Michael Hussein Dukakis

The McCain-Palin campaign is getting a lot nastier. This losing strategy of riling up the base and alienating undecideds reeks of a desperation, not to make a last push towards victory, but rather to raise enough money before election day in a last-gasp effort to pay the campaign’s bills.

Meanwhile, many have noted the race-baiting similarities with George H.W. Bush’s notorious ‘Willie Horton’ ad that helped torpedo Michael Dukakis’ presidential bid. Rest assured that Ace O’ Spades doesn’t like those similarities either — he wants to dredge up the original smear:

On the other hand, the issue inherently underscores a major tension between the parties, and the races, since 1998: The Democrats’ overarching drive to do certifiably insane things, like letting murderers out on weekend furloughs from prison, in response to constant agitation from minority pressure groups.

We are so gonna party like it’s 1988.


Comments: 351


I thought we were already partying like it’s 1929.


riling up the base

The basest of the base, my husband called it.


Translation: “We got nothing to run on at all, so here’s some things to hate.”

I actually never thought about the fact that the final hate-rally’s are to help pay the bills, or that’s at least part of the motivation.

I DO think that Palin is using this to set herself up as a right-wing figure. She’ll probably try to run for Congress next, look for book deals, etc. To do that she needs to really rile the base, and she’s good at that.

However, judging by the reactions I see from male right-wingers, this is only going to be effective as long as she remains cute and chirpy. In 3-8 years, they’ll forget her as she ages.


No one would ever suggest letting murderers out of jail for weekend rape-fests if almost all prisoners were white. Ace

After I close Ace’s homepage window, a burning cross remains on my screen.



I can’t wait to see the McCain campaign’s Jack Chick style comic like George Wallace’s.


I can’t believe that the wingers actually contemplate an upside in all of this shit. They really believe that Obama is a thug, and how dare he call out sweet old war hero McCain for not calling him names to his face. They seriously believe that if McCain goes after Obama for Ayers and or Wright at the next debate, that Obama won’t be ready for it, and that he will back away or it will throw him off his game.

They don’t really care about the result. They just wanna see old man McCain call Obama a terrorist on television. These are very sick individuals and I hope than none of them get loose from their handlers and harm anyone – Obama or anyone else.

When these pieces of shit are yelling “kill him” at Palin’s little Nuremberg rallies, things change.


Good point. Most losing campaigns end up in the red (viz: Clinton). I wonder how many of “The Base”, particularly the suppliers, caterers, drivers, IT businesses, etc. are going to be screwed come Nov. 5th?

Clinton actually did manage to raise money after the primary to pay her bills, and Obama helped her out. McSame can look for no such help from anybody, in particular not from the wingnuts who will hate him forever for losing to THAT ONE.

Poor McCain, he’ll have to sell a house or three to pay his debts. Ah, poetic justice…


Of course, the main thrust of Ace’s post is that brown people caused the current crisis with shady borrowing abetted by liberals.

Because minority borrowers who didn’t deserve loans LITERALLY FORCED their lenders to leverage said mortgage papers 15, 20 and even 40 times, thus causing the subprime meltdown and the current economic crisis!

Why, I recall this scene at my local Countrywide branch, circa 2005:

Angry Black Man: Gimme my loan!

Terrified Banker: Please calm down, sir. I can’t punch in the numbers when my hands are trembling from fear.

ABM: Shut up, bee-yatch! You best type in dat numberology and get me dat money!

TB: It’s done, sir. Your loan is approved.

ABM: Damn straight, muh-fuggah. Now listen up. white boy, and listen good! While you at it, you best be swapping derivatives based on the outstanding debt package I’s just provid-o-lated you wif, and den you kin jus’ leverage dem addition-a-mated paper holdings anutha couple dozen times just to be sho’ you getting all de cash-money juice you can while da gettin’s good, so’s we all happy in this here financialical trans-mogrifa-taction!

TB: But … but, sir! That would be a most irresponsible dereliction of this firm’s fiduciary duties! And it would likely lead to economic disaster!

ABM: Honkey, you best be doing what I done tol’ you to do wif regards to yo fiducia-malogical duties, or I will have B-Frank Da Funky Fixah on yo’ gofay ass like white on rice!

TB: I see. Well, excellent advice, sir! Will you be requiring a $100,000 credit line today, too?

ABM: Casper, please! Hells yeah I be needing that credit line!


In case you missed this excellently terrifying analysis by TNC, it looks like they’re revving up to party like it’s 1968.


It’s too bad I can’t moderate one of these debates because I’d ask McCain about the terrorism accusation bullshit and then I’d ask him why he thinks half of America wants to vote for the terrorist, including most of New York City and then I’d ask him why he hates half of America.


These are very sick individuals and I hope than none of them get loose from their handlers and harm anyone – Obama or anyone else.

I live downtown. We already have on our nearby street corner, some mall ninja like white guy hanging around sometimes. He harasses the young black kids while reporting to someone on his cell phone. He threatens them, tells them he’s going to come back with a gun and kill them.

Of course there’s no precedent for this. Racially charged speech has never spilled over into violence on the street ever in history.


The beauty of a multi-party system is that we can party like it’s 1873, 1929, 1988 and 1999 all at the same time.


For people who claim to love America so much they sure do seem to hate Americans with a passion.


“The basest of the base, my husband called it.”

The extremest of the extremists, say I.


I can’t believe that the wingers actually contemplate an upside in all of this shit.

-Nationwide cracker insurrection through November.

-Martial law in December.

-Cheney installed as conditional president in January.

Boo-yah! It’s pedal-to-the-metal now, libtards.


The extremest of the extremists, say I.

I’d rather hang out with the socialest of the socialists.


I say the minority pressure groups have been in charge of things for too long! It’s getting to the point that all white males control is the economy, government, religions and society, damn it!


You know, it is now fun to imagine the alternate universe in which Hillary got the nomination. Obama’s got relatively little history on the national stage and his climb to the top has been relatively boring and scandal free. Imagine the rich tapestries of conspiracy we’d be getting with Hillary as the nominee.


Has anyone here seen the latest endoresement for Obama?

If only he wrote that on NRO! Still, what I’d give to see the reactions from those guys…


The Democrats’ overarching drive to do certifiably insane things, like letting murderers out on weekend furloughs from prison, in response to constant agitation from minority pressure groups.

Two words: Wayne Dumond.


Ace doesn’t even try to hide the racism. No more coded language for him.


It does seem to me that McCain, Palin and their surrogates are nudging the gas can ever closer to the tinder box while tossing matchbooks and butane lighters to the rabid mob, whatever their reason for doing so. I can’t help but imagine that one local spark could start a wider chain reaction. And I have to figure that such an ignition becomes increasingly likely as Obama expands his polling leads and Nov. 4th looms ever closer. With this many pissed-off idiots, the odds in favor have to be huge.

Whether or not such a chain reaction would pass any threshold for “widespread civil unrest” resulting in some measure of martial law still strikes me as ludicrous speculation, but perhaps less so now than a few months ago.

One of the things that’s impressed me about Obama is how he seems prepared for every contingency. I have to think he’s prepared for this one as well.


Has anyone here seen the latest endorsement for Obama?

Welcome Christopher Buckley. Please do not write anything ever again.


Can someone explain exactly how the gub’mint forced private sector corporations to give ARMs with 1% teaser rates to hobos?


Some winger thought that I was the “Lex” who posts at this Ace site. It’s not me, had never heard of it. Now I see why.

Why won’t “teh librul media” report on the former AK policy under Palin making rape victims pay for their rape kits? Isn’t that ONE issue big enough to toss out the pit-bull-with-dipshit out of the running? WTF is wrong with people? Yet Palin starts blabbering about Obama’s association with Weather-dude Ayers and that is what ends up now in the MSM. Have to pay for your own rape kit!!! Where’s the reportage other than Jon Stewart bashing her for this, and why are they taking cues from Palin to talk about Ayers again?

I want the Obama camp to hit back with that one. Get nasty on this weasel. Sheesh, we’re on the verge of a depression or at least recession and people are considering a man who thinks that the cut off for “rich” is $499,000? And not just him, but little miss plane on E-Bay?

Mandatory Gay Abortions, that’s what.
Thunder, yeah, I think you’re right….LOL. Mandatory Gay Abortions and Forced Sterilization with Air Force One on E-Bay.


Can someone explain exactly how the gub’mint forced private sector corporations to give ARMs with 1% teaser rates to hobos?

Clearly the government should have regulated against enfranchising hobos.

No wait, it shouldn’t have regulated anything.

Hang on, maybe it should have specifically targeted hobos.


Wasn’t it a Republican governor that started the furlough program that got Dukakis in trouble? I try to remember the 20 year old Republican race-baiting smears but it’s hard when they come out with so many new ones.


Path–nice find! That was awesome! Kind of cheered me up after having the financial news blasting into my left ear here. Thanks;)


Hang on, maybe it should have specifically targeted hobos.

When the right is talking about mortgages and liberals, they mean the CRA.

So not the hobos, the coloreds.

Quaker in a Basement

Now I’m confused.

Is Willie Horton a white guy this year? Or is Willie Horton actually the candidate?


Wasn’t it a Republican governor that started the furlough program that got Dukakis in trouble?

I believe that Bill Ayers was underground in the area at the time.


So not the hobos, the coloreds.

I was air-quoting like crazy there and you missed it.



There should be Wii glove controllers and a talk-with-your-hands game.


ABM: Damn straight, muh-fuggah. Now listen up. white boy

D. Aristophanes, I actually held my nose and went into comments. Pure gold! For those about to shower, we sal-u-te you!


There should be Wii glove controllers and a talk-with-your-hands game.

We don’t even have sharks with fricking lasers on their heads yet.

Be patient, young Jedi!


Whether or not such a chain reaction would pass any threshold for “widespread civil unrest” resulting in some measure of martial law still strikes me as ludicrous speculation, but perhaps less so now than a few months ago.

Agreed, MaineMan. I was just riffing (up there at 18:34) on Legalize’s comment .

But we have to wonder. The terrorist/muslim/socialist drumbeat isn’t turning McPenguin’s numbers around, So, again, why? Seeing pure spite replace smarts and strategy in a presidential campaign – maybe a little paranoid anxiety is inevitable.


I think the wingnuts are hoping to finally push one of their compassionate conservatives over the edge with all of this bullshit. You know, those ones who stockpile weapons and guns with telescopes and stuff.

I know it’s sounds so unlike them, but…

The Reality-Based Dave

Mr.Willis shows us who is McCains base:

Not racist at all…


Obama’s “terrorist ties” are to a man funded by Walter Annenberg, who was a dear friend and supporter of Nixon and Reagan, and occurred via Annenberg’s organization. McCain’s ties to terrorists nearer and dearer.


Funniest headline of the day

Bush plans statement to ‘assure’ Americans about economy


MaineMan, henry lewis, I agree. Perhaps a sense of futility is causing the pot to boil. This reminds me of the hostility, even rage some of the PUMA people exhibited when the mounting gap became apparent. I think with McCain, he thought it was his turn, and now this far more talented Senator is calmly passing him by. This is McCains last chance,
and he’s becoming a desperate, bitter old man. The anger must be phenominal.


after a week of the opposition parties gaining ground in the polls, every newspaper in Canada comes out in favour of a neoconservative majority, which just goes to show how not liberal our media are (despite the constant accusations by the Cons).

Pray for Canada, America. Please.


Dave: that was one deeepressing link. For all the talk about “palling around with domestic terrorists,” that is the face of domestic terrorism, and that’s the hornet’s nest McCain keeps shoving his stick into. As an antidote, Rednecks 4 Obama. May their tribe increase.


Actually the funniest headline of the day is:

FoxNews Just Lied to Me About Their Latest Poll

No shit Ace? They do call you Ace, don’t they?


If McCain had launched his campaign from the living room of a right-wing domestic terrorist, you liberals would be screaming yourselves silly.

But the again, the most senior Democrat in the Senate is an ex-KKK leader. Man, you can’t make this stuff up!

Liberal hypocrisy – the easiest thing in the world to point out.

You’ve ceased to be interesting. At least follow your wingnut brethren and threaten to kill me or something.


Also, The Troof, peep this. Although I’m sure you’re aware of it, seeing how you skipped out on the Debate II thread and haven’t been hanging out here much lately.

I won’t call you a coward, though…after all, you’ve got that Robert Byrd trump card in your back pocket.


Bush plans statement to ‘assure’ Americans about economy


You can’t reassure anyone unless they’ve already been assured, I guess.


Looks like the bailoutees haven’t learned a fucking thing, and weren’t there any strings attached to the handout for the rich?

AIG driven to cancel all events
Bloomberg News

American International Group Inc. said yesterday it would cancel most of its planned events after lawmakers castigated the insurer for hosting a $440,000 US function at a resort while benefiting from an $85-billion government bailout.

The cancellations include an event that was scheduled at the Ritz-Carlton in California’s Half Moon Bay for next week. The gathering that drew the rebukes was held last month at the St. Regis resort in Monarch Beach, Calif. About 100 independent insurance agents who sell coverage for New York-based AIG attended, spending $23,000 on spa services, among other things.

“Earlier today, I ordered the immediate cancellation of all outside meetings, conferences, and recognition events across AIG, except those that are required by law or that are deemed absolutely critical to sustain our ongoing business needs,” AIG chief executive officer Edward Liddy said in a statement.


“You’ve ceased to be interesting.”

Troof would have to start being interesting to cease being so. His Acorn/Ayers schtick is day-old Fox News babble.


Clearly The Truth is interesting enough for his comments to draw four comments, including this one.


B. Hussein Obama is going to be just like Michael Dukakias, he’ll lose by a landslide nomatter how the leftwing pollsters try to spin it. Look at every poll and you’ll see. Democrats are overrepresented in all of them. There is not one poll that I saw where more Republicans were polled than Democrats, even in solidly Republican states like North Carolina. Palin/McCain is going to win all of the traditionally Republican states in addition to a few surprises, Pennsylvania…cough…cough…

These pollsters have discredited themselves in every modern election, this one won’t be any different.


Bush assures markets => Dow Jones is down 500 pts.

The man is Kryptonite to competence in anything.


every newspaper in Canada

Except for the Toronto Star (ownership stake in Bell Globemedia) and the Globe&Mail (owned by Bell Globemedia which is controlled by Canada’s richest man), these are all the property of the neocon-leaning Asper family, so it’s to be expected. I hope Canadians are cantankerous enough to pointedly ignore their billionaire media masters.

I believe Harper will be returned with a minority. The warm-and-fuzzy schtick failed. Now the four parties sitting to the Conservative Party’s left need to seriously discuss mergers or coalitions or strategic partnerships.


B. Hussein Obama is going to be just like Michael Dukakias, he’ll lose by a landslide nomatter how the leftwing pollsters try to spin it. Look at every poll and you’ll see. Democrats are overrepresented in all of them.

There are more Democrats in the US than Republicans.


Bush assures markets => Dow Jones is down 500 pts.

That’s misleadership for you.


So as not to make the Truth seem more interesting, I will not comment on the Truth. Nor will I comment on the subsequent comments.


Look at every poll and you’ll see. Democrats are overrepresented in all of them. There is not one poll that I saw where more Republicans were polled than Democrats, even in solidly Republican states like North Carolina.

As the Gremlin says, “I like him… he’s silly!”


The Dow is misunderestimating bush.


Why does Ace say 1998? Doesnt Dumbfuck mean 1988?


Clearly The Truth is interesting enough for his comments to draw four comments, including this one.

Just to make it an even five:

Troofy, no matter how much you froth at the mouth Barack Obama will always have a much bigger dick than you do. Hell, Sarah Palin has a bigger dick than yours. Or is that bigger balls? Whatever.


Also, suck on this, troofie.

Ed Rollins:

ROLLINS: The other fundamental question here is, how do you want to end your career, if John McCain ends his career? We’re now starting to lose—the potential is there to not only lose the Senate, but to lose the Senate leader, the Republican leader, to lose someone like Elizabeth Dole. We could lose 10 Senate seats. We could lose 25 House seats.

GERGEN: Wow. Do you really think 10? That’s the biggest number I have heard.

ROLLINS: There’s 12 of them in play. And I went through the list today. And it’s—it’s—the floor is dropping. And, so, all of a sudden, he needs to help his party. He’s the leader of his party.



Intrade #s for today: Obama up again, 78. McCain down again, 22.

Obligatory maniacal laugh here.


This is 10 X worse than Willie Horton. 1000 X worse. Willie Horton and Michael Dukakis were not in danger due to those ads. The base weren’t whipped into a frenzy (just scared shitless; wimps) by those ads.

Lou, Lou, the Dancing Panda

Christopher Motherfucking Buckley endorsing Obama. K-Lo trying not to hyperventilate, blowing into her Mitt doll.


Look at every poll and you’ll see. Democrats are overrepresented in all of them. There is not one poll that I saw where more Republicans were polled than Democrats, even in solidly Republican states like North Carolina.

Gosh, I wish I had said that. Pure wing-nut gold, there.


Oh boy, this is going to be a classic: John “I Know Teh Science” Derbyshire argues that Obama will kill science because genomics would otherwise prove that blacks are stupid because their genes say so.

This is an area of research I work on professionally, and Derbyshire is wrong in about 10,000 ways. I blame his stupidity on environmental influences, i.e., NRO.


No, he did not. Not even Derbyshire could be so…so….there’s not even a word for it.

Oh my fucking gawd he did.

John Derbyshire: partying like it’s 1888.


Funny shit from The Corner: Bush Has Had The Hardest Administration Since Lincoln

Hullo? Anyone recall the Great Depression???? Pearl Harbor???? *tap tap* Is this thing on???


Because minority borrowers who didn’t deserve loans LITERALLY FORCED their lenders to leverage said mortgage papers 15, 20 and even 40 times, thus causing the subprime meltdown and the current economic crisis!

You forgot: “Where’s my MoFo iced tea????”


Bush plans statement to ‘assure’ Americans about economy

I just read Paul Krugman’s blog, he’s started drinking. I’m not reassured.

The one surprising note in Dave’s link to the Wade Williams piece is that Louisiana officials actually arrested the guy. That’s change we can believe in!


Between Derby and the Corner – well, there’s sea of bullshit.

Also, both have made me want to claw my eyes out and stomp my mind grapes.

Trilateral Chairman

North Carolina, Kentucky, and Mississippi would all have to go for them to lose 10 seats. As comical as it’d be to see the Senate Minority Leader thrown out on his ass, I don’t think it’s likely.

Picking up 8-9 seats would be pretty damn cool, though.


Troofie sez:

If McCain had launched his campaign from the living room of a right-wing domestic terrorist, you liberals would be screaming yourselves silly.

You mean like McCain going on convicted Watergate burglar and hate-radio wingnut G. Gordn Liddy’s radio show to tell him what great American he is? The scumball who called for people to shoot federal police officers in the head – and then in the groin?

Hear anyone screaming themselves silly around here? Did Obama say much of anything about Ayers’ politics except to say he denounced them?


Give it up, Troofie. Best be planning your move the Cayman Islands right now if you want to avoid the Obama presidency. And good riddance.


Okay. Derbyshire didn’t go too far out from where he’s been before. He was gleefully looking forward to the Amniotic Homo Detector so the fags can be aborted in time.

I’m just awestruck by how much hate he can cram into a “rational, scientific discussion.”


Christopher Buckley, fils William F. Buckley, founder of the frickin’ magazine, no likey the Krazy Korner Kooks:


Winguttia est omnis fragmentia in partes milles.

Quod illic eram ultum tripudium. Yaaaaaaaay.


“Funny shit from The Corner: Bush Has Had The Hardest Administration Since Lincoln”

…[Bush’s] speech on the economy just now was lackluster…John McCain, on the other hand, can’t afford to be lackluster.

We must remember, my friends, that for five and a half years McCain didn’t have a chance to be lackluster.



Oh boy, this is going to be a classic: John “I Know Teh Science” Derbyshire argues that Obama will kill science because genomics would otherwise prove that blacks are stupid because their genes say so.

That argument is bad for sure but he is also making a broader claim. That some human genomic research undermines certain liberal sacred cows. Where would I go for lay person level info that would refute that claim?


Wow. Dan Riehl is predicting wholesale violence if our socialist idol Obama is elected and implies that some a thems that’s gonna get theirs probably have it coming:

How Much Of This Anger Is The Media’s Fault?

Is it really a surprise that individuals prone to support McCain that have been following the election closely enough to read alternative, or new media are outraged right now?
There may indeed be blood in the streets before the current political and economic issues before the nation are resolved. But it won’t have much of anything to do with Race, it’ll be about the fundamental principles of this Republic a great many Americans are not prepared to give up without a serious fight.

And the rage won’t just last days … it could be a battle fought for years and not always without its victims. Can you imagine the look on the faces of the Obama-loving Ayres apologists at the New York Times when the bombs start exploding in their lobby, instead of the Pentagon?

I’m not advocating it, but I do fear some Americans probably can imagine it at this point. In fact, I have little doubt of it. And I can understand that rage, even if I wouldn’t support such an action.

Who will rid him of those meddlesome NYT employees and people like me who walk by their headquarters regularly? Mind you, he won’t support such an action. Won’t condemn it or say it wouldn’t really be such a good thing but at least he won’t drive the guys there or nothing.


Bush Has Had The Hardon Administration Since Lincoln.

What? Because he stole two erections?


Where would I go for lay person level info that would refute that claim?

The Derb and other nitwits hang a lot on The Bell Curve. Atrios often brings it up and spells out very clearly, often with good linkage, why anybody who brings it up is not bright.


We signed up to count ballots on Election Day. You sign up by party registration so that one Dem and one Repub can jointly count the same ballots. The clerk thanked us and put our names on the list, but told us we probably wouldn’t be needed since Dem signups were far outpacing Repub signups, reflecting current voter registration proportions. As recently as 2004, this was a solidly Republican town.


Ond ðær wæs ealfela fægnian. Yaaaaaaay.


noen, I wouldn’t bother. It’s generally impossible to logic someone out of a position at which they did not arrive by logic. [eat it, fucking grammar pedants]

Ahem. Derbyshire et. al. aint never gonna change their tune, they adore too much their innate superiority. Fuckem and move on.



noen, I wouldn’t bother.

Noen asked: Where would I go for lay person level info that would refute that claim?

Getting that info for yourself is a swell project.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© Says:
October 10th, 2008 at 18:40

Everyone knows what’s next, right?

Ain’t it “funny” how a lot of these pro-gay-rights laws always seem to hang fire until right before elections in the US? Almost as wild as those “coincidental” gas-price dips every 4 years (although this time the oil really IS getting cheaper for once).

If McCain had launched his campaign from the living room of a right-wing domestic terrorist, you liberals would be screaming yourselves silly.

Dude. Every time you echo yourself with this hosewash, you look just slightly more clueless & pathetic than you did the previous time. Work it the fuck out already. Nobody here is interested, period.

McCain dropped BIG bombs – on little kids, on purpose. An act which he takes no small pride in. Ayers used little ones – to do stupid shit like blow up a statue. After doing everything in his power to keep anyone from getting hurt by them.

As terrorism goes, he was Elmer Fudd. It was forty years ago. He’s a freaking professor now. Take a tip from Ayers. Let it go, for good – before you hurt yourself or someone else.



“Dem signups were far outpacing Repub signups, reflecting current voter registration proportions.”

The fact is, you just admitted you are cheating by registering too many people who are illegal and criminals and hate America and should not get to vote.

The fact is, Obama is a terrorist. There is proof of his ties to radical Islam and USA haters. You cannot make this stain go away. Here in the Heartland we are wise to your lies, liberals.


The fact is, Obama is a terrorist.

I’m Bill Ayers and I approve this message.



Oh, my poor liberal droogs. You are going to be absolutely gobsmacked when McCain wins the election in a few weeks. For now, I’m just enjoying your triumphalism (as ugly as it is) and calling you on your more routine and common hypocrisy.

Yeah, Robert Byrd supporters, all of us!


The Truth Says:

October 10th, 2008 at 21:06
Oh, my poor liberal droogs. You are going to be absolutely gobsmacked when McCain wins the election in a few weeks.

I’d like the name of the doctor who prescribes your meds and does he take MasterCard?


RB: Getting that info for yourself is a swell project.

Well, yeah, there is that. I apologize for my anti-elitism, suggesting that someone not learn some stuff.

I’d finish this comment by rolling out some latin phrase but I don’t know any.


Look, if knowing someone who did some stupid shit back in the 60s is enough to disqualify you from the presidency.. That leaves us with what? 3 people in the whole country who pass that test?


Trilateral Chairman Says:

October 10th, 2008 at 20:55
North Carolina, Kentucky, and Mississippi would all have to go for them to lose 10 seats.

I’d put money on NC and KY.

Wait, let me rephrase that. I just remembered where I’m writing this:

I’d bet on North Carolina and Kentucky flipping to Dem.


I’d finish this comment by rolling out some latin phrase but I don’t know any.

This one’s the only one you need:
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.


Give it up, Troofie. Best be planning your move the Cayman Islands right now if you want to avoid the Obama presidency.

Just stay away from the East End, Troofie. I have a condo there, and I like the clear water for diving.


RB, what does that mean? “My bathroom has some really noisy squid”?


Seriously, nescio quid dicas


C’mon, the fun’s in Googling it.


Et feugiat odio luptatum minim ut elit, nulla dolore velit nostrud accumsan, dolor veniam nostrud vulputate ex erat praesent duis. Dolor illum at feugiat ullamcorper, ullamcorper dignissim vulputate iusto suscipit consequat duis wisi esse ex qui nulla molestie accumsan.


R. Bubba astutely points out–

“You know, it is now fun to imagine the alternate universe in which Hillary got the nomination. Obama’s got relatively little history on the national stage and his climb to the top has been relatively boring and scandal free. Imagine the rich tapestries of conspiracy we’d be getting with Hillary as the nominee.”

Jeebus on a Triscuit, is THAT true. Plus, she’d probably snarl back in kind–which we’d all find emotionally satisfying but which would probably prove damaging, if not fatal. What we’re hearing is, among other things, the sound of many bullets being dodged.


I don’t think McCain’s latest is a real attempt at winning the presidency. I think what’s really going on is that the downticket GOP candidates are getting very nervous.

If there’s one thing I know about the Republican base, very, very few will vote for Obama, even if they’re completely disgusted and demoralized about McCain-Palin. They’ll just stay home. And that is poison for the downticket candidates.

So I think a conscious decision has been made to whip the base into a frenzy in any way possible, even if it means McCain turns off swing voters and loses badly. They need those base voters to turn out to save the Saxby Chamblisses and Norm Colemans of the world from defeat. And they’re trying to do that by whipping up blood lust.

Despicable? Yes. Disgusting? Yes. Disturbing and cynical? Yes and Yes.

Will it work? Unfortunately, probably so.


Ego sum conscius totus Penitus institutio RB.


Pwned by actor212 and PeeJ.


I just wanted to see what “And there was much rejoicing” looked like in the Latin.

I didn’t expect some sort of Latin Inquisition…


Fox News busts out the latest liberal media photo-retouching outrage.

Except, no.


Here’s a few easy points to rebut Derbyshire:

1) Even if we grant that there is a substantial difference between races (more on that in a minute), “the left” is not necessarily contending otherwise. “The left” believes that the role of government is to guarantee an equality of opportunity to all citizens. One is an empirical claim, to be tested rigorously; the other is a moral and political claim, to be argued vigorously. Nothing that genomics demonstrates about human populations necessarily proves anything about the role of government. Facts should inform morality/politics, but not determine them. Derbyshire conflates the two perpetually.

2) People like Derbyshire like to rail against “anti-determinists” like they rail against “the left,” i.e., with nonsense. Determinism is a claim about causal pathways. Genetic determinism claims that genes necessarily directly cause phenotypic traits, like intelligence; change “the” gene, change the trait. That is a philosophical claim, not a scientific one–it is about the nature of genetics, not about the facts of genetics. It’s also not true. Anti-determinists do not believe that genes never “determine” traits, but that many traits (especially the interesting ones like intelligence) are caused by a complex network of genes (once called nature), environmental input (once called nurture), and a vast regulatory structure that stands between genes and input. Oh, and don’t forget all the ways that input causes regulation to control gene expression differently throughout our developmental pathways. Basically, anti-determinists believe biology is wildly more complex than Gene A = Trait A, Gene B = Trait B.

Now, there is some conflict between different schools of human genetics about the nature and meaning of genes, and a lot of it has to do with which technologies one uses to get at data. Genomics is the study of the sequence of the genes–what order the “code” of ACTG is in. There’s a lot of interesting evolutionary data in there. But sequence only tells you so much, because there is no direct line between sequence and trait. So if you only study the sequence (which has been a fetish of many molecular biologists for much of recent history), a certain kind of myopia is likely. That myopia can cause otherwise smart people to forget that they have an obligation to account for a causal pathway between a gene sequence and a trait. It gets far more complicated when the trait we are interested in is socially defined, such as intelligence. There is no molecular test for intelligence! There is simply no scientifically rigorous way to get from a molecular sequence to a social trait.

In other words, if Derbyshire or a Bell Curvey jackass says “different human populations must have different intelligence” they are working off of a (crappy) philosophical, not empirical, belief. The pose of hard-nosed empiricism they so love is just that: a pose. They adopt that pose because it fits their politics, not the facts.

3) It is highly likely that different human populations have different genetic sequences, including genes that contribute to human brain development and “intelligence.” That doesn’t mean jack, however. It is inevitable that different populations have different genetic sequences, but there are many factors that can cause that other than the pressure of natural selection. For instance, one population may have had an early bottleneck and one particular gene took a non-selective foothold in the ancestors. Or, the genetic change happened by drift, the random changes that randomly stick around because they have no selectable effects. Or, since genes are often used for many hundreds of proteins via regulatory structures, there may have been a different trait that was selected for (like immunological traits) but had a secondary effect on the trait we’re interested in on any given day. Or, because all human populations have had very similar evolutionary pressures on our cognitive and linguistic abilities, it is quite likely that different populations came up with different solutions to the same problem with the same results. Ultimately, it boils down to this: what we know about human genetics and development is just a drop in the bucket and it is profoundly speculative to make claims about any given genetic sequence and a complex trait. The causal story is just not there, and if I were to go out on a limb, I would say it never will be (but that is also a philosophical position.) Never has one of these jackasses been able to pin a gene variant to a complex cognitive trait–and they keep getting slapped back every time they try.

I hope that was halfway interesting and useful to you. Now I have to go do my real work, which is like this, but I get paid for it.


Who will rid him of those meddlesome NYT employees and people like me who walk by their headquarters regularly? Mind you, he won’t support such an action. Won’t condemn it or say it wouldn’t really be such a good thing but at least he won’t drive the guys there or nothing.

Well, not in his OWN car.


Righteous Bubba
Getting that info for yourself is a swell project.

Just to be clear, I wasn’t talking about the Bell Curve and that nonsense. And I’m not interested in debating right wingers on race. Derbyshire broadly hinted at some other things. So I guess I’ll look into those myself. Thanks anyway.


Well, the shite that’s going on in Republican rallies now show the big differences between the Dems and the Thugs. Recall how, after stealing the elections of 2000 and 2004, they thumbed their noses and said “get over it”. Now, they’re losing and they clearly are moving towards *any* method that will defeat the Dems. They’ll contest the election (regardless of how wide the spread) in a way that will be a real problem, so be ready for that. Of course, the biggest worry is that they’ll keep this “terrorist” horseshit up until some moron gets angry enough to go after Obama/Biden intending a lethal result. Can the Secret Service keep up with the intentional inflaming the McCain camp is doing? At what point would Cheney cancel the election “for the good of the country”? January is a hellova long way off, folks.


I hope that was halfway interesting and useful to you.

Thank you. That was very helpful.


Not to drag you away from your paycheck, Loneoak but…

I am under the impression that recent science has made the alleged connection between genotype and phenotype even murkier by realizing that gene expression is “regulated” if I may, in almost completely unknown ways.

Sorry to be such a pest.

Prank callin' Glenn Reynolds

Hi, am I on the air? OK, good. My name is I.P. Freely and I just wanted to say HEH! INDEED! HEH! INDEED!


You be surprised how many people call me when I’m out at bars.

And most of them don’t even know me!


I am under the impression that recent science has made the alleged connection between genotype and phenotype even murkier by realizing that gene expression is “regulated” if I may, in almost completely unknown ways.

Yes, you are absolutely correct. It was a big time surprise that actual experience (nurture) feedbacks into the regulatory system that controls which genes (nature) get expressed and at what rate. This basically means that the whole nature/nurture distinction is a sometimes useful shorthand, but not much else. Scientists have a habit of taking a useful conceptual shorthand like this and making it into a real object. Jackasses like Derbyshire turn it into a politics.

I highly recommend this Nova episode The Ghost in Your Genes. I didn’t find a link to the whole program, but watch it on TV if you can find it.


What I particuarly enjoy is how you all back slap each other on how moral you are, when all of this is going on.

(Sniff……..sniff…) Oh, JESUS! Did someone just fart??


The Truth said,

October 10, 2008 at 22:45

I lick my ass!


“What I particuarly enjoy is how you all back slap each other on how moral you are, when all of this is going on. Americans can see through your hypocrisy and they’ll let you know that loud and clear on Nov 4.” —the Troof

Yes, I do fondly recall National Moralistic Back Slap day here at Sadly, No!. I still sleep in the commemorative T-shirt, or clean the house in it. (no offense to the designers)

I am interested in purchasing the “liberal fraud machine” you mention. Will Rupert Murdoch sell his holdings at reasonable costs, ya think?


Documented voter fraud by ACORN

Sadly, No!


The trouble with linking genetics to intelligence, is a proper test is both technically difficult, and completely unethical.

To manage it, you would have to grow the necessary groups of humans in a vat (using human wombs would be an unpredictable variable) and then give those children exactly the same upbringing and education. Sitting them in front of robot teachers and forcing them to do test after test. This would of course only measure certain types of academic ability, and would mostly prove that when human beings are treated like cattle, they go insane.

Asking for volunteers to do IQ tests is barely more scientific than astrology.


Hypotruthical Left: Weather Underground is not relevant to this election. Leftist and liberal are not the same thing, and liberals opposed Weather Underground, which was a leftist group. The “ACORN voter fraud” is an absurd canard and has already been debunked — ACORN is the victim of the fraud, and it would be next to impossible to use such blatantly spurious voter registrations to manipulate the election.

As far as the Bernadette Dohrn stuff goes, you let me know when Dohrn’s past self travels through time to the present day and runs for president. I’ll make sure not to vote for her, you betcha.

Do you have anything else? Because at this point you’re actually citing alleged 30-year-old statements by a person who knew a person who met Obama. What’s next? A revelation that one of Obama’s Indonesian classmates had a cousin whose teacher borrowed a prayer mat from Osama bin Laden’s hairdresser?

Coach Urban Meyer

What I particuarly enjoy is how you all back slap each other on how moral you are, when all of this is going on. Americans can see through your hypocrisy and they’ll let you know that loud and clear on Nov 4.

Ding dong dilly, The Truth! Hate to bear some nutty news, but Sadly, D’oh! is now Cool Coach territory. So beat it, chump!

The way the Cool Coach sees it, if you aren’t offering a SPREAD of TRUTH…if all you’re serving is a SPREAD of WHINE…then you’re nothing but a crybaby con, and we just don’t want ya in the ranks of the McCaniacs anymore! You’ve got to bring the funk on every post, oh yeah!

Badoodle-boo-yeah! The Truth just got served a SPREAD of COACH! Urban out.


Did I leave my balls in here again? Because I can’t see them. Oh well. I haven’t been able to see them since 1980.

The present tense

What I particuarly enjoy is how you all back slap each other on how moral you are, when all of this is going on.

The fact is, stop misusing me.

Haha the truth got owned by freaking CUM

hahahahahahahahahahaha clown



The Truth said,

October 10, 2008 at 23:07

I lick my ass!


He licks it “particuarly” so.


I didn’t expect some sort of Latin Inquisition…

Nemo specto Latin inquisition!

(sorry, someone had to do it…)


– Weatherman Underground quotes calling white babies pigs and suggesting they be thrown in the garbage

In fairness, Troofie, they were talking to your mom…


Where would I go for lay person level info that would refute that claim?

The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen J. Gould


What I particuarly enjoy is how you all back slap each other

All that back-slapping is making me itch.


Somebody keeps missing my back. And it’s not slapping when your hand doesn’t move.


The Twooth: “- Weatherman Underground quotes calling white babies pigs and suggesting they be thrown in the garbage
– Bernadette Dohrn (ex-WU and current Northwestern University professor) praising torture murderer Charles Manson”

Piggies? Helter Skelter? Is it me or does everything Truthy is posting lately suddenly have a connection to The Beatles’ White Album?

(Maybe we should try putting on Dark Side of the Moon at the same exact moment we start reading T’ruth’s posts to see if they sync up?)


You know what I miss? Hearing about that guy who spoke at NC State about killing white folk. I miss hearing about that.


McPalin Mob:


Also, there was a story in the AJC about voter regisration. It said new black voter registration matched white voters for the first time ever in the state of Georgia. Bet that drives a certain troll slap up the wall.


Shorter Loneoak: Steve Sailer is an ambulatory mound of horseshit.


SOS – SOS – I’ve been trapped in upper E. Tenn. for the past several days being tortured by several rightwing friends, being forced to listen to their idiocy and try to keep a frozen smile on my face — my endurance is fading — watching a clip of the end of the last presidential debate, where Obama is working the crowd, one of them sez: “Look at that. So typical of the liberal media. The camera follows Hussein all over, but do they even show McCain at all? No!” I inform her that that’s because McCain has hurriedly left the building, but she doesn’t believe me. Later, another one, remarking upon a potential Obama presidency, sez: “Why bother to elect that guy? ‘Someone’ is just gonna kill him anyway.” I am permitted to go into another room and beat my head against the wall. I am then forced against my will to watch “Project Runway.” Then a SNL Palin parody segment comes up. She sez: “Oh god please, not anything political! Let’s find something else to watch.” I chime in: “And how about something that’s not bimbo-ish besides.” I am cast into a cold concrete isolation room and left to rot. Well, not really, but at this point I would welcome it. That is all. And “god” help Amurika.


Hey liberals, I just got back from seeing the movie an American Carol. It was awesome. The most hilarious movie I’ve seen in a long time. Chris Farley’s brother did an excellent job portraying Michael Malone aka Michael Moore and Kellsey Grammar did an outstanding job as General Patton. I just loved Bill O’Reilly’s cameo when he slapped Michael Malone in the face LOL. That was priceless. The beginning of the movie was especially hilarious when the terrorist commander called out “Mohammed” for the suicide bomber to step foward, then all of the terrorists stood up. Michael Malone also got slapped around by JFK (who was a conservative and a patriot by the way) that was awesome. I hope more patriotic movies like this are made in the near future as the market for them is huge.


I detect the distinct aroma of Parody Troll here.


The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen J. Gould

This book cannot be recommended heavily enough. He goes over Lombroso’s presentation of tattoos as typical of pederasts, including “It enters all / It all goes in” on the penis and, surreally, a tattoo of shaking hands on the chest.

It’s hilarious and sobering and smart, straight-up brilliant science writing, and while parts of it get unreadably wonky for the most part it’s one of those rare high-profile public works of statistical rigor that deserve the praise it gets.


rightwing friends,

Isn’t that an oxymoron?

Rugged in Montana

I detect the distinct aroma of Parody Troll here.

Ummm, that may have been me. I accidently ate that illegal Mexican food for dinner last night.


I mean, I was pretty skeptical about An American Carol too, but it’s pretty hilarious how they point out Michael Moore is fat. You know, it’s funny because it’s true.

Or, uh, was true a decade ago, but for wingnuts that’s as topical as you get.


Ummm, Gary? May I call you Gary?

Well, ya see, Gary, the little town I live in on the Maine coast is 99.44% white – mainly, lobstermen, clammers, farmers, independent truckers, mechanics and shopkeepers. Probably 60% of the vehicles on the streets are 10-year-old US-made pickup trucks. I’d guess most everyone owns at least two firearms and knows how to use them. Good, solid, heartland-type people. Oh, yeah. We do have one gay couple and they’re registered Republicans. Or, they were.

So, “illegals, criminals, hate America”? I don’t fucking think so.

BTW – If you’d like to come up here and run that kinda shit on the local residents, let me know when so’s I can get my popcorn ready. I’d especially love to see you confront the clammers with your noise. Actually, the mere thought of what they’d do to you (very casually and without even breaking a sweat) has made me lose my appetite.

Oh, wait. It’s back.


it’s pretty hilarious how they point out Michael Moore is fat.

Yeah, well, fat = Joe Sixpack, so WTF?

Palin delenda est

Penis vobiscum.


“Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.”

I’m guessing it’s something like “Everything sounds smart when you say it in Latin?”


Actually “Maineman” judging by their chosen professions, those people you mentioned in Maine are most likely all conservatives. So they would probably all agree with Gary. Sucks to be a liberal doesn’t it?


Actually “Maineman” judging by their chosen professions, those people you mentioned in Maine are most likely all conservatives.

It’s a shame he doesn’t know his neighbors the way that you do…


I’d guess most everyone owns at least two firearms and knows how to use them.

Yeah, this is what happens when you internalize Beltway narrative pap. My extended family probably has more firearms than the First Cavalry, they take gun control very seriously (largely because, as people who aren’t in the business of murder or phallic compensation, they know they have a lot more to be afraid of handing the Confederate Wankees of the world unsafetied handguns than submitting to reasonable legislation), and they haven’t voted for a Republican since Dewey.

My great-grandfather campaigned for Jack Kennedy, had Jack Kennedy’s family over for dinner, and wept with the rest of the country when some lunatic gunned him down. You don’t fucking know Jack Kennedy any more than you fucking know America.


Actually alec, I do know Jack Kennedy. I voted for him. Kennedy was a true conservative back when the Democratic Party was patriotic and conservative. Kennedy was more conservative than Nixon. I am now a Republican. I didn’t leave the Democratic Party the Democratic Party left me.


I didn’t leave the Democratic Party the Democratic Party left me.

During these dark days, there are still things we can be thankful for.


Actually alec, I do know Jack Kennedy. I voted for him. Kennedy was a true conservative back when the Democratic Party was patriotic and conservative.

Patriotic, yes. Conservative, no. “Patriotic conservative” was a fucking oxymoron, or maybe you somehow managed not to observe Southern conservatives continuously flouting the law to oppress blacks and openly courting the legacy of secession. Or maybe you found it stirring when Reagan cut and run from Lebanon after the deaths of almost two hundred Marines in a single terrorist attack, then pranced around in the Caribbean throwing medals out for heroism in liberating doghouses.

The only thing conservatives have ever been loyal to is themselves, their own bottom line and their own skins. It was the Republicans who whined and pouted when Roosevelt geared the country up for war with Hitler; it was the Republicans who courted the racist holdovers from the Solid South when even the fairly scummy Democratic machine could no longer tolerate them. Even now, the Republicans are in the business of media warfare, flag-pin patriotism, sloganizing for the troops and cutting their benefits. If you were a patriot you’d recognize that conservatives generally and neocons especially are fucking cowards.

Obama’s grandfather liberated Buchenwald; Bush’s grandfather traded with the Nazis. And it’s easy enough to fake patriotism when you’re the son and grandson of Navy brass, immune to prosecution for stunning incompetence and guaranteed a warm seat at home once you sell your country out to the NVA. Just because he barks big about how important it is for Americans to shut up and do what he says doesn’t mean he gives two shits about America. If you have a patriotic bone in your body and you can’t see that, you’re a liar or you’re an idiot.


I didn’t leave the Democratic Party the Democratic Party left me.

Sure, it’s all wine and roses now, but soon Sucks will be leaving dirty socks all over the place like miniature throw rugs while complaining about your housekeeping skills.


Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?


I didn’t leave the Democratic Party the Democratic Party left me.

It was because all of the black people joining up with the party, wasn’t it. A “Lester Maddox Democrat”, in other words.


Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?

Easy for you to say.


:”Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc…”


I didn’t leave the Democratic Party the Democratic Party left me.

Yes, well, we wanted to talk to you about that, but honestly, standing downwind of you was a severe test to our remaining sensibilities.

Too bad you’re not very original either, acorn sucks, Reagan first used that line sometime after Jack Welsh had GE build him a free all electric house up in Pacific Palisades. So there you have it; Reagan didn’t really want to leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party just couldn’t come up with a better counter offer.


Non illigitamus carborundum.




That’s what four years of Latin in High School got me. Not to mention five miserable days at work.

Soooo, what’s shakin’?


Reagan first used that line sometime after Jack Welsh had GE build him a free all electric house up in Pacific Palisades.

It’s been interesting to see how we’re getting a fast-forward recap of the last 150 years or so of wingnut talking points as their party unravels, hasn’t it?

Like the life-flashing-before-your-eyes thing just before you die, or ontogeny recapitulating phylogeny, or someting.


Headline on Yahoo news:

Raw anger in McCain’s crowds as Obama strengthens

Watching these fucktards crash and burn has almost made the raping of my 401(k) all worth it. “McCain is an angry old fuck” is the decisive meme of this campaign. Well done, wingnuts! You made our job so much easier! Now that Obama has it in the bag, I can donate to Al Franken and Jim Martin so we can get to 60 Senate seats and make you dumbfucks completely irrelevant.


Actually alec, Jack Kennedy was a conservative. He was a life member of the National Rifle Association and a stauch supporter of the Second Amendment. He was a devout Catholic and strongly pro-life. He cut taxes more than both Reagan and George W. Bush and only negotiated with our nation’s enemies from a postion of strength not weakness. Think the Bay of Pigs Invasion (an unfortunately unsuccessful attempt to liberate Cuba from the communists) and the Cuban missle crisis in which he deployed medium range nuclear missles in Turkey to force the Soviets to back down. JFK was no leftist, he was a true blue conservative and unfortunately the leftists try to corrupt his legacy just like they try with Martin Luther King.


The work order specifically mentioned “better” trolls.


I agree completely. The quality of troll we’ve been getting around here lately is piss fucken poor. With the exception of Rogered in Mantuna (do I recall t there was a different RiM to start with?) the lot of them aren’t worth their own weight in Shinola. Or shit, not that they would know the difference.

We demand better trolls!

Big Jule, Troll of East Cicero

What are we betting on?


Raw anger in McCain’s crowds as Obama strengthens

Yeah, because McEvangelist (and his VP sidekick) is stirring them up with hate. He may as well be wearing a white hood and brandishing a burning cross. A despicable man appealing to the lowest common denominator.


Is ACORN TROLLS going to start listing all the rock songs that are really conservative? Cuz I haven’t seen that in a while and feel kinda nostaligic for that.


Bush plans statement to ‘assure’ Americans about economy
His writers can’t even be bothered preparing a new speech; they simply recycled an old we’re-winning-in-Iraq one, with the minimum number of changes.
The Splurge is working!


whenever I add a troll to my kill file, “autopsy” crops up beside their name. I wonder what that means? Will I need to don a hot suit before I open their maggot ridden cavities?

Nathan Detroit, the Motor City Troller

I’m in.


Good news lefties, Mark Steyn just got cleared of any wrong doing from that farce of a court “Canadian Human Rights Commission.” Free Speech should never be considered “hate speech”. Congradulations to Mark Steyn for speaking the truth about Islam and the threat it poses to western civilization. All that needs to be done now is for the PC nazis in charge of the Canadian court system to be removed from power and thrown behind bars.


If Barry Goldwater were alive he’d kick ACORN SUCKS’ ass nine ways from Tuesday. He was also a friend of JFK’s … and they didn’t agree on anything. Or is it that, in RightTardLand today, Goldwater too is a “leftist,” while JFK and MLK Jr. are “true conservatives”?

I’d call A.S. a friggin’ moron, except that that would be an insult to morons. He IS a liar and a bigot, though … racism and homophobia and misogyny are the only reasons anybody ever says that “The Democratic party left me” crap.


Good news indeed. I see, upon awakening from my afternoon nap, that McThuselah has been pwn3d yet again. He’s telling the mobs that they need to be respectful. Was it the SS whispering in his ear that caused this radical turnaround? Or was it Obama’s calling him a chickenshit coward?

And the mob, they don’t like it, not one bit.



Soon the wingnuts will be claiming Gandhi and FDR as their own, too.

Fifty years from now, they’ll be saying Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were “true conservatives.”


S,N! does get some good quality tangent trolls, like Lonny Martello and that cryptozoology guy. I love those guys. But the concerns trolls have sucked lately.


What about the guy with the OJ Simpson lawsuit bug up his butt?

Ah, good times, good times…..


The cryptozoology thing was brilliant. The first two, maybe three, times anyway. It quickly cloyed.


At the climax of the first movement, my instructions are to “improvise as if at all costs he wants to stop the progress of the orchestra.”
That’s trolling you can believe in!


Yeah. Mario.

He was sweet and harmless. Just crazy.

This current crop is mean spirited and ugly, and arguing with them is boring and stupid…



My Hyman Rothian sixth sense tells me Josh St. Lawrence was an inside job.


He was a devout Catholic



The thing is, I read better material produced by people (if I may use the term so loosely) who are dead serious (if I may use the term so loosely). Just now for instance, the following showed up in my inbox courtesy of the “Republican National Trust PAC”:

Despite the full-court press to destroy McCain and Sarah Palin, Katie Couric’s antics against her, and a daily onslaught of media spin . . . McCain is still within striking distance.

It doesn’t get much more laughable than that. I almost forgot – the ellipsis was in the original. Geat copywriters over there, really outstanding.


I know the Democratic Party, and you are no Democratic Party, my friend.


And some idiots forget to close their tags.


I’ll also give a shout-out to Lonny Martello.

This is genius.

Oh wait, we’re talking about Lonny.

The Snare-drummer in Nielsen's 5th Symphony



I want that one.


Troopergate report: Palin abused power

Anchorage Daily News

Published: October 10th, 2008 04:39 PM
Last Modified: October 10th, 2008 04:29 PM

An investigation has concluded that Gov. Sarah Palin abused her power, according to a report just now unanimously released by the legislative council.

In other news, Rich Lowry just bought another box of Kleenex™.


Palin who cleared herself of charges is guilty. BEAUTIFUL.

Of course, her supporters will say history will redeem her.


The hits just keep coming for The Shittiest Presidential Campaign Of All Time™:

Alaska panel finds Palin abused power in firing



Nothing like being convicted before your election date. Supporters of rethugs like their candidates to be criminals so it can only work in her favourite.


work in her favour. Christ. I might have to add myself to my own killfile.


I can’t wait for the inevitable spin:

“Technically, she broke no laws. But… look over there– ACORN!!! Ayers!!! Osama– terror– GAAAAAH!!!! FAGS!!!”


acorn sucks whaargarbled:
Actually alec, Jack Kennedy was a conservative. He was a life member of the National Rifle Association and a stauch supporter of the Second Amendment. He was a devout Catholic and strongly pro-life. He cut taxes more than both Reagan and George W. Bush and only negotiated with our nation’s enemies from a postion of strength not weakness. Think the Bay of Pigs Invasion (an unfortunately unsuccessful attempt to liberate Cuba from the communists) and the Cuban missle crisis in which he deployed medium range nuclear missles in Turkey to force the Soviets to back down. JFK was no leftist, he was a true blue conservative and unfortunately the leftists try to corrupt his legacy just like they try with Martin Luther King.

Man! Some conservative really pulled a boner back in ’63!


[Kennedy] cut taxes more than both Reagan and George W. Bush…

Yeah, down to 70% for the malefactors of great wealth. I’d like to see Obama cut their taxes to 70%, too.


Man! Some conservative really pulled a boner back in ‘63!

Heh, and they couldn’t spell “missile” right either. Hey ACORN – was that you?

Angry Republican Mob

Boooo! No!!! We want blood!! We want his HEAD!!!


her supporters will say history will redeem her.
No way. She’s staying in the pawnshop.


You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage-payer. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatreds. You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man’s initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves. -Abraham Lincoln


Watch the hilarious video on that page at ADN. Should be titles “The many faces of Sarah Palin.”


Okey-dokey. Time for a recap.

I note that, according to our Town Clerk, Democratic voter registrations are way up this year, exceeding Republican registrations in our little, working seacoast town that is usually solidly Republican.

Gary Ruppert: “ . . . you just admitted you are cheating by registering too many people who are illegal and criminals and hate America and should not get to vote.

I respond by noting that the actual local demographics would preclude these folks being “illegal, criminals, etc.” and go one to postulate that, this being the case, were Mr. Ruppert (he never said whether I might call him Gary or not) to show up and make his accusations in person he would likely be reprocessed into lobster bait in short order, or words to that effect.

ACORN SUCKS: “judging by their chosen professions, those people you mentioned in Maine are most likely all conservatives.

Though the analysis is a bit thin, the conclusion here is quite accurate. The point being that, despite this, ever more are registering as Democrats. My guess is that they’re beginning to realize that Republicans, especially the two on the Presidential ticket, aren’t so, ahem, “conservative” anymore but, in fact, are incompetent douchebags. Incompetent douchebags don’t usually fare very well in these parts, no matter what they call themselves.

SUCKS:”So they would probably all agree with Gary.

Agree with Gary that they are illegal, criminal, hate America, etc.? Methinks your Victrola recording may have a wee scratch at a critical juncture and your needle has jumped a logical groove or three. Anyway, the REAL question is, would Gary agree with the lobsters? Or would they just puke him up?

BTW, Mr. SUCKS, does it hurt when you turn your head inside out like that? Or does the fact that it’s so deeply ensconced in your lower colon sorta protect it somehow?


Fictitious “quotations” actually sound more convincing when they are translated into Latin and attributed to Cato.
Quanti canicula illa in finestere?


You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves. -Abraham Lincoln

Quite right. Which is why we expect you to off yourself immediately.


Quanti canicula illa in finestere?

Three, four at most? I’m just guessing.


Blablablablablablablabla -Abraham Lincoln

Reeeeealy batting 1.000 on those “True-blue” conservatives there, Corny. Especially how they seem to meet the same messy end by the same ideology that shoulda been throwing roses at their feet, according to you.



October 11, 2008 at 3:07

Abraham Lincoln didn’t say that, you friggin’ moron. Five seconds worth of Googling said it came from a Presbyterian minister named William J.H. Boetcke an outspoken political conservative and the fore-runner of today’s “motivational speakers”. God, you are pitifully stupid. ‘Course, many conservative idiots make the same boneheaded mistake you just made, notably Reagan at the GOP convention in ’92. Course, Ronnie was pretty far gone into the Alzheimer’s by then, bless his shriveled heart, so what’s you’re excuse? Oh, yeah, stupidity, I forgot.


I closed that goddamn tag, I know I did.

I’m having a bad tag day. ☹


McCain supporters on the sidewalk to nowhere


What are these morons going to do past the election? Move to… What country would take them?


At what point does the GOP base earn the appropriate label of “domestic terrorist organization”?


An investigation has concluded that Gov. Sarah Palin abused her power, according to a report just now unanimously released by the legislative council.

In other news, Rich Lowry just bought another box of Kleenex™.

Palin abuses her power and Lowry abuses himself.


Polarization is the legacy of the extreme right. Americans hating other Americans. Way to go McBush.


For any independents who happen to read this blog, here is an article written by my good friend John Hawkins of rightwingnews.com specifically geared towards independents on how a McCain Presidency would serve them better than an Obama Presidency.

Conservatives, liberals, and independents tend to have a different view of the world and all too often, pundits on the right and left end up preaching to the choir instead of putting out columns that make good sense to people who don’t necessarily share our political views.

So today, I’d like to do something a little differently: I’d like to explain to the independents out there why they should want John McCain in the White House next year instead of Barack Obama.

Since most independents would probably acknowledge that McCain is more experienced than Obama, is more capable of handling a crisis, and has proven his bona fides as a bipartisan reformer, there’s no need to go back over that well-traveled ground. However, what I would like to point out is that,

As Forrest Gump would say, (Obama is) “like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get:” Paradoxically, one of the things that has helped Obama immeasurably is that his legislative record is so sparse that he has been able to simultaneously portray himself as different things to different groups of people.

All at once, he has been a doctrinaire liberal and a moderate, a radical anti-war candidate and a man who takes a pragmatic approach to foreign affairs, and a bipartisan senator who loves to reach across the aisle as well as a bitter partisan infighter who loves to fight Republicans. So, however you slice it, large numbers of Americans are destined to feel like they were misled when Barack Obama gets into office.

Who are those Americans going to be? I’d suggest that they’re the people buying into the image of Barack Obama as some sort of reasonable, bipartisan moderate. If you judge Obama by his record (what there is of it), as opposed to campaign rhetoric, you’ll find a candidate who is every bit as far to the left as Rush Limbaugh is to the right.

As Sarah Palin has said, this is a man who has been “palling around with terrorists” like Bill Ayers & Bernardine Dohrn. He spent 20 years going to a radical, anti-white, anti-American church. He had the most liberal voting record in the entire Senate in 2007. In other words, this is a man who is comfortable on the farthest fringes of the American Left. Combine his radical views, his stunning lack of experience, and the rapidly shifting promises he has made during the campaign and it’s extremely hard to predict exactly what he’d do and how far he would go if he gets into office. Given what we know about Obama, it would be far less risky to hand a teenage boy a bottle of whiskey and your car keys than it would be to hand Barack Obama the keys to the White House.

Giving the far Left your power of attorney, your pin number, and the keys to your house: Because our Founding Fathers designed a system of checks and balances to keep different branches of government from getting out of control, we don’t typically have radical shifts in D.C. Usually different parties control the different branches of government or alternately, bad legislation can be stopped in the Senate, where the minority party has a lot of power.

Unfortunately, because the Republican Party in general and George Bush in particular have done such a lousy job over the last four years, the Democrats are going to have huge majorities in the House and Senate after the 2008 election and so if Obama gets in as well, the Democrats will essentially have carte blanche to do almost anything they want for at least two years.

Put another way, you may not like John McCain or the Republicans in Congress very much, but are you really willing to give Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama a blank check for the next two years? That’s the situation we’ll have if Barack Obama gets into office and it’s why independent Americans who fear having the country radically shifted to the left would be wise to vote for John McCain.

”It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it”: Americans are sick and tired of spending our blood and treasure in Iraq — and that’s perfectly understandable. However, given all the money we’ve spent, the sacrifices our troops have made, the enormous importance of the conflict in the war on terror, and the staggering potential consequences if we lose (genocide, regional war), doesn’t it make sense to make sure that we win?

Granted, because of the surge, which McCain supported and Obama opposed, the situation in Iraq has improved immeasurably. In fact, it has gotten so much better that it’s not completely out of the question that Barack Obama could guide us to victory there. However, as Sarah Palin said of him,

“This is a man who can give an entire speech about the wars America is fighting, and never use the word “victory” except when he’s talking about his own campaign.”

Four years from now, it’s unlikely that the United States is going to be taking significant numbers of casualties in Iraq or spending more than a fraction of what we do there today — and that’s no matter who the President may be. Since that’s the case, shouldn’t we at least be sure that we emerge victorious?

Come hell or high water, John McCain will do what it takes to win. He has essentially staked his entire political reputation on it. But, Barack Obama? The word “victory” never crosses his lips and he’s setting a timeline that has the potential to hand over a war our troops have almost won to our enemies. If the American people allow politicians in Washington to steal a victory from our troops at this point, then future generations of Americans can and should damn us as utter fools.

Throwing good money after bad: The most disturbing thing about the 700 billion dollar bailout is not the fact that it rewards bad behavior, that it apparently didn’t fix the problem, and that it dramatically increased the size of our national debt — although those are all reasons the bailout should be condemned.

No, the biggest problem with the bailout is actually that Democrats in Congress, Barack Obama included, are refusing to acknowledge the root cause of the bailout, even though it’s so obvious that they’re doing skits about it on Saturday Night Live.

If Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress to demand that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac give loans to bad risks in the name of “affordable housing,” then we’re going to be right back in the same place, bailing these banks out again in a few more years. In other words, if you want the exact same people in Congress who created the current bailout mess to create another one we’re going to have to pay for somehow in five years, vote Barack Obama into office and that may be exactly what we get.

We don’t have a debt because Washington doesn’t tax enough; we have a debt because Washington spends too much: Many people have noted that the budget was balanced under Bill Clinton, but rocketed upwards under Reagan and George W. Bush. If you only have a superficial understanding of politics, that doesn’t seem to make sense. After all, isn’t it the Democrats who always want to hand out goodies while the Republicans always talk about fiscal responsibility?

Here’s the little secret that explains that: primarily it is Congress, not the President, that ends up driving the size of the budget. So, folks, if we have more bailouts coming up in 2009 (and we do), the current group of Democratic big spenders in Congress adds to their margins (and they will), and Barack Obama, who is planning nearly a trillion dollars in new spending gets in, the deficit will take off like a space shuttle.

On the other hand, John McCain isn’t a big spender. To the contrary, his reputation as a fiscal conservative has been one of the primary things that has kept conservatives on board who have disagreed with him on a host of other issues. Furthermore, John McCain wants to put an end to earmarks, has proposed a spending freeze, and has even set a goal of balancing the budget by 2012.

Now, honest question: since we’re putting our children’s financial future on the line — who do you think will do a better job of controlling spending under those circumstances? Here’s a hint: it isn’t the guy who wants to spend enough to bankrupt 57 states.


OT, and maybe covered elsewhere, but this **pissed me off.** The man feels it when the economy goes bust, but never had an honestly sad look on his face over killing 4200 USians and about a million Iraqis. What a disgusting piece of shit.


No shit, one of the sidewalk assholes says women who pay for their rape kits “should pay double” and rape victims should “die”. Unfuckingreal.

If I had to choose between living in Iran and living near these assholes, I’d pick Iran.


Hey, you dumb son of a bitch, no one wants to read that drivel. It’s probably full of idiotic nonsense, anyway. Post a link next time, you friggin’ racist moron.



And I read it…and it WAS full of idiotic nonsense. Some of that good “lie-bruls forced Freddie Mae to give loans to filthy black folk” dog whistlin’, too. How about that.


John Hawkins…wasn’t he the guy who backed Duncan Friggin’ Hunter, going so far as to join his staff? A little site-googlin’ says yes. Attention, independent voters: this man knows fuck-all about who’d make a good president. If you listen to him, you’re probably boycotting the election because John McCain’s too liberal or some dopey shit like that. It’s quite possible you’re as dumb as the stupid bastard who posted this nonsense, and I’m amazed this doorknob doesn’t strangle himself tying his shoelaces.


Hey you guys!

Remember when Sadly, No! was funny and clever and shit?


Good times…



I love when wingnuts cite Abraham Lincoln as a paragon of conservatism. For starters, Lincoln has been dead for 143 years and it’s pretty hilarious that you have to go back that far to find a decent Republican.

But the really hilarious thing is that it is painfully obvious that the forerunners to the contemporary wingnut were the Confederates. If you don’t believe me, take a trip to the South (err, heartland) sometime and find someone with a Confederate flag on his property, then ask him who he’s voting for. The answer will not be “Barack Obama.” No, the real wingnuts who are McCain’s base still hate Abraham Lincoln to this day, and have never gotten over the fact that the effete Yankees kicked their asses back in the 1860’s.

You wingnuts would have smeared Lincoln as a n*gger-loving, terrorist-appeasing, America-hating queer hippie. Fox News would wonder aloud if Lincoln’s beard makes him a Muslim. Jerome Corsi would write a book claiming that Lincoln wounded himself in the Black Hawk War. Governors of wingnut states would be open secessionists… Oops, guess that one happened already.


I’ll be funny again someday, mikey.

You can bank on it!


Lesley, I vomit everytime one of those pieces of excess human (if I may use the term so loosely) baggage goes on about “American values.” Let’s have a drink or ten together.

Ob ueytubey: Heh.


I’ll be funny again someday, mikey.

You can bank on barter for it!


JK47 said,

October 11, 2008 at 3:47
JK you are right and all, but mikey has a point. ACORN SXS is a parody troll. Not worth arguing with, and not even funny.


I’ll be funny again someday, mikey.

You could bank on it if there were any solvent banks left!



Did you hear about the farm boy who fell in love with his tractor and then joined the Army? He got sent over to Iraq and, sure enough, three months later, he got a “John Deere” letter.

Roger Miller joke.


ACORN SXS is a parody troll.

Man, they’re all parodies, or at least sick jokes. The much-mentioned video of yowling McCain supporters just goes to show.



It came to pass that Jesus came unto his disciples.
And Jesus said unto them, “And whom do you say that I am?”
They replied, “You are the eschatological manifestation of the ground of our being, the ontological foundation of the context of our very selfhood revealed.”
And Jesus replied, “What?”

Religious humor. That’s fucking funny.


How is a dagger different from a cobra?
You fact powders to a dagger but you powder facts to a cobra.

How is a carcass like a guitar?
A carcass hearts donkeys while a guitar donkeys hearts.

How is an answer different from a morning?
An answer is the chick of hatchet but a morning is the hatchet of chick.

How is a child like a barn?
A child businesses circuits while a barn circuits businesses.


McCain supporters on the sidewalk to nowhere

from the McP.O.W. groupies – “Get a job!” “Get a job!”

from the Obama supporters – “They took our jobs!” “They terk er jbz!”

/gratuitous South Park reference


Grandpa bought a rubber!


So you may have heard that Palin O’Lynchie was found to have abused her authority in contravention to the law today.

What may be even more AWESOME is that the Republicans were outside in clown costumes.

Oh, yeah, they were protesting the “kangaroo court” atmosphere, which I guess Republicans are opposed to when they’re in court.

But the important bit is that the Republicans were actually wearing their clown outfits publicly.



Why didn’t Jesus replace the stone from the tomb when he rose from the dead?

Well, he was born in a barn…

I don’t know any Muslim/Mohammed jokes, and googling for them leads you to some strange, scary, sad places. I do, however, know a joke about lesbian frogs. To wit:

What did one lesbian frog say to the other?

“Hey, we do taste like chicken.”

I’m not sure how many lesbian frogs there are in this ol’ world, though.


How do you get a nun pregnant?

You fuck her.


Me a parody? Far from it my friend. But I do appreciate that you think I’m a funny guy. I have made people laugh here and there. But now to my point, a point on which maybe even you liberals might agree. The best way to reform Congress and to weed out corruption would be to enact term limits. That way we won’t get carrer politicians so far removed from average working class Americans that they become indifferent to our needs and desires, as was the case with comprehensive immigration reform which was only defeated due to the overwhelming public outrage. The corrupt congress critters need to be kept in line which is why term limits are essential. It would be nice to have a congressman who was a plumber for example or a police officer. Someone who actually works for a living rather than an aristocrat who’s never once dirtied his hands. Pension plans should also be removed for congresmen. Let them have an IRA or a 401k like every other American. Our Founding Fathers never intended that we as a nation have carrer politicians like they had in aristocratic Europe. The right and left can both agree I’m sure that corruption needs to end. These ideas my friends are the best ways to end congressional corruption and to insure that WE THE PEOPLE are represented and listened to in order to ensure that the elitist congress will never try to enact a travesty such as comprehesive immigration reform ever again. Who knows, with these reforms in place maybe congress will even do what the constitution requires. Deport the illegal aliens and secure our borders which are essential if we are to remain a sovereign nation.


Righteous Bubba,
I do not get any of those jokes. Is there something wrong with me? I honestly don’t think there is – at least in this particular case – but I have been mistaken in the past. However, a drummer joke:

How can you tell if a drummer’s at the door? The knocking keeps speeding up.

A guitar player joke:

What do you call a metal guitar player without a girlfriend? Homeless.

And in the interest of fairness, a joke about country bass players:

How many country bass players does it take to change a lightbulb? One, Five, One, Five, etc.


What do a chicken and grape have in common?

They’re both purple, except for the chicken.


Parody or for-real dingbat, button it either way. You’ve become teed-jus, as the old folks you to say.



What’s the difference between a duck?


Here you go, El Cid. Mudflats was on the scene today:

The Palin supporters headed over for coffee at a local coffee shop, and after the coffee was made, they found out it was a “liberal” coffee shop and took off without paying, leaving the coffee behind.


As music jokes go, my fav has always been one from the classical side.

What’s the ideal weight for a Conductor?

About two and a half pounds, including the urn.


they found out it was a “liberal” coffee shop and took off without paying

Wow. When I started calling them “Dine and Dash Republicans”, I thought I was being metaphorical. I am not making up any more names for them.

Also, wtf is a “liberal coffee shop”? Were there fucking beatniks snapping their fingers in the corner?


The Palin supporters headed over for coffee at a local coffee shop, and after the coffee was made, they found out it was a “liberal” coffee shop and took off without paying, leaving the coffee behind.

“Quick! Run! Get outta here! Alberta thinks she smells heathens!!! Ohmygod we could already be contaminatated! Go!!!”


Also, wtf is a “liberal coffee shop”? Were there fucking beatniks snapping their fingers in the corner?

That’s where David Brooks’ hypothetical hipsters who are all cool and smoothe at the (hypothetical) Applebee’s salad bar go to get their coffee and share their appreciation for different styles of relaxed, cool salad bar moves.


It keeps getting better.

Via Andrew Sullivan (who I wouldn’t fuck using your dick) via someone else, the NRC is abandoning their own candidate.

Did I finally manage to close a tag today? YESSSS!ELEVEN!1ONE!!1


Roasted Kitten with Crisped Fresh Hispanic-style cheeses

5 ounces strangely kitten
7 gallons comfortable fresh Hispanic-style cheese
2 gallons shattering finger of birth-strangled babe ditch-deliver’d by a drab, inaptly candied
4 pinches itchy sparrow nose
3 gallons maple syrup
1 tablespoon mint

Begin praying. Place the kitten into a medium skillet. Mix the fresh Hispanic-style cheese with the finger of birth-strangled babe ditch-deliver’d by a drab over high heat in a wok. Slather resulting potion over the kitten. Find some creme de roses and drink it. Butter the sparrow nose, maple syrup, and the mint ardently. Stomp everything together flauntingly. Leave raw but pretend it’s cooked. Serves 14 pert enemies with desperate stomachs.


Poop jokes are always funny. Why? Because poop is, per se, funny.


The best way to reform Congress and to weed out corruption would be to enact term limits.

Funny how that was on top of the agenda for the Republicans in 1994, and then once they were a majority in Congress they mysteriously lost interest.

Just like, equally mysteriously, a movement that freaked out whenever Janet Reno farted still considers USA PATRIOT vital legislation; a slate of candidates high and low have been elected on promises to reduce spending and wound up raising it without actually raising taxes to pay for it; and McCain, who chose the Basileus of Wasilla after a campaign of slurs on his opponent’s inexperience and has run the whole campaign with “country first” as a slogan while hobnobbing with Putin-loyal oligarchs and openly advocating a ridiculous rebate-and-spend policy seemingly designed to funnel whatever is left of US federal credit into People’s Republic of China banks as quickly as possible.

This is why any people who are Republican out of actual ideology instead of desperate thirst for nasty-old-white-man cock have long since gone over to Obama. See also House + Senate elections, 2006.


Y’know, the saddest part about the troopergate report? It’s not going to make a single wingnut think that Palin might be unfit for the VP’s office. Not one. All it’s going to do is increase their wank rate and drive up ebay prices on Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS movie memorabilia.


Question for our time:

Why did the chicken cross the road to nowhere?


Why did the chicken cross the road to nowhere?

To take a poop?


to get to the side to nowhere


oops make that the other side to nowhere


I would so love for that to become real news — that the RNC is dropping out of paying for it’s half of the Presidential campaign.

It’s like a couple of the guys on a camping trip just got tired of it, thought it sucked, and now they’re bailing.


Far funnier than JanusNode and in fact the reason I wrote the recipe code: I am not as funny as this.


it seems somebody already thought about the chicken and nowhere.


Alberta thinks she smells heathens!!!



the Christian lady has too much estrogen in her system. fat does that to you.


It’s like a couple of the guys on a camping trip just got tired of it, thought it sucked, and now they’re bailing.

Whattya expect? They sign on for a Bob Hope road movie, and wind up in Weekend at Bernie’s.



Boy, there’s someone that’d be fun to wind up.


What do you call a hooker with a runny nose?


Following the [abuse-of-power] report’s release, some lawmakers expressed skepticism over its findings.

“I think there are some problems in this report,” said Republican state Senator Gary Stevens, a member of the panel. “I would encourage people to be very cautious, to look at this with a jaundiced eye.”

If he got his jaundice cleared up he could look at it with clear eyes like the rest of us.


Pretty soon the Palin rallies will consist entirely of people screaming “Dark-sided!” until collapsing from the strain.

Meanwhile McCain will launch the “Wandering Aimlessly ’08” so that he can find more corners on which to try to talk to people about some mortgage plan he just made up without getting any economics or financial experts.


If you really need to hear the “Dark-sider” screaming at your discretion, the Margueritte Perrin soundboard.


Simple Palin met a has-been senator one day;
Said Simple Palin to the has-been “You’re awfully old and gray.”
Said ailing cad to Simple Palin “Show me now your fanny,”
Said Simple Palin to the has-been “You ain’t gettin’ any!”


Righteous Bubba said,

October 11, 2008 at 4:39

Far funnier than JanusNode and in fact the reason I wrote the recipe code: I am not as funny as this.

Snag is a vulture-commienist.


Those sound boards are fun. I will never have sex in a Camry.


Because poop is, per se, funny.
But that would imply that every human being is funny, what with poop being one of our main products.

2 gallons shattering finger of birth-strangled babe ditch-deliver’d by a drab, inaptly candied
I would like some of whatever drugs JanusNode is taking.


They seriously believe that if McCain goes after Obama for Ayers and or Wright at the next debate, that Obama won’t be ready for it, and that he will back away or it will throw him off his game.

It sure is a good thing that McCain never telegraphs his punches.


Here’s video of the crazy Christian lady meeting the lady she thinks is from the “dork-side.”


every human being is funny

You will also find that every human being is funny when they take the flat of a shovel to their face and it goes CLANG and the image of their face is left in the shovel and little birds and stars rotate around their heads and they kind of melt into a heap on the ground.

At least that’s my experience.


OK, who’s had something to drink so far tonight?


Remember when Sadly, No! was funny and clever and shit?

Ah, I still get abundant LOL-events here – but then, I never claimed to have anything that could be mistaken for good taste. Some of the wingnuts cited here out-funny “Sadly, No!” by light-years … but a good deal of the boffo lies in knowing that they REALLY REALLY MEAN IT, MAAAAAN, or seem unable NOT to be parody – YMMV.
Speaking of which …

Me a parody? Far from it my friend. But I do appreciate that you think I’m a funny guy

Laughing AT & laughing WITH are two different things.
The phrase “funny like a cyst” comes to mind.
Thinking you’re not a parody does NOT automatically immunize you from said status.
You have been warned.

Lesley Says:
October 10th, 2008 at 19:39

after a week of the opposition parties gaining ground in the polls, every newspaper in Canada comes out in favour of a neoconservative majority, which just goes to show how not liberal our media are (despite the constant accusations by the Cons).

Y’know, Lesley, I also seem to recall almost unanimous corprorate-media support for the Charlotttetown Accord, which unlike Harper’s “castrate hippies, free tainted cheeseburgers for all” campaign, seemed to have something for (nearly) everyone. Plus they stridently warned that failure to vote “yes” for the CA would destroy Canada, & let Mulroney’s apparatchiks squeal that anyone who didn’t support it was an Anti-Canadian Quisling.

It went down like a cheap whore having a 2-for-1 sale on hummers.

Just sayin’.

I’d tend to second the Harper-minority thesis. Deluded or no, I tend to think/hope that Canuckistanis aren’t QUITE that dim yet.




Those jokes were funnier in the original Latin.

You know what’ll be funny? If both Obama and Harper win their elections and all the right-wingers threaten to move to Canada.


…that would imply that every human being is funny, what with poop being one of our main products.

No, not for authority figures…but I do have the most profound respect for the dignity of poop.


You will also find that every human being is funny when they take the flat of a shovel to their face
Lately I have been wondering, what is a slapstick?
Is it anything like those sliding scales that MzNicky finds sexy?


Lately I have been wondering, what is a slapstick?

Commenter Batocchio could have some clues, or is that just a mildly misspelled coincidence?


There is also a lot to be said for slipstick humour, with nerds getting their dicks caught in their slide-rules.




McCain, trying to put the poop back in the horse.

Gol’demmit, you boys is pris’ners of yer own butts.


On a lighter topic, I just made a really mean omlette. Its 11:30 PM where I live and I already had dinner. But for some reason I was still quite hungry. Now I don’t have much in my fridge so I had to be resourcefull. Which gave me the idea to come up with a creative way of making an omlette, which coincidently turned out to be quite delicious. I used six eggs, cracked them open and put them in a frying pan. I haven’t gone shopping yet so I don’t have any milk, so here’s were I had to be resourcefull. I used a half a cup of chicken stock instead of milk. Then I used two tblspoons of butter, I added a liberal amount of garlic powder, onion powder, sweet basil and chipotle chilli powder, all of which I had in my spice cabinet. I cooked it on the stove on high for about five minutes. I came out quite decent looking despite the fact that I have next to no cooking experience. Then I added three large spoonfulls of sour cream. It was quite possibly the best omlette I have ever tasted.


Lately I have been wondering, what is a slapstick?

In case you’re not being sarcastic, and to edify anyone who is otherwise ignorant: a slapstick was a special combination of wooden planks designed to make grown men spanking each other sound as funny as it looked. And to the credit of the tradition and individual engineers behind it, in the hands of a skilled user it’s still hilarious even for a public you could sell the Somme as a family comedy to.


Omelettes are haute cuisine for prissy choads who can’t stand haute cuisine, and the accepted recipes for them tend to produce something like buttered edible tires. If you’re going to be smooshing that much fat into your stupid face, why in God’s name not just make a damn scramble and be done with it?


Actually, it probably was more of a scramble than an actual omelette. I don’t have much culinary experience so I tend to call a scramble an omelette. I didn’t know there was much of a difference.


Jim, Canada cannot afford another Harper government, even a minority one. He’s only been in power since 2006 and he’s done enough damage from the tainted meat scandal, to opening the door to subprime (40% of mortgages since 2006 are subprime/40 year term mortgages and now the government is planning a $25 billion bailout for these), to lying about the cost of the war in Afghanistan. Harper broke his own law when he prematurely dissolved parliament and called this election. None of his supporters seem concerned.

Dion garbled one question in an interview a couple of days ago and Harper’s been ridiculing him mercilessly ever since. Making fun of a person whose first language is French doesn’t go over well in Quebec so Harper may lose additional votes there. If H loses big in Ontario and Quebec, he’ll be toast. The trouble is, Ontarians hate their liberal government and it’s not clear whether they’ve transferred their disaffection to the federal liberals.

The ABC – Anything But Conservative – campaign has momentum and most people opposed to Harper will be voting for the candidate that has the best chance of defeating the conservative in their riding. In my riding, it’s a liberal. (I’d rather vote for the NDP or the Greens, but have decided to vote for the liberal candidate as she has a better chance of defeating the conservative candidate.) The Green Party leader has urged Canadians to go with the ABC plan and not vote Green if doing so means splitting the vote. It’s time Canada’s liberal-left put aside their differences. Together they’d be a powerful force. Close to 70% of the Canadian electorate support one of the three non-conservative parties. If Harper gets another government, this may happen.


Okay, so,a chicken, a lesbian frog, mikey and an insolvent bank with a runny nose walk into a bar . . . .

How’m I doin’ so far?

Seriously, I got nothin’.


Actually, it probably was more of a scramble than an actual omelette. I don’t have much culinary experience so I tend to call a scramble an omelette. I didn’t know there was much of a difference.

Omelettes are the kind where you make a thin broth out of the whole mess, cook it under a steam cap, and then flip it over and cook the whole affair like a soft taco. Any culinary experience I have is third-hand, but ham-fisting a simple thing like cooking is nothing to be proud of.

And neither is making eggs with chipotle when simple God-fearing salsa would do just as well.


October 11, 2008 at 5:37
On a lighter topic, I just made a really mean omlette.

I’m afraid that that was your last omelette. I’ve decided to put you on an all-pie diet.


The ABC – Anything But Conservative – campaign has momentum and most people opposed to Harper will be voting for the candidate that has the best chance of defeating the conservative in their riding. In my riding, it’s a liberal. (I’d rather vote for the NDP or the Greens, but have decided to vote for the liberal candidate as she has a better chance of defeating the conservative candidate.) The Green Party leader has urged Canadians to go with the ABC plan and not vote Green if doing so means splitting the vote. It’s time Canada’s liberal-left put aside their differences. Together they’d be a powerful force. Close to 70% of the Canadian electorate support one of the three non-conservative parties. If Harper gets another government, this may happen.

Right. The smart time to start squabbling over policy is when you’re actually in coalition; it’s not a luxury Americans really have, the indiscriminate wrench-throwing Naderites’ antics aside. Nothing that doesn’t add up to a challenge at the polls gets taken seriously by the American political elite, and that kind of challenge is nearly impossible in a system as basically bipolar as the US’s.


Unfortunately, I have no salsa in my fridge. Like I said I haven’t gone shopping recently. I’ll take care of that problem tommarrow morning.


Utterly off topic, but, this was sitting moored off Sausalito today. It’s pretty damned impressive even from across the bay.


Any culinary experience I have is third-hand

Eeeew. Second-hand, I could see. Third…

Aaaaaaand we’re back to poop jokes.


I’m afraid that that was your last omelette. I’ve decided to put you on an all-pie diet.
NEW RULE: anyone discussing egg recipes should include a link like this one, to reproductions of Hammershoi’s paintings of street scenes in Copenhagen. Otherwise you have Omelette without the prints of Denmark.


I have salsa, bit it’s mango salsa. WTF?


Aaaaaaand we’re back to poop jokes.

To tie the two together: my little brother once, after surreptitiously drinking a large amount of blue food dye, began acting as if he had an unsuppressable urge to watch the Smurfs and so on with his friends until, some hours later, the fatal moment arrived.

I don’t know how much you can do with it, but it seems like the best possible practical joke you can play with your own shit. Take it under advisement.


Apparently, there is some sort of reasonably benign medicine that turns one’s urine bright blue. Administered to the unwitting, it has been the source of more than a few moments of, ahem, off-color humor.

The payback would be an incredible bitch if anyone slipped me any kind of medicine without my knowledge, though. One of the few decent justifications for personal violence, really.


If I am reduced, somehow, to playing practical jokes with my own shit? somebody shoot me.


Apparently, there is some sort of reasonably benign medicine that turns one’s urine bright blue.

the results of eating beets is quite…surprising the next morning.


some sort of reasonably benign medicine that turns one’s urine bright blue.
That would be methylene blue. The Frau Doktorin has stories of serving blue muffins to her friends.
Apparently the whites of your eyes also turn blue if you take the stuff regularly (it used to be a treatment for malaria).


If McCain wins, I’m going to go on with life as usual.

Kind of anticlimactic, huh?


I would like you liberals to complete this sentence, though: “If McCain wins, I will….”

Bill Ayers is scratching at your window. He is leering. Leering.


Mother fuck?!?

What the hell is that???

Jeebus that huuuuuuuuuurts!1!!!!!1!

Both The Truth and ACORN SUCKS both have their head up me!1!1!1!



I would like you liberals to complete this sentence, though: “If McCain wins, I will….”

There’s really not much point in even bothering with that thought, is there?


If McCain wins, I’ll be out a few bucks on Intrade and sigh melodramatically.


If McCain wins, I will…. try and figure out how I stumbled into a DC Comics Alternate Earth.


If McCain wins I will go on exactly as I have with zero interruption. I have no personal stake in this election. I will vote for Obama because McCain is on mortality’s razor edge and Sarah Palin isn’t even fit to be a sportscaster, as evidenced in some priceless video here:


Oh, and Obama’s, like, a font of hope and stuff.


Also, McCain’s like super ridiculous lunatic crazy. And his wife is Mrs. Freeze on opiates. And he’d nuke the universe.

Oh, and Obama’s gonna, like, totally change things and stuff.


If McCain wins you should all move to Canada.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

If McCain wins, I will await the coming global thermonuclear war and, as the skin burns off my flesh, as my eyes boil and my hair catches flame, as my shadow is forever blasted into the closest standing wall, and I long for death knowing it will be pain that lasts forever, and my ionized corpse functions only as a fiendish radioactive trap for those who come across it…

I will be so glad the Truth is suffering the exact same thing.

Or he’ll survive, and then be eaten by dogs or made a sex-slave by Stephen Harper in a hockey mask and bondage gear.

Which will be even more awesome.


Or he’ll survive, and then be eaten by dogs or made a sex-slave by Stephen Harper in a hockey mask and bondage gear.

Two wet suits and a snorkel! Have you seen how fugly Harper is? His head could have been drawn by Scott Adams.


Apparently the whites of your eyes also turn blue

The Spice Must Flow!!!!


“If McCain wins, I will murder The Truth and any other conservatives I can find.”

Of course, only because you’re white – you know, because we’re the real racists.


Would the editors do us all a favor and run the appropriate traces and make the appropriate calls? Troofy has a tendency to speak about himself in the second person and he’s been really fixated on murder lately, and conservatives being who they are it wouldn’t even be someone who could defend themselves – probably some Mexican kid or homeless guy. There’s no doubt going to be enough of that shit on Election Day.


Close to 70% of the Canadian electorate support one of the three non-conservative parties.

I’ve believe Canada has three Lefty parties (in no particular order: New Democratic Party, Green, and Bloc Quebecois), two Right parties (both now the Conservative Party of Canada), and the Liberals (who will say and do anything at all to get/stay in power, which is strangely honourable, in its way).

The CPC candidates have been bailing out of as many all-candidates meetings as they can get away with, as Harper has been running rampant with the muzzle. For good reason, too: imagine Cerberus with a migraine, and you can picture the infighting. You’ve got the holy rollers from the old Reform party forced into a marriage of convenience with the economic conservatives from the Progressive Conservatives, and both groups are chafing…

I think Buckley Jr. would have been quite at home in the old PC party: their last independent leader, Catholic Albertan Joe Clark, was the Marshal for Calgary’s Gay Pride parade.

Yeah, while I disagreed with the PCs, I never had a problem with them until they gave us The Chin That Walks Like A Man.


“Utterly off topic, but, this was sitting moored off Sausalito today. It’s pretty damned impressive even from across the bay.”

Whoa. That thing is AMAZING. 300 feet on the waterline, 26,000 squares sail area… three FREESTANDING for god’s sake 200-ft masts, 18 yards… in short, complete fucking insanity with a dagger board.

Thanks for that link!


Thursday, I agree with you about the Liberals being closer to the Cons, especially after Martin and Chretien. I have a little more hope about Dion, but think he won’t last past this election run. He’s a little too gentle, thoughtful, and considerate for the current crop of assholes in the executive of the L. Party, especially with opportunistic Bush-loving Iggy on board and aiming for stardom. Bob Rae would have been a better (more charismatic) choice to lead, except Ontarians still hold a grudge against him. After the evil machinations of Mike Harris, I’m not sure why. I lived in Ontario until the early 80s and remember the stranglehold the Conservative Party had on that province. Of course, the old PCs look like left of centre liberals now. Joe Clarke despises Harper. Preston Manning does too.)

The worst thing the original Conservatives did was allow Harper to co-opt their party’s name. He’s since exploited it to appear more moderate. They should have forced him to run as a reformer.

Anyway, the long and short of it is, I agree with you about the Liberals. They need to get back to their pre-90’s ideology and quit behaving like hypocrites. If they don’t, they will lose the support of the truly liberal electorate. The Greens and the NDP are getting a lot more support in this election campaign because the Libs have sold out.


Forgot to add that few outside of Quebec will ever vote for the Bloc, even though many admire its leader. Most English Canadians view the Bloc as a provincial party ill-suited for federal leadership. Duceppe is sharp, well spoken, and handles Harper beautifully. The only thing separating English Canada from the Bloc is its separatist agenda.

Personally I’m against Quebec separating. I don’t see how it would ever survive as an independent nation with the US next door and France largely disinterested. Quebec receives more transfer payments than any other province outside of Ontario. It would never achieve economic independence from Canuckistan. Canadian sovereignty also depends on the provinces remaining united in a federation. If we start breaking up, the US would be in here in no time flat buying up everything. Separation is a bad idea. That said, if Alberta wants to move to Texas I won’t raise any objection since most of the assholes who support Harper live there.


Personally I’m against Quebec separating. I don’t see how it would ever survive as an independent nation with the US next door and France largely disinterested. Quebec receives more transfer payments than any other province outside of Ontario. It would never achieve economic independence from Canuckistan. Canadian sovereignty also depends on the provinces remaining united in a federation. If we start breaking up, the US would be in here in no time flat buying up everything. Separation is a bad idea. That said, if Alberta wants to move to Texas I won’t raise any objection since most of the assholes who support Harper live there.

I’ve generally felt that whether or not they secede ought to be their call, although it ought to be profoundly difficult to actually do so just to make 100% sure they want to do so and not just the loudest and wealthiest of them. Whether or not it’s in their best interests (and as any Alaskan liberal can tell you, being a far-flung US colony is horrible – this is even more true of far-flung US colonies that the US has no technical obligations to, as would be the case in Quebec), it’s ultimately their right to decide on.

My feeling about the Bloc has generally been that they’re too structucally on the fence – they’re not a Francophone party (they are, but they’re neither able to nor willing to get much attention outside of la Belle Province), they’re not a Quebecois party (you’d think so, but they’d be more respectable in this regard if they were the political default for anglophones as well as francophones there), and they’re not a branch affiliate of any left party (understandably, what with how big and old they are).

The ‘branch affiliate’ route is only really necessary or reasonable in countries where there are either two effective national parties or two effective political blocs – it’s difficult to imagine the Liberal and Conservative Parties of New York persisting as normal in a parliamentary US – and the other two options would require the Bloc to be far less political than they ought by rights be. A good step towards normalization would probably be a formal conditional agreement between the Bloc and the Liberals in which they don’t compete in each other’s bailiwicks (most likely Quebec and the Maritimes vs. Ontario), with whatever constituencies would otherwise be outside the winning party’s hands (anglo-Quebec for the Liberals, franco-Ontario for the Bloc) voting for the other party procedurally and on request. It’d be effectively moot during a coalition, but otherwise it’d just be an effective way of normalizing Bloc relations with the Anglophone community.

Something like this probably already exists, I don’t know.

Major question: isn’t better than half of the Canadian right wing basically provincial resentment? I think it was Tim Krieder (qv) who (paraphrased) called the US a nascent European-style social democracy with a vicious third-world kleptocracy hanging onto its neck; Canada seems like it’s in the same place politically, it’s just that the kleptocracy is even smaller and more worthless. There are some world-class cities and major cultural landmarks in the American midwest; even big-time western Canadian cities like Calgary are basically one-horse towns on steroids.


Although just so no one gets the wrong idea, Mr. Harper is technically only half of that horse.


If McCain wins, I’ll probably continue much as I am now – peacefully working on my garden and home. Though I’ll probably start carrying a loaded weapon and humming Waltzing Matilda full time .


For example, “If McCain wins, I will leave the country.”

The fact is, haven’t you looked at the dismal polling results for McCain lately? The liberals don’t need to answer that question, because the scenario won’t happen.




If McCain wins I will twirl my 4 foot penis over my head, making a loud worring sound for ten minutes.

Two things about that last statement.

Neither of them will ever happen.



Okay, FINE. Just leave me here all alone in Upper WingNutThugiStan. I now know many things you may be interested in hearing once I make my escape. For example, did you know the Mayan Calendar ends in the year 2012? I just bet you didn’t. You know what THAT means, don’t you? That’s right. End Times. Better get right with Jeezus, and I mean NOW.



The Truth said,

October 11, 2008 at 16:17

I lick my ass!


“If McCain wins, he must have dropped Palin from the ticket.


If McCain wins…, I’ll donate to the National Outdoor Grill Restoration Fund.
“The Tru-oaf” is saving up for cosmetic surgery in January. Twelve more dollars and he can have his sphinctor bleached.


Otherwise you have Omelette without the prints of Denmark.

Smut Clyde, you are my new Pun God!

I feel for MzNicky, trapped in the metaphoric navel of the Heartland, as it were.

Alice in Wonderland used mind altering substances. May you be availed access to any of them, even if it’s just the white noise on the teevee.


Oh heaven help us, George Bush wants to partner.

U.S. will work with partners on credit crisis: Bush

Translation: he’ll take every extra dime you’ve got to help his investment banking friends book another fancy hotel and spa services.


Double digits, Truth. Double digits.

Got your plane ticket yet?


All Prints-of-Denmark-related jokes are © Flann O’Brien.


All Prints-of-Denmark-related jokes are © Flann O’Brien.

Dammit! I thought it was Myles na gCopaleen.

I’m always getting those guys mixed up.





If you mean Flann/Miles, oh yes. That man would have been right at home on the ‘net, having done stuff like write sock-puppet letters to the editor complaining about his own columns, and stuff like that.


McCain and Co. stopped campaigning for the office right before he nominated Palin, her nomination was a the bone they need to give to the loonies for not ending abortion and Teh Ghey. Right now, they are building the dolchstosslegende and setting the stage for blame to fall on the Teh Ebil Lie-brals.

They are gunning for the 2010 and 2012, the long game.


At Sadly, No! there are regular commenters who have so many million sockpuppets that it is a matter of pride with them never to use the same pseudonym twice in a life-time.



The Bloc is both reactionary and nationalist (so long as it’s their own nation).

I’ve generally felt that whether or not they secede ought to be their call, although it ought to be profoundly difficult to actually do so just to make 100% sure they want to do so and not just the loudest and wealthiest of them.

Of course. But let’s not pretend it wouldn’t affect the rest of the nation.

There are some world-class cities and major cultural landmarks in the American midwest; even big-time western Canadian cities like Calgary are basically one-horse towns on steroids.

Those are some amazing steroids, then! Good grief, which cities have you been to, Alec?

Major question: isn’t better than half of the Canadian right wing basically provincial resentment?

About half of it is, yes: the Reform half was created when Alberta thought it was being ignored both economically and socially, and became the lightning rod party for the evangelicals and other social conservatives as well. They merged with the otherwise purely economical conservatives in the East, which is why Harper keeps everyone in his party muzzled.

Blatant blogwhore: How to silence allies and influence people.

As for the Bloc and Liberals forming formal voting alliances, that depends on more than they can control, keeping such arrangements decidedly short-term and very fluid.

I’d be morbidly fascinated to see seperation succeed if only to watch the fight between the Bloc and the Parti for credit and power. I’d be stranger than politics in B.C., and that’s plenty odd.


it is a matter of pride with them never to use the same pseudonym twice in a life-time.
I see what you do there!

If you hit a rock hard enough and often enough with an iron hammer, some mollycules of the rock will go into the hammer and contrariwise likewise.
The gross and net result of it is that commenters who spend most of their natural lives pounding their fingers on the refractory keys of their computers get their personalities mixed up with the personalities of their keyboards as a result of the interchanging of the mollycules of each of them, and you would be surprised at the number of people in the Left Bloggosphere whose forearms are nearly half keyboard.

The Brother's brother

Begob, here’s me bus. Cheers now.


,,,,and you would be surprised at the number of people in the Left Bloggosphere whose forearms are nearly half keyboard.

Many a gray hair it has put into my head trying to regulate the people of the Left Bloggosphere. And we must consider the converse. If we let things get too far it will be the end of everything. We will have keyboards that are part human and wanting diaries at DailyKos and registering for attendance at Netroots Nation and wanting to make many surfaces flatter than they are now for their own ulterior motivation.


Those are some amazing steroids, then! Good grief, which cities have you been to, Alec?

They are amazing steroids, but like any steroids they don’t do everything. Everyone I’ve ever talked to out west treats civilization the same way, no matter which side of the border they’re on: having a team to put them on the map, having a big enough rate of growth or enough people or a big enough economy. The closest any of it comes to actual culture is local color.

Las Vegas is half again the size of Brussels but I think I’d go with the latter in a heartbeat.


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