shot a kid planting an anti-tank mine at close to 700 meters with an M16 with iron sights. That’s 5.56. Not even a decent round. It’s about getting a sense of what the round’s gonna do and where your hold has to be, and then it’s just all instinct.

You can DO it, but you have to KNOW, and you have to trust that knowledge…



C’mon, SN guys. I’m too old for this shit.

They ghey hamsters running the wheels haven’t gotten back from their Long Weekend.


I see what you did there, Henry.


You know what I like? Pie.



I’ve seen my wife shoot a 1-inch group at 7 meters with her Colt Python. She’s a much better shot than me.


I’d think that at a range where a handgun becomes a viable weapon, someone with an assault-rifle would blow your head off BEFORE you get the FIRST round off. Pistol accuracy degrades fast with increased range. Accuracy with ANY gun degrades even faster when the other person is shooting back.

Hinderaker = FAIL.

As someone who IS a “Mall Ninja” (although I prefer “Rent-A-Nazi” myself) working a post on an industrial site, I’ve had the opportunity to work with numerous other Security Guards, & I can say with authority: people in our line of work should NOT have access to firearms … too many wannabe Judge Dredds in this job already – the thought of them packing makes me throw up in my mouth a little … & that’s coming from somebody who grew up with guns galore.

Why, what’s that beautiful sound I hear off in the distance? Could it be the singing of angels? No, it’s PeeJ @ 0:36, making my day suddenly seem like an impromptu birthday:

Poor Stevie Harper is losing his job.

Helps to know that Canadian political parties are universally allergic to the idea of forming coalitions, so Harper had to screw that poodle extra-deep & extra-vigorously to get them to come together on such short notice. The hysterical bawwwwing about a coup d’etat & Canada being a banana-republic now is by far the loveliest noise Conservatives have EVER made to my ears.

Harper screwing himself out of that fancy home on 24 Sussex Drive?
Couldn’t’ve happened to a nicer reptile.

Enraged Bull Limpet

A lamprey once bit my sister…


As long as you liberals continue to make absurd comments… no one will ever take you seriously.

He’s right. If people are allowed to post absurd comments here, no one will ever take humor blogs seriously again.


I’d think that at a range where a handgun becomes a viable weapon, someone with an assault-rifle would blow your head off BEFORE you get the FIRST round off.

If you think you’re going to get into a gunfight, bring a rifle, and bring all your friends with rifles.


My hovercraft is full of eels.

Dutch eels.

Mijn hovercraft zit vol palingen!

Thank you, Smut Clyde, for the link to .

If I were more linguistically adventurous, I could make some truly awful puns concerning the Dutch word for “eel” and Bible Spice, jah?


Mijn hovercraft zit vol palingen!

My hovercraft zits for Palin?


I think the Roughriders beat the Rough Riders.

I’ve seen that movie. The production quality was poor until the second reel, when the bras came off.


The hysterical bawwwwing about a coup d’etat & Canada being a banana-republic now is by far the loveliest noise Conservatives have EVER made to my ears.

Right, because when a majority of Canadians voted for left-of-Conservative political parties, they signaled their desire for the Conservatives to shift to the right and hold power in perpetuity. Democracy is dead now.


Goddam it, Kong, that Python is american manufacturing quality at it’s peak.

Every Ruger and Smith needs a trigger job right outta the box.

Python? A little creep, but it’s all butter.

And I think they put that creep in there on purpose. You can tune it out, but you’ll be sorry you did.

All the love I put in my Smith K13 combat masterpiece, and I woulda traded it straight up for a 4 inch python.

Oh. And women are ALWAYS better shots than men. My theory? They didn’t run around as children going “BANG – I got you”. At no point did the women ever assume they always “Got you”….



The hysterical bawwwwing about a coup d’etat & Canada being a banana-republic now is by far the loveliest noise Conservatives have EVER made to my ears.

Harper: pretty good poker player; terrible chess player. He can go back to doing what he was meant to do – plot the revenge of the west in some non-descript Calgary office.

Enraged Bull Limpet

All this talk about weaponry tempts me to fetch my ancient, rusty .410/.22 over-and-under out of the closet and get it greased up and battle-ready again. Our local squirrels and voles look especially menacing lately, and something must be in the air.


something must be in the air.

Aim upwards.


Bugger. WP has banned me for trying to link to Flickr.
I was just saying that (1) someone else deserves credit for introducing Anne Laurie to Omniglot; and (2) thanks to the endlessly-tweakable Pie script, any comments from RB are now illustrated on this machine with the Dancing Badger gif.

Enraged Bull Limpet

Aim upwards

Just gotta remember to set the hammer on the .410 side in the case of an aerial threat. Seriously, on more than one boyhood occasion while lugging that anemic relic across the tundra, I’d forget and fire the .22 for a wingshot or vice-versa.


Smut C., common decency demands that you include a rabid pelican gif.

Or three.


I mutter the Badger Song quite a bit at work. Keeps people from bothering me but the badgers and snakes won’t quit.


“Our local squirrels and voles look especially menacing lately, and something must be in the air.”

They’re starving. No acorns.

Acorn Watchers Wonder What Happened to Crop

The idea seemed too crazy to Rod Simmons, a measured, careful field botanist. Naturalists in Arlington County couldn’t find any acorns. None. No hickory nuts, either. Then he went out to look for himself. He came up with nothing. Nothing crunched underfoot. Nothing hit him on the head.

I blame Obama.

Enraged Bull Limpet

Ahh, no wonder! It appears that our local (well, non-native and invasive) fox squirrels are evolving flight ability in real time– had to move the bird feeders higher twice this fall, and an acorn shortage might explain that new resourcefulness.


Joe Max said,

So, of course, this means that I have the constitutional right to keep a Stinger missile launcher on my roof, claymore mines around my yard, and a suitcase nuke or two in my closet, just in case the redcoats or the injuns decide to come marching in again, right?

I’m All Right Jack

Don’t you worry, I’m alright, Jack
We’ve never had it so good
House in Hampstead, fallout bunker
Done everything we could
Fitted the Rolls with a shatterproof windscreen
Soon as we heard the news
Harrods do a nice little teargas
Even a woman can use

All good men at Number Ten
Everything’s understood
Don’t you worry, I’m alright, Jack
We’ve never had it so good

Don’t you worry, I’m alright, Jack
We’ve never had it so good
There’s plenty of grouse at the country house
We’re eating as we should
Hugh’s at Sandhurst, everything’s safe
With Perkins running the farm
Half a dozen shotguns in the Land Rover
Ready for the call to arms

Gin traps down around the grounds
Trip wires out in the wood
Don’t you worry, I’m alright, Jack
We’ve never had it so good


Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen a single acorn this year, either, here in Little Rock. Weird.


Our tiny yard (north of Boston) is surrounded by oak trees, which I have come to loathe, because oak leaves are hell on gardens and don’t compost for shite. Last year was unusually acorn-intensive, but this year — well, I’ve seen a *few*. On the other hand, there weren’t as many squirrels this spring & summer, well before this year’s crop failure should have influenced the population… I was actually wondering if the local greys had been hit with some kind of plague, parallel to the rabies that decimated the local coons a decade ago.


but that I can have the right to have cannons.

Well, strictly speaking, as black-powder muzzle-loaders, cannons are pretty damn close to unregulated. Also, anvil launching. Almost entirely unregulated.

You may fire when ready, Gridley!


Well, strictly speaking, as black-powder muzzle-loaders, cannons are pretty damn close to unregulated.

This reminded me of this weird murder case here about a year ago. It’s too late tonight and I’m too tired to look it up, but iirc a guy was having an affair with another guy’s wife. The husband showed up at the boyfriend’s house I guess to beat him up or something. Boyfriend or husband, I can’t remember which, is armed with an antique gun. Man tried to shoot rival but ancient gun doesn’t fire so whichever one had the gun whacked the other guy over the head with it and killed him.

That doesn’t seem exactly right, but the essentials are there, I think.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll look it up.


That sounds altogether too similar to some of the plot twists of Death-Trap.


I’d forgotten that movie, Smut. Or did I?

I tried to find that case on line and failed. I swear it happened. I think. Oh, well. Beddy-bye awaits.


Can someone help me with the relevant legal issues involved in trebuchet operation?

Also, a high-powered potato cannon that uses a dry ice bomb: is that a firearm?

I need to know by Thursday morning kthxbai


Boyfriend or husband, I can’t remember which, is armed with an antique gun. Man tried to shoot rival but ancient gun doesn’t fire so whichever one had the gun whacked the other guy over the head with it and killed him.

Sidney asks Clifford to help him act out some possible bits of business for the play, first by resisting a frontal assault, then by demonstrating how he might wield an axe. Finally, Sidney produces a gun he’s secreted for this moment, trains it on Clifford and tearfully explains to him that he cannot allow completion of “Deathtrap” and can only stop him with a bullet. Sidney bids Clifford good-bye and pulls the trigger.
The gun doesn’t go off, though, because Clifford has taken the bullets to load a different gun that he has at the ready.


La Mer

La mer

Qu’on voit danser le long des golfes clairs

A des reflets d’argent

La mer

Des reflets changeants

Sous la pluie

La mer

Au ciel d’été confond

Ses blancs moutons

Avec les anges si purs

La mer bergère d’azur



Près des étangs

Ces grands roseaux mouillés


Ces oiseaux blancs

Et ces maisons rouillées

La mer

Les a bercés

Le long des golfes clairs

Et d’une chanson d’amour

La mer

A bercé mon coeur pour la vie

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

All of the personal opinions of our Founding Fathers have to be taken into account when deciding matters of constitutional law.

In two semesters of Constitutional Law, plus bar review, I never heard this particular canon of interpretation. Could you provide a cite, Scot?


Can someone help me with the relevant legal issues involved in trebuchet operation?

There are liability issues if someone gets hurts winching the bucket back.


If I were more linguistically adventurous, I could make some truly awful puns concerning the Dutch word for “eel” and Bible Spice, jah?

That would make this the palindrome.


Big deal, we all knew liberals are anti-capitalism. Tell me something I don’t already know.


Your father was a hamster.


Jennifer said,
December 2, 2008 at 6:44

Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen a single acorn this year, either, here in Little Rock. Weird.

I’ve got less than usual in the yard, but I’ve still got a boatload of them.


“You’re on the extreme.

Do your math on a three inch group at 100 meters.

See what we’re talking about here?

We’re talking PRACTICAL accuracy rather than CONTEST accuracy.

The point is you have to be able to lay rounds on target, not win a contest.”

Mikey, you’re still talking about MOA accuracy even at the middle of your specified range. It’s okay that you don’t know what MOA means in either technical or practical terms, nor what the acronym even stands for. After all, you’re on a site where most people don’t know or care much about guns, so you go on with your bad self.

Regarding your 700 meter shot, it’s not as if nobody ever makes shots with 12-16 feet of holdover with iron sights, but it’s far more common that they vastly overestimate ranges.


Outgunned Mumbai police hampered by First World War weapons

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

Outgunned Mumbai police hampered by First World War weapons

Vegetarian pussies. The U.S. managed to win a fucking WORLD WAR (the first one) with those weapons.

Haukur Már Helgason – really

Why would anyone use my name as camouflage?


As one of the only dotheads I know who owns and carries handguns, let me tell you that rhetoric is lovely, and humor is fun, but when shit hits the fan, I’d bet money you’d rather be sitting next to yours truly and his two glocks than most of the anti gun spewing liberals above me. And gie me a break abotu the toys r us shooting, the rest of hte 30k some odd times armed Americans defend themselves, it never makes the press. And +1 to the “vegetarian pussies” guy. It’s not about the weapon, it’s aotu the man holding it, and it’s a cop’s JOB to go after the crazy man with the gun. It’s not like they had sniper rifles they had AK;s, which aren’t worth a shit past 300 yards. Hell, a springfield 1903 is a ww1 weapon that is perfectly capable of making one shot kills to 500 yards or so. In the end, make fun of us gun toting conservative knuckle draggers at your own risk. You can’t kill us with witty sarcastic comments, but we can sure nuff end your endless nattering with a well aimed .40.


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