Confederate Yankee Week Continues*
Yes, he fell for another one.
The funny thing about true believers of any religion is how accidentally appropriate their signs and symbols may be seen by others. The L.A.-based ad agency sees—uh—”people coming together” for Obama.
Those of us who aren’t as in love with the Freshman Senator would rather not grasp the symbolism.
Uh-huh. So an ad agency not affiliated with the Obama campaign has released a joke logo. Perhaps we should spell out the joke for him. . .the joke for him. . .the joke for him. . .the joke for him. . .the joke for him. . .the joke for him…
Actually, Mr. Yankee, we made a worse mistake than this once. Boy was our face red! Click here to read the whole embarrassing tale.
Jeesh. Say, while he’s distracted: We’re waiting for him to take this bait. Because guess whose idea that study was? No really, it’s better than you can imagine without Googling. (No spoilers!)
* It is not literally Confederate Yankee Week.
In other news…
Seven year-old boy tells Michelle Obama to tell her husband that “we should finish what we started in Iraq”. Mrs. Obama promises to “pass that along”.
Which shows, beyond any reasonable doubt, that first-graders have a better sense of foreign policy than Clif, Gavin, Brad, et. al, combined.
Hey, your links are broken.
Links broken? …Say, this is a trick to make me click on Goatse, isn’t it?
I’d stay away from googling goatse, personally.
…I don’t get it. What’s TIDOS’ point?
Another 7 year old in the audience suggested to Mrs. Obama that “that ain’t no way to treat the broken hearted.” Mrs. Obama confided she also was unable to drive 55.
“we should finish what we started in Iraq”.
There are still 27 million people who have not yet been killed.
Does he know in 11 years he’ll be able to go over and finish it himself?
I would guess that the seven-year-old’s suggestions on how to finish it was just as clear and sensible as every other conservative’s suggestons to this dilemma.
I say we should look up Reagan – Lebanon – finishing what we started – for guidance.
He’ll know all about it if Mommy and Daddy have their way.
Wow, ol’ TIDOS seems to have a pretty impressive conception of Obama’s, um…polling numbers.
Wow, ol’ TIDOS seems to have a pretty impressive conception of Obama’s, um…polling numbers.
Sir, you’re sucking on my arm.
PS: You guys have a Chooseveg ad up, which reminds me: as someone who has fairly little choice about carnivory (horrible allergies to most vegetable sources of protein), I sympathize strongly with vegetarianism/veganism as an ethical choice but couldn’t despise the PETA pitch for it more – it reduces a serious moral issue to filthy darkies harming cuddwy widdle aminals, and pretty much relies on the basic repellantness of a food factory to make its point.
It’s an illogical argument for a reasonable position – and like most of those is intellectually and personally offensive. What are the bigger organizations that deal with vegetarianism on a reasonable level? I want to be able to point people to them.
(This isn’t a call for ‘balance’ or whatever shit – the argument against vegetarianism is scanty at best and stupid at worst – but seeing it pitched this way is like listening to someone argue that the Republicans shouldn’t be in power because they’re a nest of closeted homos: painful.)
would rather not grasp the symbolism
Would you rather, in the words of the esteemed pundit Tom Friedman, rather “Suck. On. This.”? But then there’s door number 3.
As goatse tributes go, I think that’s kind of weak. The arrangement of the hands is wrong.
By the way, PENIS.
The Firefox spell-check is stuck in pre-September-11 thinking, and refuses to accept “Unintentially” as a word.
Roger Stone.
“Finish what we started”? Sure. We can finish it now, if you like. Just let me send a whole passel of planes and trucks and troop carriers over there and git all our boys ‘n girls outa there, and it’ll be finished right enough. Yup, no worries.
Oh, wait, that’s not what he meant?
Some guy with a mullet and an IQ of 77 (who will never enlist even though the army ‘d probably take him now cuz they’re running low) directed his kid to tell Obama something? Figures.
It’s so cute when parents use their kids as catspaws.
“Daddy.. What did we start in Iraq?”
Ah, the old “finish what you started.”
Beloved of authoritarians.
For every kid who has had to clean their plate of food they often didn’t put there, every kid who suffered through a bad summer camp, the sport that didn’t turn out, the course someone else laid out for them, I say,
I feel for you, kid. Do yourself a favor and don’t grow up to be wingnutty.
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait.
He’s black?
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait
He has a penis?
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait
Is it rape if I say, “OK?”
Regarding that NewsBusters/Moonie Times study, the only thing I have to say is:
piss, shit, fuck, cunt, bitch, ass, dick.
Got to love CY’s header on his blog:
Because liberalism is a persistent vegetative state..
Surveying the wreckage of his epic fail week after week, you have to wonder if he is doing irony or has just completely lost it.
And is the lighthouse a metaphor? If so, for what?
Actually, it’s not rape if the mother of the underaged kid says it’s OK… and oh yeah, you’re a Republican.
[…] Sadly, No! has the same sad “we don’t get it” reaction. Reality Based Community. Snicker. This entry was posted on Friday, August 8th, 2008 at 7:53 am and is filed under Obama, Off The Rails. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: “Creepy Obamessiah Cult’s New Poster”, url: “” }); . […]
Wait a minute – the new Obama logo is made to look like the big arch in St. Louis?
But with hands?
I don’t get it.
[…] Sadly, No! has the same sad “we don’t get it” reaction. Reality Based Community. Snicker. […]
The Moonie Times and the WaPo are increasingly undistinguishable.
[…] Sadly, No! has the same sad “we don’t get it” reaction. Reality Based Community. Snicker. Sphere: Related Content If you liked my post, feel free to subscribe to my rss feeds. Don’t forget to Blogroll Pirate’s Cove! addthis_pub = ‘wteach’; addthis_logo = ‘’; addthis_logo_background = ‘EFEFFF’; addthis_logo_color = ‘666699’; addthis_brand = ‘Pirate’s Cove’; addthis_options = ‘favorites, email, digg, delicious, fark, newsvine, technorati, facebook, google, live, more’; This entry was posted by William Teach on Friday, August 8th, 2008 at 7:54 am and is filed under Obamessiah, Raving Moonbats. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. […]
The fact is, you librerals worship Obama as a God and you are assholes, so it is appropriate. By the way, liberals use more profanity in blogs, which makes them bad. Conservatives are for moral values and faith and reasoned discourse and free trade and limited government and freedom. Liberals are for slavery, starvation, state violence, supression and hate as evidenced by their track record.
You are really going to lose at this rate.
The fact is, note how several individualistic free thinking conservative blogs are tracking back to this post. You are NewsBusted!
Wait a minute – the new Obama logo is made to look like the big arch in St. Louis?
But with hands?
It is actually a gang sign for Mexicans who want to knife white men and take their women under shania law.
Profanity is part of liberalism. That and being godless and full of hate for other opinions. Just go to any youtube with Obama or McCain and you’ll see the pro-Obama, anti-McCain, and anti-Bush loonies spill their hate where every other word is a curse. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
“Torture them over there so we don’t have to, oh wait we actually want to do them over here too”
“George Bush is appointed by God”
“They deserve what is happening to them, they are Godless Muslims afterall.”
Its pathetic how they have NO ability to distinguish between ‘vulgar’ and OFFENSIVE.
I wonder when the are going to start counting the number of “death threats” and “wishes to eliminate” entire nations in their little ‘count the obscenities’ ?
Creating elaborate scenarios imagining death and destruction for thousands of people who scare you is fine as you dont’ use the word ‘shit’.
Call a somebody a “Sick Fuck” for posting all of his murder fantasies on-line tho, and you are obviously an uneducated liberal who lacks a vocabulary.
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait
So Stop The ACLU links to us with a, “these idiots don’t get the joke” snicker, but their take on it is:
Everyone knows that if Jim Jones had that symbol, he would have just been stealing it from the symbol that Winston Churchill would have have had, if Churchill had a symbol.
“It is actually a gang sign for Mexicans who want to knife white men and take their women under shania law.”
I for one would welcome our Shania Twain overlords.
That extra “have” is central to my point
Obama wants us all to sit zazen and meditate?
Ommmmmm, bitches!
[…] Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. I should be teaching a class, or grading papers, or doing SOMETHING productive right now, but instead I’m going to link to some sketchy guy who heh indeedily says that Sadly, No! is clearly on the other side. Heh. Indeed. Heh. Indeed. Heh. Indeed. Heh. Indeed. Indeed. Heh. […]
[…] Duhh, urm, liberals is stoopid, unlike me who are really awesome and handsome and smrt. […]
Wingnut-o-sphere awareness of all internet traditions = Epic Fail!
Hey, Pirate Cove dude, I’ve got a lot of money in a Nigeria bank account that I can’t get to America. Could you give me your account so I can haz safe transfer? I givez you big cut. Promise!
Why does “Tough-Guy” Andy McCarthy hate the military?
More on Hamdan’s Disgraceful Sentence [Andy McCarthy]
”This is actually much worse than I thought, and I apologize to readers for an error on my part, about which I’ll have more to say in an article tomorrow.
Basically, I misunderstood the commission sentencing proceedure. I thought the jury (a panel of six military officers in Hamdan’s case) made a recommendation but that the sentence imposed was ultimately up to the judge. In fact, sentence in commission cases is imposed by the jury (see here for the commission rules). The military judge’s role at sentencing is limited to making corrections if the jury sentences outside the scope of legal authority (e.g., if the jury imposes 30 years for a crime that carries only a 10-year sentence), and, more importantly for present purposes, to decide such matters as whether any time the defendant has already served gets counted against the sentence imposed by the jury.
So here, the military officers on the jury somehow decided that material support to our enemies, by a guy who actually protected bin Laden and transported weapons for al Qaeda, was worth only 5 1/2 years in jail; then the judge made matters incalculably worse by effectively giving Hamdan what everyone (including the judge) must know will be taken as a get-out-of-jail card: i.e., full credit for the 5 years Hamdan has already been in custody as an enemy combatant.
This turns the jury’s disgraceful 66-month sentence into a shocking 6-month sentence. Someone may be able to defend that, but I can’t.
08/07 11:55 PM
It’s the “Sign of the Donut” from Burton’s “Mars Attacks”.
Or, alternately, the circumference of Obama’s . . . . . . .
Stuttaford, also stupid.
Looks like ol’ TIDOS Wankee is on a real Rick Roll this week and it would seem he is taking the whole wingnutosphere with him for the ride.
I’m not sure I get this whole thing either. For one, it vaguely looks like goatse, but more accurately looks like someone is trying jack off. Second, is there any actual evidence that this is a joke by the guy who designed it? The only thing I can get on a Google search is rightwing blogs screeching about it and an article with the designer saying he wants to spread the icon it around.
Maybe the guy was serious about it, but came up with a poor design and unintentional joke… and that would be central to CY’s point.
[…] JustOneMinute, The Corner, Macsmind,, baldilocks, Stop The ACLU, Gateway Pundit, Sadly, No!, Confederate Yankee, Flopping Aces, AMERICAN DIGEST and Fausta’s Blog (Via […]
I would like to suggest that all McCain supporters who really love America make this sign.
Keep trying, you’ll get it!
I do believe Paul Krugman has either been reading Sadly No! or related sites in the funny funny joke joke portion of the lefty blogoverse:
Krugman could have written that column every week for the last 30 years, but, what the heck, better late than never. And I hope that by “great” he means powerful, not awsum.
And of course, it was maniacs like Newt and the insane right-worshiping punditocracy who so desperately promoted Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s 1981 comment on the GOP as the “party of ideas” which was mainly aimed at emphasizing the dominance of Republican arguments, not their quality.
How to show your support for McCain
Wow, I thought that was another fake pingback, but it is real. Sadly, it’s more ridiculous than the fake ones.
Huh. Now Russia’s invading Georgia. Will that afford this country any international slack? WordPress will probably eat my comment again anyway….LOL.
Or not. Well, I’m glad it’s not literally anything CY. When you get a chance check out RELIAPUNDIT and his crew who continue to attempt to disprove everything most sane people hold true. Oh, and leave comments for him to delete. It’s just sadly funny. Can or will he debate? Sadly, NO!
I’m sorry, but Krugman is the same guy who attempted to wish away Hillary’s gas tax holiday nonsense (yeah, it’s dumb, but, durr, we should stop talking about it even though it’s all she talks about, um, er…). Love the guy, but facts is facts.
Lex, that blog is hilarious. From the most recent story:
Yeah, Obama, if America is so racist, how come we let black people dance for us?
I mean really. The popularity of Bill “Bojangles” Robinson refutes the complaints about Jim Crow laws.
For a bunch of people that spend so much of their waking time with their heads nestled comfortably within their own butts, you’d think they’d know what an asshole looks like.
I’m not sure I get this whole thing either. For one, it vaguely looks like goatse, but more accurately looks like someone is trying jack off. Second, is there any actual evidence that this is a joke by the guy who designed it? The only thing I can get on a Google search is rightwing blogs screeching about it and an article with the designer saying he wants to spread the icon it around.
Maybe the guy was serious about it, but came up with a poor design and unintentional joke… and that would be central to CY’s point.
It took me a bit to figure it out myself, but I think (in Gomer’s mind, anyhow) the hands are supposed to be those of the person viewing the poster, wrapped around Obama’s (apparently quite impressive) schwanstuker, in preparation for giving a wet’n’sloppy one.
I hear dem naggers can sing as well.
love it! i keep trying to post this on confederate yankme’s board but i’m so hardcore banned. he must have banned my computer, not just my email.
“yes indeed. the MSM is in the tank for obama. that’s why they’re not reporting on how mccain crashed six planes, sang like a bird for cigarettes when he was in an NVA POW camp, finished 5th from the bottom of his class in college, has had every kind of skin cancer that exists, doesn’t understand the internet or the economy, and doesn’t know shia from sunni. can you imagine how this would be reported in the “MSM” if all this were true of obama? mccain is the worst possible candidate since the republicans dared to run george w. bush, our country’s first literally imbecilic president. you think w. was great? wait till fifth-from-the-bottom-of-the-class traitor mccain gets his hands on power. you’ll REALLY love it!”
i officially declare that everyone reading this is responsible for getting banned from confederate yankme today! don’t wait. flame the hell out of that bastard.
Gotta love the “Whoa…: Obama’s Nazi Symbol?!?!” link… the implication apparently being that some dude’s use of a hand symbol makes Obama a Nazi, blithely ignoring the the FIRST SENTENCE of the piece s/he quotes.
It is actually a gang sign for Mexicans who want to knife white men and take their women under shania law.
Shania law?
As in… Shania Twain?
Now THAT’S a law I get get, umm, behind. Or under. Or whatever.
The fact is, Obama is a Nazi, so are most liberals. This is why they are voting for him. They are ant-American trash and should all be put in camps. They also do not have civil discourse and call names instead of using facts and logic like we do in the heartland.
OK, someone calling other people ‘Nazis’ in one sentence and demanding they be put in camps in the next sentence is slightly ironic. Almost too stupid to invoke Godwin.
You must be honored to get trackbacks from teh Holy Trinity of Stupid for this post
“They also do not have civil discourse and call names instead of using facts and logic like we do in the heartland.”
yeah, i lived in texas for ten years and am intimately familiar with the “facts” and “logic” that get used in the lynchland. although notice your post isn’t being deleted, even though a reciprocal post would be nixed within 15 seconds and you’d be permanently banned on confederate yankee. that’s the difference between liberals and conservatives: liberals do not fear the facts because they know they’re on their side. conservatives, on the other hand, have to defend nearly a decade of perfect failure. i dont envy you guys.
Ruppert you are exactly why today’s conservatives have excelled at stupidity, ignorance, whine, slop, banality and child like behavior.
The whole “I are the only real American cause I are a conservative man and exist” is really quite embarrassing given that the performance of today’s conservatives has been without a doubt piss poor on every front. Between epic failures of ideology, substandard decision making skills, endless felonies, sex scandals every time you turn around, fiscal irresponsibility, inability to plan, inability to address issues in a timely manner and the incessant whine about their masculine insecurity it stuns me that today’s conservative are even able to dress themselves.
To be honest, I took that to be the intent of the designer, particularly given the Bob Herbert’s breathless observation of the Leaning Tower of Pisa! in the “Celebrity” ad (it was the Victory Column at the Berlin speech, duh) and Olberman’s subsequent riff on the “phallic symbolism” of the ad.
It doesn’t strike me as wingnutty so much as tongue-in-cheek (so to speak). “Open Wide, America! Here it comes!”.
with another home run at bat, silver owl is looking forward to a great season.
“They are ant-American trash and should all be put in camps.”
They should be put in ant farms!
WordPress blows gigantic black cocks.
Speaking of stupid and conservative (redundant, I know), I think it’s time to repost this:
Further proof added everyday by Confederate Wankee et al.
As a more general observation, does anyone have any proof that the “Gary Ruppert” who posts is THE Gary Ruppert? His posts here are so consistently hilarious that I think the poster is actually being satirical — as in, nobody is so stupid as to say this stuff with a straight face.
Then again, maybe I should just re-read the quote above.
If he keeps it up, I think he really will experience a final ultimate moment of shame, where he realizes what an utter asshat he’s made of himself – & how often – & with what pathetic pride … & I’m estimating it’ll only take another 27.9 years of epic fuckups just like this one.
How intellectually bankrupt do you have to be, to look at that thing & actually take it seriously?
[…] agency” in Los Angeles came up with an “Obama salute,” which looks stupid to me. Gavin at Sadly, No says the “salute” is a joke. (I didn’t get very far into his links before I […]
You know what’s funny – I, not being aware of all internet tradations, didn’t really know the goatse thing.
So I clicked on the link, and it worked.
From my work computer.
Which won’t let me go to because of potential nudity.
I need better censors here in my corporate yob.
Also, I, like my lunsmen gocart mozart and jasperjava, will gladly submit to a new regime of Shania law.
It is actually a gang sign for Mexicans who want to knife white men and take their women under shania law.
It’s a Muslin tradition of th Innernets.
WordPress blows gigantic black cocks.
Don’t knock it ’til you tried it.
“Don’t knock it ’til you tried it.”
Well…to each his own, of course. Nonetheless, I’ll have to take your word on it this time.
As a student at the University of Oregon i take great pride in this symbol. its what we do when we “YELL O!!” at Autzen stadium and other sporting events. It was a huge pleasure for me to “yell O” for obama for his two visits to campus. thousands of UO ducks joined in yellin o for Obama.
although sometimes people get sloppy when making it and it just ends up looking more like the universal symbol for vaj.
Yell O!
It’s amazing to see the huge difference between this guy and say, reality.
From “Astute” Bloggers:
From Crooks and Liars:
Looks to me like those hands are imitating the shape of a big asshole… such a big asshole that it threatens to swallow up the entire country with socialism.
[…] News » News Comment on Confederate Yankee Week Continues* by Blue Buddha2008-08-08 18:48:21Reactionary back a vicious, racist, anti-Semitic attack by the reactionary Harold […]
David in NYC, I was just going to ask if there was any chance he was a satirist as well. He’s pretty funny.
So if this Husong guy is supposed to be an Obama supporter who’s just dying to “get involved” – how come he doesn’t show up as an Obama donor on any of the campaign donor databases?
[…] News » News Comment on Confederate Yankee Week Continues* by Blue Buddha2008-08-09 22:54:36Reactionary back a vicious, racist, anti-Semitic attack by the reactionary Harold […]
[…] News » News Comment on Confederate Yankee Week Continues* by Blue Buddha2008-08-10 02:33:47Reactionary back a vicious, racist, anti-Semitic attack by the reactionary Harold […]
*Rimshot!* Blah will be here all night. Try the fish.
[…] News » News Comment on Confederate Yankee Week Continues* by Blue Buddha2008-08-11 12:43:26Reactionary back a vicious, racist, anti-Semitic attack by the reactionary Harold […]
[…] News » News Comment on Confederate Yankee Week Continues* by Blue Buddha2008-08-12 16:12:09Reactionary back a vicious, racist, anti-Semitic attack by the reactionary Harold […]
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[…] More on this from Glenn Reynolds, Michelle Malkin, and Sadly, No!. […]