The Sarah Palin Personality Cult looks to claim some scalps

Now this is a project that’ll help win over swing voters in 2012: ending the careers of fellow Republicans who had the audacity to criticize Sarah Palin for being completely ignorant about everything:

Operation Leper

Posted by: Erick Erickson

RedState is pleased to announce it is engaging in a special project: Operation Leper.

We’re tracking down all the people from the McCain campaign now whispering smears against Governor Palin to Carl Cameron and others. Michelle Malkin has the details.

We intend to constantly remind the base about these people, monitor who they are working for, and, when 2012 rolls around, see which candidates hire them. Naturally then, you’ll see us go to war against those candidates.

It is our expressed intention to make these few people political lepers.

Why does St. Sarah command such dogged loyalty, you ask? Michelle Malkin explains:

[T]wo fundamental conservative stands she took mattered greatly to me: She vigorously defended the Second Amendment and the sanctity of life more eloquently in practice than any of the educated conservative aristocracy.

In other words: she’s shot a gun and she didn’t abort her children. In Malkinworld, that’s good enough to be preznit some day!!!

The GOP civil war is only beginning, my friends. I personally hope the Malkinites succeed in purging every last educated person out of the Republican Party. 2012 will see a Sarah Palin-Joe the Plumber ticket. Allah be praised, I will never stop enjoying this.


Comments: 94


It’s nice to watch the bloodletting from the sidelines, isn’t it?

I’m hoping for a Romney-Palin showdown in 2012. That will be made of pure, unalloyed win.

By which I mean fail. For them.


I will relish every moment of watching Mittens! and Sarah! fighting for the next four/eight years.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

And remember, this Obama win signals the take-over of hte Democrats by the most ideological left-wing socialest elements which will undoubtedly lead to a purge of anyone who doesn’t toe the Party line.


Apparently Malkin and Redstate have decided that Bush the Lesser is too intellectual for the GOP and they need someone simpler. Awesome.


She vigorously defended the Second Amendment and the sanctity of life more eloquently in practice than any of the educated conservative aristocracy.

Ahem. Michelle, that’s “edumacated”. You’re welcome.


What a bunch of flaming cheese-dicks.

Boy it’s nice to win these. After these last 2 depressing elections it’s nice to come out on top and not have to do all the introspection.


I’ve got a feeling Carl Cameron dishing the slime on Palin is only the beginning of a narrative at FOX. They’re rabid wingnuts, for sure, but most of them know that glibertarians (and not fundamentalists) are the ones buttering most of the bread. Wouldn’t surprise me if we get non-stop Palin dissing over there until the entire scope of McCain’s loss can be wholly attributed to her. Hannity might cry foul, but he can be prodded into getting in line.


I think that those who live on major rivers should be prepared for the bodies floating downstream. They can a bit of a navigational hazard you know. I’d recommend a long pole with a gaff at the end. Comes in handy. You’re welcome.


It is our expressed intention to make these few people political lepers.

That’s funny. I thought that was what we were doing.


Does this mean we’ll see a Michelle Malkin vs Peggy Noonan death cage match?



And, as we know, nothing says “Sanctity of Life” like an AK-47.


Some of these turncoats are claiming McCain never should have picked her. They don’t understand. Bill Kristol triple-dog dared him to.


Thank God the site is back up! I was going into snark withdrawal lol.

As much as I look forward with glee to the coming disintegration of the Mouthbreather Party, I would like to urge my fellow Sadlynauts! to not lose sight of our duties. Especially in light of Prop 8 in California. We need to organize right now to get a proposition on the ballot for 2010 to outlaw hetero marriage. Because apparently California just isn’t ready for marriage of any kind. I’m sure Gary Ruppert would agree. How can you wage war against Obamaka with a wife dragging you down?!


What’s even better is that after all of the blacklisting, head-spinning, foot-stamping, fist-shaking fun is over….after all of the blood oaths to withold support from Candidate X or Y for their rudeness to Sarah Palin are sworn, the Malkinites will inevitably support the Republican nominee – whoever he or she is. Yes, my friends, the contortions will be spectaular and the leaps of logic baffling. I can’t wait.

By the way, for a foreshadowing of what’s coming, check out the threads from Election Day evening on the API site. They managed to convince themselves that Fox News was blocking release of the Michelle Obama tape in order to get her husband elected. They even sent a raiding party after one of Fox’s corporate lawyers because she had made a contribution to the Obama campaign.


Operation Leper is the greatest thing ever and I heartily endorse it.


Because, of course, Operation Goldwater was such a success that Jonah Goldberg is now considered to be a conservative intellectual.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Operation Leper. They’re calling it Operation Leper. Wow.

Because it is so very Christian to eject lepers from society. This must be that compassionate conservatism I keep hearing about.


Because it is so very Christian to eject lepers from society.

They could send people out with tire irons to heal these lepers.


Not that any of this makes any difference to the republicans.. Didn’t Mcain hire the guy who pushed the “black baby” smear in 2000 and cost him the nomination?

For now, nothing to do but lean back and enjoy the show. If you thought the 2008 republican nomination was a poisoned chalice, how much more toxic will the 2012 nomination be? Hopefully, they will fight over the scraps of their party like rabid dogs.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> T]wo fundamental conservative stands she took mattered greatly to me: She vigorously defended the Second Amendment and the sanctity of life

The fact that these two are fundamentally, on a philosophical level, exactly opposite flies completely over the nutjobs’ heads.

Although, metaphysically speaking, they cancel each other out. Thus Stalkin’ Malkin inadvertently reveals her True Self: The Logical Zero.

Trilateral Chairman

Apparently Malkin and Redstate have decided that Bush the Lesser is too intellectual for the GOP and they need someone simpler. Awesome.

Should be interesting. They got eight years of an ignorant, ineloquent, inexperienced, and incompetent President, and after his administration turned into a total disaster, they decided that their big problem was that he wasn’t ignorant, ineloquent, inexperienced, and incompetent *enough*.

What is it with these people? If they jump into the shower in the morning and find it’s too hot, do they open the hot water tap as far as it will go?

Somewhere there’s a video of Homer Simpson injuring himself over and over again (I think by burning himself on something). I can’t find it now, but it strikes me as a perfect symbol for a party that simply refuses to learn.

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

I applaud Malkin’s strategy of having the GOP shoot itself in the foot until there’s no more foot left while simultaneously decapitating itself. Perhaps then the country can move forward.


The fact that the name of their operation so clearly indicates that they missed the point of the biblical plight of the lepers is very…

Well, it’s not surprising. But it is funny.

Understandable, given how long the book is. Does anyone know if Clif took notes on the bible?


…it’s nice to come out on top and not have to do all the introspection.

Since we’re liberals, we’re doing it anyway. But you’re right, we don’t have to, and that’s kind of teh awesum.


If you thought the 2008 republican nomination was a poisoned chalice, how much more toxic will the 2012 nomination be?

2012 nominees will know they have a shot because they’re not following Bush. Economic times will likely still be shitty. Their field will be better UNLESS Operation Leper – or Operation Need New Underwear or Operation Faceplant or Operation We Love the Cuckoo – succeeds.


Somewhere there’s a video of Homer Simpson injuring himself over and over again (I think by burning himself on something).

There’s one out there of Bart repeatedly grabbing at a pellet of food and getting shocked every time, as part of Lisa’s science fair project of proving that he’s dumber than a hamster. I’m youtube-incapable here or I’d chase it down; even if it’s not the one you’re thinking of, it’s pretty funny.


Somehow only these people could use pleased and special and leper in the same sentence.

Trilateral Chairman

Xecky: that might be it. Sounds about right.

It’ll be interesting to see who survives the purges this time around. The hard social-conservative right will try to purge the neocons and the metrocons like Brooks and Noonan. The metrocons, on the other hand, will try to purge the neocons and the social conservatives. The neocons…well, I think the neocons are just going to run for the hills.

As (I think) Henry Kissinger said in a different context, it’s a shame both sides cannot lose. I suspect the Malkin crowd will succeed; as usual, they’ve settled on the candidate they see as the Second Coming of St. Ronnie, and they’ll do anything to get her the nomination.

I wonder if Mitt knows what he’ll be walking into.


It should a rousing success considering all of the moral lepers involved.


RedState is pleased to announce it is engaging in a special project: Operation Leper.

We’re tracking down all the people from the McCain campaign now whispering smears against Governor Palin to Carl Cameron and others. Michelle Malkin has the details.

The Soviets used to call these “pogroms,” I think.


This just goes to show that peak wingnut has still yet to be achieved.

You keep following your dream, Michelle. Do it for baby Jesus.


I can just see it now: “Please let Graeme Frost be on the list… please let Graeme Frost be on the list…”

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> Understandable, given how long the book is. Does anyone know if Clif took notes on the bible?

They need the cartoon version. The one with Jesus brandishing an AK-47 and twin ammunition bandoliers over his shoulders.

The Goddamn Batman Can Split A Vote At 100 Yards With A Batarang

Palin/Wurzelburgerstruwwelpeter on the Reform Party ticket in 2012. That is my dream, and by “dream” I mean “wet dream”.


It’s interesting that after the beatdown that Nixon delivered to McGovern (the evilist Liberal that was ever nominated for president) the left-wing didn’t insist on purging all centrist Dems from the party and double down on the crazy. Instead, they nominated a centrist governor from the south as their candidate. After the election of Gore was stolen lost, the Dems took a pass on craaaaazy liberal Howard Dean and nominated a centrist senator and war hero.


Wow… Who knew that the Epic/Fail 2012 ticket would start so soon after Epic/Fail 2008?


UNLESS Operation Leper […] succeeds.

When Operation Leper goes operational, I would like to operate as an operative.


Oh yeah, purging the Party of the ideologically impure is a FABULOUS idea. USA USA!!


Does anyone know if Clif took notes on the bible?



When Operation Leper goes operational, I would like to operate as an operative.

Unless all previous statements are deemed inoperative, of course.


When Operation Leper goes operational, I would like to operate as an operative.

Well, as a reminder please tie this string around your finger and… Oh. Your finger’s fallen off.


This is the best news I’ve heard since the election. Talk about an embarrassment of riches. What have I done to have the FSM smile down upon me so?


Operation Leper.

A project of The Christian Freedom Heritage Purity Party of The Sword of Gideon.

Slogan: The GOP left us.


Ultimately the Malkinites and associated crazies will probably lose the civil war because the metrocons and big-business types (who are evil but less bat-shit insane) have all the money. They write the checks to the Malkinites. However, the Malkinites are kind of like the wacky fighters in Iraq who are all hopped up on uppers – tenacious and semi-resitant to pain. So, they’ll probably take out some big timers. Maybe even Mittens. In any event, the blood-letting on all sides will be hilarious, and neither faction will come up with anyone strong enough to sell the public. Meanwhile, Barack will be governing from the middle and hopefully passing big time legislation that appeals to a wide coalition.


And here I was thinking all of the fun would end after the 4th.


Here’s my favorite tidbit from the Malkintent’s blog:

“Thank you, Sarah Palin. Thank you for stepping up the plate and serving your country.”

For once, I agree with Michelle wholeheartedly. Thank you, Sarah Palin. Thanks for all the memories. Election 2008 wouldn’t have been the same without you.


And here I was thinking all of the fun would end after the 4th.

I was wondering if yesterday’s breakdown was S,N! saying, ‘Well, that’s that. Our work here is done’.

The End Of Snark, as it were.

Happily, no. Just a brief respite before moving to The Next Level!!11!


Oh, happy day!


As a libertarian formerly excommunicated from the Party in 2003, allow me to say to my brethren from the conservative intellectual aristocracy:

Welcome to the Democratic Party.

And don’t worry, the pain involved in pulling the lever for a Democrat only lasts as long as it takes you to remember that the GOP is now run by insane jackholes.



But, wouldn’t the Christian thing be to work to help the suffering of the Lepers and to try and reduce leprosy. Branding people as lepers seems kinda, uh….what’s the word I’m looking for? It’ll come to me, I just need a few minutes.

Didn’t Heysoos of MiddleEastTown pass along some kind of command from his Dad about this kind of thing? You know, for the chosen Malkins of the world? If only there was someplace that a person could go to see what the message was. A book maybe. Some kind of important or even sacred book. Kinda like a firearms training manual….OK, maybe no that sacred. Maybe a Hallmark card.


RedState is pleased to announce it is engaging in a special project: Operation Leper.

Community of Lepers May Lose Privacy When Saint Is Named


Somewhere there’s a video of Homer Simpson injuring himself over and over again (I think by burning himself on something).

Not to forget Sideshow Bob trying to walk, clown-shoed, through a sea of upturned rakes. (Hey, wasn’t arch-conservative Kelsey ‘I cannot talk politics in Hollywood for fear of lynching by Liberals’ Grammar the voice for that? Oh, the irony!)


Why do these redstaters resemble the thing they claim to fear the most? In other words: ideological purists bent on purging the earth of all dissent?

I heartily endorse Operation Leper. It will keep these clowns out of power for at least a decade.


(Hey, wasn’t arch-conservative Kelsey ‘I cannot talk politics in Hollywood for fear of lynching by Liberals’ Grammar the voice for that? Oh, the irony!)

Was that the episode in which he was the Republican candidate for mayor?


OMG! Circular firing squad!

Anyone see any kettle corn vendors around here?


Was that the episode in which he was the Republican candidate for mayor?

I don’t know, but that episode (entitled Sideshow Bob Roberts) is my favorite Simpsons of ALL TIME.

I think I will have to watch it again.


I was wondering if yesterday’s breakdown was S,N! saying, ‘Well, that’s that. Our work here is done’.

I just assumed the server was partaking of the hangover.


I don’t know, but that episode (entitled Sideshow Bob Roberts) is my favorite Simpsons of ALL TIME.

I actually quite like the more conservative one in which Homer runs for Sanitation Commissioner and spends like a… well wait a minute, like a Republican. I have to rethink this one.


Well, as a reminder please tie this string around your finger and… Oh. Your finger’s fallen off.

Why do you hate lepers so????


Sideshow Bob: “No child has ever meddled with the Republican Party and lived.”

Ray Patterson: If you want an experienced public servant, vote for me. But if you want to believe a bunch of crazy promises about garbage-men cleaning your gutters and waxing your car… then by all means vote for this sleazy lunatic. [cuts to newspaper headline: “Simpson Wins: Says ‘Crazy Promises’ Key to Victory”]


Why do you hate lepers so????

Too flaky.


Maybe Tommy Thompson will run again.

looks like he may be the best they got.


GOP platform for 2012 (after they get rid of all those “educated elites”)

1)Bread good!
2)Fire bad!

Palin/Plumber 2012 : You got a real purty mouth.
Palin/Plumber 2012: Squeal like a piggy!


resisting urge to tell horrible leper joke. Pray to the FSM that I stay strong.

Seriously, I know some of the yuckiest jokes , . .

So glad to see that S,N is back up. I won’t be around to enjoy it, but I feel comforted, just knowing it’s there, a shining jewel of a snark island in the sea of Teh T00bz.

I believe the coming weeks are going to be a glorious golden harvest of wingnut suffering, backbiting, and poutrage. Is there a recognized overdose level for Schadenfreude? I have a high tolerance, but they say just a slight push past that edge and one’s head simply melts with bliss.


Good golly Miss Molly!
It’s a schadenfreude aperitif!

Yeah, sounds like “Operation Leper” comes from the same fountain of wingnut whizdumb as “Operation Chaos” – you know, the way that political genius, Rush Limbaugh, came up with a people-powered plan to beat the Dems in 2008 by making their primary so long that they were too fractured & weak at the end of it to resist the GOP onslaught.

Oh wait …

Turbine Yukon Palin

Well, they had to do something with that wedge.

I can’t think of a nicer place to, er, stick it.


“In other words: she’s shot a gun and she didn’t abort ALL her children.”

Fixed. We can only speak about the children we know about – remember, we only have a letter from a doctor and not her actual medical records. Who knows how many Toddlings were actually conceived?


resisting urge to tell horrible leper joke.

Dip your toe in the water. Please remember to take it with you when you’re done.


What’s even better is that after all of the blacklisting, head-spinning, foot-stamping, fist-shaking fun is over….after all of the blood oaths to withold support from Candidate X or Y for their rudeness to Sarah Palin are sworn, the Malkinites will inevitably support the Republican nominee – whoever he or she is. Yes, my friends, the contortions will be spectaular and the leaps of logic baffling. I can’t wait.

The hilarious part of all of this is exactly that: that Stalkin’ Malkin is using her horrifying lack of even the most basic concept of personal privacy to destroy fellow GOP operatives, and in the end she will do exactly nothing to actually oppose the people she considers ideologically impure.

She’s going to spend three years ruining the lives of College Republican wankers who like the wrong person, and then the next year calling that person the next incarnation of our glorious Morning-Fuhrer and presaging his installation as King of America.


[…] can’t decide what part of this post-election period I enjoy more: the crazed ideological purges or the descent into survivalist paranoia. Heck, why do I have to choose? Good News: Obama’s […]


[…] can’t decide what part of this post-election period I enjoy more: the crazed ideological purges or the descent into survivalist paranoia. Heck, why do I have to choose? Good News: Obama’s […]


“Two fundamental conservative stands she took mattered greatly to me: She vigorously defended the Second Amendment and the sanctity of life
The fact that these two are fundamentally, on a philosophical level, exactly opposite flies completely over the nutjobs’ heads.”

“They got eight years of an ignorant, ineloquent, inexperienced, and incompetent President, and after his administration turned into a total disaster, they decided that their big problem was that he wasn’t ignorant, ineloquent, inexperienced, and incompetent *enough*.

You need to remember that the primary policy dogma of these people is that the problem with the economy is that the rich people don’t have enough money.


Noen- I’m watching those bodies float down the river now. That’s one of my favorite Ghandi references.


Oblammo is going to be forced to invite Sara Palin into his cabinet because of her positivitivity amongst the American people of the USA of AMerica. I would suspect that she’ll be offered the Secratary of Stateship, as she can watch Putin rearing his ugly head from somewhere in her yard. She’ll be good for the economy too, what with her stimulation of the high-end clothing market and such. Get with the program DEMONcraps, you lost, GET OVER IT!!

Trilateral Chairman

The hilarious part of all of this is exactly that: that Stalkin’ Malkin is using her horrifying lack of even the most basic concept of personal privacy to destroy fellow GOP operatives, and in the end she will do exactly nothing to actually oppose the people she considers ideologically impure.

Well, with any luck, the GOP operatives as a whole will come to realize how odious that creature is and drive her out along with the neocons. Remember when Harriet Miers was nominated and it suddenly dawned on (I think) Peggy Noonan that Bush was a bit clueless and unresponsive to criticism? I’m hoping that something similar will happen to Malkin. If so, I very much look forward to that picture of her falling from the sky in flames.


Well, with any luck, the GOP operatives as a whole will come to realize how odious that creature is and drive her out along with the neocons.

God forbid. She’s valuable to Democrats.


GOP platform for 2012 (after they get rid of all those “educated elites”)

Actually, I’ve been leaked some of their early plans.

Economic policy:
Step 1: Cut taxes/increase spending

Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit!

Foreign Policy
Step 1: Bomb lots of people
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Everyone loves America!!!


We’re tracking down all the people from the McCain campaign now whispering smears against Governor Palin to Carl Cameron and others.
I would have called this “Operation Muenster Anabaptist Regime 1535”, despite the extra syllables.
And all those concerns about “Peak Wingnut” are refuted. It may be that Gold’s far-fetched theory about an abiotic origin for Wingnut is correct after all.

resisting urge to tell horrible leper joke.
Keep the tip.


I never, ever want to hear about Obama’s “cult of personality” ever again.


Cole put it well today,

It isn’t just that many of the folks leading the purge disagree with George Will and Peggy Noonan and Daniel Larison and Sullivan and Ron Paul about the direction of the future GOP- they want them destroyed for suggesting there needs to be a debate. That is how dead the party is,

Let’s see. What happens when you keep dumping the same numbers of pirhana into smaller and smaller chum-buckets? It really is a fitting end to their “my way or the highway”, “with us or agin’ us” political philosophy. The logical extension is one of absolute purity vs absolute heresy. The fact that the only defined canon of the movement is “our side wins at all costs” is irrelevant. It should be interesting to see just what sort of drivel emerges as the most pure.

Oh, and as always, suck it, libs cons.


Also, I have said before, and I’ll probably mention again, that these idiots remind me less of 1984 and more of Lord of the Flies.


Michelle Maolkin…purges we can believe in!



There is also much to be said for “Operation Aguirre: The Wrath of God” as a name.


We intend to constantly remind the base about these people, monitor who they are working for, and, when 2012 rolls around, see which candidates hire them. Naturally then, you’ll see us go to war against those candidates.

But what if Palin hires them, the way McCain hired the same crew who tried to destroy him in 2000?

Gosh, their brains might explode like the fictional computers do when someone asks them to calculate pi to the last decimal.



Posit–, positiv…positivi…

*deep breath*

Positivitivity….There, got it!


Why do you hate lepers so????

Too flaky.

You’re supposed to parboil them before you roast them.


I was going to write something boring about the original Operation Leper in 1321 (Philip V of France, persecution of the lazar houses, etc.) but whatthehell, you can look it up yourselves.

Has anyone checked NRO for a response to RedState’s campaign?
I only ask because I want to see ‘K-Lo’ and ‘purge’ together in a sentence.

Rosie the Plummer

“But what if Palin hires them, the way McCain hired the same crew who tried to destroy him in 2000?

Gosh, their brains might explode like the fictional computers do when someone asks them to calculate pi to the last decimal.”

On a hugely funny thread this is the funniest idea of all. Because it is so likely to happen.


Yeah, this should last a month. Then they’ll be distracted by a falling leaf.


“Mayor Quimby supports revolving-door prisons. Mayor Quimby even released Sideshow Bob, a man twice convicted of attempted murder. Can you trust a man like Mayor Quimby? Vote Sideshow Bob for Mayor.”


But what if Palin hires them, the way McCain hired the same crew who tried to destroy him in 2000?

Gosh, their brains might explode like the fictional computers do when someone asks them to calculate pi to the last decimal.

Nope: more than one idea is a physical impossibility for the Standard Wingnut. They believe with all their hearts whatever it is they are saying at the moment. For example:

Tester: I have proof that Obama is a Muslim.

Standard Wingnut: Obama am Muslim!

Tester: I have proof Obama has a crazy Christian preacher.

Standard Wingnut: Obama am Crazy Christan!

As you can see, no cognition = no cognitive dissonance.

word hussein yeti

My bet: the clock is ticking on how long it will take before some of the religious loonies start pulling out the “Left Behind” references and using them to bash their (at least somewhat) reality-cognizant brethren.

It’s a war of the evil vs. the stoopid.

As others have correctly pointed out here, the evil have a natural advantage, in that their lack of moral, ethics or common decency has allowed them to amass fortunes (Scaife), and thus they hold the keys to the Wingnut Welfare Treasury. But the Stoopid … well to cop a phrase from Monty Python, they don’t know the meaning of the word defeat. They don’t know the meaning of pretty much any word or phrase, other than that “Brawwndo is the Thirst Crusher Because it Contains Electrolytes!”

Complicating matters is the behavior of Ann Althouse, who will be running around on the battlefield, spilling box wine and tut-tutting people while getting a few good rib kicks in (surreptitiously, of course) here and there, just for fun.

Can we just give them all sling blades and set them loose in a big cage match? I know pay-per-view guys. We could pay off the Wall St. bailout…


(comments are closed)