Little Bo Peep Has Lost Her Shit
Crack investigative reporter Amanda “Bo Peep” Carpenter has discovered further proof, she breathlessly informs the readers at Clown Hall, that Obama is a gay communist Muslim who will, once elected, impose sharia law on the nation, create a co-presidency with Osama Bin Laden, nationalize Frito-Lay and other snack food companies, allow gay polygamous marriage and give Florida to Castro.
That proof, according to Amanda, is a graphic on the INVESCO Field admission credentials to Obama’s acceptance speech which allegedly depicts an upside-down American flag.
Shame, shame, shame — she says, adjusting her cap and wagging her crook at us — on Obama, who surely knows that an upside-down flag is an international distress symbol. Obama has clearly done this on purpose, and as a secret signal to let his cult members discern his true intentions.
Let’s take a look at the horrifying credential ourselves:
You’d think that given all the time that Amanda and the other flag-draped wingnuts have spent kneeling before the flag and asking God to smite the gays and save the blastocysts they would have actually taken a look at the fucking thing. Because if a flag is being flown upside down, you’ll have the two bottom points of the stars pointing up and the one top point pointing down. And is that what we see here?
Sadly, no. The stripes above the union, given the orientation of the stars, could only be the stripes of another flag. It’s a shame that Amanda wasn’t right, though, because I was kinda looking forward to the gay polygamous marriage business.
Moron. You can see the type was printed upside down. Sheesh!
Glad to see “Bo Peep” making another appearance here at SN.
As for her missing shit, there’s a moat in Beverly Hills she should check out…
“and give Florida to Castro.”
He can have it.
impose sharia law on the nation,
For about the millionth fucking time, are these people too stupid to even realize that this is actually what they themselves want?
stars…for the states renamed after hollywood elites…
red…for the blood of whitey that will flow in the streets…
white…for the cocaine he will give us all free…
blue…for how sad that we gots a nigra in D.C….
Gott bless The Obamanation!!!
…and give Florida to Castro.
Seems like a winning platform to me.
Goddamn that’s stupid.
George motherfucking Bush held up the flag backwards at the Olympics.
I’d find a link to it if wordpress didn’t like to molest the corpses of children.
????o????dun ?l?u????u? ??? s?u??? u?op ?p?sdn ‘s? ???? ???
Motherfucking wordpress and it’s bastardized Unicode.
The fact is, Michelle Obama’s breasts are anti-American. While watching her on tv, I could almost hear them snearing at me.
John McCain flew a flag upside down for 5 and a half years – in prison!
Wait, whose point was I trying to make, again?
That’s all [they got] folks!
I’m really interested to see what they’ll do if Obama wins. The current level of hysteria suggests they’ll blast off to the moon on a flaming column of fear propulsed diarrhea.
I’m gonna wanna be a LONG way cape stupid when blastoff comes…
Putting aside Red Dawn…the greatest movie ever made…when was the last time someone actually flew a flag upside down as a distress call? Don’t people on, say, sinking ships spend more time on radioing for help, launching lifeboats, rescuing Leonardo DiCaprio and less on taking the flag down and running it back up again?
I dunno. In my experience when about to be overrun, if it had occurred to me to wave a flag of distress rather than kill the motherfuckers, quite honestly I would have reached for a WHITE flag rather than a US flag to fly upside down.
Seems like it woulda given me a better chance for survival…
Hey, if someone has a flag tattoo, does that mean they can never be waterboarded? ‘Cos that would mean they’re, like, upside-down and stuff.
“flaming column of fear propulsed diarrhea”
I wish Hunter Thompson was still alive. He spent his entire career searching for the perfect phrase with which to distill the conservative movement down to its rancid essence, and here it is. Beautiful
Is it inverse racist if the GOP accuses Obama of reaching for a white flag?
The Rapture®! At last!
Arky- living in a country where “liberals” have been in charge for the last ten years (and a female liberal at the helm!) I can answer that rather easily.
The refrain will be a constant riff on the “moral degeneration of society”. Every crime statistic released (whether an actual increase or not) will be blamed on “the government”; every individual crime, pseudo-crime, bad taste publicity stunt and rap song will be held up as further proof that civilisation is going to hell in a handbasket; and every opposition politician will insist that the total collapse of the country can only be averted by voting in good white rich Christian men who will somehow magically make all this go away by simultaneously enforcing moral standards across the nation and “removing the government’s interference from the private lives of individuals and their families.”
It’s not like this is anything new.
You say “moral degeneration” like it’s a bad thing.
I’m really interested to see what they’ll do if Obama wins. The current level of hysteria suggests they’ll blast off to the moon on a flaming column of fear propulsed diarrhea.
The Rapture®! At last!
Uh, no MzNicky, actually this describes the Crapture.
So, after Obama wins we’ll be playing Crapture the Flag. Good to know.
Uh, no MzNicky, actually this describes the Crapture.
Jennifer, if I wanted children, I’d want you to bear them.
Sounds more The Rupture® to me.
“a country where “liberals” have been in charge for the last ten years (and a female liberal at the helm!)”
New Zealand?
Aw, doggone it, Jen and your quick fingers.
I took that sorta thing for a paperless test drive a few years back. Even though, you know, every night’s at least a three-way, I don’t recommend it. The non-sex part was too complicated.
and every opposition politician will insist that the total collapse of the country can only be averted by voting in good white rich Christian men who will somehow magically make all this go away by simultaneously enforcing moral standards across the nation and “removing the government’s interference from the private lives of individuals and their families.”
Sounds like Amurika 2000-2008. Hasn’t worked worth a shit.
The Rupperture?
The fact is, uptight white people have every good reason to fear the brown. The fact is, Obama plans to end his convention speech by playing the Brown Note, and the remainder of his campaign (and subsequent lifetime term as dictator) will consist of threats to use the Brown Note again whenever he doesn’t get his way. Thus he will unleash upon the upright and ass-tight whiteys a fear greater than any the GOP can fabricate and nurture: the fear of lack of control of their own bowels, the very essense of their tight-assed being, not to mention the horror at the social embarassment engendered by the thought of a public pants-crapping episode.
The fact is, fear the brown.
Dammit, now I can’t get the mental image of the Crapture out of my head.
Let’s quit all the half-measures like “giving them an island” and invest the money to actually send them to the moon. They can set up their own colony and run it the way they would like.
It’s a dead world, so they don’t have to worry about the environment.
No one is there, so they don’t have to worry about indigenous people showing up and demanding rights.
They’re that much closer to their Sky God.
And with sufficient hard, Puritan, work ethic, the can go ahead and make it flat.
Shame on Malkin and Pammy for missing that one. Could it be that they are finally taking their medication?
I know – I read that and immediately thought about maxing out my donations for the year.
Upon closer inspection I noticed that these are two male flags!
The posted link took me to the “columnists” main page of Clownhall. I’d never been there before. Jesus Christ, that’s the rogue’s gallery to end all rogue’s gallerys. I need a drink after seeing that.
Have the majority of the wingnut’s attacks really been reduced to looking for digital errors on birth certificates and looking for photoshoped, distressed flags? That’s some nitpicky shit to be sure.
I can’t to hear whether or not Obama’s flag pin was at a dishonorable angle.
This was labeled a Glenn Reynolds Gaffe-O-Matic(TM), for what it’s worth. His opinion on McCain’s recent meltdown? Um, durrrr, Rezko or somethin.
Before the real version of me comes, I’d like to get his whiny-ass titty-baby arguments out of the way: Waaah, Michelle Obama; waaah, Bill Ayers; waaaah, Jeremiah Wright. Also, I have the world’s tiniest penis and am a waste of fucking oxygen.
The Texas Republican Party has a new button: “If President Obama surrenders to the Islamohomexifascists, will it still be a white flag?”
The refrain will be a constant riff on the “moral degeneration of society”. Every crime statistic released (whether an actual increase or not) will be blamed on “the government”; every individual crime, pseudo-crime, bad taste publicity stunt and rap song will be held up as further proof that civilisation is going to hell in a handbasket; and every opposition politician will insist that the total collapse of the country can only be averted by voting in good white rich Christian men who will somehow magically make all this go away by simultaneously enforcing moral standards across the nation and “removing the government’s interference from the private lives of individuals and their families.”
It’s not like this is anything new.
Yeah, Andre, here in Amurka we called that “the 90s”, or “Bill Clinton’s administration”. Oh, the shame & horror of paying off the national debt while driving the unemployment level to new lows! If Lucianne Goldberg had been slightly less persuasive a ratfvcking whore, Hillary would probably be finishing her second term now, and Newt Gingrich would be chewing up all the scenery in the continental states demanding his third shot at the Republican nomination.
I think the desperation is driven by fear of the wingnut welfare drying up.
Granted, the right wing doesn’t care about performance, but they do like value for money.
Because if a flag is being flown upside down, you’ll have the two bottom points of the stars pointing up and the one top point pointing down. And is that what we see here?
Yea yea, but the flag stripes are obviously pointing EAST toward a certain heathen shrine and we all know what that means.
I’d forgotten about this particular wingnut.
Little Bo Peeple
Girl of the sheeple
She doesn’t know up from down
upside down or all around
Her panties are always in a twist
She never ever gets the gist
Of any issue great or small
Her screwball head is off the wall
Obama should reach across the aisle
and hire Bo Peep to make us smile
Make her minister of the inferior
At that perhaps she’d be superior.
Okay, my poe-M sucks, but I bought and am drinking a $3.99 bottle of (alleged) chardonnay, and it’s making things weird, as if to compensate for the poor quality they added a mild hit or two of mescaline or a couple of shrooms to the bottle. Truthfully, I can’t tell how bad the wine is because I’m not a big fan of chardonnay and rarely drink it. It tastes like the cheap chablis we used to drink in the late 70s.
All hail the pow’r of Obama’s name
Let angels prostrate fall
Bring forth the royal diadem and crown him
lo-o-o-o-ord of a-l-l-l-l
Praise O! from whom all blessings flow
Praise him all creatures here below
Praise him all of ye heavenly host
Praise O-bam-a cuz he’s the most
Bow down and worship your savior, proggies. He’s the One.
Why does goober have to attempt creativity right when I submit my poem? His cooties are getting on my work. Ewwwww.
wagging her crook at us
Which specific one is Carpenter’s? Sometimes it’s hard to tell them apart.
Mmm. Chardonnay.
The Russian Girl came down to Forward Operating Base mikey today.
We spent the afternoon in bed, eating Asiago Cheese Foccacia and cubed Honeydew melon and drinking Chardonnay.
She’s on her way back to the consulate, and I’m sitting in major afterglow wearing nothing but a tee shirt and sipping a scotch.
I’m sorry. Vice president what?
Shame on Malkin and Pammy for missing that one.
Well, Ed Morrissey posted on this on Tuesday at Hot Air.
Shit, guy, why didn’t you just end it with “in case you didn’t get it, I WAS BEING SARCASTIC!!”
See!? Obama will force the angels to have buttsects until their prostates fall out!911!
Peppered Chipmunk with French Dream Whips
1 outdated chipmunk, French
2 sticks fatalistic Dream Whip, instantaneously strained
1 jar tame Sonoma jack, sacramentally pickled
4 cups kind-hearted cow mandible
1 pinch cocoa
1 gallon paprika
Pre-heat your oven to 30 Celsius. Pre-heat your George Foreman grill to 167 Kelvin. Pick over the ingredients and discard excess formica. Separate chipmunk eye from skull. Inflate skull. Combine the Dream Whip with the Sonoma jack over high heat in a bowl. Sprinkle resulting potion over the chipmunk. Chill – very deludedly – the cow mandible, cocoa, and the paprika. Mush everything together. Leave raw. Serves 11.
At 167 Kelvin it’s gonna be raw, roger that.
But will it be chewable?
Maybe we should add one pint of everclear.
I don’t see a downside….
Uh, no MzNicky, actually this describes the Crapture.
Jennifer: Same thing.
Oh dear. “goober” was forced into way too much churchin’ when he was young. This is the unfortunate result: Parodying Methodist hymns on leftist blogs. How much sadder can anything be?
Did you mean “booger”, MzNicky?
Hey, y’all, apparently mikey got laid. Or really likes wine, one. Either way, yay mikey.
Also, this struck me:
Even though, you know, every night’s at least a three-way, I don’t recommend it. The non-sex part was too complicated.
Good gravy, it would have to be if your baseline is “nightly three-ways”.
Also also, goober…tell Gomer I said “Hey”.
sacramentally pickled
Using Thunderbird for communion wine?
Hey you know what? John McCain is OLD, and FAT and UGLY and suffers from all sorts of MENTAL DEFICIENCIES. And he’s GAY, and BLOWS GOATS, and HAS A SMALL penis, and he LEAVES THE CAP OFF THE TOOTHPASTE!
Fuck, even trying I still can’t come close as offensive as “Obama’s so full of himself that he thinks he’s God”. Well, at least POW McPOW the third is still running an honorable campaign.
AND Jennifer, I now have Blondie’s “Rapture” stuck in my head. Only a key component of the lyrics is slightly … different.
OK, it’s funnier this way but it ain’t my favourite Blondie song.
I got it pretty bad for the Russian Girl.
And to be honest, the whole Polonium thing adds a bit of risk and intrigue that only makes the whole goddam thing hotter…
Wait, serves 11. That’s one fucking big chipmunk.
Amanda’s last (we can only hope) ‘graf:
Fixed. But the task of getting to the rest of her fuck-ups is daunting.
If you think that’s bad, this season’s Red Sox tickets just show the back of David Ortiz’s head.
Here’s Hunter’s take on mainstream journalism. He was talking about sports journalism at the time, but the shoe fits…
Man, that’s sweet.
Hunter, we miss you brother…
The neocon not-a-snorg-girl t-shirt ad on Town Hall is unintentionally funny, I’m sure explaining to wingnuts why wearing “Powered By Capitalism” on your boobies does not mean you’ll give them a GOP discount is a great conversation starter.
Post title is missing the word “moat”.
Not to mention “Shania Law” in the text.
But seriously, one fucking big chipmunk.
Welll Gaaw-aawl-ly! Shazam bitches.
But seriously, one fucking big chipmunk.
There’s like a gallon of paprika in there. You gotta divvy that up so that you get an eleventh of a gallon each.
Is that sweet paprika or hot paprika – because sweet’s basically just garnish. i.e. you can’t drop a gallon of parsley on a squirrel and say “feeds eleven”.
Obama is a Negro. Please keep the scary Negro away from me, mommy!
you can’t drop a gallon of parsley on a squirrel and say “feeds eleven”.
For god’s sake, lieberul! There are FOUR CUPS OF COW MANDIBLE IN THAT RECIPE. That stuff is heavy even without the Dream Whip and cheese.
More brilliant Clownhall “journalism” … phew.
How do they analyze the kerning on a flag, I wonder?
Now McCain’s creds will have to have THREE flags on them, in order to prevent the tragedy of a Flag Gap.
Flags are blindfolds for the human mind.
A global flag-ban might do more good for humanity than any innovation since the rise of abolitionism … but then the ignotards that love to wrap themselves in them would cry – & we can’t have THAT now, can we?
Wherever there are shitboxes to be tonguejacked, I’ll be there.
Maybe in the elitist coastal ivory towers of Islamoatheism does four cups of cow mandibles feed eleven. What do you all eat like little birds or something. I have half a gallon of cow mandible every morning with a dozen raw eggs. Besides, peppered chipmunk – not peppered cow mandible. Man that’s like putting one fish egg on a four pound new york pizza and calling it caviar pie.
Soren Kierkegaard’s Whipping Cream Wrap
6 portions nonconformist woodchuck
7 bags bittersweet whipping cream
1 obnoxious wool of bat, ornately chilled
3 jiggers drunken water buck whisker, dependently dressed
1 pinch ginger
1 cup mustard
Sacrifice a nearby flea or a creature of similar size. Discard remains respectfully. Separate woodchuck whisker from whisker. Consume whisker. Mash the whipping cream with the wool of bat over low heat in a skillet. Stuff the resulting mixture into the woodchuck. Cluster – very limpidly – the water buck whisker, ginger, and the mustard. Smush everything together bad-temperedly. Fry in ass oil for 50 hours. Serves 2 brown individuals with butterfingered stomachs.
This is my zen kitchen guide. It’s SO much more than just a recipe. First, the sacrifice. Of course. What could go wrong? I see this as important to EVERY recipe. Including the respectful discarding of the remains. I mean, what the hell are you, some kind of Dahmer wannabe? C’mon, stay with me here.
Next the key separation of the whisker. From the whisker. Again, zen. Totally.
Then comes the key instruction. Smush everything together bad-temperedly. This is the key to kitchen success. If you’re not smushing bad-temperedly, you really have no hope of ever mastering the art and science of cooking.
Finally, ass oil. This is one of my secrets. I not only fry in ass oil, I sautee in ass oil, and I make wonderful ass vinaigrette out of ass oil. Ass oil is an important ingredient, and should not ever be overlooked…
I wish I had R. Bubba’s imagination, scary though it is.
I wish I had R. Bubba’s imagination, scary though it is.
Too much credit alert.
I made JanusNode do recipes but the way it puts them together is chance.
I was recently going to try greeting cards but that seems awful hard.
Thank you Lesley, but it’s mostly chance via JanusNode and not me. I only imagine poop jokes.
Ever since I registered with Clown Hall so that I could periodically drop a runny load of scorn in their comment threads, my inbox has been clogged with subject lines like:
“Just say NObama” and messages to “Click now to order your NOBAMA yard sign and bumper sticker set along with your Townhall Magazine with our Obamageddon feature.” Soooooooo trashy.
I hate to tell them but they could hold that meeting right now.
All hail the pow’r of Obama’s name
Let angels prostrate fall
Goober is not aware of all Internet traditions.
Obama Ebama Bama Bama O
Bama Husseina O Bama
Hey Barack, Barack, Will you leave Iraq
Bama Husseina Hey Superstar
But seriously, one fucking big chipmunk.
Well, those’re trophy kills, chipmunks are. Demon Kishkan, the Maine Coon who lives with us, intermittantly breaks house arrest to get out in the yard and kill something. Most of her kills — voles, baby bunnies, sparrows — she abandons on the stoop, I assume as the feline version of a horsehead in our bed. Sometimes she arranges the little corpses on the steps, in the hope we’ll trip on them and break something entertaining. But one sunny afternoon I heard a terrible caterwauling at the back door, and raced out, fearing Kishkan had finally managed to get herself hit by a car or mangled by a raccoon or a fox. No, she was standing over the body of a chipmunk, radiating pride, demanding admiration for her prowess. She even tried to force the dogs to come out and admire her trophy — fortunately our guys are such weeny symbiotes that they don’t recognize carcasses as edible if they haven’t been field-dressed. I took the opportunity to discard the body without even offering to mount the head on a matchbox for her, and she cut me dead for almost a week…
Speaking of which, if Mikey is using ass oil so freely in his cooking, I think we know why the wingnut population in his neighborhood is collapsing. Kudos, Mikey, for discovering something you can extract from a wingnut that isn’t toxic… but doesn’t the raw oil cause hallucinations? Or is it like shelling black walnuts, where you just have to make sure you’re wearing heavy rubber gloves to keep the ejecta off your skin?
After you have boiled the oil out of the ass, keep the jawbone for killing philistines.
Also, FYWP.
I will only buy a copy of the Righteous Bubba Cookbook if the illustrations are all in the style of an Edward Gorey abecedarian; if not actually drawn by Zombie Edward Gorey.
I strained the Dream Whip Instantaneously.
She clustered the water buck whisker, ginger, and the mustard Limpidly.
He discarded the remains Respectfully.
There is no room for negotiation on this point.
Anne Laurie –
I once, long ago, had a black cat named Shadow – 17 lbs of solidly muscled killing machine, a scar over one eye, a chunk missing from one ear and the longest fangs I’ve ever seen in spite of missing the tip of one from an apparent attempt to chew the bumper off a moving Buick. When we took the dogs for a walk in the tall grass, he’d climb up my back (ow!) and drape himself around my neck like a stole. He wasn’t being affectionate, just using me as a mobile recon platform.
One day I heard him crying “Meowf! Meowf!” as he was coming through the tall grass toward the house, obviously bringing a fresh bird or squirrel kill. When he appeared, the “kill” turned out to be a long-tailed ferret. And it wasn’t dead yet. He had its neck clamped firmly in his jaws and the ferret was struggling like mad to return the favor. As soon as I made eye contact with Shadow, he took that as an acknowledgment of his accomplishment and casually shook his head once snapping its neck.
Suddenly it became clear to me how all the wild rumors about a wild panther stalking the exurbs of SE lower Michigan had gotten started.
Unfortunately, I lost him in a divorce. The good news was that she moved to a house down by the river and Shadow quickly became a prodigious fisherman. A couple years later, when Shadow would’ve been about 18, he started coming back to her house less and less and eventually just disappeared.
if not actually drawn by Zombie Edward Gorey.
And here I was thinking that he was as macabre as he could have been.
The Dragon-Crown comes off for Demon Kishkan. I’ve known cats he have downed mice, squirrels, birds of all sorts including pigeons – i’ve seen a housecat force a familt of four raccoons in a tree by sheer cussedness alone. I have never known anything capable of catching a chipmunk.
Did I mention that John McCain was a POW?
I have never known anything capable of catching a chipmunk.
Really? Eartha Catt catches lots of them – at least 5 to date.
Fortunately, she catches more rats and mice than anything else. I’ve figured her rodent to bird kill ratio is something like 6 to 1. She leaves a carcass on one of the porches at least once every couple of weeks. And unlike other cats I’ve had, she doesn’t “announce” the kill – she just leaves it there until I find it, at which point I have to make a fuss over what a good job she did. Worst thing yet…I went out to sit on the back porch a couple of months ago, glanced over and saw a dark puddle in the corner…then noticed a bright green tail draped in it. Apparently she had dragged a green snake up onto the porch; in its attempts to escape, it had crawled about 6 inches up the wall and worked its head into a groove in the siding where it meets in the corner, and somehow worked its head behind the siding. I’m imagining how that went down…as it tried to escape, she bit it over and over, which of course made it twitch, making her bite it more…it was quite dead by the time I found it, but I was unable to pull it from the wall thanks to it having worked its way behind the siding. I ended up having to cut it off and leave its head and however much of its body in the wall. Ugh.
Anne Laurie, when kitty brings you a kill, it’s because you are family and they want to show you they’re doing their part…seriously. Which I’m sure is why kitty cut you dead after you discarded the trophy. I have to discard them too, but I always fuss over Eartha before I do it so she knows how much I appreciate the job she’s doing. My neighbors love her, BTW…even though she’s skittish and won’t let any of them get near her, she keeps the rodent population down for all of us. She even left a rat on the next door neighbor’s porch. Linda appreciated it but said she couldn’t figure out why she left it there. I said, well, you feed her when I’m not home. She won’t let Linda touch her, hides whenever she comes over to feed her…but she knows who’s looking after her when I’m not here and returns the favor.
Damn, I forgot to remove the Ruppert.
I’m afraid of Shadow.
Maybe it’s just that chipmunks are rare in my neck of the not-woods. I know that they can be cheeky buggers with no fear, but those little fuckers accelerate like a Drudge Braking Story.
One of our cats leaves us gifts too, but only after he’s eaten the top half.
Dragon-King – Eartha used to decapitate every other kill. I couldn’t figure out why every other time she’d leave them intact. Finally someone told me, “the ones she leaves whole – those are the ones you’re supposed to eat.” Not only is she thoughtful but she has a really good memory because she never altered from pattern – if this one was decapitated, the next one would be whole, the one after that would be decapitated, and so on.
These days, she just leaves all of them whole.
We have two – sadly named Flash and Boots.
Boots is ruled by his stomach. I’m sure he means to leave us whole offerings, but he just can’t help himself. I only wish it were decapitation – sometimes there’s some spine poking out from the pelvis and sometimes there isn’t.
It has to be asked.
Is that Extra Virgin Ass Oil?
Hey, there is nothing quite as interesting as having a pet that is one thin line away from being a full-out scary predator.
Too many coyotes around here, therefore any outdoor cats are only temporary. A pack was about 50 feet from the house howling up a storm last night; the look on the housecat’s face was quite amusing at the time.
I’m not convinced cat haters can even be considered human. I mean, it’s not brussels sprouts we’re talking about here. It’s not a matter of taste.
Hate to tell you guys but this actually made channel nine news (NBC) here in Denver. I kid you not. They led with the upside down flag BS and then ended with Dem response.
that’s actually a very nifty visual explanation of how these newfangled “digital” (class D) audio power amps work.
besides just being cool as hell.
can i get further off topic?
If y’all are gonna argue about your hunting cats:
My parents had a pair of cats (longhairs, born in a barn) who brought home baby jackrabbits, along with the mice, rats, birds, ground squirrels, and the occasional snake. I dunno how they did it – I supect tag-team hunting.
(That was long after the one that liked to look on, from close range, as the house was being built or the neighbor’s tractor was being repoaired. That one seemed to be a dog in a cat suit.)
OMG Obama is using an Amerikun flag to dry his dishes and check his oil! Saint McCain the POW would never defile the flag, even if he’s out of adult diapers.
What a moran.
Republicans never desecrate the flag.
Note to Jennifer and Arky: your magnificent joint definition of The Crapture has been submitted to The Urban Dictionary website. I sincerely hope the term will attain wide currency, and perhaps, in time, even be fulfilled. The Crapture, or even The Rapture, would solve so many of our problems.
“I’m really interested to see what they’ll do if Obama wins. The current level of hysteria suggests they’ll blast off to the moon on a flaming column of fear propulsed diarrhea.”
Can I steal this for a sig? I about fell out of my chair laughing…this so describes my father.
I’ve got a toy poodle that kills chipmunks too. Fast little bugger! Other than that, he’s quite pleasant, just hunts and plays like a cat because he was raised with one. She, however, is not a hunter of any kind.
I’ve known two roudier-than usual cats in my life.. one was a female
tortoise-shell that friends brought back from a camping trip… it had
been abandoned, had no fear of people, walked right up to ’em & meowed.
But she didn’t seem that affected.. wasn’t thin, and we found out why ate every damn bird, rodent & large bug it could catch!
All the way to bones & skin/and/or feathers… never really could get
her to eat catfood… and why should she?
The other was an informal rescue.. got him back in the ’80’s from
neighbor kids trying to feed a kitten dry food.
It was a long-hair mix of orange tabby and god knows what.. bobcat,
maybe.. it got up to 20 pounds.. absolutely fearless… the damn thing
would run out and attack big dogs!..
It never was much of a hunter.. no training, I guess.. but it would attack
anything bigger than a bird that came in the yard.
About 1985, we got woke up one night by the regular hiss-&-yowl, went out back, to find it ripping up a mole it had dragged out of it’s hole!
I saw it one time drop off a brick wall to a 4(well, 20!) point landing
on the back of a german shepard!.. and then ride it out of the yard..
He was people-OK, but if you tried to scratch/rub his belly he’d grab on with all 4, give a good bite & jump off… claws out.
Kitty leukemia got the homicidal little fuzzball in 1992.
nationalize Frito-Lay and other snack food companies
She makes this sound like a bad thing. What’s a government for if not to make gobs of money off our vices?