Conservatives Are Unintentionally Humorous, Pt. 63.157×1024
Posted on October 24th, 2008 by Gavin M.
Below: The most recent item on the official blog of the College Republicans:
Update: This is actually kind of a turkey of a post, so I’m thinking, why not ruin things even further? But we couldn’t post the latest episode of Newsbusted. That’s would be totally beyond the… [CTL-V] Ha ha! Psych.
I just made this comment on the last thread but I want to repeat because it’s so funnay.
I’m sorry i took me so long to bring this up – I had a debilitating chuckling fit.
Shorter Jonah Pantload: Jonah – I can’t comment on the McCain volunteer attack because I have a cold…
Also, WordPress is antiAmerican. Where’s the REAL bloggingware?
PeeJ: Andy McCarthy’s response to Goldbert is pretty funny. It includes this sentence: “I’m not apologizing, because the story is news and it would have been discussed whether I’d posted on it or not.”
GoldbertGoldbergSo, Jonah’s responsible for his child and he responds by going to bed because he feels icky?
“Sally, just go play with sharp objects in the kitchen while Daddy passes out from cold medicine. Sure, here’s some matches”
Nice to see his parentry skills are JUST as good as his punditry skills.
We NEED a Truth appearance, now.
Quick, check that link. Ashley’s name is removed. It looks as if somebody broke the HTML in the process. Can somebody here verify?
Jonah has out thunk us all by surrounding his child with a shit moat that will keep away all boogie men (especially Kenyan Arabs) from his beloved while he succumbs to the robotussin.
You libruls are just unwilling to recognize how brave conservatives have to be to face nonexistent menaces all over our campuses, never knowing from which way they would not be attacked, or at which hour they faced no fear of harassment. I thought you libruls were supposed to be sensitive.
Oh please, please, please be Ashley Todd.
This is just getting better and better.
I’m skeptical that poor Ashley wrote that. The kerning is all off.
Best day ever.
That snippet doesn’t ever say what the harrassment consists of. Unless I very much miss my guess, it’s along the lines of the academic freedom bozos who think they’re being persecuted because the English department is overwhelmingly Democrats.
I’m skeptical that Ashley wrote that because the letters are all facing the right way.
63.157×10(24) / 6.022×10(23) = 104.87 unintentionally humorous moles
I don’t think it’s the same Ashley, but the site’s ‘about’ page doesn’t feature another Ashley, either. Perhaps Google knows…
The author name is still visible here:
The site is rather shittily organized overall, with multiple different versions of pages and bad design to boot. Gonna take some digging if you want to find anything.
We NEED a Truth appearance, now.
For real. I haven’t seen that d-bag around here for a week or two.
While I am at it, is ok to call her enantiomer face?
Probably Ashley Barbera.
In case this hasn’t been posted yet: This quote on her since-blocked MySpace page should have been our first clue:
“Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her cloths off, but it’s better if you do.”
Typo included.
[Teh Google]
…I think it’s probably Ashley Barbera.
Probably Ashley Barbera.
That only strengthens Gavin’s point.
Hey, no one has ever made this argument in such detail or with such care.
Nerds are sexy.
…And doesn’t this just go to show how important chirality is, functionally? Forwards “B” = possibly slightly reactive. Backwards “B” = low binding affinity for sympathy, high affinity for fail.
No. It’s definitely Ashley Todd. The proof?
Teh Buttocks!
That’s seated then.
“Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her cloths off, but it’s better if you do.”
Well I guess that explains the big A she scratched into her chest.
You’ll notice the name has since been scrubbed from the post.
That’s Movable Type speak for we just deleted the blogger’s user account.
If you delete the author’s account, the author’s name and “Posted By” flushes down the memory hole on Movable Type.
I’d say this is certainly Ashley Todd.
Or not. As somebody else posted, the name is visible on the main archive page. My bad.
Still, it was a fun theory. 🙂
I cannot imagine a national Republican organization allowing a flake into their ranks.
why aren’t there more comments on the CR blog? are all the CRs out canvassing for M-P ’08?
Ashley Barberra. Is that the sister of Hanna?
“…And doesn’t this just go to show how important chirality is, functionally? Forwards “B” = possibly slightly reactive. Backwards “B” = low binding affinity for sympathy, high affinity for fail.”
That is sinister.
Perhaps the ‘B’ was “backwards” becuase it was subjected to a singular toplogical transformation from whatever manifold the whingers occupy?
I can’t believe no one has commented on the second hit in RB’s link—
College Republican National Committee – Fine your State Chair
Ashley is right in a way.. Lying to the police gives a certain thrill. It is a strong emotion you feel when you get away with it. If her twitter post about bullshitting her way out of a ticket for an illegal U turn is correct, she may have got a taste for lying to the police, or at least have fantasies about it.
I can’t say i’d deliberately put myself in that situation, but I am not a republican, nor a habitual liar, or a racist, nor do I have rape fantasies either.
Probably Ashley Barbera.
We’re all Ashley now!
Hate to harsh your mellow but here’s more dirt on your messiah:
Now, what do you have to say about that, hmmmm?
“I am Ashley’s festering face scar.” Tyler Durden
I just came over for a minute to see if goober had denounced the girl who lied about being attacked and disfigured by a black Obama supporter.
Hmm de doo de doo …
Not yet.
I’ll just assume he’s busy screaming “Tom Harkin is al-Qaida’s Tokyo Rose” somewhere and is too busy, dishonest and clueless to do anything else.
Meanwhile on Planet 10, Human Events tells me “Joe the plumber” has a secret plan to destroy Barack Obama.
Oh yays! I’m sure he’ll do just as well as Ashley.
note: I can’t find, anywhere in the long long email, just what the plan is. But I do want to present the following
Um, does he have a plan or not? Was it coincidence or planned? Enquiring minds want to know.
Did anyone catch the end of Sean Hannity’s show yesterday? He was going on and on about how persecuted he and his fellow right-wing bloviaters would be when the Obama administration took over. Oh, he was prepared to lose his career, but he would not be silenced, no he would bravely soldier on. His money would be taken from him unjustly by the socialist Obama, but he would fight on.
Then he evoked the image of the William Wallace character played by Mel Gibson (naturally!) screaming “Freedom!” at the end of the movie “Braveheart” while his guts were being pulled out.
Because not getting your guy in the White House and having your taxes go up is exactly like being slowly tortured to death. There’s no appreciable difference.
Sometimes I think we’d be doing the wingnuts a favor if we punished their ideology with waterboarding, cigarette burns and forced nudity. From their point of view, at least then they’d have a sex life.
Hoosier X said…
I already did so in the comments of the last post. Keep up, Hoosier!
I just saw this halfwit Joe the Plumber T.V. ad featuring several ridiculous people saying, “I’m Joe the Plumber.” All of them wearing solemn, pained facial expressions as they discuss how they’ll be punished for their success and taxed out of their underoos by Obama.
They’re all Joe Teh Plumber now.
Now, what do you have to say about that, hmmmm?
Yaaawwwwwn. Trumped up allegations from a sore loser don’t constitute ‘news’. Except in the dendritically feeble and psychologically febrile environment that is your “brain.”
Also, get those 16 inch ion powered dildos out of your ass.
Just because she admitted making it up doesn’t mean that there wasn’t something there that she–or the rest of us–couldn’t see.
In other words, I think the fact that she “made up” the story only strengthens her point.
I drove past a McCain/Palin sign in my neighborhood several days ago, a fairly rare thing. Looking at it closely, I saw that it actually read McCain/
PalinStalin in silver spray paint. I thought someone had defaced it, an activity I don’t really approve of, even though I confess it made my laugh out loud. However, passing by today I see that it’s still up, leading me to think that the homeowners are either a) Obama supporters who did it as a joke or b) Republicans leaving it up for the pity potential. I’m thinking of getting one and painting McSame/McWose over the names.Also, gooblerthang, McCain Camp Adviser Fried Resigns, Endorses Obama
They scrubbed the name now. But if you look at the rss-feed on, you’ll still see the author listed as Ashley.
I had a similar experience Candy. As I was walking the dooger this morning I noticed, for the first time, a McCain poster in an apartment window. It’s the first one I’ve seen In my uptown Portland neighborhood. Then I noticed the lower half of the window had a Cubs logo. Are they really McCainisti or is that a semi-subtle jape? I dunno.
And you can bet I’ll kick my own ass for McCain
Sorry I can’t keep up. I don’t get any of that wingnut welfare and I have a regular job like a regular joe. And that’s why I’m voting Democrat.
Google cache of Todd’s Life in the Field posts. New York City is so scary!
Also, gooblerthang, McCain Camp Adviser Fried Resigns, Endorses Obama
The schadenfreude, like the second slice of creme de leche cheesecake, is beginning to get sort of cloying. It’s almost too much sweets!
On second thought, I’ll take another slice. I can always wash it down with bitter coffee. Bitter black coffee. Bwahahahahahahaha!
Y’know, with all these prominent Republicans coming out and endorsing/early-voting-for Obama and all the news about the early-vote advantage Obama has, I thought I’d provide a public service by hunting down the one and only well-known Republican who has actually early-voted for McCain
You’re welcome.
Google cache of Todd’s Life in the Field posts.
Jezis Criest, iss their enny werd shi dossnt mispell?
Where in Texas is the Lazy B Ranch located?
Sorry I can’t keep up. I don’t get any of that wingnut welfare and I have a regular job like a regular joe.
Same here. The wonders of shift-work, baby.
Sargent at TPM is reporting it was actually the McCain campaign that pushed the “B is for Barack” line to the media, well prior to any confirmation of anything about the case by the po-po.
You just know that the campaign was getting ready to put Ashley teh Mugged up on the stage with Joe teh Plumber. The probably budgeted $50K for her wardrobe.
College Republican National Committee – Fine your State Chair
Save the judge time and trouble!
Where in Texas is the Lazy B Ranch located?
I already did so in the comments of the last post.
I still haven’t seen it.
Now, the first time I read that, I added an extra comma between ‘adviser’ and ‘fried’, and assumed said adviser was unnamed. Because if I was in McCain’s camp, I’d be looking to fry the folks who had been giving such good advice lately…
Thank Dog for the stoopidity™. As we are all reasonably well informed and generally skeptical people here (rotten goobers exlcuded, of course), we are all aware that the R party has a long history of accusing the D’s of doing exactly what the R’s are doing covertly. And it’s worked pretty well. Until now.
Consider the frantic “vote fraud!” cries. Noone is surporised to find the only documented vote fraud is being done by Republicans. And people are pointing it out and it’s not working like they hoped. Awwww.
Here in the great Pacific NW, there’s a tight House race on up Seattle way. In typical Rethug fashion, they make a big stink out of Darcy Burner’s embellishment of her resume. Of course, she didn’t. But the Rethuglican did. The stoopid™ just keeps on giving.
Shorter goober (pointing in the opposite direction)
“Look – puppies!”
I’m so glad there’s a laff track in that NewsBusted clip so that I know they’re trying to be funny. The Mallard Fillmore expression the anchor is making after each joke is a little too subtle.
On the Update, I see her hands are still glued to the desk.
B, bursting balloons.
Longest 2:35 of my life. I scratched Please Kill Me into my cheek.
Thanks. Thanks for ruining my breakfast. Now I have images of bloated, pasty, keyboarders beached on towels at the shore in the Dominican Rep., oxytocin spilling out of their pockets, looking for “love”.
Okay, at least they finally hired somebody who can manage to use the chromakey. Either that, or the last folks in the public access studio left it set up right, which somehow seems more likely. Whichever, it is slightly less painful to watch without the Green Aura of Amateur. Now it’s just stupid.
College Station, going by the myspace page.
She needed to practice with a Crayola marker first.
C, Committing Crimes.
if we punished their ideology with waterboarding, cigarette burns and forced nudity […] at least then they’d have a sex life.
From that perspective, Hostel was a great advertisement for the Slovenian tourist industry.
Righteous Bubba said,
October 25, 2008 at 0:19
I still haven’t seen it.
I did so in a very nuanced way, in the first half-dozen comments.
BTW, glad to see so many people waiting for my next comment, with bated breath at that.
I am truly flattered.
I’ll write my name in all caps to make my wisdom easier to find, har har.
So if I carve up my face and lie about, you shitheels will start talking about me again?
That they are chock full o stupid is hardly surprising. I’m just fascinated by the fact that the site has wasted no time in scrubbing every reference to her. Stalinesque, really. Also hardly surprising, I suppose.
I’ll write my name in all caps to make my wisdom easier to find, har har.
EEEeeeeeurrgh! Quick piefilter edit!
Marco said,
Longest 2:35 of my life. I scratched Please Kill Me into my cheek.
actually, you scratched “eM lliK esaelP”
From that NewsBusted ep, I learn that McCain leads Obama by 9% amongst those who fly flags at their houses. That’s really fascinating, and telling to boot. Unfortunately, no numbers yet as to how the polls stack up amongst such other essential demographics as people who have inadvertently worn mismatched socks more than once, people who remember all the lyrics to “In the Year 2525”, and people who had a cousin who used to work at a car dealership.
From one of her “Life in the Field” posts:
I’d like to amend her statement: In Texas, there are a whole lot of dumbasses who think they’re the only car on the road and don’t use their blinkers. Ever.
Also, I doubt she’s ever driven in Houston traffic.
I’m just fascinated by the fact that the site has wasted no time in scrubbing every reference to her. Stalinesque, really. Also hardly surprising, I suppose.
I just noted this in the previous thread: the College Republicans have already kicked her out.
Compassionate conservatism, innocent until proven guilty, blah, blah, blah.
the first time I watched Newsbusted I scratched “pots ti ekam” directly onto my eyeball.
the first time I watched newsbusted…
That’s really fascinating, and telling to boot.
I think it is kind of telling – McWorse leads among the Freedom Fries patriots.
take a pencil and strikethrough first on your screen at home.
Man. And McCain wishes his campaign were run as well as a NewsBusted script.
Well, I still believe Ashley (I suppose she got that black eye from putting on mascara??). Meanwhile, you LIEbrals have no idea of how the Muslomaniacs are permeating our culture:
You could try and carve your own name into your cheek Goober as a reminder of who you are and where people can look for that special Goober “wisdom” (aha-ha-ha), but then you’d probably just get confused and spend hours the next day wondering who this mysterious ROOBOG is who, and why he always looks through that small window in the bathroom when ever you are in there.
So no, I’d leave the public displays of your Republican wisdom to the professionals if I were you…
“rugged in montana”
sounds like a psuedonym used by one of Dan Savage’s letter writers.
Where in Texas is the Lazy B Ranch located?
B’s not lazy, it’s (appropriately) CRAZY!
I clicked on that “NewsBusted” link.
Are there really people who consider that “teh funneh”?
Honestly, are there?
Nice laugh track, by the way. 1973 called: it wants its…it wants its laugh track back.
Lord have mercy.
girl done been arrested
that was quick
She told the police she has a history of “mental problems”.
No one could have anticipated, etc.
“Ah,” I says. “A NewsBusted video. Why, I would never click and watch that. Oh, maybe just this once…”
[Watches video. Learns to hate all living things. Devotes rest of meaningless life to Shub-Niggurath, the Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young.]
Thanks, Gavin.
Holy fuck conservative ideology manages to suck whatever awesome is in anything. You’ll noticed that Newsbusted’s Jodi is delivering the lines in a stilted and overly self-aware manner. It’s not because she’s a hack, it’s because she knows the “jokes” suck. Jodi Miller is actually pretty funny.
I sure hope Ashley isn’t gonna be tortured in that Vietnamese prison…Don’t tell ’em nothing, little songbird!
Here in Maine, we usually just stop in the middle of the road for no apparent reason, then use our blinkers about halfway through the turn. So, the “signal” more or less comes off as fuckyou…fuckyou…fuckyou.
As you might imagine, Life in the Field is getting trolled hard tonight. For some reason, this comment really cracked me up.
girl done been arrested
I am beyond speechless. Shouldn’t Ace be on a suicide watch?
likes to see youkills anything that doesn’t spell out the full “strike” for the strike tag. A simple “s” don’t werk heer.I ought to bake her a cake with a file in it (maybe the file that mysteriously disappeared after Oblammo murdered the Chicago comptroller).
fucking Belicans
Pucking Belicans, maann….
The College Republicans website has kicked Ashley’s arse out, as J_ says. As they put it:”..we have terminated her effective immediately..” Jeez, I know the GOP are hot on executing the mentally incompetent but THIS quick..?
Jennifer said,
October 25, 2008 at 1:47
She told the police she has a history of “mental problems”.
No one could have anticipated, etc.
Collage Rethuglican.
P.S. They broke the Swamp blog, but good, didn’t they? Or else they’ve pulled the plug.
If that file happens to be an mp3 of Michelle Obama’s “Whitey” speech, the folks at McCain headquarters would be eternally grateful.
Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself.
She told the police she has a history of “mental problems”.
Does that matter to a good law-n-order Republican?
That official blog of the College Republicans is quite interesting too. Remember these guys are the future of the GOP. None of their posts have comments – it’s almost like they turned commenting off. That’s some awesome democracy right there, a refusal to accept any public feedback.
Check out the listing of tags.
Obama is larger than McCain
Barack Obama is larger than John McCain
Democrats is larger than Republicans
DNC is larger than RNC
There is a small handful of tags related to issues (Iraq, Terrorism, oil, etc.) but not one for Health, Education, Economy, National Debt or Deficits, Environment, Trade, the Budget, Taxes, I think you see where I’m going. The College Republicans leadership turns over every couple years, so the assumption that they are all a bunch of whiny-ass-titty-babies, unable of forming any intelligent or coherent thoughts on issues because they are too busy bitching about their poor treatment and how the Democrats are so much worse, actually needs to be re-verified from time to time. Well, the assumption stilll holds.
She’s from College Station, yet she was wearing orange and white when she was arrested. She’s obviously laying the groundwork for an insanity defense.*
*non-Texans may not get the reference…
Palin – Bachman 2012
Crayzeetown, Beaches!
I did so in a very nuanced way, in the first half-dozen comments.
I still have not seen you denounce Ashley Todd.
Ummm, Stackozone – looks like the imagery of wingnut sex may have really gotten to you . Oxytocin is the juice given to get uterine contractions going (for delivery or to later get the afterbirth). Whereas Oxycontin is the Rush rush gear. I sort of think you had the latter in mind but do kick my presumptious arse if not. Anyway, I guess that’s not helped your nightmares much…especially if they are of the Alkon/Althouse axis. Ah sorry. That is uncalled-for.
latest episode of Newsbusted
Smart newsfakers remember to pee before filming. The squirming is embarrassing.
She was at Blinn College before taking time off to work on the campaign. The fightin’ Buccaneers! But yes, she’s still wearing Longhorns colors.
John McCain can’t scratch letters on his cheek because of the injuries sustained while serving our country. And for five and a half years he didn’t have a dull knife to even try.
i’m still a little surprised there was no “(hot kiss) woooooo!” shoe-horned into the laugh track on that newsbusted episode.
Thanks for that info. I could tell from that news clip that it wasn’t a UT hoodie, but still thought it was odd that she was flying longhorn colors.
Hopefully Confederate Yankee and Ace of Spades will use this information to investigate the “Ashley Todd was a mole planted by the Obama campaign” angle.
The fake-sounding canned laughter, though… that was sheer awesome.
Hopefully Confederate Yankee and Ace of Spades will use this information to investigate the “Ashley Todd was a mole planted by the Obama campaign” angle.
Oh they already blame her.
Assuming this is true — which I do — she really screwed us nicely. She put people like me in a difficult spot as I was forced to defend her on the small chance she was on the level.
Oh, and not to mention: She dragged McCain and Palin into this, who were of course obligated to make calls of sympathy.
It’s all her fault, she forced him to believe her story. Then she forced McCain to push the story to the media.
It’s not just that she’s corrupt and crazy. I mean — obviously.
It’s also that she’s not even minimally competent at it.
So if she had been smart enough to not get caught all would have been forgiven.
That Newsbusted crap is still on? What the heck?
It’s not just that she’s corrupt and crazy. I mean — obviously.
It’s also that she’s not even minimally competent at it.
This never bothered Ace about various Republican presidents and appointees – why now?
No, it’s Obama’s birth certificate from Peshawar General Hospital.
That Newsbusted crap is still on? What the heck?
Pretty dreadful, all right. I only made it as far as “Jeremiah the America-hating prrrreacher. [smirk]”
Wingnut comedy = Fox News + laugh track, for sure.
I still have not seen you denounce Ashley Todd.
I denounce Ashley Todd.
Well, lots of people were expressing doubt about the story from the beginning. There were too many funny things, like the backward “B” looking like it was carved by someone gazing into a mirror.
The young woman obviously needs help, but who can judge her? This election has made half the country crazy.
egalia | Homepage | 10.24.08 – 1:37 pm | #
There’s a word for this, isn’t there?
But what kind of countertops does she have?
More violent wingerz!!
Will Teh Wingnut Violence never end?!?!?
I could tell from that news clip that it wasn’t a UT hoodie, but still thought it was odd that she was flying longhorn colors.
Definitely. Blinn’s a junior college, I think. I imagine pretty much everyone who goes there is a fan of one of the big schools. And I imagine most people from College Station would tend to pull for the Aggies.
alright bitches, it’s friday night: what the hell are you drinking?
me: lucid, the absinthe of choice. did the whole cube of sugar, drip of water, spoon thing. takes fucking delectable. and it’s a damn good buzz.
Ah o-fishully heahby declayah that ah deeenounce ALL rahtwanguhs, wangnuts, Rethuglicayans and theyah kinfoke now and foh-EVAH!!
*pats self on back, dislocates shoulder*
You know what’s not surprising about Ashley Todd?
She’s a Fan of Fat Fil Fulmer, soon to be former Tennessee coach.
Hey, what’s 300 feet long, orange, white, and has 9 teeth?
The front row at Neyland Stadium.
Oh, Ace. You knew she was a liar, you knew what we knew about both the black eye and the ‘scratch’ being ridiculously off, and you know what? You dropped trou for Hte Narrative. You whored your own risible little conscience out at a fantastic discount.
All it took to accept the story as genuine was The* Evol MSM, bound to point to you rejecting what you knew was false. It bothered you less that you would be tarred as a liar than that you would be helping expose any of your colleagues who were busy lying.
In a purely biological sense – because what this woman does is too artificial to be pathological lying and too thorough to be simple shitheadry, and all other signs point to a nasty emergent BPD – Mmlle Todd should probably be prevented from having children at any cost. I would urge we take the same precautions with you if I were convinced you could tell the right hole from her navel.
* – As mandated by Truth In Internets, ‘The’ is the new ‘hte’.
me: lucid, the absinthe of choice.
I need to try that stuff. Does it really make you see little green teh-hawt fairies?
Oh, you absinthe drinkers. I’ve always thought of it as a little silly, but there are worse things to waste your spare time on.
Me, I don’t really need to get drunk; my knee is a Republican and that means much better drugs than alcohol.
Nuclear bilge from my backyard reactor.
Kool-Aid, what else?
Akvavit mixed with the tears of crying clowns.
Has there been a worst week for the wingnuts? Seriously, when the brother of a presidential candidate calls 911 to complain about D.C. traffic then calls them back later to tell them to fuck off, and we don’t have the resources to fully mock it because we have more pressing hilarity, the metaphorical wingnut plane is crashing into the fucking mountain.
Andy McCarthy doth protest a lot.
O Solo Mio….
I thought you were joking.
Evidently communism is when the government doesn’t use emergency resources to get someone with the right last name out of traffic.
Either that or it’s one of those wingnut things where he’s projecting things he considers undesirable about himself onto people he dislikes, including a fervent belief in Juche.
90% of all calamities occur when morons get it in their heads to be clever.
-Ace o’ Spades
I realize this is blatant lookism, but after watching the video, Joe McCain looks like the type of person, who, – in days gone by – would have been shipped off to a rural Sanitarium; if you asked about him, family members would say “he’s off studying in Europe”.
Well, you learn something new every day: I never saw that NewsBusted thing before – & now, sadly, that is no longer the case.
Love the laff-track – it really takes me back to the Golden Age of artificial audiences … if they could just get that creepy lady to shut up & stop interrupting it, they’d have a real winner on their hands there.
Thanx Peej – just had to put this up again … it’s MUCH too good not to repeat … okay kids, now it’s singalong time!
“The wheels on the bus fall off & roll, fall off & roll, fall OFF & roll – ohhhhhh, the wheels on the bus fall off & roll – straight through ’til No-VEM-ber!”
I read the Andy McCarthy link.
I learned that we on the left are all part of a ‘direct action’ culture, driven by Obama’s influence to commit acts of lawlessness and violence. Ashley Todd’s story may not have been true, but we radical maniacs are so totally out of control that it should have been true. Therefore, Andy McCarthy doesn’t need to apologize for promoting a pernicious hoax – instead, he should be proud, because it was pernicious in just the right way, so it doesn’t really matter that it was a hoax.
And he’s totally and completely non-racist in every way.
alright bitches, it’s friday night: what the hell are you drinking?
Elderflower cordial and vodka. It’s a manly drink, in spite of how it may sound.
Ah, Troofy. Having lost contact with Narrative Control, he’s resorted to stand-by fear of being punished for rape or lynching.
The pissing yourself on cue thing only works if you’re not doing it alone, kid. Otherwise you just look incontinent and pathetic.
90% of all calamities occur when morons get it in their heads to be clever.
After the last 7-3/4 years, who can disagree?
Please put this up before Pammy Shrugs takes it down. She’s got the picture of the Todd woman up with the caption “UPDATE 6:12 pm: We have a photo (thanks to Ace) and a name College Republican Field Representative Ashley Todd. Shame on those that doubted this poor girl. Always ready to jump on the side of the leftists and thugs. ugh.
The new face of the Republican party.”
The new face of the Republican party
ZOMG!! 2funnee!
lt: Are you kidding? For Pammykins that’s miraculously accurate. Under normal circumstances she could be relied upon to declare the event a Hamas wet-op.
Maisha Jasper’s Woeful Hyena Kugel
1 jar hyena
1 jigger onion
1 farm cheese
6 portions soft prairie dog lung
1 tablespoon thyme
5 tablespoons thyme
Dolefully begin praying. Separate hyena egg from tail. Discard tail. Mix the onion with the farm cheese over high heat in a cup. Stuff the resulting concoction into the hyena. Find some vegetable broth and drink it. Rinse the prairie dog lung, thyme, and the thyme foreknowingly. Heap everything together. Fry in deer oil for 118 hours. Serves 11 available individuals with amoral stomachs.
There follow four long paragraphs of justification.
Trolling is fun.
I was halfway expecting him to include a link to Jon Swift’s most recent article, reminding readers that as a right-wing blogger, he’s not beholden to quaint concepts such as “skepticism” and “journalistic standards”.
Please put this up before Pammy Shrugs takes it down.
In the same post (in the update at 10/24 12:56 PM), Geller says she’ll kick Todd’s ass if she finds out she’s not telling the truth.
Trolling can produce desired effects.
OT Schadenfunny: this is great news – for JOHN MCCAIN!
“We’ve got them right where we want them, my fellow prisoners!”
why aren’t there more comments on the CR blog? are all the CRs out canvassing for M-P ‘08?
They get moderated?
Well, as we all know, John McCain is a gambler. And as a resident of Las Vegas (mob-lawyer mayor and all!), I can tell you: there’s nothing gamblers enjoy more than losing big and then winning slightly more than usual.
In other words, watch for McCain to lose every other state on the Eastern Seaboard and throw a victory party over South Carolina.
Righteous Bubba said,
October 24, 2008 at 23:01
Probably Ashley Barbera.
heh, “(title)College Republican National Committee – Fine your State Chair(/title)
I blame Obamo and the liberals for making college loans available to idiots. If the Democrats had not moved all our jobs overseas these people could have lived a comfortable June Cleaverish lifestyle in Levitttown.
booger/The Truth said,
October 25, 2008 at 4:45
Incidentally, my sense of schaedenfreude is peaking right now over the polls showing McCain dead even in Montana and the Dakotas.
The demographic shift un-swinging Washington and Oregon shouldn’t have even put Big Sky Country on the electoral map until the 20s at the very earliest; same goes for NC and VA. The look-out-for-darkies narrative only hets up enough people to win suburbia when Whitey isn’t actively robbing you blind.
Clinton trying to screw Obama for living in the same city as Bill Ayers had legs, however sleazy it was. McCain doing so in the middle of a credit scandal he helped precipitate was just ridiculous, and it made it painfully obvious even to relatively loyal Republicans that he basically felt entitled to the White House on the basis of being John McCain.
I’m still looking forward to the narrative comptrollers in charge of Palin dying mysteriously, and the blaze of racist pabulum inevitably to follow. That should be funny.
as a resident of Las Vegas (mob-lawyer mayor and all!)
That show is great, I just saw the one with Stallone as Jimmy Caan’s ex-CIA buddy, kicking ass and taking names. I have one one the DVR with Van Damme! Makes me proud to be an american every time I see that show exported overseas.
Y’know, that’s real odd – because the first things I thought of when I read this sentence were the story of those poor incubator-babies in Kuwait in 1991, & the whopper about that “smoking-gun that will come in the form of a mushroom-cloud” in 2002. Both those ones got a shitload of people killed. Dead. Forever.
Still a bunch of Ignint McNugget jagoffs believing them both to this very day, too – now THAT’s the mark of a smooth con, right there.
How many deaths did all those “liberal hoax” stories cited above lead to?
Nope, sorry – liberals have to take the Consolation Prize when it comes to nefarious bullshit. Second-place in a field of 2.
Oh, The Trout. Your marathon of fail delights us – please, continue.
Required reading.
Say, what’s up with that giant lump on Vane Damme’s forehead?
How many deaths did all those “liberal hoax” stories cited above lead to?
Geller says she’ll kick Todd’s ass if she finds out she’s not telling the truth.
Oh please oh please oh please vlog it…
Tanqueray 10™, well chilled. I mumble “vermouth” under my breath as I pour it.
noen, you have to check out the delectable list of whinger citations at Wonkette. It’s all Drudge’s fault! Not to beliuttle the great Sadlynauts but there’s some pretty fine snark in the commets there as well.
And a final correction
How many deaths did all those “liberal hoax” stories cited above lead to?
Say, what’s up with that giant lump on Van Damme’s forehead?
Not to beliuttle the great Sadlynauts but there’s some pretty fine snark in the commets there as well.
There are some goodies there, but their comment section runs a bit more mean-spirited than I like. Or I haven’t tuned into their vibe properly, or something.
lol alec.
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,
October 25, 2008 at 5:35
booger/The Truth said,
October 25, 2008 at 4:45
Good grief, son. Are you really that dense?
NewsBusted? Gavin, you’re giving us the anti-thesis of humor itself? Have you no decency, sir? At long last, have you no decency at all?
Troofiekins, stop poking sharp sharp things in your rectum; you could put your eyes out.
It’s not just that she’s corrupt and crazy. I mean — obviously.
It’s also that she’s not even minimally competent at it.
Minimally competent at being crazy?
Troofiekins, stop poking sharp sharp things in your rectum; you could put your eyes out.
Yes, your ma puts the cork in there for a good reason.
J— said,
October 25, 2008 at 5:16
Please put this up before Pammy Shrugs takes it down.
In the same post (in the update at 10/24 12:56 PM), Geller says she’ll kick Todd’s ass if she finds out she’s not telling the truth.
I saw that earlier but it looks as if she’s pulled that threat of violence against Ms. Todd.
Not much there as far as a retraction. A barely mentioned snippet of the truth in the comment section (rather than an official Update) and the focus still being that this is a typical lib’rul tactic.
The Pamster frightens me. The comment that it was a Hamas wet-op was spot on.
From that NewsBusted ep, I learn that McCain leads Obama by 9% amongst those who fly flags at their houses.
Also; this just in- From a recent drive thru my homestate of West Virginia i was not surprised to learn that McCain leads amongst people who have the confederate stars and bars painted on their garage doors.
Dr. Nathanial Expansible’s Orange Coati Dolma
1 coati
1 Asiago, memorisingly candied
1 fromage frais
5 cups comely ferret whisker
4 portions cilantro
1 pint ginger
Broodingly begin praying. Cream the coati with a really big spatula. Mix the Asiago with the fromage frais over medium heat in a jar. Slather resulting mixture over the coati. Find some demerara rum and drink it. Cream – very complainingly – the ferret whisker, cilantro, and the ginger. Dab the latter combination on to the former. Roast for 113 minutes. Serves 8.
Discerning wingnuts insist on maintaining the very highest standards of spittle-spraying insanity. Dilettantes like Todd need not apply.
My mistake, the Update is at the top. Sorry.
But she really DID try to carve a “P” for Pam on my cheek.
shorter Andy McCarthy: I don’t see race. People tell me I’m white, and I believe them because I’m a Republican.
The Pamster frightens me. The comment that it was a Hamas wet-op was spot on.
That “The new face of the Republican Party” bit needs to be saved.
RedState? RedState! First, Erick Erickson.
Second, Moe Lane.
Ellipsis and emphasis are his. Laughter is mine. Please share in it.
For all the leftists gloating, remember that Obama also believed the story. He knows that his culties are capable of doing things like this. He knows that they have done things like this.
I’m not convinced that this didn’t happen. Let’s face the facts, the police in this town may have coerced her to recant since they support Obama. We don’t know enough to say this didn’t happen.
But we do know that Obama’s base is being brainwashed and trained.
Look at any campaign office, and you’ll find multiple propaganda posters of Obama’s face, like he’s Chairman Mao or something.
It’s flat out sickening and scary. McCain is running to be President. Obama is running to be Dictator.
J— said,
October 25, 2008 at 6:21
From that link-
“righteous indignation at what appeared to be at the time a contemptible act of violence against a woman, which is something that pushes every button that I own.”
What a sexist pig. He doesn’t even mention that it was a BLACK man who assaulted “the New Face of The Republican Party”. That shithead should turn in his rightwing badge and vote for Ron Paul.
t. Winslow Howell – Here are screen caps of the whole post. The “new face” bit is on screen 2.
Screen 1, Screen 2, Screen 3.
…and furthermore. let’s not forget that Obama Hussien is a Mooslim who has quit the campaign (looser!) to go hide out in a foreign country.
It’s kind of surreal when conservatives try to be funny. They always have this look on their faces… it’s like they just dumped a six-foot unbroken log of shit in the toilet and they don’t want to flush it until they’ve shown the corn-studded fecal python to everyone.
Gary Ruppert said,
October 25, 2008 at 6:36
…and furthermore. let’s not forget that Obama Hussien is a Mooslim who has quit the campaign (looser!) to go hide out in a foreign country.
Holidays in eth Sun
SamFromUtah said,
October 25, 2008 at 6:36
t. Winslow Howell – Here are screen caps of the whole post. The “new face” bit is on screen 2.
Well, yeah, I mean they should be saved somewhere were they could be rolled out everyonce inawhile for the general public. Its not like i didn’t already save my own version, (hey who doesn’t save every Pam Geller post for later sick mastubatory pleasure, oh man can you picture her and Palin and that Bachman turner overdrive chick and Kathline Harris in a hot fourway lesbo porn flick, fap fap fap, oh god I need some snack food…)
hmm, did i change my nym back to t winslow…
Elliott – thanks! I’m going to spend all week chortling about “corn-studded fecal python”. Whew.
Made me think of this RB classic in a truly classic Sadly thread.
Somehow – and I’m not exactly sure how this works – the fact that we on the left are all such miserable, rotten bastards frees wingnuts from ever having to assume responsibility for anything, ever.
That’s a mighty handy ethical code they’ve put together.
Just doing my part to keep America strong.
Elliot said,
October 25, 2008 at 6:42
It’s kind of surreal when conservatives try to be funny. They always have this look on their faces… it’s like they just dumped a six-foot unbroken log of shit in the toilet and they don’t want to flush it until they’ve shown the corn-studded fecal python to everyone.
Just like a socialist liberal to spend an inordinate amount of time studying and trying to control the private bathroom habits of others.
Didn’t Tawana Brawley smear herself with feces?
You see, liberals, you own the bronze standard on hoaxes and frameups. If someone isn’t being railroaded into prison, it hardly rises to your standard.
Free Ashley!
Somehow – and I’m not exactly sure how this works – the fact that we on the left are all such miserable, rotten bastards frees wingnuts from ever having to assume responsibility for anything, ever.
They’re the kids and we won’t supply the lolly. EVERLASTING TRAUMA FOLLOWS.
I love this comment at 10:29
Leftard media -that controls every bit of information including all images- and as always looking out for “the anointed one” – is likely putting out reverse image photo of the victim of black-racism in order to (sic) the obamabots into action.
You know…if she would have just flipped the character she first drew and added it, it would look just like Rush’s shitty EIB logo (Excrement In Broadcasting)
noen, you have to check out the delectable list of whinger citations at Wonkette.
I love this: “One thing is certain: muckraking homosexual Matt Drudge has Judased conservatives and Republicans yet again.”
Purge! Purge! Then retreat to a cabin somewhere in the mountains in Idaho.
I ain’t drinkin’ nothin’ fancy. Here in the*
heartlandLas Vegas**, we don’t cotton to no fancy booze. Hah. That’s a dirty lie. One local weekly has a running column on different specialty cocktails and they all seem to cost from $14 to $20 each. Hah. Fucking tourist bullshit. The convenience store across the street is selling cases of Rolling Rock for $10.99 … guess what I’m drinking?* the is the new the
** I am not Alec (but I wish I wrote like him)
So, uh… are you saying that Ashley should have smeared herself with feces? Hate to break it to you, but working on the McCain campaign makes that kind of redundant.
Just doing my part to keep America strong.
I, for one, am not surprised that you believe 5th grade doodie humour is only for liberals. It’s people like you who are tearing our country apart.
What , you think we Real Americans don’t get the Depends jokes?
Gaze upon me all ye wingnuts and despair!!
This comment at 10:16 is also priceless.
ps to mechadave, you idiot: the attacker did it so when she looked in the mirror she’d see the “b”.
Fifth grade doodie humor is only for liberals because conservatives could never get that far in school.
For example, here’s a pop quiz. The square peg goes in:
A. The square hole
B. The round hole
C. Barack Obama’s a terrorist
So, uh… are you saying that Ashley should have smeared herself with feces? Hate to break it to you, but working on the McCain campaign makes that kind of redundant.
Al Sharpton is supporting Obama. What does that tell you? And don’t forget the Jena 5!
That’s not true. Socialist doctrine calls for the proletariat to overthrow all oppressive bathroom controls. Poop liberation for the masses!
So… Al Sharpton and the Jena 5 attacked Ashley?
Do not view with mouthful of coffee/tea/me.
Elliot said,
October 25, 2008 at 7:13
Fifth grade doodie humor is only for liberals because conservatives could never get that far in school.
For example, here’s a pop quiz. The square peg goes in:
A. The square hole
B. The round hole
C. Barack Obama’s a terrorist
You silly elitists should stick to your faggy Oscar Wilde humour, cuz you suck at 5th grade doodie humour, (C) should be “Obama Hussein’s sloppy crescent-shaped mud starfish”.
I try not to do very much with a mouthful of badger.
You silly elitists should stick to your faggy Oscar Wilde humour, cuz you suck at 5th grade doodie humour, (C) should be “Obama Hussein’s sloppy crescent-shaped mud starfish”.
It’s spelled “humor” out here in Real America, Oscar.
Speaking of Pam and hoaxes, I just recalled that Pam uses aliases or shills in her comments. Sometime back when I first posted on her site (as LT – always as LT), she and her minnions took issue with a rebuttal I had posted. I emailed her directly because some of my comments were not getting put up. Someone with a different nick responded quite abusively in the thread but was not referencing my previous comments there but the private email I had sent Pam. My last comment in the thread was to point this curiosity out.
I was banned immediately afterward.
Strange but true.
Face it Trufie, you hang out here because the Sadly’s bring teh funnie that you just can’t get from your crown. You know, it’s not too late to convert. Just repeat after me “Everything the right says about Obama is a lie.”
“Everything the right says about Obama is a lie.”
He’s white?
RE: Joe McCain’s 911 calls about traffic, am I the only one to think that John is seemingly not the only McCain to shake his fist and curse at clouds?
It’s spelled “humor” out here in Real America, Oscar.
Heh, Whatever, surrender-monkey. Out here in the “internets” spell flaming is called “trying to keep from pooping yerself while losing an argument”. You are a perfect example of why Obama is not ready to lead.
Now if you want to continue this ridiculousness, argue on the merits, like-
That’s not true. Socialist doctrine calls for the proletariat to overthrow all oppressive bathroom controls. Poop liberation for the masses!
-which, while almost amusing, or about as doodie humour amusing as a liberal can be, isn’t really true. Everyone who has ever received an email knows that Socialism is like when you have two cows.
You know, if any money changed hands to induce Ashley or prepare Ashley, I bet you can find it in the money which wasn’t spent for Palin’s wardrobe. The disclosure forms and the store receipts don’t match up. Looks like larson was skimming.
Remember, we know what didn’t happen to Ashley Todd. I’d like to find out exactly what did happen? Was she the sole perp? I think she had help.
He’s white?
BTW can somebody tell me who Ashley is clinging to in her MySpace page? Methinks Ashley is a devotee of Sappho!
booger the truth
You can’t handle it, can you.
oxytocin spilling out of their pockets,
Is Rush the oxytocsin?
Heh, Whatever, surrender-monkey. Out here in the “internets” spell flaming is called “trying to keep from pooping yerself while losing an argument”. You are a perfect example of why Obama is not ready to lead.
Actually, you bring up a good point. I’m arguing. On the internet. You win.
BTW Gary Ruppert, One thing that really cheese me off is Obama’s friendship with the treasonous 60’s radical Comminist Dave Ifshin! Obama worships this Ifshin, who went to North Vietnam to eat Pho with Commies and make broadcasts to torture our brave fighting men taken prisoner with. Ifshin called our brave fighter pilots “war criminals” Can you believe it, Obama loves this guy,
Gary, Obama’s relationship with the Dave Ifshin, Socialist radical. Ifshin also hung out with Phil Ochs! What more do you need to know?
Ifshin is shit, and Obama’s relationship with his treasonous ass should disqualify him from breathing the same decent American air that the Eagles breath, when they sing.
Ifshin also hung out with Phil Ochs!
And let’s not forget Phill Spector! That fucker basically destroyed the Beatles’ greatest album “Let It Be”.
If it’s gonna be that kind of party, I’m gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes!
Actually, you bring up a good point. I’m arguing. On the internet. You win.
Its even worse than that my friend, you don’t even realize when you are being trolled by the fake fake The Truth. My advice, settle down with a couple of bonghits, a nice yoghurt colonic and rewatch that Al Gore movie. You will feel renewed and ready to play the sucker again in the morn.
Oh Ashley!
noen said,
October 25, 2008 at 7:53
He’s white?
See that’s what I don’t understand, he is half white. Why not just come out and own it. Why must he play the race card?
What about meeeeeeeee?
The Truth said,
October 25, 2008 at 8:37
As it should be. Troofie, you’re tiresome. And I’m the Sexxxy Beotch With Awesome Homemade Hat.
If only you could live in MT and be rugged….
Why must he play the race card?
Because that is how race is socially constructed in America, by skin color. One drop = black.
Sporkey said,
Shorter Sporkey: “Hey, I’m half as smart as Elliot, troll me too!”
So there you go, have at it Shortpants.
noen said,
October 25, 2008 at 9:04
Why must he play the race card?
Because that is how race is socially constructed in America, by skin color. One drop = black.
So you are saying that he IS playing the race card? Silly socialist, fell right into my rhetorical trap. You are a perfect example of why Obama is not fit to deal with the evil world leaders like Ahmadinejad and Zapatero.
Twoof yammers and yammers…
… and I realize that there are in fact, people I would not mind seeing raped by farm animals. Or pelicans.
Brandi said,
There’s a port on a western bay
And it serves a hundred ships a day
Lonely sailors pass the time away
And talk about their homes
And there’s a girl, in this harbor town
And she works, laying whiskey down
They say…
For the record, the one drop rule has been superceded by the One Wingnut Rule, which is to say that any prior racial identity is immediately undone on the say-so of a single wingnut.
So Barak Obama was a frightening black radical a couple months ago, then spent the interim being devious terrorist Barack Hussein Obama, and has of late been white radical race-traitor Barry Herbert Walker O’Bama.
I think next he’s going to be the savage, indolent Native Hawaiian Baraka Oba’ama – and (to steal two of my own jokes) no doubt McCain will inform us that those goddamn Five-O niggers are all gooks to him.
Of course, Obama is just the most vigorous example. Under One Drop theory, Colin Powell (a mostly European man, with a UK-registered coat of arms, who is lighter-skinned than most whites but has an African ancestor somewhere) is black; under One Wingnut theory, he was white until 2000, at which point he became black until his 2004 resignation as Secretary of State. Things fluctuated a little – largely between Scotsman-American and African-American, although he spent a brief, confusing period in early 2006 a Tamil Tiger – but we can say for almost certain that Mr. Powell backed Obama either because he’s black or a self-hating Jew.
Ah, progress!
As a final, grudging note on NewsBusted: I like how they managed to get the one photo of Sam the Skinhead for their still which definitively proves he is in fact a genetically degraded clone of Benito Mussolini.
The Truth said,
October 25, 2008 at 9:18
I lick my ass!
White gravy or brown gravy?
My cat’s box smells of pee.
I wonder if the ‘The Twit’ can do anything to fix that problem for me?
Wow. Newsbusters seems to be stealing all its material from Mallard Fillmore, Thomas Sowell and Jonah Goldberg.
That makes me sad.
If it’s gonna be that kind of party, I’m gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes!
When the only tool you have is a masher, everything looks like a potato.
Oh! My nose!
Never thought I’d see an ancient Irish joke on the Sadly discussion thread. So my family is not the only buch of sickos that have somehow preserved that one.
Maybe I missed a previous correction due to the, oh, I dunno, zillion replies, but that exponential notation is SO wrong. Only one digit in front of the period, period. Period, decimal, tomato, tomahto. Wow, if you type the word “period” enough, it just loses its meaning…
This is a nice preview of what is coming on November 4, viz., your mashed potatoes, my dick, and the gravy that unites the two, out in force.
This is a nice preview of what is coming on November 4, where THE FUCHING FERRETS WILL BE OUT IN FORCE!!!!!!!!
Hey, isn’t that Newsbusters comic showing a little too much cleavage for a Brent Bozell III Production.
What will the kids think?
You know, until now I’d never heard of NewBusters. And if I thought that was something missing in my life, I probably would have just smacked my head with a hammer and gotten the same result.
Dude, it’s totally gonna be like the conservative Daily Show… only we’ll tell the TRUTH.
What is it with the conservative inability to be funny?
I denounce Ashley Todd.
OMG Goober! Why are you picking on that poor girl?
If Ashley Todd wasn’t the “Ashley” credited with that CR post, why then has the name “Ashley” been scrubbed from that CR blog entry?
PW, it hasn’t, it’s just a bug in their blog. Go to the main blog page and it’s still there, although they have now added her last name.
Hey, Mister DNA, if you’re still here: It’s a Tennessee Volunteers sweatshirt. SEC rivalry jokes starting now!